Chrononutrition - eating according to the time of day. Chrononutrition: benefits of eating on a schedule

Human biorhythms are a very delicate, sensitive and mysterious thing. Our well-being, health, energy level, appearance, weight and even life expectancy depend on exactly what time we go to bed and wake up, when exactly we eat and exercise! Humanity is constantly in an “eternal search” for miracle diets and magic pills, however, as it turned out quite recently, in order to be slim and healthy, you just need to follow the basic principles of chrono-nutrition!

What is chrononutrition and who invented it?

The famous French nutritionist Ale Delabos claims that our appearance, health, and weight depend on our schedule. It was he who introduced into use the concept of chrononutrition, having developed, together with nutritionist Jean-Robert Rapin, the main principles of chronobiology, this was at the end of the last century. Almost immediately after its invention, this system was recognized by the European Institute of Dietetics.

Monsieur Delabosse is trying to convince all of humanity that if you feed your body what it is ready for this moment accepted and easily digested, he will receive absolutely all the benefits he needs and will function properly! Ale Delabos's student, Patrick Lecomte, also a nutritionist, was actively involved in popularizing chrononutrition. He himself is a true embodiment of energy and health, as everyone who comes to see him in his small office in Lausanne can see.

Chronic nutrition is not just eating by the hour, it is a whole complex of nutrition, even a philosophy of life. According to the ideology of chrononutrition, any food can be healthy if consumed correctly, in accordance with biological rhythms human body, which have been developed over several millennia. A diet based on the principles of biorhythms simply does not have forbidden foods and tedious counting of hated calories - obese people simply become slimmer, and truly “by leaps and bounds.”

The essence of chrononutrition

The essence of nutrition by time of day is based on the analysis of human enzymes and hormones that the body tirelessly produces around the clock. As a result of the analysis, it turned out that if a specific food enters the stomach at the appropriate time, it is absorbed perfectly and quickly, becoming useful. But food eaten when the stomach does not have the enzymes necessary for its digestion will become real poison and even cause fatty folds on the hips and sides, as well as diseases.

Chronodiet is more of a way of life than a strict nutrition system according to a schedule. It’s convenient that there are no restrictions, but only time frames. Gourmets can safely eat their favorite delicacies, but only at the appropriate times, thereby becoming even healthier and more active. A harmonious diet consists of fatty and carbohydrate foods in the morning, animal proteins and starchy vegetables for lunch, fruits and sweets for an afternoon snack, and the lightest foods containing the least amount of calories as an evening meal.

It all works like this: the daily schedule of enzyme production forces us to easily digest fatty foods in the morning, and in the late afternoon – sweets eaten for an afternoon snack. After six in the evening, few enzymes are produced, so loading the body with calories and fatty foods is a big mistake. By getting used to the right regime, all metabolic processes are optimized, thus the problem of extra pounds disappears!

How to switch to a chronodiet smoothly and without stress?

Most of modern people I got used to eating as I had to - on the go, eating what came to hand, and not what was necessary and healthy. This is why the principles of chrononutrition may seem overly strict at first, and the transition to new mode– painful. However, this will not happen if you begin to gradually adhere to the following principles:

In addition to the above, it is important to remember that sweets are allowed only from 16 to 18 hours, in the evening you need to forget about fats and heavy foods, and fast food, processed foods and sweet soda are harmful at any time of the day.

Diet: is it possible to eat after 18:00?

Optimally, according to the principles of the chronodiet, you need to eat four times a day, with breakfast between six-thirty and nine-thirty, lunch between noon and half past two, and midday between five and six in the evening. Dinner, according to the theory of Ale Delabos and Jean-Robert Rapenome, is permissible, but it is correct to have dinner an hour after the afternoon snack or even later, but it is necessary - an hour before bedtime. However, you can skip dinner if you want to lose excess fat, but under no circumstances should you skip the afternoon snack. If you don’t want to eat in the evening, you can limit yourself to a glass of your favorite drink - kefir, fermented baked milk, tomato or orange juice.

Chrononutrition is not a temporary diet, as many people believe. This system is not designed to get rid of a certain number of kilograms, but to optimize weight. That is why, ideally, you should eat according to natural biorhythms throughout your life, until last day. French nutritionists promise complete normalization of weight after two to three months.

Unlike many diets, which destabilize the body and deprive it of much-needed benefits, chrononutrition fully satisfies all needs, saturating a person with vitamins, microelements and other substances. This new one is amazing efficient system Suitable for both those who want to become slimmer and those who simply want to live a long time, remaining a healthy and energetic person.

Taking into account the daily activity of hormones and enzymes is an excellent invention that allows you to eat healthy and healthy food for your pleasure. healthy food. Ale Delabosse and Jean-Robert Rapin on by example managed to prove the effectiveness of the system they invented, and thousands of people are happy to see this every day!

Chrononutrition is one of the popular trends, which, according to its fans, allows you to eat varied and without restrictions, but at the same time lose extra centimeters and strengthen your immune system. But is it really that simple?

Discipline instead of restrictions

The main advantage of this diet is that it practically complete absence restrictions, however, in order to adhere to them, you will have to become disciplined and consistent.

“The main idea of ​​chrono-nutrition is that meals correspond to the biorhythms of our body, therefore, we get the maximum benefit from everything we eat and practically do not suffer due to the deposition of “excess” at the waist,” says nutritionist Anna Shopova.

The first to propose chrono-nutrition as a method of getting rid of hated extra pounds and as a general health-improving remedy was nutritionist Alan Delabeau, and the nutrition system was developed by his student Patrick Leconte. Having analyzed the frequency and intensity of the production of hormones and enzymes in the body during the day, scientists came to the conclusion that in different time days we can master without harm to our figure and health different foods, getting maximum benefit and energy from it.

"In other words, fatty foods They are best absorbed in the morning, but in the evening they will only do harm, but, for example, you should eat sweets in the evening,” the doctor added.

On time and satisfying

The main postulate is simple - eat food at the same time every day. Otherwise, all other efforts will go down the drain.

The optimal time for breakfast is from 6:30 and 9:30 am, lunch - from 12:00 to 13:30, a mandatory snack or afternoon snack - from 17:00 to 18:30, and dinner - two to two and a half hours before before sleep. “Modern nutritionists are the most important technique food is called breakfast, and under no circumstances is it recommended to skip it. You shouldn’t skip the afternoon snack either - it comes exactly at the time when the body needs to be supported with energy and - what’s even nicer - it’s at this time that sweets, cookies and cakes are allowed! The developers of the power supply system are confident of this. In general, the principles are quite consistent modern science, however, I would not be so sensitive to hourly intervals and pay more attention to the satiety and healthiness of dishes and eat in small portions,” the nutritionist noted.

Where to begin?

Each meal has its own set of products and therefore it is strictly forbidden to eat the same thing, for example, for breakfast and dinner.

Breakfast is extremely important because early morning in the body there is an active release of proteolytic enzyme and insulin - these substances perfectly digest fats and proteins, turning it all into construction material for muscles.

“The best thing you can think of for a morning meal is eggs, butter, cheese, bread, cereal.

Lunch should consist of animal food (meat or fish) and always vegetables, ideally starchy ones (for example, potatoes). At the time indicated for lunch, the effect of morning enzymes is still strong, but it is still better to consume less fat.

Afternoon snack - implies a filling and tasty snack. Not only to fill your stomach, but also to lift your spirits. An excellent addition to it would be nuts, dried fruits and sweets. Of the latter, it is better to give preference to dark chocolate and milk or fruit desserts. For example, apples baked with honey and cinnamon. You need to eat sweets exactly (and only) at this time, because... In the evening, insulin production peaks in the body - by the way, this explains the fact that it is in the evening that most of us crave sweets. But be careful - after 18.30 sweets are prohibited again,” the doctor told the details of the popular system.

For dinner, it is better to choose low-calorie dishes. Ideal for fish, seafood and light vegetable salads. This is explained by the fact that at the end of the day the production of hormones practically stops and food is digested slowly. Therefore, all the excess will certainly end up on the waist.

It is advisable that each meal consist of one dish, and not of the first, second and dessert.

Strong alcohol is extremely undesirable, but the authors of the method have nothing against red wine. In small quantities this drink is even beneficial.

All other recommendations, in principle, fully correspond to the principles healthy eating. We minimize fast food, salted, smoked, sausages, sausages and other “unhealthy” foods. Meat - three times a week, and fish and seafood are welcome at least every day. Cereals and porridges are important, but you shouldn’t overuse them either; it’s better to periodically replace them with vegetables.

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Chronodiet. Meals by hour

Controversy surrounding the topic proper nutrition arise constantly. Modern man there is no need to convince that high-quality and varied products are needed for the body to receive essential fats, proteins, carbohydrates, as well as microelements and vitamins. The higher the status of people, the more carefully they plan their lifestyle: limiting the consumption of unnecessary calories, playing sports, leading active image life and find different hobbies.

There is an opinion that over time, a person’s financial situation and his success will be determined by the absence excess weight. Isn't that why Lately so much attention is paid to all kinds of diets and fashionable nutrition systems?

The essence of the chronodiet

“If you want to lose weight, limit yourself in food.” How many times have you heard statements like this? Probably more than once. Did you know that you can achieve your ideal weight, but still include all foods in your diet? The famous nutritionist Alain Delabos developed a similar concept in the mid-80s of the 20th century. It was his idea that became the basis for the emergence of the modern chronodiet. The Alain Delabos diet involved eating certain foods at different times of the day. Scientific basis The idea was the fact that the human body at different times of the day produces individual enzymes that break down certain products. If you “feed” yourself with the right food in time, then all the beneficial substances will be processed and absorbed. If this rule is neglected, then the time of receipt of useful substances and the time of production of the enzymes necessary for their breakdown will not coincide. As a result, unnecessary ones appear body fat, excess weight, bad feeling and fatigue.

Chronodiet from Patrick Leconte

Alain Delabos's follower was the famous modern nutritionist Patrick Lecomte, whose clients include many celebrities: actors, top models, athletes and showmen. It was Dr. Lecomte who refined the idea of ​​eating by the clock and created the nutrition system in the form in which it is available today. The nutritionist himself is an ardent follower of his teacher’s theory, and his beautiful complexion, toned figure and excellent health Once again they prove the veracity of the clockwise nutrition plan.

By the way, a chronodiet is eating on a schedule, thanks to which you can lose weight and gain weight. The human body independently regulates weight, consumes excess fat deposits and allows you to increase muscle mass.

Biorhythm diet for weight loss: detailed description

Various enzymes are produced throughout the day. The largest meal of the day should be breakfast. You can eat only one dish for lunch and dinner, but the portion sizes should be different. There are times during the day when you can and should eat sweets. But you should refuse semi-finished products and fast food, since such food, in principle, cannot be called healthy. But let's talk about the chronodiet menu in more detail.

Healthy breakfast

In the morning, our body produces enzymes that process fats and proteins. But the production of insulin, responsible for processing carbohydrates, is just beginning. If you create a menu taking into account these scientific data, it turns out that for breakfast you can eat a slice of bread with butter, porridge, diversify the menu with an egg omelet or cook meat.

The only thing you should avoid in the morning are sweets and fruits. Why? Lack of insulin production in the morning leads to the fact that eaten sweets and fruits contribute to a sharp increase in blood sugar. It will happen around lunchtime sharp decrease blood sugar levels and the person will feel weak, tired, tired. With an incorrect diet, performance decreases and mental activity, which affects labor results.

Nutritious lunch

In the afternoon, around 13.00 - 14.00, the body begins to produce a proteolytic enzyme, which is responsible for the breakdown of proteins. At the same time, our body has already produced enough insulin to digest potatoes (fried, boiled or mashed) or pasta (it is advisable to choose those made from durum wheat).

To calculate the portion protein product, you need to add 100 to your height in centimeters. The resulting number means the amount of meat or fish food in grams. That is, a person 170 cm tall should eat about 270 g of meat or fish.

Sweet afternoon tea

Do you want to invite your friends for coffee or tea with sweets? Choose the most safe time for your figure - from 16.00 to 17.00. By the way, the habit of drinking freshly squeezed juice in the morning is not the best, but during the afternoon snack you can safely indulge in a glass of juice, dried fruits, nuts and a slice of bread with jam. It is better to avoid cakes. If this is beyond your strength, then reserve the right to include them in the afternoon tea menu no more than 2 times a week.

Light dinner

Eating enough “at night” for the whole day is very stupid, since at this time of day the body stops producing enzymes responsible for the breakdown of nutrients. The body begins to prepare for rest, and you can only afford a light protein dinner. The serving weight is minimal: subtract the number “40” from your height in centimeters and get the amount of food allowed for dinner. That is, if your weight does not exceed 170 cm, then the portion for dinner should not be more than 130 grams.

Chronodiet for weight loss and alcohol

Since the author himself is in no hurry to call his own nutritional system a “diet,” there are no strict restrictions in terms of the foods and drinks consumed. You can drink red wine, but you should not abuse the drink. When choosing white wine, nutritionists advise paying attention to drinks from well-known manufacturers. Beer consumption should be kept to a minimum, as it leads to excess weight. You also need to give up sweet, carbonated, and synthetic drinks.

Benefits of exercise

Eating by the hour with the use of certain foods leads to the fact that a person gains strength, improves mood, and goes away. chronic fatigue. Isn't this a reason to exercise and strengthen your immune system?! If visiting the gym is not part of your plans, then it is best to try to move more: walk, climb the stairs, play outdoor games with a ball. In other words, movement should be a joy, just like nutrition. You shouldn’t limit yourself and force yourself, reassuring yourself that soon everything will end and you can return to your usual, sedentary lifestyle life. The point of the nutrition system is to constantly follow its simple rules.

Chronodiet: reviews from those losing weight

The nutrition system is comfortable because you don’t have to give up certain foods for a long time. And that croissant that you are used to eating for breakfast with a cup of coffee or tea will provide a normal afternoon snack - and your diet will not be disrupted, and your strength will be restored. The most difficult thing is to rebuild the body to new way nutrition and abandon the usual pattern. But as soon as you manage to do this, the body immediately responds with good health.

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Who started it first

The principles of chronobiology and chrononutrition were developed in the eighties of the twentieth century by nutritionists Jean-Robert Rapin and Alain Delabeau. The system gained fame thanks to their student, Patrick Leconte, also a nutritionist. This nutritional system is approved by the European Research Institute of Dietetics IREN.

What's the point

Having analyzed daily activity hundreds of hormones and enzymes, Lecomte developed a diet that was harmonious in terms of the body’s biorhythms. Namely: abundant, rich in fats And slow carbohydrates food - for breakfast, animal squirrels a small amount of starchy vegetables - for lunch. Vegetable fat (for example, nuts), fruits and sweets - in the afternoon. Products with a minimum of calories - for dinner.

How does it work

The daily schedule for the production of enzymes and hormones makes us better absorb fat in the morning, and sweets from five to six in the evening. If you feed yourself what the body is ready to digest at the moment, it will receive all the necessary nutrients exactly in the amount it needs. Exchange processes are optimized, and the issue of extra or missing kilograms will disappear by itself.

How to go

Remember Golden Rule chrono-nutrition: no sugar before 5 pm. None - which means you need to give up tea and coffee with sugar and even sweet fruits at this time, not to mention cakes and pastries. Don't limit yourself to a cup of coffee in the morning - have a hearty breakfast. A sensible breakfast, according to Leconte, is eggs (you can eat up to 4 eggs a day 5 times a week, but be sure to divide them into 2 meals), whole grain toast, cheese, butter, unsweetened tea, coffee, herbal infusions. White and red meat can be eaten no more than 2-3 times a week, fish and seafood - every day, preferably for dinner. Cereals, legumes, potatoes, starchy vegetables - no more than 9 tablespoons per day. Try to diversify the menu as much as possible: let your diet become like a gastronomic reference book. Alternate beef, veal, boiled pork, chicken and turkey, wild meat, quail and chicken eggs, eat different varieties fish. So you get everything with food essential microelements. Don't ignore spices, herbs (fresh and dry), nuts, capers, lightly salted cucumbers. Sauces allowed are homemade mayonnaise, bechamel, mustard, and soy sauce. Due to their high glycemic index, bananas, carrots and beets are not recommended.

It is also better to limit milk and dairy products - as we age, it is more difficult for us to digest lactose. Choose hard and blue cheeses: Comte and Parmesan have no lactose; Gorgonzola, cheddar and Roquefort have less than 1 g of lactose per 50 g of cheese. Eat slowly in calm atmosphere every 3-4 hours and do not snack between meals.

What is better to refuse

Throughout the day, except from 5 to 6 pm, refrain from sweets, and in the evening - from fatty and heavy foods. At any time of the day, fast food, processed foods, carbonated drinks and foods with lactose are harmful.

How many times a day to eat

Optimally - four times. Breakfast between half past six and half past nine, lunch between twelve and half past two, afternoon tea between five and half past seven. Dinner no earlier than an hour after afternoon tea and no earlier than an hour before bedtime. However, you can refuse dinner, but under no circumstances should you skip the afternoon snack.

A phenomenon called "Chronodiet" reflects the human love for various riddles and secrets. How am I getting better, because I eat the same cheeses, eggs, and cereals as my neighbor, but he has abs, and I have a “bun”? Apparently, it's all about some secret mechanisms. Now give the questioner a couple of ideas for such mechanisms, and hurray, you have sold him anything. This paradox of thinking was well understood by the French doctor A. Delabeau. He wrote a book about the chronodiet. Yes, you don’t need to count, you don’t even have to think about weighing food (more precisely, weigh it once and remember the volume, and that’s it), and you can continue to eat like a neighbor. And you will have abs, and thighs, and everything you want. After all, now you will adapt to biorhythms own body and you can lose weight effortlessly.

Description of the chronodiet

The diet is quite strict, and the amount of cheeses, eggs and other cereals in it is prescribed. This is if we take the original Delabaugh chronodiet. Here, any inquiring mind has already guessed why it works. Yes, because there will be a couple of eggs, cheese - 40 g, and a portion of meat will not resemble the dream of an American truck driver, who closes the steering wheel of the truck while eating.

But Delabeau devotes a fair portion of his narrative to his own research on exactly which enzymes are produced in the body and when. And how to optimize food digestion. Great, but the complete absorption of macronutrients from food, in general, has little to do with the mechanisms of weight gain. It is known that we gain weight when we have excess energy. And if, excuse me, you eat too much under the conditions specified above, you will get nothing but excess weight.

How not to overeat? We take our own height and subtract 40 conventional units from it. We get the amount of protein and carbohydrate dishes in grams. And we can have that much protein for dinner. And for lunch - your height plus 100 maximum. Typically, diet fans eat less protein. Salads, fortunately, can be eaten without restrictions. So if you are like 160 cm tall, you won’t have much fun in the food field. Can you imagine what 120 g of boiled buckwheat looks like? Well, that's 4 heaping tablespoons. Enjoy your time travel, so to speak.

Delabeau chronodiet menu

So, you have calculated the amount of meat and carbohydrates. You should eat the same amount of eggs. But cheeses are limited to the textbook 30 g if you are short, up to 170 cm tall, and as much as 40 g if you are taller. Why is so much space devoted to cheeses? Yes, it’s just that the book was written for the French consumer, and cheese in that country is like cottage cheese in our country. Periodically "the most main enemy losing weight, and main product, from which everyone is flooded."

So, as soon as we woke up, we had to have breakfast. After all, at this time the body developed an enzyme responsible for the digestion of fats. Suddenly, lipase is produced perfectly at other times, but the doctor told you to eat, so don’t show off. You need to eat eggs, cheese, or chicken breast with avocado. In general, anything that contains protein and fat at the same time. You need to have breakfast from 6 to 9 in the morning, good, even though no one forces you to get up for the first meal, neither light nor dawn.

But what about the bread, without which no one can ever swallow scrambled eggs? Leave it to the enemy. Bread, oatmeal, and sweets are prohibited. For some reason, all sources of carbohydrates fell into the category “increases blood sugar levels and is harmful.” Technically, if you work out in the morning, this is the one increased level blood sugar is a guarantee normal recovery, but who goes into such subtleties? It’s fashionable these days to blame the work of insulin for all problems, let’s blame it, fortunately it also sells well. People have been eating cereal and bread for breakfast for years because it's easy. Tell them that this is what makes them fat, and they will begin to blame themselves and their bad habits coupled with lack of education. And nothing sells as well as the desire to become better coupled with a feeling of guilt.

Lunch should be eaten between 12 and 2 p.m. Great, we're just on a break. IN different sources and in the original diet too, they recommend eating a source of protein and starchy carbohydrates. True, the list of protein sources also includes “classics” like chicken breasts With white fish and, suddenly, lamb, which, as is known, is not found in extra-low-fat form. So, animal fats are okay too? But what about the lipase that escaped after the morning hours? It’s not clear, ladies and gentlemen. For carbohydrates we have buckwheat, rice, peas and nothing special. The format is porridge with water, dessert is for the enemy.

From 16 to 17 it is time for afternoon tea. Allegedly, at this time, simple carbohydrates are best absorbed, which is why it is recommended to eat chocolate, fruits or dried fruits. By the way, this is convenient if you train in the evening. You can stop your hunger and work harder.

Dinner should be eaten between 18:00 and 20:00. lean fish, meat, vegetables, and vegetable salad.

Now let's count. How many servings of carbohydrates can a sufferer on a chronodiet have? Of course, no more than two! And if you consider that for most people this is the same portion complex carbohydrates will be less than 150 g of boiled porridge, we get a classic low-carbohydrate meal, disguised with a bunch of different respectable statements and reasoning.

If you read Delabeau himself, you will frankly be tortured to wade through near-medical discussions about enzymes. But in reality, this is how simple it turns out - no more than 120 g of carbohydrates per day (you won’t get more than that, even if you eat potatoes and cottage cheese at every meal), about 140 g (according to the most optimistic scenarios, if the portions of meat and fish are still not 120 g) protein and about 60 g fat. The layout is very reminiscent of what we have on any low-carb diet from keto to near-bodybuilding “cuts”.

But 90% of Russian sources on the “chrono” diet talk about how wonderful and balanced it is.