What does plantain herb help with? Plantain grass. Plantain: medicinal properties. Plantain ointment for skin diseases

In the article we discuss great plantain - uses and contraindications, botanical description and distribution area. You will learn how to collect and store the plant, how to prepare decoctions and infusions for coughs, constipation, gastritis and infertility.

Large plantain (lat. Plantágo májor) - herbaceous plant Plantain family (Plantaginaceae). The plant has become widespread due to its unique healing composition.

Many other names are known - roadside or boil grass, seven-grain grass, fellow traveler, cut grass. Appearance plantain

What does it look like

The plant has a short rhizome dotted with thread-like roots. The leaves are petiolate, broadly oval in shape, collected in a basal rosette. The petioles are equal in length to the leaf blade. The peduncle is straight, 15−45 cm long, with a cylindrical inflorescence in the form of a spikelet. The flowers are small, four-membered, the sepals are membranous, the corolla is light brownish. The flowering period occurs in May-June and lasts until August-September. The fruit is in the form of a box.

Where does it grow

In Russia, plantain grass grows everywhere, except in the Far North. Grows in sand, on clay, in the shade or in the sun. Doesn't get trampled. Plantain can be found along roads, in fields, forests and meadows. It actively reproduces, eventually displacing other herbs.

Plantain leaves

At the plantain medicinal properties have leaves. Decoctions and infusions from the leaves are used to treat many diseases. Fresh leaves are applied to boils and wounds. Ointment from the dried plant is considered an effective remedy for the treatment of ulcers on the skin.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition:

  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins A, C, K;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • organic acids;
  • saponins.

Plantain seeds have a mucilage content of 44%, fatty oils- 22%, protein - 22%, amino acids -16%.

The leaves of the great plantain are used for medicinal purposes.

Medicinal properties

Pharmacological properties of the plant:

  • pain reliever;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • antitumor;
  • wound healing;
  • hypnotic.

The healing properties of plantain have been known since ancient times.

The plant supports protective functions body. Thanks to unique composition, plantain is used to normalize cholesterol levels.

The antibacterial components included in the composition effectively fight against coli, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. At various infections use plantain infusions.

Due to its antiseptic properties, topical treatment with plantain is suitable for healing scratches.

Plantain has an anti-inflammatory effect. A decoction based on the plant is used to treat coughs, viral infection, restoration of immunity.

How to collect

Collect leaves during flowering period. Collect medicinal plant hands, cut with scissors. Pick off only the leaves, leaving a rosette of the plant. Store leaves in wicker baskets or bags. Dry in a well-ventilated area, under a canopy outside, or in the attic.

To dry the leaves evenly, spread them in a thin layer on paper.

During drying, stir the medicinal raw materials periodically. Sufficient drying can be judged by the fact that the petioles break easily, since they are quite dry. At proper storage whole leaves are preserved beneficial features 3 years, crushed raw materials - 2 years.

How to use

Use of plantain should be for indications or as a preventive measure. Before using plant-based products, read the instructions for use of plantain.

Cough syrup

IN folk medicine They use not only decoctions and infusions, but also plantain syrup. Treating coughs with plantain syrup is quite effective. Sweet taste Children like syrup. Also use the syrup to treat colds.

Plantain for cough - effective remedy for the treatment of infections of the upper respiratory tract. Sometimes coltsfoot and plantain are taken together.


  1. Young leaves of the plant - 3 tbsp.
  2. Honey - 150 gr.
  3. Boiling water - 150 ml.

How to cook: Wash the leaves, dry them, and mince them. Pour boiling water over the leaves in the indicated dosage and let it brew for 30 minutes. Add melted honey to the mixture, put on fire and heat for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat, cool, strain. Next, place the syrup in the refrigerator until completely cooled. Store the syrup for no longer than 8-9 months.

How to use: Take syrup no more than 3 times a day, 1 tsp.

Result: Expectorant, thins mucus.

Infusion for constipation

All plant-based products are effective only if taken regularly. If you suffer from constipation, it is recommended to reconsider your diet and consult a gastroenterologist.

As complex therapy To normalize stool, try taking an infusion from the plant. Plantain acts as a laxative for constipation. Do not exceed the dosage indicated in prescriptions.


  1. Dried plantain leaves - 1 tbsp.
  2. Boiling water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the leaves, leave for 2 hours.

How to use: Take 2 tbsp 30 minutes before meals. infusion.

Result: The plant relieves spasms and helps to empty the intestines. Effective against inflammation and ulcers.

Decoction for gastritis

Plantain for gastritis is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. At regular intake decoctions based on the plantain plant act as a mild laxative for the stomach.


  1. Dried leaves of the plant - 1 tbsp.
  2. Boiled water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour water over the dried leaves. Leave the decoction for 30 minutes.

How to use: Strain the decoction before use. Take ¼ cup up to 4 times a day.

Result: Painkiller, relieves cramps, colic in the stomach.

Infusion for infertility

Use plantain for infertility as a bath infusion. Water procedures follow the course. For achievement effective result take a bath with the infusion for 15 days.


  1. Leaves and rhizomes of the plant - 50 gr.
  2. Boiling water - 1 liter.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over all parts of the plant. Give the mixture time to brew and strain.

How to use: Add plantain infusion to your bath for conception. Take a bath with the infusion for no more than 20 minutes a day.

Result: Stimulates ovulation, relaxes, relieves inflammation.

Plantain juice

If you study the beneficial properties of the plant, the juice of the great plantain is used to treat digestive problems and eye infections. Plantain juice relieves inflammation, eliminates infection, and promotes wound healing.

Eastern healers add plant juice to honey and give it to children minimum quantities for the treatment of cough. The juice is also used to treat nasopharyngeal infections. The juice is suitable for facial treatment. Acne on the face goes away and no marks remain on the skin.

Plantain for children

Plantain for children is used from the age of 3 years. Pharmacies have factory-made syrups that contain plant components, but it is better for children to give syrup prepared independently at home.

When coughing, give syrup to children in a dosage of no more than 2.5 ml at a time. Starting from the age of 6 years, the dosage is 3.5 ml, from 12 years - 5 ml.

Please note that if a child suffers from dermatitis, allergies or diabetes, then syrup should not be given, as it contains sugar. In this case, replace the syrup with a weak plantain decoction.

Plantain during pregnancy

With a competent approach to treatment, plantain can be useful for pregnant women. In the absence of contraindications, the plant is used at all stages of pregnancy.

A pregnant girl has a reduced resistance to infections and a weakened immune system. To protect a pregnant woman from viruses, doctors prescribe herbal decoctions, as they do not contain chemicals. The plant is considered natural, effective antiseptic, which improves immunity.

There are often cases when plantain is prescribed to eliminate toxicosis and constipation. To normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, use weak tea or decoction.

Before use, check with your doctor about the possibility of using a medicinal plant, optimal dosage And personal recommendations. Despite all the usefulness of plantain, pregnant women should be treated with caution with any medications, including folk remedies.


Use plantain during pregnancy only after consulting a doctor.


  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases in the acute phase;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • intolerance to plant components;
  • children up to 3 years old.

All people experience it differently side effects. Before applying the juice or ointment, apply the mixture first to open area skin and evaluate the result after 5 minutes. If no redness, itching or other symptoms are detected, then the plant can be used.

Side symptoms appear as follows:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal cramps.

If they are detected, you should stop taking plant-based medications and consult a doctor.

Before use different means study plantain properties and contraindications.


The plant belongs to the genus Plantain of the Plantain family, order Lamiaceae, class Dicotyledons, department Angiosperms.


Today there are more than 30 varieties of plantain. Almost all species are considered weeds and grow in uncontrolled places, but some varieties are listed in the Red Book.

The most healing and useful action has a large plantain. Along with him in medicinal purposes types such as flea, lanceolate and medium are used.

Flea beetle is an annual herbaceous plant, 10 to 40 cm in height, with a slightly branched stem. The leaves are linear, 2−3 cm long, 1−4 cm wide. At the top, the umbellate inflorescence is collected in a spike. The fruit is an ellipsoidal box 3−4 mm. It blooms in June, the fruits ripen in July.

Lanceolate is a perennial herbaceous plant with grooved stems 20−50 cm high. The leaves are lanceolate, located in a basal rosette, entire edges have from 3 to 7 veins, 4−15 cm long, 0.5−2 cm wide. Fruits are elliptical boxes , 3 mm long. The seeds have one side convex and the other grooved. Blooms in May - June. The fruits ripen in June.

Medium - a perennial herbaceous plant with a grooved stem, 15-50 cm high. The leaves are slightly pointed, ovate, located in a basal rosette, 4-20 cm long, 2-8 cm wide. The fruits are ovoid boxes, each of which contains from 2 to 5 seeds. The flowering period is from May to September. The fruits ripen in June.

For more information about plantain, watch the video:

Great plantain infographics

Photo of large plantain, its beneficial properties and uses:
Infographics on plantain

What to remember

  1. Plantain is treatment plant, which grows everywhere in Russia.
  2. The plant is effective in treating infertility, gastrointestinal problems and skin infections.
  3. Research plantain before using plant-based products medicinal properties and contraindications.
  4. Properly collect and store plant leaves. Only in this case you will receive healing raw materials, which are stored for about 3 years.
  5. In the absence of contraindications, decoctions and infusions based on the plant can be taken during pregnancy.

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admin 12.07.2016

About the healing properties of this extraordinary herb we find out in childhood when we apply it to the site of a fresh wound. But in addition to the fact that plantain disinfects and heals wounds well, it is also widely used in the treatment of coughs and digestive system. Moreover, all the beneficial properties of this herb are preserved both in fresh and dried form, which means that it can be used as a medicinal component at any time. all year round. We will talk about the benefits of plantain and how to use it in this article.

What are the benefits of plantain?

Today there are about 250 different various types plantain, but in our country the most common type of this herb is the great plantain, the benefits of which we will now talk about.

  • Everyone knows that plantain is popular in folk medicine due to its hemostatic properties. With its help, the inflammatory process is well relieved, the wound is disinfected and heals faster. This beneficial property is explained by the content of tannins and polysaccharides in chemical composition plantain, which ensures rapid healing.
  • Plantain improves the functioning of the digestive system, and it also increases appetite. It can be used to treat gastritis and ulcers, as well as flatulence and colitis.
  • This useful herb can be used as a remedy for the respiratory tract, plantain is often used for severe cough and the first signs of bronchitis.
  • Plantain is recommended to be used in combination with other drugs for treatment malignant tumors and leukemia, as it increases their effectiveness.
  • If there are problems with functioning nervous system It is recommended to use plantain. He, depending on existing problems, can tone or, on the contrary, calm the human body.

As you can see, not at first glance, in such an unremarkable herb as plantain, a large number of healing properties are hidden, which are quite useful to know about.

Medicinal properties of plantain

Please note that not only plantain leaves, but also seeds are used for medicinal purposes.

Studies have shown that plantain contains substances that have a beneficial effect on cholesterol metabolism in the body, thereby bringing its level back to normal. In addition, it provides invaluable assistance in the fight against ulcers. Fresh leaves of the plantain herb, as well as the juice squeezed from them, are often used as an antibacterial natural remedy. It has a detrimental effect on various pathogenic microbes and staphylococcus.

Uses of plantain

In general, the plantain was found wide application in folk medicine, it is one of the main components in many effective folk recipes. But in addition to the fact that this herb is often used for medicinal purposes, young leaves are often used in cooking in the summer to prepare lungs. vegetable salads and soups, as well as for cosmetic purposes.

Treatment with plantain

With the help of plantain you can treat absolutely various diseases, especially for you, we have prepared several recipes using plantain to combat completely different problems with health.

Plantain for cough

Plantain can help in treating a cough when a person has an allergic reaction to pharmaceutical drugs. In a short period of time, you can prepare a miracle cure at home.

You need to take 2 tablespoons of crushed fresh leaves plantain and the same amount granulated sugar. If you are not allergic to honey, then it is better to take it, since this product also contains a large number of beneficial properties. The ingredients must be mixed and put on low heat, the heat should be low, since the mass needs to simmer for 4 hours. The finished syrup should be taken three times a day 30 minutes before the main meal in the amount of one teaspoon.

Treatment of gastritis with plantain

To treat gastritis, it is worth preparing a decoction of plantain; for this you need to take a tablespoon of dried plantain leaves per glass of boiling water. After you flood the leaves hot water, let the broth brew for a couple of hours and strain it. The finished decoction must be taken orally for hours; it is best to drink it in small sips. To get the first results this procedure must be done daily for at least a couple of weeks.

Treatment of stomach ulcers with plantain

It turns out that stomach ulcers can be fought with a natural remedy based on plantain, or rather its seeds.

When this worsens unpleasant disease You can prepare an infusion of plantain seeds. You need to brew two tablespoons of plantain seeds in a glass of boiling water, let the drink brew for a couple of hours and strain it. Ready medicine It is recommended to drink a tablespoon half an hour before the main meal.

Treatment of wounds with plantain

Plantain is famous for its wound-healing properties; it quickly relieves inflammation and disinfects the injured area.

Grind clean and dry plantain leaves so that the juice begins to stand out from them. Roll the gauze into several layers, fill it with plantain pulp and roll it up. The resulting compress must be applied to the affected area of ​​the body, and the compress should be renewed every 2-3 hours.

Can also be crushed into equal parts plantain and yarrow leaves and make a gauze compress from them. It must be applied to the required place; it is recommended to update this bandage twice a day. For example, in the morning and evening.

If you do not have time to prepare compresses or you are in unsuitable conditions for this, then simply apply a clean plantain leaf to the wound or bruises.

Treatment of dysbiosis with plantain

In case of dysbacteriosis, as well as diarrhea, it is not necessary to immediately run to the pharmacy; you can be treated with natural medicinal products based on plantain.

Pour a tablespoon of plantain seeds into 100 ml of hot water, let the resulting drink brew for half an hour, and then strain it using a strainer or gauze. Take the resulting medicine three times a day 30 minutes before your main meal. Usually, after the first drink, noticeable improvements in the general condition of the human body begin to be observed.

Treatment of joints with plantain

Aching and long-term pain in the joints - this is very unpleasant phenomenon, which you want to forget about as quickly as possible. Based on plantain, you can prepare an effective remedy for solving problems associated with joints.

Mix crushed plantain leaves with bee honey in equal proportions. The resulting product can be stored in the refrigerator for long period time. Please note that this remedy Contraindicated for people suffering from varicose veins.

Plantain. Contraindications

Although plantain is indeed unique grass, it has a number of contraindications for use, however, like any other medicinal herb. Be sure to familiarize yourself with them before you begin treatment, so as not to cause harm to your body instead of benefit.

  • It is recommended that people who have problems with blood clots, as well as excessive blood clotting, refrain from using plantain for medicinal purposes.
  • We wrote above that plantain has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and helps in the treatment of gastritis and ulcers. It is worth noting that treatment with this herb is only suitable for patients with low acidity, if it is elevated, then treatment with plantain should be abandoned.
  • Plantain can cause allergic reaction, therefore it is recommended to start treatment with small doses with gradual increase volume.

Do not neglect contraindications under any circumstances; it would be even better if you consult with your doctor about starting treatment with plantain.

Plantain during pregnancy

We learned about contraindications to the use of plantain, but is it possible to treat women with this wonderful herb? interesting position? Let's try to find the answer to this important question.

Plantain bears great benefit body of a pregnant woman, it helps the body get rid of excess cholesterol, relieves swelling, removing excess water from the body, and also increases blood clotting.

Plantain can be used as a natural remedy to normalize blood pressure, and also as a sedative and analgesic.

Pregnancy is that period in a woman’s life when even healing herbs should be taken with caution. For complete safety, it is better to consult a specialist who will prescribe competent treatment if you do not have any contraindications to the use of this herb. Do not self-medicate and take plantain only in the quantities strictly indicated for you, otherwise you may harm your health and the health of your future first-born.

Plantain for children

Of course, in the matter that concerns the use of plantain as wound healing agent, there are no questions about its safety for children. But if we talk about taking plantain-based products internally, many parents begin to have doubts about the effect of plantain on the child’s body.

Most often, plantain syrup is prepared for children, which is an excellent cough suppressant. There are recipes for products that are allowed for children from one year old, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers. The only thing is to consult a specialist who can prescribe the required dose of the drug specifically for your child.

Today we will talk about:

Plantain– this is real natural healer, which can be found almost everywhere, and it usually grows along roads and paths. The leaves of this plant are applied to abrasions and wounds for their speedy healing and disinfection. Infusions are made from plantain, and its juice is used to get rid of many ailments.

Helpful representative of the green first aid kit

In addition to the wound-healing properties of plantain, it has been used since ancient times to prevent minor bleeding, treat male and female female infertility, as well as eliminating eye ailments. Plantain is a perennial plant of the plantain family. Its height is on average from 10 to 40 cm, the basal rosette consists of green, succulent leaves and flowering arrows. Plantain has large green leaves with prominent veins. There are usually no leaves on the arrows, but after the flowering period fruits appear in the form of two-lobed boxes. This plant is unpretentious to conditions environment. It lives everywhere: in the garden, near a pond, grows along the road, in meadows and fields.

Today plantain They are also used in cooking, they prepare salads and hot dishes from it, similar to sorrel, dandelion and other edible plants that are tasty in combination with certain products. Young plantain leaves are most often used in cooking; they are added to porridges, potatoes, omelettes, etc. Russian cabbage soup, salads, soups, cutlets, purees and drinks are prepared from tender plantain leaves. Some housewives have gotten used to preparing medicinal infusions from plantain, and medicinal juice use to eliminate various problems with health.

Modern medicine confirms the benefits of plantain as an effective medicine. Preparations based on the plant have astringent and wound-healing properties, and plantain juice is effective in the treatment of diseases of the cornea of ​​the eyes, due to the suppression of the action of staphylococcus and other rod infections.

Traditional healers also talk about the uncompromising benefits of plantain juice and use it very actively. Decoctions are prepared from the seeds of the plant for treatment. diabetes mellitus and other symptoms.

Plantain leaves contain many valuable elements, such as:

Lemon acid;
vitamin K;
oleic acid;

The composition of the plant is truly healing, which is why gruel from fresh plantain leaves is used to stop bleeding and disinfect the surface of the skin.
Harm to the plant

To people suffering peptic ulcers stomach and duodenum, gastritis, colitis, drinking plantain juices or infusions is not recommended. Especially if there is increased acidity gastric juice. If you are prone to blood clots, as well as children under 18 years of age, this product should not be used. medicinal component. The use of plantain is contraindicated when the following symptoms:

problems at work gastrointestinal tract;
breastfeeding period;
allergies and individual intolerances.

There have been cases when internal use plantain, problems with the gastrointestinal tract occurred, namely: bloating and diarrhea.

Plantain juice

In order to prepare it, you need to collect the leaves of ordinary large plantain, growing somewhere far from the roadway and industrial area. It is collected from May to September. The washed leaves are scalded with boiling water, passed through a meat grinder and the juice is squeezed out of this pulp through a gauze cloth. The resulting liquid must be boiled for 2 minutes, after which the medicine becomes suitable for use. The product is stored for two months in a dark glass bottle in the refrigerator. The juice is used for inflammation of the gastric mucosa (low acidity), as well as to relieve inflammation of the large intestine. Take the medicine 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. The permissible therapeutic course is 1 month.

Due to the large amount of vitamins, tonic and wound-healing properties, plantain juice is used in cosmetology.

The benefit of plantain juice is that it helps to cope with such ailments as:

Suppuration of wounds;
bleeding of scratches and abrasions;
corneal lesions;
sharp forms gastritis, enterocolitis;
internal purulent inflammatory processes.

As part of complex therapy, plantain juice relieves skin inflammation and boils. Sometimes the product is also used in gynecology to eliminate cervical erosion and other diseases. Juice from certain type plantain is often used to lower cholesterol levels and also to treat atherosclerosis.
Uses of plantain juice

For the treatment of various diseases:

  • To increase acidity in the stomach. To start the treatment process, you need to mix 2 tbsp. l. juice with 1 tbsp. l. honey and dilute it all with 100 ml warm water. You need to take this solution 3 times a day before meals for 30 days.
  • To get rid of stomach or intestinal ulcers, as well as dysentery, dyspepsia, chronic gastritis or enteritis, you need to take 1 tbsp plantain juice. l. before each meal, 20 minutes.
  • Strengthening of cardio-vascular system. Taking 20 g of medicine before meals can help relieve general state and improve mood, eliminate symptoms of hypertension and relieve nervous tension.
  • Treatment of skin diseases. Any inflammatory diseases on the skin (boils, abrasions, smallpox, inflammation after vaccinations, insect bites) can be eliminated with the help of plantain juice. IN in this case This drug should be used in the form of lotions. A moistened cotton pad is applied to the site of inflammation. To prepare the ointment, you need to combine juice and Vaseline in equal proportions. The product is stored in the refrigerator and used for any inflammation of the skin.
  • Conjunctivitis and various eye injuries are successfully treated natural medicine from plantain. Cotton swab you need to moisten it in a mixture of water and juice (2:1), then put it on your eyes and hold for about 20 minutes.
  • Cold. Plantain juice with honey in a 1:1 ratio helps eliminate the first manifestations of an acute respiratory viral infection. The resulting medicine removes mucus from the bronchi, strengthens the immune system and treats vitamin deficiency. You need to take the mixture according to the already familiar scheme: 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.
  • If you lubricate sore gums with plantain juice, you can get rid of such unpleasant problem like bleeding.
  • At disappointing diagnosis"oncology", primary therapy medicines can be supplemented with the juice of this plant. The product is able to restore the level of acidity in the body, the imbalance of which sometimes causes the formation of tumors. You need to take 1 tbsp of juice. l. 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day for 40 days.
  • Plantain juice is also popular in cosmetology. To reduce dryness of facial skin, it must be lubricated with a mixture of water and juice in a ratio of 1:3. A potato mask will help cope with acne and other inflammations. To do this, grate 1 potato, add 1 tbsp. l. plantain juice and stir. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for half an hour and then washed off with water at room temperature.

Pharmacy plantain juice

Many pharmaceutical companies market this drug in 100 ml vials, along with instructions for use. It contains ethanol, which means that drinking medicinal plantain juice is contraindicated for children. The same ban applies to pregnant women. Other contraindications to the use of the drug include the following:

Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
increased acidity gastric juice;
varicose veins veins and blood clots;

Plantain juice can be a real panacea for various diseases. MirSovetov recommends a competent approach to choosing a plant or purchasing a drug at a pharmacy. Despite high efficiency medicines, they cannot be replaced traditional therapy, especially in severe or advanced cases.

Plantain – medicinal plant, used for centuries in folk medicine. Healers knew its virtues and used it as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory agent, to treat dry chronic cough, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.

Plantain grows wild in temperate climates throughout the northern hemisphere. It can be found at the foot of the mountains. IN large quantities lives in meadows and pastures. It is found as a weed of grain crops, alfalfa and clover. Prefers light black soil or clay-sandy soils. Currently grows less frequently in natural conditions, mainly due to increased use herbicides.

About the plant

Description of the plant:

  1. 1. Height - from 5 to 40 cm, varies greatly depending on the properties of the soil.
  2. 2. The stem is short (therefore the leaves are located on the earth’s surface); only during flowering do 1-3 (rarely more) unbranched peduncle shoots develop. They are straight, sparsely pubescent, grow from the mouth of the leaves.
  3. 3. Leaves – oval or ovoid, green, leathery, growing from the base of the plant up to 12 cm in length. Clearly defined longitudinal veins are visible on their surface. The leaves have long, rigid petioles that grow from a short underground rhizome, forming a dense rosette above the ground.
  4. 4. Flowers - small, with a brown-green or white-yellow corolla, located one at a time in the axil of the bract.
  5. 5. Fruit - is an ovoid, multi-seeded capsule with small seeds located in each nest in the amount of 4-16 pieces. Ripe seeds spill out of the nest directly onto the ground. In wet weather, they secrete mucus, thanks to which they cling to the fur of animals or the soles of human shoes and are transported over considerable distances. Mature seeds can begin to germinate in the same year in which they fell into the ground (late summer or early autumn).
  6. 6. Flowering time - late spring and until the end of summer.

There are 150 species of this plant. The most common:

  1. 1. Large or ordinary - found almost everywhere. A compress of its leaves is used for bruises, wounds, and boils. Alcohol tincture from the plant helps lower blood pressure.
  2. 2. Lanceolate. It is characterized by the presence of long leaves that have healing properties. The plant is used for whooping cough and bronchitis.
  3. 3. Medium or flea - grows mainly in the Caucasus. This herb is the main component of effective laxatives.

Plantain leaves should be collected from spring to autumn. The first time is at the beginning of April, and the second time is at the end of the growing season. The collection of material is carried out in clean places, on warm and dry days. You should pay attention to ensure that the leaves are young, healthy and free of dust.

Plantain leaves

The collected raw materials can be used for various purposes. Juices, tinctures, and ointments made from it are used internally and directly on the skin. The preparation of dry raw materials is carried out in natural dryers or in heated rooms, and it should be remembered that the temperature should not exceed 40 °C.

Medicinal and cosmetic properties

The plant contains active compounds such as:

  • pectin;
  • vitamins (C and K);
  • minerals (magnesium, zinc, sodium, silicon, potassium);
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids: benzoic, fumaric;
  • tannins;
  • enzymes;
  • saponins.

Medicinal properties of plantain:

  • has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects;
  • helps in the fight against wet and dry cough - has an expectorant effect;
  • cleanses the lungs of mucus residues in them, the upper respiratory tract;
  • increases blood clotting;
  • exhibits an antispasmodic effect;
  • fights smoker's cough;
  • prevents upper respiratory tract infections;
  • treats sore throat;
  • has an antibiotic effect;
  • helps in the treatment of whooping cough;
  • helps treat bronchial asthma;
  • helps get rid of hoarseness, inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • treats inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helps treat genital infections;
  • minimizes diseases associated with insect bites, in particular mosquitoes, bees;
  • fights swelling and bags under the eyes;
  • promotes the treatment of ulcers and difficult-to-heal wounds, calluses;
  • helps in the treatment of varicose veins;
  • helps treat eye diseases, for example, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids;
  • stimulates the secretion of gastric juices;
  • protects the liver;
  • helps relieve constipation in the treatment of stomach cancer;
  • reduces pain and ailments of the stomach, for example, in case of poisoning;
  • treats inflammation of the prostate gland and inflammation of the urethra in men;
  • helps during heavy menstruation among women;
  • has a diuretic effect.

Plantain is produced as a medicinal herbal medicine. The instructions for use allow it to be used for bronchial diseases and coughs as an expectorant and mucus-thinning medicine.

Cosmetic properties:

  • helps get rid of acne;
  • tightens enlarged pores;
  • accelerates skin cleansing;
  • improves the condition of damaged capillaries;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • regenerates skin;
  • helps get rid of bruises;
  • acts as an astringent;
  • fights dandruff,
  • has a disinfectant effect.

It is used as a component of day and night creams, milks, tonics, skin cleansing lotions, masks, peelings.

Useful recipes for cooking at home:

  1. 1. Plantain tincture or syrup with alcohol. Indications for use: respiratory tract diseases, dry cough, hoarseness, sore throat. 100 g of fresh plantain leaves should be finely chopped and then minced, for example, in a meat grinder. Place the ground leaves in a bowl, add about 100 ml of warm water and mix. The prepared mixture must be filtered. Add 100 g of sugar to the juice obtained in this way. Everything needs to be cooked, bringing to a boil. After cooling, add 50 ml of vodka and pour the syrup into jars.
  2. 2. Syrup without alcohol. Indications for use: colds, coughs, strengthening the body. Fresh plantain leaves must be cut and then placed in a jar in layers - alternating with honey (or sugar). A jar completely filled with leaves and honey is placed in a dark place, and after 10 days the syrup is ready for use. The product can be used by adults and children for colds and viral diseases. It should be used 2 times a day, 1-2 tsp.
  3. 3. Infusion of leaves. Application: inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, compresses for boils, varicose veins, difficult-to-heal wounds. An infusion diluted with water (in half) can be used to wash the eyes. Preparation: 2 tbsp. l. dried leaves plantain should be poured with 2 cups of hot water. The prepared infusion can be drunk 2 to 4 times a day, and can also be used for compresses.
  4. 4. Decoction of the root. The dried root of the herb is used in Chinese medicine to increase sperm activity in men. A strong decoction is prepared from the root of the plant, which is added to medicinal baths. The benefits of plantain root decoction for inflammation are also known. bile ducts. 3 tbsp. l. dried roots should be poured with 2 glasses of water and prepare a decoction. The mixture must be boiled for 10 minutes. The product is taken 3 times a day for a week.
  5. 5. Decoction of leaves. Application: against dandruff, in the treatment of skin diseases, rashes, diseases of the digestive system (for example, diarrhea), diseases respiratory system. 1 tbsp. l. dried plantain leaves should be poured with a glass of boiling water, and then cooked, bringing to a boil. After cooling, strain the mixture. After half a glass of decoction, it should be consumed 2 times a day.
  6. 6. Leaf tea. Uses: choking cough, smoker's cough, hoarseness, asthma. 1 tbsp. l. plantain leaves should be poured with a glass of boiling water. After cooling, strain the tea. To strengthen healing properties drink, it's worth adding to it lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l.thyme.
  7. 7. Leaves compress. Application: difficult-to-heal wounds, boils, bedsores, varicose veins, burns, rashes, bruises, insect bites. Chopped or whole leaves fresh plantain should be applied to the sore spot on the skin. Plasters or bandages can be used to secure the sheet.
  8. 8. Facial toner. Application: eczema, acne. Pour boiling water over a few plantain leaves and let stand for 15 minutes. Afterwards, add a glass of white wine to the cooled infusion. Bottled tonic should be stored in the refrigerator.
  9. 9. Leaf mask. Application: facial skin rashes, increased greasiness, acne. 3 handfuls of plantain leaves must be crushed and then mixed with half a glass of sour cream. Apply the prepared mask to the face for about 15 minutes, after which the remaining product should be rinsed off. warm water.

Who among us didn’t hurt our knees as a child? Every! But not every time we ran home for help - there was no time for that. About the need to apply a tourniquet or gauze bandage to stop the bleeding, there was no question. But in the summer there was an abundance of another medicine - cheap and always at hand. This is a plantain, the photo shows us rounded leaves on thread stalks, growing along roads, on playgrounds, among the grass. Although even without a photo, we knew exactly what he was like - our assistant in the fight against abrasions and scratches.

And they were right. Plantain is known for its hemostatic properties. In addition, it does not bake like iodine or brilliant green, and this is so important for children. But the spectrum of action of elastic, ovoid leaves is much wider. Let’s not forget about the roots of the plantain, which, remember, we tried to pull out from under the ground without breaking it, so that we could then put it in the herbarium, and about the seeds. Although they are used less often, they can also help deal with some ailments.

Herb rannik - history of use and composition of plantain

Singer Alice Mon mentioned this plant in one of her songs. Either the plantain grass was a witness to unhappy love, or the singer was telling him about the confusion of a tender girl’s soul, or the plant itself was driving suitors away from the heroine of the song. But our plantain became famous.

He was known before, but mostly by herbalists. IN traditional medicine This medicinal plant began to be used not so long ago. As soon as we learned long time preserve the properties of the plant, plantaglucide and plantain juice appeared. Instructions for use of both drugs are the same pharmacological effects. Both drugs are prescribed for stomach and intestinal colic, colitis, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

  • The leaves of the traveler (this is also the name of this plant) contain tannins, mucus, and glycosyl aucubin. The plant owes its anti-inflammatory and secretolytic characteristics to them. Plantain cough syrup is perfect for little children. Agree, this is better than stuffing a child synthetic drugs. For a dry cough - plantain syrup, for a wet cough - .
  • Vitamins K, C, carotene, lemon acid will help wake you up protective forces body, relieve flatulence, cure diarrhea.
  • If the plantain leaf fights diarrhea, then its seeds fight constipation. This is what a multi-purpose grass is. The main thing is not to confuse...
  • Plantain will also increase your appetite with bitter substances, and.
  • will break up sclerotic plaques in the blood, and at the same time sweep it away.

Plantain has been known for a very long time. Its medicinal properties as a hemostatic agent were used by doctors Ancient Rome and Greece. Rannik was used by travelers who were tired and had their feet sore. Having applied the leaves to the wounds, having rested a little, they set off again.

Later they found out that plantain is much more multifaceted; its medicinal properties and contraindications apply to leaves, seeds, and even roots. They drink freshly squeezed juice, infusions, decoctions, eat dried, apply to abrasions, temples and purulent wounds. This is a seven-year-old man, and he is ready to try to help anyone.

For moms and geeks

What is plantain useful for? Are its beneficial properties and contraindications equivalent? Not at all. Plantain is not allowed for those who have thick blood(torn off sclerotic plaques can cause thrombosis), increased acidity (plantain contains citric acid). We recommend that you take precautions and donate blood to prothrombin index. If it is high, taking psyllium may cause a stroke.

Everyone else can and, hurray, children and nursing mothers too.

  • Insatiable children latch on to the breast so much that cracks appear on the nipples. If you make a lotion with plantain juice, the cracks will heal. At the same time, the taste of milk or skin will not change, it will not become bitter or unpleasant-smelling.
  • Plantain seeds are indicated for constipation. On an empty stomach you need to eat a tablespoon of seeds and drink warm water. You will have to rush home from work, because you can feel the maximum effect within 7-8 hours.
  • If you have gone too far with the laxative drug, also take plantain, but its leaves. The juice of fresh leaves is mixed with honey in equal proportions and drunk 3 tbsp. in a day. Instead of juice, use dried leaves - a spoonful of crushed leaves in a glass of boiling water (drink within an hour after 10 minutes of infusion).
  • The same recipe is also suitable for gastritis, flatulence, ulcers, atherosclerosis, colitis, colic and enteritis.
  • An infusion of seeds in small doses (1 tablespoon) treats flu and barking cough. Dosage per glass of boiling water – 10 grams.
  • Externally, plantain heals wounds, even purulent ones, relieves pain from bruises and burns, and disinfects insect bites. Fresh leaves are crushed in a blender and applied together with the juice to the wound, wrapped with a bandage on top or a band-aid is applied. For severe lesions, the lotion needs to be changed every 2-3 hours. You can enhance the effect of boil herb by adding the same amount to it. In the old days, fistulas and boils were called boils, hence another name for plantain.
  • Dried plantain leaves help to cope with dry cough, and the action together with linden, and no cough can resist, not even whooping cough. We take all the herbs in equal parts, pour boiling water over them, when it has steeped a little and cooled down, add honey and drink as a healing tea.
  • Cholecystitis, atherosclerosis, stomach pain, colitis, and dyspepsia are also not terrible if you drink an infusion: a spoonful of plantain and a glass of boiling water. 10 minutes and the infusion is ready.
  • The same infusion can be drunk for pulmonary tuberculosis, cough, asthma, whooping cough, pleurisy, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, kidney disease and enuresis. Dosage – a tablespoon before meals 20 minutes.
  • The scourge of all computer scientists, and now also of overly tech-savvy children, is sore, inflamed eyes. It is impossible to tear them away from computers and other gadgets. Then at least make compresses from plantain decoction: a spoonful of dry leaves per glass of boiling water. Cook for a couple of minutes, then leave for a couple of hours. We make lotions and wash the eyes. We combine folk remedy with eye exercises. Although it’s better to tear them away from gadgets...
  • If you suddenly get a stomach ache from eating shawarma on the street, find a plantain, pick a leaf, be sure to rinse it, then chew it well and swallow. There will definitely be no harm from this, like from street food prepared by someone unknown, unknown when and unknown from what. Eat with friends!

The root of plantain is also useful.

If you have a toothache, you don’t need to chew it (try this if your teeth ache). The root is wrapped in a bandage or gauze and inserted into the ear for half an hour on the side on which the tooth hurts. Our grandmothers did this too.

For greater effectiveness, rinse your mouth with a decoction of plantain leaves or apply the juice to your gums. The grass has astringent action, so use both methods. Remember that it only calms the pain, but does not treat the cause, so you will still have to go to the dentist.

The thyroid and adrenal glands will also be saved by plantain roots. And if you chop up the leaf and root of the herb and apply it to the site of a bee or snake bite, the plant will draw out the poison or at least prevent it from spreading.

We collected seeds in the fall, plantain leaves in the spring, studied the medicinal properties and contraindications, so let's get treatment and even improve the demographic situation in the country.

For male pride and female joy

A woman's joy is children. But sometimes due to diabetes mellitus, when female hormones sleep, it’s impossible to get pregnant. According to rumors, plantain seeds are useful in this case. Therapeutic properties for infertility, there are reviews and very happy ones, babka (the fateful name of plantain, don’t you think) can also activate hormones. It's worth a try.

Drink a decoction of plantain seeds: 10 g per glass of boiling water. Let it simmer for 7 minutes, then strain. Dosage four times a day, one spoonful. Course – up to 2 months. The secret lies in the beginning of taking the decoction - this should be a day in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

Svetlana writes:

“I drank plantain according to this recipe. The situation was as described above - hormones, lack of ovulation, diabetes. Either the broth cleansed the body, or I believed in the saving straw, but after 4 months I became pregnant. My little one is already 2 years old. I am planning a second child – a daughter. And by the way, the baby does not have diabetes - I was afraid that I would pass it on at the genetic level.”

Men may also benefit from psyllium seeds for infertility. Reviews from herbalists show that rannik infusion treats impotence, awakens male hormones, reduces blood pressure in the groin area, fights urological problems.

Recipe: Heat a glass of boiling water and a spoonful of dry crushed leaves in a water bath. Then leave for an hour. Drink 2-2.5 tablespoons three times a day on an empty stomach for 3 weeks. If necessary, repeat again after a week.

Other useful things and goodies

It is worth trying plantain in face masks, washes and compresses. The face becomes smooth, irritations and wrinkles melt before our eyes. After rinsing with a decoction of the plant, your hair will become silky and more manageable, and your hands will become smooth.

Plantain is also used in cooking, following the example of grapes. In the first case, salads and sauces are prepared from it. In the second, minced meat is wrapped in leaves, like dolma in grape leaves.

Plantain is also added when canning cucumbers. And to make the smell pleasant, replace regular vinegar with.

Don't pass by the plantain. Prepare it for future use. It is useful both fresh and dried.