What are the benefits of propolis with milk at night? Propolis with milk are ideal allies of health. Treatment of other pathologies

Propolis is a unique natural remedy that helps in the treatment of many diseases. It contains components that help prevent the development of a variety of bacteria and viruses, as well as promote strengthening the immune system body.

The bee product is a sticky substance with a pleasant odor and specific taste. Milk added to propolis enhances the anti-inflammatory effect and softens the taste of the product as a whole.

Propolis tincture with milk is a more effective remedy compared to that prepared in water. Milk contains substances that draw water and fats from bee glue, and also increase. The honey product contains important substances that help increase the body's immunity: amino acids, vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, albumin. The bee product itself has the following properties:

Propolis itself is an excellent remedy against colds and viral diseases. When combined with milk it becomes even more effective. This tincture helps in the treatment of influenza and respiratory diseases. In addition, the remedy improves well-being person, calms the nervous system and helps normalize sleep.

Indications for treatment of diseases

Milk-based propolis tincture perfectly treats the following diseases:

  • colds;
  • facilitates the course of tuberculosis;
  • helps normalize cholesterol levels;
  • gastritis, pancreatitis and other stomach diseases;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • eczema and other skin problems;
  • relieves menstrual pain;
  • contributes to the normalization of a person’s mental state.

In addition, propolis improves human immunity as a whole and improves overall health. Therefore it can be used as preventive measures.

Using the product for children

For young children suffering from a cough with wheezing, it will be important to use a simple method of preparation. propolis tinctures with milk. The use of this product is recommended for children over 3 years of age. To do this, take 1⁄2 small spoon of bee glue and mix it with melted goat or other fat. This mixture is smeared on the child's chest, back and heels. After which the child must be thoroughly insulated and given warm milk and honey to drink. This compress can be done at night. With the help of this remedy, the body warms up, which helps relieve cough.

An excellent remedy for children over 12 years old for colds is propolis milk. You can prepare it as follows: mix 1/3 teaspoon of tincture in a glass of warm milk and add a small piece of butter. The mixture should be drunk at night.

Directions for use for adults

Propolis tincture with milk is an effective natural remedy for treating colds; with its help you can easily cope with the disease literally overnight. For colds and stomach diseases, propolis with milk is used equally. To do this, a few drops of propolis alcohol tincture are mixed with hot milk. The solution should be drunk at night. Experts recommend using the product after getting ready for bed, that is, immediately after drinking propolis tincture, and going to bed.

Please note that the product should drink intermittently, since its constant use reduces effectiveness. To treat colds, propolis tincture is used until recovery. However, no more than 10 days with a break of a maximum of 3 weeks.

To increase immunity and prevent flu or colds, the drug is taken for 7 days. When treating stomach ulcers or gastritis, propolis tincture is taken for 10 days. The duration of the course is about 6 months.

How to prepare the tincture correctly

As a rule, propolis is very rarely used in its pure form. It happens that a small piece of bee glue is dissolved in the mouth for a sore throat. Propolis tincture with milk is often used. It will be palatable not only to adults, but also to children.

It is very important to maintain the required proportions. Even with a slight deviation, an allergic reaction or other side effects may occur.

When preparing, you can use pure propolis or alcohol tincture. Let's look at the basic recipes for propolis with milk:

  1. Boil 0.5 liters of milk, add 2 tbsp. l. propolis and mix thoroughly. Place the mixture on low heat for 15-20 minutes. In this case, it is necessary to constantly stir the mixture so that the milk does not burn. The broth needs to be strained and left to cool. After this, remove the film and put it in the refrigerator. The finished product is used to enhance immunity. Take tincture 1 tbsp. l. before eating.
  2. The recipe for a sedative is very simple. To do this, you need to mix 200 ml of boiled milk with 1 tsp. bee glue. The resulting mixture is filtered and cooled. You need to drink the product before going to bed.
  3. Alcohol can also be used in recipes. 100 ml of boiled milk is mixed with 25 drops of alcohol tincture. Applicable for children. To do this, add 2-4 drops to pre-boiled milk and mix. When preparing an aqueous tincture, you will need water and propolis. First, rub 30 g of bee glue on a fine grater and add 100 ml of cold water. The resulting mixture is simmered in a water bath for an hour. In this case, it is imperative to stir the solution. After this, the mixture must be strained.

Contraindications for use

A natural milk-based propolis product does not cause harm to the body. The only exception for use is individual intolerance to the substances contained in propolis, which is very easily determined. To do this, apply a small piece of the product to your hand and apply a patch. After 24 hours, look at the result. If no rash, redness or itching appears, then you can safely use the product.

In addition, taking propolis tincture can be combined with medications. In this case, experts recommend taking a two-hour break between products.

Propolis with milk is a universal folk remedy that will quickly boost immunity, relieve inflammation and destroy pathogenic microflora. Propolis, bee glue, is a natural material, the result of the life processes of bees. Milk is also a gift of nature; in folk medicine, not only cow’s milk is used, but also goat’s, sheep’s, camel’s, mare’s, donkey’s, deer’s, female zebu’s and yak’s milk. These two natural products, when combined, provide an excellent remedy, almost universal and unique.

Where does propolis come from?

To produce propolis, bees use a resinous material formed during the growth of buds of various plants, as well as an enzyme produced by bee glands, which is of particular value in medicine. This substance serves as a protective agent for bee colonies against viruses and infections that can enter the hive. Even in ancient Greece, propolis was highly valued. Its name in translation means pro - “ahead” and polis - “city”, and is explained by the use of this substance as a material for eliminating cracks and holes in bee housing, disinfecting honeycomb cells before laying honey, and adjusting the size of the entrance.

While studying the behavior of bees, scientists established the fact of using propolis to embalm various insects and rodents that enter a bee hive. The corpses of small animals and insects are mummified without decomposing and without contaminating bees and honey with decay products.

One hive per season can produce from 50 to 150g of this unique substance.

Some people love goat's milk, and for good reason

Composition and healing properties of propolis

The consistency of propolis is viscous and sticky, and its color varies from light brown with green to dark brown. At high temperatures, namely boiling for an hour, it does not lose its chemical and biological properties. In order to clean bee glue from impurities, beekeepers heat it in a water bath, filter it and pour it into molds for sale and further use.

When fresh, it is soft and plastic. During long-term storage it hardens and becomes brittle.

It dissolves well in alcohol, gasoline, acetic acid. And when heated - in vegetable and animal fats, water, milk.

Scientists have discovered 16 classes of organic substances in propolis, including low molecular weight polyphenols, alcohols, and aldehydes. It contains about 200 different compounds. 50% is occupied by resinous substances - flavonoids, aromatic acids and essential oils. It contains almost all microelements important for human life, vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, and minerals. Another interesting fact is that this composition is unstable and varies depending on the place of collection, the breed of bees and environmental conditions.

You can talk about the uniqueness and positive effects of propolis endlessly and for a long time, and thereby only confirm its popularity in folk and traditional medicine. Let us note only the most well-known and studied medicinal properties of it:


Analyzing the uniqueness of propolis, people from ancient times identified its beneficial properties, which are used in medicine even today:

therapy for diseases of the oral cavity, teeth and gums;
damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum;
treatment of sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis;
otitis of various etiologies and genesis;
therapy of skin damage due to wounds, burns, frostbite, lichen;
for eye injuries and burns;
in gynecology, urology;
for internal and external hemorrhoids;
treatment of bronchi and lungs, including tuberculosis.
Where to buy, how to choose?

Pharmacy tincture of propolis with alcohol is available at a price in the pharmacy chain. You can buy pure propolis at retail outlets that sell beekeeping products, online stores and from familiar beekeepers. Those wishing to purchase propolis in its pure form must adhere to recommendations that will help distinguish a high-quality product from a counterfeit or low-quality product.

The bee product must have a certain color, consisting of mixed yellow and green inclusions or yellow and brown.
The composition should not contain leaf residues, insect elements, or sticks.
Minimum stripes of black or dark color.
The smell should not convey the aroma of honey. Propolis has a specific waxy or balsamic persistent aroma.
The taste is unpleasantly tart, viscous, sticks to the teeth and gives a slight numbness or burning sensation in the oral mucosa.
Doesn't sink in water.
Propolis and milk - a unique medicinal product

This folk remedy has received high praise and popularity. And all thanks to the ease of preparation and powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The combination of milk with propolis is easily digestible and quickly has a healing effect, can prevent the development of colds, increase the immunity of adults and children, stop the progressive inflammatory process in any organ of the human body, and quickly relieve an attack of pancreatitis.

Even children enjoy this cocktail and quickly cope with colds and viral diseases. the components coexist perfectly with each other, mutually complementing each other.

Propolis milk recipes

To prepare medicinal milk you will need the following ingredients:
50 g high quality propolis,
liter of fresh cow (goat) milk
It is recommended to finely chop propolis in a way convenient for you and add it to boiling milk. Over low heat, stirring frequently, try to get the propolis completely dissolved. Particles of undissolved drug or its inclusions will remain on the surface. They must be eliminated by straining the medicinal mixture through a strainer or gauze. It takes no more than 10 minutes to prepare the medicine. Store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator. The period of use is three days.

2. Another recipe – also quick. Combine warm milk (half a glass) and alcoholic propolis tincture (1-2 drops).

How to take milk with propolis?

The usual dose is 1 tablespoon three times a day, course 10 days. When treating stomach ulcers and pancreatitis, the course of treatment is 30 days; if necessary, it can be repeated after a month. For children over 3 years of age, for colds and coughs, the medicine is given warm once a day before bedtime.

When preparing medicinal products, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions, since propolis itself can sometimes provoke allergic reactions.

Propolis, like honey, is famous for its miraculous properties. It can be in tablets, solutions or wafers. But propolis is best absorbed with milk. This product has immunomodulatory properties and is considered the best antiseptic.

For prevention, it is recommended to take a glass of hot milk with 25 drops of extract before going to bed. Propolis with milk can also be given to children, only 1-2 drops. A tincture of propolis with milk would be appropriate in the autumn-spring period, when colds become significantly worse.

Medicinal properties of the tincture:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • dermoplastic;
  • antitoxic;
  • vasoconstrictors;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antioxidant.

The properties of propolis have not yet been well studied, but its use in medicine is undeniable. Treatment with propolis with milk has found application in patients with inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. Bee glue does not cause side effects, and relieves pain quickly. In order not to harm the body, it is forbidden to use propolis for a long time and in large doses.

Such treatment can lead to a weakened immune system and an increase in white blood cells in the blood. The course of treatment should be completed for about 4 weeks, no more, and after a two-week break, if necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

Using propolis tincture with milk

Based on reviews from experts, it can be argued that propolis has a positive effect on:

  • colds;
  • viral respiratory infection;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • gastritis;
  • inflammation of the intestines and stomach;
  • skin diseases.

External use

Very young children with a cough with wheezing can be treated using a simple recipe. Half a small spoon of tincture should be added to melted loy (goat fat). Lubricate the child's chest, back and feet with this mixture, then insulate the rubbed areas and give him milk and honey to drink. Children from three years old are allowed to apply a compress for the whole night. The parchment sheet should be greased with melted fat and sprinkled with tincture. Insulate with woolen fabric. Warming up well, such a compress relieves the child’s cough.

Using propolis with milk for adults

The simplest recipe for colds is hot milk with propolis (20 drops per glass of liquid). The following composition also works effectively: mix 1 tablespoon of tincture with melted 1 tbsp. l. butter and 1 tsp. natural honey. After stirring until smooth, drink the mixture hot and be sure to lie down, wrap yourself up well. This recipe works great for bronchitis and helps lower the temperature.

For children over 12 years old, propolis tincture with milk at night is good for barking coughs and other colds. To do this, you need to dilute 1/3 teaspoon of propolis tincture in a glass of warm milk and add a small piece of butter. Drink at night.

Recipes for the treatment of various diseases

  • It is advisable to prescribe propolis at the first signs of disease. The easiest way to treat a runny nose is to add a teaspoon of tincture to herbal tea. Drink several times a day and always at night.
  • Second recipe: 2 black peppercorns, 2 small cloves, 1 spoon of honey, 1 spoon of sunflower oil, 2 spoons of tincture and a piece of ginger, add to tea and drink hot.
  • Third recipe: corn or sea buckthorn oil (3 tbsp), 3 tbsp. l. honey, a few drops of tincture. Take a teaspoon on an empty stomach for two weeks.
  • Mix half a glass of water with 20 drops and drink three times a day. At the same time, rinse your nose with tincture and salt solution in equal proportions, 1/2 teaspoon per glass of water. Use a special device.

Propolis with milk is a new discovery of a long-forgotten old folk remedy. Imagine - this remedy cures almost all diseases! You say this can’t happen? Your right! But those who tried to be treated with propolis milk were convinced in practice of its effectiveness. Believe it or not, this recipe for health is not only accessible to everyone, but simply irreplaceable.

Propolis + milk = health

Propolis is a product produced by bees during the processing of sticky substances collected from various plants. It is a dense plasticine-like mass with a specific color (dark green, gray or brown) and odor. The taste of this product is bitter and pungent. It dissolves poorly in water, but easily in alcohol. People knew about the healing properties of propolis back in ancient times. Its Greek name suggests that it was known in Ancient Greece. Translated: “pro” - in front, “polis” - city, means “in front of the city”. Attentive Hellenes noticed that bees carefully cover all the cracks in their home with propolis, and in winter, the entrance. This is not surprising, by doing so they are protecting their “city”.

After all, this substance has powerful anti-putrefactive, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is not without reason that the priests of Ancient Egypt actively used propolis in the mummification of dead pharaohs and in medicine. It is still used to treat various ailments today. To do this, use this substance in its natural form, tablets, water infusion, alcohol tincture, ointment, oil extract, paste. Let's consider the use of propolis in another form, namely with milk.

Is it worth telling you about the benefits of milk and its unique composition? Let's face it, if you are a mammal, then milk is the product that your body will accept naturally and in accordance with the laws of Nature. It is interesting that propolis itself, a poorly soluble product, literally dissolves in milk when heated and begins to act in tandem, reaching every cell of the body.

Composition and beneficial properties of propolis with milk

Taking propolis internally provides the body with strong immunity. The combination of milk with this bee product significantly reduces its inherent bitterness and burning sensation, which does not at all reduce the anti-inflammatory effect of this remedy. Interestingly, this composition has a higher concentration of useful minerals, trace elements and vitamins. Milk with propolis contains many essential and beneficial amino acids for the body. This composition is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, chromium, iron, zinc. Propolis with milk contains a plentiful amount of vitamins: A, C, E and P and group B. Thanks to the wide range of beneficial substances included in the mixture, it has a number of medicinal properties, namely:

  • wound healing;
  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunostimulating.

Propolis with milk has established itself as a wonderful anti-cold remedy and a remedy that can defeat various pathogenic viruses and bacteria. This healthy drink provides especially indispensable help in cases of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections. Propolis with milk helps to cope with pneumonia, bronchitis, and sore throat. This is a natural antibiotic. And thanks to pinocembrin, which is part of it, it protects the body from pathogenic fungi. This remedy improves well-being, saturates the body with strength and energy, and calms the nervous system.

The combination of propolis with milk has a therapeutic effect in cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. This drink successfully normalizes cholesterol, relieves inflammation in the stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and intestines. This milk mixture works great for various skin problems, including eczema.

Propolis with milk is used to treat female diseases and to normalize the menstrual cycle. It effectively copes with fibroids, cervical erosion, colpitis, and mastitis. It is used for infertility.

The methods of using the mixture for the treatment and prevention of various diseases are different. Let's get acquainted with some recipes for a healing drink.

Colds, ARVI, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma

  • For colds, coughs, sore throat and fever, this medicine is prepared. Boil 300 milliliters of milk, add one tablespoon of peeled and crushed propolis to it. Boil the mixture over low heat, stirring it constantly. After this, the brew is filtered through a fine sieve and allowed to cool. Elements of hardened wax are removed from the surface of the drink. If you are sick, take a teaspoon every hour. In order to prevent colds and diseases of the ENT organs, drink the drink one teaspoon 15 minutes before meals for 7 days.
  • For ARVI and flu, cough and elevated body temperature, it is useful to drink a glass of hot milk with propolis tincture at night. To do this, pour in 45 drops of the alcohol preparation and stir.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, gallbladder, pancreas, nephritis, cystitis

  • For the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, milk (600 ml) is also taken. Boil it with 3 tablespoons of crushed pure “black wax”. (Before this, propolis is placed in the freezer to harden.) Filter and take 40 ml every two hours for 4 days. Then they take a break of 3 days and repeat the course. Subsequent courses of treatment alternate with three-month breaks.
  • You can prepare a healing drink using a regular (pharmacy) alcohol tincture of propolis. Take 40 drops per glass of hot milk, stir and drink for inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs immediately before bed for 5 days.
  • For gastritis, it is recommended to prepare and take such a healing composition. For 100 milliliters of propolis tincture, take 10 milliliters of rosehip or sea buckthorn oil. Bring the mixture to a boil and strain through a fine sieve. Cool. Take the drug with milk, 30 drops 40–60 minutes before meals, three times a day for two weeks. After a week's break, the course of treatment is repeated. The product is stored in a cool place.
  • For kidney or bladder disease, use a mixture of milk, propolis and honey. Add 30 drops of propolis tincture or a tablespoon of crushed product to 200 milliliters of milk. Add one tablespoon of honey to the hot mixture. Drink immediately before bed and wrap yourself well in a blanket.
  • This recipe is used to treat stomach ulcers. For 200 ml of hot milk, take 60 drops of propolis alcohol tincture (30%). The resulting composition is divided into three portions. Take the medicine three times a day 30 minutes before meals for 3 weeks.
  • Treatment of stomach or duodenal ulcers is more effective if honey is added to propolis with milk. For a glass of hot milk, take 50 drops of tincture and add a teaspoon of honey. Take the drink three to four times a day before meals for 21 days.
  • The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of propolis help get rid of pancreatitis. ½ teaspoon of propolis alcohol tincture (10%) is diluted in 100 ml of milk. Drink the product on an empty stomach in the morning and immediately before bed. Soon, thanks to the regeneration of the mucous membrane of the gland, the integrity of the organ will be restored. It is useful to add honey to this composition.
  • Traditional medicine successfully treats gastroduodenitis with propolis and milk. The following healing mixture is prepared: 10 g of walnut kernels crushed in a mortar and 220 ml of milk, brought to a boil. Add one teaspoon of honey and 30 drops of propolis tincture to the composition. Mix everything and take the product in three doses during the day before meals. By the evening the pain will significantly decrease, the nausea will go away and the belching will stop.

Prostatitis, adenoma, vesiculitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system in men

  • For the treatment of prostatitis, such a mixture is prepared. 20 drops of propolis alcohol tincture are poured into 50 ml of warm milk. Stir and drink this dose three times a day. For diseases of the genitourinary system in men, along with propolis milk, it is recommended to take 5 g of propolis purified from various impurities daily orally twice a day before meals. To obtain the greatest therapeutic effect, it should be placed under the tongue and left until completely absorbed.
  • Chronic prostatitis, adenoma, vesiculitis and other diseases of the male genitourinary system can be cured as follows. 30 grams of fresh propolis are dissolved in one liter of hot milk. Take the drug three times a day 40 minutes before meals.

Joint pain, gout, arthritis, rheumatism

Menstrual irregularities, fibroids, inflammation of the appendages

  • 15 drops of propolis tincture per 100 milliliters of milk at night gives an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect for severe menstrual pain and pain due to adnexitis.
  • Traditional medicine suggests treating uterine fibroids as follows. Three times a day, an hour before meals, take a mixture: 50 milliliters of milk and 15 drops of 30% alcoholic propolis. Treatment is carried out in courses: drink the drug for 25 days, then take a 10-day break and repeat. Thanks to the antitumor properties of propolis, fibroids gradually decrease and disappear.
  • Myoma is also treated with aqueous infusion of propolis. A thick extract (30%) is prepared. For a month, it is taken before meals, dissolved in warm milk. Additionally, when taking the medication at night, tampons soaked in the extract are inserted into the vagina.

Diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine system

  • To combat high blood sugar, take 30% propolis tincture with milk. Directions for use and dosage: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tincture is diluted in milk. Take 4 times a day before meals for at least 40–45 days. (Prepare a tincture: 12 g of bee product is poured into 100 ml of alcohol, infused for 18–21 days ).
  • This remedy from the arsenal of folk recipes normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system. 20 drops of tincture are diluted in a small amount of milk. Take the medicine 5 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Course of treatment: at least 3.5 months.
  • For diffuse or nodular goiter, impaired thyroid function, it is recommended to take 20% propolis tincture with milk three times a day, 40 drops. The course of treatment with monthly breaks is 1 year.

Skin diseases, burns, wounds

  • For the treatment of festering wounds, burns, boils, eczema and acne, folk medicine offers a remedy for external and internal use - propolis milk. It is prepared like this: take 50 grams of propolis (crushed) for 0.5 liters of hot milk. Boil the mixture over low heat for 5–7 minutes. Strain and pour into a sterilized glass jar. Remove the wax layer from the cooled surface of the milk. The finished product is used for compresses, lotions and washing wounds. It is taken orally twice a day, two tablespoons.

Low immunity

  • To increase the body's protective functions and improve resistance to infections, traditional medicine also advises drinking propolis with milk and honey. For this you will need no more than 4 g of bee glue, 100–150 ml of hot milk and a teaspoon. Course: 1 month. It is useful to carry out such health-improving and preventive courses before the onset of cold weather and the flu season.

The nuances of treating children with propolis with milk

Children can also be treated with propolis and milk. However, up to 6 years, the product should be prepared with a significantly reduced proportion of components. Add only 4 drops of propolis alcohol tincture to half a glass of milk.

After 6 years, the dosage of the bee product is gradually increased. Warm milk with propolis quickly relieves cold symptoms in children and increases the body's defenses. The drug is given before bedtime. The only thing you should do before using propolis is to make sure that your child is not allergic to bee products.

Contraindications and possible harm

Natural propolis cannot harm health. The only contraindication to the use of bee glue is individual intolerance. Therefore, before starting treatment with it, you need to do an allergy test. A small propolis cake is applied to the hand and secured with a plaster for 8 or more hours. The presence of an allergy will “give itself away” by redness of the skin or itching.

It must be remembered that in people with allergies to bee products, after taking propolis in its pure form or in combination with milk, the body may become covered in a rash and begin to itch very much. Symptoms such as headache, swelling, dizziness, and weakness are often observed.

Taking propolis internally provides the body with strong immunity. The combination of milk with this bee product significantly reduces its inherent bitterness and burning sensation, which does not at all reduce the anti-inflammatory effect of this remedy. Interestingly, this composition has a higher concentration of useful minerals, trace elements and vitamins.

Methods of using propolis and milk for the treatment and prevention of various diseases

1. Colds, ARVI, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma

For colds, coughs, sore throat and fever, this medicine is prepared. Boil 300 milliliters of milk, add one tablespoon of peeled and crushed propolis to it. Boil the mixture over low heat, stirring it constantly. After this, the brew is filtered through a fine sieve and allowed to cool. Elements of hardened wax are removed from the surface of the drink. If you are sick, take a teaspoon every hour. In order to prevent colds and diseases of the ENT organs, drink the drink one teaspoon 15 minutes before meals for 7 days.

For ARVI and flu, cough and elevated body temperature, it is useful to drink a glass of hot milk with propolis tincture at night. To do this, pour in 45 drops of the alcohol preparation and stir.

2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, gallbladder, pancreas, nephritis, cystitis

For the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, milk (600 ml) is also taken. Boil it with 3 tablespoons of crushed pure “black wax”. (Before this, propolis is placed in the freezer to harden.) Filter and take 40 ml every two hours for 4 days. Then they take a break of 3 days and repeat the course. Subsequent courses of treatment alternate with three-month breaks.

You can prepare a healing drink using a regular (pharmacy) alcohol tincture of propolis. Take 40 drops per glass of hot milk, stir and drink for inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs immediately before bed for 5 days.

For gastritis, it is recommended to prepare and take such a healing composition. For 100 milliliters of propolis tincture, take 10 milliliters of rosehip or sea buckthorn oil. Bring the mixture to a boil and strain through a fine sieve. Cool. Take the drug with milk, 30 drops 40-60 minutes before meals, three times a day for two weeks. After a week's break, the course of treatment is repeated. The product is stored in a cool place.

For kidney or bladder disease, use a mixture of milk, propolis and honey. Add 30 drops of propolis tincture or a tablespoon of crushed product to 200 milliliters of milk. Add one tablespoon of honey to the hot mixture. Drink immediately before bed and wrap yourself well in a blanket.

This recipe is used to treat stomach ulcers. For 200 ml of hot milk, take 60 drops of propolis alcohol tincture (30%). The resulting composition is divided into three portions. Take the medicine three times a day 30 minutes before meals for 3 weeks.

Treatment of stomach or duodenal ulcers is more effective if honey is added to propolis with milk. For a glass of hot milk, take 50 drops of tincture and add a teaspoon of honey. Take the drink three to four times a day before meals for 21 days.

The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of propolis help get rid of pancreatitis. ½ teaspoon of propolis alcohol tincture (10%) is diluted in 100 ml of milk. Drink the product on an empty stomach in the morning and immediately before bed. Soon, thanks to the regeneration of the mucous membrane of the gland, the integrity of the organ will be restored. It is useful to add honey to this composition.

Traditional medicine successfully treats gastroduodenitis with propolis and milk. The following healing mixture is prepared: 10 g of walnut kernels crushed in a mortar and 220 ml of milk, brought to a boil. Add one teaspoon of honey and 30 drops of propolis tincture to the composition. Mix everything and take the product in three doses during the day before meals. By the evening, the pain will significantly decrease, the nausea will go away and the belching will stop.

3. Prostatitis, adenoma, vesiculitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system in men

For the treatment of prostatitis, such a mixture is prepared. 20 drops of propolis alcohol tincture are poured into 50 ml of warm milk. Stir and drink this dose three times a day. For diseases of the genitourinary system in men, along with propolis milk, it is recommended to take 5 g of propolis purified from various impurities daily orally twice a day before meals. To obtain the greatest therapeutic effect, it should be placed under the tongue and left until completely absorbed.

Chronic prostatitis, adenoma, vesiculitis and other diseases of the male genitourinary system can be cured as follows. 30 grams of fresh propolis are dissolved in one liter of hot milk. Take the drug three times a day for 40 minutes. before meals.

4. Joint pain, gout, arthritis, rheumatism

Propolis also helps with joint pain of various etiologies. To treat arthritis, gout or rheumatism, such a mixture is prepared for oral administration. 10 grams of solid propolis are crushed into powder and poured with 150 ml of alcohol. Let it brew. Take the tincture with a small amount of warm milk every morning 30 minutes before breakfast. In addition, propolis tincture is used for external use: compresses and lotions.

If the inflammatory process has spread not to one joint, but to several (polyarthritis), it is recommended to take this remedy. A teaspoon of tincture is diluted in 100 milliliters of hot milk. Stir. Take this drug three times a day.

This extract is also used to treat diseased joints. Propolis is ground into powder (previously placed in the freezer). Combine the ingredient with water in a 1:1 ratio and place in a boiling “bath”. Boil the mixture for 1.5 hours and filter. Take the extract with hot milk, adding only 7 drops.

For joint diseases, this propolis milk is prepared. Add 80-90 g of fresh propolis to 800 ml of cow or goat milk. Boil the mixture over low heat until the “bee glue” is completely dissolved. Next, allow the composition to cool and remove the film of the wax substrate. Milk with propolis is used internally, and wax is used in compresses on sore joints.

5. Menstrual irregularities, fibroids, inflammation of the appendages

15 drops of propolis tincture per 100 milliliters of milk at night gives an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect for severe menstrual pain and pain due to adnexitis.

Traditional medicine suggests treating uterine fibroids as follows. Three times a day, an hour before meals, take a mixture: 50 milliliters of milk and 15 drops of 30% alcoholic propolis. Treatment is carried out in courses: drink the drug for 25 days, then take a 10-day break and repeat. Thanks to the antitumor properties of propolis, fibroids gradually decrease and disappear.

Myoma is also treated with aqueous infusion of propolis. A thick extract (30%) is prepared. For a month, it is taken before meals, dissolved in warm milk. Additionally, when taking the medication at night, tampons soaked in the extract are inserted into the vagina.

6. Diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine system

To combat high blood sugar, take 30% propolis tincture with milk. Directions for use and dosage: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tincture is diluted in milk. Take 4 times a day before meals for at least 40-45 days. (Prepare a tincture: 12 g of bee product is poured into 100 ml of alcohol, infused for 18-21 days).

This remedy from the arsenal of folk recipes normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system. 20 drops of tincture are diluted in a small amount of milk. Take the medicine 5 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Course of treatment: at least 3.5 months.

For diffuse or nodular goiter, impaired thyroid function, it is recommended to take 20% propolis tincture with milk three times a day, 40 drops. The course of treatment with monthly breaks is 1 year.

7. Skin diseases, burns, wounds

For the treatment of festering wounds, burns, boils, eczema and acne, folk medicine offers a remedy for external and internal use - propolis milk. It is prepared like this: take 50 grams of propolis (crushed) for 0.5 liters of hot milk. Boil the mixture over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Strain and pour into a sterilized glass jar. Remove the wax layer from the cooled surface of the milk. The finished product is used for compresses, lotions and washing wounds. It is taken orally twice a day, two tablespoons.

8. Low immunity

To increase the body's protective functions and improve resistance to infections, traditional medicine also advises drinking propolis with milk and honey. For this you will need no more than 4 g of bee glue, 100-150 ml of hot milk and a teaspoon. Course: 1 month. It is useful to carry out such health-improving and preventive courses before the onset of cold weather and the flu season.

The nuances of treating children with propolis with milk

Propolis with milk is used for children to treat colds. However, up to 6 years, the product should be prepared with a significantly reduced proportion of components. Add only 4 drops of propolis alcohol tincture to half a glass of milk.

After 6 years, the dosage of the bee product is gradually increased. Warm milk with propolis quickly relieves cold symptoms in children and increases the body's defenses. The drug is given before bedtime. The only thing that should be done before using propolis with milk in children is to make sure that the child is not allergic to bee products.

Contraindications and possible harm

Natural propolis cannot harm health. The only contraindication to the use of bee glue is individual intolerance. Therefore, before starting treatment with it, you need to do an allergy test. A small propolis cake is applied to the hand and secured with a plaster for 8 or more hours. The presence of an allergy will “give itself away” by redness of the skin or itching.

The information is for educational purposes only; before use, be sure to consult your doctor.