How to force yourself to lead an active lifestyle? What is an active lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is an active one. This is an axiom with which it is at least stupid to argue. Regular exercise has a positive impact beneficial effect on the human body, strengthen its physical structure and increase immunity. That's why it's hardly wise to neglect regular physical activity. The question of how to lead an active lifestyle very often leads people to a dead end, but in reality there is little difficulty in this - you just need to follow a number of simple and clear instructions. Below are some of them.

Getting rid of laziness is task number one

Progress and modern conveniences provide people with all the benefits necessary for life: people no longer make efforts to obtain food for themselves, build housing and protect their shelter from predators and bad weather.

Nature, once identified with a violent force that no living creature is able to resist, in the minds of modern people appears in the image of a heroically defeated tyrant, whose power remained forever somewhere in the nooks and crannies of a long time ago days gone by. Man imagines himself to be the crown of creation and, as a result, has acquired many harmful addictions, the main place among which, perhaps, is rightfully occupied by laziness. Everyone probably knows how destructive the impact it has on the individual, how quickly it destroys and decomposes him.

A person is in constant motion throughout his life, and if he doesn’t move forward at least very, very slowly, then he probably takes rapid steps back. Laziness and an active lifestyle are incompatible concepts, so you need to get rid of idleness, which hinders development, as soon as possible. Otherwise, nothing but a fiasco can be expected: the case will certainly be abandoned halfway, and the bitter aftertaste of disappointment for a long time (perhaps even forever) will discourage the desire to try again.

More movement and sports

Finding time for long workouts in a gym or aerobic gym can sometimes be very difficult, but this does not mean that you should give up on your decision to lead a physically active lifestyle. It is necessary to allocate several free hours for sports, after getting rid of unnecessary distractions. So, for example, instead of watching TV for an hour and a half in the evening after work, you should prefer going to a fitness club or jogging in a nearby park. It is unlikely that any missed reality show will be a significant loss, but physical activity will have a positive effect on general health and provide

However, if you still haven’t found time to play sports, you still shouldn’t despair. In this case, you can replace elevator rides with stairs and walk more. Few people know that an hour-long walk at a speed of 6 km/h (vigorous pace) can burn up to 300 kcal!

No need to force yourself!

The rules of an active lifestyle are quite clear and simple, but in this matter (as, indeed, in any other) it is important not to overdo it. There is no need to force yourself to do something that is clearly not to your liking, but it is better to choose a sport that gives you pleasure personally. So, some people like to ride a bicycle, others prefer roller skates, others willingly play tennis and volleyball - human tastes are extremely diverse, but no one is stopping you from listening to your own heart. Violence against yourself will not lead to anything good, but will only cause stress and irritation.

How to rest properly?

For modern man the concept of rest is almost synonymous with idleness. Most people spend their time at home or, worse, waste precious hours of their lives in clubs, dubious companies and alcoholic fun. Need I say that the philosophy of an active lifestyle contradicts this kind of behavior and habits? TO proper rest, for example, include picnics in nature, swimming in reservoirs, various sport games(bowling, volleyball, football, etc.), dancing, hiking and much more.

Healthy eating

An active lifestyle is not only about doing regular exercise, but also, above all, about being responsible and sensitive to your health, and, accordingly, to your diet. It is very important that the diet is as varied and properly balanced as possible, because food is essentially the main source of energy in the body. It is worth limiting the consumption of sweets, fats and introducing fresh vegetables and fruits, berries and complex carbohydrates(they are contained, for example, in cereals). Moreover, we need to give up fast food, which is so popular today. Instead of questionable restaurant products fast food For a snack at school or work, you can buy yoghurts, cottage cheese and a variety of fruits, prepare your own porridges and casseroles. This not only does not take up a significant amount of time, but also maintains your health and well-being in good condition(which, for example, cannot be said about fast food).

and physical activity

The importance of water for the human body can hardly be overestimated: it participates in all metabolic processes and digestion of food, removes toxins and makes up about 80% of our muscle mass. Depending on well-being, stress level, intensity of physical activity and weather, an adult needs from one and a half to three liters of water per day. However, it should be taken into account that the principle “the more the better” does not apply in this case. Excessive amounts of water increase the load on the kidneys and, as a result, lead to disruption of their functioning, causing swelling and cramps.

Maintaining hygiene

An active lifestyle without hygiene is impossible! An adult hardly needs to be reminded that he needs to brush his teeth twice a day, take a shower regularly (not only once every 24 hours, but if possible after every sport activity), and wash his hands before eating. These habits must be developed to the point of automaticity or, if you like, to a state of reflex. In addition, it is also necessary to monitor the hygiene of the premises in which you work, play sports or live. Rooms should be regularly ventilated and surfaces should be disinfected. This is necessary in order to protect yourself from dust and germs and provide the body with sufficient oxygen.

Benefits of an active lifestyle

1. Health. An active lifestyle helps avoid cardiovascular and oncological diseases, obesity, diabetes, and many diseases respiratory tract and lungs. This, in turn, prolongs life, improves well-being and immunity, and also helps increase stamina and maintain it until old age.

2. Handsome appearance. Many people dream of a beautiful, toned figure and smooth, elastic skin. However, acting is much more productive than dreaming. An active lifestyle will be a great help in this matter. Of course, you can give yourself up to be torn to pieces plastic surgeons, but is it reasonable when best result can be achieved by living a full active life?

3. Slowing down the aging process. An active lifestyle and aging problems are closely interconnected. Scientists have proven that people who lead a passive lifestyle age much earlier than those who lead an active one. Movement is life, and only it can delay old age, nothing else is given.

Rest and work schedule

It is difficult to lead an active lifestyle when your job requires you to sit in a chair for 8 hours 5 times a week. Oddly enough, working in an office involves a number of so-called occupational diseases. Constant migraines, dry eye syndrome, “mouse disease”, osteochondrosis, as well as many digestive problems - and this is not the whole list of ailments associated with a sedentary lifestyle. In order to prevent them, you must regularly perform the following exercises:

Exercise for the eyes. It only takes a few minutes of time, but it relieves fatigue very effectively. There are also special drops for dry eye syndrome. Their composition resembles human tears and serves to moisturize the surface of the eyeball.

Warm up. It is enough to perform simple exercises such as bending the torso, rotating the head, stretching and squats once an hour.

This is perhaps all you need to know about how to start an active lifestyle. Remember that the main thing in this matter is clear motivation and willpower: you must be sure that you want it and know why you want it, and then the undertaking will be more than successful.

A healthy lifestyle is the basis of how physical health human and spiritual. Many have heard and read about this, because now it is a trend, but not all people fully understand what it is healthy image life.

Most people who start to lead a healthy lifestyle give up within a few weeks, and some within a day. Their desire to become healthier and change their lives quickly fades and disappears through a lack of motivation and the wrong approach.

How often have you made a promise to yourself? tomorrow start leading a healthy lifestyle?

You started to adhere to some kind of regime, eat right, play sports, but you were not enough for a long time.

Or you have long had a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, but you don’t know where to start, you don’t have complete guide and ideas about what it is healthy lifestyle?

When I first decided to lead a healthy lifestyle, I thought it was simple. Then it seemed to me that a healthy lifestyle meant the absence of bad habits, not eating after six and playing sports 1-2 times a week. But that's not all!

A healthy lifestyle is a conscious choice for everyone, as you begin to think and analyze what you eat, what you do, and understand what is harmful to your health.

A healthy body is a product of a sound mind!

So, where to start leading a healthy lifestyle?

1. Change your thinking.

I think this is the most important thing! After all, all sources of problems in our lives begin in our head. You have to change your thinking. Many now write that the main thing here is motivation, but as statistics show, it is not enough for a long time.

Healthy lifestyle– this is not only some kind of diet, physical exercise, hygiene, first of all, it is the creation of oneself as an individual, the ability to be responsible for one’s life.

Developing healthy thinking means having a positive attitude towards the surrounding reality, eliminating the appearance of destructive states and emotions, such as anger, resentment, envy, irritation, everything that harms your health, both physical and spiritual.

You can find out more about this in my articles:

2. Develop willpower

To begin with, it is better to start with small and simple actions for healing and strengthening your body. Gradually give up harmful products, start doing a little exercise in the morning, drink more water, walk more. Taking gradual, daily steps will help you stay on track with a healthy lifestyle.

How to lead a healthy lifestyle?

I suggest you follow some basics of a healthy lifestyle that will ensure excellent well-being and healthy functioning of your body.

  1. Adjust your water balance.

We consist of 80-90% water and every day from our body, different ways 1.5 liters of water comes out. Our minerals come out with it. Therefore, it is very important to replenish them.

Tea, coffee, borscht - does not count as water! In the morning we got up - a glass of water, washed our face, brushed our teeth - a glass of water. We had breakfast, an hour passed - a glass of water. Water all day! A glass of water at night.

You need to go out on your own physiological norm water (30ml/kg weight). That is, if my weight is 50 kg, multiply by 30 mg. = 1.5 liters of water per day, this is my norm. But don't forget about water quality. It is very important!

  1. Proper nutrition.

I don’t mean diets that only harm the body, but complete, healthy eating.

Friends, well, sausage and cookies cannot contain everything you need for full development!

The first thing to do is to remove harmful and eternal food from your diet.

“Eternal food” is something that does not disappear at the appointed time. For example, you buy milk, but the expiration date is a year or, for example, sausage. There cannot be meat in it because meat costs more than sausage. This also includes all CO2 drinks, sweets, mayonnaise, White bread, instant coffee, canned food, products made from premium flour, packaged juices, etc.

Try to eat natural products, that is, natural cottage cheese, and not cottage cheese with fruit filling; drink natural yogurt and kefir, not fruit yogurt, etc.

More fruits and vegetables!

Choose lean meat - beef, lamb, chicken, rabbit.

An excellent alternative to products made from premium flour is whole grain bread and pasta made from durum flour, yeast-free bread, brown rice.

Don't forget about legumes such as beans, peas, chickpeas.

Don't eat more cereal instant cooking. And train yourself to start your morning with oatmeal, very healthy porridge. I myself can’t imagine my morning without this porridge.

More details in this article ""

You must understand what you are eating! And remember, it is better to eat a little, but often, than to overload your stomach.

  1. Cleansing and strengthening the body.

Arrange for yourself fasting days and stick to the posts. After all, Christian fasts were invented for a reason. Fasting was invented so that people could cleanse themselves of internal toxins, cleanse their body and soul. Try to fast, and you will see that your body will thank you for it. Give him the opportunity to rest and regain his strength. Start simple. Arrange for yourself fast days, when you eat, for example, only vegetables and whole grain bread. Many also practice one-day fasting. Believe me, this will not harm your body, but on the contrary, it will give you strength.

Also, the beginning of a healthy lifestyle life- This is a rejection of all bad habits. I will not write now about the dangers of smoking, drugs and alcohol. They talk and write about this a lot, but it’s of little use. Because it all starts with a mindset and a sense of where you are going. Remember, it is your choice: continue to kill your body with alcohol, drugs and smoking or become a conscious person and make conscious choices every day...

And another way to strengthen the body is. Now many people associate hardening with swimming in an ice hole or being doused cold water. But remember, everything should be gradual! Personally I practice cold and hot shower and drying with a towel. This is a great tonic in the morning, especially after morning jog.

And, of course, don't forget about normal sleep– at least 7-8 hours for the body to fully rest and recover.

  1. Movement is life!

We all know about this, but we still continue to lead a passive lifestyle. But just half an hour of walking every day will save you from many health problems in the future. Understand sedentary lifestyle life makes you sick and weak.

Start your day with a little exercise. I start the day with the usual swings of arms and legs, bending, stretching, squats. I spend 10-15 minutes on this. But after this you will feel that your body has woken up and energy will appear. At the same time, turn on the music and start your day with positive emotions.

Active pastime. On days when I don't run, I do yoga, dancing, meditation, or increase the time of morning exercise to 20-25 minutes, adding exercises for the abs, legs, buttocks and arms. I'm trying to walk more.

If you have a sedentary job, just sometimes get up, squat, walk and you will immediately feel much more energetic. I talk about this in more detail in the article “”

Try several options physical exercise and choose what suits you and what you like. After all, we are all individual.

The main thing is not to lie on the sofa!)

And don't forget about relaxation. Start practicing meditation or simply find time to be alone and relax. Take relaxing baths, go for a massage, a sauna, etc. After all, positive emotions are the basis of your health and beauty.

Healthy lifestyle– this is not only adherence to some principles and rules, it is your every minute choice, your attitude to the world, your thinking, caring for your development, love for yourself and others. In general, starting to lead a healthy lifestyle is very simple, all you need to do is want it!

Friends, if you have any additions or recommendations, please share them in the comments! Let's practice a healthy lifestyle together!

Good day, our dear readers! Irina and Igor are with you again. You began to notice that you are more tired, you do not have the strength to accomplish anything, and the frequency colds suddenly increased? What happened, who is to blame for this? Maybe ecology or government? No! Most often, the reason for this trend is your own image life.

Let's talk today about why you need to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

We think there are no people who would not like to be healthy and always feel 100%, and maybe even 200%.

Our life constantly requires us to invest some kind of investment - time, money or health. If we consider health from the perspective of a resource, then many of us do not at all monitor where we spend it.

Poor nutrition, bad habits, bad ecology, - all this, of course, leaves an imprint on our health.

No matter what physical abilities nature bestows on you, in the end, an incorrect lifestyle can bring its own unpleasant results. A healthy lifestyle and active longevity are what we should strive for, even for those who seem to have no visible health problems right now.

Motivation for a healthy and active lifestyle

Let us describe the main reasons why you should reconsider your lifestyle:

  • Health- this is the first thing worth changing for. After all, everyone wants to feel great, get sick less, and be full of energy
  • A slim body. For many, it is one of the first points in their quest for happiness. This is partly true, because a slim body, for example, will make you feel attractive, which will undoubtedly increase your chances in the eyes of the opposite sex. But, without a doubt, I will make your figure much slimmer.
  • Energy. As they say: “In healthy body, healthy spirit!
  • The right image life can add strength to you and give you a great boost of energy to achieve your life goals
  • Saving money. If your finances are your primary motivator, then consider the fact that changing your lifestyle will allow you to save a decent amount on medical care, as well as when refusing and , for example
  • Preservation of youth. This reason is probably more relevant for our readers. Since adherence to the daily routine, as well as sports training They will always make you look light and fresh. And vegetables and fruits in your diet will improve the condition of your skin and hair
  • Positive attitude. People with an unhealthy lifestyle are often impaired. This leads to stress and also to depression. A depressed psychological state can lead to overeating, and this will certainly affect your figure. To forget about all these unpleasant consequences, you need changes in your lifestyle. After all wellness this in itself energizes us great mood, A proper food and an active life contribute to the production of joy hormones in our body (endorphins).
  • Life extension. , and are also capable of working miracles, leading you to active longevity because these actions increase your resistance various kinds ailments
  • Liberty. Yes! The right lifestyle can give you freedom - freedom from bad habits, freedom from Not proper nutrition, freedom of movement, after all.
  • Success. Changing your lifestyle can bring you benefits, even in financial terms. Yes Yes! You heard right! The right lifestyle can bring you money! This is perhaps due to the fact that a healthy person is much more productive, he has more energy, his thoughts become cleaner and clearer. And, accordingly, they are achieved much faster. In addition, these changes train your willpower, because sticking to it in the early stages can be very difficult
  • An example for the future generation. Your self-development and discipline, your personal example will help your children grow up healthy, active, and purposeful.

We hope that all these reasons are enough to motivate you to change your lifestyle.

Or maybe you have personal examples of motivation that pushed you to change your way of life? Share with us! Perhaps by your example you can help positive influence on someone else.

Components of a healthy and active lifestyle

We've sorted out motivation, now we need to understand what is directly included in the concept of a healthy and active lifestyle:

  • Physical activity. "Movement is life!" This is why you should stop living a passive life on the couch near the TV, and include in your routine at least morning exercises, or even better, full-fledged sports training. This also includes active walks, outdoor recreation, hiking, traveling.
  • Balanced diet. “We are what we eat.” So that your health is always normal, your digestive system, and food gave you energy, not heaviness, of course, you need to eat right
  • Maintaining a daily routine. Compliance with sleep and wakefulness regimes, as well as a reasonable alternation of work and rest, can preserve strength, give the body more energy, and increase working capacity
  • Personal hygiene. Taking care of yourself, your body, your clothes and shoes will allow you to normalize the condition of your skin, and this will lead to even deeper beneficial processes at the level of the digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems
  • Hardening. Regular use hardening procedures can more than halve your incidence rate per year, and may even completely eliminate them
  • Rejection of bad habits
  • Positive psychological environment. Prevention has a beneficial effect on our mental health, and this, in turn, can have a positive impact on our mental health. beneficial influence on our physical health.

You can learn more about each component of a healthy and active lifestyle from the book "All about a healthy lifestyle" . The book describes in detail all the components of a healthy lifestyle, and provides recommendations on how to adhere to certain regimens, be it diet, or sleep and wakefulness.

We hope that our article was useful to you and helped you make the right decision.

Recommend our article to those who still doubt whether to change their lifestyle. And in the next article we will tell you where to start on your path to a healthy and active lifestyle. Subscribe to our updates so as not to miss news from our blog. See you soon.

Best regards, Irina and Igor

Powerful motivation for those who can’t decide to lead an active lifestyle

Leading an active lifestyle is the most The best way always remain beautiful, cheerful, positive and healthy. I regularly write about this on my blog, and I hope that each of my readers will agree with me. However, there are many reasons why we skip workouts, stop watching our diet and indulge in our bad habits.

Usually the problem lies in the fact that we lack either motivation or willpower, and more often than not, both. You can read about pumping up willpower in my article “How to develop willpower?”, and now I want to give you killer motivation for playing sports and leading an active and healthy lifestyle.

69 reasons to lead a healthy and active lifestyle

So, you should start taking care of your health and leading an active lifestyle, because you will get from your own body bonuses that you only dreamed of before.

Get motivated yourself and your friends by sharing this post with them on in social networks(all buttons at the end of the post)!

1. You will look great
2. You will look great
3. You will look absolutely amazing!
4. You'll look great in your favorite clothes.
5. You will be proud of your reflection in the mirror.
6. You will have strong abs, a normal waist and a great, sorry, ass
7. You will have defined muscles
8. You will get envious looks on the beach and in the pool.
9. You will always be sexy and attractive
10. You will look younger at any age.
11. You will be able to control your body and adapt it to your needs

12. You will never get diabetes
13. You will forget about back pain
14. You will forget about the cold and the need to wrap up and warm yourself
15. You will forget about problems with blood pressure
16. In general, you will get sick less or completely forget about illnesses
17. You can stay healthy at any age
18. You will live longer
19. You will always feel great
20. You will sleep better at night.
21. You can easily wake up to an alarm clock and be cheerful in the morning

22. You will have a healthy heart
23. You will have strong lungs, and in any situation you will be able to breathe deeply and calmly
24. Your skin will always be smooth, healthy and elastic
25. You will increase your metabolism and regulate your hormonal levels.
26. Your body will be filled with energy
27. You normalize your weight. If it was excessive, then you will lose weight; if it was insufficient, you will gain weight.
28. Development risk cancer diseases will be much lower than those around you
29. You will strengthen your immunity
30. You will forget about problems with sex
31. You will be able to do any physical work without fear of getting sick

32. You will become more confident
33. You will be proud of yourself
34. You will be less tired, and fatigue after training will be very pleasant
35. You will be able to deal with depression and stress more successfully
36. You will constantly develop and move forward
37. You will always be in a great mood
38. Your productivity will increase
39. You will stand out among the 95% of those around you who do not lead an active lifestyle.
40. You will discover new things in yourself positive qualities and find out that you are capable of more
41. Physical activity will help you become more efficient and think outside the box, creatively

42. You will become stronger
43. You will be able to run quickly and easily
44. You will easily do push-ups and pull-ups
45. You will be able to engage in any sport, even extreme ones
46. ​​You will be able to climb stairs and carry heavy bags without shortness of breath.
47. You'll get the most out of your body because it's designed to move.
48. You will forget about diets
49. You will eat to your heart's content, enjoying your favorite food.
50. You will change your attitude towards food, and overeating will disappear from your list of bad habits.
51. You will learn and try many healthy foods that are new to you.
52. You can eat at any time without fear of gaining weight
53. You will fuel your body only with the most effective fuel.

54. You will create for yourself the future you deserve.
55. You will become a role model among your friends and acquaintances.
56. You will have new friends and interests.
57. Your spouse will admire you even more
58. Hobbies related to your new lifestyle will bring you a lot of joy and happiness.
59.You will spend more time outdoors
60. You will stop being lazy and be active in all matters.
61. You will come closer to a state of harmony with yourself and others
62. Your future children will have a better chance of growing up healthy and strong.
63. You will be a great example for your children.
64. You will have a chance to see not only your grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren
65. You will spend more time with family and friends
66. You will become more successful and earn a lot of money.
67. You will spend less money because living an active lifestyle is much cheaper than paying doctors and buying medications.
68. All your efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle will be rewarded a thousandfold.
69. And finally, you will never regret your choice! And you will only regret the workouts you miss!

In our modern and rapidly changing pace of life, we increasingly stop paying attention to such important and necessary aspects as a healthy lifestyle and an active and healthy lifestyle. Everyday bustle, work, bad habits and negative factors industrial cities are increasingly beginning to affect not only our well-being, but also health indicators in general.

Very often you can meet people who complain about certain health problems or general lethargy. They come to doctors and begin to demand that doctors solve their problems. But if you ask such people what they themselves specifically did to be healthy, they begin to think and get lost. Such situations are not uncommon, because in fact, simply living, working and being in everyday life is not enough to be healthy and beautiful in every sense of these expressions.

Many of us smoke and at the same time complain about problems with the lungs and shortness of breath, then go to the gym and start working out hard. Then they discover that new sores and ailments appear. That's right, it is impossible to start rebuilding your body without depriving it of past destructive actions. It seems a little inappropriate to see a person who smoked a cigarette go to Gym, left there, smoked another cigarette - and feels quite well off in terms of health.

What is our way of life?

In fact, a lifestyle is all the actions that a person reproduces during his existence. They can be positive and beneficial for the body, or negative and dangerous for human health, in general.

There are several forms of activity; let us present some of them as an example.

Labor activity, which characterizes a person’s position in society. It, in turn, depends on work skills, qualifications, craftsmanship and the degree of respect of others.

Household activities that are determined living conditions life, the presence or absence of children, the responsibilities of spouses, the degree of satisfaction life together and so on.

Medical activity, which is determined by the degree of health literacy, the presence of a health book, attitude towards one’s health and the health of one’s family, the regularity of undergoing various medical commissions and inspections.

Our way of life is also closely related to other concepts

The most important of them are living conditions, which are characterized by the presence of education, family, children, work, good and proper nutrition. The standard of living is also important, which is determined by a person’s availability of financial resources and the ability to receive various services on time, aimed at realizing one’s life principles or timely receipt of various necessary services. Depending on the degree of satisfaction of a person with his life, one can distinguish the concept of quality of life, which depends on many parameters and is one of the most basic and determining for a person.

Thus, we can conclude that a lifestyle is a set of actions performed by a person, aimed at solving certain issues and life problems. A person solves a large number of problems and this requires large quantity not only time, but also physical fitness, health and other resources.

Let's start leading an active lifestyle

If a person decides to take a closer look at his health and chooses an active life position, then he must live, work and exist, in general, according to special laws and principles, which we will try to consider and describe below.

High physical activity. She should be present in everyone's life healthy person By various reasons. The most important of them is movement - this is life. All body systems are connected with this function and directly depend on it. From the degree of activity this person depends on the degree of development of its cardiovascular vascular system, respiratory system, as well as digestive and musculoskeletal system. A high degree of human movement gives an increase in immunity, vigor and energy to perform certain actions and tasks. Same with active people thought processes occur an order of magnitude faster and more efficiently. They get tired later and manage to do more in an equal period of time than people who lead sedentary image life. The more the human body is exposed to physical activity, the more stress-resistant he becomes and adapted to life situations and realities. In the presence of high loads, a physically trained body does not break down, but uses the internal available reserves that appeared in the process active life and during sports training.

Having psychological health. In our time modern people are highly susceptible to ever-increasing psychological stress. Complex life situations, problems in families and at work have the most negative impact on the mental and psychological state. Often such people experience nervous breakdowns, stress and others negative phenomena. To combat negative influencing factors, you need to have a strong nervous system and learn to deal with stress. Psychological health very important, as it is the basis of a person’s physical health. It’s not for nothing that they say that healthy body healthy mind.

Good balanced diet. It is also the most important factor in a healthy and active human life. It helps the body get everything nutrients, which are processed and converted into energy, so necessary for active movement and life in general. Nutrition should be as natural as possible, with minimum quantity preservatives and additives. It must also correspond to a person’s way of life and the functions he performs in work and life in general. Food should, first of all, remain a means of maintaining the physical strength of the body, and only then have an aesthetic form. In our modern life This is often what happens, we buy food based on the cover without worrying about what is inside. Naturally, no one says that food should not have an attractive appearance; the main thing is to consider the essence itself in this matter, and not pay much attention to the husk. It is important to take the issue of proper nutrition seriously, as otherwise, there are significant risks of being exposed various diseases food tract.

Constantly improving immunity. This issue can be resolved by various procedures aimed at general hardening of the body. In fact, it should be carried out in preschool institutions, in order to give the growing body the ability to resist various diseases, and in the process of illness - to recover with the least loss to the body. General physical exercises are also important, which not only have a beneficial effect on physical state person, but also increase vitality generally.

Established lifestyle. This means that each area of ​​a person’s life should have its own regime and schedule. This applies not only to work and rest, but also to certain time spent physical activities, as well as sleep. Any human activity, be it eating or going to the store, should alternate with rest, since to the human body in any case, it is necessary to restore the spent energy. Only in this case, when a person’s life is scheduled according to some kind of schedule, will there be time not only for work and rest, but also for leading an active lifestyle, physical training body, as well as time for personal interests and needs.

Incompatibility of a healthy lifestyle with bad habits. Here we're talking about not only that a person should abandon the systematic consumption of products that have the most negative impact on human health and vital activity. He must give them up completely. Moreover, he must specifically avoid those places where harmful substances can reach him unconsciously, but passively. This primarily concerns smoking areas. Harmful substances, such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs, can only slow down a person’s consciousness, but in no way provide a solution to his problems and troubles.

Thus, a person can choose a line of behavior for himself that will help him in the future not only maintain and increase health indicators, but also lead a rich, unique life in general.

Ivan Konstantinovich, Soligorsk