Caring for a woman in labor after a caesarean section. Physical activity after surgery. What problems can there be with the suture after a caesarean section?

There is always a trace left behind. The suture causes pain in the first days after surgery, requires care in the first week, makes itself felt in the first month and leaves a scar for life. Of course, compared to the happiness that motherhood has given you, all the inconvenience due to a seam is a meager price to pay. But at first the seam after caesarean section concerns all women.

Now it is important to take proper care of him and respond to him in a timely manner. unwanted changes. And then very soon you will forget about the seam: now so many new pleasant chores will appear!..

How is a suture placed after a caesarean section?

There is a lot to talk about this, and if you are really interested this question, then it’s better to find out from a specialist. The doctor can tell you how skin incisions are made, what types of sutures there are, what threads are used and in what cases, what advantages and disadvantages each of them has.

What you need to know and understand is that each situation requires one or another method of incision and suturing, and also that there is actually more than one suture after a cesarean section. During the operation, all layers are cut off abdominal wall and the uterus, and restoration of their integrity also occurs “layer by layer”: first, a suture is placed on the uterus (usually a horizontal incision is made in its lower segment), then the muscles, tendons, and edges are connected subcutaneous tissue and outer skin layer.

Today, medicine has access to multiple modern techniques for making incisions and suturing after cesarean section, which can reduce the time of surgery, reduce trauma and blood loss, and improve postoperative rehabilitation and recovery. But every clinic (or rather every individual doctor), as a rule, uses the method that is best worked out in practice.

Sutures are placed on the uterus so that the woman can safely endure next child. The external seam must be not only durable, but also aesthetically pleasing, which today, in principle, does not pose any difficulties. However, if the skin is prone to scarring and the formation of keloid scars, then the cosmetic effect may deteriorate over time.

Drug support

It is no wonder that in the first days after a cesarean section the stitch hurts very much. That is why the new mother is injected with painkillers. Doctors categorically do not recommend being a hero and enduring pain, since in such a situation there is a constant release of adrenaline in the mother’s blood, which also enters the breast milk. As a result, the newborn becomes restless and irritable. Therefore, all new mothers after cesarean mandatory analgesics are prescribed (usually intramuscularly).

It’s the same with antibiotics: no one asks for your consent - they inject everyone indiscriminately. And it’s also good if you think about choosing a drug. If you do not mind antibacterial therapy, then it is better to discuss with your doctor the most harmless drug for the baby. After all, he should be given breastfeeding from the first day of birth, despite the lack of milk. Ceftriaxone from the last century, I believe, is not the best candidate for this role, although it is probably the cheapest, and therefore is often used to this day. I think you can negotiate with your doctor and buy a normal drug for yourself.

Why do they inject antibiotics after a caesarean section? “Just in case”, to prevent development inflammatory processes due to a suture, the likelihood of which, admittedly, is quite high.

Suture care after caesarean section

For the same purpose, the seam should be properly cared for. Every day or every other day while you are in the maternity hospital, you are required to clean the suture and apply a sterile bandage. As a rule, the need for such care disappears after 7 days, that is, upon arrival home you will no longer need to carry out any special procedures. However, you should look at the situation: treating the seam with brilliant green will not pose any difficulty, but it can speed up the healing process.

A healed suture is not afraid of either water or soap, so you can safely take a shower after returning from the hospital. But you can’t put pressure on it or rub it: avoid any aggressive mechanical influences.

Helps protect the seam from unnecessary irritation and contact. postoperative bandage after caesarean section. It will hold the seam area in a fixed position, preventing it from coming apart. And it will help the abdominal muscles regain tone faster, giving the tummy a neat appearance. In addition, it reduces the pain due to the suture to a large extent.

If the suture was made with non-absorbable sutures, then you will have to make another visit to the hospital to remove the sutures, if this was not done upon discharge.

Do not be confused by the red-blue color of the seam in the first months: over time, it will not only decrease in size (as the abdomen shrinks), but will also turn pale, acquiring the color of skin.

The issue of postoperative nutrition cannot be ignored. Fastest recovery and better healing stitches are promoted by the use of protein, vitamin E and other dietary supplements - consult your doctor regarding their intake. By the way, oil vitamin E is also very useful to use externally, treating seams with it. Evening primrose oil is also good for this.

Regarding the diet, it must be balanced and contain all the necessary nutrients. Of course, adjusted for breastfeeding.

Possible complications

Absorption of synthetic surgical threads can last from a month to six months or even longer, depending mainly on the material used. During this process, the suture may “ooze”, hurt, bleed - such “side effects” normally sometimes accompany the healing period of the suture. You may observe swelling and redness in the suture area. When using catgood, allergic reactions are possible.

It is likely that the suture will become suppurated and inflamed. If you notice any “suspicious” signs (swelling, redness, bleeding, constant pain in the suture area against the background of an increase in body temperature), then you should see a doctor to coordinate further actions.

Even if silk threads were used when applying a suture, which were removed long ago, the damaged tissue can still become inflamed.

In addition, there is always a risk of the seam coming apart, which is very undesirable. Try to avoid this: do not lift any weights (ideally, not even a child, but if this is not possible, then at least nothing heavier than a child), eliminate any physical activity, ensure regular bowel movements, and observe personal hygiene rules.

Especially for Elena Kichak

After a cesarean section, a woman in labor is transported on a gurney to the ward intensive care and transfer to a bed (preferably a functional one) in the “supine” position. A weight (600-800 g) and cold (ice pack) are placed on the postoperative suture and held for 4 hours. Taking into account the active management of postoperative patients, after 6 hours the woman is allowed to turn on her side. On the 2nd day the postpartum woman is allowed to sit, and on the 3rd-4th day she is allowed to walk.

On the 2nd day, the postpartum woman is transferred to a regular ward. She is recommended to study breathing exercises, and care for her is carried out according to the same rules as for other postpartum women, but with postoperative treatment stitches on the abdomen general principles. The baby is placed to the breast according to indications from the mother and the newborn. This issue is decided jointly by a neonatologist and an obstetrician-gynecologist.

A postoperative mother must follow a special diet. To prevent intestinal paresis, it is recommended to get up early and exercise physical therapy, and if there is no effect - the introduction of a 10% sodium chloride solution, 0.05% proserine, followed by a hypertonic enema.

Postoperative period

In the postoperative period, painkillers are administered as indicated and prescribed by the doctor.

If urination is delayed, conservative methods, aimed at the urge of the bladder (open a tap with water or irrigate the external rear organs with a trickle warm water), and if there is no effect, bladder catheterization is used.

Care of the postoperative suture and sutures on the perineum is carried out according to general rules processing of postoperative sutures.

The department carries out sanitary and educational work on the need to observe personal hygiene rules, child care and other topics.

Upon discharge, the postpartum mother is explained how to follow the rules of hygiene at home, is told that she should not take a bath for 2 months, but should only use a shower, is taught how to handle a child, is informed about the outdoor routine, methods of contraception and the need to abstain from sexual activity within 2 months after childbirth.

Newborn care.

Due to the fact that newborn children have their own functional differences and differ from older children, it is necessary to know the features of caring for newborn children.

In newborns, many organs and systems are imperfect at the time of birth. Thus, their thermoregulation is impaired and, with high heat transfer, heat generation is reduced, so they quickly become overcooled and overheated. Newborns are very susceptible to infectious diseases, especially to a septic infection that enters the newborn’s body through the umbilical wound.

In newborns, the formation of the central nervous system, therefore adapting them to conditions external environment is difficult in cases where these conditions are not entirely favorable.

The digestive system requires a strict feeding regime subject to sanitary and epidemiological conditions.

The skin is easily macerated and can also serve as an entry point for infection.

In the maternity hospital, there is a specially designated department for the stay of newborns, where sanitary, hygienic and anti-epidemic regimes must be strictly observed.

Newborn rooms should be spacious and bright with good ventilation. All furniture and care items are subject to constant disinfection and must be easy to clean. In addition to cots, the room should have: a changing table, a cabinet for storing instruments, scales, a cabinet with medications and sterile material, a closet for clean linen, a tank for dirty linen, a tap with cold and hot water.

In the bed, a diaper is laid on a mattress covered with oilcloth (the pillow is not placed).

Underwear (vests, blouses, spare diapers) must be made of cotton fabric with the seams facing out.

The air temperature in the room is 22-24 C (for premature babies - 24-25 ° C).

Repeated wet cleaning rooms with ventilation in the absence of children (while feeding them).

Dishes, pacifiers, and instruments are disinfected.

IN last years There are maternity hospitals where the child and mother can stay together.

A special staff of health workers is allocated to care for children.

The postoperative period after cesarean section depends on the characteristics of the operation performed. It should be understood that surgery is accompanied by significant damage to several tissues. Also observed Negative consequences anesthesia All these changes require women to comply with a number of special rules aimed at fast recovery health.

Caesarean section is accompanied by consequences for general well-being women. It is necessary to consider such phenomena as:

  • presence and treatment of the seam;
  • the appearance of discharge from the uterus;
  • removal of anesthesia;
  • treatment of genitals;
  • the appearance of lactation.

All these processes must be carefully controlled. If a woman does not know what to do after a cesarean section, she needs the help of a doctor. The attending physician will explain what to do and how to behave after surgery.

Discharge after surgery

Surgery is performed under anesthesia. Modern doctors use two types of anesthesia. For many patients, surgery is performed under general anesthesia. This allows you to eliminate psychological trauma in a woman in labor. But this method has a negative impact on the patient’s condition in the postpartum period.

In the first days, care after cesarean section is carried out medical personnel. The woman in labor is prohibited from getting up and walking for several days. This is due to the residual effect of anesthesia. Under the influence of the drug, there may be various pathologies nervous system. Most patients report dizziness and severe nausea. If in the first days a woman in labor tries to sit or stand up, these phenomena intensify.

Anesthesia also affects the child’s well-being. Not a large number of the drug enters the fetus's body during surgery. The substance causes a decrease motor activity baby. He becomes lethargic. The child sleeps for a long time. The sucking reflex may also be impaired. Such children may refuse to breastfeed. For this reason, a large number of babies born through surgery are fed artificial formula.

The drug used for anesthesia is completely washed out of the body on the fifth day. After this, the body begins to recover. The first sign of removal of a substance is strong pain in the area of ​​the seams. To reduce pain, you need to use analgesics medicines. A large number of analgesics excludes breastfeeding. The remedy should be selected only by a doctor. Self-administration of analgesics can lead to the development of problems for the mother or child.

The second sign of eliminating a substance from the body is a decrease in dizziness. The woman begins to feel better. Her condition is returning to normal.

Seam processing

The postpartum period after a cesarean section requires the woman to properly care for her stitches. The incision for this intervention may have different shape. Doctors often cut open the fetus to remove the fetus. abdominal area according to the physiological fold. In this area, the scar that forms at the site of the wound will not be noticeable. This incision also minimizes the risk of injury to the child.

If the woman was subjected to emergency exposure, then the wound may be located longitudinally. This intervention allows the doctor to quickly give the child access to oxygen. But the wound will take a long time to heal. Scar after longitudinal emergency section rude.

The edges of the cut are fastened different ways. Most doctors use silk and self-absorbable thread for this purpose. Silk fiber leaves no marks on the scar. This thread is applied only to the outer edges of the wound. The muscle tissue is held together with a self-dissolving thread. Complete disappearance of the nodes occurs after a few weeks. The uterus is stitched with the same material. Staples are sometimes used for emergency caesarean sections. They are made of medical metal that is not subjected to chemical reactions in the patient's body.

After surgery, the sutures should be properly processed. In the hospital, the sutures are processed by a procedural nurse. The surface of the wound is washed with an antiseptic solution and generously lubricated with a drying agent. For this purpose, the hospital uses brilliant green. Fucorcin is used less frequently. After thorough cleansing, the sutures are covered with a postoperative napkin. The bandage is made from natural materials and has a special pad. It does not stick to the wound and is removed painlessly. The first week the seam is processed 2 times a day. In the second week, treatment can be reduced to once.

A woman should understand that improper and untimely cleaning of sutures can lead to the development of complications that are difficult to treat. If the patient takes proper care of the wound, the sutures will be removed 10 days after surgery.

During the first few days, you should learn to stand up correctly. This will help prevent the seams from coming apart. To do this, the patient lies on her side and lowers her legs from the bed. After this, a sitting position is assumed with a straight back. Only after this can you get up. All movements should be smooth and slow.


Not all women in labor have sutures that heal without complications. The first days after a cesarean section, the doctor monitors the condition of the wound. Improper care and contamination of the wound can lead to problems such as dehiscence. This problem occurs due to high physical activity. To understand what you can do if you have stitches, you should consult your doctor.

If wound treatment is carried out improperly, there is a risk of inflammation. It appears due to severe contamination of the wound. They settle on the wound surface pathogens, which change the tissue. Heavy contamination is also fraught with suppuration. Pus in the incision may appear due to the accumulation of leukocytes, dead cells and microorganisms. To eliminate the cause of suppuration, the treatment process should be reconsidered.

After a caesarean section, a woman should monitor the discharge from the wound. During the first week, ichor should appear on its surface. This liquid is formed in damaged tissues and contains a large number of leukocytes. If it does not appear, you must inform your doctor. Probable cause is the formation of a cavity between tissues. The risk of complications can be reduced by using drainage, which is installed in the suture after surgery.

Also, a lot of ichor can be released. If the seam bleeds long time, possible reason considered intracavitary bleeding. The patient undergoes urgent ultrasound examination, which allows you to determine the cause of the disease. In order for healing to occur correctly, you should adhere to the prescribed treatment.

Rarely, a fistula canal appears at the suture. It is formed due to partial preservation threads after surgery. The tissues surrounding the thread become inflamed. Purulent fluid forms. Gradually, tissue cells die. Cell atrophy promotes channel formation. A tumor filled with pus forms on the surface of the suture. It can open up on its own. Healing of the fistula canal takes a long time. If during palpation the patient notices a painful lump, she must inform the doctor about it.

Discharge after surgery

After a cesarean section, a woman should closely monitor her discharge. The recommendations apply to the first 4 weeks of the postoperative period.

A woman's pregnancy begins with the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus. For this purpose, the endometrium is formed in it. At the beginning of ovulation, this tissue consists of several layers and has a thickness of 12 mm. During pregnancy, the endometrium continues to stratify. Flakes are formed. After surgery, the flakes are mixed with blood and fluid. Doctors call this mixture lochia. They must be removed from the uterine cavity on their own. Lochia is abundant for several days. Due to this feature, it is recommended to use special postpartum pads, which are capable of absorbing large volumes of liquid. For some time the discharge has dark color. From the second week there is a change in the quality of lochia. The discharge becomes lighter and the volume decreases. By the end of the first month of the postoperative period, the discharge stops.

Lochia is not always a sign of cleansing of the uterus. If there is an accumulation of blood in the discharge, a doctor's advice is needed. Prolonged release blood can lead to a deterioration in a woman’s well-being. There is a risk of bleeding. You should urgently look for its cause. A woman can die from a large loss of blood.

Do not confuse lochia with regular periods. Menstruation after a cesarean section may begin six months or more later. If the discharge appears earlier, the help of a specialist is needed. An examination by a gynecologist will help rule out discrepancies. internal seams.

Beginning of lactation

Restrictions after cesarean section also arise due to the onset of lactation. Ability to breastfeeding occurs under the influence of prolactin. This hormone is produced in female body under the influence of natural labor.

Before contractions begin, the pituitary gland produces oxytocin. It helps the uterus contract. Its activity also helps to increase prolactin levels. The hormone allows the mammary glands to produce fluid. In the first days, colostrum appears from the breast. This liquid contains a large amount nutrients for a child. Gradually, colostrum is replaced by milk.

Surgical intervention is prescribed by the doctor at the end of the last trimester. Caesarean sections are often performed at 37 weeks. At this time, the body does not begin prenatal preparation. Oxytocin and prolactin are not formed.

An increase in prolactin may occur at the end of the first week of the postoperative period. To speed up the appearance of milk, you can use the following methods:

  • frequent attachment of the baby to the breast;
  • taking stimulant medications;
  • taking mixtures to enhance lactation;
  • following a nursing diet.

Many women ask what can be done to increase lactation in hospital conditions. Doctors advise putting the baby to the breast more often. The sucking reflex causes the baby to take the empty gland. Under the influence of massaging movements, milk begins to be produced more actively. If it is not possible to attach the baby, you can use a special device.

A breast pump can be purchased at any pharmacy store. There are two types of breast pumps: manual and electric. Manual apparatus is applied to the breast and with the help of a special lever the woman can express. An electric device is more convenient to use. You don't need to hold it. Upon contact with the chest, a vacuum is created. This device allows you to increase blood circulation in the breast and increase milk flow.

During the operation, caesarean section postoperative period takes place in the hospital. To increase your milk volume, you can consult with other women in labor. Many women know that they can take a special mixture that increases lactation. You can also use special diet. You should increase your consumption of hard cheese and sour cream. Bee milk can also help. It comes in tablet form and is sold in pharmacies. Before taking this advice, you should consult your doctor. He will say that it cannot be used to increase lactation.

But lactation after surgery is not always possible. Many women do not produce milk. A doctor can also prohibit breastfeeding. The reasons for the ban are the reception antibiotic drugs, negative consequences of anesthesia, antibacterial therapy.

Intimate problems

All patients are interested in when sexual activity is possible after cesarean section. Permission to begin sexual activity depends on the duration of the postoperative period. The doctor is interested in the condition of the suture on the uterine wall. Before starting sexual activity, the following phenomena should be established:

  • completion of uterine cleansing;
  • cessation of contractile activity;
  • formation of a dense scar;
  • no genital infection.

In the second month after surgery, the doctor conducts a control examination of the uterus. It is carried out using ultrasound machine. On the screen, the doctor examines the presence of residual fluid in the cavity. If a collection of blood is detected, there is a risk of occult bleeding. The presence of fluid prevents a woman from having sexual intercourse.

An important point in the study is to study the thickness of the scar and the cessation of contractile activity of the smooth muscles of the uterus. The normal thickness of scar tissue should be 2 mm. If it is less, there is a risk of rupture of the uterine wall during sexual intercourse. Permission is given only when the fabric reaches the required thickness.

The state of the vaginal microflora should be studied. Caesarean section after surgery increases the chances of replacement healthy microflora pathogenic. The risk arises from damage to the inner layer of the uterus. The body of every woman contains opportunistic microorganisms. Under the influence of surgical intervention, the flora may change. In this case, the doctor examines the smear for the composition of the microflora. If there are no pathogenic microorganisms in it, the doctor allows sexual activity.

The first contact after surgery can be unpleasant for a woman in labor. The muscles of the uterus are fully restored only by the end of the fifth month. The scar also causes pain. Gradually the uterus accepts normal sizes. Sex life normalizes.

Decreased libido

A woman’s sexual activity in the postoperative period is not always restored immediately. Sometimes problems arise. Decreased libido can occur for the following reasons:

  • psychological condition;
  • excessive worries about the child;
  • fatigue;
  • bad feeling.

During the first month at home, a woman may be stressed. It occurs due to hormonal changes. To prevent the patient from becoming depressed, loved ones should support and help. Gradually the woman will get used to the new status. Sexual activity will return to normal.

Libido also decreases due to the activity of prolactin. During lactation, a woman experiences constant anxiety for the child. Only a psychologist can help reduce anxiety.

Fatigue also occurs. Staying in hospital conditions for a long time tires a woman in labor. After the operation she needs rest. Not everyone can relax at home. Cleaning, cooking, feeding and bathing the child does not allow you to rest. In this case, a change of environment can help.

A problem with intimate life also occurs due to deterioration appearance. Women in labor are embarrassed to expose themselves. It is impossible to lose weight in the postoperative period using conventional methods. Diets are prohibited due to lactation. Active physical activity is prohibited due to surgical intervention. It will take some time for the figure to return. To support his mother, a man must explain everything positive traits her new status.

Caesarean section avoids a large number of problems that can cause natural childbirth. Recovery after surgery should be carried out according to the rules announced by the doctor. Correct Actions patients will reduce the postoperative period.

Suture treatment after caesarean section is important aspect rehabilitation therapy. The rules for cleaning a wound are explained in the hospital. All points must be strictly followed. This will help minimize the development of infection and rough scar tissue. After forming a neat scar, you can resort to various techniques by decreasing external signs performed surgical intervention.

Modern doctors perform a caesarean section in three ways. The most accurate incision is made using the Pfannenstiel technique. This incision is made above the pubic hair growth area.

After healing, such a scar remains invisible to others. The length of the incision using this method is no more than 12–15 cm. The small size is easily explained by the characteristics of the tissue. In this area, the epidermis, muscles and uterus are tightly adjacent to each other. Due to this, the cut is made in one movement. The doctor instantly gains access to the fetus. The healing of such a suture occurs quickly. In order for the tissue to form correctly, a woman must follow certain rules. They will help the tissue form correctly. After recovery, traces of surgical intervention are easily removed with cosmetics.

There is another common technique for cesarean section - Joel-Cochin laparotomy. This method is carried out by making an incision under the umbilical area. The distance to the navel is 5–7 cm. This method allows you to cut top part uterine cavity. The average length of the incision does not exceed 20 cm. It is used in many clinics. The healing of this wound form is less painful than the previous type of suture. Painlessness is explained by the presence of a fatty layer under top layer epidermis. But postoperative scar will be noticeable to others. To minimize its manifestation, you should visit a beauty salon.

The most unpleasant thing for women is the vertical scar left after emergency surgery. It is rarely found in modern surgery, but has mass unpleasant consequences for the patient. The incision using this technique is made from the upper zone pubic bone to the bottom of the diaphragm. Dissection allows you to separate the diaphragmatic muscle fibers and open access to the abdominal cavity. An operation using a vertical incision is used in in case of emergency. This technique allows you to save the life of a fetus that is experiencing various negative influences. The healing of such a seam is very unpleasant. A long longitudinal scar forms in the postoperative area. Restoration of damaged tissue takes place in several stages. The postoperative hospital period can last a month or more. Such a scar can be made less noticeable to others only by using modern hardware technologies.

Stapling the wound

Sutures are applied with various medical materials. The rate of scar tissue formation depends on them. Often there are sutures made using silk thread. Silk leaves minimal marks on the skin and allows the edges of the epidermis to be tightly pulled together. Suture material has a strong structure and is not subject to negative influence external environment. It should be taken into account that three types of fabric are sewn.

The uterine cavity is also subject to surgical damage during a caesarean section. It is held together with a self-absorbing thread or special staples. The threads allow the uterus to repair itself. The stitches disappear after two months. Staples provide a tighter fit of tissue, but do not allow the woman to further plan a pregnancy without additional intervention from a surgeon. Surgical thread is rarely used.

The recovery process consists of monitoring the healing of the uterine cavity and skin. Muscle tissue can only be tracked using hardware diagnostics. Its edges are also secured with self-absorbing sutures.

Postoperative care

Suture care after cesarean section is carried out in two stages. The first stage takes place in a hospital setting. After the operation, the woman remains in the recovery room for observation. The doctor makes sure that various complications do not arise. The following negative processes that occur after surgery are identified:

Bleeding can be detected by the presence of fluid on the postoperative dressing. Blood may come from improper healing wound or intracavitary injury. To determine the cause of bleeding, the woman is referred to ultrasonography. It is not recommended to ignore pathology. Large blood loss leads to the death of a person.

There is a slight risk of bacterial infection. The risk arises from improper wound care or poor personal hygiene. Bacteria settle on the surface of the wound and begin to actively multiply. Pathogenic microorganisms provide negative impact on the characteristics of tissue cells. The site of infection becomes inflamed. Strong development of pathology is accompanied by additional surgical intervention. In most cases, antibiotic drugs effectively fight infection.

Inflammation is also observed when the sterile dressing is not replaced in a timely manner and there is no antibacterial therapy. The pathology causes partial tissue necrosis. The mixing of dead cells and leukocyte fluid leads to the appearance of pus. In this situation it is necessary additional treatment and strengthening medical supervision.

After a cesarean section, another problem often occurs. Many patients have stitches that come apart. Connected this phenomenon with increased physical activity. Many mothers strive to carry their baby in their arms. This entails untying the suture thread. For this reason, doctors do not recommend increasing the load during the first week.

A doctor monitors the healing process. Treatment is carried out by nurses. The edges of the wound are treated with an antiseptic solution. Most clinics use an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine for this purpose. The cleaned surface is dried with a brilliant green solution. The seam is sealed with special sterile dressings. The dressings come in a variety of sizes and are made from cellulose fibers. Removing the bandage does not work painful sensations. It is replaced twice a day.

In parallel with caring for the external seam, it is necessary to properly treat the genitals. After childbirth, you can use special liquids to wash the genitals. Douching can reduce infection of the uterine cavity. aqueous solution chlorhexidine or miramistin. Washing with soap is not recommended. It changes the acidity of the vagina. The risk of developing thrush increases.

After a week, the woman is examined and discharged. Before discharge, the specialist explains the rules of how to care for the suture after a caesarean section at home.

Self-care rules

The rules for caring for a suture at home are not difficult for the patient. They include the following items:

  • antiseptic treatment;
  • washing the skin with water;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • tracking scar tissue formation;
  • care of gynecological organs.

Antiseptic treatment at home should not be different from hospital cleansing. Patients ask how to treat a suture after a caesarean section at home. It is necessary to purchase chlorhexidine or a sterile solution of furatsilin. Both solutions can be applied to the wound with a cotton pad or using a special nozzle. You can also use a hydrogen peroxide solution. After cleaning, the edges of the seams are generously smeared with brilliant green. A bandage is glued to the seams or a sterile napkin is attached. The suture after a cesarean section needs to be treated daily.

Washing the skin is carried out in the process of washing the body. The postoperative field should not be rubbed with a washcloth or exposed to other physical influences. The surface can be covered with foam and washed off with running water. After the shower, you need to thoroughly dry the seams and perform the usual processing.

Also, a woman at home should not make sudden movements or carry heavy objects. High exercise stress causes spasms muscle tissue. Spasm can affect the condition of internal sutures after cesarean section. Muscle tissue separation may occur. Also, such a load is accompanied by a change in the position of internal organs. Such patients often experience the appearance of hernial orifices. The pathology is accompanied by prolapse of the intestine into the free cavity of the peritoneum. The only way to fix the problem is surgically. For this purpose, the operated woman should ask household members for help.

It is also necessary to monitor the formation of scar tissue. It appears gradually. A thin film of young epidermal cells forms on the surface of the wound. Gradually the layer increases in thickness. For the first 4–5 months, the scar is red in color. Vessels are distinguished through the tissue. After 3 months the tissue becomes dense. The color becomes lighter. At this time, cosmetic treatments can be applied to reduce the external signs of the scar.

Sometimes the scar appears unevenly. A fistula forms in certain areas of the wound. Through it, necrotic fluid is brought to the surface. The surface of the fistula is an ideal environment for bacterial infection. If a woman notices the appearance of a small round wound in the suture area, she should consult a doctor. The fistula does not heal on its own. It requires additional tissue suturing.

At home, you should also monitor the condition of the gynecological system. The uterus also has sutures. They require careful treatment, as bacterial infection of the wound by the woman’s own microflora may occur. How to treat a suture after uterine surgery? For this you should use special antiseptic solutions. Organs should be washed with gels for intimate hygiene. They have the acidity necessary to maintain the vaginal microflora. Washing is carried out twice a day. About the appearance unpleasant discharge or odor, the patient should inform the attending physician.

It is recommended to do douching yourself. For treatment, you can use chlorhexidine or miramistin. You can also buy Bepanten foam. It contains dexpanthenol, which helps strengthen metabolic processes in tissues. The scar will form faster under its influence.

Restoring the appearance of fabric

After the formation of a dense, light scar, you can resort to restoring the appearance of the skin. There are two methods to remove rough tissue:

  • sand grinding;
  • laser microdermoplasia.

Sand grinding is carried out in beauty salon and allows you to gradually smooth out scar tissue. To appear noticeable effect Several procedures may be needed. If this method is not suitable for a woman due to price, you can use homemade scrubs. Scrubbing should be done with coarse large particles. For this purpose it is used sea ​​salt. It should be mixed with a spoon of honey. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the scar for at least 10 minutes. To get a good result, you need to carry out the procedure 3 times a week for a month.

There are more effective method for removing scars after cesarean section - laser microdermoplasia. This method allows you to completely eliminate scar tissue. The laser causes a pinpoint burn. The inner layers of the scar begin to disappear. Their place is taken by cells characteristic of the skin abdominal region. Additional treatment is also required after the procedure. The burn surface is treated with panthenol. It is not recommended to remove the crust manually. This can lead to the formation of new, rougher scar tissue.

Recovery after a cesarean section is long. Young mothers are especially worried about a scar on the lower abdomen. Proper care behind the seam will minimize pathological manifestation scar. The doctor will tell you how to treat the suture. Failure to comply with the rules leads to various complications, treatment of which is carried out only in a hospital setting.

If you are having a caesarean section, do not be afraid: this operation is now carried out quite quickly, and a well-made suture after it is almost invisible. But the postoperative scar requires special care. Let's remember the rules.

Nowadays, the suture after a cesarean section, as a rule, is made not along the dark line (in pregnant women it runs along the middle of the abdomen, vertically), as before, but across the bottom, where the panties end, that is, a little higher pubic symphysis. The seam will be about 15cm long and about 3mm wide. Such a seam is easily disguised even by bikini lovers: panties are a little higher than usual - and no one will ever know how your child was born! In addition, you can use flirty frills and pareos, which will come to the rescue to distract attention from your secret.

How to care for a suture after a caesarean section?

But before going to the beach, you need to make sure that the seam has completely healed and is not in danger of any inflammation. How to care for him?

Suture care in the maternity hospital

In the maternity hospital, nurses will monitor the suture after a cesarean section, treat it, and change the bandage, which protects the scar from contamination and helps it heal. On days 5-8, the doctor will remove the stitches.

In the first two or three days, the stitch and generally the lower abdomen will ache, pull and hurt a little - this is normal. The main thing is not to forget to empty your bladder and bowels on time (you may not feel the urge), and also wear a postpartum bandage, which reduces pain.

But sometimes these measures are not enough, and then doctors decide to use painkillers.

Before signing a consent form for painkillers, be sure to ask your doctor whether they are compatible with breastfeeding.

The pain usually goes away after three to four days, and after a week the suture is scarred.

Suture care after discharge from the hospital

After discharge from the hospital, you will have to take care of the stitch yourself. The bandage will be removed, as will the stitches, and if there are difficulties with healing, then you need to be especially attentive to the scar:

  • It is necessary to wash your hands after every trip to the toilet. This will prevent it from getting into pathogenic bacteria into the seam
  • It is forbidden to lift heavy objects (it is better to put a package from the store in a stroller or ask someone to help you carry it to the apartment door).
  • Do not make sudden movements or strain your abs.
  • During the shower, it is better to wash the seam with intimate hygiene gel and wipe dry with a disposable paper towel (germs accumulate in terry towels).
  • After the shower, it is better to continue processing the cesarean section scar disinfectants (weak solution potassium permanganate, chlorhexidine, salicylic acid).
  • Until the wound has completely healed after a cesarean section, you should wear loose cotton underwear to avoid chafing at the seam.
After a caesarean section, you will need help with even the most basic tasks, such as feeding your baby. It's better to practice co-sleeping so as not to get up in the middle of the night and not have to lift the baby again, feed him lying on his side and not overwork. You will have to ask your mother or husband to help bathe the baby, since you cannot carry the baby to the bath yourself. But don’t worry: if the stitch heals well, then in a couple of weeks you will be able to cope with all maternal responsibilities yourself. In the meantime, you must take care of yourself.

What problems can there be with the suture after a caesarean section?

Many girls who give birth through cesarean section note a lack of sensitivity in the suture area, numbness and tingling or itching. This happens due to the fact that during the operation the nerve endings, and nerves are known to take much longer to recover than skin or muscles. Don't worry, sensitivity will definitely return.

It is possible that colloidal tissue may grow at the site of the scar after a cesarean section. Remember, this does not depend on what you do to care for your suture after a cesarean section!

Expert opinion

Alevtina Andreeva, cosmetologist:“It doesn’t depend on anything at all: some people have a natural tendency towards colloid growth and unsightly scarring, while others don’t have such a tendency. In order to avoid scarring, you can lubricate the suture after a cesarean section with skin-regenerating drugs.”

Start using special means It is necessary after the stitch has healed a little, about two weeks after the operation. If you regularly, for example, in the evening before going to bed or in the morning after a shower, smear the seam with regenerating gel, then it will become completely invisible.

But I can be serious problems: such as non-healing, weeping of the suture after cesarean section or its divergence. The problem usually begins with weeping, which looks like ichor coming out of the seam. If you do not pay attention to this sign, then you may experience non-healing, as this means that the scar after a cesarean section is infected!

Causes of wetting:

  • if there excess weight, then the doctors in the maternity hospital may not have fully drained the wound after a cesarean section;
  • formation of hematoma or necrosis due to injury to subcutaneous fat;
  • stitching the seam with reactive materials (the most unlikely cause, but possible).

To eliminate this problem, the surgeon may prescribe you bandages with antiseptic ointments, washing and other procedures that you should perform at home. If you follow all the doctor's recommendations, then everything will be fine.