Use of levomekol ointment for burns. Levomekol ointment for sunburn

Burns received from scorching sun rays– these are not only unpleasant painful sensations on open areas bodies. Such damage may cause severe consequences for the health of the whole body. Therefore, help to eliminate the symptoms of skin burning should be organized quickly and correctly. There are many special painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs for this. Along with modern pharmacological products The “good old” ointment “Levomekol” remains a popular remedy against sunburn.

Sunburn or photodermatitis is damage to the skin caused by UV radiation. Such damage may be varying degrees severity and are accompanied by symptoms:

  • 1st degree– redness of the skin, itching, the skin is hot and dry, may swell slightly, touching it is painful;
  • 2nd degree– peeling appears, a feeling of tightness, blisters form, often accompanied by general weakness, drowsiness, and severe chills;
  • 3rd degree– tissue hyperthermia, infection of the dermis begins, body temperature rises;
  • 4th degree– dehydration of the body, the activity of the kidneys and heart is disrupted, state of shock, which can be fatal.

Data serious consequences often triggered by the following reasons:

  1. A banal inattention to one’s condition, when, having overheated, a person continues to remain under the scorching sun;
  2. The desire to become the owner of a gorgeous tan as quickly as possible. Experts advise: the first tanning sessions should not last longer than 10 minutes. Gradually it's time for sunbathing can be increased. In general, human skin tans only for 30-40 minutes, this is how long the synthesis of melanin lasts - the production of dark pigment. Lying on the beach all day will not deepen your tan, but will only increase the risk of sunburn;
  3. Visiting the beach during sunny hours, when the rays of the sun are especially merciless to the skin. The peak occurs between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.;
  4. Neglecting sun protection. Bright skin especially susceptible harmful effects ultraviolet radiation, it needs special protection, which can be provided by a cream with SPF filters.

Levomekol - composition, properties, indications for use

The drug "Levomekol" for external use is presented in the form of an ointment with a uniform white consistency, sometimes with yellowish tint. The product has a wide range of actions:

  • Antimicrobial;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Regenerating.

The ointment has good penetrating ability; its components penetrate deep into the skin without damaging cell membranes. “Levomekol” belongs to the class of low-hazardous substances, that is, the drug does not pose any danger to the body. An ointment is prescribed for the treatment of wounds, including infected and purulent ones.

The active substances of the drug are chloramphenicol (levomecitin) and methyluracil, auxiliary substances are polyethylene oxide and polyethylene oxide.

Levomekol is also used to treat burns. The components of the ointment have a beneficial effect on the affected skin cells. Their action is aimed at accelerating wound healing, increasing the level of local immunity, providing an anti-inflammatory effect, and enhancing cellular regeneration processes.

Effect of Levomekol on sunburn

At sunburn Grade 2 blisters appear on the affected skin, which burst, resulting in an open wound. There is a risk that this damage to the skin may become infected.

Providing first aid in such cases comes down to cooling the damaged tissues and applying an antiseptic bandage. "Levomekol" for sunburn is one of the most common and effective means. Since the ointment is hydrophilic, it heals the wound, has an antiseptic effect, and prevents the occurrence of inflammatory and infectious processes.

  • Levomecithin– the main component of the ointment is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It effectively fights harmful microorganisms and viruses that can enter open wound in case of thermal damage.
  • The second active component of the drug is methyluracil, stimulates cellular metabolism processes, thereby accelerating the healing and restoration of damaged areas of the epidermis. Moreover, this substance strengthens local immunity by activating the formation of leukocytes.

Both components of the ointment promote the production of interferon, a unique protein, a necessary component for antiviral and immunostimulating processes in the body. This is especially important when treating sunburn, since damaged epidermis is susceptible to pathogens.

"Levomekol" has a number of advantages in the treatment of thermal skin damage:

  1. The drug is inexpensive, sold in any pharmacy;
  2. The ointment prevents the wound from rotting;
  3. The drug helps speed up the healing and restoration of the epidermis.

Instructions for use

The ointment is applied externally; it is applied in an even thin layer directly to the damaged area of ​​the skin, completely covering it. Therapeutic effect The drug lasts about 16-20 hours. After this it is reapplied. Applying ointment more than 1-2 times a day is not advisable. The course of treatment depends on the degree of damage, on average it ranges from 5 to 10 days.

"Levomekol" is used not only to relieve the symptoms of minor burns, but also to treat burn wounds 3 and 4 degrees, that is, with significant damage to the skin.

To apply the drug to in this case apply gauze wipes– they are soaked in ointment and applied to the burn. IN severe cases the drug should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Before use medicine It is recommended to warm it up to body temperature (36-37 degrees).

Side effects, contraindications

Levomekol ointment, used to treat burn wounds, does not cause complications and side effects. No body reactions or cases of drug overdose have been recorded. There are no contraindications for using this product during lactation and pregnancy, but you should be careful when applying the ointment during this period.

The only “minus” when using the medication may be individual intolerance to its constituent components. "Levomekol" should not be prescribed simultaneously with other similar drugs for external use.

Using remedy should be observed general rules safety and personal hygiene precautions required when working with medications. After applying the ointment, hands should be washed with running water. The same should be done if the product gets on the mucous membranes. If the product is ingested, you need to drink 1-2 tablets of activated carbon.

Levomekol should be stored in a cool, dry, dark place, out of reach of children, away from food products. The shelf life of the ointment is 3 years. To dispose of an expired drug, no special measures no precautions required.

To simplify the application of ointment to areas of the body affected by ultraviolet radiation, you can use the drug “Voscopran” - these are bandages impregnated with “Levomekol”.

In pharmacies there are analogues of Levomekol ointment, which contain the same active ingredients. If for some reason this drug It didn’t turn out that the following products can be used quite successfully for external use:

  • "Levomethyl";
  • "Levosin";
  • "Netoan";
  • "Fastin";
  • "Protegentin";
  • "Lingezin".

These drugs are in one price category(from 30 to 100 rubles).

Sunburn is a very common occurrence in hot weather. summer days. Thermal lung lesions degrees are often not cause for concern. But in vain. After all, more serious damage to the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation initially manifests itself as a slight burn. In any case, the skin needs treatment and protection, and a speedy recovery. And Levomekol ointment will be an effective assistant for this.

A burn is damage to the skin caused by high temperature. When you receive it, you must quickly provide first aid: moisten the damaged area generously cold water and resort to medical supplies, which will simplify the healing process. Levomekol for burns will accelerate tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation and prevent wound infection.

Levomekol is used for various injuries skin:

  • Skin diseases of a purulent-inflammatory nature. The ointment reduces tissue swelling, improves healing, and helps draw out pus.
  • For burns of varying severity.
  • Furunculosis.
  • For the treatment and prevention of bedsores, scratches, cuts, ulcers, pimples.
  • Helps accompanied by infections of a viral and bactericidal nature.

Composition and active ingredient for burns

The drug contains 2 main active ingredients A:

  • Chloramphenicol (chloramphenicol) is a substance from the antibiotic group, effective against many types of infectious agents. The mechanism of action is aimed at destroying the cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Methyluracil. It has anti-inflammatory (suppression of the activity of proteolytic enzymes) and immunostimulating (activation of cellular and humoral factors immune system) properties, accelerates cellular regeneration.

The simultaneous action of the components of Levomekol in the form of an ointment for burns will not harm the biological cellular structures of the skin, which makes it possible to use it for injuries of the last degrees of severity.

There are many analogues of Levomekol in the pharmacy in the form of creams and gels, but Levomethyl is an absolutely identical product. The only difference between them is the price.

Is it effective on burns?

The product is effective for -. A fresh wound must be treated with running water, furatsilin solution or alcohol to neutralize toxic essential oils plants, then apply a thin layer of ointment.

Instructions for use

For adults

Levomekol is used externally, applied in a thin layer to the damaged area and covered with a sterile bandage, which should be changed several times a day or as purulent exudate is released.

If the wound is deep, tampons or gauze napkins soaked in the drug are placed in it. To better saturate the fabric with ointment, you can warm it up a little.

The top is secured with a fixing bandage. Main condition - permanent shift fresh dressings (to avoid the development large quantity pathogenic microflora).

The ointment should be applied with extreme caution, avoid contact with mucous membranes.

According to the instructions, use during pregnancy is permitted.

For children

Allowed for use by children over one year of age. It is not advisable to use in infants - this is explained by the appearance of possible strong negative reaction on the components of the drug. For children, apply externally. If a child accidentally swallows the ointment, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and take Activated carbon. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with running water.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to the drug include individual intolerance, which manifests itself in allergic reaction(itching, rash, swelling). It is better to anoint before use small area skin, and in case of an allergy, the applied product must be washed off and the skin area rinsed under running water for several minutes. If redness and allergy symptoms persist long time, then you need to consult a dermatologist.

The drug has been used by people for many years and has a good reputation. Ointment for burns Levomekol shows its full effectiveness during the treatment and prevention of wounds, for which it receives many positive feedback from patients and doctors.

Levomekol is a combination drug consisting of two active substances:

  1. Levomycetin (chloramphenicol) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, which is effective against most pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, chlamydia, rickettsia and spirochetes). This happens by destroying the process of protein biosynthesis in the cells of the above microorganisms.
  2. Methyluracil is an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory agent that improves tissue nutrition and stimulates the process of their regeneration.

The combination of chloramphenicol and methyluracil makes the wound healing process much more successful and faster: thanks to chloramphenicol, the affected area is isolated from pathogenic microorganisms, and methyluracil heals much faster.
The basis of the drug are auxiliary components - macrogols (polyethylene oxides) 1500 and 400, which give the ointment dehydrating properties and also help the active substances penetrate the tissues faster.

Important! The development of resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to levomekol occurs quite slowly, and therefore this drug can be used for a long period.

Instructions for use

The ointment is of medium thickness, has a white or white with a yellowish tint color and a uniform structure. There are two forms of release - an aluminum tube or a glass jar.

Indications for use

  • purulent wounds;
  • burns of varying severity;
  • boils;
  • carbuncles
  • trophic ulcers.

The use of the drug also prevents the occurrence of bedsores. The presence of purulent masses or a large amount of necrotic tissue in the affected area does not reduce the effect of using the ointment.

Application procedure

Levomekol ointment is intended for external use. This drug can be used for 2-3 degree burns.
Important! For severe burns, the ointment is used as additional remedy against the background of general therapy.

Treatment algorithm:

  1. Wash the burn area;
  2. Soak a bandage made of sterile materials (bandage, gauze) with ointment;
  3. Apply a bandage to the affected area.

The dressing needs to be changed depending on the rate of its filling with necrotic tissue, but always daily.

If the affected surface is deep, large and filled with purulent masses, then Levomekol is used in the form of a tampon made of sterile materials.
Thanks to the action of the active components of the drug, swelling in the burn area decreases and purulent masses are removed.
Important! At large areas defeats daily dose ointment in terms of chloramphenicol should not exceed 3 g.


The only contraindication to the use of the drug is individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the substances present in its composition.

When applying Levomekol to the body, avoid the eyes and other mucous membranes. Internal use is also prohibited, but in case of ingestion, immediately rinse the stomach with water with a certain amount of sorbent.
When using the drug for more than 1 month, to assess the degree of influence of the ointment on the human body, clinical analysis peripheral blood.

Pregnancy and lactation period

Since Levomekol is not able to penetrate the bloodstream, its use during pregnancy and lactation is allowed. In addition to burns, this drug is recommended for use to reduce the consequences of insect bites, for the treatment of sinusitis, abrasions, microtraumas and cuts, otitis media, onychomycosis (ingrown toenails).

Use on children

Levomekol is approved for use in children over 3 years of age for burns, cuts, pustules, insect bites, for treating injection sites and vaccinations. There are known cases of using ointment in more early age(umbilical cord treatment).

Side effects

After using the drug, allergic reactions may occur, such as:

  • redness;
  • rashes;
  • swelling;
  • hyperemia;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • hives.

It is also possible that general weakness. If the above symptoms develop, further use of the ointment is excluded.


When applying a large amount of the drug, side effects may significantly increase. And with prolonged use, some patients develop contact sensitization.

Interaction with other drugs

Unjustifiably simultaneous use with medications that affect the process of hematopoiesis (metamizole sodium, sulfonamide, doxorubicin).

Price policy

The cost of Levomekol ointment depends on the form of release, as well as the manufacturer. On average, the price of a tube of ointment (40 g) ranges from 100 to 150 rubles.

Since Levomekol has a small amount of contraindications and side effects, it is recommended that everyone have it in their first aid kit.

Levomekol ointment has been on our market for quite a long time, and during this time it has proven itself to be excellent. Levomekol is an external agent that has antibacterial effect, improving the restoration of tissue structure. Thus, this ointment is both an antibiotic and a reparant. Levomekol is often called “the surgeon’s favorite assistant”, since this composition is used widely and often by doctors of this specialty (for healing sutures, treating purulent wounds, burns, etc.) Today Levomekol is an effective, affordable and very popular ointment.

Composition of Levomekol ointment

Levomekol is available in glass jars of 100 or 1000 g or in aluminum tubes of 40 g. The ointment contains two active components - methyluracil and chloramphenicol. Chloramphenicol is a substance with antibacterial effect, while methyluracil accelerates tissue regeneration, wound healing and any repair processes. 1 g of ointment contains 40 mg. methyluracil and 7.5 mg. chloramphenicol. For even distribution useful substances throughout the entire volume of the composition and to facilitate the application and penetration of the ointment into tissues human body The composition includes auxiliary components - polyethylene oxide-1500 and polyethylene oxide-400.

Levomekol has medium density and a uniform structure. The composition is colored in White color, and may also have a slight yellow tint.

pharmachologic effect

The ointment is a combined preparation whose active components have antibacterial, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects. The antimicrobial effect is due to chloramphenicol, which has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Levomekol is also effective against resistant gram-negative microorganisms ( coli(Escherichia coli), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and Staphylococcus spp.).

The regenerating effect of the ointment is due to methyluracil, a substance that easily penetrates deep into tissues and activates the process of restoring the normal structure of organs and the synthesis of new cells. The regenerating effect is associated with a dehydrating effect, which consists of eliminating excess fluid from tissues and relieving swelling.

Methyluracil has a stimulating effect on metabolism, which accelerates wound healing and tissue regeneration. Methyluracil is also an immunostimulant that stimulates the production of interferon, which has antiviral effect and other beneficial effects.

The anti-edematous effect, combined with the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, creates an anti-inflammatory effect of the ointment. Levomekol is able to penetrate into deep layers of tissue, providing therapeutic effect. Such penetration is not accompanied by damage to cell membranes, which remain functionally active and intact. The presence of a large volume of dead tissue and pus does not reduce the effectiveness of the ointment. According to the effect on the body, this remedy refers to low-hazard substances.

Thanks to this, the product can be used to accelerate healing and disinfection various wounds, traumatic injuries, purulent inflammations, sutures and burns.

Indications and contraindications

Levomekol can be used for treatment or prevention. The main indication for the use of the ointment is the treatment of burns and purulent wounds infected with mixed microflora. The ointment is used to stop the inflammatory process, cleanse the wound from necrotic masses and purulent contents, relieve swelling, and also eliminate pathogenic microbes from tissues. Levomekol is also used in case of the following pathologies:

  1. Burns of II and III degrees.
  2. Boils and others purulent diseases skin.
  3. Trophic ulcers.

As a preventative measure, Levomekol is applied to wounds, stitches, cuts, eczema, calluses, bedsores and other injuries to accelerate healing and prevent infection.

The only contraindication to the use of Levomekol is the presence of allergies or hypersensitivity on the components of the medicinal product. If you have other diseases, including chronic ones, the ointment can be used.

The use of Levomekol ointment in the treatment of burns

The main advantage medicinal product is his water base. This feature of the ointment makes it possible to prevent infection of the affected skin area. Applying ointment will not allow pathogenic microorganisms spread deep into the tissue, which contributes to the localization of the burn surface. For this reason, doctors prefer the use of ointment applications.

Another advantage that is taken into account when prescribing an ointment is that the antibacterial component remains highly effective even in the presence of necrotic or purulent tissue in the affected area of ​​the skin. When an infection occurs, the antibiotic chloramphenicol will have an effect at any stage of the inflammatory process.

With timely initiation of treatment and regular ointment applications, the development of serious infectious complications can be successfully prevented.

If the burn surface is not widespread (I degree of burn severity), then the victim can independently treat medicinal ointment burn surface. If there is a significant area of ​​damage, it is necessary to provide qualified assistance specialized department, since such a pathology implies complex treatment. During the day, ointment applications can be changed up to 5 times, the frequency of dressing changes is determined individually. Usually, frequent change dressings are necessary for sluggish or protracted inflammatory processes, when the affected surface is slowly cleansed.

Thanks to the hydrophilic base, the ointment allows you to easily remove the drug from the remaining surface of the skin, this largely determines the effectiveness complex therapy. For the same reason, many experts note high efficiency the use of Levomekol in the treatment of burns, especially in comparison with other ointments. It should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to use Levomekol simultaneously with other drugs, because in many cases there is a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment or their incompatibility.

Apply Levomekol to a burn and use this remedy in other cases only externally.

Before use, you should read the instructions for use.

Use during pregnancy

The drug is not contraindicated during lactation and pregnancy. Therefore, doctors prescribe this medication without any fear. In this case, the method of its use does not differ from the usual one. However, as with any other drug, there may be individual intolerance to the drug Levomekol, for this reason, in case of any suspicion of side effects, it is better to refrain from using the ointment and consult a specialist.

For burns, Levomekol is very effective, it has wide range actions, helps with various injuries and skin damage. This is productive combination drug possessing antibacterial properties, which are necessary in anti-burn therapy of injuries II-III degrees.

Pharmacological characteristics, active ingredients

High healing properties and antiseptic characteristics are due to the components that make up Levomekol ointment:

  • Methyluracil is one of the main active ingredients. It has an immunomodulatory effect; thanks to this element, in case of burns, Levomekol normalizes metabolism and improves regeneration functions. Therefore, it can be used for injuries that have inflammatory nature, the medication will quickly eliminate such symptoms.
  • Levomekol burn ointment contains chloramphenicol. The element belongs to the group of antibiotics and can easily cope with any infection, prevent inflammatory process. Levomekol for burns helps destroy pathogenic microflora and creates protective layer from infections and pathogens.

Treatment of thermal and chemical damage of any nature with this drug allows you to stimulate speedy healing, eliminate germs, prevent inflammation. The main advantage is affordable price drug.

Important! Levomekol ointment is effective even if purulent exudate is present in the wound. Instructions for use for burns regulate the use of the drug in case of thermal and chemical injuries of II-III degree. If the integrity of the skin is not compromised, this medication should not be used.

For burns, Levomekol is prescribed for external use only, all components are harmless, therefore the medicine is approved for the treatment of children and women during pregnancy.

Levomekol can be used for different degrees injuries, the product helps relieve pain syndrome, accelerates healing and full recovery, and also has an antibacterial effect.

Levomekol is often used for burns caused by careless handling of boiling water or steam. In this case, any affected area is possible, even the appearance of blisters. For burns with boiling water, there is no need to open the blisters; use the medicine over the blisters and apply a sterile gauze bandage on top.

Does Levomekol ointment help with chemical injuries? Damage caused by skin exposure to caustic elements, such as household chemicals, are also subject to treatment with this drug.

Instructions for use

Depending on the nature and area of ​​skin lesions and the age of the patient, the course of therapy may vary. All dosages are prescribed in the instructions for use of Levomekol ointment for burns.

For adult patients

The drug is used externally, applying a layer to the injured area, after which it is recommended to apply a bandage. The bandage must be changed 2 times a day.

Is it possible to use the drug Levomekol for burns and how to do it correctly? It is necessary to begin therapy with the provision of high-quality first aid in order to speed up recovery and prevent complications:

  1. After thermal or chemical burn blot the injured area with a wet cloth or, if possible, rinse under running water cold water, this will help cool the burned area.
  2. Treat the wound with an antiseptic, for example, a solution of Furacilin, Chlorhexidine or simple hydrogen peroxide.
  3. On skin Apply the product in a thin layer without rubbing.
  4. Apply a sterile gauze bandage over the medicine to the burned area and secure it carefully.

Is it possible to apply Levomekol to a burn for deep, non-healing injuries?

In case of extensive damage, the medicine should be applied to the wound using a tampon or napkin soaked in the medicine. To avoid the development of pathogenic microflora, after the dressing dries, it must be replaced.

When using the product to treat a burned area, Levomekol should be applied according to precautions, ensuring that the drug does not come into contact with the mucous membranes.

For children

It is allowed to apply Levomekol on a burn to a child over 1 year of age. Do not use the product on newborns infants, V otherwise possible manifestation of urticaria, itching and allergic rash.

If a child accidentally takes the medicine orally, it is necessary to quickly rinse the stomach and drink activated charcoal according to the instructions, and then see a therapist. If the drug gets into your eyes, rinse big amount running water, and then you need to consult a doctor.

Is it possible to use Levomekol ointment during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Due to the fact that the active elements of the anti-inflammatory drug do not penetrate the bloodstream and do not remain in the body, it is quite acceptable to use Levomekol for burns with boiling water or other hot objects during pregnancy and lactation.


If you change the application instructions yourself and apply the ointment in a thick layer, side effects may occur. With long-term use, individual patients, contact sensitization is observed for the presence of some active substances.

Side effects

Among the adverse reactions of the body to the drug, the following side effects are possible:

  • Edema.
  • Rash.
  • Red spots.
  • Hives.

Also, during an allergic reaction, the damaged area may swell, causing Quincke's edema, weakness, and dizziness.

Interaction with other drugs

When using Levomekol for burns, it is not recommended to combine it with drugs such as Metamizole, Doxorubicin or Sulfanilamide, which affect the circulatory system.

Before using medication for chemical or thermal burn be sure to check the expiration date of the drug, quality product should be an even white shade, without inclusions. Levomekol burn ointment is developed for external use and has been used for many years. During this time, the medicine has earned an excellent reputation as an anti-burn and anti-inflammatory agent.