What could be causing heavy sweating? Excessive sweating at night. Symptoms of overactive sweat glands

Excessive sweating is a problem familiar to many. It can seriously ruin the quality of life in any area: in personal relationships, in communication with other people, at work. A person who sweats excessively sometimes evokes pity from others. But most often they treat him with disgust. Such a person is forced to move less, she avoids shaking hands. Hugs are generally taboo for her. As a result, a person loses contact with the world. To reduce the severity of their problem, people resort to various cosmetic products or folk remedies. At the same time, they don’t think at all that such a condition can be dictated by illnesses. It is important to understand what diseases cause a person to sweat a lot? After all, you can get rid of symptoms only by eliminating the pathology that provoked it.

Main reasons

The problem of this unpleasant phenomenon continues to be studied by doctors to this day. And, unfortunately, if a person knows what this means, doctors cannot always explain.

However, experts have identified several main causes of hyperhidrosis, or increased sweating:

  1. Pathology is caused by diseases that occur in a latent or open form.
  2. Taking certain medications.
  3. An individual characteristic of the body, which is most often inherited.

But often the problem is hidden in illnesses. Therefore, it is very important to understand under what diseases a person sweats a lot.

Doctors say that hyperhidrosis can be triggered by:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • infectious pathologies;
  • neurological diseases;
  • tumors;
  • genetic failure;
  • kidney diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • acute poisoning;
  • withdrawal syndrome.

Let's look at them in more detail.

Endocrine diseases

Any disturbances in this system almost always provoke hyperhidrosis. For example, why do people with diabetes sweat a lot? This is due to increased metabolism, vasodilation and increased blood flow.

The most common systems are:

  1. Hyperthyroidism. The pathology is characterized by increased functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition to excessive sweating, other symptoms of the disease are often present. A person with hyperthyroidism has a tumor on his neck. Its size reaches a chicken egg, and sometimes more. A characteristic sign of the disease are protruding eyes. Increased sweating is provoked by thyroid hormones, leading to strong heat generation. As a result, the body “turns on” protection against overheating.
  2. Diabetes. A serious pathology characterized by increased levels of glucose in the blood. Sweating in diabetes manifests itself in quite a peculiar way. The upper region (face, palms, armpits) suffers from hyperhidrosis. And the lower one, on the contrary, is excessively dry. Additional symptoms indicating diabetes are: excess weight, frequent urination at night, feeling constantly thirsty, and high irritability.
  3. Obesity. In obese people, the functioning of the endocrine glands is disrupted. In addition, the basis of hyperhidrosis is lack of exercise and addiction to unhealthy diets. Spicy food and an abundance of spices can activate the work
  4. Pheochromocytoma. The underlying cause of the disease is a tumor of the adrenal glands. With the disease, hyperglycemia, weight loss and increased sweating are observed. Symptoms are accompanied by high blood pressure and rapid heartbeat.

Women suffer from increased hyperhidrosis during menopause. This phenomenon is dictated by disrupted hormonal levels.

Infectious pathologies

Hyperhidrosis is very typical of such ailments. It is easy to explain why a person sweats a lot during infectious pathologies. The reasons are hidden in the heat transfer mechanism by which the body reacts to increased temperature.

Infectious diseases that increase sweat production include:

  1. Flu, ARVI. Severe sweating is characteristic of a person at the initial stage of the disease. This reaction is dictated precisely by high temperature.
  2. Bronchitis. The pathology is accompanied by severe hypothermia. Accordingly, the body tries to protect itself and normalize heat transfer.
  3. Tuberculosis. This disease is the answer to the question of what disease causes a person to sweat a lot at night. After all, hyperhidrosis during sleep is a classic symptom of pulmonary tuberculosis. However, the mechanism of development of such a trait has not yet been fully established.
  4. Brucellosis. The pathology is transmitted to humans from animals through contaminated milk. The symptom of the disease is prolonged fever. The disease affects the musculoskeletal, nervous, and reproductive systems. Leads to enlargement of lymph nodes, spleen, and liver.
  5. Malaria. The carrier of the disease is known to be the mosquito. With pathology, a person experiences: relapsing fever, profuse sweating and bouts of chills.
  6. Septicemia. This diagnosis is made to a person who has bacteria in his blood. Most often these are streptococci and staphylococci. The disease is characterized by: severe chills, fever, excessive sweating and sudden temperature rises to very high levels.
  7. Syphilis. The disease can affect the nerve fibers that are responsible for the production of sweat. Therefore, hyperhidrosis is often observed with syphilis.

Neurological diseases

Certain lesions of the central nervous system can cause a person to sweat profusely.

The causes of hyperhidrosis are sometimes hidden in diseases:

  1. Parkinsonism. In pathology, the autonomic system is damaged. As a result, the patient often experiences increased sweating in the facial area.
  2. Tabes dorsalis. The disease is characterized by destruction of the posterior columns and roots of the spinal cord. The patient loses peripheral reflexes and vibration sensitivity. A characteristic symptom is severe sweating.
  3. Stroke. The disease is based on damage to the arteries of the brain. Disturbances can affect the thermoregulation center. In this case, the patient experiences severe and persistent hyperhidrosis.

Oncological pathologies

Fever and excessive sweating are symptoms that almost always accompany these pathologies, especially at the stage of metastases.

Let's consider diseases in which hyperhidrosis is the most common symptom:

  1. Hodgkin's disease. In medicine it is called lymphogranulomatosis. The basis of the disease is tumor damage to the lymph nodes. The initial symptom of the disease is increased sweating at night.
  2. Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. This is a tumor of lymphoid tissue. Such formations lead to stimulation of the thermoregulation center in the brain. As a result, the patient experiences increased sweat production, especially at night.
  3. Compression by spinal cord metastases. In this case, the autonomic system suffers, which causes an increase in sweating.

Kidney pathologies

It is necessary to know what diseases cause a person to sweat a lot.

Doctors provide the following list of kidney pathologies:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • uremia;
  • eclampsia.

Cardiovascular diseases

Acute hyperhidrosis almost always accompanies the acute stages. What diseases cause a person to sweat a lot? As a rule, such symptoms are observed with the following ailments:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • cardiac ischemia.

Withdrawal syndrome

This phenomenon is typical for people dependent on various types of chemicals. This condition is especially pronounced in drug addicts or alcoholics. As soon as the chemical stimulant stops entering the body, a person experiences severe hyperhidrosis. In this case, the condition persists for the entire period while the “withdrawal” occurs.

Withdrawal syndrome can also be observed when stopping medications. A person reacts with increased sweating to the withdrawal of insulin or analgesic.

Acute poisoning

This is another serious cause of hyperhidrosis. If a person sweats a lot, it is necessary to analyze what food he ate or what chemicals he interacted with.

Often similar symptoms are caused by poisoning caused by:

  • mushrooms (fly agarics);
  • organophosphorus poisons, which are used to combat insects or rodents.

As a rule, a person experiences not only increased sweating, but also characteristic lacrimation and salivation. Constriction of the pupils is observed.

Psycho-emotional sphere

Very often, troubles at work and failures in your personal life can lead to such symptoms. In other words, any severe stress can cause hyperhidrosis.

Nervous tension, acute pain or fear often lead to an unpleasant symptom. No wonder, when talking about extreme emotional stress, a person emphasizes: “I broke into a cold sweat.”

It has been noticed that as soon as the problem that “keeps” the person under stress for a long time is resolved, increased hyperhidrosis disappears.

What to do?

It is very important to understand that the presence of hyperhidrosis is a serious reason to be examined in the hospital. Only after a thorough diagnosis can a doctor tell what disease a person is sweating a lot.

It is very important to answer the doctor’s following questions correctly and in detail:

  1. When did the excessive sweating start?
  2. Frequency of attacks.
  3. What circumstances provoke hyperhidrosis?

Do not forget that many of the pathologies can occur in a latent form. Therefore, a person can feel good for a long time. And only periodic attacks of sweating signal that not everything is fine in the body.

Sweating in humans is not an anomaly. This is a natural function of the body that helps cleanse harmful substances and maintain normal moisture balance. But too much sweating in women or men is a pathology caused by improper functioning of the sweat glands. The reasons for this dysfunction lie in certain negative changes in health status. Knowing and understanding the essence of an ongoing phenomenon means successfully eliminating or preventing it. The information provided will help you understand this issue and tell you how to get rid of the problem.

Sweating mechanism

The physiological function of producing and removing sweat from the body performs several important tasks.

  1. Heat transfer during increased physical activity, which helps maintain normal body temperature.
  2. Psychogenic sweating occurs during moments of emotional outbursts - this is a reaction of the sweat glands to the release of adrenaline.
  3. Food sweating is the production of sweat when eating. It is a signal that you are taking food that makes your body work harder. For example, alcohol and hot spices increase sweat production.
  4. Removal of toxins. This is especially important in case of illness. Recovery from any disease is accelerated if the sweat glands work in an enhanced mode.
  5. Maintaining water balance involves removing excess moisture.

In general, all these factors indicate that sweating is a condition for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. Normally, a person produces 650-700 ml of sweat per day. For people living in the tropics, the amount can be 12 liters. With heavy sweating in normal climatic conditions, a person produces a maximum of 3 liters of sweat.

This is interesting! Women sweat twice as much as men. This pattern is an evolutionary feature of the development of sexes. Male and female physical activity varies in almost the same ratio, so the body produces less sweat.

But excessive sweating is more common in women than in the stronger sex. Medical statistics prove this. Doctors say that this fact is associated with the physiological characteristics of the female body.

Causes of increased sweating in women

Sweat is secreted by two types of glands - accrine glands, located evenly throughout the body and begin their work immediately after birth in the same way in boys and girls. The sweat of these glands consists of 85% water, so it has no odor or it is weak.

Apocrine ones are located only in certain places - armpits, perineum, genital area, in the forehead area. The sweat they produce contains hormones, acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. This substance smells, even unpleasantly, if you don’t wash it in time. Nature provides that this aroma has individuality - it is designed to attract the opposite sex. Apocrine glands begin to function at puberty. When considering the causes of increased sweating in women, attention should be paid to this factor.

Puberty and sweating

Girls begin to sweat profusely earlier than boys. This is due to the factor of earlier puberty among representatives of the fair half of humanity. During this period, restructuring of the body begins; a surge in estrogen production is accompanied by the activity of apocrine glands, which causes increased sweating. If no abnormalities are observed during the maturation process, then treatment for excessive sweating is not required. Girls need to take care of themselves and wash themselves more often.


This cause of increased sweating is typical for different ages. For example, during puberty, hormonal imbalance causes dysfunction of the sweat glands. Extra pounds are additional physical activity for a woman. The body tries to get rid of toxins, including by removing them through sweat. The key to getting rid of excessive sweating is losing weight.


In pregnant women, for the same hormonal reason and the increase in body weight due to the child growing in the womb, and therefore the load, an increase in sweat production is observed. Progesterone, produced in the body of a woman carrying a child, increases the temperature sensitivity of the sweat glands. Their reaction is to work harder. This phenomenon goes away after the birth of the child, so you should not be afraid of an increase in sweat secretion.

Sweating can increase not only from a surge in sex hormones. It is caused by any endocrine imbalance. Changes in this system occur in women during the following periods:

  • menopause;
  • menopause, including early and late with or without hot flashes;
  • menstruation, which causes hormonal and temperature fluctuations;
  • thyroid dysfunction.

Weakening of the immune system

Immunodeficiency leads to a slow restructuring of the body during the fight against any disease. Insufficient internal reserves do not allow a person to recover quickly, and profuse sweating is a sign of weakness in the body. If the patient sweats heavily after an illness for more than three weeks, then you need to consult a doctor and treat hyperhidrosis.

Psychological factor

Excitement, fear, sudden joy, unpleasantness or anticipation of it - a person experiences these feelings constantly. The reaction to them is the release of adrenaline and increased sweating. Women experience this phenomenon more acutely because their emotionality is higher than that of men. Hyperhidrosis can be reduced only by the ability to control oneself - meditation and auto-training are acceptable for this.


The genetic factor of hyperhidrosis causes increased sweating in the family for several generations. Hereditary high activity of sweat glands can be combated using surgical methods or long-term and persistent therapy. Such women have impaired thermoregulation from birth, and the problem of severe sweating accompanies them throughout their lives.

With this disease, sweat appears first on the forehead, then it covers the palms, feet and the whole body. A bluish tint appears on the fingers, lips and other areas. The cause of severe sweating is vascular dysfunction in the heart and brain, respiratory failure, high blood pressure, and dizziness. Stopping sweating is possible only when the attack of heart failure is relieved.


With hyperglycemia, hyperhidrosis has the following characteristics: the upper body sweats, but the lower body remains dry. This phenomenon occurs due to pulse signals transmitted to the glands due to a decrease in blood glucose. Excessive sweating will occur with each attack; it can be eliminated by normalizing sugar levels.


This disease causes hyperhidrosis due to the fact that affected women have a fever. Accompanying symptoms include headache, nausea, increased heart rate, and trembling.


When infected with Koch's bacillus, increased sweating is the defining symptom of the disease. Patients sweat a lot in the initial stage of tuberculosis, then the amount of sweat decreases. But hyperhidrosis accompanies patients throughout the entire period of the disease and for some time after recovery.


HIV infection is accompanied by increased sweating - this is due to the body's fight against the virus. Hyperhidrosis is characteristic of all stages of pathogen penetration and spread throughout the body. The phenomenon intensifies when you stop using necessary medications.

Types and localization

Excessive sweating is classified into four types. The division is based on signs of etiology and localization.

  1. Idiopathic hyperhidrosis - forms without cause, that is, without obvious conditions for development.
  2. Secondary hyperhidrosis is a symptom of a specific disease or caused by an illness as a consequence.
  3. Local - in which sweating zones are located in separate areas. It can only be idiopathic.
  4. Generalized - when the whole body sweats, most often this is secondary hyperhidrosis.

Need to know. In some areas, women experience frequent sweating. Other areas do not experience hyperhidrosis and remain dry. This depends on the symptoms of the disease and the development of dysfunction of the sweat glands.

The amount of sweat in the armpits varies at different times of the day and in different seasons. The hotter the environment, the more active the secretion and the wetter the armpits on clothing. This is unpleasant, but necessary to regulate body temperature.

Severe sweating in normal weather is pathological. It indicates the presence of one of the following problems:

  • under stress;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • possible oncology.

Palms are sweating

The appearance of hyperhidrosis on the palms is a consequence of high physical activity in athletes, due to hot weather, and heredity. If these reasons are not present, then excessive sweating may be a signal of endocrine diseases, stress, metabolic dysfunction, infectious diseases, including HIV and tuberculosis.

My feet are sweating

A large number of sweat glands are concentrated on the feet. Since a person wears shoes and socks, air access to this area is limited. In women, an additional incentive to activate the glands is wearing heels - they create stress on the legs. The result of hyperhidrosis of the legs is cracks, fungus, unpleasant odor and other pathologies. Therefore, it is imperative to treat excessive sweating of the feet using medications and folk remedies.

This means that you have generalized hyperhidrosis and it did not occur without a reason. You need to see a doctor and find out the etiology of the disease. The reasons for increased sweating may be:

  • any infections;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • endocrine problems;
  • tumors and diseases of a systemic nature;
  • poisoning with alcohol, drugs, other toxic substances;
  • stress and emotional breakdowns.

Sweating during sleep

Sick people sweat while sleeping. Women need to understand that if they have such a phenomenon, then they need to be wary and not put off visiting a doctor. The danger is that night sweats are symptoms of chronic diseases of various organs, as well as such serious diseases as HIV, tuberculosis, and blood cancer.

Sweating in the morning

Women wake up sweating in the morning after having a nightmare or because they had a fever at night. In old age, many are diagnosed with osteochondrosis and joint diseases that disrupt the temperature balance of the body. The body tries to restore it and eliminates extra tenths of degrees with the help of secretions. Unbalanced people often sweat in the morning, for whom it seems in advance that the coming day will bring trouble. That is, sweating at this time of day occurs due to poor health, emotional instability and poor sleep.

It is associated with hot weather, food intake (especially large feasts), and alcoholic beverages. These factors provoke the activity of the sweat glands due to additional stress. In addition, there is drug-induced hyperhidrosis when taking insulin in diabetics, aspirin, polycarpine, betanicol. On the road, excessive sweating can be caused by taking antiemetic drugs - in those who cannot tolerate driving in vehicles or on ships.

Separately, you need to dwell on excessive sweating during withdrawal symptoms. After holidays, long parties with copious amounts of alcohol, many suffer from withdrawal syndrome, during which sweating is a symptom of withdrawal. This applies to drug addicts and any way out of a state of poisoning.

Sweating after 40 years

After the age of 40, women approach menopause, so excessive sweating can be a harbinger of this difficult period. After 50 years, this is no longer a signal that menopause will soon come, but a symptom of the height of the menopause. The life of many women at this time turns into an anxious wait for the next hot flash, when they suffer from a fever and their face turns red.

It is difficult to do without the help of medications, so it is recommended to take medications that reduce symptoms, for example, Femivel, Qi-Klima and others. But it is not advisable to choose pills on your own. The doctor must decide which of them is right for you, since everyone has gynecological and psychological characteristics that must be taken into account when prescribing therapy.

This happens in women for various reasons:

  • pathology in the regulation of blood vessel tone;
  • violation of physiological control over body temperature;
  • pathological processes in the endocrine system;
  • VSD, diabetes, infectious diseases:
  • pregnancy;
  • oncology.

These factors can cause hot flashes of sweating in women without menopause. They are identical to menopausal ones, but their frequency is more rare. Similar conditions occur in young women and older women, including those over 60 years of age.

Dizziness and sweating

These symptoms are typical for women of different ages. But most often this duo of symptoms manifests itself during the following periods and diseases:

  • menopause;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • diabetes;
  • migraine;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • rupture of blood vessels and the formation of foci of hemorrhage.

Keep in mind! Dizziness and sweating often accompany each other in other diseases. The reason why you feel dizzy and have hyperhidrosis must be determined through a thorough diagnosis prescribed by a doctor.

What tests need to be taken

Diagnosis of hyperhidrosis is done to determine the causes of the formation of this disease. This identification is necessary, because without knowing why the disease occurred, it is impossible to cure it. A comprehensive diagnosis is prescribed by a doctor, who will also refer you for consultations to specialized specialists.

The first step in making a diagnosis is taking a medical history, then examining and examining the patient. When visually studying the symptoms, pay attention to the palms and soles, armpits, and clothing of the patient. Then the doctor prescribes analytical tests.

  1. General blood test.
  2. Hormonal analysis of the thyroid gland.
  3. Sugar level, blood plasma.
  4. Analysis of urine.
  5. For syphilis and HIV infection.

The volume of sweat secretions is determined using the gravimetry method, the distribution and boundaries of zones of hyperhidrosis are established by the Minor test, the composition of sweat is analyzed by chromatography.

How to get rid

The problem has a complex treatment algorithm. Some forms, for example, hereditary hyperhidrosis, are not amenable to therapeutic methods, so women have to live with it and try to minimize such manifestations of the disease as constant moisture in the body or certain areas and an unpleasant odor. Therapy for sweating is undesirable during pregnancy, so it has to be eliminated using traditional methods. In any case, you need to get rid of the problem, since it can give rise to other ailments, for example, fungus, skin irritations, external and internal inflammatory processes.

They include the use of decoctions, compresses, foot and hand baths, and herbal wraps. For example, proven means are actively used that have a positive effect on the normalization of the sweat glands:

  • oak bark and other natural raw materials with tanning properties - infusions are made on their basis and used as a means to care for sweaty areas of the body;
  • lemon and juice from it, adding slices to water helps in getting rid of sweating in sensitive areas - the solution is used to wipe off problem areas;
  • infusions of birch buds, lemon balm and mint, sage and nettle give a good effect - they can be combined or used separately;
  • treating problem areas with water and apple or wine vinegar in a concentration of 1 to 5 helps disinfect and reduce odor.

The recipe for herbal infusions is as follows: take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, brew 1 liter. boiling water, simmer for 15 minutes over low heat, then settle, strain and use for procedures.

What can you buy at the pharmacy?

There are many pharmaceutical remedies against sweating. You need to choose those recommended by your doctor, because not all medications will be useful for you.

  • Eltacin, Bellataminal is prescribed for stress sweating.
  • Apilak is effective against sweating caused by poisoning and dysfunction of metabolic processes.
  • Klimadinon, Remens are necessary for women with hot flashes during menopause.
  • Hexamine and salicylic-zinc ointment treat sweating of the armpits.
  • Teymurov's paste, Furacilin, is used to solve the problem of sweating feet.
  • Universal sprays Formidron, Celandine-deo can be used to eliminate excessive sweating on the hands and feet.

Attention! If the cause of exaggerated sweating is tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus or HIV, then medications are needed for the disease, not for sweating, since sweating is a consequence of infectious diseases.


For those who know why sweating occurs and how to deal with it, the problem is not difficult. Read all the recommendations given by the experts above and start solving the problem. It will not be possible to quickly eliminate excessive sweating - you need to apply maximum patience and perseverance to your desire to be healthy and beautiful.

Excessive sweating is a problem that is familiar to many people. Sometimes increased sweating occurs for completely natural physiological reasons, but in some cases the cause of excessive sweating is may be the presence of any disease or the use of certain medications.

Sweating is a natural function of the body. By secreting sweat, your body performs a cooling function. As a rule, sweating occurs in conditions of elevated temperature due to physical exertion or an emotionally unstable state. However, in some cases, sweat production exceeds natural norms, and without any objective reasons. Excessive sweating is medically called hyperhidrosis. The reasons for increased sweating can be very different.

Emotional disorders

In some cases, increased doses of sweat are released during mental disorders and emotional instability. For example, severe anxiety often provokes panic and, as a result, increased sweating. Often people sweat a lot in stressful situations, and even in a state of depression or depression. In such cases, you need to contact a specialist who is able to solve this problem. Most often, in such situations, medications are prescribed that eliminate feelings of anxiety or depression and reduce sweat production as a consequence of such conditions.

Health problems

Excessive sweating can be a sign of a medical condition, such as diabetes, lung or heart disease, Parkinson's disease, or even cancer. Sometimes excessive sweating accompanies the presence of a serious infectious infection, in particular tuberculosis. If you notice that you sweat a lot, regardless of the presence or absence of physical activity, changing weather conditions or expressions of emotion, consult a dermatologist. A specialist will help determine the cause of excessive sweating and, possibly, identify the disease that causes this condition. Proper treatment and following all the doctor’s recommendations will help make the problem of excessive sweating a thing of the past.

Hormonal disorders

Increased doses of sweat are often a consequence of hormonal changes in the body. Hormonal surges are usually observed in women during menopause; hot flashes are often accompanied by reddening of the skin and the release of increased amounts of sweat. Pregnancy greatly affects hormonal levels, so increased sweating in pregnant women is not uncommon. In addition to hormones, the work of the sweat glands is influenced by excess weight and increased blood microcirculation.

If hot flashes and excessive sweating are associated with hormonal changes, try wearing lighter, looser clothing, spending most of your time in well-ventilated, cool areas if possible, and drinking plenty of fluids. During menopause, taking antidepressants and hormone therapy is very effective.


Many drugs, both prescription and sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, can cause increased sweating. If you think that you are sweating more due to taking a drug, but are not completely sure about this, seek advice from a specialist who can make the correct diagnosis. When you visit your doctor, be sure to bring with you a complete list of the medications you are taking. If the cause of excessive sweating is really lies in taking the drug, the specialist will prescribe you other remedies.

Excess weight

Excess weight and obesity are another reason for increased sweating. If you are overweight, the body has a hard time; to support the weight of the work, a person has to expend many times more energy and strength than with normal weight. If in your case the cause of excessive sweating is excess weight, try to change your lifestyle, start playing sports, try to eat a balanced diet, and it is quite possible that by losing a few kilograms you will get rid of excessive sweating. If it is difficult for you to change your habits and diet, try to at least wear light clothes made from natural fabrics, ventilate the room and use special powders to absorb excess liquid.

Excessive sweating not only causes discomfort, but also often causes feelings of depression and alienation. Fortunately, this problem is not eternal; do not hesitate to seek help from specialists; a professional will help identify the causes of your problem and suggest ways to get rid of it.

Excessive sweating, or scientifically speaking “hyperhidrosis,” is one of the most delicate problems that humanity has faced for decades. Much more often, severe sweating is observed in females. The causes and methods of eliminating this unpleasant condition are very diverse.

The main factors that cause excessive sweating

  • sweating as a result of illness;
  • excessive sweating in women for natural (physiological) reasons.

The root cause ultimately determines further treatment options.

Sweating during physical activity - for example, when playing sports, does not require treatment

Physical exercise

Excessive sweating during increased physical activity (such as playing sports, working in the garden) is a natural process. In this way, the body fights excess heat and normalizes body temperature. Treatment in this case is not required.


For obese people, excessive sweating is usually considered normal. For them, any movement is a strong load on all muscles and organs, which results in noticeable overheating of the body. Intensive evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin allows you to cope with it. The main thing here is to exclude the presence of other diseases that cause hyperhidrosis.

Extra pounds always mean profuse sweating

Sweating in women expecting a baby

Severe sweating is often observed in pregnant women. The reasons depend on the period at which the expectant mother is. Hyperhidrosis manifests itself in the 1st trimester, which is associated with hormonal changes during gestation.

Increased sweating is also possible in the third trimester. The reason is an increase in the load on the mother's body. After the birth of a child and the normalization of a woman’s hormonal levels, the unpleasant phenomenon of heavy sweating goes away by itself.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes of various origins (such as puberty, menopause, menstruation) may be accompanied by severe sweating. They provoke the appearance of hyperhidrosis and disruption of the endocrine system.

Weak immunity

Exhaustion and general weakening of the body (especially caused by illness) is another likely explanation for increased sweating in women. Profuse sweating may accompany the disease itself or may bother you after some time has passed after recovery, which is considered normal.

But if hyperhidrosis lasts more than a month, then this is a reason to seek medical help.

Psychological problems. Nervous system disorders

Sometimes increased sweat production occurs in a situation of strong psycho-emotional stress and negative experiences. In this way, the body reacts to stress - it releases adrenaline into the blood, which entails increased sweating.

Genetic predisposition, pathologies

In some cases, hyperhidrosis is not a consequence of any problem or health problem. A predisposition to excessive sweating may have genetic roots and be passed on from generation to generation. A cure is possible, but requires considerable time and labor.

Heart failure, dysfunction

Heavy sweating is also a signal of malfunctions in the cardiovascular system. Patients with such disorders experience severe weakness, low blood pressure and high pulse, and, as a result, increased sweat production.


For people suffering from diabetes, hyperhidrosis of the upper body (head, palms, axillary area) is typical. This is due to disturbances in the functioning of the semantic department of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the processes of sweating.


People often sweat a lot with cervical osteochondrosis, when the nerve endings responsible for the functioning of blood vessels and glands are pinched. Hyperhidrosis may be accompanied by changes in skin color and dizziness.


Sweating is one of the symptoms of tuberculosis. There is currently no exact scientific data on why increased sweating occurs with tuberculosis. But experts note that severe night sweats are typical for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.

With pulmonary tuberculosis, the patient experiences profuse sweating at night

HIV infection

Increased sweating is closely associated with severe neurovascular disorders in HIV infection. According to doctors, about half of infected patients suffer from night sweats in the early stages of HIV.

Oncological diseases

Hyperhidrosis is one of the companions of cancer. This is explained by an increase in body temperature and a general decrease in the body’s resistance to various types of infections. Typically, heavy sweating occurs with the following ailments:

  • malignant neoplasms of the liver and intestines;
  • tumors of the nervous system;
  • cancer in the brain area;
  • for Hodgkin's lymphoma;
  • for adrenal cancer.

The cause of severe sweating in women can be cancer.

Cancer is most effectively treated in the early stages of development., so do not underestimate such a symptom as increased sweating.

Acute poisoning

Excessive sweating is also the first sign of severe poisoning (both food and toxic substances, drugs). Associated symptoms are often gastrointestinal disorders, fever, weakness, and foggy consciousness.

The presence of worms in the body can also cause hyperhidrosis

Increased sweating during menopause

Hyperhidrosis in women often coincides with menopause (menopause). The reason is a violation of thermoregulation processes due to a decrease in estrogen levels. As a result, many women suffer from sudden bouts of intense sweating - hot flashes.

During menopause, the most common areas to sweat are the armpits, upper body and face.

Causes of women sweating at night

In many cases, severe sweating in women at night brings significant discomfort. The reasons may be due to physiological factors:

  • stages of the menstrual cycle;
  • pregnancy;
  • postpartum period;
  • lactation;
  • menopause.

Severe sweating in women (various reasons) at night is one of the signs of menopause

Moreover, as stated earlier, Night sweats can be caused by a number of diseases:

  • neurological disorders;
  • malignant formations;
  • deviations in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • infections, etc.

But sometimes, if a woman sweats a lot in her sleep, it is enough just to adjust her external attributes: use a lighter blanket or less warm clothes, ventilate the room, change her diet.

Symptoms of excessive sweating

Depending on which parts of the body hyperhidrosis manifests itself, one can judge the presence or absence of diseases, and therefore select methods for eliminating it.

When there is severe sweating in women, the reasons are the first thing that needs to be found out, and the second factor is the symptoms, which will determine the presence of the disease

Sweaty armpits

Excessive sweating in the armpits has the scientific name of axillary hyperhidrosis. This is basically a healthy physiological process through which excess heat is eliminated. But if the amount of sweat goes beyond what is reasonable, then this is a signal of problems in the body.

The most common causes include vegetative-vascular dystonia, emotional stress and hormonal changes.

Sweaty palms

A characteristic symptom of this type of hyperhidrosis is cold, clammy palms. Sometimes an unpleasant odor and rash may appear. Symptoms are aggravated by overdose of certain medications, stress and a number of diseases.

Sweaty feet can lead to a number of dermatological problems

Sweaty feet

Sweaty feet in themselves are not dangerous to health, but they can cause:

  • the appearance of a characteristic odor and inflammatory processes;
  • fungal infection;
  • cracking of the skin.

If your feet sweat, there are many reasons. Among them are insufficient foot care, skin diseases, central nervous system pathologies, problems in the endocrine system, exposure to stress, poor-quality shoes and a number of others.

Whole body sweating

Any physical activity is accompanied by heavy sweating throughout the body. But if hyperhidrosis manifests itself at other times, this may be due to infectious diseases, endocrine disorders or problems in the emotional sphere.

Increased sweating during sleep can be caused by both external and internal reasons

Sweating during sleep

Night sweats cause great discomfort for people suffering from this form of hyperhidrosis.

Sleep is disturbed, you have to change bed linen and clothes more than once during the night. If excessive sweating is not associated with external factors (stuffy room, synthetic clothing, etc.), as well as age-related hormonal changes, then most likely this is a sign of serious disorders in the body, and then you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

In general, based on how increased sweating manifests itself, the following reasons for its occurrence can be identified.

Heavy sweating in women


At night

External factors, hormonal changes, tuberculosis, infectious and oncological diseases, nervous system disorders, HIV infections

Of the whole body

Physical activity, diabetes, hormonal changes, nervous system disorders, heart disease, cancer, genetic disorders

In the armpit area

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, emotional stress, hormonal changes, unhealthy diet


Insufficient foot care, skin diseases, problems in the endocrine system


Physical activity, genetic predisposition, stress, vegetative-vascular dystonia, unhealthy diet

How to get rid of severe (excessive) sweating

The course of the disease can be alleviated by following a number of skin care rules. Proven folk remedies and the achievements of modern medicine will also be a good help.

Hygiene rules for getting rid of heavy sweating

In some cases, simple hygiene rules can help cope with the unpleasant symptoms of hyperhidrosis:

  • daily shower (at least once a day, preferably a contrast one);
  • hair removal in the armpits;
  • use of modern cosmetics (deodorants, powders, creams);
  • exclusion from the diet of spicy, salty foods, alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

Personal hygiene is the first rule to help eliminate the symptoms of excessive sweating

Correct selection of clothes and shoes

If you have a tendency to sweat heavily, careful selection of shoes and clothing plays an important role. The main rule is to let the skin breathe. Therefore, the ideal option would be loose-fitting clothes made of linen, cotton fabrics and shoes made of genuine leather.

Drug therapy for excessive body sweating

In cases where compliance with hygiene rules does not bring the desired relief, medications come to the rescue.

Furacilin for sweating

Furacilin is one of the proven remedies for severe sweating of the feet. The medicine is produced in the form of a solution, tablets (for taking baths) and in the form of an aerosol, which allows you to choose the most convenient method of use.


The procedure is aimed at using low voltage current pulses, which are passed through the patient's skin. Currently, iontophoresis is used in the treatment of almost all types of hyperhidrosis.

HRT is a procedure designed to normalize hormonal levels.

HRT - hormone replacement therapy (HRT). The method allows you to minimize such unpleasant manifestations of menopause as hot flashes. The drugs used in this case compensate for the lack of estrogen in the woman’s body, which in turn helps to reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flashes, and, accordingly, reduce sweating.

Glycerin for preparing baths

Another medication for hyperhidrosis is glycerin. It is added to baths for sweaty hands.

Hormone therapy

Any hormonal disturbances in the body (be it menopause, puberty, problems with the endocrine system, gynecological diseases, etc.) can lead to the development of hyperhidrosis. Severe sweating in women, the causes of which lie in changes in hormonal balance, can be easily corrected with the help of a course of hormone therapy.

To normalize hormonal imbalance in women, the following drugs are often prescribed:

  1. Indole-3 is a popular drug for normalizing hormonal levels in women;
  2. Cyclodinone is used to normalize the level of the hormone prolactin;
  3. "Regulon", "Mersilon", "Logest" are hormonal contraceptives and are used to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  4. “Novinet”, “Lindinet”, “Belara”, “Miniziston” are intended to restore balance in the female body.

Traditional methods and recipes for eliminating severe sweating

Traditional medicine offers a fairly wide range of simple and affordable remedies to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

Oak bark

Contains extracts that regulate the activity of sweat glands. The spectrum of action is very wide. Decoctions, baths, infusions and pastes using oak bark help cope with sweating on any part of the body.

The following recipe is used for taking baths: dilute 2-3 tbsp in 2 liters of boiling water. spoons of oak bark. The mixture is placed on high heat. As soon as the water boils, turn down the heat and keep it there for another 20 minutes. The broth must be filtered and can be added to the bath.


There are many well-known remedies based on this plant to combat hyperhidrosis, both during the day and at night. However, the most effective recipes are obtained by mixing sage with other herbs. The most famous combination is a mixture of sage, horsetail and valerian officinalis.

All herbs are mixed in a ratio of 8:2:1, then pour 1-1.5 cups of boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours. The finished infusion is filtered. Take 100 ml of the product in the morning and evening.

Sage has been used by humanity in the treatment of excessive sweating for thousands of years, but only 3 TYPES of plants are suitable as a medicine (and only one of them grows in Russia).

Therefore, to protect yourself, you should buy salvia officinalis at the pharmacy.


Thanks to its drying and antibacterial effect, citric acid copes well with excessive sweating on any part of the body. Just rub the problem area with a lemon slice or hold it on the skin for a few minutes.

Mint and lemon balm

Both plants stimulate blood circulation, strengthen skin blood vessels, and rid tissues of excess fluid and toxins. Regular baths with mint or lemon balm significantly reduce the symptoms of hyperhidrosis.

For 50 gr. mint and lemon balm use 1 liter of water. The mixture is brought to a boil, then kept on low heat for 15 minutes, filtered and added to the bath.

Tea with the addition of these herbs is no less useful.

Infusion of birch buds

Another available remedy is birch buds. For 1 part of raw materials, use 5 parts of vodka. Insist for a week. It is recommended to wipe areas prone to excessive sweating with the product 1-2 times a day.


It has proven itself as a remedy for the treatment of hyperhidrosis and regular beer. You just need to add 1 liter of the drink to a bath of water. It is recommended to take such a bath every day for 15-20 minutes. Course - 2 weeks.


Chamomile has gained well-deserved popularity due to its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Its effect is enhanced in combination with soda. For example, prepare the following solution: 6 tablespoons of flowers are brewed in 2 liters of boiling water for an hour. Then add two tbsp. spoons of soda. The resulting mixture is used for taking medicinal baths.

Horsetail tincture

Horsetail tincture helps with hyperhidrosis. To do this, mix horsetail grass with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 10. The solution is infused for two weeks in a warm, dark place. It is recommended to wipe problem areas with this tincture twice a day.

Horsetail has long been used in folk medicine. But, despite its healing properties, this plant is also known for its toxicity to humans.

The grass can cause severe allergic reactions. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to treat a small area of ​​skin on the hand with the tincture to ensure that there are no negative reactions from the body.


The beneficial properties of soda to absorb moisture and odors from the surrounding air have found their application in the treatment of sweating feet and hands. The recipe is simple: mix baking soda, water and any essential oil. The mixture is applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes before going to bed. Then wash off with cool water.


To reduce sweating of your feet, you can take baths with the addition of natural apple cider vinegar 5%-6%: 1 tbsp. (200 g) vinegar is diluted in 5 liters of warm water. It is enough to keep your feet in the solution for about half an hour.

How to get rid of sweating forever using surgical methods

Modern medicine has developed a number of techniques to get rid of sweating, both for a long time and forever.

Botox treatment. The essence of the method is that problem areas of the skin are treated by injecting Botox under the skin, which neutralizes the sweat glands. The use of Botox can relieve hyperhidrosis in the treated area for up to six months.

Iontophoresis or galvanization. One of the most affordable procedures for getting rid of hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet. It is carried out both in special salons and at home. To do this, you just need to purchase a special device that acts on the skin using a low voltage current. This narrows the channels of the sweat glands and reduces sweating.

Microwave therapy will help get rid of hyperhidrosis on any part of the body

Microwave (radiofrequency) therapy. The ability of radio waves to have a detrimental effect on the sweat glands has found its application in the treatment of hyperhidrosis. This method is suitable for eliminating sweating on any part of the body.

Liposuction. The procedure is suitable for overweight patients. It is usually carried out in the armpit area. The essence of the method is that when excess fat is removed, the nerve endings of the glands are also destroyed.

Excision of the problem area. In this case we are talking about removing skin in the armpits. It is used quite rarely, since after the operation a scar remains, which causes some inconvenience.

Curettage. Another surgical method for treating axillary hyperhidrosis. The operation is a kind of scraping of subcutaneous tissue in order to destroy nerve endings in an area with increased sweating. At the same time, the sweat glands are removed.

Laser therapy is considered the most effective and safe method of treating hyperhidrosis

Laser treatment. According to experts, it is the safest and most effective way to combat hyperhidrosis. During the procedure, a laser beam is used, which permanently blocks the action of the sweat glands.

Sympathectomy. A surgical procedure that involves the destruction of a specific area of ​​the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Depending on the site of surgery, there are:

  • lumbar sympathectomy (used in the treatment of leg hyperhidrosis);
  • thoracic sympathectomy (aimed at treating sweating of the palms, face, neck, armpits, feet).

Excessive sweating in women depends on many factors. It is important to remember that finding the cause and choosing the appropriate treatment method in each specific case is the task of a qualified doctor.

Severe sweating in women: causes and treatment - in this video:

About the treatment of sweating with traditional methods:

Sweating is an individual characteristic for everyone. It depends on the number and location of sweat glands, the composition of the blood and the human nervous system. The onset of some kind of disease is indicated not by the fact of sweating itself, but by a sharp change in the amount of sweat or its smell.

Sweating is distinguished by several signs.

  • There is general sweating, when a person sweats throughout the whole body, and local sweating, when only part of the body sweats: legs, palms, armpits.
  • Also, severe sweating can be congenital or acquired.

These characteristics and accompanying symptoms are the most important arguments in determining the causes of excessive sweating.

You won't be able to stop sweating at all. Sweat is secreted by the human body for several purposes:

  • cooling the body in hot weather
  • removing excess fluid from the body
  • removal of excess minerals and toxins

Violation of any of these functions can lead to serious illnesses, so you need to deal with sweating in moderation. How to understand when profuse sweating still does not exceed the norm? Proper sweating is physiologically justified. It must fulfill its function. The causes of sweating in a healthy person can be: sports, rich food, hot climate, unexpected fear.

In these cases, avoiding synthetic fabrics and properly regulating the temperature in the room will help reduce sweating.

Innate tendency to sweat

If a person sweats a lot during childhood, it is called congenital sweating. In this case, the reason for increased sweating is an increase in the number of sweat glands and their greater responsiveness to stimulation from the nervous system. Such people sweat more often under stress and strong emotions, and sweat very much during physical activity.

Knowing this physiological feature, they need to wear loose-fitting clothes and only made from natural fabrics - this will help them sweat less. You shouldn't overuse antiperspirants at all. This type of deodorant clogs the ducts of the sweat glands and sweat is forced to accumulate in the duct and is partially absorbed back into the skin. You still won’t be able to stop sweating completely, and the accumulation of sweat is an excellent environment for the proliferation of microbes and inflammation.

Hormonal changes

Excessive sweating can occur when the body experiences hormonal changes: during adolescence, pregnancy and menopause.

All these processes force the human body to adapt to new conditions. And if adaptation is complicated by stress, illness or an unhealthy lifestyle, one of the complications may be an increase in the responsiveness of the sweat glands to irritants.

Teenage years

During adolescence, increased sweating is caused by hormonal changes in the body and increased stress levels.

Sensitive teenagers often feel nervous - at the board, during an exam. A characteristic sign of nervous sweating is wet palms. In this case, in order to sweat less, you need to be less nervous. The easiest option is to drink soothing tea with mint and lemon balm, or herbal tablets such as Persen or Novopassit. A much better way to reduce youthful passions is to practice yoga, dancing or any other hobby that calms the child.


Excessive sweating during pregnancy is caused by a decrease in the production of estrogen and an increase in the amount of progesterone, which provokes a deterioration in metabolism. This way, excess fluid can come out with sweat. To sweat less, you need to avoid synthetic fabrics in clothes and styles that fit your figure. It is also better to avoid hot shoes and shoes with rubber soles for a while.


With the cessation of menstruation, the amount of estrogen in a woman’s blood drops and the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone increases. These changes lead to "hot flashes" - sudden bouts of heat followed by heavy sweating throughout the body.

This creates especially many problems when it is cold, since a wet body can easily become hypothermic. You can stop sweating only by contacting a gynecologist. He will prescribe the necessary corrective treatment, most often hormone replacement therapy.

Physiological reasons

The most natural cause of increased sweating is high ambient temperature. When it’s hot outside and in the house, a person sweats to cool down. The main thing is to maintain the correct drinking regime - from 2 liters of liquid per adult. It is advisable to drink water, mineral water and fruit drinks with minimal sugar content.

Hypersweating is also natural when playing sports. When muscles work under load, they produce heat and warm the body very much. In cases of sports, getting rid of sweating is a completely bad idea. Just the opposite, if you sweat a lot, you work well. And a shower after a good workout will not leave any traces of the smell of sweat.

Synthetic clothing and shoes are the most common causes of excessive sweating. Shoes with rubber soles and synthetic fabrics do not dissipate heat at all, causing the body to overheat and sweat. If you wear such shoes constantly, fungi will begin to develop in the damp environment of the sneakers, and in addition to the unpleasant odor, there will also be a problem with the feet. To avoid sweating, you need to choose breathable shoes made of leather or suede. And open shoes for the warm season.

When to start worrying

When sick, a person sweats differently than he did all his life before. Depending on the type of illness, sweating may occur constantly or occur only periodically. However, any change in the amount of sweat produced and its smell is a sign that you should pay attention to. It may hint at an endocrinological disorder - such as diabetes mellitus or hyperthyroidism. Or, together with a decrease in the amount of urine excreted, talk about kidney disease.


Due to the increase in blood sugar caused by diabetes, the fibers of the peripheral nervous system - the same ones that innervate the sweat glands - suffer. As a result, the stimulation of the glands increases and more sweat is released.

Heavy sweating may indicate diabetes mellitus if at the same time a person experiences constant thirst. Also important symptoms are an increase in the frequency of urination at night and poor heat tolerance. If these symptoms appear, you need to make an appointment with a therapist or endocrinologist.

The second endocrine disorder that causes excessive sweating is hyperthyroidism - excessive production of hormones by the thyroid gland.

In addition to body sweating, the patient will be bothered by the following symptoms:

  • nervous excitability, irritability
  • enlarged thyroid gland
  • weight loss
  • trembling hands
  • heat intolerance
  • exophthalmos - protrusion of the eyes

Hyperthyroidism will not go away on its own. All these symptoms are corrected by hormonal therapy, or surgically, as prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Kidney diseases

If a person sweats a lot, you need to pay attention to the amount of urine. A reduction in the volume of urine excreted, the appearance of sediment, foam, and a change in its color are symptoms of kidney disease. They are also characterized by swelling. It starts under the eyes and then goes down.

With kidney disease, their ability to filter blood deteriorates, and fluid is retained in the body. In this case, increased sweating is an attempt by the body to get rid of excess moisture.

If any of the listed symptoms are present, you need to go to a therapist, or better yet, go straight to a nephrologist.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

Sometimes sweating is a symptom of an emergency. If a rush of cold sweat is accompanied by chest pain and fear of death, this may be a myocardial infarction, and you should urgently call an ambulance.

If profuse sweating is accompanied by high temperature, these are symptoms of infectious diseases.

And if there is drooling and abdominal pain - poisoning with organophosphorus chemistry or muscarine.

Infectious diseases

One of the symptoms of infectious diseases can be high temperature, and profuse sweating is associated with it. Of course, in the case of infections, other symptoms will be clearly expressed. But sweating is a striking feature of the five infectious diseases.

Poisoning and drug use

These are aspirin, insulin and pilocarpine. Painkillers such as morphine and promedol also cause sweating.

This is a side effect that is almost ignored when reading the instructions, and then mistakenly perceived as a symptom. If sweating has become completely intolerable, you should consult your doctor about switching to another drug.

Excessive sweating may also be associated with poisoning from organophosphates and fungi.

If there is severe lacrimation, increased salivation, constriction of the pupils, watery diarrhea and abdominal pain, these are symptoms of poisoning, with which you urgently need to call an ambulance.

Treatment and prevention

It is customary to combat excessive sweating using cosmetics and antiperspirants. This is bad because instead of curing sweating, antiperspirants clog the sweat gland duct. Microbes accumulate there and inflammation develops - hidradenitis. It manifests itself in swelling of the sweat glands, most often in the armpits, pain and itching. Hidradenitis is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.
Treatment of sweating, as a rule, consists of treating the causes that caused this symptom.

If hyperhidrosis occurs from birth or due to hormonal changes, then this is part of the normal physiology of the body and cannot be “improved.” All you can do is follow simple rules:

  1. To prevent your feet and body from sweating, wear clothes made from natural fabrics and breathable shoes appropriate for the weather.
  2. To prevent your palms from sweating, be less nervous and drink sedatives.
  3. To prevent your face from sweating, avoid very hot and spicy foods.
  4. Take a contrast shower once a day.
  5. Take care of yourself and avoid drafts

And remember, sweating is not a symptom, but a normal reaction of the body to overheating. Sweating in the heat or during sports, or from excitement is not a shame. This means that the person is healthy and all his systems are working perfectly.


When writing the article, the therapist used the following materials:
  • Adhikari S. General medical practice according to John Nobel / [S. Adhikari et al.] ; edited by J. Nobel, with the participation of G. Green [et al.]; lane from English edited by E. R. Timofeeva, N. A. Fedorova; ed. trans.: N. G. Ivanova [and others]. - M.: Praktika, 2005
  • Mikhailova L. I. Encyclopedia of Traditional Medicine [Text] / [ed.-comp. Mikhailova L.I.]. - M: Tsentrpoligraf, 2009. - 366 p. ISBN 978-5-9524-4417-1
  • Palchun, Vladimir Timofeevich ENT diseases: learning from other people's mistakes: a guide with a reference book of medicines: dozens of case histories, medical errors, pharmaceutical reference book, diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, ear diseases, pharynx disease, diseases of the larynx and trachea, medical documentation, mordi and vitae anamnesis / B T. Palchun, L. A. Luchikhin. - M: Eksmo, 2009. - 416 p. ISBN 978-5-699-32828-4
  • Savko Lilia Universal medical reference book. All diseases from A to Z / [L. Savko]. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 280 p. ISBN 978-5-49807-121-3
  • Eliseev Yu. Yu. Complete home medical reference book for the treatment of diseases: [clinical manifestations of diseases, methods of traditional therapy, non-traditional methods of treatment: herbal medicine, apitherapy, acupuncture, homeopathy] / [Yu. Yu. Eliseev and others]. - M: Eksmo, 2007 ISBN 978-5-699-24021-0
  • Rakovskaya, Lyudmila Alexandrovna Symptoms and diagnosis of diseases [Text]: [detailed description of the most common diseases, causes and stages of disease development, necessary examinations and treatment methods] / L. A. Rakovskaya. - Belgorod; Kharkov: Family Leisure Club, 2011. - 237 p. ISBN 978-5-9910-1414-4