What you need for poor blood clotting. Sweet clover will reduce blood clotting. Advantages and disadvantages

Answered the question Dr. Sergey Agapkin, host of the program “About the Most Important Thing”:

Increases blood clotting buckwheat, bananas, greens (dill, parsley, coriander, spinach), white cabbage, rose hips, rowan, including chokeberry. Similar action herbs also have: yarrow, valerian, motherwort, burdock, St. John's wort, horsetail, tansy, nettle, and also corn silk, oak bark, viburnum bark.

With the help of nutrition, you can, on the contrary, reduce blood clotting. In this case, the diet should contain plenty of fluids and appropriate foods.

For example, cucumbers are 97% water, and half a glass of red grape juice reduces platelet activity by 75%. Cranberry tea will help, seaweed, melon, grapefruit, red bell pepper, tomatoes, cherries, cherries, almonds, garlic, dark chocolate, lemons, beets, cocoa, coffee, sunflower seeds... But, if you need to change blood clotting, it is better to consult a doctor first .

Drugs that increase blood clotting (hemostatics) coagulants

According to the classification, this group of drugs is divided into direct and direct coagulants. Not direct action, however, sometimes they are divided according to another principle:

1) for local application(thrombin, hemostatic sponge, fibrin film, etc.)

2) for systemic use(fibrinogen, vikasol).

TROMBIN (Trombinum; dry powder in amp. 0.1, which corresponds to 125 units of activity; in bottles of 10 ml) direct-acting coagulant for topical use. Being a natural component of the blood coagulation system, it causes an effect in vitro and in vivo.

Before use, the powder is dissolved in saline solution. Typically, the powder in the ampoule is a mixture of thromboplastin, calcium and prothrombin.

Apply only locally. Prescribed to patients with bleeding from small vessels And parenchymal organs(surgeries on the liver, kidneys, lungs, brain), bleeding from the gums. Used topically as a solution soaked in thrombin hemostatic sponge, hemastatic collagen sponges, or simply applying a tampon soaked in thrombin solution.

Sometimes, especially in pediatrics, thrombin is used orally (the contents of the ampoule are dissolved in 50 ml of sodium chloride or 50 ml of 5% Ambien solution, prescribed 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day) for stomach bleeding or by inhalation for bleeding from respiratory tract.

FIBRINOGEN (Fibrinogenum; in bottles of 1.0 and 2.0 dry porous mass) - used for systemic impact. It is also obtained from donor blood plasma. Under the influence of thrombin, fibrinogen is converted into fibrin, which forms blood clots.

Fibrinogen is used as an emergency medicine.

It is especially effective when there is a deficiency in cases of massive bleeding (placental abruption, hypo and afibrinogenemia, in surgical, obstetric, gynecological and oncological practice).

It is usually prescribed into a vein, sometimes locally in the form of a film applied to the bleeding surface.

Before use, the drug is dissolved in 250 or 500 ml of warmed water for injection. It is administered intravenously by drip or slow stream.

VICASOL (Vicasolum; in tablets, 0.015 and in amps, 1 ml of 1% solution) is an indirect coagulant, a synthetic water-soluble analogue of vitamin K, which activates the formation of fibrin blood clots. Referred to as vitamin K3.

Pharmacological effect It is not vikasol itself that causes, but the vitamins K1 and K2 formed from it, so the effect develops after 12-24 hours, with intravenous administration- after 30 minutes, with intramuscular injection - after 2-3 hours.

These vitamins are necessary for the synthesis in the liver of prothrombin (factor II), proconvertin (factor VII), as well as factors IX and X.

Indications for use: with an excessive decrease in the prothrombin index, with severe vitamin K deficiency caused by:

1) bleeding from parenchymal organs;

2) the procedure of exchange blood transfusion, if canned blood was transfused (to the child); and also when:

3) long-term use vitamin K antagonists aspirin and NSAIDs (impairing platelet aggregation);

4) long-term use of antibiotics wide range actions (chloramphenicol, ampicillin, tetracycline, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones);

5) use of sulfonamides;

6) prevention hemorrhagic disease newborns;

7) prolonged diarrhea in children;

8) cystic fibrosis;

9) in pregnant women, especially those suffering from tuberculosis and epilepsy and receiving appropriate treatment;

10) overdose of indirect anticoagulants;

11) jaundice, hepatitis, as well as after injuries, bleeding (hemorrhoids, ulcers, radiation sickness);

12) preparation for surgery and in postoperative period.

The effects may be weakened by simultaneous administration of vikasol antagonists: aspirin, NSAIDs, PAS, indirect anticoagulants neodicoumarin group.

Side effects : hemolysis of red blood cells when administered intravenously.

PHYTOMENADIONE (Phytomenadinum; 1 ml for intravenous administration, as well as capsules containing 0.1 ml of 10% oil solution, which corresponds to 0.01 drug). Unlike natural vitamin K1 (trans compounds) is a synthetic drug. It is a racemic form (a mixture of trans and cis isomers), and biological activity retains all the properties of vitamin K1. It is quickly absorbed and maintains peak concentration for up to eight hours.

Indications for use: hemorrhagic syndrome with hypoprothrombinemia caused by decreased liver function (hepatitis, liver cirrhosis), with ulcerative colitis, with an overdose of anticoagulants, with prolonged use of high doses of broad-spectrum antibiotics and sulfonamides; before major operations to reduce bleeding.

Side effects: hypercoagulation phenomena in case of non-compliance with the dosage regimen.

Among the drugs related to direct-acting coagulants, the clinic also uses the following drugs:

1) prothrombin complex (VI,VII,IX,X factors);

2) antihemophilic globulin (factor VIII).


AMINOCAPRONIC ACID (ACA) - powder synthetic drug, inhibits the conversion of profibrinolysin (plasminogen) into fibrinolysin (plasmin) by acting on the profibrinolysin activator and thereby contributes to the preservation of fibrin clots.

In addition, ACC is also an inhibitor of kinins and some factors of the compliment system.

It has anti-shock activity (inhibits proteolytic enzymes and also stimulates the neutralizing function of the liver).

The drug is low-toxic and is quickly eliminated from the body with urine (after 4 hours).

Used in an emergency clinic, when surgical interventions and at various pathological conditions when the fibrinolytic activity of blood and tissues is increased:

1) during and after operations on the lungs, prostate, pancreas and thyroid glands;

2) when premature detachment placenta, long-term retention of a dead fetus in the uterus;

3) with hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, with portal hypertension, when using a heart-lung machine;

4) at II and III stages DIC syndrome, with ulcerative, nasal, pulmonary bleeding.

ACC is administered during massive transfusions of canned blood, administered intravenously or orally.

Available: powder and bottles of 100 ml of sterile 5% solution in isotonic solution sodium chloride. Due to the fact that ACC has antishock activity, inhibits proteolytic enzymes and kinins, and inhibits the formation of antibodies, the drug is used for shock reactions and as an antiallergic agent.

Side effects: possible dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, mild catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

AMBEN (Ambenum, aminomethylbenzoic acid) is also a synthetic drug, according to chemical structure similar to para-aminobenzoic acid. White powder, poorly soluble in water. It is an antifibrinolytic agent. Ambien inhibits fibrinolysis, its mechanism of action is similar to ACC.

Indications for use are the same. Prescribed intravenously, intramuscularly and orally. When administered into a vein, it acts quickly, but only for a short time (3 hours). Release form: ampoules of 5 ml of 1% solution, tablets of 0.25.

Sometimes anti-enzyme drugs are indicated, in particular, kontrikal. It inhibits plasmin, collagenase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, which play an important role in the development of many pathophysiological processes. Drugs in this group have an inhibitory effect on the catalytic interaction of individual fibrinolysis factors and blood coagulation processes.

Indications for use: local hyperfibrinolysis, postoperative and post-portal bleeding; hypermenorrhea; generalized primary and secondary hyperfibrinolysis in obstetrics and surgery; initial stage DIC syndrome, etc.

Side effect : rarely allergies; embryotoxic effect; With rapid administration - malaise, nausea.


SEROTONIN. Its use is associated with stimulation of platelet aggregation, tissue swelling, and changes in microcirculation, which contributes to the formation of platelet thrombi. Serotonin in the form of adipate (Serotonini adipinatis in ampoules of 1 ml of 1% solution) is used intravenously or intramuscularly for hemorrhages associated with pathology blood platelets(thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopathy). At the same time, the number of platelets increases, the bleeding time is shortened, and the resistance of capillaries increases.

Used for type I von Willebrandt disease, hypo- and aplastic anemia, Werlhoff disease, hemorrhagic vasculitis.

Cannot be used in case of kidney pathology, patients with bronchial asthma, with hypercoagulation of blood.

Side effect: with rapid administration - pain along the vein; pain in the abdomen, in the heart area, increased blood pressure, heaviness in the head, nausea, diarrhea, decreased diuresis.


CALCIUM is directly involved in platelet aggregation and adhesion, and also promotes the formation of thrombin and fibrin. Thus, it stimulates the formation of both platelet and fibrin blood clots.

Indications for use :

1) as a means of reducing vascular permeability in hemorrhagic vasculitis;

2) as a hemostatic agent for pulmonary, gastric, nasal, uterine bleeding, as well as before surgery;

3) for bleeding associated with a decrease in calcium in the blood plasma (after transfusion of large quantities of citrated blood, plasma substitutes).

Use calcium chloride (intravenously and orally).

Side effects: with rapid administration, cardiac arrest and decreased blood pressure are possible; with intravenous administration, a feeling of heat is noted ("hot prick"); with subcutaneous administration of calcium chloride - tissue necrosis.



ADROXONE (Adroxonum; 1 ml amp. 0.025%) is a drug of adrenochrome, an adrenaline metabolite. It does not increase blood pressure, does not affect the activity of the heart and blood clotting. Its main effect is to increase density vascular wall and activation of platelet aggregation and adhesion. Therefore, adroxon has a hemostatic effect during capillary bleeding, when the permeability of the walls of these vessels is especially increased. However, in case of massive bleeding, the drug is not effective.

Indications for use :

1) with parenchymal and capillary bleeding;

2) for injuries and operations;

3) when intestinal bleeding in newborns;

4) with melena;

5) with platelet purpura.

Adroxon is used topically (tampons, wipes), intramuscularly or subcutaneously. ETHAMSYLAT or dicinone (Ethamsylatum; in tablets of 0.25 and in amps of 2 ml of 12.5% ​​solution) is a synthetic derivative of dioxybenzene. The drug reduces vascular permeability, reduces transudation and exudation of the liquid part of the plasma, normalizes the permeability of the vascular wall and improves microcirculation, increases blood clotting as it promotes the formation of thromboplastin (hemostatic effect). The latter effect develops quickly - with intravenous administration after 5-15 minutes, the maximum is expressed after 1-2 hours. In tablets, the effect appears after 3 hours. The drug is administered into a vein, subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

Indications for use :

1) platelet purpura;

2) intestinal and pulmonary bleeding (surgery);

3) hemorrhagic diathesis;

4) operations on ENT organs;

5) diabetic angiopathy (ophthalmology).

Side effect- sometimes there is heartburn, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, headache, dizziness, facial hyperemia, leg parasthesia, decreased blood pressure.


To eliminate increased vascular permeability, especially in the presence of hemorrhages, vitamin C preparations are used ( ascorbic acid), as well as various flavonoids (rutin, ascorutin, quercetin, vitamin P), as well as vitamers, that is, semisynthetic derivatives - venoruton and troxevasin in various dosage forms(capsules, gel, solutions). Vitamin P preparations are used for intensive transudation of the liquid part of the plasma, for example, for swelling of the legs (thrombophlebitis). In addition, these drugs

prescribed for hemorrhagic diathesis, hemorrhages in the retina, radiation sickness, arachnoiditis, hypertension and in case of overdose of salicylates. Rutin and ascorutin are used in pediatrics to eliminate intense extravasation in children suffering from scarlet fever, measles, diphtheria and toxic flu.

RUTIN is available in tablets of 0.02 (2-3 times a day). ASKORUTIN - 0.05 each. VENORUTON - in capsules 0.3; ampoules of 5 ml of 10% solution.

Preparations from plants (infusions, extracts, tablets) have a weak hemostatic effect. Therefore, they are used for mild bleeding (nasal, hemorrhoidal), bleeding, hemoptysis, hemorrhagic diathesis, in obstetric and gynecological practice.

Products from these two lists will help you improve or, conversely, slow down the blood clotting process. But before them regular use You should consult your doctor; you may have other contraindications for them.

Products that increase blood clotting

Raise poor clotting blood the following list of products:

1. Animal fats: butter, lard, cream. And also meat fatty varieties and jelly.

2. Liver: liver, kidneys, brains, etc.

3. Buckwheat porridge.

4. Vegetables: red cabbage, radishes, red peppers, beets, turnips, radishes, watercress.

5. Purple berries, except those listed in another list. Black and red currants, blueberries, chokeberry, lingonberries, blackberries, mulberries, dogwoods, viburnum.

6. Fruits: bananas and mangoes.

7. Basil, dill, parsley, coriander.

8. Pomegranate and light grape juice.

9. Legumes: soybeans, beans, peas, lentils, beans.

10. Walnuts.

11. White bread.

Remember that such food contributes to the formation of blood clots. You don’t need to abuse it, but you don’t need to exclude it from your diet completely.

Products that reduce blood clotting

Reduce blood clotting and thin the blood products from next list:

1. Any quantity of fatty fish (mackerel, horse mackerel, sardines, herring, capelin, catfish) and fish oil.

2. Onions and garlic. They have an anti-cancer effect and resolve blood clots. You need to use garlic for these purposes correctly. Cut it into thin slices and leave it in the air for 15 minutes to wilt a little. To reduce clotting, it is better to cook the onion whole in water or broth.

3. Jerusalem artichoke.

4. Citrus fruits, especially lemon, effectively thin the blood.

5. Natural red wine - 30-50 g per day.

7. Flaxseed and olive oil.

8. Bay leaf- 3-4 pieces per soup or main course.

9. Sunflower seeds and hazelnuts.

10. Dark hard bitter chocolate.

11. Tomato juice.

12. Berries: cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, sweet cherries, plums, figs.

13. Ginger.

14. Green tea.

15. Cereals rich in magnesium: oatmeal, oats, rolled oats.

16. Herbs: white willow bark, meadowsweet, sweet clover. Courses 3-4 times a year for 10-14 days of admission.

Answered the question Dr. Sergey Agapkin, host of the program “About the Most Important Thing”:

Blood clotting is increased by buckwheat, bananas, herbs (dill, parsley, coriander, spinach), white cabbage, rose hips, rowan, including chokeberry. Herbs have a similar effect: yarrow, valerian, motherwort, burdock, St. John's wort, horsetail, tansy, nettle, as well as corn silk, oak bark, and viburnum bark.

With the help of nutrition, you can, on the contrary, reduce blood clotting. In this case, the diet should contain plenty of fluids and appropriate foods.

For example, cucumbers are 97% water, and half a glass of red grape juice reduces platelet activity by 75%. Cranberry tea, seaweed, melon, grapefruit, red bell pepper, tomatoes, cherries, cherries, almonds, garlic, dark chocolate, lemons, beets, cocoa, coffee, sunflower seeds will help... But if you need to change blood clotting , it is better to consult your doctor first.

Increased clotting blood is dangerous due to the risk of blood clots, heart disease and hypertension, heart attacks and strokes. Reduced - possibility heavy bleeding for injuries and even spontaneous ones, for example, nasal, gastrointestinal, etc.

The causes of both pathologies may be different, now we want to tell you about what foods exist that increase or decrease blood clotting and affect its viscosity. After all, nutrition plays a role in healing. various diseases very important role.

Products from these two lists will help you improve or, conversely, slow down the blood clotting process. But before using them regularly, you should consult your doctor; you may have other contraindications for them.

Products that increase blood clotting

The following list of products increases poor blood clotting:

1. Animal fats: butter, lard, cream. As well as fatty meats and jelly.

2. Liver: liver, kidneys, brains, etc.

3. Buckwheat porridge.

4. Vegetables: red cabbage, radishes, red peppers, beets, turnips, radishes, watercress.

5. Purple berries, except those listed in another list. Black and red currants, blueberries, chokeberries, lingonberries, blackberries, mulberries, dogwoods, viburnum.

6. Fruits: bananas and mangoes.

7. Basil, dill, parsley, coriander.

8. Pomegranate and light grape juice.

9. Legumes: soybeans, beans, peas, lentils, beans.

10. Walnuts.

11. White bread.

Remember that such food contributes to the formation of blood clots. You don’t need to abuse it, but you don’t need to exclude it from your diet completely.

Products that reduce blood clotting

Products from the following list reduce blood clotting and thin the blood:

1. Any quantity of fatty fish (mackerel, horse mackerel, sardines, herring, capelin, catfish) and fish oil.

2. Onions and garlic. They have an anti-cancer effect and resolve blood clots. You need to use garlic for these purposes correctly. Cut it into thin slices and leave it in the air for 15 minutes to wilt a little. To reduce clotting, it is better to cook the onion whole in water or broth.

3. Jerusalem artichoke.

4. Citrus fruits, especially lemon, effectively thin the blood.

5. Natural red wine - 30-50 g per day.

7. Flaxseed and olive oil.

8. Bay leaf - 3-4 pieces per soup or main course.

9. Sunflower seeds and hazelnuts.

10. Dark hard bitter chocolate.

11. Tomato juice.

12. Berries: cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, sweet cherries, plums, figs.

13. Ginger.

14. Green tea.

15. Cereals rich in magnesium: oatmeal, oats, rolled oats.

16. Herbs: white willow bark, meadowsweet, sweet clover. Courses 3-4 times a year for 10-14 days of admission.

17. Plain water. You need to drink it often, but in small sips.

You definitely need to know about foods that increase or decrease blood clotting in order to correct your daily menu in accordance with individual characteristics body.

Blood coagulation is the process of formation of a blood clot, which clogs damaged walls. blood vessels. In this case, platelets, which are often called blood platelets, form the same blood clot. This process is also affected by fibrinogen, a special protein in the blood plasma that is broken down into fibrins when platelets activate.

What does increased or decreased clotting blood and how dangerous is it? Is it possible to change this indicator by adjusting the diet? What foods should be included in the diet if you have poor clotting to improve it?

How does the blood clotting process occur?

The first step is to understand the process of blood clotting (coagulation). When the walls of blood vessels are damaged, oxidation occurs certain groups proteins present in plasma. They, in turn, activate the defense mechanism, literally stimulating nearby platelets.

At the same time, processes are formed on the walls of the blood platelets, with the help of which the platelets are tightly connected to each other, forming a single dense blood clot (when the leaked blood “coagulates,” a similar process occurs).

The rate of coagulation directly depends on and in the blood. However, if their level is too high, there is high probability activation of the process and without damaging the walls of blood vessels. In this case, a blood clot forms, which can stick to the wall of the vessel and thereby impair blood flow. Most often this happens in those places circulatory system, where there are valves (mainly in lower limbs, in heart).

Which normal indicator blood clotting? This is when the so-called thrombin time (INR) is 10 to 17 seconds. This is the period when platelets are excited and processes form on their outer walls.

The analysis also determines the concentration of fibrinogen. The optimal rate is from 2 to 4 mg per liter of plasma.

In some diseases, the process of platelet formation itself is disrupted, which significantly slows down blood clotting. For example, this happens when diabetes mellitus.

6 nutritional rules to increase your score

It’s worth starting with the fact that the process of blood clotting is directly affected by arterial pressure and the density of a unit of blood. That is why the analysis may show fibrinogen, but the patient may experience high risk blood clot formation.

Accordingly, before introducing certain rules In addition to your diet, you must consult with your doctor, ideally a gemologist. This doctor completely specializes in diseases of the blood and hematopoietic system.

If blood clotting is reduced, but blood pressure is biochemical composition blood are optimal, then for fibrinogen the following list of rules should be followed:

  1. Healthy eating. First of all, you should exclude foods rich in animal fats and cholesterol from your diet. It is because of them that most often provokes the development of atherosclerosis in the future.
  2. Minimum sugar. High level glucose worsens coagulation and slows down this process. This is why patients with diabetes mellitus (even if we're talking about about those who have type 2 disease, that is, when the body produces insulin) often occur trophic ulcers– the tissue healing process itself is disrupted due to slow blood clotting.
  3. Increasing the amount of protein consumed. Moreover, most of them should be plant proteins, as well as those contained in animal by-products (liver, lungs, kidneys, heart, and so on).
  4. Temporary refusal of vitamin complexes. As practice shows, an excess of certain groups of vitamins (in particular, E, B-group and A) causes an increase in blood coagulation time. If there is such an opportunity, they are temporarily abandoned. This also includes vitamin food supplements.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids. It is necessary to consume at least 1.5 - 2 liters of fluid per day. This will help normalize water-salt balance, which will directly affect both the viscosity of the blood and the process of its coagulation.
  6. Be sure to include foods rich in omega-3 acids in your diet. They simultaneously reduce the concentration of cholesterol and blood viscosity, but increase the level of platelets and fibrinogen. As a result, the process of blood coagulation is normalized.

If low coagulability is caused by diseases of the hematopoietic system, liver, endocrine system, then the above recommendations will bring minimal benefit. In such cases, the diet and rules that must be applied to the diet are determined by the attending physician.

6 Foods That Thicken Blood

To increase blood clotting, it is recommended to include in the diet following products, improving its quality:

  1. Butter. It is one of the safest “animal” fats that has virtually no effect on blood viscosity.
  2. Animal by-products. The liver, kidneys, lungs, heart, stomach - all this is a source of easy-to-digest protein, from which fibrinogen is subsequently formed in the liver. At the same time, there is a minimum of fat in such products, so this will not cause an increase in the level of cholesterol.
  3. Buckwheat porridge. Among all cereals, it is buckwheat that increases coagulation. Rice and oatmeal are less effective. The rest of the cereals should be abandoned. Also .
  4. Legumes. They are very rich in plant proteins, increase fibrinogen levels, as well as blood viscosity. At high blood pressure It is better to avoid them, but in case of hypotension, they must be included in the diet.
  5. Baking. Rich in glucose and proteins, which primarily increases blood viscosity. At high sugar Naturally, they are excluded from the diet.
  6. Sea fish. This also includes red and black caviar. All of these foods are rich in unsaturated omega-3 fatty acid, which reduce cholesterol concentrations, normalize blood viscosity, and also optimize hematopoietic function. All this increases the concentration of platelets.

Traditional methods

Among traditional methods The following recipes will help increase blood clotting (they are often recommended by doctors themselves):

  1. Ghee with yarrow. It will help speed up platelet production and also normalize liver function (preventing oxidation of organ cells). To prepare, take 100 milliliters of ghee, heat it in a water bath, mix with 30 grams of grated fresh yarrow. Next, let it cool and mix thoroughly. Use the resulting oil 0.5 teaspoon 3 times a day. It tastes pretty disgusting. Take until the finished medication is finished.
  2. Turmeric infusion. To prepare, take a spice (you can buy it in a store), mix it in a ratio of 1 to 1 with plain water. The result will be a mass similar to plasticine. So they take it under the tongue. Recommended dosage is 1 gram, 2 times a day. It also tastes pretty nasty. This remedy will help normalize hematopoietic function.

What reduces clotting?

Anti-clotting agents are:

  1. Vegetarian diet. In most cases it involves the use large quantity fruits and concentrated juices. All this is a factor that increases the acidity of the blood and reduces its thickness.
  2. Excessive fluid intake. Optimal rate– up to 2 liters per day. If you drink more, then clotting also slows down.
  3. Red wine in small quantities. Strictly contraindicated for low platelets. Surprisingly, in large quantities, but you should not use this method of treatment - the harm from alcoholic drinks for the circulatory system is huge.
  4. Chocolate. In particular, cocoa reduces coagulation. Therefore, you should completely abandon it, replacing it with other desserts.
  5. Green tea. Became extremely popular in Lately, since many believe that it is less harmful than black. But it reduces clotting, which is why in diabetes mellitus green tea Drinking is strictly prohibited. It is better to give preference to fireweed and other anticoagulant herbs.

Reducing the amount in the diet also sharply reduces blood clotting. This happens with low-calorie diets. It is because of this that women are advised to avoid them.

Why is it important to monitor this during pregnancy?

The homeostasis system in the body of the expectant mother changes dramatically. And if all this leads to low blood clotting, then there is a high risk directly during childbirth.

This is why during pregnancy you have to take a blood test from a vein almost weekly. This helps to detect pathology in a timely manner and establish the risk of complicated childbirth.

Useful video


In summary, blood clotting is directly affected by the concentrations of fibrinogen and platelets in the blood. And it is quite possible to influence them by adding certain foods to the diet that help increase them.

Why is reduced coagulability dangerous? The development of pathologies of the circulatory system, in particular, cerebral hemorrhage, complications during childbirth. And also, as practice shows, with low blood viscosity, migraine often develops - a disease of the blood vessels of the brain (4 times more common in women). That is why it is extremely important to control this parameter.