Dilatation of the cervix before childbirth, how many fingers. How the cervix, the most mysterious organ of the female body, prepares for childbirth

Before childbirth, a number of processes occur in a woman’s body that are aimed at the successful resolution of the burden and the birth of a viable fetus. The birth process itself is divided into three stages, each of which is characterized by certain characteristics.

Throughout pregnancy, and especially in the first stage of labor, the cervix plays an important role. This part of the uterus is the “lock” that locks the fetus in for nine months and then releases it. Proper functioning of the cervix and its adequate condition during pregnancy is the key to full gestation.

If the cervix is ​​unable to close tightly, this can lead to miscarriages at any stage of pregnancy and premature birth. Then it’s worth talking about isthmic-cervical insufficiency. This process is controlled by a leading gynecologist who monitors the condition of the female genital area throughout pregnancy. When examined on a gynecological chair, it is not difficult to diagnose slight dilatation or softening of the cervix. This pathology is a threat to normal pregnancy. And if in the first months, while the fetus is small, a miscarriage does not occur, since the pressure on the cervix is ​​still small, then already during the period of active growth of the child, the cervix may not withstand such pressure. In such cases, miscarriages occur most often from 20 to 30 weeks.

It is very important for a woman to visit a gynecologist in a timely manner, because Symptoms of cervical dilatation may not appear for the woman herself, due to the fact that the opening did not occur under the influence of the hormonal system. Often, a pregnant woman does not feel any symptoms of dilation at all and learns about this trouble only during an examination. And in some cases, a woman may experience tingling pain in the vaginal area, which requires consultation. The sooner the pathology is diagnosed, the faster doctors will take the necessary measures to preserve the pregnancy. In this case, the process of maintaining pregnancy will be controlled in other ways (suturing the cervix, applying a pessary, wearing a bandage).

The cervix, as one of the most important organs in the entire pregnancy process, undergoes changes throughout the entire period of gestation. The processes that take place in the cervix at the very end of pregnancy are important for the woman and the child - they signal that labor will soon begin. Every expectant mother needs to know the symptoms of cervical dilatation in order to seek help from a medical facility in time - perhaps to maintain pregnancy, and perhaps for childbirth (depending on at what stage these signs appear).

Changes affecting the dilatation of the cervix occur at 38-40 weeks. At this time, the placenta begins to age, which secretes hormones that serve for the normal course of pregnancy. At this time, the uterus and its cervix have such a tone that does not allow the child to grow, but, nevertheless, does not yet allow it to be born. After the placenta stops producing hormones aimed at maintaining the uterus, antagonist hormones appear in the woman’s body, the task of which is to help the cervix open and the uterus itself to contract. Thus, the level of estrogen increases and the level of progesterone decreases, oxytocin, prostaglandins, acetylcholine, and serotonin accumulate. All these hormones will affect the progress of labor and directly the dilation of the cervix.

Recently, while in the mother’s belly, the child, under the influence of the slightly infantile uterus, descends down into the pelvic cavity. As a result of pressure on the cervix, the body receives signals that labor is approaching. The uterus becomes slightly more toned to facilitate labor. Thus, we are talking about the harbingers of labor - false contractions due to short-term prenatal hypertonicity. During this period, despite the pressure on the cervix, it does not open, although the uterus may contract.

The main feature of the cervix during the labor period is its smoothing (shortening) and softening. When the cervix effaces, it expands its entry space; this does not happen immediately, but gradually, over several hours. In fact, the entire first stage of labor consists of preparing the uterus and its cervix for subsequent active actions.

10 cm is the norm for a baby to be born

Throughout the nine months, the cervix is ​​called immature. At this time, it is closed, does not allow a finger to enter, and is about two centimeters long. In the first few hours of the birth process, the uterus opens quite a bit - just one centimeter, which is determined by the free passage of one finger.

Briefly about cervical dilatation before childbirth in the video.

The neck is slightly softened and shortened. This condition of the cervix is ​​called underripe. After several hours, the cervix opens so much that it can no longer hold the mucus plug - it quickly comes out, which signals the imminent beginning of the second stage. In the process of its opening, the cervix changes its location - in relation to the body of the uterus, it becomes larger in the center, and during pregnancy it can be displaced all the time. We can talk about the maturity of the cervix when it allows more than one finger inside, its length is less than one centimeter, and the cervix itself is soft. Typically, this condition of the cervix is ​​determined by thirty-nine weeks, and with repeated births a little earlier. Physiologically, a woman is ready for childbirth, but in practice, most often pregnant women walk with their cervix dilated for a couple of weeks and give birth at forty to forty-one weeks without any pathologies. Symptoms of cervical dilatation are practically not noticeable for a woman. Only sometimes can the lower abdomen stretch, which indicates pressure from the fetus on the softened neck.

A completely reliable sign of cervical dilation is release of mucus plug. But leakage of amniotic fluid is a signal that hospitalization is necessary - either labor is approaching, or they will be stimulated so as not to leave the baby without amniotic fluid. Signs of cervical dilatation are more clearly determined by gynecologists.

Cervix before childbirth

The cervix before labor is the main method for determining whether labor is imminent. Pregnancy is a physiological process during which great changes occur in the female body. The changes mainly concern the internal genital organs, which must prepare for childbirth in a short period.

During this time, muscle fibers lengthen, thicken and multiply. The number of elastic fibers increases. The connective tissue is loosened. The vascular network increases significantly. The cervix begins to soften.

What should the cervix look like at the end of pregnancy?

Before childbirth, the cervix becomes soft, juicy, and distensible. Blood vessels lengthen, veins dilate and fill with blood.

The main functions of the cervix during pregnancy are:

  • retention of the fetus in the uterine cavity;
  • preventing premature birth;
  • smooth stretching of the cervix during childbirth;
  • prevention of pathological course of childbirth.

Pregnancy is intended by nature and usually proceeds without problems, but may be accompanied by unforeseen situations. If pregnancy proceeds naturally, the pharynx is closed and securely holds the fetus in the uterine cavity.

By the time of birth, changes occur in the cervix:

  • muscles are partially replaced by connective tissue;
  • Collagen production is activated, which promotes stretching and softening of the cervical tissue.

From 33 weeks of pregnancy, the cervix begins to slowly prepare for childbirth. Under the pressure of the fetus, which descends and presses from the inside, the cervix first shortens, then smoothes and opens.

After 37 weeks of pregnancy, delivery is considered timely. If the cervix begins to open earlier, the birth will be premature and the fetus will be born immature. In a period of more than 42 weeks, pregnancy is considered post-term, and problems with the placenta and fetus appear. Doctors, after a vaginal examination, assessing the state of maturity of the cervix, decide on the completion of labor by stimulating labor.

How to assess cervical maturity

The Bishop scale assesses the degree of maturity, which consists of three indicators:

  • cervical density;
  • length of the cervical canal;
  • degree of opening (from 1 cm to 12 cm);
  • position of the cervix in relation to the pelvic axis.

Each indicator is scored with two points. The neck is considered immature if the score is up to five. If there are 6–8 points in total, the cervix is ​​considered mature.

What happens to the cervix before childbirth

The main labor expulsion force is contractions of the uterus (contractions), due to which the cervix opens, followed by the expulsion of the fetus and placenta.

There are three periods of childbirth:

  1. The period of dilation begins with the first regular contractions and ends with complete dilation of the external os of the cervix.
  2. The second period of expulsion begins from the moment of complete opening of the external pharynx until the birth of the child.
  3. The afterbirth period begins with the birth of the baby and ends with the birth of the placenta.

Disclosure period

With the onset of labor, the cervix gradually smoothes out and opens to a degree sufficient to expel the fetus from the uterine cavity.

During contractions, the following processes occur:

  • contraction of muscle fibers (contraction);
  • displacement of contracting muscle fibers (retraction).

The amniotic sac also helps dilate the cervix. With each contraction, amniotic fluid moves towards the cervical canal and puts pressure on it. The amniotic sac exfoliates from the walls of the uterus and, penetrating into the cervical canal, stretches it.

In primiparous and multiparous women, the smoothing and opening of the canal does not occur in the same way.

The period of cervical dilatation in first-time mothers occurs in the following order:

  • the internal pharynx opens;
  • the channel expands;
  • edges are smoothed;
  • the external os opens.

During repeated births, the external os at the end of pregnancy is already slightly open and freely allows the tip of the finger to pass through. The outer and inner pharynx open simultaneously. As it opens, the edges of the pharynx become thinner and by the end of the period they have the shape of a narrow border.

When the pharynx has opened by 12 cm, dilation is considered complete.

At this point, the uterus is ready for the expulsion phase. During a vaginal examination, the doctor determines the degree of readiness .

How long does it take for the cervix to dilate?

The duration of disclosure is determined by many factors:

  • intensity of contractions;
  • the size of the fetus;
  • the presenting part of the fetus;
  • the size of the mother's pelvis;
  • time of discharge of amniotic fluid.

The cervix dilates more slowly in the first birth. If labor proceeds without any peculiarities, dilatation lasts up to 10 hours for primiparous women, and up to 6 hours for multiparous women. It is impossible to predict in advance how long it will take for a woman to dilate her cervix.

Periods and degrees of cervical dilatation

The opening of the canal during childbirth occurs in three stages:

  1. Latent period.
  2. Active phase of disclosure.
  3. Complete opening of the cervix.

Sensations of a pregnant woman during cervical dilatation

The latent phase proceeds calmly, without much pain. The woman in labor experiences nagging pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. The pain is irregular in nature and intensity. This stage lasts in each case individually (from several hours to 1 – 2 weeks). A pregnant woman does not always understand what is happening to her body while doing her usual activities.

When the contractions take on a constantly increasing character, the second phase of opening begins. The cervix smoothes and opens under the action of contracting muscles and the amniotic sac. This is the most painful phase. The intensity of contractions increases, the periods between them decrease, the woman gets tired of the increasing pain. The duration of this period takes 5 – 6 hours. During this time, the body has time to prepare for the expulsion of the fetus.

Childbirth is a natural process, but given the pain, at the request of the pregnant woman, this period of labor can be anesthetized with medication.

If the cervix is ​​not ready for childbirth

In cases where the dilatation of the cervix is ​​delayed, there is a need to stimulate labor.

Intervention in the birth process is carried out according to certain indications:

  • post-term pregnancy;
  • prolonged labor;
  • ineffective contractions;
  • large fruit;
  • unopened amniotic sac;
  • pharynx rigidity.

To prevent weakness of labor, careful monitoring of the condition of the woman in labor and the fetus is necessary.

If the reason for the weakening of contractions is the whole amniotic sac, the membranes are opened. In each case, the doctor individually decides how to prepare the cervix for childbirth.

Often, especially in primigravidas and in women with previous cervical injuries, the pharynx becomes rigid. With this pathology, the process of opening is inhibited, which slows down the progress of labor. Contractions become frequent and painful.

Using a Foley balloon catheter to dilate the cervix

If there is rigidity, digital dilatation of the pharynx is used, and if the waters have broken, a Foley balloon catheter can be inserted. Your healthcare provider knows how to use a Foley catheter to dilate the cervix correctly.

The cylinder is a medical device that is intended for repeated use. The material from which it is made does not cause irritation or discomfort to the patient. Due to the fact that it can be subjected to heat treatment, the risk of the spread of bacterial flora in the body is reduced. The surface of the balloon is smooth, designed for painless insertion.

Foley catheter dimensions.

Most often, a two-way female catheter number 18 is used to induce labor.

Self-insertion of a catheter is contraindicated. Only a physician should insert a Foley balloon.

Cervical dilation gel

To gently open the cervix, it is recommended to use substances that soften and make the cervical canal more elastic. Prostaglandins are used in the form of suppositories or gels. The drugs are harmless to the fetus and easy to use, greatly facilitating the dilatation of the cervix during childbirth. .

There are contraindications to the use of prostaglandins:

  • history of caesarean section;
  • incorrect position of the fetus (transverse, gluteal, oblique);
  • clinically narrow pelvis;
  • diabetes mellitus in a pregnant woman;
  • threat of uterine rupture.

Taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman, the doctor chooses a method for preparing the cervix.

To ensure a successful outcome of childbirth, gymnastics is recommended during pregnancy.

Physical exercises to prepare for childbirth

Gymnastics during pregnancy includes exercises related to:

  • with strengthening the pelvic floor muscles;
  • preparing the pelvic bones;
  • stretching of the muscles of the femoral part of the lower extremities.
  1. Walking is an excellent method. During movement, the fetus gradually descends into the pelvic cavity and automatically the fetal head presses on the lower segment of the uterus. The cervix begins to stretch and open. A woman’s body begins to produce oxytocin, which promotes the onset of labor.
  2. Swimming helps relieve muscle tension, improves blood circulation, and relieves swelling. The pregnant woman’s nerves calm down and the fear that the woman experiences on the eve of childbirth goes away.
  3. Squatting is a simple exercise that helps the fetus take the correct position.
  4. Rocking is a preventative exercise before childbirth. You can swing at home on a ball or on a swing while sitting on the sofa.

It is better to start doing gymnastics in advance, memorizing the exercises and repeating them periodically. This will make childbirth easier for both the woman and the baby.

If there are no contraindications, home stimulation methods are used.

Self-induction of labor

A proven method for preventing labor weakness is nipple massage. Irritating the nipples with your hands promotes the production of oxytocin, the main hormone that “triggers” the labor mechanism. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to cause cracks. After the massage, the nipples are lubricated with an antiseptic, for example an oil solution of chlorophyllipt.

At home, it is acceptable to use an enema filled with cool water. By stimulating the work of the intestines, the smooth muscles of both the intestines and the uterus begin to contract, which leads to an acceleration of the onset of labor.

It is known that sex is a natural method of stimulation. This method replaces in total: walking, swimming and massage. The only contraindication for intimacy is the threat of premature birth.

The reasons for cervical incompetence are different; in any case, the task of the pregnant woman and her doctor is to carry the pregnancy to term until the fetus matures.

If the cervix opens prematurely

If there is a threat of premature birth, it is necessary to create certain conditions for the pregnant woman:

  • provide strict bed rest;
  • relieve uterine tone (magnesium preparations, Ginipral);
  • calm the nervous system (Nervonorm, Persen);
  • strengthen blood vessels (potassium, magnesium, B vitamins).

The surgical method - suturing the cervix gives a good result, but this operation is performed in the early stages of pregnancy. This method is not used before childbirth.

Consequences and complications

If you miss the onset of labor weakness, complications are likely to occur, such as:

  • placental abruption;
  • threats of uterine rupture;
  • the onset of fetal asphyxia.

Complications can be avoided with timely medical care. If stimulation methods do not have an effect, it is recommended to end the birth with a Caesarean section.

The amniotic sac must remain intact until labor begins. If water begins to leak, then the pregnancy continues for two weeks under the guise of antibiotics. At the same time, the cervix and the fetal lungs are prepared to accelerate their maturation.

It is necessary to control the quality of discharge so as not to miss infection of the uterine cavity. If there is a threat to the life of the woman or the fetus, regardless of the stage of pregnancy, a Caesarean section is performed.

In order to prevent unforeseen situations during childbirth, a conversation is held with the pregnant woman about correct behavior and lifestyle.

An obstetrician-gynecologist regularly monitors the course of pregnancy from its very beginning. In case of abnormalities that require emergency assistance, hospitalization is recommended.

Only mutual trust between the doctor and the patient can painlessly solve all problems and achieve the desired result.

The uterus changes in size and structure during pregnancy. By the end of the third trimester, muscle tissue is saturated with collagen particles and becomes elastic. Normally, the organ decreases in length, the consistency is loose, the cervical canal gradually opens, preparing the way for the fetus. A long cervix before birth implies a length of more than 2 cm and means that the exit route for the baby is not ready.

Starting from the 38th week, to assess the restructuring of the uterus for childbirth, the gynecologist conducts examinations. This is done before the onset of labor and when assessing the correct stages of maturation. The degree of preparation is determined by 4 main parameters of the Bishop scale, according to which 2 points - complete readiness, 0 points - no signs of the onset of labor.

Evaluation parameters:

  1. fabric structure: softness, elasticity;
  2. cervical location: deviation back or forward is not normal, only in the middle;
  3. opening of the cervical canal – the norm is considered to be patency of two fingers;
  4. length - a positive score of 2 points is given at 1 cm, if the indicator is 2 cm and above, this is a long neck that will not be able to fully deliver the fetus.

During pregnancy, the cervix did not allow bacteria and microbes to penetrate to the fetus; the organ was filled with a plug of organic mucus. All this time, the normal length is considered to be 3-4 cm. Starting from 32-34 weeks, the uterus prepares and changes its structure. The tissues soften due to the pressure of the fetus's head on the base. The walls stretch, causing the cervix to rise and become shorter.

A long neck indicates that the organ is dense, the passage is too narrow, and the child will not be able to exit on his own. Depending on the duration of pregnancy, the size of the cervix and the causes of the pathology, drug treatment or self-training of the uterus at home is prescribed.

What to do with a long cervix before childbirth:

  • take medications that enhance prostaglandin production;
  • have sex without a condom;
  • put candles with kelp for elasticity;
  • antispasmodics;
  • drink currant tea at night;
  • eat half a pineapple a day;
  • Use primrose oil at night.

The change in the cervix in primigravidas occurs in stages: first the internal pharynx opens, then gradually the external one. During the second birth, both pharynxes expand, so the long neck changes later, only before the fetus begins to emerge. In women who have a history of several births, the cervix changes due to injuries, stitches, complications and remains long forever.


Immaturity of the cervix provokes problems during childbirth. If the long neck does not change after the water breaks or if the fetus is post-term, the obstetrician will prescribe stimulation. Otherwise, there is a possibility of complications for mother and child.


  1. improper attachment of the placenta - low, lateral;
  2. weakness of labor;
  3. prolonged labor up to 20 hours;
  4. injuries, ruptures;
  5. fetal hypoxia;
  6. untimely removal of the plug;
  7. surgical intervention.

The placenta is not attached correctly due to anatomical changes in the uterine os. This happens when there is a second or subsequent birth, or if the first one was difficult. The anomaly is rare; a physiologically altered cervix in multiparous women is diagnosed in 2% of cases.

Weak labor occurs due to a long neck. There are no contractions for more than 40 weeks, even when the amniotic fluid breaks. Urgent oxytocin-based medication or indication for cesarean section is required.

If there are no accompanying complications, except for weak labor, the woman insists on natural delivery, but the process is delayed for 20 hours or more. The patient becomes exhausted, exhausted, and milk production subsequently decreases. During childbirth, the likelihood of internal organ injuries increases.

Hypoxia develops as a result of prolonged pressure on the fetal head, which normally should gradually descend through the cervical canal to the exit. But due to the narrowing of the walls, it cannot pass, amniotic fluid accumulates and puts additional stress. Hypoxia is fraught with serious disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system and delayed development of the child. The syndrome is diagnosed in 10% of women giving birth. The reason is the inferiority of labor due to the long uterus before childbirth.

Drug treatment

Artificial dilatation of the cervix is ​​one of the stages of labor stimulation. The need for medical intervention is determined by the obstetrician. Procedures are prescribed not only during delivery, but also in the last trimester.

  • oxytocin;
  • suppositories and ointment with prostaglandin;
  • antispasmodic drugs;
  • calming.

The hormone oxytocin affects the tissue of the uterus. The organ softens, becomes elastic and stretches as the fetus moves downwards. As a result, the cervix shortens and opens.

Prostaglandin is used in suppositories and ointments. The drug is injected deep into the vagina or cervix. The substance, entering the tissue, stimulates the production of oxytocin, cervical mucus changes, and the muscles begin to contract. The administration of the drug is done strictly in a hospital, since it is necessary to determine the depth, which is impossible at home.

When the long cervix has just begun to shorten during childbirth, antispasmodics are prescribed. This is done if spasms cause severe pain and vasoconstriction is observed in the smooth muscles of the cervix. The blood flow is weak, the muscle is not nourished, the tissues remain hard and interfere with the continuation of labor. Most often, No-shpa is prescribed intramuscularly or papaverine in suppositories (rectally). The drug bypasses the liver without causing any harmful effects on the body.

In 90% of cases, sedative therapy is used in the form of antipsychotics. Such drugs reduce anxiety and eliminate the effect of presence. Used together with antispasmodics or epidural anesthesia.


To stimulate the long neck to change before giving birth at home, drugs and products that cause the production of prostaglandin are used. This hormone affects the smooth muscles of organ tissue. Light physical activity helps stimulate the cervical canal.

How to shorten the cervix before childbirth yourself:

  1. sex without a condom;
  2. primrose oil in capsules;
  3. kelp sticks;
  4. Buxopan, No-shpa;
  5. walking;
  6. physical gymnastics;
  7. Kegel exercises.

Semen contains enough prostaglandin to soften and shorten the long neck. But sexual intercourse is permissible only if the partner is 100% free from sexually transmitted infections. In later stages, the risk of infecting the fetus increases.

An excellent remedy (due to the high content of the desired hormone) is primrose oil in capsules, in a dosage of 500 mg, taken 3 times a day. Kelp sticks act in a similar way; they are made according to a special recipe, which calculates the dosage so that the effect is effective, without the risk of harm to health.

Kelp is a dense, smooth pad made of leaves and stems. Inserted deep into the vagina, dissolves within 5-10 minutes. For the best effect, it is recommended to lie down.

When a long neck is not associated with spasms, antispasmodics are not used. Taking chemical compounds is justified only in case of risks. The drug should be prescribed by a gynecologist.

After 37 weeks, light physical activity is used as a stimulant: walking, cleaning, raising legs, bending. If the fetus is positioned correctly, the head will press on the walls. The cervix will begin to open. But, if there is no effect from physical exercise in the coming days, and the examination shows a long neck, the exercises are stopped, since there is a possible risk of hypoxia.

The use of amateur performance is applicable only with the permission of the gynecologist and for a period of at least 38 weeks. The fetus develops individually and strives to be born under the influence of nature, so normally the due date comes from the end of 37 to the beginning of 42 weeks.

Traditional methods

The use of folk remedies for a long neck is based on the consumption of products containing gamma-linolenic acid. It is an Omega 6 fatty acid that synthesizes the production of the hormone prostaglandin. There are enough such products, but they are used with restrictions to avoid harmful effects on the liver, stomach and other organs.


  • fatty fish;
  • black currant;
  • borage oil (borage);
  • linseed oil.

Blackcurrant is the most concentrated in beneficial acids; they are found not only in the berries, but also in the leaves. Used as a warm decoction or tea. Half a glass 2 times a day. Eating the berry in its pure form causes an allergic reaction.

Borago is taken either in capsules (oil) of 2 pieces. per day, morning and evening, or in infusion - the leaves are brewed with boiling water and infused for 1 hour, take half a glass per day.

It is recommended to start taking flaxseed oil, as well as other remedies, 2 weeks before the expected date of birth. The oil has a good effect on muscle tissue, impregnates it with emollient substances, as a result the long neck is shortened and the uterine os opens.

You need to purchase oils at a pharmacy; the product must be in sealed packaging with an expiration date. If a woman has not taken the product before, it is better to start taking it with 1 teaspoon, gradually moving to 2 tablespoons.

If the cervical canal is unprepared, the use of margarine is excluded. Scientists have proven that the product contains preservatives that block the work of enzymes with gamma-linolenic acid.

Kegel exercises

Before starting exercises, you need to feel the right muscles. To do this, during one urination, the stream is delayed several times. During the process, you can feel those areas of the muscles that need to be developed through gymnastics.

Classes are performed at all stages of pregnancy, except in situations where there is a threat of premature birth. If a long neck is associated with a lack of elasticity and softness in due time, it is permissible to start at 37 weeks, this promotes shortening.

Kegel exercises:

  1. compression;
  2. fixation;
  3. floors;
  4. storm.

Squeezing. After the perineal muscles are found, the first exercise is performed. The muscles quickly compress and unclench 15 times in one go. Repeat 3 times.

Fixation. After squeezing, hold the muscle for 3 seconds, then release. It is worth making sure that the anal area is not involved in this exercise.
Perform 10-15 times, 2 passes.

Floors. The muscles are delayed in stages, starting with a small compression, then stronger. You cannot relax the muscle until a couple of floors have been completed. Unclenching is also performed gradually, stopping several times.
Repeat 5-7 times, 2 passes.

Storm. The muscles of the perineum also contract step by step, but moving not up and down, but back and forth. First, the clitoral area, then, without relaxing, the entrance to the vagina, then the anus. Without releasing the muscle, return back. The exercise is difficult, one approach of 10 times is enough.

If you perform Kegel exercises during pregnancy, you can prepare the fallopian canal for childbirth without the use of medications. Thanks to the course, blood circulation in tissues improves. Collagen arrives in a timely manner and in abundance, tissues become elastic, the long neck shortens and expands on time, starting from 32-34 weeks.

The content of the article:

Normal birth never occurs spontaneously. A few weeks before this event, changes in the cervix begin to occur. These changes will help the baby to be born. Some signs indicate that the baby will see the world very soon: the appearance of contractions, the breaking of water. During contractions, the cervix begins to dilate before childbirth, and this process determines how successful the birth will be.

Childbirth: stages

Childbirth is the process of expulsion of the fetus and placenta from the uterus; during its normal course, the process occurs naturally. In cases where it is necessary to resort to various surgical delivery methods, childbirth is called operative.

A woman should approach this important event in her life in full preparedness - if a woman has a good idea of ​​what will happen to her and how, it will be much easier for her to give birth.

Childbirth consists of periods:

Dilatation of the cervix;
expulsion of the fetus;
birth of placenta.

The longest period is the first period, during which, as a result of contractions of the uterus, the amniotic sac is formed, the fetus moves along the birth canal, resulting in full dilatation of the cervix during childbirth and the baby is born. For primiparous women, labor lasts up to twelve hours; for multiparous women, this period of time is much shorter - up to eight hours. Knowing how many cm the dilation of the cervix is ​​during childbirth, you can accurately say what phase of contractions is taking place and how long this process will continue.

The uterus, which is a hollow muscular organ consisting of three parts, is responsible for bearing the fetus:


The processes of pregnancy and childbirth depend on the condition of the cervix.

Cervical dilatation

Preparing the cervix for childbirth begins around the 32nd week. The tissue area near the cervical canal remains dense, but in other places the cervix softens, this process is completed by the 38th week of pregnancy. Now the fetus descends into the pelvis and with its weight presses on the neck, which contributes to its even greater opening.

If a doctor tells a woman that she is only 1 finger dilated, she begins to wonder how long it will take to give birth. But this still suggests that the pregnant woman has only physiologically prepared for childbirth. And they will begin when regular contractions appear. Therefore, dilation by 1 finger will not tell you how much time is left before birth, but will indicate readiness for labor. This readiness can be judged by several other parameters.

In addition to opening to the finger and softening, the neck should be shortened to a length within one centimeter. At the same time, it begins to be located in the center of the small pelvis, although quite recently it was still somewhat tilted to the side. The mucous plug that protected the uterus throughout the pregnancy should also be observed. The removal of the plug indicates that the cervix is ​​ripe and contractions may begin soon. First, the internal os of the cervix opens, and as the fetus moves along the birth canal, the external os also stretches. In women who have given birth, this opening occurs simultaneously, so the whole process takes a much shorter period of time than in a primigravida. And if, for example, the dilation is 3 cm, then how long will labor begin?

By the way, very often obstetricians-gynecologists call the size of the cervical dilation not in centimeters, but based on the size of their fingers. Therefore, it is much more common for a doctor to hear how many fingers should be dilated during childbirth?

Sometimes it happens that labor has already begun, but the cervix is ​​not at all ready and is not going to open. In this case, the doctor will use stimulation, otherwise the fetus will experience a lack of oxygen, because the placenta begins to rapidly age and lose the ability to perform its basic functions.

Period of contractions

Contractions refer to the first, longest stage of labor, which lasts until the cervix dilates to allow the fetus to pass through. Many women are interested in the question - how many fingers should be dilated for labor to begin? We can say that before the onset of labor, the cervix is ​​effaced and open by at least two fingers. To answer the question - if a woman in labor has dilation of two fingers, then how long will it take for her to go into labor, then we first need to consider how dilatation occurs during contractions. But first things first.

The period of contractions is divided into a slow period, called latent, and a fast period (the so-called active phase of contractions). Contractions last 10-12 hours in primiparous women and 6-8 hours in women who have given birth.

The latent phase begins from the moment when the rhythm of contractions is established, they occur with a frequency of one or two contractions every 10 minutes, this phase lasts about six hours and usually passes without severe pain. In primiparous women, this phase always lasts longer. The use of medications is not yet required, but for women who are too young or, conversely, older, the use of antispasmodics may be required. At this time, a dilation of 3 cm is already observed, but it will not be possible to say exactly how long it will take for labor to begin. At this moment, alternating contraction of the muscles of the uterus and their relaxation are just taking place, as a result of which the length of the cervix is ​​shortened, the fetal head is located at the entrance to the pelvis, the fetal bladder begins to put pressure on the internal pharynx, causing it to open.

If a dilatation of 3-4 cm has occurred, then the doctor can see how long it will take for labor to begin. Complete smoothing of the cervix and dilation of 4 cm indicates that the active phase of contractions has begun. This phase for both first-time mothers and women who have already given birth lasts up to four hours. During this period, subsequent opening occurs very quickly. For every hour, the cervix opens by 2 cm in first-time mothers, and by 2.5 cm in repeat births.

If the dilation is 5 cm, then the doctor knows for sure how long it will take for labor to begin. In order for the fetal head and body to pass through the birth canal, the cervix must dilate to 10, sometimes up to 12 cm. Therefore, in the active phase, an experienced doctor can accurately determine both the time of labor and its course. For example, if the dilation is already 6 cm, it is quite simple to answer the question - how long will it take for labor to begin? You just need to count how many centimeters are left until the cervix is ​​completely dilated. At this time, the baby’s head is already moving along the birth canal and the cervix is ​​opening faster and faster. The most painful contractions become after five centimeters of dilation. This pain is natural, but not every woman can withstand this pain. To maintain the condition of the pregnant woman at this time, various methods of pain relief are used. These may be non-drug methods:

taking warm baths;
listening to soothing music;
various exercises.

If these methods are not enough, the obstetrician-gynecologist will prescribe a medicinal pain reliever, based on the characteristics of the woman, the complexity of labor, and the pain threshold.

When dilated to 3 fingers, how long will it take for labor to begin - you can answer quite accurately - in about two hours the contractions should end, after which pushing will begin. By the end of the active period of contractions, the cervix is ​​already completely open, or almost completely. Usually at this time the water breaks, it is believed that this is a timely process. However, if the water does not break on its own when the cervix is ​​fully dilated, the doctor must perform a procedure called amniotomy to open the membranes.

Full dilatation of the cervix will occur with sufficient labor activity. With weak labor or its absence, the cervix does not open. In this case, it comes to stimulate labor.

We have looked at what cervical dilation looks like during childbirth. Let's try to consider whether it is possible to influence this process with the help of posture.


It turns out that the horizontal position we are used to slows down the process of childbirth, prevents the uterus from contracting normally, slows down dilation, and at the same time increases pain. With the help of a correctly selected position, you can relieve pain and stimulate labor. What postures during childbirth are favorable for dilation of the cervix:

Vertical, in which, due to the force of gravity, the child’s weight is directed downward. At the same time, the child puts more pressure on the cervix, forcing it to open faster; when pushing, it is also easier for the child to pass in this position.

Sitting position. In this case, you need to make sure that the surface should be elastic, but in no case hard. Large inflatable balls are well suited for this, as they will help the neck open faster. The legs should not be closed; it is better to spread them apart as much as possible.

True, in some cases, the horizontal position will still remain a necessary option, for example, during rapid labor, during breech presentation of the fetus, and in some other serious violations of the birth process.

The easier they will pass. In this article we will look at methods of preparing the cervix for childbirth, we will try to figure out why you need to prepare the cervix for childbirth, how to do it and whether you need it.


An examination of the cervix before childbirth is carried out at every visit to the gynecologist. To give you an idea of ​​how the cervix changes before childbirth, imagine a large egg with its sharp end pointing downwards. Before childbirth, the tone of the uterus softens and thins its lower segment, while the myometrium in the upper part of the uterus, on the contrary, thickens. The baby moves lower and its head or other presenting part descends into the small pelvis - drooping of the abdomen is one of the harbingers of an early birth. Thinning of the lower segment of the uterus occurs simultaneously with ripening of the cervix. This is called softening of the uterus before childbirth.

When the cervix softens and dilates, mucous discharge from the genital tract appears and contractions begin - these are also harbingers of childbirth. Due to the softening of the lower segment of the uterus, the cervix unfolds anteriorly, becomes short and elastic, and now nothing prevents the birth of the child: as soon as labor begins, the mature cervix will easily open, and its edges will be elastic enough for the child to be successfully born.


As a rule, a woman’s body independently prepares for childbirth, but there are cases when it is already 39, and there are no signs of uterine dilatation before childbirth, as well as other symptoms of preparation for the birth of a child. Then there is a need for special preparation of the cervix for childbirth. This happens in the following cases:

  • When ;
  • it is necessary to bring forward the due date for medical reasons (continuation of pregnancy threatens the health of the mother due to gestosis, heart disease, or when, then it is better for the child to be born earlier);
  • when labor begins, despite the fact that the birth canal and uterus are not ready for it. This leads to injuries, cervical ruptures, labor takes a long time and sometimes has to be completed.



There are medical and folk methods of preparing the cervix for childbirth.

Medical methods of cervical stimulation:

1. Prostaglandins. Softening of the cervix before childbirth occurs under the influence of prostaglandins, which can be obtained naturally: physical irritation of the cervix by pressure on the walls of the cervical canal, massage, stimulates the production of its own prostaglandins; or administered externally: a gel containing prostaglandins is injected into the cervical canal.

2. Laminaria. To help the neck ripen, kelp is introduced into its canal - thin sticks made from seaweed, no thicker than a matchstick. Under the influence of moisture, kelp increases tens of times, exerting increasing pressure on the neck, swelling in its canal. The cervix quickly matures and softens, which is accompanied by contractions, pain in the lower abdomen, and mucous discharge.

3. Inspection. Dilatation of the cervix before childbirth also accelerates during examinations by a gynecologist in the chair.

4. Antispasmodics. The hard cervix before childbirth also softens with the use of antispasmodics and beta-blockers. Such treatment with tablets and injections is used much less frequently.

Traditional methods:

1. Sex. The opening of the cervix promotes. This happens both due to mechanical stimulation and due to the fact that the man’s sperm is rich in prostaglandins. Orgasm itself, if the woman is ready, can trigger labor.

2. Herbs. Some herbs can also help cervical ripening: evening primrose oil, raspberry leaf, hawthorn, strawberry leaf, rose hips.

Increased physical activity, walking up stairs, squatting cleaning.