Contract service in the army. What is the minimum period of contract service in the Russian Army?

Alexander (04.11.2014 at 22:21:53)

Dear Emil!

It all depends on the circumstances...for example...under what conditions the contract is concluded and with whom...

This issue is regulated by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 16, 1999 N 1237 “Issues of passing military service"...It indicates the most minimal...this six month period. But there are nuances... Even less is possible... but in exceptional cases...

Article 8 of the Decree. Procedure for concluding the first contract.

5. The first contract is:

a) with a person entering military service in a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of soldier, sailor, sergeant or sergeant major - for three years;

b) with a person entering military service in a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of ensign, midshipman or officer - for five years;

c) with a serviceman entering military service military educational institution or those studying there, - n and the time of training in the military educational institution and five years of military service after graduation;

d) with a citizen who has completed training under a military training program at a military training center at the federal state educational organization higher education and entering immediately after graduation from the specified educational organization for military service in a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of officer - for three years or five years.

6. A soldier undergoing conscription military service may enter into a first contract for a shorter period, provided that the total duration of his military service under conscription and under the first contract is three years or five years in accordance with subparagraphs “a” and “b” of paragraph 5 of this article.

7. With a citizen who is in the reserve and has expressed a desire to enter military service under a contract during a period of emergency circumstances to perform duties in the aftermath of natural disasters and carry out activities state of emergency, recovery constitutional order and in other emergency situations, the contract can be concluded for a period from six months to one year.

Article 9 of the Decree. Procedure for concluding a new contract

5. The new contract is concluded:

a) with a military serviceman undergoing military service under a contract (with a citizen undergoing military service under a contract) - for three years, five years, ten years or for a shorter period before the onset of age limit stay in military service, as well as for an indefinite period (until the age limit for military service);

b) with a military serviceman performing military service under a contract, when enrolled in a military educational institution, postgraduate study or military doctoral program (with a citizen who served in military service under a contract, when enrolling in a military educational institution) - for the duration of study at the specified educational institution, in postgraduate or military doctoral studies and for five years of military service after graduation;

c) with a citizen who has completed military service under a contract, is in the reserve and has expressed a desire to enter military service under a contract during emergency circumstances to perform duties in the context of liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters, implementation of emergency measures, restoration of constitutional order and in other emergency situations , - for a period of six months to one year.

I would be grateful for your positive feedback.

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Currently, citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to voluntarily undergo military service on a contract basis.

For this purpose, a contract is concluded for standard form, which stipulates the conditions, procedure and duration of service, the responsibilities of candidates to perform official and special instructions military personnel in accordance with the legislative and legal framework of the Russian Federation.

Contract service is gaining popularity, and most conscripts prefer to sign a contract after 3 months of conscript service. Contract service in the army is regulated by Law of the Russian Federation No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998, and has a number of advantages and some disadvantages.

Due to state project, launched in May 2012, armed forces The Russian Federation needs to staff up to 425 thousand contract military personnel by 2017. Despite more long term contract service (from 2 to 5 years) compared to conscription (1 year), it has advantages and is more attractive for recruits:

  • After the three-month probationary period, contract workers begin to receive their salaries.
  • Less stringent living conditions and no restrictions on movement. Contractors are at work, but with stricter discipline than civilians and have the opportunity to go home in the evening.
  • Military personnel receive a number of benefits not only for themselves, but also for family members. Free housing, medical care, life insurance are provided, travel to a vacation spot is paid, benefits apply when entering a university and social summer vacation programs for children, etc.
  • Opportunity to participate in the housing and mortgage program with the right to purchase your own home on favorable terms.
  • At 45 years old with 20 years of experience it is possible early care to retire with benefits and receive a subsidy for the purchase of housing in any major city.

Among the disadvantages contract service are: the need for frequent business trips, living in undeveloped living conditions, existing risk for health and life. Due to relaxations in discipline compared to conscripts, there are cases of excessive drinking, which leads to the breaking of contracts.

Desire alone is not enough, it is necessary to meet the requirements, undergo psychological selection, where intellectual level development, psychological readiness for service, quickness of thinking and other criteria.

In addition, the volunteer must know the state language and meet the mandatory requirements:

  • Enter age category from 18 years to 40, persons with foreign citizenship - up to 30 years
  • Have at least secondary education
  • The level of physical fitness must meet established standards
  • Categories of citizens (Article 34 No. 53-FZ):
    • Men in reserve or not in reserve with higher education
    • Women are not in the reserve if there are vacant positions
    • Conscripts who have just completed higher education, are studying in military educational institutions, or those who have completed a probationary period in the army
    • When entering a military educational institution, military personnel are required to sign a contract, even if they served under conscription
  • By medical indications the applicant must, based on the examination, be recognized as “fit” or “fit with minor restrictions”
  • According to psychological selection, a conclusion is issued on the professional suitability of a candidate who is not accepted for military service with a result of the 4th category “not recommended.”

Salaries of military personnel under contract

The salary of military personnel consists of a monthly salary according to the assigned position, the position held and additional payments, allowances, bonuses and is subject to annual indexation taking into account the inflation rate.

On average it turns out:

  1. 20,000 - 30,000 rub. - this is the range of the salary of an ordinary contract soldier.
  2. 30,000 - 40,000 rub. - salary of sergeants and foremen.

Salary increments as a percentage are established according to the following criteria:

  • Length of service is taken into account (from 2 to 25), in the amount of 10% to 40%
  • Qualification category (4 classes in total) from 5% to 30%
  • Degree of secrecy of information and state secrets – up to 65%
  • Special conditions during service – up to 100%
  • The risk to health and life associated with performing tasks in peacetime is up to 100%
  • Special achievements of contract military personnel – up to 100%
  • Award for efficient and conscientious execution job descriptions– up to 3 months’ salary
  • Financial assistance – once a year, in the amount of monthly salary
  • Qualified level of physical training and knowledge of foreign languages.

In addition, the following are paid:

1) One-time payment upon dismissal - in the amount of:

  • two salaries (if length of service less than 20 years)
  • seven salaries (20 years of service or more)

2) Lifting allowance when moving to a new duty station (calculated for all family members).

3) Compensation for rented housing if office housing was not provided. Not the entire amount is paid, but only a part, which is established by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Contract service in the army combines state and personal interests of citizens, ensures the strengthening of defense with full social package and stable payments for military personnel. On a voluntary basis, the candidate receives a number of benefits and social protection, and performs work for the benefit of the state.

Whether to choose a contract service is an individual decision and you need to approach it thoughtfully, weighing all the benefits and negative aspects received.

If you have decided to serve in the army on a contract basis, you need to contact the military commissariat where you are registered or at your place of residence and submit an application, which is reviewed within a month.

The application must include the following information:

  1. Full name, date of birth
  2. Place of residence
  3. The federal body with which the contract is being concluded is indicated.
  4. Life time

The following documents are submitted along with the application:

  • Passport
  • Fill out the form in the prescribed form
  • Autobiography in free form
  • Work book (copy)
  • Diploma of education (copy)
  • Birth and marriage certificates (copies)
  • Additional documents established by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

A personal file is opened, the application is registered in the VK, reviewed, and based on the results, selection and compliance measures are assigned medical indicators. If a candidate meets all the criteria for military service, he is sent to a military unit where a contract is concluded. On our website you can ask absolutely any question you are interested in to a lawyer or attorney, regardless of the topic and complexity of the request. By uniting professional lawyers who provide free legal advice and people who are looking for answers to legal questions, we have become an indispensable assistant for thousands of people across the country. Online legal advice is a convenient way to get necessary information on all legal issues and practical advice by their decision.

By virtue of the provisions of Part I of Article 48 of the Constitution Russian Federation every citizen is guaranteed a qualified legal assistance. All legal consultations are carried out within the framework of Federal Law No. 324 of November 21, 2011 “On free legal assistance.”

On the same topic

Pavel Anatolyevich Siikonen

05/17/2013 at 23:04

Russia, Petrozavodsk | Questions: 0

Please tell me whether it is possible to go to service under a contract if you have not served in military service. I am 27 years old, my education is now technical school, a month later - university (technical), in 2006 they gave me a military ID with category B - limited fitness according to Article 88 of the schedule of illnesses, they did not accept me for military service. The illness is temporary and goes away on its own, now I have undergone re-examination (voluntary) and have been declared A-fit without restrictions. I really want to join the service... tomorrow I’m going to the unit in the personnel department, if they refuse me, is it legal?

Question number No. 2414670

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4 answers to a question from lawyers website

    Article 33 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ "On military duty and military service" established the requirements for citizens (foreign citizens) entering military service under a contract:

    1. A citizen (foreign citizen) entering military service under a contract must speak the state language of the Russian Federation, as well as meet the medical and professional-psychological requirements of military service for specific military specialties. To determine whether a citizen meets the established requirements, medical examination and activities for professional psychological selection.

    2. Medical examination of citizens (foreign citizens) is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on military medical examination. Based on the results of the medical examination, a conclusion is given on the suitability of the citizen (foreign citizen) for military service in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 5.1 of this Federal Law. A citizen (foreign citizen) who is recognized as fit for military service or fit for military service with minor restrictions can be accepted for military service under a contract.

    3. Activities for professional psychological selection are carried out by specialists in professional psychological selection in the manner determined by the Regulations on the procedure for military service. According to the results of professional psychological selection one of the following conclusions is made on the professional suitability of a citizen (foreign citizen) for military service under a contract in specific military positions:

    A citizen (foreign citizen) who, based on the results of professional psychological selection, is assigned to the fourth category of professional suitability cannot be accepted for military service under a contract.

    4. A citizen (foreign citizen) entering military service under a contract, in addition to the requirements specified in paragraph 1 of this article, must also meet the requirements for the level of:


    vocational training;

    physical training.

    5. The requirements provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article are established by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or the head of a federal agency executive power, in which this Federal Law provides for military service.

    Among the above requirements, there is no mandatory conscription service.

    According to Article 34 of the Law:

    According to Article 52 of the Law:

    You are currently in reserve and therefore have the right to enter into a contract.

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  • Pavel Anatolyevich

    Is it possible to serve under a contract without conscript service?

    (Article 34 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”):

    1. A contract for military service may be concluded by:

    Military personnel whose previous contract for military service is ending;

    Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, having graduated from state, municipal or having state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) before conscription for military service, non-state educational institutions higher vocational education and those who have received higher professional education in the specified educational institutions, as well as military personnel undergoing conscription military service and having served for at least 3 months;

    Citizens in reserve;

    Male citizens who are not in the reserves, who have graduated from state, municipal or non-state educational institutions of higher professional education having state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) and who have received higher professional education in these educational institutions;

    Female citizens who are not in the reserve;

    Other citizens in accordance with regulations legal acts President of the Russian Federation.

    3. The selection of candidates for military service under a contract from among citizens not in military service and foreign citizens is carried out by military commissariats, and from among military personnel - by military units in the manner established by the Regulations on the procedure for military service, unless otherwise provided federal laws.

    4. Determining whether military personnel meet the requirements established for those entering military service under a contract is the responsibility of the certification commissions military units.

    Representatives of the military units for which the selection is being carried out may take part in the work of the commissions of military commissariats for the selection of candidates entering military service under a contract.

    A copy of the commission's decision must be issued to the citizen (foreign citizen) at his request within three days from the date of the decision.

    The absence of vacant military positions in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in accordance with the candidate’s training profile or the military specialty he received;

    The decision of the certification commission of the military unit, approved by the commander (chief) of the military unit, to conclude a contract for military service with another candidate based on the results of a competitive selection;

    The decision of the commission of the military commissariat or the certification commission of a military unit on the non-compliance of a candidate entering military service under a contract with the requirements established by this Federal Law.

    A contract for military service cannot be concluded with citizens in respect of whom a conviction has been made and who have been sentenced, in respect of whom an inquiry is underway, or a preliminary investigation, or a criminal case in respect of whom has been transferred to court, citizens who have an unexpunged or outstanding criminal record for committing a crime, as well as with citizens serving a sentence of imprisonment.

    6. The commander (chief) of a military unit makes a decision to conclude a new contract for military service or to refuse to conclude one with a soldier performing military service under a contract no later than three months before the expiration of the current contract.

    I hope that my answer will definitely help you. Good luck and all the best to you! email mail [email protected]

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  • It is possible if the citizen arrives in the reserves, a male citizen graduated from state, municipal or non-state educational institutions of higher professional education with state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties).

    Private consultations are free of charge. Mail [email protected] Sincerely, Lawyer Derevyanko S.Yu.

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  • According to Article 52. Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service"

    1. The reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is created from among the citizens:

    discharged from military service and enlisted in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    those who have successfully completed the military training program for reserve officers at military departments at federal state educational institutions of higher professional education and who have graduated from these educational institutions;

    those who have not completed military service due to exemption from conscription;

    those who have not completed military service due to the provision of deferments from military conscription

    4. A citizen who is in the reserve undergoes a medical examination to determine his suitability for military service in accordance with the Regulations on military medical examination.

    Article 34. Conclusion of a contract for military service

    1. A contract for military service may be concluded by:

    military personnel whose previous contract for military service is ending;

    military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, having graduated from state, municipal or having state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties), non-state educational institutions of higher professional education and having received higher professional education in these educational institutions, as well as military personnel undergoing military service conscript service and having served for at least 3 months;

    citizens in reserve;

    male citizens who are not in the reserves, who have graduated from state, municipal or non-state educational institutions of higher professional education having state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) and who have received higher professional education in these educational institutions;

    female citizens who are not in the reserve;

    other citizens in accordance with regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation.

    Citizens admitted to military educational institutions of vocational education enter into a contract for military service in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 35 of this Federal Law.

    Foreign citizens legally present in the territory of the Russian Federation also have the right to enter into a contract for military service.

    2. The first contract for military service may be concluded by:

    citizens aged 18 to 40 years;

    foreign citizens aged 18 to 30 years.

    3. The selection of candidates for military service under a contract from among citizens not in military service and foreign citizens is carried out by military commissariats.

    5. The grounds for refusing a candidate entering military service under a contract to conclude an appropriate contract with him are:

    the absence in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies of vacant military positions in accordance with the candidate’s training profile or the military specialty he received;

    decision of the certification commission of the military unit, approved by the commander (chief) of the military unit, on concluding a contract for military service with another candidate based on the results of a competitive selection;

    decision of the commission of the military commissariat or the certification commission of a military unit on the non-compliance of a candidate entering military service under a contract with the requirements established by this Federal Law.

    A contract for military service cannot be concluded with citizens in respect of whom a conviction has been made and who have been sentenced, in respect of whom an investigation or preliminary investigation or criminal case has been submitted to the court, citizens who have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing crimes serving a sentence of imprisonment. The contract cannot be concluded with citizens deprived for a certain period of time by entering into legal force by a court decision the right to hold military positions for a specified period.

    6. The commander (chief) of a military unit makes a decision to conclude a new contract for military service or to refuse to conclude one with a soldier performing military service under a contract no later than three months before the expiration of the current contract.

    7. If a citizen (foreign citizen) is refused to enter into a contract for military service, he has the right to appeal this decision to a higher authority, the prosecutor's office or court.

    Is it possible to serve under a contract without compulsory military service? Yes.

    You need to contact the military commissariat, and not the unit in the personnel department where you are going.

    You have no grounds for refusal; if there is a refusal, you have the right to appeal this decision to a higher authority, the prosecutor's office or court.

The Government of the Russian Federation and the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces regularly delight conscripts with various innovations. For example, citizens received the opportunity to do military service under a contract quite a long time ago, but since 2017, people who do not want to receive the status of “conscript”, that is, subject to conscription for military service, can become contract soldiers. Now almost all conscripts have a choice: to serve two years under a contract of more than comfortable conditions or go into the military for a year on a general basis.

Citizen choice and legislation

Now you can become a contract soldier without military service, the main thing is to have good health and complete secondary education. And if a young man really wants to opt for contract service, then he must first visit the selection point and communicate with the “recruiters.” That is, with specialists responsible for recruiting contract military personnel into the army, whose responsibilities include providing the conscript with detailed information about contract service.

It is the selection point specialists who make up letter of recommendation, with which the conscript must appear at the military registration and enlistment office to write an application in the prescribed form. The application will be registered in military commission, and the candidate will have to go through a whole series of events and procedures necessary to prove his “combat capability.”

It is noteworthy that a conscript’s application may be rejected for one or more valid reasons:

  1. Age discrepancy.
  2. Insufficient level of education (persons who have completed only the 9th grade are not allowed to become contract soldiers).
  3. Problems with the law (expunged or unexpunged conviction, a criminal case has been opened, etc.).
  4. Detection in blood narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs.
If the military registration and enlistment office has no reason to reject the application, and the conscript meets all the criteria, then after all formalities have been resolved and a military ID is issued, the young man must sign a contract. This document clearly displays all the conditions of service, as well as the size monetary allowance and other payments. The contract is for a period of two years, and the conscript will spend the first three to six months in the military training school, where he will be taught all the skills that a soldier should have.

Contract service after the military department

All graduates of universities with a military department have a chance to get into the junior officer corps - certified specialists who also get the opportunity to do contract service instead of military service. And military registration and enlistment offices are much more willing to cooperate with yesterday’s students than with yesterday’s schoolchildren.

Because people with higher education are more responsible, literate, easy to learn and more adapted to work in frequently changing conditions. The requirements for potential contract employees are the same as in all other cases: suitable age, good condition health, successfully passing standards, passing psychological and other tests, as well as complete absence problems with the law in the past and present.

If a guy studied at a university with a military department, then he is guaranteed to become a contract soldier due to the fact that:

  • Psychological tests, as well as a medical examination, have already been completed.
  • The graduate has a military specialty.
  • Immediately after graduating from university young specialist a referral is issued to a specific military unit, with which a contract can be concluded.
  • A citizen who graduates from a university with a military department is awarded the military rank of “lieutenant.”

Helpful advice: if a young man, while still a student, signs a contract with a military unit, then in the future this will give him many privileges:

  1. Expanded social package.
  2. Good position.
  3. Larger monetary allowance.
  4. Provision of official housing for the entire period of service.
  5. Contract extension.

If during the training process you do not conclude a contract with the RF Armed Forces, then there is a chance to do military service with the rank of private. And this means that you need to worry about your future in advance, because two years of service in comfortable conditions “with rank and position” is much better than “a year in boots.” Moreover, good prospects open up for yesterday’s students.

After universities for contract service

The absence of a military specialty and officer rank does not mean that service under a fixed-term contract is not available to a certified specialist. He will simply undergo it with the rank of private with the possibility of promotion to sergeant or sergeant major. A minimum salary, six months of “training”, and service on a “general basis” - this is all that awaits a specialist who has a “civilian” diploma. But on the other hand, he has the opportunity to climb the career ladder, which is often deprived of recruits who have nothing “behind their souls” except a school certificate.

After college for contract service

Having a diploma of secondary specialized education does not provide any particular advantages. The only thing such a contract soldier can count on is minor career growth, because if the command sees in him leadership skills, then he can easily become a sergeant or sergeant major. The requirements for candidates are the same as in all other cases.

Transition from conscript service to contract service

If for some reason a conscript soldier wants to become a contract soldier, then he must notify his immediate superiors of his decision. That is, the conscript simply submits a corresponding report to his commander, who prepares a referral to the Military Military Command. If the health status of an applicant for contract service meets all the requirements, this does not mean that he will automatically be transferred to contract service. Since such a decision is made by the certification commission of the unit where the conscript serves.

Transfer from contract service to fixed-term service is possible only after termination of the contract, and even unilaterally - by the RF Ministry of Defense. It is noteworthy that both violation of discipline and official inconsistency can serve as the basis for this. If the contract service turned out to be not as attractive as it seemed, then the contract soldier may resign, and he must state the reasons for his decision in a report.

Of course, the reasons must be valid, and the final decision is always made by the certification commission of the military unit. Two days of contract service = one day of conscript service. Based on this, you can calculate how much time you will have to serve in the event of termination of the contract.

Advantages of contract service over fixed-term service

  1. A good salary, the amount of which increases after “training”.
  2. The possibility of extending the contract, which will resolve the issue of employment.
  3. More lenient conditions of service.
  4. Privileges.
  5. Opportunity to participate in various government programs.
  6. Advantages over other applicants when entering educational institutions.
  7. Advantages for employment in civilian life.
  8. Career growth.
  9. The opportunity to devote your life to serving the Fatherland.
  10. Treatment in medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

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