What are sedatives? Nervo-vit is the best sedative! List of sedatives for children

Neuroses and neurosis-like disorders develop, which significantly worsen the quality of life of the patient and those around him.

And here sedatives (from the Latin “sedatio” - calm), popularly known as sedatives and sedatives, come to the rescue. You will learn about them, the principles of their action, indications, contraindications and other characteristics from our article.

Effects of sedatives

These drugs activate, stimulate inhibition processes and/or weaken excitation processes in the cerebral cortex. In addition they:

  • regulate a number of the most important functions of the central nervous system, including higher nervous activity;
  • accelerate falling asleep, promote restful, deep sleep;
  • reduce feelings of anxiety;
  • enhance the effect of painkillers, sleeping pills and some other drugs.

Sedatives act mildly, do not have any serious side effects, are not addictive, and are well tolerated by the vast majority of patients. It is thanks to these effects that neurologists, psychiatrists and general practitioners, even despite the availability of many more modern and potent drugs, continue to prescribe medications from this group to their patients. They are especially often used in the treatment of pregnant women and the elderly.

It is worth noting that, due to the main effects of sedatives, during treatment with them you should exclude working with dangerous mechanisms and refuse to drive a car.


There are 2 main groups of sedatives. These are bromides (potassium and sodium) and herbal preparations (valerian, peony, motherwort and others). This also includes glycine, which, being a neurotransmitter, also has a sedative effect, among others. Let us consider each of the pharmacological groups of drugs in more detail.


They have been used in medicine since the mid-19th century in the form of sodium and potassium bromides. The active ingredient is bromine anion. The trade names of these products are similar to the names of the active ingredients.

To avoid irritating the intestines, bromine salts are used in the form of mixtures or solutions with starch mucus.

The mechanism of their action is based on the activation of inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex. Taken in large doses, they have an anticonvulsant effect, and in a toxic dose they lead to coma.

Accumulates in the blood, the half-life is about 12 days. Excreted primarily by the kidneys.

They are used for neuroses, neurasthenia, insomnia, especially with difficulty falling asleep, hysterical disorders, the initial stages of hypertension, as well as in the complex treatment of epilepsy.

Bromides are taken orally, before meals. Their dosage varies widely, ranging from 0.01-1 g per dose, and is selected individually. The frequency of administration is 3-4 times a day. The effect of these drugs is not noticeable from the first dose, it appears only after 3-4 days, gradually intensifies, and after the end of the course of treatment continues for several more days. Bromides are taken on an average day.

During treatment with these drugs, in order to enhance their effect, it is necessary to limit table salt in the diet, and in order to minimize side effects, strive for regular bowel movements, often take a shower or bath, and rinse the mouth.

With long-term use of large doses of bromides, chronic poisoning of the body, which is called bromism, is possible. Symptoms of this condition:

  • tremor of hands, tongue, eyelids;
  • drowsiness;
  • visual hallucinations;
  • memory impairment;
  • rave;
  • speech disorders;
  • deterioration or complete loss of appetite;
  • defecation disorders (constipation);
  • skin rash that looks like acne;
  • rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • bronchitis.

If these symptoms appear, bromide should be discontinued. To speed up its elimination from the body, the patient is recommended to take large volumes of liquid (3-5 liters per day) and a lot of table salt (2-3 tsp per day).

Herbal preparations

Preparations of valerian, motherwort, peony, and passionflower have a sedative effect.

Valerian vulgare

The healing properties of this plant were discovered in ancient times. It was believed that it was able to “control thoughts” and bring calm and complacency.

The effects of valerian are due to the essential oil contained in its roots, as well as some other active substances.

  • Stimulates the processes of inhibition and excitation, its effect is comparable to the simultaneous intake of bromide and caffeine.
  • Taken in large doses, valerian inhibits the functions of the reticular formation of the brain.
  • When taking sleeping pills, tranquilizers or antipsychotics at the same time, this medicinal plant enhances their effects.
  • Has a mild antispasmodic effect.
  • Reduces the heart rate, prevents the development of arrhythmias, lowers blood pressure, dilates coronary vessels, improving blood supply to the heart.

Valerian preparations are used for:

  • neurosis-like states, neuroses;
  • insomnia;
  • hysteria;
  • cardioneurosis;
  • mild arrhythmias;
  • in the complex treatment of angina pectoris, hypertension;
  • disorders associated with menopause;
  • diseases of the digestive system, manifested by spasmodic pain.

Dosages of the drug vary depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease. Its effect becomes noticeable minutes after administration.

Take 3-5 times a day, the course of treatment is 10 days.

Available in various dosage forms: tablets, capsules, in the form of an alcohol tincture, dry raw materials in filter bags or a general pack.


It has a more pronounced sedative effect than valerian. Eliminates tachycardia, prevents the development of heart rhythm disturbances, dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure.

It is used in the complex treatment of neuroses and neurosis-like conditions, cardioneurosis, neurocirculatory dystonia, angina pectoris, hypertension, thyrotoxicosis.

Available in the form of alcohol tincture, liquid extract and dry raw materials.

Take motherwort tincture, usually drops before meals, 3-4 times a day. An infusion is prepared from dry raw materials at home, which is then taken 1 tbsp. l. before meals 3-4 times a day.

There is a possibility of individual intolerance to this drug. In this case, it is not recommended to take it.

Peony officinalis

The biologically active substances contained in peony have a mild sedative effect. It is used for neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, insomnia, especially with difficulty falling asleep.

Release form: alcohol tincture. As a rule, a single dose of this drug is one drop, the frequency of its administration is 3-4 times a day, the treatment course is days.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Passionflower (passion flower)

The active components of this plant, in addition to the sedative, also have an anticonvulsant effect, and also successfully fight insomnia, suppress anxiety and improve the patient’s mood.

It is successfully used as part of the complex treatment of depressive and neurosis-like disorders, anxiety states, sleep disorders, disorders associated with menopause, VSD, and the initial stage of hypertension. Indicated for patients suffering from excessive irritability, experiencing psycho-emotional stress, and who have recently suffered a severe infectious disease.

The most widely used passionflower preparation today is called “Alora”. It is available in two dosage forms: syrup and tablets.

Take it before meals, 3-4 times a day. A single dose is usually 1-2 tablets or 5-10 ml of syrup.

In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is not recommended to take Alora. The syrup contains sucrose - this should be taken into account by people suffering from diabetes.

Combination drugs

Often, herbal sedatives contain not just one, but a whole complex of active substances. This determines their stronger action and versatile effects.

The most widely used drugs are:

  • Corvalol (contains valerian, peppermint, as well as phenobarbital and alcohol);
  • Valocormid (contains valerian, belladonna, lily of the valley, sodium bromide, menthol);
  • Dormiplant (its components are lemon balm leaves and valerian root);
  • Novo-passit (includes St. John's wort, valerian and guaifenesin);
  • Menovalen (contains valerian and peppermint);
  • Persen (ingredients – valerian, peppermint, lemon balm);
  • Persen cardio (contains passionflower and hawthorn);
  • Sedariston (contains St. John's wort, lemon balm and valerian);
  • Sedasen (valerian, lemon balm and mint);
  • Trivalumen (contains valerian, hops, mint and trifoliate) and others.


This is a non-essential amino acid involved in a number of physiological processes in the human body. Based on its effects, this drug can be classified into three pharmacological groups: nootropics, protein and amino acid preparations, and sedatives.

Easily penetrating most tissues and fluids of the body, including the brain, glycine has the following effects:

  • normalizes the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system;
  • eliminates irritability;
  • eliminates depressive disorders;
  • increases performance;
  • improves sleep, speeds up falling asleep;
  • helps improve blood circulation in brain tissue;
  • regulates the tone of the sympathetic nervous system.

It is used for stress, hyperexcitability, neurosis-like conditions and neuroses, psycho-emotional stress, reduced mental performance, neurocirculatory dystonia, sleep disorders, as well as in the complex treatment of the consequences of traumatic brain injuries and neuroinfections, encephalopathies, ischemic stroke.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to this medicinal substance.

Available in the form of tablets of various dosages.

The daily dose of the drug is on average 0.3 g, divided into 2-3 doses, the course of treatment is up to 1 month. Glycine is taken sublingually, that is, dissolved under the tongue.


Sedatives are still widely used today. They inhibit excitation processes in the cerebral cortex, and, on the contrary, stimulate inhibition processes. They have virtually no contraindications and no side effects. Well tolerated by the vast majority of patients.

The most common sedatives in our pharmacy network are herbal preparations; there are many names of them. Part of this group of drugs also includes the amino acid glycine, which, similar to sedatives, affects the processes of inhibition and excitation, and in addition to this, increases performance and improves learning ability.

Of course, sedative drugs act quite mildly, so for any serious diseases they are not used as an independent remedy, but they occupy a worthy place in complex treatment, often potentiating the effects of drugs from other groups. In any case, they must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.

List of sedatives

The influence of external unfavorable factors such as stress, nervous and physical overload leads to an imbalance between the processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system, resulting in the development of stable neuroses and neurasthenia. Calming medications normalize the nervous system and help restore lost balance. This article contains a list of sedative drugs that are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Modern drugs in this category are divided into four main groups: herbal (herbal), bromides, combination drugs and tranquilizers (not considered, available by prescription).

Herbal sedatives

They are among the most inexpensive in cost: they improve mood, reduce symptoms of depression, increase performance, relieve neurasthenic conditions, and normalize sleep. The list of sedative drugs in this group includes herbal medicines based on extracts from medicinal herbs.

List of Herbal Tablets

1. "Deprim". Manufacturer: Sandoz, Switzerland. The active component is hypericin (extract from St. John's wort). 300 mg/30 pcs./220 rub.

2. “Valerian tab. covered with film." Produced by Pharmstandard-Tomsk. Active ingredient: roots and rhizomes of valerian. Cost 20 mg/50 pcs./30 rub.

  • an analogue with a stronger effect is “Valerian Forte”. Manufacturer: Ozon company Price 40 mg/50 pcs./130 rub.

All of the above medications are taken three to five times a day after meals. "Valerian Forte" 1 piece 3 times a day. Duration of treatment is up to 10 days.

3. “Peony grass in a tab.” Produced by: Vifitech (Russia). 150 mg / 30 pcs. / 77 rub. Take before meals twice a day. The course is from three weeks to a month.

List of herbal medicines - alcohol tinctures

1. "Valerian". Manufacturer: "Flora of the Caucasus". Cost per bottle 25ml / 22 rubles.

2. Motherwort. Produced by: Tver pharmaceutical factory. 25ml/22 rub.

  • an analogue of the more powerful Motherwort Forte. Produced by "Evalar". Contains excipients: magnesium and vitamin B6. Drink a drop before meals 3-4 times a day. 0.5g/40 pcs./142 rub.

3. “Peony officinalis.” Manufacturer: Ecolab (Russia). Bottle 25ml/ 20 rub. The course is about a month, drops three times a day.

4. "Neuroplant". Manufacturer: Dr. Wilmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. (German Representative Office in Russia). The active substance is St. John's wort extract. 300 ml / 20 pcs. /388 rub. Drink three times a day for a month.

5. Soothing collection “Fitosedan” No2 in filter bags. Ingredients: licorice herb, valerian, mint, motherwort, hops. Manufacturer: ST - Medipharm. 20 pieces, 2 grams each / 83 rubles.

Combined sedative medications

This section lists combination sedatives that have proven effective to date. For their production, natural medicinal raw materials and chemical components are used, which successfully complement and enhance the medicinal properties of medicinal herbs.

List of drugs in tablets

1. "Dormiplant". Homeopathic remedy based on lemon balm leaves and valerian root. Manufacturer: "German Homeopathic Union" (Germany). You can take 2 tablets twice a day, regardless of meals.

2. “Novo-passit”. A medicine containing extract of elderberry flowers, valerian, hawthorn fruit and guaifenesin. Manufacturer: “Teva” (Israel). 30 pcs./489 rubles. Take with food 3 times a day, 2-3 pieces for two weeks.

3. "Persen". Manufacturer: Sandoz Switzerland. Based on lemon balm, mint, valerian. Available in two forms for daytime use “Persen” and for insomnia “Persen night”, in packages of 10, 20, 40, 60 pieces. A pack of “Persen” in the amount of 20 pieces costs 225 rubles, “Persen night” in the same quantity costs 397 rubles.

4. “Corvalol in tablets.” Manufacturer: Pharmstandard. There are 20 pieces in a pack / 135 rubles.

List of combination medications in drop or solution form

Dosages of drops according to the instructions for each person are selected individually and may vary depending on age, weight and type of disease.

1. "Valocordin". (Crevel Meuselbach GMBH - Germany). Contains mint and hop oil. Recommended for cardiac neuroses and irritability. Available in bottles of 20 and 50 ml. Price 20 ml / 124 rub.

2. "Corvalol". In bottles of 15/25/50 ml. Manufacturer: Pharmstandard. Contains: phenobarbital and peppermint oil. The drug calms and normalizes heart rate. The cost of drops is 25 ml/22 rubles.

3. “Drops of Zelenin.” Manufactured by: Moscow Pharmaceutical Factory. The composition includes tincture of belladonna, lily of the valley, valerian, levomenthol. Relieves excessive nervous excitability and manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Attention! Children under 18 years old are not allowed. Bottle 25 ml/84 rub. Take drops exactly as directed three times a day.

4. "Valoserdin". Production: Moscow pharmaceutical factory. Contains peppermint oil, hop fruit extract. Bottles of 15, 25, 50 ml. The cost of 25 milliliters is 85 rubles.

5. “Novo-passit”. Manufactured by: Teva Israel. Oral solution 100 ml/213 r. or 200 ml/320 rubles.

Sedatives - bromides

Medicines containing bromine have a strong sedative effect. When using a list of sedative bromide drugs, it is important to follow the exact dosage specified in the instructions. The active substance is bromine anion. To have a gentle effect on the intestines, mucous starch is added to medications. Allergic reactions are possible. Bromine accumulates in the blood, and only 50% of it is removed from the body in about two weeks.

Bromide preparations in tablet form

1. “Dobrokam.” Produced by: Irbitsky Chemical Plant. Active substance: bromocamphor. Take after meals strictly according to the instructions, dosage depends on age. Course days. Pack of 30 pcs./153 rub.

2. "Adonis bromine." Manufacturer: “Vifitech” Russia. Main active ingredients: adonis extract, potassium bromide. Take 1 unit three times a day. Packaging price 20 pieces/70 rubles.

List of nootropic sedatives

The list includes two effective sedatives “Tenoten” and “Glycine”, which not only normalize the psycho-emotional state, but also improve brain function, stimulate memory and performance. During the daytime they help you stay alert, do not cause drowsiness, and in the evening they help you fall asleep easily.

1. “Tenoten”. Produced by: “Materia Medica” Russia. Release form: homeopathic lozenges. Take 2 times a day. Cost 40 pcs/215 rub. 1-2 units before or after meals. Course 1-3 months.

2. "Glycine". Production: "Biotics" Russia. The active substance is glycine. For sublingual resorption. Take 1 unit three times a day from two weeks to a month. Price 50 pcs/39 rub.

In the list of sedative drugs, prices are indicated as of the date of writing - April 2017 (according to monitoring data from large pharmacy chains). The drug review is posted for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate!

Sedatives, hypnotics, sedatives

General information

Currently, the pace of life is so fast that most people from time to time require sedatives, which can not only reduce the effects of stress, but also improve the condition of the nervous system. Nerves, as we know, are not made of iron, and constant stress leads to irritability, insomnia and other symptoms.

However, many people, at best, ask their pharmacist about which sedatives are best to take. Even more often, they independently “prescribe” to themselves what they think is a good remedy, sometimes a potent one. However, even natural and folk remedies should not be used without first consulting a doctor.

A complete list of anti-anxiety medications, as well as information about which anti-anxiety medications and when to take them, can be found online. But, despite the information content of such materials, they should be taken as texts for reference, and not as instructions to take certain sedatives, drops, quick-acting tablets or sedative injections. The sedative effect - what it is and how it manifests itself, the doctor will tell you in more detail. Below are described sedatives of different prices and approximately the same strength of effect on the body.

Drugs that calm the nervous system

Drugs that can calm the nervous system are also called sedatives. Sedatives for depression and other nervous system disorders are usually used with a doctor’s prescription. A specialist should prescribe medications not only for depression, but also for other disorders.

These medications increase inhibition in the nervous system, weaken manifestations of excitement and aggression in it, relieving irritability and tearfulness. Also, under their influence, the autonomic nervous system returns to normal: the intensity of the heartbeat decreases, sweating and trembling decrease, and intestinal spasms become less pronounced.

In addition, sedative drops and other types of medications help you fall asleep, even though sedative drops are not a sleeping pill. That is why, after taking them, the rhythm of the cerebral cortex does not slow down. However, they speed up the process of falling asleep, reduce high sensitivity to external stimuli, and reduce excitability.

When using sedatives for the nervous system of an adult or for adolescents, you need to take into account that in combination with such drugs, the effect of antipsychotics, sleeping pills, analgesics, antidepressants, etc. is enhanced. Therefore, even sedative herbs for the nervous system of an adult should be used carefully in combination with other medications.

A properly selected nerve sedative for women and men can be used to treat neuroses and neurasthenia. For both women and men, such remedies are used to overcome sleep disorders and insomnia. But to choose the best product for men and women, you should consult a doctor.

Sleeping pills

Sleeping pills are necessary for those people who do not benefit from other methods used at home to get a good night's sleep. But, despite the fact that sleep disturbances lead to a serious deterioration in well-being, the strongest sleeping pills are not always required to normalize the condition. Moreover, you can buy strong sleeping pills in pharmacies only with a prescription.

But many people who are worried about insomnia often try to independently find a natural, harmless remedy to normalize sleep. In fact, it is possible to find strong sleeping pills without a prescription, since a fairly wide list of sleeping pills without a prescription is currently offered. In addition, even mild sedatives help improve sleep.

Those who are interested in what sleeping pills can be bought at the pharmacy should note that initially you still need to consult a doctor. After all, it is important to choose a cure for insomnia individually. It must be appropriate for the patient's age. Thus, medications for insomnia for older people should be selected so as to take into account all contraindications and side effects. Sometimes, for older people to sleep, it is enough to take mild sleeping pills with a sedative effect. Such non-addictive medications for insomnia usually contain herbal ingredients.

Sleeping pills are offered in pharmacies in a wide range. Some of them, in particular those based on herbs, are quite effective and at the same time safe. But before you buy strong pills without a prescription, you need to know not only their names, but also study the instructions for use in detail, take into account contraindications and side effects.

Mostly over-the-counter night sleep pills are sold if they are made from herbs. However, even such drugs are not always completely safe. Therefore, those who want to choose pills for insomnia without addiction should take such medications strictly according to the schedule and no longer than the permissible period of time.

Many herbs for sleep are popular for adults because they act gently, but at the same time, such sleeping pills soothe, normalize falling asleep, and help make sleep calm and sound. Therefore, it is most optimal to use such sleeping pills at home.

To choose a good quick-acting sleeping pill for children, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is the specialist who will tell you how this or that drug works, and at what age you can take such medications. For example, the medicine Persen is approved for children from 3 years old, Dormiplant - from 6 years old. It is important to consider that any sleeping pills in drops or tablets can provoke allergic reactions in children. Therefore, before giving your child medicine in tablets or odorless drops, you need to find out how to make his sleep deep and restful without medications.

One should also take into account the fact that strong sleeping pills act quickly, but after it the person wakes up after a relatively short period of time. Therefore, when purchasing drops or tablets without a prescription, you need to carefully read the description of the method of use and dosage.

Taking into account all the points described above, a patient who wants to choose a non-addictive sleeping pill over the counter should consult a doctor. Indeed, at present there are non-addictive sleeping pills of a new generation. They allow you to sleep better at night and promote efficient work during the day.

It is important to realize that taking strong sleeping pills in high doses can even kill you. Therefore, those medications that are sold by prescription (neuroleptics, psychotropic drugs, etc.) should never be taken uncontrolled.

Sedatives without prescriptions

In the same way, any sedative pills and even herbs should ideally be prescribed only by a specialist. After all, a person who wants to take pills to calm the nervous system, believing that he just needs to calm down and drink something “for his nerves,” may actually develop a serious illness. In particular, constant irritability and excitability may indicate the development of a mental disorder, hormonal disorders, or diseases of internal organs.

Despite this, most people decide to independently choose pills that calm their nerves, relying on reviews from friends and recommendations from pharmacists who readily recommend over-the-counter products.

Currently, the list of sedative pills without a prescription is quite impressive and is constantly expanding. Therefore, in order to choose good strong herbal sedative tablets without a hypnotic effect, you need to know more about what anti-anxiety drugs are - sedatives.

Those medications that belong to the group of sedatives rarely have side effects. If you take such drugs, dependence and addiction do not develop. That is why you can buy the best sedative in pharmacies without a prescription. They are also sometimes used as an over-the-counter pain reliever.

However, it is difficult to determine which sedative is the most effective, because medications must be selected individually, depending on the symptoms. And if the best sedatives for women and men help you find reviews or ratings, this is still not the right way to select a medicine. After all, sometimes people take too strong drugs, when they can get by with weaker ones.


There is a large list of drugs for almost every letter that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. Various reviews of sedatives can be found online, as those who have tried to find a good and effective sedative often share their experiences.

Reviews about which particular strong remedies for women and men should be taken should still be taken only as additional information about the drug. Particular care should be taken when choosing such medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Herbal sedatives

Preparations that contain only plant components are the safest both for the body and from an environmental point of view. A herbal sedative puts less strain on the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Herbal remedies are effective even if they contain one component or several at once. So, in the pharmacy you can buy a special collection of herbs, and herbal teas are also offered. Some of them can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Herbal teas - the best herbal sedatives

But it should be taken into account that sedative tinctures are also not suitable for everyone. So, if a tincture of 5 sedative herbs is used, it is necessary to take into account contraindications for each of the components. After all, herbs that calm the nervous system may also have contraindications, and their use may cause side effects. Herbs to calm the nervous system must be used correctly, following the instructions for use. But in many cases, they can significantly improve the condition of a patient who does not require the strongest sedative (Phenibut is a general sedative, etc.).

  • Medicines based on valerian are made from the roots, rhizomes, and less often from the stem and leaves. In some preparations, in addition to valerian, other soothing herbs are used (for example, the soothing herbs Leovit, Tsentralya, etc.). Valerian is included in the capsules Valevigran, Dream Book (a mixture of valerian and vitamins), bags for making tea, briquettes from the rhizome, and valerian tablets are also produced. Alcohol tincture is more effective compared to tablets, but it is better not to use it during lactation. This is a relatively cheap product. Valerian preparations reduce nervous excitability, normalize sleep, and reduce intestinal spasms. When taking large doses, you can reduce your heart rate and even provoke bradycardia.
  • There are other sedative herbs. Preparations based on passionflower incarnate (passionflower) are used to normalize sleep. Passionflower tablets are prescribed in the complex treatment of neurasthenia (anxiety, fear, irritability). Passionflower contains flavonoids and alkaloids, it has a mild anticonvulsant and antispasmodic effect. This component is included in medications used for menopause (Alora, etc.). Although this remedy belongs to the category of “homeopathy”, the indications for use are also defined as follows: depressive states, anxiety, sleep disorders. The instructions suggest that passionflower tablets are taken three times a day, the duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor. Price – from 70 rub.
  • A medicine for calming the nervous system from motherwort is an alcohol tincture, drops that include lily of the valley and motherwort, tablets with motherwort extract, and herbal tea.
  • Those who are interested in how to calm down after experiencing a nervous breakdown should pay attention to peony tincture and peony extract, which are recommended to drink for neurasthenia and VSD. Natural preparations that include St. John's wort (Neuroplant, Deprim, Negrustini, etc.) provide calmness and act as an antidepressant. Negrustin and other herbal preparations can be purchased without a prescription.

Photos and pictures of drugs and medicinal herbs can be found on the Internet.

Combined herbal remedies

Combination medicines contain several herbs. Such sedatives can be purchased without a prescription at pharmacies. The list of combined type sedatives is large. But, before purchasing such herbal medicines, you should consider that combined sedatives are medicines that combine the effects of different plants, complementing one plant with another. Before you start taking such medications, you should learn more about what sedatives are - what they are, what the sedative effect is, etc.


The composition of the product that calms the nerves includes hops, oats, motherwort, sweet clover, coriander, and lemon balm. The base is alcohol.

Indicated to relieve tension, anxiety, nervousness, improve sleep, and reduce fatigue. Produced in capsules and alcohol tincture.

Contraindications: do not use during breastfeeding, with a low level of blood clotting. It is not advisable to take Fitosed during pregnancy, as well as for drivers behind the wheel.

You need to drink the product 1 tsp. 3-4 r. per day, the last dose is before bedtime. The course of treatment can last up to 30 days. Shake before use.

Phytosedan 1, 2, Phytosedan 3

Phytosedan 1 contains valerian, motherwort, thyme, and oregano. Phytosedan 2 contains motherwort, hops, peppermint, licorice, and valerian.

Reviews indicate that the collection provides a calming, analgesic effect.

The instructions for Fitosedan 2 stipulate that the drug is taken for sleep disorders, VSD, migraines, high blood pressure (as part of complex therapy), neuroses, and menopause.

Do not use if you are hypersensitive to the components. Allergic manifestations are possible as side effects.

All fees must be taken after preparing a drink: 2 tbsp. l. herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain, bring the volume to 200 ml, take half a glass before meals (half an hour before) 4 r. in a day.

Phytosedan 3 contains oregano, sweet clover, motherwort, valerian, and thyme. The instructions for Fitosedan 3 suggest similar indications and method of use. Reviews indicate the effectiveness of the collection for sleep disorders, irritability, and nervousness.

The package contains 20 filter bags or 50 g of collection. Price – from 70 rub.

Persen, Persen Forte

Persen tablets contain valerian, peppermint, and lemon balm. Persen contains 50 mg of valerian, Persen Forte - 125 mg.

Persen is available in tablets (40 pcs.), Persen Forte - in capsules (10, 20, 40 pcs.), Persen night - in capsules (20 pcs.). These tablets for neurosis can be bought at the pharmacy without a prescription.

Indicated for use in people with irritability and nervousness. Helps you fall asleep quickly, makes sleep deeper, and has a positive effect on depression.

The use of the drug is contraindicated in cases of fructose intolerance, lactase deficiency, low blood pressure, and inflammatory processes of the bile ducts. It is not prescribed for pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as for children under three years of age (tablets) and under 12 years of age (capsules).

As a side effect, allergies may occur; if you use the product for a long time, constipation is possible.

You need to take 1-2 tablets. 2-3 times a day. For insomnia, take 1 tablet before bedtime. These medications should not be taken for longer than 2 months.

The cost of Persen is from 220 rubles.


Novo-Passit contains lemon balm, valerian, St. John's wort, hawthorn, passionflower, elderberry, and guaifenesin. Produced in the form of tablets and solution.

Those who are interested in how to quickly calm their nerves should note that Novo-Passit produces a calming effect. Guaifenesin, like other anti-anxiety components, reduces the severity of fears, anxiety, and excitement.

You can take the remedy for neuroses, headaches associated with overwork, and sleep disorders. This drug can also treat migraines, insomnia, menopause, irritable bowel syndrome, and dermatoses associated with psychological overload.

Children under 12 years of age, as well as patients with allergies, myasthenia gravis, liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract, and epilepsy should not be treated with this drug.

You need to drink 1 tablet or 5 ml of syrup three times a day, drink before meals. For those who experience nausea when taking it, it is better to take the medicine with food.

Cost – from 200 rubles.


Used to normalize sleep and with increased levels of nervousness.

The drug should not be given to children under 6 years of age, as well as with high sensitivity, during pregnancy and lactation, and with renal failure. Despite its mild effect, the drug can cause drowsiness and reduces the speed of psychomotor reactions, so it is not recommended for those who drive.

Allergic reactions may occur as side effects.

Anti-neurosis tablets should be taken twice a day, 2 pcs. If there are problems falling asleep, in order to normalize sleep, you need to drink 2 tablets at night, half an hour before bedtime.

Cost – from 350 rubles.

Alvogen Relax

You need to take it according to the regimen prescribed by your doctor.

Alcohol solutions

When choosing a medication for stress, to calm your nerves, you must follow your doctor's recommendations and choose the form of medication that is optimal.

If tablets for irritability and nervousness or plant-based tablets for stress and anxiety are more convenient to use, then alcohol-based medications for irritability and nervousness provide a pronounced reduction in the excitation of the nervous system, and also help with palpitations. Such drugs for stress and nerves are produced in the form of drops that dissolve in water. Every medicine for stress, depression and anxiety in the form of an alcohol solution is perceived by many as heart drops.


Patients who ask specialists how to calm the nervous system are sometimes prescribed Valocordin (Milocordin).

The composition includes the following substances: hop oil, peppermint oil, phenobarbital, bromoisovaleric acid ester.

Valocordin is suitable for those who are interested in how to choose the most effective and cheapest medicine for nerves. It helps with insomnia, cardiac neuroses, anxiety and fear.

Should not be used if the liver or kidneys are impaired, during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Side effects may include dizziness and drowsiness. A person who has been using this remedy for a long time may experience apathy, depression, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, impaired motor coordination, and hemorrhagic diathesis. Drivers should be warned about the effect of the drug on reaction speed.

Cost – from 70 rub.


Corvalol contains phenobarbital, peppermint oil, and ethyl bromizovalerianate.

Since the list of ingredients is close to Valocordin, the product acts almost the same, but its influence is not as powerful.

Corvalol acts as a sedative and mild sleeping pill. Helps relieve spasms of heart vessels and capillaries; when taken, the heartbeat becomes less frequent, therefore, like other heart medications, it can be used to improve the condition of cardiovascular disorders (arterial hypertension, VSD). It is prescribed to those for whom the question of how to relieve nervous tension due to vegetative-vascular dystonia is relevant. Also acts as an intestinal antispasmodic.

Drops should not be used by children under 3 years of age, tablets should not be used by adolescents under 18 years of age. Also, the drug is not used for liver and kidney failure, pregnancy, lactation. Drops are not prescribed for brain diseases or traumatic brain injuries.

When taken, symptoms of allergies, drowsiness, dizziness, slow heart rate, and decreased blood pressure are possible. If used for a long time, addiction may develop.

The product is relatively cheap - from 70 rubles.

Zelenin drops

The composition includes a mixture of tinctures of belladonna, valerian, lily of the valley, and levomenthol. Previously, these drops were called “Kremlin”, since they were often used by the highest ranks of the USSR.

Prescribed for VSD, chronic heart failure, if there is increased excitability, gastrointestinal spasms, renal colic, biliary dyskinesia, loss of appetite.

Price – from 80 rub.


For those who are interested in what to drink for nerves and stress, the doctor can prescribe the medicine Valosedan, under the influence of which the central nervous system is inhibited. Its effect is ensured by the presence of sodium barbital, hawthorn, hops, rhubarb, and valerian.


Prescribed for cardiac neuroses with bradycardia. The composition includes sodium bromide, valerian, belladonna, lily of the valley, menthol. It can be taken as a medicine for stress, nerves and anger.


The composition includes phenobarbital, bromoisovaleric acid, ethyl ester, peppermint and oregano oils. Suitable for those who are interested in how to calm the nerves, lower the heart rate, and reduce intestinal spasms. The drug is indicated for cardioneurosis, in which there is pain in the heart and increased heart rate. Also used for high blood pressure, insomnia, and intestinal colic.


The composition includes valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort. The instructions for Sedariston indicate that this remedy is effective for vegetative manifestations of neuroses. Price – from 200 rub.


The product is indicated for restoring normal sleep in chronic stress. The composition includes plant components - lavender, orange flowers, mint leaves, valerian rhizomes, licorice root, hop cones. The mixture is used to prepare sleep tea for adults.


Drops and tablets for depression contain different components. There is now a very wide range of pills available for depression and stress. Among these drugs are bromides.

Bromides, which contain bromine, help enhance inhibitory processes in the brain, leading to a balance between the processes of inhibition and excitation.

As a rule, these are inexpensive products that are produced as a liquid medicine - in the form of drops or mixtures. The instructions for such drugs contain a note that if large doses are taken uncontrolled, a person may develop poisoning - bromism. People who have had such poisoning experience lacrimation, snot, dry cough, and skin rash.

Adonis Brom

The product in tablet form contains potassium bromide and spring adonis glycoside. These tablets for stress and nerves provide a sedative and cardiotonic effect, reduces heartbeat during VSD.

The drug is contraindicated for bradycardia, angina pectoris, peptic ulcer disease, lactation and pregnancy. Adonis Bromine is not prescribed to adolescents under 18 years of age, as well as to people with fructose intolerance.

During use, digestive disorders, weakness, allergies, skin rashes, cough, conjunctivitis, apathy, and rhinitis are possible.

You need to take 1 tablet three times a day.

Cost – from 90 rubles.


It is used for nervous disorders, produces a calming effect, improves heart function, and activates inhibition processes in the brain.

Not prescribed for children under 7 years of age, with high sensitivity, liver and kidney failure.

Adults should drink 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Children over 10 years old – 1 tablet. 2-3 times a day, children under 10 years old - 1 tablet. 2 times a day. The course of therapy is up to 2 weeks.

Price - from 70 rub.

Other groups

Modern sedatives may contain different active ingredients.


Magnesia is a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate, which is known as a medicine used for hypertensive crises and increased ICP. If such a drug is injected into a vein, it will act as a sleeping pill or a sedative, depending on what doses were administered. This remedy reduces pain in the uterus and intestines, relieves spasm of smooth muscles.

An overdose can lead to poisoning, in which case calcium chloride must be administered. Magnesia in tablets and ampoules should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and as prescribed in the instructions.

Price – from 30 rub.


Phenibut tablets are sold only with a doctor's prescription.

This is aminophenyl butyric acid hydrochloride - a nootropic. Under its influence, there is an improvement in the nutrition of neurocytes and acceleration of the nerve impulse. The drug also exhibits sedative properties - it reduces anxiety and tension, and helps normalize sleep.

The drug is used before surgical interventions to enhance the effects of anesthesia. This remedy is also prescribed in combination with sleeping pills, since Phenibut enhances their effect. Helps eliminate systemic dizziness and headaches.

Not prescribed for children under 2 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation, with liver failure, individual intolerance, peptic ulcer.

Long-term use, which causes side effects, requires monitoring of blood counts and liver condition.

The course of treatment lasts up to 3 weeks, you need to take 1-2 pcs after meals three times a day. Children take it as prescribed by doctors and in the dosage prescribed in the treatment regimen.

To prevent motion sickness, you need to take 1-2 tablets an hour before the expected motion sickness.

Cost – from 130 rubles.


The drug Afobazol is a tranquilizer, which is sometimes called a sedative. Despite the fallacy of this definition, the medicine still acts as a sedative. Reduces tearfulness, anxiety, irritability, helps to relax, improves falling asleep.

These pills help with fear and anxiety. Like other pills for fear and anxiety, Afobazol lowers heart rate, eliminates hand tremors, intestinal colic, rapid breathing, sweating, and dizziness. These anti-fear and anxiety pills can be purchased without a prescription.

The product is contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 18 years of age, and people with hypersensitivity.

If you take these pills for a very long time, allergic reactions may occur.

You need to drink after meals, three times a day for 4 weeks.

Price – from 370 rub.


These tablets contain antibodies to a specific protein of the central nervous system, reduce irritability, nervous tension, and ensure restoration of the emotional background. In this case, lethargy does not develop, and soporific properties are not noted.

Prescribed for diseases of psychosomatic origin, stress, irritability, neuroses, autonomic disorders, to strengthen the nervous system.

The drug is not prescribed for cases of hypersensitivity or for children under 18 years of age.

No side effects were noted.

In between meals, you need to take 1-2 tablets, keeping them in your mouth until completely dissolved. You can take 2-4 tablets a day, the course of treatment lasts up to 3 months.


Sleeping pill and sedative. Indicated for neurotic conditions.

Noxiron does not cause immediate sleep, it acts after a minute, the effect lasts up to 8 hours.

The drug is compatible with other sedatives and hypnotics.

Side effects are rare, allergic reactions are possible.

It should not be taken for a long time, as the drug is addictive.

Homeopathic remedies

Natural homeopathic medicines are products that contain herbal ingredients and sweeteners. These sedative and sleep tablets are recommended to be dissolved in the mouth to ensure rapid action. Sleeping pills, reviews of which are available online, work effectively. They help get rid of anxiety, calm down during a nervous breakdown, provide relaxation and reduce anxiety.

Homeopathy offers a wide range of such medicines. But, despite the fact that there is widespread advertising of such drugs, no rating, forum or reviews, which the Internet is rich in, should encourage a person to start treatment with one or another drug. This means that before you start taking it, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Calm down

Homeopathic remedy tablets Calm are prescribed for increased excitability, irritability, neuroses, in which there is a negative impact of this condition on the cardiovascular system.

Calm tablets, the instructions for use of which provide for their sale without a prescription, cannot be used during lactation and pregnancy, high sensitivity, and under the age of 18 years.

Calm tablets, reviews of which indicate effectiveness, should be used sublingually, 5 granules every day or 1 tablet before meals. Reception lasts up to 2 months. How long it should take the drug is determined by a specialist.

Price – from 120 rub.


Contains passionflower extract. A calming and anticonvulsant effect is noted. The tablets reduce anxiety and irritability.

Not prescribed for children under 3 years of age or people with hypersensitivity. Caution should be used with sedatives, anticonvulsants, and hypnotics. Alora medicine should not be perceived as harmless - it is not advisable to take it with alcohol.

Allergic manifestations may occur during administration.

Price – from 220 rub.


Tablets are used for increased nervous excitability, difficulty falling asleep, and neuroses during menopause.

Nervochel is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age. During pregnancy and lactation, you can drink only after approval from your doctor.

Allergic reactions may occur as side effects.

Should be taken sublingually, 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Price – from 380 rub.


Allergic reactions may occur.

You need to take 8 granules 5 times a day.


Thus, there are a large number of sedatives that are available in different forms (tablets, capsules, tincture, drops, etc.). Some of them can be purchased without a prescription.

There are also folk remedies - infusions, herbal teas. Each herbal tea, the effect of which is aimed at relieving anxiety and irritability, must also be used according to the scheme recommended by a specialist.

It is recommended to take vitamins to compensate for the deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body, which can also lead to increased nervousness. It is also important to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise, pay attention to nutrition and try to get rid of bad habits.

Education: Graduated from Rivne State Basic Medical College with a degree in Pharmacy. Graduated from Vinnitsa State Medical University named after. M.I. Pirogov and internship at his base.

Work experience: From 2003 to 2013 – worked as a pharmacist and manager of a pharmacy kiosk. She was awarded diplomas and decorations for many years of conscientious work. Articles on medical topics were published in local publications (newspapers) and on various Internet portals.

It’s not listed here, but I can also recommend a good remedy for nervousness and insomnia. For several years now, if problems arise, I’ve been taking the tryptophan calm formula, the result is pleasing. I sleep like a baby, and I don’t yell at everyone, as often happens. And also , I know that simple valerian helps a lot, so as an option, it’s quite possible to try this

When I have PMS, I destroy everything in my path, it’s PMS. Any little thing can make me angry, and I can’t help myself at all. My husband says that until I drink Relaxen and calm down, he’s afraid to come near me But on other days I don’t drink sedatives at all, my mood is normal. That's how it is.

I decided to choose a sedative for myself, initially I wanted a herbal one - these are all sorts of teas, tinctures, not very practical, but the tinctures have a very strong aroma, I can’t drink it. I started searching and reading further, came across information from Motherwort Forte, looked at the composition, a good natural one is also enriched with magnesium with B6. I bought it. In general, my disturbed sleep (long periods of falling asleep, waking up in the morning and not getting back to sleep) began to improve. At first it became easier to fall asleep, and then the rest of the time returned to normal. No wonder I spent a long time choosing and hit the mark the first time. My rationality has never failed me.

Every year I drink tryptophan for myself. It is harmless and very helpful in moments when self-control is needed, the mood is always sunny, despite the weather and all sorts of failures. Don’t get depressed, it’s better to bring your nervous system back to normal in advance.

Things didn’t work out for me with Persen either - the side effects began to be unpleasant. So I switched to Herbastress, it was already mentioned, and I’m taking it now. It turned out to be quite a worthy remedy - the components were optimally selected: passionflower, oats, hops, chamomile - they all help calm and improve the condition of the nervous system. Ginseng also has a good effect on me - thanks to it I am in good shape, I work like a bee :)

I have had problems with sleep for a long time, but only recently I decided to “fight” it. Initially, I looked towards Melaxen, but learned in time that it might not have the best effect on the endocrine system, so I opted for the Herbastress Night complex - based on plant components (hops, valerian) and amino acids with vitamin B6. After a week from the start of taking it, I can say that hops really relax me quite well, I fall asleep faster and easier (I probably have to say thank you to vitamin B6) I hope this continues

I also choose to drink this so as not to be nervous, now I have a very important project at work - you can’t be lethargic and nervous at the same time)

At work, I was given so many responsibilities that I was just like a squirrel in a wheel, and then at home there was a lot of work to do, in general, the stress was terrible every day. I bought Persen for myself, but it doesn’t do any good, but I got constipation and a small allergic spot - is it just me? At the pharmacy I then asked her to recommend something effective and not to take as many tablets a day as Persen. In general, I bought Herbastress, I only need to take one tablet a day, and already on the third day I noticed that I wasn’t so nervous, and I was absolutely collected and active, i.e. There is no sleepy effect, and I don’t feel stress.

Sergey: If you want to become a plant or a disabled person, drink. But I advise you NOT TO DRINK!

Natalya: I am very pleased with this drug. and I honestly didn’t think it would help... my chest hurt before.

Marina: Lercanidipine sz is my indispensable drug for blood pressure.

Zhenya: And it just helped me. I had hellish constipation, and even with pain and bloating((on the internet.

All materials presented on the site are for reference and informational purposes only and cannot be considered a treatment method prescribed by a doctor or sufficient advice.

Sedative drugs include bromides, magnesium preparations, herbal remedies, and synthetic drugs.

Classification of sedatives

  • Bromcamphor
  • Sodium bromide
  • Potassium bromide

Magnesium preparations

  • Magnesia

Herbal medicines

Combined products

Drugs of other groups

  • Amitriptyline
  • Bromazepam
  • Diphenhydramine
  • Pipofezin
  • Promethazine
  • Phenobarbital
  • Trazodone

The group of sedative drugs includes drugs that have the main property of providing a calming or sedative effect (from the Latin sedativa - to calm down). This includes drugs of various chemical compositions, including herbal medicines (medicines) known for a long time and later synthesized chemicals, as well as rationally selected combination drugs, including herbal or synthesized sedatives.

People have long used many sedatives, often of plant origin. The basis for their use for medicinal purposes was the experience accumulated by many generations. It was later found that the therapeutic effect of medicinal plants is due to the content of various biologically active substances, alkaloids, glycosides, essential oils, acids and vitamins that affect the condition of the nerves and normalize vegetative functions. For example, the roots of valerian officinalis contain:

  • essential valerian oil;
  • isovaleric acid;
  • bromylisovalerate;
  • borneol;
  • borneol esters of formic, butyric, acetic acids;
  • cinenes;
  • cosquiterpenes;
  • alcohols;
  • alkaloids (valerine, hotinine);
  • glycosidic compounds of valerian (valerosides);
  • valepatriates;
  • organic acids.

As is generally accepted, the therapeutic effect is inherent in all substances contained in valerian officinalis preparations. In addition to valerian roots, preparations of hawthorn, oregano herb, lemon balm herb, mint leaves, passionflower herb (passionflower), herb, peony roots, motherwort herb, rhizomes with blue cyanosis roots, common hop fruits and many others are used as sedatives.

Bromine and magnesium preparations have also been used for a long time as sedatives. In addition, bromides have some anticonvulsant effect, and magnesium sulfate is a vasodilator and helps reduce blood and intracranial pressure.

The pharmacological industry also produces combination medications, including, along with herbal products, synthetic substances that have a sedative effect, such as sodium bromide, ethyl bromizovalerianate. Medicines of various chemical groups can have a sedative effect: amitriptyline, pipofezin, trazodone (antidepressants), bromazepam (tranquilizers), promethazine (neuroleptics), phenobarbital (anticonvulsants). Some of them are included in combined sedatives, others are prescribed in isolation.

Mechanism of action, pharmacological effects of sedatives

As a rule, sedative medications have a mild calming anti-neurotic effect. They reduce psycho-emotional stress, increased sensitivity to irritants, and reduce the severity of manifestations of autonomic dysfunction and sleep disorders. At the same time, sedatives, by enhancing inhibitory and reducing excitatory processes, regulate the functions of the central nervous system, as well as internal organs, and can to some extent increase the effectiveness of analgesics and hypnotics. By normalizing the emotional and vegetative spheres, sedative herbal remedies have a beneficial effect on cognitive functions, on the state of the cardiovascular, digestive and other body systems. Some sedatives reduce the level of epileptic activity, and bromine preparations were the first drugs used for. Sedative medications do not have a hypnotic effect, but can promote the onset of natural sleep, promote its deepening and longer duration.

Pharmacokinetics of sedatives

The pharmacokinetics of many herbal sedatives have not been studied.

As is known, there are practically no significant differences between hydrobromic acid preparations (sodium bromide and potassium bromide). When taken orally, they are quickly absorbed and excreted mainly in the urine, while the rate of their accumulation in the blood plasma and excretion is inversely proportional to the sodium chloride content. Prescribing even therapeutic doses of bromine to patients who have maintained a hypochloride diet for a long time, as well as to patients with repeated vomiting or diarrhea, can lead to clinical manifestations of an overdose of bromine preparations (bromism syndrome). The accumulation of bromine in the body is facilitated by its slower release compared to chlorine. The half-life of bromide reaches 4 weeks. Therefore, the recommended doses of hydrobromic acid salts do not exceed 1.5 g per day, and due to the tendency to accumulate bromine, the course of treatment with bromides does not exceed 2-3 weeks.

Since magnesium sulfate is known to be absorbed very slowly (exceptions include cases of damage to the gastric or intestinal mucosa and/or obstruction), the drugs are usually administered parenterally. According to G. Panaitescu and E. Popescu, the duration of action of magnesium sulfate after intravenous administration is 30 minutes, and after intramuscular administration - 60-90 minutes. In cases of severe side effects, which usually occur with intravenous administration of the drug, calcium preparations (chloride or gluconate), also administered intravenously, are used as an antidote.

Treatment with sedatives

Sedatives are effective for moderate neurotic disorders. These medications are prescribed for emotional stress, autonomic dysfunction, sleep disorders, and as background therapy for pain syndromes, usually accompanied by neurotic and autonomic reactions. Moreover, they can be combined with analgesics, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, antihypertensives and other drugs. In most cases, all of them, except bromides, are well tolerated, do not cause significant side effects, and they are widely used as primary or auxiliary pharmacological drugs both in neurology and in the treatment of many somatic diseases, in which there is often a need to normalize the emotional sphere and vegetative balance.

The choice of sedatives is determined by certain features of their action. Thus, for somatoform (somatized, psychovegetative, psychophysiological) dysfunctions of the cardiac system, the use of bromcamphor, combination drugs, and bromides is indicated.

For arterial hypertension, motherwort herb preparations, magnesium sulfate, and combined sedative mixtures are indicated.

For migraines during an attack, you can apply a 2.5% alcohol solution of Altalex externally to the temple area.

Magnesium sulfate is recommended for patients with post-traumatic encephalopathy.

For sleep disturbances due to neurotic disorders, preparations of valerian roots, meat-red passionflower herb, oregano herb, blue cyanosis rhizomes with roots, pillows of fresh hop cones and hop-containing medications, sedative mixtures, drops, preparations and bromine-containing agents are indicated.

For sleep disorders in patients with acute infectious diseases, it is advisable to include these same medications in a complex of treatment measures.

For epilepsy and other paroxysmal conditions, as well as for hyperkinesis, preparations of valerian rhizomes, herbs of evasive peony and combined agents containing sedative components, sometimes magnesium sulfate, bromides are often used. In addition, for hyperkinesis, it is advisable to use passionflower herb preparations.

When the tone of striated muscles increases in a spastic type and signs of increased neuromuscular excitability (muscle spasms, in particular cramps, convulsive states, tetany), parenteral administration of magnesium sulfate is indicated.

Tolerance and side effects of sedatives

All sedatives, with the exception of bromides and magnesium sulfate, are usually well tolerated. Their great advantages include the minimal severity of side effects; in the absence of hypersensitivity to sedatives and their correct dosage, negative effects from their use may be completely absent.

In cases of overdose of sedative drugs or sensitivity to them, patients may experience muscle weakness and drowsiness. This is taken into account when prescribing sedatives to drivers.

When using motherwort herb, peppermint leaves, and hawthorn flowers, blood pressure can be reduced.

Preparations of valerian roots, along with a sedative, have a moderate tranquilizing effect, enhance the function of the glands of the digestive tract, and have a choleretic and antispasmodic effect.

In cases of hop overdose, drowsiness that occurs during the daytime and slight dizziness are possible.

When treated with medications containing substances with anticholinergic properties (belladonna), corresponding side effects may occur: dilated pupils, impaired accommodation, exacerbation of glaucoma, development of tachycardia, dry mucous membranes; in patients with adenoma - increased difficulty urinating.

Dyspeptic disorders occur when taking large doses of motherwort herb, and very rarely other sedative herbs. In such cases, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug or replace it with other sedatives.

With long-term use of sedative drugs containing phenobarbital, drug dependence sometimes occurs.

It must be borne in mind that bromides are the most toxic of sedatives. Intoxication with them (“bromism”) is possible with long-term treatment with bromine-containing drugs or in cases of high doses of bromine, especially during periods of excessive restriction of sodium chloride intake and reduced diuresis. “Bromism” is characterized by:

  • general muscle weakness;
  • tremor of lips, tongue, fingers;
  • elements of ataxia;
  • hypersecretion of the mucous glands of the nose, nasopharynx, trachea;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • increased salivation;
  • epigastric pain;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • sometimes bad breath (a consequence of the release of bromides in saliva);
  • skin rash of acneiform or nodose type;
  • acne vulgaris, pustules;
  • dullness of emotions, increased drowsiness.

With significant bromine intoxication, severe disorders of the central nervous system functions may occur: decreased memory, concentration, orientation disorders; there may be an increase in intracranial pressure, as well as in the optic discs. Rarely, signs of “bromism” can occur with an overdose of bromine-containing combination drugs.

Magnesium sulfate, administered parenterally, has a sedative, vasodilator and hypotensive effect; in case of overdose, it can cause an excessive decrease in blood pressure, depression of breathing and consciousness, and a decrease in muscle tone, more often observed with intravenous administration of the drug. With intramuscular injection of magnesium sulfate solution, infiltrates may form at the injection site.

Contraindications for sedatives

For most herbal sedatives, there are no absolute contraindications other than hypersensitivity. However, passionflower herb preparations are contraindicated for myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Medicines including belladonna preparations or other anticholinergics should not be prescribed in the presence of tachycardia, glaucoma (especially narrow-angle), prostate adenoma or bladder atony.

In cases of severe arterial hypotension, preparations of motherwort herb, peppermint leaves, hawthorn fruit, and magnesium sulfate are undesirable.

For bradycardia, motherwort herb preparations are undesirable.

For porphyria, the use of drugs containing phenobarbital is contraindicated. Most sedatives are undesirable for myasthenia gravis due to an additional decrease in muscle tone. Magnesium sulfate is contraindicated in myasthenia gravis.

Transport drivers, air traffic controllers and other people whose professions require heightened reactions should not be prescribed sedatives with a pronounced effect.

Cautions when taking strong sedatives

During pregnancy and lactation, preparations of the herb oregano, valerian + watch leaves + mint leaves + hop fruit (sedative collection: increase the tone of the uterine muscles), as well as sedative drops and mixtures are contraindicated. For people on a hypochloride diet, as well as for patients with repeated vomiting, the use of bromides is undesirable due to the risk of developing “bromism”.

When administering magnesium sulfate intravenously, care must be taken. In case of complications, especially breathing problems, it is necessary to be prepared for urgent intravenous administration of calcium supplements.

Sedative drug interactions

Sedatives can enhance the effect of hypnotics, tranquilizers and analgesics.

Magnesium sulfate, hawthorn preparations, sedatives and some other sedatives may slightly enhance the effect of antihypertensive drugs.

Magnesium sulfate and bromides increase the effectiveness of anticonvulsants.

In cases of a lack of chlorides in the body, which has arisen for various reasons, treatment with bromine preparations, even in therapeutic doses, leads to a rapid accumulation of bromides and the development of clinical manifestations of “bromism”. An increased content of chlorides in food reduces the effectiveness of bromine-containing pharmacological drugs.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon

What do we do when we are nervous? We look for valerian or validol in the medicine cabinet. These are the most popular sedatives and are used everywhere. “Sedatives” translated from French means “calming”, and this is the main task of such drugs. They depress the central nervous system, relieve irritability and nervousness, and bring peace. Today, many new generation sedatives have appeared. Perhaps it's time to forget about valerian and try something more effective?

Sedatives - list

What does it mean – a new generation sedative? This is a combination drug that combines antihistamine, sedative and relaxation properties. Typically, such medicines are of mixed origin, where plant extracts are combined with advances in the chemical industry. Such drugs include:

  1. Nobrassite, where guaifenesin is combined with extracts of valerian, passionflower, lemon balm, hawthorn and other plants.
  2. Combination drugs include the well-known Corvalol, Validol and. The first two drugs contain a-bromoisovaleric acid ester, sodium salt of phenobarbital, peppermint oil in an alcohol solution. The latter is menthol dissolved in isovaleric acid. This is an excellent sedative, proven over the years.

Bromine-based sedatives

Sedative drugs based on bromine and bromine salts began to be used in the nineteenth century. This substance inhibits the reactions of the central nervous system, due to which the process of excitation is inhibited and nervousness goes away. Today, bromine preparations are still used; camphor bromide, sodium bromide and potassium bromide are used in combination with plant extracts and sold separately. One of the advantages of such drugs is the concomitant antihistamine effect. The downside is that bromine is poorly excreted from the body, and therefore quickly accumulates in tissues. An overdose can cause complications, so long-term use of such drugs is not recommended.

List of herbal sedatives

In folk medicine, flowers, roots and leaves of plants have long been used as a sedative. Their alkaloids and esters have a mild tonic and relaxation effect, promote deep and sound sleep without provoking it, like sleeping pills. Plants with pronounced sedative properties include:

  • valerian;
  • St. John's wort;
  • passionflower;
  • kava-kava;
  • mint;
  • Melissa;
  • hawthorn;
  • peony root.

In modern medicine, drugs based on them are actively used. We can say that the best sedative is a sedative of plant origin. As a rule, it acts mildly, is not addictive, and has few contraindications. Herbal preparations that use optimal combinations of herbs and extracts include:

  • Persen;
  • Novopassit;
  • Deprim;
  • Dormiplant;
  • Life 600;
  • Stressplant;
  • Negrustin;
  • Tsirkulin and others.

But even such seemingly harmless medications must be prescribed by a doctor. St. John's wort is contraindicated for pregnant women, valerian - epileptics, other herbs also have specific uses.

Magnesium-based sedatives

A lack of certain macro- and microelements in the body can provoke a nervous disorder. This primarily applies to magnesium deficiency. It is not surprising that often, as a sedative, doctors recommend starting to take this element along with B vitamins, which have a general strengthening effect on the body and support the activity of the nervous system. Such drugs include Magne B6 and others.

There are times in every person’s life when taking medications is indispensable. It is not easy to choose a strong sedative without a prescription, so it is recommended to first consult with a doctor, determine the cause of the pathology and the best way to quickly eliminate it. The range of medicines in the pharmacy is huge.

Sedatives without a prescription

If a woman has suffered severe stress or a nervous breakdown, the doctor recommends sedatives without a prescription, since their effect in the body is gentle, safe, fast, and targeted. This is an effective way to calm frayed nerves, pull yourself together and relax emotionally without harm to your health. Such recipes are also recommended for men with increased nervousness. All that remains is to find out the list of the most effective drugs, according to medical indications.

Bromine preparations

These medications are also called sodium or potassium bromides, and are prescribed for a weakened nervous system in strictly prescribed doses. Approved for use more in adulthood, side effects may cause increased drowsiness and absent-mindedness. Before purchasing, a preliminary consultation with a specialist will not be superfluous. Prominent representatives of this group are the following:

  • Adonis-bromine;
  • Potassium bromide;
  • Sodium bromide.

Herbal products

These are homeopathic medicines that have a mild, sedative effect without a prescription. A calming effect is provided by herbal extracts, tinctures with herbal components, and natural preparations. Doctors for nervous disorders recommend taking medications with valerian and hawthorn, and do not forget about the sedative properties of lemon balm, peony, and motherwort. The following names have proven themselves well in medical practice:

  • preparations of peony officinalis;
  • motherwort preparations;
  • Alora;

Combined sedatives

This is a combination of the two groups described above, which provides a powerful sedative effect. The presence of plant components has a safe effect on the nervous system, and bromine guarantees rapid relaxation of smooth muscles. The medications are harmless, and the sedative effect is observed 15-20 minutes after taking a single dose. Below are the most famous medications of this pharmacological group:

  • Novo-passit;
  • Persen;
  • Sanoson;
  • Lycan;
  • Nervoflux.

Antidepressants without prescriptions

If anger and irritability arise in the mind for no apparent reason, it is recommended to take a course of sedatives without a prescription. These may be antidepressants, but not all, since representatives of this pharmacological group are more often sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Doctors prescribe such powerful help for visible signs of depression, when the patient cannot independently cope with his changeable mood and depressive state. Over-the-counter sedatives are:

  • Melipramine;
  • Clofranil;
  • Imipramine;
  • Saroten;
  • Anafralin.

Sedative tranquilizers

The main disadvantage of such sedatives is the hypnotic side effects. Tranquilizers are rarely prescribed in childhood, while many adult patients have been “living” on them for months. The health consequences are serious, so before starting the course, consultation with a specialist is important, but not superficial self-medication at random. The following sedatives are well known:

  • Bromazepam;
  • Lorazepam;

Neuroleptic group

It is not recommended to take such sedatives without a prescription or to do so with great caution, according to medical prescriptions. These are inexpensive remedies for neurosis, which additionally suppress mental confusion, panic attacks, and attacks of nervous breakdown. The active components have a synthetic base, but retain a mild effect in the body of adults and children. The list of known medications is presented below:

  • Dicarbine;
  • Clozapine;
  • Alimemazine;
  • Droperidol;

Strong sedatives without prescriptions

It is better not to buy cheap medications with a sedative effect, as they can disrupt the functionality of the nervous system and the transmission of impulses. Patients prefer tablet form or soothing tea. The form of release does not matter, and the sedative effect with a well-chosen chemical formula is beyond doubt; it is suitable even for a child.

Mechanism of action

Sedative tablets without prescriptions provide inhibition of the nervous system and weaken the excitability of nerve impulses. After the first dose, the heart rate stabilizes, excessive sweating of the hands disappears, stomach cramps disappear, and physiological sleep normalizes. In this safe way, the state of the autonomic system returns to normal, and the patient again feels the joy of life.

Side effects

Strong sedative tablets without prescriptions provide not only a sedative effect, but also some disorders in the functioning of the nervous system. For example, doctors do not rule out slow reactions, increased drowsiness, passivity, slowness and a sharp decline in performance. To relieve the symptoms of adolescent hyperactivity, doctors recommend just such sedatives. They can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy.

Good sedatives without prescriptions

Such medications are produced in the form of oral drops, tablets and subcutaneous injections, but in the latter case we are talking about prescription drugs. The rest of the sedatives can be bought at the pharmacy and used as directed after studying the attached leaflet. For some patients, one course is enough to normalize the nervous system, while for others it is advisable to repeat the treatment after a week's break.

Herbal tinctures

  1. is a strong over-the-counter sedative that comes in the form of oral drops. The action is light and harmless. Contraindications – intolerance to motherwort or alcohol from the medicine. The average dose is 20 drops three times a day.
  2. - a good sedative without prescriptions, infused with alcohol. The action is safe, but taking the medicine is not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or intolerance to the components.
  3. – anti-anxiety, which combines motherwort root, valerian, peppermint, and alcohol-based hawthorn in its natural composition. It can be taken for treatment and effective prevention.

Strong sedative in tablets without prescription

  1. Afobazole– a mild tranquilizer that effectively combats symptoms of increased anxiety. The sedative is dispensed without a medical prescription or prescription, does not cause addiction, and drowsiness and lethargy are not among the side effects.
  2. – white lozenges that provide a slight relaxing effect. The medicine increases stress resistance, reduces conflict and aggressiveness, which is especially appropriate in adolescence.
  3. Persen is a combination of mint, valerian and lemon balm, which provides a stable and long-lasting sedative effect. In addition, it is an effective antispasmodic, eliminating pain of varying intensity. You need to take a single dose, and your general condition will return to normal within 10-15 minutes.
  4. Neuroplant- This is a St. John's wort drug, which is not only a sedative, but also a mild antidepressant with a mild effect. The plant base allows the product to be used for the treatment and prevention of nervous disorders in childhood and adolescence. A complete analogue is Negrustin.
  5. Deprim– fast-acting tablets or capsules with St. John’s wort extract in a natural composition. The active component quickly acts on the autonomic system, provides relaxation of smooth muscles, and emotional balance. The natural base excludes the list of contraindications.


Peace, absence of anxiety and apathy - this is the sedative effect that is given by a variety of medications and to varying degrees. A sedative effect is the calming effect of a medicine on the body of a sick person. In some cases, when purchasing a drug without a prescription, the instructions say that it has a sedative effect. That is, there is a calming effect.

Medical care is to help people relax, “relieve internal pressure,” and get relief. Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, the effect of the medicine can be used in various ways - the patient drinks tablets or mixtures, tinctures, decoctions, inhales the smell, or the medicine is administered by injection intramuscularly or intravenously.

Drugs sold without prescription

They are usually made from herbs - valerian, motherwort, peony or a collection of herbs. Their sedative effect is not pronounced. But regular intake of drops of valerian or motherwort for mild disorders will bring calm and sleep. A pad filled with valerian herb will have the same beneficial effect. Your sleep and overall well-being will improve. When there is no threatening danger, these medications improve sleep and bring peace of mind. They can be easily used in everyday life. In general, the sedative effect is expressed in the suppression of consciousness to one degree or another.

What diseases require calming?

These are three types of depression:

  • Dreary - a person’s voice is quiet, speech is slow. He does not make eye contact and answers questions in monosyllables. He can’t do anything at home, just like he can’t work.
  • Anxious - a person behaves fussily. This is expressed in the fact that he does not find a place for himself anywhere, wanders restlessly and expects misfortune from everywhere. With obsessive thoughts, a person has the same thought spinning in his head all the time, for example, a mistake or failure at work is inflated to limitless proportions without stopping. Any most unexpected little thing becomes a global misfortune.
  • Apathetic. The person is completely immersed in himself. Doesn't answer questions. There is no reaction to the affairs of loved ones. Such a person lies on the bed for days, usually without undressing, under a blanket, and does not get up, he does not need anything - neither new information, nor food.

With these diseases, and they differ, it is impossible to do without drugs that give a sedative effect.

In addition, with all types of neuroses, the patient urgently needs to work normally and have contact with people. And the doctor, despite not feeling well, prescribes sedatives so that the person does not drop out of social life. A person’s mood improves, melancholy gradually goes away, interest in the world appears, a desire to move actively appears, and sleep improves.

Intentions of the doctor and the patient

Both the doctor and the patient strive for the same thing: to create a normal, fulfilling life. And this is achieved by creating a sedative effect. What is this?

  • Peace.
  • Normal long sleep.
  • The absence of sad thoughts that do not spin like a squirrel in a wheel and do not force the patient to constantly think about the same thing.

This is how doctors answer when asked by concerned relatives: “Sedation. What is this?"

Long-term treatment

For treatment they are used in various combinations:

  • neuroleptics;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers.

Some are symptomatic, others are curative. Therefore, they must be used comprehensively. But they all have a sedative effect.

Neuroleptics relieve psychomotor agitation and have an additional sedative effect. They act sedatively quickly, within a few hours. These are the most powerful medicines. A strong sedative effect is when the drug puts a person to bed for a while. The shots usually last six to eight hours.

To relieve psychomotor agitation in an acute condition, Aminazine is used in the first days. After Aminazine, the patient will sleep for a long time, getting up only to go to eat or go to the toilet. This drug can be taken for a month, sometimes longer, but at doses reduced by the doctor. Anxiety and excitement will subside, but the patient will be very lethargic. Lethargy and drowsiness are sedative side effects of Aminazin. "Aminazine" will not prevent a jump in excitement, therefore, when using it, it is necessary to add tranquilizers. It comes in addition to the main treatment.

Tizercin and Chlorprothixene affect the patient in a similar way, but with a smaller and weaker effect. Thus, all of them, constantly used in practical work, have slightly different properties. The strongest sedative effect is given by Aminazin and Tizercin.


These include about two dozen drugs, including the already mentioned “Amitriptyline”. In addition, in the practical work of doctors in the Russian Federation there are Anafranil, Pyrazidol, Melipramin, Fluoxetine, Fevarin, Azafen and a number of others. Some medications are prescribed with paid prescriptions, others with free prescriptions. There are special lists for this, both from doctors and pharmacies. They are completely the same. All of these are antidepressants with a sedative effect.

Negative effects

The side effects of sedatives have been well studied. They are quite wide. Therefore, when taking them, constant contact with your doctor is necessary. It is necessary to note the fact that each drug causes individual reactions in each person. This happens because the mechanisms of failure in the human nervous system have not yet been studied. This is why the doctor cannot know 100% how the medicine will work.

What are the side effects of the medicine?

Common side effects of antidepressants also include decreased levels of attention and concentration, lethargy, drowsiness, slowed thought processes and motor reactions. Active patients who are still able to control themselves go to work, so they take medications only at night.

Side effects include hypotension, tachycardia, arrhythmia, dry mouth, delayed or absent stool, and inability to urinate normally in full. Also, people using antidepressants are sure to gain weight, as their appetite inevitably increases. Headaches may occur.

Communication between relatives and doctors and sick people in the family

You must tell your doctor about all this. Nothing can be tolerated. Relatives should talk about this if the patient himself does not inform the medical worker about anything. The doctor will change the medications, selecting them individually.

Relatives of patients forced to be treated with antipsychotics, antidepressants and tranquilizers must be patient and respond to all outbreaks of the disease as carefully and calmly as possible.