What blood pressure should a person have at 33 years old? What results are considered normal? Normal blood pressure in adults

IN medical practice There are blood pressure standards, the violation of which reduces the patient’s performance and leaves him bedridden. In this state, a person cannot think soberly and is impaired heartbeat, pulse quickens, blood rushes. To avoid deviations, it is important to control blood pressure and clearly know the blood pressure norms by age.

Normal human blood pressure

To understand how important the ideal value is this indicator, we need to clarify the point: this is the force with which the blood flow acts on the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. High rate AD makes it clear that circulatory system cannot cope with the load, is not able to withstand the onslaught. This is a real health problem that can lead to immediate hospitalization. It is very important to know what pressure is considered normal in order to stop the flow pathological process already on early stage.

The ideal measurement is a tonometer made within 1 minute, and the result on it is 120/80 mmHg. Art. The normal blood pressure of a person by age may differ slightly from the stated limits, but the normal value is appropriate if the patient feels great and has no complaints to the therapist at all. When blood pressure increases, you must take medical supplies, individually prescribed by the attending physician.

What is normal blood pressure for an adult?

It’s worth clarifying right away: if you compare a person’s blood pressure, the norm by age has certain differences. You should not compare these two indicators, since they are affected by various factors. If the patient is interested in what his blood pressure is, the norm in adults is 120/80 mm. rt. Art. for a period of 20-40 years. IN childhood the blood pressure limit is somewhat underestimated, in the elderly it is overestimated (against the background of already existing chronic diseases).

Normal in children

In preschool and school periods, children's blood pressure is measured mainly by medical indications, therefore, there is no indicator of the so-called “children’s limit” as such. At the age of 16, the norm has already been established for teenagers childhood pressure by age, which is 100-120/70-80 mm. rt. Art. If the top or lower limits are violated, the child must be shown to a specialist, check the pulse, undergo a complete clinical examination to determine the pathogenic factor.

With an increased limit, the child may not be aware of health problems and experience headache, but don't complain. When the limit is reduced, passivity, lethargy, and the desire to occupy horizontal position. Parents must respond to an emerging health problem, otherwise it will be very problematic to stabilize the general condition. Treatment is not always medicinal; blood pressure can be stabilized with a daily regimen, proper nutrition, drinking plenty of fluids And by alternative means.

In men

In the organisms of representatives of the opposite sexes, the indicator of arterial blood strength differs within the same age. This is explained physiological characteristics, which you can find out in detail during a consultation with a specialist. For example, normal blood pressure in men aged 20-40 years should not go beyond 123/76-129/81. These are the optimal boundaries when a representative of the stronger sex feels great and does not complain about his health.

Among women

IN female body much more often there is a need to lower blood pressure. Representatives of the fairer sex are more prone to horse racing, as a result of which the blood rushes to the head, concentration and performance are lost. You can determine the real value using a tonometer, but it is important to know what a person’s pressure should be. Age restrictions It is also advisable to take into account. Thus, the norm of pressure by age in women is 120/75 from 20 to 35 years and 127/80 for the period from 40 to 50 years.

Blood pressure, norm by age: table

Normal blood pressure no adjustment is required, and it will be measured using a home tonometer. If defined low rate, it is impossible to do without medical participation - in otherwise the patient loses strength and consciousness, the movement of blood through the vessels slows down. When it is necessary to lower this indicator, a specialist also gives valuable recommendations, and according to age and concomitant diseases. Below is a table of human pressure by age, typical of a healthy person.

Patient age

Gender healthy man– M., women – F.

A person’s blood pressure is the norm for age, mm. rt. Art.

It becomes obvious how a person’s blood pressure changes - a specific age-specific norm for women and men in healthy body rises smoothly. In childhood (in a child), such a pattern is absent. Knowing what the normal blood pressure is for a person by age, it’s time to increase vigilance for own health, avoid in every possible way abnormal surges in blood pressure and the accompanying malaise. The strength of blood flow and pulse should always be normal, so the table clearly defines the permissible limits for human health.


Violation of normal blood pressure worsens the patient’s condition, and in some cases even confines him to a hospital bed. It will be useful for the adult population to know what a person’s “healthy blood pressure” should be. The age standards for this indicator are described in detail below.

Normal blood pressure by age:

First, you need to clarify that the normal blood pressure primarily depends on the patient’s age (it is noted conventionally: child-teenager-adult). His gender is also taken into account. When trying to figure out what pressure is normal for a person, you need to take both of these factors into account.

Standards for adults

If we talk about adult representatives of the stronger sex, then the optimal pressure limits for them are 123/76-129/81 mm Hg. Art. These indicators are relevant for ages from 20 to 45 years.

For women normal pressure over the age of 20 is considered the following indicators: 120/75 mm Hg. Art. These numbers are still relevant at age 30. As for representatives of the fair sex at 40 years old and at 50 years old, these indicators change and are as follows - 127/78 mm Hg. Art.

Normal in children

In general, there is no “children’s limit” for blood pressure readings. In children, blood pressure is usually measured only if there are any health problems. The established standards also depend on them.

As a rule, before the age of 1 year, the minimum/maximum lower blood pressure should fluctuate between 40-50/50-74 mmHg. Art. And the minimum/maximum upper is 60-90/96-112 mm Hg. Art. Then, with age, these indicators gradually increase. By 12-15 years, the lower level is within 70/80-86 mmHg. And the upper one is 110/126-136 mm Hg.

Normal blood pressure in teenagers

For adolescents (from 16 years of age), the exact blood pressure norm has already been established. It is 100-120/70-80 mmHg. Art. If parents notice a violation of the lower or upper limits, then the child must be shown to a specialist. Most likely, he will be assigned full examination, which will allow us to determine the reasons for negative changes.

Table of normal blood pressure in humans

The table below for normal blood pressure in humans by age is filled with indicators characteristic of absolutely healthy people. If, when measuring blood pressure, the patient notices deviations from the indicated figures, then it is worth seeking advice from a specialist.

AgeFloorPressure (normal) mm Hg. Art.
20 M123/75
20 AND116/73
30 M126/81
30 AND120/76
40 M129/82
40 AND127/81
50 M135/84
50 AND137/85
60 M142/85
60 AND144/84
70 M145/81
70 AND159/86

What diseases can high or low blood pressure indicate?

Of course, blood pressure does not rise or fall just like that. There are certain reasons for this. They must be properly clarified in order to select the appropriate therapy for the patient. The reasons for increased and decreased pressure are fundamentally different.

High blood pressure is also called “hypertension”. It comes in two types. The first type is hypertension. Is a chronic high blood pressure. To this day, its causes cannot be explained even by the most qualified specialists. Second type - arterial hypertension. With this problem, a periodic increase in blood pressure is observed.

Such changes occur for the following reasons:

  • stress and frequent emotional experiences;
  • improper unbalanced diet (especially - a large number of salty and fatty foods in the diet);
  • bad habits(smoking, addiction to alcoholic beverages);
  • flaw physical activity in everyday life;
  • excess weight.

Blood pressure can “jump” sharply after drinking coffee or an alcoholic drink, smoking a cigarette, or taking certain medicines, sports training or bath procedures. For representatives of the fair sex, this problem often arises during menopause.

In some cases, high blood pressure turns out to be a symptom of a dangerous disease.

For example, it can rise when:

  1. Diabetes mellitus.
  2. Serious kidney disease.
  3. Heart defects.
  4. Problems with the thyroid gland.

Doctors call low blood pressure hypotension.

A drop in blood pressure also has its reasons. Among them the following stand out:

  • infections with severe course(eg sepsis);
  • allergy;
  • gastrointestinal ailments;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • taking antidepressants and/or diuretics;
  • significant blood loss;
  • illnesses endocrine system;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • strict diet with deficiency folic acid and some vitamins;
  • work in harmful conditions(underground, high humidity or temperature, etc.).

In addition, blood pressure often decreases in pregnant women. If it falls slightly, then it is not dangerous for the mother and fetus. The changes discussed may lead to abrupt change positions, for example from lying to sitting.

How to lower blood pressure?

If a man or woman’s blood pressure turns out to be very high, then you should immediately call an ambulance. While the doctors get to the place, they will need to sit the patient on the sofa and put a pillow under his head. Clothes that are constricting are removed from the patient chest, legs are wrapped. You can apply a warm heating pad to your calf muscles.

To prevent the patient from being nervous, it is worth giving him any sedative. If in the chest area he has painful sensations, it is important for him to take a nitroglycerin tablet or take 5-6 pieces of glycine under the tongue.

If lowering blood pressure does not require urgency, then you can begin to improve your condition gradually. To begin with, exclude from the diet strong tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks, smoked meats, very salty and fatty foods. If possible, it is better to remove salt from the diet.

If life is full of unrest, then special efforts should be made to normalize your emotional state. You can take natural sedatives. For example, tincture of lemon balm, valerian, peony and others like that.

You should take care of regular physical activity and start getting rid of excess weight. The main thing is not to use strict diets and exhausting workouts for this.

Among the medications used to lower blood pressure are Dibazol, Phentolamine, Anaprilin, Pentamin and others similar. Their selection and dosage determination should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician.

How to raise blood pressure at home?

In order not to suffer from changes in blood pressure and, especially from a decrease in blood pressure, you should correctly draw up your rest and wakefulness schedule. Hypotonic people need to sleep at least 9-10 hours. It is advisable to also rest during the daytime.

It should be a daily ritual for patient's lung gymnastics and cold and hot shower. When you have low blood pressure, you need to eat often, but in small portions. The diet should be healthy and balanced.

A hypotensive person must have good lighting workplace. It is also necessary to regularly ventilate the room.

Concerning folk remedies, then for hypotension you can drink tincture of eleutherococcus or ginseng. 32-33 drops per serving. A cup of strong green tea or coffee will also help to quickly raise your blood pressure.

If the pressure began to drop sharply and the patient felt unwell, then a pinch of salt should be placed on the tongue. This will quickly relieve the condition. You can replace salt canned cucumber or salted nuts. It helps and is applied to the heels of a piece of natural fabric, generously soaked in apple cider vinegar. This procedure relieves headaches resulting from a drop in blood pressure.

Hot hibiscus tea also increases blood pressure. The main thing is not to forget that when cold, such a red drink has the opposite effect. The tea must be freshly brewed. It is allowed to add granulated sugar to it.

If you happen to have it at hand essential oil cloves or jasmine, you can drop it on a scarf and breathe pleasant aroma a few minutes. A piece of high-quality dark chocolate and ginger tea. Ginger root also strengthens blood vessels in the brain and heart.

Of the drugs used for the purpose under discussion, Citramon, Askofen, Noradrenaline, Mezaton and other similar ones are used. It is allowed to use ascorbic acid, which increases the elasticity of blood vessels.

How to measure blood pressure correctly?

A special device for measuring blood pressure is always attached to the upper part of the forearm. To determine the “suitable” hand, you need to measure the indicator under discussion on both limbs with an interval of a couple of minutes. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times. The results are entered into the table. The arm on which higher values ​​are recorded will be used for future blood pressure measurements.

Most often today, measurements are carried out with an electronic and mechanical tonometer. The process flow will depend on the selected device.

If you are using an electronic device, you must:

  1. Raise the sleeve and put on a special blood pressure cuff.
  2. Place your hand on the table at heart level and press the device button.
  3. Wait for the results on the device screen.
  4. Repeat the procedure after 6-7 minutes to calculate the average value.

If you choose a mechanical tonometer, you need:

  1. Relax, warm up if necessary.
  2. Sit with support on the back of the sofa, relax your legs and wrists.
  3. Place your hand on the table approximately at the level of your heart, and put a special cuff on it. Between the latter and the forearm should pass freely forefinger. The lower edge of the cuff is located 2.5 cm above the bend of the elbow.
  4. Place the phonendoscope in the cubital fossa at the place where the pulse is clearly palpable, and fix it with your finger.
  5. Tighten the screw on the side of the bulb and pump air into the cuff until the tonometer needle shows a value of 210.
  6. Release the bulb and slightly open its side valve counterclockwise.
  7. Listen and watch the tonometer scale until the first beats appear. The number at which they were heard will become an indicator of the upper pressure. And the indicator at which the last discernible sound is heard will demonstrate the lower pressure.

As you know, the well-being of any of us largely depends on the value of blood pressure, which is one of the most important indicators functioning of the body, determining the general condition of a person.

That is why cardiologists recommend that everyone know their working and optimal pressure, at which the patient feels as comfortable as possible, does not lose performance and does not seek help from medications, allowing normalization of blood pressure values.

You can find out what pressure a person has using the physical method of measuring it with a tonometer. In this case, two indicators are determined - upper and lower blood pressure.

The upper value is a reflection of the force with which the heart pushes blood out of its chambers.

The lower limit or (also called renal) depends on the function of the main urinary organs and represents the pressure that blood flow exerts on vascular wall during the period between heartbeats.

Blood pressure is an individual indicator, since, among them, a person’s age, bad habits, the presence of concomitant ailments, the individual characteristics of the body, even gender, climatic conditions, Times of Day.

Changes in blood pressure may be affected by:

  • rheological qualities of blood, since fluid prone to increased clotting is more difficult to move through the vessels;
  • changes in the contractility of the heart, affecting the force of blood ejection into the aorta;
  • the presence of atherosclerosis, which narrows the lumen of blood vessels;
  • disruption of the glands of the endocrine system and biological production active substances affecting vascular tone.

In addition, it is customary to measure blood pressure on both arms, since it can often differ on the right and left sides. Experts say that different indicators occurs in people prone to anxiety, having anatomical features buildings vascular bed or in patients with to varying degrees muscle development.

Normally, the tonometer readings should not differ between the hands by more than 5 mm. rt. Art. Any other discrepancy is regarded as pathology.

What blood pressure is considered optimal for the human body?

Ideas about what optimal pressure a person should have varied depending on the era and the knowledge of contemporary doctors about the structure of cardio-vascular system.

Just a few decades ago, it was believed that blood pressure values ​​should be directly proportional to the age of patients, that is, increase as they age.

Today the situation has changed, so experts have revised their view of the optimal blood pressure in a person, even minor deviations from the norm are considered dangerous for representatives of all age groups. Naturally, no one denies the existence of a connection between increased performance and the aging of the body. It is well known that finding an elderly person with normal indicators BP is not an easy task.

Therefore, most people mistakenly believe that it should be about 150/90 mm. rt. Art. Indeed, representatives of the older generation who are prone to diarrhea are recommended to monitor the tonometer readings and not allow them to increase above the indicated figures. But this does not mean that this option is optimal for them.

High blood pressure is considered to be values ​​above 135/85 mm. rt. Art.

If a person is diagnosed with such an indicator against the background of relative physical emotional calm, it is regarded as a pathology. Blood pressure reading is 145/95 mm. rt. Art. – a sign of the development of hypertension or the presence of hypertension as a symptom of disorders internal organs and systems.

The optimal pressure for humans is 110-120/65-80 mm. rt. st. It is with such indicators human body functions as well as possible, and its tissues are saturated with oxygen.

For any changes, when optimal blood pressure increases or decreases, it is better not to take risks and contact specialists who will help establish the causes of the violations and offer the most effective methods their corrections.

It should be noted that such indicators general condition the human body, like, do not have a direct relationship.

Irrhythmic and (tachycardia, tachyarrhythmia) does not always indicate hypertension, and rare bradycardia indicates hypotension.

Moreover, often in cardiological practice it is tachycardia that accompanies a decrease in blood pressure, and bradycardic disorders, on the contrary, its increase. This phenomenon is an option for turning on compensatory mechanisms to eliminate hemodynamic deficiencies.

Human working pressure

As you know, blood pressure is an individual indicator. That is, it depends not only on the influence external factors, but also on the structural features of the human body, his age, character nervous system.

In adolescents, a blood pressure value of 100/60 mm is considered normal. rt. Art., and for older people – 140/90 mm. rt. Art.

In both cases, patients feel normal, so in clinical practice there is a concept of working blood pressure at which a person is comfortable and can exercise without problems business as usual. But what is working pressure in humans? This indicator often differs from the optimal norms.

IN medical literature Cases have been described in which middle-aged patients felt great with a blood pressure of 90/60 mmHg. Art, but when it rises to values ​​of 120/80 mm. rt. Art. began to complain of headaches, nausea, decreased performance and other symptoms of hypertension.

That is why, when answering the question of what pressure is normal for a person, you should ask about his working blood pressure, at which he remains in excellent health and there are no signs of any pathological disorders.

Auto electronic blood pressure monitor– the easiest and most convenient way to measure blood pressure yourself

Every adult needs to know what operating pressure is typical for him, so that, if necessary, medicinal correction it became a guide for the doctor. You can make such measurements yourself.

To do this, you need to diagnose blood pressure readings in both arms several times over a certain period of time and calculate their average value. The resulting number will be what is called the human working pressure. As a rule, working blood pressure does not often differ from the blood pressure characteristic of different age groups population.

To calculate working blood pressure, a special formula is used:
  • for patients from 7 to 20 years;
  • normal systolic blood pressure = 1.7 x age (years) + 83;
  • normal diastolic blood pressure = 1.6 x age (years) + 42.
  • for patients from 20 to 80 years old.
  • normal systolic blood pressure = 0.4 x age (years) + 109;
  • normal diastolic blood pressure = 0.3 x age (years) + 67.

For example, normal blood pressure in a person aged 30 should be:

  • systolic = 0.4 x 30 + 109 = 121;
  • diastolic = 0.3 x 30 + 67 = 76.

At 30 years old optimal performance HELL healthy person are 121/76 mm. rt. Art.

Video on the topic

Normal blood pressure depending on the patient’s age:

On the other hand, according to numerous clinical research, the working pressure of a 30 year old person is about 130/80 mm. rt. st, which is somewhat different from what is recommended by cardiologists. That is why each person is obliged to know his or her individual characteristics, so that, if necessary, they can be advised by doctors to carry out competent correction of disorders.

The value of blood pressure is expressed as a double value as a fraction: systolic is written at the top, and diastolic at the bottom. The unit of measurement is mm of mercury.

The difference between the upper and lower is called pulse pressure.

About the reasons for the increase lower pressure Can .

Norms by age

Previously, it was believed that normal blood pressure could increase with age. If for young people it should be 120/80, then for a person over 60 years old a value of 150/90 was allowed. Today, doctors say that there are no age-specific blood pressure standards for adults. Normal blood pressure is the same for everyone, with the exception of children.

High blood pressure is more common in older people

What blood pressure is considered normal?

The ideal pressure for an adult is 120/80 mm Hg. The table below reflects the official standards that doctors adhere to.

Normal in children and adolescents

In childhood, blood pressure levels depend on age: older child, the higher it is. In addition, it can be influenced by existing developmental defects, the state of the nervous system, vascular tone and other factors. For children under 10 years of age inclusive, the following rules apply:

  • in a newborn (up to two weeks) – from 60/40 to 96/50;
  • at 4 weeks – from 80/40 to 112/74;
  • from two months to a year – from 90/50 to 112/74;
  • from two to three years – from 100/60 to 112/74;
  • from three to five – from 100/60 to 116/76;
  • from six to ten – from 100/60 to 122/78.

After 10 years, hormonal changes begin in the body, fast growth bones and all organs, increases muscle mass. With the entry into teenage years(11-12 years old) in children, indicators such as upper and lower pressure change. The limits at this age are 110/70-126/82. At 13-15 years of age, blood pressure in adolescents becomes the same as in an adult, that is, it can reach 135/85.

In children, the vessels are more elastic than in adults, so their pressure is lower, and only by the age of 13-15 does its value approach 120/80

How to measure

For getting accurate results pressure must be measured correctly (you can learn about methods for measuring blood pressure). Its value depends on many factors, namely physical and emotional stress. Therefore, ideally you need to measure it in the morning, without getting out of bed. In other cases, you may need to rest for about 10 minutes before the procedure. should be at the level of the heart, place the arm in the cuff horizontally at the same level. To get more reliable result you need to measure blood pressure 2-3 times with a short interval and calculate the average value. Together, blood pressure measurements are taken.

A tonometer is used to measure blood pressure. There are mechanical (mercury and aneroid) and electronic (semi-automatic and automatic) devices. In mechanical dial models, air is pumped into the cuff manually, the tones are listened to using a phonendoscope, and the result can be seen on the dial.

The choice of tonometers today is wide - from old mercury devices to compact electronic

The oldest are mercury tonometers, which are practically not used today. They are bulky and require skill to use and careful handling, as there is a risk of damage to the flask. Modern mechanical tonometers are compact and more convenient to use. In general, mechanical instruments are considered durable, reliable and accurate. The big plus is that their work and results are not affected in any way by interference, such as conversation, moving a hand, and others.

Electronic devices are very easy to use and do not require any skills. The air is pumped by a device for automatic ones and manually for semi-automatic ones. The results (upper blood pressure, lower blood pressure and pulse) are displayed on the display. They are intended, rather, for measuring blood pressure at home. IN medical institutions As a rule, they are not used.


Blood pressure must be monitored throughout life, since there are a lot of people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies, and high level Blood pressure is directly related to development dangerous complications. The main thing for a person is a way of life. In most cases, only weight loss and salt restriction lead to a noticeable drop in blood pressure.

Normal human arterial blood pressure and pulse. The value of normal blood pressure and pulse depends on the person’s age, his individual characteristics, lifestyle, occupation. Arterial pressure and pulse are the first signals about the state of human health. All people have different normal blood pressure and pulse.

Arterial pressure- this is the blood pressure in large arteries person. There are two indicators of blood pressure:

  • Systolic (upper) blood pressure is the level of blood pressure at the moment of maximum contraction of the heart.
  • Diastolic (lower) blood pressure is the level of blood pressure at the moment of maximum relaxation of the heart.

Arterial pressure measured in millimeters of mercury, abbreviated mmHg. Art. A blood pressure value of 120/80 means that the systolic (upper) pressure is 120 mmHg. Art., and the value of diastolic (lower) blood pressure is 80 mm Hg. Art.

Elevated numbers on the blood pressure monitor are associated with serious diseases, for example, the risk of cerebral circulation, heart attack. In case of chronic high blood pressure, the risk of stroke increases by 7 times, chronic heart failure by 6 times, heart attack by 4 times and peripheral vascular disease by 3 times.

What's happened normal pressure? What are its indicators at rest and during physical activity?

Arterial pressure divided into: optimal - 120 to 80 mmHg. Art., normal - 130 to 85 mm Hg. Art., high, but still normal - from 135-139 mm Hg. Art., at 85-89 mm Hg. Art. High blood pressure is considered to be 140 to 90 mmHg. Art. and more. At motor activity Blood pressure increases in accordance with the needs of the body, an increase of 20 mm Hg. Art. indicates an adequate response of the cardiovascular system. If there are changes in the body or risk factors, then blood pressure changes with age: diastolic pressure increases until age 60, and systolic pressure increases throughout life.

For accurate results, blood pressure should be measured after 5-10 minutes of rest, and one hour before the examination you should not smoke or drink coffee. During measurement, your hand should lie comfortably on the table. The cuff is attached to the shoulder so that its lower edge is 2-3 cm above the fold of the elbow. In this case, the center of the cuff should be above the brachial artery. When the doctor finishes pumping air into the cuff, he begins to gradually deflate it, and we hear the first sound - systolic.

To assess blood pressure levels, classification is used World Organization health care, adopted in 1999.

Blood pressure category* Systolic (upper) blood pressure mm Hg. Art. Diastolic (lower) blood pressure mm Hg. Art.
Optimal** Less than 120 Less than 80
Normal Less than 130 Less than 85
Increased normal 130-139 85-89
1st degree (soft) 140—159 90-99
2nd degree (moderate) 160-179 100-109
3rd degree (severe) More than 180 More than 110
border 140-149 Less than 90
Isolated systolic hypertension More than 140 Less than 90

* If systolic and diastolic blood pressure are found in different categories, the highest category is selected.

** Optimal in relation to the risk of developing cardiovascular complications and mortality

The terms “mild”, “borderline”, “severe”, “moderate” given in the classification characterize only the level of blood pressure, and not the severity of the patient’s disease.

In everyday clinical practice, the World Health Organization classification of arterial hypertension is adopted, based on damage to the so-called target organs. This is the most frequent complications, occurring in the brain, eyes, heart, kidneys and blood vessels.

What should a person's normal blood pressure be?What is a person's blood pressure that can be considered normal? The correct answer is: each person has their own norm . Indeed, the value of normal blood pressure depends on a person’s age, his individual characteristics, lifestyle, and occupation.

Normal blood pressure in newborns is 70 mm Hg.

Normal blood pressure in a child who is one year old: for boys - 96/66 (upper/lower), for girls - 95/65.

Normal blood pressure in a 10-year-old child: 103/69 in boys and 103/70 in girls.

What is the normal blood pressure for an adult?

Normal blood pressure in young people 20 years old: for boys - 123/76, for girls - 116/72.

Normal blood pressure in young people who are about 30 years old: in young men - 126/79, in young women - 120/75.

What is normal blood pressure for a middle-aged person? In 40-year-old men it is 129/81, in 40-year-old women it is 127/80.

For fifty-year-old men and women, blood pressure is considered normal: 135/83 and 137/84, respectively.

For older people, the following pressure is considered normal: for 60-year-old men 142/85, for women of the same age 144/85.

For older people over 70 years old, normal blood pressure is 145/82 for men and 159/85 for women.

What is the normal blood pressure for an old or elderly person? For 80-year-old people, blood pressure of 147/82 and 157/83 for men and women, respectively, is considered normal.

For elderly ninety-year-old grandfathers, normal blood pressure is considered to be 145/78, and for grandmothers of the same age - 150/79 mmHg.

When unusual physical activity or emotional stress blood pressure increases. Sometimes this interferes with doctors when examining cardiac patients, who for the most part are impressionable people. American scientists even talk about the existence of the so-called “white coat effect”: when the results of measuring blood pressure in a doctor’s office are 30-40 mm Hg. Art. higher than with self-measurement his home. And this is due to the stress that the environment of the medical institution causes in the patient.

On the other hand, in people who are constantly exposed to heavy loads, such as athletes, a pressure of 100/60 or even 90/50 mm Hg becomes normal. Art. But with all the variety of “normal” blood pressure indicators, each person usually knows the norm of his blood pressure, in any case, he clearly perceives any deviations from it in one direction or another.

There are also certain blood pressure guidelines that change with age (norms for 1981):

However modern ideas about normal blood pressure are somewhat different. It is now believed that even slight increases in blood pressure over time can increase the risk of developing coronary disease heart disease, cerebral stroke and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, normal blood pressure levels in adults are currently considered to be up to 130-139/85-89 mmHg. Art. The norm for patients diabetes mellitus the pressure is considered to be 130/85 mmHg. Art. A blood pressure of 140/90 refers to high standard. Blood pressure over 140/90 mm Hg. Art. is already a sign of arterial hypertension.

Normal pulse person

Pulse (lat. pulsus blow, push) - periodic fluctuations in the volume of blood vessels associated with contractions of the heart, caused by the dynamics of their blood supply and pressure in them during one cardiac cycle. The average healthy person has normal resting heart rate is 60-80 beats per minute. So, the more economical metabolic processes, the fewer number of beats a person’s heart makes per unit of time, the longer duration life. If your goal is to prolong life, then you need to monitor the effectiveness of the process, namely your heart rate.

Normal heart rate for different age categories:

  • child after birth 140 beats/min
  • from birth to 1 year 130 beats/min
  • from 1 year to 2 years 100 beats/min
  • from 3 to 7 years 95 beats/min
  • from 8 to 14 years 80 beats/min
  • average age 72 beats/min
  • advanced age 65 beats/min
  • for illness 120 beats/min
  • shortly before death 160 beats/min
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