Okra plant 4 letters. Annual plant okra (okra or gombo). Planting and care

Okra- a plant of the mallow family. This vegetable is also called gombo, okra and lady fingers. The fruits have 5-7 sides, inside of which there are a large number of small seeds (see photo). They reach an average length of 25 cm. The surface of okra is covered with fluff, which must be removed before use so as not to cause any allergic reaction when eaten. The fruits are brightly colored green color. The taste of this plant is somewhat similar to asparagus and eggplant.

The origin of these fruits has not yet been established. This could be West Africa or India, since in this area you can find a large number of cultivated and wild plants of this type.

Since okra contains a lot of mucilage, to get rid of it, you need to add something acidic during cooking, such as vinegar or tomatoes.

Unfortunately, okra fruits are not popular in our area.

Varieties of okra

There are several varieties of okra, the most popular in Russia, which differ in the shape and size of the fruit:

  1. Lady fingers, also known as okra, are grown for their edible seed pods. This plant reaches a length of about one meter. About one hundred days should pass after planting and before the first harvest. The stem of the Lady's Fingers variety is completely covered with sparse hairs. Visually, the fruit of the plant resembles Bell pepper with hairs. To get rid of unwanted hairs, just wipe the fruit with a hard cloth. The fruits are hidden in the axils of the leaves. It is noteworthy that this variety is resistant to hot conditions and drought. This plant can be harvested twice a year if the climate is warm. The fruits of this type of okra are best consumed while still unripe, since they contain a sticky substance that is used to thicken dishes. The plant is also placed in vegetable salads, soups and side dishes. It can be dried, canned or frozen. The Lady's Fingers variety is perfect for people who follow a diet, as well as for people with atherosclerosis.
  2. The oak forest is low-growing. The height of its stem is about eighty centimeters. At the bottom of the stem the leaves are five-lobed, and at the top they are dissected. Flowers yellow color and medium size (diameter - nine centimeters). As soon as the fruit is ripe, it acquires a dark green color. Its length varies from eighteen to twenty centimeters. If this variety of okra is grown for planting future seeds, then the plant can form up to eight fruits, and each will contain about fifty seeds.
  3. The oak forest is mid-season. Once the plants are planted, it should take about sixty-five days for the first set of ovaries to be harvested. The seeds ripen within one hundred and twenty days. This type of okra bears fruit in about thirty days. During this period, the crop can be harvested seven or nine times. The variety "Dubrava mid-season" should be planted only in open ground. The ovaries themselves can be consumed by people who adhere to a diet.
  4. Medium-sized pipe. The height of the stem varies from one hundred fifteen to one hundred and twenty centimeters. The inflorescences are yellow in color and relatively small in size (about seven centimeters). The fruit itself is green and reaches about twenty centimeters in length. If the plant is grown for planting seeds, then the okra plant can grow about ten fruits, and the seeds inside the fruit will be olive in color.

The flute is mid-season. Once the plants are planted, it should take about sixty-eight days for the first set of ovaries to be harvested. The seeds ripen within one hundred and twenty-five days. This variety of okra bears fruit in approximately thirty-four days. During this period, the harvest can be harvested up to nine times.

Beneficial features

Numerous beneficial features okra is possible due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition. Yes, high content folic acid makes okra a product recommended for pregnant women. This source of vitamin B9 is much healthier than synthetic vitamins.

Okra contains plant mucilage - dietary fiber, which has the ability to regulate blood sugar levels, which means consumption of such a product is recommended for people suffering from diabetes. Okra also has the ability to reabsorb water and remove excess cholesterol, toxins and bile from the body.

Okra has substances that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular use this vegetable prevents constipation and bloating, and it also has the ability to treat stomach ulcers. Okra can increase height beneficial bacteria V small intestine which are called probiotics.

This vegetable can be consumed during diets, as it is a low-calorie product. The fruits contain substances that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and therefore the vegetable can be used in dietary nutrition for atherosclerosis.

Great amount useful substances makes it possible to use okra not only to improve the health of the body, but also in for cosmetic purposes. Masks are made from boiled vegetables that improve the condition of hair, making it stronger and shiny. Okra extract in the cream will help clear the skin of acne and also help get rid of uneven skin.

The fruits help improve health during sore throat, depression and chronic fatigue.

Use in cooking

Okra can be used in cooking, and it is perfectly acceptable to cook it different ways, for example, it can be salt, marinate, fry, stew, steam and deep-fry. Besides, fruits can be eaten raw.

This vegetable can easily replace zucchini in ratatouille and stews.

Okra can be used to prepare a variety of side dishes, and can also be added to salads and soups. These fruits go well with Provençal oil and various spices, which improves the taste of a dish made from an exotic vegetable.

Okra can be dried and frozen so that the fruit can be used year-round.

In addition to the pods, young leaves can also be used for food. They are added to salads and soups. The seeds are also edible. They are roasted and used to make a bitter-tasting drink that is somewhat similar to coffee. In addition, oil with a specific taste and smell is made from okra seeds. Also, young seeds of this vegetable can replace green peas.

How to cook?

To understand how to cook okra, you must first understand some of its features.

In appearance, the exotic vegetable resembles a green pepper, only with fibers on the outside and seeds inside. Buying such a fruit in a store, don't choose it large size. L It is better that its length does not exceed ten centimeters, otherwise you risk buying an old and overripe fruit.

Wash the okra thoroughly before cooking. wipe it with a hard cloth to remove hairs, cut off the stem.

To prevent the pods from darkening, you should not use cast iron cookware for cooking, but in order to To prevent okra from spreading during cooking, you should not stir it with a spoon and subject it to long-term heat treatment.

When preparing sauces or soups, the mucus secreted by this exotic vegetable can be an important advantage. It will add the necessary viscosity to the prepared dish. If the appearance of viscosity in a dish is undesirable, the okra should be fried or sliced ​​thinly and cooked until the mucus completely evaporates.

How to preserve?

There are several ways to preserve okra. It can be sealed in jars either separately or combined with other vegetables.

You must remember the main thing - The okra should be young and, preferably, recently picked from the garden. You should not can a vegetable if it has been in the refrigerator for several days.

If okra is cut crosswise into small pieces, it will look very beautiful in a jar, like little stars. You can also preserve it whole: you only need to trim the tip of the stem.

Before you start canning okra, you need to prepare the vegetable or vegetables if you decide to combine okra with anything else. First of all, wash all the ingredients well, prepare the spices and marinade, which should simmer over low heat before distributing it into jars. Sterilize the jars, place all the ingredients in them, pour boiling marinade and pour it into a saucepan. Do this procedure several times. At the very end, pour the prepared marinade over the cut and placed okra in jars and seal it tightly with sterilized lids.

Benefits of okra and treatment

The benefits of okra have been proven after a series of experiments that confirmed that the fruit can prevent the development of various types cancer, and they also reduce the risk of developing cataracts and diabetes. In addition, due to its rich composition, many doctors recommend these fruits to patients who have recently undergone surgery.

It has been proven that the vegetable can cope with many problems that cause impotence.

IN folk medicine okra is used to treat many diseases associated with the respiratory and digestive system. Basically, decoctions and infusions are made from it.

Also, the use of okra in pure form or dishes with the addition of this vegetable are beneficial for people suffering diabetes mellitus, with diarrhea, constipation. In addition, okra helps increase male potency.

Below is a video about an amazing plant - okra.

Harm of okra and contraindications

Okra can be harmful if you have an individual intolerance to the product. More contraindications this product does not have.

Growing: planting and care

Okra is a heat-loving plant that should not be grown outdoors unless you are in the southern region. This plant requires certain soil and conditions for it to mature.

The soil must be fertile and fertilized. It should be fertilized for okra in the fall. While digging, add humus, compost and superphosphate to the soil.

First, you need to grow seedlings by planting okra seeds immediately in separate containers, since this plant does not like transplants, around the beginning of May. In order for them to germinate quickly and grow into good seedlings, you need to soak the seeds in water for a day and observe temperature regime. The room temperature should be 20-25 degrees.

Planting okra in a greenhouse or greenhouse begins after about 45 days, at a distance of 30-60 cm from each other and 50-90 cm for tall varieties.

Caring for the plant is as follows: it is necessary to regularly water the okra with water, weed the weeds and hill up the bushes, and also feed it. The plant should be fertilized before flowering. mineral fertilizers, and when the fruits appear, use potassium nitrate.

Okra (Latin name - Bamya) is a unique edible vegetable that has a large number of different names. Every person who comes across this product at least once knows that this is a very valuable vegetable crop that belongs to the Malvaceae family.

Other names: gombo, okra, abelmosh edible, lady's finger, abelmoschus edible

Where does it grow

Not much is known about its homeland, so it is generally accepted that okra appeared in Africa, and after that it began to be grown in India. North America and the tropics. It must be said that in all these countries you can find many types and varieties of okra. Now lady's finger can be found in Europe - it was brought here by the Arabs. However, it is worth noting that not everyone is ready to take on the task of growing such an unusual exotic crop.


Okra is an annual herbaceous plant, which can grow up to 40 cm in height. However, there were also cases when the vegetable could reach a height of 2 meters. Okra has a very thick branched stem, and the leaves are slightly drooping and light green in color. The leaves are either five-lobed or seven-lobed. Okra flowers are quite large and have a yellow-cream color. They are often located on stalks in the axils of the leaves and this is where fruit formation occurs. The fruits are popularly called capsules, as they have an 8-sided shape and contain seeds inside. There are also pods here.

Many people compare okra to eggplants. This plant really needs similar care. Okra requires heat, so it has gained great popularity in the southern regions. However, currently the situation has changed somewhat and now it can be grown in any country. Okra can be found on store shelves fresh or frozen. The fruit is also found in markets. Harvesting most often occurs between August and November.

Features of selection and storage

In the process of choosing okra, sufficient attention should be paid to its appearance. The pods of the plant should be long. They can have a bright green color without damage, mold spots or dry areas. It is worth giving preference to young and tender fruits that are pleasant to the touch.
IN in some cases There are also those that have a dark or reddish color. It is very easy to identify fruit that is overripe. Just look at its leathery shell. This vegetable will be tougher due to large quantity fiber, so it can only spoil the taste of a particular dish, and not improve it.

Since gumbo is a perishable product, it can only be stored for about three days. If you decide to store the vegetable in the refrigerator, you should wrap it in newspaper or a bag.

Planting and caring for okra

If you are going to grow okra, you should know that the growing process will not be too simple, since this plant has its own characteristics. Okra seedlings are planted in early summer, when the soil is already sufficiently warm.

It is better to sow seeds in April. To plant planting material, you should pay attention to peat pots or disposable cups. This container is perfect for okra roots, since they grow very long, and it is important not to damage them during the transplanting process.

Okra: how to grow?

Okra is grown in fertile soil. It needs to be mixed with humus and minerals. The seeds are planted to a depth of 4 cm. And after planting, the seeds need to be watered, but this must be done very carefully so that a crust does not form on the soil and there is not a large amount of moisture.

In two weeks the first shoots should appear. To do this, you need to provide the seedlings with a temperature regime that is within 15 degrees. If the temperature drops, the seeds will germinate slowly and the seedlings will be weak. This is why it is so important to give your okra proper care.

Okra: how to cook?

Okra is most often used in cooking. It can be fried, stewed and boiled. It tastes somewhat like eggplant and asparagus. Many people use this vegetable in vegetable salad recipes, and it can also be canned. It is suitable for soups and meat dishes, and for snacks, as well as vegetables. As a side dish, this product goes especially well with meat and fish.

When cooked, this vegetable produces a lot of mucus. So to give it a more savory taste, simply fry the okra on high heat and add a little tomato and lemon juice.

Okra seeds are also worth considering as they can be cooked in place of coffee. They are also often pressed to produce an oil with a particularly pleasant aroma.

Okra: beneficial properties

Very often, okra is called a vegetarian's dream, since the vegetable contains a large amount nutrients. These include protein, iron, vitamins A, K, C, B6, potassium, calcium. Okra is especially recommended for pregnant women. With its help, the neural tube can form in the first trimester of pregnancy.

This vegetable is able to regulate blood sugar levels. It will also be very useful for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. They especially need to eat foods high in okra.

It must be said that this vegetable is great for weight loss, and it does not harm human health. Okra is a great helper in reducing asthma attacks. Also, this vegetable will play an excellent role in the dietary nutrition of people who suffer from atherosclerosis.
In addition, Abelmosh can also strengthen the walls of capillaries. It will cleanse the body of cholesterol and also help with constipation or stomach ulcers.

There have been many studies done on okra that have shown that this vegetable helps prevent colorectal cancer. It is also able to solve many problems related to potency. This vegetable will also help you recover after heavy operations. It can help reduce the risk of cataracts and diabetes.


If we talk about contraindications, it is worth noting that okra is a vegetable that does not cause any problems when consumed. The only thing that needs to be mentioned is individual intolerance. But in most cases, there are also areas of okra that can be neutralized through heat treatment. If this is not done, this plant can cause itchy skin. When cooking a vegetable or adding it to any dish, be sure to remove all hairs - this will help avoid allergic reaction and feeling unwell.

Now you know everything about this vegetable crop, which means that, if necessary, you can diversify your dishes with it, and maybe even grow it in your garden. She will pleasantly surprise you big amount vitamins and original taste.

If you nevertheless decide to grow okra in your garden, you will need a little effort and attention. And the result will exceed your expectations.

Okra in our country is considered an exotic vegetable and has appeared on the market quite recently. Although this vegetable, also known under the names okra, gombo and “lady fingers,” was successfully grown by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov himself on his personal plot.

What is okra?

Okra is a pyramidal plant belonging to the Malvaceae family. Externally, the vegetable is similar to a green chili pepper. Okra is grown and used in cooking in Southern Europe, America and Asia. It is most popular in West Africa and India. The most species of this plant grow here, and these regions are considered the birthplace of the vegetable.

In the photo there are okra fruits and flowers

Benefits of okra

Okra fruits contain:

  • Manganese
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin PP
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Calcium
  • Iron

Okra is the leader in fiber content. 100 grams of this vegetable contain 3.5 grams dietary fiber, that is 16% daily requirement person. Coarse fibers When okra enters the body, it is not absorbed, but, swelling in the stomach, it absorbs carcinogens, toxins and other harmful substances and remove them from the body.

Fiber contained in okra improves peristalsis gastrointestinal tract, serves as a good prevention of constipation and flatulence.

Photo of okra plant

Due to its properties and high content antioxidant glutathione, which is effective in combating free radicals, in America, okra is considered the most effective among anti-cancer foods. Okra decoction is recommended as a prevention of cancer.
Okra is recommended to be consumed by people who have undergone surgery, as it perfectly restores strength.

Currently, doctors have discovered another property of okra - it helps in the fight against impotence in men.

Okra regulates blood sugar levels and is an ideal vegetable for weight loss, prevention of depression, asthma, atherosclerosis, and stomach ulcers.

The calorie content of okra is only 31 kcal per 100 g of product.

Video "The Benefits of Okra"

Why is okra harmful?

On currently There are no contraindications for consuming okra other than individual intolerance to the vegetable. You just need to be careful when processing the vegetable - large pods may have burning areas that need to be thermally treated. It is also necessary to clean the hairs (they can cause an allergic reaction).

Choosing a quality vegetable

When purchasing okra, pay attention to appearance fetus The length of the pods should be 5-10 cm. Choose shorter vegetables. The fruit should have a bright green color and be firm to the touch. Be sure to check the vegetable for damage and mold spots. A quality vegetable should also break easily when bent.

The photo shows okra fruits

Overripe vegetables have a leathery shell. These are not worth buying as they are not suitable for cooking.


Okra is a perishable product and can only be stored for three days. When storing vegetables in the refrigerator, first wrap them in a paper bag.

Planting and Growing Okra

Okra is an annual herbaceous plant with a thick and branched stem and light green drooping leaves. The height of an adult plant reaches 40 cm or more.

Okra has large yellow-cream flowers located in the axils of the leaves on stalks. This is also where the fruits are formed.

Okra, like eggplant, is very thermophilic. Therefore, it is not recommended to grow it in open ground.

It requires fertile and well-fertilized soil. Fertilizers for okra are applied in the fall during digging. Compost, humus and superphosphate are used.

Okra is grown through seedlings. Since she does not like picks, the plants are immediately planted in separate containers in early May. Before planting, seeds are soaked in water for 24 hours. The temperature in the room where the seedlings grow should be maintained at 20-25 degrees.

The photo shows okra seedlings

Okra is planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse 45 days after planting the seedlings. When planting, maintain a distance of 30-60 cm between plants (for tall varieties - 50-90 cm).

Okra is harvested from August to November.

Video "Growing Okra"


Plant care activities include:

  • regular watering;
  • weeding and hilling bushes;
  • fertilizing plants;
  • Before the flowering period, okra is fertilized with mineral fertilizers;
  • After the fruits appear, potassium nitrate is used.

The most popular varieties of okra in Russia are:

  • dwarf green;
  • green velvet;
  • white velvet;
  • Lady fingers;
  • white cylindrical.

How is okra used in cooking?

Okra can be eaten raw, but it can be cooked various methods: pickled, salted, fried, stewed, steamed, deep-fried, added to soups and salads. It tastes like eggplant. Frozen okra is also used in dishes, which practically does not lose its properties.

Pictured is okra with vegetables

In the photo there is meat soup with okra

Okra can also be eaten raw.

Young leaves are also used for food - in soups and salads. And from roasted okra seeds, a bitter drink is made that tastes like coffee, but does not contain caffeine.

Okra seeds also produce an oil with a mild flavor similar to olive oil and rich in Omega-6 unsaturated fats. And the unripe seeds are canned; they taste like green peas.

Okra is a plant of the mallow family. This vegetable is also called gombo, lady fingers and okra. Many Europeans are interested in what okra is and how it is eaten, since this product is becoming increasingly popular with experienced housewives. Nutritional composition, impeccable taste and the ability to include vegetables in various dishes guarantee the successful use of okra in culinary purposes.

Okra fruits have 5 - 7 sides, in which numerous seeds are located small sizes. Typically the length is 25 centimeters.

The surface of the vegetable is covered with a small fluff, which it is advisable to remove before consuming the product to prevent allergic reactions.

Okra has bright green fruits whose taste is vaguely reminiscent of asparagus and eggplant. It should be noted that the product contains a large amount of mucus, so it is advisable to get rid of it with the help of acidic additives (for example, vinegar, tomatoes).

The origin of okra has not yet been established. It is believed that the vegetable may come from West Africa and India, since a large number of plants of this type grow in these regions.

Currently, okra is just becoming popular in Russia. Many people are trying to find out what okra is, where it grows and how it is eaten.

In fact, the vegetable is becoming more and more interesting for preparing European dishes, but is still the most affordable option is a pickled product.

Varieties of okra

Meet in Russia different varieties okra, varying in shape and size.

  1. Lady fingers (okra). This variety has pods with small seeds that can be used for culinary purposes. The maximum length of the plant is about a meter. After planting the seeds and before receiving the first harvest, it usually takes a little more than 3 months. The stem of a ripe vegetable is covered with sparse and sparse hairs. Visually, the Lady Fingers variety has inedible hairs, which it is recommended to get rid of in order for the fruit to reveal its good taste characteristics and pleased with the benefits. The fruit is hidden in the axils of the leaves, so you need to understand how to peel okra. The variety in question exhibits resistance to hot and dry weather. Okra can be harvested twice a year if the climate is favorable. It is recommended to consume unripe fruits, as they contain a special substance necessary to improve the structure of dishes. Okra is ideal for adding to vegetable salads, soups, and side dishes. Vegetables are recommended to be canned and frozen for long-term storage. Okra variety “Lady fingers” is recommended for consumption by people who observe dietary food and suffer from atherosclerosis.
  2. The oak forest is low-growing. The height of the plant stem usually reaches 80 centimeters. The ripe fruit acquires dark green color, which distinguishes it from unripe vegetables. Proper cultivation of okra involves the possibility of obtaining up to 8 fruits, each of which will contain up to 50 seeds.
  3. The oak forest is mid-season. The first collection becomes possible after about 2 months. However, it will take up to 4 months for the seeds to fully ripen. The fruiting cycle lasts a month, and during this time the harvest can be harvested 7–9 times. The mid-season Dubrava variety is planted only in open ground. The vegetable is ideal for people on a healthy diet.
  4. Medium-sized pipe. The stem reaches a height of up to 120 centimeters. Yellow small inflorescences are distinguished by the presence of medium-sized green fruits. At the same time, the flute, which is grown specifically for harvest, can please you with a large number of tasty fruits.
  5. The flute is mid-season. The first harvest after planting can be harvested in about 2 months. This variety of okra bears fruit for about a month, and during this time it is possible to obtain a harvest up to 9 times.

A photo of okra, what it is and how it is eaten interests many people, and each variety requires a special climate and the right approach to your cultivation.

Useful properties of okra

The rich composition of okra guarantees the presence of numerous positive properties.

  1. The increased level of folate content makes okra an ideal food for women while pregnant.
  2. Plant mucilage is a kind of dietary fiber. This substance normalizes blood sugar. For this reason, the vegetable is good for diabetics.
  3. Okra removes excess cholesterol, bile products, and toxic substances from the body. This kind of cleaning human body guarantees maintenance good condition health.
  4. The nutritional composition of okra improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Initially, the prevention of constipation and flatulence is guaranteed. If you regularly consume okra, you can count on a successful improvement in your well-being with gastritis and stomach ulcers, as the intestinal microflora improves.
  5. Okra is an ideal dietary low calorie product. A large amount of nutrients helps improve well-being and maintain the necessary body tone.
  6. Regular consumption of okra guarantees improved well-being in cases of depression and chronic fatigue.

The above positive properties okra contributes to the fact that this vegetable is becoming more and more in demand. If you know what okra is and how it is eaten, where to buy seeds, you can count on guaranteed benefits for the body.

Okra is used not only in cooking, but also in for cosmetic purposes. Masks are successfully prepared from boiled vegetables to improve hair condition.

If you use cream with okra extract, you can count on effective cleansing skin from acne and eliminating any unevenness on the skin.

Possibilities of using okra for culinary purposes

Okra is a vegetable that can be successfully used in cooking.

Often assumed following methods Product processing:

  • salting;
  • pickling;
  • frying;
  • stewing;
  • steaming;
  • deep-frying.

Moreover, okra can be safely consumed raw, and it is in this form that the presence of the maximum possible amount of nutritional components is guaranteed.

Knowing what okra is and how it is eaten can help you study the recipes carefully.

For example, okra is used to prepare almost any dish, but to open it best characteristics it is advisable to use spices and natural oils, giving additional notes of taste and revealing pleasant facets of aroma.

Okra can be used dried or frozen.

Okra seeds are also edible. They are used to prepare a drink reminiscent of coffee, oil with a specific taste and smell.

Regular use of okra for culinary purposes ensures that you get plenty of nutrients.

At home, okra can be stored for no more than 3 days, as the product quickly deteriorates and subsequently loses its nutritional value.

If you know what pickled okra is and how it is eaten, you can eat it tasty dish, differing in nutritional composition.

Contraindications for eating okra

It would seem that okra should be healthy vegetable. However, the product may cause potential harm certain categories of people.

The greatest risks of occurrence side effects appear due to individual intolerance of the body and possible manifestation allergic reactions.

In such cases, people may complain of itching and other signs of skin allergies.

To reduce the risk of allergies, it is advisable to clean the okra from existing hairs on the fruit. Cleaning is carried out with rubber gloves, since when carrying out such a procedure you need to take care of protection.

Okra pods may seem spicy. To improve taste characteristics it is recommended heat treatment vegetable. As a result, the excess spiciness will go away and the taste characteristics will please you.

Okra is a Mediterranean vegetable that... Lately is becoming increasingly in demand among Russian housewives who want to prepare healthy and tasty dishes.