The body's acid-base balance (pH balance) or acid-base balance (ABC). Acid-base balance: how to measure

Acid-alkaline balance is the balance of acid and alkali in our body. If we want to be healthy, we must maintain acid-alkaline balance in our body, that is, maintain the correct pH balance.

Man consists of two components: alkali and acid. It has been proven in nature that there should be 3-4 times more alkalis in the body than acids, and we should have this ratio. If we violate this ratio, we get sick.

Nature has decreed that it has endowed our body with organs and systems that are responsible for the acid-base balance of our body. First of all, these are the blood, the excretory system (kidneys) and the respiratory (pulmonary) regulatory system.

Medical research has proven that our health directly depends on the acid-base balance of the blood. Blood pH values ​​from 7.35 to 7.47 are normal; when the blood pH is below 6.8, the body falls into a coma.

The cause of most diseases is oxidation of the body. This condition is medically called acidosis. Today, 8 out of 10 people suffer from this disease. Sodium accumulates in their organs and muscles, and potassium disappears, this blocks energy and biochemical processes in the cells and eventually they die.

When the body shifts to the acidic side, inflammatory processes intensify, the body quickly ages and wears out, when it shifts to an alkaline environment, the work of the kidneys is facilitated and the body feels healthier and more active.


The acid-base ratio in our body is disturbed due to the isolation of modern man from nature. Modern man has not only eliminated physical labor from his life, but has also reduced any movement as such to a minimum: at home and in the office - he sits, when he goes outside the gate - he gets into a car or some other transport, and so on day after day. , year after year.

In this case, the lungs become deformed, they no longer need as much air as during physical effort, they decrease in volume, the chest becomes narrow and undeveloped.

The second factor that disrupts the acid-base ratio in the body is poor nutrition. Of course, this is also facilitated by the modern rhythm of life, the modern food industry and modern society.Eating on dry food, preferring refined foods, sweets, baked goods, carbonated drinks - all this disrupts the acid-base composition and leads our body to various diseases.

All food products can be divided into two types: acidic and alkaline. All protein products: meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, dairy products, cereals, rye bread, simple carbohydrates, simple sugars, that is, sweets - they all sharply acidify the body. Vegetables, most fruits and nuts are alkalizing.

During our life, all the poisons and wastes that accumulate in our body are classified as acids (!)


Previously, you could buy special test strips in pharmacy chains, which were not very expensive and were available to everyone, but today it is almost impossible to get them. Either because they are cheap, or because they are very troublesome to store (at high humidity they lose their purpose and become unusable), but pharmacy chains have practically stopped purchasing them.

So how do you know the acid-base state of your body? It turns out that to find out what state your body is in, it is not at all necessary to resort to tests. Try the yoga method:

  • To determine the acid-base state of the body. You need to cover each nostril one by one with your finger and slowly inhale and exhale. If it is easier to breathe through the left nostril, then the body is dominated by acid, and if through the right, then alkali.


How to increase the alkaline composition of the blood in our body, how to make our blood, from thick and acidic, become more liquid, fluid and alkaline?

To bring the body's pH back to normal, nutritionists recommend limiting the consumption of meat, sweets, baked goods and adding red vegetables and fruits to the diet, as well as nuts - they are richest in alkali.

Also move more, make sports your hobby. It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with physical exercises until you faint. Daily walks in the fresh air, light daily exercise or aerobic exercise on an exercise bike will be sufficient.

  • Exercises to restore acid-base balance. There are also certain breathing techniques to restore the alkaline balance in the body. If we breathe alternately through one and the other nostril for about 10 minutes, then our energy structure of the body will be harmonized. In particular, the acid-base balance in our body is associated with this energy structure.

You can normalize the acid-base pH of the body by drinking baking soda.


  • In the human body, animals and plants, the role of soda is to neutralize acids, increase the body’s alkaline reserves, and maintain a normal acid-base balance. In humans, the acidity level of the blood pH should be within the normal range of 7.35-7.47. If the pH is less than 6.8 (very acidic blood, severe acidosis), then the death of the body occurs (TSB, vol. 12, p. 200). The causes of acidosis are poisons in food, water and air, medications, and pesticides.
  • Currently, most people suffer from increased body acidity (acidosis), having a blood pH below 7.35. When the pH is less than 7.25 (severe acidosis), alkalizing therapy should be prescribed: taking soda from 5 g to 40 g per day (Therapist's Handbook, 1973, p. 450, 746).
  • Soda, destroying acidosis, increases the body's alkaline reserves and shifts the acid-base balance to the alkaline side (pH approximately 1.45 and higher). In an alkaline body, water is activated, i.e. its dissociation into H+ and OH- ions due to amine alkalis, amino acids, proteins, enzymes, RNA and DNA nucleotides. In activated water, all biochemical processes improve: protein synthesis accelerates, poisons are neutralized faster, enzymes and amine vitamins work more actively, amine medications work better.
  • A healthy body produces highly alkaline digestive juices for digestion. Digestion in the duodenum occurs in an alkaline environment under the influence of juices: pancreatic juice, bile, Bruttner gland juice and the juice of the duodenal mucosa. All juices have high alkalinity (BME, ed. 2, vol. 24, p. 634). Pancreatic juice has a pH=7.8-9.0. Pancreatic juice enzymes act only in an alkaline environment. Bile normally has an alkaline reaction pH = 7.50-8.50. The secretion of the large intestine has a highly alkaline environment pH = 8.9-9.0 (BME, ed. 2, vol. 12, art. Acid-base balance, p. 857). With severe acidosis, bile becomes acidic pH = 6.6-6.9 instead of the normal pH = 7.5-8.5. This impairs digestion, which leads to poisoning of the body with the products of poor digestion, the formation of stones in the liver, gall bladder, intestines and kidneys. Opistarchosis worms, pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms, etc. live quietly in an acidic environment. They die in an alkaline environment.
  • In an acidic body, saliva is acidic pH = 5.7-6.7, which leads to the slow destruction of tooth enamel. In an alkaline body, saliva is alkaline: pH = 7.2-7.9 (Therapist's Handbook, 1969, p. 753) and teeth are not destroyed. To treat caries, you need to take baking soda twice a day (so that saliva becomes alkaline).
  • Soda, neutralizing excess acids, increases the body's alkaline reserves, makes urine alkaline, which facilitates the functioning of the kidneys (saves mental energy), saves glutamic amino acid, and prevents the deposition of kidney stones.
  • A remarkable property of soda is that its excess is easily excreted by the kidneys, giving an alkaline reaction to the urine (BME, ed. 2, vol. 12, p. 861). “But the body should be accustomed to it for a long time” (M.O., part 1, p. 461), because Alkalinization of the body with soda leads to the removal of a large amount of poisons (toxins) accumulated by the body over many years of acidic life.
  • In an alkaline environment with activated water, the biochemical activity of amine vitamins increases many times: B1 (thiamine, cocarboxylase), B4 (choline), B5 or PP (nicotinamide), B6 ​​(pyridoxal), B12 (cobimamide). Vitamins that have a fiery nature (M.O., part 1, 205) can fully manifest it only in an alkaline environment.
    In the acidic environment of a poisoned body, “even the best plant vitamins cannot bring out their best qualities.
  • To combat roundworms and pinworms, the amine alkali piperazine is used, supplemented with soda enemas (Mashkovsky M.D., vol. 2, pp. 366-367).
  • Soda is used for poisoning with methanol, ethyl alcohol, formaldehyde, karbofos, chlorophos, white phosphorus, phosphine, fluorine, iodine, mercury and lead (Therapist's Handbook, 1969). In case of methanol poisoning, the intravenous daily dose of soda reaches 100 g (Therapist's Handbook, 1969, p. 468).
  • A solution of soda, caustic soda and ammonia is used to destroy (degass) chemical warfare agents (KHE, vol. 1, p. 1035).
  • To quit smoking: rinse your mouth with a thick solution of soda or coat your mouth with soda: soda is placed on the tongue, dissolves in saliva and causes an aversion to tobacco when smoking. Doses are small so as not to disturb digestion.
  • Much self-poisoning of people with psychic poisons occurs from fear, anxiety, irritation, dissatisfaction, envy, anger, and hatred. With the loss of psychic energy, the kidneys cannot retain a high concentration of soda in the blood, which is then lost along with urine. This is another cause of acidosis: loss of mental energy leads to loss of alkalis (soda). To correct acidosis, 3-5 g of soda per day is prescribed (Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines, 1985, vol. 2, p. 113).
  • Baking soda is relatively safe for humans. When taken orally, it is possible to alkalize not only the contents of the stomach, but also other secreted body fluids. Therefore, it is used to prevent the formation of stones in the bile and urinary tracts, the irritating effect of acid on the wall of the stomach and duodenum during peptic ulcers, gastritis or acid poisoning.
    For the same purpose, doctors recommend drinking soda for purulent runny nose, conjunctivitis, stomatitis, laryngitis and bronchitis, as well as for:
    1. Prevention and treatment of cancer
    2. Alcoholism Treatments
    3. Treatment of all types of drug addictions and substance abuse
    4. Removing lead, mercury, cadmium, thallium, barium, bismuth and other heavy metals from the body.
    5. Removing radioactive isotopes from the body, preventing radioactive contamination of the body.
    6. Leaching, dissolving all harmful deposits in the joints, spine, liver and kidney stones; that is, treatment of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, gout, rheumatism, urolithiasis, cholelithiasis; dissolution of stones in the liver, gall bladder, intestines and kidneys.
    7. Strengthening attention, concentration, balance and academic performance in unstable children.
    8. Cleansing the body of toxic substances produced during irritation, anger, hatred, envy, doubt, dissatisfaction, etc., harmful feelings and thoughts of a person (Faces of Agni Yoga, vol. 8, pp. 99-100).

So take baking soda and yours will always be fine.

You need to take soda 2-3 times a day - in the morning and in the evening before bed, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before. before meals or 2 hours after meals. You need to start with small doses - 1/5 teaspoon, gradually increase the dose, bringing it to 1/2 teaspoon. Soda is diluted in a glass with boiling hot water. Large doses of soda and water are not absorbed and cause diarrhea.

Complications. The drug is relatively safe. However, complications sometimes appear with prolonged use of baking soda orally in high doses. The first symptoms of an overdose are loss of appetite, nausea, headache and abdominal pain. Possible vomiting. If you do not stop taking soda, seizures may develop.
Contraindications. Taking the drug orally is contraindicated when the acidity of the gastric juice is low and while ingesting large quantities of alkaline mineral waters, as well as other antacids (for example, aluminum hydroxide or magnesium oxide).

According to clinical studies, all organs of modern humans are subject to increased acidity. The idea about the benefits of alkalization, picked up by many, does not boil down to the only obvious method using soda.

Alkalinization of the body will be more effective if you change your eating habits and add alkaline foods to your diet.

pH balance in the body. Everyone has heard of a neutral pH level. However, biochemical processes occur in the body under different parameters. The normal pH level falls in the range of 7.37–7.44. pH values ​​below this indicate acidification of the organs; a high parameter indicates alkalization.

Most often, acidification of the body is observed. Factors such as poor diet, intense physical activity, everyday stress and an inactive lifestyle can contribute to a decrease in pH levels.

This leads to a decline in immunity, since an alkaline environment is necessary for the normal functioning of organs. Foods that alkalize the body have a healing effect.

Every hour, the organs of the oral cavity are exposed to increased acidity, which is present in saliva. At the same time, the subcutaneous fat layer has a more alkaline reaction, which contributes to the formation of acne under the aggressive influence of bacteria.

Our kidneys suffer from oxidative processes that lead to the formation of stones and inflammation of these organs. However, excessive alkalization also favors the formation of kidney stones, since in this case too little uric and oxalic acid is supplied.

The relationship between oxidation and alkalization reactions in the body of a healthy person can be traced. Therefore, any impact on the acid-base balance must be careful. A gradual change in the diet in general and eating habits in particular will make it possible to alkalize each organ.

Acid-base balance table, clearly displaying the pH value for human health.

Let's figure out what food provokes acidification of internal organs, and what will help improve their health and have an alkalizing effect on the body.

Foods that increase acidity

Adherents of a healthy lifestyle also suffer from excessive acidification of the body. Even such a healthy food as buckwheat can harm internal organs.

The acid-base balance is affected by both the nutrients contained in the product and its taste characteristics. All this causes either alkalization or an acid reaction in various organs.

Almost all the usual ingredients in dishes make up a general list of acidifying products:

  • any meat and fish;
  • porridge (except millet and wild rice);
  • eggs;
  • almost all cereals;
  • flour products;
  • sugar, sugar substitutes and all sweet products (except natural honey);
  • beans;
  • chocolate;
  • alcohol, coffee and tea;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • canned food, including fruit, vegetables and juices;
  • dairy products (except goat milk).

Many of these products greatly affect the acid-base balance, shifting it towards acidification. Alkaline foods can neutralize the effects of some of them. Acidifying foods are characterized by a high content of sulfur-containing amino acids, as well as organic acids.

Their complete removal from the diet is not required, and this is impossible to do. First of all, you will need to avoid highly processed delicacies, sugary drinks, fatty foods, and also increase the content of alkalizing foods in your diet.

Alkaline Products

The most effective alkaline food is lemon. The citric acid it contains is processed in the digestive tract so that its salts enter the bloodstream. Thanks to this, an alkalization reaction occurs in the body.

Active alkalizing products also include:

  • greenery;
  • fresh vegetables and root vegetables (except potatoes);
  • rapeseed and linseed oil;
  • juices from squeezed vegetables;
  • melons, watermelons, zucchini and pumpkin;
  • some fruits: bananas, peaches, watermelon, pineapple, grapefruit;
  • figs, dates and sweet berries;
  • all soy and goat milk products;
  • sprouted but not boiled oats;
  • bran.

Alkalinizing foods, as a rule, include magnesium and potassium salts or elements that promote their complete absorption.

The amount of such products in a person’s diet should reach 65–70% of the daily diet. In this case, the alkaline component will increase without harm to the body.

How to carry out alkalization correctly

The acid-base balance of the body shifts towards a decrease in pH level if acidifying foods predominate in the diet. In severe cases, consultation with a specialist may be required to restore health. It is necessary to adhere to certain rules in order to gradually alkalize all organs.

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Pay attention to the quality of the water you drink: it is better if it is purified rather than boiled. Drinking plenty of liquid will help alkalize effectively, flushing out the gastrointestinal tract and preparing it for the process.

Start your morning by drinking a glass of water with lemon juice. To do this in the evening, pour lemon or lime slices with two glasses of warm water. Drinking acidified liquid will help stimulate the alkaline reaction and remove excess acidification.

(Video: how to alkalize with garlic and lemon)

You can make cucumber water

To do this, peel one medium-sized cucumber, cut into slices, add two liters of water and leave for an hour. You can top up the water as you use it, providing the whole family with an alkalizing drink throughout the day.

Celery and its juice promote active alkalization of the body.

Use to make vegetable juices in combination with other vegetables. Celery consumption should be limited in case of low stomach acidity and pregnancy.

Alkalizing Products

Remember the food groups that effectively alkalize the organs and use them in dishes along with meat and cereals to reduce their oxidizing effect on the body. The antioxidant and alkaline properties of vegetables are better preserved if they are subjected to minimal cooking and added fresh to meals.

Instead of sugar

The acidifying effects of sugar can be avoided by consuming raw honey or natural stevia instead. Replace confectionery sweets with nuts, fruits or dates.

Movement and sports

The acid-base balance of the body is well restored by physical exercise. The type of exercise also matters. Give preference not to strength training, but to aerobic exercise - yoga, swimming, dancing, fitness, cycling and walking actively alkalize.


The normal functioning of the entire body is hampered by daily stress, nervous experiences and unexpressed emotions. At the same time, alkalization processes in organs slow down, toxins and acid breakdown products are eliminated less efficiently. Nervous shocks accelerate a person’s breathing, resulting in oxygen oversaturation. It also affects the acid-base balance.

Breathing and air

Use various breathing practices and meditations or seek psychological help to reduce the body's stress response and calm the nervous system.


(Video: alkalization with water - 3 methods)

Thus, an effective alkaline program that will improve the health of the body must include everything from changing eating habits to active physical activity and strengthening the nervous system.

normalize the acid-base balance.

That alkaline diet good for the body, many doctors agree. Primarily for the reason that it allows the body to improve its health without requiring much effort from it. To follow this diet, you will need to introduce small changes to your diet, the benefits of which will not take long to appear.

Alkaline diet: what is it?

For a full-fledged healthy existence, we need to have an acid-base balance in the body. Depending on the acid and alkali content, substances are divided into acidic, alkaline and neutral. Alkali ranges from 0 to 14. The higher the pH of a substance, the more alkali it contains; the lower it is, the more acidic it is. A substance with a pH of seven is considered neutral.

The body needs a pH value of about 7.4, and acceptable values ​​are 7.36 and 7.44. It is in this situation that the body can most effectively perform its functions due to the fact that the blood easily carries oxygen and nutrients.

In the absence of the correct level of acid-base balance, a person receives various symptoms, immunity and the ability to regenerate are reduced, and operations are poorly tolerated by the body. An upset stomach appears, frequent headaches and joint pains, allergies, the skin becomes covered with acne,... An overly acidic environment in the digestive tract allows various bacteria and cancer cells to develop.

When the body becomes imbalanced towards acidity, the body begins to use alkaline reserves. When there is an excess of alkali, the body accumulates it in order to neutralize acids with its help in the future. If the body lacks alkali, it will have to fight the acid with vital minerals that are absorbed from the bones and vital tissues.

Why does the alkaline balance oxidize? The cause of excessive oxidation in the body is not only our diet, but also natural processes in the body. However, in a healthy, active body, excess acid is removed by muscles, breathing and proper nutrition. Modern man consumes twice as much acid as he can process. Acid is found in foods such as refined oils, meats, grains, carbohydrates and sugar.

Alkaline diet: products.

Fresh vegetables and fruits contain the most alkali. Let's highlight the most alkaline ones:

1. Lemons– leaders in alkali content, despite their sour taste. That is why it is very useful to drink a glass of warm water in the morning with the addition of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice.

2. Greens. Besides the fact that greens contain a huge amount of alkali, they will give the body vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals.

3. Root vegetables. Add radishes, beets, turnips, rutabaga, and carrots to your diet, which will help your body become stronger.

4. Cucumbers and celery know how to quickly cope with acids and restore impaired digestion.

5. Garlic and in this area is one of the leaders. Consumption of garlic will help maintain acid-base balance and increase immunity. In addition, garlic readily shares its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

6. Cruciferous vegetables – different types of cabbage rid our body of excess acid.

7. Avocado. restores pH well and provides the body with vitamins, fatty acids and amino acids.

He advises you to have on your table every day one of the named products that help reduce acid. Good eating habits extend our lives and make us happier.

Harmful drinks that increase acid in the body:

A person’s health depends on various factors: age, type of metabolism, weather, health, physical activity, time of day and other factors. Usually the pH level is alkaline before 14 o'clock, and acidic after 14 o'clock. In the alkaline environment of the body, energy increases and accumulates and biological synthesis occurs, and in the acidic environment of the body, energy breakdown and consumption occurs.

How to check your acid-base balance (blood pH)?

You can find out exactly about your health.Blood pH may shift toward alkalization or acidification. Indirectly at home, you can find out the pH of your blood by measuring the pH of your urine or the pH of your saliva (blood pH will be more accurate). The urine pH of a healthy person is 6.2 - 6.4. When the body is acidified, the urine pH is 4.8 - 5.0, when the body is alkalized - 7.6 - 7.8. The blood of a healthy normal person has a pH = 7.35 - 7.45. The pH of blood and urine can be accurately determined in the laboratory.

The urine pH level only shows the reaction outside the cells. When you need to determine the pH level of blood or cells, you need to take tests for calcium in the urine or potassium in the blood. Amounts of calcium in the urine below 2.5 mEq/L or potassium in the blood below 3.8 mEq/L indicate an acidic pH. pH levels in diseased organs and tissues diverge from general readings.

Our body has several compensation mechanisms (buffers) to maintain a dynamic balance of blood pH. The pH level of the blood depends little on nutrition and other factors. Only some serious diseases lead to changes in blood pH. Diabetic ketoacidosis and renal failure lead to acidosis, and poor pulmonary function leads to alkalization. Eating different foods may only change the pH of your urine, but the pH of your blood as a whole changes very little.

Urine is not a true indicator of pH balance and health levels.

If a sick person feels better by consuming acidic foods, then his body has a high level of alkali. When alkaline foods cause improvement, the body is highly acidified. If there is no reaction, then the person is practically healthy. Unfortunately, many doctors do not take into account the body's pH level. In this article we will provide methods and tests for determining pH blood, urine and saliva at home.

How to test the pH of blood, urine and saliva at home?

There are several methods for determining blood pH at home, namely:

  • using a special electronic device;
  • using indicator paper;
  • by measuring lower pressure and pulse;
  • by the color of the conjunctiva of both eyes.

Let's consider each of the methods separately.


Determination of blood pH using an electronic device.

You can check the level and find out the pH value of your blood at home yourself. To do this, you need to buy a special electronic device at a specialized store, pharmacy or salon. Use it to puncture the artery. The device itself will take the required volume of blood. After analysis, the obtained data will appear on the display. Such devices can be purchased in different ways: by order, in specialized medical equipment stores, or bought abroad.

In the laboratory of a medical institution, of course, they will do the tests professionally, give more accurate results, advise and give the necessary recommendations, competent advice on further treatment. But if necessary and for efficiency, the analysis can be carried out at home.


Determination of pH of blood, urine and saliva using indicator paper.

Now there are many types of indicator or litmus papers. In an alkaline solution, the paper changes its color to blue. In an acidic solution, the paper turns red. Universal indicator paper is used for approximate determination of readingspH within large limits. The accuracy is small, the error in values pH about one unit.

To determine the pH of blood, you can approximately measure the pH of saliva using indicator paper. Litmus paper for determining pH should be taken with a range of 4.5-9.0 and in increments of 0.25-0.5 pH. Thanks to the fine scale step, litmus allows you to more accurately measure the pH of saliva, water, urine and other liquids. At home, litmus paper is also used to determine the pH of urine.

Scale for determining the pH of a liquid in the range 4.5-9.0:

Scale for determining the pH of a liquid

How to use litmus:

Place the strip in the liquid to be measured for 1-2 seconds and quickly apply it to the color scale with the desired range. By comparing the color of the strip with the color of the scale, you can easily determine the pH value. Readings should be taken within 7-10 seconds to make them more accurate.

Using indicator paper, you can easily measure the pH of saliva. Indirectly, this will be the acid-base balance of our physical body.


Determination of blood pH by measuring lower pressure and pulse.

How to quickly find out changes in acid-base balance at home?

According to the recommendations of I. Kerdo, described in the book “Index for assessing autonomic tone, calculated from blood circulation data.” anyone can easily determine their pH. You need to do the following:

  • measure lower diastolic pressure. Measure only at rest;
  • take your pulse. You need to measure your pulse only at rest;
  • determine the presence of deviationpH . If your lower blood pressure is greater than your pulse, then your blood is alkaline ( alkalosis ). If your lower pressure is less than your pulse, then your blood is acidic ( acidosis);
  • determine the level of blood pH deviation. If there is a difference of more than 20 between your blood pressure and your pulse, then this is a clear deviation in blood pH.


Determination of blood pH by the color of the conjunctiva (according to V. Karavaev’s system).

V.V. Karavaev proposed in his book “Guide to the prevention and improvement of the body: normalization of three metabolic processes - substances, energy and information” to determine the acid-base balance (ABC) of the blood by the color of the conjunctiva of both eyes. By the color of the conjunctiva, you can relatively accurately determine the state of the blood ACR at any time.

Pale pink color of the conjunctiva shows that the deviation of blood pH from the norm towards increased acidity. Bright pink (scarlet) color of the conjunctiva shows that there are no deviations in blood pH from normal. Dark pink (burgundy) color of the conjunctiva indicates that the deviation of blood pH from the norm towards increasing alkalinity.

Whitish conjunctiva - levelpHshifted to the acid side, dark red conjunctiva - the body is alkalized.

To find out what color your conjunctiva is, you need to pull the lower eyelid down with the tip of your finger in the mirror and look at the color of the inside of the eyelid (conjunctiva).

The color of your conjunctiva can easily tell you the condition of your blood.

In case of pathology on the left side of the body, the conjunctiva of the left eye will be more accurately shown; in case of pathology on the right side of the physical body, the conjunctiva of the right eye will be shown more accurately. Health measures should be carried out with a paler conjunctiva.

In an uncompensated state of the body, the color of the conjunctiva changes 30-60 seconds after any strong exposure to external and internal factors, as well as after the administration of drugs and other substances.

WITHspecial teststo check your body's pH (blood pH) at home.

Test No. 1 (on black coffee without sugar and without milk).

Black coffee without sugar and without milk is an acidic product. If when drinking coffee there is an increase in energy, strength and vigor, then your body has an alkaline environment. Your night and evening pain will then decrease.

Test No. 2 (with a soft-boiled egg).

A soft-boiled egg is an alkaline product, the consumption of which can improve the condition of an acid reaction in the body. Daytime and morning pain may decrease.

Test No. 3 (with a paper bag).

Intensive breathing into a paper bag leads to acidification of your body (according to E. Revich). If your poor health is associated with an alkaline pH level (stomach pain, headache and itchy skin), then these pains may decrease. When the body is acidic, the above symptoms of ailments increase rapidly.

Test No. 4 (increased breathing).

As breathing increases, the pH level shifts in the alkaline direction. If your condition worsens, then this indicates an alkaline pH level, and if it improves, then this indicates an acidic level.

Test No.5 ( ).

If the right nostril breathes easier, then the body has an alkaline reaction, and if the left nostril breathes easier, then the body has an acid reaction. When you breathe the same way through either nostril, then you have a neutral reaction in your body.

In any treatment of the body, it is necessary to take into account the pH level and the state of the body’s defense system. Unfortunately, many doctors do not take into account the body's pH level. Monitor your pH level yourself, measure and test it constantly.

We wish you to always be healthy!

Acid-base balance (pH) is one of the indicators by which we can judge the functioning of our body and its health.
Maintaining acid-base balance in the body is very important for the normal functioning of all internal human systems. The pH level determines the optimal activity of all enzymes involved in metabolism.

When the balance of acids and alkalis is disturbed, a decrease in the activity of enzymes occurs, a metabolic disorder occurs, because of this the body begins to accumulate toxins. And the first stage of cleansing the body of toxins and waste should be the stage of restoring the pH balance.

Take care of yourself, smile more often and!

The lifestyle of a modern person often leads to disturbances in the acid-base balance in the body. Most often, people suffer from high levels of acidity - acidosis. This is caused by modern lifestyle.
An increase in the acidity of the body is caused by a lack and decrease in physical activity, strict diets, alcohol abuse and smoking.
Acidosis is now much more common than excess alkali - alkalosis.

How to measure pH at home
How can you quickly and easily determine the pH values ​​of our body fluids at home? The simplest and also fairly accurate method for measuring pH is the litmus paper method. Litmus paper is a narrow strip of paper soaked in litmus, a dye with a complex chemical composition.

Litmus paper is highly sensitive. Therefore, manufacturers place it in special small containers, usually made of plastic, which protect it from moisture penetration. For ease of use, litmus paper is most often found in these containers in the form of a small roll (or cut into strips). By pulling the tip located in the so-called dispenser, you can tear off the required amount of litmus paper. This must be done with dry hands so that the paper does not react to the moisture of the hands.

To obtain the result, you need to moisten the paper with saliva, placing it on the tongue for 2-3 seconds, or lower it into a jar of urine, and then compare it with the attached indicator scale, which is usually placed on the body of the litmus paper.

What indicators can we measure at home? First of all, indicators of your biological fluids - saliva, tears and urine. It is better to do this in the morning, once after waking up. Please note that checking the pH of saliva and tears should be done before washing and brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth. Water procedures will immediately make adjustments to the pH value, and it will not correspond to the actual acid-base level.

Next, we can measure the pH of all the drinks we drink, the pH of tap water and bottled water if you drink it regularly. You can measure the pH of soups, tea, juices - freshly squeezed and from tetra packs, fruits, vegetables. You can measure the pH of all products that have a liquid component. We did this because it was interesting to know what foods and foods we consume, and what drinks get into our bodies. We didn’t just measure, we recorded the data in a notebook in order to have, firstly, our own database. And secondly, see the picture of pH changes over time. As it turned out, pH can change when the product is exposed to temperature and under some other circumstances. We have approached pH measurement with such interest and attention because it provides information about our acid-base balance. It also informs you about how food affects its level.
To make a conclusion about the state of the internal environment of the body, one measurement is not enough. The pH value can change throughout the day depending on the activity of the body, food taken, physical activity, stress, etc. For the readings to be objective, you need to take them several times a day for 4-5 days in a row.
Enter the results obtained into a table, and then a complete picture of urine pH will appear.

Rules for measuring urine pH:
The first one froze. We do not measure the first morning urine because it contains more acid than other urine collections. It contains all the acids filtered and stored by the kidneys overnight. The first test is done during the second urination in the morning.
Second measurement made before lunch.
Third before dinner.

It is important to test before meals because the pH changes quickly depending on the foods consumed.
We record events that could affect the pH in the note. For example, too much lunch, dinner at a restaurant, drinking alcohol, working overtime, playing sports, severe stress and other overloads.

pH below 7 (pH acidic)
Urine is oxidized. The internal environment of the body is also oxidized. The lower the pH, the higher the oxidation of the environment. For example, at a urine pH of 6 to 6.5, the internal environment is slightly oxidized, and at a pH of 5 to 4.5, it is highly oxidized.
The acidic environment of the body is the cause of all diseases caused by oxidation. We advise you to immediately take measures to deoxidize the body.

pH between 7 and 7.5 (pH neutral)
We are talking about the normal pH value for a person in good health. We need to strive for this value. This is true, but with one condition: if the first morning urine is oxidized (the one we did not measure). If the first collection is also neutral, this is not acceptable for a healthy person. The first urine collection in the morning removes the acids filtered out overnight and must be acidic.
If this is not the case, then acids are poorly removed, and the pH remains unchanged all day. Acids that are not removed from the body remain inside, and the internal environment becomes oxidized.

pH above 7.5 (pH alkaline)
There are three options:
The internal environment of the body is in acid-base balance or slightly alkaline. This most often occurs when the diet consists only of alkaline foods. This may occur in vegetarians who eat few grains and dairy products. Also, people who daily consume a complex of mineral substances, which they either do not need, or the need for them is not great, can have an alkaline pH. But these are special cases; alkaline pH is not a serious disorder or disease.

People who consistently have a urine pH above 7.5 have poor glands (the adrenal glands or parathyroid glands) or other rare diseases. Usually these people are aware of their illnesses, know that they are caused by such an imbalance, and are under the supervision of doctors.

The third group is the most common. These are people whose urine contains a lot of alkali, and the internal environment of the body, on the contrary, is oxidized. The alkaline pH of urine in these people is not caused by excessive consumption of bases (which the body would try to get rid of, as is the case with excess acids), but by too much withdrawal of bases from organic tissues to neutralize the highly oxidized internal environment of the body.
This often occurs in people suffering from acid metabolism disorders. Insufficiently oxidized acids do not leave the body through the respiratory tract. The kidneys come to the aid of the body; they take on double duty. But if the kidneys are weak, acids accumulate in quantities dangerous to the body.

It is very important to pay attention to changes in pH levels in time and, if necessary, take urgent measures.