The best antioxidants. Antioxidants: drugs in pharmacies

Almost every person knows what antioxidants are and how important they are for health. Antioxidants protect our body from destructive impact free radicals, which can cause a number of serious diseases, including cancer and heart disease. There are vitamins and minerals that act as antioxidants. They are found in food and it is from food that we most need to get these vitamins and minerals. What kind of vitamins and minerals are antioxidants you will learn from this article.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that appear as a result of oxidative processes in the body and under the influence of pollutants. Our body is exposed to their attack every day and every minute. As a result of their action, irreversible destructive processes can occur in the body, which can lead to damage to DNA cells, weakened immunity and ultimately to serious problems with health.

Antioxidants are designed to protect our body from the action of such unstable molecules and, to some extent, can reverse the damage already caused to health.

Key antioxidant vitamins include vitamin C, E, and carotenoids, which include beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein, and help protect body cells from free radicals.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is perhaps the most famous antioxidant vitamin. It protects the body from infections and cell damage, helps produce collagen – connective tissue, which supports bones and muscles, is involved in the absorption of iron and folic acid body. This vitamin participates in protein metabolism, helps more fast healing wounds and skin damage.

In addition, vitamin C is able to regenerate other antioxidants in the body, which is doubly beneficial.

This vitamin is found primarily in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Therefore, to get the maximum benefit from this vitamin, you need to eat more foods rich in this vitamin.

These foods include broccoli, Bell pepper, leafy green salads, tomatoes, citrus fruits, cranberries, potatoes, strawberries and other vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E has wide range actions to promote health. The main role of this vitamin is as an antioxidant. It helps protect the body from cell damage that can lead to cancer, heart disease, vision loss and many other diseases.

How fat-soluble vitamin, it prevents the appearance active forms oxygen, which are formed when the body converts fat into energy. Vitamin E is also important for maintaining immune system, improves the condition of blood vessels.

Working together with other antioxidant vitamins, it provides protection against certain chronic diseases.

Vitamin E is found in large quantities in vegetable oils, such as peanuts. There is a lot of it in nuts, seeds, dark green leafy salads, and wheat germ.

Carotenoids and vitamin A

Carotenoids are not actually vitamins, but substances from which vitamin A is subsequently formed. Among more than 600 types of carotenoids, the most famous and leaders in the fight against free radicals are lycopene, beta carotene, and lutein.

Products with high content carotenoids may be effective means, which helps prevent certain types of cancer, including prostate cancer. They are useful for preserving vision, play an important role in cell regeneration, bone growth, and a strong immune system.

Rich sources of vitamin A are beef liver, milk, fish oil, eggs. Among plant products yellow, orange and dark green fruits and vegetables stand out, such as tomatoes, pumpkin, carrots, Brussels sprouts and broccoli, and spinach.

Selenium is a trace element and is considered the only mineral with antioxidant activity. Selenium regulates hormone metabolism thyroid gland, participates in strengthening the immune system. This mineral occupies a certain place in the reproduction and synthesis of DNA. According to scientific research, selenium can reduce the risk of cancer and strengthen the heart.

The richest sources of selenium are meat and seafood. It is contained in brazil nut, in some mushrooms.

Antioxidant vitamins for women

Women need antioxidant vitamins like no other. After all, the female body is less protected from the effects unfavorable conditions. Women are most susceptible to stress and depression. In addition, the body may be exhausted birth control pills, taking antibiotics. And every woman wants to remain young and beautiful as long as possible. And vitamins with antioxidant properties play an important role in prolonging a woman’s youth.

All the vitamins listed above are useful for women. They protect the skin from exposure sun rays, smoke and smog, preventing not only the appearance of wrinkles, but also skin cancer.

Vitamin A and E are important for reproductive system women, during pregnancy, and throughout life, to maintain their women's health.

Coenzyme Q10, which is also classified as a natural antioxidant, helps in cell regeneration and protects them from the risk of developing skin cancer. A decrease in this antioxidant is believed to lead to premature aging.

Alpha lipolic acid, another antioxidant, helps protect skin from harmful effects sun rays.

Antioxidant vitamins for men

Vitamins with antioxidant properties are also beneficial for men. First of all, their benefit is to extend sex life men, the effect on the level of seminal fluid.

These antioxidant vitamins include vitamin C and E, selenium, glutathione and carotenoids. They help protect cell membranes and DNA from free radicals and improve sperm production. In addition, such vitamins will be useful in the treatment of male infertility.

To get enough antioxidant vitamins, you need to eat at least two cups of fruit or 2.5 vegetables.

But if this amount is not enough, then before you start taking dietary supplements on your own, it is better to consult a doctor or nutritionist and find out exactly what vitamins you are missing.

For many of us, antioxidants seem to be a panacea for all ailments and diseases, and also a source eternal youth and beauty - such killers of free radicals that poison our lives and take away our youth.
But not having the time or desire to understand this topic in depth, we run to the pharmacy and, just in case, buy the treasured bottles with such a promising inscription - “Antioxidants” in the hope of staying forever young and living a long time.

What do antioxidants do?

When oxygen enters the lungs when inhaled, it is metabolized into the blood, turning into unstable molecules known as “free radicals.” At their core, these are destructive molecules that can cause damage to DNA and the cell membrane, but in a certain amount our body needs them for many vital processes.
And only their excess can cause damage and lead to cancer, cardiovascular diseases, liver diseases, etc.

Antioxidants, to some extent, prevent free radical damage to cells by neutralizing them, entering our body in the form of food from many foods, in which they are found in the form of:

  • vitamins A, C and E,
  • minerals - selenium, zinc and copper,
  • phytochemicals from plants, fruits and vegetables.

Benefits of Antioxidants

Different types of antioxidants provide different benefits.

There is a wide range of antioxidants in nature, and since they are so diverse, the benefits brought by one type or another differ significantly:

  • Beta-carotene (and other carotenoids) are very beneficial for eye health;
  • Lycopene is beneficial for maintaining prostate health;
  • Flavonoids are especially beneficial for heart health;
  • Proanthocyanidins are beneficial for urinary tract health.

Benefits of antioxidants for skin

When skin is exposed to high levels of ultraviolet light, photooxidative damage is induced by the formation various types reactive oxygen species, including singlet oxygen, superoxide radicals and peroxide radicals, which damage cellular lipids, proteins and DNA and are considered to be the main causes of:
  • erythema (sunburn),
  • premature skin aging,
  • photodermatoses,
  • skin cancer

Astaxanthin, accompanied by beta-carotene, combined with vitamin E, has been proven to be one of the most powerful antioxidant combinations for protecting skin from reactive oxygen species.

Antioxidants: list of drugs

Dietary supplement "Lycopene" from Evalar

Drug form: capsules.

Active ingredient: lycopene.


Slows down the natural aging process of the skin;

Strengthens the prostate gland;

Stabilizes cholesterol levels;

Maintains normal blood viscosity;

Improves heart activity, strengthens blood vessels.


Available without a prescription.

Dietary supplement "Resveratrol"

Drug form: capsules.

Active substance: resveratrol.


Normalizes lipid levels;

Slows the growth of abnormal cancer cells;

Provides elasticity of blood vessels;

Fights inflammation and bacteria;

Promotes skin smoothness and elasticity;

Eliminates allergic reactions;

Reduces blood sugar levels to normal;

Improves vision.


Sold without a prescription.

Vitamin complex “Complivit Radiance. Antioxidants of youth"

Drug form: capsules

Active ingredients: lycopene (from tomato extract), resveratrol (from red grape extract), hydroxytyrosol (from olive extract).


Has a general healing effect on the body;

Significantly improves appearance skin;

Strengthens nails and hair.


Available without a prescription.

Vitamin complex “Vitrum. Antioxidant"

Drug form: tablets

Active ingredients: minerals and multivitamins.


Increases the body's resistance to colds and infections;

Accelerates recovery in the postoperative period;

Helps to recover after taking antibiotics;

Minimizes impact aggressive factors environment.


Available without a prescription.

The drug "Dibikor"

Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: taurine.


Increases endurance during heavy physical activity;

Improves blood circulation and energy supply to tissues;

Helps significantly lower blood sugar levels.


The duration of treatment is discussed with the attending physician.

Available without a prescription.

The drug "Glutargin"

Active substance: arginine glutamate.


Cleanses the body of all toxic and harmful substances in case of intoxication chemical poisons and alcohol.

Reduces hangover;

Increases tolerance to physical activity.


The drug "Asparkam"

Release form: tablets and ampoules

Active ingredients: Potassium aspartate, magnesium aspartate.


Stimulates metabolism in the heart muscle;

Replenishes the lack of potassium in the blood;

Normalizes high blood pressure;

Eliminates arrhythmia;

Promotes normal cardiac activity.


Available without a prescription.

Dietary supplement "Coenzyme Q10"

Drug form: capsules

Active ingredient: vitamin-like compound Coenzyme Q10.


Prevents the formation of blood clots;

Prevents cardiovascular diseases;

Makes the skin firmer and more elastic;

Prolongs youth;

Improves condition during increased physical activity.


Available without a prescription.

Librederm Antioxidant cream for facial skin “Vitamin E”

Release form: cream

Active ingredient: lecithin, tocopherol.


Renews fabrics;

Restores and maintains normal hydro-lipid balance;

Blocks the negative effects of ultraviolet rays;

Slows down aging.


Apply with light movements massage lines face and neck.

Available without a prescription.

In addition, there are many inexpensive ones that contain antioxidants and other effective components, preventing early aging skin.

Harm of pharmaceutical antioxidants

Many adults use pharmaceutical antioxidant drugs as part of general health improvement body, and they often do this by making a decision on their own and without consulting a doctor. People who exercise and bodybuild are also more likely to use these types of drugs.

High doses of single antioxidant supplements such as vitamin E, vitamin C, selenium and beta-carotene may potentially accelerate the aging process and increase cancer risk rather than have a protective effect.

  • In a study of the antioxidant beta-carotene among 29,133 Finnish male smokers with high risk lung cancer, it turned out that smokers who took a beta-carotene supplement had a significantly higher risk of lung cancer than those who took a placebo.
  • A 2011 study published in the Journal of American medical association, has proven that vitamin E supplements provide increased risk development of prostate cancer.
  • Another study published in the Journal of Nutrition reported that supplementing with vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium, and zinc increased the risk of skin cancer in women.
We often tend to think that if small doses of antioxidants are beneficial, then in large quantities their benefits double or even triple. Unfortunately, research now shows that taking high doses of the same nutrients can cause more problems what are the benefits:
  • Pharmaceutical antioxidant drugs do not allow the body naturally create your own antioxidants.
  • They cannot prevent or cure all diseases: taking vitamin C will not prevent you from catching a cold, nor will taking vitamin E prevent you from aging or developing heart or other diseases such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Although antioxidants have been shown to reduce the risk of these diseases, they are by no means guaranteed to prevent them.
  • In large doses they act as pro-oxidants:
    • One study found that vitamin C supplements can act as a pro-oxidant when taken in large quantities. This is due to the fact that vitamin C reacts not only with free radicals, but also with other molecules in the body. One of these reactions is the Fenton reaction - when we receive more antioxidants than we need, our bodies begin to produce additional free radicals, so antioxidant supplements become ineffective in stopping the production of free radicals. Artificial pharmaceutical antioxidants are especially ineffective against these free radicals compared to natural ones produced by the body.
    • If you are not deficient, but take high doses of vitamin A, D, E, or K (fat-soluble antioxidants), which can be stored in the body for a long time, they can become toxic and cause harm. Water-soluble antioxidants may also cause side effects If taken in large doses, for example, vitamin B6 can cause nerve damage, while vitamin C can cause nausea, abdominal cramps, fatigue, headaches, diarrhea and kidney stones. High doses of vitamin C can also lead to dangerous high levels gland.
  • Taking antioxidant medications may reduce the effectiveness of exercise (eg, muscle building, longevity, reduced risk of diabetes). Athletes who took antioxidant supplements to combat excess free radicals produced by the body during physical exercise, thus preventing their bodies from receiving full benefit from exercise.
  • These drugs increase the risk early death or do nothing: in 78 randomized clinical trials, which studied 200,000 healthy people and 81,000 people who had different types diseases, showed that there is no evidence to support the benefits of taking antioxidant supplements. Moreover, those who took beta-carotene and vitamins A and E had an increased risk of early death.

Do you need pharmaceutical antioxidant drugs?

Taking antioxidant medications is necessary only on the recommendation of a doctor.

People who may benefit from antioxidant medications include:

  • pregnant and lactating women,
  • those who consume a large number of alcohol,
  • drug addicts,
  • people suffering after long-term restrictive diets for weight loss,
  • old people,
  • patients with malabsorption problems (eg diarrhea, pancreatitis, celiac disease and cystic fibrosis),
  • women planning to become pregnant - folic acid supplements may reduce the risk of having a child with abnormalities,
  • people on a vegan diet who need to take vitamin B12.

Antioxidants in food

About 200 studies have shown that people who ate fruits and vegetables had a significantly lower risk of cancer. At the same time, patients lung cancer Those who ate a diet rich in natural antioxidants were able to live longer.

Overall, varied and balanced diet including antioxidant-rich foods and drinks (eg, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, cereals, tea and coffee) are still considered healthier than taking antioxidant medications.

They bring much more benefits to our body:

  • Vitamin A from foods rich in beta-carotene (eg, carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, spinach).
  • Vitamin C from citrus fruits, berries, raw cabbage and broccoli.
  • Vitamin E from whole grains, nuts, fish oil and green leafy vegetables.
  • Beta-carotene and related carotenoids (eg, lycopene, lutein) from red, yellow, and orange fruits and vegetables.
  • Selenium and manganese minerals from seafood, lean meat, nuts and whole grains.
  • Flavonoids from tea, coffee and berries.
  • Resveratrol from red wine and dark grapes.
  • Phytoestrogens from peanuts and soybeans.

A special laboratory (Nutrient Data Laboratory) under the Ministry is engaged in measuring the strength of antioxidants. Agriculture USA (USDA). The antioxidant strength chart is abbreviated "ORAC" ().

The ORAC unit characterizes the ability of a substance to bind free radicals and protect oxidation-sensitive molecules from damage.

The unit was developed National Institute on Aging (NIA) at the US Department of Health. Free radicals are believed to be one of the causes of aging and cancer.

There has been debate over this concept for years. On the one hand, researchers can obtain information about beneficial properties various substances. On the other side are marketers. ORAC data has been repeatedly used for advertising purposes, misleading consumers about the real properties of dietary supplements. Because of this, the US Department of Agriculture has stopped publishing antioxidant rating data on its website since 2012.

If you follow the recommendations on healthy eating, then we’ve already seen advice to use more products saturated. An explanation of which foods contain antioxidants is accompanied by numbers from the ORAC table. For example, wild blueberries have an ORAC value of 9621, while garden blueberries have only 4669. Is this a lot or a little? It is impossible to understand in isolation from information about other antioxidants.

ORAC is a laboratory test whose purpose is to determine the total antioxidant capacity (TAC). To do this, a sample of the substance is placed close to molecules capable of creating free radicals and other molecules vulnerable to oxidation. After some time, the researchers check how vulnerable the molecules were damaged. The less damage, the higher the test substance scores in the ORAC antioxidant rankings. There are other variations of tests (), but ORAC is the most famous and can be considered a standard.

Plus this test is to measure the activity of the entire substance, and not of its individual nutrients, such as or. After all, before buying blueberries, we want to understand whether they are good for us, and not calculate the properties of individual substances.

One more important note The ORAC antioxidant rating is based on the volume of a substance. The table uses the value for 100 g of the substance. Thus, incredibly high values ​​​​for cinnamon can hardly be used by you, because 100 grams of cinnamon is very serious and dangerous to health.

The strongest antioxidants according to 2018 data:

ProductORAC rating
Dragon's Blood (Croton lechleri)2,897,110
Triphala powder706,250
Coffee Cherry (Cascara)343,900
Sumac Bran312,400
Ground Cloves290,283
Sorghum Bran, bran240,000
Bacopa extract169,800
Peppermint leaves160,820
Thyme, seasoning157,380
Chaga mushroom extract146,700
Dried baobab fruit140,000
Black Root Cohosh126,495
Sage, spice119,929
Sichuan pepper118,400
Grape seed extract108,130
Liquorice root102,945
Acai Extract (Acai Berry)102,700
Black Sorghum Bran, bran100,800
Tea Holly (Yaupon Holly), leaves98,800
Rose hip96,150
Sweet marjoram92,310
Sumac Grain86,800
Spiced parsley, dried73,670
Red Sorghum Bran71,100
Gotu kola, dried leaves69,978
Cocoa powder55,653
Garnet (yellow)55,520
Dark chocolate, no sugar49,944
Curry powder48,504
Wild blueberries, dried48,320
Sorghum, grain (Sorghum Grain)45,400
White pepper, seasoning40,700
Dutch chocolate powder40,200
Black pepper34,053
Sage, fresh32,004
Mistletoe, dried30,537
Yellow mustard, seeds29,257
Thyme, fresh27,426
Barberry, dried27,300
Sweet marjoram27,297
Brazilian grape tree, fruit, extract25,514
Theobroma bicolor grains (Mocambo)24,300
Rice bran24,287
Chili powder, spice23,636
Paprika, spice21,932
Black Sorghum Grain, grains21,900
Dark chocolates20,816
Saffron, whole20,580
(Maqui berry)19,850
Red cayenne pepper seasoning19,671
Semi-sweet chocolates18,053
Pecan, nut17,940
Bengal quince17,933
Astragalus, root17,773
French parsley (Chervil)17,670
Aronia berries16,062
Tarragon, fresh15,542
Dandelion root, dried15,200
Irga, berries15,000
Ginger root, fresh14,840
Elderberry, berries14,697
Red Sorghum Grain14,000
Peppermint, fresh13,978
Oregano, fresh13,970
English walnuts(English Walnuts)13,541
Japanese persimmon, dry12,307
Fruits of the cabbage tree (Moringa Stenopetala)11,900
Anise, spice11,300
Rosemary leaves, fresh11,070
Purple corn10,800
Blackberry juice10,460
Yellow raisins10,450

Experts unanimously say that it is much more beneficial for health to receive antioxidants and any other nutrients directly from natural sources power(). However, some types of free radical and oxidation fighters can also be taken by you in the form of supplements that you can buy at pharmacies.

For example, a number of studies have shown that antioxidant drugs such as lutein and glutathione are useful in preventing vision loss, joint problems and diabetes. At the same time, other experiments have found that excessive doses of vitamin A or vitamin C can be harmful and only aggravate the disease.

If you are generally healthy and adhere to varied diet, then you don’t need to resort to additional sources of antioxidants from pharmacies at all. But if the risk of vision loss or heart disease is high enough, we recommend that you talk to your doctor about starting to use the following antioxidant medications (in appropriate doses and under conditions healthy image life).

Antioxidant drugs – list of the 10 best:

  1. Glutathione– one of the most important antioxidants for the body, which helps activate the activity of other antioxidants and vitamins. Plays a role in the absorption of proteins and fats, the creation of enzymes, detoxification and the destruction of cancer cells.
  2. Quercetin– is extracted from berries and leafy greens, therefore it is practically safe for health. Helps cope with inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, allergies, infections, chronic fatigue and autoimmune disorders such as arthritis.
  3. Luteinpowerful antioxidant, beneficial for the eyes, skin, arteries, heart and immune system. Believed to be more beneficial when obtained from food than from pharmaceutical drugs. According to modern data, it can give positive effect for cancer of the mammary glands, colon, cervix and lungs.

4. Vitamin Cfamous drug to improve immunity, support the body with colds, flu, skin and eye problems.

5. Resveratrol- V in kind found in cocoa, red grapes and dark berries (lingonberries, blueberries). Helps protect the heart, arteries, eyes and more.

6. Astaxanthinnatural antioxidant, which has been shown to reduce age spots, increase energy levels and promote joint health.

7. Seleniumuseful microelement, which can be found in soil, some foods and even water. It supports the adrenal and thyroid glands, fights viruses, protects against heart disease and calms asthma attacks.

9. Chlorophyllstrong antioxidant, beneficial for detoxification, cancer prevention, and protecting DNA from damage caused by toxins or stress. In addition to the pharmacy, it is found in foods such as spirulina, leafy green vegetables and blue-green algae.

10. Essential oil incense- is a popular treatment various forms cancer, including breast, brain, colon and prostate cancer. It is rubbed into the body or dissolved in water for internal use.

The process of oxidation constantly occurs in the body. It provides tissue regeneration and nutrition, energy for movement. As you age, you need more antioxidants as your metabolism slows down. Free radicals produced in excess destroy cells at the molecular level. Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals will help stop the action of radicals, prevent aging and many diseases.

Antioxidants - free radical tamers

IN in good condition an oxygen molecule consists of 2 atoms - O 2. With age, oxidation processes in the body are disrupted, and a free radical is formed - an oxygen atom with a free energy connection. In an effort to find a mate, it attacks molecules, destroying them and increasing the number of free radicals - molecules of various substances with unfilled energy bonds.

Oxidative processes constantly occur in the body, at the same time more than a million types chemical reactions. The body needs oxidants, but only in certain quantities. An excess of free radicals leads to “acidification” and aging of tissues. The more oxidants, the worse condition organs. The regeneration process is inhibited and oxidation increases. The whole organism ages. Metabolism is disrupted and the immune system weakens. The result is frequent colds and viral diseases, the emergence of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine system, formation of malignant tumors.

To suppress aggressive defective molecules and remove them from the body, nature has created a number of substances. The whole group has common name antioxidants, what are they and where to get them.

Antioxidants are:

  • vitamins: E, B 12, D, A, C;
  • minerals: selenium, manganese, copper, zinc;
  • beta-carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • phytonutrients;
  • polyphenolic compounds.

Antioxidants bind energetically free radicals and remove them from the body.

Antioxidants can be dissolved in the body in only two ways and are divided into water and fat soluble. Based on the nature of origin, three main groups can be distinguished:

  1. Natural are found in food products and enter the body with them.
  2. Industrial substances are created artificially and are used as preservatives and nutritional supplements in semi-finished products.
  3. Endogenous antioxidants are produced by the body.

Industrial antioxidants are artificially introduced into food and cosmetic products and are practically not absorbed by the body. The exception is some drugs that penetrate transdermally - through the skin, tissue and blood. To do this, substances with simple small molecules are used or they are crushed.

With age, the number of free radicals in the body increases. There is a need to obtain more antioxidants. Vitamins and dietary supplements can compensate for their deficiency.

Antioxidants in products

Antioxidant-rich morning drink green tea . In black their content is less, some useful substances lost when drying with hot air. Red wine contains healthy vitamins and minerals, dark chocolate is also rich in antioxidants.

For getting daily value antioxidants, an adult needs to eat 450 grams of vegetables. Some of them can be replaced beef and chicken liver or fatty fish.

Vitamin beta-carotene is considered a source of longevity. It not only actively binds oxidants, but also helps accelerate cell regeneration and rejuvenation. In the body, beta-carotene synthesizes retinol - vitamin A, He prevents the growth of cancer cells.

Vegetables with high content beta-carotene is distinguished by its bright orange and red color:

A large amount of beta-carotene in broccoli, regardless of variety and color, spinach. It is present in smaller quantities in other vegetables and fruits. Found in plant leaves and sea salt.


Rare mineral necessary for the body for the absorption of iodine. The thyroid gland cannot be cured with iodine-containing medications alone. Selenium is needed for its breakdown and absorption by tissues. Largest quantity it is contained in kelp - seaweed Seas of Okhotsk and Japan, where the water temperature does not exceed +6 degrees. In more warm waters Some of the selenium in algae is destroyed.

Selenium enhances the body's defenses to resist viral, colds and other diseases. Essential for calming the nervous system. Improves reproductive function. Selenium is present in smaller but sufficient amounts for consumption in the following products:

  • whole grains;
  • garlic;
  • wheat sprouts;
  • onion;
  • seafood;
  • some types of sea fish;
  • poultry meat.

The chemical element selenium pure form in large doses it is poisonous. When using medications containing selenium, you must strictly adhere to the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Useful plants

The record holder for popularity among plants used to create vitamins and mineral supplements, serve fruits of the relict plant Ginkgo Biloba. In pharmaceuticals to create medicines and dietary supplements use flowers, fruits and roots of many local plants. The list is large, the most famous:

You can collect and brew them yourself.

Extracts and decoctions of plants are used in the cosmetics industry to create creams and masks that restore and rejuvenate the skin.

Medicines and dietary supplements with antioxidants

Elderly people living in cities and working in hazardous industries do not have enough antioxidants consumed in food. Must be taken extra vitamins and drugs with mineral complexes. Depending on the problems of the body, these may be the following drugs:

  • to strengthen of cardio-vascular system, anti-aging, strengthening the immune system suitable Coenzyme Q 10;
  • cleanses the blood and saturates it with oxygen Aktoverin, which simultaneously accelerates the healing of burns and wounds;
  • strengthens the skeleton and muscles, including the heart, and Panangin;
  • weakened immunity and constant illnesses require taking an immunomodulator;
  • Kratal And Dibikor will calm down nervous system, cleanses the lungs;
  • cope with metabolic disorders Kratal.

It is advisable to take the drug twice a year. Which one to choose and the duration of the course should be determined by the attending physician.

Antioxidant supplements for women

Women more men susceptible to stress. In addition, pregnancy, childbirth and just menstruation constantly weaken the body and contribute to the formation of free radicals.

Antioxidant vitamins for women are aimed at restoring immunity, maintaining reproductive function and rejuvenation of the body. These are the following drugs:

  • coenzyme Q 10;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • alpha lipolic acid;
  • selenium, zinc.

Tailored to your needs female body vitamins are produced. This list of drugs is large, here are the most popular:

  1. Suitable for restoring energy reserves and maintaining beauty, prolonging youth Complements radiance, Beauty, Alphabet.
  2. Prepare the body for future pregnancy a vitamin complex will help Elite.
  3. Designed for pregnant women special drugs containing vitamins and minerals needed to maintain health expectant mother And normal development fetus This Mom is complimentary.

It is advisable for every woman to take vitamins with antioxidants in late spring and autumn, when the body lacks vitamins. This will protect you from stress and improve your appearance, and help replenish your body with the necessary substances.

To preserve youth, pharmacies have big set dietary supplements and cosmetics necessary to maintain a woman’s health:

  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Revidox;
  • Perfect;
  • Duavit.

In addition, a large selection of creams, masks, shampoos with vitamin complexes for shine and elasticity of skin and hair.

Men's vitamins

A man pays less attention to his appearance, and the problems of rejuvenation practically do not bother him. This doesn't mean it doesn't need antioxidants. Many work in harmful conditions, smoke, drink alcohol. As a result, the problem of weak potency and infertility arises.

The most important antioxidants for men reproductive age are:

  • Vitamins E, C and B 12;
  • Folic acid;
  • zinc and selenium.
  • Lycopene;
  • L-carnitine;
  • Coenzyme Q 10;
  • Lamin Vigio;
  • Aerovit.

Elderly men will be interested in Duovit - this complex is designed to combat prostatitis, which most often develops after 50 years.

The most valuable phytoantioxidants for humans are found in vegetables and nuts. There are many useful substances in meat and fish. When making up for a deficiency, you should know when to stop.