How to teach a dog the command to guard something. How to teach a dog to guard the yard. Building the right relationship with your dog

Move away, otherwise I'll bite you!

Understand what you want. A dog can scare away hooligans attacking you with a simple bark. Especially if the dog is quite large. Most often, a loud bark that attracts the attention of everyone around, high jumps and a grinning muzzle are quite enough. It’s a completely different matter if you want your dog to detain an intruder according to all the rules: growl, jump and poke its nose into the ground. With subsequent security until the arrival of the police. Of course, not every dog ​​is suitable for such manipulations. Only large dogs, traditionally classified as service dogs, are capable of this - shepherds, large terriers, Rottweilers, Dobermans, etc.

Step 2

Best friend

Do not try to awaken aggression in a small puppy and under no circumstances set him against your family, especially children. Such actions can break a dog’s psyche and ruin its character. As a result, you may end up with an uncontrollable, aggressive dog who will hysterically attack everything that moves.

Step 3

Teaching your dog simple commands

Start by learning the simplest commands. Elementary “come to me”, “fu”, “stand”, “sit” and other commands included in the general training course are, first of all, vitally necessary for your dog. Secondly, they teach the dog to be adequate towards you, forming in his eyes your image as the leader of the pack. And the leader is sacred and inviolable. If necessary, the dog is ready to give his life for him.

Step 4

Enter the “alien” command into your arsenal. Use it when someone knocks on your door and get the dog to respond by vocalizing. In a dangerous situation, you will only need to say this command for the dog to bark and rush at the attacker. But this is only if you decide that such a reaction is enough. If not, you need training in the “Face!” command.

Step 5

Dog on a special training ground with an instructor

Full training on the command “Fast!” can only take place on the site with a professional instructor. Special equipment and techniques that have been proven over decades help train a dog to protect its owner without fail.

Step 6

Naturally, all these measures will not give results if your dog is cowardly from birth and hides behind your legs in any danger (even mythical). However, such a pathology is extremely rare. This means that you have every chance of getting a worthy defender, with whom you will not be afraid in any situation.

How to teach a dog to properly guard an apartment and respond adequately to strangers? It is these service skills that are valued in a dog, among other general skills that are instilled in your pet from childhood.

The basic skills of a dog trained in the beginning are not only an adequate reaction to its own nickname, but also the ability to approach the owner on command and bring objects, as well as the ability to carry out simple commands: “place”, “sit”, “lie down”, “voice” and “impossible”. Moreover, the last command implies that the dog must stop any actions.
Initial skills serve as a reliable basis for raising a dog to be an excellent guard for an apartment, house or car. That is, the dog becomes not just a pet, but also a useful member of the family, performing its important function.

First, you need to teach your dog to treat strangers with a healthy amount of mistrust. This is why an overly friendly dog ​​cannot become a good watchdog, because for it all people are friends. By virtue of their nature, each one tries to protect its own territory and those whom it considers its flock - this is the owner and his family. Under no circumstances should you turn a dog into a living toy.

When you adopt a puppy, immediately establish a strict rule - strangers are prohibited from touching the dog. Strangers should not pet her, feed her, or play with her, because the dog can get used to the fact that a stranger is not a danger.

A moderately angry reaction to strangers is not a vice, but normal qualities for a guard dog. Therefore, as the puppy grows, cultivate this quality in him. If the need arises, you can also add to the training the ability to detain an aggressive person.

A dog is known to have a more subtle sense of smell than a person, as well as a hearing that distinguishes the slightest nuances. The dog clearly distinguishes its owners from other people not only by smell, but also by hearing - the sound of steps, the manner of touching the door, voice, features of gait. That is why the dog does not make mistakes in determining “friend or foe”, and does not bark at its own when approaching the door. The friend category may also include friends who regularly visit your home.

Even the smallest dog can be a wonderful watchman - it can signal that a stranger is behind the door, even if the guest does not call or knock. It is quite possible that this is an attacker. If the size of the dog allows, then you can develop in it the ability to fight with a person, stopping attempts to invade the apartment. But even without special training, the dog will certainly react to strangers outside the door and bark. This should be encouraged by reinforcing the reflex with the commands “alien” and “voice”. Formalize this behavior with the verbal command “guard,” and be sure to reward the dog if it understands you correctly.

If the dog reacts weakly to a stranger approaching the door or does not react at all to a knock or bell, then you need to teach it this. Usually a system of rewards for correctly performed actions works great. The usual praise, “Good, well done,” works great.

When the dog has completed the necessary actions, you need to calm it down and show that you correctly understood its signals. After this, you can allow a stranger to enter the apartment, holding the dog by the collar and giving the command “No”. This way, the dog sees that you have taken responsibility. Never punish or hit a dog if it reacts angrily to strangers.

Also effective is the “Let everyone in, don’t let anyone out” scheme for detaining strangers. It works if you have an impressive large dog that has been trained accordingly.

If you buy a dog so that it will guard your private property and enhance security, then from early childhood you need to start training it for such work. Typically, service breed dogs are purchased for such purposes. Their mere presence in the yard will deter intruders. But sometimes even yard dogs, not purebred dogs, perform excellent security service if they are trained for this in time and correctly. So, let's learn about this process.

It is important to consider that guard dogs can be more aggressive. Therefore, you first need to achieve obedience from your pet, which will avoid possible troubles.

Step #1 - obedience. This is the basis for training a dog to protect territory. It is necessary to explain to the pet that the owner is always in charge. Obedience is the dog’s unquestioning execution of the commands “come”, “no” or “fu”, “near”, “sit”, “place”. Your pupil must be accustomed to walking on a leash. When training, you must use motivation in the form of treats.

Step #2 - establishing clear boundaries. The pupil must protect the yard and house and not let strangers in, but outside of it the dog must behave calmly. To do this, every day you need to take the pupil for walks outside the site, let him off the leash and reinforce commands.

Step #3 - socialization of the dog. In order for your pet to understand when there is a threat to the territory and yard that he is protecting, you need to introduce him to the people who come to visit you, the neighbors. In this case, you need to stay close to the dog and control his actions. The dog should also know a variety of noise sounds, for example, the noise of a vacuum cleaner, lawn mower, or power tools that you use. In front of the dog you need to open and close a push-button umbrella and move objects. That is, he should not react by barking to actions that do not pose a threat to the protected area.

Step 4 - praise for barking at strangers. When a stranger enters the yard, the dog should react loudly. The owner rewards him for this with praise, stroking, and treats.

Step 5 - teach not to take food from strangers. Surely everyone knows that thieves and criminals very often put watchdogs to sleep before robberies. For this purpose, the dog is offered meat products with sleeping pills. Therefore, one person should always feed the watchdog. And do not allow guests of your home, strangers, to feed your pupil.

Step 6 - learning to react to strangers. For this you will need a volunteer assistant. He must approach the protected area and make noise sounds of entry (knocking, opening a gate). At this time, the owner gives the command “guard!”, and the dog usually begins to react by barking, which intensifies. Then the “intruder” should calm down for a while behind the fence and do nothing. At this time, you give the dog a treat and praise him. Then the training is repeated. The owner controls the dog’s actions and repeats commands.

Step 7 - training the dog in active defense. To do this, the volunteer assistant must be prepared for a dog attack. Of course, this is a risky training and it is better if such a person is a specialist in training service dogs. The “intruder” now not only imitates noise, but also penetrates the yard. He must attempt to attack the dog if it does not do so first. The assistant gives you the opportunity to pat yourself on the sleeve or clothes. If the dog belongs to the category of purebred guards, then it will probably not just let go of the “intruder” and will hold it with its teeth until the owner arrives. Praise the student for his service and reward him with a treat. The skill needs to be repeated and reinforced, then your dog will never allow strangers into the yard.

Step 8 - Use the services of a dog training center if you cannot teach your dog to guard the territory on your own, and you do not want to risk the lives of your friends by training him to guard.

It’s also worth hanging a sign on the fence that will inform you that the territory is guarded by a service dog. Such a warning scares off many intruders, and from a legal point of view, it protects you from liability for the fact that the dog may bite a stranger who enters the yard.

I give recommendations not so much to wolfhounds, but to owners of private houses. Guarding the house is the first duty of a dog since its domestication by man. Dogs quickly learn what constitutes the owner's property; in a few minutes they know what constitutes the owner's possessions. But some dogs, thanks to the ease of life for dogs now, have lost their sense of ownership.

When clomid online The dog is still a puppy, everyone is a friend to her, and she is a friend to everyone. If she is allowed to follow this spirit of universal friendship for too long, she will be a bad guard dog.

A dog should have one owner, who would be above all for it, from the very age of puppyhood. This lord and owner must establish his authority from the very first day the puppy appeared at home. OTHERS she loves or tolerates, but for his sake, for the sake of her absolute dictator, she will die, and in family quarrels she reluctantly, of course, must take the side of her master, although at times her master and master are spanked by her father.

Too much buy levitra many owners, too many friends, too many meetings with strangers and visitors dulls the puppy’s sense of ownership and spoils it as a guard and guard dog. From the moment he arrives at home as a frightened puppy until he is an old man, one person must look after him, feed him, care for him and train him.

To teach a puppy or dog to be a good guard, pull up her bed - a blanket, rug or bag that has been her place for some time. A few minutes a day of such deprivation, first in play, then with threat, first from the owner, then from strangers, especially those dressed in rags, will make her aggressive.

Place an object in a specific place. Let the stranger approach crouching, sneaking, secretly. You boldly approach the dog and pat it every few seconds, scolding the stranger as he runs away. If your dog is not overly aggressive, the stranger may fight you to get the dog to come to your aid.

Often buy clomid online a carefree dog can be turned into a wary dog ​​if given less freedom. During the training period, tether her at night or for a significant part of the day in a place where she cannot see what is happening around her. Have someone make a strange noise around her, such as dragging something on the ground or scratching on the wall or slamming doors.

If your dog must guard at night, let him do his job on an empty stomach.

Dogs have two natural habits that correspond well to the habits of humans: it lies in the sun after eating and sleeps, since a dog with a full stomach does what every person does - stretches slowly, goes to sleep and forgets all the light for a while, give heavy daytime food dog at noon if you want him to be your protector in the dark hours of the night when you are sleeping.

Number priligy online unalert dogs increases. The reason is too much feeding, too little exercise, too much affection and lack of training, give lazy and indifferent dogs about two-thirds of the usual diet, keep them outside the house, give them more exercise.

Another reason, which is rarely paid attention to, is that the dog, which is a family pet, is on its feet all day, everyone caresses it, and when the lights are turned off and peace sets in, it is so tired that it falls asleep too soundly. After eating, let the dog be in its place; let it lie there rather than run around among the family, listening to music and conversations.

A good guard and guard dog does not have to be a rushing or vicious dog. Mainly, she must be an alert dog, barking when she hears unfamiliar sounds. A decorative dog can be as wonderful a watchdog as a Great Dane.

When your dog barks, perhaps unnecessarily, do not scold him, tell him to behave calmly, but without any hint of punishment for what he considers his responsibility.

A poorly dressed person, a lame person, a person carrying a bundle, uncertain in his movements, arouses the dog's suspicions and causes him to bark. The dog, which is a poor watchdog under other conditions, begins to bark under these conditions.

Dogs quickly begin to recognize their strongest side. In this they are politicians, and are always quick to join the winner. The dog lunges at the stranger entering the room with a slow, hesitant step. Let the same stranger enter animatedly and confidently. Even a very wary dog ​​may be mistaken in thinking that he is a respected visitor.

Training a dog to guard a thing is carried out with the goal of developing the animal’s skill of being in a state of alertness for a long time upon the command “Guard!”
The conditioned stimulus when developing this skill is the command “Guard!”, the auxiliary conditioned stimuli are the commands “Place!”, “Lie down!”, “You can’t!”, and the unconditional stimuli are the protected object, stroking, and a treat.
When developing this skill, the following skills of the general training course are required:
– laying down the dog with restraint;
- return to place.
In addition, the dog must develop aggression and distrust of strangers.
For training, a place is chosen where it is possible to tie the dog and there are no distracting stimuli. At the initial stage of training, a thing that is well known to the dog is used. Having tied the dog on a chain, the trainer gives the command “Lie down!” and places an object near her front paws so that she can reach it. Then the trainer gives the command “Guard!” and stands next to the dog. After some time, the helper comes out of the hiding place and walks past the dog several times in different directions.
If the dog immediately shows aggression, the trainer corrects its behavior with the commands “Lie down!” and “Place!” If the animal lies calmly near the object, the assistant comes closer and imitates an attempt to take the object. At the same time, the trainer gives the command “Guard!”
If aggression occurs, the dog is rewarded with treats and praise. The assistant leaves and hides in a shelter. After the animal calms down, the exercise is repeated 2-3 times.
If it is necessary to increase aggression, the assistant attempts to take the thing with his left hand, and with his right swings at the dog or delivers light blows with a tourniquet.
To develop the dog’s skill of long-term guarding of a thing, the trainer takes it on a long leash, gives the commands “Place!”, “Guard!”, and then moves back at a distance of 3-4 steps. If the dog makes attempts to move away from the thing or shows aggression towards the assistant, the trainer gives the command “Place!” and with a slight tug of the leash encourages the animal to return to its proper place.
In order to accustom the dog to guarding things independently, during classes the trainer gradually moves further and further away and hides in a shelter. When the dog tries to follow the trainer, the command “Place!” is given. The dog's endurance is rewarded with treats and praise.
Next, the assistant tries to distract the dog from the protected object with a treat. Approaching the dog and saying its name, the assistant throws a treat aside and tries to take the object. When the dog tries to take a treat, the assistant strikes with a rod, and the trainer gives the command “Take!”
After the dog gets used to guarding a certain thing, they begin to use things of different shapes and sizes for protection.
To achieve optimal effect, it is recommended that the trainer work with two assistants. In this case, the assistants approach the animal from different sides and take turns trying to take the protected object.
The skill is considered developed if the dog guards the item warily for a long time, does not show aggression towards a calmly walking assistant, and does not take a treat offered by the assistants.
In the process of developing this skill, the following trainer errors are possible:
– excessive development of aggression in a dog leads to the dog attacking a calmly walking assistant, distracted from guarding the thing;
– the trainer leaving for cover or at a long distance without a sufficiently established skill in guarding the thing, which provokes attempts to groom the trainer;
– frequent use of the command “No!” at a time when the assistant offers the animal a treat, which slows down the active protection of the thing.