Somatic disease. Somatic patients. Somatic diseases - types

Today it is fashionable to say that all human diseases arise from nerves. How true is this and what can be the danger of excessive emotional stress? Doctors believe that somatic diseases in patients are in one way or another connected not only with internal diseases, but also with external influences: poor environment, stress, fears, and other disorders nervous system. Find out how to distinguish somatic pathology from psychogenic one and how to treat such dysfunction.

What are somatic diseases

Any disease of the body, skin or internal organs that is not related in any way to mental illness, in medicine it is considered a somatic disorder. Such pathologies include any injury to bones or soft tissues, infectious viral diseases, inflammatory processes internal organs and so on. However, you need to be able to distinguish between what somatic pathology and psychosomatic disorder are. If the first is a consequence of the impact on the body external factors, then the second is the result of self-hypnosis.

  • neurodermatitis;
  • ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • gastric colitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypertension.

In addition, modern doctors often classify psychosomatic disorders as ischemic disease heart disease, obesity or, on the contrary, anorexia, diabetes. Unlike ordinary physical illnesses of the body, illnesses caused by mental disorders are difficult to treat, often become chronic and may be accompanied by unrelated symptoms.


It is very often possible to determine the presence of somatic diseases without performing special diagnostic tests. For example, if there are stomach problems, abdominal pain and acid belching occur. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system will lead to unstable blood pressure, and infectious viral diseases lead to increased body temperature.

Psychosomatic disorders present difficulty in diagnosing symptoms. Very often such diseases are accompanied by personality disorders, depression, and anxiety. A patient whose illness arose as a result of self-hypnosis often experiences sleep problems, sexual disorders, loss of appetite, apathy and aversion to others. The most common symptoms psychosomatic disorders initial stage The signs described below are considered.

Appetite disturbance

Somatic disorders in women often manifest themselves in abnormal perception of food: complete refusal of it or, conversely, excessive overeating. The reason is nervous breakdowns, psycho-emotional disorders, stress, nervousness or depression. As a consequence of the appearance of such conditions in women, with a complete refusal to eat, anorexia occurs, and with an increased feeling of hunger, obesity occurs.

Sometimes somatic disorders nervous soil can lead to the appearance of another disease known to many - bulimia. Its characteristic signs are an increased interest in food, fatty and unhealthy foods, uncontrolled hunger, which subsequently leads to obesity. To weigh less, they drink laxatives or diuretics and artificially induce vomiting. Such regular actions lead to serious complications at work. digestive tract.

Sleep disturbance

Another common symptom of a somatic disorder of a psychogenic nature is insomnia. It manifests itself due to strong internal experiences, stress, and nervous disorders. With somatic sleep disorders, a person tries in every possible way to solve the problem: tries to take a comfortable position, drinks sleeping pills, tries to fall asleep on his own. It is extremely rare that with insomnia a person can still fall asleep on his own, but at the slightest extraneous sounds he wakes up.

Pain syndrome

The most obvious signs of somatic disorders are painful sensations. Patients with this diagnosis may complain of stomach pain, stabbing sensations in the heart, headache, weakness in the legs or aching joints. As a rule, it is precisely the organ that, in the patient’s opinion, is the weakest in the body that suffers. Such manifestations often haunt suspicious and especially anxious people.

Sexual function disorders

Acute somatic illnesses in men are often manifested by a lack of libido, weak erection, and decreased sexual desire. In women, such diseases are manifested by the absence of orgasm, the appearance of pain during sexual intercourse and, as a result, complete refusal of sex. To such somatic pathologies lead psychogenic factors: long-term abstinence, fear, fear of sex, feeling of disgust towards a partner, low or high self-esteem.

Mental disorders in somatic diseases

When chronic diseases are detected and require hospitalization, some patients experience aggravation of feelings. In this case, somatic symptoms of a psychogenic nature will depend on the diagnosis, for example:

  • Coronary heart disease and rheumatism are often accompanied by hypochondria, lethargy, irritability, decreased concentration and memory impairment.
  • Somatic symptoms when malignant tumors are detected can manifest themselves in increased fatigue, subdepressive states and neuroses.
  • At renal failure many patients complain of muscle weakness, a sharp loss of strength, and motor retardation.
  • Nonspecific pneumonia is often accompanied by hyperthermia, euphoria, underestimation of the disease, manic or hallucinogenic manifestations.


It is practically useless to look for the source of somatic diseases on your own; here you will need the help of several specialists at the same time: a therapist, a psychologist, a neurologist and other doctors with a narrow specialization. If a psychological orientation was established using laboratory tests, then the reasons should be sought in the following:

  • unresolved conflicts, emotions of fear or strong anger are a common cause of exacerbation bronchial asthma;
  • Anxiety and depression, restrictions on rest, problems in the sexual sphere lead to manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • ulcerative colitis can be provoked by social problems;
  • persistent hypertension is caused by short-term emotional breakdowns in women, and in men by work of increased responsibility;
  • skin diseases (urticaria, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis) are associated with self-doubt, low self-esteem, often with stress and nervousness;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is observed in those patients who are often exposed to negative impacts from outside.

Somatic diseases in children

In childhood, similar diseases, as a rule, are the result of defective mental or physical development. Severe disorders appear already from infancy, and begin to develop in the womb. The causes of childhood diseases can be:

  • prolonged toxicosis, especially in late pregnancy;
  • abnormal development of pregnancy;
  • difficulties in intrauterine development;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • stress in expectant mother while expecting a child.


In addition to the diseases listed above, experts divide somatic diseases into 3 classes:

  • Conversion diseases are an expression of neurotic conflict. Vivid examples of neuropathy: hysterical paralysis, temporary blindness or deafness.
  • Organic somatic diseases - the cause is a physical reaction to experience, stress, fear. Patients complain of pain in different parts bodies that are considered the most vulnerable.
  • Pathologies associated with individual personality characteristics. For example, a person’s tendency to get injured or emotional abuse due to bad habits (alcoholism, smoking, overeating).

Diagnosis of pathologies

In order to identify the cause of somatic symptoms, the doctor will need to conduct a number of tests, including:

  • a complete collection of the patient’s medical history, including interviewing relatives and collecting previous medical histories;
  • visual inspection the victim, palpation of problem areas;
  • urine test;
  • analysis of stool, blood from a finger or vein;
  • sputum collection;
  • soft tissue biopsy;
  • use of functional diagnostic methods - MRI, CT, X-ray;
  • surgical intervention.


Different somatic disorders may be subject to separate treatment methods. For example, in case of illness acute form, which is caused by stress, depression, fear, the patient may be prescribed a course of antidepressants, vitamins or other medications that affect the psyche, taking into account all existing contraindications. In addition, the patient is recommended to engage in physical therapy and normalize nutrition.

In severe cases, treatment of diseases will be carried out only in a hospital hospital in the intensive care unit and under the strict supervision of a doctor. Among medications, preference is given to those that quickly and effectively eliminate the symptoms of diseases. Along with this, psychological therapy is carried out to address the root cause of the symptoms. For severe anxiety, doctors may use tranquilizers.


Every person has a risk of developing acute somatic disorders; another thing is that this can always be avoided if a number of conditions are met:

  • try to lead a healthy lifestyle - eat right, exercise, don’t drink or smoke;
  • regularly undergo preventive examinations from doctors of various specialties;
  • If possible, avoid stressful situations and emotional stress.


Doctors believe that somatic diseases in patients are in one way or another connected not only with internal diseases, but also with external influences: poor environment, stress, fears, and other disorders of the nervous system. Find out how to distinguish somatic pathology from psychogenic one and how to treat such dysfunction.

What are somatic diseases

Any disease of the body, skin or internal organs that is not in any way related to mental illness is considered a somatic disorder in medicine. Such pathologies include any injury to bones or soft tissues, infectious viral diseases, inflammatory processes of internal organs, etc. However, you need to be able to distinguish between what somatic pathology and psychosomatic disorder are. If the first is a consequence of the influence of external factors on the body, then the second is the result of self-hypnosis.

List of somatic diseases

  • neurodermatitis;
  • ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • gastric colitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hypertension.

In addition, modern doctors often classify coronary heart disease, obesity or, on the contrary, anorexia, diabetes mellitus as psychosomatic disorders. Unlike ordinary physical illnesses of the body, illnesses caused by mental disorders are difficult to treat, often become chronic and may be accompanied by unrelated symptoms.


It is very often possible to determine the presence of somatic diseases without performing special diagnostic tests. For example, if there are stomach problems, abdominal pain and acid belching occur. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system will lead to unstable blood pressure, and infectious viral diseases will lead to increased body temperature.

Psychosomatic disorders present difficulty in diagnosing symptoms. Very often such diseases are accompanied by personality disorders, depression, and anxiety. A patient whose illness arose as a result of self-hypnosis often experiences sleep problems, sexual disorders, loss of appetite, apathy and aversion to others. The most common symptoms of psychosomatic disorders at the initial stage are the signs described below.

Appetite disturbance

Somatic disorders in women often manifest themselves in abnormal perception of food: complete refusal of it or, conversely, excessive overeating. The cause is nervous breakdowns, psycho-emotional disorders, stress, nervousness or depression. As a consequence of the appearance of such conditions in women, with a complete refusal to eat, anorexia occurs, and with an increased feeling of hunger, obesity occurs.

Sometimes somatic nervous disorders can lead to the appearance of another disease known to many - bulimia. Its characteristic signs are an increased interest in food, fatty and unhealthy foods, uncontrolled hunger, which subsequently leads to obesity. To weigh less, they drink laxatives or diuretics and artificially induce vomiting. Such regular actions lead to serious complications in the digestive tract.

Sleep disturbance

Another common symptom of a somatic disorder of a psychogenic nature is insomnia. It manifests itself due to strong internal experiences, stress, and nervous disorders. With somatic sleep disorders, a person tries in every possible way to solve the problem: he tries to take a comfortable position, takes sleeping pills, and tries to fall asleep on his own. It is extremely rare that with insomnia a person can still fall asleep on his own, but at the slightest extraneous sounds he wakes up.

Pain syndrome

The most obvious signs of somatic disorders are pain. Patients with this diagnosis may complain of stomach pain, stabbing sensations in the heart, headache, weakness in the legs or aching joints. As a rule, it is precisely the organ that, in the patient’s opinion, is the weakest in the body that suffers. Such manifestations often haunt suspicious and especially anxious people.

Sexual function disorders

Acute somatic illnesses in men are often manifested by a lack of libido, weak erection, and decreased sexual desire. In women, such diseases are manifested by the absence of orgasm, the appearance of pain during sexual intercourse and, as a result, complete refusal of sex. Psychogenic factors lead to such somatic pathologies: long-term abstinence, fear, fear of sex, a feeling of disgust towards a partner, low or high self-esteem.

When chronic diseases are detected and require hospitalization, some patients experience aggravation of feelings. In this case, somatic symptoms of a psychogenic nature will depend on the diagnosis, for example:

  • Coronary heart disease and rheumatism are often accompanied by hypochondria, lethargy, irritability, decreased concentration and memory impairment.
  • Somatic symptoms when malignant tumors are detected can manifest themselves in increased fatigue, subdepressive states and neuroses.
  • With renal failure, many patients complain of muscle weakness, a sharp loss of strength, and motor retardation.
  • Nonspecific pneumonia is often accompanied by hyperthermia, euphoria, underestimation of the disease, manic or hallucinogenic manifestations.


It is practically useless to look for the source of somatic diseases on your own; here you will need the help of several specialists at the same time: a therapist, a psychologist, a neurologist and other doctors with a narrow specialization. If a psychological orientation was established using laboratory tests, then the reasons should be sought in the following:

  • unresolved conflicts, emotions of fear or strong anger are a common cause of exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • Anxiety and depression, restrictions on rest, problems in the sexual sphere lead to manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • ulcerative colitis can be provoked by social problems;
  • persistent hypertension is caused by short-term emotional breakdowns in women, and in men by work of increased responsibility;
  • skin diseases (urticaria, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis) are associated with self-doubt, low self-esteem, often with stress and nervousness;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is observed in those patients who are often exposed to negative external influences.

Somatic diseases in children

In childhood, similar diseases, as a rule, are the result of defective mental or physical development. Severe disorders appear already from infancy, and begin to develop in the womb. The causes of childhood diseases can be:

  • prolonged toxicosis, especially in late pregnancy;
  • abnormal development of pregnancy;
  • difficulties in intrauterine development;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • stress in the expectant mother while expecting a child.


In addition to the diseases listed above, experts divide somatic diseases into 3 classes:

  • Conversion diseases are an expression of neurotic conflict. Vivid examples of neuropathy: hysterical paralysis, temporary blindness or deafness.
  • Organic somatic diseases - the cause is a physical reaction to experience, stress, fear. Patients complain of pain in different parts of the body, which they consider the most vulnerable.
  • Pathologies associated with individual personality characteristics. For example, a person’s tendency to get injured or emotional abuse due to bad habits (alcoholism, smoking, overeating).

Diagnosis of pathologies

In order to identify the cause of somatic symptoms, the doctor will need to conduct a number of tests, including:

  • a complete collection of the patient’s medical history, including interviewing relatives and collecting previous medical histories;
  • visual examination of the victim, palpation of problem areas;
  • urine test;
  • analysis of stool, blood from a finger or vein;
  • sputum collection;
  • soft tissue biopsy;
  • use of functional diagnostic methods - MRI, CT, X-ray;
  • surgical intervention.


Different somatic disorders may be subject to separate treatment methods. For example, in case of an acute illness that is caused by stress, depression, fear, the patient may be prescribed a course of antidepressants, vitamins or other medications that affect the psyche, taking into account all existing contraindications. In addition, the patient is recommended to engage in physical therapy and normalize nutrition.

In severe cases, treatment of diseases will be carried out only in a hospital hospital in the intensive care unit and under the strict supervision of a doctor. Among medications, preference is given to those that quickly and effectively eliminate the symptoms of diseases. Along with this, psychological therapy is carried out to address the root cause of the symptoms. For severe anxiety, doctors may use tranquilizers.


Every person has a risk of developing acute somatic disorders; another thing is that this can always be avoided if a number of conditions are met:

  • try to lead a healthy lifestyle - eat right, exercise, don’t drink or smoke;
  • regularly undergo preventive examinations from doctors of various specialties;
  • If possible, avoid stressful situations and emotional stress.


The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

What are somatic diseases? Development and treatment

Many experts believe that diseases often arise as a result of psychological stress, stressful situations, negative thinking and anxiety. There are cases when pathologies of internal organs develop without obvious physiological reasons. It is then that doctors talk about such a phenomenon as somatic diseases. About him we'll talk in the sections of the article.


So, what are somatic diseases? These are pathologies that arise due to negative influence on the body by external factors and the mental state of a person.

Today in medicine there is a widespread belief that diseases appear due to nervous overstrain. And this point of view can be considered completely justified. After all, emotional overload, negative thoughts, depression and anxiety negatively affect a person’s physical condition. Answering the question about what somatic diseases are, doctors talk about this phenomenon as the opposite of mental disorders. However, it should be remembered that everything in the body is interconnected. Unfavorable factors such as fears, stressful situations, anxiety disrupt the functioning of the nervous system and disable internal organs. The result is illness. It manifests itself as a deterioration in physical well-being.

Examples of somatic diseases

Such pathologies are usually not associated with a person having a mental disorder.

Many somatic diseases are characterized by pronounced physical manifestations. These are inflammatory, bacterial and viral pathologies, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, blood vessels, mechanical damage. Chronic somatic diseases usually have subtle symptoms. But sometimes there are periods of exacerbation. Common somatic diseases include those to which people with a certain personality type and way of thinking are prone. Here sample list such pathologies:

  1. Ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Appears in nervous, anxious individuals. Due to strong experiences, a lot of acid is formed in the digestive organs. As a result, ulcers occur.
  2. Skin diseases. Appear in the background depressive states. At the same time, the skin constantly itches and flakes.
  3. Asthma. Appears against a background of fears and stressful situations that negatively affect the activity of the heart.
  4. Arthritis. They arise due to mental overload.
  5. Chronic hypertension.
  6. Diabetes.

Factors that impair the functioning of internal organs

Speaking about what somatic diseases are, experts emphasize that such pathologies are often provoked by fear, anxiety, and depression. Deterioration in the functioning of internal organs can be caused by reasons such as quarrels, aggression, increased responsibility, reaction to stressful situations, lack of satisfaction with oneself, one’s life and one’s environment.

Somatic disorders that arise as a result of such factors are difficult to diagnose and treat, as they can manifest themselves with various symptoms and have an unclear clinical picture.


Continuing to talk about what somatic diseases are and how they manifest themselves, it is necessary to add that similar pathologies there are characteristic symptoms. These include the following:

  1. Appetite disturbances (lack of desire to eat or increased hunger). It can be caused by problems with the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, infections, as well as other diseases (anorexia nervosa, bulimia). Sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Aversion to food and refusal of it are just as dangerous to health as systematic overeating.
  2. Sleep disorders (drowsiness, insomnia). May be a symptom hormonal problems, heart and vascular diseases.
  3. Sexual function disorders (pain during sex, erectile dysfunction, lack of orgasm, decreased desire).
  4. Emotional disorders (feeling depressed, overwhelmed, anxiety, irritability, depression).
  5. Pain syndrome ( discomfort in the area of ​​the heart, head, stomach, muscles).

It must be remembered that the above signs can be manifestations of many pathologies. Only a specialist is able to conduct a thorough diagnosis and establish what kind of disease the patient is suffering from. Therefore, it is not recommended to draw conclusions about your condition and take medications on your own.

Somatic diseases in childhood

Such pathologies occur not only in adult patients. The development of somatic diseases is also possible in childhood. What factors can cause them? As possible reasons development of somatic pathologies in childhood, doctors usually highlight pronounced manifestations of toxicosis in the mother during pregnancy, stressful situations during pregnancy, and disturbances in fetal formation.

It can be argued that the prerequisites for the occurrence of diseases in children lie in the prenatal period. As a rule, a child who suffers from somatic pathology from an early age develops disturbances in physical, emotional and intellectual development.

Mental disorders in somatic diseases

Doctors have long established the fact that physical state a person has a direct impact on his emotional condition. For example, when serious pathologies arise that require immediate treatment in a hospital, people experience strong feelings. Some heart diseases are accompanied by a feeling of weakness, anxiety, deterioration of memory and attention, and aggression. With cancer, patients quickly get tired and have a depressed mood. Kidney pathologies are accompanied by muscle pain, slowness of movements and reactions. Fever in severe infections, it can provoke delusional states, visual and auditory hallucinations.

For a specialist, careful monitoring of patients with severe somatic diseases is extremely important. After all, deterioration in well-being can often lead to emotional disorders.

Patient's response to illness

The behavior of a person suffering from somatic pathology is largely determined by his personal characteristics. His mental state is also influenced by the following conditions:

  1. Type of disease, severity of symptoms, features of the pathology.
  2. The patient's awareness of his diagnosis.
  3. Features of therapy, attitudes of doctors.
  4. Family climate.
  5. Reactions of relatives, colleagues, friends to the patient’s condition.

Somatic diseases in humans are common causes of emotional disorders. Moreover, some patients become anxious, irritable, depressed, overly suspicious, and conflict with doctors who, in their opinion, do not pay proper attention to them. Other patients underestimate their illness and neglect examination and therapy. Often, relatives of people with somatic pathologies convince them to give up traditional medicine and seek help from healers and traditional healers. This is extremely dangerous, since such people are not specialists. They often make incorrect diagnoses and prescribe medications to patients that worsen their condition.


So, in order to cope with somatic pathology, you need to contact a competent specialist. The doctor will prescribe diagnostic procedures, and after the examination it will be possible to decide on therapy. During the consultation, doctors talk with the patient, ask him about his symptoms, and examine him. Then research is carried out. These include laboratory tests of blood, urine, ultrasound diagnostics, computed tomography, x-rays and so on.

Therapy and prevention of pathologies

Treatment of somatic diseases is carried out after determining accurate diagnosis. It includes drugs that relieve symptoms of pathology and eliminate the cause of malfunctions in organs and systems. Doctors often prescribe dietary supplements and vitamin complexes to patients. Of no small importance is physiotherapy, physiotherapy, proper nutrition. At serious pathologies the patient is observed in the hospital. The necessary research is carried out there and intensive treatment methods are applied.

In some cases (especially in situations where the disease is accompanied by emotional disturbances) patients require the help of a psychotherapist. Individual or group lessons, sedatives help stabilize a person’s mental state.

IN modern world There are many prerequisites for the development of various diseases. In order to prevent their occurrence, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, exercise, lack of overload and positive thinking are effective methods prevention.

Somatic disease

Somatic illness (from ancient Greek σῶμα - body) is a bodily illness, as opposed to mental illness.

IN this group diseases include diseases caused by external influences or internal violations work of organs and systems not related to human mental activity. In general, a significant part of diseases is somatic, for example, all injuries and genetic hereditary diseases are somatic.

Somatic diseases include:

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See what “Somatic disease” is in other dictionaries:

Somatic disorder - – 1. any physical illness, which is not neurological; 2. any organic disorder, including mental ... encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy

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Psychosomatics: table of diseases, how to treat, causes

In the development of psychosomatic diseases, the main provoking factor is considered to be psychological.

And it’s not without reason that their characteristic symptoms are similar to those of somatic diseases:

  • often feel dizzy;
  • there is a feeling of general malaise, fatigue;
  • body temperature rises, etc.

Often, problems of a psychosomatic nature are manifested by stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Groups of psychosomatic diseases

When a patient consults a doctor with complaints, there is a need to undergo examinations and tests. This will help him determine the diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

However, if after a course of therapy the disease subsided and soon returned again, it can be assumed that its causes are psychosomatic in nature and it is unlikely that it will be possible to eliminate it completely with medication.

List possible diseases, having a psychosomatic nature, can be grouped as follows:

1) Problems with the respiratory system;

2) Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

3) Discord eating behavior(obesity, anorexia due to nervousness, bulimia);

4) Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

5) Diseases of the endocrine system;

6) Problems with the skin;

7) Diseases associated with gynecology;

8) Disorders of a sexual nature;

10) Diseases of infectious origin;

11) Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

12) Psychovegetative dysfunction;

14) Headache.

Causes of psychosomatic diseases

To determine the possible causes of health problems, there is a table of diseases. How to treat psychosomatic illness and get rid of its characteristic symptoms, you can also learn from such tables.

One of the first who dared to say that all human systems are closely interconnected is Louise Hay.

She hypothesized that bad thoughts and the emotions that a person has contribute to the destruction of his body at the physical level and provoke the appearance of diseases. Her theory was also studied by the famous psychologist and homeopath Valery Sinelnikov.

There is a table of diseases according to Sinelnikov, using which you can determine the psychosomatics of your diseases and begin to work on yourself in order to eliminate the psychological factor that provokes it:

1) Headache. It appears as a result of the hypocrisy inherent in man. What is said out loud is very different from real thoughts and feelings. Therefore, strong nervous tension appears and, as a result, pain in the head;

2) Runny nose. Often its appearance is a symbol of tears. Deep down, a person is very depressed and worried, but does not splash out his emotions;

3) Cystitis. After conducting research, Sinelnikov revealed that the psychosomatic nature of cystitis is hidden in anger and irritability towards opposite sex or sexual partner;

4) Cough. The appearance of any disease accompanied by a severe cough indicates a person’s hidden desire to express himself and draw attention to his person. It may also be a response to disagreement with others;

5) Diarrhea. The condition of the intestines is reflected by the presence of strong fear and anxiety. A person feels insecure in this world and is not ready to fight his fear. That is why great amount cases of diarrhea occur before an important and exciting event;

6) Constipation. Retention of feces in the intestines is due to the fact that a person does not want to let go of painful memories from the past, part with unnecessary people, or lose a job that he does not like. Another psychosomatic cause the appearance of constipation is considered stinginess and greed for money;

7) Sore throat. A person who constantly suffers from throat diseases, including sore throat, keeps emotions and anger inside himself that he is not ready to spill out. The throat reacts to this with the appearance of an inflammatory process. A person does not express himself and his feelings, cannot stand up for himself and ask for anything;

8) Herpes. Oral diseases are directly related to prejudice against people. In the subconscious, a person harbors caustic words and expressions, accusations against other people that he does not express to them;

9) Uterine bleeding. This is a symbol of passing joy. It is necessary to get rid of the resentment and anger that has accumulated over the years in order to return joy to your life and get rid of problems;

10) Nausea, vomiting. The psychosomatic background of this phenomenon is hidden in non-acceptance and non-digestion of the world. Another reason may lie in subconscious fears, which is what is considered the main cause of toxicosis in pregnant women;

11) Hemorrhoids, anal fissures. Problems associated with the anus indicate that it is difficult for a person to get rid of the old and unnecessary in his life. Every time a person gets angry, experiences fear and pain of loss;

12) Thrush and other diseases of the genital organs. Genitals are a symbol of principles, so the problems associated with them are the fear of not being at the top, uncertainty about one’s attractiveness. Thrush can also appear when a person feels aggression towards a member of the opposite sex, or a specific sexual partner;

13) Allergies, urticaria. Such diseases indicate a lack of self-control. Therefore, subconsciously the body begins to bring out feelings and emotions that have been suppressed: irritation, resentment, anger;

14) Kidneys. Diseases of this organ are caused by a combination of such emotions: criticism and condemnation, anger and malice, resentment and hatred. A person thinks that he is haunted by failures and does everything wrong in life, thereby disgracing himself in the eyes of others. Also, the condition of the kidneys may be reflected by fear of the future and one’s future well-being;

15) Gallbladder. People suffering from gallbladder problems tend to harbor anger, irritability and anger towards other people. This provokes inflammatory processes in the organ, stagnation of bile and biliary dyskinesia, which soon leads to the appearance of stones.

This is not the entire list of diseases that may have a psychosomatic origin. There are an innumerable number of them.

Complete table according to Sinelnikov

Allergies – lack of confidence in one’s own strength, stress, feelings of fear.

Apathy is resistance to feelings, fear, suppression of one’s self, indifferent attitude of others.

Apoplexy, seizure - flight from family, from oneself, from life.

Appendicitis - fear of life.

Arthritis, gout - lack of love from others, increased criticism of oneself, feelings of resentment, indignation, anger.

Asthma – suffocating love, suppression of feelings, fear of life, evil eye.

Insomnia – fear, guilt, mistrust.

Rabies, hydrophobia - anger, aggression.

Eye diseases - anger, frustration.

Stomach diseases are a fear.

Dental disease – lingering indecision, inability to make a clear decision.

Leg diseases - fear of the future, fear of being unrecognized, fixation on childhood traumas.

Diseases of the nose - resentment, crying, a feeling of insignificance, it seems to you that no one notices or takes you seriously, the need for someone's help.

Liver disease – anger, chronic resentment, self-justification, constant bad mood.

Kidney disease - boredom, anger at yourself, self-criticism, lack of emotions, disappointment, annoyance, failure, failure, mistake, inadequacy, inability, react as Small child, self-criticism, loss.

Back problems - lack of emotional support, lack of love, guilt, fear generated by lack of money.

Sore knees - pride, selfishness, fear.

Sores, wounds, ulcers - hidden anger.

Warts – belief in one’s own ugliness, evil eye, envy.

Bronchitis - disputes, swearing in the family, tense atmosphere in the house.

Varicose veins – loss of strength, overwork, overload.

Sexually transmitted diseases - mistreating other people, believing that sex is a dirty business.

Excess weight – fear, need for protection, self-denial.

Gray hair - stress, worries, overwork.

Hemorrhoids are a worry about the past.

Hepatitis – fear, anger, hatred.

Herpes – a feeling of guilt for your thoughts about sex, shame, expectation of punishment from Above.

Gynecological diseases - reluctance to be a woman, dislike for oneself, rude, inattentive attitude of men.

Deafness – unwillingness to listen to others, stubbornness.

Pus, inflammation - thoughts of revenge, worry about the harm caused, a feeling of remorse.

Headaches - fear, self-criticism, feeling of inferiority.

Depression – anger, hopelessness, envy.

Diabetes – jealousy, the desire to control the lives of other people.

Diarrhea, diarrhea - fear.

Dysentery – fear, strong anger.

Bad breath – gossip, dirty thoughts.

Jaundice – envy, jealousy.

Gallstones – bitterness, heavy thoughts, pride.

Constipation – conservatism in thoughts.

Goiter, thyroid – a feeling of hatred because you have been hurt, suffering, excessive sacrifice, a feeling that your path in life is being blocked.

Itching – remorse, repentance, impossible desires.

Heartburn – fear, severe fear.

Impotence – fear of being ineffective in bed, excessive tension, feelings of guilt, anger at the previous partner, fear of the mother.

Infection – irritation, anger, frustration.

Curvature of the spine – fear, clinging to old ideas, distrust of life, lack of courage to admit one’s mistakes.

Coughing is a desire to attract the attention of others.

Menopause - fear of age, fear of loneliness, fear of not being desired anymore, self-rejection, hysteria.

Skin diseases - anxiety, fear.

Colic, sharp pain - anger, irritation, frustration.

Colitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the colon - too demanding parents, a feeling of oppression, lack of love and affection, lack of a sense of security.

A lump in the throat is fear.

Conjunctivitis – anger, frustration, disappointment.

High blood pressure – worries about the past.

Low blood pressure – lack of love in childhood, defeatist moods, lack of faith in one’s own strength.

Nail biting - nervousness, frustration of plans, anger at parents, self-criticism and devouring oneself.

Laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx - fear of expressing your opinion, indignation, resentment, indignation against someone else's authority.

Lungs – depression, grief, sadness, misfortune, failure.

Leukemia is the inability to enjoy life. Fever - anger, rage.

Shingles - fear and tension, too much sensitivity.

Mastitis is excessive care for someone, overprotection.

Uterus, disease of the mucous membrane - fear, disappointment.

Meningitis – anger, fear, family discord.

Menstrual problems - rejection of one's feminine nature, guilt, fear, attitude towards the genitals as something dirty and shameful.

Migraine - dissatisfaction with one's life, sexual fears.

Myopia, myopia – fear of the future.

Thrush, candidiasis - love of controversy, excessive demands on people, distrust of everyone, suspicion, feelings of disappointment, hopelessness, anger.

Seasickness - fear of death.

Incorrect posture, head position - fear of the future, fear.

Indigestion – fear, horror, anxiety.

Accidents - belief in violence, fear of speaking out loud about one's problems.

Sagging facial features – a feeling of resentment and indignation towards one’s own life.

Sagging buttocks – loss of strength and self-confidence.

Gluttony – fear, self-condemnation.

Baldness – fear, tension, desire to control everyone and everything.

Fainting, loss of consciousness – fear.

Burns – anger, irritation, rage.

Tumors – remorse, repentance, intrusive thoughts, old grievances, you are fueling indignation and indignation.

Brain tumor – stubbornness, unwillingness to accept anything new in your life.

Osteoporosis is a feeling of lack of support in this life.

Otitis - pain in the ears - anger, unwillingness to hear, scandals in the family.

Pancreatitis – anger and frustration, dissatisfaction with life.

Paralysis – fear, horror.

Paralysis facial nerve– reluctance to express one’s feelings, tight control over one’s anger.

Parkinson's disease is the fear and desire to control everything and everyone.

Food poisoning - a feeling of defenselessness, falling under someone else's control.

Pneumonia (pneumonia) – despair, fatigue from. life, emotional wounds that cannot be healed.

Gout – lack of patience, anger, need for dominance.

Pancreas – lack of joy in life.

Polio – extreme jealousy.

Cutting is a violation of one’s own principles.

Loss of appetite - worries, self-hatred, fear of life, the evil eye.

Leprosy is the inability to manage your life, confidence in your worthlessness or lack of spiritual purity.

Prostate – guilt, sexual pressure from others, male fears.

Cold – self-hypnosis “I get colds three times every winter”, disorder in thoughts, confusion in the head.

Acne is dissatisfaction with oneself.

Psoriasis – skin – fear of being offended, wounded, death of one’s feelings.

Cancer is a deep wound, a long feeling of indignation and resentment, grief, sadness and devouring oneself, hatred, damage, curses.

Wounds – anger and self-blame.

Stretch – anger and resistance, reluctance to move in a certain direction in life.

Rickets – lack of love and security.

Vomiting is a fear of new things.

Rheumatism – feeling of being victimized, deceived, tormented, persecuted, lack of love, chronic feelings of bitterness, resentment, resentment, resentment.

Spleen – melancholy, anger, irritation, obsessions.

Hay fever – accumulation of emotions, persecution mania, guilt.

Heart – emotional problems, worries, lack of joy, hardness of heart, tension, overwork, stress.

Bruises and bruises are self-punishment.

Sclerosis – hard-heartedness, iron will, lack of flexibility, fear, anger.

Decrease in functions thyroid gland- concession, refusal. Feeling hopelessly depressed.

Spasm of the jaw muscles – anger, desire to control everything, refusal to openly express one’s feelings.

Spasms are tension of thoughts due to fear.

Adhesions on the stomach - fear.

AIDS – self-denial, blaming oneself for sexual reasons, a strong belief in one’s “badness.”

Stomatitis – censure, reproaches, words tormenting a person.

Cramps, spasms - tension, fear, tightness.

Slouching is a feeling that you are carrying a heavy burden on your shoulders, defenselessness and helplessness.

Rash - a desire to attract attention, irritation, small fears.

Tachycardia – heart – fear.

Tick ​​- eyes - fear, the feeling that someone is constantly watching you.

Large intestine - confused thoughts, layers of the past.

Tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils - fear, suppressed emotions, stifled creativity.

Traumas – anger at oneself, feelings of guilt.

Birth traumas are all from a past life.

Tuberculosis – selfishness, cruel, merciless” painful thoughts, revenge.

Skin tuberculosis, lupus - anger, inability to stand up for oneself.

An enlarged thyroid gland is an extremely frustrating experience that you are not able to do what you want. Always realizing others, not yourself. Fury that they were left behind.

Acne - the feeling that you are dirty and no one loves you, small outbursts of anger.

Impact, paralysis - refusal to give in, resistance, better to die than to change.

Choking, seizures - fear.

Animal bites - anger, need for punishment.

Insect bites – feeling of guilt over little things.

Insanity is an escape from family, an escape from life’s problems.

Urethra, inflammation - anger.

Fatigue – boredom, lack of love for your work.

Ears, ringing - stubbornness, reluctance to listen to anyone, reluctance to hear the inner voice.

Phlebitis, inflammation of the veins - anger and frustration, blaming others for restrictions in life and lack of joy in it.

Frigidity – fear, denial of pleasure, pleasure, belief that sex is bad, insensitive partners, fear of the father.

Boils - anger, constant boiling and seething inside.

Snoring is a persistent refusal to free yourself from old patterns.

Cellulite is long-lasting anger and a sense of self-punishment, attachment to pain, fixation on the past, fear of choosing your own path in life.

Jaw, problems - anger, indignation, indignation, resentment, revenge.

Neck – stubbornness, rigidity, inflexibility, inflexibility, refusal to look at a question from different angles.

Thyroid gland - humiliation; I will never be able to do what I want. When will it be my turn?

Eczema is an extremely strong contradiction to something, a rejection of something foreign.

Enuresis – fear of parents.

Epilepsy – a feeling of persecution, a feeling of struggle, violence towards oneself.

Stomach ulcer – fear, belief in one’s “badness”.

Psychosomatics table

The psychosomatic table describes the main causes of diseases and their psychosomatics. The table is intended to provide assistance traditional methods and treatment techniques various pathologies and helps to trace the cause-and-effect relationship of diseases.

In the treatment of somatic diseases modern medicine more and more often he seeks psychological help, where they try to find not the consequence, but the cause of a psychosomatic illness.

Modern medicine suggests the existence of some primary causes of pathologies. Here are some of them:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Experienced stress and psychological trauma (childhood and adult psychotraumatic experience, disasters, military operations, terrorism, death of a loved one, etc.).
  3. Internal conflict with oneself (depression, unexpressed fear, anger, resentment, guilt and self-hatred, etc.).

Currently, the interdisciplinary scientific direction is psychosomatics Table psychosomatic diseases contains information about the main causes of diseases.

Table of psychosomatic diseases.

  1. Who can't you stand? Denial of one's own power.
  2. A protest against something that cannot be expressed.
  3. It often happens that the parents of an allergic person often argued and had completely different views for life.
  1. You refrain from using harsh words. Feeling unable to express yourself.
  2. You feel angry because you cannot cope with a situation.

Anorectal bleeding (the presence of blood in the stool).

  1. The feeling of not being loved. Criticism, resentment.
  2. They cannot say “no” and blame others for exploiting them. For such people, it is important to learn to say “no” if necessary.
  3. An arthritic is someone who is always ready to attack, but suppresses this desire. There is a significant emotional influence on the muscular expression of feelings, which is extremely controlled.
  4. Desire for punishment, self-blame. State of the victim.
  5. A person is too strict with himself, does not allow himself to relax, and does not know how to express his desires and needs. The “inner critic” is too well developed.
  1. Inability to breathe for one's own good. Feeling depressed. Holding back sobs. Fear of life. Not wanting to be here.
  2. A person with asthma feels like they have no right to breathe on their own. Asthmatic children are, as a rule, children with a highly developed conscience. They take the blame for everything.
  3. Asthma occurs when there are suppressed feelings of love in the family, suppressed crying, the child experiences fear of life and does not want to live anymore.
  4. Asthmatics express more negative emotions, are more likely to be angry, offended, harbor anger and a thirst for revenge compared to healthy people.
  5. Asthma and lung problems are caused by the inability (or unwillingness) to live independently, as well as a lack of living space. Asthma, convulsively holding back incoming from the outside world air currents, testifies to the fear of frankness, sincerity, of the need to accept what new things bring every day. Gaining trust in people is an important psychological component that promotes recovery.
  6. Repressed sexual desires.
  7. Wants too much; takes more than he should and gives with great difficulty. He wants to appear stronger than he is and thereby arouse love for himself.
  8. Asthmatics are people who are very dependent on their mother.
  9. Asthma in children is a fear of life. Strong subconscious fear. Reluctance to be here and now. Such children, as a rule, have a highly developed sense of conscience - they take the blame for everything.
  1. Resistance. Tension. Refusal to see the good.
  2. Frequent upset due to sharp criticism.
  3. The conviction that life is hard and unbearable, the inability to rejoice.
  1. Fear. Distrust in the life process. Guilt.
  2. Escape from life, unwillingness to acknowledge its shadow sides.
  3. Preoccupation with struggle, problems. The inability to separate yourself from the bustle, or yourself from your experiences and emotional states.
  4. Unexpressed, suppressed and “unreacted” feelings and emotions.
  5. For a more detailed discussion of the psychological reasons for insomnia, see the link: Psychological reasons for insomnia and another link: Error! Invalid hyperlink object.
  1. Nervous atmosphere in the family. Arguments and screams. A rare calm.
  2. One or more family members are driven into despair by their actions.
  3. Unspoken anger and claims that cannot be made.
  1. Anger at your partner. Feelings of sexual guilt. Punishing yourself. The belief that women are powerless to influence the opposite sex.
  2. Fear of not being up to par, fear for one’s femininity.
  3. Strong irritation and complaints against men. “I always meet some men who are not like that,” “It seems to me that there are no decent men at all.”
  1. Staying in a situation you hate. Disapproval.
  2. Feeling overloaded and overwhelmed by work. Exaggerating the severity of problems.
  3. Inability to relax due to feelings of guilt when receiving pleasure.
  4. Fear and anxiety about the future. Constant anxiety in general.

Lots of childhood fears.

Infantility, low self-esteem, tendency to doubt and self-blame.

  1. Suppressed self-pity.
  2. A prolonged situation of “everyone is against me” and an inability to cope with it.
  1. Prolonged uncertainty. Feeling of doom.
  2. Irritation.
  3. A strong outburst of anger in the near past.
  1. Fear of not meeting the allotted time.
  2. Anger is in the past. Burdened feelings. Inability to get rid of accumulated problems, grievances and emotions. The joy of life is drowned in anger and sadness.
  3. Fear of separation.
  4. Suppressed fear. “Must” do a job you don’t like. Something urgently needs to be completed in order to receive certain material benefits.
  5. You feel anger, anger, fear, guilt about some past events. Your feelings are burdened with unpleasant emotions. You literally experience the “pain of loss.”
  1. A strong desire to do everything badly. Unspoken bitterness.
  2. Herpes is genital. The belief that sexuality is bad.
  3. Oral herpes. A contradictory state in relation to one object: one wants (one part of the personality), but cannot (according to the other).
  1. Self-confidence - in the sense that you are ready to take on too much. As much as you can't stand.
  2. Between anxiety, impatience, suspicion and the risk of hypertension there is a direct connection.
  3. Due to the self-confident desire to take on an unbearable load, to work without rest, the need to meet the expectations of the people around them, to remain significant and respected in their person, and due to this, the repression of one’s deepest feelings and needs. All this creates corresponding internal tension. It is advisable for a hypertensive person to give up the pursuit of the opinions of people around him and learn to live and love people, first of all, in accordance with the deep needs of his own heart.
  4. Emotion, not reactively expressed and deeply hidden, gradually destroys the body. Patients with high blood pressure suppress mainly emotions such as anger, hostility and rage.
  5. Hypertension can be caused by situations that do not give a person the opportunity to successfully fight for recognition of his own personality by others, excluding a feeling of satisfaction in the process of self-affirmation. A person who is suppressed and ignored develops a feeling of constant dissatisfaction with himself, which finds no way out and forces him to “swallow resentment” every day.
  6. Hypertensive patients who are chronically ready to fight have dysfunction of the circulatory system. They suppress free expression of hostility towards other people out of a desire to be loved. Their hostile emotions seethe but have no outlet. In their youth they can be bullies, but as they get older they notice that they push people away with their vindictiveness and begin to suppress their emotions.
  7. Aggressive thoughts are hidden behind your external equanimity. They put internal pressure on you.
  1. Dejection, uncertainty.
  2. They killed your ability to independently create your life and influence the world.
  3. You are losing vitality. Do not believe in yourself, in your strengths and capabilities. You try to avoid conflict situations and evade responsibility. In this case, it becomes impossible to fully experience reality. You gave up on everything a long time ago: What's the difference?! Nothing will work anyway.
  4. Hopelessness. Chronic feelings of guilt.

Depressed by the hardships of life.

  1. Underestimating yourself. Self-criticism. Fear. Headaches occur when we feel inferior and humiliated. Forgive yourself and your headache will go away on its own.
  2. Headaches often occur from low self-esteem, as well as from low resistance to even minor stress. A person complaining of constant headaches is literally all psychological and physical pressure and tension. The usual state of the nervous system is to always be at the limit of its capabilities. And the first symptom of future illnesses is a headache. Therefore, doctors working with such patients first teach them to relax.
  3. Loss of contact with your true self. The desire to meet the high expectations of others.
  4. Trying to avoid any mistakes.
  5. Hypocrisy, or the discrepancy between your thoughts and your behavior. For example, you are forced to smile and create the appearance of sympathy for a person who is unpleasant to you.
  6. Fear.
  1. Inability to stand up for yourself. Swallowed anger. Crisis of creativity. Reluctance to change. Throat problems arise from the feeling that we “don’t have a right” and from a feeling of inadequacy.
  2. The throat, in addition, is a part of the body where all our creative energy is concentrated. When we resist change, we often develop throat problems.
  3. You need to give yourself the right to do what you want, without blaming yourself and without fear of disturbing others.
  4. A sore throat is always an irritation. If he is accompanied by a cold, then, in addition to this, there is also confusion.
  5. You hold back from speaking harsh words, “swallow”, suppress your anger and other emotions, or are afraid to express out loud what you think. Feeling of one's own inferiority.

Inability to carry out decisions. Lack of a clearly expressed attitude towards life.

  1. Longing for something unfulfilled. Strong need for control. Deep grief. There is nothing pleasant left.
  2. Diabetes can be caused by a need for control, sadness, and an inability to accept and process love. A diabetic cannot tolerate affection and love, although he craves it. He unconsciously rejects love, despite the fact that at a deep level he experiences a strong need for it. Being in conflict with himself, in self-rejection, he is unable to accept love from others. Finding inner peace of mind, openness to accept love and the ability to love is the beginning of recovery from illness.
  3. Attempts to control, unrealistic expectations of universal happiness and sadness to the point of hopelessness that this is not possible. Inability to live your life, because it does not allow (does not know how) to rejoice and enjoy your life events.
  4. Severe lack of joy and pleasure from life. You need to learn to accept life as it is, without complaints or offense, just as you learn to walk, read, and so on.

For psychological prerequisites for the occurrence of diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome, see the review article at the link: Error! Invalid hyperlink object.

  1. Fear or refusal to breathe life deeply. You don’t recognize your right to occupy space or exist at all.
  2. Fear. Resistance to change. Lack of trust in the process of change.
  1. Bitterness. Heavy thoughts. Curses. Pride.
  2. they look for bad things and find them, they scold someone.
  3. Gallstones symbolize accumulated bitter and angry thoughts, as well as the pride that prevents you from getting rid of them. The stones are bitterness, heavy thoughts, curses, anger and pride accumulated over several years.
  1. Horror. Fear of new things. Inability to learn new things. We don’t know how to assimilate the new life situation.
  2. The stomach reacts sensitively to our problems, fears, hatred, aggressiveness and worries. Suppressing these feelings, unwillingness to admit them to oneself, an attempt to ignore and “forget” them instead of comprehending, realizing and resolving them can cause various gastric disorders.
  3. Gastric functions are upset in people who react with shame to their desire to receive help or a manifestation of love from another person, the desire to lean on someone. In other cases, the conflict is expressed in a feeling of guilt due to the desire to take something by force from another. The reason why the gastric functions are so vulnerable to such conflict is that food represents the first obvious gratification of the receptive-collective desire. In a child's mind, the desire to be loved and the desire to be fed are very deeply connected. When, at a more mature age, the desire to receive help from another causes shame or shyness, which is often in a society whose main value is independence, this desire finds regressive satisfaction in an increased craving for food. This craving stimulates gastric secretions, and chronic increased secretion in a predisposed individual can lead to the formation of ulcers.
  1. Self-rejection. Refusal of femininity. Rejection of the principle of femininity.
  2. The belief that anything related to the genitals is sinful or unclean. It is incredibly difficult to imagine that the Power that created the entire Universe is just an old man who sits on the clouds and... watches our genitals! And yet this is what many of us were taught when we were children. We have so many problems with sexuality because of our self-hatred and self-loathing. The genitals and sexuality are created for joy.
  1. Angry thoughts, thoughts of revenge. The past interferes, the hatred that a person is ashamed to even realize.
  2. Dirty relationships, dirty gossip, dirty thoughts.

Fear. Self-dislike. Fear of others.

Reluctance to part with outdated thoughts. Getting stuck in the past. Sometimes in a sarcastic way.

Constipation indicates an excess of accumulated feelings, ideas and experiences that a person cannot or does not want to part with and cannot make room for new ones.

Tendency to dramatize some event in one’s past, inability to “resolve” that situation (complete the gestalt)

Perhaps you are afraid to end a relationship that will no longer give you anything. Or you're afraid of losing a job you don't like. Or you don’t want to part with things that have become useless.

  1. Prolonged indecision. Inability to recognize ideas for subsequent analysis and decision making. Loss of the ability to confidently plunge into life.
  2. Fear.
  3. Fear of failure, to the point of losing faith in yourself.
  4. Instability of desires, uncertainty in achieving the chosen goal, awareness of the “insurmountability” of life’s difficulties.
  5. A problem with your teeth tells you that it’s time to take action, specify your desires and begin to implement them.

Desires that go against character. Dissatisfaction. Repentance. The desire to get out of the situation.

  1. Fear. The grip of fear.
  2. Heartburn and excess gastric juice indicate repressed aggressiveness. The solution to the problem at the psychosomatic level is seen to be the transformation of the forces of suppressed aggression into the action of an active attitude towards life and circumstances.

Men's erectile disfunction most often caused

physical factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes and genital damage. In addition to purely physiological problems, emotional factors also play a significant role. List of emotional factors that can cause male incompetence in bed:

  1. Feeling depressed
  2. Feelings of anxiety and nervousness
  3. Stress caused by work, family or financial problems
  4. Unresolved issues between a man and his sexual partner. Sexual pressure, tension, guilt. Social beliefs. Anger towards a partner. Fear of mother.
  5. Feelings of awkwardness and shyness. Fear of not being up to par. Self-flagellation.
  6. Fear of partner's reaction
  7. Fear of Rejection
  1. Irritation, anger, frustration. Lack of joy in life. Bitterness.
  2. Triggers are irritation, anger, frustration. Any infection indicates an ongoing mental disorder. Weak resistance of the body, which is superimposed by infection, is associated with a violation of mental balance.
  3. Weakness of the immune system is caused by the following reasons:
  • a) dislike for oneself;
  • b) low self-esteem;
  • c) self-deception, self-betrayal, therefore lack of peace of mind;
  • d) hopelessness, despondency, lack of “taste of life”, suicidal tendencies;
  • e) internal discord, contradictions between desires and deeds;
  • f) The immune system is associated with self-identity - our ability to distinguish “ours” from “someone else’s”, to separate “I” from “not I”.

Inability to go with the flow of life. Fear and attempts to hold on to outdated thoughts. Distrust of life. Lack of integrity of nature. No courage of conviction. Muscle clamps.

They can form in the gallbladder, kidneys, and prostate. As a rule, they appear in people who have been harboring for a long time some difficult thoughts and feelings associated with dissatisfaction, aggression, envy, jealousy, etc. A person is afraid that others will guess about these thoughts.

  1. The tendency to view sex as dirty. And a feeling of guilt.
  2. Anger associated with sexual relations; feeling deceived in this area of ​​life.
  1. Fear of getting rid of everything that is outdated and unnecessary.
  2. A person makes hasty conclusions about reality, rejecting it all if he is not satisfied with only a part.
  3. Irritability due to an inability to integrate contradictory aspects of reality.

See the Diarrhea section for a very detailed article on Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Reflects what a person thinks about himself, the ability to value himself in the face of the world around him. A person is ashamed of himself and attaches too much importance to the opinions of others. Rejects himself, just as others reject him.

  1. Anxiety. Fear. An old sediment in the soul. I'm being threatened. Fear that you will be offended.
  2. Loss of sense of self. Refusal to take responsibility for one's own feelings.

Irritation, impatience, dissatisfaction with the environment.

Uncertainty. Symbolizes the ability to easily part with the past. Fear of letting something go. Unreliability. See also the section “Diarrhea”.

Some event happened in life that caused strong anger, and this anger is intensified by the fear of experiencing this event again.

A person values ​​himself only for being useful to others.

Lack of joy. Lack of movement of thought.

Inability to listen to one's own needs.

Unresolved long-standing emotional problems. Fatigue.

Lack of love in childhood. Defeatist mood: “Nothing will work out anyway.”

  1. Lack of joy about decisions made in life. Pulmonary diseases.

Depression. Sadness. Fear to perceive life. Do you think you are unworthy to live? life to the fullest.

  • The lungs are the ability to take and give life. Lung problems usually arise from our reluctance or fear of living life to the fullest, or because we believe that we do not have the right to live to the fullest. Those who smoke a lot usually deny life. They hide their feelings of inferiority behind a mask.
  • Impaired lung function indicates that a person has a bad life, he is tormented by some kind of pain, sadness. He feels despair and disappointment and doesn't want to live anymore. He may have the feeling that he has been driven into a dead end, deprived of freedom to act
  • A warning to refocus on what is most important in life: love and joy.

    1. Tightness.
    2. Fear of losing something important or being in a hopeless situation. Worry about the future.
    3. Unrealized ideas.
    4. Don't take on too much. Don't spray yourself. And take life easier.
    1. Hatred of coercion. Resistance to the course of life.
    2. Migraines are created by people who want to be perfect, as well as by those who have accumulated a lot of irritation in this life.
    3. Sexual fears. Aversion to pleasure from sex.
    4. Hostile envy.
    5. Migraine develops in a person who does not give himself the right to be himself. He believes that you need to be strict with yourself in order to achieve success in this life.
    1. Defeatist mood. An overabundance of destructive ideas. The feeling of being overpowered. A disregard for oneself. Sense of anxiety. Acute emotional hunger. Self-directed anger.
    2. A person experiences many unrealistic fears associated with the material side of his life. A person is constantly on guard because he senses danger.

    Not being able to cope with something. Terrible fear. The desire to get away from everyone and everything. Not wanting to be here.

    Request for help. Internal crying. You are a victim. Lack of self-worth

    A patient with neurodermatitis has a pronounced desire for physical contact, suppressed by the restraint of his parents, so he has disturbances in the organs of contact.

    Animal fear, horror, restless state. Grumbling and complaining.

    1. Overreacting to disappointments and failures.
    2. Feeling like a worthless child doing everything wrong.

    Children's crying, internal tears, the feeling of victimhood.

    The need for recognition, the desire for love.

    1. Hypersensitivity. Often symbolizes fear and the need for protection. Fear can serve as a cover for hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive. Trust in yourself, in the very process of life, abstaining from negative thoughts - these are the ways to lose weight.
    2. Obesity is a manifestation of the tendency to protect ourselves from something. Feeling inner emptiness often awakens appetite. Eating provides many people with a sense of “acquisition.” But mental deficiency cannot be filled with food. Lack of trust in life and fear of life’s circumstances plunge a person into trying to fill the spiritual emptiness with external means.

    Containment of feelings associated with love and respect, withering away of emotions.

    Fear. Too greedy attitude towards life.

    Rejection; anger and hopelessness: it seems that life has lost its appeal.

    1. Anger. Resistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. The liver is the seat of anger, rage, and primitive emotions.
    2. Constant complaints, pickiness.
    3. Unexpressed anger, sadness and resentment.
    4. Anger because of the fear of losing something and the inability to do anything about it.
    5. People with liver and gallbladder diseases suppress anger, irritation and anger towards someone. As a rule, people consider it bad manners to express their aggressive emotions. It would be better if they kept them to themselves.

    Despair. Tired of life. Emotional wounds that are not allowed to heal.

    A person is angry with himself for holding back his emotions. Cannot allow himself to experience negative emotions.

    1. Criticism, disappointment, failure. A shame. The reaction is like that of a small child.
    2. Fear.
    3. Kidney problems are caused by condemnation, disappointment, failure in life, and criticism. These people constantly feel like they are being deceived and trampled upon. Such feelings and emotions lead to unhealthy chemical processes in the body.
    4. Neglect of one's own interests, the belief that taking care of oneself is not good. A person may not even understand what is good for him. Places too high expectations on other people. He tends to idealize them and needs someone to play the role of ideal people. Therefore, disappointments are inevitable.
    5. Envy. The feeling that other people have an obligation to share with me.
    6. If a person suffers from being abused, but nevertheless considers himself better than others, is proud that he is above all this, then the person experiences edema.
    7. Jealousy. If you are faithful out of love, then you are faithful. And if you are faithful out of fear, or out of guilt, or out of a desire to prove that you are faithful, then you are infidel. And you will inevitably be jealous.
    1. Clumps of undissolved anger.
    2. He closes his mouth and hides secret anger in his soul.
    3. If a person becomes ashamed that he is such a fool and allowed himself to be used, then drying out begins; the water leaves, only salts remain and petrification is formed, that is, only pride, which is the energy of the stone, remains.

    Unfulfilled expectations in the sphere of interpersonal relationships.

    Too many events at once. Confusion, disorder. Minor grievances.

    1. Fear of being offended, wounded.
    2. Mortification of feelings and self. Refusal to accept responsibility for one's own feelings.
    1. Hypocrisy.
    2. Fear for material things and for the future.
    3. The lower back symbolizes support and support. Therefore, any overload (physical and spiritual) will affect her condition.
    1. Holding old grievances in the soul. Increasing feeling of hostility.
    2. You cherish old grievances and shocks. Remorse increases.
    3. Deep wound. An old grudge. Great mystery or grief does not give rest, it devours. Persistence of feelings of hatred.
    4. Cancer is a disease caused by deep accumulated resentment, which literally begins to eat the body. Something happens in childhood that undermines our faith in life. This incident is never forgotten, and the person lives with a feeling of great self-pity. It is sometimes difficult for him to have a long, serious relationship. Life for such a person consists of endless disappointments. A feeling of hopelessness and hopelessness dominates his mind, and it is easy for him to blame others for his problems.
    5. People suffering from cancer are very self-critical.
    6. The so-called Type C personality type consists of reliable people who are able to overcome difficulties and who avoid conflict situations by suppressing their feelings. According to research results, the risk of cancer is increased for them.
    7. Cancer patients are often the type of people who put the interests of others above their own, and it can be difficult for them to allow themselves to fulfill their own emotional needs without feeling guilty.
    8. Hopelessness and helplessness in response to severe emotional loss.
    9. A person suppresses shadow side your personality, prohibiting yourself from showing negative emotions and feelings. Too bright, harmless people - not because no negative side personality, but because the personality is refined.

    Rigidity of thinking, hardness of heart, iron will, lack of flexibility. Fear.

    Problems. Inability to be “here and now”, lack of trust in oneself and the world.

    Voltage. Fear. Strive to grab hold, to cling.

    Evil eyes. Reluctance to look with love. I would rather die than forgive. Sometimes a manifestation of malevolence.

    Fear. Suppressed emotions. Stifled creativity. Belief in one's inability to speak up for oneself and seek satisfaction of one's needs on one's own.

    1. Hopelessness.
    2. Wastefulness due to selfishness, possessiveness. Cruel thoughts. Revenge.
    3. Thoughts about the injustice of the world, sadness. Resentment against fate.
    1. Disagreement with yourself. Lack of self-love;
    2. A sign of a subconscious desire to push others away and not allow oneself to be considered. (i.e. not enough self-respect and acceptance of yourself and your inner beauty)

    Fear. Aversion to pleasure. The belief that sex is bad. Insensitive partners.

    Watch "Abscess", with the addition that some specific situation poisons a person's life, causing intense feelings of anger, anxiety and fear.

    Such people do not like themselves, feel insignificant compared to others, and are afraid of being rejected. And that's why they try to be very kind.

    Accumulated anger and self-punishment. Forces herself to believe that nothing bothers her.

    1. Anxious state. You cling to old ideas. Afraid to give yourself freedom. Anger.
    2. Anger that others do not live up to their expectations. Including expectations that someone will make your life happy.
    1. Reluctance to see other sides of the issue. Stubbornness. Lack of flexibility.
    2. Pretends that the disturbing situation does not bother him at all.
    1. Humiliation. “I never get to do what I want.”
    2. Feeling attacked by life. "They're trying to get to me."
    3. Life is in a constant rush, at an unnatural pace for you.
    1. Irreconcilable antagonism. Mental breakdowns.
    2. Uncertainty about your future.

    You are afraid to breathe life deeply. You think you are unworthy of life.

    1. Occurs in a very emotional person who cannot get along with what he sees. And who feels anger and irritation when he realizes that other people look at the world differently.
    2. Powerless anger towards someone.

    To work with the psychological background of diseases, the author of the site recommends the technique of Deep immersion into your body. Each case of illness is unique.

    Any illness is always accompanied by unpleasant emotions, because somatic (physical) illnesses are difficult to separate from worries about the severity of the health condition and concerns about possible complications. But it happens that diseases cause serious changes in the functioning of the nervous system, disrupting the interaction between neurons and the very structure of nerve cells. In this case, a mental disorder develops against the background of a somatic illness.

    The nature of mental changes largely depends on the physical illness on the basis of which they arose. For example:

    • oncology provokes depression;
    • a sharp exacerbation of an infectious disease - psychosis with delusions and hallucinations;
    • severe prolonged fever - seizures;
    • heavy infectious lesions brain - states of switching off consciousness: stupor, stupor and coma.

    Moreover, most diseases also have common mental manifestations. Thus, the development of many diseases is accompanied by asthenia: weakness, weakness and low mood. An improvement in the condition corresponds to an increase in mood - euphoria.

    The mechanism of development of mental disorders. Mental health of a person ensures healthy brain. For normal operation, its nerve cells must receive enough glucose and oxygen, not be affected by toxins and interact correctly with each other, transmitting nerve impulses from one neuron to another. Under such conditions, the processes of excitation and inhibition are balanced, which ensures the proper functioning of the brain.

    Diseases interfere with the functioning of the entire body and affect the nervous system through various mechanisms. Some diseases impair blood circulation, depriving brain cells of a significant portion of nutrients and oxygen. In this case, neurons atrophy and may die. Such changes can occur in specific areas of the brain or throughout its tissue.

    In other diseases, there is a failure in the transmission system nerve impulses between the brain and spinal cord. In this case it is impossible normal operation cerebral cortex and its deeper structures. And during infectious diseases, the brain suffers from poisoning by toxins released by viruses and bacteria.

    Below we will look in detail at what physical diseases cause mental disorders and what their manifestations are.

    Mental disorders in vascular diseases

    Vascular diseases of the brain in most cases affect mental health. Atherosclerosis, hypertension and hypotension, cerebral thromboangiitis obliterans have a common complex of mental symptoms. Their development is associated with a chronic deficiency of glucose and oxygen, which nerve cells in all parts of the brain experience.

    With vascular diseases, mental disorders develop slowly and imperceptibly. The first signs are headaches, flashing spots before the eyes, sleep disturbances. Then signs of organic brain damage appear. Absent-mindedness occurs, it becomes difficult for a person to quickly navigate the situation, he begins to forget dates, names, and the sequence of events.

    For mental disorders associated with vascular diseases brain, characterized by a wave-like flow. This means that the patient’s condition periodically improves. But this should not be a reason to refuse treatment, in otherwise the processes of brain destruction will continue, and new symptoms will appear.

    If the brain suffers from insufficient blood circulation for a long time, it develops encephalopathy(diffuse or focal damage to brain tissue associated with neuronal death). It can have various manifestations. For example, visual disturbances, severe headaches, nystagmus (involuntary oscillatory eye movements), instability and lack of coordination.

    Over time, encephalopathy becomes more complicated dementia(acquired dementia). In the patient’s psyche, changes occur that resemble age-related ones: criticality of what is happening and of one’s condition decreases. General activity decreases, memory deteriorates. Judgments may be delusional. A person is unable to restrain his emotions, which is manifested by tearfulness, anger, a tendency to emotion, helplessness, and fussiness. His self-care skills are reduced and his thinking is impaired. If the subcortical centers suffer, then incontinence develops. To illogical judgments and crazy ideas hallucinations that occur at night may occur.

    Mental disorders caused by cerebrovascular accidents require special attention and long-term treatment.

    Mental disorders in infectious diseases

    Despite the fact that infectious diseases are caused by various pathogens and have different symptoms, they affect the brain in approximately the same way. Infections disrupt the functioning of the cerebral hemispheres, making it difficult for nerve impulses to pass through the reticular formation and diencephalon. The cause of the damage is viral and bacterial toxins released by infectious agents. Metabolic disorders in the brain caused by toxins play a certain role in the development of mental disorders.

    In most patients, mental changes are limited asthenia(apathy, weakness, powerlessness, reluctance to move). Although for some, on the contrary, motor agitation occurs. At severe course illnesses and more severe disorders are possible.

    Mental disorders in acute infectious diseases represented by infectious psychoses. They can appear at the peak of a rise in temperature, but more often against the background of the attenuation of the disease.

    Infectious psychosis can take different forms:

    • Delirium. The patient is excited, overly sensitive to all stimuli (he is disturbed by light, loud sounds, strong odors). Irritation and anger are poured out on others for the most insignificant reasons. Sleep is disturbed. The patient finds it difficult to sleep and is haunted by nightmares. While awake, illusions arise. For example, the play of light and shadow creates pictures on wallpaper that can move or change. When the lighting changes, the illusions disappear.
    • Rave. Feverish delirium manifests itself at the peak of infection, when in the blood greatest number toxins and high fever. The patient perks up and looks alarmed. The nature of delusions can be very different, from unfinished business or adultery to delusions of grandeur.
    • Hallucinations Infections can be tactile, auditory or visual. Unlike illusions, they are perceived by the patient as real. Hallucinations can be frightening or "entertaining" in nature. If during the first one a person looks depressed, then when the second one appears he perks up and laughs.
    • Oneiroid. Hallucinations have the nature of a holistic picture, when a person may feel that he is in a different place, in a different situation. The patient appears distant and repeats the same movements or words spoken by other people. Periods of inhibition alternate with periods of motor excitation.

    Mental disorders in chronic infectious diseases take on a protracted nature, but their symptoms are less pronounced. For example, prolonged psychoses pass without disturbance of consciousness. They are manifested by a feeling of melancholy, fear, anxiety, depression, which is based on delusional thoughts about condemnation from others, persecution. The condition worsens in the evening hours. Confusion during chronic infections happens rarely. Acute psychoses are usually associated with the use of anti-tuberculosis drugs, especially in combination with alcohol. And convulsive seizures can be a sign of tuberculoma in the brain.

    During the recovery period, many patients experience euphoria. It manifests itself as a feeling of lightness, satisfaction, uplifting mood, and joy.

    Infectious psychoses and other mental disorders due to infections do not require treatment and go away on their own with improvement.

    Mental disorders in endocrine diseases

    Disruption of the endocrine glands significantly affects mental health. Hormones can disrupt the balance of the nervous system, having an excitatory or inhibitory effect. Hormonal changes impair blood circulation in the brain, which over time causes cell death in the cortex and other structures.

    On initial stage many endocrine diseases cause similar mental changes. Patients experience desire disorders and affective disorders. These changes may resemble symptoms of schizophrenia or manic depression. For example, there is a perversion of taste, a tendency to eat inedible substances, refusal to eat, increased or decreased sexual desire, tendency to sexual perversions, etc. Among mood disorders, depression or alternating periods of depression and increased mood and performance are more common.

    Significant deviation in hormone levels from the norm causes the appearance of characteristic mental disorders.

    • Hypothyroidism. A decrease in the level of thyroid hormones is accompanied by lethargy, depression, deterioration of memory, intelligence and other mental functions. Stereotypic behavior may appear (repetition of the same action - washing hands, “flicking a switch”).
    • Hyperthyroidism And high level thyroid hormones has the opposite symptoms: fussiness, mood swings with a rapid transition from laughter to crying, there is a feeling that life has become fast and hectic.
    • Addison's disease. When the level of adrenal hormones decreases, lethargy and resentment increase, and libido decreases. In case of acute insufficiency of the adrenal cortex, a person may experience erotic delirium, confusion, and neurosis-like states are characteristic during the waxing period. They suffer from loss of strength and decreased mood, which can develop into depression. For some, hormonal changes provoke hysterical states with excessively violent expression of emotions, loss of voice, muscle twitching (tics), partial paralysis, and fainting.

    Diabetes more often than other endocrine diseases causes mental disorders, since hormonal disorders are aggravated by vascular pathology and insufficient blood circulation to the brain. An early sign is asthenia (weakness and significant decrease in performance). People deny the disease, experience anger directed at themselves and others, they have breakdowns in taking glucose-lowering medications, diet, insulin administration, and may develop bulimia and anorexia.

    70% of patients suffering from severe diabetes mellitus for more than 15 years experience anxiety and depressive disorders, adaptation disorders, personality and behavioral disorders, and neuroses.

    • Adjustment disorders make patients very sensitive to any stress and conflict. This factor can cause failures in family life and at work.
    • Personality disorders a painful strengthening of personality traits that interferes with both the person himself and his environment. In patients with diabetes mellitus, grumpiness, resentment, stubbornness, etc. may increase. These traits prevent them from adequately responding to situations and finding solutions to problems.
    • Neurosis-like disorders manifested by fear, fears for one’s life and stereotypical movements.

    Mental disorders in cardiovascular diseases

    Heart failure, coronary disease, compensated heart defects and others chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system accompanied by asthenia: chronic fatigue, impotence, mood instability and increased fatigue, weakening of attention and memory.

    Almost everything chronic diseases hearts accompanied by hypochondria. Increased attention to one’s health, interpretation of new sensations as symptoms of a disease, and fears about the deterioration of the condition are typical for many “heart patients”.

    For acute heart failure, myocardial infarction and 2-3 days after heart surgery, psychosis may occur. Their development is associated with stress, which provoked disruption of the functioning of cortical neurons and subcortical structures. Nerve cells suffer from oxygen deficiency and metabolic disorders.

    Manifestations of psychosis may vary depending on the nature and condition of the patient. Some experience severe anxiety and mental activity, while others experience lethargy and apathy as the main symptoms. With psychosis, patients find it difficult to concentrate on a conversation; their orientation in time and place is disturbed. Delusions and hallucinations may occur. At night, the patients' condition worsens.

    Mental disorders in systemic and autoimmune diseases

    With autoimmune diseases, 60% of patients suffer from various mental disorders, most of which are anxiety and depressive disorders. Their development is associated with the impact of circulating immune complexes on the nervous system, with chronic stress that a person experiences in connection with his illness and the use of glucocorticoid drugs.

    Systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatism accompanied by asthenia (weakness, impotence, weakening of attention and memory). It is common for patients to show increased attention to your health and interpret new sensations in the body as a sign of deterioration. There is also a high risk of adjustment disorder, when people react atypically to stress, most of the time they experience fear, hopelessness, and are overcome by depressive thoughts.

    During exacerbation of systemic lupus erythematosus, on the background high temperature, psychoses with complex manifestations may develop. Orientation in space is impaired as the person experiences hallucinations. This is accompanied by delirium, agitation, lethargy, or stupor (stupor).

    Mental disorders due to intoxication

    – damage to the body by toxins. Substances that are toxic to the brain interfere with blood circulation and cause dystrophic changes in his fabric. Nerve cells die throughout the brain or in individual foci - encephalopathy develops. This condition is accompanied by mental dysfunction.

    Toxic encephalopathy cause harmful substances which have a toxic effect on the brain. These include: mercury vapor, manganese, lead, toxic substances used in everyday life and in agriculture, alcohol and drugs, as well as some medications in case of overdose (anti-tuberculosis drugs, steroid hormones, psychostimulants). In children under 3 years of age, toxic brain damage can be caused by toxins released by viruses and bacteria during influenza, measles, adenovirus infection etc.

    Mental disorders in acute poisoning, when a large amount of a toxic substance enters the body, they have serious consequences for the psyche. Toxic brain damage is accompanied by confusion. The person loses clarity of consciousness and feels detached. He experiences bouts of fear or rage. Poisoning of the nervous system is often accompanied by euphoria, delirium, hallucinations, mental and motor agitation. There have been cases of memory loss. Depression during intoxication is dangerous due to thoughts of suicide. The patient's condition may be complicated by convulsions, significant depression of consciousness - stupor, and in severe cases - coma.

    Mental disorders due to chronic intoxication, when the body is exposed to small doses of toxins for a long time, they develop unnoticed and have no pronounced manifestations. Asthenia comes first. People feel weakness, irritability, decreased attention and mental productivity.

    Mental disorders in kidney diseases

    When kidney function is disrupted, toxic substances accumulate in the blood, metabolic disorders occur, the functioning of brain vessels deteriorates, edema and organic disorders develop in the brain tissue.

    Chronic renal failure. The condition of patients is complicated by constant muscle pain and itching. This increases anxiety and depression and causes mood disorders. Most often, patients exhibit asthenic phenomena: weakness, decreased mood and performance, apathy, sleep disturbances. As kidney function deteriorates, motor activity decreases, some patients develop stupor, and others may experience psychosis with hallucinations.

    For acute renal failure Asthenia may be accompanied by disorders of consciousness: stupor, stupor, and with cerebral edema, coma, when consciousness completely turns off and basic reflexes disappear. During mild stages of stunning, periods of clear consciousness alternate with periods when the patient’s consciousness becomes clouded. He does not make contact, his speech becomes sluggish, and his movements are very slow. When intoxicated, patients experience hallucinations with a variety of fantastic or “cosmic” images.

    Mental disorders in inflammatory diseases of the brain

    Neuroinfections (encephalitis, meningitis, meningoencephalitis)- This is damage to brain tissue or its membranes by viruses and bacteria. During the disease, nerve cells are damaged by pathogens, suffer from toxins and inflammation, attack by the immune system and nutritional deficiencies. These changes cause mental disorders in the acute period or some time after recovery.

    1. Encephalitis(tick-borne, epidemic, rabies) – inflammatory diseases brain. They occur with symptoms of acute psychosis, convulsions, delusions, and hallucinations. Affective disorders (mood disorders) also appear: the patient suffers from negative emotions, his thinking is slow, and his movements are inhibited.

    Sometimes depressive periods can be replaced by periods of mania, when the mood becomes elevated, motor excitement appears, and mental activity increases. Against this background, outbursts of anger occasionally arise, which quickly fade away.

    Majority encephalitis in the acute stage have general symptoms. Against the background of high fever and headaches occur syndromes confusion.

    • Stun when the patient reacts poorly to his surroundings, becomes indifferent and inhibited. As the condition worsens, stupor progresses to stupor and coma. In a comatose state, a person does not react to stimuli in any way.
    • Delirium. Difficulties arise in orienting to the situation, place and time, but the patient remembers who he is. He experiences hallucinations and believes they are real.
    • Twilight stupefaction when the patient loses orientation in his surroundings and experiences hallucinations. His behavior is completely consistent with the plot of the hallucinations. During this period, the patient loses memory and cannot remember what happened to him.
    • Amentive clouding of consciousness– the patient loses orientation in the environment and his own “I”. He doesn’t understand who he is, where he is and what’s happening.

    Encephalitis due to rabies differs from other forms of the disease. Rabies is characterized by a strong fear of death and hydrophobia, speech impairment and drooling. As the disease progresses, other symptoms appear: paralysis of the limbs, stupor. Death occurs from paralysis respiratory muscles and hearts.

    For chronic encephalitis symptoms reminiscent of epilepsy develop - seizures of one half of the body. Usually they are combined with twilight stupefaction.

    1. Meningitis- inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. The disease most often develops in children. Mental disorders on early stage manifested by weakness, lethargy, slow thinking.

    In the acute period, asthenia is accompanied by various forms of clouding of consciousness described above. In severe cases, stupor develops when inhibition processes predominate in the cerebral cortex. The person looks asleep; only a sharp loud sound can force him to open his eyes. When exposed to pain, he can withdraw his hand, but any reaction quickly fades away. With further deterioration of the patient's condition, the patient falls into a coma.

    Mental disorders in traumatic brain injuries

    The organic basis for mental disorders is the loss of electrical potential by neurons, injury to brain tissue, swelling, hemorrhage, and subsequent immune attack on damaged cells. These changes, regardless of the nature of the injury, lead to the death of a certain number of brain cells, which is manifested by neurological and mental disorders.

    Mental disorders due to brain injuries may appear immediately after the injury or during long-term period(in a few months or years). They have many manifestations, since the nature of the disorder depends on which part of the brain is affected and how much time has passed since the injury.

    Early consequences of traumatic brain injuries. At the initial stage (from a few minutes to 2 weeks), the injury, depending on the severity, manifests itself:

    • Stunned- slowing everyone down mental processes when a person becomes drowsy, inactive, indifferent;
    • Stupor– a precomatose state, when the victim loses the ability to act voluntarily and does not react to the environment, but reacts to pain and sharp sounds;
    • Coma– complete loss of consciousness, respiratory and circulatory disorders and loss of reflexes.

    After normalization of consciousness, amnesia - loss of memory - may appear. As a rule, events that occurred shortly before and immediately after the injury are erased from memory. Patients also complain of slowness and difficulty in thinking, high fatigue from mental stress, and mood instability.

    Acute psychoses may occur immediately after injury or within 3 weeks after it. The risk is especially high in people who have suffered a concussion (brain contusion) and open head injury. During psychosis, various signs of impaired consciousness may appear: delirium (usually persecution or grandeur), hallucinations, periods of unreasonably elevated mood or lethargy, attacks of complacency and tenderness, followed by depression or outbursts of anger. The duration of post-traumatic psychosis depends on its form and can last from 1 day to 3 weeks.

    Long-term consequences traumatic brain injury may become: decreased memory, attention, perception and learning ability, difficulties in thought processes, inability to control emotions. The formation of pathological personality traits such as hysteroidal, asthenic, hypochondriacal or epileptoid character accentuation is also likely.

    Mental disorders in cancer and benign tumors

    Malignant tumors, regardless of their location, are accompanied by pre-depressive states and severe depression caused by patients’ fears for their health and the fate of loved ones, and suicidal thoughts. The mental state noticeably worsens during chemotherapy, during preparation for surgery and in the postoperative period, as well as intoxication and pain syndrome during late stages diseases.

    If the tumor is localized in the brain, then patients may experience disturbances in speech, memory, perception, difficulty coordinating movements and seizures, delusions and hallucinations.

    Psychoses in cancer patients develop at stage IV of the disease. The degree of their manifestation depends on the strength of intoxication and the physical condition of the patient.

    Treatment of mental disorders caused by somatic diseases

    When treating mental disorders caused by somatic diseases, attention is first paid to the physical illness. It is important to eliminate the cause of the negative impact on the brain: remove toxins, normalize body temperature and vascular function, improve blood circulation in the brain and restore the acid-base balance of the body.

    Consulting a psychologist or psychotherapist will help ease your mental state during treatment of a somatic illness. For severe mental disorders (psychosis, depression), the psychiatrist prescribes appropriate medications:

    • Nootropic drugs– Encephabol, Aminalon, Piracetam. They are indicated for most patients with brain disorders due to somatic diseases. Nootropics improve the condition of neurons, making them less sensitive to negative influences. These drugs promote the transmission of nerve impulses through the synapses of neurons, which ensures coherent brain function.
    • Neuroleptics used to treat psychosis. Haloperidol, Chlorprothixene, Droperidol, Tizercin - reduce the transmission of nerve impulses by blocking the work of dopamine at the synapses of nerve cells. This has a calming effect and eliminates delusions and hallucinations.
    • Tranquilizers Buspirone, Mebicar, Tofisopam reduce the level of anxiety, nervous tension and restlessness. They are also effective for asthenia, as they eliminate apathy and increase activity.
    • Antidepressants are prescribed to combat depression in cancer and endocrine diseases, as well as injuries that lead to serious cosmetic defects. When treating, preference is given to drugs with the fewest side effects: Pyrazidol, Fluoxetine, Befol, Heptral.

    In the vast majority of cases, after treatment of the underlying disease, a person’s mental health is restored. Rarely, if the disease has caused damage to brain tissue, signs mental disorder persist even after recovery.

    This condition occurs as a result of disorders of nervous activity that cause symptoms of diseases of various organs in the absence of pathology in them.

    Mental disorders in which diseases of internal organs occur are called “somatization.”

    It is difficult to recognize somatization; often in this condition the patient complains of painful sensations in the body, but as a result of the examination, the causes of the symptoms are absent.

    Many somatic disorders are symptoms of diseases that require the attention of a specialist. The most common of them are sleep disorders, appetite disorders, pain,...

    Sleep disturbance

    One of the first and most common signs of mental disorders is insomnia. It may differ in nature for various mental disorders.

    Insomnia may be associated with inner experiences. In this case, the person cannot fall asleep, trying to mentally find a way out of the current situation. In the morning a person feels tired and irritable. This disorder is observed in neuroses.

    Neurasthenia is accompanied by sensitivity to sleep: a person sleeps, but the slightest sound awakens him, after which he has difficulty falling asleep.

    For people suffering from depression, sleep does not bring rest, as such a person not only finds it difficult to fall asleep, but also becomes irritated when the morning comes. With depression, the beginning of a new day gives rise to painful thoughts and feelings. A patient suffering from this syndrome can spend the whole day in bed, lying without closing his eyes.

    When you stop taking certain drugs or alcohol, you may experience withdrawal syndrome accompanied by insomnia.

    Sexual dysfunctions

    There are several types of sexual dysfunctions. Decreased or excessively increased sexual desire, impaired orgasm, pain during sexual intercourse.

    Such manifestations lead to psychological factors, among them such as low self-esteem, long-term abstinence, lack of a permanent partner, unconscious disgust, fear. Often the cause of such disorders is alcohol and drugs.

    Emerging pain

    Among scientists who study psychosomatics, there is an opinion that a patient with a somatic disorder complains of pain in the organ that he considers the most important.

    Depression is often accompanied by pain in the heart muscle, which may be accompanied by fears and worries. Such painful sensations are easily relieved with sedatives: valerian, valocordin, validol; Taking nitroglycerin in such cases does not help.

    Headaches that are psychogenic in nature may occur due to tension in the neck muscles. Self-hypnosis or hysteria also lead to headaches.

    Some stressful situations cause severe pain in the back of the head, the patient feels pain radiating to the shoulders. Such states are characteristic of anxious and suspicious persons. Constantly being in a stressful situation entails such an unpleasant syndrome.

    Hysteria can be accompanied by headaches of various types. In this case, a person may feel a compressive pain, piercing or bursting, usually worsening in the evening.

    Appetite disturbance

    Such disorders may look like a lack of appetite or, conversely, an excessive feeling of hunger. They are often caused by stress and depression.

    Many neuroses are accompanied by a decrease in appetite. Some diseases can manifest themselves in a complex in one person. For example, anorexia nervosa and bulimia. In the case of anorexia nervosa, a person may refuse food and sometimes feel disgusted by it, but the body’s need for food remains. Bulimia is characterized by uncontrolled eating of large amounts of food and can be a cause of obesity, but there are cases when bulimia leads to weight loss. This happens when the patient, feeling self-dislike due to neurosis, begins to take laxatives and induce a gag reflex.

    In most cases, patients with eating disorders are treated in a hospital setting. In combination with psychotherapy, the patient's food intake is strictly controlled.

    Masked depression and hypochondria

    In addition to such common disorders, masked depression occurs. It is characterized by severe diseases of internal organs associated with the patient’s experiences. People who can resist are susceptible to this disorder. stressful situations, express external calm, but pathological processes arise in the body that has received a dose of stress.

    Diseases that lead to somatic disorders

    Psychosomatic personality disorders are based on the body’s reaction to conflict experiences that cause disruptions in the functioning of internal organs.

    Psychosomatic disorders lead to symptoms of many diseases, the appearance of which is influenced by individual predisposition. Somatic diseases include the following diseases, the so-called golden seven:

    1. Neurodermatitis - often occurs as a result of depression; the disease is characterized by the appearance of skin imperfections, severe itching, and nervousness.
    2. Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer are one of the causes of this disease - increased nervousness. Overexertion leads to increased acidity and, as a result, to the appearance of ulcers.
    3. Bronchial asthma - attacks can be triggered by a strong experience; stress, affecting the heart, causes an attack of suffocation.
    4. Rheumatoid arthritis - immune pulse can be obtained as a result of mental disorders, nervous overstrain, which is why symptoms of joint disease appear.
    5. Ulcerative colitis - stress and nervous disorders are one of the causes of the disease.
    6. Essential hypertension is the main risk group susceptible to this disease - people engaged in mental work, also occurs as a result of overload of higher nervous activity. In addition, people who are constantly under stress are often susceptible to it.

    Recently, somatic disorders include coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes mellitus, as well as somatophoric behavior disorders.

    Basically, symptoms caused by somatic personality disorders are recurrent in nature, accompanied by depression, sleep disturbances, and anxiety. They lead to problems in family relationships, in addition, with such symptoms, unnecessary treatment may be prescribed. For a correct diagnosis in this case, consultation with a psychiatrist is necessary.

    To treat somatic disorders, careful diagnosis is necessary. In addition to a psychotherapist or psychiatrist diagnosing a psychosomatic disorder, the help of a specialist is needed to prescribe treatment for the affected organ that the patient is complaining about. Most often, disorders of this nature respond well to treatment. In most cases, psychotherapy or antidepressants are used.

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    What are somatic diseases and disorders in children or adults - causes, symptoms and treatment

    Today it is fashionable to say that all human diseases arise from nerves. How true is this and what can be the danger of excessive emotional stress? Doctors believe that somatic diseases in patients are in one way or another connected not only with internal diseases, but also with external influences: poor environment, stress, fears, and other disorders of the nervous system. Find out how to distinguish somatic pathology from psychogenic one and how to treat such dysfunction.

    What are somatic diseases

    Any disease of the body, skin or internal organs that is not in any way related to mental illness is considered a somatic disorder in medicine. Such pathologies include any injury to bones or soft tissues, infectious viral diseases, inflammatory processes of internal organs, etc. However, you need to be able to distinguish between what somatic pathology and psychosomatic disorder are. If the first is a consequence of the influence of external factors on the body, then the second is the result of self-hypnosis.

    • neurodermatitis;
    • ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
    • rheumatoid arthritis;
    • gastric colitis;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • hypertension.

    In addition, modern doctors often classify coronary heart disease, obesity or, on the contrary, anorexia, diabetes mellitus as psychosomatic disorders. Unlike ordinary physical illnesses of the body, illnesses caused by mental disorders are difficult to treat, often become chronic and may be accompanied by unrelated symptoms.


    It is very often possible to determine the presence of somatic diseases without performing special diagnostic tests. For example, if there are stomach problems, abdominal pain and acid belching occur. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system will lead to unstable blood pressure, and infectious viral diseases will lead to increased body temperature.

    Psychosomatic disorders present difficulty in diagnosing symptoms. Very often such diseases are accompanied by personality disorders, depression, and anxiety. A patient whose illness arose as a result of self-hypnosis often experiences sleep problems, sexual disorders, loss of appetite, apathy and aversion to others. The most common symptoms of psychosomatic disorders at the initial stage are the signs described below.

    Appetite disturbance

    Somatic disorders in women often manifest themselves in abnormal perception of food: complete refusal of it or, conversely, excessive overeating. The cause is nervous breakdowns, psycho-emotional disorders, stress, nervousness or depression. As a consequence of the appearance of such conditions in women, with a complete refusal to eat, anorexia occurs, and with an increased feeling of hunger, obesity occurs.

    Sometimes somatic nervous disorders can lead to the appearance of another disease known to many - bulimia. Its characteristic signs are an increased interest in food, fatty and unhealthy foods, uncontrolled hunger, which subsequently leads to obesity. To weigh less, they drink laxatives or diuretics and artificially induce vomiting. Such regular actions lead to serious complications in the digestive tract.

    Sleep disturbance

    Another common symptom of a somatic disorder of a psychogenic nature is insomnia. It manifests itself due to strong internal experiences, stress, and nervous disorders. With somatic sleep disorders, a person tries in every possible way to solve the problem: he tries to take a comfortable position, takes sleeping pills, and tries to fall asleep on his own. It is extremely rare that with insomnia a person can still fall asleep on his own, but at the slightest extraneous sounds he wakes up.

    Pain syndrome

    The most obvious signs of somatic disorders are pain. Patients with this diagnosis may complain of stomach pain, stabbing sensations in the heart, headache, weakness in the legs or aching joints. As a rule, it is precisely the organ that, in the patient’s opinion, is the weakest in the body that suffers. Such manifestations often haunt suspicious and especially anxious people.

    Sexual function disorders

    Acute somatic illnesses in men are often manifested by a lack of libido, weak erection, and decreased sexual desire. In women, such diseases are manifested by the absence of orgasm, the appearance of pain during sexual intercourse and, as a result, complete refusal of sex. Psychogenic factors lead to such somatic pathologies: long-term abstinence, fear, fear of sex, a feeling of disgust towards a partner, low or high self-esteem.

    When chronic diseases are detected and require hospitalization, some patients experience aggravation of feelings. In this case, somatic symptoms of a psychogenic nature will depend on the diagnosis, for example:

    • Coronary heart disease and rheumatism are often accompanied by hypochondria, lethargy, irritability, decreased concentration and memory impairment.
    • Somatic symptoms when malignant tumors are detected can manifest themselves in increased fatigue, subdepressive states and neuroses.
    • With renal failure, many patients complain of muscle weakness, a sharp loss of strength, and motor retardation.
    • Nonspecific pneumonia is often accompanied by hyperthermia, euphoria, underestimation of the disease, manic or hallucinogenic manifestations.


    It is practically useless to look for the source of somatic diseases on your own; here you will need the help of several specialists at the same time: a therapist, a psychologist, a neurologist and other doctors with a narrow specialization. If a psychological orientation was established using laboratory tests, then the reasons should be sought in the following:

    • unresolved conflicts, emotions of fear or strong anger are a common cause of exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
    • Anxiety and depression, restrictions on rest, problems in the sexual sphere lead to manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis;
    • ulcerative colitis can be provoked by social problems;
    • persistent hypertension is caused by short-term emotional breakdowns in women, and in men by work of increased responsibility;
    • skin diseases (urticaria, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis) are associated with self-doubt, low self-esteem, often with stress and nervousness;
    • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is observed in those patients who are often exposed to negative external influences.

    Somatic diseases in children

    In childhood, similar diseases, as a rule, are the result of defective mental or physical development. Severe disorders appear already from infancy, and begin to develop in the womb. The causes of childhood diseases can be:

    • prolonged toxicosis, especially in late pregnancy;
    • abnormal development of pregnancy;
    • difficulties in intrauterine development;
    • risk of miscarriage;
    • stress in the expectant mother while expecting a child.


    In addition to the diseases listed above, experts divide somatic diseases into 3 classes:

    • Conversion diseases are an expression of neurotic conflict. Vivid examples of neuropathy: hysterical paralysis, temporary blindness or deafness.
    • Organic somatic diseases - the cause is a physical reaction to experience, stress, fear. Patients complain of pain in different parts of the body, which they consider the most vulnerable.
    • Pathologies associated with individual personality characteristics. For example, a person’s tendency to get injured or emotional abuse due to bad habits (alcoholism, smoking, overeating).

    Diagnosis of pathologies

    In order to identify the cause of somatic symptoms, the doctor will need to conduct a number of tests, including:

    • a complete collection of the patient’s medical history, including interviewing relatives and collecting previous medical histories;
    • visual examination of the victim, palpation of problem areas;
    • urine test;
    • analysis of stool, blood from a finger or vein;
    • sputum collection;
    • soft tissue biopsy;
    • use of functional diagnostic methods - MRI, CT, X-ray;
    • surgical intervention.


    Different somatic disorders may be subject to separate treatment methods. For example, in case of an acute illness that is caused by stress, depression, fear, the patient may be prescribed a course of antidepressants, vitamins or other medications that affect the psyche, taking into account all existing contraindications. In addition, the patient is recommended to engage in physical therapy and normalize nutrition.

    In severe cases, treatment of diseases will be carried out only in a hospital hospital in the intensive care unit and under the strict supervision of a doctor. Among medications, preference is given to those that quickly and effectively eliminate the symptoms of diseases. Along with this, psychological therapy is carried out to address the root cause of the symptoms. For severe anxiety, doctors may use tranquilizers.


    Every person has a risk of developing acute somatic disorders; another thing is that this can always be avoided if a number of conditions are met:

    • try to lead a healthy lifestyle - eat right, exercise, don’t drink or smoke;
    • regularly undergo preventive examinations from doctors of various specialties;
    • If possible, avoid stressful situations and emotional stress.


    The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

    What are somatic diseases? Development and treatment

    Many experts believe that diseases often arise as a result of psychological stress, stressful situations, negative thinking and anxiety. There are cases when pathologies of internal organs develop without obvious physiological reasons. It is then that doctors talk about such a phenomenon as somatic diseases. It will be discussed in the sections of the article.


    So, what are somatic diseases? These are pathologies that arise as a result of the negative influence of external factors and a person’s mental state on the body.

    Today in medicine there is a widespread belief that diseases appear due to nervous overstrain. And this point of view can be considered completely justified. After all, emotional overload, negative thoughts, depression and anxiety negatively affect a person’s physical condition. Answering the question about what somatic diseases are, doctors talk about this phenomenon as the opposite of mental disorders. However, it should be remembered that everything in the body is interconnected. Unfavorable factors such as fears, stressful situations, anxiety disrupt the functioning of the nervous system and disable internal organs. The result is illness. It manifests itself as a deterioration in physical well-being.

    Examples of somatic diseases

    Such pathologies are usually not associated with a person having a mental disorder.

    Many somatic diseases are characterized by pronounced physical manifestations. These are inflammatory, bacterial and viral pathologies, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, blood vessels, mechanical damage. Chronic somatic diseases usually have subtle symptoms. But sometimes there are periods of exacerbation. Common somatic diseases include those to which people with a certain personality type and way of thinking are prone. Here is an approximate list of such pathologies:

    1. Ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Appears in nervous, anxious individuals. Due to strong experiences, a lot of acid is formed in the digestive organs. As a result, ulcers occur.
    2. Skin diseases. Occurs against the background of depression. At the same time, the skin constantly itches and flakes.
    3. Asthma. Appears against a background of fears and stressful situations that negatively affect the activity of the heart.
    4. Arthritis. They arise due to mental overload.
    5. Chronic hypertension.
    6. Diabetes.

    Factors that impair the functioning of internal organs

    Speaking about what somatic diseases are, experts emphasize that such pathologies are often provoked by fear, anxiety, and depression. Deterioration in the functioning of internal organs can be caused by reasons such as quarrels, aggression, increased responsibility, reaction to stressful situations, lack of satisfaction with oneself, one’s life and one’s environment.

    Somatic disorders that arise as a result of such factors are difficult to diagnose and treat, as they can manifest themselves with various symptoms and have an unclear clinical picture.


    Continuing to talk about what somatic diseases are and how they manifest themselves, it is necessary to add that such pathologies have characteristic symptoms. These include the following:

    1. Appetite disturbances (lack of desire to eat or increased hunger). It can be caused by problems with the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, infections, as well as other diseases (anorexia nervosa, bulimia). Sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Aversion to food and refusal of it are just as dangerous to health as systematic overeating.
    2. Sleep disorders (drowsiness, insomnia). It may be a symptom of hormonal problems, heart and vascular diseases.
    3. Sexual function disorders (pain during sex, erectile dysfunction, lack of orgasm, decreased desire).
    4. Emotional disorders (feeling depressed, overwhelmed, anxiety, irritability, depression).
    5. Pain syndrome (unpleasant sensations in the heart, head, stomach, muscles).

    It must be remembered that the above signs can be manifestations of many pathologies. Only a specialist is able to conduct a thorough diagnosis and establish what kind of disease the patient is suffering from. Therefore, it is not recommended to draw conclusions about your condition and take medications on your own.

    Somatic diseases in childhood

    Such pathologies occur not only in adult patients. The development of somatic diseases is also possible in childhood. What factors can cause them? As possible causes for the development of somatic pathologies in childhood, doctors usually identify pronounced manifestations of toxicosis in the mother during pregnancy, stressful situations during pregnancy, and disturbances in fetal formation.

    It can be argued that the prerequisites for the occurrence of diseases in children lie in the prenatal period. As a rule, a child who suffers from somatic pathology from an early age develops disturbances in physical, emotional and intellectual development.

    Mental disorders in somatic diseases

    Doctors have long established the fact that a person’s physical condition has a direct impact on his emotional state. For example, when serious pathologies arise that require immediate treatment in a hospital, people experience strong feelings. Some heart diseases are accompanied by a feeling of weakness, anxiety, deterioration of memory and attention, and aggression. With cancer, patients quickly get tired and have a depressed mood. Kidney pathologies are accompanied by muscle pain, slowness of movements and reactions. Elevated temperature during severe infections can provoke delusional states, visual and auditory hallucinations.

    For a specialist, careful monitoring of patients with severe somatic diseases is extremely important. After all, deterioration in well-being can often lead to emotional disorders.

    Patient's response to illness

    The behavior of a person suffering from somatic pathology is largely determined by his personal characteristics. His mental state is also influenced by the following conditions:

    1. Type of disease, severity of symptoms, features of the pathology.
    2. The patient's awareness of his diagnosis.
    3. Features of therapy, attitudes of doctors.
    4. Family climate.
    5. Reactions of relatives, colleagues, friends to the patient’s condition.

    Somatic diseases in humans are common causes of emotional disorders. Moreover, some patients become anxious, irritable, depressed, overly suspicious, and conflict with doctors who, in their opinion, do not pay proper attention to them. Other patients underestimate their illness and neglect examination and therapy. Often, relatives of people with somatic pathologies convince them to abandon traditional medicine and seek help from healers and traditional healers. This is extremely dangerous, since such people are not specialists. They often make incorrect diagnoses and prescribe medications to patients that worsen their condition.


    So, in order to cope with somatic pathology, you need to contact a competent specialist. The doctor will prescribe diagnostic procedures, and after the examination it will be possible to decide on therapy. During the consultation, doctors talk with the patient, ask him about his symptoms, and examine him. Then research is carried out. These include laboratory tests of blood, urine, ultrasound diagnostics, computed tomography, x-rays and so on.

    Therapy and prevention of pathologies

    Treatment of somatic diseases is carried out after determining an accurate diagnosis. It includes drugs that relieve symptoms of pathology and eliminate the cause of malfunctions in organs and systems. Doctors often prescribe dietary supplements and vitamin complexes to patients. Physical therapy, physiotherapy, and proper nutrition are of no small importance. In case of serious pathologies, the patient is observed in a hospital. The necessary research is carried out there and intensive treatment methods are applied.

    In some cases (especially in situations where the illness is accompanied by emotional disturbances), patients require the help of a psychotherapist. Individual or group classes, sedatives help stabilize a person’s mental state.

    In the modern world, there are many prerequisites for the development of various diseases. In order to prevent their occurrence, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, exercise, lack of overload and positive thinking are effective methods of prevention.

    What is a somatic disease

    Patients usually complain of numerous unpleasant sensations, for which there is no real physical basis, or, if reasons do exist, they are not so serious as to determine the severity of the feelings experienced. True, for the patient the symptom or discomfort does not become less painful.

    Sufferers of physical illness are often (and quite rightly) convinced that there is some physical cause behind their poor health, even if modern medicine is not yet able to identify it. With somatic diseases, patients go to doctors for years, but no one can diagnose them. At the same time, they are at risk of getting into the drug or drug addiction, as they are often prescribed psychoactive drugs.

    Most often, somatic diseases develop in adolescence and extremely rarely in those over 30 years old. They are more common among women, and the risk of their development is higher for those with a family history of a similar illness, or drug or drug addiction, or personality disorders of an antisocial nature.

    Typically, patients complain of digestive problems, pain in the area chest, difficulty breathing, bladder weakness. In women with somatic diseases there are very strong severe symptoms from the outside reproductive system. This painful menstruation, cycle irregularity, excessive menstrual bleeding, etc.

    As with other psychosomatic disorders, somatic diseases are characterized by depression in combination with insomnia, loss of appetite, and decreased libido. Symptoms of panic and anxiety disorders are typical, although they alone cannot explain the existing physical symptoms.

    Causes, diagnosis and treatment of somatic diseases

    In the modern world, the development of many diseases occurs, according to psychologists and scientists, due to psychological trauma, experiences, various negative beliefs and thoughts. Quite often there are situations where there are no physiological prerequisites for the onset of the disease, but the disease progresses. In this case, they begin to talk about somatic disorders. So what is it?

    Somatic diseases are physical illnesses, as opposed to mental pathologies. This group includes pathologies that are caused by disruptions in the functioning of internal systems and organs or external influences that do not relate to human mental activity.


    Somatic manifestations lead to the appearance of symptoms of many diseases, the nature of which is influenced by the predisposition of the individual.

    Common somatic pathologies include the following diseases:

    • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The main cause of this disease is increased nervousness. Overexertion causes an increase in acidity and, as a result, the appearance of ulcers.
    • Neurodermatitis (skin disease) - appears due to depression, the disease is accompanied by skin imperfections, nervousness, and severe itching.
    • Bronchial asthma - can be caused by strong experiences. By affecting the heart, stress causes an attack of suffocation.
    • Ulcerative colitis - nervous disorders and stress are common causes of the disease.
    • Rheumatoid arthritis - most often appears due to mental disorders, nervous strain, which results in symptoms of joint disease.
    • Essential (chronic) hypertension - appears due to overload of nervous activity.

    Less commonly, somatic diseases contribute to the development of:

    • Diabetes mellitus.
    • Ischemic myocardial disease.
    • Somatoform behavior disorders.


    The reason for the development of such conditions is emotional stress caused by:


    It is quite difficult to recognize somatization; often with such a condition, the patient complains of painful sensations in the body, but as a result of the examination, the reasons for the appearance of symptoms are absent. The most common symptoms of somatic diseases are:

    Appetite disturbance

    Such disorders can look like a complete lack of appetite or an increased feeling of hunger. They are often caused by depression and stress. Most neuroses are accompanied by loss of appetite. Some diseases manifest themselves in a complex in one person. For example, bulimia and anorexia.

    If a patient suffers from anorexia nervosa, then he may refuse food, sometimes feel disgusted with it, while the body’s need for food will remain. Bulimia is characterized by uncontrolled consumption of large amounts of food and can be a cause of obesity. In some cases, the pathology leads to weight loss. This happens when a person, feeling self-dislike due to neurosis, begins to drink laxatives and induce vomiting.

    Sleep disturbance

    One of the most common symptoms of mental disorder is insomnia. Mostly it appears due to internal experiences. In this case, the patient cannot fall asleep, trying to make the right decision and find a way out of a difficult situation. In the morning a person wakes up irritable and tired. Insomnia is often observed with neuroses.

    Neurasthenia is characterized by sensitivity to sleep: a person sleeps, but even a small sound awakens him, after which he cannot fall asleep.

    Pain syndrome

    With somatic disorders, the patient complains of pain in the organ that is the most vulnerable for him.

    Depression is often accompanied by unpleasant, stabbing sensations in the heart, which may be accompanied by anxiety and fear.

    Headaches of psychogenic origin may occur due to tension in the neck muscles. Hysteria or self-hypnosis also lead to headaches.

    Some stressful situations provoke severe pain in the back of the head; the patient feels pain radiating to the shoulders. Such conditions often haunt anxious and suspicious people.

    Sexual function disorders

    There are several libido disorders. These include: excessively increased or decreased sexual desire, pain during sexual intercourse, lack of orgasm.

    Risk factor assessment

    Most often, somatic diseases develop in adolescence and rarely in those over 30. In most cases, disorders occur in women, and the risk of their occurrence is higher for those with a family history of a similar pathology, drug or drug addiction, or personality disorders of an antisocial nature.

    In addition, suspicious people and those who are engaged in mental work or are constantly in a state of stress are susceptible to somatic diseases.

    How to treat

    Treatment of somatic diseases is carried out both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting. Staying in a hospital setting is indicated at the stage acute manifestation psychomatosis, after which a period of recovery begins. It is important to work with the patient, which will alleviate the psychoneurological factors in the development of the disease.

    Of the medications, preference is given to those that are needed to treat the emerging disease. In parallel with taking medications, psychotherapeutic therapy is carried out in order to influence the mechanism of development of the disease and the factors that provoke it. Antidepressants or tranquilizers are prescribed to calm you down.

    Usage folk remedies is considered as an adjunct to basic treatment methods. Most often, the doctor prescribes plant extracts and herbs that will help treat a specific disease that has arisen (for example, cabbage juice for stomach ulcers, calendula decoction for hypertension).

    In children

    The most common physical disorder that can pose challenges to a child's emotional, mental, and physical development is neuropathy. This serious violation congenital etiology, that is, appearing during intrauterine development or during childbirth.

    The causes of neuropathy can be:

    • Long-term toxicosis in the mother.
    • Pathological development of pregnancy, which leads to the threat of miscarriage.
    • Stress expectant mother while expecting a child.

    Signs of childhood neuropathy include:

    • Emotional instability is a tendency to anxiety, emotional disorders, irritable weakness, and rapid onset of affects.
    • Sleep disturbance in the form of night terrors, difficulty falling asleep, refusal to sleep during the day.
    • Autonomic dystonia (a disorder of the nervous system that regulates the functioning of internal organs). It is expressed in a variety of disorders in the functioning of internal organs: dizziness, difficulty breathing, gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, etc. At school and preschool age, children who experience difficulties in adapting to a children's institution often experience somatic reactions in the form of pressure fluctuations, headaches, vomiting, etc.
    • Metabolic disorders, tendency to allergic reactions with various manifestations, increased sensitivity to infections. Scientists suggest that allergies in boys and decreased appetite are associated with internal tension and emotional dissatisfaction of the mother family life during the period of bearing a child.
    • Minimal brain weakness. Manifests itself in the child's increased sensitivity to external influences: bright light, noise, stuffiness, travel by transport, weather changes.
    • General somatic disorder, decreased immune forces of the body. The child often suffers from acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the respiratory system, etc. In this case, the disease can begin with a strong emotional experience associated, for example, with separation from loved ones, difficulties in adapting to preschool institution. In the development of such a state significant role plays a role in the general condition of the mother during pregnancy, especially poor emotional well-being, sleep disturbances, and severe fatigue.
    • Psychomotor disorders (stuttering, tics, involuntary urination during night and daytime sleep). Such disorders most often disappear with age and have only a seasonal dependence, worsening in autumn and spring.

    The first signs of neuropathy are diagnosed already in the first year of a child’s life; they appear:

    • frequent regurgitation;
    • restless sleep;
    • temperature fluctuations;
    • rolling up when crying.

    With the timely organization of health-improving, general strengthening measures, including a favorable psychological atmosphere, over time the signs of neuropathy decrease and disappear. In case of unfavorable circumstances, pathology becomes the basis for the development of chronic somatic diseases and psychoorganic syndrome.

    From Greek “soma” means body; accordingly, somatic personality disorders are associated with diseases of the physical sphere. The close relationship between mental and somatic disorders can be seen quite clearly. This condition occurs as a result of disorders of nervous activity that cause symptoms of diseases of various organs in the absence of pathology in them.

    Mental disorders in which diseases of internal organs occur are called “somatization.”

    It is difficult to recognize somatization; often in this condition the patient complains of painful sensations in the body, but as a result of the examination, the causes of the symptoms are absent.

    Many somatic disorders are symptoms of diseases that require the attention of a specialist. The most common of them are sleep disorders, appetite disorders, pain disorders, and sexual dysfunction disorders.

    Sleep disturbance

    One of the first and most common signs of mental disorders is insomnia. It may differ in nature for various mental disorders.

    Insomnia may be associated with internal experiences. In this case, the person cannot fall asleep, trying to mentally find a way out of the current situation. In the morning a person feels tired and irritable. This disorder is observed in neuroses.

    Neurasthenia is accompanied by sensitivity to sleep: a person sleeps, but the slightest sound awakens him, after which he has difficulty falling asleep.

    For people suffering from depression, sleep does not bring rest, as such a person not only finds it difficult to fall asleep, but also becomes irritated when the morning comes. With depression, the beginning of a new day gives rise to painful thoughts and feelings. A patient suffering from this syndrome can spend the whole day in bed, lying without closing his eyes.

    After stopping the use of certain drugs or alcohol, withdrawal symptoms may occur, accompanied by insomnia.

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    Sexual dysfunctions

    There are several types of sexual dysfunctions. Decreased or excessively increased sexual desire, impaired orgasm, pain during sexual intercourse.

    Psychological factors lead to such manifestations, including low self-esteem, prolonged abstinence, lack of a permanent partner, unconscious disgust, and fear. Often the cause of such disorders is alcohol and drugs.

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    Emerging pain

    Among scientists who study psychosomatics, there is an opinion that a patient with a somatic disorder complains of pain in the organ that he considers the most important.

    Depression is often accompanied by pain in the heart muscle, which may be accompanied by fears and worries. Such painful sensations are easily relieved with sedatives: valerian, valocordin, validol; Taking nitroglycerin in such cases does not help.

    Headaches that are psychogenic in nature may occur due to tension in the neck muscles. Self-hypnosis or hysteria also lead to headaches.

    Some stressful situations cause severe pain in the back of the head; the patient feels pain radiating to the shoulders. Such states are characteristic of anxious and suspicious persons. Constantly being in a stressful situation entails such an unpleasant syndrome.

    Hysteria can be accompanied by headaches of various types. In this case, a person may feel a compressive pain, piercing or bursting, usually worsening in the evening.

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    Appetite disturbance

    Such disorders may look like a lack of appetite or, conversely, an excessive feeling of hunger. They are often caused by stress and depression.

    Many neuroses are accompanied by a decrease in appetite. Some diseases can manifest themselves in a complex in one person. For example, anorexia nervosa and bulimia. In the case of anorexia nervosa, a person may refuse food and sometimes feel disgusted by it, but the body’s need for food remains. Bulimia is characterized by uncontrolled eating of large amounts of food and can be a cause of obesity, but there are cases when bulimia leads to weight loss. This happens when the patient, feeling self-dislike due to neurosis, begins to take laxatives and induce a gag reflex.

    In most cases, patients with eating disorders are treated in a hospital setting. In combination with psychotherapy, the patient's food intake is strictly controlled.

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    Masked depression and hypochondria

    In addition to such common disorders, masked depression occurs. It is characterized by severe diseases of internal organs associated with the patient’s experiences. This disorder affects people who can withstand stressful situations and express external calm, but pathological processes arise in the body that has received a dose of stress.

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    Diseases that lead to somatic disorders

    Psychosomatic personality disorders are based on the body’s reaction to conflict experiences that cause disruptions in the functioning of internal organs.

    Psychosomatic disorders lead to symptoms of many diseases, the appearance of which is influenced by individual predisposition. Somatic diseases include the following diseases, the so-called golden seven:

    1. Neurodermatitis - often occurs as a result of depression; the disease is characterized by the appearance of skin imperfections, severe itching, and nervousness.
    2. Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer - one of the causes of this disease is increased nervousness. Overexertion leads to increased acidity and, as a result, to the appearance of ulcers.
    3. Bronchial asthma - attacks can be triggered by a strong experience; stress, affecting the heart, causes an attack of suffocation.
    4. Rheumatoid arthritis - immune pulse can be obtained as a result of mental disorders, nervous overstrain, which is why symptoms of joint disease appear.
    5. Ulcerative colitis - stress and nervous disorders are one of the causes of the disease.
    6. Essential hypertension is the main risk group susceptible to this disease - people engaged in mental work, also occurs as a result of overload of higher nervous activity. In addition, people who are constantly under stress are often susceptible to it.

    Recently, somatic disorders include coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes mellitus, as well as somatophoric behavior disorders.

    Basically, symptoms caused by somatic personality disorders are recurrent in nature, accompanied by depression, sleep disturbances, and anxiety. They lead to problems in family relationships, in addition, with such symptoms, unnecessary treatment may be prescribed. For a correct diagnosis in this case, consultation with a psychiatrist is necessary.