Headache in the back of the head and nausea. What to do if the back of your head often hurts? The nature of headaches in the back of the head in various diseases

There is no such person who has not suffered from headaches. This part of the body can hurt from different sides, it all depends on the malfunction of the body and the characteristics of the pathology. A severe headache in the back of the head is the most common problem. In this article you can learn about the causes of the pathology and methods of its treatment.

Important! According to professionals, constant or sharp pain in the back of the head may indicate a fairly serious and dangerous illness, therefore it is strictly forbidden to ignore it completely.

Types of headaches in the back of the head

Pain in the occipital region can be secondary or primary. In the second case, all the most unpleasant sensations are the main sign of a dangerous disease - a benign or malignant formation. This may include.

Secondary pain is characterized by the fact that it manifests itself against the background of a certain pathology, for example, a stroke or tumor. Such pain can appear after drinking a lot of coffee, and can also be a side effect of taking the drug or stopping it. Pain is divided into types according to its severity:

  • Dumb;
  • Pulsating;
  • Acute;
  • Compressive;
  • Precise and spilled.

The distribution is also based on intensity. Pain in the back of the head can be severe, mild or moderate. Unpleasant symptoms may occur every day, or may appear at certain periods. Based on these features, the doctor will build a general treatment plan.

When occipital pain occurs, the pain sensations may vary. Patients may feel sharp pain, or it may be dull. Headache pain in the back of the head can persist for quite a long time, the pain can be either constant or throbbing. In some situations, unpleasant sensations appear and last for some time, or may pass after a relatively short time.

The pain itself is unpleasant, and it also makes it difficult to concentrate.

During the process of exacerbation, it is impossible to carry out daily activities; there is no strength to carry out the simplest activities. If the entire back of the head hurts greatly, this affects the work of those people who are forced to constantly concentrate, and there is a risk of missing one or another important moment.

Due to the frequent occurrence of headaches, many try to find a solution to the problem, eliminate it with the help of medications or folk remedies. These actions can only achieve a temporary effect; to completely eliminate the problem, you will need to contact a specialist who will identify the problem and only then prescribe effective treatment. With the right approach, a sharp headache in the back of the head no longer appears.


The majority of people who suffer from serious headaches lead a sedentary or recumbent lifestyle. It is they who experience dizziness and severe pain in the entire back of the head. The causes are related to the cervical part of the spine, such as cervical migraine, acute osteochondrosis or spondylitis. Quite often, those who suffer from diseases of the neck muscles or myositis face the problem. There are many reasons for headaches, here are the most important ones:

  • Diseases of the spine in the neck area. The whole neck can hurt here, and the general pain with a rapid and sharp turn can be quite severe. The main reason for the occurrence of pain is the proliferation of the main bony processes that are present at the edges of the spinal body. There is also compression of the vessels that go to the brain.
  • Long-term incorrect general body position. This form of pain is typical strictly for those who are at the computer, who, due to their professional activities, are forced to remain in one fixed position for a long time. The pain appears in the evening and is characterized as dull and unpleasantly aching. After normal rest it completely disappears.
  • Myogelosis. This is a tightening of the neck muscles, which also occurs due to long-term stay in a clear position. The reason is a violation of the figure and posture, strong drafts and seasonal hypothermia. All this can lead to severe difficulty in movements, as well as to the appearance of such a problem as frequent headaches in the back of the head and temples.
  • High blood pressure. This form of pathology can be judged if occipital pain is constantly accompanied by severe nausea and spots. An increase in pain occurs after emotional stress, especially in the morning.
  • Chronic neuralgia of the occipital nerves. The pathology is caused by diseases of the spine, severe hypothermia. Signs of pain appear unexpectedly, and the attacks can be quite severe, and the pain spreads to the back and shoulders, ear and jaw. Migraine of the cervical area. This is a disease that occurs due to vascular pathology, it is provoked by improper functioning of the arteries. The patient suffers from burning pain in the temples and in the occipital area, there is severe tinnitus, and a faint state.
  • Long-term mental and standard muscle tension. A long stay in such tension leads to dangerous vasospasm and an increase in special stress hormones. In this case, the pain develops at night and in the evening. This problem affects young women who are characterized by hyper-responsibility syndrome, who try in every possible way to control everything that happens.
  • Inactivity and lack of fresh oxygen. There is a dull pain that appears in the evening. Every day, workaholics who spend time in stuffy rooms with a minimum of physical activity have headaches.
  • Tension of all optic nerves. Aches and pain may occur due to vision problems or incorrect frames and lenses. For computer scientists, this is a fairly common occurrence.

Pain can also occur for other reasons, and these can be quite dangerous diseases. If unpleasant sensations occur more and more often and manifest themselves intensely, if the back of the head always hurts and everything is accompanied by rapid loss of consciousness, temporary decreases in hearing or vision, you need to urgently undergo an examination. This will exclude dangerous pathologies such as a growing cyst or tumor.


When such dangerous problems arise, the question immediately arises of what to do if the back of the head hurts. Symptoms can be eliminated temporarily by simply taking one or another painkiller medication; herbal decoctions are also suitable.

The problem needs to be treated not temporarily, but very carefully.

This is what the examination is for. If the cause of the pathology is determined, it can be eliminated quickly, effectively and permanently. The doctor prescribes medications appropriate to the diagnosis.

Before visiting a specialist, pain can be eliminated by other methods. By the way, they are perfect as additional means of treatment and as prevention.

Among the most basic techniques, you can pay attention to the following tips:

  • General regime of rest and work activity. Often, to completely get rid of an unpleasant headache, you just need to reduce the amount of work you do and also increase your rest time. Going to bed is required at the same time, and the total sleep time should be 8 hours;
  • Cold and hot shower. It is worth including this procedure in your daily routine. This is an ideal opportunity to strengthen blood vessels;
  • It is advisable to visit the fitness center, swimming pool or go for a walk after work;
  • Reduced pressure levels;
  • Complete cessation of bad habits;
  • Increasing total physical activity. If your job is sedentary, you should change your body position more often and add small gymnastic exercises to your working hours. You can use tilts and turns of the head, and after every hour of working and sitting, walk around the office.

If the pain occurs due to migraine, treatment will be based on drugs such as "", "", and "Ibuprofen".

Doctors often prescribe antipyretics and ergot medications. For severe pain symptoms, the doctor may prescribe medications aimed at eliminating seizures, as well as antidepressants. Cold compresses, gentle massage and a procedure such as acupuncture help.

With high blood pressure, pain is eliminated with the help of special antihypertensive drugs, among which and are popular.

If the crisis is severe, Lasix may be given intravenously. This situation is characterized by dangerous symptoms; the patient is taken to the hospital, where the pressure is immediately reduced.

When myositis is diagnosed, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy exercises and massage. Very often the pain is caused by severe overwork. In this case, you just need to completely normalize your sleep, remove stress and minimize work on your PC. The pain is relieved with simple analgesics.

You can eliminate headaches with spicy, sweet and fatty foods. You should review your diet and drink up to 2.5 liters of water per day.

You can fast a little, and also completely forget about cigarettes and nicotine.

It’s worth calming down and reducing nervous tension. Walking, meeting with friends, hiking, and yoga classes are ideal here. Before going to bed, take a light sedative and a warm bath.

Carrying out regular massage of the collar area helps to quickly relieve spasm by significantly improving blood circulation. It is better to always keep your head warm and try not to catch a cold.

These are actions that you can completely do on your own. You can also use various traditional treatment methods, which turn out to be no less effective in the process of combating such an unpleasant phenomenon as occipital headache. About a day after all the rules are fully followed, the pain becomes less intense.

Traditional methods of pain relief

In the process of deciding what can be done in a situation where the back of the head hurts, you must remember that it is not at all necessary to take medications right away.

It is quite enough to ventilate the room and slightly humidify the air using special modern devices.

Experts advise taking certain actions as soon as the pain makes itself felt. You need to immediately ensure silence and complete peace. It is advisable to lie on your back and place a cool compress made from cabbage on your forehead. It is useful to drink a herbal infusion based on linden, sage and mint beforehand.

Tea brewed with mint is ideal for pain relief. The herb is used in its pure form and simultaneously with cinnamon or dissolved in green tea. This is a very healthy drink that perfectly refreshes, tones, improves digestion, and is also characterized by ideal nutritional qualities. Mint is ideal for those who suffer from high blood pressure, it reduces it.

Cranberries can be used as folk methods for treating headaches. Juice from it or alcohol tincture perfectly reduces headaches. Drinking these mixtures is 50 ml three times a day.

No less effective is viburnum red, which eliminates migraines in a few minutes. The fruits can be ground with sugar or simply added to tea. Just three tablespoons of berries are enough to give the body a daily dose of vitamin C, relieve stress and provide optimal antiviral therapy.

An herbal mixture made from components such as:

  • Calendula;
  • knotweed;
  • Hawthorn.

Each herb is taken in the amount of one tablespoon. Everything is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused in a thermos for 6 hours. After the mixture has infused and been strained, you need to add half a liter of vodka to it. All this is infused again throughout the day. The composition is taken before meals, 30 ml. To obtain a positive effect, the mixture must be drunk completely.

Ginger is no less effective for occipital headaches. It is necessary to prepare tea from it by simply adding one tablespoon of grated root to hot water. After the mixture boils, it should sit for about 20 minutes. Tea is drunk in the morning before eating. To achieve faster results, you can add mint to the infusion.

There are some recipes that can be used as external remedies. This is an ideal opportunity to remove unpleasant symptoms with products that are allergenic. Among the most popular means are:

  • Lemon or other citrus zest. The substance is taken in the amount of a couple of spoons and placed on the temples for about 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, everything is simply washed off with water.
  • Sugar has a special analgesic effect. It is worth making sugar syrup, cool and moisten gauze with it and apply it to the forehead. Usually after 30 minutes everything goes away. It is advisable to use cane sugar.
  • Regular potatoes, which are pre-grated to give it the appearance of a paste, can provide relief from pain. The mixture is placed on the forehead or where it is located. You can put a warm cap on top and walk around in it for an hour. Many patients note that within 10 sessions they are completely freed from migraines that have tormented them for years.

Various herbs can be used as external remedies. This applies not only to mint, but to ordinary cabbage. It is important to first knead the product and apply it to your head. Usually just a few minutes are enough to completely eliminate the pain.

Preventive measures

If you have frequent headaches, you should carefully follow preventive measures that will help get rid of headaches. If the patient spends a lot of time in a sitting position, it is necessary to arrange the workplace as competently as possible.

It is worth purchasing a comfortable chair and an ergonomic desk, and carefully adjusting everything in the process of arranging your workplace.

Great importance is given to the bed and bedding. To completely eliminate problems with the spine, you need to buy orthopedic mattresses and pillows.

If you are constantly experiencing severe pain, you will need to completely eliminate everything that will cause and intensify such attacks. First of all, this concerns giving up alcoholic beverages and nicotine.

It is necessary to lead a more active lifestyle, get enough sleep, and then you can forget about the problem for many years.

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This disease affects people who remain in one position for a long time. This category includes specialists who work at a computer or drivers. In this case, the neck muscles are in constant tension.

Nature of pain:

  • The pain may last for a long period.
  • My neck and head hurt in the back.
  • It may be dull or aching.
  • It decreases if you rub your neck.


Vascular diseases

Vascular pain includes:

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!
Pain resulting from obstruction of venous outflow
  • They often occur upon awakening and may be accompanied by swelling of the lower eyelids and a feeling of heaviness.
  • The nature of the pain in this case is bursting and dull, it begins in the occipital region and spreads throughout the head.
  • It can also get worse when bending over, coughing or in a horizontal position.
Spasm of the superficial or intracranial arteries
  • In this case, the pain is throbbing.
  • It can radiate from the occipital region to the forehead, and intensify with movement.
  • When at rest it recedes.
  • At this moment, a rise in blood pressure occurs, which is a consequence of dysregulation of vascular tone or spasm of blood vessels.
  • The pain at the moment of orgasm can be pulsating and quite intense.
  • It can either grow or appear suddenly.
  • With fragility of the vascular walls or narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels, a feeling of heaviness in the head occurs, gradually turning into a dull moderate pain that “squeezes” the head.
  • It occurs during intense physical exertion.

High blood pressure

When blood pressure rises, a bursting, throbbing pain occurs in the back of the head. It usually appears in the morning, after waking up.

Cephalgia may be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and tachycardia. In some cases, the patient becomes dizzy and may experience sudden vomiting, which is not preceded by a feeling of nausea, and after this he experiences relief.

It is often combined with the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness that occurs when raising the head. The patient begins to lose stability.
  • A person can fall when turning their head, while remaining conscious. In severe cases, he may lose consciousness, and when he comes to his senses, he may experience weakness for a long time.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Tinnitus and hearing loss.
  • Loss of visual acuity, feeling of sand in the eyes.
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the throat and difficulty swallowing.
  • Speech disorders.

When a sharp pain develops in one part of the back of the head, then radiates to the forehead and temple, accompanied by photophobia, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Cervical myositis

The reason why the back of the head hurts is cervical myositis. With this disease, the neck muscles become inflamed due to hypothermia or injury.

The pain is asymmetrical, felt more on one side. At the same time, it is difficult to turn your head, the pain can radiate from the back of the head to the shoulder or to the area of ​​the shoulder blades.


Pain in the back of the head due to malocclusion can last for several days. It occurs in the back of the head, parietal and parotid regions. It is usually dull, affects the lower part of the back of the head, and may be stronger on one side.

When opening the mouth, a characteristic click occurs, which occurs in the area of ​​the temporomandibular joint. The pain may appear during the day and intensify in the evening.

Increased intracranial pressure

With increased ICP, pain in the occipital region can be bursting, dull and pressing. It may appear at night or in the morning. It may be accompanied by nausea and, in some cases, vomiting, which does not bring relief.

In addition, increased intracranial pressure may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • dark circles in the eye area;
  • dependence on weather conditions;
  • increased nervousness and excitability;
  • sweating;
  • arrhythmia;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • double vision.


With occipital neuralgia, there is a sharp, shooting pain in the back of the head, which intensifies when turning the head or coughing. It can radiate to the lower jaw, neck or back area.

Between acute painful attacks, a feeling of heaviness in the occipital region or aching pain persists.

Neuralgia can occur against the background of diseases of the cervical spine, including those caused by hypothermia.

Cervical spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis occurs when the ligamentous tissue attached to the vertebrae degenerates into bone tissue. In this case, growths form on the vertebrae.

The disease is characterized by a dull, aching, prolonged pain in the back of the head. The pain may radiate to the eyes or ears.

The person feels stiff and cannot actively move his head. When turning or bending, the pain intensifies. The patient's quality of life is impaired due to constant pain in the back of the head. Insomnia often occurs as a result of this.

Myogelosis of the cervical region

The disease occurs when blood circulation in the neck muscles is impaired, and as a result the appearance of compactions.

The disease is characterized by stiffness and aching pain in the back of the head.

In some cases, cephalalgia with myogelosis is accompanied by dizziness.

Stress and mental tension

If a person suddenly finds himself in a stressful situation or is under nervous tension for a long time, he may experience aching pain in the back of the head. A burning sensation may be felt.

Cephalgia lasts for a long period and subsides after the person calms down.

It can be accompanied by apathy and does not depend on physical stress, but intensifies with emotional stress.

Types of headaches in the back of the head

  • Acute pain is a severe headache in the back of the head. It intensifies with head movements and can be a consequence of diseases such as osteochondrosis, myogelosis or neuralgia.
  • The pain is paroxysmal and can radiate to the lower jaw, eyes, ears, or the area between the shoulder blades. In order to get rid of it, you need to try to relax as much as possible.
Pulsating This type of pain is the most dangerous. It may be a harbinger of cerebral hemorrhage.

Throbbing pain in the back of the head indicates high blood pressure and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • loss of orientation in time and space;
  • dizziness;
  • hearing loss or tinnitus;
  • numbness of the limbs.

Also, a throbbing headache can become a symptom of infectious diseases, vertebrobasilar syndrome, and closed glaucoma. If this occurs, you should consult a doctor.

  • A dull headache can occur due to osteochondrosis, spondylosis or muscle strain. It can radiate behind the ears or in the parietal region.
  • When you have a dull headache, you need to relax as much as possible and choose the correct position of your head so that the muscles of the collar zone are as relaxed as possible.
  • A nagging headache can last for a long time.
  • It occurs when the muscles of the cervical spine are overstrained, resulting from prolonged stay in one position or mental stress.
  • You can get rid of such pain with a cold compress on the forehead and massage of the collar area.


If you have a headache in the back of your head or neck, you should seek help from a doctor.

First of all, you need to visit your local therapist; if necessary, he can refer you to a neurologist, traumatologist, chiropractor or massage therapist.

You must first take an X-ray of the cervical spine or a brain tomography.



Traditional methods

  • A cabbage leaf needs to be mashed and applied to the back of the head.
  • Soak a towel in ice water and apply it to your forehead, while drinking a cup of hot tea.
  • Apply a compress of grated horseradish to the back of the head to improve blood circulation.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

For diseases such as spondylosis, osteochondrosis, myogelosis and neuralgia, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed:

  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Ultrasound treatment.


There is a whole set of exercises that will help relieve the muscles of the back and cervical spine.

In order to choose them correctly, you need the help of a physical therapy doctor.

The set of exercises depends on what kind of disease is being treated with exercise therapy.

Manual therapy

A chiropractor will help with neuralgia, osteochondrosis or tension headaches. With spondylosis, massage is contraindicated.

To do a massage at home, you need to first warm your hands, massage your ears, and then lightly walk from the back of your head to your forehead and in the opposite direction.

Acupressure is also an effective remedy, but in this case the help of a professional is necessary.

If a headache in the back of the head does not go away for a long time, or is accompanied by other symptoms, you should seek medical help.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous to your health.

Not everyone knows what diseases cause pain in the back of the head, the reasons, what to do in this situation, what kind of pain there is. Head pain is a common complaint of patients when visiting a doctor. In one case, headache is the only symptom, while in others it is combined with nausea and other symptoms. Pain in the back of the head is not always a symptom of the disease. They can occur due to overvoltage. What are the causes of headaches?

Mechanism of symptom appearance

If the back of your head hurts, you need to establish the exact cause of this condition, because a headache is only a clinical symptom. Millions of people around the world suffer from this disease. Modern man lives in an era of scientific and technological progress. Massive use of computers, phones, tablets, increased background noise, active development of industry - all this negatively affects the state of the nervous system and cardiovascular system. Pain in the occipital part of the head can be caused by the following pathological processes:

  • brain damage;
  • muscle damage in the neck area;
  • high blood pressure;
  • long-term static load;
  • neuralgia.

The mechanism of development of pain syndrome is different. In the head area there are ligaments, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. In this regard, pain in the back of the head is not always a symptom of brain disease.

Types of disease

Headache in the occipital region is divided into several types. The following types of headaches are distinguished:

  • for migraines;
  • tension headache;
  • cluster;
  • infectious etiology;
  • vascular;
  • metabolic;
  • post-traumatic;
  • with brain pathology;
  • medicinal.

Pain in the occipital part of the head can be primary or secondary. Primary is characterized by the fact that it is the main symptom of the disease. A common example is migraine pain. Secondary pain differs in that it occurs against the background of another somatic pathology (tumor, stroke). Secondary pain may occur when consuming large amounts of caffeine. If the back of your head hurts, this may indicate taking certain medications or stopping them suddenly.

Pain in the back of the head can be dull, throbbing, squeezing, or sharp. They can be spotty or diffuse. There are 3 degrees of pain intensity: mild, moderate and severe. The pain syndrome can bother a person every day or it occurs periodically. Sometimes, before the onset of pain, its precursors appear. The pain syndrome is most pronounced against the background of inflammation of the dura mater, blood vessels and nerves.

Main etiological factors

Pain in the back of the head can be a manifestation of the following diseases and pathological conditions:

If you have a headache, the reason may lie in your professional activity. There are many professions in which workers assume a forced, uncomfortable body position. The risk group includes programmers and people involved in small manual work (seamstresses, watchmakers, jewelers). They are working in the wrong position. Pain in the back of the head is a sign of malocclusion. At the same time, such people are bothered by dull, constant pain. It may get worse in the evening. Pain in the back of the head, especially in women, often occurs against the background of emotional experiences. Sometimes pressure in the head and pain are observed during physical activity. Vascular pathology contributes to this.

If the back of your head hurts, the cause may lie in a pathology of the neck. The most common cause is cervical osteochondrosis. Almost every person after 25 years suffers from this disease. In some people, the disease is asymptomatic for a long time, while in others there are pronounced periods of exacerbation. Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease of the spine that affects the intervertebral discs. At the same time, cartilage tissue becomes less durable and elastic. Over time, the cartilage discs can wear away completely. There are 4 stages of development of this pathology. Pain in the back of the head can appear already at stage 1 of osteochondrosis.

The following reasons for the development of this disease are identified:

  • incorrect body position while writing or working at a computer;
  • spinal column injuries;
  • circulatory disorders.

Predisposing factors include physical inactivity, low physical activity, stress, hereditary predisposition, prolonged sitting, congenital developmental anomalies, and bad habits. Pain in the back of the head is the most common symptom of cervical osteochondrosis. It is most pronounced in the later stages of the disease in the presence of complications (vertebral artery syndrome).

Vertebral artery syndrome is caused by compression of the vessel and disruption of the blood supply to the brain. The pain is intense and throbbing. Pain can also be felt in other areas (left or right in the parietotemporal region). Head pain, burning, dizziness, nausea, fear of noise and light are often observed. The appearance of pain in osteochondrosis without complications is caused by spasm of the muscles located at the back of the neck. Sometimes the pain is felt in the arms. This occurs when the nerve roots become inflamed.

Migraine pain syndrome

A sharp headache in the back of the head is the main symptom of migraine. This is a disease in which constant or recurrent headaches are observed. They can be localized in any area: on the left or right in the temples, in the back of the head or in the forehead. Migraine is a disease of unknown etiology. The following trigger factors for the development of this pathology are identified:

  • exposure to environmental factors (strong odors, consumption of certain foods);
  • lack of sleep;
  • sleep during the daytime;
  • stress;
  • severe fatigue;
  • smoking;
  • brainwork.

There are 2 types of migraine: with and without aura. An aura is a collection of symptoms that appear immediately before a headache. Migraine headaches have the following characteristics:

  • intense;
  • pulsating;
  • often unilateral;
  • often accompanied by nausea;
  • intensify when a person moves;
  • are gradually increasing.

Often headaches are pressing. They are so painful that they make everyday activities difficult. A sharp headache in the back of the head is caused by the narrowing and expansion of blood vessels in the head area. Migraine headaches without aura can last for several days continuously. Migraines can also occur in children. In this case, it most often has a bilateral localization. The most common reason is the child’s high mental load.

Occipital neuralgia

The neck and back of the head may hurt with occipital neuralgia. Pain syndrome occurs when a nerve is pinched. In severe cases, the process involves the nerve roots in the neck. The following reasons for the development of occipital neuralgia are distinguished:

  • sedentary work;
  • stress;
  • tumors;
  • traumatic injury to the spinal column;
  • herniated discs;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • hypothermia;
  • gout;
  • endarteritis;
  • tuberculous spondylitis.

The most common signs of neuralgia are:

  • pain in the back of the head, lower neck or ears;
  • increased sensitivity to bright light;
  • difficulty turning the neck.

Pain in the back of the head tends to intensify when turning the head. Increased pain is observed if you touch the occipital region. In some cases, pain is felt in the eye area. The pain is shooting, but can be burning. Such patients are forced to turn their head in one direction to alleviate their condition. Pain syndrome occurs periodically. Hypothermia often contributes to its appearance. Neuralgia occurs in people who do not wear scarves and hats in the winter season. If the neck or back of the head suffers from neuralgia, then a violation of skin sensitivity in this area is often observed.

Vascular diseases

If there is pain in the back of the head, the reasons lie in cardiovascular diseases. Not everyone knows why hypertension hurts and dizziness occurs. Normally, blood pressure does not exceed 139/89 mm. rt. Art. Often the pressure reaches 200 mm. rt. Art. and more. The following reasons for the development of hypertension are identified:

  • complicated heredity;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • poor nutrition;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • stress;
  • overweight;
  • physical inactivity.

In people suffering from hypertension, with a significant increase in pressure, the back of the head may begin to hurt severely. The pain can be throbbing or bursting. It can intensify when a person tilts to the side. The occurrence of pain is caused by a narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels that supply the brain. Additional symptoms of the disease are dizziness and weakness. In severe cases, the headache is combined with nausea or vomiting. After vomiting, pain may decrease. Severe headache is often a sign of a hypertensive crisis.

Diagnostic and therapeutic measures

When there is pain in the occipital region, you should consult a doctor. In this situation, consultation and examination by a neurologist may be required. Treatment is prescribed after a thorough examination of the patient. Diagnostics includes:

  • identification of complaints at the time of contacting a doctor;
  • collecting anamnesis of the disease and life history;
  • computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the skull;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • neurological examination;
  • conducting electroencephalography;
  • determination of the blood lipid spectrum (if atherosclerosis is suspected);
  • measurement of intracranial pressure;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • electromyography;
  • ECG and ultrasound of the heart;
  • angiography;
  • X-ray examination of the cervical spine.

Treatment depends on the underlying disease. What to do if you have a headache due to a migraine? Treatment of migraine involves the use of painkillers such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Pentalgin, antipyretics (Solpadeine), serotonin receptor agonists (Sumatriptan, Zolmitriptan), and ergot drugs. Anticonvulsants and antidepressants may be prescribed. To eliminate pain, massage, acupuncture, and placing cold compresses on the head can be performed.

Headache is one of the most common complaints encountered among the population. This includes any unpleasant sensation that occurs in the area from the eyebrows to the back of the head. Patients describe occipital headache as pressing and bursting. It can be acute or chronic, unilateral or bilateral, accompanied by burning sensations, pulsation, and numbness. Some people encounter such symptoms only occasionally, while others suffer from this illness for years. Is it really that serious or can it be tolerated? Most suffering people think so, once again saving themselves with a headache pill.

Minor pain in the human body, and the occipital part is no exception, signals the presence of pathological processes. Self-medication in this case is not effective and unacceptable.

  1. Tension headache.
  2. Cervical osteochondrosis.
  3. Arterial hypertension.

More rare causes include pain due to organic brain lesions (traumatic brain injuries and their complications, meningitis, brain space-occupying lesions), subarachnoid hemorrhages, and malocclusion.

Tension headache

70% of all headaches are tension headaches. At the same time, the muscles of the back of the head spasm, which in themselves can be a source of pain. The muscles pull on the tendon aponeurosis of the skull, to which the muscles of the forehead and temples are attached. Therefore, the pain can spread to the temples and forehead area.

Tension headaches are usually caused by staying in one position for a long time, in an uncomfortable position, with a small number of movements, for example, when working at a computer. Stress and depression lead to it. Certain facial expressions and movements can also cause this type of headache - constant squinting, chewing gum, prolonged laughter. There is no nausea or vomiting, no visual or speech disturbances. These headaches usually get worse in the evening. Relief comes after a massage of the occipital region. Analgesics, physiotherapy, and drugs that improve cerebral circulation are also used for treatment. It is necessary to monitor your posture, take breaks from work, and lead an active lifestyle.

Cervical osteochondrosis

This disease is also very common, occurring both in people over 40 and in older schoolchildren and students who spend a lot of time on computers. Pain in this case occurs due to compression of the spinal roots or when the mobility of the cervical spine is limited. When the roots are pinched, the pain is sharp, shooting, radiates to the eyes, ear area, it can be one-sided or bilateral, and can be accompanied by numbness in the back of the head and hands.

In addition to nerve roots, vertebral arteries can also be pinched. The two vertebral arteries carry up to 35% of the blood flow to the brain. When they spasm, paroxysmal or constant pain occurs. It is accompanied by dizziness, especially when changing the position of the head and body, noise in the head and ears, and visual impairment. To diagnose this condition, radiography and MRI of the cervical spine, ultrasound examination of the vessels of the neck are used. To treat an exacerbation, bed rest is required. Anti-inflammatory and painkillers, antispasmodics and sedatives are used. Painkillers and warming ointments are used externally. After stopping the exacerbation, massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, and mud therapy are recommended.

Arterial hypertension

This is an increase in blood pressure due to organic changes in blood vessels (atherosclerosis, coronary disease) or when exposed to external factors (stress, changes in atmospheric pressure). This condition may not cause any symptoms and may be detected by chance. But in most cases, arterial hypertension is manifested by pressing, bursting pain in the back of the head, which occurs more often in the morning, dizziness, flashing “spots” before the eyes, and rapid heartbeat. A blood pressure of 120\80 mm Hg is considered normal. Treatment for high blood pressure should be prescribed by a doctor, as it depends on the cause of the disease, the age of the patient, and concomitant diseases. Newly diagnosed hypertension is an indication for hospitalization for in-depth research and selection of therapy. You should take your doctor’s prescriptions seriously and strictly follow them, since untreated hypertension is always a risk of developing heart attacks, strokes, and various rhythm disturbances.

Organic brain lesions

If a headache in the back of the head is combined with a stiff neck and high fever, meningitis may be suspected. It also causes photophobia, skin rashes, and convulsions. Meningitis can lead to death if medical attention is not sought promptly.

With large brain formations (tumors, cysts), headaches usually occur in the morning, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The localization of pain generally always corresponds to its location in the brain tissue.

Headaches after traumatic brain injury. Injuries to the occipital region are dangerous because they can lead to the formation of hematomas that compress the brain. This can lead to swelling and death. Therefore, immediately after an injury you need to consult a traumatologist, especially if symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and dizziness appear.

Other causes of pain in the back of the head

Subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs as a result of rupture of a cerebral aneurysm or traumatic brain injury, manifested by a sharp, sudden throbbing headache, often starting in the back of the head, impaired consciousness, nausea, vomiting, movement disorders, stiff neck (the patient cannot reach his chin to his neck). This is a type of stroke and therefore requires immediate hospitalization. In diagnostics, the gold standard is computed tomography.

Malocclusion and pain in the back of the head

In this case, the activity of the temporomandibular joint is disrupted, which is manifested by clicking in it, pain in the ear, parotid region, parietal and occipital regions. Most often the pain is one-sided.

Treatment of headaches should begin with identifying and eliminating the cause that causes it. In most cases, a consultation with a neurologist is required, who will make a diagnosis and provide adequate treatment.

7 reasons why you have pain in the back of your head

There are certain situations in which the appearance of pain in the back of the head is not considered a symptom of a serious illness. Sometimes it is caused by stress, hunger, smoking and caffeine consumption. In other cases, acute pain always has a number of causes, which are very important to establish.

The appearance of such harmless, at first glance, pain most often indicates a vascular pathology, neurological; spinal diseases are not uncommon in this condition.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Most often, doctors make this diagnosis. This medical term refers to the destruction of discs located in the cervical region. Pain becomes common. In addition to the occipital pain, temporal pain is also observed in the neck itself. Tilt of the head causes a sharp increase in pain symptoms.

Visual disturbances become inevitable accompaniments of this disease; blurred or double vision appears before the eyes. Cervical migraine also worsens the condition; the painful place is not only the back, but also the sides of the back of the head.

Hypertonic disease

Severe bursting pain in the posterior segment of the head indicates a hypertensive attack. In the morning, symptoms are more pronounced. The general condition worsens, weakness appears, and the heartbeat increases. Common symptoms include heaviness in the head and dizziness. The condition improves after sudden vomiting.

High intracranial pressure

The pain syndrome can cover the entire head, or can only be observed in the back of the head. Bursting pain makes it almost impossible to perceive loud sounds, bright light becomes unpleasant. The pain does not subside even with slight vomiting. In some cases, pain is also felt in the eyeball.

Cervical myositis

This concept implies inflammation of the muscles of the cervical spine. Getting sick is not as difficult as it might seem. Any injury received leads to pain; prolonged positioning of the neck in an uncomfortable position is accompanied by the appearance of pain, but the most common cause is inflammation.

Sudden head movements make the pain worse. Gradually, the pain moves from the neck to the back of the head, felt in the shoulder region, less often in the interscapular region.


Muscle circulation is disrupted in the cervical region. This leads to the appearance of compactions, which cause pain in the back of the head. There is severe dizziness.


This type of neuralgia appears due to severe hypothermia. Often the pain is simply unbearable. The nature of the pain is shooting, burning. Paroxysmal pain extends to the cervical region, affects the ears, and discomfort is felt in the lower jaw. Coughing or turning the head sharply worsens the condition. The neglect of the disease makes the skin in the back of the head very sensitive.

Vascular pain

Inside the skull itself, on its surface, there are arteries. When they spasm, a throbbing pain is felt that can move from the back of the head to the forehead. In a calm state, the pain is almost not noticeable, but noticeably intensifies as a result of stress. Obstruction of blood outflow is accompanied by a dull pain, and heaviness in the head is felt. In the morning, swelling of the lower eyelids may occur.

Prescribing treatment without a full examination and careful study of the main causes is unacceptable. The appearance of any symptom leading to pain in the back of the head requires the attention of a therapist and other specialists.

If the prescribed examination does not lead to the identification of serious pathologies, you can use:

  • Massotherapy. Light rubbing helps reduce pain. Once an accurate diagnosis has been made, massage of a specific muscle group can produce amazing results. The correct technique of all movements is performed exclusively by a professional. One course every two months is enough to maintain good health.
  • Physiotherapy. The list of necessary exercises should be compiled so that all ligaments and sore muscles are relieved as much as possible. Blood circulation increases after exercise, which gives good results.
  • Physiotherapy. For all of the above causes of pain, magnetic therapy, ultrasound or laser are used; electrophoresis is also effective.
  • Manual therapy. This technique is not at all similar to therapeutic massage, but it is performed only by the hands of a doctor. The method is effective in cases of osteochondrosis, neuralgia, and occupational pain.
  • Acupuncture. This treatment method helps with the manifestation of symptoms of neuralgia, osteochondrosis, if the cause is stress. The targeted effect is aimed at the painful area directly on the surface of the skin itself.
  • Mode. Maintaining a proper lifestyle replaces other possible treatments for back pain.

Traditional methods of treating pain in the back of the head

It is not possible to completely cure the disease at home, but it is quite possible to improve the condition for a while. Stress in this case is considered an exception. On the recommendation of a doctor, the use of sedatives will be completely justified.

  • Severe pain is relieved with a compress, which should be hot. You can also add a cabbage leaf.

Perhaps every person has experienced headaches at least once in their life. Such sensations are very unpleasant and painful. With them, it is impossible to concentrate on anything and do anything.

Sometimes it is possible to get rid of pain in the back of the head only with the help of medication. However, before taking any measures, it is necessary to find out what caused these very sensations.

Causes of headaches in the back of the head

Various types of disorders and damage to the muscles of the neck, back and shoulders can provoke the appearance of pain in the back of the head. In addition, the back of the head can also hurt due to diseases of the heart, vascular system and neurological disorders.

The most common causes of such painful sensations are:

  • disorders in the cervical spine
  • change in blood pressure
  • occipital nerve problems
  • intracranial pressure
  • spasm of cerebral vessels
  • suffered from nervous tension and stress
  • prolonged stay of the body in an unnatural and uncomfortable position
  • muscle strain
  • pathology of bite or diseases of the temporomandibular joints
  • poisoning and intoxication of the body
  • infection or cold
  • high body temperature

The cause of occipital pain can be determined by its nature, intensity and frequency of occurrence.

Pressing pain in the back of the head, causes

The most common causes of pressing pain in the back of the head are cervical osteochondrosis, cervical spondylosis or intracranial pressure.

  • This disorder is provoked by the destruction of intervertebral discs. As a result, a person experiences constant pressing headaches in the back of the head, temples and neck. Often such pain is also accompanied by dizziness, nausea, loss of orientation and hearing loss.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis is sometimes accompanied by double vision and fog in the eyes. A person suffering from cervical osteochondrosis, throwing his head back, may fall and be immobilized for some time. At the same time he will be fully conscious

  • This disease is caused by ossification of the connective ligaments of the spine. Bone growths block normal turns and movements of the neck, which provokes constant pain in the neck and back of the head, especially aggravated by turning the head.
  • Sudden movements of the neck cause increased pain, and after they are completed, a regular pressing dull pain remains
  • Another clear sign of cervical spondylosis is sleep disturbance or its complete absence.

  • Intracranial pressure is provoked by an increase or lack of cerebrospinal fluid, cerebral edema, the appearance of a tumor, or an increase in the concentration of blood in the vessels of the brain
  • This disease is accompanied by pressing or bursting pain in the back of the head, temples, forehead during sleep, and aggravated upon waking up.
  • Pain in the occipital part of the head may be pulsating in nature, and may also be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and lightheadedness.

Acute pain in the back of the head, causes

Acute pain in the back of the head is observed with cervical migraine, cervical spondylosis, myogelosis of the cervical spine and neuralgia.

  • Cervical migraine itself is a consequence of diseases of the cervical spine
  • The pain of cervical migraine is often sharp and burning. Such pain can be either constant or throbbing


Myogelosis of the cervical region
  • Myogelosis often occurs under the influence of drafts, stress, incorrect posture, and is a thickening in the neck muscles
  • In addition to acute pain, myogelosis may cause dizziness, fatigue and stiffness in the shoulder area.

This disease often occurs in patients with osteochondrosis or spondyloarthrosis. They begin to feel severe sharp pains in the cervical vertebrae, spreading to the eyes, ears, back and back of the head.

Dull pain in the back of the head, causes

Often, dull pain in the back of the head occurs due to cervical osteochondrosis, cervical spondylosis and malocclusion.

Bite problems

  • It would seem that such a simple, and at the same time, quite common dental problem, such as malocclusion, can provoke discomfort and even pain in a person
  • While chewing, a patient with malocclusion often experiences pain in the neck, reflected by a dull pain in the back of the head
  • These sensations can last from several hours to several days.
  • Malocclusion is a problem that can lead not only to constant pain, but also to many other complications (impaired speech, gum disease and facial distortion)

Throbbing pain in the head, pain in the back of the head, causes

The causes of pulsations in the head and back of the head can be many factors and diseases:

  • hypertension
  • neurology of the cervical spine
  • intracranial pressure
  • diseases of the vascular system
  • cervical migraine
  • tumors
  • incorrectly selected glasses or lenses
  • diseases of the nose and ear
  • menstruation

Hypertonic disease

  • Hypertension is one of the most common diseases found in people with heart disease
  • Hypertension occurs due to a predisposition to vasoconstriction
  • This disease is often accompanied by strong pulsation in the back of the head, rapid heartbeat, general malaise, dizziness and spontaneous nausea.

  • Pulsation in the back of the head quite often occurs due to spasm of blood vessels passing inside or outside the skull
  • Throbbing pain can spread to both the back of the head and the frontal part of the head
  • When moving, the pain increases, and when at rest, it decreases.


  • Brain tumors, meningitis and other serious brain disorders quite often manifest themselves in the form of a throbbing headache
  • In addition to pain, such diseases have a number of associated symptoms: nausea, vomiting, weakness and dizziness.


  • If glasses or lenses are chosen incorrectly, a person will have to strain their eyes repeatedly throughout the day.
  • Such stress can cause pulsations in the eyes, head, neck, as well as a feeling of tightness on the scalp.

Diseases of the nose, ear

  • Sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis and otitis are quite common causes of headaches in children and adults.
  • They can cause pulsation, nagging pain or a sharp headache in the occipital and frontal parts

Pain in the right side of the head, causes. Pain in the left side of the head, causes

Often, pain localized in one or another part of the head is caused by drinking very cold water or food, alcohol, drugs or nicotine, as well as a disease such as myositis.

  • The causes of myositis include hypothermia, prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, or various types of neck injuries.
  • Headache with myositis mainly appears during head movement and neck turns.

  • Very often, some athletes or, on the contrary, people far from sports, during severe physical exertion, may feel pain in the back of the head, frontal part, goosebumps or tingling in the head area
  • Some people experience some head pressure. It seems as if the head was tied with a rope, or a tight hat was put on it
  • All these signs appear due to a sharp spasm of blood vessels arising from severe physical stress

Treatment of headaches in the back of the head with traditional methods

Before proceeding with more complex, radical traditional medicine, you need to try to get rid of headaches with the help of basic things:

  • ventilate the room
  • eliminate all annoying loud sounds
  • try to increase the humidity in the room
  • take a walk in the fresh air
  • stop using alcohol, nicotine, drugs
  • cleanse the intestines
  • massage the entire surface of the head, including the temples
  • aromatherapy
  • massage of temples, forehead and neck with aromatic oils of lavender, rosemary and mint
  • toning and relaxing herbal teas and infusions
  • compresses

Here are some of the most effective folk methods for getting rid of headaches:


  1. St. John's wort infusion. Take a glass of boiling water and pour a large spoonful of St. John's wort into it. Infuse the herb and take one third of a glass before meals
  2. Decoction of odorous chamomile without tongue. Pour a large spoonful of chamomile into a glass of water and boil it for five minutes. After steeping the broth for twenty minutes and straining it, take a third of a glass after meals.
  3. Tincture of evasive peony. We take crushed peony roots and fill them with vodka in a ratio of one to ten. Take a small spoon of infusion before meals
  4. Herbal decoction. Take two tablespoons of the collection of rustling clover, white lilac flowers and rattle (proportions 4:4:2) and fill it with half a liter of boiling water. After steeping the decoction for half an hour, strain the infusion. We take the decoction about six times a day, half a glass
  5. Herbal decoction No. 2. Take a tablespoon of the collected flowers of common lilac, pink meadow cornflower and thyme. Pour boiling water over the herbs and let them brew for an hour. Drink the entire decoction in two doses, an hour apart.
  6. Infusion of onion peel. Pour a glass of boiling water over the onion peel and leave for an hour and a half. We drink the resulting infusion in half a glass twice. It is recommended to brew a new infusion every day
  7. Propolis tincture. Add twenty grams of propolis to one hundred grams of alcohol or vodka. We take the infusion forty drops at a time. You can drip them directly onto the bread
  8. Valerian infusion. Take twenty grams of valerian roots and pour them into a glass of boiling water. Heat the mixture in a water bath under the lid for fifteen minutes. Let it brew for about forty-five minutes and strain. Take two large spoons of valerian infusion thirty minutes after meals.

Compresses and wraps

  1. For high blood pressure, cut a fresh cucumber into slices and apply it to your eyes
  2. Dip the rye crumb in vinegar, wrap it in a bandage, and apply it to the sore spot.
  3. Pour a large spoonful of salt into a liter jar of water and stir it thoroughly. Pour one hundred grams of ten percent ammonia into ten grams of camphor oil and shake everything well. We pour all two solutions into one vessel, cover with something and chat until the flakes formed when combining the mixtures disappear. We heat the mixture in a water bath and make a compress from it on the sore spot overnight
  4. Dissolve a large spoonful of salt in half a liter of water. We soak a wool-based fabric in a salt solution and apply it to the lower back. Wrap the compress in a warm scarf and leave it overnight
  5. Apply the peeled lemon peel to your temple. Let the crust sit until it starts to bake.

Unusual ways to get rid of headaches

  1. We put a green scarf on our head
  2. We determine which nostril in the nose breathes cleaner by closing each one in turn. If the nostril from which the pain comes is breathing better, you need to close the breathing nostril and breathe with the one that is breathing worse.
  3. We stand in front of a large mirror and, without blinking, repeat to our reflection in it: “On the count of three, headache, go away!” Once! On the count of three, headache, pass! Two! On the count of three, headache, pass. The headache goes away. The headache is gone. Three!"
  4. We tap the bridge of the nose with our thumb for five to twenty minutes. After a couple of hours we repeat the ritual
  5. We brew ourselves some tea in a cup. Dip a small spoon into hot tea and apply it to the nose on the side where the pain is located. When the spoon has cooled, repeat the procedure. Afterwards, we apply the spoon removed from the hot tea to the earlobe on the same side. Finally, warm your fingertips on a hot cup and drink your tea

It is worth noting that no matter how effective folk remedies are, it is first necessary to find out the cause of the pain. Only by eliminating it can you get rid of it once and for all.
from excruciating headaches.