How to stop the aging of a woman's body. Sport and physical activity rejuvenates the body. A healthy heart and blood vessels are the key to a long life

Aging is not a very tempting prospect. Even though this is an irreversible process in a person’s life, everyone still wants to reverse it. More than one generation has been looking for a way to preserve youth forever. Centuries passed before scientists came close to this discovery. Indeed, women of the 21st century at 60 years old look much younger than their predecessors. In this article we will tell you how to slow down the aging process of the body and turn back time.

A lot, including the preservation of youth, is in the hands of the person himself. Youth means not only the external condition of the skin and body, but also the organs. If we consider the body as a human shell, then it is most susceptible to negative influence external environment. Of course, the first signs of aging of the dermis will be slowed down by properly selected cosmetical tools and procedures.

Thus, with the help of cosmetic procedures you can remove wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, correct the oval of the face, even out skin tone, replenish volumes, eliminate pigmentation imperfections, overcome cellulite and much more. But these will only be temporary measures. Slowing down the aging process is only possible complex impact, aimed at the entire body as a whole.

The following will help delay aging:

Let's look at how, if left unchecked, we can slow down aging without seeking the help of a plastic surgeon.

Proper nutrition is the key to success

With age, the human body needs much smaller amounts of food. Post-term women should gradually reduce the amount of fat they consume and fast carbohydrates(sweets, buns, cakes). Vegetables should be the main products on the menu. It is advisable to include seeds, unrefined vegetable oils (corn, olive), and nuts in your diet.


The diet should contain a large amount of fiber. All anti-aging foods contain a large amount of fiber: vegetables, fruits, grains. Exactly alimentary fiber activate the intestines, forcing them to work at full capacity. In addition, fiber contains a large amount useful microelements and vitamins.
If you are not ready to diversify your diet with foods containing fiber, you can buy it in pharmacies or stores. It should be taken only according to the instructions. Change it from time to time so that the intestines do not get used to it. So, for example, in one month you can use flaxseed, then oatmeal, and then wheat, etc.


It is quite possible to slow down aging with the help of purified water. Required fluid intake per day is 1.5-2 liters. Dehydration causes our body to age ahead of schedule. Water affects not only the cleansing and nutrition of our organs, but also maintains youthful skin. It is from a lack of fluid in the body that even young girls can look older than their years. In addition, water affects mood and physical activity. Just do not confuse chlorine-free water with juice, lemonade and other drinks. Their energy mass is comparable, for example, with peas, strawberries, peaches, etc. But water contains very few calories and the body does not spend as much energy on its processing as on drinks.


The diet should consist of a large number of foods enriched with B vitamins. It is the vitamins of this group that are involved in some of the main life processes. They help cleanse blood vessels, improve heart function, strengthen the nervous system, and are responsible for metabolic processes in organism. A deficiency of B vitamins leads to the development of depression, and the body begins to resist stress less and less. The following foods are rich in vitamin B:

  • legumes;
  • mushrooms;
  • green vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • meat;
  • offal.

After 45 years it is worth switching to fractional meals. It helps reduce stress on the body by reducing the amount of energy consumed. In turn, calories will enter the body in a smaller volume, being consumed evenly.
You should not resort to fasting - this leads to the fact that the body begins to store calories and fats. You should eat at least 3 times a day.

The key to youth is a balanced diet, which should include protein, fats, and carbohydrates in moderation.

You should not give up natural coffee and all types of tea. They are useful because they contain a large amount of antioxidants, vitamins, and microelements.

Less sugar

Reduce daily consumption Sahara. In fact, sugar is not only the enemy gastrointestinal tract, He
still removes from the body healthy vitamins, in particular B3, which is responsible for beauty, blood vessels and strong nerves. In addition, it slows down the metabolic process, delays excess liquid in organism. If previously our ancestors consumed up to 12 kg of sugar per year in their diet, then you will be surprised that today we eat almost more than 50 kg of it per year. Ask where these numbers come from? We'll tell you.

At the beginning of the 20th century, people's diet was more meager: meat, vegetables, fruits. By the way, many peasants could not afford sugar; they added honey to their tea. Today sugar is everywhere: lemonade, chocolate, sauces, chewing gum, yoghurts, baked goods, etc. Humanity has begun to consume much more sweets than previous generations.


You shouldn't remove meat from your diet either. It helps replenish hemoglobin and protein in the body. To relieve the body, you can exclude it from the diet. fatty varieties meat, pork, lamb, do not eat it smoked.

The Right Fats

It is worth switching to fermented milk products with the lowest fat content. They, of course, are not as tasty as whole milk, but the percentage of fat content does not bring anything good, but only clogs the blood vessels.

Eating the right fats helps slow down aging. Eat less fats such as margarine, butter. But you shouldn’t exclude lard from your diet. If you didn’t know, it contains cholesterol and amino acids that are beneficial for the body. Include in your menu as much fatty fish, sunflower, olive, and flaxseed oil as possible.

By the way, about antioxidants. They must be present in the diet. Their main functions are that they bind and remove free radicals from our body. A large number of Antioxidants are found in the following foods:

  • apricots;
  • cherry;
  • melon;
  • green vegetables;
  • carrots;
  • tomatoes;
  • beets;
  • citrus fruits.

Also give up alcohol and smoking. These bad habits not only poison your internal organs, but also affect your beauty. They slow down the metabolic process, resulting in not only growth excess weight, but swelling also appears, skin color deteriorates, microelements are washed out.

Movement is the key to longevity

It is easy to notice that people leading active image life, look several years younger than their peers who prefer free time spend on the sofa. Passive lifestyle low activity during, sedentary work is the number one enemy of youth.

Due to lack of load on the muscles, their gradual atrophy occurs. The body begins to become “loose”, volumes increase, sagging skin begins to look older. During physical activity, blood circulation improves and the body is enriched with oxygen. Accordingly, complexion and metabolic processes improve, muscles tighten.

To look good at any age, you should definitely exercise at least an hour a day. Already six months after the start of the first classes, the result will be obvious. Don't start at a fast pace. Start introducing physical activity gradually. If you have a number of chronic diseases for which physical activity is prohibited, take up walking. If your physical condition allows you, then take up Nordic walking.

All diseases are caused by nerves

Stress is the second leading cause premature aging. The beautiful half of humanity knows well that wrinkles appear from nerves. If you want to be young at 90, then throw everything away negative emotions. Let only positivity into your world!

Stress isn't limited to just wrinkles. No matter how sad it is, it hits everyone internal organs. Destructive emotions cause diseases such as stomach ulcers, asthma, diabetes, vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc. Female body wears out quickly constant stress, emotional stress. Grey hair– one of the humiliating stress gifts for women.

Helps slow down aging right attitude to life:

  • Avoid sharp corners. Limit communication with people you dislike to a minimum, try not to watch news and programs that discuss bad news;
  • Master the technique breathing exercises. This is one of the most simple means relaxation, helping to relieve even the most acute stress;
  • Master auto-training. Autogenic training- a great way to remove nervous tension and gain confidence in own strength. After a while, you will not only feel that you have become calm internally, but you will also feel that you have dropped an extra burden from your shoulders;
  • Try to communicate only with positive people and watch comedies more often. Laughter has been proven to be contagious, and it is known to prolong life;
  • Change your mindset to a positive one. Are you single? Nothing, best years more to come! You bad job? Don't worry, she gives excellent work practice, and in the future you will be able to apply for a more prestigious job;
  • Try to relieve stress with physical activity. Fifteen drops of valerian and ten blocks on foot!
  • Get a pet. Many pets help relieve stress. In addition, they are able to devotedly love and feel you;
  • Find yourself a hobby. Favorite hobby allows you to relieve stress and relax. Take up dancing or embroidery, cooking or tennis;
  • Get enough sleep. Sleep is the best healer. Therefore, be sure to sleep at least 8 hours every day.

Live and learn!

The human brain is still not fully understood. Despite the fact that scientists pay especially close attention to it, no one can solve its mystery. We still don't have full view about all its possibilities. You may ask, what does brain and youth have to do with it? We will answer you that they are directly interconnected. People who engage in intellectual work into old age, unlike their peers, do not suffer from senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease.

Mental stress perfectly slows down aging. Many scientists, lawyers, economists or managers of large companies in old age remain with a clear mind and good memory. There are a number of simple ways to rejuvenate your brain. Bridge, chess and preference are very useful for longevity. You not only get pleasure from the game, but also train your brain. Another way to practice is to learn one poem or solve puzzles every day.

Slowing down the aging process is within the power of an ordinary person. To do this, you don’t need to spend money on expensive cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery. Youth is, first of all, a lifestyle. The more you lead a healthy and active life, the better you look. Therefore, do not waste time for yourself - exercise, eat right, and most importantly, take care of your nerves!

What is aging? Is this process natural? Is it possible to stop aging? You will learn about this in this article.

From the moment of birth until death, every person observes the aging of his own body and surrounding people. Is aging as common a process as growing hair or nails?

Growth and aging: is there a difference?

Is the aging process related to the process of growth and development of the body? Many are sure that these processes in the body are identical. However, it is not. Newspapers, television and other media often discuss people aging extremely quickly. Bye modern medicine cannot cure this disease and stop aging.

Is the aging process natural?

From the moment of conception, cells begin to divide exponentially. DNA¹ contains information about the sequence of all amino acids, which, in turn, are assembled into proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Cells form tissues, tissues form organs, organs form an organism. It becomes clear that all processes occurring in the body begin at the molecular level in cells.

The growth process is quite natural, but why the cells stop functioning remains a mystery.

When cells stop working, they die. They are replaced by new cells, but if there are too many dead cells, dividing cells do not have time to replace them. Because of this, the density of cells adjacent to each other in tissues decreases. As a result, the elasticity of the tissues themselves decreases. Wrinkles and folds appear - a visual effect of aging.

According to scientists, cells can “live” up to fifty years. So why do they die after just a few days?

All problems originate at the molecular level. The sequence of amino acids contained in DNA is copied using ribonucleic acid (RNA).

If we assume that RNA can copy DNA incorrectly, then this may entail incorrect operation the entire cell.

How does what we eat affect the aging process?

Everyone knows the phrase: “You are what you eat.” It completely reflects the nature of things, and now you will understand why.

After food consumption, food proteins replace proteins with similar properties in the body. Impulses running through the nervous system are electrical in nature. It is known that an electric field is formed around a closed conductor. But the electric field cannot exist without the magnetic field, which also forms around the conductor. This creates an electromagnetic field (EMF).

Blood also has electrical conductivity due to the salt NaCl contained in it. So, like the nervous system, blood vessels also serve as a source of EMF.

The electromagnetic field destroys beauty!

Microwave ovens heat food using electromagnetic radiation. According to the law of conservation of energy, when emitting an electromagnetic field, electrical energy is converted into electromagnetic energy, which is transferred to the molecules of the heated food.

However, electromagnetic radiation destroys the bonds between molecules. A living organism is very complex system energy consumption and processing. Any product consumed leaves substances that are not used in life processes. Such substances are excreted from the body or accumulate in it.

Electromagnetic radiation destroys molecules in the body's cells, as a result they cannot function normally and die prematurely. They are replaced by new cells, but resources are spent too intensively. Cells do not have time to be replaced in time and tissues lose their shape.

What needs to be taken into account to stop aging?

1. Much of what we eat is harmful to the body³.

2. Consumption of products irradiated in microwave ovens, is also harmful to the functioning of body cells.

3. Daily exposure electromagnetic radiation, direct exposure to a strong electromagnetic field is harmful to humans.

Aging is the process of wear and tear of the body during its life, which is significantly accelerated due to the above points.

Pchelintsev Sergey Alexandrovich

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a macromolecule (one of the three main ones, the other two are RNA and proteins) that ensures storage, transmission from generation to generation and implementation of the genetic program for the development and functioning of living organisms. DNA contains structural information various types RNA and proteins (

The purpose of modern biotechnology stop human aging at the age of 20-30 years, which, as research shows, seems quite possible.

Consider the curve of a person's probability of dying depending on his age.

In infancy, mortality is known to be high, since the the immune system. In this chart, a person who is 15 years old has the brightest prospects. Then the probability of death begins to increase. At 30-40 years old, the probability of dying is still very small. And that would mean that if stop human aging at this point, then the average lifespan of a person would most likely be on the order of 1000 years or more - ad infinitum. Oddly enough, there are hints of such a possibility in mortality statistics. So the red curve shows that the probability of death grows at a very high speed over the years. But it turns out that somewhere around 100 years the curve turns into the so-called “PLATEAU”. People who live to be 100 years old seem to stop aging after 100 years. Unfortunately, the probability of surviving until next year during this plateau is very low. But, nevertheless, the fact that this curve does not always grow, and sometimes can be horizontal, shows that in biology there are mechanisms that are capable stop human aging . Good news that this is termination aging maybe even in people who are lucky enough to live to be 100-110 years old. The bad news is that it's discontinued aging occurs only at age 100, when the probability of surviving until the next year is small. And such a person really feels bad. The task of modern biological engineers is to learn to intercept this “PLATEAU” at an earlier age, when a person is more active and healthier. And also how to preserve a person in this state.

Why do scientists think this is possible? Consider an animal called the naked mole rat, who lives in Somalia. It is actually a mole or blind rat that digs tunnels. This animal represents one of the first known to science truly functionally non-aging animals. Typically, a mouse-sized creature lives for several years. Naked mole rats live 40 years or more in captivity. He functionally does not age in the sense that he lives on this very “PLATEO” of the survival curve. That is, he, like all animals, has a high infant mortality rate, then ages a little until the age of 2,

and then the probability of surviving the next year stabilizes, and this animal lives every next year as if it never had the previous years of life. Thus, this animal can live for a very long time and never gets cancer. Looking at a naked mole rat, it is impossible to determine how long he has lived. Until recently (until 2005), it was very difficult to imagine that such a small animal could live for so long and not functionally age. The naked mole rat is being actively studied because its closest relative, the mole, lives only 5-6 years. By comparing the genome of the mole and the naked mole rat, one can understand what has changed in the genome of the naked mole rat in comparison with the genome of the mole, which allowed it not to functionally age, and its closest relative, the mole, to age.

If it were one animal, it would be something strange. In fact, science knows a number of such animals. Until 2005, people simply did not search for such animals. Since childhood, each of us has become accustomed to the idea that everything in this world inevitably ages and dies. For many years, we accepted as the norm that everything ages, and did not notice that there are many animals living around that do not know what old age is. IN Lately through the efforts of scientists was discovered whole group animals that either do not age at all or hardly age. Many of them die without ever growing old, and some are even immortal (they themselves do not die - they can only perish):

Hydra lives indefinitely. Hydras have been found that are over 10,000 years old. The hydra does not die by its own death, but only from changes in environmental conditions. At the very end of the 19th century, a hypothesis about the immortality of the hydra appeared. They tried to prove or disprove this hypothesis during the 20th century. And already in 1997, the hypothesis was confirmed in an experiment by Daniel Martinez. The study was carried out for about 4 years. It has been proven that hydras do not die due to aging.

The Arctic Icelandica mollusk lives on average about 400 years. Never functionally ages. It dies of hunger when it grows so big that it can no longer stand on its leg, falls, and is covered with silt. In 2007, analysis of layers of mollusk shells living off the coast of Iceland by drilling and counting the layers showed that they were more than 500 years old.

Carp and sea bass live about 200 years and do not functionally age at all. It is worth noting that their relatives live only two years.

The maximum Lifespan of a Galapagos tortoise is 177 years. She dies not from old age, but from the fact that she becomes cramped in her shell. Its dimensions reach 1.8 meters in length, and its weight is more than 400 kg.

The Asian elephant lives to be 90 years old and is functionally almost ageless, but dies of starvation when the sixth set of teeth falls out. The elephant is a mammal, just like humans. The elephant's body is much closer to a human's than that of fish, mollusks, birds and reptiles. Adult elephants have no enemies in nature (except humans).

Some whales live to be 211 years or more and do not functionally age. The lens of their eyes only becomes cloudy, and they crash on the reefs from blindness, or are thrown ashore, since they do not have a developed echo location.

The sea urchin is practically immortal. Individuals tagged about 250 years ago are still growing and reproducing and show no signs of functional aging. They have practically no enemies.

And also many other animals: crocodiles, sharks, many species of birds, etc. also functionally do not age in the usual sense for humans - that is, the probability of their death does not depend on age, and they live for a very long time (theoretically, with proper care ideal conditions, can live indefinitely).

A number of animals (mammals, reptiles, molluscs, and other species) do not functionally age, which means that this is not one unique genome that the naked mole rat has. Almost every animal species has this opportunity. And evolution repeatedly for different types animals found this combination of genes.

It is useful to think about where such animals come from? Why did evolution at some point want some of these animals to stop functionally aging? If you look at all the examples of animals that do not functionally age, then these are examples of animals that, in the usual sense, are not affected by natural selection. This is a turtle that is difficult to eat once it has grown to a certain size. This is a bowhead whale, which generally has no enemies among animals. This is a naked mole rat who has learned to dig tunnels in which no one can dig him. And so on. Each of these animals lost the chance of dying at an early age. This means that those who lived long and left many offspring began to survive. Thus, as soon as possible early death for some reason disappears for an animal, evolution creates pressure towards increasing life expectancy. A longer-living individual produces more offspring, which means it leaves more longevity genes in the population, and more and more animals will have a genome similar to that of their long-lived counterpart.

Stop human aging in 1500

In a sense, perhaps these same “DIGGERS” are already among us. It’s just that the process of evolution of people as a functionally ageless species has not yet been completed due to the fact that people are still a very young species. Those citizens who live to be 100 years old reach the “PLATEAU” of functional non-aging somewhere after 90-100 years. Since the beginning of the 20th century, natural selection has also no longer affected us (humans), since we have protected ourselves from infectious diseases(vaccinations, antibiotics) and from predators. And if we allowed ourselves to wait until about 3500, then people, like naked mole rats, would stop functionally aging. Scientists have already recorded that every 10 years the human population grows by 3 years. All this sounds beautiful, but we just can’t wait that long. We need today to be able to maintain youth and health for as long as possible. This is exactly what this work is dedicated to.

Note: One of the main dogmas when researched human aging was Gompertz's law (Gompertz, 1825). At the beginning of the 19th century, Benjamin Gompertz showed that the probability of a person dying increases exponentially, and suggested that this property is inherent in all living organisms. This phenomenon called the “law of mortality”. But at the beginning of the 21st century it was studied great amount lifespan data from fruit flies, Mediterranean flies Ceratitis capitata and humans. And it was revealed on the mortality curve that same “PLATEO” or even “DECREASE”, when the probability of not surviving until the next year in the post-reproductive period stops growing and even begins to decrease. (Source:

The material is compiled based on the lectures of the Candidate of Sciences,Director of Quantum Pharmaceuticals,engaged in the development of advanced technologiesmolecular modeling – Peter Fedichev.From a speech at a major internationalconference “Genetics of Aging”and life expectancy" in Sochi.

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58 comments on “Is it possible to stop human aging forever?”

  1. I liked the article. Stopping human aging is certainly interesting, but this
    everything is in the future. And here’s how science explains mysterious cases of rejuvenation, when older people suddenly begin to look younger. In particular, a case was described when elderly woman began to quickly look younger. New teeth began to emerge, gray hair disappeared, the menstrual cycle resumed, wrinkles smoothed out, and she began to look like a 30-year-old! Do scientists have a generally accepted theory of what exactly triggers the rejuvenation process in such people? It’s also interesting, if there is a scientific explanation for the case when an American girl remained for almost twenty years
    a baby and never grew old?

    1. Dmitry Veremeenko

      When the girl remained a baby, she grew old. It just didn't develop. But I don’t know of any cases of reverse rejuvenation. Well, maybe I heard it on the news. But I haven’t seen any real confirmation of this.

      1. Gennady

        Search for "Rosa Faroni" and "Sei Sanagan"

  2. MARIA

    Hello! Very interesting topic and very relevant, because today people are very interested in the abolition of aging. Thank you very much for the information.

  3. Vladimir

    Amendment. Elephants in captivity live up to 90 years, but by 80 they often have problems with joints and muscles, sometimes to the point that they can hardly move their trunk (depending on the conditions of detention). But it is true that due to tooth loss (about 60 years) in nature, they often die of hunger before they are unable to move normally and feed themselves.

    1. Dmitry Veremeenko

      Elephants almost never get cancer. That's the paradox.

    2. Dmitry Veremeenko

      And cancer is aging. Elephants exhibit negligible aging. Teeth and joint problems are just minor things.

  4. L.B.

    They write that “Recently published research results may partially explain Peto's paradox. Elephants have 20 copies of the p53 (or TP53) gene in their genome, while humans and other mammals have only one copy of this gene. The p53 gene is a tumor suppressor that is activated when cell DNA is damaged. As a result, many copies of the p53 protein begin to be actively synthesized from the gene, which leads to either elimination of the damage or death of the cell. The presence of several copies of the tumor suppressor gene helps elephants avoid developing cancer. "

    1. Dmitry Veremeenko

      Lyuba. Yes it is. I read this study about elephants.

  5. kler

    It’s impossible, because every organism has its own resource. They stop only externally, but inside everything wears out, and by the way, stem cells are not a panacea at all, but a replacement for dead ones. After operations or an accident, but not the elixir of youth.

    1. Dmitriy

      Everything is possible. Because it was originally created and programmed by someone and somehow. This means there is a clue, but naturally a person in his current state is unlikely to solve this problem

    2. Dmitry PS

      kler - “It’s impossible, because every organism has its own resource.” - it seems in 2009, they proved that the absence of a reduction in the number of telomeres is natural - if you don’t spoil yourself, as we do. Telomeres determine the number of cell divisions - after the telomeres disappear, the cell no longer divides and dies (something like this). So, it turned out that the reason (again again) was in lifestyle and nutrition. Trivial active physical activity, greenery, etc., etc. No secrets.
      As for the resource, we are reducing it with all our might - but the body resists for years!

      1. Dmitry Veremeenko

        After the telomeres have shortened, the cell can divide further. The stability of the genome is simply decreasing. Or it may not divide - it depends on apoptotic proteins. Moreover, if telomeres do not shorten, there will be cancer. Contraction of the telome will protect the cell from cancer. The shorter the telomeres of an animal species, the longer the animal lives.

  6. Stepan

    There may be more than one internal factors of aging of the body. Scientists should conduct an experiment to remove all known internal factors aging on one creature (for example, slow down the shortening of telomeres, block aging genes, avoid conflict between the Nrf2 and 146a proteins, install unique genes for non-aging creatures, etc.).

  7. Stepan

    Let scientists try to identify more common qualities in non-aging animals. And then let them compare them with man. This may help to understand how to provoke the absence of aging or by at least longer life.

    1. Dmitry Veremeenko

      Stepan. This is what scientists mostly do

  8. Alexander

    An interesting and, most importantly, very relevant article, especially for residents of the Russian Federation. According to available information in the current Every fourth resident of the Russian Federation is over 60 years old. Thus, the solution to the problem of extension active life this part of the population is an important state task. Most citizens do not even think about looking for ways to extend their lives. To my shame, I also believed that the deadline set “from above” could not be changed. I accidentally came across this site and practically discovered a lot of interesting things. Thanks to the enthusiasts and scientists who publish accessible and interesting information on the issue of extension active phase human life. The main thing is that this does not turn into an ordinary advertisement for any “miracle” drugs, but in fact into a business project for one of legal ways taking money from pensioners. Sincerely, A. Tikhomirov.

  9. Kostya Petrov

    Very valuable information on
    The article is very interesting both about non-aging animals and about a person in the future who will also not age. I would like to regularly receive information about slowing down aging, what should I do for this? I will be very grateful

    1. Dmitry Veremeenko

      Kostya. You mean subscription. You can subscribe to each article at the bottom.

  10. Georgy Ermakov

    And here is another example of longevity:

    1. Dmitry Veremeenko

      The longest living vertebrate on Earth is a 400-year-old shark.

  11. Oleg

    The fact is that if you learn to at least slow down aging, people will not be informed about this. This will be a secret from almost everyone. But the opportunity to live forever, in general, will be a matter of few. The problem will arise in the overpopulation of the earth. Therefore, there may already be progress in this direction, but... we will not know about it.

    1. Dmitriy

      yes, you are right here. I know of at least 2 cases only in Russia. The first time in the USSR, when the laboratory was engaged in immortality research, then some developments appeared and introduced a KGB officer into the laboratory, he sniffed out something there, received some information, and after that the laboratory was closed and the employees were fired. And for some reason such studies were no longer carried out, at least in the open. And the second case, already in the 21st century, in one of the television programs, an employee of one of the laboratories in St. Petersburg (also closed at that time) told, sitting wearing a mask! that in the late 90s and early 2000s their laboratory was engaged in the study of immortality, they seem to have learned to obtain some substance from sea fish (I don’t remember in detail here, google it) and with the help of it to stop the aging process. Higher authorities found out about this and the laboratory for tizom was dispersed. By the way, this case is similar to a more modern and better known one, only in our country, and in Europe and the USA. When, over the course of several years, about 20 naturapathic doctors who had learned to treat cancer were killed unconventional methods and blamed for our illnesses and our aging wrong system vaccination, which specifically infects us in order to extract money from us for treatment and make us clients of pharmacology since childhood. So, many of these doctors “accidentally” died.
      All this suggests that perhaps some developments already exist, perhaps even immortals already live among us. But ordinary people they won’t say this, they are unprofitable for the medical industry healthy people and those who will be sick from childhood are beneficial, for this, by the way, new vaccines are now being developed in order to cleverly cripple us, outwardly imperceptibly. Well, there are other reasons too, as you already said, overpopulation of the planet. Politicians will not allow general immortality for another reason: It’s easier to manage a sick herd that will work for pennies than free immortal people who will have a lot of time to think and understand the whole essence and bluff of politics, bankers and other scammers in power... something like this

      1. Oleg

        Exactly! The very system of things on earth is not prepared for eternal life. And there is no doubt about diseases. Already, cancer, diabetes, and nail comb can be cured irreversibly. Yes, irrevocably. But can you imagine what losses the medical industry around the world will suffer? So, even if you imagine virtually that this happened and people began to be fully treated, pharmaceutical companies will simply gradually go bankrupt.
        You know that back in the USSR, an ordinary villager came up with a “bug” for an ordinary light bulb, the service life of which would be
        80-100 years. And it's real. In my kitchen, a fluorescent lamp illuminated my favorite path to the refrigerator and stove for 20 years, without bugs. And what? As a person put it together, he took it apart. But wouldn’t you take it apart?... What happens? Everyone bought light bulbs, the workers were in unemployment, the plant was in mothballing, the manufacturer was in suspended animation. There is a poster at the factory: Unfreeze me in 80 years, let's continue.
        All. This vicious circle. It turns out that everything needs to be temporary. And there's a reason for this.
        As long as money is the basis of life on earth, nothing good will shine for humanity! Everything here needs to be changed from the roots. Therefore, when there was no modern science yet, the ancients had another science: Praying to the gods or God. This was their struggle, a war, with the unconquered enemy of all mankind: DEATH.

  12. Ilya

    Gentlemen, it seems to me that there will be no overpopulation. An ordinary person TIRED OF BANAL LIFE. Well, remember “The Makropoulos Remedy” by K. Capek - 300 years, and everything is the same, you can go crazy. And look, it seems that in Switzerland, where life is measured and flows without shocks, there is the highest percentage of SUICIDES. Long life will be of interest to scientific researchers and generally obsessed people. Life is short, the path of science is long. But you can try to slow down aging now. I have some thoughts on this matter. But to understand the process itself, you need to understand how a person ages in general. I already wrote about this to Dmitry Veremeenko. If you are interested, contact him. True, I revealed only a small part of this process there. It’s a pity that there are no interested people, just some ordinary partygoers.

    1. Oleg

      Ilya Good morning! Well, I wrote everything. For us, all that will come is chatter and partygoers. Everyone interested in chatter is here, and those who are interested in business are in laboratories, in strictly secret places.

      1. Yuri

        I was recently in Switzerland.
        Life is not measured at all.
        The Swiss are mostly aggressive and stressed.
        They are a little reminiscent of our Caucasians, only more civilized and obsessed with money.
        I wouldn’t be surprised about suicides.
        I agree with Oleg. All this is not particularly beneficial to anyone. Therefore, it would be nice if only they didn’t interfere.
        I don’t really agree with Ilya. Science is not possible without a party, like any community.
        That is why we are here trying to support science through our communication.
        And anyone can criticize. Only good advice Not everyone can give.

    2. Dmitriy

      If you are tired of your life, then you don’t need to speak for everyone. For example, I’m not a scientist and I haven’t invented anything global and I’m unlikely to invent anything in the near future, but I wouldn’t give up eternal life. Firstly, if only in order not to see death people close to me, why do I need these experiences? And secondly, because death in itself is meaningless, if you’re tired of life, then you can just jump from the window in the end, immortality at the genetic level still won’t protect you from such death. Well, if you Of course you don’t believe in religious fairy tales...

  13. Andrey

    Here you are writing
    (1) If you look at all the examples of animals that do not age, then these are examples of animals on which natural selection does not act in the usual sense.
    (2) This is a turtle that is difficult to eat after it has grown to a certain size. This is a bowhead whale, which generally has no enemies among animals. This is a naked mole rat who has learned to dig tunnels in which no one can dig him. And so on.
    (3) Each of these animals lost the chance of dying at an early age.
    (4) This means that those who lived long and left many offspring began to survive.
    (5) Thus, as soon as the likelihood of early death for any reason disappears for an animal, evolution creates pressure towards increasing life expectancy.

    Sentence (3) is incorrect. If it were true (corresponding to reality), then the naked mole rat would not die at an early age, the bowhead whale would not die at an early age, and the turtle would not die at an early age.
    Let me restate your sentence: “Each of these animals has lost the likelihood of dying at an early age.”
    This means “Digger has lost the chance of dying at an early age” - but this is clearly not true. He can die at an early age, either from fever or from water.
    I daresay you wanted to convey a different meaning, something like this
    "Each of these animals survived early age».

    Proposition (4) cannot be a consequence of sentence (3) either in your formulation or in mine.
    So you write, “This means that those who lived long and left many offspring began to survive.”
    This thesis is not a consequence of Proposition (3).

    and it turns out that the strongest thesis (red)
    in Proposition (5) is also not at all justified. Maybe there are some other arguments from scientists,
    but what is written does not exactly substantiate the thesis in Proposition (5).

    Next you have the graph “Evolution of the reduction in the probability of death”
    He is unfaithful. Let's consider only the red stripe. On the graph we see an attempt to depict the probability of dying at such and such an age (as of 2014).
    At 122 years old, the probability of dying was 100%, which means there is an error in the graph and there is no plateau (for people). At least for now, there is no such plateau for people.

    Accordingly, there is no point in discussing it in the context of people yet.
    And therefore the next paragraph of the article makes no sense. (There is no plateau for people after living 100 years).

    I have no additions to the note.

    1. Dmitry Veremeenko

      Yes. Right. Here you just need to clarify what early age is. This does not mean in childhood, but in early adulthood.
      As for the plateau, I wrote that it has already been exposed.
      As for the graph, this is more of an approximate fantasy sketch to show the analogy, rather than an exact graph.
      The data is accurate and new. You just need to get there and make an article with him and update this one

  14. Andrey

    Probably a plateau after all. I'm probably misunderstanding the probability.
    This means that if you live to be 122 years old, then every next year it will be like
    "heads-tails"! 50/50

    1. Dmitry Veremeenko

      Andrey. According to the latest data, there is no plateau. It arose due to the fact that centenarians often had incorrect data, exaggerating their age. I don't think there is a plateau. But life expectancy is still increasing. There are even analytics - they’re just not on the site

  15. Andrey

Aging is a natural and irreversible process. Scientists have been trying to find a recipe for centuries eternal youth. Gradually, science accumulates knowledge about entropy processes and learns to extend active period life. But a lot in preserving youth depends on the person himself.

Why do we grow old

Our body exists due to constant cell renewal. They are able to divide and create new generations of their clones. But this still does not stop the aging process. Why?

During the reproduction of copies in a cell, the division of the chromosome, which carries genetic information, occurs. But not all parts of the chromosome are capable of division.

At the tip of the DNA carrier there is a small region called a telomere. He plays important function– prevents other chromosomes, viruses and proteins from sticking to the chromosome, which protects the genetic information of the cell.

With each chromosome division, the telomere is mechanically shortened. In older people, this area is critically small. Cells that have completely lost their telomere are no longer able to reproduce their copies and therefore simply die.

This is the cause of aging - the body stops renewing itself.

Why does our body age unevenly?

Recent studies by American scientists have found interesting fact. It turns out that our body ages very unevenly. For example, the biological age of the mammary glands is always greater than the general biological age of their owner. The difference is 2-3 years.

But the cardiovascular system is younger than other organs of the body. And a whole 8-10 years younger. The reasons why this happens remain unclear to scientists. If rapid aging skin, can be explained by direct contact with environment, then age-related fluctuations in the chest and heart remain a mystery.

According to numerous scientific observations It is known that genetic data play an important role in slowing down the aging process.

Children of centenarians usually live and remain active longer than their peers. But also higher value It has correct image life.

Sport and physical activity rejuvenates the body

People who constantly and a lot of sports look much better than their peers who prefer a passive lifestyle. Sitting at work or lying down as a rest gives a signal to the muscles that they are not needed.

Without load muscle fibers gradually atrophy. The body becomes decrepit. Blood supply deteriorates, which automatically brings with it problems in the nutrition of all organs and tissues.

Therefore, if you want to look younger, start playing sports. Observations on cardiovascular system and the lungs of elderly people who began training in old age, revealed that sport rejuvenates these organs. They are significantly updated after just six months of regular physical exercise.

Especially useful for the lungs, heart and blood vessels aerobic exercise. This includes running, swimming, jumping rope, cycling and even brisk walking. It is important to push the limits of your body's endurance. Then his strength will grow, and his youth will last longer.

How to save joints

Good joint condition is maintained thanks to technical correct loads. Dangerous for joints incorrect positions, and lack of activity. You need to carefully monitor your posture. A varied, balanced diet is necessary.

After 40 years include different natural jellies in your diet. Bone decoctions from fish or meat - best dishes for the prevention of joint diseases.

How to stop skin aging

The skin ages quickly due to an unhealthy lifestyle. On her big influence have bad habits like smoking and alcohol.

At any age they will help to renew and improve the condition of the skin contrasting douches and diet with big amount B vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Mental work helps slow down the aging process

The brain is the most mysterious organ person. The most studied and the most unstudied. It would seem, what does he have to do with youth? But it also has the most immediate thing. People who engage in intellectual activities for a long time and for a long time remain active to unimaginable limits.

It is not uncommon to encounter scientists, lawyers, and teachers who, at a very advanced age, are not only still working, but are heads of huge organizations.

But what to do those of us whose profession does not require significant mental effort? Constant exercise will help you keep a clear head and a sound memory. This could be the solution logical problems, mathematical or physical examples.

Will be extremely useful card games. Bridge and preference named by scientists as the most rejuvenating games. They are far ahead of even chess.

Probably the leading role here is played by a combination of mental work and communication with playing partners. So play for your health, have fun and stay younger.

How to eat to stay young

  • How older man becomes, the smaller the portions should be. After 40 years, you need to gradually reduce the amount of meat and fat you consume. Vegetable dishes form the basis of the diet. Nuts, seeds, and unrefined vegetable oils are added.
  • Cellulose. Contained in vegetables, fruits and cereals. Insoluble dietary fiber cleanses the intestines and makes them work at full capacity. Fiber contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. Buy ready-made fiber and take it according to the instructions. Change it from time to time. This month – oatmeal, next – wheat, and then flax, etc.
  • Water. One and a half, two liters of water per day - required rate. Our body constantly suffers from dehydration and therefore ages quickly. Water cleanses and nourishes tissues. Water is beautiful skin, good mood and vitality.
  • B vitamins are involved in all vital important processes. They are responsible for the cleanliness of blood vessels, heart function, nervous system and much more. If their quantity is insufficient, a person loses his taste for life. Contained in offal, mushrooms, meat, legumes, green vegetables, and some cereals.
  • Fractional meals in small portions. Keeps the stomach in its natural size and allows the digestive tract to fully process foods and absorb nutrients.
  • Less sugar. Sugar promotes inflammatory processes and leaches beneficial vitamins from tissues. It removes B3 - the beauty vitamin, clean vessels and healthy nerves.
  • Less harmful and more healthy fats. It is advisable to consume margarine, animal fats, full-fat milk and butter as little as possible. Lard repression is not necessary. It contains essential amino acids And good cholesterol. Include more in your diet fatty fish, sunflower, olive, flaxseed and other vegetable oils.
  • Eat in moderation, but enough. Under no circumstances should you go hungry. Whether you want it or not, eat at least three times a day. All components are required healthy eating: proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Consume more complex carbohydrates: whole grain cereals, whole grain bread, fruits, vegetables. Eat less soft wheat pasta, potatoes, and white rice.
  • Include antioxidant foods in your diet. Antioxidants bind free radicals that destroy our body and remove them out. They can be found in colorful foods: carrots, beets, citrus fruits, apricots, cherries, tomatoes, green vegetables, melon...
  • Replace whole fat milk with low-fat fermented milk products.
  • All types of teas, coffee beans, herbal teas– excellent antioxidants and rich vitamin complexes.
  • Meat is also needed. This is the main supplier of protein.

Why stress accelerates aging of the body

Stress competes for first place in premature aging poor nutrition and wins on all fronts. Women know that if you get too nervous in the evening, you will get extra wrinkles in the morning. Nerves are deposited in other places as well. The cardiovascular and hormonal systems are especially affected.

External aging due to excessive worries is, of course, sad, but this destructive effect stress is not limited. Negative experiences increase the likelihood somatic diseases. Stomach ulcer, diabetes, allergies, asthma- the list can be continued for a long time. Stress causes the body to wear out faster.

Therefore, if you want to live long, learn to deal with stress:

  1. You need to get rid of stress factors in a timely manner. The job is not suitable - change it. People only evoke negative emotions - stop communicating. You should not forgive anyone for mistreatment, not even relatives. Everyone who takes out their anger on you devalues ​​you, demands that you sacrifice important interests and needs for their sake - unnecessary for you.
  2. Learn breathing techniques relaxation. They are the easiest to learn and help to overcome acute stress.
  3. Rest. Once again, get enough rest. Even the heart is at rest twice as long as it works. Always give yourself time to recover.
  4. Get yourself a hobby and pets. A hobby helps you turn your head off from everyday thoughts and brings a lot of pleasure. Pets are a source of positivity and energy that are always at hand.
  5. Walk a lot and drink water. Walks and others physical exercise saturate the blood with endorphins, and water flushes out stress hormones.
  6. Communicate a lot with positive people.
  7. Dose out the negative information coming from the TV screen.
  8. Think positively: the glass is always half full, not the other way around.

Face and posture - how to maintain youth

We determine a person's age by their face and posture. The good news is that many unpleasant and upsetting things are reversible. Flabby cheeks, wrinkles, hunched shoulders - everything can be corrected:

  • Ruthlessly remove from your life everything that works against you. A tyrant husband, a drunkard or a reveler is included first on this list.
  • The diet should contain vitamins B, E, A, C and fatty acid Omega 3 and Omega 6.
  • Restore correct posture. Distortions in the spine, a “widow’s” hump below the back of the head impair the innervation and blood supply to the muscles of the face, neck and skin.
  • Engage the muscles on your face. It is they, and not the skin, that are responsible for a clear, beautiful contour and the presence of most wrinkles. To do this use Asahi massage And special gymnasticsFacebook building or face culture.
  • Contrast washing will “wake up” the skin and increase blood circulation.
  • Use cosmetic three pillars: cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing, focusing on your skin type.

Follow the tips given in the article and always be young and beautiful!


It is impossible to completely stop these processes, but there are ways to slow down the decline skin. Start using anti-aging cosmetics before the time to fix everything is lost. Proper and timely care allows the skin to neutralize as much as possible negative impact illness, stress, adverse weather conditions. If you are still young, start monitoring your condition skin today, clean and moisturize it on time, protect it from the sun as much as possible. When you are older, buy cosmetics that suit your type skin and by age. These products are more expensive because their production uses components that prevent aging skin and smoothing wrinkles.

In addition, doctors are unanimous in their opinion: if a person abuses alcohol, smokes, overeats and sleeps little, it is useless for him to take care of his skin. These negative factors rapidly and irrevocably destroy it. IN in this case You can either give up on yourself or lie down under the surgeon’s scalpel. But the latter is no longer a way to stop aging, but a means of correcting irreversible processes, effective only for a short period of time, if a person does not change his lifestyle.

Fading skin contributes to an unbalanced diet. Avoid processed foods, convenience foods, and “fast” foods. Sausages, dumplings, fried, smoked, sausages will not benefit not only the skin, but also the body as a whole. White flour and sugar completely reduce the elasticity of the skin. Collagen levels drop to zero and wrinkles appear. Drink juices, compotes, eat fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals and natural products, cooked in . By the way, green tea contains antioxidants that neutralize the effects of free radicals, and this in turn greatly slows down the aging process skin and the body.

Control your anger and try not to get upset or overtired. It is during times of stress that the body produces the substance histamine. It is responsible for inflammation and can destroy cells skin from the inside. Have fun and approach life with humor. Laughter very quickly reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol. And this prolongs the smoothness, elasticity and youth of your skin for many years.