Elevated alt and ast levels in dogs. Blood test in dogs: norm, interpretation, reasons for increase and decrease in indicators Analysis of alat and asat in dogs

An attentive owner will always determine that something is wrong with the dog and take it to the clinic. However, many pathological processes occur in a latent form, and an external examination does not allow one to get an idea of ​​them.

Suspecting a disease in a patient, the veterinarian gives a referral for blood biochemistry so that the result obtained during the study will help in making a diagnosis. A biochemical blood test to determine the levels of ALT and AST is one of the most important auxiliary studies.

What does an elevated ALT level mean?

The protein molecule responsible for the exchange of amino acids between cells is called alanine aminotransferase. For convenience in medical practice, it is designated ALT (ALaT). The enzyme is found in the kidneys, liver, skeletal muscles, and heart muscle. If, under the influence of certain negative factors, the cells of these organs are destroyed, ALT enters the blood.

The following indicators are considered normal for ALT in the blood of dogs: 0-65 units/l/

A change in the level of alanine aminotransferase, both up and down, indicates pathological processes in the body. Increased activity of the enzyme and its excess by 5-10 times is observed, first of all, with changes occurring in the liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis, toxic lesions, malignant and benign neoplasms, injuries, strokes).

Also, a jump in ALT in the animal’s blood can provoke:

  • heart failure;
  • pancreatitis;
  • thermal and chemical burns;
  • state of shock;
  • necrosis and injury of the heart muscles.

However, an increase in the enzyme is not always explained by diseases. Taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs and even valerian can also improve the indicators.

As practice shows, a slight increase in ALT is observed in service dogs during intensive training and in pregnant bitches.

A decrease in the enzyme can also indicate serious liver diseases (with a decrease in the number of cells that synthesize alanine aminotransferase). In addition, a downward change in indicators is a clear symptom of a lack of B vitamins, in particular B6.

AST - causes of increase in the body

AST (AST) is usually understood as an enzyme whose full name is aspartate aminotransferase (a substance from the group of transaminases). The task of AST is the molecular exchange of aspartate amino acids. The concentration of the enzyme is in the kidneys, liver, heart, skeletal muscles, nervous tissue.

The normal level of aspartate aminotransferase in a dog’s blood is 10-42 units/l.

An increase in the enzyme (2-3 times) can occur in newborn puppies. This is normal, as the indicators stabilize as they grow older. If this phenomenon is observed in adult dogs, then this may be a symptom of a dangerous disease, for example:

  • hepatitis (viral, chronic, toxic);
  • liver cirrhosis at a late stage;
  • liver tumors;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • dehydration;
  • hypocholesterolemia;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • severe anemia;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • neoplasia;
  • hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism;
  • skeletal muscle injuries, heat stroke, burns.

Often, hepatocellular necrosis leads to an increase in AST in the blood of pets, which, in turn, occurs due to uncontrolled intake of toxic drugs (Phenytoin, Oxibendazole, etc.) or accidental ingestion of toxins, which include fly agaric alkaloids, tetrachloride carbon, paracetamol.

It should also be taken into account that AST levels increase with intense sports loads, in elderly individuals, as well as in animals with a hereditary predisposition.

A decrease in AST occurs due to severe diseases of organs and systems, lack of vitamin B6 and liver rupture.

Signs of increased AST and ALT

There are many reasons leading to increased enzyme activity, and each disease has its own specific clinical signs. The need for a biochemical blood test arises in cases where the dog exhibits the following symptoms:

  • skin pigmentation;
  • yellowing of the mucous membranes, whites of the eyes (indicates liver dysfunction);
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • urine becomes dark yellow (kidney pathologies);
  • stool becomes discolored (if there are problems with the pancreas);
  • loss of appetite and, as a result, rapid weight loss.

A change in the dog’s behavior should also alert the owner. If your pet, which was cheerful and active yesterday, becomes lethargic and inactive, immediately contact a veterinary clinic.


One of the most common diagnostic methods is the Ritis coefficient, which allows you to determine the ratio of ALT and AST. This method allows you to create the most informative picture of the disease. For example, in case of heart disease (heart attacks, ischemia), AST increases by 8-10 times, ALT by 2-2.5 times. With liver pathologies, the opposite is observed: ALT increases 8-10 times, AST - 2-2.5 times.

If organ diseases are suspected, radiography and ultrasound are mandatory research methods.

Radiography is performed to assess the size, position, shape, degree of damage to the abdominal organs, as well as to determine parenchymal density and abdominal effusion.

Ultrasound examination makes it possible to assess the mobility of the intestinal wall, the echogenicity of the liver parenchyma, vascular component, etc.

The main reasons for an increase in the level of these enzymes in the blood serum are hepatocellular damage (liver cells), release of enzymes (enzyme induction), myonecrosis (death of muscles).
Increased activity may reflect primary and secondary damage to liver cells; the value can indicate the intensity of the disease, but does not provide information about its severity, prognosis, or tissue origin.

Metabolic role – amino acid metabolism.
Both enzymes are found inside cells, undergo rapid dispersion after damage to the cell membrane, and are present in large quantities in liver cells and striatal muscle.
AST – cytosolic and mitochondrial enzyme; a disproportionate increase relative to ALT suggests the release of mitochondrial isoenzymes; however, the utility of assessing a specific AST isoenzyme has not been implemented in dogs and cats.
Levels should be assessed relative to serum creatine kinase levels (for myonecrosis).
Half-life of ALT in plasma: in dogs – 4-72 hours; cats – 4-6 hours;
AST: dogs – about 5 hours; cats 1.3 hours.
These enzymes are removed from plasma by degradation by monocyte-macrophages.

There is no breed or sex predisposition for increased blood levels.
In newborns, a 2-3 fold increase in these enzymes compared to adult animals is normal.
An increase in the amount in serum does not affect the manifestation of clinical signs of the disease.
In case of fulminant liver failure with hepatonecrosis - lethargy; jaundice, dehydration, hypoglycemia, hypokalemia, hypocholesterolemia, collapse.
Unifocal hepatonecrosis may go undetected.
Hyperthyroidism in cats is a specific induction of enzymes and the manifestation of clinical signs.

Risk factors
Depends on the reason
Conditions that can affect the permeability of cell membranes in some tissues (reversible or irreversible) can increase enzyme levels in the blood.

Differential diagnosis
First you need to rule out liver disease.

Laboratory data
Drugs may interfere with laboratory results.
Many drugs and chemical agents can interfere with the release of enzymes, both resulting in damage to liver cells. and as a result of enzyme induction.
No known drugs affect the biochemical analysis itself.

Violations that can affect the results of biochemical studies
Hemolysis is a false positive increase.

Possibility of analysis in a medical laboratory
Yes, if animal reference values ​​for this technique are established.

Additional diagnostic tests are necessary to distinguish hepatic pathology from myonecrosis, determine the significance of the primary or secondary condition, and evaluate the patient's clinical status.

Poikilocytosis (cats) – often associated with liver disease.
Abnormal platelet function and thrombocytopenia occur in some liver diseases.

Serum biochemical profile
Albumin is low with liver failure, high with dehydration.
Globulins - increase when stimulating acute phase proteins or reducing monocyte-macrophage function of the liver; increased fibrinogen indicates the production of acute phase proteins.
Alkaline phosphatase - dogs: increases in many diseases as a result of induction of glucocorticoid isoenzymes; high in cholestasis and necro-inflammatory diseases.
Urea nitrogen – reduction of urea cycle disorders, polyuria-polydipsia, induced by a high degree of glomerular filtration, low protein intake or low protein absorption.
Glucose is reduced with portosystemic shunts, fasting, acute liver failure and sepsis; increased with diabetes mellitus, hepatocutaneous syndrome, stress (cats) and treatment with glucocorticoids (cats).
Cholesterol – decrease with portosystemic shunting, intestinal malabsorption, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency; increased in diabetes mellitus, hepatocutaneous syndrome, nephrotic syndrome, occlusion of the main bile duct, pancreatitis, hypothyroidism, impaired glomerular filtration due to chronic interstitial nephritis (cats).
Creatine kinase – very often high levels with elevated transaminases occur due to myonecrosis.
Potassium - low levels in cats can induce myonecrosis, causing significant enzyme release.
Hyperbilirubinemia is a cholestatic disease; serious hemolysis, causing hypoxemic liver damage and increased transaminase activity.

Analysis of urine
Bilirubinuria - cats: always an abnormal finding indicating hyperbilirubinemia; dogs: may conjugate in renal tubules.
Ammonium urate crystalluria - indicates hyperammonemia in fulminant liver failure or portosystemic shunt.
Hyposthenuria - indicates damage to the mechanism of urine concentration (medullary leaching, primary polydipsia with hepatic encephalopathy).

Other laboratory tests
Bile acids – levels after 2 and 12 hours of fasting; sensitive assessment of liver function, perfusion and enterohepatic circulation.
Urea tolerance test – assesses liver function and hepato-portal perfusion; demonstrates hyperammonemia; The practical value is weakened in normal practice due to some difficulties (lability, changes in levels after freezing of samples, analytical imprecision).
Assessments aimed at determining the depth of the underlying disease - pancreatitis (trypsin-like immunoactivity, amylase, lipase); endocrinopathies (thyroid hormone profile, adrenal function, insulin determination); serological testing for infections (feline viral peritonitis, leptospirosis, brucellosis, tick-borne infections, fungal diseases).
Coagulation assessment. Should always be performed before liver biopsy.

Visual diagnostics
X-ray – assessment of liver size, position, shape, edge; determination of parenchymal density (mineralization, gases); assessment of other organs in the abdominal cavity (position, masses, damage); determination of abdominal effusion.

Ultrasound – assessment of the echogenicity of the hepatic parenchyma, biliary tree (thickness of walls, lumen, contents), vascular component (flow, thrombi, relative size of vessels), structure of the portal area, perihepatic and peripancreatic lymphatic vessels, pancreatic tissue, peripancreatic fat; assess the mobility of the intestinal wall.

Diagnostic procedures
Liver biopsy

Treatment depends on the cause of the elevated serum enzymes.

If something is wrong with the dog, the attentive owner notices it and takes it to the veterinarian for examination. But not all diseases can be determined purely by visual examination of the animal. In most cases, the doctor refers the patient for tests that help confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis. In particular, such an auxiliary study is a biochemical blood test and determination of the levels of AST and ALT. Let's find out about this in detail.

Briefly about enzymes

When conducting a biochemical blood test, enzyme activity is determined. This is the name given to protein molecules that accelerate the course of basic reactions in the body. A synonym for the term “enzyme” is “enzyme”. What is an enzyme? It consists of the protein part itself (apoenzyme) and the active center (coenzyme). It is coenzymes that accelerate biochemical reactions.

All enzymes are divided into several types depending on their tasks. For example, dehydrogenases carry out reduction and oxidation, hydrolases carry out cleavage.

About elevated ALT levels

A protein molecule called ALT (alanine aminotransferase) is responsible for transferring amino acids from one molecule to another. ALT is synthesized in cells. This means that the enzyme activity in the dog’s blood is low. An increase in its level in healthy dogs can be caused by taking antibiotics, antitumor drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and valerian. Also, in domestic animals, an increase in this enzyme may indicate severe physical activity. This occurs in service dogs during the period of their active preparation for work. Also, high levels of the enzyme can be a sign of injury (impact to the liver).

It is worth noting that high ALT activity is often a specific symptom of acute liver disease. In this case, the indicators can be 5-10 times higher than the normal level. If this enzyme level is observed for a long time, then this may be a sign of a serious liver condition. We are talking about cirrhosis, hepatitis, tumors. It is these reasons that are the basis for the jump in the level of alanine aminotransferase in the body of dogs.

About increasing AST levels in dogs

The full name of this enzyme is aspartate aminotransferase. This substance is from the group of transaminases. AST transfers aspartate amino acids from one molecule to another. In newborn puppies, a two to threefold increase in the level of this enzyme is normal. If such an indicator is observed in adult dogs, then this may be evidence of hepatonecrosis, jaundice, hypoglycemia, dehydration, hypocholesterolemia and collapse.

Often it is hepatocellular necrosis that leads to an increase in AST levels in the blood of pets. This pathology, in turn, can be provoked by toxic medications in dogs. These veterinarians include Phenotoin, Primidon, Phenobarbital, benzimidazole anthelmintics, for example, Mebendazole and Oxibendazole. In addition to medications, hepatonecrosis in a pet can be caused by eating toxins, for example, fly agaric alkaloids; paracetamol; carbon tetrachloride. Late-stage liver cirrhosis in dogs and chronic active hepatitis also cause an increase in the level of the AST enzyme.

In addition to liver diseases and disruption of its functioning, increased levels of this substance can also be observed in other pathologies. Thus, severe anemia may be the cause of high aspartate aminotransferase levels in dogs; heart failure; diabetes; hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism; cholestatic disease; neoplasia.

So, when a pet has a high level of the above enzyme after conducting appropriate tests, the veterinarian must first rule out liver disease. It is more often diagnosed in older, elderly dogs who have a genetic predisposition to it. If everything is fine with this organ in the dog, then the doctor prescribes additional studies and tests, and based on their results, prescribes certain medications for the pet.

ALT or Alanine aminotransferase is an enzyme that is produced in the liver, kidneys, and skeletal muscles and reflects their condition. The level of its content increases when the above organs are damaged, and in a healthy body it is contained in small quantities.

In dogs, unlike in humans, ALT almost entirely concentrated in the liver, which is why its indicator has a significant impact on the body. When the cells of this organ, and those in which ALT is also secreted, such as the pancreas, are destroyed, the enzyme is released into the blood plasma.

In this case, the following symptoms can be observed:

  1. Weakness— perhaps the pet got tired quickly after a walk or sleeps longer than usual.
  2. Loss of appetite.
  3. Nausea or vomiting- it may be simple poisoning, but if before this the dog ate without much appetite and did not chew anything during a walk, then this is not the reason.
  4. Yellowing of the whites of the eyes- this is always a sign of liver problems.
  5. Darkening of urine. Yellow is its natural color, which is due to urobilin, a derivative of bilirubin, which is very toxic. Its excretion by the kidneys is an important process for life. A sudden darkening to brown indicates muscle breakdown and increased ALT levels. Of course, this effect can also appear if the animal has previously been overexerted in training.
  6. Light-colored stool- for problems with the functioning of the pancreas.

main reason

ALT is generally very sensitive. It reacts even to minor damage to the liver tissue and depends on the degree of the pathological process of this organ.

The most common reason is hepatopathy- liver damage disease. This is a condition in which one or more functions of a given organ do not work fully

The causes of liver failure are divided into two groups.

First. Viral or infectious hepatitis

It is also known as Rubart's disease, an infectious inflammation of the liver. This is a disease manifested by pronounced liver damage, which entails an increase in ALT levels.

Hepatitis most often affects 2-6 month old puppies, as well as wild carnivores. The source of infection is already sick dogs, often stray ones, which transmit the virus through urine, nasal or eye mucus.

When infected, the virus first enters the membranes of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract, after which it multiplies and after a few days, spreading along with the blood and lymph, it affects internal organs, primarily the liver.

Signs of viral hepatitis are a depressed state, refusal to eat, diarrhea, light-colored stool

color, blurred eyes, pain in the liver area, as a result of which dogs often sit with their paws widely spaced. The symptoms are combined with the condition of dogs from increased alanine aminotransferase.

The disease can develop either instantly, killing the carrier within a day, without any characteristic signs, or over a long period of time, chronically. In this case, clinical signs are less pronounced and short-lived. The temperature may rise for a short time, and fatigue is more visible after a walk. Chronically ill female dogs often give birth to nonviable or already dead puppies.

If there are signs of illness, you should immediately contact a veterinarian, but if for some reason it is impossible to provide professional examination and treatment, the following steps should be taken:

  1. It is necessary to place the animal in a warm, but not stuffy room. Provide plenty of fluids and feed easily digestible vitamin mixtures for dogs.
  2. Once every three days you need to do enemas to cleanse the intestines of toxic contents.
  3. If vomiting and diarrhea are observed, you need to deprive the dog of food for the next day, giving him clean water.

Under no circumstances should you put off going to the vet for more than a week.

Second. Pathological processes

These are extreme conditions such as shock, injuries and burns, diseases such as diabetes. In all these cases, there is an increase in ALT if the process somehow affects the liver. The situation in such cases is less dangerous.

In this condition, the most important thing to do is to provide rest to the animal, and also consult a doctor.

Other reasons

  1. Pregnancy. If your dog is waiting for a refill, ALT increases without danger to life. Complex processes are going on in the body, it is being rebuilt to new conditions.
  2. Some drugs can often affect alanine aminotransferase levels. For example, various painkillers.
  3. Pancreatitis. This is an inflammation of the pancreas, in which ALT is also released. The pancreas produces the enzymes necessary to digest raw meat, and if the dog’s diet for a long time is dominated by sweets, smoked foods, fatty, well-fried, cooked, etc., its work malfunctions. The disease can be determined by palpating the stomach to the left of the navel; the dog will react to this extremely painfully. Also, due to the fact that the body stops absorbing glucose, its level in the blood rises, and the animal’s mouth dries out; Vomiting when trying to eat something and skin itching are also often observed. Treatment of pancreatitis consists of short-term fasting and taking medications prescribed by a veterinarian and diet.
  4. Cardiac surgeries, after which ALT remains elevated for another week.

Dogs, like humans, periodically need to be examined by doctors. If a person goes for an appointment at a city hospital, clinic or private medical center, dogs have only one way - to the veterinary clinic. There, specially trained doctors will examine the animal and take its biological fluids for laboratory analysis. Unfortunately, sometimes the tests are not all right. Owners often wonder, for example, why alkaline phosphatase in a dog’s blood is elevated and what this means for the pet. In this article we will discuss what exactly an increase in this enzyme indicates, and whether you should be afraid in advance.

Alkaline phosphatase is an enzyme that takes part in the metabolic processes of phosphoric acid. It serves as a knife, separating this acid from various organic compounds. In this way, an extremely important element for the proper functioning of the biorobot, phosphorus, moves through the body.

Alkaline phosphatase accumulates to a greater extent in the following segments of the dog’s body:

  • animal skeletal tissues;
  • the inner mucous layer of the dog's intestines;
  • in the tissues of the placenta;
  • inside the mammary glands at the time when the whelped bitch feeds her babies.

Veterinary medicine determines the normal levels of alkaline phosphatase contained in the body of a healthy dog:

  • Thus, in an adult animal it can be up to 100 units per liter;
  • in growing puppies, the required figure may increase slightly due to the fact that at their age there is active growth of bone tissue.

Unfortunately, an increase in the indicator of interest to us, detected in the study of blood serum, in fact cannot be a signal characteristic of any specific disease.

Causes of elevated alkaline phosphatase in dogs

According to the information available today, an increase in alkaline phosphatase in dogs can be provoked by various reasons, both causing concern and, on the contrary, completely natural.

Table 1. Causes of elevated alkaline phosphatase in dogs

Taking medications prescribed by a doctor to treat a particular illnessSo, provided that your animal is suffering from any illness for which the use of the remedies listed below is recommended, alkaline phosphatase may increase and will not affect the dog’s well-being at all. So, we are talking about:
  • steroid hormones;
  • agents that promote narrowing of vascular pathways;
  • non-steroidal medications that fight inflammation.

    These funds can affect the increase in the indicator we are discussing.

  • A certain state of the dog's bodySo, some natural processes occurring in the animal’s body can cause tests to detect elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase in your dog. Let's list them:
  • this increase is typical for pregnant bitches;
  • provided that the dog has a fracture and it has begun to heal, phosphatase will also increase;
  • In small puppies, due to the active formation of bone tissue, this enzyme will also be present in the body in excess.
  • Pathological processes developing in the animal’s bodyAn increase in alkaline phosphatase can also indicate the development of many very unpleasant diseases, unfortunately, serious, often threatening the life of your pet, and minor, quickly cured.

    This is about:

  • hypothyroidism – lack of thyroid hormones;
  • liver cirrhosis – replacement of specific liver cells with connective tissue;
  • oncological processes affecting the mammary glands of the animal;
  • inflammatory processes or blockages of the bile ducts;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • development of hepatitis of any variety, including infectious;
  • osteodystrophy – resorption of bone tissue due to metabolic disorders;
  • lack of substances such as phosphates and calcium;
  • the development of Cushing's syndrome - a sustained increase in cortisol in the blood, which is accompanied by various functional disorders of the body;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • ataxia – motor disorder;
  • oncological processes affecting the animal’s bone tissue, gall bladder and liver;
  • inflammatory processes inside the intestines;
  • renal or pulmonary infarction;
  • abscess development.
  • Belonging to a specific breedInterestingly, one of all the breeds existing today in the world has an indicator such as alkaline phosphatase that is naturally elevated. We are talking about huskies - dogs that were bred by breeders for hard work in extreme conditions. Their metabolism ensures a constantly elevated level of alkaline phosphatase. In addition, this indicator may be higher than normal in husky mixes.

    Symptoms of elevated alkaline phosphatase

    Unfortunately, it will not be possible to diagnose an increase in alkaline phosphatase in dogs on your own without tests and studies, as, in general, there are no specific signs characterizing an increase in the amount of this enzyme. However, if it accompanies the development of any disease, you should pay attention to the following changes in the behavior and well-being of your pet:

    • lack of interest in food, especially favorite treats, refusal of the required portion of food;
    • lethargy, apathy, desire to sleep all the time;
    • lack of interest in playing with the owner, as well as in receiving scratches and strokes;
    • constant nausea, vomiting, expectoration;
    • darkened urine;
    • lightened stool;
    • any behavioral deviations.

    As you can see, the symptoms in this case are not at all unique; they are characteristic of almost all diseases. At the same time, you need to pay attention to them in any case, since a timely response and an immediate visit to the veterinarian can save the life of your pet, while “delay is like death.”

    Diagnosis of pathology

    Carrying out diagnostic measures to detect an increase in the enzyme of interest to us is the competence of a veterinarian and no one else. You will not be able to independently diagnose your beloved animal completely and adequately, especially if you do not have a veterinary education. Needless to say, many owners simply do not know what alkaline phosphatase is, and that its increase is characteristic of the development of many ailments.

    So, in order to understand that a pet is suffering from an illness associated with an increase in phosphatase, the doctor must carry out the following diagnostic measures.

    1. First of all, a visual inspection of the dog brought to the appointment is necessary. This simple examination will help the doctor:

    • exclude some obvious illnesses;
    • form an opinion about the general condition of the dog;
    • note deviations in her behavior and appearance, which may indicate any ailments.

    After completing the general examination, you can begin more thorough external examinations.

    2. It is imperative to palpate the animal's abdominal cavity (dog's belly). In this case, we will talk about identifying or, conversely, convincing in the absence of such phenomena as:

    • local painful manifestations;
    • enlarged dog liver, etc.

    3. Assessing the coat is the third stage of the inspection. You will be surprised, but the condition of an animal’s fur can tell you about many things, including the presence of any problems in the body. So, provided that the assessment of the condition of the coat has been carried out, the doctor proceeds to collecting information from the owners and laboratory examinations, as well as hardware diagnostics

    4. So, first of all, the veterinarian will begin interviewing the owners to describe the dog’s diet. So, in some cases, increasing alkaline phosphatase may be justified:

    • overfeeding the animal;
    • compiling a diet of fatty food that is not suitable for the dog;
    • excess vitamin C in the animal menu;
    • feeding “forbidden food” - sweets, chips and other prohibited animal products.

    Animals picked up from the street or abandoned animals that have been cruelly treated, unfortunately, can often “boast” the desired increase in alkaline phosphatase, due to a whole “bouquet” of problems

    Provided that such an imbalance in nutrition occurs, it is possible that the disease can be cured simply by changing the animal’s diet.

    5. When information has been collected during the external inspection and interviewing the owners, it will be time to conduct a hardware examination. We are talking, first of all, about an ultrasound examination of the dog’s abdominal organs, which will show whether everything is in order in the animal.

    6. After receiving the ultrasound results or at the same time, biological fluids are submitted for analysis. So, most often veterinarians require blood tests:

    • general;
    • biochemical.

    Provided that the cause of the disease is not clear, and the level of alkaline phosphatase in the animal’s blood continues to increase, the owner will be asked to leave the pet in the clinic for a series of examinations in a hospital setting and treatment.

    How to properly prepare for blood biochemistry if you suspect an increase in alkaline phosphatase

    As you know, in most cases, in order to obtain reliable results when conducting tests, it is necessary to first prepare the pet. Actually, this statement is also relevant for people, since we ourselves fast for a long time before a blood test.

    The owner of the dog whose blood will be taken is warned that the animal is prohibited before the test:

    • for 8 hours, feed with any food, be it industrial food or homemade food (any food, in fact, contains the same substances that will have a negative impact on obtaining reliable results, changing their indicators);
    • give something to drink other than plain water;
    • A few days before the analysis, it is better to stop conducting regular training with the animal if it goes to a dog handler, prepares for competitions, or receives other intense physical activity.

    Please note a very important fact: The fact is that if your pet is taking any medications, you must first inform the doctor about this.

    As we mentioned above, the following medications lead to an increase in phosphatase levels without any consequences:

    • hormonal steroid drugs;
    • non-steroidal medications that eliminate inflammatory processes in the body;
    • vasoconstrictor drugs.

    However, you need to understand that sometimes the processes taking place in the body of any living creature can be unpredictable, especially when they are influenced from the outside. Provided that your dog is taking medications not included in the list above, they can also affect the alkaline phosphatase level, or cause other changes in tests that will indicate the presence of active substances in the body, and not pathologies. Because medications may affect the results obtained, discuss with your veterinarian in advance:

    • is it possible to cancel them;
    • for a certain period of time to conduct a blood test;
    • how exactly to cancel;
    • and when to take the tests.

    In order to minimize the pet’s level of anxiety, which can make it even more ill, all procedures are carried out at a fast pace. In addition, you may not know, but stress can also affect the final results of tests prepared in the laboratory. That is why the owner must be present when materials are taken for analysis and inspection. Otherwise, not only the fear of needles and strangers, but also anxiety, and at the same time universal sadness from separation from the owner will be added to the pet’s anxiety.

    Treatment of the disease

    An increase in the amount of the enzyme we are interested in in a pet’s body cannot, in essence, act as a separate disease, since it is always a consequence of some kind of illness.

    This means that elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase cannot be cured because it follows a specific disease.

    The duty of the veterinarian is to study the animal’s tests and make assumptions about what caused the increase in the enzyme

    The tasks of a doctor who has received an unsatisfactory analysis of a particular dog are as follows:

    • discover the root cause of the increase in the disease;
    • treat her;
    • eliminate the negative impact of the clinical manifestations of this disease.

    Unfortunately, conservative therapy (carried out only with the use of medications) is not always able to help your pet. In some cases, when it comes to damage to any organs, you have to part with part of a particular system. In other words, you may not be able to cope with medications alone, and surgery will be the solution to your problem.

    By the way, even if conservative therapy in your case will probably have a certain beneficial effect, you need to understand that it should be prescribed by a doctor. You yourself do not have the right to choose:

    • nor medicines;
    • nor their dosage.

    An increased level of phosphatase in a pregnant dog is an absolute norm, there is nothing to be afraid of

    We ask you to remember once and for all: Owners are prohibited from diagnosing illnesses in their pets and treating them themselves, as there is a high probability that you will harm the animal. The fact is that some medications can help a pet, while others will aggravate implicit negative processes in his body. If the drug or its dosage is selected incorrectly, the immediate death of the dog is quite possible.

    Feeding during treatment and recovery period

    Provided that doctors have detected a change in alkaline phosphatase levels, it is necessary to immediately change the dog’s diet. However, this must be done with caution.

    Thus, doctors do not recommend completely replacing a dog’s usual food with any new one. However, it is strictly necessary to exclude canned food (for example, wet food), since during this period of time it is contraindicated for the body.

    If the increase in the indicator was at all associated with the animal’s food, it is necessary to understand the specific reason for the changes, and:

    • reduce the fat content of the animal’s diet;
    • reduce the amount of food fed to the dog;
    • Remove foods containing excess vitamin C from your diet.

    Sometimes it happens that your animal’s attending physician decides to prescribe a specific therapeutic diet for your pet. In this case, you must follow his instructions 100% in order to cure your pet, so to speak, with little loss of life.

    Additional Precautions

    In addition to following the specific rules for feeding the animal, which are relevant at the time of its undergoing medical procedures related to increasing the level of the enzyme we are considering, it is also necessary to follow the rules that will protect the pet’s health from deterioration and, on the contrary, will contribute to a faster recovery of the animal. Let's look at them.

    1. So, first of all, you need to remember that while you are receiving treatment, your dog becomes “not travelable”. No, you can still take her for walks outside the city, however, traveling and even traveling to nearby areas is strictly not recommended, since climate change will have an extremely negative impact on the pet’s health.

    Even for a healthy dog, as well as for a person, acclimatization threatens the restructuring of all processes occurring in the body, and is difficult. What can we say about a pet weakened by an illness, who devotes all his strength to basic recovery.

    2. The second rule to follow when treating elevated alkaline phosphatase levels is that any stress to your pet during this time is like poison. Even small conflict situations will affect various processes in the animal’s body, and can aggravate the situation. We advise you to refrain from “showdowns” with your dog during treatment, even if there are behavioral disorders. It’s better to be patient, wait until the dog is fully recovered, and take him to a dog handler.

    3. The third rule means that your pet must strictly avoid unnecessary stress. So, during his illness you will have to give up:

    • classes with a dog handler;
    • preparatory training before competitions;
    • preparations for exhibitions;
    • games for walks;
    • active games at home.

    Provided that you are the owner of a very playful pet, you will have to pull yourself together and not respond to the dog’s offers to play. In addition, you will have to shift your walking time a little so that for a while you stop meeting your dog’s equally active friends with whom she is used to and really wants to play.

    Refusal from active games is a necessary measure during the treatment of an illness that has caused an increase in phosphatase levels

    Please note: a ban on excessive physical activity does not mean that you should wrap your dog in blankets and not even let him get up. Without movement, the body quickly becomes depressed. Your task in this case is to walk the dog at a calm pace, for a long enough time so that its muscle corset is strengthened, its organs receive enough blood and oxygen, and at the same time, so that overexertion does not occur.

    Prevention of disease in dogs

    To ensure that you and your pet never experience elevated alkaline phosphatase, or to prevent the disease from recurring, you should resort to following the various preventive measures described in this section.

    Don't let these measures seem complicated or dreary to you. As practice shows, following them, compared to further treatment, is much:

    • easier;
    • easier;
    • cheaper;
    • calmer.

    Let's look at them in order.

    Regular check-ups with a veterinarian

    So, the first recommendation concerns regular visits to the veterinarian. Like humans, dogs periodically need to undergo examinations by doctors, the only difference being that the owners visit several specialists at a time, and the dog visits one, or at best two. However, regular examination, carried out every six months, accompanied by tests, as statistics show, can significantly reduce the risk of receiving tests with elevated phosphatase levels.

    Even if your dog is completely healthy on the outside, negative processes can occur inside his body.

    The danger also lies in the fact that dogs, like cats and other animals, are very patient and may simply not show that they are in pain. A veterinarian's examination and tests will help stop the animal's suffering.

    The correct daily menu for your pet

    It is very important to properly plan your dog’s diet. We are not even talking about selecting the content of certain nutrients or fortifying them. We are talking about the elementary exclusion of products prohibited by veterinarians from the daily menu of dogs. We are talking about products such as:

    • fatty meats and fish;
    • semi-finished products;
    • fried food (absolutely any);
    • salty food;
    • food flavored with spices (spicy foods are especially dangerous);
    • baked goods and other flour products;
    • sweets with any composition;
    • food waste that people love so much, for example, chips, soda, ice cream, etc.

    What the human body, or the dog’s body, sometimes cannot even digest, is difficult to bear, but endures. Thus, the substances contained in chocolate that are beneficial to us are not excreted in dogs.

    We will look in detail at what you should not feed your dog, which foods are strictly prohibited for representatives of any breed, and can harm them.

    Even one small bar of real, pure chocolate can lead to the death of a pet. Regular intake of sugar provides animals with early blindness, spicy food disrupts the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and fatty foods “hit” the liver and pancreas of animals.

    Remember, we are what we eat. This statement is also true for dogs. Food can already heal us and maintain the desired level of health.

    Tracking your pet's overall health

    Monitoring the general condition of the dog is your direct responsibility as the owner. The changes associated with it can manifest themselves in completely different ways. For example:

    • the dog turns from cheerful to sad;
    • The always calm dog is worried;
    • love is replaced by aggression;
    • drowsiness and apathy appear;
    • food refusal occurs;
    • new allergic reactions are unexpectedly detected;
    • urine (darkens) and feces (lightens) change color;
    • Dyspeptic disorders begin: vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, belching, etc.

    Any changes that are not typical for your pet should cause you concern. Most likely, the animal is unwell and really needs to visit a doctor.

    Prophylaxis of rickets in young animals

    As we have already discussed, elevated alkaline phosphatase levels can occur in puppies. To ensure that it has natural causes and not pathological ones, veterinarians recommend preventing dogs from rickets. It includes the following aspects:

    • include vitamin and mineral supplements in the dog’s diet, for example, specially purified fish oil with vitamins, and always with phosphorus and calcium, helps a lot;
    • Regularly walk puppies in the sun to ensure that the body produces enough vitamin D.

    As you can see, it's not difficult at all. However, we strictly do not recommend selecting supplements on your own. This issue should also be entrusted to a veterinarian. Let him recommend more expensive products, the substances from which will be absorbed by the pet, than you buy the cheapest, and at the same time useless, products.

    Checking mammary glands in lactating dogs

    Another mandatory item is regular examination and palpation of the mammary glands of your dog who is nursing puppies. Not only is pregnancy itself a process that can trigger cancer, but also feeding sometimes aggravates the situation in the most negative way. It is not at all difficult to palpate a dog's mammary glands. The main thing is that you should not find any:

    • seals;
    • balls;
    • tumors;
    • thickenings, etc.

    If you notice any of this, immediately go to the veterinarian; most likely, this is incipient oncology, which should be immediately prevented.

    Protecting your pet from stress

    It is the owner’s job to protect a beloved family member from stress. As we have already said, the presence of anxiety can greatly aggravate the animal’s health. In principle, we do not recommend solving dog behavior problems with physical violence, however, if you still use this method of punishment, it is time to abandon it.

    Rudeness towards your pet during this time should also not be tolerated. The more upset the dog is, the worse it will become. Give up moralizing, wait until the dog recovers, and then, if necessary, solve the problems that arise with the dog handler.

    The owner's love is a healing force. Support your pet in the fight against disease

    Let's sum it up

    The sooner you contact a veterinary clinic if you notice any deviations in the behavior and well-being of your pet, the more likely it is that an increased level of alkaline phosphatase will be diagnosed, which means that the root cause of changes in the indicators for this enzyme will quickly be determined.

    Next, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment for your pet, and he will soon recover. In the most severe cases, when the pet still cannot be cured, the doctor helps alleviate its suffering and seriously improves the animal’s quality of life. Be that as it may, the day you got a dog, the responsibility of caring for it and responsibility for the animal’s condition fell on your shoulders. Take the issue of your pet's health seriously, and most likely everything will end well for both of you.

    Video - Decoding the blood test of dogs