How to restore the digestive system at home. Light and heavy foods. What you need to improve digestion during pregnancy

A few years ago my digestion gave a serious failure. I remember that time with horror: I practically did not digest food, there was frequent nausea, belching, in the esophagus there was a feeling as if a stake had been inserted into me, which did not allow me to swallow normally and even breathe. I have tried a lot of western food systems, but nothing worked. I took all the known and unknown drugs that either brought temporary relief or did not bring any at all.

Doctors suspected either psychosomatics, or dysbacteriosis (!!!), or ordinary gastritis. I was treated by a variety of doctors and once even visited one of the most famous professors of gastroenterology in Moscow. I still remember meeting him. He looked at the tests, pictures, examined me and said: “You are all right. It’s just that you are of an asthenic physique, so all these discomfort».

Nothing that these "unpleasant sensations" were already literally unbearable?! I listened to him, thanked him and left the office with my nausea and a stake in my esophagus, full of despair.

I don’t know how things would have ended if at one point I still didn’t decide to go to the doctor Tibetan medicine. Why Tibetan, you may ask. Because I have a long connection with this people: in the past I was a Buddhist, I lived in Elista for several years and worked in Buddhist temple, where she constantly communicated with Tibetan monks.

That day, the doctor had students in practice, so several people examined me with interest at once. Pulse, urine, detailed survey. Then I found out my diagnosis - indigestion (Tib. "I smear"). The doctor gave me medicines general recommendations on a diet, which later formed the basis of the Smart Detox nutrition program.

Indigestion- one of the most common diseases diagnosed by doctors traditional medicine almost every patient. More serious illnesses usually begin with it, and therefore it is reasonable to “catch the tail” on this most “smear” early stages. But the fact is that the first symptoms may seem commonplace: well, belching, well, heaviness, well, whitish tongue ... It's okay, the person thinks, it happens to everyone. However, if nutrition and lifestyle do not improve, this “nothing to worry about” develops into a truly terrible phenomenon that leaves a strong imprint on the quality of life. And how difficult things will develop depends on how strong your digestion is initially, what climate you live in, how badly your diet is broken, and so on.

In the canon of Tibetan medicine, Jude-shi says that the cause of indigestion is cold, heavy Mucus.

Most often, people of the Mucus constitution who eat cold and heavy foods (wheat, cabbage, potatoes, cottage cheese, sour cream) get sick, as well as raw vegetables, fruits, juices, leafy salads. At risk are people of the Wind constitution, who eat lean, malnourishing food.

The development of the disease also contributes to:

  • eating at night;
  • eating unusual food (I would put it in large quantities and any other foreign food for which our digestion is not adapted);
  • incompatible food (fish and milk; fish and eggs; fried onions and honey - full list from several dozen positions you will find in the Smart Detox program);
  • old food (sweets, cookies, and everything that is stored for a long time on store shelves).

And many more, including those not listed in Jude-shi, which I will talk about in future articles.

How is indigestion formed?

These causes and conditions not only weaken the digestive fire, they reduce the digestive power of Mucus, Wind and Bile.

“Mindering Slime ceases to grind food;

Bile Digestive cannot digest it;

A wind equal to fire does not separate the transparent juice.

At the same time, the disease may not always be as noticeable as it was with me. If a person is not highly sensitive, and the disease has found a way to "hide", this is the most insidious scenario. Such patients usually get to doctors with an old form of "smear", and treatment is delayed for long months, or even years.

How to prevent or cure indigestion with nutrition?

Follow the nutrition system according to the 5 primary elements system - it naturally will restore the work of three vital principles: Wind, Bile and Mucus. All the principles of harmonizing nutrition are contained in the "Smart Detox" program, which is a complete tutorial. Apart from detailed recommendations to restore digestion, you will receive 50 unique recipes, in which the ingredients are selected in such a way as to balance all body systems. On free version programs you can subscribe now on the website

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

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If you are regularly tormented by nausea, vomiting and flatulence, then you may have problems with digestion. Our article will tell you how to deal with them correctly.

Digestion is the process during which food is processed chemically and physically into gastric tract, which preserves all the nutrients and energy properties products. But unfortunately, this happens only if the human body works like clockwork.

And if a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle, drinks, smokes, eats unhealthy food and moves little, then the process of overdosing food is not entirely correct. Most often, this leads to not very pleasant consequences. People with poor digestion may experience nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation

And if you do not try to establish the process of digestion of food, then all these symptoms can lead to the development of more serious illnesses gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, let's figure out which products and drugs will help to the maximum. fast deadline improve digestion and get rid of nausea and bloating

Tablets and medicines and enzyme preparations to improve digestion

Enzyme remedy that improves digestion

Probably, every person is familiar with the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which occurs after a hearty meal. Most often, such unpleasant sensations appear due to the fact that the human body does not produce the right amount of enzymes responsible for the digestion of food. You can try to solve this problem with special enzyme preparations.

But remember, you do not need to get involved in taking such pills. You can only take them in last resort or during treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. It will still be better if you try to change your lifestyle and help your body cope with the process of over-fermenting food.

Enzymes should be taken in the following cases:

Unreasonable fatigue that does not disappear throughout the day
I constantly want to sleep (this desire is especially aggravated after eating)
Excessive dryness of the skin and the appearance of age spots
Nails are peeling and hair is falling out very much
Persistent flatulence
Pain after eating

List of enzyme preparations:

Mezim. Once in the body, it begins to stimulate the process of over-digesting food
Festal. Helps break down complex sugar compounds and improves bowel function
Orazu. Sets up correct work pancreas
Creon. Stimulates the production of enzymes needed for food processing
Somilase. Promotes gradual restoration of all natural functions of the pancreas

Folk remedies to improve digestion

Most Effective folk remedies to improve digestion

Everyone knows how important it is to eat right. But unfortunately, not everyone and not always succeed in eating only healthy food. There are so many different temptations around us that sometimes, like little children, we cannot resist and buy ourselves some kind of yummy that does more harm than good.

And the more often we do this, the more difficult it becomes for our stomach to cope with its direct tasks. Ultimately, this leads to the fact that we have problems with digestion. The most unpleasant thing is that such insignificant, seemingly at first glance, symptoms will eventually lead to the accumulation of toxins and other toxins in the body. harmful substances, and those in turn will begin to provoke the development of more serious diseases

Therefore, it is very important at first initial stage try to get rid of all these problems. And if you don’t have time to go to a specialist yet, then try to alleviate your condition with folk methods.

Burdock root. A decoction of this plant envelops the walls of the stomach, thereby helping to reduce inflammatory processes. For greater efficiency, the root should not be boiled in water, but in skim milk.
Juice sauerkraut. This product is very good at stimulating the production gastric juice. But it cannot be used by people with hyperacidity
Basil leaves. They help to get rid of nausea and vomiting, and also quickly suppress flatulence. Also fresh leaves of this plant quite effectively fight heartburn and belching

Teas and herbs for digestion

Dandelion tea to improve digestion

ABOUT healing properties herbs have been known to people for a long time. Our ancestors believed that almost all diseases can be cured with their help. Unfortunately, modern medicine believes that herbs can only be auxiliary means treatment and taken exclusively as an addition to the main therapy. But in the case of improper digestion, it is herbs that can become the main method of treatment.

After all, no matter how effective white pharmaceutical preparations, Negative influence they still have an effect on the body. Therefore, until a person has developed serious pathologies gastrointestinal tract, then you can improve digestion and herbal teas. If properly arranged herbs, they will help to establish metabolic processes, will remove toxins from the body, contribute to the proper production of gastric juice and increase the overall tone of the body.

Herbs that help improve digestion:

Parsley (seeds)

Dandelion (root)

Vitamins to improve digestion

The most popular vitamins for improving digestion

Another important component of proper digestion are vitamins. After all, if there is a lack of a substance in the body, then it affects the stomach first of all. Therefore, it is very important that the human body receives all the trace elements it needs every day.

But do not confuse ordinary vitamins for the concept of immunity and fortified preparations for the stomach. Indeed, in this case, you need a vitamin bomb that will stimulate the proper functioning of the digestive tract and special prebiotics that improve the functioning of this organ. Therefore, when buying vitamins in a pharmacy, ask if they contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which normalize the work of the stomach and intestines.

Digestive vitamins:

Altera. Relieves inflammation in the stomach and normalizes motor function intestines

Acidophilus. Removes toxic products from the body, which are formed during metabolic processes

Gastrafermin. Promotes correct and better assimilation nutrients

Regulin. They maximize the work of the small and large intestines, thereby contributing to the regular emptying of the stomach.

Foods to Improve Digestion

List of foods good for digestion

We lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend almost the whole day near the TV or computer. And if you add to this not very healthy food, then the picture turns out to be completely joyless. Can help fix the situation the right products, which include useful vitamins and fiber.

It is the last component that our digestive tract needs the most. Fiber helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, promotes proper digestion of food and prevents the formation of cholesterol in the vessels. Therefore, if you want your stomach to work like a clock, then include in your daily ration as much as possible fresh vegetables and fruits.

List of useful products:

Beet. Helps to properly digest food. This product is useful in every way. It can be boiled, stewed, baked and eaten raw.

Honey. Gets the job done right digestive system and helps fight constipation and diarrhea. It is best to consume it an hour before the main meal.

Radish. It contains essential oils that have a positive effect on digestion. Helps lower cholesterol and blocks the growth of fat cells

Lactic products. Cottage cheese, milk and kefir contain natural prebiotics in large quantities, which relax the walls of the stomach and intestines.

Green vegetables. Absorb excess liquid and do not allow edema to form. In addition, they prevent the absorption of waste and toxins by the stomach.

Diet and meals for digestion: recipes

Diet meals improving digestion
  • If you are trying to eat right, but stomach problems are only getting worse, then be sure to consult a specialist.
  • It is likely that your digestive system is no longer enough regular nutrition and needs to take more drastic measures.
  • After all, if the gastrointestinal tract is depleted strongly enough, then in order to put it in order, you will need to sit on a special diet.

The basic rules of a diet that improves digestion:

Minimize your intake of fast carbohydrates

Try to chew your food more carefully

Eat often, but in small portions

Drink a glass of non-carbonated water half an hour before a meal.

One meal should consist of only one dish

Healthy Recipes

Beetroot Salad Recipe:

Boil two small beets and cut them into strips

Grate carrots on a coarse grater and chop Chinese cabbage

Transfer everything to a large bowl and season with sunflower oil

Salt, pepper the dish and, if desired, add walnuts to it

Salad can be both an independent dish and an addition to baked fish or meat.

Recipe for diet steam cutlets:

Prepare minced chicken or turkey

Add salt, pepper and a large handful of herbs to it.

Mix the minced meat and beat it a little

Form small balls and put them in the boil

In 10-15 minutes the cutlets will be ready.

eat it meat dish best with fresh vegetables

What do pregnant women need to improve digestion?

Nutrition rules for pregnant women

All nine months of pregnancy female body lives in constant stress. Due to the rise hormonal background almost everything starts to work incorrectly for a woman internal organs. This problem does not bypass the digestive system. Perhaps she is one of the first to feel the upcoming changes.

Of course, the main problem of the gastrointestinal tract is toxicosis, which interferes with the proper absorption of food. Therefore, it is very important to establish nutrition in such a way as to minimize all negative phenomena.

Tips to help improve the digestion of a pregnant woman:

Never overeat

Try to stick to your meal plan

Eat only wholesome and freshly prepared food

Eliminate pasta from your diet White bread and muffin

Eat only seasonal fruits and vegetables

Refuse to eat semi-finished products

How can children improve digestion?

The menu of young children should be as balanced as possible

Digestive system little man continues to form for some time after the birth of the crumbs. Enough is connected with this frequent disorders Child's gastrointestinal tract.

Since the pancreas is still unable to produce all the necessary enzymes, the baby's nutrition should be as correct and regular as possible. If you do not want your baby to have nausea or diarrhea, then make sure that he eats only wholesome foods.

Introduce new foods into your baby's diet gradually

At the initial stage, you can give vegetables heat treatment(meaning carrots and cabbage)

Give the baby as much as possible pure water

Make sure the baby does not eat too hot or cold food.

Give your child dairy products regularly

Exercises to Improve Digestion

A set of exercises to improve digestion

In addition to proper nutrition and enzyme preparations, they can also help normalize digestion. physical exercise. If you do them regularly, then in addition to the ideal work of the gastrointestinal tract, you will also get a beautiful body.

A set of exercises to improve digestion:

A pineapple. Lie on your back, bend your knees and press them to your stomach. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds

Twisting. Take a lying position, lift your legs up and start lowering them one by one, then in one direction, then in the other direction. Do 8-10 reps

Child's pose. Sit on the floor with your legs bent under you. Lean your head to the floor and begin to inflate your stomach in this position. Lock in this position for 5-10 seconds

Smooth bite. Stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms above your head and begin to squat as if you were planning to sit on a chair. Hold on a semi-squat for 10-15 seconds

Massage to improve digestion

I would like to say right away that the massage of the abdomen is quite difficult process requiring certain skills. So if you have the opportunity, then find qualified specialist and pass medical therapy him. After all, only a person who knows all the subtleties of this manipulation will be able to help improve the functioning of the stomach and relieve pain.

Components of therapeutic massage:

Stroking. Assume light circular movements in the stomach and intestines. The circle that the hand makes should gradually increase and reach its maximum size around 3 minutes.

Circular pressure on the abdomen. One hand lies on the stomach, and the other from above begins to press it down slightly. Pressure on one point should not be painful and last more than 3 seconds

Side movements. This manipulation maximizes blood circulation. To carry out this stage of the massage, you need to pinch the skin between your fingers, simulating dough kneading.

Video: Fennel extract. How to improve digestion? Gas formation in the intestines

Human digestion is the key to a normal existence, unless, of course, there are any problems with it. But brag perfect health hardly any of us can. Someone often has heartburn, someone suffers from pain in the abdomen, someone can not cope with constipation. There are many reasons for this, and you can’t tell about everything. If you want to be healthy, then you should definitely learn how to improve digestion. But before we consider practical advice, let's take a look at the main enemies of our digestive tract.

Improving digestion: first you need to find the root of evil

  • Smoking harms not only the lungs, but toxins that enter the body with cigarette smoke cause irritation of the stomach, increasing the likelihood that gastritis or an ulcer will make itself felt after a while.
  • Stress. The more you are in depressed state the more discomfort they experience.
  • Alcohol is still that enemy. Not only does it irritate the walls of the stomach, it also violates it.
  • Harmful products. Eating everything indiscriminately and in large quantities, we do not even think about whether it is easy for our stomach to digest all this.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. The more you sit, the slower the metabolic processes in your body proceed. Hence and frequent constipation, bad smell while opening the mouth.

Of course, these are not all the reasons that negative impact to our digestive system. In any case, if you feel uncomfortable, and in some cases even painful, you should definitely know how to improve digestion. The first step is an examination by a doctor. In this case, you will eliminate the risk of developing a serious illness, and if it makes itself felt, you can immediately begin treatment.

How to normalize digestion

  1. Start by reviewing your diet. Eat more, but in small portions. Try to only use natural products refrain from eating fast food don't eat on the go.
  2. Be sure to eat something warm every day. It could be soup, a cup of tea, or a more substantial meal.
  3. Drink plenty of water. For a person who does not know how to improve digestion, this will seem somewhat wrong. And yet, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water every day in order to maintain metabolic processes at the proper level.
  4. Be sure to have breakfast. It should not be a cup of green tea, but something more substantial. For example, a portion oatmeal, fried eggs.
  5. Try to eat at the same time, be sure to have snacks, especially if you are very hungry.
  6. Get rid of these bad habits like overeating, smoking and drinking in large quantities.
  7. Improving digestion is not a matter of one day. Tune in to the fact that you will have to change some of your ingrained habits, exclude from the diet such foods that are hard to digest, contribute to the set excess weight, do not carry energy benefits (for example, Coca-Cola).
  8. Make sure that the food is varied, do not be lazy to cook delicious, and most importantly, healthy meals.
  9. Move more. It is not necessary to run several kilometers. Just walk home from work instead of driving public transport several stops.
  10. If you feel a lack of vitamins coming from food, be sure to take a multivitamin complex.

I hope now you understand how to improve digestion. Moreover, they drew attention to the fact that a lot needs to be done. But these are not just some temporary rules, but your new image life, which must be constantly maintained

Medicines to improve digestion have been known to science since the second half of the nineteenth century. Humanity has always had problems with the stomach.

The love of dense and tasty food has long led to a deterioration in digestion.

The search for the first enzymes - rescuers for the stomach and pancreas, culminated in the appearance of the first "Pancreatin".

Causes of digestive problems

Every adult knows the feeling of heaviness in the intestines, as if after eating a hearty lunch or dinner, food turns to stone.

How to understand that digestive problems have begun? What you can not focus on, but what to pay attention to Special attention? How to improve indigestion?

Gastrointestinal disorders manifest themselves in different ways: frequent constipation or diarrhea, causeless flatulence, nausea, pain after eating, lack of appetite and other discomfort as a result of digestive disorders.

fast fatigue and constant desire sleep is the first sign of problems in digestion and metabolism, which indicates poor absorption of nutrients.

The lack of vitamins and minerals adversely affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Appear dark spots on the skin all over the body, the nails break, the ends of the hair are split, their shine is lost.

The nature of the deterioration of the work of digestion is not proper nutrition or the appearance of acute inflammatory processes.

The main causes of poor digestion can be described thesis:

  • malnutrition, consumption junk food and systematic overeating;
  • drinking alcohol regularly and in large quantities;
  • consumption of products without heat treatment: dried meat and fish, sushi, steaks with blood, etc.;
  • chewing problems associated with prosthetics, diseased or missing teeth. Digestion begins in the mouth, missing the first stage of the chain leads to the destruction of the entire system;
  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy. The fruit puts pressure on the stomach and pancreas, complicating normal digestion;
  • operations on the intestines;
  • taking medications that adversely affect the intestinal microflora;
  • the age of the child is up to 3-6 months. In newborns, the process of formation of the intestinal microflora lasts during this period, which can cause discomfort.

Once at risk, do not postpone the prevention of digestive complications for later. It is important to choose the best remedy for improving digestion.

Finding a Medicine to Improve Digestion

Since the late 1890s, "Pancreatin" has been produced as a bitter powder obtained from the pancreas of cows and pigs.

Such a medicine was imperfect and required a constant solution to the accompanying problems in the form of side effects.

One and a half hundred years later, humanity has not stopped searching perfect medicine to improve the functioning of the stomach and pancreas.

A century and a half after the invention of the first artificial enzymes, Pancreatin remains today an indispensable medicine that improves digestive functions.

"Pancreatin" is indicated for use during the treatment of a number of chronic and acute diseases associated with digestion, with poor pancreatic secretion and insufficient production of biological enzymes.

This medicine works like ambulance with a banal overeating, improves digestion for people with in a sedentary manner life.

Plus to the choice of "Pancreatin" in home first aid kit is its low cost. The price of one pill in a package of 60 tablets costs about 1 ruble. The cost varies slightly depending on the network of pharmacies.

The drug has analogues - "Mezim", "Creon", "Penzital" - the drugs are almost identical in composition, but can be an order of magnitude more expensive.

"Festal" and "Enzistal" are agents that positively affect the functions of the digestive system.

Stimulate the work of the pancreas and increase the secretion of digestive juices. In their composition, pancreatin is combined with hemicellulose and bull bile powder.

The drugs are indicated for the treatment of the pancreas and are able to quickly break down fats.

Both that and another medicine helps to improve the condition of the digestive tract after taking a large amount of spicy, fatty, fried foods.

Enzyme preparations can be plant origin. Popular medicines for improving metabolism and the digestive process are Wobenzim, Oraza.

To restore the damaged mucosa, an extract of the gastric mucosa ("Pepsin") will help.

When choosing a remedy to improve digestion, it is important to know that these drugs are available in the form of tablets and capsules. The tablet dissolves in the stomach and acts there.

The effect of the capsule extends to the entire gastrointestinal tract, because it dissolves in two stages: in the stomach and in the intestines.

Changes in hormonal levels in pregnant women affect the functioning of all organs, including digestion.

Toxicosis, fetal pressure on the stomach and pancreas, constant mood swings, conflicting desires when choosing food create discomfort.

There is heartburn and problems with the digestion of food consumed.

You should not be of the opinion that a pregnant woman should eat for two. Nutrition should be balanced, you can not overeat and eat at night.

It is necessary to exclude or at least limit the presence of bakery products, pasta, fatty and fried foods in the diet.

regular meals and healthy food necessary to improve digestion, which makes all nine months of waiting for a child enjoyable.

How to help a child painlessly survive the period of formation of beneficial intestinal microflora?

The intestines of a small person completes its development after the birth of a baby.

The fragile pancreas of a newborn produces much fewer enzymes than in adults.

Parents should take care of healthy food and proper nutrition of the child to improve digestion and ensure comfort in his stomach.

The intestinal microflora consists of beneficial and harmful bacteria. Miscellaneous factors affect their number.

When the balance is disturbed, and there are more harmful bacteria, the first problems with the child's digestion begin.

Gas formation in children is a painful process, it will help to neutralize it Dill water(decoction of dill or fennel seeds).

Relieve abdominal pain, improve digestion and help expel gases. The position of the child, when the legs are bent at the knees, tightly pressed to the stomach.

When traditional methods do not help, there special means that affect the functions of the digestive organs of children, which quickly relieve gas formation in the abdomen and allow the baby to sleep peacefully.

Among such drugs, antifoam drugs are considered the most effective, active substance which is simethicone ("Espumizan", "Kolikid").

We must also be careful during the introduction of complementary foods: give food to heat treatment and not rush with innovations.

You need to do everything gradually and carefully, monitor the reaction of the child's body to a new product, so as not to overload the digestive process.

Phytotherapy to improve digestion

Herbal teas and infusions are natural medicines that improve digestion. Among medicinal herbs chamomile, peppermint, sage and string flowers became recognized favorites.

Medications traditional medicine useful not only for improving digestion - herbs remove toxins from the body, help to establish metabolism and speed it up.

Chamomile is an effective remedy for overeating resulting in nausea and stomach pain.

Chamomile flowers take off pain having an anti-inflammatory effect.

Taking an infusion of chamomile improves the functioning of the gallbladder, stimulates contraction bile ducts And fast recovery its functions.

Melissa and peppermint have a similar effect on the human digestive system, plus they soothe well, relieve insomnia, and help improve the immune system.

A decoction of the series, positively affecting digestive process person, contributes to the emergence good appetite, normalizes metabolism.

The well-known antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of sage explain its widespread use in the treatment of oral diseases.

Due to the presence essential oils, aromatic resins and tannins sage is also used as a medicine to improve digestion.

He raises secretory function intestines and stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, affecting the improvement of the digestion process.

Proper nutrition will help improve and regulate the process of digestion. Every morning you should drink on an empty stomach two glasses of water heated to 30 degrees Celsius.

You should always drink a glass of water 20 minutes before a meal, and never drink water during a meal or for an hour after.

The habit of drinking water with food breaks the stomach and increases the amount of food that needs to be digested. This leads to congestion of the digestive system and malfunctions in its work.

Eating should be regular. If a person eats at the same time every day, then this improves the work of the pancreas, liver and speeds up the metabolism.

Try to eat freshly prepared rather than reheated food. To improve digestion, it is worth taking care of the presence in the diet fermented milk products, cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir.

Healthy food is an excellent medicine for improving digestion. Beetroot juice combined with fresh carrot juice and juice sauerkraut improve digestion, saturate the body with vitamins, facilitate the work of the digestive system and speed up the metabolism.

Pumpkin pulp in any form and pumpkin juice gently acts on the work of the intestines, solves the problem of constipation without discomfort.

Fiber is needed to improve intestinal patency.

The regular presence of pumpkin in the diet helps to restore liver tissue and, due to the content of pectin in it, toxic substances are removed from the body, and metabolism is accelerated.

Search the best medicine for digestion lead to awareness of the need to protect one's health. Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat it for a long time.

Drugs to improve digestion may be needed by a child and an adult to speed up the digestion of food and stimulate the secretion glands of the gastrointestinal tract.

What drugs improve digestion?

Exists certain group substances - enzymes or enzymes - contributing to the acceleration of the production of products of the digestive glands necessary for the process of digestion of food. Enzymes are normally secreted in sufficient quantities by the stomach, pancreas, liver and gallbladder. But sometimes in the intestines or stomach, a failure occurs due to a lack of these substances. Therefore, they produce enzyme preparations based on animal enzymes ( herbal medicines are very rare).

Enzymes are designed to:

  • Increase the absorption of vitamins, minerals and other elements.
  • Relieve heaviness after overeating.
  • Start and accelerate metabolic processes and metabolism in the body.
  • It was easier to digest food without causing adverse symptoms(discomfort, heaviness, bloating).
  • split faster complex products so that the body absorbs them more actively.

You should be careful with enzymes, the process of restoring the functioning of the digestive tract in adults and children should be controlled by a doctor, otherwise the medicine can only harm more than help.

It is impossible to know in advance how to improve digestion if the cause of its deterioration has not been diagnosed, but to do it without medical care will not work. Moreover, none of the people knows which enzymes are best suited, and you can’t try everything using the “poke” method.

One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various drugs. To improve bowel function after taking the drugs, you need every day drink a simple remedy ...

Why take enzymes?

Enzymatic processes are maintained at a sufficient level only in people who are healthy, well-monitoring their diet and lifestyle. But only a few really have good digestibility of food, for everyone else the digestive tract does not work quite smoothly. A child has better processes of fast digestion than an adult, so enzymes are rarely prescribed for children.

But even at 1 year old, health problems may appear and then you can’t do without the help of drugs to improve the functioning of the intestines, stomach and other organs.

Drugs that help normalize the digestive process are necessary:

  • If the digestion of food has slowed down and it is necessary to restore the amount of enzymes.
  • If food quickly enters the stomach in an unchewed form, and large pieces are difficult for the body to digest.
  • With constipation caused by eating a large amount of food, when there is no normal supply of enzymes for splitting.
  • To improve metabolism.
  • To relieve the symptoms of indigestion.
  • To restore the digestive system after past illness gastrointestinal tract.
  • To vitamins, minerals and useful trace elements properly and fully absorbed by the human body.
  • To speed up the process of supplying enzymes and rapid response and lowering their levels in the absence of food, so that digestive enzymes did not corrode the walls of the stomach and intestines.
  • If a person has bad feeling after eating food.

Enzyme groups

Enzyme preparations that speed up digestion and bring the digestive system into a balanced state are of three types, depending on the active composition.

Group of enzymesOperating principleDrug names
Pancreatin - the main active ingredientThis is a pancreatic enzyme that stimulates the production of digestive juice, which contributes to rapid digestion and absorption of vitamins and minerals.Pancreatin, Creon, Mezim
Pancreatin, hemicellulose, bile acids and other substances are part of the drugRender fast action as splitters complex carbohydrates, participate in the normalization of work small intestine and help improve the production of pancreatic enzymesFestal, Enzistal
Drugs that help normalize the exocrine activity of the pancreasPromotes better absorption of nutrients active action to the pancreasSomilaza, Oraza

List of drugs for restoring digestion

It is difficult to select a group of suitable enzymes without diagnosing the causes of the disease. What is better to take, the doctor should tell, having established the diagnosis.

Consider the main list of drugs that contribute to good digestion, facilitating the condition of a person after eating.

Pancreatin is the best remedy with insufficient production of enzymes by the pancreas. The drug is produced in tablets. The tool improves the digestion process, contributing to the speedy passage of food through the digestive tract. Correct Application means will get rid of heaviness in the stomach after eating.

Taking pancreatin is indicated for people with:

  • Malaya enzymatic activity pancreas.
  • Problems of the chewing apparatus due to which food enters the stomach in large pieces and is digested for a long time.
  • Pain and heaviness in the abdomen when overeating.
  • Chronic diseases of the digestive system, especially at the time of exacerbation of the disease.

The drug is well suited for children, adults and the elderly.

In order for the normalization of the digestive process to take place gradually without stress for the body, it is necessary to take the tablets according to the instructions:

  1. Adults can drink 1 tablet of Pancreatin during a meal.
  2. Children under 3 years old should be given 1/3 tablet with meals.
  3. Older children can be given half or a whole tablet, depending on the situation and the doctor's prescription.

The tool helps quickly, speeding up digestion and alleviating the condition occurs 10-30 minutes after taking Pancreatin. For best effect it is necessary to take the drug in a course prescribed by a doctor to help the body restore its usual rhythm.

The drug is available in capsules, due to which the action extends to the intestines. Creon speeds up the digestion process on everything digestive tract, and does not act only in the stomach, unlike Pancreatin. If a person has a feast with a predominance of fatty and heavy foods, then it is advisable to drink Creon in advance to help the body quickly process and absorb a large amount of food. Tumors in the stomach and intestines that affect their performance, cystic fibrosis, pancreatitis - all these are indications for the use of Creon.

The capsules must be taken before meals and should be swallowed.

It is undesirable to open the capsule, chew or dissolve its contents, as the activity of the drug will decrease and the action will not reach the intestines. It is enough to drink 1 capsule at a time.

Creon has side effect V rare cases- diarrhea, but you can’t take a remedy for constipation, since this is not its main purpose, and so you can not adjust digestion, but only bring down the balance.

Mezim contains four main active ingredients:

  • Protease.
  • Amylase.
  • Lipase.

With gastritis, chronic pancreatitis and just temporary problems with the pancreas, the drug is useful for the absorption of nutrients and good fast digestion food. Mezim must also be drunk in case of problems with food stagnation.

In case of violation of the pancreas or stomach, usually take 1 tablet of Mezim with meals.

It is better if the treatment and dosage are prescribed by a doctor, since the drug is very strong and uncontrolled intake can only harm the body. It can be taken for a long time if there is chronic diseases, but the doctor then must constantly monitor the patient's condition.


Festal tablets improve human digestion due to its component composition:

  • Pancreatin normalizes the production of enzymes.
  • Ox bile powder improves amylase activity.
  • Hemicellulose helps break down fiber.

These components are good for quick and complete absorption of vitamins and minerals. These digestive tablets are great for people with irritable bowel syndrome.

Festal is a good remedy, but it has a number of contraindications.

The tablets should not be used by people with:

  • Hepatitis of any etiology.
  • Acute pancreatitis.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Diabetes mellitus (only as prescribed by a doctor with blood glucose control).

Has almost the same component composition, as Festal, so the improvement of digestion and absorption of nutrients with the drug will be much more effective.

If you slow down the process of digestion of a person, abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, nausea, and loss of appetite will begin to bother you.

It is from these unpleasant symptoms and helps get rid of Enzistal. Indications and contraindications for the drug are the same as for Festal.

The drug will help solve stomach problems associated specifically with the intake of vegetable and animal fats in in large numbers. Alphaamylase and solizim - active ingredients preparation - help to quickly break down fats that have entered the stomach and facilitate the rest of the process of digestion.

Somilase is prescribed for people with:

  • Gastritis.
  • Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Problems in the liver and gallbladder.
  • Digestive problems after surgery on the digestive tract.

Methods of application and dosage will entirely depend on the reason for the appointment, and therefore the doctor must prescribe the medicine.

This drug is quite different from the above drugs, and its self-administration may not help in certain cases. Therefore, if a person is not sure of his diagnosis, it does not make sense to acquire Somilase.

Take the medicine should be ½-1 teaspoon after meals or during. The dosage will be individual, but most often the remedy is prescribed to be taken three times a day. There is Orazy syrup and capsules, the form of release for each person should be prescribed by a doctor. Children are more suitable drug in syrup, as it is easier for them to take it, but adults can drink tablets or capsules.

The tool has one by-effect- diarrhea.

Often girls try to use an enzyme preparation for weight loss - and digest food faster and so that everything comes out more actively from the intestines. This is fundamentally wrong, because similar treatment can completely ruin the digestive system, upsetting the balance of enzyme production, which will subsequently affect human health. The medicine should be used only if there really is a problem with the production of enzymes.


Coming to the pharmacy, people do not know what to do, what drug to choose. Now they produce inexpensive and effective medicines, but it is still worth choosing the drug, focusing on the problem with digestion. It is impossible to reliably determine the best medicinal enzyme preparations only by price, because cheap drugs are sometimes more effective than expensive ones, and sometimes the price does not play a role at all, but everything depends on individual features organism.

The table shows prices for several big cities Russia, which should be taken into account when evaluating the drug in order to choose a remedy that is affordable and useful (prices vary greatly depending on the amount of the drug in the package and its dosage).

Name of the drugPrices in rubles in some Russian cities
MoscowSaint PetersburgVolgograd
27-36 20-48 20-71
251-1400 285-1500 306-1450
78-305 74-291 88-315
Festal115-675 148-675 181-659
58-386 66-379 72-377
