Clinical picture and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome. Mucosa Compositum is a homeopathic medicine with a wide spectrum of action. Description of the dosage form

Question: I am 26 years old. Diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome with androgen syndrome. I tried everything, hormonal therapy, money... Since February 2010, I have been treated with classical homeopathy. I started with sepia 200c, there were small results until it stopped working. Then they prescribed Kalium carbonicum 200c - nothing. Now I drink Folliculin 200c and every week Kalium carbonicum 30c. No results. Weight does not fall, constant constipation. Severe ulcers on the face, neck, back and chest. Hair grows out a lot, dandruff. Constant sebaceous discharge on the head, face and chest with forearm. Menstruation does not begin, the delay is several months.
I myself am dark, height 160, weight 62 kg. Tight, bloated belly and full legs. Vulnerable, whiny, pliable, compliant. I love sweets, especially cream and pies. Sometimes it sneaks into salted fish. I sleep poorly, in my dreams I often run away or hide from someone. I began to feel very self-conscious about my appearance. I'm very stuck on this topic.
Is it possible to cure polycystic ovary syndrome with androgen syndrome? After all, every month it gets worse.

Answer: Hello, Victoria! Based on the list of symptoms you described, including polycystic ovary syndrome, there was no impression of the medicine, except that there are some signs of a homeopathic medicine - Calcium muriaticum. In the site section
I clarified how to choose the most disturbing symptom and describe its features in detail.

Question: Thanks for your answer.
I am concerned about my appearance: excess weight, especially in the lower part of the body (stomach, legs); purulent acne on the face, back, chest; dry hair that falls out. Because of this, I feel insecure, I try to avoid people, especially old acquaintances - I am ashamed of my appearance. I can’t look at myself in the mirror, especially in store fitting rooms. I understand that I need to limit myself in food, but on the contrary, I eat away my insecurities.
I’m ashamed to undress, even in front of my family, it seems that they will say how fat I am or that my hair is in the wrong place. After drinking alcohol, I feel more confident and relaxed.
Probably something like this.

Answer: Hello, Victoria! You say “I feel more confident - I’m liberated.” What would be the opposite feeling? Tell us more about him.

Question: Tightness in the body, in the muscles - I cross my arms, legs, hunch over and lower my head. I try not to make eye contact with the person. I try to alienate people with this behavior. Sometimes I want to throw out my arms and scream at the top of my lungs, but I’m ashamed to do this, because it will look funny and stupid if I perform it, and I’ll draw attention to myself even more.
Very suspicious. I can’t say “no” or make a choice because that choice might be disapproved of, which would lead to arguments that would make me feel even worse. I try to hide my figure under clothes so that people cannot see and discuss my figure, fatness, acne and sweating.
It seems like I'm stupid. I can’t carry on a conversation or express my thoughts. I forget how to pronounce easy words. Sentences become boring and incomprehensible. The first one is afraid to speak or express my feelings. I feel like a doll that is being pulled by strings and told how to live and behave.

Answer: Hello, Victoria! Now try to feel like a doll (alone with yourself) that is being pulled by strings, and describe how you feel. Write everything you think on paper first, and then, without editing the text, write it to me.

Question: I am 26, my child is 5, but I do not make decisions for myself and the child. They tell me how I should behave, where to work, what to eat, what time to come home, and if I’m going somewhere, I need to ask my parents for time off.
She got married thoughtlessly because she wanted to get away from guardianship. I had to return to my parents, now they constantly remind me of this.
I don’t make my own decisions about who to be friends with. If I quarrel with someone close to me, I feel very bad. Without admitting a mistake deep down, I approach first. After this, even more power appears before me. I am not raising a child myself, although I am a good mother. They are ahead of my actions: dress, put to bed, feed. They tell me which garden to take her to and what to see.
I rarely go on dates, more often I come up with ideas for where, otherwise they might not let me go. At work I also try to get along with everyone. Even the secretary can yell at me, so as not to spoil relationships in the team, I also remain silent. I'm afraid to offend, I'm afraid that they won't like me. I'm afraid to be alone, without friends.

Answer: Hello, Victoria! Now it is clear. If possible, to start treatment, take a single dose of homeopathic medicine (monopreparation
) - Borum iodatum 200c - outside food 5 granules in the evening. After this, the homeopathic medicine should be given time to exert its therapeutic effect for 2-4 weeks.
If you can’t find this medicine, you can take Borium silicatum 200c - available at the pharmacy ( This medicine will have less effect. And as a last resort, you can take Kalium iodatum 200c.

Question: Sergey Vadimovich, thank you for your help. I found the medicine Borium iodotum 200c. Today I will take the first peas and watch the changes.

Answer: Okay.

Question: Sergey Vadimovich, good afternoon. It's been 2 weeks since I took the drug. There are changes: the stool has returned to normal. Of course, I would like to lose even more weight, but weight is not annoying. It took about 3 kg.
I perceive myself as I am (beautiful, sexy, confident), even men have noticed changes. The swelling is gone. Became more collected. I can stand up for myself - in words and actions. I’m slowly learning to say “no”... I hope this internal state doesn’t change!!!
But this is what happened these days. Yesterday I was driving home from work and fainted on the subway for the first time in 26 years. Arterial pressure
from 86 / 61 to 95 / 56 mmHg I did an ultrasound, all of my ovaries were in cysts up to 6.6 mm, and a small cyst also appeared on the cervix. My last period was on June 5th. But I don’t know how to emotionally describe it.
I can't say that this is what bothers me. Well, yes, there is slight discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen, bloating. More worrying is the consequence of this disease - acne and scars on the face, hair loss, dandruff.

Answer: Hello, Victoria! Polycystic ovary syndrome does not go away quickly. If a person gains more strength, confidence, and energy during treatment, this means that the medicine is working, but the body needs time to heal. And we also need to clarify - you took Borium (Boron). and not Barium (Barium)?
And one more addition - when a person starts talking about sexuality, beauty, attractiveness, the opposite sex, this may also mean that his more accurate medicine will belong to the animal kingdom, but more precisely, this will be seen further.

Question: Sergey Vadimovich, good afternoon. Thank you very much for your answers. At the pharmacy I asked for Borum iodatum, and they gave me Barium iodatum. This is bad? But there are changes. The most important thing is that I have become cheerful, I don’t care about my weight. I am not ashamed of myself and am more relaxed.
I finally go to the toilet regularly. My appetite has gone away and my tastes have changed a little. The hair has become more silky. True, pimples appear and disappear, as do dandruff and facial grease.
As for polycystic disease, I’m not sure now that I was diagnosed correctly. I looked at my old ultrasounds, the picture was the same, but they wrote that there were follicles on the ovaries, I even compared them with the ultrasounds of my mother and sister, the picture was the same. The only constant delay was that there were no large cysts with fluid.
Problems with the thyroid gland occurred periodically. What should I do now if I took the wrong drug? And do you provide consultations on homeopathy in Moscow?

Answer: Hello, Victoria! Both of these drugs belong to the world of minerals, and in D. I. Mendeleev’s periodic table of elements these two substances are in adjacent columns - Barium in the second, and Borum in the third, so these two drugs have partially similar “themes”, and Due to this, there can also be a positive effect. But since these 2 medicines are in different series, their feelings and worldview are otherwise very different.
Now you don’t have to take anything else for now, but in the future, ask for Boron, not Barium. Homeopathic pharmacies have this medicine. Links to these pharmacies are in the corresponding section of the site -.
I do not provide consultations on homeopathy in Moscow.

Question: Sergey Vadimovich, good afternoon. On 10/06/2010 I took Calcium iodate 200c (5 g once). I still haven’t found Bor (I’ve looked in Israeli and European pharmacies (perhaps you can tell me where to find it)... I ordered the drug Borium silicatum 200c, I’m waiting for it to arrive. The changes in the body after the drug are good, although at the beginning it was “wobbly” ( Before menstruation, my stomach and lower back hurt a lot, all my muscles were twisting, my heart was hurting).
On the fifth day after taking the drug, after a pause of 4.5 months, my period came, though scarce. My mood is good, my weight doesn’t bother me, I have regular bowel movements, profuse sweating and dandruff have disappeared, my hair is still falling out. I started eating less and hunger doesn’t bother me at all. I hope this situation remains like this.
The only thing that is still wrong is that acne has appeared on my back and chest. On the face, pimples that looked like lumps with dense pus began to come out as copious liquid white pus. The pores are all clogged with purulent rods.
I know that acne is the first sign of the disease coming out, but acne has not gone away from the face for 1.5 years now, and leaves behind scars, like a burn. Is there anything I can do to help my skin?

Answer: Hello, Victoria! For the treatment of acne (pimples), you can still take - Sulfur 6c (lat. Sulfur)
5 granules outside of food daily in the morning and evening. There are a lot of Boron preparations on the Internet, but I also don’t know where to buy Borum iudatum - sometimes it happens that you determine what medicine you need, but pharmacies don’t have it, and you have to use something that is closest in characteristics.

Question: Sergey Vadimovich, hello. A little more than a month passed after the first dose of Kalium Iodatum, and I felt great for the entire month. Those around me even noticed these changes and said that I was getting better every day. Then dandruff suddenly appeared again, and my hair quickly became dirty. Constipation appeared again for several days (up to 7 days), despite proper nutrition. The face immediately swells and the stomach appears. There was a sudden outbreak of acne on the face, neck, back and chest, even Sulfur, which I have been drinking for 3 weeks, until it does its job.
As soon as these signs appear, I begin to worry about my appearance, I am afraid of gaining even more weight. On November 4, I repeated the intake of Kalium iodine. There were no significant changes. The dandruff has decreased slightly, but has not disappeared. The issue with stool has not been resolved at all, there are not even any signs or urges. At the moment there is a delay again, but at times there are signs of malaise, as before menstruation (tightening in the stomach, lower back, chest pain).
The most interesting thing is that the mood has not changed. It is good, except for the fear of getting better (deterioration in appearance). In general, I began to react to many situations more simply, stopped taking events to heart, and began to easily let go of depressing thoughts. I eat little, but I have a strong craving for sweets, like a drug addict.
I'm afraid my period won't come again. I'm afraid I'll miss something in my treatment. I'm afraid to gain weight. I'm afraid of becoming unattractive to men. The better my appearance, the stronger my self-confidence.

Answer: Hello, Victoria! And again we are talking about the topic of Boron, which is not available in pharmacies. Ask the pharmacy for the medicine Lac caninum 200c (and 1000c for later) - take 5 granules once.

Homeopath Grigor Sergey Vadimovich

Mucosa Compositum is a multicomponent homeopathic medicine with regenerating, immunomodulating, detoxification, mucolytic, secretomotor, and anti-inflammatory properties. Plant extracts, extracts of animal organs and mineral components of the medicine strengthen the immune system, help restore the mucous membranes of the entire body - from the eyes to the gastrointestinal tract.

Description of the dosage form

You can purchase the medicine in the form of ampoules with a clear liquid in a cardboard box, which is used both for internal use and for injection. In one box you can find 5 (5x1), 10 (5x2) or 100 (5x20) 2.2 ml ampoules.

The medicine is dispensed according to a prescription. For Mucosa compositum, the price depends on the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain: 5 pieces of 2.2 ml each can be purchased for 950-1555 rubles, 100 of the same pieces - for 13,997 rubles. The manufacturer Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH has set the shelf life of the medicine within 5 years. Room temperature (up to 25 degrees) is suitable for storage without access to direct sunlight and children.

Composition and pharmacological features

For the drug Mucosa compositum, the instructions for use present it as an anti-inflammatory, regenerating, hemostatic agent. It strengthens defenses and relieves spasms.

The multivariate capabilities of the drug are due to its unique composition, which includes active components of various origins, each of which, when used in combination, enhances the capabilities of other ingredients of the formula.

Among the basic components:

  • Extracts from mucous tissues of pigs, normalizing the epithelium of internal organs and systems - gastrointestinal tract, conjunctiva of the eye, nose, bile ducts, respiratory system;
  • Extract of the gastric chamber of pigs, accelerating the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers, alleviating gastritis and heartburn;
  • Component based on pig pancreas - used for the treatment of diabetes, pancreaopathy, dysbacteriosis, duodenitis, enteritis, gastrocardial syndrome, cachexia;
  • Belladonna - active for sore throat, inflammation (of the digestive tract, respiratory system, excretory organs, accompanied by elevated temperature;
  • Semekarpus - treats intestinal dysfunction, depression, mental fatigue, damage to the inner lining of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Emetic root, which relieves attacks of asthma, bronchitis and inflammation with bleeding;
  • Oxalis, which relieves symptoms of acute gastritis, diarrhea, damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa, serious stomatitis, hepatopathy;
  • Chilibukha - used to treat cholecystitis, liver dysfunction, disturbances in the rhythm of bowel movements, deterioration of mood and quality of sleep, relieves the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, works as an antispasmodic;
  • Hellebore - added to treat collapse caused by gastrointestinal disorders, serious stomatitis, abdominal infections, defecation rhythm disturbances, gastroenteritis (acute form).

The composition also contains other ingredients in the form of lumbago, hydrastis, condurango, momordica, mandrake, ceanothus, phosphorus, silver nitrate, creosol, sulfur, guaiacol, potassium dichromate, sodium oxaloacetate, suruku snake venom, E. coli nosode.

Indications for use

Mucosa compositum in ampoules is a medicine with a wide range of applications. Among his testimony:

  • Infections and inflammations of the mucous membrane;
  • Ulcers and erosions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Colitis, gastritis, duodenitis, enteritis and other diseases of the digestive tract;
  • Overfatigue (mental, muscular, mental);
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Gardnellosis;
  • Cystitis, urethritis, pyelitis;
  • Bronchitis, silicosis, bronchial asthma;
  • Joint diseases (arthritis, dry arthrosis);
  • Conjunctivitis (as a result of infection).

The medicine is prescribed for the treatment of the mucous membrane of not only the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary organs, but also the conjunctiva of the eyes. It is effective in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis; Mucosa compositum is used for polycystic ovary syndrome.

In addition, the medication is used to prepare for and after surgical interventions (in order to enhance tissue regeneration).

Recommendations for treatment with Mucosa Compositum
Infants up to one year are prescribed 0.36 ml of medication. From one to three years, ¼ of an ampoule (0.55 ml) is prescribed, from three to six - ½ of an ampoule (1.1 ml). Patients over six years of age receive an adult dose of 1 ampoule (2.2 ml).

The standard medication dosage schedule is 1-3 times a week. Usually the solution is injected under the skin or injected into a muscle. For intravenous use there must be additional arguments. In case of serious exacerbations, the medication can be used daily (for 2-3 days).

When taken orally, the medicine should be diluted in 10-30 ml of water to drink the solution per day.

On average, the course of therapy lasts 2-4 weeks, depending on the type and complexity of the disease, age, concomitant pathologies, and the body’s response to the medication.

Contraindications and side effects

Apart from hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the formula, the medication has no contraindications. There are no restrictions during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, but this issue should be decided by a doctor individually, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Undesirable consequences of such therapy are relatively rare. Sometimes, when using Mucosa compositum, an allergic reaction develops in the form of skin rashes with individual immunity to phenol. In such cases, you should stop the course of treatment and consult your doctor.

Cases of drug overdose have not been recorded.

Drug interactions

The drug is compatible with other drugs prescribed for such indications. In one syringe, Mucosa compositum can only be mixed with drugs from the same German pharmaceutical company Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH.

How can I replace Mucosa Compositum?

Mucosa compositum is used not only as monotherapy, but also in complex treatment with other homeopathic medicines. For example, when treating erosions, inflammations, and duodenal ulcers, the drug is alternated with Momordica compositum. The compositums Hepar, Coenzyme, and Ubiquinone are used as auxiliary agents that complement the capabilities of Mucosa Compositum in the treatment of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and diseases of the biliary tract.

There are practically no contraindications for Mucosa compositum, but if necessary, the doctor will select analogs with similar pharmacological effects - Aconite, Petroleum, Salvia, Palladium.

What do patients think about the drug?

Reviews on the forums about Mucosa compositum are mostly positive. Users rate it as an effective medicine used to treat inflammation of the mucous membrane of various locations and support their barrier capabilities. The effect of the drug is mild, gradual, you cannot count on an immediate effect, but the result of treatment is permanent.

Hello. At the age of 16, I noticed the first signs of my disease - acne, growth of dark hair on my stomach, severe back pain during menstruation. Regular gynecological examinations did not reveal any pathologies, and only at the age of 19, after an ultrasound, I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome or Stein-Leventhal syndrome). The fact is that due to a disruption in the functioning of my endocrine system, a hormonal imbalance of female and male hormones leads to the fact that I do not ovulate. Because of this, firstly, I cannot get pregnant; secondly, each unfertilized egg turns into a small cyst. As a result, my ovaries are enlarged.

There are only two traditional methods of “treatment” for polycystic ovary syndrome in our country:

1. Laparoscopy operation (removal of part of the ovary).

2. Hormonal oral contraceptives (“Diane-35”, “Yarina +”, “Jess”).

From the age of 22 to 23, for six months I took “Yarina +” - pills that not only did not work for me, but had a terrible impact on my health.

After canceling “Yarina +”, I had a control ultrasound, the gynecologist prescribed me to drink the herbal drug “Tazalok” for six months.

Pokinstructions for use

The drug is used as a monotherapy in patients suffering from menstrual irregularities, including premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea and algodysmenorrhea. The drug can be prescribed to patients with menopausal disorders.
As part of complex therapy, the drug is used in women suffering from fibrocystic mastopathy, endometrial hyperplasia, uterine fibroids and polycystic ovaries.

“Tazalok” is sold in pharmacies in dark glass bottles with a 50 and 100 ml dispenser. Like other homeopathic drops, it should be taken by dissolving 30 drops of the drug in half a glass of water and drinking 30 minutes before meals. Duration of treatment is from 3 months to six months.

I took Tazalok from July to October 2016. During this time, its price has increased significantly. The first package is 100 ml. I bought it for 270 UAH, the last one for 315 UAH. One large jar lasted me a little more than a month. The taste and smell of these drops is not the most pleasant, but tolerable.

I can say about the results of the reception that they are zero.. Especially when there is something to compare with.

Firstly, while taking contraceptive pills, as they say, “the result was obvious” - acne disappeared. Within six months of taking Tazalok, my face turned into a “red mess” from acne and post-acne.

Secondly, PMS returned to me in September with all its delights - a bad mood and an aching back.

Thirdly, t Ovulation tests always showed a negative result, which indicates that it never happened. But the results of the ultrasound done in October 2016 simply horrified me - In six months, the right ovary increased in size to the size of the moon!!! I am in such shock that I cannot express it.

Ultrasound results June 2016:

Ultrasound results October 2016:

My ovaries barely grew in size from the age of 19 to 22. And even after the discontinuation of oral contraceptives “Diana-35” there were no such problems. Now my ovaries cannot be returned to the condition and size they were before taking Tazalok. If I knew that I was wasting time (4 months) and money (about 1000 UAH), then it would be better to do a laparoscopy or continue taking the pills.

So, unfortunately, I am disappointed with this drug. And I don’t advise anyone to take it if they have polycystic ovary syndrome.

The female body is quite fragile, so it often has problems with the genitourinary system. One of the common ovarian diseases is polycystic disease. What is this disease? Let's figure it out together.

What is pathology

Normally, the female body has two ovaries.

They perform very important functions on which the normal functioning of the female reproductive system depends:

  • endocrine function - responsible for the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. They prepare the uterus for the attachment of the fertilized egg during conception. The ovaries also produce testosterone and androgen, male hormones.
  • degenerative function - responsible for the normal development and growth of follicles, from which an egg is then released.

Polycystic disease is a disease associated with hormonal imbalance in the body. Often occurs in women of reproductive age.

With it, ovulation does not occur in the female body. The ovaries themselves increase in size, and a large number of cysts form inside them, located at the edges of the organ.

Often, those who suffer from this disease experience weight gain, increased body hair growth, and the appearance of acne. The inability to conceive a child is a common sign of the disease.

What are the causes of the disease

The causes of polycystic disease may be different, however, doctors and scientists still cannot identify more precise causes of the occurrence of cysts inside this organ.

There are several main assumptions about why the disease develops.

  1. Hormonal disorder. Impaired production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones (LH and FSH). They are responsible for the normal development and growth of follicles, which, having reached a certain size, rupture and ovulation occurs. When the pituitary gland and hypothalamus malfunction, the production of these hormones is disrupted.
  2. Heavy weight. Insulin controls the amount of glucose and regulates muscle and fat tissue. If insulin resistance develops within the body, it becomes unable to control glucose levels. As a result, the woman begins to gain excess weight. The body tries to fight this and produces even more insulin. As a result, the level of LH rises, along with it the growth of male hormones increases. And this leads to increased growth of follicles, which cannot rupture and release the egg. If not treated in time, diabetes may develop.
  3. Excessive amounts of androgens. During puberty, hormonal imbalances may occur. With it, androgens can be produced in large quantities. Over time, they turn into estrogens. They are able to provoke large growth of follicles. Eventually cysts develop inside the ovaries.

Main symptoms of polycystic disease

Each woman may have her own symptoms of the disease. The most common sign of the presence of cysts is problems with the menstrual cycle and its disruption.

The violation may consist in the absence of menstruation for more than 4 months, the presence of scanty or too abundant discharge. A violation can also be considered the presence of no more than 8 cycles per year.

When large amounts of androgens are produced, more hair appears on the body, causing acne. Many cysts form on the ovaries. Another important sign of this disease is the inability to conceive a child (infertility) due to lack of ovulation or a rare menstrual cycle.

Excess weight is another main symptom. Diabetes or prediabetes also often develops. The skin becomes rough, darkens in the armpits, at the back of the head, in the groin and on the inner thighs. Treatment for PCOS will depend on your symptoms.

Carrying out diagnostics

To establish such a diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude other diseases that can provoke infertility. An increase in the amount of male hormones may be due to improper functioning of the adrenal glands or caused by the presence of a tumor on the ovary. If there are no such diseases, the doctor examines the patient on the chair.

Diagnosis of polycystic disease necessarily includes an ultrasound examination. A laboratory test for hormones is also done to see the state of the hormonal levels. A blood test is taken and done several times on certain days of your period. These days are noted only by the attending physician.

An accurate diagnosis is made based on the results of ultrasound and laboratory tests. Be sure to take into account all the patient’s symptoms, that is, the clinical picture of the development of the disease. One of the effective diagnostic methods is laparoscopy. The advantage of this method is that if a pathology is detected, immediate correction can be carried out immediately.

Treatment methods

This disease is treatable if its form is not too advanced. It is important to undergo a timely examination to prescribe further therapy. Only in this case the risk of complications is reduced by half. The choice of method will depend on the age of the patient, whether she has children and the stage of the disease.

Those who suffer from excess weight are immediately prescribed dietary nutrition, because it significantly affects hormonal levels. Those who have problems conceiving a child are prescribed appropriate therapy.

Conservative method

Medicines are prescribed when a woman does not plan to have children in the near future. The doctor prescribes combined oral contraceptives; they slow down the functioning of the organ and reduce the production of male hormones.

As a result of taking these drugs, the cycle is normalized, acne goes away, and body hair growth slows down. It is possible to treat polycystic ovary syndrome with hormonal drugs.

In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed to resolve adhesions and dense capsules near the organ. The prognosis after the conservative method is favorable, but you should not expect immediate results.

Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome using Duphaston

To regulate the cycle, the doctor may prescribe gestagens - these are natural progesterone preparations - "Duphaston", "Utrozhestan", "Crinon". Treatment with Duphaston is prescribed to regulate the cycle. When taking this drug, the endometrium is rejected and the cycle is normalized.

It may be prescribed during "interesting situation" to maintain and preserve pregnancy. Hormone therapy has a positive effect, however, it does not get rid of cysts.

Treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome with homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed by a homeopathic physician, taking into account the symptoms of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body. You can normalize the functioning of the organ with the drug "Apis". For pain, Berberis is prescribed. If, in addition to cysts, there are also uterine fibroids, they may prescribe Aurum Iodine. "Aurum Metallicum" is prescribed if there are complications in the form of hypertension. Homeopathy treatment is also an additional therapy to the main course. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe Lykopid and Laurocerase. The treatment course is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Keep the instructions:
Ovarium compositum
Ovarium compositum

Registration certificate
№ 011210

Release form
solution for injection 2.2 ml/amp. 5, 100 pcs.

2.2 ml contains: Ovarium suis D8, Placenta suis D10, Uterus suis D10, Salpinx suis D10, Hypophysis suis D13, Cypripedium calceolus var. pubenses D6, Lilium tigrinum D4, Pulsatilla pratensis D18, Aquilegia vulgaris D4, Sepia officinalis D10, Lachesis D10, Apisinum D8, Kreosotum D8, Bovista D6, Ipecacuanha D6, Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni D10, Hydrastis canadensis D4, Acidum cis-aconiticum D1 0, Magnesium phosphoricum D10, 22 µl.

pharmachologic effect
Regulation of the functions of the female genital organs. Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, metabolic, sedative.

As a symptomatic remedy for women in the treatment of menstrual disorders (as part of complex therapy).

Dosage regimen
IM, 2.2 ml 3 times a week, in acute cases - daily.

Side effects
Allergic reactions are possible.

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Combined use with other drugs
Without features.

Brief description of indications for the use of individual components of the formulation
Ovarium suis
Ovulation dysfunction. Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, menorrhagia; climacteric disorders. Osteoporosis.

Placenta suis
Dysmenorrhea, peripheral blood supply disorders.

Uterus suis

Salpinx suis
Dysmenorrhea, infertility due to inflammation of the fallopian tubes.

Hypophysis suis
Dizziness; enzyme dysfunction, pituitary obesity, dystrophy, ovarian failure, menstruation and ovulation disorders, chronic arthrosis and primary chronic polyarthritis; disorders of connective tissue functions, growth disorders, dysmenorrhea, lactorrhea, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases.

Cypripedium calceolus var. Pubescens
Lilium tigrinum
Prolapse of the uterus during menopause, inflammation and pain in the female genital organs, functional disorders of cardiovascular activity, depression, irritation.

Pulsatilla pratensis
Inflammation and disorders of the female genital organs, inflammation of the vagina, accompanied by discharge; regulatory disorders; disorders during pregnancy; headaches, insomnia, neuropsychiatric disorders, depression.

Aquilegia vulgaris
Insomnia due to nervousness (especially during menopause).

Sepia officinalis
Various disorders of the female genital organs, headaches, insomnia, states of mental exhaustion, depression (especially during menopause).

Complaints during menopause, neurological disorders and depression.

Inflammations and diseases accompanied by accumulations of fluid in tissues and body cavities; allergies.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genitourinary organs, age-related diseases.

Uterine bleeding (especially during menstruation), dysmenorrhea, leucorrhoea.

Bleeding from the mucous membranes, nausea and vomiting, including uncontrollable vomiting.

Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni
Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genitourinary organs.

Hydrastis canadensis
Suppuration of the mucous membranes, formation of ulcers, polyps.

Acidum cis-aconiticum
Affects redox systems and the citric acid cycle; with immune weakness, angina pectoris, tachycardia; pain in the bones at night, including in the spine (involutional osteoporosis); sudden changes in mood, depression.

Magnesium phosphoricum
Chronic pain syndrome.

The drug is indicated for insufficient activity of the anterior pituitary gland in women; for various metabolic disorders. In addition, this drug is effectively used in geriatrics.
The combination of organ extracts, homeopathic substances, catalysts and microelements (magnesium) in the preparation is aimed at restoring impaired hormonal functions and functions of the female genital organs, preventing inflammation in the ovaries and uterus, as well as menstrual disorders and leucorrhoea. In this case, you can additionally prescribe Coenzyme compositum and Ubiquinone compositum.
For frigidity and manifestations of mental disorders, the drug Cerebrum compositum N is also indicated. During menopause, oral therapy with the drug Klimakt-Hel is prescribed.