If you have kidney stones, what pain? Removal of stones and reduction of pain due to urolithiasis. Causes of the disease

Urolithiasis is a common and extremely insidious pathology. Its chronic course is often complicated by attacks of renal colic, which cause the patient intense excruciating pain. Let's try to figure out what causes pain from kidney stones, and what consequences they carry. Read about the causes, characteristics and emergency measures during an attack of renal colic in our review.

Causes of pain in urolithiasis

Urolithiasis (urolithiasis, urolithiasis) is a disease accompanied by the formation of stones in the lumen of the renal calyces and pelvis. Kidney stones are the result of rather complex biochemical processes. Their formation is associated with crystallization and subsequent deposition of salts that make up urine on the walls of the phlebotomy.

In this case, the stone can have different sizes - from 0.5-1 mm (in this case they talk about sand in the kidneys) to tens of centimeters. Huge stones lead to significant disruption of the kidneys, but small stones can also cause a lot of discomfort to the patient.

Pain is a frequent companion to urolithiasis, and with this pathology there are several options for its development. It is important to understand that the intensity and frequency of unpleasant sensations depends on:

  • localization;
  • forms;
  • nature of the surface;
  • sizes;
  • quantities;
  • stone mobility.

Small stones with a smooth surface, which are attached to the wall of the jaw and do not interfere with the outflow of urine, may not cause discomfort to the patient for a long time. Large stones that compress the kidney tissue cause constant dull aching pain in the lower back.

Often, urolithiasis is complicated by an attack of renal colic - acute intense pain in the lower back. This condition is associated with the movement of small stones with sharp edges from the kidney into the ureter.

Mechanical and chemical irritation of the wall of a hollow muscular organ causes its reflex spasm and a sharp disruption of the outflow of urine. This leads to an increase in pressure inside the kidney, overstretching of the walls of the pelvis and calyces, and then the fibrous capsule of the organ. Irritation of the nerve endings located in the perinephric region causes the patient to experience an attack of severe, often unbearable, excruciating pain.

Symptoms of renal colic

According to statistics, the incidence of urolithiasis among the adult population of the planet ranges from 0.5 to 5.3%. Among all pathologies of the excretory system, urolithiasis ranks third in prevalence.

Kidney stones are more often diagnosed in men than in women. Despite this, among the fair half of humanity, severe forms of the disease, complicated by renal colic, are more common. There are frequent cases of urolithiasis developing in childhood.

In addition to intense pain, which is cramping in nature and localized in the lumbar region in the area of ​​​​the projection of the kidneys, spreading to the groin, external genitalia and thighs, an attack of renal colic is accompanied by:

  • nausea and vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • tension of the abdominal wall muscles on the affected side;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature up to 40° C, fever, shaking chills;
  • disturbance (sometimes complete cessation) of urination;
  • cloudiness, change in color of urine: an admixture of bright scarlet blood may appear in it;
  • increased blood pressure.

During renal colic, patients behave restlessly, scream in pain, rush around in bed, trying to take a position that alleviates their suffering. The attack will continue until the stone leaves the body naturally or is surgically removed.

First aid during an attack

The main question that worries a person facing renal colic is “How to relieve pain?” The onset of an attack is an indication to immediately call an ambulance. It is almost impossible to cope with this dangerous complication on your own.

What can you do at home?

While the ambulance is traveling, you can try to alleviate the patient’s condition. First aid for illness includes taking painkillers and antispasmodics, which are in your home medicine cabinet:

  • analgesics (Ketanol, Nimesila);
  • antipyretics from the NSAID group (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol);
  • antispasmodics (No-shpy, Papaverine).

Dry heat relieves muscle tension and reduces pain. However, heating pads or other warming products should be used with caution and only after consulting a doctor.

Medical care for patients with renal colic

After the doctors arrive and the specialist assesses the general condition of the patient, emergency measures are taken to reduce pain and restore the impaired outflow of urine.

Injections are used with:

  • narcotic/non-narcotic analgesics – Pantopon, Promedol;
  • antispasmodics - No-shpa, Platyfillin.

If the measures taken are ineffective or the patient’s general condition is severe, he is hospitalized in the urological or surgical department of the hospital. Specialized assistance is provided in stages:

Diagnostics To confirm the diagnosis and determine the location of the stone, an examination is carried out - ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract, radiography of the abdominal cavity. Purpose of blockades

To facilitate the movement of the stone along the ureter and its evacuation in a natural way, blockades are prescribed:

  • according to Larin-Epstein (introduction of a 0.5% novocaine solution into the round ligament of the uterus in females and the spermatic cord in males);
  • according to Shkolnikov (intrapelvic injection of the drug).
Catheterization of the ureter to restore urine passage

If these measures are ineffective, renal colic can be stopped only through surgery - surgical removal of the stone and drainage of the urinary tract.

Further inpatient treatment is aimed at preventing infectious complications and removing salts and other stones from the kidneys. Patients with urolithiasis are prescribed a diet limiting heavy protein foods and salt, and it is recommended to drink enough fluids throughout the day.

For preventive purposes the following are prescribed:

  • herbal remedies based on horsetail, bearberry, lingonberry leaves;
  • uroseptics (Canephron, Urolesan, Fitolysin).

Concomitant inflammatory changes in the renal tissue (for example, pyelonephritis) are an indication for a course of antibiotic therapy, the use of antispasmodics to restore the impaired outflow of urine and prevent the deposition of uric salts in the cavity of the joint.

Prevention measures: how to prevent the development of an attack in the future

The main preventive measure for the development of repeated attacks of renal colic is to follow a fortified diet, drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily, and regular kidney examinations. You should not put off visiting a doctor if you are periodically bothered by mild dull or aching pain in the lower back. Perhaps this is a consequence of the formation of new stones in the kidneys. This process significantly increases the risk of recurrent renal colic.

Pain in the side against the background of kidney stones becomes quite pronounced when a kidney stone passes through the ureter. What to do and how to relieve the pain? Especially if the stone gets stuck in the ureter.

The main causes of severe pain in the side or lower back when a stone moves from the kidney to the ureter are the following factors:

  • The stone gets stuck in the ureter, blocking the flow of urine.
  • Stagnation creates conditions for the accumulation of urine in the renal collecting system.
  • An increase in intrapelvic pressure leads to irritation of nerve receptors.
  • Blood flow in the renal arteries is disrupted, which causes ischemia of the renal parenchyma.

If a stone comes from the kidney, the pain will be comparable to the sensations a woman feels during the pushing period of labor. With one significant addition - with the birth of the baby, the pain disappears, but with a stone stuck in the ureter, severe pain lasts a long time and will not immediately disappear even with treatment.

Symptoms of stone displacement

Macroliths or coral stones are inactive, so it is extremely rare that a large stone moves towards the ureter. Sand will come out of the kidneys with minimal sensation. Typically, pain occurs when moving microliths, the size of which does not exceed 10 mm. The movement of a stone from the kidney to the ureter is provoked by the following factors:

  • one-time large intake of fluids;
  • running or brisk walking;
  • jumping or team sports;
  • riding a bicycle or motorcycle over rough terrain;
  • severe shaking when driving a car on a rough road.

Sudden onset pain primarily occurs in the lower back or side, but almost immediately begins to move down through the lower abdomen to the groin and thigh. A person cannot find a comfortable position - with any change in body position, nothing changes. The severity of the pain syndrome is so strong that screams and moans are possible. It is at this moment that first aid should be provided before the doctor arrives, but you just need to know what you can do and what you cannot do.

First aid measures

Before the doctor appears, the main thing to do is to try to relieve the pain. However, all methods of pain relief can be used only if you are 100% sure that the pain syndrome is caused by the passage of a kidney stone. This is usually possible with repeated episodes of renal colic.

If severe pain in the right side appears for the first time and no previous examination for kidney stones has been carried out, then the only emergency treatment option will be to take any antispasmodic drug. This measure will somewhat reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome. An emergency physician will be able to distinguish the movement of a stone from the right kidney from acute appendicitis or an attack of cholelithiasis.

If the pain is on the left, then taking strong painkillers will hide from the doctor acute conditions not related to the kidneys (perforation of hollow organs, intestinal obstruction, splenic infarction). Pain in the back and lower back can be caused by pathologies of the spine (dorsopathy, osteochondrosis, herniated disc).

If the diagnosis of nephrolithiasis was made earlier and the stone comes out of the kidney not for the first time (repeated episode of renal colic), then you can safely use the following remedies:

  • any method of thermal treatment on the area of ​​pain (hot heating pad on one side, bath with water temperature about 40°);
  • ingestion of medications with analgesic and antispasmodic effects;
  • It is advisable to use injectable drugs, but only if there is a medical worker nearby who can give intramuscular or intravenous injections.

Even if the acute pain has disappeared, you cannot refuse a doctor’s examination and further treatment in a hospital. This is necessary due to the following factors:

  • getting rid of unpleasant sensations is not at all a criterion that the stone has passed from the kidney;
  • if the calculus comes from the kidney, then this is always accompanied by difficulty in the outflow of urine, which can cause dangerous complications (hydronephrosis, acute pyelonephritis with suppuration, renal failure);
  • after the end of the analgesic effect, the pain will return with renewed vigor.

When a stone passes from the kidney through the ureter to the urinary tract, it is always accompanied by severe pain. Before the medical team arrives, you can try to provide first aid, but only if you are completely confident in the diagnosis. All basic treatment measures to get rid of renal colic will be performed by a doctor.

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  • How do kidney stones appear?
  • What types of kidney stones are there?
  • How to get rid of kidney stones?
  • Painkillers for kidney stones
  • Diet for kidney stones
  • Why are kidney stones dangerous?

Renal colic is one of the symptoms of a disease of the urinary system, namely kidney stones.

Kidney stones are a disease in which stones form in the kidneys. They consist of mineral salts and various acids.

The disease is in second place in terms of prevalence among inflammatory nonspecific kidney diseases. Kidney stones can appear at any age. Quite often, and this is in 30% of cases, they form on both the right and left sides.

Why do kidney stones form?

There are many reasons for the formation of kidney stones. One of the obvious signs is a change in the composition of urine. This happens in epidemic areas where the tap water is too hard.

Perhaps kidney stones develop due to an infectious disease or narrowing of the ureter. Its stenosis can occur when it becomes blocked by dead epithelium, a blood clot, or bacteria. In hot climates, the disease develops faster because people drink large amounts of water.

Stones, which consist of salts and uric acid, are more likely to form in people who eat large amounts of meat. Phosphates, on the contrary, are found in people who are vegetarians and eat foods that are rich in calcium. Cystine stones are formed when the liver is not functioning properly.

There are also xanthine, oxalate and carbonate stones. One group is also distinguished as mixed. Such stones develop from several types of salts and are gradually layered on top of each other.

Risk factors for kidney stones include:

1. Hereditary predisposition;

2. Insufficient sun exposure;

3. Dehydration, poisoning or infectious diseases;

4. Bone injuries;

5. Lack of vitamin D in the body;

6. Abuse of salty, spicy and sour foods;

7. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system.

Pain from kidney stones occurs when it moves through the urinary tract. Most often they are localized in the side and back, but sometimes they can extend to the groin area and lower abdomen.

How do kidney stones appear?

The disease is manifested by the presence of dull pain that occurs due to blockage of the ureter or renal pelvis by stones. If an infection is also added to this, the urine becomes cloudy in color with streaks of blood.

Pain can be expressed in the back and side, and often occurs when urinating.

When an infection occurs, a high temperature rises and vomiting occurs. Nausea can accompany the patient constantly, this is especially pronounced during an attack of renal colic. Renal colic can be triggered by several factors, such as driving, shaking, lifting heavy objects, or exercising.

In addition, patients are often tormented by high blood pressure and frequent urination, which may be accompanied by pain. When the water balance is disturbed, swelling appears.

Between attacks, mild pain in the area of ​​one of the kidneys is possible. But in some cases the disease does not manifest itself at all. And it is detected by chance, during an ultrasound examination, a urine test or an x-ray.

The patient’s well-being may depend on the location, type and size of the stone. For example, oxalates have sharp edges, so when moving through the urinary tract they injure the mucous membrane. Therefore, an infection may subsequently occur. But phosphates cause much less injury.

What types of kidney stones are there?

Based on their chemical composition, they are divided into phosphates, oxalates, urates and carbonates. In rare cases, cystine, protein and xanthine stones can be found.

There are 5 types of kidney stones:

1. Uric acid stones are urates that are found in older people.

2. Inorganic calcium compounds are phosphates and oxalates, which are found in 80% of cases.

4. Protein stones are very rare and indicate a violation of amino acid metabolism.

5. Mixed types of stones are formed in almost 50% of cases.

How are kidney stones diagnosed?

The pain during attacks of renal colic is so severe that the patient does not care, sooner or later, seek help from a doctor. He will carefully examine the medical history, localization of pain and send you for an ultrasound or x-ray examination of the kidneys, as well as give a referral for a general urine test.

Still, the best method of confirming the diagnosis of kidney stones is x-ray diagnostics. After all, overview photographs clearly show the location of the stones and their number.

On ultrasound, unfortunately, stones can only be seen when they reach 3 mm in diameter. Only the most modern devices can see smaller pebbles.

Excretory urography is important in diagnosing kidney stones. It helps determine the performance of the kidneys and urinary tract and identify impaired functions.

Computed tomography is the most modern way to identify stones.

But, unfortunately, not all cities have a tomograph, and even if they do, the examination is sometimes very expensive. And many cannot afford it.

How to get rid of kidney stones?

There are several types of surgeries to remove kidney stones. For example, lithotripsy or litholysis. For severe pain, painkillers are used, and the patient is prescribed a diet.

Litolysis - dissolution of stones

Dissolving kidney stones is a breakthrough in modern medicine. It is carried out through the use of a mixture of sodium citrate, citric acid and potassium. These drugs are taken orally. To determine the dose of the drug and how long it should be used, your doctor may order weekly urine pH measurements to help create a schedule.

Lithotripsy – crushing stones

Lithotripsy - this procedure is performed in water in a semi-sitting position. A special device is directed to the area specified by the doctor. The procedure is very unpleasant, but tolerable. Stone crushing is used in cases of frequent attacks of renal colic and the presence of large stones.

Smaller stones may pass on their own, after drug therapy or drinking a lot of water.

Painkillers for kidney stones

For acute pain, it is possible to use Baralgin, Fortran, Trigan or Maxigan tablets. These drugs help relieve spasms and reduce pain.

Once the diagnosis has been established, a good pain reliever for kidney stones is to use a hot heating pad on the lumbar area or a bath with a water temperature of no more than 45 degrees.

If you cannot relieve the pain on your own and urine output decreases sharply, you should immediately call an ambulance!

Diet for kidney stones

The diet depends on what stones were found in the patient.

The diet for urate stones includes the consumption of cereals, bread products, mushrooms, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and dairy products. You cannot eat canned food, meat soups, pates, pickles, liver sausage and offal.

The diet for phosphate stones includes: meat, canned food, pasta, cereals, vegetable fats, butter, rosehip tincture, honey, sweets. Do not consume: dairy products, alcohol, eggs, pickles, nuts, berries, fruits, vegetables and strong tea and coffee.

Oxalate stones are formed at an increased concentration of oxalic acid, so fatty meat, poultry, smoked meats, meat broths, fish broths, vegetables, and mushrooms should be excluded from the diet. You can eat boiled meat and fish, drink juices, bread, and fruit salads.

Prevention of pain due to urolithiasis

1. Maintain drinking regime. It is very important to drink up to 3 liters of purified water per day to facilitate the passage of small stones and sand. You should not drink mineral water; it may contain salts that contribute to the formation of stones.

2. Follow the diet prescribed by your doctor.

3. Treat diseases of the genitourinary system. Contact your doctor at the first signs of illness. Don’t waste time, citing your busyness, your health is more important than anything else!

Why are kidney stones dangerous?

Urolithiasis is a rather dangerous disease that can lead to hydronephrosis, chronic renal failure and even the loss of one or both kidneys.

Nephrolithiasis or kidney stones are stones that form in the kidneys, repeating their shape, and consist of acids and mineral salts. There are many reasons for the appearance of kidney stones, and the pain can be unbearable. Kidney stones begin to form when the urine becomes very concentrated, which causes the stones to stick together and crystallize from the salts. Pain due to kidney stones - why do they occur? Signs of kidney stones, how to identify them is another topic raised in this article.

Pain due to kidney stones: why does it occur?

Urolithiasis is in second place after inflammatory nonspecific kidney diseases. This disease occurs at any age, but most often between 25 and 50 years. Stones can be located in both the left and right kidneys; stones in both kidneys occur in 15–30% of patients. A characteristic manifestation of this disease is a change in kidney function as a result of the inflammatory process in the urinary tract. The most common symptoms of urolithiasis are pain, hematuria, pyuria, and anuria.

Stones can cause pain when moved. Pain from kidney stones is usually localized in the back or side, but pain can also appear in the lower abdomen and groin area. Pain, depending on the movement of the stone along the urinary tract, can change its character.

Kidney stones usually do not cause damage. Sometimes the only necessary treatment is sufficient fluid intake and painkillers during periods of exacerbation of the disease.

Signs of kidney stones

A kidney stone may not cause any signs or symptoms until it moves into the ureter and then into the tube that connects the kidney to the bladder. When moving it, symptoms may occur:

pain when urinating;

severe pain below the ribs, in the back, in the side;

pain that spreads to the groin area and lower abdomen;

change in urine color - pink, brown, red;

nausea and vomiting;

fever and chills due to infection;

constant desire to urinate.

Pain due to kidney stones: when should you see a doctor?

You should consult a doctor if there are any symptoms that really bother you, namely:

severe pain that prevents you from moving and sitting;

pain accompanied by nausea and then vomiting;

pain accompanied by chills and fever.

Signs of kidney stones - how to identify them

They are visible in the urine, and they consist of the following: if at first the urine is thick, and then it begins to turn into liquid, then becomes lighter due to the retention of turbidity in the kidneys, this suggests the formation of a stone. But often the patient does not notice the changes.

Sometimes there is a copious sediment when urinating, which is similar to the sediment seen in disease of the upper parts of the liver. Therefore, the lighter the urine and it remains lighter longer and the less sediment there is in it, the more definite the indication becomes that there is a large hard stone in the kidneys. They say that if a person urinates with or without pain in black urine, this indicates that he has a stone in the bladder. The disease in all such cases is confirmed if a sediment in the form of sand is found in the urine, and this sand is yellowish or reddish.

Signs of kidney stones are reinforced if the patient feels pain and heaviness in the lumbar region, as if something is interfering there and makes itself felt when moving. The most severe pain is felt due to a kidney stone at the beginning of its formation, when the stone tears the tissue in order to establish itself there. There is also severe pain when the stone moves through the canals, especially when it passes into the bladder. The stone sometimes causes pain, even when it moves in the bubble itself. When the stone has already formed and is at rest, the patient usually only feels a feeling of heaviness.

The stone causes more pain when the stomach is full of food, especially when the food sinks into the intestines, but when the body is emptied and the excess food rushes out of the intestines, then the pain subsides. Well, as for the signs of the stone, that is, its movement, the pain moves downwards and intensifies slightly. The stones descend from the lower back to the ureters and groin, and it is here that the stone brings the pain to the limit. However, if the pain subsides on its own, this is a sign that there is a stone in the bladder.

Kidney pain– a complaint that patients often present at doctor’s appointments. In fact, until examination and examination are carried out, it is impossible to tell whether the source of pain is

kidneys, or other organ. Most often, a person complains of pain in the kidneys if he has pain in the lower back, lower back or side.

What is the symptom of kidney pain?

Not everyone knows about this, but pain in the kidneys bothers a person not above the pelvis, but above, right under the lower ribs. It is at this level that the kidneys are located - in the upper part of the lower back.

By nature, pain in the kidneys can be acute, aching, pulling, stabbing. It can occur in the form of attacks, or be a constant concern.

Before the patient is examined by a doctor, it is impossible to say for sure what caused the pain in the kidneys. It cannot even be argued that it is of renal origin at all. After all, next to the kidneys there is the intestines, spleen, liver, ureters, and spinal column. Pain in the back and lower back can come from these organs as well.

Kidney pain caused by pathology of the urinary system

Urolithiasis disease

Attacks of acute renal pain can be caused by the presence of stones in the kidneys (renal calyces, pelvis) or ureters. In this case, pain can be caused by the following reasons:

  • damage to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract by the sharp edges of the stone;
  • impaired outflow of urine and increased pressure in the renal pelvis;
  • inflammation in the wall of the pelvis or ureter, which is compressed and injured by the stone (in more severe cases, bedsores form);
  • spasm of the ureter in which the stone is located.

Attacks of urolithiasis manifest themselves in the form of a characteristic picture of renal colic. This is a stabbing unbearable pain in the kidney area, which is usually provoked by drinking alcohol and certain types of food during a feast. During renal colic, the pain is constant and very strong; it does not go away, no matter what position the patient occupies. He can sit down, lie on his back, on his stomach, on his side, with his legs bent, but the pain will still be just as unbearable.

During renal colic, along with severe acute pain in the kidney, lower back or side, other symptoms occur:

  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • deterioration in general health;
  • the appearance of blood impurities in the urine (the result of trauma to the mucous membrane with a stone);
  • sometimes the stone is located so that it blocks the flow of urine.

Assistance for renal colic is provided by ambulance doctors and the hospital emergency department, where the patient is required to be taken. In order to eliminate pain in the kidney, painkillers and antispasmodics are used. X-rays and ultrasound are performed and the issue of further surgical or drug treatment is decided.

More about urolithiasis


Pyelonephritis is an infectious pathology that affects the kidneys, renal calyces and pelvis. The infection can be caused by different pathogens. Almost always it is bacterial in nature.

Pyelonephritis is characterized by dull aching pain in the kidney area. Depending on the side of the lesion, there may be pain in the right, left kidney, or bilateral pain.

Most often, renal pain with pyelonephritis is permanent. It is not very strong, but, nevertheless, it gives the patient some anxiety. With calculous pyelonephritis (if the infection has developed against the background of urolithiasis), the pain is paroxysmal in nature, can be quite severe and resemble attacks of renal colic.

In addition to pain, the following symptoms are characteristic of pyelonephritis:

  • increase in body temperature to 38 - 40oC, febrile states are very characteristic;
  • general poor health, weakness, increased fatigue;
  • nausea and vomiting, if the pathology is severe enough;
  • decreased appetite;
  • pale skin, swelling of the face in the morning.

Treatment of kidney pain caused by pyelonephritis is carried out by a urologist or nephrologist. The origin of the pain syndrome is accurately determined after ultrasound, radiography with contrast, blood and urine tests.

The basis of treatment of pyelonephritis is the prescription of antibacterial drugs.

More about pyelonephritis


Glomerulonephritis is an inflammatory disease that affects the renal tubules and glomeruli. Most often it develops after a streptococcal infection (for example, tonsillitis).

Most often, glomerulonephritis develops acutely, with pain in the kidney area in the lower back on both sides. The following symptoms develop simultaneously:

  • general condition disturbance: weakness, lethargy, fatigue, pallor;
  • swelling on the face that appears in the morning can be very massive, sometimes due to it the patient’s body weight increases by 20 kg in just one day;
  • a significant increase in blood pressure, in many patients it rises to 170/100 mmHg;
  • a small amount of urine - less than one liter is released per day;
  • a large amount of blood in the urine - it is characterized by an appearance that is designated by doctors as the “color of meat slop.”

The final diagnosis of glomerulonephritis for pain in the kidneys is established after laboratory tests of the patient’s blood and urine. Drug treatment is prescribed.

More about glomerulonephritis

Atherosclerosis of the renal arteries

The disease is a particular manifestation of atherosclerosis. In this case, cholesterol plaques form in the lumen of the renal artery, which disrupt blood flow in the organ and prevent blood from flowing into the kidney for normal urine formation. In this case, there are periodic aching pains in the kidney area, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

In general, the disease is very similar to hypertension. The diagnosis is established after a general urine test, a general and biochemical blood test, an ultrasound of the kidneys with Doppler sonography of the renal arteries.

The treatment of this pathology is practically no different from the treatment of conventional atherosclerosis. They prescribe appropriate medications, diet, and give recommendations on a rational lifestyle. If necessary, resort to surgical removal of atherosclerotic plaques.

Renal artery thrombosis

renal artery - an acute condition requiring immediate medical attention. The disease develops when a detached blood clot enters one of the branches of the renal artery, blocking the renal blood flow. The occurrence of pain syndrome is associated with this.

With thrombosis of the renal artery, acute and quite severe pain occurs in the kidney, in the lower back, in the back, spreading to the side and abdomen. In addition, a number of other symptoms are observed:

  • sudden significant increase in blood pressure, as with arterial hypertension;
  • nausea and vomiting, constipation are symptoms due to which renal artery thrombosis can be confused with appendicitis and other acute surgical pathologies of the abdominal organs;
  • increased body temperature;
  • little or no urine.

If you experience severe acute pain in the kidney and suspect renal artery thrombosis, you should immediately call an ambulance. Doctors will introduce


If necessary, anti-shock measures will be carried out and the patient will be taken to the hospital. The hospital will conduct an examination and prescribe medication, or formulate indications for surgical intervention.

Kidney cyst

Renal cysts

- not very common, but extremely diverse pathological formations that can manifest as pain in the kidneys, lower back or back. The cyst can be congenital or acquired. They can be single or multiple (in this case the disease is designated as

polycystic disease

kidney). Pain in the kidneys with polycystic disease is caused by the following reasons:

1. A large cyst compresses the kidney itself and nearby organs.

2. As the cyst grows, the renal capsule stretches.

3. The cyst may interfere with the normal flow of urine.

Typically, cysts are detected during ultrasound, CT, MRI, and radiography with contrast. In addition to kidney pain, they can be manifested by the following symptoms:

1. The appearance of blood in the urine.

2. Frequent and persistent pyelonephritis or other infections of the urinary system.

3. High blood pressure (the patient may even be diagnosed with arterial hypertension).

The easiest way to treat single large cysts. Such a cyst can simply be pierced with a needle through the skin, after which its regrowth is relatively rare. In other cases, various types of surgical interventions are indicated.

More about kidney cyst

Benign tumors

There are the following types of benign kidney tumors, which can cause pain over time:

  • gamatroma;
  • oncocytoma;
  • adenoma.

Benign kidney tumors are prone to long-term asymptomatic progression. For a long time, the patient is completely undisturbed. Later, when the tumor reaches a sufficiently large size, it begins to compress the kidneys and the surrounding organs and tissues, blood vessels, disrupt the outflow of urine, and stretch the renal capsule, which contains many nerve endings.

Very weak, aching and nagging pains appear in the kidneys, and sometimes just unpleasant sensations or discomfort in the lower back or side.

Treatment of benign kidney tumors is carried out surgically.

Kidney cancer

kidneys is quite common. Tumors can have different origins, but usually have the same

symptoms. In most cases, the patient has been bothered by dull, nagging, aching pain in the projection of one or both kidneys for a long time. In the early stages, they can be so weak that the patient himself does not pay any attention to them.

But this is the insidiousness of malignant neoplasms. As a rule, if the patient begins to be bothered by severe pain and other symptoms, then advanced tumors are detected that have already managed to affect the nearest lymph nodes and form metastases.

In case of cancer, pain in the kidney area is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • weakness, increased fatigue, drowsiness;
  • over time, appetite decreases, the patient loses weight, becomes pale due to anemia - these signs are very characteristic of cancerous tumors;
  • Anemia is caused by a large amount of blood in the urine;
  • elevated body temperature within 37oC for a long time;
  • rise in blood pressure: a picture resembling hypertension develops.

Diagnosis in the early stages is established only after a thorough examination and examination. To do this, a patient who is bothered by constant pain in the area of ​​the right or left kidney must consult a doctor in a timely manner, and the doctor must promptly suspect the disease.

Kidney pain caused by a malignant tumor requires a combination of treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


Hydronephrosis is a pathology associated with stagnation of urine in the renal pelvis and expansion of the latter. Most often this occurs due to the fact that the outflow of urine is disrupted - there is a narrowing at the junction of the renal pelvis and the ureter. Sometimes the development of hydronephrosis is caused by pronounced reflux of urine from


into the ureter (so-called vesicoureteral reflux).

With hydronephrosis, pain is noted in the kidney area, in the back, in the lower back, in the side or in the abdomen, reminiscent of pathology from the digestive system. In addition to pain in the kidney area, hydronephrosis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

1. Frequent infections of the urinary system (pyelonephritis).

2. In children, there is an increase in the size of the abdomen, indigestion,

3. With prolonged and severe hydronephrosis, the child may experience a delay in physical development.

The ideal situation is if hydronephrosis is diagnosed before it leads to kidney pain and other symptoms. If abdominal pain occurs, this most often indicates that the expansion of the renal pelvis has reached a very large degree.

The cause of pain in the kidneys is identified after an ultrasound examination and excretory urography (a radiopaque substance is injected intravenously, and then it is observed on X-rays how it accumulates in the renal calyces and pelvis).

Treatment of hydronephrosis is surgical.

More about hydronephrosis

Congenital kidney defects

In most cases, minor kidney malformations do not cause any symptoms.

But in some cases they can manifest themselves as nagging, aching pain in the kidneys during urination, after it, or constantly. Painful sensations are associated with the following reasons:

  • if the kidney is positioned incorrectly, the ureter is compressed and the outflow of urine is disrupted;
  • renal vessels may be compressed;
  • Especially often there is a violation of the outflow of urine when the renal pelvis and ureter are doubled (hydronephrosis may occur).

Pain may be accompanied by the following renal malformations:

  • duplication of the kidney, renal pelvis, ureter;
  • horseshoe kidney;
  • S-shaped kidney;
  • biscuit bud;
  • congenital stenosis (narrowing) of the ureter;
  • congenital kidney cysts.

Sometimes such anomalies can be completely asymptomatic, without causing any problems, but are detected by chance during an examination. The appearance of pain in the kidney area most often indicates that their normal function is impaired, and treatment is required, which is most often surgical.

Vesicoureteral reflux


– a condition in which urine flows from the bladder back into the ureter. One of the manifestations of the pathology is pain in the kidneys.

Most often, vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) initially begins to manifest itself in the form of acute pyelonephritis. The development of the inflammatory process is due to the fact that when urine is thrown back, it irritates the walls of the ureters and brings with it pathogenic microorganisms. The result is:

  • dull aching pain in the kidney area in the lower back;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general malaise;
  • swelling on the face in the morning.

Kidney injuries

The severity of pain in the kidney area during

does not always correspond to the degree of damage. Sometimes, with a very severe injury, the pain may be minimal. And in some cases, with minor damage, the victim experiences severe acute pain in the kidneys.

Kidney bruise

is the mildest type of kidney injury. It occurs when there is a blow to the lumbar region, a fall on the back or on the legs (in this case, when landing on the legs, a sharp short-term increase in intra-abdominal pressure occurs)


due to tension in the abdominal muscles).

After a bruise, slight pain is noted in the kidney area in the lower back.

The general condition of the person does not suffer. There may be a small amount of blood in the urine. In order to determine the severity of the injury that resulted in pain in the kidney, an examination by a doctor is required. Does not require surgical treatment.

Kidney ruptures

Subcapsular (without damage to the renal capsule) renal ruptures are considered moderate injuries. They arise internally, in the jejunum of the organ, and do not involve the renal capsule. Sometimes there may be simultaneous tearing of the renal calyces and pelvis.

With this type of injury, acute pain in the kidney area is not severe. But there are other threatening symptoms:

  • The general condition of the victim is somewhat disturbed, weakness, lethargy, and pallor are noted;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • blood appears in the urine and persists for a long time;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhage and swelling occur at the site of injury;
  • sometimes large blood clots enter the ureter, and a picture of renal colic develops;
  • The clot can also block the path of urine, resulting in urinary retention.

Victims with kidney pain and these symptoms should be immediately taken to the hospital. It often ends up requiring surgical treatment.

Severe kidney damage

Kidney damage is considered severe when there is a rupture of the kidney itself, its calyces and pelvis. There may even be a separation of part of the kidney.

In this case, at the time of injury, severe acute pain is noted in the kidneys in the lumbar region. And then massive bleeding leads to the development of a state of shock: blood pressure drops sharply, the victim becomes pale, indifferent to what is happening around him, and loses consciousness. This is a very dangerous condition that can threaten the patient's life. Therefore, he must be taken to the hospital immediately.

The most severe injury to the kidney is crushing it. If qualified medical assistance is not provided in time, this may result in the death of the victim.

Kidney tuberculosis


can affect not only

But also many other organs, including the kidneys. Most often, at first there are no symptoms of the disease: the patient feels general weakness, lethargy, and increased fatigue.

In the future, stabbing pain in the kidney area may occur. Sometimes, in their suddenness and severity, they resemble renal colic. An admixture of blood and then pus appears in the urine: it becomes cloudy.

Diagnosis and treatment of kidney tuberculosis is carried out by a phthisiatrician.

Kidney pain during pregnancy

Kidney pain is a symptom that occurs during


relatively often. After all, all the internal organs of a pregnant woman function “for two,” that is, in an enhanced mode. Therefore, it is much easier for them to develop disorders, which can be both functional and indicate the development of pathology.

Most often, kidney pain during pregnancy has the following origin:1. Pain in the kidneys in the lower back does not always indicate disorders of the urinary system, especially in late pregnancy. After all, a growing fetus and uterus are additional weight that a woman always needs to carry with her. Loads on the lower back increase, which may be accompanied by periodic nagging pain.

2. Very often, pain in the kidneys during pregnancy indicates the onset or exacerbation of an inflammatory disease - pyelonephritis. In this case, along with the pain syndrome, other symptoms appear: swelling of the face, pallor, increased body temperature. Statistics show that pain in the kidney area in pregnant women in 20% of cases is associated with pyelonephritis. If a woman was diagnosed with chronic pyelonephritis before pregnancy, then during pregnancy it is likely to worsen.

3. Urolithiasis disease. In this case, pain in the kidneys in a pregnant woman will manifest itself in the form of classic renal colic. According to statistics, urolithiasis is detected in pregnant women in 0.1% - 0.2% of cases.

4. Glomerulonephritis. An inflammatory disease that occurs in 0.1% of pregnant women and begins with acute pain in the kidney area.

What to do? You should not take independent measures. A pregnant woman who begins to worry about her kidneys should see a doctor as soon as possible. If any pathology is detected, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

How to prevent pain?The likelihood of developing various kidney pathologies and, as a result, pain in the kidneys increases during pregnancy. The following measures will help reduce it:

  • proper nutrition: exclusion from the diet of fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, etc.;
  • daily consumption of cranberry juice;
  • you should drink about 2 liters of liquid per day;
  • wearing comfortable cotton underwear that does not irritate the skin or put pressure on it, especially in the intimate area;
  • careful adherence to personal hygiene;
  • frequent showers (sitz baths are not so preferable);
  • Emptying your bladder in a timely manner is something a pregnant woman should never tolerate.

If these rules are followed, the likelihood of urological pathology and associated pain in the kidney in pregnant women is excluded.

Pain in the kidney area with damage to other organs

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

As the practice of doctors shows,

therapeutic osteochondrosis

lumbar region


is the most common cause

lower back pain

Which patients characterize as pain in the kidney area. Pain caused by pathology of the spinal column can be easily distinguished from that of renal origin:

1. Often pain in the spine is provoked not only


But also long-term intense physical activity;

2. Pain associated with osteochondrosis often radiates to one or both legs;

3. In this case, there may be weakness in the muscles of the lower extremities, a feeling



4. And, perhaps, the main difference: with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, “kidney pain” is not accompanied by such characteristic symptoms as a rise in body temperature, difficulty urinating, the color and consistency of urine, swelling on the face, etc.

Pain in the kidney area in the back due to a herniated disc

intervertebral disc is another pathology of the spine, which can often cause a pain syndrome reminiscent of that in kidney pathology.

With a herniated disc, the pain in the kidney area is acute, always very strong. In this case, additional symptoms similar to those of osteochondrosis may be observed. There are also no “renal” symptoms associated with a hernia.

The origin of the pain is determined after radiography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment is most often surgical.

More about intervertebral hernia

Injuries to neighboring organs

Pain in the kidneys during injury must be distinguished from pain that occurs in other nearby organs:

  • injuries of the spinal column and spinal cord (fractures, bruises);
  • rib injuries, especially the 12th rib;
  • spleen injuries;
  • liver injuries.

Sometimes the symptoms can be so mixed that it is not clear whether kidney damage is occurring. The final diagnosis is established only after examination in a hospital.

Acute appendicitis

Pain in the kidney area during acute appendicitis occurs infrequently and is associated with improper location of the appendix. In addition, the following symptoms are observed:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • temperature rise to 37oC;
  • diarrhea or, conversely, prolonged absence of stool;
  • deterioration of the patient's general condition.

If a person experiences severe acute pain in the area of ​​the right or left kidney, accompanied by the indicated symptoms, then he should be examined by a surgeon.

More about appendicitis

Prostatitis and prostate adenoma

Sometimes pain in the kidney area can occur with prostate disease. At the same time, it is quite simple to find out the source of pain using the following symptoms:

1. Impaired urine flow, which manifests itself in frequent

painful urination

2. Problems with potency.

3. Spread of pain to the perineum.

A urologist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate pathologies.

More information about prostatitis and prostate adenoma

ATTENTION! The information posted on our website is for reference or popular information and is provided to a wide range of readers for discussion. Prescription of medications should be carried out only by a qualified specialist, based on the medical history and diagnostic results.

Kidney stone hurts side what to do

Urolithiasis develops as a result of metabolic disorders and is manifested by the formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system.

The condition when stones form in the kidneys is called nephrolithiasis; in the ureters - ureterolithiasis; in the bladder - cystolithiasis.


All causes leading to the formation of stones in the urinary system are divided into exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal).

The following can be classified as exogenous:

  • prolonged drinking of hard water;
  • living in climatic zones where there is a lack of ultraviolet rays;
  • large consumption of sour, salty, spicy foods;
  • not drinking enough water during the day;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

The endogenous ones include the following:

  • impaired renal function as a result of chronic diseases;
  • genetic predisposition to stone formation;
  • infectious diseases accompanied by dehydration;
  • severe diseases in which the patient requires long-term immobilization;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (due to disruption of the processes of digestion and absorption);
  • metabolic disorders (hyperparathyroidism, gout);
  • congenital anomalies of the structure of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Most often with urolithiasis, inflammatory kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis), gout, hyperparathyroidism, cholelithiasis, cystitis, prostatitis, pancreatitis, colitis are present.

There are 5 types of stones:

  • urate, appear in cases of uric acid metabolism disorders (gout);
  • oxalate, appear with an increased content of oxalate salts;
  • phosphate, appear due to disturbances in phosphorus metabolism;
  • cystine, they appear in hereditary pathologies;
  • mixed, a combination of several types of metabolic disorders.

Symptoms of urolithiasis

In men, this pathology is detected three times more often than in women. The clinical manifestations of urolithiasis are the same in men and women.

The severity of symptoms depends on the size of the stones and where they are located.

In the presence of small stones, the disease is asymptomatic, or after heavy physical activity discomfort may appear in the lumbar region. At this stage, stones are most often diagnosed accidentally during examinations.

Localization of pain in urolithiasis

The most integral symptom is pain.

The pain can be constant or paroxysmal; aching or acute in nature; The severity of pain depends on the size of the stone and its location.

Pain from kidney stones

When stones are found in the kidneys or upper parts of the ureter, pain occurs in the lumbar region and is aching in nature.

However, if a stone causes obstruction (blockage) of the ureter, the outflow of urine is disrupted and the pain increases significantly. The patient develops renal colic. It is characterized by severe pain that does not go away when changing body position. The pain can last from a few minutes to several days. Patients rush about, and there is a frequent urge to urinate.

The pain is most often unilateral, but can rarely be bilateral.

As the stone moves through the urinary tract, the pain decreases.

Pain in the lower abdomen in men can spread to the external genitalia and scrotum. The pain resembles prostatitis, testicular torsion.

In women, pain in the lower abdomen radiates to the labia and vulva.

Urination becomes difficult, it becomes frequent and painful.

Pain from bladder stones

When there are stones in the bladder, the pain is localized in the suprapubic region; with small stones, the pain is aching. Irradiation of pain also into the area of ​​the external genitalia.

Blood in urine and sand

The second most common symptom is hematuria (blood in the urine).

Hematuria occurs when stones move through the urinary tract due to damage to the mucous membranes. When passing small stones, blood can only be detected by examining urine. And when large stones pass, the patient himself may notice a pink coloration of the urine.

The patient may also see small stones (sand) in the urine sediment.


If signs of urolithiasis are detected, you must consult a urologist or nephrologist and undergo the necessary examination.

General urine analysis:

  • Allows you to detect hematuria - the appearance of red blood cells in the urine. In the presence of inflammation in the urinary system, an increased number of leukocytes and an increase in urine density are detected. Salts (oxalates, phosphates, urates) are found in urine sediment.
  • If there are stones in the urine sediment, they are examined. The character of the stone is established.

Biochemical blood test:

  • Aimed at identifying metabolic disorders. The level of uric acid, phosphates, oxalates, kidney function (creatinine, urea, glomerular filtration rate) are assessed.

General blood analysis.

  • Anemia (decreased hemoglobin) can be detected with prolonged blood loss; an increase in the number of leukocytes and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate of ESR during the inflammatory process.

Ultrasound examination of the kidneys and bladder.

  • Allows you to identify the presence of stones and signs of inflammation.

To detect stones in the ureter, clarify their location and the degree of obstruction of the urinary tract, excretory urography is performed. The study is carried out by introducing a radiopaque substance and then assessing its removal rate.

If there is a blockage in the lower urinary tract, retrograde ureteropyelography is performed. The contrast is injected not into the kidneys, but from bottom to top - along the ureters.

Computed tomography may also be prescribed to clarify the diagnosis. It allows you to clarify the size of the stone and its position.

Treatment of urolithiasis

If there are small stones, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. Therapy is prescribed by a nephrologist or urologist.

If the stones are large or the patient develops renal colic, then treatment is inpatient. The duration of hospitalization depends on the treatment performed, on average 10-14 days.

Treatment of urolithiasis is aimed at removing stones and correcting metabolic processes to prevent their recurrence.

Methods for removing stones depend on the size of the stone and its location.

Small stones can pass through the urinary tract on their own.

To alleviate the condition and reduce pain, the patient (if renal colic occurs) is prescribed antispasmodics and painkillers.

  • Drotaverine;
  • Papaverine;
  • Duspatalin;
  • Analgin.

Dissolving stones using medications

If urates are present, the following are used:

  • Allopurinol;
  • Etamide;
  • Ugly.

If phosphate stones are present, the following are prescribed:

  • Cyston;
  • Marelin;

For oxalate stones use:

  • Blémarin;
  • Spilled;
  • Pyridoxine.

For cystine stones use:

  • Penicillamine;
  • Potassium citrate;
  • Uralite.

Crushing stones and then removing them

Shock wave lithotripsy.

  • Using a shock wave, the stone is crushed and then removed through the urinary tract. The method is not suitable for large stones.

Stones are also destroyed using ultrasonic waves and lasers.

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

  • Endoscopic intervention using instruments to break up the stone, followed by removal of parts of the stone from the kidney.


  • This is an endoscopic removal of stones from the bladder.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is also used for urolithiasis:

  • diadynamic amplipulse therapy - used to relieve pain;
  • inductothermy - used as antispasmodic therapy and pain relief;
  • exposure to sinusoidal currents - used to relieve swelling of the ureteral mucosa and spasms. Used during remission.
  • Magnetic therapy - used to relieve pain.


More information about the diet for kidney stones is written in our separate article.

Be sure to drink about two liters of liquid during the day;

For urate stones, it is necessary to limit:

  • meat; fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • beer.

For oxalate stones:

  • chocolate, cocoa;
  • beets, lettuce, spinach;
  • foods rich in oxalic acid;

For phosphate stones:

  • salt;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • currants, cranberries;
  • dairy products.

Prevention of stones

The main direction in the prevention of urolithiasis is the normalization of metabolism.

If metabolic processes are not normalized, then relapse of the disease is inevitable.

  • giving up alcohol;
  • maintain normal weight;
  • drink about 2 liters of liquid per day;
  • reduce salt intake;
  • When determining the type of stones, follow dietary recommendations.
  • promptly treat inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs.
  • be regularly examined by a urologist or nephrologist.
  • Complications

    If urolithiasis is not treated correctly, the most common complications are:

    The development of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, ureter or bladder. This is the most common complication. Caused by stagnation of urine and damage to the mucous membranes.

    The inflammatory process can spread to the perinephric tissue (paranephritis). It develops in the absence of treatment of pyelonephritis or inadequate treatment of nephritis.

    Due to a long-term inflammatory process (chronic pyelonephritis), chronic renal failure develops.

    If the urinary tract is completely blocked on both sides, which is extremely rare, acute renal failure may develop.

    With timely diagnosis, proper treatment and subsequent adherence to recommendations for the prevention of the disease, the prognosis is favorable. Compliance with preventive measures will help avoid relapses of stone formation.

    To distinguish kidney pain from pain in other organs, it is important to know how the kidneys hurt. If your kidneys hurt and the pain symptom increases, you should under no circumstances expect the problem to go away and self-medicate. For diseased kidneys, it is important to identify the root cause of the discomfort and only then begin drug treatment. What dangerous diseases cause pain in the kidneys, what type of pain can cause pain, and which doctor should you contact if a problem occurs?

    The first signs of discomfort

    The first signs of diseased kidneys are cloudy urine, discomfort when trying to urinate, and the development of pain in the kidney area. Acute pain in the kidneys is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, swelling, and the patient develops all manifestations of intoxication: nausea, weakness, general deterioration of health. If the symptoms increase, you need to contact a nephrologist. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by diseases:

    • inflammation of the kidney tissue, diseases such as pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, inflammation of the urethra, inflammation caused by stone formation may develop;
    • congenital kidney diseases, in which the normal outflow of urine is disrupted, and inflammatory diseases often recur due to stagnant processes;
    • the development of an oncological or benign neoplasm that disrupts the functioning of a paired organ;
    • other diseases of the abdominal organs that provoke impaired renal activity and lead to pathology.

    If severe pain and accompanying symptoms increase, a person’s health worsens and problems with urination occur, an urgent need to go to the hospital, as such manifestations can lead to serious complications.

    General symptoms

    At the first symptoms of the disease, you need to consult a nephrologist.

    Symptoms associated with kidney problems most often appear against the background of inflammation of the paired organ, and the patient is most often concerned about:

    1. Sharp, piercing pain in the transverse region. If an infectious inflammation develops, then, in addition to pain, fever, fever, deterioration in general health, and renal failure are of concern.
    2. Pain in the kidney is accompanied by difficulty urinating, and the urine becomes uncharacteristic in color and has a bad odor. In case of kidney diseases of an infectious nature, impurities of purulent and bloody inclusions can be seen in the urine. Such inclusions can also be observed during the development of a cancerous tumor, when it grows in size, injuring neighboring tissues and causing internal blood loss.
    3. When the kidneys are inflamed, the patient is also concerned about intoxication of the body - headaches and dizziness, nausea, decreased appetite, and decreased volume of urine excreted.
    4. With a high temperature and problems with urination, severe thirst is felt, while the consistency of the urine becomes viscous and a foul odor is felt.
    5. With the development of renal failure, blood pressure increases and swelling of the body develops.

    Symptoms of kidney disease depending on the disorder

    For nephrolithiasis

    Violation of water metabolism leads to serious diseases.

    The root cause of the development of the disease, which can cause kidney pain, is a violation of water metabolism in the body and infection of the urinary tract and kidney tissue. At the initial stage of development, kidney stones do not bother the patient in any way, but as the tumor grows, the kidney tissues begin to become inflamed, and when they move, the person feels severe pain in the kidneys. In order to identify the problem, you need to contact a nephrologist, who, based on these study results, will help you choose adequate treatment. For small tumors, surgical intervention is not required and the stones can be crushed using a laser. But if the deposit is large and threatens a person’s life, then it is removed using abdominal surgery.

    For glomerulonephritis

    With glomerulonephritis, inflammation affects the renal tubules and glomeruli; if the disease is not treated on time, the inflammation spreads to the tissues of the paired organ, and an acute form of the disease develops. The patient is bothered by aching pain, which is felt even at night, interfering with sleep. When urinating, a burning sensation and pain are felt, and the body temperature rises. If the disease is not treated on time, the manifestation of the disease worsens and blood pressure rises.


    Inflammation of the kidneys causes fever.

    Inflammation of the tissues of the paired organ, or pyelonephritis, causes discomfort in the kidney area, pain when urinating, increased body temperature, chills and fever. In the acute form, pronounced symptoms are disturbing, and in the chronic course, the symptoms are less pronounced, but in case of relapse, the symptoms worsen. If you experience constant pain in the kidney area and all manifestations of inflammation are present, you should immediately go to the hospital for medical help.

    For polycystic kidney disease

    Polycystic disease of the paired organ develops during the intrauterine development of the fetus and the formation of all vital functions and systems. In this case, both organs are affected by the pathology; the cysts are small at first, but as the disease progresses they become large, disrupt the functionality of the organs, and provoke kidney failure. With this disease, cysts gradually appear on the tissues of the pancreas, liver, and lungs.

    If a child is born with such a pathology, then the symptoms are pronounced, and uremia develops, due to which the baby can die. In an adult, the symptoms are mild at first, but the pain constantly increases, the kidneys lose their important functions, and if not treated in a timely manner, there is a high risk of death. If a patient is diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease, he should be under the supervision of a doctor at all times; only in this case will it be possible to avoid severe and life-threatening consequences. If the disease is not treated promptly, high blood pressure can lead to death.

    Throbbing pain in the kidney area may be a sign of the development of renal failure; urine becomes concentrated, it contains a high content of toxic impurities that poison the body, affecting the tissues of the brain, liver, and kidneys. If the level of toxins is low, then at first the kidneys ache, and during exacerbation, renal colic bothers them. Kidney failure leads to an increase in blood pressure, disruption of water metabolism in the body, which in severe cases causes the death of the patient. The acute course of the disease is treated in a hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    Types of pain due to kidney problems

    Pulling manifestations

    Nagging renal pain during inflammation is always a concern, even when a person is at rest. If the symptoms worsen and other manifestations bother you, you should consult a doctor. Treatment is based on taking antibacterial drugs, keeping to bed and drinking water. However, if after 3-4 days the symptoms do not go away and the condition worsens, you need to go to the hospital for a more detailed examination.

    There are many reasons for exacerbation, the question remains: what to do during an attack of gallstone disease, how to relieve pain and prevent relapse.

    Symptoms and development of the disease

    The disease develops slowly and imperceptibly: initially, several stones form in the bile ducts, making it difficult to remove bile, and no inflammation, formation of ulcers or other complications are observed. Already at the initial stage, the first obvious sign appears: colic in the liver. Painful sensations are associated with the passage of stones through the bile ducts - the stones try to get into the intestines and then be released with the rest of the waste from the body. However, the size of the stones sometimes does not allow passage through narrow ducts; the flow of bile gets stuck halfway, causing pain.

    Symptoms of a late-stage gallstone attack include:

    • intense and prolonged pain;
    • the patient experiences rapid breathing with small inhalations and small exhalations;
    • there is a general change in the skin, the color becomes pale;
    • sweating develops due to increased metabolism;
    • Painful shock may occur.

    If a person directly experiences the listed symptoms, there is no point in delaying further visits to the doctor.

    A little about hepatic colic

    Hepatic colic is the first and surest symptom of gallstone disease. Hepatic colic has the following properties:

    • the pain is localized in the right side and is acute;
    • at times the pain radiates to the back - shoulder blade, neck, in rare cases, buttock and arm;
    • the main symptom may be external bloating;
    • in some cases, the patient’s temperature fluctuates – chills or fever;
    • often an exacerbation corresponds to a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract functions, difficulties in digestion;
    • arrhythmia (heartbeat disturbance) is observed.

    Acute pain annoys the patient for half an hour, then smoothly turns into an aching character. If it is impossible to numb the stomach, after a couple of hours the pain subsides completely, sometimes lasting for even minutes.

    Of course, the presence of one of the list of symptoms does not necessarily indicate the formation of gallstones, but such an attack will serve as a good call to change habits and go to the hospital.

    How to help yourself

    If the attack takes you by surprise, you will need to relieve the attack of cholelithiasis yourself.

    First aid is as follows: you need to lie down on a sofa, bed or chair - a place where you can stretch your legs and feel peace. If the patient is alone at home, it doesn’t hurt to call friends and relatives asking for help. Ask your friends to come, there may be a case of vomiting or an intensification of the attack (painkillers do not always help) so much that you will have to call an ambulance.

    Painkillers are often:

    The attending physicians prevent the problem in advance - offer the patient a painkiller in case of an attack. If you have not received a proposal from your doctor, discuss the names of the medications at your appointment.

    Some doctors recommend taking a bath. The water is at a pleasant, warm temperature (from 37 to 39C), and should not burn the human body. There is no need to lie in the bath for a long time: just relax for a few minutes. Then it is recommended to quickly go to bed so that the warmed body does not cool down again and the body temperature does not change. An alternative option that allows you to “warm” the body and improve the functioning of blood vessels is to apply a heating pad to your legs. It is recommended to wrap the patient as much as possible in blankets and warm clothes; in case of cholelithiasis, warmth will serve a good purpose. If the patient's temperature fluctuates, the patient feels chills, wrap the person in a blanket more tightly.

    To avoid dehydration, drink plenty of water. Mineral, filtered water is recommended; tap water and carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited.

    As a rule, serious attacks last 20–30 minutes; after the specified time has elapsed, you are allowed to leave the bed or bath and continue doing business. If the attack does not end, then the matter is serious and a doctor’s consultation is urgently needed. You'll have to call the hospital and call an ambulance.

    Remember: the sooner a stone (or several) is detected in the gall bladder and the patient complains to the doctor, the higher the likelihood of avoiding surgery.

    Complications of cholelithiasis and concurrent diseases

    If you do not see a doctor in time for gallstones, you may encounter a number of quite serious complications that greatly affect the condition of your body. At first, the stones are small, painkillers cope with the task of dulling the pain, but gradually the formations become more massive, and passage through the biliary tract becomes more difficult. When stones get stuck, blocking the bile ducts, unpleasant phenomena occur:

    • biliary cirrhosis of the liver;
    • jaundice;
    • cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder);
    • cholangitis.

    Cholecystitis is accompanied by recognizable symptoms:

    • the pain is localized on both sides of the body, acquiring a girdling character;
    • yellowed skin;
    • change in body temperature;
    • pain radiates to the back, creating a sensation of pulsation;
    • problems with processing food - vomiting, nausea.

    When the stones enlarge and the ducts are blocked, the scary thing is that the pain does not stop and is very intense. In order not to delay treatment until surgery, it is better to worry about preventing consequences in advance.

    The following diseases will serve as a prerequisite for the appearance of gallstones:

    The common reason for the transition of diseases into each other is the deterioration of the body’s condition. As a rule, clinics remember this relationship and take preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of gallstones.

    Due to complications and parallel diseases that are not treated in time, a person suffers many times: the first time when he tries to cope with a diagnosed disease, the second time when an additional disease appears, and the patient has to fight on several fronts at the same time. The metabolism and life of a person depend on complications of gallstone disease; symptoms indicating the occurrence of complications require an urgent need to call an ambulance. The attending physician will be able to decide whether it is worth hospitalizing the patient or whether it will be possible to get by with a set of basic measures.

    During hospitalization, further treatment course is prescribed individually depending on the cause of the attack in addition to the neglected gallbladder.


    A single gallstone attack is a warning and reminder of the need to take care of your health. To protect yourself from recurrence, it is enough to follow a number of preventive measures. The demands become extremely important after an attack. Eg:

    • You should fast for 12 hours after the onset of pain;
    • then they move on to drinking rosehip decoction, eating soups prepared with fresh vegetables;
    • on the third day after inflammation, cereals boiled in water, cottage cheese (necessarily low-fat), milk (low-fat), broths with lean meat, bread (rye), fresh vegetables and fruits are returned to the diet - eliminating the sour taste;
    • With great caution, after an attack occurs, river fish, turkey meat, and chicken (without skin) should be added to food. Discuss with your doctor the possibility of a therapeutic course of taking mineral water.

    The diet, developed by nutritionists solely to prevent new attacks of gallstone disease, is accompanied by a list of prohibited foods:

    • pasta (even the highest grade);
    • sausage;
    • spinach;
    • dairy products with high fat content;
    • dishes subject to heat treatment, in addition to boiling and steaming;
    • forget about seasonings, pickled and highly salted foods;
    • coffee;
    • alcohol.

    It is required to adhere to a diet during an attack and after it. The diet helps reduce the load on the gallbladder and the processing system as a whole. Take care of your diet, it is not difficult and does not require much effort.

    If you are diagnosed with gallstone disease, you will have to temporarily forget about intensive weight loss methods. Quite often, women mistakenly believe that fitness can improve health; gallstones become an exception. Such diets disrupt metabolism, food processing and the secretion of bile from the bile ducts are impaired. It is better to discuss the need to lose weight with your doctor, finding a way out that suits both parties.

    The diet has a list of permitted and prohibited foods, recommendations regarding dosage and frequency of daily meals. The daily intake of nutrients varies from person to person; only a doctor can give clear, individual advice. However, there are known rules that are common to each case.

    For example, you will need to plan the menu and the quantitative ratio of dishes on the list in the morning. A large portion of food should be divided into 5-6 meals. The size of the dish should not be massive, so as not to overload the inflamed organs.

    By following simple preventive rules, you will be able to forget about stones in the bile ducts for a long time. It is important to remember that you should not provoke attacks, so that later you do not have to deal with unwanted pain.

    How does a person’s gallbladder hurt?

    Pain in the projection of the gallbladder occurs more often in the case of dyskinesia (motor dysfunction) of the bile ducts or canals, inflammation, and the movement of gallstones. The insidiousness of these pathological conditions lies in the fact that the gallbladder hurts even with an old disorder. Early stages are usually asymptomatic. The root causes of pain in the gallbladder are congenital defects in the structure of the organ, its channels (narrowing, tortuosity), tumor formations, and helminthic infestation. Early stages are treated with medication, advanced stages are treated surgically, often by laparoscopy (cholecystectomy).

    Pain in the right hypochondrium may indicate ailments in the gallbladder.

    How does it hurt and where is the gallbladder located?

    Only a doctor can know how the gallbladder hurts in various diseases. To eliminate discomfort, people usually take painkillers or antispasmodics, but not every drug is approved for different types of pain in the gallbladder area. Only a specialist can tell you what medications to take. But before you understand why pain occurs in the gallbladder, you need to know its structure and location. This will allow you to more accurately determine the location of painful sensations.

    The organ is located directly above the liver. They are inextricably linked by bile ducts. The bubble is small and pear-shaped. The task of the organ is the accumulation and timely removal of bile produced in the liver. This liquid is necessary for normal digestion, in particular for the absorption of fats. Bile facilitates the flow of food bolus through the intestines. In 48 hours, the human liver can produce up to 2 liters of bile.


    The main sign of pathology is detected by palpation, when a greatly enlarged bubble is felt. A person experiences pain in the area on the right in the hypochondrium with the scapula. The sensations are constant and radiate to the right side, lower back, and shoulder. Additionally, there is a strong tension in the muscle tissue of the peritoneum from the side of the painful organ.

    The gallbladder hurts differently at different stages:

    • At the beginning of the development of pathology, unpleasant sensations are similar to colic, as during an attack. Pain in the gallbladder increases with coughing, rapid and deep breathing, and during body movement. Possible manifestation at night.
    • In the later stages of the disease, the pain becomes constant, sharp, and intense. The patient is constantly nauseous.
    • In especially severe cases, pain shock develops.

    A diseased gallbladder weakens a person, causing fever, vertigo, vomiting, dry mouth, in addition to pain in the right side.

    Signs of abnormalities can be long-lasting or short-term (from 5 minutes to several hours). Additionally appear:

    • bilious vomiting without relief;
    • weakness, dizziness;
    • profuse sweating;
    • fever (39-40°C);
    • drying of the oral mucosa;
    • increased heart rate.

    If severe pain occurs in the gallbladder, you should immediately contact a specialist who will diagnose the root cause of the discomfort, prescribe an examination and adequate treatment.


    Various factors can provoke hydatidiform colic. Main provocateurs:

    Below are the most basic factors that explain why pain occurs in the gallbladder area.


    The disease involves inflammation of the organ in acute and chronic form. The condition is accompanied by a general disorder of biliary function with such manifestations as:

    • aching pain with constant discomfort in the right hypochondrium;
    • deterioration of the patient's condition;
    • increased pain and discomfort after nutritious, fatty, peppery foods, eggs, soda, coffee, alcohol.
    • nausea;
    • drying of the mucous membrane in the mouth.
    • poor nutrition;
    • abuse of junk food, alcohol-containing drinks;
    • constant overeating;
    • other inflammations of nearby organs, in particular the pancreas with pancreatitis.

    Acute pathology usually develops against the background of cholelithiasis due to blockage of the main duct that removes fluid from the organ. Symptoms:

    The patient requires ambulance.

    Bad habits and poor diet can cause inflammation in the gallbladder.

    With chronic cholecystitis, the clinical picture gradually develops. The initial stages are asymptomatic. Discomfort usually appears 2 hours after eating or exercising.

    The patient complains that it hurts and pulls in the area of ​​​​the inflamed organ with impact in the shoulder blade, lower back, neck, back of the head, he regularly vomits. Additionally appears:

    • metallic aftertaste in the mouth;
    • air belching;
    • digestive upset (constipation, diarrhea);
    • headache;
    • insomnia with irritability (less often).

    Gallstone disease is provoked by stagnation of bile and a malfunction in the metabolic processes occurring in the organ. More often, the disease affects women over 40 years old. Usually the disease is asymptomatic. It becomes very painful if the stone gets into the bile duct. Small stones can pass out of the body naturally with feces. If the stone is large, surgical removal is required.

    The nature of the pain in cholelithiasis is diffuse, that is, spreading to the entire abdomen with a gradual concentration in the area on the right side and hypochondrium. Additionally, patients experience:

    • severe nausea leading to vomiting;
    • chronic constipation.

    With cholelithiasis, gallstones are formed, which, depending on the composition, can be:

    Different methods are used to remove each type of stone, so it is important to undergo an ultrasound of the gallbladder. Provocateurs of the appearance of cholelithiasis:

    • improper diet and regimen;
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • overweight;
    • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
    • pathology of the pancreas (pancreatitis).


    Motor dysfunction of the gallbladder and biliary tract causes disturbances in the flow of bile from the liver to the organ and duodenum for digestion. There are two types of dyskinesia:

    • hypotonic with decreased motor skills;
    • hypertensive with motor activity exceeding the norm.

    Symptoms of the disease:

    1. For hypotension:
    • pain - nagging, aching, localized in the right hypochondrium, often at night;
    • feeling of fullness and bloating;
    • refusal to eat;
    • airy belching with a bitter aftertaste;
    • nausea.

    If the disease is not treated, it can lead to the appearance of stones in the bile.

    1. For hypertension:
    • pain - short-term acute, paroxysmal, localized in the right hypochondrium;
    • The sensations are provoked by intense physical activity and abuse of high-calorie foods.


    Such organ defects are accompanied by:

    • constant nausea;
    • gagging;
    • headache;
    • severe intoxication with sensations similar to poisoning.

    Less commonly, the pathological condition is characterized by:

    • diffuse abdominal pain due to gastrointestinal obstruction;
    • sensations, as with gastric reflux, when gastric contents are thrown into the throat, oral cavity, and less often - into the nose.

    Against the background of pathology, gastric ulcers, pancreatitis, erosive damage to the mucous membranes, and cholelithiasis often develop due to changes in the composition and density of bile. Root causes of excesses:

    • congenital anomalies;
    • displacement of internal organs due to excessive physical activity, heavy lifting, pregnancy;
    • liver enlargement due to cirrhosis, hepatitis.

    Multiple bends are additionally accompanied by:

    • impaired blood supply to internal organs;
    • sweating;
    • flatulence;
    • Gradually intensifying severe, diffuse pain in the side from the gall side.

    Such manifestations may indicate the risk of developing a crack in the bladder and leakage of bile into the peritoneum. Diagnosis is carried out using ultrasound.

    The result of prolonged cholelithiasis is cancer. Tumors in the gallbladder can appear in late stages:

    • chronic pain in the right hypochondrium, which is not relieved by conventional antispasmodics;
    • nausea, vomiting and other dyspeptic disorders;
    • rapid weight loss.

    The insidiousness of the disease is the asymptomatic nature of the early stages, even without the occurrence of jaundice. In 30% of people, the tumor is palpable in the form of a dense, lumpy, practically painless formation, which is located below the rib. The outcome of treatment depends on the timeliness of diagnosis of the pathology. Early detection gives a 100% chance of cure.

    How to treat?

    Pain in the area of ​​​​the gallbladder projection and other manifestations can be deciphered by an experienced gastroenterologist. You can learn from him how and for how long to treat the disease, what medications to use, after a full examination and identification of the root causes of discomfort.

    Diagnosis is often carried out using ultrasound, which allows you to obtain data on the condition of the organ:

    • presence of stones, sand;
    • inflammation;
    • increase in size;
    • consistency of bile.

    The general course for all types of gallbladder pathologies includes:

    The last two points are applied after the exacerbation of the disease has ceased.


    Surgery is a necessary method of improving the condition in such cases:

    • lack of results from drug treatment and diet therapy;
    • blockage of the bile duct with a large stone;
    • detection of a tumor of any nature;
    • calculous inflammation of the organ, that is, with stones in the bile.

    The following techniques are usually used to remove the gallbladder:

    • classic cavity method;
    • minimally invasive resection during laparoscopy (cholecystectomy).

    What to do with first aid?

    If the cause of the pain syndrome is known to the patient, and it is not an ulcer, diverticulitis, or chronic organ pathologies, the pain can be relieved independently, at home. First aid rules:

    During an attack of pain in the gallbladder, you need to ensure rest and minimize stress, as well as drink pain relievers prepared in advance.

    1. Ensuring complete rest, that is, nothing can be done, especially lifting weights.
    2. Take medications prescribed by your doctor for such cases.
    3. Drink suitable folk remedies prepared at home. For example, honey syrup with horseradish or birch tincture, which guarantee pain relief within a week.
    4. It is forbidden to take any anti-inflammatory drug on your own, especially with acetylsalicylic acid.
    5. Do not drink coffee, caffeinated drinks, or alcohol.
    6. It is forbidden to do enemas, even with constipation.

    If the cause of pain is gallstones, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

    Manifestations without knowledge of the root causes, requiring urgent medical intervention:

    • stabbing pain in the navel with a sharp jump in body temperature, dark urine, yellowness of the mucous membranes, nausea, ending in vomiting;
    • stabbing pain in the stomach with simultaneous pulling pain in the forearm;
    • nagging intestinal pain;
    • a sharp attack of pain spread throughout the abdominal wall, with intestinal bleeding and vomiting;
    • severe pain in the liver area, dizziness, increased heart rate, and the appearance of sticky, profuse, cold sweat.

    Painkillers are not suitable for such pain. If you take an antispasmodic, the manifestations will blur and it will be more difficult to diagnose the problem.

    Important information

    If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, pathologies of the bile-forming system can lead to serious consequences, such as:

    • stagnation due to weak outflow of bile;
    • infection of bladder contents;
    • purulent-inflammatory process on the bladder walls;
    • formation of biliary fistulas;
    • formation of subhepatic abscesses.


    If you have pain in the bladder, you should seek advice from the following specialists:

    ATTENTION! The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only! No website can solve your problem in absentia. We recommend that you consult your doctor for further advice and treatment.

    Gallstones: symptoms and treatment

    Gallstones - main symptoms:

    • Weakness
    • Convulsions
    • Nausea
    • Loss of appetite
    • Vomiting bile
    • Chills
    • Diarrhea
    • Belching
    • Bitterness in the mouth
    • Pain in the right hypochondrium
    • Heaviness in the right hypochondrium
    • Constipation
    • Spread of pain to other areas
    • Fever
    • Malaise
    • Discolored stool
    • Flatulence
    • Vomiting without relief
    • Yellowing of the skin
    • Yellowing of the eye shell

    Gallstones are formed due to metabolic problems in the body. They are the cause of cholelithiasis. Stones formed in the organ can be located anywhere - both in the bladder itself and in its ducts, and even in the liver, while their shape and size vary from very small (sand) to very large.

    The appearance of stones often causes irritation of the organ mucosa, resulting in the development of a disease such as cholecystitis.

    Gallstones are formed in the gall bladder mainly from cholesterol crystals, but for the time being they do not bother a person - biliary colic is a consequence of blockage of one of the stones in the ducts.

    Most often, women aged forty and older suffer from this pathology. Men, on the other hand, experience the disease 6–8 times less often, but why this happens is not fully understood.


    For a long time, gallstones do not make themselves felt and people find out about their presence randomly during an examination or when they begin to move through the ducts and even block them.

    The main signs of gallstones depend on the location of the stone - the manifestation of gallstones will be associated with the size and shape of the latter. The symptoms that all patients with gallstones experience are as follows:

    • pain under the rib on the right side (paroxysmal, stabbing);
    • nausea;
    • bitter taste in the mouth;
    • flatulence and other intestinal problems;
    • belching air;
    • development of jaundice.

    Sometimes symptoms such as fever and chills are also noted - this can occur when the stone begins to move through the ducts. However, most often, an increase in temperature indicates the addition of an infection and the development of cholecystitis, the symptoms of which are characteristic of the inflammatory process.

    Predisposing factors that cause hepatic colic are stress and physical overexertion, eating spicy, fatty and fried foods, and excessive alcohol consumption.

    The first symptoms of the disease are a deterioration in general well-being and pain, which, although localized under the ribs on the right side, radiates to other parts of the body. The pain develops due to the fact that the stone in the gallbladder, starting to come out, irritates and stretches the walls of the ducts. Or the pain syndrome may be caused by overstretching of the bladder due to the accumulation of bile in it.

    Note that the symptoms in case of blockage of the ducts are as follows: the sclera and skin of a person become yellow, the person feels heaviness on the right side under the ribs, vomiting appears mixed with bile, which does not bring relief. This condition is extremely dangerous, as it can lead to seizures and a critical increase in temperature.

    Usually the attack ends after the stone enters the small intestine. To improve the patient's condition, lay him on his right side and apply a heating pad. But sometimes the size of the stone is such that it cannot pass through the ducts and gets stuck in them - in this case, removal of stones from the gallbladder is carried out by surgical extraction.


    Normally, stones should not form in a healthy body. However, there are predisposing factors that influence the disruption of metabolic processes and become the causes of the formation of stones in the gall bladder.

    Excessive consumption of foods rich in cholesterol is the main cause of the development of cholelithiasis. From here comes the second predisposing factor - obesity, due to a disturbance in the nutritional process. Also, a disturbance in the composition of bile with the formation of sediment in the form of solid particles, which subsequently form stones, can be caused by such reasons as disturbances in the liver, long-term use of oral contraceptives, and some pathologies of internal organs.

    The formation of stones occurs against the background of a decrease in the ability of the gallbladder walls to contract, which, in turn, also depends on completely objective reasons. For example, the reasons for a decrease in contractile function are the presence of pathologies such as dyskinesia, flatulence and others. If operations were performed on the organ, this can also cause a disruption in its performance.

    Other reasons are physical inactivity and poor nutrition. And during pregnancy, there may be an additional load on the gallbladder, as a result of which its transport function is disrupted.

    Mechanical obstacles to the outflow of bile also cause the appearance of stones. In particular, this can occur with various tumors, in the presence of adhesions and cysts, with severe swelling of the bladder walls, and even due to a congenital defect - a bend in the duct.

    Gallstone disease can also be caused by reasons such as infections that enter the organ through the bloodstream or lymph flow from other systems of the body. Any infection that penetrates the gallbladder causes its inflammation, after which inflammation of its ducts develops. This leads to the development of cholecystitis and cholangitis, against which cholelithiasis often develops.

    Today, doctors distinguish two types of stone formation in this organ:

    • primary, in which gallstones form over a long period of time and do not make themselves felt for a long time;
    • secondary, when the formation of stones occurs due to the development of congestion in the gallbladder.

    Features of treatment

    The diagnosis of cholelithiasis is made based on examination data. Patients are recommended to have an ultrasound of the gallbladder, but if it is difficult to determine the presence and location of stones on ultrasound, cholecystography or retrograde cholangiopancreatography is performed.

    Treatment of pathology directly depends on the size and number of stones in the organ and their location. It can be either conservative or surgical. Timely conservative treatment makes it possible to preserve the integrity of the organ and ducts and consists of such procedures as:

    • dissolution of stones by taking certain medications;
    • crushing using ultrasound.

    Also in some cases, percutaneous cholelitholysis and laparoscopy are indicated - minimally invasive methods for removing stones. Sometimes treatment involves surgery - cholecystectomy. Diet for gallstones also plays an important role. Treatment with traditional methods has also proven itself well.

    Drug treatment consists of treatment with drugs such as Henofalk and Ursosan - they allow you to dissolve stones and painlessly remove them from the body.

    Drug treatment is indicated only in cases where the stones are small in size and when the functioning of the organ itself is not impaired. A method such as crushing gallstones using ultrasound or laser can be used when large stones need to be broken into small pieces that can independently move through the bile ducts into the intestines. It usually takes several sessions to destroy the stones, but this method is used in cases where a person has several large stones in the gallbladder that cannot be dissolved by taking medications.

    Percutaneous cholelitholysis is rarely used and the procedure involves administering a substance that dissolves stones through a special catheter. Much more often, stones are removed from the gallbladder through small incisions (laparoscopy).

    The most common operation for patients with cholelithiasis is cholecystectomy, which involves a large-scale operation to remove the organ. This procedure should be used in cases where other methods are unable to solve the problem, or when the entire organ is filled with large stones.

    Treatment of this pathology is also associated with the need to adhere to a certain diet. The diet for gallstones includes the following recommendations:

    • eat food up to six times a day in small portions;
    • increase consumption of foods rich in magnesium;
    • increase the amount of animal protein in the diet.

    In addition, the diet for gallstones recommends completely avoiding foods such as sausages and smoked meats, pickles and preserves, legumes and butter, and also eliminating some vegetables (cucumbers, eggplants, radishes). It is not recommended to consume coffee, alcohol and organ meats.

    The diet for gallstones allows you to eat fish and white meat, cereals (oatmeal and buckwheat are especially useful), cottage cheese and low-fat milk, fruits and vegetables that do not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa, as well as drink mineral water and natural juices.

    Traditional medicine methods

    This disease is also treated with folk remedies. In particular, the dissolution of stones is carried out by drinking a glass of hot water with the juice of one lemon squeezed into it. In this case, slow dissolution occurs, so you need to use this recipe for a long time.

    Other juice mixtures are also used for a long time:

    • carrots, cucumbers and beets;
    • carrots, celery and parsley juice.

    There are other folk remedies to get rid of the disease. For example, you can treat an illness with raisins, which are mixed with holosas and Borjomi mineral water. Or tincture of pine nuts.

    Note that folk remedies can remove those stones from the gallbladder that are small in size, provided that there are only a few of them. It is dangerous to “expel” large stones, as this can lead not only to blockage of the ducts, but also to their rupture.

    If you think that you have gallstones and symptoms characteristic of this disease, then doctors can help you: a therapist, a gastroenterologist.

    We also suggest using our online disease diagnostic service, which selects probable diseases based on the entered symptoms.

    Jaundice is a pathological process, the formation of which is influenced by a high concentration of bilirubin in the blood. The disease can be diagnosed in both adults and children. Any disease can cause such a pathological condition, and they are all completely different.

    Reactive hepatitis is a pathological process that leads to dystrophic-inflammatory processes in the liver. Most often, this disease develops against the background of gastroenterological ailments of a chronic nature, systemic and other diseases. It should be noted that nonspecific reactive hepatitis, unlike viral, toxic and other forms of this disease, is highly treatable.

    Drug-induced hepatitis is an inflammatory process in the liver provoked by certain medications. If treatment of the disease is not started in a timely manner, then the onset of necrotic processes in the affected organ and cirrhosis is quite possible. In advanced stages, death is no exception. According to statistics, drug-induced hepatitis is diagnosed three times more often in women than in men. This circumstance has no scientific explanation yet.

    Cholecystitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the gallbladder and is accompanied by severe symptoms. Cholecystitis, the symptoms of which occur, as well as the disease itself, occurs in about 20% of adults, can occur in acute or chronic form.

    Ischemic colitis is a disease characterized by ischemia (blood circulation disorders) of the vessels of the large intestine. As a result of the development of pathology, the affected segment of the intestine does not receive the required amount of blood, so its functions are gradually impaired.

    With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

    Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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    All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation with your attending physician!

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