At what age do the first teeth come out. Sleepless nights and endless whims: about the timing of teething in babies and ways to alleviate discomfort. Drugs to relieve the symptoms of teething

The eruption of the very first tooth in a baby is always a long-awaited moment for the whole family. The joy of parents who heard the characteristic knock on a spoon while feeding a baby is a worthy reward for all the hardships experienced during the time when baby tooth was just starting to grow. Indeed, the growth of the very first teeth, with rare exceptions, is quite unpleasant for the child, and the discomfort he experiences naturally becomes a problem for parents.

The formation of the rudiments of teeth begins in a child even when he is in the womb. It is impossible to predict when it will start, since it is determined by various prerequisites, including heredity, climate, as well as the diet of both the child himself and his mother.

The beginning of intensive growth of the first milk teeth is preceded by the formation of their roots. Most often, teeth begin to erupt in children between the ages of six months and nine months. In some babies, teeth appear earlier. Often this is due to pathology. internal secretion. IN exceptional cases a baby can be born already with teeth. At the same time, in some babies, on the contrary, it takes place. However, in such a situation, the real cause for concern is the lack of teeth in one year old baby. This may be due to a lack of essential substances or, even worse, pathology of intrauterine development.

Parents of a baby whose teeth have not yet begun to grow need to be prepared for the trials that the growth of milk teeth in their baby prepares for them. Otherwise, the very first problems associated with this will cause panic from not knowing what needs to be done in this situation.

Scheme of eruption of milk teeth

upper teeth When a tooth erupts
central incisor 8-12 months 6-7 years old
Lateral cutter 9-13 months 7-8 years old
Fang 16-22 months 10-12 years old
first molar 13-19 months 9-11 years old
second molar 25-33 months 10-12 years old
lower teeth When a tooth erupts When a tooth falls out
central incisor 6-10 months 6-7 years old
Lateral incisor 10-16 months 7-8 years old
Fang 17-23 months 9-12 years old
first molar 14-18 months 9-11 years old
second molar 23-31 months 10-12 years old

So, what should parents know about the growth of the first teeth in children?

The first milk teeth in children: the main symptoms during growth

In most children, the growth of the first milk teeth causes quite unpleasant symptoms, although in some rare cases, teething practically does not affect the well-being of the child. Usually, in babies, before the appearance of the first tooth, the following phenomena are observed:

  • inflammatory process gum tissue, visually observed as swelling and redness;
  • sleep disorder;
  • increased moodiness;
  • hyperthermia - usually small, but in some cases reaching up to 39 degrees and above;
  • severe salivation, often leading to a wet cough;
  • rhinitis with colorless and transparent secretions from the nose;
  • diarrhea or, conversely, constipation;
  • Availability constant desire gnaw at the first object that comes across;
  • unwillingness to eat;
  • in rare cases - vomiting.

Cause negative symptoms with the growth of teeth is that the baby has a temporary softening of the tissues surrounding the tooth, which should facilitate tooth eruption. This leads to weakening protective functions fabrics. The gum becomes less resistant to microorganisms. As a result, a local inflammatory process begins, accompanied by itching, redness and swelling of the gum tissues, as well as the body.

All negative phenomena accompanying the intensive growth of the first teeth, however, are the norm. It makes sense to talk about the presence of pathology only in the following cases:

  • if the temperature has risen above thirty-eight degrees and does not subside within four days;
  • if the child's cough continues after the tooth has erupted, especially if it has become dry;
  • if the discharge from the nose has become purulent;
  • if diarrhea or vomiting does not stop for too long.

In these situations, there is reason to assume that the baby has an infectious disease. Because in this case you should definitely call a doctor.

When do babies cut their first teeth?

As a rule, the intensive growth of milk teeth in babies begins at about six months. Often, teething occurs at eight months. Premature appearance first teeth, however, is often not a sign accelerated development child, but a symptom of pathologies endocrine system.

There is a misconception that when late appearance the first teeth, the change of teeth also occurs later. This is not true. The time of appearance of milk teeth does not affect the age of their change.

  1. Incisors.
  2. First chewing teeth or molars.
  3. Fangs.
  4. Second molars.

In this case, the lower main incisors appear earlier than the upper ones, but with the growth of the lateral incisors, the opposite order is observed. The first chewing teeth begin to grow after the child is one year old, while the upper pair grows first. After the molars appear upper fangs followed by the lower ones. Later than all, the upper second chewing teeth grow - sometimes at the age approaching three years.

This order is approximate, and in practice it is often violated. However, most children by the age of two and a half have a full set of milk teeth.

What should parents do when their children are cutting their first teeth?

The eruption of milk teeth is a process that is almost always unpleasant for a child. Sometimes it becomes a real torment for both the children themselves and their parents. Therefore, the baby should be given all possible assistance - so that his discomfort is not so severe. To do this, you can take the following measures:

  1. Give your child a teether. This simple device is specially designed for the child to gnaw on it and thereby massage the gums. Some designs of teethers provide for the possibility of filling them with water, which acts as a coolant. Instead of a teether, you can use a pre-chilled silver spoon or a regular pacifier.
  2. Apply homeopathic remedies, such as Dantinorm or Dentokind. These drugs have complex action- relieve pain, bring down the heat and normalize the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Apply a dental gel to the baby's gums, for example, Holisal or pansoral. The first one provides analgesic and bactericidal action. The downside of this medication is its ability to cause allergies in some children. pansoral is an anti-inflammatory drug plant-based. Other remedy containing extracts medicinal plants, is a gel baby doctor "First Teeth" The main advantage of this gel is a quick analgesic effect.
  4. - such as honey, coconut oil, baby cream, strawberry root, chamomile decoction. Honey in this case is used to lubricate the gums. Coconut oil or the cream should be applied to the skin around the mouth to relieve irritation caused by saliva. Strawberry root is used similarly to a teether. A decoction of chamomile is used for washing oral cavity child. This remedy relieves pain and inflammation well.

Diarrhea is a very common occurrence during teething. It arises in part nervous ground, due in part to the abundance of ingested . Normally, a child’s stool during the growth of the first teeth should be no more than three times a day. A large frequency of stools, as well as a duration of diarrhea that exceeds three days, is a reason to consult a doctor. If the intestinal disorder in an infant during teething corresponds to the norm adopted for this period, then the baby can be given rehydron - to restore fluid balance in the gastrointestinal tract, immodium - to reduce the speed of passage stool, smectu - as an adsorbent and linex - to normalize the intestinal microflora.

Reasons to see a doctor during the growth of milk teeth in a baby

Despite all the torment of the process of growing the first teeth, all the unpleasant symptoms go away on their own after a few days, and do not require the intervention of a doctor. However, in some situations, parents should sound the alarm and stop trying to treat the child on their own. This is necessary in the following cases:

  • with prolonged intense heat in a baby, especially when the temperature has exceeded 39 degrees;
  • when a child coughs painfully and often, and when coughing, either too much sputum is released, or, on the contrary, there is no discharge at all;
  • if the child's stool contains bloody inclusions or mucus;
  • with severe and prolonged diarrhea;
  • in case of constipation lasting more than four days;
  • with rhinitis lasting more than four days, especially if it is accompanied by purulent secretions from the nose;
  • with the formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity;
  • if there are visual deviations from the norm on the teeth that have appeared - for example, black edging of teeth or yellow spots on their surface
  • at total absence teeth over the age of twelve months.

With a normal, without any complications, the process of growth of milk teeth, all of the above symptoms should not be. Therefore, if a baby has one or several similar symptoms parents should seek immediate medical attention.

During teething, the child's body weakens and becomes more susceptible to infectious diseases than usual. Risk secondary infection aggravated by the fact that the baby is always ready to pull into his mouth the first thing that falls under his arm. Thus, through the oral cavity, pathogenic microbes. The result may be:

  • diseases of the nose and throat, for example, tonsillitis and various acute respiratory viral infections;
  • oral diseases such as stomatitis or gingivitis;
  • intestinal infections - dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.

If the baby's teeth are cut in summer period, parents should ensure that there are no flies in the room that carry infectious agents and helminth eggs. Even if the child's attempts to pull toys and other things into his mouth are stopped in a timely manner, there is a possibility that the baby will sooner or later begin to gnaw on the object that the fly walked on before, thereby risking becoming seriously ill.

Painful symptoms that occur during teething can also occur for reasons not directly related to tooth growth. However, having coincided with this process, they fit into the overall picture and at first do not stand out from it. So, intestinal disorders in a baby can be a sign of an already existing gastrointestinal pathology. In this case, the criterion for the presence of a problem is the atypicality of the symptom - for example, if the child has the urge to empty the bowels too often, and this continues for too long.

Thus, any deviation from the norm in general symptomatic picture with the growth of milk teeth is the reason for contacting a specialist - only a doctor can in this case determine the essence of the problem.

How to give the baby first aid before the doctor arrives

In case of abnormal hyperthermia during tooth growth, medical assistance, because high fever may indicate the presence of a serious danger to the health or even to the life of the infant. However, before the arrival of the doctor, there is not always a need to take any action. First aid required if the child's temperature exceeded 39 degrees. In this case, the fever must be brought down, otherwise the baby may have convulsions. Artificial knocking down of temperature may be required even with less heat - if hyperthermia causes a strong deterioration in the general condition of the baby.

Antipyretic drugs can be used to reduce hyperthermia - but not and not. These traditional antipyretic drugs are not the best option even for adults. For young children, other medicines containing this drug as the main drug are also excellent. active component- efferalgan, panadol, cefecon. If the child has healthy liver and do not bother the kidneys, then you can use ibuprofen drugs, which not only bring down the heat and soothe the pain, but also relieve inflammation. Medicines containing, it is undesirable to combine with other painkillers. The most optimal form of release of medicines for babies are suppositories injected into the anus.

If the house does not have suitable medicines, then to reduce hyperthermia in an infant, air baths or water rubdowns can be used. The water must be at room temperature.

New parents want to know as much as possible about how their baby will develop. They are interested in when he starts smiling, when he sits down, crawls and takes his first steps. But one of the main questions concerns the appearance of the first teeth in children. Surely most of them have heard from experienced girlfriends and friends about how difficult this process is and how many sleepless nights they had to endure. But do not panic in advance. Firstly, all children develop individually and it is not at all necessary that your baby will give you a lot of inconvenience. And secondly, not all children have their first teeth at the same time. We will tell you how this happens in our article.

The first months of life, the baby smiles with a toothless smile. But by half a year, everything can change. Usually the first teeth in babies begin to erupt by 6-7 months. However, sometimes this process is accelerated or, conversely, delayed, which is also the norm. Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly how many first teeth children will have by 12 months. It all depends on a number of factors:

As a rule, the teeth erupt in pairs. This means that 2-3 weeks after the appearance of the first one, the second one will definitely follow. Well, parents who are worried that their child’s teeth are not erupting according to the norms should be reassured that the speed of their appearance does not affect longevity and health in any way.

Baby teething symptoms

For most children, “growing” teeth causes discomfort, and sometimes even pain. This negative moment for the baby just needs to be experienced. And, despite the fact that the eruption process is purely individual, it will definitely not work to miss the first tooth in a child (pictured below). He makes his way through bone tissue and gingival mucosa. At first, a barely noticeable white line, and after a few days, a whole tooth “grows”.

But the symptoms of teething in the baby appear at least a week before the onset of this event. They are indicated by the following signs:

  • inflammation and redness of the gums;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • uncharacteristic for the baby anxiety and irritability;
  • profuse salivation;
  • runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • lack of appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • temperature rise to 38°.

It is not necessary that the child will be disturbed by absolutely everything. indicated symptoms. Yes and bad feeling normally observed for only a few days. If the signs drag on, but there are still no teeth, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician.

When should you see a doctor?

With the eruption of the first teeth in children, simultaneously with the appearance of the above symptoms, a decrease in immunity occurs. Therefore, it is possible that a viral or intestinal infection will be hidden behind these signs. Only a pediatrician can dispel the mother's doubts about the baby's health. They must be contacted in the following cases:

  • temperature increase up to 38-39°;
  • diarrhea;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth.

The symptoms listed above during teething cannot last more than three days. IN otherwise it could be connected viral infection.

Which teeth come in first in a child?

Both pediatricians and dentists are of the same opinion about the sequence in which eruption should occur. But only not all kids want to follow the instructions of adults. If we talk specifically about which tooth the child will have first, and on the top or on mandible it will be, then there are rules. According to the norms, the lower incisors erupt first. They usually grow in pairs. First, a tooth can erupt on the right, and then on the left with a difference of 3-7 days.

However, there are often exceptions to the rule. There is nothing to worry about either, since each organism is individual.

Eruption sequence

The generally accepted order of appearance of the first teeth in a child is as follows:

  • 6-7 months - lower central incisors;
  • 8-9 months - upper central incisors;
  • 9-11 months - upper lateral incisors;
  • 11-13 months - lower lateral incisors;
  • 12-15 months - upper and bottom first molars;
  • 18-20 months - fangs;
  • 20-30 months - second molars.

Above are the teething standards that pediatricians and dentists around the world adhere to. But it's impossible to specify the exact date the appearance of the first teeth in children. And which of them will grow earlier than others can be clearly seen from the diagram. As a rule, the lower incisors erupt first, and after them, after 1-2 months, the upper ones will follow. Small deviations in one direction or another are the norm. The main thing is to adhere to the rule that at 12 months a child should have at least 1 tooth. If this is not the case, then you should immediately contact your dentist.

Causes for concern

The first teeth that have not erupted by a certain age in children cause real panic in many parents. In fact, not everything is as scary as it might seem at once. It used to be late eruption It was considered a sign of rickets or a lack of calcium in the body. But still, significant deviations from the timing may indicate certain disorders in the body:

  • late eruption - for metabolic or intestinal disorders;
  • early appearance teeth - problems in the work of the endocrine system;
  • violation of the sequence of eruption, non-standard in shape and position of the formation of teeth - for anomalies in the development or diseases transferred during pregnancy;
  • an increase in temperature above 39 ° - for a viral or infectious disease, or other disorders in the functioning of the child's body.

All of the above problems do not always indicate developmental abnormalities and diseases, but are only a reason to go to the dentist.

How to relieve pain during teething?

When the first milk teeth appear in children, crying is heard in every house. Help your child get through this difficult time the following means:

  1. Teether toys. With soft rubber rings filled with water or gel inside, the baby massages his gums with pleasure. To relieve pain and eliminate swelling, gel teethers are recommended to be pre-cooled in the refrigerator.
  2. Homeopathic preparations ("Dentokind", "Dantinorm baby"). They allow you to eliminate painful phenomena during teething, accompanied by fever and diarrhea. Preparations in the form of a tablet dissolve in a teaspoon of water and are offered to the baby half an hour before feeding twice a day. The desired effect can be achieved only with long-term use.
  3. You can carry it out with your finger, having thoroughly washed your hands before that, or with a special fingertip with a brush. Massage should be careful not to injure the gums.

During teething, excessive salivation can irritate delicate skin baby on the chin and neck. At this time, the child is advised to put on a bib and wipe off saliva, which can cause rashes and irritation.

Eruption gels

You can stop the pain that accompanies the process of the appearance of the first teeth in children with the help of drugs local action. Teething gels are absolutely safe for babies, but provide a short-term analgesic effect for no more than 2 hours. But, at the same time, the desired effect can be achieved within 2-3 minutes after application.

All teething gels can be divided into groups:

  1. Topical preparations based on lidocaine, providing a quick but short-term result.
  2. Homeopathic gels containing plant extracts that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Preparations based on antiseptics, having more strong composition and operate as efficiently as possible.

Before using this or that gel, it is recommended to study the instructions for its use in order to exclude the development of an allergic reaction in a child.

The use of traditional medicine

Some parents are wary of using when teething medical preparations. They prefer folk remedies:

  1. Massage the gums with a finger wrapped in a bandage and soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Using a chilled pacifier or silver spoon as an alternative to teething toys.
  3. Lubricating the gums with honey, which has a calming effect.
  4. Rubbing inflamed gums with a decoction of chamomile, which has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  5. Lubrication of the area near the mouth with baby cream to avoid irritation from profuse salivation.

However, pediatricians and dentists do not share the views of parents on the use of funds. traditional medicine because some of them can cause an allergic reaction in a child.

oral care

With the appearance of milk teeth, parents have new responsibilities. From now on, they should pay due attention to the cleanliness of the oral cavity. No matter what time the first tooth in a child appears above the surface of the gums, he needs care. To do this, it is recommended to use a special silicone nozzle on a finger or a bandage dipped in boiled water.

After a year, when the baby will no longer have one, but 6-8 teeth, you can purchase toothbrush With soft bristles and pasta with minimum content fluorine. Parents should do the cleaning. All actions must be careful not to damage the thin and fragile enamel.

Early care not only provides prevention dental diseases, but also from childhood contributes to the formation good habits brush your teeth in the morning and evening.

Doctor Komarovsky about the first teeth

The famous pediatrician has his own opinion about teething:

  1. He believes that a violation of the sequence of appearance of teeth is not a sign of any disease.
  2. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a deviation from the timing of eruption by 6 months in one direction or another is not considered a pathology.
  3. There is no way to influence the speed and order of teething.

Dr. Komarovsky is positive about gum-cooling teething toys, but does not recommend using bagels and cookies instead, as some parents do, as this can lead to sad consequences.

In this article:

Teething in a baby is both a great joy and a small tragedy in the life of parents and a baby. It was at this time that many young mothers for the first time must pass the test of strength and endurance. It is great if the child reacts calmly to the first teeth. But more often, teething symptoms bring babies a lot of weight. discomfort to which they respond violently.

All babies are unique, and observations that have been made with infants have proven that the symptoms of first teething in infants vary widely and depend entirely on certain factors and individual characteristics organism. The main thing is to carefully monitor the well-being of the child at this difficult moment for him and, if necessary, provide him with assistance.

At what age does teething start?

A child's teeth begin to develop long before he is born. The formation of the rudiments of milk teeth occurs at the 7th week of pregnancy in the womb. And the period when the first signs of teething in infants appear is quite individual. In different children, it varies in time, in addition, various factors influence the age and speed of teething.

Among them it should be noted:

  • features of the course of pregnancy;
  • climatic conditions in which the child was born and lives;
  • heredity;
  • height and weight of the child;
  • fontanel closure time;
  • illnesses in the first weeks and months of a baby's life;
  • individual characteristics of the body.

Sometimes a newborn is born with one or more teeth already present. Of course, this is the exception to the rule. In most cases, the symptoms when the first teeth are cut appear much later. According to statistics, in many children the first tooth erupts at the age of 7 months.

According to the average values, the teeth in infants appear in the following order:

  • lower incisors - in the period from 6 to 9 months;
  • upper incisors - 7-10 months;
  • upper fangs - 12-24 months;
  • lower fangs - 2 months later than the upper ones;
  • the first lower molar - 12-16 months;
  • the second lower molar - 20-25 months;
  • the first upper molar - 13-19 months;
  • the second upper molar - 20-25 months.

It is immediately worth noting that these dates are rather approximate, the baby's teeth may appear a little earlier or later than these temporary values, only one thing coincides - they usually always appear one after another according to this schedule.

In rare cases, the moment when the first teeth appear can be delayed indefinitely, and the baby can meet his first birthday with a toothless smile. In any case, there is no need to panic: most likely, this is an individual feature child's body, and the teeth will definitely appear soon.

teething signs

The process of eruption of milk teeth in infants often occurs with concomitant ailments: increased excitability nervous system, disturbed sleep of the child, causeless crying and persistent lack of appetite. At the same time, the baby will try to put everything that gets in his way into his mouth - this is caused by severe itching and irritation of the gums. Symptoms that occur during teething are divided into general, local and controversial. Let's consider them in more detail.

General signs

General signs of teething in babies affect the functioning of the whole organism. At the same time, they can be characterized both as signs of imminent teething, and as symptoms of the development of a disease, for example: colds, intestinal infection, poisoning, etc.

TO general symptoms teething of the upper and lower teeth in children include:

If the listed signs appear unexpectedly and last for a long time, while the baby’s gums and his behavior are not typical for signs of the appearance of the first teeth, you should consult a doctor. More likely, we are talking about some disease that has nothing to do with the baby's dental problems.

local signs

Local signs of teething in children first appear at the age of 5 months.

These include:

  • increased secretion of saliva;
  • gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, frequent regurgitation, flatulence;
  • refusal to breastfeed;
  • swelling of the gums, redness;
  • nasal congestion, slight runny nose;
  • the child constantly keeps his fingers or fist in his mouth.

A little later, when the teeth begin to approach the very surface of the gums, small whitish bumps form on it.

In rare cases, a rash can be seen as a local reaction on the chin and cheeks of a child, which is also a reaction of the body in response to teething.

Controversial signs

Controversial symptoms of teething in babies include the following:

  • violation of the chair on the background of ingestion a large number saliva with food: diarrhea appears, which can last up to 3 days;
  • itching covering the gums, cheeks, ears, nose, resulting from irritation of the mucous membranes and skin increased salivation;
  • single vomiting, which is quite rare, but this symptom should not be ruled out (if vomiting is repeated, and against its background the body temperature has increased, it is more likely that there is a viral infection in the body, and not symptoms of teething syndrome);
  • an increase in body temperature, which can be observed in almost 50% of babies: normally, the temperature can rise to 38 °, it should last no more than 3 days.

If the symptoms of teething in infants resemble clinical picture SARS, perhaps you should think not about the new teeth of the child, but about visiting a doctor. Often in the circle of young parents you can hear the opinion that fever and diarrhea during teething is a commonplace phenomenon. This is true, but only on condition that the body temperature does not rise above 38 ° and does not last longer than 3 days. Otherwise, we are talking about the infectious process in the body, and not about the teeth. Of course, the body reacts with a rise in temperature to inflammatory phenomena in the gums, but this reaction cannot last long and be pronounced.

Teething diarrhea also has its own characteristics, it has nothing to do with ordinary diarrhea. The child has loose stools up to 3 times a day due to the fact that he swallows too much saliva. If the diarrhea continues for more than 3 days, the child may have put something in his mouth that was the impetus for an intestinal infection. You need to see a doctor.

Features of teething

Many mothers are interested in why some babies teeth erupt earlier, while others later. Dentists explain this by the rate of formation of the tooth root, namely the rate of division of its cells, since the roots of the teeth, like other organs in the human body, have a cellular structure.

artificially affect this physiological process impossible. Therefore, it is not recommended to “help” the teeth to erupt from the gums, as some especially compassionate parents do, specifically cutting or damaging the child’s gums. Firstly, it is completely useless - the tooth will erupt only when its time comes. Secondly, it hurts, and thirdly, you can bring the infection into the resulting wound surface.

There are cases when the teeth in children after eruption have their own characteristics, for example:

  • if the baby's teeth are yellow-brown, most likely, his mother, being pregnant, took antibiotics during the formation of the rudiments of teeth at the very beginning of pregnancy;
  • a dark edging on the root neck of the tooth indicates that iron-containing preparations were used or there is inflammation of a chronic nature in the child's body;
  • the yellow-green tint of the teeth appears against the background of liver disease, bilirubin metabolism disorders and the death of red blood cells;
  • if the enamel has a red tint, then we can talk about congenital pathology the exchange of porphyria pigment or about the mother taking tetracycline drugs during pregnancy;
  • if the baby's teeth are not positioned correctly, the reasons may be the constitutional features of a particular person (usually a small jaw size), trauma, congenital metabolic disorder connective tissue, tumors of the jaw.

If the baby's teeth grow correctly and in a timely manner, this indicates normal development child, since the process of teething is directly related to general condition his body.

But there are situations when not everything is so smooth, and the problems that arose during the eruption of milk teeth indicate the presence of pathology:

  • abnormal tooth development (wrong color, size, shape) - the cause of this pathology should be diagnosed by a doctor;
  • teething with a slope from the common arch of the dentition indicates an incorrect localization of the axis of the tooth;
  • the appearance of milk teeth a few months earlier: possibly the result of endocrine pathologies in organism;
  • the first teeth appear with a delay from the general schedule for 2 or more months: speaks in favor of chronic infectious process in the body, disruption digestive tract, pathologies of metabolism;
  • violation of the proper order of teething or the absence of any tooth also indicates potential problems in the body or is the result infectious diseases carried by the mother during pregnancy.

How to relieve pain?

Signs that the child will soon have the first teeth will be noticed immediately in the family. At that time rare babies keep calm and do not cause trouble to their parents. Most children go through this difficult period in their lives, showing violent discontent. How to relieve pain and discomfort to a child?

What can a young mother do?

  1. Control body temperature. If the child does not sleep well, refuses to breast or bottle, is naughty, and all this happens against a background of elevated temperature, it must be brought down. At first, you can try to bring down the temperature without medicines: undress the baby, remove the diaper from him, put the naked one under one sheet, offer water - these simple ways can reduce the body temperature to normal values. If this does not happen, you should give the child antipyretic drug based on paracetamol.
  2. Relief of discomfort in the gum area. To solve this problem, you will need chilled teethers, a hard dummy, and a gel with an anesthetic effect. Since each child is unique, the remedy for relieving itching and pain in the gums must be selected individually for him. Someone likes teethers, and someone cannot do without anesthetic gels.
  3. Often, to relieve discomfort in the gums, young mothers use a decoction of chamomile, which is gently rubbed into the gums and irritations on the baby's cheeks and chin. Honey has the same effect.
  4. As soon as the teeth begin to cut, the baby is offered solid food - an apple, fresh cucumber. If the baby persistently refuses the usual food, you can temporarily replace it with cool baby foods, such as fruit puree or yoghurts. It is also important to avoid dehydration, because along with increased excretion saliva, the child's body loses a lot of fluid.

What signs are common to all children during teething? It must be remembered that their appearance is a purely individual process. Feelings during teething, the speed of the process and the child's tolerance for pain - it all depends on the particular baby. Fortunately, this picture concerns the appearance of only the first milk teeth.

Useful video about the appearance of the first teeth in a baby

The period when teeth are cut is remembered by all parents. There are changes in behavior and disturbances in the functioning of organs. Knowing the signs of teething, you can help your child cope with pain in time and avoid complications.

The first teeth appear at the age of about 6 months. From the moment the first signs appear, and until the time the tooth appears, it may take 2 months.

To understand that the baby is teething, the following symptoms will help:

  • before the teeth come out, the gums look inflamed, swollen;
  • increased salivation;
  • the child begins to pull all objects, toys into his mouth;
  • eats poorly;
  • sleep becomes intermittent, often wakes up crying.

The behavior of the child during teething also undergoes changes. The kid becomes capricious, excitable, often asks for pens.

Can't stand harsh sounds And bright light. Observed sharp drops in mood: from apathy to heightened desire to draw attention to it.

Signs of teething that resemble the onset of a cold and bowel problems:

  1. frequent regurgitation;
  2. the temperature rises to 38 degrees;
  3. stool disorder (constipation or diarrhea);
  4. runny nose;
  5. cough;
  6. rash on cheeks.

It is not necessary that all these symptoms will be detected immediately. Some babies may only experience diarrhea, while others simply drool. When they climb upper teeth temperature often rises.

While teeth are being cut, especially the upper ones, the gum is injured. Therefore, you can see blood on it. It can change the smell from the mouth.

Dangerous signs of illness

At the moment when the first teeth are cut, the child's immunity decreases. The body weakens and becomes susceptible to germs and bacteria. Parents should identify the symptoms of the disease in time.

In order to understand whether a child has a cold or is just teething, it is important to know what are the symptoms that are characteristic of both cases.

If the child's immunity is weak, then during the appearance of teeth, diseases of the oral cavity may occur.

  • Thrush. This fungal disease. Symptoms of the disease: the gums and tongue are covered with a white coating, itching appears, loss of appetite occurs. The pain intensifies. You need to contact a specialist.
  • Stomatitis. Symptoms: sores, wounds can be found in the oral cavity.
  • Caries. Appears on teeth that have weak enamel. Required compulsory intervention dentist.

Eruption terms

All children have their first teeth in different dates. But already from the 1st month, growth begins inside the gums. Teeth can come out early - at 3 months, and may appear late - at 10-11 months. Most often, the first tooth can be observed at 6 months.

The early appearance of teeth in infants (3 months) is associated with the intake of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. If the teeth appeared before 3 months, the child should be examined. This may be the cause of endocrine diseases.

Normally, there should be at least 1 tooth by the year. In the case when the teeth do not come out for a long time, the child should be shown to the doctor to exclude developmental pathology.

Reasons why baby teeth erupt late:

  • rickets;
  • weakened immunity;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • unbalanced diet, late complementary foods;
  • premature birth;
  • adentia - the absence of rudiments of milk teeth.

The scheme by which they cut through upper teeth in most children, the following:

The pattern of teething of the lower row of teeth in many children is as follows:

In some children, the pattern of appearance of teeth changes, for example, not incisors, but fangs come out first. This individual feature, which does not carry anything bad.

Consultation with a dentist is necessary when the pairing of eruption is disturbed: one tooth from the pair has appeared, and the other has not, while other teeth are being cut. This may indicate congenital anomaly development.

Unpleasant symptoms and pain accompany the period when fangs climb. This is due to the fact that these teeth have sharp, wide and uneven edges.

The upper teeth are often accompanied by a runny nose. This is due to the spread of edema and inflammation of the nasal mucosa. By the age of 3, babies should have 20 milk teeth.

Can't be ignored preventive examinations at the dentist. First visit at 1 year old. Only a specialist can determine the problems of the oral cavity in time.

Giving help

To alleviate the symptoms of teething, you can use heightened attention and caresses. You need to take the child in your arms more often, play with him, talk, read books. So the baby feels cared for and distracted.

Adults need to know what activities will help alleviate the condition:

Problems that arise with the first teeth

The color of the first teeth can tell about the health of the child.

  • If the base has a blackish tint, then this indicates the intake of iron supplements. This color can be observed in chronic inflammatory diseases.
  • A yellowish-brown hue indicates the use of antibiotics by the mother during pregnancy, or by the child himself during the appearance of teeth.
  • A yellowish-green tint indicates blood disorders.
  • A red hue appears during a congenital disorder of the porphyrin pigment metabolism.

When teeth are being cut, parents can help the child. The main thing is to understand the signs in time and consult a doctor. Care and attention are the most the best medicines for the baby at this time!

With the advent of a newborn in the life of young parents, there are a lot of reasons for joy: the smile of the child, his first words and steps. Among important points child development a special place is occupied by the period when a child is teething, the symptoms of which often frighten adults to horror. The baby becomes restless, constantly crying, sometimes he has a fever or diarrhea begins. Surviving this time is much easier if you know how teeth erupt in infants and what can be done to alleviate the condition of the baby.

How children's teeth climb


At the age of 4-8 months, the first symptoms of teething in infants begin to appear. They usually look like this:

  • redness and swelling of the gums;
  • increased salivation;
  • the desire of the child to keep something in his mouth all the time, to gnaw and bite toys;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • tearfulness;
  • temperature increase;
  • restless sleep;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • nasal congestion, cough;
  • diathesis.

Every baby has their own way of handling climbing teeth. Some children develop indigestion when teeth begin to appear in the lower jaw and fever when in the upper.

It would seem that the body reacts too violently to such a natural process as teething: the symptoms can really resemble an incipient disease. But the pain that accompanies this "happy" event is so strong that adults could endure it no better. Before "showing itself to the world", the tooth must grow through the bone tissue and the mucous membrane of the gums.

Dangerous signs of teething in infants

Although indigestion, fever, stuffy nose and cough are frequent companions climbing teeth, some doctors do not consider these symptoms so unambiguous. The explanation for this opinion is very simple: the first years of a child’s life are marked not only by growing teeth, but also high risk get an infection. Therefore, ordinary diarrhea can be both a completely harmless "incident" and a manifestation dangerous disease. In this case, how to understand that teeth are being cut, and pathology does not make itself felt?

Moist cough

When teeth are being cut, symptoms such as profuse salivation and mild cough are quite normal. Saliva collects in the throat area, and the lying baby wants to get rid of it by coughing. in a sitting position moist cough also occurs, but much less frequently. It usually resolves in 2-3 days and does not require special treatment.

Another thing is when a child coughs very strongly and often, in addition, excessive sputum is observed. The cough lasts more than 2 days and is accompanied by wheezing and shortness of breath, causing the baby to suffer. In this case, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Runny nose

During the period when children are teething, the amount of mucus secreted in the nose increases significantly. It is clear, liquid and does not look painful. Normally, a runny nose is mild and disappears in 3-4 days. Treatment can be limited simple rinsing nose from accumulated mucus.

Parents should be alerted by a profuse runny nose, in which cloudy white or greenish mucus is released. If such nasal congestion does not go away after 3 days, you should consult your doctor.

Elevated temperature

Teething in infants is accompanied by the active production of bioactive substances in the gum area. This process provokes an increase in temperature to 37-38 C for 1-2 days. Then the condition of the baby returns to normal. Parents can bring down the temperature with antipyretics that are harmless to children.

But sometimes the child's health does not improve, and the temperature lasts more than 2 days. This serious occasion visit your doctor. A visit to the pediatrician is also required if the temperature has risen above 39 C.


The body noticeably increases the activity of salivation when teething begins in children. Because of this, the baby constantly swallows saliva, which accelerates intestinal motility. The result is diarrhea characterized by watery stool. The act of defecation in a child does not occur too often - 2-3 times a day. Usually diarrhea goes away in 2-3 days.

A doctor should be consulted if diarrhea is prolonged, very frequent and intense, as it can provoke a dangerous small child state of dehydration. Also, parents should be alerted by impurities of mucus or blood in the stool.

Sometimes there is an indigestion opposite to diarrhea - constipation. It should not be allowed to last more than 3-4 days. It is necessary to discuss with the doctor how you can help the baby's intestines to be cleansed.

Parents who experience teething symptoms in their babies for the first time, in all incomprehensible situations a pediatrician should be consulted. It is better to disturb the doctor once again than to allow the development of the disease in the child. With a second baby, it will be much easier, and the signs of teething will not seem so frightening.

When do children start teething?

The timing of the appearance of teeth, like other statistical information, is determined more approximately than exactly. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child: someone becomes a “nibbler” much earlier than expected, someone later. It is noticed that boys are slightly behind girls. On average, teeth begin to erupt in children at this age:

In current babies, the first tooth appears at about 8.5 months, which somewhat shifts the growth period of the rest. Until the first year of life, the baby boasts at least one tooth. As a rule, by the age of 3, a child will acquire a full set of 20 milk teeth.

In many children, teeth climb 2, or even 4 at once. Such a load can be difficult for a baby to bear, but pairing in teething is completely normal.

It is not so important at how many months the teeth begin to be cut and in what order: this does not affect the “quality” in any way. Therefore, do not worry that the child is a little behind or ahead of his peers - he just develops at his own pace.

It is necessary to carefully care for the child's oral cavity:

  • for a baby up to 1-1.5 years old, wipe the teeth with a special silicone brush;
  • from 1.5 years of age to buy a baby brush for a child;
  • From the age of 2, teach your baby to rinse his mouth after eating.

The first visit to the dentist with a child should be made at the age of 1 year.

How to help a child

How to behave to relieve the symptoms of teething in a child

Babies are very sensitive to the behavior of their parents, especially their mothers. Therefore, you can brighten up the period of teething by simply giving the child maximum benevolent attention. Need to:

  • take the baby in your arms more often;
  • talk affectionately with the child, sing to him;
  • distract the baby with toys;
  • do not quarrel in the nursery, avoid screaming in the presence of the child.

Babies who are on breastfeeding when teething begins, they tend to contact the mother's breast as often as possible. During this period, it is not necessary to establish a strict feeding schedule: this will only worsen the condition of the child. After 2-3 days, everything will return to normal, but for now, you should give the baby a breast as often as he asks. This will calm him down and reduce the level of irritability.

During the period when teeth are being cut, children have a strong need to scratch their gums with something. As a rule, they use their favorite toy for this purpose. But there are also special teethers made of safe materials and helping the baby survive difficult period. Their prices vary considerably:

  • Curababy girl teether - 1450 rubles. In fact, this is a combination of a rattle, a massage toothbrush and a teether. Material - soft rubber and hard plastic;
  • Curababy boy set - 2000 rubles. Boy's version of the previous model. Also included is a children's toothbrush;
  • cooling teether "Eight" from Canpol - 270 rubles. Made of polymer frame and filled with distilled water;
  • teether "Eight" from Nuk - 160 rubles. Made of PVC, has a relief surface that allows you to massage the gums. The set includes 2 pcs;
  • teethers Bright Starts - 350 rubles. for 3 pcs. They have a relief surface that develops motor skills in babies. Made of soft polymer and filled with water;
  • combined teethers from Nuk - 520 rubles. for 3 pcs. Their main difference is that each teether varies in degree of rigidity and is suitable for a certain period of tooth growth.

Naturally, when a child's teeth are actively climbing, you want to remove the symptoms of what is happening as soon as possible. But you should not place too high hopes on teethers: babies often refuse them, preferring an ordinary rattle to such “specialized” items. In this case, you need to make sure that the child puts only a safe object into his mouth: without sharp corners and small parts that can be chewed off. Many parents “slip” a chilled spoon or dummy to their baby, or even completely dispense with ordinary drying.

Medications that relieve the symptoms of teething in babies

Some parents are sure that the child should not be given any medication. But such an opinion exists only until the moment of recognition of how teeth are cut in babies. Under the influence of the child's suffering and relatives tired of his cries, the parents decide to go to the pharmacy. What medicine can relieve the symptoms of teething in children?

  1. Dantinorm baby. homeopathic remedy in the form of a solution. On for a long time anesthetizes, and also reduces the severity of digestive disorders. Estimated cost - 300 rubles.
  2. Dentokind. A homeopathic preparation designed specifically for babies. On average, its cost is 700 rubles. for 150 tablets. The medicine relieves all the unpleasant symptoms of teething in infants, including nasal congestion, diarrhea and fever. Children are supposed to suck the tablets, but they are often too small for this. So the pill can be dissolved in a teaspoon of water and allowed to be swallowed by the baby.
  3. Kamistad. Gel. It has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antiseptic effect. Main active substances- lidocaine and chamomile extract. average price- 150 rubles. for 10 g. Not recommended for children under 3 months.
  4. Dentinox. Gel or solution. The average cost is 180 rubles. for 10 g / ml. Relieves pain and inflammation of the gums. Safe even if a child swallows some of the gel.
  5. Holisal. Gel. Cost - 330 rubles. for 10 g. Anesthetizes, relieves inflammation and kills microbes. Can cause allergic reaction in the form of a short-term burning sensation.
  6. Kalgel. Gel. The main ingredient is lidocaine. It is used for children older than 5 months. It has a weak analgesic effect, can provoke an allergic reaction.

Homeopathy and gels do not always relieve teething in children, the symptoms of which are almost always accompanied by soreness. Therefore, you can give the child age appropriate painkiller:

  • Paracetamol for children. Suspension. Relieves pain, lowers the temperature. Do not take longer than 3 days in a row;
  • Panadol. Candles, suspension. It is based on paracetamol. Candles are convenient to use if the child is very small;
  • Nurofen for children Suspension. Contains ibuprofen. After a single dose, it relieves pain for a long time.

During the period when the child's teeth climb, the symptoms cannot be removed with the help of Aspirin. It is absolutely not suitable for children as an antipyretic or pain reliever.

Folk remedies

All unpleasant signs Teething in children was known even when medicine was not so developed. Therefore, there are many ways to alleviate the condition of the child with the help of folk remedies. Among them:

  1. Cold. It is necessary to hold a spoon or pacifier in the freezer and give it to the baby. Chilled thing will take off pain and soothe the gums a little. Older children can be offered vegetables, fruits, juices from the refrigerator.
  2. Massage. Soak a small piece of gauze in peroxide or chamomile decoction. They need to gently wipe the place where the tooth began to be cut.
  3. Motherwort decoction. It is necessary to pour 1 tsp. herbs 0.5 liters of boiling water. Allow the drink to cool slightly, sugar and offer to the child. You can also use valerian root tea.
  4. Honey. You should carefully smear the gums with honey. It perfectly soothes and relieves irritation.
  5. Chicory or strawberry root. You just need to let the baby gnaw on the root. The child will massage the gums in this way and soothe the pain.
  6. Soda solution. When teeth are being cut, symptoms will help to remove 1 tsp. soda diluted with a glass of water. In the solution, you need to moisten a piece of bandage, wrap it around index finger and treat their gums.

It is also necessary to carefully wipe the saliva accumulated around the mouth. If teething is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, then the child should be fed liquid pureed food and given plenty of fluids to drink.

There are a few folk ways used when teeth appear, which must be abandoned:

  • press firmly on the gums with your finger. This will only increase the pain and irritation;
  • give your child stale bread or cookies. He may choke on crumbs. Teethers in this sense are much safer;
  • wipe the gums with undissolved soda or pick them. There is little benefit from this, but there is a risk of infection.

During the period when the baby's teeth are being cut, the symptoms are difficult to endure not only for the child, but also for his parents. Baby cries do not belong to the classic “joys of motherhood,” but you can’t do without them. But when the baby survives the painful days of climbing teeth, he will successfully pass another stage of growing up.

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