Sedatives, hypnotics, sedatives. An overview of nerve sedatives for adults

Education: She graduated from the Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from the Vinnitsa State Medical University. M.I. Pirogov and an internship based on it.

Experience: From 2003 to 2013 she worked as a pharmacist and head of a pharmacy kiosk. Awarded with certificates and distinctions for long-term and conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.


The best sleeping pill is a walk before bed and 5 drops of valocordin

When PMS - I crush everything in my path, this is PPC. Any little thing can piss me off, and I can't fight myself at all. My husband says that until I drink relaxen and calm down, he is afraid to approach me And on the other days I don’t drink sedatives at all, my mood is normal. Is that how it is?..

I decided to pick up a sedative for myself, initially I wanted a vegetable one - these are all kinds of teas, tinctures, not very practical, and tinctures have a very bright aroma, I can’t drink it. I began to search further, read, came across information from Motherwort Forte, looked at the composition, a good natural one is also enriched with magnesium with B6. Bought. In general, my disturbed sleep (long falling asleep, waking up in the morning and not falling asleep back) began to improve. In the beginning, it became easier to fall asleep, and then the rest of the moments returned to normal. No wonder I chose for a long time and the first time I hit the mark. My rationality has never let me down.

Every year I drink tryptophan for myself. It is harmless and helps a lot in moments when self-control is needed, the mood is always sunny, despite the weather and all sorts of failures. Do not fall into depression, it is better to bring your nervous system back to normal in advance.

With Persen, it didn’t work out for me either - an unpleasant side effect began. So I switched to Herbastress, it has already been mentioned, and I am taking it now. It turned out to be quite a worthy remedy - the components are optimally selected: passionflower, oats, hops, chamomile - they all contribute to calming, improving the state of the nervous system. Ginseng also has a good effect on me - thanks to it I am in good shape, I work like a bee :)

I have had problems with sleep for a long time, but only recently I decided to “fight” with it. Initially, I looked in the direction of Melaxen, but I found out in time that it might not affect the endocrine system in the best way, so I opted for the Herbastress Night complex - based on plant components (hops, valerian) and amino acids with vitamin B6. After a week from the start of the intake, I can say that hops really relaxes quite well, I fall asleep faster and easier (thank you to vitamin B6, I must say) I hope this will continue

At work, they put so many responsibilities on me that it’s just like a squirrel in a wheel, and then at home there are a lot of things to do, in general, terrible stress every day. I bought Persen for myself, but something doesn’t make any sense from him, but constipation appeared and a small allergic spot - is it just me? At the pharmacy, she then asked for something effective to advise and not to drink as many pills a day as Persen had. In general, I bought Herbastress, I need to take one tablet only a day, and already on the third day I noticed that I was not so nervous, and I was absolutely collected and active, i.e. There is no sleep effect, and I do not feel stress.

Hello, friends!

Our life is full of stresses, emotional experiences that shake our nerves first of all, and affect the heart in an unfavorable way.

In these cases, we can be helped by various drugs, not necessarily fashionable and expensive. Herbal tinctures known since ancient times are quite effective.

I want to remind you of the popular mixture of sedative tinctures of five components: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony, corvalol.

I’ll tell you how such a mixture is useful, how to take it, about contraindications and reviews.

A mixture of sedatives. What is useful

A few years ago, a doctor prescribed me such a sedative mixture when my heart began to fool around. A week of admission had a rather positive effect.

A mixture of tinctures of valerian, motherwort, hawthorn and peony with the addition of corvalol has excellent calming properties, helps with stress, relieves nervous excitement, irritability, regulates vascular tone, lowers blood pressure, improves cerebral circulation, prevents the formation of blood clots, is useful after heart attacks and strokes, with hypertensive crisis, with tachycardia.

This benefit is due to the fact that the composition of the mixture includes tinctures of useful herbs, which in themselves have a good calming effect, and together their properties are enhanced.

Let's look at them briefly.

Valerian. This plant has been used for medicinal purposes since the 1st century BC. Then valerian was used as a diuretic and against suffocation. Already in the Middle Ages, valerian became a popular remedy for calming the nervous system.

Nowadays, it has been experimentally proven that valerian relaxes spasm of smooth muscles and reduces excitability. Therefore, it is so actively used as a sedative for severe experiences, stress, nervous excitement, insomnia and epilepsy.

Hawthorn. It is useful primarily for the heart, as it expands the coronary vessels, as well as the vessels of the brain, normalizes the rhythm of the heart, enhances its supply of oxygen, eliminates various unpleasant sensations in the heart, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and excitability of the nervous system, improves metabolism.

Peony. Peony preparations are also an excellent sedative, in addition, they have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, analgesic and tonic effects.

In Chinese and Tibetan medicine, peony is used to treat nervous and cold diseases, the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, metabolic disorders and even tumors.

Motherwort. Motherwort preparations are very similar in their action to valerian preparations and even surpass it.

Motherwort herb enhances the soothing, anti-inflammatory effects of the other ingredients in our blend. It lowers blood pressure, regulates the activity of housing and communal services, is useful for cardiovascular neuroses, heart defects, neuralgia, cough.

Corvalol. Corvalol has an additional sedative effect. It relieves spasms, is indicated for neurosis, insomnia, tachycardia, increased excitability.

How to take a mixture of tinctures of valerian motherwort peony hawthorn

All of these listed tinctures are sold in pharmacies, they are always available and cost a penny.

Usually the volume in vials with tinctures is the same, and we need to take them equally.

We merge tinctures of valerian, motherwort, peony, hawthorn into one jar, add corvalol there. We close the lid tightly and our therapeutic sedative mixture is ready. This cocktail is healing.

It should be stored in a dark place at room temperature.

I usually pour part of the mixture into a corvalol bottle with a dosage cap, it's more convenient to use.

How to drink a mixture of tinctures of valerian motherwort peony hawthorn and corvalol?

You need to take a mixture of tinctures, 30 drops dissolved in 50 ml (one quarter cup) of water. Within half an hour after taking it is undesirable to eat.

And the number of doses per day depends on your condition. Sometimes one dose in the morning or only in the evening before bedtime is enough.

I drink in the morning and in the evening, as it is not very convenient to do this at work during the day.

The duration of admission is from one to two weeks (just one vial from under Corvalol with a two-time intake is enough for two weeks) to a month.

In principle, there are no time limits, only to avoid addiction, after a month of taking, you should take a week break and take into account contraindications.

A mixture of sedatives. Contraindications

Since soothing tinctures for alcohol are used, it is natural that they are contraindicated for people with alcohol dependence, children, pregnant and lactating women.

Caution should be used by people whose profession requires special attention, as a mixture of tinctures has a strong sedative effect.

And as you probably noticed, since hawthorn and motherwort are able to lower blood pressure with prolonged use, these tinctures are undesirable, or at least they cannot be used for a long time and regularly by people with low blood pressure.

The mixture is not indicated for badcardia.

Naturally, it is necessary to observe the measure, as everywhere and in everything. With excessive use of a mixture of tinctures, the reaction may be the opposite: instead of calming, excessive excitement will appear.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that there may be individual intolerance or allergy to individual components. Therefore, if you have never used any of them before, it would be good to test them individually and in pairs beforehand.

My feedback on the use of a mixture of tinctures of valerian peony hawthorn motherwort and corvalol

As I wrote at the beginning of the article, this sedative mixture once helped me with the onset of tachycardia.

I drank it during the deep stress after the divorce, I am very pleased with it, it helped me so much to get through those difficult days.

I know many cases when such a mixture of tinctures helps hypertensive patients, with its constant use, the pressure normalizes and the state of health improves.

Now I take the mixture as a complex, for the prevention of tachycardia and as a sedative, which helps to endure feelings about illnesses of people close to me.


The ancient remedy Quatera is less and less recommended by modern physicians. The pharmaceutical industry offers a huge range of commercially available sedatives and antidepressants. Quater's potion has never been produced in factories, it is prepared in pharmacies only by prescription. It is impossible to store it for a long time, since it is only suitable for consumption for three days.

At one time, students of medical institutes memorized the prescription composition of the medicine as a multiplication table or Our Father. Many people still remember him.

The drug is known as a sedative and anticonvulsant. It is prescribed for children, adolescents, adults and elderly patients. It is also recommended for pregnant women, especially those prone to anxiety.

Menopause is a difficult period in a woman's life, the body is rebuilt, health fails, nerves are at the limit. Causeless anxiety, unreasonable irritability, headaches, insomnia, depression are frequent companions of menopause. Quatera's medicine helps many to restore healthy sleep, restore peace of mind.

In general, the medicine helps with many forms of neurasthenia, neurosis, and great emotional stress.

Its sedative and anticonvulsant action is based on the properties of the incoming ingredients. Quatera's medicine, the composition of which has a combined character, includes an infusion of peppermint leaves, amidopyrine, magnesium sulfate, sodium bromide, caffeine-sodium benzoate. Thus, it combines plant and chemical elements in exact proportions.

The usual dose of the drug is one tablespoon after meals. With neuroses - once a day, with convulsions - three times a day. Quatera's potion can cause drowsiness and lethargy, so it should be taken at night (in the first case) or treated during a relatively calm period when vigorous activity is not required (in the second case).

Quater's medicine has practically no contraindications, but it is strictly prohibited for people with individual intolerance to bromides. These same bromides are the reason why the medicine cannot be taken for a long time. Otherwise, bromine, which is part of it, can provoke a disease such as chronic bromism. The increased content of bromine leads to disruption of the central and peripheral nervous system. Therefore, you can take Quater's mixture for no more than 2 months. The course of treatment can be repeated after 3 months. Very old people should be especially careful. Bromine is excreted from their body slowly, its accumulation in the blood can lead to intoxication. Therefore, the mixture of Quater should be taken only under the direction of a physician and under his strict supervision. The same postulate applies to people with various kidney diseases.

Often this remedy is recommended for pregnant and lactating women. It reduces the level of anxiety, some nervousness, characteristic of these periods in a woman's life. Strict adherence to the recommendations on the regimen and dosage of the medicine will only benefit. The same caution is necessary if the medicine is prescribed to a child or adolescent. Up to 12 years of age, the dosage of the mixture is 1 teaspoon once a day, at bedtime.

Quater's potion, which reviews are either positive or neutral, does not taste very good. It can be taken with water or milk. Neutral reviews indicate that, like any drug, the drug affects different people in different ways. Someone immediately feels relief, for someone a longer period of admission is required, someone's body did not react at all to the mixture.

Today's rhythm of life practically leaves no chance for a person to do without medications, including sedatives.

Many turn this into a personal problem, not wanting to devote not only close people to it, but not even trying to get qualified expert advice, hoping to drink something soothing “from a nervous breakdown” on the recommendation of a pharmacist or pharmacist from the nearest pharmacy.

Meanwhile, a huge amount of information on this issue is offered by thematic forums and specialized sites on the Internet.

Anticipating the exorbitant costs for the wallets of our readers for expensive, but fashionable sedatives, we offer an overview of sedatives of a wide variety of price ranges and approximately similar strengths.

Givers of peace

Sedative drugs are also called sedatives.

  • They are designed to increase inhibition in the nervous system and weaken excitation in it.
  • In parallel with the pacification of the violence of the subcortex: irritability, aggressiveness, quarrelsomeness, arrogance, a tendency to tears.
  • These remedies put the autonomic nervous system in order: they slow down heartbeats, reduce sweating, hand tremors, and relieve intestinal spasms.
  • Another big plus of sedatives is that they help with falling asleep. Not being sleeping pills and not causing a slowdown in the rhythm of the cerebral cortex, these drugs, however, normalize physiological sleep and make it easier to fall asleep, removing hypersensitivity to external or internal stimuli.

In combination with sedatives, strong pills such as antipsychotics, tranquilizers, and painkillers enhance their effect. Therefore, by combining these drugs with sedatives, their dosages can be reduced and side effects can be reduced.

Calming drugs are used in the treatment of neurasthenia, neuroses. As an aid, strong sedatives are suitable for eliminating sleep disorders. In combinations, drugs are used to treat early stages of hypertension, neurosis of the cardiovascular system, menopausal syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome.

Anti-anxiety drugs without prescriptions

Ideally, any sedative for nerves should be prescribed by a doctor. Indeed, behind an ordinary nervous breakdown there may be the beginning of a serious mental disorder, and ordinary irritability may hide a hormonal failure or a serious illness of the internal organs.

Nevertheless, it is customary for people to buy and take sedatives on their own, the list of which is expanding every year. Therefore, it is better to familiarize readers in detail with the features of various sedatives offered by pharmacies today.

The drugs of the sedative group have a small number of side effects, which are relatively rare. Sedatives are not characterized by rebound and withdrawal syndrome, they do not cause addiction and drug dependence. Therefore, most sedative drugs are sold in pharmacy chains without a prescription.

Names of the best sedative drugs

Effective herbal sedatives

Preparations based on vegetable raw materials are as safe as possible, environmentally friendly, less burden on the pancreas, biliary tract and liver. Mankind has accumulated thousands of years of experience in the treatment of nervous disorders with herbs. Of course, today's possibilities of chemical analysis of plant materials fully confirm the effectiveness of both single-component herbal remedies and herbal preparations.

Preparations based on valerian are prepared from the rhizome and roots, less often the leaves and stem. Alcohol tincture, tablets and valerian extract, Valevigran (capsules), rhizome briquettes, filter bags for making tea reduce nervous excitability, improve sleep, increase the effect of sleeping pills, and reduce intestinal spasms. Alcohol tincture is more effective than tablets. Forty drops can work in a 80 kilogram man suffering from neurasthenia, provided that he does not suffer from alcoholism and does not take psychotropic drugs. High dosages can slow down heartbeats and even cause bradycardia.

  • Medicines based on passionflower incarnate(passion flower). This liana is used to facilitate falling asleep and increase the depth of sleep, in the complex therapy of neurasthenia (unmotivated fears, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, increased irritability). These effects are realized due to the alkaloids and flavonoids contained in the passionflower herb. Passiflora also has an antispasmodic and mild anticonvulsant effect (it can reduce hand and head trembling). Also, on the basis of this herb, medicines for menopause (Alora in tablets and syrup) have been created, which, in addition to the sedative effect, slow down heartbeats and help with headaches.
  • Sedatives from motherwort- this is an alcohol tincture and lily-of-the-valley-motherwort drops, as well as motherwort herb or tablets with motherwort extract.
  • Peony tincture is very effective for neurasthenia and vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • (tablets Negrustin, Neuroplant, Deprim, etc., see instructions in the article) combine the properties of a sedative and.

  • Alvogen Relax (BAA)

Valerian, passionflower, hawthorn, 24 caps. 200-280r.

  • motherwort extract

10 tab. 20 rub.

  • Lily of the valley-motherwort drops
  • Peony tincture
  • Peony extract

30 tab. 60-70 rub.

  • Negrustin

Hypericum extract

  • Neuroplant

Hypericum extract 20 pcs. 200 rub.

  • Deprim

St. John's wort extract 30 tab. 150-180 rub. Deprim forte 20 caps. 240 rub.

  • Hypericum herb

30-50 rub. 20 sachets

  • motherwort herb

30-50 rub. 20 sachets

Combined herbal sedatives

Good soothing herbal tablets are obtained from combinations of plant materials. Fees allow you to summarize the effects of different medicinal plants and supplement one with the other, reducing the dosage of each of the components.


Ingredients: a mixture of motherwort, hops, oats, lemon balm, coriander, sweet clover on an alcohol basis.
Action: Relieves mental stress and anxiety, improves sleep, compensates for increased fatigue. In addition to capsules, the drug is available in the form of an alcohol tincture.
Contraindications: The drug is contraindicated in patients with reduced blood clotting, breastfeeding. Undesirable for pregnant women and those who drive vehicles.
Assign inside 1 teaspoon (5 ml) in a small amount of water 3-4 times a day and 1 time at bedtime. The course of treatment is from 10 to 30 days. Shake before use.

Fitosedan 2 and 3

Fitosedan 2 and 3 50-70 rubles. 20 filter bags or 50 gr. collection.
The collection contains:

  • Fitosedan 2 - motherwort herb, hops, valerian, licorice roots
  • Fitosedan 3 - sweet clover herb, oregano herb, valerian rhizomes, motherwort herb, thyme herb.

Herbal preparations have an antispasmodic, sedative effect.
Indicated: for sleep disorders, arterial hypertension (in complex treatment), increased nervous excitability, migraine, neuroses,.
Contraindicated: with individual intolerance to medicinal herbs that make up the composition.
Side effects: allergic reactions.
Dosage: 2 tbsp. spoons are poured with 1 cup of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled for 45-60 minutes, filtered, adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water, take 1/2 or 1/5 cup half an hour before meals 4 r / day.

Persen and Persen Forte

Differ - in Persen forte 125 mg. valerian, and in Persen 50 mg of valerian, the rest is identical. OTC drug.
Ingredients: dry extract of valerian, lemon balm, peppermint.
Indications: prescribed for irritability, increased nervous excitability, sleep disturbances or shallow sleep. Contraindicated in fructose intolerance, low blood pressure, inflammation of the bile ducts, pregnancy and lactation, children under 3 years old for tablets, up to 12 years old for capsules.
Side effects: allergy, with prolonged use - constipation
Dosage: 2-3 r / day, 1-2 caps. or 2-3 tablets, for insomnia 1 r / day an hour before bedtime. You can not take Persen, Persen Night and Persen Forte for more than 1.5-2 months.


  • tab. 10 pieces. 170 rubles, 30 pcs. 350-380 rub.
  • solution 100 ml 170 rubles, 200 ml. 270 rub.

Ingredients: valerian rhizomes, lemon balm herb, perforated hypericum, passionflower, leaves and flowers of hawthorn, hop seedlings, elderberry with the addition of guaifenesin
A mixture of medicinal herbs has a calming effect, guaifenesin removes fears and suppresses anxiety.
Indications: The drug is prescribed for mild forms of neurasthenia, sleep disorders and headaches against the background of overwork or stress. With manager's syndrome, insomnia, migraine, with menopause (see), itchy dermatoses caused by psychological stress.
Contraindications: children under 12 years old, with myasthenia gravis, with a tendency to allergic manifestations, with caution in acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, head injuries, epilepsy.
Side effects of the drug: lethargy, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, allergies, stool instability, allergic reactions, muscle weakness, fatigue, exanthema.
Dosage: 3 times a day, 1 tablet or 5 ml. syrup before meals, if nausea occurs, it is better to take with meals.


50 pcs. 350 rub.

Ingredients: valerian rhizomes extract, lemon balm, ethanol. Helps with difficulty falling asleep and nervousness.
Contraindications: children under 6 years of age, hypersensitivity, renal failure, pregnancy and lactation, reduces the speed of psychomotor reactions - not recommended when driving.
Side effects: allergic reactions.
Dosage: 2 r / day, 2 tablets for nervous excitability, 2 tablets. half an hour before bedtime in case of insomnia.

Liquid forms based on alcohol solutions are used in drops that dissolve in water.


Valocordin 60-70 rubles, also known as Milocordin, has a sedative, mild hypnotic effect, reduces CNS excitation.
Ingredients: phenobarbital, bromisovaleric acid ester, hop oil, peppermint oil dissolved in a mixture of ethyl alcohol and water.
Indications: Indispensable for cardiac neurosis, insomnia, neurosis, accompanied by fear, irritability, anxiety.
Contraindications: the period of pregnancy and lactation, dysfunction of the kidneys and liver.
Side effects: causes drowsiness and dizziness, with prolonged use, there may be a violation of coordination of movement, depression, apathy, hemorrhagic diathesis, conjunctivitis, rhinitis.
The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.


Compound : peppermint oil, phenobarbital, ethyl bromoisovalerianate.
The composition is similar to Valocardin, therefore, the action is close to it, but the effect of the remedy is weaker. Corvalol works as a sedative, mild sleeping pill. It can relieve spasms of the heart vessels, capillaries, slows down the heartbeat, therefore it helps with functional cardiovascular disorders (vegetative-vascular dystonia, arterial hypertension). Also effective as an intestinal antispasmodic.
Contraindications: for drops - for children under 3 years old, for tablets - up to 18 years old, pregnancy, lactation, renal and. For drops also traumatic brain injury and brain disease.
Side effects: causes dizziness and drowsiness, slow heart rate, allergic manifestations, decreased concentration. With prolonged use - withdrawal syndrome, addiction.

Zelenin drops

25 ml. 10-30 rub.
Ingredients: a mixture of tinctures of lily of the valley, valerian, belladonna and levomenthol.
Indications: chronic heart failure, vegetative-vascular dystonia, irritability, spasms of the digestive tract, decreased appetite, biliary dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis.
Contraindications: prostatic hyperplasia, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer, children under 18 years of age, severe endocarditis, angle-closure glaucoma. With caution in alcoholism, brain diseases, TBI.
Side effects: muscle weakness, allergic reactions, diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn, arrhythmia, headache, urinary retention in prostate hyperplasia.

Valosedan- used to inhibit the central nervous system in case of neurosis or stress. The effect of the drug is enhanced by small doses of sodium barbital. In addition to it, the medicine contains tinctures of hawthorn, rhubarb, hops, valerian extract, ethyl alcohol.
Valocormid- the drug of choice for cardiac neurosis with bradycardia (decreased heart rate less than 60). Medicine based on tinctures of lily of the valley, belladonna, valerian, menthol and sodium bromide.
Valoserdin- a mixture of phenobarbital, ethyl ester of bromisovaleric acid, oregano and peppermint oils. The medicine, in addition to a sedative effect, slows down the heart rate, relieves intestinal spasms. It is used for cardioneurosis with pain in the heart and increased heart rate, high blood pressure, intestinal colic, sleep disorders. Released without a prescription.
Sedariston- (St. John's wort, valerian, lemon balm) - an effective drug for vegetative manifestations of neuroses.
Nervoflux- is prescribed for chronic stress, insomnia. It is a herbal tea blend consisting of orange blossom, lavender, mint leaves, licorice root, valerian rhizome extract and hop cones.

Calm, only calm

Twenty years ago, bearded stories about how bromine tincture is poured into army tea in order to eliminate the nervousness and excessive sexuality of the defenders of the Motherland were no less popular than the children's cartoon about Carlson, whose favorite saying was a phrase calling to remain calm, since the matter is general life. Since the author of the story about the baby and Carlson did not write anything about bromine, we will undertake to fill the gap.

Bromides (bromine-based sedatives) help increase the inhibitory processes in the brain and balance excitation and inhibition. These are inexpensive preparations, often in the form of mixtures or drops.

If these drugs are taken uncontrollably, for a long time and in high dosages, you can get poisoning, known as bromism. Its main manifestations are a dry cough, lacrimation, snot and a skin rash resembling acne vulgaris.

Adonis Brom

20 tab. 80 rub.
Ingredient: Potassium Bromide and Adonis vernalis herb glycoside.
It has sedative and cardiotonic effects, prescribed for neurotic syndrome with increased heart rate, with vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.
Contraindications: angina pectoris, bradycardia, ulcers of the esophagus, stomach, pregnancy, lactation, children under 18 years of age, with fructose intolerance.
Side effects: nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, weakness, skin rash, conjunctivitis, memory loss, cough, rhinitis, apathy.
Application: 3 r / day, 1 tab.


30 tab. 100 rub.
Like other bromides, this means with a calming effect, improves cardiac activity, enhances the processes of inhibition in the brain.
It is used: with increased excitability and sleep disorders, with lability of blood pressure, cardialgia, tachycardia, asthenia.
Contraindicated: children under 7 years old, with renal, hepatic insufficiency, hypersensitivity.
Side effects: drowsiness, allergic reactions, lethargy.
Dosages: adults and children after 14 years old 2-3 r / day, 1-2 tablets each, from 10-14 years old 2/3 r / day, 1 table each, 7-10 years old - 2 r / day, 1 table each. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Funds from other groups

Magnesia- A 25% solution of magnesium sulfate, known as magnesia and an ancient remedy for hypertensive crises and increased intracranial pressure, when injected into a vein, depending on the dose, can cause a calming effect or work as a sleeping pill. Also, the solution relieves spasm of smooth muscles, reduces pain in the intestines and uterus. In case of overdose, it can cause poisoning, which is treated with calcium chloride.


  • 10 tab. 100 rub
  • 20 tab. 130-200 rub.

Pills are sold, like all strong sedatives, by prescription, but it is not a sedative in its pure form. This is a nootropic (aminophenyl butyric acid hydrochloride) in tablets. It improves the nutrition of neurocytes and accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses. At the same time, it also exhibits the properties of a sedative: it reduces tension and anxiety, helps to normalize sleep. It is used before operations to enhance the effect of anesthesia, as well as in combination with sleeping pills, the effect of which it enhances. Additionally eliminates headaches and systemic dizziness.
Indications for its use are quite wide.: neurosis, anxiety, autonomic disorders, insomnia, in children with tics, with alcoholism to eliminate psychopathological disorders, with vestibular disorders, with motion sickness, with.
Contraindications: in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, during lactation, children under 2 years old, with individual intolerance, liver failure, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
Side effects: nausea, headache, drowsiness, anxiety, dizziness, agitation, allergic reactions - itching, rash. With prolonged use of the drug, it is necessary to monitor blood counts and liver function.
Dosage: treatment for 2-3 weeks, the drug is taken after meals 3 r / day, 1-2 tablets. adults, children 2-8 years old, 50-100 mg 3 r / day, 8-14 years old, 1 tab. 3 r / day. With alcohol withdrawal syndrome, 1-2 tables. 3 r / day or 3 tablets at night. For the prevention of motion sickness, 1-2 tablets once an hour before the onset of motion sickness or at the onset of the first signs of motion sickness.


60 tab. 270-300 rub.
It refers to tranquilizers, but is sometimes mistakenly called a sedative, which is not without meaning, since the drug suppresses irritability, anxiety, tearfulness, expectation of trouble, fearfulness, helps to relax and fall asleep. Also, the pills remove the organic manifestations of anxiety and fear (palpitations, hand trembling, increased breathing, intestinal colic, dry mouth, dizziness, sweating). When they remember about strong sedatives without prescriptions, Afobazol is called first of all.
Contraindications: children under 18, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity.
Side effects: allergic reactions.
Dosage: after meals, 3 r / day, 10 mg for 2-4 weeks, according to indications, the course can be extended up to 3 months.


40 pcs. 160 rub.
This is a popular drug in recent years, produced in tablets. It contains antibodies to a specific protein of the central nervous system, improves the emotional background, improves mood, reduces irritability and nervous tension. Drowsiness or lethargy does not develop.
Indications: psychosomatic diseases, irritability, stress, anxiety, vegetative disorders, memory loss, neuroses and neurosis-like states.
Contraindications: children under 18, hypersensitivity.
Side effects: not found.
Dosage: 1-2 tablets. in the interval between meals, keep in the mouth until completely absorbed 2-4 r / day, with a course of 1-3 months.

Homeopathic sedatives

Soothing homeopathy is represented mainly by mixtures of herbs with the addition of sweeteners. Since the drugs are most often recommended to dissolve in the mouth, the active substances are quickly absorbed into the sublingual veins and the drugs begin to work almost immediately from the start of administration.

  • Calm down
  • Valerianahel
  • Avena comp
  • Sedalia
  • Edas 306 and Edas 111

  • Gelarium
  • Nervochel
  • Leovit
  • notta
  • neurosed