Autogenic training. Autogenic training for sleep disorders Autogenic training before bed

There are many methods of mind control that you can use independently - to improve the performance of your body, or, conversely, for more effective relaxation. Independent training is called autogenic; it is performed alone, with the person fully committed to this process. As practice shows, quite often such exercises work no worse than various drugs; they help cope with minor ailments, eliminate insomnia, stress and anxiety. One of the most popular and well-known methods of controlling one’s own consciousness and body is autogenic psychomuscular training, whose goal is complete relaxation and relaxation. Let's look at different methods of autogenic training and relaxation in more detail.

Autogenic training - relaxation and relaxation upon request!

What does this technique give us? Firstly, the ability to control the psyche, muscles, and the quick ability to relax and go to sleep. Secondly, the opportunity to extend your life. American researchers were convinced of the veracity of the second statement in 1990. In 73 nursing homes in the United States, elderly people whose average age was about 81 years were divided into 3 control groups. The first of which was engaged in transcendental meditation, the second – autogenic training, and the third – simply “sat on a bench” for the same time.

After 3 years, members of the first group were alive, in the second, 12.5% ​​of the participants died, and in the control third group, the mortality rate was 37.5%.

This experiment clearly demonstrated the power of meditation and autogenic training compared to the generally accepted practice of doing nothing... Moreover, human autogenic training is almost as effective as meditation.

The first method of autogenic training

Shortly before your night's rest, take a half-hour evening walk, then take a warm foot bath. When getting ready to go to bed, purposefully slow down your movements and gestures. Dim the lighting in the room and try to talk as little as possible. If you have any worries and things to do, put them off until tomorrow, repeating out loud several times “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Make the process of undressing deliberately slow. These are all steps for falling asleep faster and deeper sleep.

Lie down in bed, slowly and smoothly close your eyes and focus on the process of relaxation. Breathe quite rhythmically and calmly, exhaling slightly longer than inhaling. Without opening your eyes, raise your gaze upward while inhaling and say to yourself in your mind “I...”, and then lower your gaze downward while exhaling and say “I calm down.” You should not use language that directly relates to falling asleep. Try to repeat to yourself quite persistently: I am completely calm (calm)... nothing distracts or disturbs me... my face has softened... everything around me is indifferent... all thoughts lazily go away... a pleasant warmth spreads throughout my body... everything calms down and relaxes in me... I I don’t want to think about anything... I feel pleasant, free and easy... I plunge into peace and silence... I feel pleasant sleepiness.. my muscles get heavier... my eyelids close heavily.. my body feels pleasant warmth... I am completely calm (calm).. relaxed (relaxed) ... resting ...

After completing these exercises, try to mentally imagine a pleasant, monotonous picture, or a pleasant moment in life. Many people say that pictures of the endless sea, a green meadow, a warm deserted beach, a dense forest, etc. suit them. Don’t be upset if after doing all the exercises you weren’t able to fall asleep right away. After all, it is important that you were able to rest and relax. If you constantly think that you desperately need to fall asleep, then sleep is unlikely to come soon. Learn to maintain a state of complete relaxation, both mentally and muscularly. And sleep will come on its own. Such regular autogenic sleep training will bring results over time and you will be able to quickly fall asleep without effort.

The second method of autogenic training

Lie down in bed and imagine that you are in an invisible spacesuit that protects you from all interfering thoughts and feelings. Try to get as relaxed as possible. Autogenic training for relaxation before bed is best done in a pre-ventilated room.
Close your eyes and begin to smoothly recite the so-called relaxation formulas:

I relax and calm down
- my hands relax and warm up
- my hands are completely relaxed.. warm.. motionless..
- my legs relax and warm up
- my legs are completely relaxed..warm..motionless..
- my torso is relaxed and warmer
- my body is completely relaxed.. warm.. motionless..
-my neck is relaxed and warm...
- my neck is completely relaxed.. warm.. motionless..
- my face is relaxed and warmer..
- my face is completely relaxed.. warm.. motionless..
- pleasant/complete/deep peace…

When pronouncing the described formulas, you need to imagine their content in detail in your mind. So, if you are talking about relaxation and warmth of your hands, then these words need to be correlated with a mental image - your hands in the warmth, under the sun or in warm water. If you cannot concentrate and imagine such a feeling, choose a time during the day and dip your hands in warm water, try to fully feel and remember the feelings that arise. This practice will ensure you quickly master the necessary self-regulation skills.

Some experts advise mastering the listed formulas gradually. After you manage to achieve a pronounced effect in one muscle group, you can move on to another part of the body. Do this type of training every day for five to ten minutes.

When mastering autogenic psychomuscular training, pronounce each given formula several times – from two to six. Speak the text leisurely, quite slowly and with appropriate intonation. After the formulas are accompanied by the appearance of stable and distinct sensations, it will be possible to reduce their number. In the end, it will be possible to limit ourselves only to phrases like “my face is completely relaxed and warm,” etc.

For an optimal transition to night's sleep you can also use the following formulas:

There is a feeling of drowsiness;
- drowsiness increases;
- it gets deeper and deeper;
- eyelids feel pleasantly heavy;
- it becomes pleasantly dark in the eyes;
- darker and darker;
- sleep comes.

Such autogenic training before bed is carried out with particular slowness, representing an increase in darkness around and an increase in inner silence.

Treatment of sleep disorders with medications produces results, but has adverse consequences in the form of side effects on the body. Breathing exercises for insomnia help avoid consequences and bring your sleep patterns back to normal.

During proper breathing, the chest, diaphragm and abdominals are used. This process allows cells to be saturated with more oxygen, and carbon dioxide is removed from the body. Water exchange and thermoregulation also occur.

This way, the body begins to work more harmoniously, which helps you fall asleep faster. Breathing exercises are effective in combating insomnia if performed before bed.

Breathing exercises promote:

  • activation of blood circulation, training of blood vessels;
  • calming the nervous system;
  • protection from daytime problems, concentration of the brain on the breathing process;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • improving the functioning of internal organs.

Japanese breathing technique

The most common exercises include the 4-7-8 technique for falling asleep, calming breathing and calming full breathing.

Basic rules of breathing exercises:

  1. The exercises should be performed in a pre-ventilated area.
  2. Attention is focused on the exercises, it is important to relax and drive away unnecessary thoughts, calm music helps with this.
  3. For classes, it is better to wear comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics.
  4. The opportunity to be alone helps to increase the effectiveness of exercise.
  5. Breathing is done through the nose, exhalation lasts longer than inhalation.
  6. Like any workout, breathing exercises require a gradual increase in pace, as dizziness may occur if you are not used to it.

During colds, exercise should be postponed; other diseases related to the lungs require consultation with a doctor.

Exercise 1 - “Harmonious full breathing”

First, choose the correct body position - standing with your back straightened. It is correct to begin this exercise by exhaling. Then the abdomen protrudes, while the diaphragm lowers and opens access to the lungs. A deep breath first fills the lower part of the lungs with air, then the rest of the space is filled, which is accompanied by the movement of the ribs. When the lungs are completely filled, the shoulders and collarbone rise.

The basic rule for performing the exercise is to inhale slowly (it should be silent) and exhale. When you exhale, the lower part of the lungs is released first, then the middle and upper. Doing the exercise too quickly can cause dizziness.

Over time, the number of approaches should be increased to 10-15 times. Becoming a habit like this

Exercise 2 - “Calming lower breathing”

The secret of the calming effect of this exercise is that when you inhale, all processes in the body are activated, and when you exhale, the body calms down. You can provide rest to the nervous system by focusing more on exhalation.

The exercise should begin with equal durations of inhalation, pause and exhalation. Then, each time the length of the exhalation should increase, and the pause should shorten. This breathing technique relieves tension and, accordingly, it becomes easier for a calmed body to fall asleep.

Breathing exercises using the “4-7-8” technique

The eastern breathing technique 4-7-8 is effective for falling asleep. To perform the exercise, you need to take a comfortable position (preferably sitting, but you can also do it while lying in bed).

Execution steps:

  • exhale the contents of the lungs with a whistling sound;
  • inhale through your nose, counting to 4;
  • pause for 7 counts;
  • exhale with a whistling sound, counting to 8;
  • repeat the steps several times.

Breathing using the “4-7-8” technique helps you fall asleep, because in the process the nervous system calms down, and all cells of the body are saturated with oxygen.

Auto-training to quickly fall asleep

Auto-training for falling asleep is based on learning to go to sleep by creating self-hypnosis formulas and special rituals.

These include:

  • airing the bedroom before going to bed;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • an evening walk;
  • comfortable bed and loose clothes.

You should prepare phrases that, when spoken, will calm you down and prepare you for a healthy sleep.

For example:

  1. “I'm relaxed. My muscles are relaxed. I feel comfortable and at ease."
  2. “The heart beats evenly.”
  3. “I feel my legs and arms getting heavier.”
  4. “I sink into a warm, calm, still state.”
  5. “I feel comfort from the warmth spreading through my body.”
  6. "I'm drifting off to sleep."

You can come up with phrases for self-hypnosis yourself. It is important to use short affirmative sentences, paying attention to each part of your body. Such autogenic training, when used regularly, helps to form the correct habit of healthy sleep.


Mantras are sacred spells used in Hinduism. They are used as one of the methods for quickly falling asleep.

When thinking about how to speed up falling asleep, you should pay attention to the possibility of listening to them before bed. Reading aloud is not suitable for everyone, since you need to read every sound with the correct intonation, and you won’t be able to fall asleep during the process. You need to set yourself a sufficient number of repetitions of the recording, which is enough to fall asleep.

You need to fight insomnia by any means: counting elephants or sheep, taking relaxing baths before bed, laying out pillows with oregano and mint on the bed. But sometimes even these remedies don’t help. What to do if all traditional methods do not give any effect, when all possible conditions have been created for sleep, but it just doesn’t come?

Fatigue is the best pillow. But this expression, unfortunately, refers only to its usual form. When fatigue becomes chronic, even with a great desire, a person does not always manage to fall asleep. It is not difficult to guess that, caused by constant fatigue, it grows like a snowball. The more lack of sleep, the less ability to fall asleep.

In the fight against insomnia, auto-training for falling asleep will help - a kind of self-training to sleep using suggestion. This is a good technique that allows you to quickly fall asleep, which anyone can master. It is especially easy for people who are able to evoke vivid, vivid images in their minds. This technique will make it easy to fall asleep in the evening, and...

Studies have shown that half an hour of auto-sleep training will help you fall asleep much faster and completely. In any case, these exercises will benefit you: they will help you relax your muscles, relieve nervous tension, calm anxious thoughts, and restore emotional balance.

In order to achieve good results in the shortest possible time, it is very important to properly prepare for auto-training for falling asleep. If you just watched an action movie or ate a delicious dinner, these activities are unlikely to provide any benefit. To quickly fall asleep and get ready for proper rest, before special exercises it is recommended to do relaxing meditation or listen to calm music.

To successfully conduct auto-training against insomnia, you need to ventilate the room well and take a comfortable body position. The most optimal position is lying on your back, arms along your body. A sitting position is also suitable, especially for those who like to take a nap in a cozy chair. You need to not think about anything extraneous and focus only on the meaning of the spoken words. The main goal that should be achieved using this technique is complete relaxation, because one of the main causes of insomnia is its lack.

Auto-training text for falling asleep

1. My body relaxes. I'm calming down. I feel light and free. I'm resting. I feel comfortable and good.
The following phrases need to be repeated several times.

2. My right hand fills with warmth.

3. My left hand fills with the body.

4. My hands are getting heavy.

5. My right leg fills with warmth.

6. My left leg fills with warmth.

7. My legs are getting heavy.

8. My arms and legs feel warm and heavy.
It is enough to repeat all other phrases once.

9. I feel warm and good. A pleasant warmth spreads throughout my body. From the tips of the toes of the right foot it passes to the left leg, right arm, left arm, and covers the entire torso. I feel heaviness throughout my body.

10. My heart beats evenly and calmly, I breathe deeply. I feel completely at peace.

11. A pleasant feeling of sleepiness appears. Every minute it grows more and more. My eyelids are drooping. I'm relaxed and calm. I fall into a deep sleep. I am falling asleep. I sleep sweetly.

At first, these exercises can take quite a long time, and you won’t be able to fall asleep quickly right away. Relaxation, smoothly turning into sleep, will come faster every day, even if you repeat each phrase once. For a left-handed person, it is better to start relaxing and repeating phrases on the left side.

From this text you can choose those phrases and sentences that you like or come up with your own. The main thing is to carry out auto-training for sleep regularly, then the result will pleasantly surprise you.

The method of acquiring mental balance using a certain number of self-hypnosis techniques is called auto-training. Every person can inspire himself with anything, including a state of moral peace. Many people need auto-training to calm the nervous system due to exposure to various stressful circumstances. The method helps restore the balance of biochemical processes in the body. Sometimes you can change character traits, and in some cases, get rid of bad habits. It’s easy to learn auto-training, the main thing is to believe in yourself.

What is auto-training

This is a certain psychological technique that helps a person acquire moral peace through some self-hypnosis techniques. The essence of this process is calming the nervous system and relaxing the whole body, even under conditions of daily stress. According to psychologists, auto-training refers to hypnotic effects, but the main feature of self-hypnosis is direct participation in the process. The value of such training lies in the ability to:

  • control muscle tone;
  • induce the necessary emotional state at will;
  • have a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • concentrate on what you want.

Indications and contraindications

Auto-training is suitable for people suffering from such ailments as neuroses, panic attacks, neurasthenia and other psychosomatic diseases. Self-hypnosis shows good results in curing diseases based on emotional stress (bronchial asthma, endocarditis, hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, constipation and others). Auto-training should not be done by those who suffer from vegetative crises, delirium, a state of unclear consciousness and somatic attacks. Self-regulation helps heal the nervous system of children and pregnant women.

Self-regulation techniques

Managing your psycho-emotional state is called self-regulation. As a result of successful work on yourself, you can achieve the effects of calming (reduce emotional tension), recovery (eliminate manifestations of depression) and activation (increase psychophysiological reactivity). Natural methods of self-regulation of the nervous system are:

  • healthy sleep;
  • healthy food;
  • music;
  • rest and others.

It is difficult to use such auto-training techniques at work and in other public places where stress or fatigue may occur. The most accessible methods of natural self-regulation are:

  • laughter, humor;
  • thinking about pleasant things;
  • smooth body movements (stretching);
  • admiring pleasant things (flowers, paintings, etc.);
  • bathing in the sun's rays;
  • pleasant sensations from breathing fresh air;
  • support with compliments.

Basic auto-training tools

In addition to natural auto-training techniques, there are mental tools of self-regulation, which are expressed in visualization (the influence of mental images), affirmation (the power of words), breathing control and muscle tone. They contain one common concept - meditation. Autotraining tools can be used in any situation, especially when the emotional state has reached a negative peak. Meditation for calm is a good way to improve a disturbed nervous system.

Breath control

This is an effective means of influencing the emotional parts of the brain and tense areas of the body, which is part of auto-training. There are two types of breathing - chest breathing and using the abdominal muscles. The ability to manage both methods of relaxation of the body leads to different effects. Deep and measured breathing through the belly will relax tense areas of the body. Sometimes the body needs tension to improve its mental state. To do this, use frequent chest breathing, which will ensure a high level of human activity.

Muscle tone control

Another way of auto-training is releasing muscle tension. They often arise from a negative emotional state. The ability to relax the muscles in the body will help you quickly restore strength. After the relaxation procedure, a well-treated muscle will feel a feeling of pleasant heaviness and warmth. It may not be possible to relieve nervous tension throughout the body at once, so it is worth paying attention to individual areas of the body.

Verbal influence

This method of auto-training affects the psychophysical functions of the body through the mechanism of self-hypnosis. The method works through short tuning orders to one’s “I”, programming for success and self-encouragement. For example, in order to restrain yourself in a tense, nervous situation, you should mentally say: “Don’t give in to provocation!” For auto-training to work, you need to program yourself for success with the words: “Today I will succeed!” Mental praise will help raise self-esteem: “I did great!”

How to relax the nervous system

Self-conducting auto-training to calm the nervous system is possible thanks to some existing techniques. For each of them, psychologists have compiled detailed step-by-step instructions:

  1. An example of self-regulation using breathing, after which the body will become calmer and more balanced:
    • take a deep, slow breath, counting to yourself to four;
    • stick your stomach forward, keeping your chest motionless;
    • hold your breath for the count 1-2-3-4;
    • exhale smoothly, counting from one to six;
    • Before the next inhalation, hold your breath again for a few seconds.
  2. Autotraining for muscle tone control:
    • Sit on a soft, flat surface;
    • inhale and exhale deeply;
    • mentally find the most tense areas of the body;
    • concentrate and tighten the places of the clamps even more (while inhaling);
    • feel the tension that appears;
    • release it sharply (as you exhale);
    • carry out the procedure several times.
  3. Auto-training exercises using the verbal method:
  • formulate an order to yourself;
  • repeat it mentally several times;
  • If possible, say the order out loud.

Basic techniques

It is possible to learn the basics of psychoregulation thanks to the works of the first inventors of autogenic training, Vladimir Levy and Johann Schultz. The methods of these psychologists for the use of self-discharge in the medical field and everyday life formed the basis for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system. Autogenic training, described in the works of Levy and Schultz, will help you gain self-confidence, improve the functioning of your internal organs and relieve psychological stress.

Autogenic training according to Schultz

This technique of restoring the nervous system helps to reveal a person’s natural ability - self-hypnosis. The main goal is to set your body up for recovery through meditation, complete relaxation of the body and moral calm. According to Schultz, after auto-training, certain therapeutic effects occur:

  • physical and moral calm;
  • strengthening the central nervous system;
  • awakening the body's defenses;
  • gaining self-confidence.

According to Vladimir Levi

The self-regulation training course according to Vladimir Levi consists of using self-hypnosis formulas to relieve moral and physical stress and restore the nervous system. The therapeutic effect is achieved both verbally and through imagination. The auto-training mastering program takes place over a 15-week course, and its main part is based on the principle of mental “tension-relaxation” of muscles. Such therapy helps if you are fully interested in the process and believe in your own capabilities.

Video for autogenic self-regulation

If you don’t know how to relax using auto-training to calm the nervous system, then these useful videos are for you. Experienced psychologists will share the secrets of self-regulation. Doctors will answer your most pressing questions: what verbal commands exist, does therapeutic music help the nervous system, what auto-training techniques are best to use. Learn how you can calm your central nervous system through self-directed mental, verbal, or breathing exercises.

Insomnia... This problem is relevant for many of us, equally relevant for people of different ages, different professions, different temperaments, different degrees of emotional sensitivity.

It would be wrong to say that insomnia is a problem only for older people, that only those whose profession involves constant nervous tension and overwork are susceptible to it. It is also not true that only people with a stormy temperament, who are highly sensitive to any emotional outbursts, suffer from insomnia.

Of course, such statements have some basis. But, as often happens, sleep disturbances are also possible for a person who did not experience any troubles during the day, experienced all the delights of good rest and went to bed in the best, calmest state of mind.

The average sleep requirement is 8–9 hours. And if a person sleeps less, this affects his overall well-being. In the morning he does not feel cheerful, there is pain in the muscles, bags under the eyes, and there is no desire to engage in any active activity. In addition, over time, if no measures are taken, serious problems with overall health appear.

Sleep is one of the primary needs, without which the continuation of life is impossible. Sleep restores strength wasted during the day. In a dream, the information received during the day is processed, some of which is eliminated, and the other part moves from the short-term memory department for long-term storage to the long-term memory department - and a special “mechanism” of our memory records and consolidates this information.

This is why sleep reconciles us with many of the difficulties that arise during the waking period. Waking up in the morning, we feel that some problems that seemed insoluble the day before are losing their severity.

What to do if you have problems sleeping? Of course, insomnia must be combated. Unfortunately, the most common way to “put yourself to sleep” is to use sleeping pills.

But it is important to clearly understand that frequent use of sleeping pills is hopelessly addictive, which means that at some point you will not be able to achieve the desired result. Sleeping pills also cause irreparable harm to health.

Fortunately, today auto-training is becoming more widespread. It is approved by professional doctors, psychologists, and a large number of people who have trusted him.

Autotraining allows you to completely relax, escape from all problems and worries, forcing the body to obey the goals of a person who has decided to help himself.

Now there are many methods of self-hypnosis. The simplest and most quickly mastered of them is psychomuscular training. It is built on the relationships that exist between the brain, the mental organ and skeletal muscles, those that, like cases, cover the bones of our skeleton and provide motor functions.

During mental stress, our skeletal muscles involuntarily tense. Conversely, when the brain is calm, they involuntarily relax. Biological impulses coming from the muscles to the brain are a kind of irritants that stimulate the activity of the brain, exciting it.

The less active the muscles are, the fewer impulses they send to the brain. That is why we cannot fall asleep when we are in a state of excitement, and fall asleep easily when we are completely relaxed.

If the brain receives fewer exciting signals from the periphery of the body, it begins to calm down, plunging first into drowsiness and then into deep sleep. Therefore, in order to enter drowsiness, you need to learn how to relax your skeletal muscles well.

We must learn to manage this process with the help of words. Try a simple experiment. Say to yourself: “I have a very sour and juicy slice of lemon in my mouth.” Soon you will feel the release of saliva.

The brain, which is in a dormant state, acquires increased susceptibility to information entered into it. Therefore, in a state of relaxation, you can inspire yourself with anything.

The most comfortable pose for auto-training is lying on your back. At the same time, the arms, slightly bent at the elbows, lie palms down along the body, and the feet are spaced 20–40 cm apart. The head is on a comfortable pillow. Some people, especially thin and long-armed people, find it more pleasant to place their hands palms up - this is not forbidden.

The second position is in a soft chair with a headrest and armrests, on which relaxed arms are placed (in some cases it is more convenient to place them on the hips).

The third position is called the “coachman’s position on the droshky.” You need to sit on half of a chair or bench, without leaning on the back, and move your legs, standing on full feet, slightly forward so that an angle of 120–140 degrees is formed between the back of the thighs and the calf muscles. Place your hands on your hips, but in such a way that they do not hang between your thighs.

Keep your head straight or slightly tilted forward, without moving either to the left or to the right.

But the most important thing is the position of the torso. The back is bent only enough so that the shoulder joints are strictly in an imaginary vertical directly above the hip joints. If the shoulders move forward, then when you fall into drowsiness, the body will begin to fall to your knees. And if the shoulders are behind this imaginary vertical, a backward fall will begin. With the correct position, the back will bend more and more as the muscles relax, and the torso will maintain an upright posture.

So, first, take one of the basic poses. Then close your eyes - this will help you better focus on your muscles. Next, by lightly shaking the arm muscles, prepare them for further relaxation.

Auto-training helps not only to fall asleep quickly and peacefully, but also to fight insomnia in the middle of the night.

The first thing we will focus on is sleep disorders in children. The most common cause is nervous disorders. As a rule, they are accompanied by difficulty falling asleep and restless sleep.

In such cases, the child first refuses the daytime rest hour. It may also be this: strong excitement acquired during the day leads to the fact that the baby cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening, although adults think that he should fall asleep immediately, because he is emotionally overtired.

The main motives for anxiety in this case are the experience of separation from the mother, excessive severity of parents, neglect or insufficient expression of love on their part, etc.

Such an attitude contradicts the increased need of children for emotional contact and love, therefore it is personified with fairy-tale images of Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal and others. Negative characters are symbols of threats and abuse for a child.

This causes sleep deprivation. Guided by this knowledge, it is necessary to build auto-training exercises. First of all, the mother or father should sit next to the child, stroke him, calm him down, that is, help him relax.

“Mom loves you more than anyone in the world, dad, grandmother, grandfather love you... You are a wonderful son (daughter)... Mom loves everything you do: how you play, run, eat. Mom loves you even when she’s angry and scolds you for pranks...”

Naturally, the baby should say “me” instead of the word “you”.

It is no coincidence that the word “mother” appears in this exercise. After all, this is the most important person for a child. Although in certain situations you can list all your close people or talk only about who your child is offended by, whose words or actions are the cause of his concern.

Let the baby repeat several times: “I am desired, deeply loved. The world is safe and friendly. I'm not in any danger."

The child should repeat these words with a special intonation of warmth and affection. And after a while you will see a smile of calm and contentment on his face, which will lead to a quick fall asleep. In this case, the influence on oneself is not only the words, but also the intonation and timbre of the voice.

This exercise can also be used when the baby has fallen asleep, but sleeps very restlessly: fidgets, turns from side to side, screams. Wake him up, give him warm water and help him do auto-training.

This type of training is also possible:

“Grandma Ezhka is a gray cake, I’m not afraid of you!!! You are only in a fairy tale, and a fairy tale is a fiction. It was composed by a writer, and he is a person like me. So I have nothing to fear. Haha!!! You are always defeated by someone kind and good. Haha!!! And I can sleep peacefully."

It is best to do auto-training in advance, as soon as you put your child to bed, and not when he is already exhausted from insomnia. If the lack of sleep has plunged the baby into an extremely nervous state, repeat any exercise several times or alternate one with the other.

Self-hypnosis of this type is good for relaxation:

“I closed my eyes. I feel good. My bed is soft, like a tender white cloud. My blanket is just right, it keeps me warm. I am lying in the most favorite and most comfortable position for me. I like the way the clock ticks. Tick-tock, tick-tock... My heart beats just as evenly and calmly. Knock-knock, knock-knock... It's like I'm swinging on a swing. Kach-kach, kach-kach... I want to sleep, and nothing prevents me from falling asleep.”

“I’m tired... I ran and frolicked a lot, and now I need to rest. My arms are relaxed, my legs are relaxed... I don’t feel them... Only my eyelashes are so heavy that they seem to be pulling down somewhere. I'm starting to fly. Oh, how good and pleasant... I fly past beautiful gardens. Smells like honey. I start to fly slower. It seems like this is already a dream. Oh, what a wonderful clearing... There are so many poppies on it... I smell them - it smells very pleasant. The smell intoxicates me and I fall asleep. I sleep, I sleep, I sleep...”

The cause of insomnia in adolescence is often not only serious physiological changes, but also a feeling of inferiority, an offensive word said by someone after you. Sometimes this word becomes so firmly entrenched in the mind and torments that it does not allow one to fall asleep for long hours.

But you need to get rid of the oppression of heavy thoughts. To do this, do an exercise that involves repeatedly asking the question, “Why do I deserve respect?” and answer it. It might look like this.

- I'm kind!

– Why do I deserve respect?

– I am responsive!

– Why do I deserve respect?

- I'm smart!

– Why do I deserve respect?

- Because my sense of self-worth does not allow me to suffer over trifles. I can freely ignore the utterances of fools. I can fall asleep easily and freely. Bye-bye!

After this, proceed to an exercise aimed directly at falling asleep.

The reason for insomnia in teenagers may also be that their self-esteem suffers from the very status of a “teenager”. All adult privileges are prohibited to him - he is still too young. You can't drive a car, you can't get married, you can't drink alcohol, you can't smoke, you can't work, you can't leave home, you can't satisfy your sexual needs while they are simply crying out for it. The only thing allowed is to go to school and read boring textbooks.

And now the teenager does not sleep. He suffers, lying in bed and dreaming of either quickly turning over this page of life, or, in the worst case, leaving the world altogether.

Under no circumstances should you let things take their course. The psyche may be irreversibly damaged, the moral character may be forever damaged (a teenager will simply take the path of permissiveness and begin to fall asleep absolutely calmly, but then insomnia will take over you).

The best way out of the situation is special auto-training exercises that you need to offer your growing child:

“I am going through a difficult age period. Much is forbidden to me. But I don't want to worry about it. I still have my whole life ahead of me, incredible events await me, there will be so many of them that there will be no time to rest. Let me get comfortable. So. I'm ready to enjoy my sleep. How wonderful - there is a whole ocean of sleep around me! I'm happy to sail along it. The water is warm and pleasant... Happy swimming..."

“My parents wish me only the best. Perhaps it is difficult for me to understand them now. But they have life experience, and that means a lot. They once went through the same problems as me. I am the most precious thing they have. I have to trust them completely. I am under a reliable wing. I have nothing to worry about. I'm absolutely calm. Nothing worries me. A night of pleasant dreams lies ahead. I have no difficulty falling asleep."

This is followed by a relaxation session.

Adults have no less reasons for irritation and insomnia.

We have lost the feeling of unity with nature. We no longer understand that the cause of this discord with the outside world is within ourselves, so we must look for help not from the outside, but first of all in ourselves. The expression “Help yourself” has become a catchphrase.

Fear of life, failure, the possibility of illness, fear of death destroys a person as an individual, paralyzes him, deprives him of inner freedom, which leads to constant, sometimes unreasonable worries and, as a result, to insomnia.

Freed from the oppression of emotions that disrupt the natural rhythm of life, a person begins to consciously build himself. The path to this freedom is constant auto-training.

People who have managed to look into themselves using the method of controlled self-regulation are different from others. During an auto-training session, someone is in a pleasant half-asleep, someone manages to feel like a bird, but they all say goodbye to the feelings driven deep into them and bring their body into the necessary balance. Naturally, they have practically no problems with insomnia.

Auto-training is a kind of orientation towards a positive perception of life, leading to the realization that you should live with pleasure, that you do not owe anything to anyone, that your idea of ​​many things in life does not have to coincide with the generally accepted one. In this case, you will have nothing to worry about while lying in bed.

A visualization session should begin with relaxation or meditation. You need to take a comfortable body position and relax all your muscles. Then stop the internal monologue that sounds in your mind, free it from thoughts.

Next, the purpose of the visualization is determined. To do this, you need to understand what you need in life now. If you want to receive something, imagine it in every detail. Do the same if the goal is abilities, character traits, people, situations.

Muscle relaxation has a good effect in case of sleep disorders, as well as for the prevention of insomnia.

Mastering this method, of course, is more difficult than taking a pill, but patience and faith will bring good results: you will quickly, without drugs, regardless of the stressful situations you experience, fall asleep and sleep in a deep, restful sleep.

To do this, lie on your back, arms along your body, stretch your legs freely. Repeat slowly in your mind, carefully imagining the meaning of each formula:

– My legs are warm and heavy, my legs are relaxed... (3-4 times).

– My hands are warm and heavy, my hands are relaxed, all the muscles of my hands are relaxed... (3-4 times).

– The forehead muscles are relaxed, the muscles of the brow ridges are relaxed, the muscles of the chin are relaxed, the teeth are unclenched, the lower jaw hangs freely, all the facial muscles are relaxed... (the last phrase is repeated 3-4 times).

– The whole body is relaxed, every muscle is relaxed... (2-4 times).

– The weight of the body pleasantly presses on the bed... (2-4 times).

– The blood washes over the body in a warm wave, penetrates the tips of the fingers and toes, and a pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body... (2-4 times).

– Breathing is free, deep... (2–4 times).

“I’m calm, completely calm.” A pleasant feeling of peace spreads in a warm wave... (2–4 times).

– The whole body is relaxed and motionless... (2-4 times).

– Eyelids become heavy, drowsiness overcomes, you want to rest... (2-4 times).

– Pleasant peace and drowsiness envelop me more and more fully... (2-4 times).

Accompany each formula with a figurative representation of the warm water of a pond, light warm streams of a river, the warmth of the sun, the sound of the sea on coastal pebbles, and some other pleasant images with which you associate the idea of ​​warmth, pleasant heaviness and peace.

The emphasis on the feeling of warmth is not accidental. Warmth promotes relaxation. For those who find it difficult to imagine flowing warmth, you can stand under a warm shower before the session so that the streams flow down your hands, and remember this feeling.

You can do it simpler - wash your hands several times under running warm water from the tap and remember this feeling of warmth, at least only in your fingers and hands. Over time, the resulting sensation will spread higher, right up to the shoulder joints.

During the first session, words about relaxation need to be spoken more times in order to feel the effect of verbal influence.

You must learn to evoke in yourself all the sensations that the phrases of the technique speak about.

– I begin the autogenic training session by taking a comfortable position.

“I noisily inhale the blue, cool air and... slowly noisily exhale the pink, warm air.

– I inhale deeply with my chest and stomach.

– When you exhale, a wave of relief flows throughout your body.

– The noisy inhalations of blue and the noisy exhalations of pink calm the nervous system.

- I'm calming down.

– My body is relaxing.

– The muscles of the shoulders, arms, and legs relax.

– Facial muscles relax.

– The face expresses complete calm.

– A slight inner smile lights up my face.

- I'm resting.

– My body completely relaxed.

- I'm having a nice rest.

– My imagination raised my mood and threw away extraneous thoughts.

– I think only about peace, about rest.

- I'm having a nice rest.

– A pleasant feeling of heaviness appears in my right hand - the muscles of the right hand relax.

– My right hand is heavy.

“And now a pleasant feeling of heaviness appears in my left hand.

– This relaxes the muscles of the left hand.

– My left hand is heavy.

“She presses with all her weight on the bed.”

– My hands are heavy and relaxed.

– The right hand begins to warm up.

– Warmth flows pleasantly through your hand.

– This warm blood warms my right hand.

– Warm blood pulsates in the fingertips.

– My hands are warm and relaxed.

– There is a feeling of heaviness in the right leg.

– This is the muscles of the right leg relaxing.

– My right leg is heavy.

“She’s like lead.”

– The right leg is very heavy.

– There is a feeling of heaviness in my left leg.

– This is the muscles of the left leg relaxing.

– My left leg is heavy.

“She’s like lead.”

– The left leg is very heavy.

– My legs are relaxed and heavy.

– The right leg begins to warm up.

– Warmth flows pleasantly down my right leg.

– My right leg is warm and relaxed.

– The left leg begins to warm up.

– Warmth flows pleasantly down my left leg.

– This warm blood warms the leg.

– My left leg is warm and relaxed.

– My legs are warm and relaxed.

- I'm having a nice rest.

– I breathe freely, easily.

– I breathe in fresh, pleasant air.

– A fresh, pleasant wind blows across my face.

“My forehead is pleasantly cool.”

- I'm resting.

– My body is relaxing more and more.

– I feel a pleasant warmth in the solar plexus area.

– My solar plexus radiates warmth.

– Warmth flows like rays throughout the body.

- I'm resting.

– I am calming down more and more.

– The heart works rhythmically and smoothly.

– Rhythmic heartbeats calm me down.

- I'm resting.

“I was deeply immersed in an autohypnotic state.

– This dive gives me pleasure.

Try to see the corresponding mental image, and then “translate” it into the real physical sensation of relaxed muscles and feel the resulting relaxation.

If at some point your attention is scattered - and instead of the image you are creating, other, extraneous thoughts appear, you need to calmly, without getting irritated, return your attention to the place, to the process from which it ran away, and slowly, calmly continue continue the self-hypnosis procedure.

To develop and consolidate the achieved results, you need to train daily - play with your muscles and the corresponding mental processes. Auto-training classes should be like a game, and not like a boring, annoying job.

Before relaxing, if necessary, conduct a self-hypnosis session, which depends on the specific situation.

For example, we all take accusations against us very hard. We toss and turn from side to side, scolding ourselves for not defending ourselves well enough or for being completely defenseless. This burden inexorably hangs over us, and we simply forget about sleep. Meanwhile, time flies, the problem is not resolved, and there is a busy working day ahead, before which there is less and less time left, and this only increases nervousness.

In this case, tell yourself: “It’s not your fault, the cup broke because it was wet and slippery. Sleep well. It happens to everyone. This man did not want to offend me at all. He doesn't feel any negative emotions towards me. He is now in a peaceful sleep. And I shouldn’t dwell on what happened either. I feel the resentment leave me and a pleasant warmth spread throughout my body. It's easy for me. I want to sleep - and I fall asleep..."

If your own distrust of what is being said prevents you from calming down, it is advisable to say between sentences: “Yes, yes!”

Probably every woman is familiar with the situation when her husband is late at work. Late hour. You are alone in bed, and he is somewhere unknown. The ticking of the clock gradually begins to seem like a real chime. Whatever thoughts slip through your head. Misfortune? Young lover? Revelry with old friends?

Is it possible to fall asleep in this situation?

It turns out, quite. Make your heart beat evenly and calmly. And then tell yourself:

"I love myself. Nothing can make me harm my health. I can't afford the lack of sleep. No matter how much I torment myself with stupid guesses and suspicions, I cannot change anything. I have a great opportunity to clear things up when he arrives. I'm a smart woman. I can control myself. Now there is nothing more valuable to me than complete peace and sleep.”

After this, begin relaxation exercises. Bring your body to a state of complete rest.

It is important to know your own self-worth, true self-love and find agreement with yourself. Everything works out for us if we truly love ourselves. Our subconscious absorbs everything we want to believe. We have unlimited choices - how to think and what to think about.

If we want to believe that life is dull, that we are lonely and no one loves us, then this is how our life will turn out. Consequently, at the end of each day you will feel depressed and depressed. Unpleasant thoughts will become a barrier to good sleep.

In some situations, an exercise of this type is possible:

“I am the master of my life. I have everything I need. I love and accept myself for who I am. My relationships with everyone are getting better every day. I'm healthy and happy. The light within me works wonders in my life. Everyone loves me. I love my job. Everything around is calm. Nothing stops me from resting. Nothing can interfere with my peace and sleep. I am in a state of complete calm and serenity.”

Never reproach yourself for the current situation. Avoid thoughts: “I always do everything wrong,” “I’m bad,” “It’s my fault,” and so on. Such thoughts make our life sad and full of disappointments. In this case, you are unlikely to fall asleep easily and quickly - and do not expect good, pleasant dreams. It’s better to inspire yourself with pleasant, kind thoughts:

“I love my life, my body, and they love me back. I feel deep peace of mind. There is a golden healing flow of dream energy around my body. It swirls around me, creating a light, quiet melody. I feel pleasantly dizzy. There are no troubles in my life. My life is bliss from waking up to sleeping. The day is bliss. Night is bliss. Sleep is bliss."

Our strength is in the present moment. It’s good if before going to bed we pay attention to what we should think about right now. The main thing in our life is thought, and thought can always be changed.

Do you feel deeply dissatisfied with yourself? This feeling comes from what you think about yourself. That is, thought creates a feeling to which you succumb. But thoughts can be changed, and preferably so that you can sleep peacefully.

Probably everyone is familiar with the situation when, having woken up in the middle of the night, we cannot go back to sleep (for example, if the neighbors suddenly wanted to organize a midnight carnival).

If in this situation you begin to appeal to their conscience, most likely your irritation will only increase and it will be difficult to return to sleep.

It is more advisable not to go anywhere, but to relax with the help of one of the exercises; You can tell yourself something like this:

“My desire to sleep is so strong that nothing can stop me. Loud music does not disturb my peace of mind. I feel an uncontrollable urge to sleep. I love my neighbors, let them have fun. I need peace and sleep. What a wonderful environment in my home. The clock ticks quietly and steadily. Sleep, sleep, sleep..."

We choose our thoughts ourselves. Therefore, before going to bed, it is better to give up negative ones. Imagine your life full of love, joy and health.

How often, being dissatisfied with our lives, we lie awake and turn over in our thoughts the wonderful pages of our past. Give up this useless activity and tell yourself: “The past is gone forever. It is not in our power to bring it back. How stupid it is to refuse to enjoy real life. Living is a joy! You need to fall asleep and be ready to enjoy your existence tomorrow.

The past has no power over me because I want to learn and change. I know that the past is only a necessary stage, after which I went through it and ended up here. I want to become free from the past. Everything is fine in my world. I am free from unnecessary worries. I'll fall asleep quickly and easily."

Is it worth worrying about the fact that you need to get rid of some thoughts? Let them leave us as easily as if we wanted to throw leftover food into the trash. You cannot delve into outdated beliefs when creating the basis for your future. And at the moment this basis is sleep.

If a thought or belief is not good for you, let it go! Calm yourself before bed, get rid of unnecessary things.

If you suffer from insomnia, ask yourself: “What are my thoughts that are creating this situation?” Sit quietly and your mind will give you the answer.

“In the endless stream of life, of which I am a part, everything is beautiful, whole, perfect. I know that what needs to be known is revealed to me; what I will have comes to me at the proper time, in the proper place and in the proper sequence. Everything is fine in my world. Both wakefulness and sleep. Sleep is one of the main joys of my life. I can’t refuse it.”

Imagine yourself standing in line at some fashionable restaurant, where instead of the usual dishes you are offered dishes of thought. You need to choose any to your liking:

“I am a wonderful, whole, perfect person. This is how I will always be. I am in the right place, at the right time, doing what I am supposed to do. I must sleep soundly, completely."

If you have been suffering from insomnia for a long time and cannot overcome it, use the following auto-training method: hang numerous pieces of paper in your bedroom with peculiar notes:

– Nothing worries me.

– I just love to sleep.

– I fall asleep easily and quickly.

– I sleep well throughout the night.

– The worries of the day do not prevent me from relaxing before bed.

– No events unsettle me.

– I am in a state of sweet slumber.

– I fall asleep as soon as I lie down.

– I love life in all its manifestations.

– I feel the joy of being.

– I love the beauty that surrounds me.

- I like people.

– I love my body and its functions.

– I love animals, birds and fish.

- Love rules the World.

– I will always have what I need.

An excellent method is singing. You can hum whatever you want to calm yourself with. Use lullaby melodies. The song does not need to rhyme between the lines.

For example: “A quiet and peaceful night ahead... Sleep is my good friend. Sleep is an inseparable companion of my nights. Sleep comes to me at the first call and does not leave me before the morning begins. Sleep saves me from all worries and worries. I sleep as much as I want and when I want.”

“The events of the past day did not disturb me at all. I take everything that happens absolutely calmly. Day is day, and night is night. The night has come to bring only pleasant dreams..."

When trying to help yourself calm down before going to bed, list those feelings that you can allow yourself to experience, and forget those that you cannot even think about.

Positive feelings are love (including for ourselves), which includes gratitude, respect, trust, admiration, etc.

Negative feelings are hatred, mistrust, contempt, hostility, jealousy, thirst for revenge, etc.

By the way, it is harmful for especially emotional and impressionable people to experience even positive feelings before going to bed. For example, a feeling of admiration can plunge them into a state of increased excitability.

Based on this, you can build auto-training exercises yourself. Just say: “I love myself and everyone, I am grateful to myself and everyone, I respect myself and everyone, I trust myself and everyone, I admire myself and everyone. Everything is fine. You can sleep peacefully."

Speaking of everyone, conjure up images of those who unconditionally deserve it, so as not to overshadow the positive emotions that you begin to experience.

And judge negative feelings like this: “What is anger? I don't know. What is irritation? I don't know this. What is hatred? I've never experienced this feeling. What is contempt? I’ve never even heard of such a thing.”

Many people cannot sleep because they drive themselves into a frenzy, conjuring up all the things they have to do tomorrow. The difficulties ahead terrify them, and they simply forget about sleep.

The verb “should” is one of the most destructive (in relation to what we are talking about). Push away all thoughts related to upcoming problems. Think about how great it is that now you can rest and sleep.

Tell yourself:

- I'll do it later.

– I can’t think about it now.

“I don’t have time to think about it now.”

- I'll think about it tomorrow.

“It’s too late to worry about this.”

– If you don’t pay attention to the problem, maybe it will resolve itself.

Our mind is a tool that we can use the way we want. It can be reoriented:

“I want to let go. I release. I give you permission to leave. I release tension. I get rid of anger and irritation. I allow all sadness to leave me. I am at peace and harmony with myself and in harmony with life. I feel safe. I enjoy falling asleep."

Do this exercise 2-3 times. Feel the relief of being delivered. Repeat this exercise every time you feel anxiety that is preventing you from falling asleep. You just need to practice a little, and then such actions will become part of your life.

Relax, take a comfortable position - and affirmations will give results faster. You will perceive them easier. There should be no tension or pressure. Just relax and think about something pleasant.

Condemnation is the surest way to be left alone with a problem. Therefore, when getting ready to sleep, drive such thoughts away.

It is helpful to ask yourself before going to bed: “How do I create so many situations that irritate me? What beliefs of mine give rise to breakdowns and disappointments? What vibes do I give off that make others want to make me angry? And why am I convinced that I must necessarily be irritated, since the need arises to get my way?”

Answer yourself: “I want and can get rid of this. I do not need it. I easily put it all aside. On the threshold of night, I am completely freed from the emotions that were weighing me down. Thoughts no longer have power over me. I have power in this world."

“Every day it becomes easier for me to fall asleep. Today was a wonderful day, I end it with love. I fall into a peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow will give me everything I need."

“There is peace in my soul. I am in complete agreement with life. I reconcile body and spirit with love. I only think about good things. I relieve tension. I'm completely safe."

“My thoughts are quiet, calm, harmonious. Warmth spreads throughout the body. My consciousness is pure and free. All external pressure disappears. I'm very well".

"My body and mind interact perfectly. I control my thoughts. I begin to taste the sweetness of sleep. I choose peace and quiet. Everything in my world is beautiful. There is a healing atmosphere around me. I am the embodiment of peace and love. The little things in life do not bother me at all. Sleep is honey. How sweetly I sleep..."

Before you start telling yourself this, you need to relax. The following exercise is simple and accessible to everyone.

Lie on your back. Place your arms along your body. Relax all your muscles, breathe freely, focusing on your breathing. After 2-3 minutes, begin to breathe yoga breathing.

As you inhale, mentally say “a-o-um.” With “a” – the lower part of the lungs is filled with air, “o” – the middle part, “min” – the upper part. Exhale through your mouth in a narrow, light stream, as if enveloping your body in a spiral from head to toe.

Eyes closed. After exhaling, during a breath pause, mentally say a short phrase: “I am peaceful. I’m falling asleep peacefully.”

The circular breathing method may be more suitable for you.

Do this exercise while sitting or lying down. Close your eyes. Figuratively imagine that inhalation and exhalation go through the point between the eyebrows. Slowly count: by 1, 2, 3, 4 - inhale, by 5, 6, 7, 8 - exhale. At the same time, imagine that as you inhale, the life force goes up the spine, and as you exhale, from the eyebrows to the navel.

Breathe like this for 2-3 minutes. Then slowly inhale, as if from the big toe of your left foot, up to the eyebrows, and exhale, as if from the eyebrows, down the right side of the body to the toes of the right foot. Breathe like this 6-10 times.

Then pay attention to the exhalation. You will feel that during exhalation the muscles of the arms, neck, torso, and legs relax.

After a certain skill, when you exhale, you will have a feeling of warmth that flows through your arms and then through your legs. As you exhale, mentally say: “Your hands are getting warmer, your legs are getting warmer. I calm down and fall asleep."


It has long been proven that reflexes lie at the basis of our mental and intellectual life. The so-called second signaling system has a rather large influence on the human body. It is encoded by voice timbre and a certain combination of letters on a subconscious level. This can cause changes at the DNA level. A signal of any phenomenon occurring in our body can be its symbol - that is, a spoken, audible or readable word. It's no secret that many words carry a charge of energy and vigor. But there are also those who, on the contrary, worsen our well-being.

Under the influence of these words, a person gradually forms and transforms a certain idea of ​​himself, which, in turn, causes corresponding changes in the body. We either become cheerful and cheerful, or we become self-absorbed and depressed. For example, there are some people who, with just one word, can completely change our condition to the completely opposite. Each of us felt a similar influence. But we are all capable of changing ourselves, without any outside help.

Various ancient spells used by sorcerers helped scientists notice the influence of words on the state of the human body. After all, it is sorcerers and healers who have been using various incantations and prayers since ancient times in order to achieve the greatest results in the treatment process. With the help of their prayers, hopelessly ill people were healed. The blessings of the saints extended over several generations. With their prayers, people encouraged the body's reserve capabilities to fight the disease, and with curses they suppressed the functions that ensure the normal functioning of the body. Their treatment methods are based on the same processes as in self-hypnosis.

Human words, turning into electrical vibrations, can quite strongly influence DNA molecules. Some words cause a mutagenic effect of monstrous power. Scientists were able to prove this by conducting experiments on plants. They pronounced certain words, sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly, sometimes in a whisper. The strength of the effect depended on the content of what was said. With the help of such experiments, scientists were able to revive seeds that were considered ungerminating. It turned out that under the influence of words, genes in the plants’ bodies swapped places, as a result of which DNA began to produce not entirely natural programs.

Having studied this, scientists came to the conclusion that human words have not only energetic, but also informational effects on DNA. DNA hears human speech. Special “ears” are adapted to perceive such acoustic vibrations. Even if we do not say words out loud, but simply read a book or listen to music, its content still reaches the genetic apparatus via electromagnetic channels. Our DNA is not indifferent to the information we receive. Some messages heal her, others traumatize her.

It turns out that the human body is a controlled system, which means that each of us can easily help ourselves, without resorting to the sometimes expensive services of various magicians and sorcerers. But this system must be managed in a special way, otherwise it simply will not listen to you, and even worse if it does not understand and does the opposite.

Thus, you have in your hands a technology for purposefully influencing the course of your life, especially since it does not require any special preparation.

The technology of this effect is quite simple and accessible to everyone, but the effect sometimes exceeds the wildest expectations. Having mastered it, very soon you will begin to feel younger, you will no longer worry about problems associated with your well-being, and you will get rid of many bad habits.

The most powerful tool for controlling the body is suggestion, or installation. Everyone can set a certain setting for their body. This does not require too much time; all you need is boundless faith in yourself and your strengths, and also a steady pursuit of your goal.

The body knows how to restore itself. But, tired, he is not able to cope with everything alone. Come to his aid. Help you tune in to recovery, bring your physical and spiritual components into balance, and in gratitude it will give you a feeling of confidence, cheerfulness and good mood.

How can this be achieved?

First of all, you should explain when you should give yourself such instructions.

Settings are given only in the evening when you go to bed. But not immediately at the moment when your head touches the pillow, but after a while, as soon as you feel that you are starting to fall asleep. A slight drowsiness sets in - start speaking, but not out loud, of course, but mentally, slowly, but very firmly and confidently. You should spend at least 2 weeks on each installation, repeating it to yourself every evening. You cannot alternate different installations: today the technology is one, and tomorrow another - it will not work in this case. Having set yourself one setting, give your subconscious a break of several days and only after that proceed to the next one. Don’t overdo it, because they take quality, not quantity.

And remember that if you decide to sleep for an hour or two during the day, you don’t need to repeat the setting to yourself. Its effect is designed to last the whole day - and therefore the extra load on your already hard-working subconscious will be unnecessary.

So, you went to bed. To begin with, you just need to tune in properly and firmly believe that everything you do will definitely help. After all, it is the powerful spirit of a person that builds and directs self-healing processes in the body. But the spirit can and must be trained. It is entirely within human power to awaken healing mechanisms within oneself and literally restore oneself anew.

After the mental attitude, put your breathing in order, as it plays an important role in self-hypnosis. If you go for a run before going to bed and begin to suggest something to your body, it is unlikely to hear you. It will take him some time to get his breathing back to normal.

Breathing is a subconscious process, as well as a vital function of any organism, which is not interrupted for a minute. We usually do not pay much attention to how we breathe, and yet it is breathing that regulates many important functions in the life of the human body. Very few of us know how to breathe correctly. But many diseases are a consequence of improper breathing.

It is not at all easy to bring breathing back to normal; this requires endurance and patience. Try to normalize your breathing, make it more regular and rhythmic.

Rhythmic breathing is the so-called complete breathing, that is, it covers all types of breathing: upper, middle, lower. Upper breathing covers the upper chest and lungs. Inhalation raises the ribs, collarbones and shoulders, filling only part of the lungs with air. Medium, or intercostal breathing, when inhaling, raises the ribs and expands the chest, moves the diaphragm, and extends the stomach. Here the middle part of the lungs fills with air. Lower, or abdominal breathing moves the lower part of the chest and lungs.

Breathing exercises can be performed in any position, preferably in front of an open window. After inhaling, exhale very slowly. This exhalation draws in the stomach, then lowers the ribs, chest and shoulders. Such gentle wave-like movements during inhalation and exhalation turn breathing into a smooth, continuous process, where inhalation flows into exhalation - and vice versa. It is this type of breathing that puts the entire respiratory apparatus into action, saturating the body with the optimal amount of oxygen.

Full breathing stimulates metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and has a beneficial effect on the heart. With this type of breathing, a mental sense of rhythm is important.

Stressful situations negatively affect our breathing. If we breathe unbalancedly, we immediately begin to develop a host of other diseases in addition to the existing ones. Therefore, it is so important to breathe correctly, because the harmony of breathing has a beneficial effect on our emotional state.

After doing breathing exercises several times and bringing your breathing back to normal, begin self-hypnosis. When giving yourself instructions, be completely confident in your abilities. There is no room for doubt here.

Sit back, calm down, relax, close your eyes. During the session, position yourself so that your body is in a relaxed state. Prepare yourself psychologically for the upcoming procedure.

Free yourself from unnecessary thoughts that bother you all day. If you are in a bad mood, irritated, depressed - try not to think about it, otherwise you will thereby create favorable conditions for the development of these qualities. At such moments, it is important to remember the feelings that you experienced during your emotional upsurge. It is the desire for this state that will help you return it.

In the memory of each of us, such a state is always associated with some kind of side impressions: snatches of melodies, some sounds, smells, colors. Just think about it and you feel warm. This mental substance is the image of youth and health. Everyone has their own image. Try to recall it in your memory. If this is not possible, put on some pleasant, relaxing music and completely immerse yourself in it for a few minutes.

Now that you are absolutely calm, your mood has improved, say the preliminary setting out loud in a firm, convincing tone. It will help the psyche prepare for subsequent suggestion.

It sounds something like this: “Now my body will begin to strengthen the influence of the mood that I will set for myself. He mobilizes all his reserves for the quick and complete execution of what is set in the mood.”

Statements of this kind are suitable: “I want to change myself, I can do it, I have the abilities, I will succeed. Everything I want, I can achieve on my own.”

Belief in the healing power of systemic attitudes can lead a person to balance and harmony. Using installations, you can get rid of any disease, force yourself to quit smoking, lose weight or gain weight. Only for this you need to work hard on yourself. You need to learn to control your thoughts and put them in order.

A person’s thoughts are of great importance, because if he passionately dreams of something, someday it will come to him. Desires can materialize and become reality. And this caused reality can be both positive and negative. We choose our thoughts ourselves, this should always be remembered. Each of us can change them in one direction or another, it depends on our needs and mood. If you feel that some thought stuck in your brain is having a bad effect on you, get rid of it. It is for these reasons that it is necessary to pay special attention to your psychological mood. You cannot be discouraged and give up at the first failure.

When making the installation, remember that there should not be a particle “not” in the text you pronounce. It completely denies the text you spoke, forcing your body to perform completely opposite actions. It is better to replace words with the particle “not” with others with a similar meaning. For example, in the sentence “From tomorrow I will no longer smoke,” it is better to replace the expression “I will not smoke again” with the word “I will quit.” Or replace the sentence “I will never drink alcohol” with the expression “I will stop drinking.” Remember to watch the words you say, otherwise, hoping to fix something, you will only worsen your situation. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Gradually you will get used to it and it will become a habit.

At every age, certain problems arise, and some of them can be solved with the help of systemic settings. For example, students are very often worried before taking an exam and as a result they sleep poorly and go to the exam with headaches. Take a few minutes before bed and give yourself a boost of confidence. Set your body up for good luck, let all your thoughts focus only on this. Feel everything that you inspire in yourself, immerse yourself completely in these thoughts, forget about everything that surrounds you. Use all your imagination for this. And you can be sure that in the morning you will wake up full of strength and self-confidence, and that’s already something. But don’t make the mistake of hoping that by setting yourself up for a good grade, without learning anything, that’s exactly what you’ll get. This judgment is wrong.

Different people react to any external influence in their own way. Sometimes a new, unusual situation causes a stress reaction in us, and after it comes illness. To prevent this from happening, make a systematic focus on preventing possible stress, as well as on luck, determination, and stability in life. With the help of moods, you can rejuvenate the body and strengthen the nervous system.

If you suddenly feel that you have become very irritated and nervous, that everything around you is annoying, then stress is just around the corner. In this case, the following setting will suit you.

“Now I am starting to restore my nervous system. This process will continue day and night. Now my body will direct all its strength to increasing the stability of the nervous system. My thoughts are becoming healthier. My will and character are strengthened. My self-confidence grows, strengthens like metal. My nervous system is resting and gaining strength. From tomorrow it will be completely different - strong and stable. Life's troubles will no longer negatively affect my state of mind. Every particle of my body strives to restore strength. By tomorrow morning my nervous system will be like a powerful oak tree, it will become just as strong and unbending.”

When carrying out the installation, try to imagine as clearly as possible what you are setting yourself up for. Go deeper into your inner world, feel it, touch all its sides. Try not to miss a single detail - this will help you achieve your goal faster.

If you are constantly in a depressed mood, nothing cheers you up, life seems gray and boring - then it’s time for you to take your condition seriously. Train yourself every evening to remember all the good things that happened today, and set yourself up for the fact that tomorrow will bring you even more joy and happiness. Learn to turn all the negatives in life into positives. Count your successes, not your troubles.

This attitude will help you feel cheerful and cheerful again:

“How beautiful our life is, every second of it, every hour. My whole day today passed as if in a fairy tale kingdom. I discovered a new world for myself. Even ordinary juice seemed to me like the drink of the gods. The surrounding nature excited me and inspired me to do good things. The birds sang so beautifully that it even seemed to me that they felt the same as I did. All day I wanted to give joy to people - and this is where I will start tomorrow. I will wake up full of strength and new energy, my mood will improve every second. As soon as I open my eyes, the warm rays of the sun appear in front of me. They will warm me and allow me to bask in their warmth. The fresh air will bring with it a great mood that I will keep for the whole day.”

By doing good to others, you yourself become kinder, the world turns a different direction towards you, and your life takes on meaning, and therefore, your mood improves. Remember that in assessing everything around us we are influenced by our own self-esteem; change it - and the whole world around you will change.

And this part of our chapter concerns mainly women, because it talks about how to preserve youth for a long time. Although, if a man wants to familiarize himself with the technique proposed here, he can also use it and prolong his youth.

When you go to bed, set yourself the goal of eternal youth and beauty. This will allow you to remain cheerful and cheerful for a long time. And if you are happy, willy-nilly you will feel ten years younger.

“Now I will go to bed - and my sound sleep will fill me with new life, youth and beauty. My face will be completely renewed - my cheeks will become flushed; the bright red color flowing into my lips will make them look like poppies; the hair will acquire shine and softness, it will become even thicker. In the morning my eyes will shine with joy, and a perky light will shine in them. The whole face will smooth out and acquire a healthy color. I will become like a beautiful pink and white beauty. My body will regain its grace. My gait will be flying, like a gentle breeze. Every day I will feel more beautiful and younger, as if life has turned back. And this feeling of youth and vigor will always remain with me.”

To achieve your goal, show determination and perseverance. Steadily carry out your plans, do not give in to the temptation to postpone everything until later. Many are of the opinion: “Well, today I feel good, I look great, so I don’t have to make plans for tomorrow.” Working on yourself must last your whole life, continuously - otherwise you will never achieve anything. If you think that, having carried out several system settings before going to bed, you have completely achieved your plan, set yourself another goal - more complex and, at first glance, unattainable. Fight your own shortcomings and don’t stop there.

We all know that smoking is harmful to health, but we still fail to quit this bad habit. Try to place this burden that is too much for you on your subconscious - perhaps, by uniting, you can cope with this bad habit. When the struggle begins within the person himself, the process of self-improvement will take less time and be more effective.

“I am a brave, firm, self-confident person. I have a huge strong will and decisive character and I have unlimited self-control. I am in complete control of my behavior and can easily cope with such a minor enemy as smoking. I want to be healthy, and nicotine contains poison that poisons my body. My body does not tolerate the effects of tobacco smoke. I am a hundred times stronger than this bad habit. My whole body rebels against smoking. Starting tomorrow I will quit smoking, and my decision is final. From now on, tobacco smoke will become disgusting to me. I will stop feeling the need to smoke and will even forget that I ever smoked.”

In case of any trouble, resort to self-hypnosis. Try to calm down and tune in to the fact that tomorrow you will wake up cheerful and cheerful. Think about love and you will feel happier. If you start thinking about possible failures, they will certainly happen, and only you will be to blame for this. Do not allow yourself to give in to despondency and think about failure; on the contrary, try to strengthen your faith in the best. No one in the world can make you happy except yourself. Don’t be lazy, give yourself this attitude. Here's how, for example, you can relieve excess anxiety before the wedding:

“I am absolutely calm. Nothing worries me. My wedding day will be the most beautiful day of my life. I can already feel his breath and imagine how wonderful it will be. Now I’ll go to bed, and tomorrow morning I’ll wake up cheerful and cheerful. A bright, healthy blush will burn on my cheeks. My lips will become pink like the dawn. My eyes will shine with happiness and love. I will be the most beautiful bride in the world. Tomorrow I will be happy."

If a dark streak has come in your life, it seems to you that everything is falling out of your hands, troubles are following you on your heels, then try to find at least something good in everything that happens. Found it? Well, now fix this thought in your head:

“I am the happiest person. My life is interesting and varied. I have a wonderful wife and wonderful children. I like my job. I have many true friends. My home is an oasis of peace and happiness. Sometimes it is difficult for me, but I know that I can easily cope with everything. Everything that seems difficult to me is a simple trifle that does not affect my well-being and my life. I have a lot of strength and energy and I can do anything. I am able to change myself, and therefore my life. Tomorrow I will start by solving my problems, which seem to me the easiest in life. My family believes in me and I will strengthen their faith.”

If you set yourself such a mindset, you will definitely push all troubles away from yourself, since it is the thoughts of failure that attract them to you.

A person needs rest, as well as nutrition and breathing. The inability to rest greatly strains the human psyche and body. Rest allows you to restore your strength and adjust your body to its optimal mode. Help yourself set yourself up for a more fruitful vacation. The ability to relax and rest is a habit and needs to be created. First of all, relax your muscles and set the mood for rest:

“My body is tired and needs rest. Now I will go to bed, and I will have a wonderful dream that will add vigor to me and relieve fatigue. All the problems that bothered me will fade into the background. My brain will completely disconnect from everyday worries. The body relaxes more and more every second, acquiring lost lightness and flexibility. Tomorrow I will wake up and feel like a butterfly hovering over a flowering meadow. I will rest and accumulate energy for important things. The sun's rays in the morning will have a positive effect on my well-being. I can easily relax and fully enjoy my vacation. I will perform my daily work without any effort. Every cell of my body will rest and gain strength.”

If you think that you are too shy or your figure is not proportional, carry out a systematic installation to eliminate these complexes. Convince yourself that all these are prejudices and you shouldn’t pay attention to them. There is no need to have high hopes that someone will be able to help you. If you yourself cannot force yourself to fight your complexes, no one will. When you decide to change something in your life, change your thoughts first, the rest is much easier to do. Remember, it is our consciousness that creates our future.

Here are some examples.

1. “I am the most beautiful girl in the whole world. It's hard for me to find equals. I am very beautiful, and if I have flaws, I know how to hide them. Everyone admires me. People envy me because they consider me a real beauty, and this is true. I am the one and only. I love and value myself. Tomorrow I will get up and look even better than I do now, and I will completely forget about these little things. All day long I will feel the admiring glances of my friends. All men will pay attention only to me. All tomorrow I will be a real queen.”

You can be sure that a few days after you start working in this direction, you will really be in a great mood, you will feel one hundred percent and will not even remember your shortcomings. Be more confident in yourself, help your body strengthen this belief. And in a few days you will completely forget about this problem that has been depressing your life for so long.

2. “I am a very brave and strong person. I am always confident in myself. I communicate easily with friends. I feel comfortable in any new company. I am very sociable, and in my mind there is no such word as shyness. I always set goals for myself and boldly go towards them. I am sure that if you want to achieve something, you need to go straight to the goal. The embarrassment bothered me, but tomorrow I will leave it at home and forget where exactly. Tomorrow I will be the bravest and most uninhibited person, and it will always be that way. I will devote the whole day to making new friends. My life will change dramatically."

If you decide to change, repeat this to yourself often, and gradually your body will consider it a necessity and will strive to achieve this goal.

Many of us are afraid of change, war, darkness - usually such fears are instilled in us by someone, but it is quite possible to get rid of them. Try to imagine everything in a completely different light than you imagined before. Perhaps you are mistaken and everything is not so scary at all. Convince yourself that it is too early for you to think about this - you have a whole life ahead, full of happiness and fun. And if any changes happen, they will certainly only be good.

If you are afraid of getting sick, repeat to yourself:

“I am the healthiest person in the whole world. I have no feeling of fear. I am healthy and cheerful, and will always be so. My health is in my hands, so I am sure that illness will bypass me. I go in for sports, I train myself, that’s why illnesses don’t like me and avoid me.”

If you are afraid of death, you probably often imagine how bad and terrible the afterlife is. Convince yourself that the afterlife is beautiful, everything is magnificent and fabulous there, and very soon such thoughts will stop visiting you. Life is beautiful - live for today, and don’t look to places where you may not be able to get to so soon.

Many of us are overweight. We starve ourselves all day long in the hope of losing at least one kilogram, but all in vain. As soon as you stop this struggle, the lost kilograms return again. Well, how can you lose weight if with every piece you eat you feed your body with the thoughts that: “If I eat this now, I will gain weight, but I will eat it anyway, because everything is so tasty.” And what happens in the end - each piece really adds weight, because you yourself asked for it. If you still want to lose weight, learn to control your thoughts. Consciously choose the thought you want and strengthen it. Do not think that your hunger controls you - no, it is you who direct it in this direction. Stop poisoning yourself with diets, it’s better to set your body to lose weight.

“I want to lose weight, and I will definitely achieve this. Starting tomorrow, everything I eat will help me lose weight. Every bite I eat will lose me an equal amount of weight. My body is gradually gaining lightness and harmony. Every cell of my body is constantly fighting against extra pounds. And this struggle is constant.”

Oddly enough, there are people who are trying to gain weight. For them, it seems as impossible as losing weight for others. No matter how much they eat, their weight remains the same. Try, while eating, to think that every bite you eat increases your weight. The installation in this case could be like this.

“Starting tomorrow morning, my body will be configured to increase body weight. All the foods I eat will affect this process. The more vitamins in my food, the faster I will gain weight.”

If you are very hot-tempered, often quarrel over trifles with friends, or have bad relationships with work colleagues, give yourself a mindset that will help you resolve all this. Convince yourself that you need to be more restrained and tolerant of others. Your setup might be something like this:

“I have wonderful friends who love me, and I should be more patient with them, because they also tolerate my shortcomings. All the people I interact with are individuals, and I must respect this quality in them. Tomorrow morning all my irritability will disappear and I will be happy to communicate with people. I'll leave all my temper at home. I will be very calm and tactful. Tomorrow I will make peace with everyone with whom I am at odds.”

You consider yourself a good person and a wonderful friend, but some people around you think that you have absolutely no abilities or talents - don’t despair. In fact, you may have a lot of talents, but you convinced yourself that you don’t have them, and your friends are right. Naturally, after such an installation, your body will try to hide everything that is good in you into the farthest corners. Give him a different attitude, convince both yourself and him that you actually have a lot of talents, and you can be sure that in a couple of days you won’t recognize yourself. It turns out that you know and can do a lot, and in general, you are a genius.

“I am a very talented and gifted person. I know and can do a lot. My talents are multiplying and developing every day, and soon I will have no equal. I am an amazing person and deserve nothing but praise. I am the epitome of perfection, and tomorrow everyone around me will admire me. My possibilities are endless."

You don’t have to say verbatim what we’ve offered you; choose only what suits you, then add and develop your thoughts. The settings we offer are just the basis. Each person must create a program for himself, based on his character, on his individual traits. Your installation may change from day to day until the best option is selected.

Make system settings for yourself every day, but don’t expect instant results. Everything takes time. Just keep practicing. After some time, attitudes will become a need for your body, and this is wonderful - you will gain complete power over your body and over your life. You will be able to control the state of your psyche and will stop taking illnesses for granted.

Sooner or later we come to the understanding that we have only ourselves to blame for all our failures, because we cannot choose the right lifestyle or cannot cope with bad habits and therefore do not know how to be happy.

By instilling certain thoughts into yourself day after day, repeating them many times, you will feel positive results within a few days. Remember, if you want to make your life joyful and cheerful, to make certain changes in it, you always need to think only about the good, set yourself up for the fact that it will be so. If you want to live your whole life in love, set yourself up for love, if the limit of your dreams is wealth, set yourself up for countless treasures. What you thought about will definitely come back to you in a similar form, you just need to believe in it very strongly.

Ancient thinkers claim that: “Better to control the mind than to control the body. When the mind is calm, the body will not cause any trouble.” Take their advice - take your consciousness into your own hands and do not let it control you. Remember, the deity that determines our destinies lies within ourselves.