Mint. Medicinal properties of mint. Relaxing and concentrating effect. Is mint harmful?

In different parts of the world, mint is the name given to sometimes dissimilar crops, which are connected by belonging to the Lamiaceae family and amazing spicy-taste qualities that are not found in any other garden or wild plant.

Today, a little more than 20 types of mint are widespread, used both in cooking and in folk and official medicine. Healers and scientists of ancient times had experience in using this plant material. Avicenna and Hippocrates mentioned the benefits of mint for the body in their works, calling for the treatment of headaches and digestive disorders, fever and mental illnesses with mint-based drugs.

In Russia, it has long been considered one of the favorite types of spicy herbs. Back in the 19th century, in addition to local wild species, cultivated plantings of this plant could be seen in gardens and pharmaceutical gardens, and mint leaves, which have many beneficial properties and a minimum of contraindications, as in the photo, were already collected and used to make mint lozenges and fragrant water , tinctures and soothing herbal teas.

What are the benefits of mint and is there any harm from taking products based on it? Were the doctors of the past right, and what do they say? latest research composition of herbs?

How is mint beneficial for the body?

Modern possibilities of medicine and biotechnology have stepped far forward compared to the times of Avicenna and even the real prototype of Dr. Watson, who probably recommended it to his patients more than once in dank London Mint tea.

But even today experts are unanimous - mint, namely the leaves and stems of the plant, collected before and during flowering, is powerful medicine from many disorders and diseases.

The beneficial properties of mint depend on the composition of the plant material, which acquires its greatest value when it reaches high concentration mint essential oil - menthol, at the time of collection, comprising from 2.5 to 6% of the mass of leaves or inflorescences. It is this substance that determines the taste and aroma of the herb, and is also the basis for the beneficial properties of mint, for example, its excellent bactericidal ability.

At the same time, the calorie content of the grass is extremely low and amounts to 70 kcal. Of 100 grams of mint harvested, 3.75 grams are protein, 6.89 grams are carbohydrates and only 0.94 grams are fat. In addition, herbal medicinal raw materials contain quite a lot dietary fiber and valuable organic acids, vitamins and mineral salts.

  • The vitamin composition includes essential for human body connections: A, B1 and B2, B3, B6 and B9, C and PP.
  • Macroelements are represented by calcium, phosphorus and sodium, potassium and magnesium.
  • The microelements in mint herb are manganese, zinc, iron and copper.

In addition to menthol, the benefits of mint for the body depend on the presence in the raw material of substances such as esters, tannins, natural bitterness, phytoncides and flavonoids.

The benefits of mint for the body in folk and traditional medicine

Mint is involved in therapy and preventive measures, aimed at combating many diseases. Preparations containing menthol or mint herb have a calming, analgesic, vasodilator and anti-inflammatory effect. Mint is prescribed as a safe diaphoretic, bactericidal and analgesic for diseases accompanied by fever, local pain and irritation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and oral cavity.

Essential oil from mint leaves has almost no contraindications, but with a lot of beneficial properties, as in the photo, in combination with others herbal ingredients effectively fights rhinitis, stomatitis and pharyngitis, manifestations of sore throat and other seasonal colds. Mint herb is also used to treat inflammation of the organs. genitourinary system, digestion and liver. Fresh mint in the composition of dishes and drinks not only improves their taste, but also actively increases appetite, relieves such unpleasant symptoms such as heartburn, nausea and increased gas formation.

What mint is good for the circulatory and nervous systems is its stimulating tonic effect.

On the one hand, mint-based preparations can effectively calm and relieve stress, and on the other hand, they accelerate mental activity and help the body overcome migraines and insomnia.

It is thanks to such extensive beneficial properties that mint is widely used in traditional medicine and is included in the compositions of well-known, tested and new medications. Such medicinal preparations using plant raw materials have analgesic, choleretic, antispasmodic and antimicrobial effect, they actively soothe, stimulate digestion and gland activity internal secretion, provide beneficial effect on smooth muscles.

Medicinal properties of mint and contraindications for women

The beneficial properties of mint can be used in such difficult periods a woman's life, like pregnancy and breastfeeding. At this time, the use of medications is extremely limited, and even to medicinal herbs should be treated very carefully.

Doctors are confident that daily consumption of up to a liter of mint tea will not harm the health of the mother and unborn child.

Active substances in the plant:

  • neutralize manifestations of toxicosis;
  • relieve nausea;
  • improve appetite and general well-being;
  • will eliminate the signs of causeless anxiety that often accompanies pregnancy.

The benefits of mint for the body of the expectant mother include eliminating heartburn, a mild laxative effect, and facilitating the passage of gases. When using the medicinal properties of mint, women need to take into account the contraindications that exist in relation to this plant.

If tea and external use of herbal raw materials do not harm health, then essential oil in pure form It is not recommended during pregnancy, since menthol in such concentrations can provoke labor.

Young mothers should not get carried away with eating mint. Herbal raw materials are so active action may reduce the amount of milk produced. What else is mint good for women? Mint decoction or Herb tea will relieve fatigue, help cope with menstrual pain and headaches, and normalize sleep.

Useful properties and contraindications of mint for men

Mint is well known as a plant with restorative, tonic, analgesic and antipyretic properties. How is mint beneficial for men's health?

  • There is no doubt that mint can effectively eliminate the effects of stress, fatigue, mint tea or decoction will calm you down and put you in a positive mood.
  • Regular inclusion of mint in your diet will reduce the risk of developing heart and nervous system diseases.
  • External use of mint decoction refreshes the skin, reduces sweating and the risk of fungal infections.

With all the beneficial properties of mint, there are contraindications for men that are worth listening to. Excessive passion Drinks and dishes with fresh mint, teas based on it, or drugs with menthol can cause a decrease in potency, a feeling of relaxation, and decreased attention in a man, which is especially dangerous when driving.

Contraindications to the use of mint

Despite the existing mass of beneficial properties, mint also has contraindications that apply to everyone who decides to start healing with the help of this plant.

The first warning is the existence of personal intolerance to substances in plant materials and preparations made from them.

Mint should be used with extreme caution under reduced pressure. In this case, even a cup of seemingly harmless tea can cause an additional decrease in blood pressure and a deterioration in well-being.

Mint acts similarly on blood vessels in the tissues, their tone decreases, and blood flow decreases. Therefore, exacerbations cannot be ruled out varicose veins. With regard to the digestive system, there can be both benefits from mint and harm from thoughtless intake of plant-based products. For example, take mint decoctions with caution in case of increased acidity, exacerbations of gastritis, or when peptic ulcer.

Pediatricians do not recommend giving mint tea, decoction and other herbal remedies children under three years of age.

Video about the benefits of mint

Mint is one of the most famous in the whole world. herbs, it can be found literally everywhere - from teas and cocktails to toothpaste or chewing gum. The taste of mint is so unique and unlike anything else that there are proposals to add it fifth to the well-known list of basic ones: sweet, bitter, sour and salty. Aromatherapy, perfumery, cooking, medicine - representatives of each of these areas can give their answer to the question of how mint is useful and why it is good.

What is mint?

Mint is a generalized name for many plant species belonging to the Lamiaceae family. What unites these types is the presence in their chemical composition specific substance - menthol. It is this that causes such a characteristic mint aroma and “cool” taste. However, freshness can be felt not only with the tongue - numerous cosmetics containing menthol also have a noticeable refreshing effect.

Today at different countries Around the world, a little more than two dozen varieties of mint, both wild and cultivated, are collected and consumed. The most popular variety is peppermint. The benefits of this plant as a whole are no more and no less than those of other varieties of mint, because the differences between them are mainly due to their adaptability to growing in certain conditions and the peculiarities of the structure and appearance, and not some specific composition. And if you come across peppermint in a store or in nature, the contraindications for its use will also correspond to those common to all varieties of this herb. Peppermint is unpretentious, you can grow it even on the windowsill of a city apartment, and at the same time it has pronounced taste and aromatic characteristics - this is what explains its popularity.

Mint stems and leaves have practical value. Collect them for drying and consumption fresh recommended at certain times when their menthol content is especially high - usually shortly before and during flowering.

Mint contains essential B vitamins for humans, retinol (A) and (C), as well as macro- and microelements - iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc and others. In addition, plant raw materials contain natural tannins, esters, and phytoncides.

What is made from mint?

It’s easier to say what they don’t make from it - enter any hypermarket, and this plant and its derivatives will literally surround you. Fresh herbs, mint syrup, chewing gum, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, dishwashing detergent, tea mixtures with mint, dried herbs in the spices section, semi-finished lamb fillet in mint marinade, mint gingerbread cookies, sweets, and for fans bad habits– mint liqueur and menthol cigarettes. The same situation is in the pharmacy: peppermint tincture, herbal teas, cough drops, dandruff remedies - and this is not a complete list.

In cooking, mint is used mainly in fresh and dried form - both for flavoring dishes and giving food certain flavor shades, and simply for decoration, like any other greens. The easiest way is to brew mint tea - read more about the benefits and harms of this drink below. Perfumers also love to use mint - starting from its primitive use in household chemicals, where mint flavor is able to qualitatively overpower the not always pleasant original odors of substances in gels and aerosols, and ending with the high art of composing fashionable fragrances.

What are the benefits of mint?

Treatises were written about the benefits of mint for the body in ancient times - mentions of this medicinal herb found in the works of Avicenna and Hippocrates, who, among other things, gave advice on the beneficial properties of mint and contraindications to its use. Their recommendations are not at all outdated - mint can still be used to effectively heal both body and soul.

Here are the main ones beneficial effects properties this herb has:

  • bactericidal properties;
  • mild natural sedative;
  • mild analgesic effect;
  • ability to lower body temperature;
  • vasodilator of natural origin;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

Taking into account the above, it is not surprising that both in folk and in traditional medicine Mint is widely used. Indications for its use - problems in the area gastro- intestinal tract, spasmodic pain, including headache and menstrual pain, fever, nervous disorders, insomnia.

Are there any contraindications?

Harm to mint occurs primarily in the case of its excessive consumption - such phenomena as an overdose of the vitamins contained in this herb and excess permissible consumption micro- and macroelements. There are, in addition, a number of specific contraindications to the use of mint:

  • individual intolerance and allergic reactions;
  • hypotension – mint and its derivatives have the ability to further lower blood pressure;
  • some gastrointestinal diseases - increased acidity, peptic ulcer;
  • conditions associated with decreased tone blood vessels, such as varicose veins;
  • age up to three years.

In addition, the relaxation that mint can cause is of no use if you are driving - so you can only use this plant before car trips if you are a passenger.

Mint for women and men

The benefits of mint for women have been tested and confirmed by many generations of women who have used the analgesic and sedative properties of this herb:

  • to relieve pain during menstruation;
  • to relieve symptoms of menopause;
  • to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • to reduce body hair growth.

Modern women have at their disposal an extensive list medicines for these purposes, but healing mint still does not lose popularity among the fair sex - after all, natural remedy always healthier than synthetic. In addition, this herb began to be actively used by those wishing to lose weight - since mint tea high content essential oils dulls appetite and is not harmful to the female body even with constant use, you can drink it liberally while on a diet.

Another open question related to mint is its harm to men. There is an opinion that the use of this herb, affecting the level of male hormones, reduces sexual desire, which representatives of the stronger sex usually fear like fire. However, it can be argued that the harm from mint for men is at least greatly exaggerated: some specific effects can only be noticed with abundant and systematic consumption of this herb and its derivatives. The only exception is when trying to wash other, more delicate areas with mint anti-dandruff shampoo. In this case, the effect is felt with lightning speed.

It couldn’t be simpler: mint tea

Peppermint tea is perhaps the most common way to prepare this herb due to its simplicity: it requires nothing but mint and water. To prepare this delicious and healing decoction, you just need to pour boiling water over a measured amount of mint and infuse it in the same way as regular tea.

The harm of mint tea is minimal, and the benefits have long been proven. In winter, they can effectively warm you up, while in summer, chilled mint tea, to which ice cubes are added, will help you feel comfortable, despite the heat and stuffiness.

Just one sprig of fresh mint or a pinch of dried mint can elevate and turn even the most unassuming black tea from a bag into a quite decent drink.

Has its loyal fans and green tea with mint, to which this herb also gives additional flavor notes. There are also various tea and herbal infusions on sale, which include mint. If you wish, you can make such “cocktails” yourself, varying them depending on your taste preferences.

A little more widely known the hard way preparations mint drink– from mint, lemon, honey and root. Some people use it to accelerate metabolism during weight loss - cold or warm. But this tea is especially effective for colds and low blood pressure. blood pressure– and here, of course, you need to drink it hot.

Mint - healthy medicinal plant

On the pages of our website we continue to tell you about useful medicinal plants, and today we will talk about mint. Oh, what types of mint are used most often in traditional medicine to treat diseases, what diseases mint treats and how it affects humans, how mint affects the male and female body - in a word, everything about the benefits and harms of mint...

The benefits of mint

Mint has always been considered a medicinal plant that can help cure many diseases - not only diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also diseases of the nervous system, and even colds.

In ancient times, mint was treated as a sacred plant that could prolong a person's life, and mint was called the herb of longevity.

Today, scientists claim that there is still some truth in such beliefs, which is why mint is so actively used both in herbal medicine and in official pharmacology.

It is noteworthy that regardless of the type of mint, all plants of this family have a strong and persistent odor, since mint itself contains a large number of essential oils. Therefore, it is not surprising that mint is added to many cosmetics and even used during spa treatments. Well, in Rus', not a single good bathhouse could do without mint decoctions, which not only had a relaxing effect, but also killed bacteria that could be on a person’s skin and in his respiratory tract. Therefore, our ancestors combined business with pleasure - with.

Today, any herbalist will tell you that mint can cure even depressive states and can help relieve insomnia. And indeed it is. Therefore, those who have nervous disorders or suffers from lack of sleep - it would be a good idea to drink a glass of mint tea at night - you will be guaranteed a sound and cloudless sleep until the very end.

Also, mint can be used as a spicy spice - add it to fruit cocktails, various confectionery, meat dishes and side dishes. The specific mint aroma will certainly not spoil your dish, but will give it piquancy, sophistication, and gastronomic charm.

By the way, as a spice, mint also has antiseptic, antispasmodic and analgesic properties, reduces high rate acidity, improves appetite and simply lifts your mood.

Benefits of mint tea

Regardless of your daily ration nutrition, and whether you are on a strict diet or allow yourself to eat whatever you want - tea with mint will not be superfluous in your diet. Since in winter, after cold street, this drink will warm you up and fill your body with warmth and energy, and in the summer, on the contrary, it will refresh you and help you quench your thirst.

In addition, such herbal mint tea in folk medicine used to treat many diseases. And, depending on what type of mint you add to this tea (there are more than 30 types of mint), what herbs you combine mint with and in what proportions - the specific benefits of such a drink will depend.

However, most often mint tea is usually brewed from peppermint, field mint, swamp mint and lemon balm...

This tea will have a calming effect - it is recommended to use it for nervous disorders, stressful situations, for depression, emotional stress. Just one cup of this herbal mint tea is enough for your stress to subside and you will feel better.

And, menthol, which is part of mint, has antispasmodic and vasodilating properties, so in case of angina pectoris, headaches, atherosclerosis, drinking mint tea will be very useful. By the way, this drink also has choleretic properties, increases appetite, relieves colic, flatulence, helps remove stones from the liver and kidneys, and in case of a runny nose or sore throat, it will alleviate your condition and help you forget about the cold.

Green tea with mint benefits

If you add a few mint leaves to ordinary green tea, then such a drink will not only quench your thirst on a hot day, but will also give freshness to your breath, relieve insomnia and help you forget about dental or dental problems.

Oh, and green tea with mint also has unique property help you lose weight. And, all thanks to the fact that this tea contains polyphenol, which reduces the feeling of hunger and helps our body remove excess fat from cells. So, this drink can rightfully be classified as a drink that burns fat. Plus, with the help of this green tea with mint you will get rid of impurities and toxins, normalize metabolic processes in your body...

However, it is worth knowing that green tea with mint is not suitable for everyone. Thus, it is better for pregnant women, due to the high caffeine content, to avoid this drink, similarly for nursing mothers - since mint has the ability to reduce lactation processes in the female body; for children under 6 years old - mint affects them too overwhelmingly; for hypertensive patients, for those who suffers renal colic– it is better to avoid drinking such green tea with mint.

As for whether men should abuse this drink, doctors do not recommend doing this, because mint - female herb, and it promotes the production female hormones, and this male body not necessary at all.

Harm and benefits of peppermint

Peppermint is one of the varieties of mint that is not found in the wild and attracts people with its unique taste and aroma. It is noteworthy that, unlike common mint, peppermint has the opposite effect in nursing women. And, otherwise, due to the content of active biological components, essential oils, acetic and valeric acid in the composition of such mint, beneficial features peppermint has similar beneficial properties to mint.

Video about the beneficial properties of peppermint and its use:

Benefits of mint for men

In one of the points of our article, we already mentioned that to abuse mint tea or the use of mint decoctions and infusions is not recommended for men, since mint promotes the production of female hormones in men, negatively affecting sexual desire strong half humanity. However, you must understand that 1 cup of mint tea, which you drink once a month, will definitely not have such an effect. But, if you are too suspicious and superstitious, then it is better to look for another medicinal plant that has properties similar to those of mint, but does not have such side effects for your masculine power.

Benefits of mint for women

And here female body Eating mint will be beneficial, and hardly anyone will argue with this. There is even evidence that

by using regular use Mint tea can reduce the amount of hair on the body in the most inappropriate places (such is the “mint” depilation), enlarge your breasts by 1-2 sizes (decent) and increase your libido.

But in order to achieve such high results, you need to drink mint tea at least 5 times during the day, and its concentration should be quite high.

Fragrant and aromatic mint has long been known to people. Her divine smell and unforgettable taste Many of us love it in tea. Mint is added to green smoothies, various dishes, baked goods, perfumes, ointments and other products. Its benefits for the human body are simply incredible.

This wonderful plant can be grown in your garden or collected in the forests. It has about 25 varieties, but we mainly use peppermint. This type of plant was obtained by crossing spearmint and watermint.

This wonderful plant appeared many centuries ago. It got its name in honor of the nymph Menta. She wanted to enter into a love affair with the ruler of the kingdom of the dead, Hades, but his wife Persephone, who learned about this, mercilessly destroyed the nymph. After the funeral, a small bush of grass with a fragrant smell grew on Menta’s grave. People gave it the name mint and then mint.

In ancient times, wreaths were woven from mint; it was believed that it cleared the mind, so all thinkers, scientists and philosophers walked around wearing them all day long. It was also used to protect the house from evil and uninvited spirits; the plant was hung in all corners of the home. But there was also such a person as Alexander the Great, who, on the contrary, prohibited its use.

He thought mint was the strongest aphrodisiac. Let's take a look at what actually goes into this unique herb, and what are its benefits for the body of men and women.

Mint composition

The beneficial substances found in mint are found not only in the leaves, but also in the flowers. Peppermint essential oil contains

  • menthol,
  • limonene,
  • carvacrol,
  • citral,
  • terpinene and other substances.

Mint also contains:

  • tannins,
  • resins,
  • flavonoids,
  • routine,
  • hesperidin,
  • phytosterols,
  • organic acids,
  • glucose,
  • saponins,
  • vitamins A, B, C, PP.

The benefits of mint for the human body

This is unique and fragrant plant Can be used not only by men and women, but also by children. It has many useful qualities.

  1. Mint is one of the anti-inflammatory agents.
  2. This herb has an analgesic effect on humans.
  3. Mint decoctions have a choleretic and calming effect on the human body.
  4. People use mint for stomach pain and to get rid of heartburn.
  5. At the first symptoms of a cold, sore throat, bronchitis, laryngitis, it is recommended to use mint decoction first.
  6. For people suffering from insomnia, nervous disorders, and depression, peppermint tea will help relieve irritation and fatigue.
  7. For pregnant women, a decoction of fragrant herb will help get rid of nausea.
  8. When cleansing the liver, to improve the outflow of bile, as well as for colic and constipation, the benefits of mint will be fully revealed - it will simply be an indispensable remedy.
  9. Peppermint will help a person cope with high pressure, dilates blood vessels and quickly stabilizes the functioning of the heart muscle.
  10. During bleeding gums, with stomatitis and unpleasant smell from the oral cavity, peppermint will help disinfect and relieve pain.
  11. During menopause, peppermint will be an excellent helper in the fight against bad mood for a woman’s body.

The benefits and pleasant enjoyment of drinking tea and mint decoction

To obtain and enjoy the aromatic and divine taste of mint tea, you must prepare it correctly.

Peppermint Tea Recipe

This wonderful drink has a calming and analgesic effect. It promotes healthy and good sleep, and also relieves irritability and nervousness. During a cold, this tea will be simply irreplaceable. It is very easy to prepare.

You will need 3-4 fresh green peppermint leaves and two glasses of water. First you need to chop the mint with a knife, then pour it into a 2000-gram cup of warm boiled water. Time it for 20 seconds and drain the water. At this point you should already have boiling water. Pour a cup of boiling water over the mint and wait about two more minutes. That's it - your healing and delicious mint tea is ready.

You can simply add a few green peppermint leaves to your tea, since even in this form its benefits for the body will be evident.

Peppermint infusion recipe

This drink helps people get rid of nausea, vomiting, pain in the heart, stomach and intestinal tract. To prepare the infusion, you will need not fresh, but already dried mint. You need to take a tablespoon, then pour 200 grams of boiling water and cover. Let it brew for 25-30 minutes. Strain through a strainer. It is recommended to consume this decoction 20-30 minutes before meals, 1/3 cup.

The use of mint in cosmetology

Mint is one of the disinfectants and tonics, so cosmetologists recommend adding it to lotions, creams and masks.

Homemade toning and cleansing mint lotion

This cleaner is very easy to prepare. Place one tablespoon of peppermint flowers or leaves in a saucepan. Pour a cup of boiling water and simmer over low heat for no more than 15 minutes.

Once everything has cooled down, you can wipe your face. Peppermint lotion helps problem skin get rid of blackheads and pimples. You can also make masks at home from mint to strengthen and restore hair, and a mask for sore eyes.

Contraindications to the use of mint

Teas and decoctions of mint are, of course, very useful, but like many products, this aromatic herb has its drawbacks.

  • Mint drinks should not be drunk by people with low blood pressure.
  • Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding should limit their intake of aromatic herbs to a minimum.
  • Men who drink a lot of mint drinks experience a decrease in libido.
  • Children under four years of age should absolutely not use peppermint.

This plant is unique in its own way, both fresh and dried. You can easily purchase it at a pharmacy or market, but it is best to plant it at home in a flower bed, vegetable garden, or even in a pot on the windowsill. Mint - very unpretentious plant, so it will always be at hand.

Since ancient times, people have been using herbs in their diet, treating diseases with them, and fields, meadows, forest edges and roadsides delight them with their lush aromas. One of the most popular and significant herbs is peppermint. Its properties and contraindications have been known for many centuries. However, not all varieties have medicinal properties and are suitable for consumption. Of all the species, peppermint stands out. It is she who is famous for her bright, enchanting aroma.

What is it, mint?

There is probably no person who does not know the aroma of this plant. We buy mint chewing gum and toothpastes, elixirs, candies, and often their smell is our favorite mint. Medicinal properties and its contraindications have been studied for a long time. Our distant ancestors used mint to overcome various ailments. Even the ancient Romans used it. The Arabs grew mint in their gardens, the Chinese dedicated treatises to it, and the Greeks washed their hands with it and freshened their faces. In the Middle Ages, mint with milk and wine was used to treat various diseases, including headaches.

Today this plant is used as remedy and in for cosmetic purposes. The aromatic herb is grown on farms and supplied to pharmacology. What is the secret that mint contains? The medicinal properties and contraindications, features of the preparation and use of the plant are revealed in this article.


This plant is perennial, from twenty-five to sixty-five centimeters in height, has a branched rhizome and thin roots. The flowers are whitish-pink, light purple or reddish-pink. They are located on the tips of the shoots in the form of oblique inflorescences. The plant blooms throughout summer period. The stem, like the whole plant, is smooth. Mint leaves have an ovoid shape with a heart-shaped base and sharp serrated edges. The beneficial properties are mainly found in them and the flowers, although other parts are sometimes used. Mint is bred specifically in gardens and vegetable gardens or grows wild in the fields. It exudes a strong and very pleasant refreshing scent.


This aroma is a consequence of the content of a whole set of essential oils and menthol that mint has. The medicinal properties and contraindications can be understood by studying the composition of the plant, which includes a large amount useful vitamins, substances and microelements, namely:

  • vitamins - C, B1, PP, A, B5, B9, B2, B6;
  • microelements - phosphorus, manganese, iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium;
  • amino acids such as betaine and arginine;
  • fatty acid;
  • organic acids, including chlorogenic, ursulic, oleonolic, ascorbic, acetic, caffeic and valeric;
  • piperitonin pinene;
  • essential oils;
  • menthofuran;
  • from flavodinodes - hesperidin;
  • from tannins- routine;
  • phytosterols and phytosterols;
  • saponins;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • resins;
  • alcohols;
  • Terpenes: citral, geraniol, limonene, terpinene, carvacrol.

It consists of seventy-eight percent water and two and a half percent essential oils.

Dietary fiber per hundred grams of leaves contains:

  • fat - 1 g;
  • carbohydrates - about 7 g;
  • proteins - about 4 g.

Energy value for the indicated weight is seventy-one kilocalories. This plant is a storehouse of useful qualities.

Collection and preparation

It can be purchased at a pharmacy in finished form, in bags or as dry raw materials that are brewed. But it’s even better if you collect mint with your own hands and prepare it for the winter. For those who decide to do this, the following tips will help:

  1. The grass should be collected in the first half of the day, in dry weather, preferably when the plant is just beginning to bloom. Then mint contains the highest concentration of its useful substances. In this case, mainly its leaves and flowers are used.
  2. Although the plant blooms throughout the summer, this period varies in different regions and may be somewhat shorter.
  3. Mint can be collected by plucking the stems for greater speed, and at home you can tear off its leaves and flowers, which are suitable for use.
  4. The mint is dried outdoors in the shade. To do this, the plant is laid out in a thin layer on paper or fabric. It is advisable to stir it from time to time.
  5. After the raw materials are ready, they are wrapped in paper bags or glass containers, which are tightly covered.
  6. It is stored in a dry and dark place for up to two years.
  7. In order for the herb to retain more of its properties, it is better to chop it only before use, and not in advance.


Peppermint is best known for its essential oil content, called menthol. It imbues the plant with a characteristic refreshing aroma that everyone loves so much.

There is an opinion that it is better to harvest peppermint in the spring, even before flowering.

Its properties are used in herbal medicine, mint is added to culinary dishes. It is also used to relieve nausea, flatulence, nervous disorder, poor digestion, asthma, bronchial or pulmonary inflammation, cardiovascular and gynecological diseases, colds, migraines, cramps, cholelithiasis and many other problems. The plant complements diaphoretic herbal preparations.


Mint has a beneficial effect on the entire body. First of all, it is restored nervous system. Helps you relax after have a hard day or improve your mood in the morning with mint tea. Useful properties contribute better concentration attention, improving brain function.

For digestive system it also plays a positive role. Appetite, the process of digesting food improves, and the secretion of gastric juice and saliva is stimulated. In addition, mint is choleretic agent and wonderfully freshens breath. The intestines are cleansed, the work of the liver and gallbladder is stimulated.

Vasodilation occurs, stabilization heart rate and improved blood circulation. In some cases, it can completely replace medications or at least supplement treatment for cardiovascular diseases.

The beneficial properties of mint for women are perfectly revealed. In cosmetology it is used for masks, baths, saunas. It is able to suppress bacteria on the skin and mucous membranes. The procedures are especially suitable for oily skin with acne. The skin then becomes elastic and velvety.

What does it cure?

Mint has plenty of beneficial properties and contraindications. It is useful to take for the following diseases:


Some men are afraid that their potency may worsen if they use mint. The medicinal properties and contraindications with moderate use of the plant will not appear so noticeably. It's another matter if you overuse mint. Then problems with potency may actually occur, because the production of female hormones will be produced, which in a considerable number contains peppermint.

Properties and contraindications can be expressed in sleep disturbances and headaches, especially with excessive consumption.

You should also refrain from using this plant for the following conditions and diseases:

  • allergies;
  • hypotension;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • kidney and liver disease;
  • problems with conception;
  • children under five years old.

In addition, doctors are inclined to believe that active use mint leads to a loss of sensitivity of the body to its components.

Individual intolerance to the plant may also occur, in which case it is necessary to immediately stop using it.

Mint has different effects during lactation. The beneficial properties and contraindications for women in this case will directly depend on its variety. After all, according to some, it stimulates the production of milk, while others say, on the contrary, that it reduces it. In this case, spearmint is suitable, which contains the least menthol, but contains carvone, which stimulates lactation.


Since mint normalizes metabolism, removes toxins from the body and regulates gastric juice, it is often used in diets. It also helps with constipation, eliminating putrefactive processes in the intestines and decreased acidity.

Mint leaves are added to:

  • first and second courses;
  • baking pastries, pies, cakes and cookies;
  • fruit and berry desserts;
  • sauces and marinades;
  • milkshakes.

Peppermint is a spice, a flavor enhancer for dishes, a natural flavoring agent, and an element that improves appetite.

The tonic properties are used in various drinks, the most widespread of which is the non-alcoholic Mojito. Teas and infusions will wonderfully quench your thirst and at the same time suppress the feeling of hunger.

Mint is good to combine with products such as:

  • meat;
  • bird;
  • fish;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • greenery;
  • cottage cheese;
  • spices;
  • spices.

Mint teas

Green tea with mint, chamomile, thyme and lemon leaves is very popular. If you drink several cups of this drink a day, then within a few months a person will feel light and comfortable.

If tea is prepared from fresh leaves, then you must first pour boiling water over them, and then add water and brew.

Not all dishes are suitable for infusion. For example, plastic and metal are not recommended. It is best to brew mint tea in a porcelain or glass container. The beneficial properties are most preserved in a freshly brewed drink. Therefore, you should not cook a lot of it at once. Honey or lemon is often added to tea. It is better to avoid sugar, as it will neutralize the beneficial properties of mint.

As cold remedy take a tablespoon of inflorescences or leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. After just ten minutes, the drink can be taken orally.

In case of intoxication, take two tablespoons per glass of water and infuse for two hours. Drink one tablespoon during meals.

If you feel nauseous, drink one tablespoon of brewed tea per glass of water, half a glass twice a day.

For pain in the head or muscles, add a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons to a glass with a pinch of dry leaves. lemon zest. The resulting drink should be drunk three times a day, half a glass.

Infusions and mint

The beneficial properties and contraindications of the plant should be carefully studied before starting it. regular use and treatment. If no side effects and mint are recommended; in addition to tea, infusions can also be prepared.

For this purpose washed fresh leaves Place in a half-liter jar and fill to the top with vodka or alcohol. You can add a little cinnamon there. The lid should be tightly closed and infused in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks.

You can prepare this simple version of the tincture: two teaspoons of the herb are poured into a thermos with a quarter liter of boiling water. After an hour, you can start drinking the strained tincture, one tablespoon six to seven times a day.

Essential oil

Many representatives of the fair sex prefer to use essential oils. Mint, whose beneficial properties and contraindications for women have been fully studied, is one of our favorite products. It is added to various face masks, massaged, and simply applied to the skin for certain problems.

It has a tonic, expectorant, absorbent and antiseptic effect, dilates blood vessels.

Mint in cosmetology

The properties of mint for women are found wide application in skin care.

For example, to improve your complexion, you can prepare a lotion. To do this, mix mint infusion, cucumber juice and parsley decoction in equal amount. They need to wipe their face morning and evening.

To relieve fatigue and tone the eyelids, apply cotton pads soaked in a chilled infusion to them.

The beneficial properties of mint for women will be expressed in a beneficial effect, especially on oily skin, even with simple use infusion. It will acquire a matte shade, and enlarged pores will narrow.

The ancient Russians called “dragolub”, which translated means “dear, beloved, kind”, such medicinal herb, like mint, the properties and uses of which were very well known to them. Today, many centuries later, we no longer call it so affectionately. But the mint still remains universal medicine and a favorite drink for many people.