Good pills for motion sickness. Motion sickness of a child in transport: how to relieve the symptoms of seasickness? Side effects of motion sickness pills

Motion sickness on the road is a consequence of over-irritation of the vestibular apparatus and threatens with the manifestation of a number of unpleasant symptoms and poor health. Anti-sickness medications will help you avoid nausea and weakness on the road.

General characteristics and review of drugs

Various groups of drugs, the purpose of which is to relieve adverse symptoms and feel unwell on the road, differ in their spectrum of action and a number of features.


Cholinolytics are the most common group of drugs for motion sickness. They mainly act on the parasympathetic nervous system, inhibiting its response to motion sickness.

A significant disadvantage of the use of such drugs is the high likelihood of adverse symptoms, which include:

  • allergic reactions to one of the components of the group;
  • a strong sedative effect, which is expressed in lethargy and difficulty in concentrating;
  • rapid heart rate;
  • high activity of sweat glands;
  • noticeable decrease in vigor;
  • discomfort in the mouth, dryness;
  • difficulty focusing on objects near or far;
  • hallucinogenic reactions.

Effective doses of medications are often associated with these common reactions. This is why anticholinergic drugs should be prescribed very carefully.

A typical representative of the species is Aeron. The ingredients of the product are hyoscyamine and scopolamine. The development is applied in 45-60 minutes. before boarding.

This medicine for motion sickness is optimal for long journeys by sea. If you need to take a long flight, you should take a new dose of medication.

Drugs that depress the central nervous system and reflexes

These medications have a distinct calming effect. Their use carries the risk of a sudden loss of concentration.

The group includes antipsychotics, sleep aids, and painkillers. The effect of such medications covers the nervous system. Negative effects include muscle relaxation, apathy, and lack of coordination.

Let's look at the main medications that depress the central nervous system.

Relanium (Diazepam) is an analgesic that has broad effects on the nervous system. Not recommended for pregnant girls and nursing mothers.

Medazipam (Rudotel)– a tranquilizer that will help cope with motion sickness during a long journey by car or other means of transport. The medication is prescribed for use in just 1 tablet to effectively relieve symptoms for half a day.

Prazepam will symptomatically eliminate vomiting, weakness and characteristic heaviness, which are caused by monotony in transport.


Universal medications with a wide range of effects that combine a sedative effect and moderate blocking of the parasympathetic nervous system. The advantage of the representatives is their effectiveness, ease of choosing the dosage, and the almost complete absence of undesirable consequences.
Representatives of the following group are such medicines:

  • Bonin;
  • Dramamil;
  • Daedalon.

The active substance of the representatives of the list is dimenhydrenate. The nature of the effects of the drugs makes it possible to use them in children over 1 year of age.


Drugs that will help avoid negative effects when shaking on the road are Caffeine and Sydnocarb. Another remedy is Sidnogluton.

In practice, it is common to combine one of these medications with an anistamine drug. This will not only enhance the effect, but also minimize the risk of side effects, which include:

  • high oxygen consumption;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • arrhythmia;
  • lack of coordination;
  • insomnia and anxiety.

Sidnocarb, like Sidnogluton, contains an identical active substance (Sidnocarb). The drugs are more effective than caffeine, which usually complements the main therapy of the nervous system.


Nausea, weakness, apathy and vomiting are the most common symptoms when shaking on any road. To eliminate negative symptoms, the following group of drugs are used: Cerucal, Torekan and Alo-Metoklop.

Focused on stopping the uncontrollable gag reflex. However, representatives of the group are not able to relieve other symptoms.

In addition to eliminating vomiting, Torekan will help to develop gait stability, relieve dizziness and increase the resistance to stress of the vestibular apparatus.

Drugs that accelerate the body’s adaptation to motion sickness

The gradual strengthening of the vestibular apparatus allows you to endure the road with greater ease. Special medicines allow you to activate the resistance of the nervous system to motion sickness. Among them are Eleutherrococcus and Bimethyl.

Drugs that normalize microcirculation in the cells of the vestibular apparatus

Also, the vestibular apparatus is affected by substances of a separate group. The normal intensity of blood circulation in the vestibular apparatus will maintain resistance to stress. The medicines in this group include:

  • Sermion;
  • Betacher;
  • Aminalon;
  • flunarizine;
  • Phenibut and others.

homeopathic remedies

Due to the convenient pharmacological form and the bright effect, homeopathic remedies have become widespread. However, out of all the variety, the optimal combination of effectiveness and the presence of side effects is not achieved in all means. The most popular drugs are:

  • Veratrumalbum. The universal action is to normalize pressure, eliminate the gag reflex and faint. Use half an hour before heading on the road.
  • Vertigochel. It can be prescribed to relieve the characteristic symptoms of motion sickness on the road, as well as for disorders of a different kind. It is also most effective when applied half an hour before departure.
  • Borax recommended for use when traveling by air;
  • air-sea designed to eliminate most symptoms of motion sickness. The medication can be used before the start of the journey, during the journey, and also at the end of it.

Folk remedies

Problems with the vestibular apparatus under stress have long been familiar. To eliminate them, folk practice offers a whole list of methods and means.

Most of them are available; they can be used by people of different genders and ages.

  1. On a trip, you should take a container with strong mint tea, supplemented with juice or lemon slices. The drink has a pronounced tonic effect.
  2. When setting off on a journey by sea, you should wrap your hands tightly in bandages. The action will strengthen the vestibular apparatus and counteract motion sickness.
  3. Ginger will also help prevent motion sickness. You just need to take 1 gram before your trip. crushed root of this plant.
  4. During the route, it is recommended to simply chew fresh (dry) tea leaves.
  5. A combination of honey and mint oil will be useful for children and adults. It is worth taking a couple of drops of oil on a small spoon of liquid honey. The therapeutic effect occurs when consuming a small spoon of the composition.

Tablets depending on the circumstances of motion sickness

Certain situations create separate requirements for the composition of medicinal medications that eliminate the symptoms of kinetosis.

On the sea

To normalize well-being on the road to the sea, the following drugs are recognized as the best:

  • Air-Sea;
  • Cinnarizine;
  • Torekan;
  • Tserukan;
  • Kynedrin;
  • Diazepan (exclusively for passengers).

In airplane

Medicines for motion sickness on an airplane must be purchased and taken in advance. Strengthening the vestibular system during air transport occurs using the following popular means:

  • Borax;
  • Bonin;
  • Air-Sea;
  • flunarizine;
  • Quinedryl;
  • Seduxen;
  • Aeron.

As we can see, tablets against motion sickness on an airplane repeat the list of remedies for motion sickness at sea.

In the car, bus and train

Effective in this situation will be:

  • Bonin;
  • Dramamine;
  • Seduxen;
  • Prapezam (for long trips);
  • Phenibut;
  • Aminalon;
  • Veratrumalbum
  • Petroleum;
  • Quinedryl;
  • Cocculus.

For pregnant

For pregnant women, a special combination of active agents is important and side effects are not applicable. The medicine for kinetosis should not harm the fetus. In such a situation, the following are considered optimal:

  • Cocculus;
  • Vertichogel;
  • Air-Sea;
  • grated ginger root powder;
  • medium strength tea with lemon.

For children

A number of medicines for motion sickness can be advised for children from birth. However, it is worth remembering that the vestibular apparatus of children is in the stage of formation, the timing of which varies individually (on average, up to 4-5 years).

Age kinetosis will pass as the vestibular apparatus strengthens. At the age of 1 to 2-3 years, while the vestibular apparatus is not yet formed, you can use the following tablets for motion sickness:

  • Vertichogel;
  • Aminalon;
  • Phenibut.

Anti-sickness tablets are not divided for children and adults, but you need to understand that it is necessary to select the dosage in accordance with the instructions.

If motion sickness does not stop after 3 years, you can continue using the same drugs.

Homeopathic remedies Coculin and Avia-More and Dramamine tablets are added to this list. Although the latter, with the permission of the pediatrician, can be taken from 1 year.

Watch the video in which Dr. Komarovsky talks about what to do to prevent children from getting motion sickness in transport:

Choosing the best pills for the effects of motion sickness

Let's compare drugs for motion sickness in terms of effects.


One of the best and most universal medicines has a complex vegetotropic effect. Used for quick relief of "seasickness" and kinetosis. The only remedy that helps with the feeling of discomfort when entering an air pocket.

Available in the form of granules for a long course of treatment and in the form of tablets or caramel for an urgent solution to the problem.

Use the composition in the form of tablets/caramel an hour before the trip, holding the medication under the tongue until dissolved. It is also possible to re-use every half hour.

The condition, which in everyday life is called motion sickness or “sea sickness,” is called kinetosis in medical parlance. It can develop not only on sea trips or in a car, but also on a bus, trolleybus, tram, plane or train. Recently, this problem has become more acute because families with children have begun to travel more and more mothers and fathers are purchasing cars. Children can suffer from motion sickness even while riding on swings or carousels, on amusement rides, and when rotating in place around their axis.

In fairness, it should be noted that, from the point of view of the child’s physiology, kinetosis is not a disease, but a protective reaction of the body. Due to the still insufficiently developed coordination system of the vestibular apparatus, it simply does not yet know how to respond correctly to pitching, and a malfunction occurs. And nausea and vomiting are the result of irritation of the nervous system by impulses from the vestibular apparatus.

Causes of motion sickness in children

Children from about the age of two are susceptible to motion sickness. The attacks usually subside after 10 years, when the vestibular apparatus and nerve pathways are almost completely formed. However, there is a small percentage of the adult population who suffer from manifestations of kinetosis. In addition, this tendency is inherited; You should also know that motion sickness occurs several times more often in girls than in boys.

There is also a certain difference in the types of transport: some children cannot tolerate any type of transport or even a swing. Some children suffer only in a car, while others only suffer in sea transport; It is difficult to predict the development of motion sickness in advance.

Kinetosis can occur as an independent condition, that is, it appears only as a result of motion sickness in transport or other places. However, parents should remember that motion sickness can be one of the manifestations of any disease. Such manifestations are typical for diseases of the ENT organs (sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis - these are inflammations of the paranasal sinuses), diseases of the hearing organs, since this is where the vestibular apparatus is located, diseases of the nervous system, problems with the stomach or intestines, or cardiovascular diseases.

Only a doctor can rule out other diseases that can cause kinetosis; then it can be argued that the baby has a tendency to get motion sickness due to insufficient maturity of the vestibular apparatus. All medications for motion sickness should also be recommended only by a doctor - self-medication is unacceptable and is fraught with complications, since not all medications are acceptable for young children.

Why is the child rocking?

As already mentioned, unpleasant sensations in the baby arise due to a malfunction of the vestibular apparatus. It is located in the inner ear and is responsible for coordinating movements and body position in space. To better understand where kinetosis comes from, you need to know about the structure of the inner ear and its work. The inner ear is located inside the temporal bone of the skull and is small in size. Today it is known that the main impulse for it is the force of attraction (the law of gravity). This organ allows a person to correctly perceive the position of his body in space, as well as correctly understand the direction of movement. By closing your eyes, you will fully feel the work of the vestibular apparatus, accurately determining the direction if you are led somewhere by the hand (for example, the feeling of turning to the right or down, etc.).

In the structure of the inner ear, the vestibule and the system of semicircular canals are distinguished, which are located in three mutually perpendicular planes. It is this system that creates the three-dimensionality of the world, and with the help of these tubules it is possible to move the body up and down, back and forth, left and right and around its axis. Each tubule is a hollow tube bent in an arc, lined on the inside with cilia (sensitive hairs) and filled with liquid. When the position of the body changes, the fluid in the tubules begins to move and the cilia become irritated, transmitting information to the brain. These tubules sense movement, sound vibration and gravitational forces simultaneously. The brain, receiving information from them, superimposes it on that which it simultaneously receives from the eyes, resulting in a holistic picture of the surrounding world.

What happens in a child’s body during motion sickness?

When moving, the child's senses receive too much conflicting information. The eyes see that the baby is standing on the deck or sitting in a chair without moving, and the vestibular apparatus signals that the position of the body is changing in space. Due to the fact that the connections between the cortex and subcortex of the brain are still imperfect, and the coordination system is not yet fully developed, the child’s brain cannot bring together all the data, and irritation of internal organs and systems occurs. An adult combines in the cerebral cortex information received in the past and data from the eyes and ears into a single whole and understands how to react correctly, which is why he gets motion sickness very rarely: the body already knows how to react correctly to such changes. But children under 2 years of age rarely get motion sickness because they do not yet have the concept of space-time connections, and the brain can only perceive scattered pictures of the world. In addition, the vestibular apparatus of children under 2 years of age is also very poorly developed.

The severity of the manifestations of kinetosis varies and depends on many circumstances - the individual sensitivity of the child, his emotionality, movement activity and the degree of horizon fluctuations, room temperature, smoking in the presence of the baby.

Symptoms of kinetosis

  • An excessive number of impulses that enter the brain from the vestibular apparatus irritate many organs and systems of the child through common brain centers. When motion sickness occurs, three characteristic types of reactions develop - emotional, vegetative and muscular.
  • With the emotional type, feelings of fear, panic or, conversely, delight, euphoria, and inappropriate situations predominate.
  • The vegetative type is characterized by redness or severe pallor of the baby’s skin, excessive sweating, drooling, nausea or vomiting, disturbances of consciousness, and fainting.
  • With the muscular type, individual muscle contractions occur, during which the body may deviate to the sides, there may be swaying, unsteady gait, and loss of sense of support.
  • These types can be combined in each child to varying degrees of intensity, so all children react differently to motion sickness.
  • In addition, rather arbitrarily, several clinical forms of the disease are distinguished.
  • The nervous form is manifested by a predominance in the child of heaviness in the head, dizziness, weakness, headaches and lethargy.
  • In the gastrointestinal form, taste disturbances, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, bowel problems in the form of diarrhea, abdominal pain and excessive sensitivity to odors appear.
  • The cardiovascular form manifests itself in increased heart rate or, less often, in its slowdown, increased blood pressure, and cardiac arrhythmias. The baby may experience a disturbance in the pulse pattern: as the attack intensifies, it slows down, the child begins to yawn, shallow breathing appears, and then the pressure drops sharply and fainting may even occur (short-term loss of consciousness).
  • Often, children may experience a combination of all of these forms or one of them may predominate (at a certain age). It is possible that the manifestations of kinetosis will change or weaken over time.

How to help a child with motion sickness

The first thing parents need to do is not to panic, pull themselves together and not pretend that something terrible happened. Parental panic will make the baby more nervous, and this will aggravate the manifestations of kinetosis. Reassure the child, tell him that nothing bad happened. Provide your baby with access to cool, fresh air if possible. Stop the car (if you are driving your own car), get out and stand on a flat surface, walk a little. If you are traveling on public transport, find a place where there is less vibration. Asking your child to breathe slowly and deeply can often help reduce or prevent nausea. Citrus fruits help well with this condition: let your baby suck on a slice of orange, tangerine or lemon, or offer to put a lemon peel on his cheek. You can use other sour fruits, as well as peach. Sometimes a sour candy or a slice of green apple helps. You can ask your baby to look at his finger, the toe of a shoe, or any stationary object. If your child is not vomiting but complains of feeling dizzy or nauseous, you can give him a motion sickness medication that your doctor may prescribe.

It's always a good idea to keep a few plastic bags, still water, or unscented wet wipes on hand to wash your baby's face and hands. It’s just that the child can’t always tell you about an attack of nausea in time, and the baby may vomit unexpectedly for you: then you will need to help him get himself in order.

Motion sickness medications for children

Pharmacies offer a wide selection of medications against kinetosis, however, many anti-motion sickness medications should not be used before the age of 10–12 years. Therefore, the prescription of a specific medicine, its dosage and method of administration should only be carried out by a pediatrician or neurologist.

Most medications are taken in advance, half an hour to an hour before the start of the trip, so that they have time to begin to have their effect and unpleasant symptoms do not arise. Many medications reduce the excitability of the vestibular system, which prevents nausea and dizziness. However, the doctor will recommend that you use medications only if the trip is long and the baby does not tolerate transport very well. For prophylaxis, these medications are not recommended. Any drug can have side effects, such as allergies. Therefore, such medications are given to a child only if he has been sick before - so as not to provoke an attack. If you are planning a long trip, then the likelihood that the child will get motion sickness is very high, and in these cases, of course, it is better to give the baby medicine in advance. If the trip lasts no more than an hour, try to do without medications.

All remedies that help with motion sickness are divided into several groups.

The main group consists of special drugs that suppress the symptoms of motion sickness. Their main effect is penetration into the nervous system, where they reduce the flow of impulses from
vestibular apparatus. As a result, lightheadedness, vomiting and dizziness are suppressed. In early childhood, the use of the drug DRAMINE is permissible; it is used in children from 1 year old, the drugs SIEL and KINEDRIL - from 2 years old. However, these medications have a fairly impressive list of side effects: thirst and dry mouth, effects on vision and blood pressure, increased heart rate, and pronounced sedation. These drugs do not begin to act immediately, so they are usually used half an hour to an hour before the start of the trip.

Another group includes homeopathic remedies, for example COKKULIN (prescribed to children from 3 years), VERTIGOCHEL (from 2 years), AVIA-SEA (from 2 years). The basic principle of action of these drugs is “like cures like”, that is, in large doses they themselves would cause symptoms of motion sickness, but in small doses they help the body fight the disease. They have almost no contraindications and few side effects. They cannot be used only if the child has an individual sensitivity to the components of the drugs or allergies. For babies, they are produced in the form of drops, caramels or granules, which is convenient for young children. The drug is taken half an hour before the start of the trip.

If motion sickness is severe, the doctor may prescribe antiallergic (antihistamine), sedative or antiemetic drugs. Their choice is made by a doctor and depends on the degree of manifestation of kinetosis. All these drugs reduce the excitability of the nervous system and reduce unpleasant symptoms. However, they also have a fairly long list of side effects: lethargy, lethargy, drowsiness, dry mouth. But if your child vomits on every trip, these medications can provide significant relief. The dose and method of use of the drug will also be prescribed by the doctor.

If motion sickness medicine doesn't help...

It happens that the effect of taking the drug is weak or absent and the baby’s symptoms of motion sickness do not disappear. This can occur with individual insensitivity to this drug. It should be remembered that increasing the dosage or re-taking the medication is unacceptable. In such cases, you should be patient during the trip and help the baby endure the trip as comfortably as possible, using the non-drug methods described above to combat the symptoms of motion sickness. Lay or sit your child down and ask him to completely relax and try to fall asleep.

Folk remedies for motion sickness

Doctors and experienced parents know many non-drug ways to alleviate a baby’s condition due to motion sickness. These recommendations have been tested over the years, are safe and work well for children, so it makes sense to try them in practice. However, it is worth remembering that they cannot always help your baby, since all children are different and the causes of motion sickness may be different.

An effective remedy for nausea and motion sickness is ginger. It is cut into small slices and sucked on the road. But not all children like its taste, so you can replace it with gingerbread cookies or candy. In addition, it is good to drink ginger tea or infusion on the road.

Some children get help essential oils, especially mint or chamomile. Place a few drops of oil on a handkerchief or napkin and let your baby inhale.

An infusion can also help against motion sickness. oats or spinach juice. They are prepared very simply: 1 tbsp. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of oats, leave for 30–40 minutes, and strain. The juice from fresh washed spinach is squeezed out using a juicer. If you know about the trip in advance, start giving your child these juices three to four days before the trip - about ¼ glass twice a day. It is recommended to use as a drink when traveling mineral water without gas or sour juice- They drink them in small sips.

Wipe the baby’s face and hands more often on the road with a damp cloth or towel, you can make a wet bandage on the forehead. It is necessary to wear spacious clothes without tight straps and elastic bands, with a wide collar. If you feel unwell, put the baby on your lap and talk to him about your favorite topics. This will distract him from unpleasant thoughts and feelings, and the best remedy for motion sickness is sleep.

Many parents think that on the road they need to feed the baby more closely, which is completely wrong if they are prone to motion sickness. Eating too much will only make the situation worse. But you can’t take a hungry child either. Therefore, it is recommended to organize a light snack an hour before the trip, and the meals should be easily digestible. The optimal nutrition before leaving and on the road will be a piece of boiled fish, yoghurt, and cottage cheese. It is not recommended to take carbonated drinks or milk with you on a trip; in addition, if a child gets motion sickness, you should not eat in front of him, so as not to provoke an attack.

If the trip is long and you need to eat on the road, think in advance where you can stop for a long enough time so that after eating you don’t immediately hit the road, but take a walk in the fresh air for 30–40 minutes: this will make it easier for your child to cope with motion sickness.

Where is the best place to sit when you get motion sickness?

The child’s place in transport needs to be thought out in advance. If the trip takes place on a ship, you need to choose cabins closer to the center of the ship; if on a bus, sit in the front part and close to the opening windows. On long trips, stop and walk more often, open the windows; The baby should sit only in the direction of travel.

When traveling by car, you need to know a few simple rules that will reduce the risk of motion sickness. Undoubtedly, the seat next to the driver gets the least amount of motion sickness, but according to traffic regulations, children under 12 are prohibited from traveling there. In addition, children under this age must be in car seats. And securing a child in a car seat reduces the manifestations of motion sickness, because they overtake children more often if they are active, move around the cabin, lie down on the seats or look out the rear or side window. The best place for a car seat is the center of the back seat: this way the child pays less attention to the side windows and frequently changing pictures. A comfortable and correct position in the chair allows you to breathe freely, the baby looks in the right direction. In addition, it is easier and more comfortable to fall asleep in a car seat.

Knowing that you have a long trip ahead of you, prepare for it in advance. Take your baby with you often on short trips to get him used to movement. Before traveling, thoroughly ventilate the interior of the car, do not close the windows during the warm season, and do not turn on the heater at full blast in winter. Do not use strong-smelling air fresheners or smoke in the car where your child is traveling. Try to drive the car without sudden acceleration, turning and braking, smoothly and evenly.

How to train the vestibular apparatus

If you lead an active lifestyle and often drive a car or other transport, you need to start training your baby’s vestibular system in advance. Then the risk of motion sickness will be significantly lower and it will be less severe.

Many parents start taking their children with them almost from birth. And this is justified, since the vestibular apparatus of the baby adapts to movement from the very beginning. Of course, these trips should only be in a car seat and for short distances.

You can train at home, but the main criterion for such classes should be regularity. Simple exercises for training the vestibular apparatus are recommended - swaying on a gymnastic ball, carrying and swinging on the hands, rotating the child, circling and coups. Dads often like to do this: they toss, spin and somersault their children. It is very useful to circle the baby around the room, changing the position of his body.

A child over 1.5–2 years old can easily be taught to roll from side to side with a “sausage”, walk along a curb or a log, it is also advisable to swing him on a swing, ride a carousel, learn to swim or jump on an air mattress.

Of course, motion sickness is an unpleasant phenomenon. However, effective measures to combat it exist. By following simple tips and recommendations, you can save your baby from troubles, and he will enjoy traveling with you.

If any road turns into torture for you, you can’t even look at the attractions normally, then our article will definitely interest you.

Motion sickness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, excessive sweating - all these are symptoms of “sea” or “air” sickness. The culprit for this is weakness of the vestibular apparatus (the organ of balance, which is responsible for moving the body in space). Fortunately, modern medications successfully solve this problem in children and adults.

This is interesting: it turns out that “seasickness” can and should be hardened. If you get motion sickness in transport, then the first day ride for 5 minutes, then 10 and so on gradually, increasing the duration of the trip by 5 minutes every day.

We select tablets for motion sickness and nausea on the plane

To avoid nausea and dizziness on the road, future mothers can try:

Bonin. The drug has a mild antihistamine effect and prevents nausea and blocks the urge to vomit. It is safe if you adhere to the specified dosage. If the dosage is exceeded, dry mouth, vomiting, increased drowsiness and decreased concentration may occur;

- this is a real bestseller among drugs against “seasickness”. It is approved not only for pregnant women, but also for children. When taking it, you should be aware that the medicine enhances the effect of taking sleeping pills;

Delicious vitamins, coated with a special coating. They are taken to prevent seasickness in pregnant women. But during an attack of nausea or dizziness, they are ineffective;

. Take your medication 40 minutes before your trip or flight. Although the medicine has a safe composition and is approved for pregnant women and children, it is better to consult a doctor before use.

Anti-motion sickness tablets for children

Nowadays pharmacies are full of a variety of remedies for seasickness and motion sickness for babies. They come not only in the form of tablets and granules, but also in patches and special bracelets.

Pediatricians consider dimenhydrinate-based medications to be the most popular and safest medicine in the world. The product is approved for use from 2 years and is sold all over the world without problems. Give the medicine according to the instructions, and the road will go smoothly without incident.

(Video: “How to get rid of motion sickness in transport”)

The most popular recipes on the Internet are:

  • eating lemons and grapefruits . Moisten a citrus slice and drink water and juice. Any intake of lemon or grapefruit relieves nausea, dizziness and headaches;
  • Mint tea. The plant has a slight calming effect. To make the journey go smoothly, prepare tea in advance with 2 tablespoons of mint and 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes, strain;
  • Don’t want to tinker with thermoses and tea? Then buy 200 grams of “Duchess” or “Mint Caramel”. When your head starts to feel dizzy, just put some candy in your mouth;
  • People also advise taking 1 gram of dried ginger powder 1 hour before the trip. Nausea and vomiting will not ruin your trip.

It often happens that “seasickness” caught you unexpectedly when there are no medicines, herbal teas or other aids at hand. Then just try self-massage. The method is simple, has no contraindications (which is especially important for pregnant women and mothers of babies).

Craftsmen and massage therapists advise:

  • massage a point on the hand. Place your left thumb between. Massage the point in the middle of this distance with the pillow of the thumb of the left hand. . Either press firmly for 1 minute, or make circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise 3 times 3 times;
  • Massage the knuckles of the middle phalanx of the middle finger intensively for 1 minute.

(Video: “Doctor Komarovsky: How to fight motion sickness in transport”)

For attacks of seasickness, any methods and medications are good. We advise you to take several medications and folk remedies on the road. Then the trip will definitely not be marred by vomiting, nausea and dizziness.

We often encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as motion sickness in transport. Sometimes we need anti-motion sickness remedies, sometimes our relatives need them, and it just so happens that such drugs are now almost the most popular on the pharmaceutical market. In the article we will look at how to prevent the occurrence of nausea and vomiting with the help of medications (and not only) and no longer be afraid of long trips in any transport.

Motion sickness is nothing more than a disease

It has nothing to do with your physical condition, and even the most avid sailor can experience symptoms of seasickness under certain circumstances.

And you can only eliminate its symptoms, and then only for once, since they will appear again on your next trip.

Causes of motion sickness (or seasickness)

The exact cause of the disease has not yet been established. One of the causes of motion sickness is signals from the receptors of the vestibular apparatus. They respond to any changes in body movement and then transmit signals to the brain.

Another possible cause of motion sickness is a conflict between the signals from the organs of vision and the vestibular apparatus, which enter the central nervous system. For example, at the moment of pitching, the vestibular apparatus transmits a signal about movement, and the organ of vision sees stationary objects.

How to prevent it?

First, don't drink a lot of fluids before your trip. The food you eat right before leaving should be easily digestible by your body.

During the ride itself, you can suck on mints. The method of sucking matches is very common among sailors. The match must be inserted between the teeth and dissolved. A toothpick will also work for this purpose.

In order not to bother, you can take tablets against motion sickness in transport. Fortunately, now they are quite common and suitable for both adults and children. We invite you to take a closer look at some of the options.

Popular tablets for motion sickness

There are two groups of drugs for motion sickness: traditional and homeopathic (herbal-based).

Usually, pills for motion sickness in transport include substances that directly affect the central nervous system or the vomiting center of the brain. They should not be used without a doctor's prescription.

Sometimes the mildest sedatives or even sleeping pills are effective.

Below we describe the most popular pills for motion sickness, reviews of which will also be mentioned.

Dramamine tablets

Produced in Croatia; price: no more than 90 rubles.

Tablets from motion sickness "Dramina" - a drug that contains a substance called dimenhydrinate.

The Dramina remedy helps to cope with nausea and vomiting, if they have already caught you, and also to prevent their occurrence. Sometimes the drug is successfully used in the fight against allergic reactions.

Tablets from motion sickness act on the central nervous system, slightly depressing it, and slow down the body's reactions to signals from the vestibular apparatus.

You should take this drug half an hour before your trip. The effect lasts for 3-6 hours.

Frequent side effects of the drug: dizziness, fatigue, and sometimes drowsiness. After taking the product, you should not drive a car or drink alcohol even in the smallest quantities. Slightly affects a person's concentration.

The most common side effects are dizziness or headache, dry mouth.

The drug should not be used by young children (under 1 year), pregnant or breastfeeding women. Can be used as motion sickness tablets on an airplane.

Avia-More tablets or lozenges

Produced in Russia; price: no more than 70 rubles.

Avia-More tablets for motion sickness and nausea are suitable both for preventive use and for the immediate elimination of vomiting or nausea.

Take one tablet one hour before travel as a preventative measure. If you experience nausea on the way, take Avia-More once every half hour of your trip.

Attention! The Avia-More product is not a motion sickness pill for children, and they should not be taken by children under 6 years of age. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before taking the drug.

It affects concentration; after drinking, you should not drive a car or drink alcohol.

Tablets "Kokkulin"

Made in France; price: approximately 200 rubles.

This drug is sometimes prescribed to pregnant women, as it copes well with toxicosis. But it is also very suitable for eliminating the symptoms of seasickness. On the eve of the trip, take Cocculin two tablets 3 times a day for prevention, and two tablets for every hour of the trip if symptoms of motion sickness appear.

The drug does not cause drowsiness, but combining it with alcohol is not recommended. Prohibited for use by children under three years of age. Nursing and pregnant women should notify their doctor about taking this drug.

Side effects: headache, dizziness, inability to concentrate.

Tablets "Meclizine"

Most often used as tablets for motion sickness on airplanes. The tablets have a fairly strong composition and are taken only in case of urgent need.

Not for use by children under 12 years of age, people with hypersensitivity to any medications, pregnant or lactating women.

Also take an hour before travel or during if symptoms have already appeared.

After use, you should not drive a car or drink alcohol for some time. Reduces concentration.

Side effects: dizziness, disturbance of accommodation.

Vertigohel tablets

The anti-motion sickness tablets in the Vertigohel machine are not directly anti-motion sickness. This drug is mainly prescribed to eliminate dizziness and vomiting in case of any serious illness.

But they are also suitable for eliminating the symptoms of seasickness. One tablet should be placed under the tongue and kept there until it is completely absorbed. Doctors recommend taking the drug half an hour before your trip if you want to use these tablets as a preventive measure.

Please note that Vertigohel is the only drug compatible with alcohol.

Chewable tablets "Bonin"

Made in the USA; price: about 50-100 rubles.

Chewable motion sickness tablets for children are ideal, and, in general, only they are used.

You just need to choose the right drug, because there is a version for children, and there is also one for adults (this cannot be taken by children under 12 years old).

The children's version is shown in the photo provided by us.

According to the principle of use, this drug is also similar to all those that we have already described above. One tablet should be given to the child an hour before the trip. The effect will continue for another whole day, so repeated use during the trip will not be required.

The drug "Bonin" for adults should be taken in the same way. It is not recommended to drink alcohol during the first 24 hours after taking the pills, or to drive a car.

If you are hypersensitive to any drug, you should first consult your doctor.

Tablets "Ciel"

This remedy is a good analogue of the popular drug Dramina. It also eliminates unpleasant symptoms of seasickness or prevents their occurrence. Should be taken half an hour before travel.

This drug has one huge advantage - it can be taken by children over the age of one year. Not a single tablet from motion sickness can boast of this plus, even the “Dramina” products and the children's “Bonin”.

The drug "Ciel" does not cause drowsiness and has no effect on concentration.

Dietary supplement "Ginger in capsules"

Nothing more than a dietary supplement. It is not suitable as a medicine, and it is not capable of eliminating the symptoms of seasickness. But for prevention, the product “Ginger in capsules” is an irreplaceable thing.

3-4 capsules should be taken before departure, and this dose should be maintained every 4 hours of the trip.

We repeat, this drug is suitable only for prevention. Increases body tone, but is not able to eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness if they have already appeared.

Acupuncture bracelet "Travel Dream"

Sometimes anti-motion sickness pills are contraindicated or simply undesirable, but you still want to say goodbye to the symptoms of motion sickness. What to do in this case?

There is such a remedy for motion sickness as an acupuncture bracelet. It is reusable, has no contraindications and is even suitable for children.

What is the principle of its operation? Near our wrist there is an acupuncture point of the pericardium (P6), which is affected by this bracelet. You just need to position it correctly, and then it will work better than anti-motion sickness pills. Instructions for its installation are included with the bracelet itself.

It starts working literally 5 minutes after installation. Manufacturers recommend pressing the plastic ball in the bracelet if symptoms of seasickness begin to appear.

Despite the safety of this bracelet, very young children should not use it (only for children over three years old).

Disease Prevention

Perhaps the best prevention of seasickness is proper nutrition, adherence to a daily routine, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle (no alcohol).

It is better to sleep during the trip. It is also possible to imitate walking using leg movements, thus outsmarting the vestibular system.

And, of course, preventing seasickness includes taking anti-motion sickness pills some time before the upcoming trip.

Doctors' opinions on seasickness

This may seem strange to some, but more and more modern experts believe that seasickness is nothing more than self-hypnosis. And all these pills that we use have a very strong effect on our health. And various bracelets are nothing more than just a way to make money on the gullibility of people.

Whether this is true or not, pills and bracelets still help get rid of the symptoms, and they don’t have any terrible side effects. So it's not all that bad. And the fact that any medications affect the human body has long been proven, and tablets for seasickness symptoms were no exception.

So, we have reviewed almost all the remedies for seasickness, and these are not just pills. For more information, you should contact a pharmacist at any pharmacy in your city or your doctor.

In this article:

Motion sickness of a child in transport is a fairly common problem. Every second baby has encountered unpleasant symptoms of kinetosis at least once in his life. This is what doctors call seasickness.

The abundance of negative emotions and extremely unpleasant sensations that motion sickness causes can give a head start to many other diseases. Therefore, not only children, but also many parents nervously prepare for any long-distance routes, trying to choose the shortest and most gentle ones so that the child does not experience suffering. Why do children get motion sickness so often in transport, how to prevent the development of symptoms of kinetosis and how can you help a child if he does get motion sickness?

Why does a child get sick in transport?

The main reason for motion sickness in children in transport is a weak vestibular apparatus. This is the organ that is responsible for the balance and orientation of a person in the surrounding space. The vestibular apparatus responds immediately to any changes in the position of the torso and head, this reaction is most pronounced during a trip by any mode of transport.

In young children (up to about 18 months), the vestibular apparatus is in a dormant state, which is why they never have problems with motion sickness while traveling. After a year and a half, the body begins its vigorous activity, but, since it is still in the stage of development and formation, its work can be called full-fledged only when the child is 14 years old. That is why, before this age, many children cannot withstand the rocking and shaking during the trip.

The vestibular apparatus is located in the inner ear of a person, so sometimes the cause of motion sickness may not be its imperfection, but diseases of the hearing organs in a child. Therefore, to make sure the baby is healthy, it would be useful to consult with an ENT doctor regarding the relevant pathologies.

Also, the cause of motion sickness in a child in transport may be the weakness of his autonomic nervous system. Experts note that children suffering from neurological problems are more likely than others to experience symptoms of motion sickness in transport.


If a child gets seasick on the road, it is immediately obvious. Vomiting is not always the main symptom of seasickness; everything is very individual. In some children, signs of motion sickness manifest themselves in the form of severe anxiety, headaches and dizziness. Other babies, especially those who still speak poorly, begin to cry instead of complaining about their well-being. Many people experience pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, and beads of sweat appear on the body. There is often copious secretion of saliva. Some children respond to rocking to sleep.

If the vehicle is not stopped at this point, vomiting usually occurs. But it does not bring the child the desired relief. Sometimes children complain that their limbs are numb; less often, children simply lose consciousness.

What to do if a child gets motion sickness?

If a child gets seasick in transport, first of all, you need to provide the baby with maximum access to oxygen. To do this, you need to open the window; when traveling in your own transport, make a forced stop and take a walk in the fresh air.

You need to calm the child down, pat him on the head, hold him close and explain that nothing bad happened. Even if he vomited in front of others, do not scold or blame him for this. You should not take sugary carbonated drinks and dairy products on the road - they aggravate the problem, increasing attacks of nausea and vomiting.

Offer your child mints and clean, still water. If you are not allergic to citrus fruits, you can add lemon to the water. Acidified water helps combat nausea and motion sickness. Instead of candy, you can offer your child a tangerine or lime, but they should be eaten slowly, sucking on each piece.

How to prepare for your trip

Before a long trip, you need to be prepared. Before leaving, the child should have a good night's sleep and be alert. To avoid bouts of motion sickness, some parents, on the contrary, try to take tired children on the road, hoping that they will fall asleep on the way and the symptoms of seasickness will bypass them. It is strictly not recommended to do this.

Accumulated fatigue will weaken the body's adaptive and protective mechanisms, against the background of which the vestibular apparatus will fail faster and more severely. The child will not only not be able to sleep on the road, because of the symptoms of motion sickness, he will be exhausted and more tired. It is doubtful that such a trip will bring joy to him and his parents.

If you have to travel by bus, try to buy tickets for seats in front of the cabin, facing in the direction of travel. As a rule, there is less shaking and shaking, besides, the child may become interested in the road and be distracted from his condition.

Before the trip, you need to eat, but not heavily. An empty stomach, just like a full one, can be the basis for the rapid development of symptoms of kinetosis. The meal should be low-fat and light. You can not offer a child suffering from seasickness before the road and during it heavy meat dishes, eggs, milk, strong broths, grapes, legumes and salads. All this causes fermentation processes in the body and increases nausea and vomiting during motion sickness.

Be sure to take with you on a trip a change of clothes for the baby, a sufficient number of plastic bags, dry and wet wipes, as well as a first aid kit with the necessary medicines.

Child gets seasick on an airplane

To prevent motion sickness on an airplane, it is better to choose a seat in the middle of the cabin. This is where there is the least vibration and pitching during the flight. Typically, airplanes only shake noticeably during takeoff, climb, and landing. The rest of the time they fly above turbulent air flows.

If a child begins to get very anxious on an airplane, then the problem may not be motion sickness at all, but pain in the ears associated with a decrease in atmospheric pressure. Young children are most susceptible to this. In any case, you need to help the child first by calming him down. You can offer him a lollipop and clean water. Before the flight, it is recommended to drip vasoconstrictor drugs into the nose.

Children with diagnosed otitis media are contraindicated from flying on airplanes. Otherwise, such a child cannot avoid attacks of seasickness and severe pain.

Remedies for motion sickness

Currently, many anti-sickness remedies have been developed for children, which can be purchased at every pharmacy. If a child gets very motion sickness during a trip, despite all the efforts of the parents, it makes sense to consult a doctor and choose anti-motion sickness medications for children.

Let's look at the most popular of them.


This is a motion sickness remedy for children 2 years of age and older, which has a direct effect on the vestibular system. Thanks to it, you can avoid all the delights of seasickness - nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Despite the fact that the drug is effective, it has some side effects such as headache, drowsiness, decreased concentration, etc.


These are homeopathic tablets for motion sickness for children. The good thing about the drug is that it has no side effects and does not cause drowsiness. The tablets do not need to be taken with water, which is very convenient during a trip. But like any homeopathic remedy, it is not recommended to prescribe it to a child yourself. It should be recommended by a homeopathic doctor after examining the baby.


A popular domestic anti-motion sickness drug for children, which copes well with the symptoms of seasickness and has no side effects. The only contraindication for its use is children under 3 years of age.


A powerful remedy for children against motion sickness in the car and any other type of transport, which has many contraindications. For example, it can only be used when the child reaches 12 years of age.

In addition to pills, there is another effective remedy - an acupuncture bracelet for seasickness, which effectively suppresses attacks of nausea and dizziness. It can be used not only by children, but also by pregnant women against the background of severe toxicosis, since it is a non-drug product that has no side effects.

How to train the vestibular apparatus?

If the family practices an active lifestyle, the parents are used to traveling and often drive a car, the child’s vestibular apparatus should begin to be trained in advance. In this case, the likelihood of developing seasickness will be reduced or its consequences will be less pronounced.

Most young parents regularly take their children with them from birth on car trips to the store, to the clinic or on a visit. In this case, the vestibular apparatus of the baby begins to adapt to movement from the first months of life. Of course, such trips should be carried out using a special child car seat and over short distances.

But not all parents can afford a car or regular trips in it, so you can train your child’s vestibular apparatus at home. The main thing in these trainings is systematicity.

Exercises aimed at improving the vestibular system may include carrying and rocking the baby in your arms, spinning the baby in the air, flips and spins (it is better to carry out all these gymnastic tricks with the help of the dad). You can also use a gymnastic ball, place the baby on its stomach and swing it in different directions.

Children over 2 years old can be taught to roll on the floor “sausage”, rolling from side to side. Walking on a curb or balance beam, all kinds of swings and carousels, jumping on an air mattress and swimming are also useful. Older children can train the vestibular system through dancing and cycling.

In order not to expose your child to additional risk on the road, feed him during the trip with food that is taken from home or food whose quality cannot be doubted. Unfamiliar eating places can spoil the impression of a trip, regardless of the state of the vestibular system.

Before a long trip, it is better to consult a pediatrician. If necessary, he will recommend anti-motion sickness medications suitable for children.

Useful video about motion sickness of a child in transport