What are the benefits of dried chamomile? Chamomile for overwork. Using Chamomile Extract

Modest flowers, often growing not only in meadows, but also on roadsides in dust and oblivion, are in fact a source of truly priceless raw materials. Chamomile decoction can relieve many diseases and protect against the “invasion” of microbes.

Benefits of chamomile tea

Chamomile can safely be called a small flower with great potential. This light-loving plant has absorbed the best from the sun, and the most useful from the earth.

An infusion of chamomile copes well even with old gastritis. If you want to heal your stomach, then give up other hot drinks for a month and drink chamomile tea three times a day. In addition, it helps get rid of colic and discomfort in the stomach after overeating, so it is simply irreplaceable after heavy feasts and during long holidays.

Due to the content of vitamin C and ascorbic acid which do not disappear after brewing, chamomile tea strengthens the immune system and prevents colds. If you are susceptible to seasonal colds, then include this drink in your diet more often throughout the year, then you can avoid acute respiratory infections and even ARVI.

In autumn, spring and winter, it is recommended to drink this tea at least 4-5 times a week, as it not only disinfects, but also improves mood. If you do catch a cold, then chamomile tea will come to the rescue - it soothes sore throats, has a diaphoretic effect, and lowers the temperature.

Chamomile tea contains flavonoids and azulenes, that is, it has antibacterial effect, so it helps to remove internal inflammation. It relieves cystitis and other diseases genitourinary system, relieves pain during pyelonephritis, removes the consequences food poisoning and removes substances that poison the body.

High content nicotinic acid makes chamomile tea indispensable for those who, for some reason, eat poorly or are on a strict diet. In addition, thanks to this acid, the body receives the dose of vitamin PP it needs, which in turn relieves vascular spasms in the extremities and helps in the treatment of diabetes.

Chamomile tea restores the nervous system, it calms, helps to relax, relieves depressive states and from the consequences of stress. It will also save you from insomnia. Those who regularly drink this drink are less susceptible to neuroses, irritability and sleep disturbances.

In addition, chamomile tea is recommended for those who take painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs that contain acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) on a regular basis or just for 2-3 weeks. This drink reduces the risk of erosion of the stomach walls and restores its microflora.

Benefits of chamomile tea

Chamomile tea: contraindications

Chamomile tea really has wide range useful qualities and actions, however, like any drink, it has some contraindications.

Firstly, surprisingly, cases of allergic reactions and stomach upsets have been recorded. Therefore, individual intolerance is a contraindication.

Secondly, chamomile tea is not recommended to be taken simultaneously (in the same period) with sedatives and diuretics. The fact is that it also has similar properties, so mixing it with sedatives, with antidepressants and diuretics can cause an overdose.

By and large, this is where the contraindications end. In general, chamomile tea is so beneficial that it is given even to babies, and from a very early age.

How to collect and dry chamomile

Chamomile can be bought in bulk at any pharmacy or in a store in the form of tea bags, but if you collect it yourself, you will know for sure that only natural product. Collect this flower in ecologically clean areas during flowering (in May-June), take those inflorescences that have just opened and pinch off the heads without stems.

Dry by spreading it in a thin layer (1 kg per 1 m2) in a shady place - under a canopy on the street, in the attic or at home in a well-ventilated area. It takes 5-6 days. Stir the flowers periodically, but do it carefully so that the petals do not fall off. You can dry the raw materials in a slightly warm oven.

When drying, do not allow direct contact sun rays and heating above 40 degrees - both kill beneficial features this plant. Chamomile is ready for use when the receptacle is easily rubbed into dust with your fingers. Store dried flowers in a cardboard box or canvas bags. Shelf life – 1 year.

Benefits of chamomile tea

Chamomile decoction has been used since ancient times to overcome many ailments.

Currently, the decoction is used in cosmetology, gynecology, and also for the treatment of certain gastrointestinal diseases.

Chamomile decoction has a huge amount beneficial properties, however, there are still some contraindications that you should definitely familiarize yourself with before use.

Benefits and harms of taking chamomile decoction internally

Healing properties of chamomile

As mentioned above, chamomile decoction is widely used in medical field and this is not surprising, because this plant has many healing properties.

This should include:

  • soft sedative effect, which is shown to both adults and children;
  • stimulation of bile secretion, due to which this decoction is used for ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • healing of ulcers;
  • relieving spasms;
  • reduction of swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • eliminating depression;
  • sleep restoration;
  • improving blood circulation in the brain;
  • elimination of toothache;
  • prevention of various diseases;
  • protection from stress.

Chamomile has antiseptic, diaphoretic and astringent properties.

Based on the above healing actions, it should be noted that chamomile decoction is simply an indispensable assistant from many troubles.

Side effects and contraindications

Like any other remedy, chamomile decoction has its contraindications, and if used incorrectly, it can cause harm to a person.

So, chamomile can be harmful when taken in a decoction along with:

  • aspirin;
  • sedatives;
  • medications that thin the blood;
  • alcohol.

Besides, side effects upon acceptance large dose may appear as:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • irritation.

If we talk about contraindications, then it should not be taken in large doses during pregnancy, and it is also best to avoid:

  • with anacid gastritis;
  • in case of individual intolerance.

Chemical composition of the decoction

Chamomile is a plant that is widely used in the medical field.

Given useful plant has the following chemical composition:

  • Acids: nicotinic, ascorbic and salicylic;
  • Phytosterol;
  • Gum;
  • Choline;
  • Essential oil;
  • Wax;
  • Sugar;
  • Tannins;
  • Fats;
  • Dioxycoumarin;
  • Pectins;
  • Slime;
  • Glycerides;
  • Glycoside.

Chamomile decoction contains essential oil, which contains more than 40 components. In addition, some other substances were found in this medicinal plant.

This applies to:

  • flavonoids;
  • apigenin derivatives;
  • quercetin;
  • luteolin.

It is thanks to these substances that chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties.

Chamomile components such as:

  • beta-carotene;
  • carotene;
  • polysaccharide;
  • organic acids;
  • glycoside;
  • coumarins;
  • sitosterol and many others.

Use of the plant for various diseases

The use of chamomile decoction can be beneficial not only if it is taken internally, but also during external use.

So, if a person has been diagnosed with a disease gastrointestinal tract, then he should resort to internal use.

In this case, the mechanism of action of the decoction will be as follows:

  • normalizing the functioning of the stomach;
  • normalization of the gallbladder;
  • relieving the inflammatory process;
  • cleansing the mucous membrane.

In addition, when this decoction is taken orally, the mechanism of action is determined by the following factors:

  • increased secretion of the digestive glands;
  • choleretic effect;
  • reducing the fermentation process;
  • relieving spasms.

Chamomile decoction is used internally for diseases that are infectious in nature and associated with the oral cavity or upper respiratory tract, which helps relieve inflammation.

This remedy is used for diarrhea, as well as during flatulence. External use of the decoction is necessary for acne and other skin problems.

Videos about the benefits of chamomile tea

Basic usage patterns

It depends on the disease:

  1. If a person has problems with the stomach or intestines, then he needs to take 70 g several times throughout the day, and the decoction should be warm.
  2. For stomach diseases, you can also drink iced chamomile tea; it is used in the same way as in the previous case.
  3. In order to relieve inflammation during boils and ulcers, as well as eczema and stomatitis, it is necessary to moisten a compress in the decoction and apply it to problem areas, and during stomatitis, the mouth should be rinsed with chamomile.
  4. At skin rash you need to resort to internal use, in which case a bath is prepared from a chamomile decoction, and if a person has rashes on the face, then you need to wipe the skin with the decoction or wash your face in the morning.
  5. Chamomile decoction for hair is used if the hair has lost its shine and silkiness, and has also begun to fall out intensively. In this case, the decoction should be used as a rinse after the head has been washed with shampoo.

How to prepare and use correctly

When treating a particular disease with chamomile, it is important to follow all the rules of use, and you also need to learn how to properly prepare such a decoction.

So, the preparation scheme is as follows:

  • Take a teaspoon of dried flowers;
  • She's pouring hot water in a size of 200 ml;
  • The container is placed on the fire and boiled over low heat for up to 5 minutes;
  • After 5 minutes, the broth is removed from the stove and infused for 20 minutes;
  • Using gauze or a bandage, the liquid is filtered and it is ready for use.

It is important to remember this preparation scheme, since such a decoction is used not only for internal use, then external.

Do not prepare this remedy in large quantities, because even if it stays in the refrigerator, it will spoil after three days. Moreover, freshly prepared decoction always works better.

As for the rules of use, if it is necessary to eliminate stomach problems, then the decoction should be drunk in small doses throughout the day. When a person has problem skin, then a special approach is needed.

In this case, chamomile decoction can be used as:

  • Washing. You should wash your face daily with a cool chamomile decoction, which will tone the skin and have a positive effect on its color;
  • Rubbing. To do this, take chamomile tea at room temperature and wipe your face with a cotton pad, which helps activate metabolic process in the skin;
  • Moisturize with ice cubes. Ice cubes are prepared from the decoction, which must be used to wipe your face every morning. This procedure will not only relieve inflammation, but will also have a rejuvenating effect;
  • Compresses. To do this, you need to take a cold decoction, in which a gauze mask is moistened, and place it on your face for 20 minutes;
  • Lotions. This method is especially effective when problem skin. They need to be done twice a day and after 2 weeks the body will be completely cleared of acne.

Use of decoction for intestinal pathology

A decoction of chamomile flowers is successfully used in complex therapy intestinal pathologies:

  • acute and chronic colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • infectious intestinal diseases;
  • intestinal manifestations as a result of endogenous intoxication.

Main mechanisms of action:

  1. Having an anti-inflammatory effect, it helps to soothe the irritated mucous membrane of the intestinal wall. The process of inflammation subsides. The accompanying abdominal pain disappears. Digestive processes are normalized. General state the patient is improving.
  2. Relieves spastic phenomena in the intestines indirectly by relieving inflammatory phenomena.

Treatment begins only after clarification of the diagnosis and consultation with the attending physician. Self-medication can cause harm instead of benefit clinical picture and make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis in the future.

Therapy is carried out in courses lasting two to three weeks. More long-term use Instead of a positive effect, the decoction may cause a side effect.

Chamomile decoction can be prescribed:

  1. For internal use.
  2. In the form of medicinal enemas.

Preference is given to performing enemas with chamomile decoction when intestinal infections and endogenous intoxications. Enemas effectively cleanse the intestines, while simultaneously having a beneficial effect on the inflamed mucosa. Unlike the most commonly used solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile does not have a detrimental effect on the endogenous flora and does not lead to the development of dysbacteriosis.

Uses and benefits for the eyes

  1. From dark circles under the eyes. Having a lightening property, a decoction of chamomile flowers helps get rid of this ailment. Prepared decoction, based on dessert spoon medicinal raw materials per glass of water, divided into two parts. One is cooled, the other is kept warm. Cotton swab Alternately make warm and cold lotions. A month's course of such procedures before bed will help get rid of darkening under the eyes.
  2. For puffiness under the eyes. A handful of dried chamomile flowers are wrapped in natural fabric and dipped in boiling water for five minutes. Take it out, let it cool a little and apply it to the lower eyelid. The procedure is repeated two or three times a week.
  3. For wrinkles under the eyes. Pour a spoonful of dry chamomile into two glasses of water, bring to a boil and boil for ten minutes. Let it cool a little. Moisten a towel with a warm decoction and apply it to the eye area. Then wash and apply nourishing cream.
  4. From fatigue and pain in the eyes. The soothing and antiseptic properties of chamomile decoction when washing the eyes with it will help cope with irritation and protect against the development of conjunctivitis.

Effective therapy for thrush

The use of chamomile in the treatment of thrush is an effective and safe addition to the main treatment unpleasant disease. Chamomile, having an aseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, gently fights the disease without disturbing healthy microflora body.

  1. Baths with chamomile infusion. Fill the bath to the required level as much as possible hot water and add 100 grams of dried flowers to it. Chamomile should be brewed for at least ten minutes. After the water has cooled to a comfortable temperature, you can take a bath. The procedure is carried out daily for twenty minutes.
  2. Sitz baths with chamomile infusion will become the method of choice for patients who do not like long stay in warm water.
  3. Douching. Pour two tablespoons of chamomile into a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil in an enamel bowl over a fire. Remove from heat, strain and allow to cool to body temperature. The prepared decoction is injected into the vagina using a syringe. Douching is carried out for no more than 10 minutes.
  4. For oral candidiasis, rinsing with chamomile decoction is prescribed to treat thrush.

Add calendula to the mixture

Effect on the body:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • disinfectant;
  • hemostatic;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • relieves spasms and pain;
  • astringent;
  • stimulates bile secretion;
  • promotes wound healing.

Indications for use:

  1. Skin diseases and damage.
  2. Inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity.
  3. Conjunctivitis.
  4. Diseases of the digestive system.
  5. Cardiovascular diseases.
  6. Diseases of the female genital organs.

Recommendations for preparing the decoction and its use: mix in equal quantities chamomile and calendula flowers. The resulting mixture in the amount of one tablespoon is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and brought to a boil over heat. Leave for an hour and filter.

Prescribe a tablespoon three times a day. To achieve a choleretic effect, the dose is increased to 100 ml per dose.

For skin pathologies, the decoction is used topically for lotions.

Decoctions using chamomile, sage and mint

  1. From periodontal disease. Mix chamomile flowers, sage and mint in equal quantities, one tablespoon at a time. Pour in 300 ml of water and bring to a boil. Pour into a thermos and leave for eight hours. Rinse your mouth with a filtered solution up to five times a day.
  2. How aid in complex therapy of diseases of the liver and biliary tract. The collection is prepared from chamomile, sage, mint, wormwood, caraway and yarrow in equal proportions. Two tablespoons of the resulting mixture are poured into 300 ml of water and brought to a boil. Place in a thermos. After twelve hours the medicine is ready. The solution is filtered and drunk half a glass after each meal, about an hour later.
  3. For taking baths when insomnia develops as a result nervous overstrain. A collection is prepared from the herbs of sage, chamomile, mint, thyme and lavender in equal quantities of five tablespoons. The resulting mixture medicinal herbs pour in a liter of water and cook over low heat for five minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and poured into a bath filled with warm water at approximately 40 degrees Celsius. The duration of the procedure should be fifteen minutes. Baths are taken daily just before bedtime.
  4. Cleansing decoction for facial skin. A decoction is prepared using chamomile and linden flowers, sage and mint leaves, dill herb, and rose hip flower petals. The decoction has a moisturizing and cleansing effect and nourishes the skin. Having an aseptic effect, it relieves inflammation. Promotes regeneration of epidermal cells. It helps well with skin problems, relieves dryness and inflammation.

Chamomile decoction inside - benefits, harm

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Pharmaceutical chamomile is the herb that is familiar to everyone, not just caring mothers and traditional healers. Since childhood, we have known that these small flowers, with a convex yellow center and white thin petals and a specific smell, are medicinal. Chamomile actually has a lot of different properties; it is used in medicine, herbal medicine, homeopathy, folk healing, dietetics, and cosmetology. There are many recipes for health and beauty for all ages, for men and women.

Babies are given chamomile infusion, it helps them calm down, eliminates colic and their tummy stops hurting. Children are also bathed in chamomile; it has a good effect on the skin and helps cope with prickly heat and diaper rash.

— Girls and boys with rashes on the face It is recommended to wash your face with chamomile decoction or wipe your face with chamomile tonic- all pimples dry out and heal, inflammation goes away.

— Blondes use brewed chamomile to rinse their hair, so it acquires a beautiful shade and becomes shiny.

— It is useful for older women to wipe their face and décolleté with ice cubes from frozen chamomile infusion—tired skin immediately becomes toned.

— Chamomile baths help men cope with excessive sweating legs

Benefits of chamomile tea

Chamomile tea deserves special attention - it helps against many diseases and unpleasant conditions, acts gently and does not cause side effects. Tea from pharmaceutical chamomile known as natural depressant, which relieves tension and irritation well, improves mood. It is recommended to drink it for stress, overwork, neuroses, hot-tempered and angry people. Chamomile decoction also helps get rid of insomnia; it is recommended to drink it at night with honey and milk.

Brewed chamomile is good for solving digestive problems, it relieves irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, stops the fermentation process, and kills pathogenic microflora. Chamomile is an excellent antiseptic; you can drink it in for preventive purposes to prevent upset or indigestion. If you drink chamomile tea after a heavy dinner, it will improve digestion, relieve heaviness, and prevent heartburn.

Chamomile tea is useful for colds and ARVI as a drink and gargle. It relieves inflammation and actively fights bacteria.

Pharmaceutical chamomile has a very specific taste, not everyone likes it and therefore chamomile tea often consists of several components that significantly improve it taste qualities, increase usefulness and effectiveness.

Chamomile tea recipes and brewing methods

To prepare chamomile tea, you can use loose purchased or self-prepared herbs, as well as crushed chamomile packaged in separate bags. It goes well with black, green, red, white tea and other medicinal herbs, fruit additives, and spices.

Calming chamomile tea

Take one tablespoon of chamomile, a sprig of mint, a teaspoon of valerian root, a tablespoon of green tea and brew in a liter of boiling water. You can add honey and lemon to your tea to taste. This tea is great for calming and lowering blood pressure.

Toning chamomile tea

To prepare the drink, you need to take a tablespoon of chamomile, 10 tea rose petals or 1 tablespoon of hibiscus, 3 dried orange peels, a pinch of cinnamon and a tablespoon of black tea. All ingredients are mixed and poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water and left for 40 minutes.

Medicinal chamomile tea

To prepare medicinal tea, take equal parts chamomile, calendula, Linden blossom, mint, leaves and dried raspberry fruits, celandine and St. John's wort. The mixture of herbs is brewed in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per liter of water, and allowed to brew before use. You can add lemon, honey, sugar to taste.

Chamomile tea for beauty

To prepare chamomile tea for health and beauty, you need to take a tablespoon of dry chamomile, a teaspoon of ginger, a teaspoon of licorice, a tablespoon of black or green tea, any dried berries(raspberries, strawberries, rose hips). Add honey and milk to the prepared tea to taste.

Vitamin chamomile tea

This chamomile tea is good to drink when you have a cold, winter time when the body lacks useful substances and the immune system weakens. In equal parts you need to mix chamomile, rose hips, dry orange peels, raspberry and black currant leaves, mint, lemongrass, linden. You can add green or black tea, ginger, a few slices of lemon, honey.

Harm and contraindications of chamomile tea

Chamomile tea cannot cause any particular harm, but you should not abuse it and make the drink strong. It should be taken with caution by pregnant and lactating women, allergy sufferers, and people with low blood pressure and taking sedatives.

Chamomile tea: benefits and medicinal properties, popular recipes and contraindications for use.

Chamomile like medicinal plant known to mankind since ancient times. Healing properties This simple flower was discovered more than two thousand years ago: people noticed that chamomile tea calms the nerves and helps get rid of insomnia. Today the plant is widely used in folk medicine, both in pharmacology and cosmetology.

Composition and medicinal properties of chamomile

Benefits of chamomile tea

Benefit for nervous system

The fragrant drink contains the antispasmodic apigenin, which has a positive effect on a person’s psycho-emotional state. Irritability, insomnia, depression, overwork, nervous exhaustion, stress - all these problems will help you overcome healing chamomile drinks.

Benefits for the gastrointestinal tract

Chamomile tea stimulates the secretion of bile, treats ulcers, gastritis and liver diseases, helps with intestinal microflora disorders and cholelithiasis. This healing drink is also useful for people who take medications based on acetylsalicylic acid, as it is able to protect the gastric mucosa from its destructive effects.

Chamomile tea for diabetes

Chamomile tea has been proven to be beneficial for people suffering from type 2 diabetes: the plant contains substances that lower blood sugar levels. This miraculous property chamomile allows you to use it as additional remedy in the fight against serious illness: chamomile, in addition therapeutic effect, also helps prevent complications that diabetes can cause.

Properties of chamomile for colds

For influenza, sore throat, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases, chamomile tea is useful due to its diaphoretic, expectorant, antimicrobial and analgesic properties. The healing decoction is drunk as tea, used to gargle, and made into baths and inhalations.

Skin Health Benefits

It is believed that chamomile tea, if drunk every day, can give a fresh and healthy appearance to the skin. And also healing decoction can be frozen. Ice cubes made from chamomile tea have an antiseptic effect, refresh and rejuvenate the skin, and eliminate irritation. Chamomile is especially useful for baby’s delicate skin; its extract is added to baby creams, shampoos and toothpaste. Chamomile decoction will give health to hair: both blondes and brown-haired women can use it to rinse their curls after washing.

Chamomile tea for weight loss

At daily use Chamomile tea can help you lose up to 4 kg per month, the main thing is not to ignore it motor activity And proper nutrition. The following properties of the plant provide weight loss. Firstly, chamomile controls appetite, has a positive effect on digestion and promotes better absorption of nutrients. Secondly, medicinal plant has a calming effect, which is especially important for people who are accustomed to “eating” stress. And thirdly, chamomile provides diuretic effect, which means it helps the body get rid of excess fluid.

Chamomile tea for children

Chamomile tea is also useful for children: it is indispensable when the baby is teething, has a tummy ache or has a cold. Chamomile tea relieves painful sensations, improves digestion, helps the baby calm down, and normalizes sleep. But small children can only be given a very weak decoction.

Benefits for women's health

The substance bisabolol, which is contained in chamomile drinks, has a positive effect on women Health. Chamomile tea improves work endocrine system, soothes pain during Women's Day, helps in treatment gynecological diseases, in particular, it is recommended to drink it for inflammation of the appendages. For diseases of the genitourinary system, chamomile tea is used not only internally, but also externally - in the form of compresses, baths and douches.

Chamomile tea for pregnant women

WITH chamomile tea Expectant mothers should also make friends. Even in such a crucial period as bearing a child, this sunny flower is desirable and useful. Chamomile-based drinks will help to the expectant mother cope with an impending cold, because herbal treatment is safe alternative drug therapy. Headaches, apathy, depression, stomach cramps, toxicosis - all these problems can be alleviated and even eliminated by ordinary chamomile.

Precautions for Pregnant Women

Chamomile tea can be used externally (in the form of baths, compresses, inhalations) during pregnancy without fear, unless, of course, you are allergic to the plant. As for oral use, expectant mothers can drink no more than 2 glasses of weak infusion per day. Abuse healing tea may provoke premature birth. Chamomile-based drinks promote the production of estrogen by the ovaries, which tones the uterus, which may result in a risk of miscarriage.


Chamomile, although it has anti-allergic properties, can itself cause allergies. Before you drink healing tea, make sure you are not allergic to the plant. If you decide to undergo treatment chamomile decoctions, don't be overzealous. In case of an overdose, nausea, dizziness, weakness, headache, cardiopalmus. Without first consulting a doctor, it is not recommended to combine chamomile drinks with artificial sedatives, diuretics and blood thinners (including aspirin).

Chamomile tea recipes

Recipe 1. Classic chamomile tea

2 full teaspoons of chamomile flower baskets - dried and crushed, pour a glass (200 ml) of hot boiled water, cover with a saucer and leave for 20-30 minutes, filter, squeeze out the flowers and drink warm. This infusion can be consumed on its own or added to green or Herb tea.

Recipe 2. Chamomile tea with peppermint

Take crushed mint and chamomile in equal proportions - 1 teaspoon each, pour a glass of hot boiled water, let it brew and filter. This tea is very soothing, helps alleviate gallbladder diseases and prevent the appearance of stones in the gallbladder. gallbladder. If you are preparing a calming drink, you can add cumin in addition to mint and chamomile.

Recipe 3. Chamomile tea with lemon balm

If you take the previous recipe, but replace the mint with lemon balm, you will get a wonderful medicine not only for the nervous system, but also for the stomach. This drink also helps with colds: take it warm, 1 glass 2-3 times a day. To recover faster, supplement with aromatic drinks natural honey, but it’s better not to add it to tea, but to eat it as a snack.

Recipe 4. Chamomile tea with herbs

Medicinal plants - peppermint, sweet clover, St. John's wort and chamomile are taken in equal proportions - one coffee spoon each, pour the mixture into a glass of hot boiled water, cover with a saucer, and after half an hour filter. This herbal tea has a cleansing, rejuvenating and appetite-reducing effect.

How to choose flowers for tea

To benefit from chamomile tea, prepare it from natural dry raw materials purchased at the pharmacy. Give preference to natural powder; it is better to avoid crushed flowers in bags. You can prepare healing baskets with your own hands, the main thing is not to confuse chamomile with other varieties of the plant (there are about 50 of them in total). At self-collection Inflorescences, pay attention to the petals: in chamomile they always look down, and the yellow part of the flower has a conical shape.

The value of chamomile as a medicinal plant is very high. We turn to this sunny flower with many of our problems, and it can really help us say goodbye to them. Stock up on fragrant sun baskets, prepare a healing drink that will fill your home with the aroma of a blooming summer meadow, and give its inhabitants warmth and comfort. Drink chamomile tea and always be healthy!

This plant is quite often used in medicine. It is used to treat many ailments. The legendary Hippocrates used infusions from this flower. Avicenna used this plant to prepare medications for headaches.

Chamomile is annual plant, which is found in the south and in middle lane Russia. Some species of this plant grow in Eastern Europe, in Central Asia and southern Siberia. Chamomile can be found in meadows and fields, forest edges and along roads.

Medicinal properties of chamomile

Thanks to your unique properties chamomile has long been used in medicinal and cosmetics. Decoctions and infusions of this plant were used by legendary healers ancient world for skin and eye care. Pliny the Elder described the use of chamomile to treat female diseases.

In our country, the first records of chamomile date back to the time of Ivan the Terrible. During his reign, this plant was harvested for the needs of the army. Under Peter the Great, chamomile was not only harvested, but also began to be grown.

The uniqueness of this plant is due to the content of chamazulene in its oil. This substance has an anti-inflammatory effect. Chamazulene helps relieve allergic reactions and enhances regenerative processes body.

In addition, chamomile has the following properties:

  • Removes inflammatory processes
  • Has an antiseptic effect
  • Destroys viruses and pathogenic microorganisms
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Has analgesic and sedative effects
  • Reduces allergic reactions of the body
  • Restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Helps reduce body temperature

Chamomile oil contains apiin, apigenin and herniarin. These substances have an antispasmodic effect. By using unique oil this plant can reduce gas formation in the intestines, remove harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract, weaken inflammatory processes and dilate blood vessels in the brain.

Chamomile oil activates the work immune system, kills bacteria and stimulates appetite. The use of this tool in case of failures is shown menstrual cycle and during menopause.

Chamomile oil can heal wounds from insect bites and relieve pain from sunburn. In cosmetology, chamomile oil is included in anti-wrinkle products, hair masks and skin-whitening preparations.

Chamomile - benefits and harm

The benefits and harms of chamomile

The main benefit of this plant is its antimicrobial action. Chamomile contains essential oils that are used today in aromatherapy as antidepressants.

The vitamin composition of this plant is represented by almost all the vitamins necessary for humans. That is why chamomile is used in the treatment of many diseases. It can help with mental stress and bone diseases.

But, if you use chamomile very often, it can cause headaches and lethargy. You should not use decoctions and infusions of this plant during pregnancy. Chamomile causes severe allergic reactions in some people.

How and why to take and use chamomile?

  • Very often, products based on this plant are used to fight colds. For this, infusions and decoctions are prepared. They can be used as a liquid for inhalation. Chamomile vapor contains substances that have antimicrobial effect. They are capable of not only suppressing the action pathogenic microorganisms, but will also help remove mucus from the lungs and bronchi
  • The oil of this plant is widely used in preparations for the common cold. It has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Due to this, it can normalize the functioning of the nasal mucosa
  • Chamomile oil is very popular in cosmetology. Substances included in lotions, ointments and creams based on it are used against acne. Polysaccharides and biological acids, which are part of the plant, can normalize skin health and stop inflammatory processes
  • Tea with chamomile will help with stomach problems. With its help, they cleanse the intestinal mucosa and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
  • You can use chamomile-based compresses to relieve painful sensations in the joints. Due to the presence of chamazulene in chamomile oil, a compress from a decoction of this plant can not only relieve inflammation from the joints, but also help regenerate deteriorating cartilage tissue
  • This plant contains phytocompounds that inhibit oral bacteria. That is why chamomile can be used in gargles for diseases of the teeth, gums and throat. You can enhance the effect of chamomile to solve this problem with honey.
  • A decoction of this plant relieves headaches. Moreover, the product prepared from the dry collection can be taken orally. Good effect can be achieved by using chamomile decoction to prepare a compress on the back of the head. This remedy will not only help you cope well with headaches, but also calm your nerves.
  • Treat with infusion of chamomile peptic ulcer. It should be drunk 15 minutes before meals three times a day. After 5-6 months the disease should subside.
  • Tea with chamomile and honey will perfectly help in the fight against insomnia. And if you add a couple of lemon balm leaves to this tea, your sleep will not only be sound, but will also help you recover better after a hard day.

Indications and contraindications for chamomile treatment

  • As mentioned above, chamomile has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. This allows it to be used to treat diseases caused by bacteria and viral infections. This plant is especially useful for throat diseases: tonsillitis, catarrhal and follicular sore throat.
  • Chamomile is incredibly useful for pharyngitis and laryngitis. Infusions and decoctions of this plant will relieve itching and dry throat. Swelling with vocal cords can be relieved with chamomile tea. With this help you can also remove and pain syndrome in the throat
  • Chamomile is very helpful for colds complicated by pain in the joints and general intoxication. The active substances of this plant are able to remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
  • The uniqueness of chamomile is that it can be used at any age. For newborns, this plant is indicated as a means for external use, and already with one month old Chamomile-based products can also be used internally. But it is important to make sure that the child is not allergic to this plant.

IMPORTANT: But, chamomile must be used in moderation. Typically, treatments based on this medicinal plant last for 2-3 weeks.

As for the contraindications to taking chamomile, it cannot be used during exacerbation of antacid gastritis. If the level of estrogen in the body is exceeded, then it is also better to avoid products based on this plant. During pregnancy, chamomile can be used internally only after consultation with your doctor.

Treatment of allergies with chamomile

Allergies are not hereditary. This is purely individual problem, which for a long time may not appear. Chamomile helps cope well with disorders of the immune system.

It has proven itself especially well when allergic rashes on the skin. Moreover, this problem can be treated even in the youngest by adding chamomile to baths. It is recommended to carry them out for 2-3 days in a row. Instead of baths, you can use lotions.

To do this you need to pour 3 tbsp. spoons of the plant with boiling water and let it brew. In this infusion, you need to soak a clean cloth and apply it to the affected area on the skin.

Treatment of sore throat with chamomile

  • This medicinal plant is very often used in the treatment of sore throat. To remove bacteria from the mouth and throat, rinse with a warm decoction or infusion of chamomile. During such rinses, the essential oil of this plant has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
  • The great benefits of chamomile for sore throat are: complex impact active substances this plant on sore throat. Except antibacterial effect Chamomile helps reduce fever and pain
  • For rinsing, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of this plant. After 10 minutes, you need to strain the infusion and use it for its intended purpose. Gargle with warm infusion. If it cools down, the effect of such rinses will be close to zero.
  • Chamomile infusion goes well with sea ​​salt. You need to pour one tablespoon of these ingredients into a thermos and pour 300 ml of boiling water over them. You need to gargle with this solution 4-5 times a day.
  • Other remedies are also indicated for angina. Can be cooked medicinal tea. To do this, pour a glass of dry chamomile with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. To this tea you need to add honey and milk (20 ml)

Treating a runny nose with chamomile

Washing noma with this medicinal plant helps to quickly get rid of a runny nose. In this way you can even treat a runny nose in a child. To do this, the decoction should be injected one drop into each nostril. But this must be done very carefully. So that the child does not begin to choke and cough.

A decoction for instillation is prepared from dry chamomile. To do this, pour one glass of this medicinal plant with a glass of boiling water. You can bury this product in your nose only when the infusion has cooled to room temperature.

You can use chamomile nasal rinses for several days. As soon as it becomes easier to breathe, you can finish washing.

Treatment of thrush in women with chamomile

The cause of thrush is the activity of yeast fungi Candida albicans. IN in good condition the body is able to fight these microorganisms. But, if the immune system is weakened, then these yeast fungi are getting out of control. Chamomile can help him.

IMPORTANT: You can treat thrush at home. But for proper treatment It is advisable to consult your doctor first.

  • Chamomile contains pharmacozulene. This substance helps relieve inflammation and cope with pathogenic microorganisms. Essential oils The described medicinal plant will help relieve pain and enhance regenerative processes
  • When treating thrush, douching with chamomile infusion is indicated. If a problem is detected on initial stage such procedures can be used as basic ones. If the thrush has already “gained” its strength, then it is better to supplement douching with chamomile by taking special medications
  • To prepare a decoction for douching, you need to pour two tablespoons of the flowers of this medicinal plant into a liter cold water and bring to a boil. After the broth has cooled to body temperature, it needs to be strained and douched.
  • You can also use chamomile baths to treat thrush. 100 g of flowers of this plant is enough for one bath. The water should be warm. You need to take such baths daily for 10-20 minutes.

Treatment of prostatitis with chamomile

  • There are several causes of prostate disease in men. One of the causes of prostatitis is the action of pathogenic microorganisms that, penetrating into this area of ​​the body, activate inflammatory processes. This cause of this common problem can be dealt with with the help of medicinal herbs. Including daisies
  • To treat this sensitive issue Chamomile infusion is suitable. To do this, pour a tablespoon of this medicinal plant with a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. You need to drink this infusion several times during the day.
  • You can also use an enema with the infusion described above. Before using it, you need to empty the intestines and inject 100 ml of infusion into the rectum. Enemas help very well with acute forms prostatitis

Chamomile eye treatment. How to cure conjunctivitis with chamomile?

  • Conjunctivitis can cause allergic reaction organism, bacterial or viral infection. In all cases, this disease can be treated with chamomile. With the help of decoctions or infusions of this plant, you can soothe pain and relieve inflammation.
  • The infusion of this medicinal plant will help cope with conjunctivitis. With its help, you need to wash your eyes every 2-3 hours. It is very simple to prepare such an infusion. It is enough to mix one tablespoon of chamomile with one glass of boiling water.
  • To get rid of eye inflammation, a compress with chamomile will help. To do this, use a regular infusion from this plant. You need to moisten a cotton pad in it and apply it to the inflamed eye.
  • Chamomile is good for coping with conjunctivitis caused by bacteria and viruses. But, it is not always effective for other types of eye inflammation. If no improvement is visible within 1-2 days, you should consult your doctor.

Cough treatment with chamomile

  • Chamomile also helps with coughs. But, the effect of such treatment can be achieved if you start using this medicinal plant at the first symptoms of the disease. Cough can be treated with a decoction. To do this, one tablespoon is poured into a glass of boiling water. You need to take one tablespoon of this infusion throughout the day.
  • Herbal tea is well indicated for the treatment of cough. If you include chamomile in its composition, then this tea will improve the condition of the mucous membrane. In addition, it will have an expectorant effect
  • For dry cough, inhalations with chamomile are indicated. Such procedures will soften the cough and clear Airways. Herbal collection You can brew it in a saucepan and inhale its fumes covered with a towel. One inhalation procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. To treat a cough, 5-15 inhalations with chamomile are needed
  • For greater effectiveness, chamomile flowers need to be crushed and poured with boiling water at the rate of half a glass per liter of water. After 30 minutes, add boiling water to the infusion and inhale the vapors of this medicinal plant. To enhance the effect of chamomile during inhalation, you can add sage and mint to the solution.

How to prepare?

Chamomile-based infusions or dietary supplements can be purchased at any pharmacy. But, if you want to prepare this medicinal plant yourself, then you need to do this at the end of June or beginning of August. Chamomile inflorescences are used for treatment. They need to be collected in dry weather, away from highways and industrial enterprises.

Chamomile should be dried in the shade. The room must have good ventilation. The resulting raw materials for decoctions and infusions can not be used longer than a year. Then, his medicinal properties noticeably worsen.

How to use chamomile for treatment: tips and reviews

Olga. I always treat conjunctivitis with chamomile. The collection can be purchased at any pharmacy. And its effectiveness is not a cause for concern. And all these newfangled drops cannot always cope with inflammation. Therefore, it is better to be treated with herbs.

Natalia. Since school, I began to periodically wash my face with chamomile infusion. I have skin in adolescence was very problematic. But chamomile helped cope with acne and other inflammations.

Video: Chamomile. Medicinal herbs