Dream of removing a birthmark on the face. Large and small. The meaning of the dream about Cheeks

Images from the subconscious in dreams sometimes take strange and bizarre forms. And sometimes they focus attention on small and unnoticed things in such a way that after waking up they do not leave our heads for a long time. If you saw a mole in a dream and you remember this dream, look in the dream book, perhaps this is a warning. Remember what struck you in the dream and where the moles were located.

  • Dream: a mole usually foreshadows a joyful event, good news and meetings.
  • The dream of “tearing off a mole” means that you will not be able to avoid rumors; by your behavior you yourself condone their occurrence.
  • Why do you dream about a mole on your face? The vision warns of possible deception on the part of a loved one. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: a mole on the head promises valuable knowledge and experience passed on from relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: moles on the back portend troubles at work. Be vigilant to avoid this.
  • Dream Interpretation: a mole on the neck is interpreted as a visit from an unpleasant relative.
  • Why do you dream about a mole on your stomach? Your desire to eat a lot will lead you to illness and contribute to the development of laziness. (cm. )
  • The dream book interprets moles on the legs as a date with loved ones in the near future.
  • Dream Interpretation: a mole on your hand defines you as a person who has difficulty making contact with others.
  • In other dream books you can find different interpretations of the dream, based on the situations in which the mole was seen.

Autumn dream book

Dream Interpretation: mole - one of your parents will face a serious illness.

Summer dream book

A mole in a dream means that in the near future you will experience an increase in the size of your family.

Spring dream book

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about moles? To meet a close and dear person.

Dream book of the 21st century

Dream Interpretation: many moles - in reality you will see other people’s shortcomings.

Aesop's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: large brown mole - there is a high-ranking person in your life who is ready to support you in difficult times.
  • The dream “there are many moles” - the future promises a great misfortune, the consequences of which you will not be able to deal with soon.
  • Dream Interpretation: remove moles on the cheek - you can avoid an unpleasant situation and malicious rumors.
  • Dream Interpretation: tear off a mole - You yourself are guilty of a large amount of gossip and speculation about you.
  • Why do you dream about a mole on your forehead? Expect illness in the near future. (cm. )
  • The dream “a mole fell off as a result of your careless actions” - the dream indicates that cooling on the part of your relatives occurred through your fault.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

  • The interpretation of dreams “mole” is a pleasant time with the family.
  • The dream “a large mole on the body” means family problems will bring a lot of trouble.
  • Dream of “tearing off a mole” - expect the appearance of a new family member.

Modern dream book

  • To see a mole in a dream that does not exist in reality is a pleasant meeting with family and friends.
  • Why do you dream about a big mole? The problems and concerns of one of the family members will fall on you.
  • Why dream of picking off a mole? In reality, your family will be replenished with a new relative.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Seeing moles in a dream is a symbol of future joyful events.

Dream about “moles on the body” - you have a talent that requires development.

Esoteric dream book

Why do you dream about moles? The vision speaks of approaching danger.

Why do you dream of moles on the body? Pay attention to the place where the mole is located, it may suffer in the near future.

Ivanov’s newest dream book

Moles in a dream, the meaning of the vision is interpreted as an unexpected gift.

Dream Interpretation: “A mole has fallen off” – to skin diseases.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • Dreaming of a mole on the head on the cheeks - a desperate situation, unsuccessful attempts to get rich. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream about many moles? Addition to the family.
  • Dream Interpretation: large moles promise the birth of twins.

Collection of dream books

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about moles? A prosperous and cloudless life.

Combined dream book

  • In a dream, seeing moles on the body is considered a good sign, foreshadowing an excellent end to things.
  • Why do you dream of a hairy mole? It portends an incident that will change your whole life.
  • The dream “mole on the face” is interpreted as changes in life related to family.
  • Dream Interpretation: a mole has fallen off - is interpreted as an obstacle to the implementation of plans.
  • Why do you dream about a mole on your hand? A favorable period of life, have time to fulfill all your plans.
  • The dream “mole on the head” is an opportunity to gain valuable experience from relatives and loved ones.
  • Why do you dream about a mole on your back? Be careful and prudent at work to avoid becoming a victim of a conspiracy.
  • Why do you dream about a mole on your leg? You will be able to find time for pleasant gatherings with your family.
  • Why do you dream of moles on the neck? Difficult worries about the affairs of your family.
  • Dream Interpretation: long mole - in the future you will have to take on the problems of relatives, on which you will spend a large amount of your energy.
  • Dream Interpretation: moles on the body predict good luck in the near future.
  • Dream Interpretation: tearing off a mole is a prediction of unpleasant news, a quarrel with loved ones.
  • Dream Interpretation: a mole on the face is a deception of a close friend.
  • The dream “a mole has fallen off” predicts the return or appearance of a distant relative.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Dream Interpretation: a mole with hair is interpreted as the approach of events that greatly influence fate. (cm. )

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Why do you dream of hanging moles that look ugly? What prevents you from expressing yourself is an unpleasant character trait received from your parents or inherent in the process of development.

Dream Interpretation of the World

  • Seeing a mole on your face in a dream means health complications.
  • Dream of a “mole on the hand” - keep yourself busy with something so as not to create problems.
  • The dream “mole on the back” means betrayal or deception on the part of loved ones.
  • Dreaming of a “mole on the leg” - be careful, there is a high probability of injuries and fractures.
  • Why dream that a mole has fallen off? Return to a relative’s family or birth of a child.

Esoteric dream book

Why do you dream about a mole on your nose? Don't drink too much alcohol, bad things may happen. (cm. )


A mole appears in dreams as a sign that you need to pay attention to your family, but at the same time be prepared to solve the problems that will follow. To make it easier for you to endure this period, remember that warm communication with your family and their support will be a worthy reward for your efforts.

Any dreams related to the human body carry a special meaning.

For example, an interpretation of a dream book about what moles mean in dreams can tell a lot about the dreamer and his life.

See moles on your own or someone else's body

People are always very wary of birthmarks, so predictions about what birthmarks mean in dreams can be found even in ancient dream books. But in order to correctly interpret the vision, pay attention to such an, at first glance, not very important aspect as the location of the moles. Have you seen them on your own or someone else's body? If in a dream you found birthmarks on your own body, it means that in reality all difficulties will be easily resolved and you will be able to avoid unpleasant situations. In the case when the plot looks different - you notice that the mole has disappeared - you should prepare for the onset of a difficult period in life. There will be obstacles on your way that will be incredibly difficult to overcome. However, all your efforts will not be in vain: you will achieve what you want and will be satisfied with the results.

  • Seeing moles on your body in a dream is a harbinger of a meeting with relatives. The larger the spot you see, the more important this person is to you;
  • Seeing new moles appear on your face and body means meeting people who will want to become a part of your life. However, you should be careful when choosing your surroundings;
  • The whole body is strewn with birthmarks - a warning about an event that will provoke strong emotions in you;
  • Looking at moles on the body of a loved one in a dream is a favorable period in your personal life. Your family will finally be filled with harmony and serene happiness;
  • Seeing moles on someone else’s body means someone is showing interest in you in reality. Very soon you will find out who this mysterious stranger is and what his intentions are towards you.

The number and size of moles - what does it mean?

The appearance, dimensions and location of the dreamed objects play almost the main role in the interpretation of the dream. A similar situation exists with what moles mean in dreams. For example, a large birthmark symbolizes an influential relative of the dreamer, under whose protection he is. You will always find support from him, no matter what trouble happens to you. But according to another interpretation, this dream promises a lot of trouble and problems because of relatives.

  • Many moles on the body are a harbinger of trouble, because of which you will not be able to quickly recover;
  • A mole on the forehead is a signal that your body is very weakened. The dream book advises thoroughly strengthening the immune system;
  • Seeing birthmarks on your forehead in a dream is a symbol of what your loved ones think about you;
  • Seeing a mole on your face that is absent in reality means meeting a loved one who will share his ideas and experience with you;
  • A large mole on the back is a harbinger of career advancement and success at work. Show all your attentiveness and accuracy in your affairs and then a brilliant career is guaranteed to you;
  • Birthmarks on the legs - a quick meeting with family and loved ones.

Moles on the head and neck

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who does not have moles on his body. These signs contain important information about the character, actions and fate of a person. Dream books will tell you why you dream of moles on your head or neck. Seeing a birthmark on the scalp is a symbol of the dreamer’s secrecy. For men, a mole on the neck speaks of their imbalance, weaknesses and lack of willpower. At the same time, such people have a strong intellect and spirit. For representatives of the fair sex, a dream about a mole on the neck indicates their variability despite their seemingly conservative character. Throughout her life, she has to repeatedly change her own passions, goals and worldview. Under certain circumstances, she is capable of committing adultery, but in no case will she hide her act from her husband.

Some dreams may seem unusual and even somewhat strange to people. If you dream about moles, in reality a person can expect illness, a quarrel with a loved one, or, conversely, a meeting. It all depends on some details of the vision.

What if you dream about moles?

Moles are a symbol of physical health and a person’s belonging to a certain family. If they come in a dream, troubles can await the sleeper in reality. A vision in which the dreamer watches his body become covered with birthmarks is considered a bad sign. This can serve as a harbinger of serious illnesses.

If a person sees large ugly birthmarks on himself, this is a sign of trouble. Smooth and neat moles that suddenly appear on the hands are a sign of discovering some kind of talent in oneself. Perhaps a person will want to change his profession or start doing something new. Very often, such dreams come to those who are dissatisfied with their current position in society and want to change something in life.

If a person dreams of a mole that he actually has on his body, in real life he will have to communicate with his closest relatives. These could be long-awaited gatherings in a quiet family circle or a joint trip to nature.

Removing a mole in a dream means solving all your problems in real life. If a person in his vision removed a mole himself, in reality he will make every effort to change his life for the better.

Removing moles in a dream in a cosmetology salon means getting help from someone close to you. Some modern interpreters consider the removal of moles to be a symbol of a break in relations with relatives. The sleeper may have a serious quarrel with someone or simply be very offended by a loved one.

Trying to erase a mole from your body in a dream means in reality striving for independence. The dreamer will want to make important life decisions himself, but his parents will constantly dictate their terms to him.

Dream interpretation experts also believe that removing a mole in a dream is a harbinger of a difficult birth for a pregnant woman. For women dreaming of a child, the appearance of birthmarks on the body is considered a good sign. Most likely, they will be able to get pregnant in the near future.

What does it portend?

Seeing an ugly mole on your body and trying to hide it means that in reality you will face serious problems in relationships with others. People will laugh at the dreamer. In this case, a certain character trait will become an obstacle to normal communication, which will be difficult for the sleeper to get rid of.

To see in a dream how the body of a loved one is covered with moles - in real life to learn that the other half has many shortcomings.

If a young girl or guy dreams of a mole on the neck that does not exist in real life, this is an unexpected acquaintance. Most likely, they will develop a new hobby. This relationship will not be taken lightly. Most likely, in the future they will develop into deep affection, which will become the basis for creating a family.

To be proud of your mole in a dream means to receive help from an influential relative in real life. Looking for birthmarks on your body in a dream, but not finding them, means in reality you will lose contact with your family, go very far from them, or receive bad news from your parents.

Seeing moles in a dream means in reality you feel that you belong to a certain family. Removing birthmarks means getting rid of problems. If a person in his vision observes how his entire body is covered with moles, this is not a very good sign. Most often, such dreams are a symbol of illness, deterioration of health, and deep sadness.

Moles in dreams often mean some kind of danger. This can be seen as analogous to real life: a large number of moles on the body indicates a high risk of skin cancer. But in some cases, dreams about a mole can portend happiness, a meeting with loved ones, or the birth of another family member.

Autumn dream book

If you saw a large mole in a dream, your father or mother will get sick.

Aesop's Dream Book

If in a dream you looked long and carefully at a large mole or birthmark on your skin, rejoice. This means that you have a relative who is financially secure and has great influence in society. He is disposed towards you, so in difficult times you can safely count on his help. But if you had many moles on your body, great misfortune will befall you.

If in a dream you saw your mole removed by surgeons, this is a good sign. You will be able to outshine your enemies and avoid danger. If in a dream you removed a mole yourself, think about what you are doing wrong. Most likely, you are giving your ill-wishers an excuse on the basis of which they spread gossip and evil rumors about you.

Why dream of moles that appear on your body right before your eyes - a warning about choosing friends. Many people want to form a friendship or even a family relationship with you, but some of them want this because of their interests and their own benefit. A mole on the forehead means poor health or an infectious disease.

Ripping off a mole in a dream is a bad sign. Your relatives will “delight” you with unpleasant news, as a result of which your relationship will give a big crack.

Spring dream book

The interpretation of a dream about a mole is good: you will meet a loved one whom you have not seen for a long time.

Esoteric dream book

A large birthmark indicates that you need to be on guard. Danger can overtake you at any moment.

Newest dream book

If you dreamed of a mole that suddenly appeared on your skin, expect a pleasant surprise. Removing a mole or birthmark is a dermatological disease.

Modern dream book

If in a dream you saw a mole in a place where there is none in reality, expect a joyful meeting with your relatives. A large mole means trouble with your family. If a pregnant woman tried to somehow remove a mole in a dream, let her be prepared for a difficult and protracted labor.

Summer dream book

In the summer dream book, a mole foretells that a new person will appear in your family.

Dreaming of a birthmark with hair is a sign of your heredity of upbringing and character. If they created discomfort for you, interfered with you, negative thoughts haunt you in reality, you constantly look back at the successes and achievements of others, showing envy.

Fight such feelings, they will not lead you to anything good. Tune in to a positive mood, develop your own strategy for achieving your goals, so you can conquer the peaks faster.

I dreamed of a birthmark on my stomach

The Oracle's Dream Book considers a birthmark on the stomach as a harbinger of deteriorating health. In reality, you should take a closer look at the place where you saw the mole. It is possible that it may indicate the location of the disease, which will begin soon.

Pay special attention to your health status. Do not ignore your ailments, and at the first manifestation of symptoms of the disease, contact a specialist. You should not rely on luck in matters of health; problems will not resolve on their own.

Seeing a birthmark on your face in a dream

If you dreamed of a birthmark on your face, people close to you will cause serious trouble, discrediting your good name and tarnishing your reputation. For a girl, a birthmark on her cheek indicates the appearance of a suitor who can become her chosen one.

Be careful not to get involved in things that seem suspicious to you, even if people close to you are involved. Take care of your own safety if there are any concerns.

I dreamed of a birthmark on my leg

Why do you dream about a birthmark on your leg? In reality, you are pursuing completely wrong goals, walking along a path that is not intended for you. The realization of the error of your chosen path will come to you unexpectedly, but you will be ready to change everything and start from scratch.

Accept changes with hope for the best; do not be critical of them. Your future life will depend entirely on the decisions you make at the moment. Don't rush things, let everything take its course.

I dreamed of a birthmark on my hand

Seeing a birthmark on your hand in a dream is a harbinger of minor troubles that will fall on you out of the blue. There will be quite a lot of problems, and you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to solve them.

Don't put things off until later, solve problems as they arise. Your efforts will bear fruit, but they will have to wait. Be patient and try to avoid encountering troubles.

Dreaming of a birthmark on the back

A dream about a birthmark on your back, which haunts you, foreshadows the onset of ill-wishers who are trying with all their might to prevent the implementation of your plans. Your enemies will stop at nothing and will go to extreme measures.