Chlorogenic acid in which products. Contraindications, shortages and side effects. The effect of chlorogenic acid on weight loss

Nowadays, more and more new ways to lose weight appear on the Internet. Some sources offer unusual exercises, others offer new substances and drugs that help in this difficult field.

One of these substances, actively introduced by manufacturers, is chlorogenic acid in diet pills or green coffee, which contains it. In the short period of time that it has been heard by those losing weight, many opinions and studies have already appeared that confirm or refute its benefits. Although it is not possible to understand the reality of this or that opinion.

A chemistry course will tell us what it is: chlorogenic acid is one of the organic acids contained in plants. Organic acids are weak in their action, therefore they do not harm the body when consumed naturally, that is, not in tablets and concentrates.

Like other organic acids, it is not capable of affecting acid-base balance and, from this point of view, safe. True, to confirm that this is indeed a fat-burning acid, it is necessary to conduct a series of experiments sponsored by non-manufacturers of this dietary supplement. There is no clear information about this acid yet: manufacturers say one thing, many independent experiments say something completely different.

Chlorogenic acid: benefits and harms

So, from everything said above, we can conclude that there is no harm from consuming such acid in plants (not tablets). Concentrated forms of this acid can have a detrimental effect on the liver because it is foreign to the body and the liver will detoxify it. Too much of it at once can lead to poisoning and you need to be careful with this.

As for the benefits, numerous studies confirm the presence of a common beneficial effects chlorogenic acid on the body. This substance is an antioxidant. This means that it helps reduce the amount free radicals oxygen in the skin, which leads to a slowdown in the aging process and general improvement the body's resistance to stress. In addition, the antimutagenic effect of acid has been proven, which will protect against the development cancer diseases. It also prevents sticking blood cells in vessels, which reduces the likelihood of blood clots and has a general positive impact on cardiovascular system. Some sources attribute antimicrobial and antibacterial effect. Of course, the use of chlorogenic acid is not a guarantee of the absence of all of the above problems, but a certain contribution to general state she still contributes.

The presence of a fat-burning function has so far been confirmed only by studies of manufacturers of drugs with acid. They explain this effect by saying that acid reduces the proportion of glycogen used to replenish energy reserves, resulting in the body using fats. Here you can argue: the storage of glycogen does not stop, this means that all the carbohydrates (and without them it is impossible) that we ate turned into glycogen - this is also a kind of fat that is not used by the body. This means that with the use of chlorogenic acid, some fat reserves begin to be used and others are deposited. This is fraught with metabolic disorders, which can subsequently lead to diabetes. In addition, this entire process occurs in the liver, which also cannot but affect its functioning. Therefore, if the mechanism of action of the acid is really this, you need to be very careful with it.

According to one study, the use of chlorogenic fat-burning acid promotes weight loss of up to 10% of the initial value.

What foods contain chlorogenic acid for weight loss? The main source of this acid is considered. In its peel the concentration of the substance reaches 70%. It is also found in eggplants, apples, strawberries, potatoes, sorrel, barberries and other products that appear on our table every day. Although, its content in the latter is much lower.

(and microbes, too, by the way) came to humanity after centuries of ignorance. Today science is one of the most invested industries in the world. We have learned to synthesize biologically active ingredients, manage your own eating habits and get the most out of your food.

One of the most important components that we can get from food (or synthetically) is quinic acid. It is found in abundance in berries, fruits, and their derivatives. How is quinic acid useful and what happens to the body when it is deficient?

general characteristics

Quinic acid (C 7 H 12 O 6) is a monobasic polyhydroxyascorbic acid. This is a crystalline substance that is found in abundance in quinine bark, plants, coffee beans, berries and fruits. There is another way to extract the quinine component (in addition to biological synthesis) - hydrolysis of chlorogenic acid. The component is used in traditional/folk medicine and homeopathy.

Brief historical background

The substance was isolated by the German organic chemist Hoffmann in 1790. The scientist highlighted quinic acid from the bark of the cinchona tree (a genus of plants from the madder family). Later studies were carried out that confirmed the presence in plants.

Young plant shoots contain about 14% quinic acid (based on the weight of the resulting dry raw material).

Organic compounds are found in the following products: tobacco, apples, cranberries, unprocessed coffee beans. According to scientists Kochman and Sanbur (authors of “Isolation of Quinic Acid from Fruits”), quinic acid is most easily obtained from fruit and berry fruits. The approval is based on the ability of both the organic and synthetic components to dissolve under the influence of lead compounds.

Useful properties of the substance

After research confirming beneficial effect quinic acid per person, among adherents healthy eating a real excitement began, which subsided over time, and then simply came down to zero. What really happened?

Indeed, the component is capable of normalizing temperature human body(movement to normal occurs from both excessively low and high performance), which is so important for infectious or bacteriological diseases. Instead of stuffing yourself with pills, you can try eating quince, grapes or drinking real black. If you supply the body with the required concentration of the substance, the temperature will actually stabilize.

This effect is observed with one-time symptoms that are not associated with serious diseases, but are provoked, for example, by the weather, problems at work, or the first stage of a cold.

It is useful to introduce products with quinic acid during the recovery period after illness (regardless of severity, nature, age and other factors). The substance will help the body start the process of rapid regeneration, restore the balance of microflora and become a kind of “support” for depleted internal organs.

What else is quinine useful for:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • increases salivation;
  • improves the secretion of gastric juice;
  • copes with stomach/intestinal disorders and others unpleasant pathologies abdominal cavity;
  • relieves headaches/migraines;
  • restores and promotes normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • helps remove the symptoms and root cause of gout/fever;
  • normalizes the level (removes excess from the body, reduces the level of harmful fats in the blood);
  • enhances the effect of medications when radiation sickness and malaria.

All organic acids (including quinic acid) have a beneficial effect on the level of digestibility. The body will absorb better and faster nutrients, which will have a beneficial effect on skin condition, energy metabolism and general health.

Interaction with other chemical components

Interacts with caffeic acid, resulting in the formation of chlorogenic acid. The substance has a pronounced antioxidant effect, oxidizes arachidonic acid, reduces the level harmful components in blood plasma and reduces the risk of heart/vascular diseases. Also, chlorogenic acid acts as a kind of protector against the human papillomavirus, coli and Staphylococcus aureus.

When interacting with alkaline foods, it changes structure and turns into quinic acid salts (in this process, the formation of calcium salt). After contact with oxygen, the substance breaks down into 3 components: and, quinone.

Contraindications, shortages and side effects

A lack of quinic acid in the body leads to noticeable weakness, decreased performance and the formation of symptoms similar to severe food poisoning. Also, an excess of the substance is fraught with loss of coordination, dizziness, and frequent uncontrollable fainting. The exact opposite effect of excessive concentration of quinic acid is overexcitation. The person does not feel the need to eat, drink or sleep. Noticeably a sharp decline brain activity. After the phase of active wakefulness, a long loss of strength occurs and a decrease in all indicators that were previously off scale.

People with poor health ( genetic pathologies, treatment period serious illnesses, temporary decrease in immunity) may be affected by quinic acid. The substance can cause hearing loss and visual impairment. In the worst case scenario, drinking acid will cause cardiac arrest.

  • food consumption ( balanced diet minimizes the risk of deficiency or excess of various substances);
  • fatty subcutaneous layer (helps reduce acid levels).

Quinic acid and body beauty

Normal concentrations of the substance help normalize blood levels. If there is less glucose, then the body begins to use subcutaneous fat to ensure energy metabolism. The result is a reduction in fat (even in the most problematic areas) and gradual weight loss.

Weight and body fat will decrease methodically. It is impossible to burn a certain fat at a certain point in the body. Volumes will be lost in the same quantity and at the same pace.

Quality of life and human health directly depends on weight. Extra body fat indicate health problems. Quinic acid will partially help cope with this problem, but get real result only possible through rational nutrition and physical activity.

Consumption of quinic acid from organic products (fruits and berries) can practically not harm the body. Dosage and individual contraindications must be observed to avoid adverse effects. Synthetic acid, which is produced on an industrial scale, must be consumed with caution. Before taking it, undergo diagnostics and consult with a doctor so as not to harm your own beauty and health.

Interaction with the human body

Daily norm substance is 250 milligrams. This indicator is calculated for a healthy person with an optimal percentage of muscle tissue and fat. If the body mass index differs from normal (in any direction), then the amount of substance consumed must be adjusted. People who suffer from overweight 500 milligrams of quinic acid will be enough, for people with a minimum percentage of fat - 150.

For any deviations from the norm, you should consult a doctor. Find out the cause of abnormal weight, eliminate it and discuss with your doctor the need to consume some organic components and completely/partially avoid others.

To cover the daily requirement organic component It is enough to eat 1-2 handfuls of seasonal berries and a few fresh fruits. The body especially needs quinic acid when:

  • disorders of the psycho-emotional state, depression, nervous disorder;
  • elevated body temperature (if tests and examination do not find another root cause of abnormal temperature);
  • a certain list of diseases gastrointestinal tract regardless of the stage and cause of development (regulated by the treating doctor).

Contraindications to the use of the component

There are only 2 contraindications: allergic reaction on the substance and the presence of abdominal diseases.

Why is quinic acid desirable for some gastrointestinal pathologies, but prohibited for others? This depends on the nature of the disease, its stage and the general condition of the patient. Each person’s body is unique, and therefore forms individual preferences and requests (including for chemical compounds). After examination, diagnosis, and therapeutic manipulations, the attending doctor receives full picture the needs of the individual patient's body. At serious pathologies The gastrointestinal tract at the acute stage excludes most foods containing quinic acid from the diet. They can aggravate the course of the disease and lead to disastrous consequences.

Methods for industrial extraction of the component

Modern science has 2 possible options: biological and synthetic.

Biological method

The bark is removed from the cinchona tree, then it is soaked for several days in a cold filtered container. It is important that the liquid does not contain harmful components or additional impurities, as this may affect the final result. After soaking, lime milk is added to the container. The resulting liquid is filtered and then evaporated. After simple manipulations, the liquid turns into a kind of liquid syrup. From this syrup naturally crystallized quinine-calcium salt is released. The crystals are affected, after which they change state of aggregation to liquid. Quinic acid is evaporated from the resulting liquid, placed in a special container and allowed to harden. After cooling, the substance returns to the state of pure crystals (without additional “unnecessary” compounds).

Lime milk (calcium hydroxide) – Chemical substance in the form of a white powder. The element performs a binding function and acts as a basis for the preparation of concrete, Bordeaux mixture (solution copper sulfate), food additives, soil fertilizers, whitewashing of premises, disinfectants oral cavity. Lime milk can also reduce water hardness.

Synthetic method

The synthetic method is simpler and faster. Organic acid is released during the hydrolysis of chlorogenic acid.

Hydrolysis is the process of decomposition of a complex substance under the influence of liquids.

During hydrolysis, we obtain synthetic quinic acid, the characteristics of which are identical to organic ones. The substance is able to dissolve in liquids. Under influence cold water the substance dissolves instantly, but dissolution in ether or hot liquid will take an indefinite amount of time. The melting point of the acid is 160°C; when heated to 220°C, the component turns into quinine.

Quinine is a white powder obtained from the bark of the cinchona tree. Used as medication. It has a pronounced bitter taste and specific smell.

The coffee bean contains hundreds of chemical elements. Among them is chlorogenic acid, which has many functions in coffee. useful functions. What does it give to a person, what benefits can we get from it and does it help lose weight?

"Chloro" means green

The name “chlorogenic” has a suspicious syllable “chlorine”, but this random coincidence. To the dangerous chemical element our acid has nothing to do with it. Translated from ancient Greek, “chlório” means a shade of green.

The honor of discovery belongs to the Russian botanist A.S. Famintsyn. He discovered the compound in the late 19th century while studying sunflower seed kernels.

The origin of chlorogenic acid is most peaceful.

  • Formed only in flora as a result of the interaction of caffeic and quinic acids.
  • It is an ester of natural origin.
  • It got its name because of its delicate green color. alkaline solution, which is obtained upon contact with air.

A short chemical excursion does not yet provide an understanding of the unprecedented popularity of this component of coffee beans. What pros and cons does it hide, what benefit or harm does it cause to the body?

Questions and answers

In plants, the substance performs an important function.

  • Participates in the process of “breathing”.
  • Protects against viruses and pathogenic fungi.
  • Promotes growth.

The effect on humans remained unstudied for a long time. Scientists found other objects for research, leaving the discovery of the Russian botanist on the sidelines of attention.

The situation changed in the 21st century, when research on oxidizing substances intensified and the role they play in preventing cell aging became clearer.

Research has proven that chlorogenic acid has powerful antioxidant properties. Its antioxidant potential is many times greater than the popular substances of the flavonoid group. Translating this fact from the spheres of high chemistry to the everyday level, we can confidently say that coffee better protects our cells from oxidation than the popular red wine, grapes and onions.

The ability of chlorogenic acid to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates was useful. This effect is best demonstrated in the large intestine, where there was a 7% decrease in glucose absorption. This reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

I wonder what for a long time coffee was credited with the ability to increase sugar levels. It turned out that pure caffeine actually increases glucose levels. But the effect of chlorogenic acid is much stronger. It blocks the effect of caffeine and, as a result, the finished drink reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Acid accelerates transport function blood and lymph. It is a stimulator of processes and at the same time increases the elasticity of vascular tissue. The result is an active supply of oxygen to the body, good blood flow to external integument. The skin looks fresh, healthy and acquires a delicate tone.

From coffee to chlorogenic, and then vice versa

The properties of chlorogens are the subject of active study. There is evidence of improved elasticity of vascular tissue, about positive impact on heartbeat. Acid can prevent pressure from rising. All these properties arise due to the action of substance-metabolites, which are obtained as a result of the interaction of chlorogens with other chemical compounds our body.

So, during the breakdown of the active compound in the intestines, we get caffeic and ferulic acids at our disposal. Yes, yes, that’s right: chlorogenic acid is formed from coffee, and in our the body goes the reverse process of the formation of caffeic acid molecules, of course, in smaller quantities. These molecules work as antioxidants, pressure stabilizers, and anti-inflammatory agents.

Chlorogenic and caffeic acid are two different substances. They are obtained as a result of complex chemical transformations at the molecular level


  • Prevents oxidation and cell aging.
  • Reduces sugar levels and reduces the risk of diabetes.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is associated with the ability of coffee to act as a prophylactic agent for various diseases at the cellular level.
  • Forms useful metabolites that increase the elasticity of blood vessels and activate the transport function.


Excessive accumulation of the substance leads to an imbalance in the nervous system.

Chlorogenic acid and weight loss

The data on the effect of the compound on the fat burning process were unexpected and promising. The action is based on the property of the substance to partially block the supply of glucose from consumed carbohydrates. As a result, the body, without access to “fast calories,” is forced to turn to its own reserves, which are stored in fat depots. Their active consumption leads to a reduction in fat deposits.

This is where the widespread belief comes from that coffee helps you lose weight. This is also the basis for the belief that green grains are an excellent fat-burning agent. After all, they have much more content chlorogens. When fried, they quickly disintegrate, although there is quite enough of them left to meet the daily consumption requirement.

We are forced to disappoint those who are looking for " magic pill" You can lose weight with the help of chemical tricks only if you reduce the caloric content of your diet and create a difference between the calories consumed and the calories burned. IN otherwise There will be no effect, even if you wash down all your meals with liters of tincture made from green grains.

This conclusion is confirmed by the experiments of scientists from Australia on mice. The subjects received a generous diet. One group was given chlorogenic food supplement, the second group managed without it. After the control period, mice from both groups gained the same amount of weight. This simple experiment negates attempts to present coffee as a panacea for excess weight.

Effectiveness for weight loss is possible only with a decrease in caloric intake and physical activity.

Daily value and food sources

The substance has a range of beneficial properties and is not harmful to humans in reasonable doses. The body does not produce this beneficial compound on its own, so you can only get it from food. The body's need for it is small and healthy person enough small portion in 100 mg. The daily requirement of chlorogenic acid is contained in 120 ml of oriental coffee. Is not the only source of connections. Many products are rich in it.

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Potato.
  • Artichokes.
  • Fresh bamboo stalks.
  • Chicory root.
  • Apples (especially the peel).
  • Sorrel leaves.
  • Blueberries and strawberries.
  • Green beans.

The compound does not accumulate in tissues, so the supply must be replenished daily.

Chlorogenic acid: our conclusion

  1. Resists oxidative processes.
  2. Reduces blood sugar levels.
  3. Makes blood vessels more elastic.
  4. Anti-inflammatory agent.
  5. Can be used in complex therapy against excess weight.
  6. It is found in many fruits and vegetables, but most of all it is found in coffee beans.

In recent years, given the difficult environmental situation and the quality of many products, we have been trying to healthy image life, take care of your health, and special attention deserves excess weight, which many struggle with, but not always successfully. In their quest to lose weight, people are ready to do anything and often undertake the most risky experiments. Some time ago, the public stirred up the idea that another panacea for excess weight had been found - green coffee. Indeed, green and black coffee beans contain chlorogenic acid, an ester of caffeic acid. It is chlorogenic acid that is one of the best antioxidants; it is involved in the normalization digestive processes and can prevent the appearance of excess weight. By knowing which foods contain chlorogenic acid and consuming those foods daily, you can reduce your risk of becoming overweight, but it pays to become more familiar with chlorogenic acid.

The benefits and harms of chlorogenic acid

Chlorogenic acid What it is is a question that interests many. First of all, this is a crystalline substance with a melting point of 210 degrees, and it is not possible to speak unequivocally about the benefits of this compound for the body, so scientists are still continuing their research, the results of which can shed light on how chlorogenic acid affects natural processes , occurring in the human body. First of all, this substance is famous for preventing the appearance of excess weight, but this depends, first of all, on the quality of the coffee itself. Chlorogenic acid also affects other vital processes:

  • Considering the fact that chlorogenic acid is good antioxidant, it can be assumed that it is capable of influencing mutagenic activity, preventing the appearance malignant tumors. It should also be assumed that the acid prevents the formation of blood clots, since dead blood bodies do not stick to the walls of blood vessels, which makes them elastic and healthy.
  • As a result, by consuming foods rich in chlorogenic acid, a person has a healthy appearance, young skin, beautiful hair And good vision. In this case, the human body is well supplied with blood and receives a sufficient amount of vital oxygen. It is also believed that a cup of green coffee can reduce arterial pressure, but this is still only an assumption. If you know where chlorogenic acid is found, you can, by consuming enough of the substance, lower your blood sugar levels, which is especially important for patients diabetes mellitus. Chlorogenic acid is also a good preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases.
  • In addition to the above useful properties, it should be noted that chlorogenic acid has unique antibacterial and antivirus properties and promotes wound healing, softens irritation, strengthens muscle tissue and affects the condition of the skeleton. By participating in the cleansing processes of the body, chlorogenic acid, which also has a diuretic effect, helps normalize the functioning of the liver and other human organs.
  • Chlorogenic acid affects the course of pregnancy, but in this case the norms of its consumption should be coordinated with doctors so that the benefit does not turn into harm.

Do not forget that even the most beneficial substances can both help a person and harm him, and chlorogenic acid is no exception. You should not treat it as a panacea for all diseases, and especially when it comes to losing weight. Consuming a large number of substances, and by abusing caffeine, you can significantly harm your body, since the circulatory and nervous system may fall into disrepair. As a result, you can get the opposite effect - blood vessels become clogged, mental processes are disrupted, and most importantly, excess weight appears, which the person initially tried to fight. Thus, if you decide to lose weight and choose green or other coffee for this, try to move more and eat right. The benefits and harms of chlorogenic acid are a question for specialists; the main thing is not to abuse it and often seek advice from professionals.

Foods containing chlorogenic acid

No matter how many opinions exist, the benefits of chlorogenic acid in moderate doses are obvious, so it’s worth knowing what foods contain it in order to get enough of it. The main supplier of chlorogenic acid, as we have already found out, is coffee, and it is sufficient in roasted coffee beans, but green coffee still deserves special attention, which underlies the production of various biologically active additives used for weight loss. It should be noted that, taking advantage of the growing consumer demand for these active substances, buyers are often offered something that is not exactly what they would like, therefore, when starting to take such supplements, it is worth consulting with an endocrinologist and nutritionist.

In addition to coffee, other food products can become suppliers of chlorogenic acid to the human body. They do not contain as much substance as green coffee, but regular consumption of them in food can meet the body's needs. Suppliers of chlorogenic acid are artichokes and barberries; chicory, potatoes and eggplants are also rich in the substance. You can also compensate for the lack of chlorogenic acid by consuming sunflower seeds and other foods. Chlorogenic acid is found in sufficient quantities in the leaves of blueberries and sorrel, and it is also found in apples. Depending on growing conditions, apples can contain from 5 to 50% chlorogenic acid. It should be remembered that, just like coffee beans, apples contain beneficial substances, including chlorogenic acid, in the peel, so do not peel the skin, and remember that apples that have undergone long-term storage, useful substances you won't find it either.

Chinese scientists have published research materials on the mechanisms of action of chlorogenic fat-burning acid. This acid is considered strong antioxidant. It is present in many foods and drinks. For example, in apples, blueberries, eggplants. But it is especially abundant in coffee.

As a result of the studies, it was suggested that chlorogenic acid has a mechanism of action similar to metabolites. Its use leads to a significant reduction in blood pressure due to improved endothelial function in the arterial vascular system. It was previously revealed that chlorogenic acid can be used for weight loss, and it also has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it is characterized by anti-cancer activity and helps strengthen bones and muscles.

What is chlorogenic acid? It is found in plants. Organic acids have a weak effect, so they are completely safe when consumed naturally. In addition, they do not affect the acid-base balance. in tablets in Lately actively introduced by manufacturers as But the studies conducted do not confirm nor refute the fat-burning effect of this organic substance.

The benefits and harms of chlorogenic acid

One thing can be said for sure: consuming such acid in plants, not in tablets or in concentrated form, will not cause harm. But if you use it in concentrate forms, then its excessive intake has a detrimental effect on the liver and can lead to poisoning. Can chlorogenic acid be used for weight loss? It has been proven that it helps reduce free radicals in the body, which, in turn, slows down the aging process and helps improve the body's resistance to stress.

The antimutagenic effect of acid has also been scientifically proven, that is, this substance helps protect against the development of cancer. Of course, taking chlorogenic acid will not get rid of the above problems, but it still has a certain effect on the general condition of the body.

The fat-burning function of this substance has not yet been reliably identified. This is confirmed only by studies conducted by manufacturers of drugs that contain chlorogenic acid. This substance is recommended for weight loss because it helps reduce the proportion of glycogen used to replenish energy reserves, thanks to which the body uses up accumulated fat. But this means that all the carbohydrates we consumed went into glycogen, which is not used by the body. Consequently, some fat reserves are consumed by the body, while others accumulate, which in the future can lead to impairment. metabolic processes and diabetes mellitus.

In addition, all these processes can negatively affect the functioning of the liver. Therefore, we can conclude that although chlorogenic acid can be used for weight loss, its use must be treated with great caution.