What law does a transport company follow when refusing to transport an animal? Rules for transporting animals on trains and buses Traveling dogs on public transport

As summer continues, some of us choose to vacation with our pets. The question often arises about the rules for transporting animals by transport. If this is your first time traveling with your pet, you should be aware that any type of transportation for an animal is stressful. The longer it is, the deeper it is, which is why many owners choose an airplane.

However, if for some reason you have to travel by train, then you should know that as of August 2014, new rules for transporting pets on Russian Railways have come into effect. They are more rigid and costly. Despite a petition - an appeal to the head of Russian Railways, signed on the Internet by more than 150 thousand pet owners, the law has not been revised and remains in force.

    1. Now transport animals to long distance trains possible only in a compartment (except for carriages with 2-seater compartments and superior comfort). Dogs (except large and guide dogs), cats, small (pet) animals, birds are transported in cages, containers (the total sum of three dimensions is no more than 180 cm), which must be placed in hand luggage areas. For the transportation of small pets, dogs and birds on long-distance trains, a separate fee is charged (by the way, it is calculated at new special tariffs, depending on the distance of the trip).

    2. You can carry no more than one animal per issued travel document (ticket) or no more than two small animals or two birds per ticket in excess of the established baggage allowance by rail.

    3. When transporting small domestic animals, dogs and birds, their owners or accompanying persons must ensure compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime in the carriage. Animals and birds that may threaten the life and health of passengers and carrier workers are not allowed for transportation.

    4. On trains, large dogs are transported muzzled and on a leash in a separate hard compartment of a compartment car under the supervision of their owners or accompanying persons with payment of the full cost of all seats in the compartment without additional payment for their transportation, depending on the number of dogs and their owners or accompanying persons traveling in the compartment should not exceed the number of seats in the compartment.

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5. Disabled people can carry guide dogs with them in all types of carriages. There is no charge for the transportation of guide dogs, and no transportation documents are issued. The guide dog must have a collar and muzzle and be located at the feet of the passenger it is accompanying.

6. Transportation on long-distance and suburban trains ( note!) domestic (pet) animals, dogs and birds is carried out in the presence of appropriate veterinary documents. On commuter trains, it is permitted to transport small dogs without containers, muzzled, on a leash, and cats under the supervision of their owners or accompanying persons. In the vestibule of a commuter train, it is allowed to transport large and service dogs (no more than two per carriage) under the supervision of their owners or accompanying persons with payment of the cost of their transportation. The cost of transporting small domestic (pet) animals, as well as dogs (including large breed dogs and service dogs) and birds on commuter trains cannot exceed twenty-five percent of the cost of travel for an adult passenger on a similar route.

Rules for transporting animals to international trains are almost identical to the requirements in force on long-distance trains, with some exceptions: it is allowed to transport dogs, small (pet) pets and birds in a carriage of any class, including luxury (business) class carriages, subject to payment for all seats in the compartment. Compliance with customs and administrative regulations established for the transportation of animals is the responsibility of the passenger. Transportation of animals is not permitted unless it is possible to provide a separate compartment for their transportation. It is allowed to transport no more than one dog or no more than one with animals in a compartment.

And further one note: take into account the rules for importing animals into a particular country. In addition, some countries indicate their rules for importing animals in transport. For example, to Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Croatia and Greece, pets can only be transported in direct carriages. The fee for transporting dogs is 50% of the cost of a full adult ticket in a 2nd class carriage. In this case, the passenger must travel in the same compartment with the dog, having paid for all seats. Traveling to China, Mongolia, Vietnam and Korea with a dog is allowed only in 2nd class carriages with no more than 2 animals per compartment. According to the Russian-Finnish Agreement, a passenger has the right to carry in class I and II carriages (except for Lux class I) no more than two dogs, each on a leash, or two cages with animals, or one dog on a leash and one cage with animals. Animals are accepted for transportation in the presence of veterinary accompanying documents: veterinary certificates No. 1, 2, 3; veterinary certificate form No. 4; veterinary certificates forms No. 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3. The validity period of the above veterinary accompanying documents is 5 days from the date of issue until the start of transportation.

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Remember OWN RULES the carrier cannot have it; refusal to transport a dog is a direct violation of the law, but only if you have all the necessary documents and have not violated the rules yourself.

The rules say that the dog should not disturb other passengers, so it is better to purchase a muzzle, even if you are the owner of a small pug. And, of course, do not forget about the necessary veterinary medical documents (veterinary passport with all vaccinations and a certificate of the animal’s health). Important rabies vaccination certificate, they will look at her first, and the timing is important; it must be done no more than a year ago, but no later than 2 months before departure.

Now that you know all the rules for transporting animals by ground, it's time to make the necessary purchases for your trip. Unizoo provides a huge selection of products:, etc.

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If there is a need to transport a pet on public transport, the rules for transporting dogs indicate that animals can be transported in a special container, only on a leash and muzzle, and only on the back platform. Travel for large breed dogs is paid according to the established tariff. Rules for transporting dogs on trains and trains are carried out in accordance with all regulated rules for transporting animals. Before you plan your pet's travel on trains, planes, especially when traveling abroad, be sure to find out what documents and certificates you need to collect. Information can be obtained from a kennel club or veterinary clinic.

It is worth noting that rules for transporting dogs and other animals may vary depending on the country you plan to visit. Therefore, when booking an air ticket, be sure to find out this point so that before departure you do not have additional problems and avoid misunderstandings. Transportation conditions can be obtained from the company that handles moving documents.

The veterinary passport must contain all vaccination marks and the form “No. 1-vet.” (veterinary certificate), which must be received no earlier than three days before the trip. A stamp is placed at the airport before departure. On trains, dogs can be transported in any carriage, however, to transport large breeds, you need to buy all compartments or SVs. Dogs are transported muzzled and on a leash. Payment for travel for a dog is carried out as per one piece or per 20 kg of luggage weight. Small dogs are transported in containers, special bags or carriers for transporting animals. If you are planning a short train trip, no more than two dogs, accompanied by a passenger, are allowed in the non-working vestibule of the first car behind the locomotive. Only guide dogs have the right to free travel on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Your dog must be transported on public transport on a leash and muzzled in the back area. To transport small dogs, you need to purchase a box carrier or hold the dog in your arms during the trip. Owners of large breed dogs will be required to pay the full fare and purchase a ticket from the driver. For group trips on the bus, each dog owner is entitled to two seats. For dogs of large breeds, it is necessary to have space, and the animal must be limited in space, always under the control of an accompanying person, and be on a leash. In addition, you should not leave your pet uncontrolled at bus stops.

Rules for transporting animals on suburban and intercity buses
The transportation of animals is regulated by the “Rules for the transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2009 No. 112. and the Federal Law “Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport”.
1. The passenger has the right to carry with him, as part of his hand luggage, animals and birds in a special cage/container/basket or carrier with a solid bottom (the total sum of three dimensions is no more than 120 cm) without additional payment (if the animal is placed on the lap passenger, or in hand luggage areas).
2. Transport of hunting and service dogs is carried out in the rear seats of the bus, with a muzzle and leash. A baggage ticket must be purchased for the dog.
3. There is no charge for the transportation of guide dogs, and no transportation documents are issued. A guide dog must have a collar, muzzle and be at the feet of the passenger it is accompanying.
4. When transporting other animals (medium size) transported without a cage or container, a separate ticket must be purchased - a child's ticket. The animal must be placed in a seat adjacent to its owner and be wearing a muzzle and collar/harness. The owner must limit the movement of the animal (tie or fasten it to a seat). If it is impossible to put a muzzle on the animal, the owner of the animal is obliged to exclude physical contact of the animal with other passengers.
5. When transporting small domestic (pet) animals, dogs, birds and other animals, their owners or accompanying animals must ensure compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime in the bus cabin.
6. Animals and birds that may threaten the life and health of passengers and carrier employees are not allowed for transportation.
7. The animal must not disturb other passengers (therefore, it is recommended to wear a muzzle on medium-sized dog breeds traveling without a special cage or carrier). The animal must be limited in its movements, i.e. do not walk around the bus. It is not recommended to leave the animal unattended at stops.
8. According to the existing rules for the transportation of baggage, it is not allowed to transport things that stain passengers in the cabin of the bus. You may be denied transportation of an animal if the dog is wet, has long hair, the street is muddy, raining, etc., since the dog may begin to shake itself off, jump up on the seat and get it dirty with its paws.
Therefore, when boarding, be prepared to dry the dog, lay bedding in place, or first put overalls on the animal. Before your trip, make sure that the animal has been walked.
Since January 9, 2017, the transportation of pets, service or ornamental animals across the territory of the Russian Federation is allowed without veterinary accompanying documents, but this only applies to movement around the country for personal purposes. If an animal is transported with a change of owner or to an exhibition, then veterinary certificates are issued. According to paragraph 16 of the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2016 No. 589 “On approval of veterinary rules for organizing work on the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents, the procedure for the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents in electronic form and the procedure for the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents on paper” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice Russia 12/30/2016 No. 45094)

If you and your pet have to travel on public transport, prepare for it in advance.

Find out the rules of transportation

As a rule, large dogs wearing muzzles and collars with a short leash can be transported in the subway, as well as on the back deck of buses, trolleybuses and trams. Small children are transported in carriers. However, rules may vary from city to city, so look for information that is specific to your locality. Here's what you need to figure out and maybe print out:

  • Are all dogs allowed or only guide dogs?
  • Is there a fee for transporting a dog? If so, which one?
  • Do I need a certificate from a veterinary institution?
  • Are there size restrictions?

Follow the rules

If the rules allow you to travel on public transport with your dog, take care not to inconvenience your fellow travelers.

  • If your pet travels in a carrier, place it under the seat or on your lap. Do not place the carrier in the aisle or against the door.
  • If the dog is not traveling in a carrier, transport it on a short leash. If the rules require a muzzle, wear one, even if you are 100% sure that your animal is not aggressive.
  • Do not allow your dog to jump on the seats.
  • Raise a dog. Teach her to stop barking and growling on your command.

Take care of your pet

  • Make sure the collar and muzzle are the right size and do not cause discomfort to your dog. If you use a carrier, it should also be the right size.
  • Start with short trips. It takes time for the dog to get used to transport.
  • Take it with you to reward your dog for good behavior.
  • Bring a silent toy or other favorite item that will calm your dog.
  • Try to sit or stand in an area where there are as few people walking as possible.
  • After the trip, allow the animal to rest in a quiet place.

Don’t be nervous and don’t get into conflicts with other passengers, then your trip will be easy and enjoyable not only for you, but also for your four-legged friend.

How to transport a dog when going on a trip or business trip. Often this is a matter of first necessity, since there is simply no one to leave the pet with.

Rules for transporting dogs on an airplane

It is necessary to pre-coordinate the transportation of the animal with the airline by contacting the ticket office. Managers will advise on all questions of interest, as well as on transportation conditions and the price of this service on a specific flight.

It is recommended to take care of obtaining a veterinary certificate and documents necessary for the animal’s flight. Requires container. More specific information on how to transport a dog on an airplane can be obtained from the airport veterinary service staff.

Things to remember:

  • The airline is not responsible for incorrectly completed paperwork for a pet and for a country that may refuse to accept it upon arrival on its territory. You can consult on this issue at the consulate of the country where you will be flying;
  • Abroad, animals are subject to strict conditions. International airlines only consider documents in English;
  • One passenger is allowed to transport no more than 2 animals in a container (weight no more than 5 kg per animal). The container must be in the passenger's hands or under his seat;
  • Dogs are not allowed in business class.

Typically, the price of transporting an animal is calculated at a flat rate, which is 2% of the economy class fare or ticket price. The place may be specifically paid for. Only guide dogs are carried free of charge. It is recommended for all procedures to arrive at the airport 2 hours before boarding the plane.

Organization of transportation of animals on the train

When planning a trip, you should understand in detail all the intricacies of transporting an animal by rail. In January 2018, new rules came into force in Russia regulating how to transport dogs on trains. According to these laws, there is no need for permitting certificates. An exception is the presence of veterinary documents when the dog has changed ownership or is being transported for profit.

Dog breeders, when asked whether it is possible to transport a dog on a train, answer unequivocally that it is yes. This can be done by following the following fundamental principles:

  • present a travel pass for a pet (except for guide dogs);
  • ensure safety for the health of passengers;
  • comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.

Regarding the price for transporting a dog, the length of the route and weight are taken into account. According to the regulations in force at the railway, dogs are divided into:

  • small (20 kg);
  • large (more than 20 kg).

When the pet is placed in a standard carrier, the price is the same as carry-on luggage. You must purchase a ticket at the ticket office the day before boarding the train. It should be remembered that one ticket provides the opportunity to transport 2 dogs that fit in a carrier.

Owners of large dogs must first take care of the reliability of the leash and muzzle. This is the basic rule. If it is not followed, then access to the carriage will be denied. Large dogs are only allowed to be transported in a separate compartment. To do this you need to buy it. Trained animals can be carried free of charge on all trains. They accompany blind people. Such helpers must be muzzled and placed close to their owner.

In addition to the rules prescribed by law, you need to worry about the condition of your dog. You should take mild sedative medications for the trip. They will help calm the nervous system and adapt to an unusual atmosphere. Experienced dog breeders recommend choosing morning and afternoon flights when traveling with your pet. When it is light, there will be no effort to keep the situation under control.

Increased attention is paid to diet. It is better to take dry food with you. A container with liquid should always be nearby. On trains running between countries, carriage rules may vary. You can find out by calling the railway station before purchasing a ticket.

How to transport a dog on a bus

Most owners are interested in the question of whether it is possible to transport a dog on a bus. Dog breeders respond positively to this, provided the requirements are met. In some countries, this also applies to Russia since 2014, it is prohibited to transport dogs on international buses.

Other routes allow small pets to be carried as carry-on luggage. They should be in a container, not on your hands. No additional ticket can be purchased. Please note that in this case, hand luggage is carried on hand or placed in a special compartment.

Long-distance buses manufactured abroad have narrower aisles. Basically, all passengers' belongings are stored in the luggage compartment. Dog owners are encouraged to purchase a ticket to attend. To avoid unforeseen situations and not spoil your mood, it is recommended to make a photocopy of the rules for transporting four-legged animals from the Ministry of Transport website. Have it with you.

The law clearly requires that the animal be in a carrier (in this case, a child's ticket is purchased). When the dog rests in your arms or moves around the cabin, it is only in a muzzle and on a leash. For a large dog, it is advisable to have a separate seat, and therefore a ticket. Service dogs and dogs are transported only with a muzzle and in the rear compartment of the bus. If the dog gets sick or starts whining, then it is necessary to have a sedative. This is necessary to reduce disruption to passengers.

A veterinary passport with vaccinations is required for the trip. The most important thing is rabies vaccination, no more than 12 months. The health certificate indicates the age of the animal, the most important thing is that it does not have rabies.

You need to be restrained. If the driver refuses to transport the dog, and you have done everything according to the law, then you have the right to demand a written explanation of the reason for the refusal. You also have the right to file a complaint with the administration, city government, or police.

When traveling with an animal in transport, strictly adhere to sanitary and hygienic standards. Do not leave your animal unattended at stops. In slushy weather, be sure to dry the dog so that it does not stain fellow travelers and their luggage. Put overalls on the animal and lay down bedding. A prerequisite is to walk the dog before the trip.

In order not to expose him to stress, he must be accustomed to traveling in public transport from an early age. Develop his patience for not very comfortable conditions. You should enter the bus with your pet from the back platform and exit through the nearest available door. It is necessary to control the situation. Don't get on a crowded bus.

Preparing to transport a dog in a car

It is advisable to teach him to travel by car from an early age so that he gets used to extraneous noise and is able to follow certain commands.

There are rules for transporting dogs in a car. It is not recommended to feed your dog two hours before the start of the trip, as he may get motion sickness. If you decide to transport your dog in a carrier, then you need to let the dog adapt to it so that it is not perceived as a confined space.

It is recommended to introduce the dog to the object of the upcoming trip in advance. You need to make sure that your pet is not frightened by the noise when the engine starts. You should not be allowed to jump on the driver's seat or jump from the back seat to the front. The animal must be given the opportunity to explore the interior so that it is not afraid.

It is necessary to accustom your animal to traveling in a car gradually, without starting with long trips. Getting acquainted with a car should not begin with a trip to the veterinary clinic, so that the animal does not develop negative associations. On the road, you need to take a bowl, food and water for the animal so that it can calm down. A cover or oilcloth (for a puppy) is placed on the seats. So that the dog does not worry, you need to take more walks with it. Give the animal sufficient exercise.

When traveling, the dog's movement must be limited by a leash and controlled. She should not be left alone in a closed car. It is advisable to make periodic stops so that the machine is not associated with a closed space. Attention should be paid to the animal’s unusual behavior (unusual posture, salivation, restlessness). The main condition is that it should not interfere with the driver.

Rules for using sleeping pills for dogs

During transportation, animals can be given sleeping pills. Many sleeping pills can have side effects.

It is recommended to give a short-term hypnotic (cyclobarbital, xylanite, interval, thiopentone). The drugs have a quick, short-lasting effect. They have a calming, muscle relaxant effect. Noxiron is considered a weaker medicine. It can be used while traveling. If the dog tolerates the trip well, then you can limit yourself to a herbal sedative. In any case, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

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