There is blood coming from under the crown. Anti-inflammatory therapy –. Home treatment methods

Inflammatory processes under a “fresh” crown are a common phenomenon. As a rule, the “culprits” of the anomaly are either medical errors made during prosthetics, or non-compliance by the patient himself. elementary rules oral hygiene. In any case, if the gums under the crown become inflamed, you must immediately go to see a dentist.

Why is treatment necessary?

Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) after the installation of a crown develops for the following reasons:

  • as a result of injury during tooth treatment before prosthetics;
  • overestimation of the height of the prosthesis and, as a consequence, pressure on the gingival margin.

Each crown has a certain thickness. At the preparatory stage, the dentist gives the tooth a conical shape - this is a measure necessary for the prosthesis to “sit” well on the base, and a step corresponding to its thickness is formed between the tooth and the prosthesis. However, it happens that this very step cannot be made smooth, and it begins to injure the gingival margin - the gums under the crown become inflamed, begin to hurt and bleed.

The development of gingivitis after crown installation may be associated with insufficient cleaning (filling) of the canals at the preparatory stage of prosthetics

The situation is further complicated by the fact that a poorly “fitted” crown becomes a hotbed for the accumulation of food debris and microbes - additional factors, promoting the development of local inflammatory process. Another cause of gingivitis is the careless work of the dentist at the preparatory stage of prosthetics, associated with grinding the tooth with a bur. Imprecise movements can injure the soft tissue surrounding the affected unit.

Subsequently, medical unprofessionalism can result in the gums under the crown swelling, blackening, hurting, and inflammation developing. Poor cleaning (filling) of the dental canals is another factor that causes the gums under the crown to hurt, swell, and darken. Inflammatory process in in this case, as a rule, is accompanied by suppuration and can lead to the development of a fistula (flux).

When to see a doctor

Gingivitis “makes itself known”:

  • soreness of the “affected” gum (especially when biting);
  • puffiness (swelling);
  • the gums may turn black, begin to protrude above the crown, and bleed;
  • an unpleasant (putrid) odor appears from the mouth;
  • general symptoms: weakness, increased body temperature, decreased ability to work, decreased appetite, etc.

What matters is how the body reacts to local inflammatory process, depends on individual characteristics health of an individual patient.

Preparing for treatment

Dentist conducts visual inspection, assesses the condition of the soft tissues and teeth adjacent to the crown, determines whether the classic symptoms of the inflammatory process are present - swelling, pain on palpation, increased bleeding of the gums. In addition, the dentist examines the integrity and quality of the “fit” of the prosthesis itself (whether there are any chips, cracks, and whether the crown fits well on the tooth).

If there are indications, for example, if the doctor suspects poor-quality treatment of the canals before prosthetics, the patient is sent for an x-ray. This study allows us to determine the depth of distribution infectious process, identify the lesion, detect foreign object under the crown (for example, a fragment of a dental instrument in the canal). All this information is subsequently used by a specialist to select treatment tactics for gingivitis.

A thick layer of soft (hard plaque) and, as a result, accumulation pathogenic bacteria also lead to the development of an inflammatory process after prosthetics

Important! In some cases, a CT scan may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.


How to treat inflammation of the gums under the crown: first of all, it is necessary to find out why gingivitis occurred. As a rule, the inflammatory process is a consequence of insufficient oral care by the patient himself - in this case, the dentist performs professional cleaning teeth, removes soft (hard) plaque, accumulated food particles between individual units, uses local antiseptic and anti-inflammatory compounds.

If the culprit is a low-quality or poorly installed prosthesis, it is “adjusted” again or replaced with a new one. In this case, you will need symptomatic treatment to relieve pain and swelling accompanying the disease. So, if the gums under the crown are swollen, the dentist prescribes local antiseptics and painkillers (Metrogil Denta gel, anesthetic suspension).

IN mandatory it is necessary to rinse your mouth with a soda-salt solution, “Rotokan” or other pharmaceutical compositions that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and wound-healing properties. If the gums rise above the crown due to gumboil, the doctor will definitely prescribe antibiotics. This measure will prevent further distribution pathological process and prevent complications.

When x-rays reveal foci of caries, pulpitis, or periodontitis under the prosthesis, the crown is removed, a hole is made in the tooth, and the damaged cavity is sanitized. Next, the doctor puts it in medicinal composition(paste) with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties, fills the tooth.

Important! In case of a complex course of the inflammatory process, the “affected” tooth and crown are removed, and traditional postoperative treatment gingivitis.

Home methods

Traditional treatment of gingivitis is aimed at relieving the symptoms of the inflammatory process and is intended to complement traditional means fight the inflammatory process. So, rinsing with infusions medicinal plants(sage, chamomile, calendula) will help relieve swelling, relieve pain, cope with bacteria and speed up wound healing.

Treatment of the inflammatory process should be comprehensive and include the use of systemic and local anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic and other drugs

Prepare this home remedy It’s not difficult: just pour 1 tbsp. l. dry plant material with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain, cool and apply in medicinal purposes(take into mouth and hold near the “affected” gum for 5–7 minutes).

Relieve pain at home before visiting dental office can be done using various pharmaceutical painkillers - for example, Nurofen, Tempalgin. In addition, on the recommendation of the dentist, you can rinse your mouth yourself with a solution of Chlorhexidine, Furacilin, Miramistin (antiseptics).

Pharmacies also sell topical anti-inflammatory compounds that will help cope with the symptoms of gingivitis:

  • Chlorophyllipt;
  • Tantum Verde;
  • Gengigel with hyaluronic acid;
  • Dental;
  • Asepta with propolis.


What to do to prevent gingivitis:

  • brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day, avoid the accumulation of food particles and the formation of a thick layer of plaque;
  • The gaps between the teeth should be treated especially carefully - for this it is better to use a special thread;
  • To preserve the prosthesis and prevent gingivitis, it is recommended to avoid eating nuts and seeds and not chewing fruit seeds. All this can result in a chipping of part of the crown and soft tissue injuries.

In some cases, after prosthetics, the gums near the crown may become inflamed. This usually happens due to medical errors or through the fault of the patient himself, who does not comply with basic hygiene rules. In any case, pain, swelling, bleeding, swelling of the soft tissues surrounding the prosthesis are reasons to seek help from a dentist.

The specialist will conduct an examination, determine the cause of the problem, and prescribe systemic and local drug treatment. In some cases (with severe course inflammatory process, if the soft tissues are darkened, there is high risk complications develop), the crown is removed and the tooth underneath is removed.

When gums become inflamed, painful sensations during meals, bleeding, redness, sometimes purulent discharge.

These symptoms indicate pathological changes in the oral cavity. With absence timely treatment they are complicated by severe gingivitis, periodontitis, and stomatitis.

Important! If you have gum disease, you can treat it at home, and many dentists even say that it is necessary. Herbal infusions have high efficiency, and are cheaper than pharmaceutical drugs.

Causes of gum inflammation in adults

There are a number of factors that provoke frequent inflammation gums:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • bad habits (smoking, habit of chewing hard objects);
  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • low quality fillings and crowns;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • hidden and obvious iron deficiency, anemia;
  • infections in the body;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • taking certain medications, heavy metal poisoning.

The main cause of inflammatory changes in the oral cavity is bacteria.

How to properly treat gums

To improve the health of the oral cavity, it should be regularly rinsed with various infusions and decoctions. medicinal herbs. The procedure is carried out:

  • in the morning after waking up;
  • one hour before meals;
  • immediately after eating;
  • before bedtime;
  • for discomfort in the mouth.

How to remove flux during inflammation

Used to relieve symptoms folk remedies:

  • soda solution (1 teaspoon each of soda and salt, pour 200 ml of boiling water, let cool to room temperature, rinse every three hours);
  • sage decoction (1 tablespoon of the plant, pour 250 ml of boiling water, boil for 3 minutes, let sit for half an hour, strain, rinse every 20 minutes for three hours).

If your gums are inflamed due to a sore throat

The main symptoms of gums are:

  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • fever, general fatigue;
  • pain while eating, bad smell from mouth;
  • swelling of the gums, increased salivation;
  • formation of gray plaque;
  • loosening of teeth.

The first step is to get rid of the cause of the disease, then prescribe therapy for inflamed gums. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Purulent inflammation near the tooth

With such a disease, you need to urgently visit a doctor. Surgery may be required.

Conservative treatment includes:

  • removal of a crown or filling;
  • drilling out tissues affected by caries;
  • nerve removal;
  • expansion of root canals;
  • treatment of canals with antiseptics;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • installation of a permanent filling or crown after the inflammatory process subsides.

At home, you can use rinses - dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide with water in a 1:1 ratio.

For a cold

The main symptoms of gum inflammation during a cold are: sharp pain, tissue redness, swelling. When a purulent process occurs, the formation is opened surgically. If a toothache makes itself felt after the appearance of a cough and a rise in temperature, then most likely it is associated with ARVI and will subside on its own in a couple of days.

Inflammation of the gums under the crown

The course of treatment includes:

  • gum massage, eating tough, hard foods (apples, carrots, nuts);
  • enriching the body with vitamin C;
  • using dental floss for cleaning, removing tartar;
  • taking painkillers (Tempalgin, Paracetamol);
  • rinsing antiseptic solutions(Furacilin, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine);
  • the use of anti-inflammatory and wound-healing gels (Metrogil, Solcoseryl).

After tooth extraction

Inflammation of the gums after dental treatment is a consequence of the body’s reaction to the drug or incorrect treatment. Many drugs have side effects and contraindications that need to be considered before use. They can cause irritation of the oral mucosa, which leads to inflammation.

Changes in the gums can also be caused by the patient’s negligence - failure to comply with the doctor’s instructions. If during the rehabilitation period you maintain hygiene and follow the recommendations of a specialist, you can avoid the inflammatory process and unpleasant consequences.

How to treat gum disease at home

To herbal remedy benefit, you should definitely ask your dentist if the chosen herb is suitable for your case. According to statistics, everyone suffers from improper oral care and gum disease. more people. This is due to the deteriorating environmental situation, poor nutrition, constant stress and lack of vitamins. How to help your gums?


To prevent infection with sore gums, you need to eat 3-4 cloves of garlic a day or use it as food additives. You can also rinse oral cavity garlic:

  • grate the garlic on a fine grater and mix with water in a ratio of 1:3;
  • let it brew for half an hour, then rinse your mouth with the infusion three times a day.

Sea buckthorn oil

It is successfully used in dentistry to treat inflamed gums; it has a wound-healing effect. The procedure is carried out using a cotton or gauze swab dipped in oil. The pad must be applied to the inflamed area. Also sea ​​buckthorn oil Gently rub your finger into the sore spot.

Hydrogen peroxide

If your gums are bleeding, a regular solution of hydrogen peroxide will help. You need to dilute the drug in a glass of water and rinse your mouth several times a day. To achieve the effect, the procedure is repeated for five days without breaks.

Oak bark

This effective remedy, which at home helps to quickly cope with oral problems. Brew two large spoons of oak bark powder into 0.5 liters of water. Boil the broth for about ten minutes, and then leave until it cools down. You should rinse your mouth three times a day. Each time use half a mug of broth.

Another method of treating oral diseases is known. In glass warm water dissolve a small spoon of salt and half a teaspoon of soda. You can also add a little sage. You need to rinse your mouth with this infusion for 5-7 days.

Herbal collection

Since many herbs have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antiseptic effects, they are used for rinsing herbal teas. For inflammation of the gums, a decoction of flowers and berries has proven itself well. For two glasses of water you need to take a large spoon of flowers and black, add. Boil for ten minutes, then remove from heat and leave covered for half an hour. You can rinse your mouth with this mixture every hour.

Aloe leaves

For herbal medicine, three-year-old aloe leaves are taken. The spines must be removed and the leaf itself cut lengthwise. Apply to the gums at the site of inflammation. You can carry out this procedure up to seven times during the day.

Sea salt

This is a simple and accessible treatment method for everyone. Dissolve sea salt in a glass of water and treat the oral cavity up to three times a day. Instead of rinsing, salt can be gently rubbed into the gums. This folk remedy can relieve inflammation and bleeding. Bacteria that destroy dental tissue under the influence of sea ​​salt die.

Dead Sea mud

To treat inflamed gums, you can use pure Dead Sea mud, without additives. Treatment recipe:

  • Brush your teeth with mud 2 times a day (after breakfast and dinner);
  • After cleaning, rub the Dead Sea mud into the gums with your finger using light massaging movements;
  • Rinse your mouth with a solution of salt and Dead Sea mud after each meal.


Needs to be dissolved in a glass boiled water half a spoon of soda, add a quarter of sage tincture. Mix all ingredients and rinse gums every half hour.

Uses of plantain

In summer, plantain leaves are used to treat sore gums. It is important not to pick plants near highways or in polluted areas of the city. In winter they are suitable for this purpose dried leaves, you can buy them at the pharmacy. Plantain has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and hemostatic effects.


To use sage against inflammation of the gums, you need to prepare an infusion (1 tablespoon per 1/2 cup of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour under the lid, then strain). The drink has pleasant taste, slightly astringent to mucous membranes. You need to rinse your mouth several times a day, preferably after each meal. complete cure.

Folk remedies based on chamomile and calendula

These are excellent folk remedies for treating gums. It is enough to take a large spoon of chamomile flowers and pour a glass of boiled water. After 30 minutes of infusion, you can safely begin rinsing.

Pine bud decoction

Young pine buds can stop bleeding gums, relieve redness and eliminate inflammation. Take a tablespoon of kidneys and add 500 ml of water. You need to boil for 10 minutes over low heat, leave for a quarter of an hour. Rinse your mouth with 100 ml of decoction at least three times a day, and preferably more often.

Propolis and alcohol

To prepare such a solution, you will need to take 20 drops of alcoholic infusion of propolis and dilute it in 0.2 liters of water. The solution is used exclusively for rinsing.

Calamus root

A small spoon of crushed root is poured with 0.2 liters of boiling water. The solution is infused for a quarter of an hour, then filtered and rinsed in the mouth. Calamus will not only relieve gum inflammation, but will also help eliminate bad breath.

Natural honey

For gum inflammation, treatment at home can be carried out using honey (we use only natural product) and regular or sea salt. For one part of honey you need four large spoons of salt. The mixture is ground and applied to sore gums.

Black radish juice therapy

Of course, use in traditional treatment Only freshly squeezed juice is allowed. Radish gives an excellent effect against increased bleeding.

In children

To avoid complications with gum inflammation in children, it is necessary to take your child for a consultation with a dentist. Treatment is prescribed based on age, symptoms of the disease and individual characteristics of the body.

  1. For infants during teething they help relieve pain, relieve unpleasant symptoms gels (Dentol, Kamistad) and homeopathic medicines(Dentakids).
  2. Older children are recommended to rinse the mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, oak bark) or pharmaceutical drugs(Rotokan). They have antiseptic properties and relieve inflammation.

Massage for gum inflammation

Massage for gum diseases is performed using special preventive pastes. Brushes help with this soft bristles or cotton pads soaked in decoctions of medicinal plants.

This procedure will be most effective during pregnancy, due to its safety, good tolerability and effectiveness. The massage should begin from the central incisors to the wisdom teeth; movements should be light and smooth, without pain.

This is one of the methods for preventing inflammatory processes of the gums. Positive result visible after execution full course procedures, at least 10 for the entire treatment period.

You need to do a massage in the morning and evening, one session lasts at least 5 minutes. Afterwards, you can rinse your mouth with tincture of ginseng or radish. The main thing is not to cause additional irritation to the gum area.

How to treat severe gum inflammation with antibiotics and other medications

At severe inflammation gums after evacuation of pus, the doctor prescribes antibiotic treatment to the patient. Metronidazole is most often prescribed (500 mg 3 times a day, treatment course lasts about 2 weeks). You can also use other types of medications - Lincomycin, Clindamycin, but only after being prescribed by a specialist. The dosage must be controlled by the attending physician; self-medication is unacceptable.

Effective for gum inflammation at home various ointments, balms and gels of both domestic and foreign production:

  1. Gel Cholisal.
  2. Balm Asepta.
  3. Forest balm gum cream.

All products are effective, they relieve inflammation and bleeding in a short time, eliminate gum soreness, inhibit the development of harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity, and have wound-healing properties.

It is worth noting that anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments are less effective. Because of oily base ointments do not adhere well to mucous membranes, so most of them enter the body along with saliva. IN in rare cases Doctors may prescribe Heparin ointment to reduce pain and swelling, but its main use is external.


At the pharmacy you can choose a gel that will help remove discomfort at inflammatory diseases gums:

  • Dentol (option for people with dentures);
  • Metrogyl denta (an effective remedy against gingivitis, periodontal disease, cheilitis, stomatitis, periodontitis);
  • Solcoseryl (for damaged gums);
  • Cholisal (for severe pain);
  • Parodium (periodontitis, gingivitis);
  • Kamistad (cutting wisdom teeth, wearing braces, dentures, for gingivitis, stomatitis, cheilitis);
  • Asepta (pain relieves, relieves itching and inflammation);
  • Retragel (disinfects, stops bleeding).


It is prohibited to start taking any antibiotic on your own. Amoxicillin is a drug that can relieve inflammation and get rid of infection. Even pregnant women and children can be prescribed this antibiotic, which is an advantage. The dosage and course of treatment are determined by the doctor depending on the stage of inflammation.


Lincomycin is isolated among many drugs for purulent inflammatory processes. The medicine is released in different forms(ointment, injections, capsules). IN difficult cases the injection solution is injected into the gums. For bleeding and inflammation, the drug can be used at home. At night after brushing your teeth, lubricate the inflamed area with Lincomycin ointment.

How to rinse your mouth with chlorheskidine for gum disease

Chlorhexidine has an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect and is used for gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, canker sores, alveolitis, removable dentures. Mouth rinses should not last more than 12 days so as not to cause oral dysbiosis. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the drug.

To rinse, you need to prepare a solution (0.05 g chlorhexidine / 100 ml water). Despite positive action medications, you should consult your doctor first.

Prevention of such violations

Basic methods of prevention:

  1. Every day, brush your teeth after waking up and before going to bed, carefully remove food debris from their base, use dental floss, and rinse your mouth after eating.
  2. Use foods with high content calcium, introduce more fiber, fruits and vegetables into the diet. Eating fewer sweets and meat products, which have a bad effect on the “well-being” of the gums.
  3. Avoid stressful situations, relax more, go for walks fresh air, lead healthy image life.
  4. Massage the gums daily, rinse with decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  5. Stop smoking and give up alcohol - these factors negatively affect the functioning of all systems of the human body.
  6. Change toothbrushes as the bristles wear out, preferring electric ones. They cope better with plaque and at the same time massage the gums.
  7. Brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue, which is the habitat for bacteria that enter the oral cavity.
  8. When the first signs of gum inflammation appear, immediately begin treatment, consult a dentist and use only proven methods of healing the body.

Toothpaste for gum disease

For inflamed gums, it is important to choose the right paste that helps eliminate unpleasant symptoms. The most popular today are:

  • Lacalut Aktiv (reduces bleeding, removes plaque, reduces loose gums);
  • Parodontax Classic (to prevent inflammation and bleeding);
  • Blend-a-med Complex 7 (helps strengthen gums, prevents inflammation and the appearance of tartar);
  • Blend-a-med Pro-Expert (has protective function, reduces inflammatory processes).

Proper treatment of gum disease is effective at home. With its help, you can not only eliminate inflammation and bleeding, but also improve the health of the entire oral cavity.

Often, after dental prosthetics, patients are faced with such a problem as the appearance of an inflammatory process under the crown. provoke this problem there may be many reasons. Accordingly, first of all, you need to understand why the gums began to become inflamed. To do this, you will have to contact a dentist, since only a specialist can correctly understand the situation.

What to do if the gums become inflamed under the dental crown

So, let's first figure out what reasons can provoke the appearance of such a problem. They should be divided into 3 groups - key role in this case, it is assigned to the mechanism of occurrence. In particular, if the gums become inflamed under the crown, this may be a consequence of:

  • physical damage;
  • poor quality therapeutic preparation prior to prosthetics;
  • occlusal trauma, which increases pressure on individual teeth.

Inflammation of the gums under the crown is accompanied by a number of symptoms. This is, in particular, bad breath, painful sensations symptoms that occur when eating, the appearance of blood even due to a slight touch, swelling, hyperemia of soft tissues. Often this causes pus to be released. Also quite often a symptom accompanying inflammation is heat. Expressiveness clinical picture directly depends on the mechanism of development of the pathology, because inflammation can be a consequence of the periodontal process or a banal mechanical damage. This also plays an important role in the choice of therapy.

It should be noted that in many cases, with inflammation of the gums under the crown on soft tissues cysts or fistulas appear. In such a situation, before starting the examination, a mandatory x-ray examination is carried out. A cyst can appear when the periapical area becomes infected with pathogenic microflora that penetrates through the periodontal fissure or through the root canal.

It becomes inflamed in the presence of contributing factors, for example, respiratory disease or decreased immunity. Often this is a consequence of hypothermia. Moreover, the formation during the period of remission does not cause any discomfort - except that sometimes pressure on the tooth responds with the appearance of dull ache. If a cyst or fistula appears, the crown will have to be removed in order to eliminate the inflammation. After this, the dentist must conduct an inspection of the tooth cavity. Antibacterial agents are also used here.

In any case, the problem should be resolved by a specialist. In such a situation, the main task is to eliminate the root cause that provoked the appearance of inflammation, but it still needs to be established. Therefore, self-medication can only alleviate unpleasant symptoms. So, often in order to eliminate inflammation it is necessary to remove the crown - it is clear that this is simply impossible to do at home.

For example, this cannot be avoided if the root cause is poor-quality prosthetics. As a result, the crown can injure the edge of the gum or simply fit loosely on the neck of the tooth. To solve the problem, in this case you will need to remove the old one and make a new one. The latter, of course, must be 100 percent suitable for the patient - otherwise, the problem will soon appear again.

If the inflammation was the result of an error made when filling the dental canals or a cyst that appeared on the apical root, then the doctor may well try to eliminate it without removing the prosthesis. In this case, treatment is carried out directly through the crown. However, you should immediately warn that in this case there is a fairly high risk of incomplete cleansing of the tooth cavity from contamination. Often this method is used as a temporary measure.

You can also leave the crown alone if the inflammation is the result of poor oral hygiene. This will be indicated by the absence of changes in the tooth root. Accordingly, you must first do X-ray. In such a situation, the dentist first needs to remove dental plaque. After this, you can begin local therapy of the problem area.

Now let's look at drugs that can actually help fight the inflammatory process in the gums. To eliminate this problems using antibiotics and antiseptics. The first ones are necessary if a purulent focus is identified. The drug in this case is prescribed based on the severity of the process. For example, for inflammation of marginal periodontium, Gentamicite ointment will be very effective. If a fistula or cyst is detected, drugs such as Amoxicillin or Doxycycline are used. Among the antiseptics, hydrogen peroxide and furatsilin solution should be highlighted. You can also fight inflammation using adhesive paste Solcoseryl or combination remedy Metrogil Denta.

In addition, therapy can also include folk remedies. However, you should first consult your doctor. Only he will tell you what to rinse your mouth with in this situation, so as not to provoke complications. For example, you can prepare an infusion of sage and chamomile. This is done very simply. First, mix thoroughly a small amount of ingredients. Next, take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture, pour it into a thermos and pour 250 milliliters of boiling water. After this, leave for 1 hour - the product should infuse.

Another effective folk remedy in this situation is an infusion of oak bark. There is also nothing complicated in its preparation. Pour a glass of boiling water over 15 grams of dry oak bark and leave to steep for 40-60 minutes. Next, we filter the product - and that’s it, it’s ready for use. It is necessary to rinse the mouth at least 2 times a day. By the way, they cope very well with inflammation and soda-salt solutions. Pour into a cup with warm water 1 teaspoon of each component and mix thoroughly. You need to rinse your mouth with this product in the morning, in the evening, and every time after eating.

Inflammation of the gums is always unpleasant, especially if the process occurs under a crown. A feeling of discomfort when chewing, soreness, bad breath - all this interferes with life and spoils the mood. What to do? Will I really have to remove the prosthesis? How to prevent disease and stay out of trouble? First of all, we need to figure out why inflammation begins.

Causes of gum inflammation under the crown

Inflammation of the gums under dentures is a common occurrence. Many people have to go to the dentist with this complication. However, there are people who avoided the inflammatory process. Why is prosthetics easy for some, while others have to deal with the consequences? Complications most often arise due to doctor errors when installing the prosthesis:

  • tissue injury during tooth treatment can lead to an inflammatory process in the future;
  • too much high altitude crowns leads to increased load on the edge of the gum, as a result it bleeds (see also:).

An inaccurately taken impression and, as a result, an uncomfortable prosthesis will not only injure the gums, but also create constant feeling discomfort. This is why correct and careful installation of the prosthesis is so important. You should pay attention to an uncomfortable bridge or crown immediately, without waiting for complications.

Injury to the gums by the edge of the crown

Installing a crown requires preliminary preparation: to place its body, the tooth is ground, giving it the shape of a cylinder standing on a flat surface. The protrusion of such a surface is called a step. If its width is not sufficient, the cap placed on the cylinder will put pressure on the gum. This will lead to impaired blood circulation in the tissues adjacent to the prosthesis. Bleeding will occur. Food gets clogged under the protruding edge, which, under the influence of bacteria, begins to decompose, causing an inflammatory process.

Poor quality treatment of dental canals

The installation of a metal-ceramic or solid-cast crown is performed on a previously pulpless tooth. If the treatment is carried out incorrectly, the root cavity is not completely treated, the seal of the filling is broken, and bacteria begin to multiply in the cavity. Sometimes this happens because the roots are curved or very narrow. Insufficiently dense filling of the canal leads to the formation of cavities in which bacteria subsequently multiply. Number growth pathogens leads to the development of the inflammatory process.

Another cause of inflammation after depulpation is wall perforation. The hole in it occurs due to inaccurate expansion of the dental canal - a mistake by the dentist. It may also appear if the pin is inserted into the canal unsuccessfully.

It also happens that the thin instrument the dentist uses breaks off in the canal. This situation may occur when the canal is too narrow or tortuous, or if the instrument is very old, and internal stresses it destroys the material from which it is made. The fine tip may break if the doctor reuses the disposable instrument.

As a result of these reasons, the patient begins to feel toothache, the gums swell, bleed, a fistula may form, gumboil appears (we recommend reading:). Inflammation of the upper part of the root, suppuration around the tooth leads to its mobility. A cyst may develop in the area of ​​the root tip.

The crown does not hold well

Unsuccessful dentures often cause problems with the gums. When installing a denture, it is important to properly prepare the tooth for this procedure. In addition to careful root filling, the stability of the prosthesis depends on the shape of the ground stump.

In order for the crown to hold well, it is necessary to give the stump a cylindrical shape with parallel walls. The higher the ground tooth is and the more parallel its walls are, the tighter the cap will “sit” on the prepared stump. With proper grinding and a well-made crown, it will hold in place even without glue-cement.

On the contrary, a gap between the tooth and the crown will definitely lead to trouble. If the tooth is ground into a low cone, the denture will quickly begin to fly off, and it will not be possible to install it so that it holds securely.

The presence of a gap will lead to food getting into it, rotting, and, as a result, to the inflammatory process. The tooth itself will rot under the crown, the gums will swell and fester.

If iso mouth goes there is an unpleasant smell, the part of the tooth protruding from below has turned black, food is getting stuck under the crown, the gums are inflamed - this means that you urgently need to go to the dentist and change the crown (we recommend reading:). By contacting a doctor on time, you can save your tooth in time. otherwise it will have to be removed.

Other reasons

One of the main causes of gum inflammation (gingivitis) is insufficient oral hygiene. To avoid inflammation under the crown, you need to do simple things: brush your teeth thoroughly, rinse them after eating, and remove the stone on time.

The gums may become inflamed and common reasons. Gingivitis occurs:

  • with general weakening of the body caused by overwork, illness, malnutrition;
  • with vitamin deficiency, lack of essential minerals;
  • Consequently diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • in case of hormonal imbalance;
  • as a reaction to taking medications.

Diagnosis of the problem

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Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish accurate diagnosis. Symptoms of the onset of inflammation are:

To determine the cause of discomfort, it is better to consult a doctor. He will appoint the necessary diagnostic studies, will conduct a professional inspection.

Visual inspection

Often the doctor is able to obtain information about the condition of the gums as a result of an external examination. Local damage to enamel, dentin, and pulp does not change the condition of the gum tissue. However, root sheath disease leads to changes in the appearance of the gums.

  • A thickened, reddened edge of the gum and the presence of tartar indicate gingivitis. Swelling can be easily detected by pressing on the gum with the edge of the instrument. This will cause an imprint to form that will last for some time.
  • A subgingival abscess looks like an elongated bulge in the area of ​​transition between the cheek and gum. Swelling of the gums may prevent its detection.
  • The presence of a hole on the gum surrounded by granulations indicates a fistula (we recommend reading:).
  • The flow of pus from under the gingival margin indicates chronic inflammation gums Localization of lesions in the area of ​​one tooth indicates its disease.

X-ray of a tooth

X-ray is the most common and effective way diagnostics, allowing to identify damage to the tooth root and the occurrence of neoplasms.

Using an X-ray, you can detect a crack in the root, its fracture, perforation of the cavity walls, evaluate the quality of canal filling, and see caries in the closed part of the masticatory organ. This examination method allows you to detect a cyst or abscess that is not visible from the outside.

Thanks to x-rays, it is possible to determine the exact location of the anomaly, but sometimes the method fails. This happens when using filling material, exposing the photograph, initial stage formation of cementoma – benign tumor, consisting of a cement-like substance, and in a number of other cases.

Gum treatment

Treatment of inflamed gums under a denture should be entrusted to a doctor. Using modern methods diagnostics, it will determine how far the process has gone and how it can be dealt with. By turning to home methods, you can relieve the pain, but you will not be able to eliminate the cause of the inflammation. Uncontrolled self-medication can do more harm than good.

Replacing the crown and treating the tooth underneath it

The inflammatory process, caused by poor-quality prosthetics, can be stopped only by removing the crown and treating the tooth underneath it. After removing the crown, in most cases it will not be possible to install it back, as it will be severely damaged. Repeated prosthetics will be required.

Sometimes it is possible to treat single-canal teeth without removing the crown. However, this method makes it difficult to pass through the entire canal and does not allow cleaning the space under the crown. The method is used as a temporary measure if it is not possible to carry out full complex recovery.


Removing the crown and treating the tooth underneath does not eliminate gum problems. To eliminate the inflammatory process, medications are used.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies do not make it possible to completely cope with inflammation, but they can reduce its manifestations and relieve pain. The main methods of treatment at home are: soda-salt rinsing, the use of infusions of chamomile, sage, and oak bark. Brewed herbs are used both for rinsing and for applications. Good effect give applications with aloe juice. You can also use a plant leaf for this purpose, after first removing the skin from it.

Prevention of gum inflammation

The inflammatory process under the crown is easier to prevent than to treat. Daily thorough brushing of teeth twice a day should be supplemented by the use of rinses after each meal. Food stuck between teeth should be removed using dental floss.

Installing a crown does not always solve problems. It happens that many of them appear just after prosthetics. One of these problems is pain in the gums. If so, what to do and how to eliminate unpleasant symptoms?

Pain in the gums under the crown indicates the development of an inflammatory process. The reasons for this can be divided into several groups.

Crown injuries

During tooth preparation, the orthopedist forms a kind of “step” so that the artificial structure does not put pressure on the gingival margin. However, in some cases this cannot be achieved, then the crown begins to put pressure on the gums, causing circulatory problems.

If the edges of the crown overhang, it will exert a mechanical force on the edge of the gum. This leads to microtraumas and damage to the integrity of the mucosa. Quite quickly, inflammatory processes begin to develop in these places. To avoid this situation, orthopedic dentists try to install the structure end-to-end rather than overlapping.

However, opposite situations also occur when the crown does not go beyond the gum, but, on the contrary, does not reach it. In this case, food and saliva accumulate in the space left empty. Sooner or later, this also leads to the development of an inflammatory process, even with good hygiene.

Poor preparation for prosthetics

Poor preparation for prosthetics is the most common reasons complications.

Under poor preparation This refers to the doctor’s poor quality of work and the mistakes he made. Among them the most common:

  • Trauma to the gums during tooth preparation. When the doctor grinds away dental tissue to install a prosthesis, the gum may be touched with a diamond bur. An instrument rotating at high speed (400 rpm) plucks out pieces of gum tissue, which subsequently leads to inflammation.
  • Bad. In most cases, teeth are depulped before prosthetics. The final stage of depulpation is root canal filling, which is carried out under X-ray control. If the filling does not reach the root tip, voids are formed in which bacteria begin to multiply. For this to happen, it is enough to leave only 1-2 mm without a filling.
  • Perforation of the root canal, which can occur during treatment or when fixing the pin. Such mistakes also often cause inflammation that spreads to the gums.
  • Breaking an instrument is a mistake that is made not only by beginners, but sometimes by experienced doctors. There are requirements for the use of tools that are used to process canals (for example, many of them are prohibited from being rotated more than 120 degrees). If the doctor does not comply with these requirements, the thin instruments may break, leaving a foreign body in the canal.

Incorrect crown installation

The crown should fit tightly to the neck to prevent saliva and food from getting under it. If this condition is not met, conditions are created in the gaps formed for the proliferation of microorganisms, due to whose vital activity the gums can become inflamed.

The reason for incorrectly made crowns can be a poorly taken impression. In this case, the dental technician has difficulty seeing the boundaries of the preparation and, accordingly, it is not possible to achieve an ideal fit. The space between the tooth and the prosthesis is filled with cement, but this is not a panacea, since any cement dissolves over time.

Failure to comply with operating instructions

Poor hygiene leads to the development of inflammatory processes.

Wearing a crown imposes a number of obligations on the patient to care for it. These include:

  • Careful hygiene using additional funds– special brushes with circular bristles, irrigators.
  • Mandatory additional cleaning of interdental spaces.
  • Twice a day you need to rinse your mouth with disinfectant solutions or herbal infusions.
  • It is very important not to forget about the expiration date of the prosthesis. The closer it is to completion, the higher the likelihood of the structure being unreliable.

Symptoms of inflammation

The following may indicate that an inflammatory process is developing: signs:

  • Pain. Sometimes its source is a tooth - if pulp removal was not performed in preparation for prosthetics. But most often the source of pain is under the crown and/or root canals.
  • Edema, swelling. Most often, it also indicates that the source of inflammation is the root canals.
  • some time after the swelling appears. A fistula is a channel for the release of pus, which enters the oral cavity and is swallowed along with saliva and food.

On a note. Minor pain is possible in the first 2-3 days after prosthetics. They are not a pathology and do not require acceptance special measures except for taking painkillers.

Treatment options

To treat the tooth, the crown will have to be removed.

First of all, it is necessary to relieve pain and at the same time reduce inflammation. To stop the gums from hurting, medications such as Nurofen, Nimesil, Ketorol, as well as compresses with Chlorhexidine or Furacilin are used. However, this is only first aid for pain. IN as soon as possible It is necessary to consult a doctor to determine its source and take therapeutic or surgical measures.

First of all, the doctor must determine the reason why the gums may become inflamed. For this, an x-ray is usually taken. Depending on the data obtained, a decision is made on subsequent tactics, which often involve.

If the cause of inflammation is in the root canals, then they are unsealed, appropriate treatment is carried out, after which the fillings are reinstalled. The duration of such treatment is usually at least a month. In addition, home anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed, which involves rinsing with antibacterial and antiseptic solutions. Among them:

  • Chlorhexidine;
  • baking soda;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • Furacilin.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe oral administration antibacterial drugs. Some folk remedies will also help cope with inflammation:

  • Chewing a small piece of calamus root will help stop the inflammatory process.
  • In order to soothe irritated tissues and for an antiseptic effect, the gum area is smeared with honey.
  • For rinsing, decoctions of chamomile, oregano, oak bark, St. John's wort, and string are used.

It is important to understand that folk remedies cannot replace visits to the dentist. Since inflammation most often involves crown removal, postponing a visit to a specialist will only lead to further development negative processes.


  1. M. Wise. Prosthetics errors. Moscow, 2005.
  2. Kopeikin V.N. Orthopedic dentistry. Moscow, 2001.