The secret of eternal youth: recipes, sources, commandments and reviews. Secrets of youth and longevity from pediatrician Speransky

These are the laws of nature: each of us goes through certain periods in our lives, and any existence ends in death. The stages are the same, but each person goes through them with at different speeds. If you compare several people of the same biological age, then they can look completely different. For some reason, one lives 90 years, and the second barely reaches 60. What are the secrets of longevity? We will try to figure this out in our article.

Components of longevity

For a very long time, scientists have been concerned about the question of what determines the Secrets of longevity include several components, among which the following occupy a special place:

  1. A number showing the birth cycle, that is, the average duration of representatives of your gender in your family. If this age is small, for example, 60 years, then you most likely will not be able to live to 100.
  2. Availability genetic diseases in your family. Most of them affect many functions of the body, so usually there are no long-livers with such diagnoses.
  3. Lifestyle. It has long been proven that regular exercise physical exercise, giving up bad habits not only improves the quality of life, but also prolongs it.
  4. Nutrition. We can talk about it for a very long time and a lot, but the secrets of longevity are based on low salt consumption or complete abstinence from it.

Everyone dreams of living a long time, but the most important thing is that these are full and active years, and not miserable vegetation.

The main secrets of longevity

Research in the field of gerontology has been carried out for a long time, and scientists, and not only in our country, have established that our life expectancy is almost 75% dependent on ourselves and only 25% depends on heredity.

The issue of life expectancy is quite complex; it is impossible to give a single recipe, following which you can live happily ever after, while maintaining clarity of mind. But still, through the joint efforts of doctors and centenarians, it was possible to identify some aspects that play a certain role in life expectancy:

  • Positive thinking. Everyone has dark streaks and troubles in life, but everyone approaches it differently. Some do not lose heart and preserve, while others fall into despondency. It has long been scientifically proven that human thoughts are material. If you constantly think about bad things, they will definitely happen.
  • Most centenarians will tell you that they spent almost their entire lives doing physical labor, did morning exercises. They are always easy-going. It should only be noted that professional athletes do not fall into the category of long-livers, because intense exercise brings more harm to the body than good.
  • Proper nutrition. Each country has its own dietary traditions, but analyzing the secrets of youth and longevity, we can say that the diet of centenarians includes a large amount of fresh vegetables and dairy products.
  • Sexuality. If a person maintains his sexual activity for as long as possible, then hormonal system functions normally. Everyone has probably seen elders who, at a fairly advanced age, are not only active, but also give birth to children.
  • It does not have to be observed in minutes and hours, but there is a certain rhythm of life that should be adhered to.
  • Dream. The body needs rest to restore the energy spent during the day. Full sleep It’s simply necessary, everyone’s need for its duration is different.
  • Family. Determined that family people live longer than single people.
  • Favorite work. It is important that you are happy to wake up in the morning and go to work. When a person retires, it is also important to find something to do that will bring joy.
  • Bad habits. You can't say there are secrets active longevity include complete failure from smoking or drinking alcohol. Only there is important feature- long-livers never became slaves to their addictions.

Japanese secrets of youth

Japan has always been and is considered a country with a fairly large percentage of centenarians. Moreover, people not only live a long time, but even until their death they maintain good spirits, activity and clarity of mind.

Secrets of health and longevity of the country's inhabitants Rising Sun consist of only three postulates:

If we talk about nutrition, it can be noted that the Japanese are content with a small amount of food. The basis of their diet consists of fruits and vegetables, they mandatory present on the table several times a day.

In second place in terms of frequency of consumption are fish and bread; dairy products and meat are consumed even less frequently. If you look at Japanese centenarians, there are practically no people among them with overweight.

The climate in which the Japanese live also has an influence. We will of course change climatic conditions We can’t do it in our area, but we can completely reconsider our diet.

Habits of Centenarians

If you analyze the secrets healthy longevity, then we can highlight several that have been developed over the years of life and are observed by centenarians almost strictly:

If you carefully study these habits, then there is nothing particularly special about them, but for some reason we don’t try very hard to develop the same ones in ourselves.

Tibetan secrets to long life

Tibetan monks are sure that our life expectancy directly depends on:

  • Metabolism.
  • Conditions of blood vessels.
  • Functioning of cardio-vascular system.
  • The presence of fat and other deposits in the body.

More than 2,000 thousand years ago, recipes for longevity were invented. With their help, you can not only significantly improve the metabolism in the body, but also cure many age-related diseases.

The monks claim that if you take their elixir of life, you can get rid of:

  • Sclerosis.
  • Angina pectoris.
  • Tumors.
  • Headaches.
  • Poor vision.

Here is one recipe you can try for yourself:

  1. Take 400 grams of peeled garlic and grate it.
  2. Prepare juice from 24 lemons.
  3. Mix garlic and juice in a jar, cover with gauze, but not with a lid. Shake occasionally, especially before use.
  4. Take the finished mixture in the amount of 1 teaspoon and dilute it in a glass. boiled water, drink after meals.

If you take this mixture continuously for two weeks, you will notice significant changes in your condition.

Brain aging

It turns out that our main control center begins to age earlier than other organs. The death of brain cells begins at about 20 years of age. Of course, in this at a young age on mental activity this is not reflected in any way, but with age this process of dying out continues, and already at 50 years old our brain works at 50%, and at 80 years old it works at only 10%.

These processes can be slowed down by consuming foods containing antioxidants, such as cocoa beans. In addition, pharmacies currently offer great amount biological additives that will help support brain function.

Vessels and youth

Every doctor will tell you that the condition of your blood vessels affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and therefore the well-being of the entire body. Eating large quantity animal fats cause cholesterol to clog blood vessels, leads to the formation of plaques.

That is why monitoring the condition of blood vessels in many nations is an item that is certainly included in the secrets of longevity. Veliky Novgorod even has a clinic of the same name, where experienced and competent doctors will help you diagnose the condition of all body systems and give recommendations on maintaining them in good condition. in good condition. Sometimes our inattention to our body and its signals leads to big problems.

Food of the gods

There is a book “Food of the Gods. Secrets of the longevity of the ancients." If you decide to read it, you will not regret it. The author immerses readers into the world of our distant ancestors to introduce them to their traditions, customs and way of life.

The book answers many questions: where the ancient heroes got their strength from, how they preserved their family and lived long and healthy lives. It turns out that this was largely due to special diet which they adhered to throughout their lives.

The book “Food of the Gods. The Secrets of the Longevity of the Ancients" does not provide mere speculation; there the reader will find a lot useful information for yourself, which is confirmed by doctors, chefs and other specialists.

Rules for centenarians

Over the years of its existence, humanity has accumulated enough great experience to give a clear answer to the question of how to maintain youth and prolong your life. Here are some rules that make quite common sense.

  1. You need to eat according to your age; if children need meat to grow, then it is better for an adult to replace it with fish.
  2. Do not eat high-calorie foods.
  3. Any exercise stress Helps maintain muscle tone, which has a positive effect on the condition of the body.
  4. Avoid prolonged stress, although a short shake-up is only beneficial for the body.
  5. Don’t accumulate all the negativity in yourself, don’t hold grudges, evil, it’s better to throw it out.
  6. Lead an active social life.
  7. Communicate more with others, it has been established that silent and closed people live less.
  8. Train your brain: solve crosswords, learn poetry, play games.
  9. You need to get enough sleep. Chronic lack of sleep leads to the development of many diseases.

Like these ones simple secrets longevity. Veliky Novgorod and other cities in our country have specialized medical centers, in which all the work of doctors comes down to prolonging our life and youth.

Secrets of a long life from all over the world

Gerontological scientists from different countries They certainly communicate with each other, exchange opinions and achievements. They not only study aging human body, but also collect numerous secrets of longevity. Reviews from most centenarians allow them to claim that there is nothing special about them, but, unfortunately, most of us do not follow these simple rules.

Here are some secrets that are kept in different countries:

  • Drinking green tea. It is believed that this drink contains powerful antioxidants, which protect cells from free radicals.
  • Kind heart. It turns out that many peoples are of the opinion that kindness will not only save the world, but will also ensure longevity.
  • Optimism. Research shows that a positive attitude towards old age also prolongs life. Each period of a person’s life is beautiful in its own way and one must be able to find the good in adulthood.
  • Brain activity. This organ in our body is most inactive, as many scientists believe, and its active work helps prevent aging of the entire body.
  • It is not the quantity of food that is important, but its quality. As we age, the body requires fewer calories as metabolism slows down, so it is necessary to pay Special attention on what we eat. More vegetables and fruits must be included in the diet polyunsaturated fats, which are abundant in olive and sunflower oil.

Longevity formula

Scientists from China, who study the aging of the human body and the conditions for prolonging youth, are almost sure that the secrets of human longevity can be translated into a special formula, and it looks like this:

  • Eating low-calorie foods.
  • Reduce the amount of animal fats and meat in your diet.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits should be present on your table every day.

This formula only affects proper nutrition, but it’s not for nothing that there is a saying: “We are what we eat.” And if we add to this physical activity, positive emotions, and a kind attitude towards people, then our lives will not only change for the better, but will also be significantly extended.

The themes of eternal youth and the elixir of immortality have been popular for centuries. Russia now ranks 119th in the world in terms of health, and average Russian lives 60-62 years. It would seem that the 21st century, modern technology, luxurious clinics, pharmacological delights, an abundance of medical and cosmetology services. And the duration and quality of life decreases. Why is there an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, oncology, hypertension, memory loss, and infertility in the world? Let's figure it out.

Throughout life, a person learns to drive a car, work on a computer, but forgets what nature has given him vehicle- actually, the body. People know more about the state of the computer than about the state of their body. Most people believe that health is given by a doctor, healer, miracle drug, or device.

The secrets of beauty and youth fit into the concept of health, which was developed and scientifically substantiated by Olga Alekseevna Butakova, academician, founder of the Academy of Health.


Already today, 50 thousand Japanese have crossed the century mark, and in 15 years the number of centenarians in Japan will reach a million. There are no such achievements in life expectancy in any country in the world.
Attention! Secret Japanese longevity is that the Japanese are the only people on earth who, when communicating, try not to ruin the mood of their interlocutor. This is the most positive country in the world. The Japanese were the first to learn to control thoughts, realizing that negative thoughts Kill your mood and health! Thoughts are the seeds from which the events of our lives sprout.
TO positive people Like a magnet, success, love, prosperity and luck are attracted. In a word, you must want to be a healthy long-liver.


The human body is an incredible computer with limitless abilities. With the help of gymnastics and swimming, blood and lymph are pumped. A person independently relieves emotional muscle blocks, pumps energy channels. And he receives a reward - a cheerful mood and well-being after training, a toned body, healthy color faces and attractiveness.
Movement is life. And this is another elixir of youth!


This is a studied and unexplored natural phenomenon. We remember from school that 80% of a person consists of water. Most centenarians on earth live in areas with living water.
For example, on the Japanese island of Okinawa average duration 87 years of life, people do not get cancer or cardiovascular diseases. Local water, flowing through a coral reef, becomes alkaline, structured, mineralized - alive. Japanese health secret: start the morning with two glasses of water and drink a glass of water every hour.

Old age is the drying up of a person during life. If you don't water the flower, it will wither. If a person does not drink water, the skin and internal organs dry out and wrinkle like prunes.
The brain is 90% water. If you don’t drink water, your “friends in misfortune” are depression, insomnia, irritability and headache.
Fat reserves are the body's reserves of water and energy. If you don't drink water, you won't lose weight. We start drinking correctly - fat “glaciers” are melting.
And remember: tea, soup and other liquids are food!

4.Cleansing the body.

Symptoms of disease are the body's response to external and internal toxins. Oncology is the sixth terminal stage slagging. This is revenge on the human body for its barbaric attitude towards itself.

External Toxins:

We ate fast food, washed it down with Coca-Cola, smeared cream with parabens on our skin, washed our clothes with powder containing phosphates and phosphatides, washed dishes with surfactants, and washed our hair with shampoo with lauryl sulfate.

Internal Toxins:

This a parallel world It is dangerous because it loves to eat at someone else’s expense and competes with a person for life energy. Just as there is a struggle for oil and gas in the world.

Health is Vital energy, which is so fashionable to talk about.

5. Proper nutrition.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

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The inevitable process of aging occurs much later in those people who lead active image life and never lose heart, rejoicing in every day they live. Many people call this the secrets of youth! If a person is young at heart, then his body is less susceptible to the aging process. In fact, it all depends on you and your desire to look young and fresh for as long as possible, plus proper nutrition, moderate exercise and good mood- these are the main secrets of longevity.

Of course, you shouldn’t take this problem too seriously, but you shouldn’t ignore it either. Old age is an irreversible process, whatever one may say, but it is still possible to distance it to the maximum distance from oneself. It is necessary, being in adulthood, to help your body in every possible way, while maintaining good health and longevity - these are the secrets of longevity.
The aging process involves the gradual occurrence of certain disorders, and then complete loss important functions vital activity of the body and its individual parts, including the functions of reproduction and regeneration. During the aging process, the body becomes less adapted to the conditions external environment, loses its immunity abilities, and then cannot resist at all various infections and diseases.

Brain aging

It is the human brain that begins to age first. Starting from the age of twenty, our brain cells begin to gradually die, and there are fewer and fewer neurons. However, this process does not affect the quality of our brain activity. On the contrary, as brain cells die, our thinking abilities begin to activate. But with age, thought processes proceed less quickly than in youth. For example, upon reaching the age of fifty, the speed of thought processes is reduced by half, and by the age of seventy - by ninety percent. And this is a completely natural process that can really be slowed down by controlling the level of antioxidants: flavanol. This element is found in abundance in cocoa beans, but this does not mean that you need to consume kilograms of chocolate products, as there is a huge risk of gaining weight. excess weight and develop heart problems. The best option healing the body will be the use of special dietary supplements and some medications containing substances that stimulate brain activity.
One of these beneficial for the brain food additives, as well as the secret of longevity is lecithin. This supplement used as " building material» for the membranes of human brain cells and the improvement of the body. With a lack of lecithin in human brain cells, general attention becomes absent-minded and the ability to learn decreases. In order to avoid such changes in brain cells, must be included in your daily diet products such as soya beans, brewer's yeast, various grains, liver, fish products, eggs, peanuts. But you should not overdo it with eating lecithin, since an overdose of this element can cause adverse reactions in the form of an allergy.

Vascular condition

Not so much useful element, like cholesterol, primarily negatively affects general condition your health. It is cholesterol that can clog blood vessels, thereby affecting the quality of supply to body tissues useful substances and disrupting the blood’s ability to intensively remove various breakdown products cellular system. In addition, the vessels are subject to sclerosis processes, that is, they lose their strength and their walls become very thin due to an excess of calcium. All these processes influence the inevitable process of aging of the body.

Basic rules for maximizing youth preservation

1. First of all, you need to limit yourself in the consumption of dairy products, products containing mayonnaise and margarine, as well as fatty foods meat products and fast foods. Similar foods are different high content harmful substance– cholesterol. This is one of the secrets of longevity and healing of the body!
2. You need to include the maximum amount in your daily diet. walnuts, blueberries and beans. Also beneficial properties have products such as olive oil, since it can neutralize harmful effect cholesterol in the body. This also applies to the secrets of longevity.
3. It is very healthy to eat fresh cabbage salads, whole grain baked goods, fresh vegetables– after all, it is not only very healthy, but also very tasty! These products contain special fibers that cleanse your body of harmful elements, which is one of the secrets of longevity.
4. It’s also worth getting one good habit, how to use herbal teas with lemon and absorption maximum quantity vitamin C in any form. Vitamin C is responsible for the production of collagen in the human body and is able to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels long time. This is the secret to your longevity!
5. It is very important to lead an active lifestyle. You can, for example, play sports, go dancing, swim in the pool, or do morning exercises. Such activities help to increase good cholesterol in organism. Thus, two are enough - three workouts per week to maintain youth and health. Your secret to longevity!
Skin care.
When a person reaches the age of thirty, the first wrinkles on the face begin to appear, which by their appearance remind us of the inevitability of the aging process. It is from this moment that the eternal struggle against skin aging begins. Naturally, looking at them and doing nothing is not a solution. You just need to understand the mechanism of the aging process of the body and take drastic measures to quality protection and defense against it. It’s also a good idea to go on the offensive - this will be your secret to longevity.
As a rule, the appearance of wrinkles on the face is affected by a deficiency of beneficial collagen, which is found in various tissues of our body: bone tissue, dermis, cartilage systems and tendons. It is also due to a deficiency of the protein elastin, which is responsible for the elasticity of our skin. The older we get, the less elastin and collagen our body produces. Thus, to maintain beauty and youth, it is necessary to include in your diet the following longevity secret products:
- all kinds of cereals and legume products;
- low-fat meat, liver products, tongue and green apples;
seafood and fish meat;
- citrus fruits, black currants and even kiwi;
- products containing brewer's yeast and special wheat sprouts.
In order to have a young and beautiful skin It is imperative to completely stop smoking - this is also one of the secrets of longevity. The thing is that nicotine promotes the formation of matrix metalloproteinase in the human body, which destroys beneficial collagen. Each cigarette smoked reduces the synthesis of beneficial collagen in the body by forty percent. Smoking also increases the consumption of vitamin C in the body and creates its deficiency. Thus, the recovery processes that constantly occur in the human body slow down significantly.
To ensure healthy and beautiful skin, you need the presence of elements such as peptides - the secret of longevity. They can be obtained through chemical reactions from different tissues of our body: cartilage tissue, bone, vascular tissue, muscle. As a rule, peptides should be included in toothpaste, cosmetics, rinsing balms and various medical supplies. This means that peptides must be contained in creams and masks that you use for daily care behind the skin of the face. It is very important to use various anti-aging cosmetology complexes made on the basis of herbal plants for facial care. natural supplements: seaweed, aloe. These beneficial natural elements can effectively maintain the necessary water content in the skin and prevent the aging process.

Healthy diets

Many women mistakenly believe that pregnancy affects the aging of the body and are in no hurry to have children. However, this is just a myth and scientists have long proven that just the opposite, the pregnancy process can significantly rejuvenate female body- the secret of longevity. Naturally, pregnant women need more large quantity devote time to caring for yourself and your health, as well as the health of the baby in the womb. It is necessary to constantly maintain the required level of calcium, various vitamins And minerals in your body to maintain general healthy condition body. But all this is just dust compared to the fact that a child inside a woman can prolong her youth.
So old age is of course unpleasant moment in our lives, but there is no reason at all to despair and give up. It is enough to follow all the above instructions for caring for the body and the secrets of youth, and you can easily prolong your youth and improve your health!

Is it possible to maintain or restore youth and health?
Without any doubt!
Youth can be extended, health can be preserved and even restored!
I'm talking here about youth and health of the body, which automatically implies youth of the soul.

First of all, stop dying. Change your settings.
What does it mean? Nowadays, few people would argue that it is our ideas and beliefs that control our lives.

From childhood we see how people grow old. An attitude is deposited in the mind (not without the help of others): I will be like that too. At the same time, scientists claim that a person is able to live much longer than he lives now. In fact, if our body is renewed every 7 years, where does youth and health go?

For a person who has special knowledge and practices a special way of life, youth and health are only by-effect its development.
And yet: how to preserve a person’s youth and health?

Secrets of health and longevity
How to prolong (regain) youth

These are the main secrets of youth, health and longevity.
They are available to everyone, and how fully you will use them depends on you.
Let's look at them in detail.

Change your age

First of all, break the connection between your passport and your condition.
There is no need to justify your weakness by the date of your birth! I can now do things that I couldn’t do 30 years ago (I didn’t train much). On your birthday, subtract, not add, your years.

Change your state

State* Most important. Whatever condition you are in, this is the result you will get! Whatever you do, create a state in yourself that corresponds to the result you intend to achieve. Intend to be young and healthy. Intention is everything! The rest is just an application to support it.
What is the difference between 5-year-olds and 75-year-olds? Children are flexible, inquisitive, carefree; old people are ossified, shackled by habits (experience), weakened by comfort. Everything is possible for children, old people don’t need anything anymore!

  • Take a photo of yourself when you were young and healthy. Go back to that time and remember how you felt then (this is bodily memory). Bring back this feeling of youth and health, remember it.
  • Every evening, when you go to bed, induce this state and maintain it until you fall asleep. Be firmly convinced that you are the same now as you were when you were young.
  • When you wake up in the morning, return your body to a state of youth and health (vigor, lightness, freshness, there is still a whole life ahead). Feel young and healthy without a shadow of a doubt! Practice this state during the day, as soon as you remember it in the bustle of everyday life.

Young and healthy: pay attention to your body and remember this state. You can remember your childhood to compare and understand what exactly you need to keep within yourself throughout your life.

Note: The gap between today's age and your desired age should be such that you can trust yourself.

Bring back the shine to your eyes.
Notice how clean, shining the eyes of children are and how dull those of old people are. Look sometimes into young eyes to use them to tune your eyes. How to set it up musical instruments using a tuning fork or by “inner hearing”, when you remember this feeling.

Change your lifestyle

The young and healthy cannot sit around all day moaning and complaining. Youth is characterized by activity (both physical and social). There are, of course, those who grow old prematurely, but we are not talking about them.
Enter the image and gradually begin to live in accordance with it.

Find something you like, it’s good if it’s useful to other people.
Enjoy life, seek and cultivate positive emotions in yourself. Angry, arrogant, envious people do not look young and attractive and age faster.

Move: go hiking, skiing, swimming... - everything that gives you health also works for youth. Engage in creative activities that help you express yourself: painting, dancing, singing…. By the way, about the voice: a person’s voice changes with age. Preservation is one of the conditions for prolonging youth. Start creating your life, live according to your heart.
Listen to harmonious music: not necessarily just classical, but definitely not rock. The rhythm of rock “knocks” a person out of his natural rhythm.

Relax more often alone with nature, listening to birds, wind, stream, sea, etc.
Look for the company of young, enthusiastic and cheerful people. Don’t act like a preoccupied “business sausage.” Seriousness is not necessarily a sign of great intelligence.
Constant worry creates unnecessary tension in the body. Hence osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis and, as a consequence, other health problems.

But periodically creating extreme situations for yourself (several times a year) is very useful. This could be swimming in an ice hole, crossing the desert or climbing mountain peaks.
The choice here is huge. .
The point is to make our body and psyche work at maximum efficiency. At the same time, reserve capabilities that sleep under normal conditions are turned on, and the body rebuilds itself to optimal mode work. The excess is removed, energy is added, and the ability for self-healing increases. The old is destroyed and the young appears.

“To make the body work correctly, three types of activity are needed: emotional, physical and volitional. We need new experiences. New challenges need to be solved.
— If there are enough types of activity, will a person be healthy?
- It will almost never age.
- Why?
- After 50, you will understand that the young are always in shape, and the old, as it were, gather themselves for life every morning. The right combination of activities allows you to stay in shape longer.”

One of the aspects of the form, for example, is the desire to get up in the morning, anticipating an interesting day. As a contrast: you don’t want to get up, you’re tired of everything, you can hardly force yourself to get up, because you have to - this is what it means to collect yourself.
Don't give up on your age. What you could do physically and emotionally at 20-25 years old must be continued after 50. Walk up to your floor if you live in a high-rise building - this is gymnastics that does not require additional time.

„— You asked to talk about longevity practices. Here is one of them: put on your shoes while standing.
“But I feel more comfortable sitting.”
— Now you occasionally sit on a stool to lace your shoes, in a year you will have a special stool for this, in two years you will also have a bench next to the stool to make you bend over less. By seventy, you won't be able to put on your shoes on your own.
- Agree. But this is not such a longevity practice.
“It’s a thousand little things like this that constitute the practice of longevity.”
… You walk slowly, walk faster than average.”
Vladimir Serkin “Shaman’s Laughter”

Under normal circumstances, live in accordance with natural rhythms. Feel when the world is waiting for you active actions, and when non-intervention.
Eat in accordance with your diet, exclude meat at least from your daily diet.
Rest when you are tired and do not sit in front of the TV (computer) if your body asks for movement. Remember best vacation change of activity: work with your head, stretch your body and vice versa. Adequate sleep is very important (including for skin condition).

Live healthy life. Practice the principles of impeccability as a means of optimizing your relationships with the world and closing energy leakage holes.

Married people live longer than single people. Mutual love increases the energy of life. Reasonable sexual activity prolongs the youth of body and soul. Sex is an exchange of male and female feminine energies between partners, equalizes the overall energy state.

Daily gymnastics, especially for spinal flexibility, stretching. It is better to use holistic systems: hatha yoga, qigong, etc.
Self-massage: just rub your body with your hands every morning, comb your hair with your fingers, massage your face.
There are special sets of exercises for stopping internal biological time, for example: “Eye of Rebirth”.
Regarding youthful skin: skin condition depends on general level health and cleanliness of the intestines.
Smoking and alcohol significantly worsen a person's appearance.

* State- an emotional and psychological mood that corresponds to a certain bodily sensation.

Abuse of sugar and alcohol, bad habits, sedentary lifestyle life or, conversely, excessive loads, constant and stress, lack of sleep, low fluid intake, which leads to dehydration of the body - these are the most dangerous enemies youth. These factors lead to early aging of the skin and the entire body. Bad feeling and just the first alarming swallows warning of disaster. You have the power to reconsider your preferences and change your regime, then time will turn back.

First of all, give up bad habits, no matter how hard it is. Smoking significantly affects not only the appearance, condition of the skin and its color, but also the body as a whole. Heavy smokers have a sallow skin tone, a yellowish coating on their teeth and bad smell from the mouth, shortness of breath inappropriate for age. Just think that smoking is harmful to 14 various bodies and affects almost all systems. This bad habit affects the heart, lungs, digestive organs, promotes early appearance and mouth. By choosing a “non-smoking room”, you will discover the first secret of youth and beauty.

But this is not all about youth. To be beautiful and healthy, consider the following...

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Due to lack of movement, the process of cell regeneration proceeds more slowly, causing the body to wear out faster. During training in human body growth hormone begins to be actively produced and young blood cells, the protein structures of cells are continuously renewed. As a result, performance increases, rejuvenation and healing of all organs occurs.

Exercising helps fight obesity bad cholesterol. Fats do not have time to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and in fat cells; they are converted into useful energy that feeds working muscles.

U active people everything goes faster metabolic processes, optimized hormonal background, digestive and respiratory system, and the risk of developing osteoporosis is significantly reduced.

Any workout, be it fitness, colonics, even ordinary morning jogging can strengthen your immune system. You will tolerate hypothermia, temperature changes, infections and changes in atmospheric pressure more easily or even forget about their existence.

However, everything is good in moderation. Even this useful secret long youth and beauty requires caution. If your body is not accustomed to heavy loads, you should not try to complete the entire training program at once, you will only harm yourself. Start small, or make it a rule to run in the morning and do exercises in the evening, give preference to walking. And the result will not be long in coming.

Less sugar!

If your decision to stay healthy and beautiful is unshakable, then get ready for one more restriction - a ban on excess sugar consumption. Avoid sweet tea, desserts for lunch, and candy. It is also better to replace sugary drinks natural juices or purified water.

Oddly enough, this “sweet drug” causes a lot of problems that are not limited to excess weight and caries. Sweet tooths risk purchasing diabetes?? type, obesity, diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

Sugar is necessary for the body, but its excess is the enemy of your youth and beauty. It negatively affects the condition of the skin, making the fibers inelastic, which leads to its rapid fading. Great content Blood glucose significantly reduces the amount of vitamin B, causing the nervous system to suffer, irritability, fatigue, weakness and a tendency to depression.

The daily norm for an adult is 60-80 grams of sugar (6 teaspoons). Therefore, everything that does not exceed this figure can find a place on your table.

Think about pleasant things!

Appearance is an indicator of the state of your psyche. Positive attitude and a good mood has the same effect on the skin as anti-aging masks. Therefore, learn to protect yourself from stress and enjoy life as much as possible.

The emotional background is as important a factor of youth and beauty as the physical one. To verify this, compare the appearance of a woman who has suffered stress and is in constant nervous tension, with the appearance of a happy young mother who, together with her baby, rejoices in buying a new comfortable stroller tako jumper x. In addition, constant nervous shock affects behavior. The person becomes nervous and irritable. Stress affects posture (stooping and stiffness in movements appears), causes radiculitis and nerve pain, leads to lethargy, fatigue and loss of performance.

It has long been proven that excessive intellectual work affects the condition gastrointestinal tract, failures in your personal life provoke the development of hypertension and heart pain, and an imbalance in metabolism may appear.

People who are satisfied with their lives look better, live longer and get sick less often. Therefore, look for more positive things and do not allow negative emotions.

More liquid!

Water is one of the main secrets of youth and beauty. Due to dehydration, the skin becomes thin, as if dried out, so in order not to think about it, you need to drink more.

Sufficient fluid intake (preferably purified water) is necessary not only to constantly hydrate the skin, but also for the entire body as a whole. In a dehydrated body, the blood thickens, its circulation slows down, due to a lack of oxygen, the functioning of all organs deteriorates, fatigue, constant headaches, and dizziness appear. One of the signs of a lack of water is a crunch in the joints, which appears due to a lack of special lubricant that reduces their friction.

Among other things, the liquid removes toxins and waste, thereby cleansing the body of unnecessary waste products. To maintain youth and beauty, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Get enough sleep!

Healthy and restful sleep- the key to vigor and beauty. Try to fall asleep thinking about pleasant and positive things, this way you will provide a charge of positivity for the whole next day. How else if not on time healthy sleep, the body will recover and replenish energy reserves. Full sleep should last at least 8 hours, but oversleeping is also harmful. “Lack of sleep” or “oversleeping” immediately affects appearance(swelling of the skin and bags under the eyes appear), mood (the person is nervous and not restrained) and performance (it is difficult to concentrate with a heavy head).

Limit alcohol!

A glass of beer, a glass of martini or a glass of liqueur doesn’t count, but I don’t drink at all. It depends what you compare it to...

Of course, diseases such as this are the last stage in a series of diseases caused by alcohol. But, your skin and your norm will be enough to lose its glow and healthy appearance. Healthy image life - main secret long youth and beauty, and there is no place for alcohol in it. In addition to the harm caused to the body, alcohol, due to its high calorie content, leads to the appearance of extra pounds. It stimulates appetite, and the ability to tolerate the feeling of hunger, on the contrary, decreases, which will inevitably lead to weight gain. The exception is dry red wine, which you can treat yourself to 2-3 times a week, but not more than 100 grams.