New rules for obtaining a “Disabled” badge for a car. Disabled person sign for individual use How does an issued sign differ from one purchased in a store?

St. Petersburg 100% 100% - 100% Leningrad region. - - - 100% Krasnodar region 100% 100% - - Stavropol region 100% 100% 100% - Volgograd region. 100% 100% - 100% Voronezh region. 100% 100% 100% - Irkutsk region. 100% 100% 100% - Murmansk region. - - - 100% Sverdlovsk region. 100% 100% 100% 100% Rostov region. 100% 100% 100% - Chelyabinsk region. 100% 100% - 100% Republic of Dagestan 100% 100% 100% - Republic of Bashkortostan 100% 100% 100% - What benefits for paying transport tax exist for people with disabilities in the Russian Federation Regional benefits. The regions of the Russian Federation independently establish tax benefits, so the amounts and rules for receiving them are different everywhere. Most often, disabled people of groups 1 and 2 are exempt from car tax, however, regions where citizens with any category of disability do not have to pay for a car are also not uncommon - such rules, for example, apply in the Rostov and Voronezh regions.

Benefits for motorists with disabilities of groups II and III

It should be remembered that when parking a car in a parking lot for the disabled, the driver may be fined.

A special sign “Except for disabled people” means that the effect of a sign, for example, “No left turn” is not valid for cars driven by a disabled person or in which there is a passenger with a disability.

As for punishments for violating traffic rules, there are some benefits for people with disabilities:

  1. Motorists with disabilities cannot be deprived of their rights, that is, the right to drive a car cannot be taken away.

BUT! If a disabled person is at fault for an accident and runs away from the scene of the accident, if he was driving while drunk, or he did not undergo re-examination for disability, then he may be deprived of his license; Administrative arrest is not provided for disabled people of groups 1 and 2.

Other sanctions apply to disabled people in the same way as for other categories of drivers.

Benefits for disabled people of group 3 in 2018

  • Who is assigned disability group 3?
  • Conducting ITU
  • Package of documents for appointment of examination
  • Procedure for conducting ITU
  • Examination results
  • Benefits for disabled people of group 3
  • Discounts on housing and communal services
  • Providing housing
  • Tax benefits
  • Privileges in medical care
  • Preferences in the field of education
  • Employer preferences
  • Procedure for applying for benefits
  • Changes in 2018

In the Russian Federation, disabled people are provided with benefits and preferences at budget expense.

The rights of disabled people of group 3 are set out in Federal Law No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”.

They are not as wide as those of disabled people of groups 1 and 2.

Benefits for disabled people of group 3

Answers to common questions about benefits for working disabled people of group 3 Question No. 1: Can a disabled person of group 3 combine basic annual leave and additional rest at their own expense? Answer: Yes, the law allows this, but the vacation should not last more than six months.

Question No. 2: The son of a group 3 disabled person who uses a wheelchair uses personal transport exclusively to transport his father.

Can he qualify for a 50% discount when paying for an MTPL policy? Answer: No, the conditions for providing a discount on the MTPL policy are the simultaneous ownership and driving of the car in question.

Video tips. What benefits are there for disabled people of the third group? The video reveals who is classified as disabled people of the third group and what benefits there are for disabled people of the third group⇓ Rate the quality of the article.

Get compensation and benefits

Are there any transport tax benefits for disabled people of group 3? As for whether disabled people of group 3 have transport tax benefits in 2018, this also depends on the region.

Benefits for them are less common than for disabled people of groups 1 and 2, and usually only when the region exempts disabled people of all categories from paying TN.

To find out where in Russia disabled people of group 3 do not pay car tax, use the table: Region Restrictions by vehicle type, power or by production date Moscow region. (50% discount) cars up to 150 hp. or motorcycle up to 50 hp Irkutsk region (here and below - 100% discount) a car up to 100 hp, or a car older than 7 years up to 125 hp, or a motorcycle up to 40 hp, or a watercraft up to 100 hp.


Sverdlovsk region. cars up to 150 hp or motorcycle up to 36 hp

Krasnodar region passenger car with a power of up to 150 hp, or a motorcycle with a power of up to 35 hp, or a boat with a power of up to 20 hp. What benefits does a group 3 disabled person have in the traffic rules?

Provision of housing Disabled people of the 3rd group are provided with apartments in the following cases:

  • if they do not have their own real estate;
  • live in rented premises;
  • registered in the hostel (except for periods of study and seasonal work);
  • live in the same apartment with a family with whom there are no family ties;
  • the living space does not correspond to:
  • social norms of the area;
  • technical and sanitary requirements.

Disabled people of the 3rd group are provided with land plots on preferential terms for:

  • housing construction;
  • personal farming;
  • gardening.

The right to benefits is taken into account when a citizen applies to the authorities for a plot of land.

Traffic rules: benefits for disabled people

Murmansk region Vehicles with the highest engine power, but not more than 150 hp. Volgograd region cars up to 100 hp Sverdlovsk region. car up to 150 hp or motorcycle up to 36 hp Chelyabinsk region ground vehicle (except motor sleighs and snowmobiles) up to 150 hp.
How can I avoid paying tax if I am a benefit recipient? What to do if you discover that you are entitled to a benefit by law:

  1. Collect documents confirming your right to benefits;

It is better to check the complete list of documents with the Federal Tax Service of your city. Typically you need to prepare copies of the following documents:

  • ITU Help;
  • PTS and STS;
  • Russian Federation passport.
  1. Write an application for benefits;

You can download the application to fill it out at home from the Federal Tax Service website.
Fill it out like this:

  1. Contact the tax office at your place of residence.

Transport tax for disabled people of group 3: are there any benefits and exemptions?

They carry out the following assessments:

  • general condition of the body and its functionality;
  • data on analyzes and surveys;
  • psychological state of the citizen;
  • ability to behave adequately in everyday and work conditions.

Each stage of the examination is carefully recorded.
The patient is required to familiarize himself with the text of the document. Results of the examination Based on the results of the work, the bureau specialists issue an ITU act.

It reflects all information about the applicant, the conditions for the analysis and its results.

This document is sent to:

  • Pension Fund;
  • Federal Bureau of ITU.

It is the basis for assigning a disability group to a citizen. The applicant receives a certificate indicating the preferential category. Along with the above document, the citizen is given recommendations for rehabilitation and therapeutic measures.
If a car with this sign is driving along the road, this means that the car is driven by a disabled person of group 1 or 2, or the passenger in the car is a disabled person from one of these groups, or a child with a disability.

To avoid problems on the roads, it is advisable for the driver and passenger with a disability to have a document confirming their disability.

If necessary, the document can be shown to the traffic inspector. Russian traffic regulations contain signs that may not be observed by cars with the “Disabled” badge.

These are the instructions “No motor vehicles allowed” and “No traffic allowed”. Vehicles with the “Disabled” sign can pass under these signs. The “No Parking” sign also does not apply to these vehicles, which may stop in the area of ​​this road sign.

What benefits does a Group 3 disabled driver have?

    Thus, they are prohibited from providing working conditions that are worse than other workers.

  • People with disabilities have the right to longer:
  • paid vacation (at least 30 days);
  • unpaid days of rest (up to 60 days per year).
  • The employer is obliged to obtain the written consent of a disabled person to involve him in work:
  • beyond normal working hours;
  • at night;
  • on weekends and holidays.

If, for medical reasons, a group 3 disabled person cannot work a full week, the administration is obliged to provide him with a shortened one.

Payment in this case is calculated in proportion to the time worked.

Procedure for applying for benefits In order to receive discounts and preferences, you will need to collect documents and contact the relevant department.

The most unprotected and vulnerable segments of the population can be considered people with disabilities, who often cannot work and provide themselves with a decent life on their own. The only means of subsistence for the majority of people with disabilities is a pension, which even at a stretch cannot be called luxurious, and the transport tax, which will be discussed in our article, is not a meager amount at all. That is why the state takes care of such citizens, providing them with all sorts of discounts and concessions and even the opportunity to receive benefits for disabled people of group 3 on transport tax, but not in every specific case. Let's figure out what's what, when you can cut your expenses, and when you have to fork out.

Legal justification and legislative framework

Many categories of citizens can qualify for transport tax benefits, but first they must register their vehicle with the traffic police. It is after this that the specialist road patrol service will send a special appeal about the emergence of property rights, which implies the obligation to pay tax, which will go towards the formation of a fund for the maintenance, repair, as well as the construction of new, various infrastructure facilities (roads, roadside territories and devices). Registration with the tax service occurs in accordance with Article 362 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Since, according to the law, transport tax is a property tax, then, in accordance with article number 357 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the obligation to pay arises only after a person registers a car in his name. Article 186 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation also states that property rights can be exercised to those who manage the vehicle under a power of attorney valid for at least three full calendar years. The federal legislation of our country does not provide for exemption from transport tax for disabled people of group 3. Such benefits can only take place at the level of regional authorities.

The tax code of our country is not ideal, therefore work is constantly being done to improve it. There is no general decision regarding benefits and subsidies for disabled people in this area at the level of federal legislation, and all decisions on the issue of whether disabled people of group 3 pay transport tax are decided by local authorities. In article number 28, there are direct indications of which vehicles may be eligible for benefits in principle.

  • Cars that were purchased by social protection and guardianship authorities, after which they were made available to the disabled person. Here you will have to acquire the appropriate document that confirms this fact.
  • All cars whose power does not reach a hundred horsepower.
  • Specially equipped vehicles adapted for transporting disabled people (manual control, device for installing wheelchairs, etc.).

Since there are no nationwide benefits for disabled people of the third group, because they are considered conditionally disabled, and can also get a job that does not require serious effort, then you will have to look at the options for each region separately. Such forms will be classified as second-order documentation, but the benefits can be quite significant.

Transport tax for disabled people of group 3

Every citizen who has the right to any benefits from the state, be it pension payments or special tax breaks and discounts, must understand what he can count on. If everything is more or less clear with disabled people of the first and second groups, and additional information can be read on our website, then with the third group things are completely different, here we will have to go deeper into the issue.

  • Disabled people of the third group are persons who have serious or irreversible processes in the body that prevent them from working on a general basis.
  • The group can be assigned regardless of what led to the disease, injury or defect.
  • Most often, the third group is appointed for a certain period (usually one year), after which the person will have to undergo re-examination. Subsequently, the group and status of the disabled person will either be extended for an additional period or removed.
  • Repeated verifications and medical tests should not be carried out regularly annually only by those persons whose diseases are recognized as irreversible.

Since disability in such cases is temporary, benefits for disabled people of group 3 for transport tax will be assigned exactly as long as the certificate is valid. Upon completion of the period, as with confirmation of disability and its extension, you will have to submit documents for benefits again in the same order.

Those who have a double right, that is, in addition to disability, are UBD, war veterans, persons with special merit, astronauts, holders of the Order of Glory and Labor, liquidators of man-made and radiation disasters and victims of such incidents have a greater chance of receiving benefits under TN. More detailed information can be easily obtained by contacting the NS for advice.

When do you have to pay in full?

In some cases, even if you have a disability group, you have to pay taxes on the car in full; for example, the transport tax for disabled people of group 3 in Moscow does not imply any discounts at all. In the Moscow region, a general discount of fifty percent of the base rate is provided. At the same time, in Tambov a discount will be provided for disabled people of any group, and the base rate will be reduced depending on the type and type of vehicle, its power and other parameters.

This means that each region may provide a variety of benefits, or they may not be provided at all. True, there are cases when, regardless of who owns the car and what disability group he has, he will have to pay the car tax in full:

  • If the car has a power exceeding one hundred horsepower.
  • When a disabled person owns several cars, the benefit can only be obtained for one that meets all the criteria required in the given region.
  • When a car is recognized as luxury, that is, if the cost of the car exceeds a certain amount (3 million rubles).

We apply for a discount on TN ourselves

The calculation of the total amount that will need to be paid before a certain date, and in each region it can be assigned differently, is carried out in accordance with the instructions of articles numbered 52 and 54 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, where everything is clearly and clearly stated in order to avoid omissions and misunderstandings. The tax base rate is determined by the power of the car engine, which is measured in horsepower or kilowatts. The period of use of the car per year is taken into account, and all this must have a clear documentary justification.

Worth remembering

When correctly calculating transport tax for a disabled person of the third group, it is necessary to take into account the special utilization coefficient. This value is the ratio of full months of application to the number of calendar months that correspond to a specific tax period (usually 12 months).

Calculation formula

The amount payable can be easily and simply calculated independently if you apply a special formula, according to which NS specialists work.

TN = NS x MDV x KV

Here is a breakdown of the terms used:

TN– the final amount of transport tax for any vehicle.

NS– the basic tax rate accepted in your region.

MDV– engine power of your car (in horsepower).

Kv– the overall utilization factor, which is not difficult to calculate, according to the instructions above.

The tax rate is calculated according to article number 361 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and it is from this that the discount on the benefit will be deducted if it applies to disabled people of the third group in your region. This base rate may be changed by regional authorities up or down, but in no case by more than ten times.

Local authorities are in charge of changing the requirements for the environmental performance of a car, its years of manufacture, type and type, categories and other criteria. The month of registration of your vehicle with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, as well as the month of its removal, will be taken into account in full, since counting by day is not provided.

List of documents

Regardless of where the car is registered, you need to submit documentation for a transport tax discount for disabled people of the third group, as well as for other categories of benefit recipients, to the nearest Tax Service office at the place of registration (registration) or actual residence.

  • The application for benefits does not yet have an official form, so you can write it by hand. But it’s easier and faster to use a sample that can be easily downloaded from our website.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, or any other document of various meanings, as well as copies of all its significant pages.
  • Documentation confirming the right to the benefit, for example, a certificate of a disabled person, the conclusion of the ITU commission, etc.
  • Technical passport of the vehicle.
  • Papers confirming the ownership of the vehicle.

Submission procedure and rules

Having collected all the necessary papers, you need to provide them to the Tax Service so that specialists can calculate your discount, if any, and make changes to the payment order. It should be taken into account that disabled people of the third group must confirm their right to exemption from transport tax every year. This decision was made for the simple reasons that during this time the authorities can change the decision to provide benefits to such categories of the population, and during re-examination the disability can be removed. You can submit your application in various ways:

  • Deliver all the papers in person by visiting the branch of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation in your region. This is the most convenient way to do it, because if there are errors or inaccuracies, you can correct them immediately.
  • Send by recommended post with a list of all attachments.
  • Register on the official website of the National Tax Service and receive an original electronic signature and a special key, and then send scans of the documents.

A disabled person can do all the manipulations himself, but if he does not have enough time and energy for this, then he can entrust this to a legal representative. First, you will have to issue a power of attorney to resolve such issues. The deadlines for payment of transport tax for disabled people of group 3, as for all other motorists, can vary significantly from region to region, so this information should be obtained separately from the Tax Service at your place of residence.

Most recently, the Moscow authorities supported the proposal to evacuate vehicles with a “disabled person” sign, which was placed illegally on the windshield.

In particular, according to the head of the capital’s transport department, Maxim Liksutov, such cars can be evacuated.

Russia may soon introduce serious punishment for those who illegally use the privileges of citizens with limited mobility. The fine for motorists who park their vehicles in spaces for people with disabilities ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Currently in Moscow, 10% of parking spaces are allocated for people with disabilities. Recently, Moscow Deputy Mayor for Social Development Leonid Pechatnikov proposed to evacuate cars illegally parked in parking lots for the disabled.

The issue of punishment for illegal placement of a “disabled person” sticker is also being resolved.

Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development Leonid Pechatnikov made a proposal to evacuate cars parked illegally in parking lots for the disabled. Lawyers identify several difficulties in this situation:

  • Check the validity of the sticker when the driver is present in the car. Then - yes, every disabled person has a supporting document with him. This is a certificate, after looking at which the inspector can make sure that the sticker is legal.
  • In the case of parking a “disabled” car, it is almost impossible to prove legality or illegality. Imagine: a car with a sticker is parked in a place designated for disabled people. There is no driver. Don't wait for him for several hours. And what, then they will give him a fine, simply because of suspicions that he theoretically may not be disabled? But this is nonsense. People will endlessly appeal the fines. As for creating a unified base, this is also not easy. A person who has a disability needs to have it confirmed every few years. And if it was deregistered (this happens), how quickly will it be removed from the database? Therefore, now the proposal rather raises a lot of questions.”

It should be noted that citizens who brazenly pretend to be disabled people take advantage of disabled people.

The effect of the indicated signs that are violated by “pseudo-disabled people”: 3.2 “Movement is prohibited”, 3.3 “Movement of mechanical vehicles”, 3.28-3.30 “Parking is prohibited”, 3.29 “Parking is prohibited on odd-numbered days”, 3.30 “Parking is prohibited on even-numbered days” does not apply - for vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II or transporting such disabled people.

Many disabled people drive under these signs without fear. Especially sign 3.2 “No movement”, and others mentioned above.

So, drivers with disabilities must install a “Disabled” identification sign on their cars - optionally on the front or rear window. This applies primarily to disabled people of groups I and II or those transporting them.

Now let’s look at the signs listed above, what they mean and what they free you from.

The traffic rules of the Russian Federation for disabled drivers of groups I and II or those transporting them do not apply road signs “Traffic is prohibited”, “Motor vehicles are prohibited”, “Parking is prohibited”, “Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month” and “Parking is prohibited” on even days of the month." There are also additional information signs - “Disabled Persons”. Please note: in the description of sign 8.17 only vehicles with the identification sign “disabled” are indicated; there is not a word about the disabled themselves. This means that violation of the requirements of this sign consists precisely in parking a vehicle without an identification sign. The Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety state that such an identification mark is installed at will, “Except for persons with disabilities” and the corresponding markings. The “Disabled Persons” sign under the “Parking Place” sign says that its effect applies only to motorized wheelchairs and cars with the “Disabled Person” identification sign. The “Except for Disabled Persons” sign indicates that any sign does not apply to motorized wheelchairs and cars driven by people with disabilities. Only driver candidates should know the following: examinations for citizens with disabilities who, for medical reasons, are allowed to drive vehicles are carried out in special cars with additional structures. They are provided by their educational institution. Currently, the Russian State Traffic Inspectorate is preparing a number of regulations amending the Federal Law “On Road Safety”, the Rules for passing qualifying exams and issuing driver’s licenses in order to optimize the procedure for allowing disabled people to drive a car, as well as significantly simplify the procedures for them to obtain services in the traffic police.

The following cannot be applied to disabled people:

  • deprivation of the right to drive (except for cases of driving while intoxicated, refusal to undergo an examination or leaving the scene of an accident);
  • administrative arrest for disabled people of groups I and II.

All other requirements of both traffic rules and the Code of Administrative Offenses apply to disabled people in full.

Do people with disabilities have the right to free transportation?

Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ from the Law dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” excluded the provision granting disabled people the right to receive specialized vehicles free of charge.

As we see, laws prescribe significant benefits for people with disabilities, as well as for persons transporting people with disabilities.

Traffic police officers have only one opportunity to determine whether the owner of the car is a person who has the ability to park his car under prohibitory signs in the absence of the driver, this is sign 8.17 in front and behind the car.

Thus, if the driver of the vehicle is a disabled person of group I or II, but has not installed sign 8.17, then the traffic police officer issues a fine and sends the car to the impound lot justifiably.

What does the law tell us about installing these signs on a car?

We open the “Basic provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety”, approved by Government Decree of October 23, 1993 No. 1090 ON ROAD TRAFFIC RULES, and read the following in paragraph 8:

At the driver's request, identification marks can be installed:

“Doctor” - in the form of a blue square (side 140 mm) with an inscribed white circle (diameter 125 mm), on which a red cross is applied (height 90 mm, stroke width 25 mm), - in front and behind cars driven by physician drivers ;

“Disabled person” - in the form of a yellow square with a side of 150 mm and a black image of the symbol of road sign 8.17 - in front and behind motor vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, transporting such disabled people or disabled children.

As you know, “Disabled” stickers are sold freely in all automobile stores. What limits drivers from deceiving the inspector by installing such a sign on their car?

The answer is simple - nothing.

The list of documents that the driver must present to the traffic police inspector is stated in 2.1.1 of the traffic rules, but there are no documents confirming the presence of a disability there. This obvious “hole” in the law makes it possible to obtain obvious advantages over other drivers.

Many drivers refer to the fact that this sign can be installed not only by disabled people, but also by persons transporting disabled people. However, this also most often will not work if the traffic police officer suspects fraud on the part of the driver. If you are not currently transporting a person with a group I or II disability and are not expecting his arrival any minute, you will most likely be issued a fine. If there are any objections on your part, the court will sort it out.

Thus, the presence of an obvious “hole” in the law does not always work in practice. A decent driver will never take advantage of the misfortune of a particular category of citizens. The attitude towards violators of this kind both from the traffic police officers, and from the judicial authorities, and from other road users will always be unambiguous.

By the way, legally, persons with disabilities have the right to park even in those places that are paid. Where to install the sign? The specific place is not specified in the law. You can glue it to any glass: front, back. The main thing is that it does not interfere with your view and is clearly visible from afar. But the best place to install it is:

  • windshield - upper right and left corner;
  • rear window - bottom corners.

Is this sign required on a car? The installation of such a sign is optional, only with the voluntary consent of the vehicle owner. Of course, there are no fines either. But hard of hearing and non-speaking people must equip their car with the appropriate “Deaf Driver” sign; this is mandatory for them. Many people neglect this, probably because they know the law does not provide for any liability for this.

Identification sign "disabled" on a car according to traffic regulations

There is no special sign on the car. And one day he was not allowed to park his car in the disabled parking spaces in the parking lot of a shopping center. Does he have the right to park his car in such a parking lot? And is it obligatory to place a “Disabled Person” sign on a car if the car is not equipped with manual controls? The car is an ordinary foreign car with an automatic transmission. rights of the disabled, parking for the disabled, disabled sign on the car, place for the disabled, driver's license of the disabled Collapse Victoria Dymova Support employee Similar questions have already been considered, try looking here:

  • Does a group 2 disabled person have the right to buy and sell real estate or cars?
  • Does a disabled person have the right not to disclose his or her disability when applying for a job?

Lawyers' answers (1)

  • All legal services in Moscow Recovery of damages from the culprit of an accident Moscow from 5,000 rubles.

Is it possible to have a disabled sign on a Group 3 car?

If, during its inspection, a traffic police officer has suspicions about the authenticity of the document, then he has the right to detain the car for a while and check them against the database. And if necessary, send a request to the required medical institution to clarify and clarify all the necessary data. Current driver's licenses do not currently include a mark that would show a person's real disability group.

Medical institutions issue only a regular form, indicating only the availability of certain benefits. Nowadays, passengers and drivers use the pension certificate most of all, because only there they have all the necessary marks. What if there is no sign? It is worth noting that this sign is not mandatory.
No one can force you to stick it on the glass of your vehicle.

Who has the right to install a “disabled driving” sign?

Possible problems In practice, the following situation is possible: a healthy driver drove a disabled person, left the car under a prohibitory sign and went about his business, and upon returning saw an inspector at his car. Even if an identification mark is installed, it is impossible to prove that there was a passenger with disabilities in the cabin. If the sign was removed after the trip, the car was actually parked in the wrong place.

If this happened in Moscow, you can solve the problem by obtaining a permit from the MFC for free parking in places for the disabled at any time of the day. This benefit is valid in some other regions, but not in all. It is convenient because the certificate is issued for the car itself.

In this case, the benefit applies even when the disabled person is not in the car (for example, he is in a medical facility, and the driver is waiting for him).

Benefits for cars with a “disabled” sign

Since the vehicle is registered in a special register, it can be parked in a disabled parking lot. Another common situation: a disabled person parked a car in the area of ​​sign 3.28, this was recorded by a camera, so a fine was issued. This is possible because the identification mark on the car is not visible on the camera recording.

In such a situation, the fine is easy to appeal, since disabled drivers have benefits that allow them to pay smaller fines. You must contact the address indicated in the letter, taking with you a document confirming your disability. What does a driver face for illegally using a “Disabled” sign? Knowing about the benefits that the “disabled” sign provides, some able-bodied drivers put such stickers on their cars. They hope to be able to deviate from some traffic rules, including parking and stopping in the wrong places.

Disabled sign on a car - how to install it correctly

Certificate of disability The traffic rules do not have an exact definition of what exactly a document certifying a disability should be, however, in the section “general responsibilities of the driver” there is the following entry:

  • When stopping a vehicle with a “Disabled Person” sign, the inspector may require medical confirmation of the disability of the driver or the passenger being transported.
  • The driver must always have a document confirming the presence of a disability with him.
  • A document confirming disability must be present with a disabled passenger when he is transported by a healthy driver.

If a traffic police officer has doubts that the disability documents are genuine, the inspector can check the documents against the database and send a request to the medical institution to clarify the data.

What benefits does a group 3 disabled person have in the traffic rules?

Parents of disabled children, of any group, can also legally attach this sign. In accordance with modern standards, the sign should have dimensions of 15x15 centimeters and a yellow background on which the “Disabled” sign is depicted in black. It is installed on the windshield in the lower right corner, and on the rear - in the lower left part.

Starting from February 2016, drivers of vehicles with such a sign must have with them an appropriate certificate confirming the disability of the driver or passenger being transported. When a vehicle is stopped by a traffic police officer, the driver is required to present a license.

Where and how to issue a special sign? Many people are interested in how to get a disabled sign for a car. In fact, it is on free sale, and permission to purchase it is not required. You must have documents confirming your disability.

If during an inspection the traffic police inspectors find out that there are none, they will be able to issue a fine. The car must also be included in the register of cars owned by disabled people. Certificates of disability The law establishes which disabled people are entitled to a disabled person’s sign on their car (groups 1 and 2), but the traffic rules do not indicate exactly what document the driver is required to provide to the traffic police officer.

You can be guided by point 2. 1.

A sign will be required, for example, for parking in the area covered by the “Parking Place” sign with a “Disabled Persons” sign. Drivers who do not have an identification sign cannot park in such a place, otherwise they will face a hefty fine. Without a “Disabled Person” sign, the driver is deprived of the benefits established by law and is treated the same as an ordinary road user.

In order to avoid legal proceedings due to the imposed fine, all disabled people and the persons transporting them must install the appropriate sign. Responsibility for illegal use of benefits Recently, more and more drivers, indicating that they have a disabled person of groups 1 and 2 in their family, receive the appropriate sign, which gives them the right to benefits established by law. Previously, in such a situation, a note was put in the STS, but then this rule was canceled.

For illegal installation of a sign, the driver will face a fine of 5,000 thousand rubles.

Does a group 3 disabled person have the right to hang a sign on a car?

Each of us, while driving along city roads, has repeatedly noticed cars with a “Disabled Person” sign on the windshield and rear windows. In accordance with current traffic rules, only a certain category of people with specific documents can install this sign. In this article we will try to figure out who is allowed to use the “Disabled” sign, and what penalties are provided for its illegal installation.

  • Who has the right to install on a car?
  • Disability certificate
  • What are the risks of illegal use?
  • What benefits does it provide?

Who has the right to install on a car? Currently, only disabled people of the first and second groups, as well as people transporting them, can place a sign.


According to the current traffic rules, the “Disabled” sign on a car is allowed only to a specific category of people who have the appropriate documents. Who can use this sign and what fine faces its illegal owner - we will find out in this article. Who has the right to install a special sign? In 2017, only people with disabilities of groups I and II, as well as drivers who transport them, can install a sign of a disabled person on a car.

Parents of disabled children of any group can also absolutely legally attach it to their car. This happens in life: a person with a disability parks his car in the area of ​​a “No Parking” sign. The result is a “violation” caught on camera and a fine. Sometimes video equipment is unable to recognize certain signs, such as “Disabled Person”.

It can also be installed on vehicles that transport people with disabilities. Traffic regulations impose certain requirements for installing a badge on a car: The vehicle is driven by a disabled person; Disabled persons are transported on a vehicle equipped with such a symbol; Disabled children are transported by car. This badge provides the driver with some benefits. For example, cars equipped with such badges are not subject to the following signs, which are valid for all other motorists:

  • Parking is prohibited;
  • Movement is prohibited;
  • The movement of mechanical vehicles is also prohibited for some others.

Vehicles with the “Disabled” designation affixed can also enjoy a number of benefits when parking.

We are talking about places that are marked with similar symbols.

Each of us, while driving along city roads, has repeatedly noticed cars with a “Disabled Person” sign on the windshield and rear windows. In accordance with current traffic rules, only a certain category of people with specific documents can install this sign. In this article we will try to figure out who is allowed to use the “Disabled” sign, and what penalties are provided for its illegal installation. Content

  • Who has the right to install on a car?
  • Disability certificate
  • What are the risks of illegal use?
  • What benefits does it provide?

Who has the right to install on a car? Currently, only disabled people of the first and second groups, as well as people transporting them, can place a sign.

Identification sign "disabled" on a car according to traffic regulations


According to the current traffic rules, the “Disabled” sign on a car is allowed only to a specific category of people who have the appropriate documents. Who can use this sign and what fine faces its illegal owner - we will find out in this article.

Who has the right to install a special sign? In 2017, only people with disabilities of groups I and II, as well as drivers who transport them, can install a sign of a disabled person on a car. Parents of disabled children of any group can also absolutely legally attach it to their car.

This happens in life: a person with a disability parks his car in the area of ​​a “No Parking” sign. The result is a “violation” caught on camera and a fine.
Sometimes video equipment is unable to recognize certain signs, such as “Disabled Person”.

Disabled sign on a car - how to install it correctly

Since the vehicle is registered in a special register, it can be parked in a disabled parking lot. Another common situation: a disabled person parked a car in the area of ​​sign 3.28, this was recorded by a camera, so a fine was issued.


This is possible because the identification mark on the car is not visible on the camera recording. In such a situation, the fine is easy to appeal, since disabled drivers have benefits that allow them to pay smaller fines.

You must contact the address indicated in the letter, taking with you a document confirming your disability. What does a driver face for illegally using a “Disabled” sign? Knowing about the benefits that the “disabled” sign provides, some able-bodied drivers put such stickers on their cars.
They hope to be able to deviate from some traffic rules, including parking and stopping in the wrong places.

Who has the right to install a disabled person sign on a car?

In some regions, transport departments are allowed to issue a certificate on a special form; it allows you to park for free in paid parking lots. This is what they did in Moscow. For now, the main confirmation of benefits is the pension certificate, which contains a mark identifying the disability group for which the pension is assigned.


The inspector will also be satisfied with a certificate issued after a federal medical and social examination. The conditions and procedure for conducting a medical examination for the right to obtain disability in groups 1 and 2 are determined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95 (2015 edition).

EFFECT OF PROHIBITED SIGNS Vehicles with “Disabled Driving” signs are installed, then the traffic rules allow you not to comply with the requirements of some prohibitory signs.

“Disabled person” sign on a car: who can install it

Federal Law “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 48, Art. 4563; 2001, No. 33, Art. 3426; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; 2014, No. 49, Art. 6928) change, stating it in the following wording: “At every parking lot (stop) of vehicles, including near social, engineering and transport infrastructure facilities (residential, public and industrial buildings, structures and structures, including those in which physical education facilities are located - sports organizations, cultural organizations and other organizations), recreational places, at least 10 percent of the spaces (but not less than one space) are allocated for free parking of vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I, II, as well as disabled people of group III in the manner established by the Government Russian Federation, and vehicles transporting such disabled people and (or) disabled children.

Is it possible to have a disabled sign on a Group 3 car?

According to the rules, people with similar stickers on their cars could enjoy special parking privileges. Some unscrupulous motorists began to install similar badges on their cars and take advantage of benefits against the rules. In 2017, you can not present a medical certificate that confirms health problems to traffic police inspectors. Today, an inspector, having stopped a car that has a “Disabled person driving” sign, has the right require a medical certificate from the driver. If the document is missing, the inspector may impose a fine. Main provisions First, it is worth considering the main current rules. Violation of these rules may result in a fine. According to the traffic rules, a disabled sign on a car can be installed at the will of the driver who has a reason for this.

It sticks to the windshield or rear window.

Disabled person sign on a car

Certificate of disability The traffic rules do not have an exact definition of what exactly a document certifying a disability should be, however, in the section “general responsibilities of the driver” there is the following entry:

  • When stopping a vehicle with a “Disabled Person” sign, the inspector may require medical confirmation of the disability of the driver or the passenger being transported.
  • The driver must always have a document confirming the presence of a disability with him.
  • A document confirming disability must be present with a disabled passenger when he is transported by a healthy driver.

If a traffic police officer has doubts that the disability documents are genuine, the inspector can check the documents against the database and send a request to the medical institution to clarify the data.

Who has the right to install a “disabled driving” sign?

A bright "Disabled" sign means, among other things, increased convenience when parking. However, to park a car in a preferential parking lot, the driver must have a medical document.

Those who have the right can mark their car with such a sign. A disabled person does not have to drive a car. The car in which a disabled person is carried may be driven by another person.

According to traffic regulations, such a sign can be installed on a car:

  • in which citizens with disabilities are transported
  • disabled citizen, managed by himself
  • for disabled children.

May not pay attention to signs:

  • parking prohibitions
  • traffic ban
  • other restrictions.

According to GOST, the parking road sign (6.4) in combination with the designation “Disabled” (8.17) indicates that the spaces are intended only for motorized wheelchairs and vehicles of the named category.

Disabled person sign on a car, traffic rules group 3

Where and how to issue a special sign? Many people are interested in how to get a disabled sign for a car. In fact, it is on free sale, and permission to purchase it is not required.

You must have documents confirming your disability. If during an inspection the traffic police inspectors find out that there are none, they will be able to issue a fine. The car must also be included in the register of cars owned by disabled people. Certificates of disability The law establishes which disabled people are entitled to a disabled person’s sign on their car (groups 1 and 2), but the traffic rules do not indicate exactly what document the driver is required to provide to the traffic police officer. You can be guided by point 2. 1.
If, during its inspection, a traffic police officer has suspicions about the authenticity of the document, then he has the right to detain the car for a while and check them against the database. And if necessary, send a request to the required medical institution to clarify and clarify all the necessary data. Current driver's licenses do not currently include a mark that would show a person's real disability group. Medical institutions issue only a regular form, indicating only the availability of certain benefits. Nowadays, passengers and drivers use the pension certificate most of all, because only there they have all the necessary marks. What if there is no sign? It is worth noting that this sign is not mandatory. No one can force you to stick it on the glass of your vehicle.

Until recently, there was one serious gap in Russian legislation regarding traffic rules related to the placement of the “Disabled Driving” sign on the windshield of a car. We discussed this topic on our portal The whole question was that the driver, of his own free will, had the right to place this sign on his glass, and this gave him the right to enjoy all the benefits for the disabled, in particular to park in specially designated spaces marked with sign 6.4 and plate 8.17. There are many situations from life that can be cited. For example, a certain car enthusiast hangs this sign on his windshield and takes the most convenient parking spots. However, he has no deviations. The traffic police inspector had no right to demand from him a certificate confirming his disability.

Group 3 disabled person - is it possible to park a car?

Who has the right to park in disabled spaces:

  • people with disabilities belonging to the first or second group;
  • drivers transporting disabled people, supporting them as dependents, or having a disabled child in the family.

There have also been additions to the existing articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses:

  • 12.4 part 2 - illegal application of the identification mark “Disabled” - 5 thousand rubles. fines for individuals;
  • 12.5 part 5.1 driving a vehicle with an illegally applied sign - 5 thousand.

That is, now, if you are stopped by a traffic police officer and you cannot present him with a certificate of disability of the first or second group, you will face a fine of 5 thousand.

Get compensation and benefits

Federal Law “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 48, Art. 4563; 2001, No. 33, Art. 3426; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; 2014, No. 49, Art. 6928) change, stating it in the following wording: “At every parking lot (stop) of vehicles, including near social, engineering and transport infrastructure facilities (residential, public and industrial buildings, structures and structures, including those in which physical education facilities are located - sports organizations, cultural organizations and other organizations), recreational places, at least 10 percent of the spaces (but not less than one space) are allocated for free parking of vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I, II, as well as disabled people of group III in the manner established by the Government Russian Federation, and vehicles transporting such disabled people and (or) disabled children.

Does a group 3 disabled person have the right to park in a parking lot for disabled people?


But if a disabled person is carried by relatives or friends, puzzles begin. What to do, for example, if a person brought a disabled person to the hospital, stayed waiting for him in the car and suddenly traffic police inspectors arrived? The driver must show them the license and the disabled person with a certificate of disability. And in the original. If there are none, it turns out that he illegally hung up the “Disabled” sign and may be fined.


The opposite situation: a wheelchair user asked a friend to give him a ride to the shopping center. The friend does not have the “Disabled” identification markings, which means that they will have to search long and hard for where to park at the store, even if the specialized spaces are empty. They can’t get up there, even though he’s disabled and here’s his certificate.

Also, our yellow sign is not always visible to CCTV cameras.

Free parking for disabled people in 2018

Is it possible to park the car in a disabled space if I have group 3 and will there be a fine for this? Answer. According to the traffic rules, the combination of road signs 6.4 “Parking (parking space)” and 8.17 “Disabled persons” indicates that the effect of sign 6.4 applies only to motorized wheelchairs and cars on which the identification sign “Disabled person” is installed and means that the parking area (or its part) is reserved for parking vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II or transporting such disabled people. The "Disabled Person" sign - in the form of a yellow square with a side of 150 mm and an image of the symbol of road sign 8.17 in black - in front and behind motor vehicles, is installed on vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, transporting such disabled people or disabled children.


24-hour legal advice by phone GET FREE CONSULTATION WITH A LAWYER BY PHONE: MOSCOW AND MOSCOW REGION: ST. PETERSBURG AND LENIGRAD REGION: REGIONS, FEDERAL NUMBER: Parking for the disabled - how to obtain a parking permit? Car parking, especially in big cities, has become a real problem in the last few years; a large number of paid parking lots have appeared. In February 2016, a Government Decree appeared, according to which the parking rules for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 radically changed. From the article you can learn about how to obtain a parking permit for disabled people, the features and nuances of the procedure.

Who has the right to park in disabled spaces?

Accordingly, drivers with disabilities or those transporting them are required to have the following documents with them:

  • driver's license;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • certificate of disability.

It should also be noted that disabled people of the third (working) group do not have the right to park in the specified spaces and enjoy all other privileges provided to people with disabilities. New parking rules So, if everything is clear with disabled people - they must carry a certificate with them, then the following question arises: what to do if your family has a disabled child or an adult and you sometimes have to transport him. For such cases, a quick-release plate with suction cups is provided.

Failure to allocate parking spaces in the parking lot for the disabled Legal entity (organization) 30,000 - 50,000 rub. 5.43 Violation of parking rules Traffic participant 5,000 rub. Part 2 Art. 12.19 Download for viewing and printing the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ Features of the use of parking benefits As in any other area, the issue under consideration has its own nuances. Let's clarify the most common mistakes that lead to problems.

  1. Parking spaces for beneficiaries are marked with a special sign. That is, if there are benefits, it is necessary to park the car only in the designated area.
  2. If a disabled driver (the person transporting him) occupies a space that is not equipped with a special sign, then you will have to pay for parking on a general basis.
  3. Families raising a child with disabilities can apply for a parking benefit for only one car.

What privileges does the “Disabled” sign on a car give? Cars with “Disabled” signs installed on the windshield and rear windows are not subject to a number of prohibitory signs (Section 3 of Appendix 1 of the Traffic Regulations):

  • "Movement Prohibition";
  • “The movement of motor vehicles is prohibited”;
  • "No parking";
  • “Parking is prohibited on odd days of the month”;
  • “Parking is prohibited on even days of the month.”

But most importantly, the “Disabled” sign gives the right to use specialized parking spaces. What is disabled parking? In parking lots near socially significant facilities, at least 10% of the spaces must be reserved for parking for people with disabilities (Article 15 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”).

Is it possible for disabled people of group 3 to park for disabled people?

For which cars is a certificate issued? Benefit parking can be used not only by citizens with physical disabilities. The benefit is provided for a vehicle that transports a disabled person. Namely for a car:

  • being the property of:
    • persons with health limitations;
    • legal representative of a disabled child;
  • provided by social protection authorities for medical reasons;
  • belongs to citizens transporting beneficiaries (free of charge).

A prerequisite for using a parking permit is to equip the vehicle with a “Disabled Person” sign.
Registration procedure You need to collect a package of documents and go to the MFC. There you will have to fill out an application in the prescribed form.
The following information about the car owner will be entered into the database:

  • his personal data (full name of the applicant or his legal representative);
  • permanent registration address;
  • current contacts;
  • disabled group;
  • number of preferential parking certificate, validity period;
  • state car number and make;
  • insurance information.

Car parking, especially in big cities, has become a real problem in the last few years; a large number of paid parking lots have appeared. In February 2016, a Government Decree appeared, according to which the parking rules for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 radically changed. From the article you can learn about how to obtain a parking permit for disabled people, the features and nuances of the procedure.

As it was before

Until recently, the use of parking for disabled people was not clearly enshrined in legislation; the text of the resolution did not mention the need to have a certificate of disability; there was no information that the right to install a “Disabled Person” sign does not apply to cars transporting healthy citizens. The sign could be installed on any vehicle in which disabled people are systematically or periodically transported.
At the same time, the traffic police inspector had the right to punish anyone who stopped in a designated parking space, regardless of the presence or absence of a disability certificate. Although, according to the law, such a certificate was not included in the list of documents that the driver must present to the inspector. The fine for illegal parking was only 200 rubles.

New rules

In 2019, who has the right to park in a disabled parking lot? Today, the driver of a vehicle with the identification sign “Disabled” is required to carry and present to the traffic police officer a certificate of disability. If a vehicle is driven by several drivers, and not all of them are disabled, a quick-removable identification plate must be installed on the vehicle. In accordance with the traffic rules, benefits for paid parking for disabled people apply only to disabled people of groups 1 and 2, as well as to any group during transportation. Thus, a driver without health limitations also has the right to purchase and install a “Disabled Person” sign, but he no longer has the right to stop in parking lots for the disabled. If a certificate of disability is presented, which is not necessarily issued in the name of the driver, no fine will be issued.

Parking spaces, norms

What is the GOST for the disabled parking sign? Parking spaces are marked with special markings and an identification sign “Disabled”, which schematically depicts a person in a wheelchair.
Within megacities, double markings are provided; in this case, markings for 3 ordinary cars are applied to two vehicles allocated for disabled people.
Currently there are the following requirements for parking spaces:

  • 10% of the total area - parking lots located close to public places;
  • 20% of the total area - parking lots near hospitals, hospitals, clinics and other special institutions that can be visited by patients with musculoskeletal disorders.

The exit to the sidewalk (if available) is equipped with a special ramp, convenient for exiting onto the road or parking lot. The width of the curb should start from 90 cm, the curb should be painted yellow, and installed in the corner of the parking lot.
What is the size of a parking space for disabled people according to GOST? The width of the parking space for disabled people is 3.5 m, which is one meter more than the space for a regular vehicle. This is caused by the need to fully open the door when the driver or passenger exits; such dimensions allow you to avoid creating inconvenience. When allocating two or more parking spaces for disabled people, they should be located side by side, which will double the free space between vehicles.

Registration of permission

How to obtain a parking permit for a disabled person in Moscow? Even privileged categories of citizens are required to obtain a parking permit; the document is available for registration in any city within 10 days, regardless of registration. Its duration is one year, it can be obtained on the city services portal or at the MFC, the document is issued for vehicles owned by a person with disabilities or to the guardian of a disabled child.
What documents are needed to obtain a parking permit for a disabled person? When completing documents, in addition to the application, you must present the passports of the disabled person and his legal representative. If the appeal is submitted by a representative of a disabled child who is not his parent, a document confirming his authority must be provided. It is also necessary to provide a certificate of disability/extract from the examination report. The consideration will be suspended if the Department of Social Protection does not have information about the disabled person.

Responsibility for violating the rules

How much is the fine for parking in a disabled space in 2019? Just a few years ago, the fine was only 200 rubles, and as a result, drivers abandoned their cars anywhere. Despite the increase in the amount of penalties, car owners continue to violate the rules; in this regard, the issue of tightening penalties is being considered, including the deprivation of a driver’s license and the initiation of legal proceedings.
Today the following penalties are established by law:

  • 5 thousand rubles - for an individual;
  • 10 - 30 thousand rubles. - for an individual;
  • 30-50 thousand rubles. - for an official.

In addition to the fine, transportation of the vehicle to the impound area is also provided; the vehicle can be returned only after the fine has been paid in full.


This is possible because cameras cannot record identification marks such as “disabled.” However, if this happens, then you should not despair; the fine can be easily protested, since benefits for drivers with disabilities of groups 1, 2 and 3 allow them to pay smaller fines. Just contact us using the information provided in the letter. As evidence for receiving benefits, bring a document that confirms your disability. Cancellation of a fine should not be difficult, but you will have to spend time on this procedure. How to get a disabled sign on a car in 2018? To do this, you can go to a store that sells components for cars. Usually, these stickers can also be purchased there.

What benefits does it provide? A car equipped with a “Disabled person driving” sign is not subject to a number of prohibitory signs - this is expressly stated in Appendix 1, Section 3 of the Road Traffic Rules. Important But if there are no problems for disabled people, then if they are transported, legal incidents may arise. For example, the driver stopped the car under a prohibitory sign in order to take a disabled person to the hospital or put him on a train.
When he returns, the traffic police inspector can fine him, because there is no disabled person in the car, and at the same time it is equipped with a sign. Group 3 disabled person - is it possible to park a car? Any parking lot must include at least 10% accessible spaces for people with disabilities.

As reported on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in this way law enforcement agencies intend to protect people with disabilities and prevent attackers from speculating on their benefits. What benefits does it provide? A car equipped with a “Disabled person driving” sign is not subject to a number of prohibitory signs - this is expressly stated in Appendix 1, Section 3 of the Road Traffic Rules. We are talking about all signs like “No parking” and “No traffic”.
But if there are no problems for disabled people, then if they are transported, legal incidents may arise. For example, the driver stopped the car under a prohibitory sign in order to take a disabled person to the hospital or put him on a train. When he returns, the traffic police inspector may fine him, i.e.
because there is no disabled person in the car, but it is equipped with a sign.

Since 2016, the validity of these signs has no relation only to such vehicles that bear the identification sign “Disabled”. This addition was made to the traffic rules (Appendix 1, section 3). In addition, the number of documents that the driver of the car is required to present as required by the traffic police officer also includes a disability certificate.


Previously (until 2016), the need to stick the “Disabled” sign was not discussed. It was only required when parking in parking lots for the disabled. For this reason, a large number of completely healthy people install such an identification mark on their vehicles in order to be able to deviate from several traffic rules, including those related to parking and stopping in certain places.

Disabled person sign on a car, group 3


For illegal use of the “Disabled” identification badge, a fine of 5,000 rubles is provided. An illegally installed sign will be confiscated. Most popular questions:

  • Who has the right to a disabled person's sign on a car? All disabled people in the Russian Federation have the right to this sign.
  • Are there any benefits for disabled drivers? Yes, these benefits relate mainly to the payment of fines and all kinds of assistance. The regions have different programs for such assistance.

Cars for the disabled: All over the world, cars for wheelchair users are produced, which can be purchased by every person in need, but our government does not help with this.

Relief and assistance are only possible in the payment of fines. Officials suggest using “social taxis.” There are two taxi companies in Moscow that operate until the evening.

A half-hour trip will cost 120 rubles.

General responsibilities of the driver”, which contains the following entries:

  • the inspector has the right to demand medical confirmation of disability if the car has a “disabled person” sticker;
  • a disabled driver is required to have a document confirming his disability;
  • A disabled passenger who is transported by a healthy driver must also have a document confirming that he has been assigned a disability group.

If doubts arise about the authenticity of documents, the traffic police officer is guided by Art. 13 of Federal Law No. 3, which defines the rights of the police:

  • clause 2 allows you to check the documents presented if there is information about the commission of a crime related to their illegal use;

Certificate of disability The traffic rules do not have an exact definition of what exactly a document certifying a disability should be, however, in the section “general responsibilities of the driver” there is the following entry:

  • When stopping a vehicle with a “Disabled Person” sign, the inspector may require medical confirmation of the disability of the driver or the passenger being transported.
  • The driver must always have a document confirming the presence of a disability with him.
  • A document confirming disability must be present with a disabled passenger when he is transported by a healthy driver.

If a traffic police officer has doubts that the disability documents are genuine, the inspector can check the documents against the database and send a request to the medical institution to clarify the data.

Who has the right to install a “disabled driving” sign?

Possible problems In practice, the following situation is possible: a healthy driver drove a disabled person, left the car under a prohibitory sign and went about his business, and upon returning saw an inspector at his car. Even if an identification mark is installed, it is impossible to prove that there was a passenger with disabilities in the cabin. If the sign was removed after the trip, the car was actually parked in the wrong place.

If this happened in Moscow, you can solve the problem by obtaining a permit from the MFC for free parking in places for the disabled at any time of the day. This benefit is valid in some other regions, but not in all. It is convenient because the certificate is issued for the car itself.
In this case, the benefit applies even when the disabled person is not in the car (for example, he is in a medical facility, and the driver is waiting for him).

Fine for not having a disabled sign on a car

What benefits does a group 3 disabled person have in the traffic rules? Is it possible to park the car in a disabled space if I have group 3 and will there be a fine for this? Answer. According to the traffic rules, the combination of road signs 6.4 “Parking (parking space)” and 8.17 “Disabled persons” indicates that the effect of sign 6.4 applies only to motorized wheelchairs and cars on which the identification sign “Disabled person” is installed and means that the parking area (or its part) is reserved for parking vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II or transporting such disabled people. The “Disabled Person” sign - in the form of a yellow square with a side of 150 mm and an image of the symbol of road sign 8.17 in black - in front and behind motor vehicles, is installed on vehicles driven by disabled people of groups I and II, transporting such disabled people or disabled children.
The traffic rules provide for 2 types of such signs:

  • “disabled person” – made in the shape of a square measuring 15 cm x 15 cm with a road sign for additional information 8.17;
  • “deaf driver” is a circle with a diameter of 16 cm, inside of which there is a triangle, and on its tops there are black circles with a diameter of 4 cm.

There are no separate signs for disabled children. Their parents are advised to additionally purchase a “child in the car” sticker. There are also certain rules for installing a disabled sign, which establish where to put such stickers. They should be located on the windshield in the lower right corner and on the rear window in the lower left. If a healthy driver is driving, then a special sign is installed only when a disabled person is directly in the car. You can make a temporary sign yourself based on a sticker with the image of a “wheelchair user.”

  • Identification sign "disabled" on a car according to traffic regulations
  • Disabled person sign on a car, traffic rules group 3
  • Is it possible to have a disabled sign on a Group 3 car?
  • Disabled person sign on car
  • What benefits does a group 3 disabled person have in the traffic rules?
  • Who has the right to install a “disabled driving” sign?
  • “Disabled person” sign on a car: who can install it
  • A 3rd grade disabled person has the right to install a disabled person sign on a car.

It should be noted that the control system for these violations is not fully established. The downside is that photo and video recording does not yet recognize signs on the car window and sends out receipts for payment of fines automatically, including to beneficiaries. In this case, you must take documents confirming the category with you, contact the address indicated in the letter and dispute the situation.