Meadow cornflower family. The healing effect of blue cornflower. How is the plant used?

Centaurea jacea L.
Family Asteraceae - Compositae or Asteraceae.
Common name: shred grass, voloshka, bitterweed, tripushnik, bear's heads, heart grass, rannik, small grandfather.


  • A perennial herbaceous plant up to 150 cm high, all with grayish or cobwebby pubescence.
  • The stem is hard, rough, erect, ribbed, branched in the upper part, without thickening under the baskets.
  • The leaves are alternate, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, the lower ones are on winged petioles, notched-incised, the middle and upper ones are sessile, rough.
  • The flowers are lilac-pink, occasionally white, in baskets located at the ends of the stem and its branches. Flower baskets are single, large, the involucres of the baskets are ovoid, with a brownish filmy fringed edge. The marginal flowers are large, funnel-shaped, sterile, the middle ones are tubular, bisexual. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively.
  • The fruits are elongated ovoid achenes with a rudimentary pappus.


It is found in many regions of the European part of Russia and the Caucasus. Distributed in Eurasia.


It grows in dry and flooded meadows, shrubs, clearings, and sometimes as a weed in fields. It is found on fresh sandy and loamy soils in meadows, in light pine and mixed forests, along their edges, bushes, and along roads.

Flowering time

It blooms from June to September, the fruits ripen from July to October.

Collection time

Grass and flower baskets are collected in June–August, roots - in late autumn.

Harvesting method

IN medicinal purposes They use flower baskets and meadow cornflower grass, which are harvested during the flowering period. Dry in the shade under awnings, in well-ventilated areas or in dryers.

Chemical composition

Not studied. The flowers are known to contain the bitter glucoside centaurine and the pigment anthocyanin. The roots have a lot of tannins.

Applicable part

Grass (stems, leaves, flower heads) and roots.


IN scientific medicine meadow cornflower is not used.

IN folk medicine fresh leaves, infusion of herbs, flowers and roots of meadow cornflower is used:

  • For nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis;
  • With jaundice;
  • How choleretic agent;
  • When menstruation is delayed;
  • For diarrhea how astringent;
  • For headaches;
  • For stomach pain;
  • As a diuretic;
  • Externally in the form of baths - for rheumatism;
  • Externally in the form of baths - for exudative diathesis;
  • Externally in the form of baths - for eczema;
  • Externally in the form of baths - for rickets;
  • For dropsy;
  • Externally - when stretching muscles and tendons.


Due to little knowledge of the plant, no contraindications have been identified. The plant is poisonous! Be careful and dosage when taking.

Other uses

  • Yellow dye for wool and silk is obtained from the leaves.
  • Honey plant. It is distinguished by its high honey production and even in drought gives the bees an abundant supply of nectar and pollen. Honey is transparent, with a golden hue.
  • Decorative, used to decorate lawns.

Mode of application

The plant has diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. In folk medicine, leaf powder, infusion of herbs and roots, and poultice from meadow cornflower leaves are used.


Infusion of grass or inflorescences of meadow cornflower: Brew 2 teaspoons of dry cornflower herb in 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Infusion of cornflower roots: An infusion of the roots is used for diarrhea.


Dry leaves crushed into powder are sprinkled on swollen areas of the body to eliminate edema.

Baths, poultices and lotions

Pour fresh cornflower grass hot water, wrap in gauze. Apply hot pads to the body for back pain, rheumatism, and to the area where muscles and tendons are strained.

An infusion of inflorescences in the form of baths and lotions is used for rheumatism,

Cornflowers are grown in the garden and on personal plots for decorative purposes, some species have medicinal value, they are widely used by healers in folk medicine.


Pink meadow cornflower is a perennial, family – Asteraceae. The plant is of herbaceous type, with an erect stem up to 1 m high. Rough to the touch, branching in the upper part. Leaves are lanceolate, elongated.

It blooms throughout the summer, the marginal flowers are pink-lilac, forming basket-like inflorescences. Flowers are of two types: marginal - asexual; median – tubular type, closed, in active phase During flowering, the pollen content is portioned (up to 7 portions). Flowers open upon contact with a pollinating insect and close until the next touch.

The fruit is an elongated ovoid achene. Up to 300 seeds are produced on the plant.

Distribution environment

It is found in meadows, forest clearings and forest edges, in cultivated crops as a weed, and can be seen along railway embankments. In the natural environment, the number of meadow cornflower is decreasing, it is susceptible to destruction by livestock grazing, and is classified as a rare, endangered species.

Contains phytoncides, tannins, glucosides, resins, pectins, vitamins.


It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic properties. Recommended as an analgesic, diuretic, choleretic agent.


Used in the form of alcohol infusions, oil extracts, decoctions, for preparing baths, and is part of complex preparations. Used for cosmetic skin and hair care.

Decoctions are recommended for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes, and for diseases excretory system and kidneys. Alcohol and oil infusions are used to normalize activity digestive system, for the prevention of heart disease, as an appetite stimulant.

Preparations from Cornflower meadow flowers improve digestion, relieve toothache and headache, recommended for diathesis, rheumatism, eczema.


Prefers sunny areas, grows poorly in the shade. It is advisable to allocate a spacious place in the flower bed or in joint plantings, taking into account the possibility of shading by neighboring crops during the development process. Soils are better fertile, neutral or slightly acidic. Moisturizing is moderate, does not tolerate stagnant water.

Selected seeds and those collected in their natural habitat are suitable for sowing. Seeds retain normal germination for up to three years. They are sown in early spring without seedlings in April; winter sowing is also possible from October. Shoots appear in 10 – 14 days.

Seedlings can be grown, but only in humus pots, planted on permanent place along with the container. They cannot tolerate regular transplantation and are prone to damage to the root system.

At the end of summer, you can plant by dividing the bush, part of the root with a sprout bud, or transfer the plant from its natural environment to the site along with a lump of earth on the roots. Planting is neat, the roots are straightened in the hole, sprinkled with soil so that the growth bud is at the very surface.

Prefers moist areas and can tolerate short-term drought. Its growth responds well to regular watering, timely weeding and loosening of the soil between rows.

It is rarely exposed to diseases; if infection is suspected, the aerial parts are cut off and burned. Next season, the cornflower will grow healthy shoots.

To prevent self-seeding, the inflorescences are cut off and overwinter better in a rosette. Can live in one place for up to 10 years, subject to light feeding with complex mineral fertilizers. Excessive soil fertilization leads to yellowing of the leaves and flowering stops.

Raw materials are harvested during flowering. Seeds are collected from plants older than two years.

Preparation of raw materials and storage

Dry in the shade with intensive ventilation. Store for up to two years in canvas bags in a dry, dark place.

Blue meadow and field cornflowers have many beneficial properties, which have long been used in folk recipes. Pharmacognosy opens up new possibilities for plants that have an impact on human body healing effect. Thus, it has been established that the petals contain centaurine, which has beneficial influence on reproductive system men and is able to strengthen their strength. Preparations based on the plant act as an analgesic, diaphoretic, and diuretic. Used for colds, coughs, whooping cough. Nowadays, cornflowers are increasingly being planted in gardens.

Botanical information and harvesting conditions

Judging by the description, the meadow cornflower plant grows as an annual and perennial herb. Belongs to the Astrov family. The erect stem reaches 0.6 m. The sessile leaves are arranged alternately. Baskets of blue or light blue flowers are found at the top of the plant. Blooms in July. In August you can see gray achenes.

    Considered both a weed and medicinal plant simultaneously. Polevoy settles in fields where cereals grow, especially in rye. Lugovoi - in the meadows. Garden - in the gardens. You can find cornflowers throughout Russia. Depending on the variety, cornflower can be yellow, white, or even pink.

    Blue meadow cornflower is used for harvesting for medicinal purposes; only the outer flowers are removed during flowering. Mainly selected for drying natural conditions. Shade and ventilation – the necessary conditions in this process. A protracted process can deprive individual flowers of the harvest of blue coloring. These should be thrown away before storage. In damp weather, they resort to dryers with a temperature of about 50 °C. The dry collection has no odor, the taste is bitter and astringent. Store dry raw materials in cloth bags or cardboard boxes for no more than a year.

    Pharmacological properties

    The therapeutic effect of cornflower is due to the many useful substances. The table shows full list macro- and microelements contained in the plant, and their beneficial influence on the human body:

    Elements The benefits of components for the body
    ManganeseRegulates metabolism: protein, phosphorus, carbohydrate. Stimulates: iron absorption, hematopoiesis, insulin supply. Normalizes: the function of the sex glands, nervous system, functioning of the musculoskeletal system
    CopperPromotes oxygen transport cellular respiration, protein synthesis, education bone tissue. Tones the liver, spleen, lymphatic system. Retains water, which is useful for obese people
    ZincSynthesizes nucleic acids, insulin, hormones. Stores and transmits genetic information. Maintains normal concentrations of vitamin A. Participates in the treatment of anemia, oncological tumors, dermatitis, pathology of nails and hair. Prevents the development of senile dementia
    CobaltRegulates carbohydrate metabolism and the process of hematopoiesis. Synthesizes vitamin B. Protects against anemia
    ChromiumRegulates insulin activity. Inhibits the development of heart diseases and atherosclerosis
    NickelActivates hematopoiesis, insulin action, kidney activity, pituitary gland function. Preserves the structure of nucleic acids. Reduces arterial pressure. Deficiency slows down children's growth and increases blood sugar levels.
    VanadiumRegulates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Activates energy production. Helps reduce cholesterol. Absorber pathogenic microbes. Stimulates blood cell movement
    AluminumStimulates the processes of growth and development of bone and connective tissue. Activates the functioning of the digestive glands
    SeleniumProtects cells from poisons and arteries from clogging. Inhibits the aging process and the development of tumors. Regulates the work of the heart. Boosts immunity
    LeadParticipates in the growth and construction of bone tissue. It helps regulate hemoglobin concentration
    StrontiumThe properties of the element are comparable to how calcium acts on the body. Responsible for bone quality. Protects against osteoporosis
    BorImportant for normal function joints. Protects against the development of arthritis and arthrosis. Normalizes hormone levels (male and female). Boron helps absorb calcium and vitamin D. Protects against the formation of kidney stones. Strengthens the action of insulin
    PotassiumNormalizes the function of the nervous system, muscles, heart. Promotes absorption in the intestines. Improves blood circulation. Regulates water balance. Helps with constipation
    CalciumComponent of bone tissue. Helps blood clotting. Activates protective functions. Important for the nervous system
    IronResponsible for the acid-reduction processes of the body and the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Promotes oxygen transport
    MagnesiumHelps the body to be resilient and efficient, stimulating the nervous system and dilating blood vessels. Participates in energy and carbohydrate metabolism. Protects the body from seizures. Removes cholesterol and bile

    The plant also contains other active ingredients, which individually and together with macro- and microelements exhibit their medicinal properties.

    The following were also found in the marginal flowers:

    • Centaurin. This rare case its detection. And its importance has already been proven - it can prolong an erection and improve the quality of sexual intercourse.
    • Quercetin – has antihistamine, antiviral, anticancer, anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Apigenin and kaempferol - destroy cancer cells.
    • Luteolin – supports brain function.
    • Tannins – strengthen blood vessels, have a hemostatic and bactericidal effect.

    Cornflower preparations have the ability to increase appetite and relieve constipation. They are used as:

    • diuretic;
    • diaphoretic;
    • antimicrobial;
    • pain reliever;
    • antipyretic;
    • wound healing agent.


    Blue cornflower is used in folk medicine and for the treatment of jaundice, gout and colds. Helps expel worms. Medicines are taken orally and treated skin diseases while making compresses.

    Preparation folk recipes tabulated:

    Indications Quantity of raw materials Liquid quantity How long to infuse (hours or minutes) Dose Norm per day A course of treatment and special instructions
    Poor appetite and digestion, rheumatism, jaundice1 tsp. petals200 ml boiling water30 min50 ml3 times20 minutes before meals
    Cough, whooping cough, acute respiratory infections, fever, headaches, illnesses Bladder, colitis, gastritis, rapid heartbeat, pancreatic disease2 tbsp. l.2 tablespoons15–20 minutes before meals
    Edema due to kidney disease, inflammation of the bladder, edema of cardiac origin, cystitis, urethritis1 tsp. flowers200 mlHalf an hour50-100 ml3 timesHalf an hour before meals
    Dropsy2 tsp. petalsGlass of boiling water50 ml10-15 minutes before meals
    Constipation2 tsp. roots200 ml boiling water20 minutes1 tablespoon4 timesOn an empty stomach
    Lacrimation, wounds, boils, ulcers, eczema, diathesis1 tablespoon flowers400 ml boiling water1 hour- - Frequent lotions
    Tearing1 teaspoon dried flowers200 ml boiling water6-8 hours in a thermos4-5 drops3-4 timesBefore instillation, strain the decoction through a layer of cotton wool.
    Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, " night blindness", wounds, boils2 tbsp. l. dried or fresh flowers1 hour- 6-8 timesLotions
    Past heart disease100 g flowers2 cups olive oil20 days in a warm place in a dark container1 teaspoon1 timeDrink on an empty stomach, treatment course is 2 months***
    Liver diseases, bile stagnation, uterine bleeding, fever, cold, cough30 g flowers300 ml vodka14 days in a dark place30 drops3 timesOn an empty stomach in 20 minutes
    Tea to quench thirst and relieve headaches1 tsp. petals200 ml5 minutes.100 ml2 timesDrink like tea
    Cosmetology: hair fragility1 tbsp. l. fresh or dried petals250 ml vinegar, 250 ml water30 minutes- Rub into roots twice a dayRinse your hair before going to bed
    Cosmetology: oily skin50 g fresh petals500 ml boiling water1 hour- Wipe your face twice a dayStore the infusion in the refrigerator or freeze the cubes

    Notes: *** - new course permitted no earlier than six months later.

Meadow cornflower is a perennial herbaceous plant, belonging to the genus Cornflowers, the Asteraceae family (another name is Asteraceae). Considered a weed. The birthplace of this flower is Southern Europe. The color of the plant can be purple, pink, or less often white. On top of it you can see a cobwebby cover. Flowers are collected in baskets.

History of a flower

The ancient Greeks knew about cornflower. He was mentioned in Meleager's poem "Introduction to the Crown". Cornflower is familiar to many from children's fairy tales and poems. It was first brought to Europe along with rye. The Slavs decorated birthday sheaves with cornflowers and brought them home with songs. A sheaf entwined with cornflowers decorated the front corner of the hut and was a symbol of the harvest. The ornament in the form of ears of rye with cornflowers was popular among needlewomen.

meadow cornflower

There is one story in Russia. When I. Krylov suffered a stroke in 1823, Empress M. F. Romanova sent him a bouquet of flowers and invited him to Pavlovsk to improve his well-being. This touched the fabulist, and later the work “Cornflower” appeared, where he is a fading flower, and the empress is the sun.

Today this plant is used in folk medicine and has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The infusion is used for heart disease, pain in the head and stomach, and dropsy. An infusion of the plant's baskets can be used for eczema, when bathing a child with diathesis. If the herb is steamed, it can be applied to stretched muscles and tendons. The healing properties are due to the presence in cornflower of many useful elements: manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, chromium, nickel, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron.

Important! ABOUT therapeutic effect Not much is known about meadow cornflower, so you need to consult a doctor before you start using medications made from it. The use of such drugs is strictly contraindicated for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Meadow cornflower as a honey plant is drought-resistant, therefore it is just suitable for beekeepers during the dry summer period. As for honey productivity, in favorable time can produce approximately 110-120 kg of honey from 1 hectare of continuous land. Each flower contains about 5 “portions” of pollen. Bees readily collect it from this flower.

Bee collecting pollen

Basic botanical characteristics

The stem reaches a height of 1 m, branches in the upper part. At the tops there are inflorescences, which are equipped with a kind of tiled wrapper. The root system is taproot. The leaves are narrow, elongated, green, shiny due to small hairs. The lower leaves are on winged petioles, the middle and upper ones are sessile.

Inflorescences - baskets lilac color. There are 2 types of flowers: marginal - funnel-shaped, asexual. They attract pollinating insects to the middle, that is, to tubular flowers (second type), which have both stamens and pistil. The buds open upon contact with a pollinating insect and close until touched again. Belongs to the class Dicotyledons. The fruit is an achene without a tuft.

Description of the variety

It blooms in June-October, achenes ripen from July to October. Can propagate by seeds and vegetatively. If you get into a thicket of cornflowers, the surrounding stems will be waist-deep to a person.

For your information! Several hundred years ago, yellow paint was made from flowers.

Meadow cornflower can be found in many regions of Russia: the European part, Siberia, and the Far East. Grows in meadows, forests, along roads.

Known varieties and their descriptions

There are about 500 varieties of annual and perennial cornflowers in the world. What the flower looks like depends on what variety it belongs to and where it grows.


  • blue cornflower is a herbaceous plant that has a stem up to 85 cm long. Inflorescences are baskets of blue or blue flowers;
  • Musk cornflower differs from other annuals in its relatively small inflorescence. Its flowers look like small pompoms of various colors.

Musk cornflower


  • white - up to 30 cm with double flowers. Listed in the European Red Book;
  • mountain cornflower is the most known species, has lanceolate-shaped leaves of a grayish-green color. There are flowers in the middle purple, and then they become lighter;
  • large-headed - shrub up to 115 cm tall with yellow flowers;
  • oriental is a wild plant up to 115 cm high with yellow flowers on long petioles. Known since 1759;
  • Russian has ovate baskets, all flowers are light yellow. It will look good in the garden;
  • whitened. It got its name due to the color of the leaves. Such cornflowers pink flowers with a white center. Height up to 85 cm;
  • rough reaches a height of up to 1 m, flowers are red;
  • beautiful cornflower - height up to 25 cm, has round lilac flowers;
  • spreading cornflower. The length of the rough and grayish stem with cobwebby hairs is from 20 to 55 cm. It blooms in June-September.

White cornflower

These plants are also divided into low-growing and tall-growing flowers. The first includes beautiful, mountain, white cornflower, and the second includes large-headed, Russian cornflower.

Features of collection and storage

The inflorescences of meadow cornflower have found application in many areas. And the main thing here is to know how to pick them correctly:

  1. IN medical purposes buds without internal tubular flowers and roots are collected. You need to take those flowers that have fully bloomed. It is recommended to collect the seeds when the petals wither and the core becomes dark. Collection should be carried out in an environmentally friendly manner clean places. Therefore, it is not advisable to do this near roads and in other polluted places.
  2. The baskets are prepared during the entire flowering period, and the roots are collected in late autumn.
  3. Everything needs to be dried under a canopy in the shade or in well-ventilated areas. In order for the raw materials to dry evenly, you need to turn them over and make sure that there are no direct contacts with them. sun rays, because the flowers instantly fade and become white and lose theirs healing qualities. There are also special drying devices (in which the temperature is from 40 to 50 ° C), which will speed up the process and make drying better.

Important! Dry raw materials retain all their properties. It is stored for no more than 2 years in cloth bags or cardboard boxes.

Despite the fact that cornflower is a weed, it is popular among summer residents, beekeepers, and doctors. It contains many useful elements. Gardeners are attracted by its unpretentiousness (it only needs loosening the soil and regular watering). It is considered a good honey plant, which is important for beekeepers. For medical purposes, it is important to remember that before using drugs based on meadow cornflower, you should consult a doctor.

Often behind the external modesty of a plant lies a powerful healing power. This fact is clearly confirmed by meadow cornflower, which many consider a harmful weed because it looks rather inconspicuous. Let's try to reveal the secrets of this amazing but very useful plant.

Meadow cornflower: description, types and varieties

This variety of wild herbs was noticed many centuries ago by the famous naturalist C. Linnaeus, who was able to create a unique classification of plants. Meadow cornflower loves to settle on forest edges, in thickets of wild bushes, along roads, in open spaces of fields and meadows. In principle, this feature of the plant is reflected in its very name.

Meadow cornflower belongs to the family of Compositae plants. This is a perennial herb that favorable conditions can reach a height of more than a meter. The plant tolerates unfavourable conditions, so its habitat is constantly expanding.

The plant blooms almost throughout summer period, and its lilac-pink, sometimes white, inflorescences always attract bees. Therefore, meadow cornflower is recognized as one of the best honey plants.

When describing the plant, one cannot ignore its medicinal properties. The humble flower was noticed by herbalists in ancient times, after which it was healing properties began to be widely used in folk medicine. He enjoys authority among professional doctors.

Included healing solutions and others dosage forms cornflower is actively used for localization inflammatory processes. In addition, it stimulates the flow of bile well and is an effective diuretic.

Medicinal properties of the plant

Although the composition of meadow cornflower has not yet been fully studied, scientists have discovered a whole range of components beneficial for human health.

The most valuable elements:

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and other important vitamins;
  • tanning components (present in the rhizome of the perennial);
  • the substance centaurine, which is a bitter glycoside with an antipyretic and diuretic effect;
  • pectins;
  • resins;
  • phytoncides (block the development of infectious processes).

It is clear that such a set of natural ingredients is solid foundation beneficial properties that cornflower has in abundance. To verify this, it is enough to name several main qualities of the plant that are used for home treatment.