The terrible consequences of plastic surgery. Consequences of plastic surgery. The disfigured appearance of Vera Alentova

Over time, surgery has advanced very far and the methods used to treat in ancient times have sunk into oblivion, but some strange and frightening surgical operations are still practiced, terrifying everyone who hears about them. Of course, in the modern world, only the most desperate doctor would prescribe snake tincture to his patients or advise them to take arsenic, as was often practiced in the 19th century, but today's surgeons may recommend that you remove your tongue or drill a hole in your skull.

Trachea transplantation

In 2011, Swedish surgeon Paolo Macchiarini from Karolinska University transplanted a trachea and bronchi into a patient, which he artificially grew from the patient’s own stem cells. This operation is considered revolutionary in the world of medicine and opened up the possibility of widespread development of transplantology. Since 2011, the surgeon has operated on seven more patients, six of whom have died, leading to the university being embroiled in scandal and the director being forced to resign. He now became secretary of the Nobel Committee. The surgeon Macchiarini was condemned and recognized as a charlatan in scientific circles.

Limb lengthening

Distraction osteogenesis, known as surgical limb lengthening, was developed by Alessandro Codivilla, who reconstructed skeletal deformities. The procedure was performed on children who had one leg shorter than the other at birth, and on dwarfs. Today, distraction osteogenesis is considered a radical cosmetic surgery. This is a very painful, complex and lengthy operation. Only a few surgeons in the United States can do it, and it costs $85,000 or more. They can increase their height up to 20 cm. The whole rehabilitation process is very painful. The patient’s bone is broken, and with the help of devices, parts of the bone are moved apart by 1 mm every day. During this time, the bone grows naturally.

Removing part of the tongue

Half tongue resection is the removal of half the tongue. The operation is performed in the presence of oral cancer under general anesthesia. In the 18th and 19th centuries, this procedure was performed to treat stuttering. The Prussian surgeon D. Dieffenbach believed that resection of half of the tongue could unblock the spasm of the vocal cords. But the treatment did not give the desired results. In addition to resection, electric shock therapy and hypnosis were also used.

Fighting excessive sweating

Part medical, part cosmetic surgery to remove the parasympathetic nerves is used to treat hyperhidrosis. This operation treats not only wet palms, but also armpits to prevent the appearance of wet spots on the shirt. Side effects include muscle pain, stiffness, Horner's syndrome, flushing and fatigue. The most serious side effect is considered to be autonomic nephropathy, when one part of the body is paralyzed, and the person has the feeling that he has two separate bodies.

Drilling the skull

Craniotomy has been performed since the Neolithic period and was used to treat headaches, seizures and other brain dysfunctions. In the Middle Ages, they also opened the skull if a person’s behavior was abnormal, as they believed that an evil spirit had possessed the person. Archaeologists have found skulls with traces of trepanation in different parts of the world: from South America to Scandinavia.

Expansion of the pelvic floor in pregnant women

Symphysiotomy is a surgical procedure performed to manually widen the pelvic floor in pregnant women. Using a saw, the birth canal is widened so that the baby can be born easily. Ireland is the only country where such operations took place instead of caesarean sections between the 1940s and 1980s. The UN Human Rights Committee recognized this method as cruel and violent. In total, more than 1,500 women underwent this operation, which left them with chronic pain for the rest of their lives.

Lower body removal

Hemicorporectomy or translumbar amputation is a surgical operation to remove the pelvis, urogenital organs and lower extremities. According to Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery Dr. Jeffrey Janis from Southwestern University, this operation is indicated for patients with pelvic diseases that threaten human life, for example, cancer or trophic ulcers. Such operations were performed on veterans of the war in Afghanistan who suffered injuries to the lower extremities or pelvis that were incompatible with life. In 2009, an analysis of 25 years of translumbar amputation practice proved that such operations extended the life of patients by several years.

Removing part of the brain

The cerebellum, the largest part of the brain, bifurcates towards the middle into two lobes. Removing one of the two lobes of the brain is called a hemispherectomy. The first surgeon to perform such an operation was Walter Dandy. In the period from the 1960s to the 1970s, such operations occurred very rarely, as they entailed a number of complications, including infection, but today patients with severe forms of epilepsy are treated in this way. Mostly, such operations are performed on children, since their brains are still developing. it means it is ready to regenerate.


For the first time, such an operation was performed by Italian ophthalmologist Benedetto Stampelli. This operation is aimed at restoring vision and eliminating damage to the eyeball. It takes place in three stages. First, the patient's tooth is removed. Then a prosthetic cornea in the form of a thin plate is formed from part of the tooth. After that, a full-fledged prosthesis is grown from the blank in the cheek area, ready for transplantation.

Uterus transplantation

Doctors from Sweden have successfully performed several similar transplantations. Five of the nine transplants resulted in pregnancy and childbirth. All women were in their late 30s and were born without a uterus or had their uterus removed as a result of cancer. In March, a 26-year-old patient received the first uterus transplant in the United States at Cleveland Hospital. Unfortunately, the operation resulted in complications, and the uterus was removed.

In Moscow, a girl was again injured and went to a private plastic surgery clinic. She wanted to have surgery to correct her nose, but during surgery the base of her skull was pierced.

The girl was hospitalized with severe bleeding. Doctors say the patient is in serious condition.

In recent years, surgical clinics and their injured patients have increasingly appeared in the news chronicle of incidents. The pursuit of beauty standards has cost the lives and health of many people around the world.

The Public News Service news agency decided to recall the most frightening “work” of plastic surgeons.

Jocelyn Wildenstein

One of the most extravagant people of our time, Jocelyn Wildenstein, spent a fortune to make her dream come true. The woman wanted the attention and loyalty of her beloved man so much that she decided to resort to the help of plastic surgeons.

Having started with “light” procedures - Botox injections and a facelift, Jocelyn could not stop. During her life, the woman spent about $4 million on changing her facial features. Jocelyn herself considers herself an attractive woman and actively attends social events.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson became famous not only as a brilliant dancer and a great musician, but also as a lover of plastic surgery. It is known that more than a dozen operations were performed on the nose of the King of Pop. After that, his face began to look like a doll’s, and his nose began to sag. Materials constantly appeared in the world press that the King of Pop had lost his sense of smell.

Donatella Versace

Gianni Versace's famous sister Donatella, fashion designer and central figure of the Versace fashion house, has undergone dozens of plastic surgeries: rhinoplasty, circular facelift, mammoplasty and many others. After which the platinum blonde looked like a caricature of herself.

At the same time, Donatella herself is quite pleased with her appearance. In her opinion, only those who look expensive and presentable can receive twice as much material wealth and achieve career heights.

Pete Burns

Pete Burns is an English singer-songwriter and freak, best known as the lead singer of the band Dead or Alive.

Pete was married, but soon realized that he himself wanted to be a woman, and began to make his dream come true, undergoing many plastic surgeries.

One of the surgical interventions to change the shape and size of his lips forced him to stay home for eight months and undergo reconstructive surgery for 1.5 years, as a result of which he almost committed suicide.

Despite this, Pete did not stop experimenting with his appearance. In a later interview, he claimed that he would continue to go under the knife even if his face fell off. However, Pete Burns' life was short-lived - at the age of 57, he died of a heart attack.

Vera Alentova

It's not only foreign celebrities who are addicted to syringes and scalpels. The magnificent actress Vera Alentova after another plastic surgery has clearly changed not for the better.

Hang Mioku

Korean Hang Mioku had a very pretty face until she got carried away with filler injections. These seemingly innocent acupunctures disfigured her face beyond recognition.

She first consulted a plastic surgeon at the age of 28. Then Hang simply could not stop. The facial change operation followed one after another. And when Hang did not have enough money for expensive cosmetic procedures, she independently injected sunflower oil and paraffin into her skin.

In 2004, she appeared on television looking terrible - her head was three times its normal size. By that time, her vision had deteriorated, her ears hurt, and she could not completely close her mouth.

The audience took pity on the unfortunate woman and opened an account into which charitable funds began to flow, intended so that Hang could correct the consequences of unsuccessful experiments on her own face.

As a result of cosmetic procedures, about 60 grams of a foreign substance were removed from the Korean woman’s face; from the woman’s neck, doctors removed approximately 200 grams of various oils that Hang had injected herself with. Now Mioku's face looks much better, despite the numerous scars.


Unsuccessful intervention by plastic surgeons can not only ruin the patient’s appearance, but also take his life. Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of cases where plastic surgery ends in death.

In April 2018 alone, two girls died from the consequences of operations. They both decided to improve their appearance in private Moscow clinics.

People resort to plastic surgery for various reasons. Some people are forced to resort to them due to injuries or birth defects - in this case, surgical intervention is justified. But many go under the knife for other purposes - in the hope of prolonging their youth, changing some parts of their body or face, eliminating imaginary flaws, creating a certain image, or simply becoming a different person. These reasons are unreasonable, and the result of such intervention is disastrous. Let's take a closer look at examples of what people have achieved who have had plastic surgery for these reasons.

1. Plastic surgery as an attempt to escape old age.

The modern world is full of aging beauties and handsome men seeking to prolong their youth artificially. Among them are both media personalities and ordinary people. It would seem that there is a natural and correct way to prolong youth - do not grow old at heart, lead a healthy lifestyle, constantly develop and do what you love. But the problem is that this path is quite difficult, while there is an easier way to rejuvenate in a matter of days - plastic surgery of the face and body. But this is a rather expensive method, and the result looks very unnatural, and therefore unattractive, not to mention the unsuccessful cases of operations. So, here are clear examples of how people were “transformed” after plastic surgery. Compare before and after photos and decide for yourself if it's worth it.

2. Plastic surgery to create a certain image.

Plastic surgery is used not only by those who dream of preserving youth, but also by those who simply want to change the appearance given to them by nature in the way that comes into their heads. For some reason, they perceive their face and body as a field for experimentation, or as a blank sheet on which they can draw whatever they want, or as plasticine from which they can mold whatever they want. They find some strange self-expression in this. But the problem is that the face and body are not the material from which you can endlessly fashion something. If a person doesn’t get a drawing, he can erase it, paint it over, or simply throw it away and take another sheet of paper. But this will not work with the body - a person has one for his entire life. And any manipulations with it do not pass without leaving a trace. Those who do not understand this are fools, and will be severely punished by life for their stupidity.

3. Changing individual parts of the face and body using plastic surgery and injections.

Have you heard the expressions “More is not better” and “The best is the enemy of the good”? And some didn't hear. When people with naturally quite good looks begin to “improve” it, nothing good usually comes of it. Especially if you don’t see limits in your zeal. The fashion for big breasts or big lips pushes women and girls to make various changes to their bodies in order to meet the standards. However, more does not mean better. Doesn't mean that at all. See for yourself:

Based on the listed examples - and this is only a small part of such cases - we can conclude: people set themselves the wrong goals and achieve them in the wrong ways. They completely lack any understanding of the consequences of their actions and they create their own problems. They are catastrophically unreasonable.

With the help of plastic surgery, people strive to get rid of imperfections in appearance and restore their former beauty and youth. Often such operations are successful. But the final result of plastic surgery depends on many factors, starting with the professionalism of the doctor and the quality of materials, ending with the characteristics of the patient’s body. That's why there are so many victims of plastic surgery.

Alexa (Alexandra Chvikova)

The “Star Factory” participant turned to the help of plastic surgeons to make her already beautiful lips more expressive. However, after the procedure, too plump lips did not harmonize with the pretty features of the girl’s face. Moreover, after the injection of fillers, lumps appeared in the lips, which caused severe pain. Repeated surgery could not correct the situation, since there was a high risk of damage to the facial nerve. Special massages, of course, helped reduce the volume of the singer’s lips, but they still look unnatural.

Amanda Lepore

Armand Lepore, a man from birth, carried out his transformation into Amanda through hormonal therapy and plastic surgery. To create a bright image, he underwent gender reassignment surgery, rhinoplasty, and breast augmentation, which, due to taking hormones, had already grown in adolescence. In order to achieve a resemblance to Marilyn Monroe, the transvestite had his eye shape corrected, his hips enlarged, and his ribs removed to create a thin waist. The face has undergone changes: correction of the hairline, smoothing of the skin on the forehead. An unsuccessful experiment was lip augmentation; 3 operations to inject silicone led to the fact that the lips stopped closing.
Today, Amanda Lepore is a successful designer, model and perfume maker. She claims that she is happy to have this appearance.

Valeria Lukyanova

The winner of the Miss Diamond Crown beauty contest became famous after publications in Western publications. The girl exploits the image of a Barbie doll to make money at photo shoots, using not only makeup. Facial plastic surgery to resemble Barbie is obvious. The girl changed the shape of her nose, making it thinner. Breast augmentation surgery was successful. However, in the latest photos, the removal of the ribs has become noticeable, which makes her figure disproportionate. Her waist starts just below her breasts, like a doll's, it looks unnatural. It is clear from the model’s face that Botox has been injected into it many times, so it is practically motionless.

Vera Alentova

The woman repeatedly turned to the services of plastic surgeons, but the last surgical intervention, for the star of the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” was clearly unsuccessful. Excessive face lifting and lip augmentation have led to the woman’s face looking like an artificial mask.

Vanity Wonder

At the age of 33, the dancer and mother of 2 children began a series of plastic surgeries to change the shape of her buttocks. In her interview, she claims that the composition of the silicone injections was incorrect, as a result of which the buttocks did not become jelly-like in structure, as she had expected, but were too hard and lumpy. Vanity contracted an infection and suffered greatly from her illness. The unsightly appearance of her buttocks forced her to undergo repeated injections, which turned her buttocks into a ball, disproportionate to her hips. Later, the woman realized the harm of such procedures and wrote a book warning against experiments with plastic surgery.

Duchess of Alba

This titled lady was very sweet in her youth, which helped her get married and have 6 children. The woman became interested in plastic surgery during her relationship with her second husband. To remain attractive, she began to correct her face. But the Duchess suffered from Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome, a congenital disease that causes facial paralysis and swelling. Therefore, it is not clear what disfigured her more - unsuccessful plastic surgery or the consequences of the disease. Three complex operations distorted her face. The negative impact of plastic surgery affected the cheek and nose area. The Duchess of Alba died at an old age from pneumonia, but into old age she retained her enthusiasm and sense of humor.

Janet Jackson

Michael Jackson's sister has repeatedly resorted to plastic surgery to change her facial features and enlarge her breasts. The mammoplasty was successful, but the change in the singer’s weight led to deformation of the shape of the implants and an unnatural appearance of the breasts.
Repeated rhinoplasty and skin bleaching gave Janet's face unnatural, accentuated features. But the main negative consequence of plastic surgery is the negative impact on the star’s health. If Janet doesn't stop, she will suffer the sad fate of her brother.

Janice Dickinson

This top model of the 90s was angelically beautiful. However, alcohol and drug abuse took a toll on her health, skin and body. In the late 80s, when she was only over thirty, Janice began performing her first plastic surgeries. Stars often become victims of plastic surgery due to their inability to stop in time. Numerous face and neck lifts, fat removal from the abdomen and thighs, breast augmentation. Changing the shape of the lips, which looked plump and expressive in her youth, disfigured the model’s face when she was already over 55.
Despite her lean figure and muscular belly, the appearance of her skin shows her age. If the star had gone in for sports and not used liposuction, then blood circulation would not have been impaired and the skin would have retained its elasticity. Janice Dickinson experimented with her appearance and turned herself into a walking mummy.

Joan Rivers

This famous American TV presenter is one of the record holders for the number of visits to plastic surgeons. Rivers looks good for his eighty-something years, but traces of unsuccessful interventions are still noticeable. Joan's eye shape has become narrower, her cheekbones have acquired an unnaturally protruding appearance, and her nose looks artificial. But the consequences of the operations do not upset the TV presenter; she only makes fun of her own weakness for constant changes in appearance.

Jocelyn Wildenstein

For the first time, the wife of American millionaire Alec Wildenstein resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon after her husband’s infidelity. The purpose of the visit to the clinic was to eliminate barely noticeable wrinkles. However, Jocelyn could not stop there, deciding that in order to save the family she needed to be like a cat (Alec’s favorite animal). This was followed by a huge number of operations. The woman did not get a resemblance to a cat, but her face changed beyond recognition. As a result, Alec Wildenstein left for a young rival, and Jocelyn became a famous victim of plastic surgery and received the nickname “Bride of Frankenstein.”

Donatella Versace

The sister of the founder of the Versace brand began experimenting with her appearance when she headed this fashion house. Solariums and spas were not enough for her, so the woman decided to correct the shape of her lips, nose and enlarge her breasts. But only mammoplasty was successful. Facial surgeries made her features exaggerated. Donatella did not stop experimenting, but with each operation her appearance became more repulsive. She recently admitted that plastic surgery did not bring her happiness, appearance is not the main thing, she is first and foremost a mother and wife, and not a Barbie doll.

Elena Proklova

The actress often uses the services of plastic surgeons and makes no secret of it. To hide age-related changes on her face, Elena resorted to blepharoplasty, lip augmentation and Botox injections. And if the correction of the eyelids really had a rejuvenating effect, then lip augmentation and the introduction of Botox made the facial expression unnatural. The size and shape of the lips are out of proportion to other parts of the face, and the face itself now looks puffy. However, Elena considers the changes successful and is not going to stop.

Jacqueline Stallone

The mother of actor Sylvester Stallone is known for her excessive addiction to plastic surgery. Jacqueline does not remember how many surgical interventions she underwent. But she was unable to maintain her former beauty, since many operations were not successful, and the last one even led to a heart attack. Now Jacqueline Stallone treats changes in her appearance with humor and, because of her overly protruding cheeks, calls herself a chipmunk.

Igor and Grishka Bogdanoff

These twins rose to fame in France in the 1980s after launching their own science fiction TV show. Later their popularity began to wane. And the brothers decided to attract attention to themselves by experimenting with their appearance. They performed their first plastic surgeries in the 90s. Unsatisfied with the results, they continued to “tweak” her facial features with cheek and chin implants, lip augmentation, facelifts and Botox. Plastic surgery made their appearance unnatural, and some facial features even frightening.

Lyudmila Gurchenko

This famous woman maintained her youth and beauty all her life, thanks to the help of plastic surgeons. She first turned to them to correct the shape of her eyes, but this operation was followed by a dozen others. Due to numerous tightenings, the skin has lost its elasticity. The result is a blurred oval face, unclear features, and lumpy skin. In the last years of her life, an artificial smile did not leave the actress’s lips, caused by dysfunction of the muscles, and her eyelids stopped closing completely, which led to deterioration of her vision. Plastic surgery had a negative impact not only on her appearance, but also on the artist’s health, because every anesthesia is a huge burden on the heart.

Michael Jackson

In 1980, the King of Pop broke his nose as a result of a fall from the stage and was forced to seek the services of a plastic surgeon for the first time in his life. The first rhinoplasty was unsuccessful, so it was followed by a second, the results of which Michael liked so much that he could no longer stop. With each new rhinoplasty, his nose became narrower, and his facial features became less and less negroid-like. Next, the singer decided to change the size of his eyes, insert an implant into his chin and whiten his skin. Over time, these operations led to irreversible changes: there was practically nothing left of Michael’s nose, the cartilage was destroyed, and the skin literally collapsed. Things were no better with the skin. In the last years of his life, Michael Jackson could not appear on the street without a mask.

In 2004, surgeons began to fight for the singer’s health and restoration of damaged tissue, but Jackson’s condition only worsened. One of the reasons for the artist’s death at such an early age (50 years old) was numerous plastic surgeries.

Masha Malinovskaya

Initially, the TV presenter denied surgical interventions on her appearance, but then admitted that she had undergone mammoplasty and lip augmentation. The breast correction was successful (according to Maria, with its help the negative consequences of pregnancy were eliminated), but with lip augmentation the specialist clearly overdid it. Due to the introduction of a large number of fillers, the girl’s upper lip first became like a “cleft lip” and protruded, and soon it completely lost sensitivity, and her lips stopped closing. Over time, Masha managed to get rid of the negative consequences of plastic surgery and return the naturalness of her lips.

Masha Rasputina

The singer’s appearance underwent a serious “reconstruction” in 2002. Plastic surgeons corrected the shape of the eyes, the shape of the nose, chin, cheekbones, and enlarged the breasts and lips. As a result, Masha has changed completely, only the condition of her skin has worsened, and her facial features have become hypertrophied, which, combined with the bright makeup and lively facial expressions of the singer, does not make the best impression.
Rasputina clearly went too far with the changes and was unable to stop in time. Although the singer herself claims that she is pleased with the new image.

Michaela Romanini

Before meeting plastic surgeons, this socialite was considered one of the most beautiful women in Italy. Nature gave her regular facial features, expressive eyes and beautiful skin. However, at the age of 30, Michaela decided to enlarge her lips. The first results did not give the desired effect, so Romanini repeated the procedure more than once. The result is a damaged lip contour, loss of natural elasticity of facial tissues and muscles. The Botox injections that followed did not help restore her former beauty. However, Michaela claims that she is completely satisfied with her appearance.

Mickey Rourke

The famous Hollywood actor became a victim of his desire to regain his former youth. In 2008, he first sought the help of a plastic surgeon to eliminate traces of trauma on his face left over from his boxing past. However, the doctor’s unprofessionalism led to the fact that the actor began to look much worse after the intervention. Then Rourke decided to correct the consequences of the first unsuccessful operation, but the situation only worsened. As a result, the actor acquired a repulsive appearance, and he had to forget about his former attractiveness.

Melanie Griffith

The American celebrity became a victim of plastic surgery after numerous operations that corrected the unsuccessful results of previous corrections. However, after each procedure, the woman’s face became less and less natural. Surgeries on the knees and abdomen are not so noticeable, and the corrected shape of the nose and corners of the eyes, combined with braces and Botox injections, do not make the actress look good at all. The contrast of wrinkles and tense skin, the unnatural shape of the cheekbones, are noticeable. After unsuccessful blepharoplasty, a woman’s eyelids close with great difficulty. The actress's star husband Antonio Banderas had a negative attitude towards his wife's experiments. It is not surprising that the couple broke up and the actor found a younger lady.

Natalia Andreichenko

The Russian film star went to American plastic surgeons for facial adjustments. But sometimes the result depends not on the doctor, but on a sense of proportion. Andreichenko’s plans were to smooth out nasolabial folds, correct the lip contour and rejuvenate her face, but the woman got the opposite effect. As a result, the actress’s lips lost their shape, which immediately added extra years to her. Plastic surgery specialists believe that Natalya was injected with a non-absorbable biopolymer gel, so it is quite difficult to correct the consequences of an unsuccessful transformation.

Oksana Pushkina

The TV presenter experienced the “delights” of unsuccessful plastic surgery when she decided to get rid of wrinkles. Oksana and her friend, figure skater Irina Rodnina, turned to a cosmetologist for rejuvenation sessions at home. The first stage of mesotherapy was successful, so a year later the friends decided to repeat the course. For Rodnina, rejuvenation had no negative consequences, but for Oksana Pushkina, after the administration of the drug, facial tissues became inflamed, the skin became covered with red bumps, and the nasolabial folds acquired a bluish tint. The TV presenter sued the doctor for 150 thousand rubles. She spent this money on restoring her health, but she was unable to completely eliminate the manifestations of unsuccessful rejuvenation.

Oneal Ron Morris

The self-proclaimed surgeon is a female transvestite who, without having a medical education, performed buttock augmentation on women. Patients who became the saddest victims of plastic surgery in the world fell under the influence of the scammer, because non-medical materials were injected under their skin: cement, super glue, tire sealant, liquid paraffin. The only mitigating circumstance in this story is that the fake surgeon was the first to perform this operation on himself. Patients ended up in hospital with staph infections after sham operations, and a 20-year-old British student died.

Pete Burns

The lead singer of the British band Dead or Alive dreamed of an ideal appearance, so he turned to a plastic surgeon. However, numerous operations, including rhinoplasty, facelift, Botox injections, correction of eye shape, injection of fillers into the lips and cheekbones, made the singer look like a vulgar woman. Burns sued the doctors because of whom he became a victim of plastic surgery, but this did not help him regain his former appearance.

Rajee Narinesingh

This is one of the victims of plastic surgery by the ill-fated Oneal Ron Morris. Instead of Botox injections, the woman was injected with harmful substances under her skin: super glue, sealant and others. Because of this, her face became swollen. The cheeks, chin and lips have greatly increased in size and have taken on a puffy appearance. However, following the media attention to this case, the disfigured victim of underground plastic surgery was given the opportunity to undergo surgery by a professional surgeon. As a result, her face was corrected and acquired an attractive appearance.

Sergey Zverev

For the first time, the stylist suffered from rhinoplasty, which he did after the accident. He couldn't breathe through his nose. The plastic surgery victim managed to find a doctor in Russia who corrected the situation. Later, Sergei’s aesthetic taste made him dissatisfied with his lips, so he went for their repeated enlargement. One day too much gel was injected, it hardened incorrectly and shifted, which had to be corrected urgently; fortunately for Sergei, the operation was successful. Then there were operations to correct the cheekbones and chin. The stylist himself claims that for him plastic surgery is a drug that he uses to escape from his complexes.

Sergey Kaplan

Dysmorphophobia is a mental disorder that is expressed in pathological dissatisfaction with one’s own face and body. This is what pushes people to undergo plastic surgery. A striking example of this is Sergei Kaplan, who began experiments to change himself at the age of 16. Without suffering from significant defects, the man underwent more than 30 operations. He corrected his nose 9 times, received Botox injections, and increased the height and volume of his buttocks. The experiments began with a skin resurfacing procedure that would hide signs of age-related acne. But many of the results of the operations were unsuccessful for him; according to a victim of Russian plastic surgery, one day the implants in his buttocks burst on a plane. And the Botox on the face, which after testing turned out to be technical silicone, began to blur over time, popping out in lumps in different places. Every morning he has to put up with a new appearance and apply numbing cream to his face.

Hang Mioku

For the first time, the popular Korean singer turned to the services of a plastic surgeon at the age of 28 to eliminate the early manifestations of wrinkles. Within a few sessions, silicone injections became an addiction for her. Due to severe swelling on the patient's face and abnormalities in her mental state, the doctors refused to work with her. However, Hang did not stop and independently injected vegetable oils into the skin. After prolonged bullying about her appearance, the Korean woman actually began to need the help of plastic surgeons. By the age of 48, she had already undergone more than 10 operations, but doctors cannot answer how many more remain to be done.

Elina Romasenko

The first experience of body change made the model a victim of plastic surgery. Mammoplasty, performed as part of a television project, was unsuccessful and subsequently the breasts sagged. However, the girl turned to plastic surgery to install new implants, which turned out to be so large that she developed scoliosis. Having found a groom and receiving offers for filming, the model underwent another series of unsuccessful operations, as a result of which her nose and lips became swollen and swollen, and after enlarging her buttocks, the stitches came apart. Elina's boyfriend was shocked by the results of unsuccessful plastic surgery and left the girl. After this, the model directed her anger at trying to punish unprofessional surgeons by appearing in scandalous TV programs.

Yulia Volkova

A member of the Tatu duet began experimenting with her appearance by correcting the shape of her eyebrows by applying a tattoo with permanent dye. The girl was satisfied with the result, after which she decided to enlarge her lips by introducing fillers, but this procedure was less successful. The fact is that the singer has refined facial features, so against their background, too voluminous lips look unnatural. In addition, unsuccessful plastic surgery adds extra age to Julia.