If you get motion sickness on the bus. Homeopathic medicines against motion sickness. What to do if you get motion sickness in transport - video

Some people never get motion sickness; they can ride roller coasters for days, sail on a fragile boat in a strong storm, and ride in crowded transport during rush hour. For others, the mere sight of moving water on a screen, a rushing train, or a diving plane causes dizziness and unpleasant discomfort in a stomach. A trip on a tram or bus, especially in the heat, can literally turn into torture and end in embarrassment - such a person feels sick and unhappy, he feels sick, vomits, and sometimes he can even lose consciousness.

Motion sickness in transport is especially common in young children, pregnant women and the elderly. How does science explain the appearance of motion sickness in such different people?

Causes of motion sickness

Motion sickness is caused by monotonous and uniform vibrations of the vehicle. The main reasons for this condition lie in malfunctions vestibular apparatus person. It is hidden deep in the inner ear and works on the principle of a pendulum, sending signals to the brain whenever a person bends or makes any active movements. If malfunctions occur in the operation of this mechanism, the person begins to experience nausea, dizziness and the urge to vomit at the slightest movement. Most often this happens when the visual information received does not match the data supplied by the vestibular apparatus. For example, a person riding a bus knows that he is sitting in a chair attached to a solid floor and rolling on wheels along a flat road. However, vibrations of the car while driving, potholes on the road, sudden movements the driver's brain is misled, and the person feels a specific and very uncomfortable feeling of motion sickness.

Children especially often get motion sickness in transport. This happens because the child has an imperfect, completely unformed vestibular apparatus, which cannot cope with incoming data, cannot correctly interpret information and “compensate” for movement. The vestibular apparatus takes a long time to form; in some children this process is completely completed only by the age of 12–15 years.


There are people who get motion sickness with any type of movement, while others react only to certain types jocks. This made it possible to divide motion sickness in transport into the following types:

  1. motion sickness in ground transport.

This condition can overcome and healthy person, which is not prone to motion sickness at all. Most often this happens because the person is very tired, in a state of severe stress, hungry, sick, sick or just recovered from a serious illness, during pregnancy, if you are traveling for a very long time, and the transport is thoroughly “chattering”. Even with a healthy vestibular system, this can lead to the classic symptoms of nausea, vomiting, dizziness and loss of consciousness. When motion sickness occurs, unlike food poisoning, the first portion of vomiting does not relieve unpleasant condition. The nausea continues until the pumping stops, and even for some time after that. Vomiting can be uncontrollable and cause serious suffering to the patient.

How to treat

There are simple “folk” remedies for motion sickness These are sour-flavored candies. Aeroflot used to give them out to everyone on the plane; they were called “Takeoff” ones.

Note! The sucking, combined with the sour taste, slightly dulls the nausea, helping to survive the takeoff and landing of the plane. But this remedy is effective only when it is used before the onset of motion sickness symptoms.

Traditional medicine suggests crushed ginger root, olives or lemon slices in such cases. Homeopathic medicines can be used, but the most effective treatment is with special medicines- Aeron, Dramamine and similar products. However, they should be used only in the most serious cases, since the body quickly gets used to a certain type of medicine, and it stops working on it.

Note! First, you should resort to simple, non-drug remedies, and only if they do not help at all, and the motion sickness condition worsens, you can switch to medications.


The only one in a radical way To cope with motion sickness is to train your own vestibular apparatus. Those people who lead sedentary lifestyle life, are constantly in a confined space, rarely go outside, the vestibular apparatus is not developed, it is not trained and is not ready to perceive “moving reality”. In order not to suffer from dizziness and nausea, you need to train this apparatus. To do this, a person must move more, be in open space more often, perform a variety of movements, exercises and lead a more active healthy lifestyle.

It is also very important to train the vestibular apparatus in children. The sooner you start doing this, the greater the chances of achieving success in the most short terms. Passive training can also help cope with motion sickness, for example, closing and opening the eyes, shifting visual focus from close to far, rotating eyeballs and much more. These exercises can be done with children in a playful, playful way.

Another way to cope with motion sickness is to ride on a carousel, swing on a swing, in a hammock or on a bungee. Such rhythmic rocking involuntarily tones the nervous system and contributes to the strengthening and development of the vestibular apparatus in both adults and children. So visiting amusement parks and various attractions gives the child the opportunity not only to relax, but also to strengthen his body.

Note! An active lifestyle, mobility and sports can help cope with motion sickness in transport and forget about the existence of this problem forever.


Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what to do when a child suffers from motion sickness:

Kinetosis or motion sickness is what doctors call this condition when you feel sick on the road. Speaking in simple language, this means that the child is seasick. How can you help? Our consultant, Sergey Zaitsev, tells us: pediatric neurologist, Ph.D.

Well, really, what a misfortune - all children are like children, but your own child cannot stand a car, a plane, or a bus. What can we say about a boat trip! Nausea, dizziness, lightheadedness, often vomiting... These are the classic symptoms of motion sickness. Why do they arise?

Trouble is an inheritance

Motion sickness is associated with dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus, one of the parts of the central nervous system. As a rule, children inherit this trouble. This tendency usually decreases in adolescence– 12–14 years old. However, it can accompany some special “lucky” ones throughout their lives. Keep in mind: under the mask of motion sickness there may be one or another neurological pathology. Especially if the problem did not arise before and suddenly appeared suddenly. In such a situation, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo a special examination.

Be ready!

What to do if a child is susceptible to motion sickness? The most common method of confrontation is special drugs: Dramina, Avia-sea, Vertigohel, Kinedril, Kokkulin and others. Just read the instructions carefully, especially regarding the dose and age restrictions! The tablet should be given to the child an hour to half an hour before the trip. However, doctors advise taking such drugs as rarely as possible, since they have side effects, which again can be found in the instructions.
If your child suffers from motion sickness, it is important to properly prepare for the trip. He should rest well before the journey and be sure to eat 2-3 hours before. The opinion that motion sickness will be less on an empty stomach is wrong.
What is the best way to feed a child before traveling? The main rule is that food should be high in calories, but light and not have a strong smell. This is, for example, an omelet, boiled chicken or other lean meat, sea ​​fish. It is important that the products do not contain preservatives or various chemical additives.

Safety regulations

Simple and accessible methods will help to reduce motion sickness, and sometimes even avoid it altogether.
  • Make your child comfortable in a reclining seat in a car or excursion bus, facing forward in the direction of travel.
  • Explain that he will feel much better if he closes his eyes or fixes his gaze on one point inside the cabin. Music is a good way to distract from unpleasant feelings. So stock up on your player.
  • Turn on the air conditioning in your car. This is especially important if you are stuck in a traffic jam, as it is stuffy, unpleasant and generally strong odors increase symptoms of motion sickness.
  • Take on the road tea with mint or ginger, still water, adding lemon juice. Sour drinks are refreshing and suppress nausea.
  • Mint chewing gum, a slice of lemon or orange, and salted nuts help calm nausea.
  • Do breathing exercises. It relieves symptoms of motion sickness. Take a few deep breaths and imitate a yawn.
  • Use tricks acupressure. For example, rub and press the area ears, palms, soles.

Cardinal decision

If motion sickness is seriously bothering you and even a half-hour trip in a car or bus turns into unpleasant sensations, then it’s time to seriously start training your vestibular system. But, of course, be sure to consult your child with a neurologist first.
Today, doctors have developed new methods for treating kinetosis. In difficult cases, under the supervision of a doctor, classes are conducted on special training devices, plus a course of medications is prescribed. But perhaps regular physical exercise will be enough to increase the stability of the vestibular system. Sports such as running, swimming, basketball, volleyball, badminton, tennis are useful. At home, experts recommend doing gymnastics daily, including rotation, twists, and tilts of the head and torso. And be sure to monitor the child’s condition!

Exercises for the vestibular system

Perform these movements 1-2 times a day, starting with 1-2 minutes and gradually increasing the time of gymnastics to 5-10 minutes. At first, the movements should be slow, smooth, then they become
make it more difficult by speeding up the pace. At the beginning of classes, perform each exercise 2–4 times, later increase to 12–16.

1. Starting position: stand straight with your arms at your sides.
Tilt your head forward, then back. Make a rotational movement with your head to the right and left.

2. Starting position: stand straight, arms bent at the elbows, resting on your waist.
Turn your torso to the right and left, tilt forward and backward.

3. Starting position: as in the second exercise.
We rotate the body around its axis (2–4 turns to the right and left). Keep your head straight or tilt it towards your shoulder.

4. Starting position: as in the second exercise.
We jump on the floor or on a trampoline (low, medium, as high as possible) on two or one leg while simultaneously rotating the head.

How to prevent motion sickness in transport. Medicines and other anti-motion sickness medications.

Motion sickness in transport is a problem that causes discomfort not only for children, but also for adults. We will talk about the causes of kinetosis and how to deal with motion sickness in this article.

Causes of motion sickness

Trips to different types People tolerate transport differently. If one part of the population does not respond to movement in cars, airplanes, and maritime transport, then the other experiences painful and unpleasant sensations in the form of vomiting, feeling unwell, lack of air.

And the reason for this painful condition during travel is a weak and untrained vestibular apparatus. An uncoordinated connection between the main guides of the body in space: vision, vestibular apparatus and muscles leads to the occurrence of motion sickness syndrome.

Vestibular apparatus in inner ear person

  • The vestibular apparatus is located in the inner ear and is a complex of a labyrinth of tubes with sensitive villi that are responsible for the balance of the body. The organ that regulates the position of the body in space in a balanced state is finally formed in adolescence
  • The organ of vision and the vestibular apparatus are interconnected. This allows a person to feel himself in space with great accuracy, even with eyes closed. Receptors of the vestibular apparatus allow you to perceive the position of the head and body movement in space
  • Kinetosis or motion sickness occurs when moving, this syndrome is especially felt on winding and serpentine roads, at fast speeds, and pitching at sea. Inconsistency visual perception of a person with the work of the vestibular apparatus is transmitted to the brain in the form of an impulse about stressful situation in organism

Motion sickness or motion sickness

The brain, our “smart” computer, reacts to a force majeure situation by sending an impact on the autonomic system: cardiovascular and digestive. A person develops a feeling of fear, heart rate increases, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, nausea, and vomiting occur.

After the end of the trip, these phenomena, as a rule, go away without medical or medication intervention.

According to statistics: 30% of the population globe suffers from motion sickness syndrome, and in extreme cases(swinging during sea cruises, etc.) - 70% of the population is susceptible to this ailment.

Where can motion sickness occur?

Most often, people suffering from inflammatory otolaryngeal diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are affected by motion sickness. Great growth and overweight also promote kinetosis. Children from 2 to 12 years old suffer from motion sickness. In most cases, motion sickness occurs:

  • in the car
  • on a plane (air sickness)
  • at sea (sea sickness)
  • in a cinema with 3D effect
  • on the rides

Factors contributing to motion sickness

Previous otitis media and eye diseases (astigmatism, strabismus) can cause motion sickness syndrome.

There are a number of factors that influence the risk of motion sickness:

  • children's age (from 2 to 12 years)
  • Girls and women, due to their physiology, get motion sickness more often
  • pregnancy
  • critical days while traveling
  • old age with pathology of cardio-vascular system
  • taking certain medications: antidepressants, macrolide antibiotics, anthelmintic drugs, sulfa drugs

Smoking in a car and using hanging air fresheners in the cabin contribute to motion sickness.

Kinetosis - symptoms

Motion sickness is accompanied characteristic symptoms, although the disease may manifest itself differently in different people. The main symptoms of motion sickness are:

  • dizziness
  • headache
  • heartbeat
  • weakness
  • pale skin
  • cold sweat
  • increased salivation
  • nausea
  • vomit

Doctors believe that long-term motion sickness with severe vomiting may cause arterial hypotension, weakness, impaired clarity of consciousness, dehydration and even lead to long-term depression.

Treatment of kinetosis

You can and should fight motion sickness. You shouldn't give up on exciting trips just because you're afraid. unpleasant manifestations diseases. IN severe cases If you experience kinetosis, you can consult a doctor and purchase the necessary medications for the duration of your movement. But it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. In this case it will help A complex approach to the problem of kinetosis.

Sports activities - prevention of motion sickness

It's no secret that trained people involved in leading active image life, have a well-developed vestibular apparatus. Therefore, to strengthen the balance organ, doctors recommend active sports activities.

Aerobics, volleyball, football, swimming, running, skating, gymnastic exercises on the horizontal bar, yoga classes not only strengthen certain muscles of the body, but also develop the position of the body in space, strengthen the vestibular apparatus, develop coordination and stability.

Strengthening the vestibular apparatus

Strengthening the child’s vestibular system helps to reduce and even avoid motion sickness syndrome in the future.

Exercises to strengthen the balance organ are varied. A daily small set of special rotations of the head and torso will help strengthen the vestibular apparatus within 2-3 months.

  1. Smooth tilts of the head to the sides towards the shoulders.
  2. Slow rotation of the head clockwise and counterclockwise.
  3. Tilts and turns of the body to the right and left.

Exercises should be included in morning exercise complexes and performed 8-16 times.

Swings and carousels are an effective way to strengthen children's vestibular apparatus.

How to get rid of motion sickness: video

Remedies for motion sickness

Each person chooses how to avoid motion sickness individually, depending on the degree of susceptibility to this disease. All remedies for motion sickness can be divided into two groups: active and passive.

TO active means relate preventive methods in the form of strengthening the vestibular apparatus through sports exercises. This method is reliable and effective, but training the vestibular apparatus occurs gradually. It takes 2-3 months, or even more, to feel the results.

What to do if you have a long trip ahead or are tempted by a tempting offer of a vacation with a flight or a cruise on a ship? In this case, you can resort to passive remedies for motion sickness by using:

  • motion sickness patches
  • pills for motion sickness
  • motion sickness bracelet

The principle of operation of the motion sickness patch is the subcutaneous effect of active substances from plants in minimum dosages. As vegetable medicinal components the alkaloid used is scopolamine (hyoscine) from poisonous plant Solanaceae family: Datura.

The amount of alkaloid is very small and does not have a toxic effect on the body. Other types of motion sickness patches add extracts of peppermint and ginger plants.

Using motion sickness patches is very convenient: remove the protective film from the patch and attach the patch behind your ears 30-40 minutes before the trip. After 3-6 hours you should change the patch for a new one. Some types of patches retain their anti-sickness effect for up to 3-4 days. Each package of patches from different brands contains detailed instructions by application.

Pharmacies and online stores offer the following types of motion sickness patches:

  • Extraplast for motion sickness
  • Motion Sickness Patch
  • Ariel TDDS patch

Extraplast - anti-motion sickness patch

Medications to alleviate and stop motion sickness can be divided into two groups:

Homeopathic medicines against motion sickness

Homeopathic medicines against motion sickness are made from natural ingredients plant, animal or mineral origin. Medicines are produced using special technology, using ingredients in minute doses in the form of dilutions.

As a rule, homeopathic medicines do not have side effects, are well tolerated by both adults and children. Currently, the pharmacy chain offers the following homeopathic medicines for motion sickness:

  • Avia-sea table No. 20 NPF LLC Materia Medica Holding", Russia
  • Cocculin table No. 30 Laboratory Boiron, France
  • Vertigohel tablet No. 50, drops 30 ml Biologische Heilmittel Heel, Germany

Avia-sea tablets

Avia-sea, homeopathic tablets No. 20

Homeopathic medicine in the form of lozenges reduces autonomic disorders, characterized by signs of nausea and vomiting during movement. The drug stabilizes the reaction of the vestibular apparatus.

Tablets can be taken by children from 3 years of age. For preventive purposes against motion sickness, you should keep the tablet in oral cavity until completely dissolved an hour before moving. The drug is taken every half hour while traffic is moving. This dose should not exceed 5 tablets per day.

Cocculin - tablets for motion sickness

Cocculin, homeopathic tablets No. 30

The drug is used with for preventive purposes and treatment of kinetosis for adult family members and children after 3 years.

To prevent attacks of nausea, the medicine should be taken 2 tablets three times a day before long periods of movement. While driving, the drug is used hourly, 2 tablets until you feel better.

Homeopathic medicine Vertigohel

Vertigohel tablets No. 50

Complex homeopathic medicine, eliminating the symptoms of dizziness, nausea and vomiting when moving in transport. The medicine is prescribed in the form of tablets and drops. There is a recommendation that the use of Vertigoheel is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age due to insufficient clinical studies.

To prevent dizziness and nausea, it is recommended to take 1 tablet every 15 minutes an hour before travel and within an hour from the start of the trip as needed. In the future - 1 tablet three times a day. The drug should be absorbed until completely dissolved in the oral cavity.

For the purpose of prevention and avoidance of dizziness and nausea, the medicine can be taken in the form of drops. 10 drops should be dissolved in small quantity water and take every 15 minutes an hour before and during travel.

Antihistamines and anticholinergics against motion sickness

People susceptible to motion sickness in vehicles are advised to take special antihistamines or antiallergic drugs recommended by a doctor for these purposes.

The mechanism of operation of such medications comes down to interrupting the signal in the brain about under stress organism caused by inconsistency in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, vision and deep muscle fibers while moving.

Medicines With active substance— dimenhydrinate is approved for the prevention and treatment of vestibular and labyrinthine pathologies in children over the age of 3 years.

Dramamine anti-sickness tablets

Dramamine tablets 50 mg No. 5 and No. 10

The tablets are intended for the prevention and treatment of motion sickness symptoms: dizziness,...

As a preventive measure against kinetosis, the drug is taken 30 minutes before the trip in a dosage according to the child’s age specified in the instructions. It is recommended to take the tablets before meals.

For seasickness, air sickness and tendency to motion sickness, the following dosages of the drug are recommended:

  • children from 3 to 6 years: 1\4-1\2 tablets 2-3 times a day
  • children from 7 to 12 years: 1\2-1 tablet 2-3 times a day
  • children 12 years and older: 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day

The effect of the medicine continues for 3-6 hours after administration. Maximum dose for adults should not exceed 7 tablets per day. The drug is available over-the-counter.

Medicine with similar action, containing the same active ingredient- dimenhydrinate, is a medicine of another brand - Ciel 50 mg tablets No. 5.

Anti-sickness bracelet for children

An anti-sickness bracelet is a great alternative for childhood and people who have poor tolerance medications. The principle of acupuncture influence on certain points of the wrist makes it possible to avoid or reduce motion sickness syndrome: dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Sets of bracelets for children are available for sale. Ease of use, accessibility and effectiveness of motion sickness bracelets allows you to use this remedy for different types of travel: in a car, bus, plane, maritime transport.

Bracelets are put on the wrists of both hands before the road. The balls built into the working surface of the bracelets apply pressure to the points responsible for the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and prevent the occurrence of nausea and the gag reflex.

Bracelet does not contain medical supplies, is convenient and is perceived by the child as a toy. IN in rare cases The bracelet may cause sweating and slight swelling of the wrist. In this case, you should temporarily remove the product from your hands.

How to use a motion sickness bracelet, video

A souvenir bundle: how to avoid motion sickness

  1. Before long journey on a ship, plane, or motor vehicle, it is advisable to undergo testing for motion sickness
  2. In moving vehicles, you should not look out the side windows. The vision should be directed forward, and the side windows should be shaded
  3. Small children should be transported in special travel seats
  4. It is recommended to refrain from eating 6-12 hours before the trip; do not feed children heavily before a long journey
  5. On the eve of travel, you should not eat fatty and heavy foods; you should avoid alcoholic drinks
  6. People susceptible to motion sickness in transport are not recommended to read while driving
  7. On airplanes and buses, you should choose seats closer to the wing of the airplane or the cockpit of the pilot and driver.
  8. In moving vehicles, it is recommended to sit in the direction of travel.
  9. Sucking on lollipops while traveling significantly reduces the risk of kinetosis
  10. Frequent use chilled liquid in small sips (infusion of apples with

Remedies for motion sickness Each person chooses how to avoid motion sickness individually, depending on the degree of susceptibility to this disease. All remedies for motion sickness can be divided into two groups: active and passive. Active means include preventive methods in the form of strengthening the vestibular apparatus through sports exercises. This method is reliable and effective, but training the vestibular apparatus occurs gradually. It takes 2-3 months, or even more, to feel the results. Motion sickness on different types of transport is also called traveler's syndrome Motion sickness on different types of transport is also called traveler's syndrome What to do if you have a long trip ahead or a tempting offer of a vacation with a flight or a cruise on a ship beckons? In this case, you can resort to passive remedies for motion sickness, using: patches for motion sickness tablets for motion sickness bracelet for motion sickness Patches for motion sickness The principle of operation of the patch for motion sickness is the subcutaneous effect of active substances from plants in minimal dosages. The alkaloid used as herbal medicinal components is scopolamine (hyoscine) from a poisonous plant of the nightshade family: Datura. The amount of alkaloid is very small and does not have a toxic effect on the body. Other types of motion sickness patches add extracts of peppermint and ginger plants. Patch against motion sickness Patch against motion sickness Using patches against motion sickness is very convenient: remove the protective film from the patch and attach the patch behind the ears 30-40 minutes before the trip. After 3-6 hours you should change the patch for a new one. Some types of patches retain their anti-sickness effect for up to 3-4 days. Each package of patches from different brands contains detailed instructions for use. Pharmacies and online stores offer the following types of motion sickness patches: Extraplast motion sickness patch Motion Sickness Patch patch Ariel TDDS Extraplast - a patch for motion sickness Extraplast - a patch for motion sickness A child gets motion sickness in transport - advice from Dr. Komarovsky, video

Tablets for motion sickness Medications for relieving and stopping motion sickness can be divided into two groups: homeopathic drugs antihistamines and anticholinergics Tablets for motion sickness Tablets for motion sickness Homeopathic medicines against motion sickness Homeopathic medicines against motion sickness are made from natural ingredients of plant, animal or mineral origin. Medicines are produced using special technology, using ingredients in minute doses in the form of dilutions. As a rule, homeopathic medicines have no side effects and are well tolerated by both adults and children. Currently, the pharmacy chain offers the following homeopathic medicines for motion sickness: Avia-sea table No. 20 LLC NPF Materia Medica Holding, Russia Kokkulin table No. 30 Laboratory Boiron, France Vertigoheel table No. 50, drops 30 ml Biologische Heilmittel Heel, Germany Tablets Avia-sea Tablets Avia-sea Avia-sea, homeopathic tablets No. 20 Homeopathic medicine in the form of lozenges reduces autonomic disorders in the form of nausea and vomiting during movement. The drug stabilizes the reaction of the vestibular apparatus. Tablets can be taken by children from 3 years of age. To prevent motion sickness, the tablet is kept in the mouth an hour before movement until completely dissolved. The drug is taken every half hour while traffic is moving, but not more than 5 tablets per day. Kokkulin - tablets for motion sickness Kokkulin - tablets for motion sickness Kokkulin, homeopathic tablets No. 30 The drug is used for the prevention and treatment of kinetosis in adults and children after 3 years. To prevent motion sickness, take 2 tablets three times a day on the eve of travel. While driving, the drug is taken 2 tablets every hour until you feel better. Homeopathic medicine Vertigohel Homeopathic medicine Vertigohel Vertigohel tablets No. 50 A complex homeopathic medicine that eliminates the symptoms of dizziness, nausea and vomiting when moving in transport. The medicine is prescribed in the form of tablets and drops for adults. There is a recommendation that the use of Vertigoheel is contraindicated in children under 18 years of age due to insufficient clinical studies. To prevent dizziness and nausea in transport, it is recommended to take 1 tablet every 15 minutes an hour before moving and within an hour from the start of the trip as needed. In the future - 1 tablet three times a day. The tablets should be dissolved until completely dissolved in the mouth. For the purpose of prevention and avoidance of dizziness and nausea, the drug can be taken in the form of drops. Dissolve 10 drops in a small amount of water and take every 15 minutes an hour before and during travel. Antihistamines and anticholinergics against motion sickness People susceptible to motion sickness in vehicles are advised to take special antihistamines or antiallergic drugs recommended by a doctor for these purposes. The mechanism of operation of such medications comes down to interrupting the signal in the brain about the stressful state of the body, caused by inconsistency in the work of the vestibular apparatus, vision and deep muscle fibers during movement. For these purposes, a group of drugs from different brands with active substance- dimenhydrinate. Medicines containing the active substance dimenhydrinate are approved for the prevention and treatment of vestibular and labyrinthine pathologies in children over the age of 3 years. Tablets for motion sickness Dramina Tablets for motion sickness Dramamine Dramina tablets 50 mg No. 5 and No. 10 Tablets are intended for the prevention and treatment of motion sickness symptoms: dizziness, nausea and vomiting. As a preventive measure against kinetosis, the drug is taken 30 minutes before the trip in a dosage according to the child’s age specified in the instructions. It is recommended to take the tablets before meals. For seasickness, air sickness and a tendency to motion sickness, the following dosages of the drug are recommended: children from 3 to 6 years old: 14-12 tablets 2-3 times a day children from 7 to 12 years old: 12-1 tablets 2-3 times a day children from 12 years and older: 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day The effect of the medicine lasts for 3-6 hours after administration. The maximum dose for adults should not exceed 7 tablets per day. The drug is available over-the-counter. A drug with a similar effect, containing the same active component - dimenhydrinate, is a drug of another brand - Ciel 50 mg tablets No. 5. Anti-sickness bracelet for children Anti-sickness bracelet Anti-sickness bracelet An anti-sickness bracelet is an excellent alternative for children and people who do not tolerate medications well. The principle of acupuncture influence on certain points of the wrist makes it possible to avoid or reduce motion sickness syndrome: dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Sets of bracelets for children are available for sale. The ease of use, accessibility and effectiveness of motion sickness bracelets allows you to use this product for different types of movement: in a car, bus, plane, sea transport. Bracelet against motion sickness Bracelet against motion sickness Bracelets are put on the wrists of both hands before the road. The balls built into the working surface of the bracelets apply pressure to the points responsible for the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and prevent the occurrence of nausea and the gag reflex. The bracelet does not contain medications, is comfortable and is perceived by the child as a toy. In rare cases, the bracelet may cause sweating and slight swelling of the wrist. In this case, you should temporarily remove the product from your hands. How to use a motion sickness bracelet, video

There is salvation from motion sickness There is salvation from motion sickness A knot to remember: how to avoid motion sickness Before a long trip on a ship, plane, or vehicle, it is advisable to undergo a motion sickness test. In moving vehicles, you should not look out the side windows. Vision should be directed forward, and side windows should be curtained. Small children should be transported in special travel seats. It is recommended to refrain from eating 6-12 hours before the trip. Do not feed children heavily before a long journey. Before traveling, you should not eat fatty and heavy foods. Avoid drinking alcohol People who are prone to motion sickness in transport should not read while driving On airplanes and buses, choose seats closer to the wing of the aircraft or the cockpit of the pilot and driver In moving vehicles, it is recommended to sit in the direction of travel Sucking candy while traveling significantly reduces the risk the occurrence of kinetosis Frequent consumption of chilled liquid (infusion of apples with ginger, mineral water) in small sips Fresh air helps avoid motion sickness How to cope with motion sickness, video

" target="_blank">ginger, mineral water)

  • Fresh air helps prevent motion sickness
  • Video: How to cope with motion sickness?

    Why do you get motion sickness in transport?

    The problem of motion sickness in a person various types vehicles arose from the time when these vehicles appeared. First of all, this appeared during sea travel and this symptom was called seasickness. Subsequently, after people began to experience motion sickness when traveling in land transport, it was established scientific name This pathology is called “kinetosis”. Many people and even children aged 2 to 13 years were susceptible to it.

    Physiologically, motion sickness can be explained in terms of the location of the semicircular canals of the inner ear. They are located in three planes and when the head changes its position, the direction of lymph flow through them changes. The result is the arrival of random signals to the brain about constant changes in the position of the body in space.

    Reasons for motion sickness in transport

    When motion sickness occurs in transport, a person begins to feel weak, dizzy, and attacks of nausea and even vomiting are also possible. The reasons for motion sickness in transport lie in the complexities of the structure of the vestibular apparatus, the slightest violations the usual functioning of which causes complications, which are accompanied by impaired coordination of movements and motion sickness.

    This can be caused by inflammation of the ears, disruption of the normal functioning of the organs of the autonomic nervous system, intestines and stomach, as well as tumor formations in the brain area. Motion sickness of a person when riding in transport is a signal of existing problems in his body that require an appropriate solution. If the cause of motion sickness is a certain disease, it is necessary to treat it, because otherwise motion sickness cannot be eliminated.

    Why does a child get sick in transport?

    The main reason for motion sickness in a child in transport is a disruption of the normal functioning of his vestibular apparatus. When it weakens, the child begins to lose orientation in the surrounding space, which results in motion sickness. The reaction is to various changes in the spatial position of the body, and in transport this situation only gets worse. The work of a child’s vestibular apparatus begins at one and a half years old, but it can only fully mature by the age of twelve. All this time, the child will not be able to normally withstand the shaking on the road and will get motion sickness.

    Since the location of the children's vestibular apparatus is inner ear, various diseases can also cause motion sickness. Sometimes, to find out the reason for a child’s motion sickness in transport, it is recommended to show him to an ENT specialist.

    In addition, among the reasons that cause motion sickness in a child in transport, one can highlight the weakness of his autonomic nervous system. Children with pronounced nervous diseases gets motion sickness much more often than those who are completely physically healthy.

    I started getting motion sickness in transport

    The fact that a person has become motion sick in transport is clear almost immediately. This does not always require the victim to start vomiting. Very often a person begins to feel sick and dizzy and generally becomes restless. If we are talking about small child who is not yet able to talk about the anxiety he feels, he may simply start crying. In addition, a child suffering from motion sickness may have pale skin, sweat, and sweat appearing on both the face and the entire body. In addition, it may begin copious discharge saliva. When a child is suddenly overwhelmed by sleep, sometimes one can also talk about the fact that he is motion sick.

    If, during motion sickness in a vehicle, you do not stop it in a timely manner and do not take the victim to Fresh air, he will have a vomiting attack. However, he will not feel any relief. The child may feel numbness in his arms and legs, and there are also cases of loss of consciousness in children from motion sickness in transport.

    Motion sickness in transport during pregnancy

    Motion sickness is the most important nuisance for a pregnant woman when she is in public transport. Strengthens the process of motion sickness unexpected turns, jerking, as well as braking and changing speed. If possible, it is better to avoid visiting such transport.

    To minimize possible consequences During motion sickness, a pregnant woman is advised to follow a few simple rules:

    • do not use transport on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;
    • do not use transport in a state of excitement or severe stress, as this can also cause motion sickness and disruption of the vestibular apparatus;
    • do not ride in a vehicle against traffic, do not read in it and do not look out of the window while driving;
    • It is recommended to always have a set with you wet wipes, which can be used when motion sickness occurs, and it is also advisable to have plastic bags nearby if nausea sets in;
    • When motion sickness occurs, you need to take appropriate medications.

    Before taking anti-sickness medications, you should definitely consult your doctor. These products should not pose any danger to a pregnant woman.

    I get motion sickness in transport, what should I do?

    When motion sickness occurs in transport, it is best to immediately try to change your location in it. If this happens in a car, it is best to immediately move to the front seat, if there is such an opportunity, it shakes less there.

    In addition, there is a special selection of remedies for motion sickness, which should be used on the recommendation of a doctor.

    Folk remedies

    Methods traditional medicine involve the use of a wide variety of motion sickness remedies. The following are recommended.

    Ginger for motion sickness. A powder is prepared, which is ground ginger root, which should be taken in a volume of one gram an hour before the trip. You can also use ginger directly at the onset of nausea from motion sickness; for this you can eat two ginger caramels or ginger cookies at a time.

    Tea with lemon and mint for motion sickness. Tea is brewed from a teaspoon of mint to one glass of boiling water, which should be infused for half an hour. You should take it with you when traveling and drink it with lemon as a bite.

    Medicines, pills

    The most common group of drugs for motion sickness are chonolitics. Their main effect is directed on the parasympathetic nervous system, and its reaction to motion sickness is suppressed.

    The main disadvantage of these drugs is the presence of side effects from use, which manifest themselves in increased sweating and increased heart rate.

    Tablets whose action is aimed at suppressing the nervous system are considered to be the most effective means from motion sickness. The most famous of them are Relanium, Medazipam and Prazepam. Also, to eliminate motion sickness and its consequences, the use of antihistamines is recommended.

    My child gets sick in public transport, what should I do?

    If a child begins to feel sick in transport, it is best to immediately stop moving and let him lie still with his eyes closed. This will help normalize the state of his nervous system. Vestibular reactions can only be intensified if there is nervousness and fuss around.

    If it is impossible to stop the movement, it is best in this case to simply let the child sleep. If he refuses or cannot sleep, he should be held upright in your arms. At the same time, the eyes must be closed so as not to overload the child’s brain with incoming information and visual images. This way you can hope to stop the attack of motion sickness.

    Motion sickness in transport, which doctor should I contact?

    When experiencing motion sickness in transport, it is recommended to contact an ENT specialist; after conducting an appropriate examination, this will help determine the exact cause of what is happening. In addition, it will help to conduct an examination with a neurologist to determine a possible disorder of the nervous system that causes motion sickness. The doctor will also help with prescribing a course of treatment for a nervous disorder. Ultimately, it is the nature of the development of motion sickness that dictates the choice of the doctor to whom you should contact to solve the problem.

    Similar instructions:

    Natalia Vrublevskaya

    “A painful, long, nagging feeling of some kind of disgusting tickling began in her chest and stomach, and it made her forehead cold, and liquid stinging saliva filled her mouth. All that remained in her entire body and consciousness was a viscous, irritating, relaxed state of semi-fainting. Her skin was drenched in sticky, cold sweat from head to toe. (...) But suddenly her eyes became dull and green, an irritating tickle rose in her throat, her heart fluttered helplessly somewhere deep down in her stomach. Elena barely had time to jump up and lean over the side,” this is how A.I. expressively and accurately described it. Kuprin in the story “Seasickness” describes the condition of a person suffering from motion sickness in transport. Such feelings, unfortunately, are familiar to many. According to statistics, almost half of people do not tolerate long trips well. What can be done to prevent the journey from turning into torture?

    Motion sickness, or motion sickness, is scientifically called motion sickness (MS), or kinetosis. This painful condition causes movement by any type of transport: car and bus, river and sea boat, train and plane. Some people experience symptoms of BD when swinging on swings and merry-go-rounds, waltzing, riding a horse, and even going up and down in an elevator.

    Causes of motion sickness

    The causes of motion sickness (Motion Sickness) are very complex and are still the subject of scientific research. Most scientists believe that motion sickness in a car, on a boat, on an airplane and on a swing is a consequence of excessive irritation of the receptors of the vestibular apparatus located in the inner ear. They are very sensitive to long-term repeated movements (driving a car on a winding road or rocking a ship during a storm), as well as movements with unusual accelerations (riding a roller coaster or taking off an airplane). If there is a discrepancy between the vestibular, visual and sensory sensations The mechanism for maintaining balance is disrupted, resulting in the development of motion sickness.

    How does motion sickness manifest?

    Symptoms of pronounced BD:

    Cold sweat

    Increased salivation

    Intolerance to odors (eg food, tobacco smoke, exhaust gases)



    Heart rhythm disturbance

    Discomfort in the stomach area

    Symptoms of the latent form of BD:

    State of apathy


    Factors that increase the manifestation of BD include rapid changes in speed, sharp and frequent turns, fear, stress, fatigue, reading, smelling or eating food.

    Who is more susceptible to BD?

    Motion sickness most often affects children aged 2 to 12 years, women (especially during pregnancy and menstruation) and the elderly. People suffering from certain diseases of the cardiovascular system, central nervous system (hypotension, migraine, latent form of Meniere's disease), gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach), osteochondrosis (dorsopathy) cervical spine spine, obesity and other metabolic disorders.

    If kinetosis occurs too often and gives you serious problems, you should consult a neurologist.

    How to prevent motion sickness

    1. On the eve of the trip, you need to get a good night's sleep. Stop drinking alcohol and limit smoking as much as possible.

    2. Overeating and traveling on an empty stomach aggravate the development of motion sickness. It is better to take food 1.5-2 hours before the trip. Dishes that you can eat before and during the trip should be light and hot. Fatty, spicy and sweet food can trigger bouts of seasickness even in those who do not usually suffer from it. Avoid drinking milk, coffee, strong tea and carbonated drinks. It is better to drink juice with a sour taste, fruit drink, weak tea with lemon.

    3. Sit in places where there is less motion sickness: usually these are the front seats in a bus and car, the first cars in a train, middle part ships, and on an airplane - the seats above the wings.

    4. Another way to avoid motion sickness is to travel at night. Night flight or night swimming is easier to endure than daytime flight.

    5. To prevent attacks of lightheadedness, suck on mints or a slice of lemon. When flying on an airplane, choose mint or lemon tea from the drinks offered.

    6.Do not smoke on the road and do not allow others to smoke: strong odors provoke motion sickness.

    7. In ground transport, sit facing forward in the direction of travel. It is better to observe the road through the windshield rather than through the side window. Limit your head movements. Turning your head from side to side contributes to motion sickness. Rest your head on a bolster or headrest to help stabilize it. If during a trip you are uncomfortable with the flashing of objects outside the window, close your eyes and take a moment comfortable position, reclining the chair as much as possible.

    8. During the trip, try not to overheat or get hypothermic. To take your mind off obsessive thoughts about motion sickness, listen to music, talk with fellow travelers, try to immerse yourself in pleasant memories or thoughts.

    9. When traveling on a bus or car, try to focus your gaze on the horizon or on something stationary, for example, look at the floor or at some object in the cabin.

    10. In some cases, deep rhythmic breathing helps fight motion sickness. It is also useful to massage your wrist and palms. Place your hand on your knee, palm up, and thumb massage biologically active point on inside wrist (about 5 cm below the base of the hand between the two muscle tendons), and then a point in the center of the palm.

    11. Unpleasant, painful sensations recede or become less severe if you wipe your temples, face, neck and décolleté from time to time cold water. While on the ship, take cool showers often.

    12. If you have a long trip ahead, take with you medications that reduce the sensitivity of the vestibular apparatus, which are recommended to you by your doctor.

    If you do get seasick

    If preventive measures did not help, and you feel the first signs of motion sickness,

    Open your car or cabin window, do deep breaths through the nose and exhale through the mouth, focusing on the rhythm of breathing. If possible, get off the bus or car into fresh air and walk a little;

    Take a semi-lying position, resting your head on the back of the chair, close your eyes or look at the sky. Thus, you will rid yourself of “chaotic” signals entering the brain;

    Massage with a pad index finger a point that is located directly under the nose, strictly in the center, as well as a point located on outside hands between the thumb and index finger.

    Folk remedies for motion sickness

    *Before a long trip, prepare ginger tea and take it with you. To prepare it, peel 10 cm of ginger root and cut into thin slices. Pour 1 liter of water over the ginger and cook for 20 minutes. Strain, add honey or sugar.

    * 30-45 minutes before boarding the transport, take 1/2 teaspoon of dry ginger powder with a drink mineral water or tea. (Please note that ginger is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, gastrointestinal diseases and cholelithiasis).

    * The smell of ginger can help prevent an attack of lightheadedness; to do this, put two or three drops of ginger oil on a handkerchief and bring it to your nose for a few minutes, while taking deep breaths.

    * Wormwood infusion helps relieve attacks of AD. Pour 1 tablespoon of wormwood leaves into 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

    * To avoid nausea and vomiting, drink mint drops (10-15 drops per 1/2 cup of water) or take 1 teaspoon of pre-prepared mint infusion every hour (pour 1 tablespoon of mint leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 10- 15 minutes, strain).

    * To freshen the air in your car or cabin, leave an open bottle of essential oil lavender, eucalyptus, cloves or tangerine. These smells will help fight the onset of nausea.

    Motion sickness can ruin even the most exciting trip. And then, instead of bright and pleasant impressions of the holiday, only painful sensations from its manifestation will remain in the memory. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to use simple and effective ways prevention of motion sickness.