Stimulation of the opening of the cervix. How to speed up the opening of the cervix at home? Perfect neck before childbirth

A crucial moment for all women, without exception, is childbirth. If the person has already been in the delivery room, then she is well aware of the importance of all the preparation for such an incident. And what about the "pioneers"? They do not know at all what awaits them during the day. It is 24 hours, or even more, that labor activity lasts for those who are preparing to become a mother for the first time. For the second and subsequent times, labor activity begins more rapidly. Each subsequent one accelerates, and the woman is well aware of those feelings and important moments. For example, pushing and contractions. When can I sit down and which side to lie on. But there is another nuance: the readiness of the body. And the main role is played by the opening of the cervix. Although changes occur over 40 weeks, it is only at 38-39 weeks that one can fully understand whether or not the fair sex is ready to give birth to a child naturally.

Opening the cervix before childbirth and dilating the cervix during childbirth are two different things. But it will be necessary to start a conversation about labor activity only after studying the structure of the organ and its changes after conception. First, the cervix is ​​part of the reproductive organ. Secondly, be at the bottom. It looks like a cylinder and connects to the vagina. It has a canal, which is called cervical and pharynx. After conception, there is a plug of mucus. It does not allow infections to get to the fetus, and the embryo to fall out at an unnecessary moment. This is how the baby is preserved throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Such a cork ideally leaves only before childbirth and indicates that the child will soon need to go out. But there are cases when it comes out much earlier, and this is evidence of serious violations. The cervix at such moments, thanks to muscle tissue, tries to keep the fetus in place. Also there are:

  • endometrium. Middle tissue and serosa;
  • myometrium. The tissue contracts regularly, which creates contractions.

Cervix during pregnancy

As soon as the myometrium begins to work actively, the baby is pushed out. In this case, the opening of the cervix can be 1 finger. During contractions, the pharynx should open enough for the baby to pass through. If there is insufficient opening of the cervix, then childbirth has the status of complicated or pathological.

The stages of labor activity

All births take place in stages:

stage description
Contractions This process is different for every woman. Much depends on the susceptibility to pain and discomfort. In the process of contractions, the uterus and all organs that are involved in childbirth take the desired shape for the normal passage of the child. First birth - 24-12 hours, subsequent births from 12 to 6 hours
attempts The baby quickly leaves the uterus. If you do not know at what opening of the cervix labor begins, if you do not have time to stimulate, then the cub will not be able to go all the way and will get stuck. This cannot be allowed. Obstetricians carefully monitor that the woman in labor behaves correctly during contractions and pushes correctly. The doctor's task is to check how the woman's body is ready for childbirth.
postpartum period In addition to the child, you have to go through the process of childbirth again. But only this time the children's place should come out

Of the three stages, the longest was the first - contractions. There are cuts throughout the period. They are different in strength. The frequency increases with the approach of childbirth. By this time, the cervix should be fully dilated. How many fingers or centimeters (measurement takes place on the fingers) is the norm? Each phase has its own measure. Everything should happen in sync: the opening of the uterus and the increase in contractions. So, for example, if you want to know what the opening of the cervix looks like before childbirth, then from 4 to 8 cm (2-4 fingers), the frequency of contractions will be about 3-6 times in 10-12 minutes. Then relaxation and a new wave. The break time between waves is always the same - 90 seconds.

Feelings of pain with full disclosure of the cervix are absent. But in the same period, the baby is ejected.

Need to know! To check the readiness of the uterus for childbirth, doctors have a whole grid where indicators are counted. It included: consistency, size and degree of smoothness, patency of the canals and neck, location of the organ. Taking into account all the norms and points (the highest score is 8), doctors decide on the possibility of giving birth naturally or performing an operation.

For labor, everything is important: how much should be the opening of the cervix during childbirth and all the indicators on the grid. The highest scores for readiness in calculations are a mark of 5 points and above. Before the process itself, the neck should be well opened. Soft and short. And the internal pharynx is open and be in the middle position.

Signs of cervical dilatation during pregnancy by a gynecologist are already visible in the last weeks before childbirth. In primiparas at 38 weeks. But for the “experienced” from 36-37 weeks, since each subsequent event of the birth of a baby takes place before 40 weeks. The examination is carried out carefully. In no case not on a chair, but on couches.

The degree of maturity is inferior for the first time - a normal phenomenon. Often, softening of the cervix occurs before the birth itself, in just a few days. But monitoring continues, and if necessary, actions are taken to stimulate and prescribe for full readiness.

Opening of the cervix during childbirth

Such moments are important, and it is necessary to listen to the doctor in order to avoid injuries, both for the child and for the mother herself. But how to avoid problems if there are no symptoms of cervical dilatation during pregnancy?

In this matter, only regular visits to the doctor during the entire pregnancy, the passage of studies and the delivery of tests will help. It is not possible to track on your own. Since the culprit of immaturity is:

  • lack of estrogen and hormonal imbalance;
  • the presence of surgery and the appearance of scars in the pelvic area;
  • overwearing and violation of the integrity of the cervix in previous births;
  • pathology of the organs of the reproductive system of a congenital nature.

Independently for pregnancy and gestation is not always obtained. During pregnancy planning and after conception, a woman should not only observe proper nutrition, but also do special exercises to open the cervix before childbirth. During the gestation period, take courses for young parents and study the correct contractions and attempts.

But if there are problems with opening the cervix by 2 fingers in multiparous women, and all preventive measures did not help? If the doctor noticed such a problem, and the woman in labor told the whole truth about previous births (how swift they were, the presence of problems during this, breaks, etc.), then appropriate appointments occur.

Medications are mandatory. This may include candles and gels, tablets and injections. If necessary, kelp sticks are inserted into the cervical canal. But everything is selected individually for each woman in labor. Drugs under such conditions will be antispasmodic in nature. It will not do without prostaglandins.

But how to speed up the opening of the cervix before childbirth at home? This may be required in cases where the waters have broken and it is necessary to save the life of the mother and child. It is not worth looking for ways for an independent opening option. Immediately go to hospital for medical attention. Doctors in such cases inject the necessary devices and help the woman in labor with her hands. With a quick birth, neck incisions are made.

In order to prevent and facilitate labor, two weeks before childbirth, a woman is able to help herself without dosage forms. For this, a specially designed gymnastics is recommended. Her complex includes squats and long walks. It is advisable to walk up and down stairs more often. Be sure to include a diet. The main ingredient is fish oil. Don't be afraid to have sex more often. In the last stages, this is useful and will help you give birth quickly without complications.

If a woman in labor is often nervous, then it is worth consulting about sedatives. Such forms are not accepted on their own. All measures allowed for uterine stimulation should be prescribed by a doctor. His recommendations may include evening primrose oil and plant infusions, massage and antispasmodics.

The process of resolving the burden is interesting for every expectant mother. Most multiparous women already imagine what they will have to face. Newly-made expectant mothers before childbirth are in a state of excitement and uncertainty. In order for a baby to appear in accordance with all the rules and in a natural way, a woman must have a complete one. It is this process that will be discussed in the article. You will learn the main stages and terms of the transformation of the cervical canal. You can also find out what it means when the cervix dilates by 1 finger.

reproductive organ

The uterus of a woman is a unique and very interesting organ. Inside, it is lined with a mucous membrane, which is constantly changing during the menstrual cycle. With the onset of conception, this so-called sac becomes the place where the fetus grows and develops.

The uterus consists of several parts. At the very beginning, it has an entrance, which is called the internal pharynx. A tube comes out of it. This segment ends with another pharynx, only this time external. This hole is the cervix. It is already in the woman's vagina. It is there that the unborn baby passes during childbirth.

Cervix during pregnancy

During the bearing of the baby, this mucous pharynx is tightly sealed. A cork is collected in its internal space, which will come out only shortly before the onset of labor. In this way, the baby is reliably protected from infection entering his body.

The cervix during the second and subsequent pregnancies may be slightly open. However, the internal pharynx is still securely and tightly sealed. This prevents the fetus from premature birth. When the time comes for the baby to be born, the cervical canal begins to gradually expand. This can happen normally after. However, most expectant mothers feel signs of cervical dilatation only a few days before childbirth.

Opening of the cervix

Immediately before the birth of the baby, there is an increased expansion of the cervical canal. Most often, this process is carried out in the period from the 36th to the 42nd week of pregnancy. However, in some cases, premature opening of the cervix occurs. You will learn more about it below.

A slight expansion of the cervical canal is facilitated by training contractions. During them, the woman feels the tension of the anterior wall of the abdomen. The uterus becomes very hard and presses down. In most cases, such sensations do not pose any threat to the life of the child and the condition of the expectant mother. However, if training contractions appear more than four times in an hour, then it is worth notifying your doctor about this.

How is the opening of the cervix before childbirth? This process can take place in several stages. Consider how the expansion of the cervical canal is carried out (stages and terms).

Stage one: slow

At this point, the woman's contractions are already quite regular. There is a contraction of the uterus with an interval of 7-10 minutes. The duration of one contraction is 30-50 seconds. The woman notes that the sensations are painless, but there is some discomfort.

It is usually noted at the first stage of childbirth the opening of the cervix by 1 finger. In this case, in primiparas, the internal os first expands. Only after that the outer hole is transformed. Women who have already given birth undergo simultaneous opening of the cervical canal along its entire length.

The first stage of cervical dilatation can last from 4 to 12 hours. At the end of this period, pulling pains in the lower back join. Many representatives of the weaker sex compare these sensations with menstrual pain.

Stage two: fast

During this period, the woman should already be in the hospital. Only in a medical institution, specialists can reasonably assess the condition of a woman in labor and, if necessary, provide her with timely assistance. Contractions during the rapid opening of the cervix are already quite painful. They are marked with an interval of one or two minutes. In this case, the duration of the contraction of the genital organ can be approximately 3-5 minutes.

The speed at this stage is one centimeter per hour. However, these data can be considered conditional. The body of each woman is individual, and the process can proceed in completely different ways.

Stage three: full disclosure

When the complete expansion of the cervical canal occurs, the expectant mother is already in the hospital. During this period, the baby's head has already entered the pelvis and the baby is ready to be born. Doctors lay the woman in labor on a special chair called a table and ask her to push.

Full dilatation of the cervix always ends in childbirth. After this, the reverse transformation of the cervical canal and the reproductive organ of the woman occurs.

Fourth stage: narrowing of the cervix

The opening of the cervix by 1 finger remains after childbirth for about one month. In the first days after the process, the cervical canal can be expanded up to five centimeters. The uterus remains enlarged and gradually shrinks in size.

Around the end of the fourth week, the reproductive organ returns to normal, and the cervix becomes the same as before childbirth. It is worth noting that in women who have given birth, the entrance to the cervical canal has an oblong shape. Whereas for the fairer sex, who have not yet become mothers, it is round.

Opening the cervix for 1 finger: when to give birth?

Many women who are preparing to become mothers hear a similar diagnosis. What does it mean?

Gynecologists and obstetricians always measure the dilation of the cervical canal in the fingers. The full opening of the reproductive organ forms a hole of 10 centimeters. One finger is about two centimeters long. If you have found the position of the cervix described above, then you can assume that the opening in the cervical canal has reached about 2 cm. When can you expect the onset of labor? It all depends on the woman's body. Let's look at a few popular situations.

Labor will start in a few hours

If the expectant mother has a cervical canal opening of one centimeter, then childbirth may well begin within a few hours. In this case, the position of the cervix must also be taken into account. It must be straight. It is also necessary to determine the length of the cervical canal. This distance does not exceed one centimeter. If these indicators are distinctive, then, most likely, the woman is not yet quite ready for the birth of a baby.

Few weeks left before delivery

How to determine the dilatation of the cervix? Very simple. This can be done by an obstetrician or gynecologist during a routine examination. With the expansion of the cervical canal to one finger, a woman may well go a few more months before giving birth. Often, in multiparous women, such indicators are found already at the 32nd week of pregnancy. However, the representatives of the weaker sex safely carry the baby to the prescribed 40 weeks.

If there are no contractions, pain or bloody discharge from the vagina with such a disclosure, then the woman is usually allowed to go home. However, if the due date has already come, and the cervix is ​​still not ready, then the doctors perform stimulation. It consists in the introduction of certain drugs that contribute to the speedy expansion of the cervical canal and the onset of contractions.

Can the cervix dilate prematurely?

It also happens that a woman has a cervical canal opening of one centimeter, but the gestational age is still quite short. In this case, we are talking about premature expansion of the cervix. In this case, there is a threat of interruption of the course of pregnancy. Treatment is most often carried out urgently. This necessarily takes into account the state of health of the woman and the position of the fetal bladder.

If a 3 cm dilatation of the cervix is ​​detected, then it is still quite possible to save the pregnancy. Usually, the expectant mother is sutured to the external pharynx or a pessary is placed. These devices allow you to carry the baby to the due date and prevent further expansion of the mucous membranes.

When the opening of the cervix is ​​quite large and the fetal bladder has already descended into the pharynx, there is practically no chance of carrying a child before the due date. In this case, the expectant mother is prescribed complete rest and at the same time, drugs are administered that contribute to the rapid development of the fetus and the beginning of its respiratory system.

Cervical opening: sensations

Can you feel that the cervical canal has expanded to one finger? The opinions of experts on this matter are very controversial. In most cases, a woman does not feel this process. It is asymptomatic and painless. However, many expectant mothers note the presence of training contractions. So the reproductive organ prepares for the expulsion of the fetus from its cavity.

You can feel the opening of the cervix on one finger quite clearly when the woman's water has broken. In this case, the baby's head descends into the small pelvis and strongly presses on the internal pharynx, causing it to expand. The woman begins to feel regular cramping pains in the lower abdomen, which subsequently spread to the entire abdominal cavity.

Another sign that the cervix has opened to one finger is the discharge of the mucous plug. However, it may not come out completely, but only partially. With a stronger expansion of the cervical canal, the lump departs completely.

What to do if the cervical dilatation is set to one finger?

Everything will whistle on how long your pregnancy is. If the expectant mother is already ready for childbirth and the fetus is full-term, then nothing needs to be done. Most likely, contractions will begin in the near future, which will end in natural childbirth.

If, however, there are still a few months left before the expected day of resolution of the burden, then it is necessary to sensibly assess the condition of the expectant mother. In some cases, correction with medications and bed rest is required. Other situations do not cause concern, and a woman may well lead a normal life.

At the beginning of the process of opening the cervix, it is necessary to carry out especially careful monitoring. The expectant mother should be examined on a chair at least at every appointment. In some cases, additional visits to the gynecologist are scheduled for diagnostics. Ultrasound may also be recommended to accurately determine the condition of the internal os.


You now know how the cervix opens during childbirth. You also found out the features of the situation when the cervical canal is expanded to one finger. Remember that if the opening of the cervix has begun, infection of the fetus may occur. That is why it is worth avoiding unprotected sexual intercourse, bathing in the bath and public reservoirs. Visit the doctor more often and follow all appointments. Successful childbirth!

Just before childbirth, the cervix changes dramatically. A pregnant woman does not feel these changes, but the unborn child gets a chance to be born naturally. So how exactly does this reproductive organ change and when is medical attention needed to improve uterine opening? Looking for answers to these and other similar questions.

Perfect neck before childbirth

The parameters characterizing the state of the uterus before childbirth are its location in the small pelvis, the state of softening and length. A softened cervix to the point where it can pass 1-2 fingers of a doctor inside indicates the readiness of the birth canal for the delivery process. Such changes are accompanied by the discharge of the mucous plug. That is, the earlier the cervix began to open, the earlier the woman in labor notices this sign of the onset of contractions.

Before childbirth, the cervix shortens. According to medical statistics, its length is about one centimeter. If we talk about the location, then it becomes in the center of the small pelvis, while during pregnancy the cervix is ​​tilted back.

All of the above parameters are assessed by physicians on a five-point scale. 5 points scored indicate the ideal readiness of the uterus for childbirth. This condition is called a mature uterus.

Stimulation of uterine dilatation

The above refers to the excellent parameters of prenatal activity. But in practice, this is not always the case, and doctors resort to stimulating the process of opening the cervix.

If a medical examination showed that the cervix is ​​not mature, and you should give birth soon, then it is quite acceptable to speed up this process and make stimulation. Not using it sometimes means dooming the child to oxygen starvation, given that the placenta “ages” before childbirth and cannot cope with its functions as before.

In practice, stimulation is done in four ways, sometimes with a combination of them:

  1. Sinestrol injections intramuscularly. The drug makes the neck mature, but does not affect contractions. Read also
  2. Insertion of kelp sticks into the cervix. Such sticks, 5 cm long, are placed in the cervical canal. After a few hours, they swell under the influence of moisture and thus open the cervical canal.
  3. The introduction of a gel with prostaglandins into the cervical canal. Such a gel works quickly - and the neck opens in 2-3 hours.
  4. The introduction of Enzaprost intravenously. This drug also contains prostaglandins. Thus, the period of contractions is reduced in time.

Sometimes women use self-induced labor.

  1. Enema. After it, the mucous plug leaves - and the cervix becomes mature. The procedure can be applied only to those women who have already reached the date of birth, that is, the child is full-term.
  2. A warm bath is not recommended for loose cork and water. The procedure is also dangerous for women with high blood pressure.
  3. Sex acts as a medical stimulant because semen contains prostaglandins. That is, it contributes to the maturity of the uterus. But you can’t have sex with pregnant women who have already had a cork. After all, there is a possibility of "catching" the infection in the uterus.
  4. Physical activity. It can be a walk at a fast pace, mopping, cleaning. Women with hypertension do not need to overdo it with these methods.

But such methods can be fraught with dangerous consequences.

Stages of cervical dilatation

The cervix goes through several stages of dilation before childbirth. The first is called latent or slow. It lasts 4-6 hours with a dilatation of up to 4 cm. At the same time, contractions occur every 6-7 minutes.

The second stage is called active or fast. Every hour, the cervix opens by 1 cm. This continues up to 10 cm, and contractions occur every minute.

The third stage is full disclosure. It characterizes the process of the onset of childbirth. Sometimes the opening of the cervix is ​​​​premature. This is evidence of pathologies and, without treatment, can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

A pregnant woman should remember that in the period before childbirth, you need to be prepared for the fact that childbirth will begin earlier. If you feel unwell or have other symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

Every girl and woman knows well how her reproductive system is located and how it functions. Few questions are raised by such organs as the ovaries, uterus, vagina, etc. But no one really thinks about the purpose of the cervix. Although it is she who takes one of the important roles in bearing, conceiving and giving birth to children. An experienced doctor, just by looking at her, can accurately determine whether a woman gave birth or not, whether she had abortions, how soon she should expect the next menstruation, and diagnose pregnancy with 95% certainty.

So what is the cervix?

The uterus is an unpaired female muscular organ, it is in it that the human embryo develops. The organ is located in the middle of the pelvic cavity. Gradually passes from below into the cervix.

The cervix is ​​an organ that looks like a connecting tube that connects the vagina and uterus. Its form, in most cases, depends on whether the woman gave birth or not. The length of this "tube" is about 3-4 centimeters, and the width is about 3 centimeters.

Changes during pregnancy and dilatation of the cervix before childbirth

During pregnancy, the cervix changes and undergoes many changes. Before pregnancy, it is light pink in color, and during pregnancy it acquires a bluish tint. The change in color is associated with the resulting dense vascular network and blood supply.

If at the initial stages deviations in the development or diseases of the cervix are detected, then with timely treatment, the pregnancy can be saved. The thing is, it's very dangerous. That is what causes spontaneous abortion - miscarriage. In order to avoid miscarriage, in diseases that cause the cervix to open prematurely, doctors use various methods of “strengthening” the cervix, up to suturing it, which is removed before the birth itself.

By the end of pregnancy, the cervix changes, becomes softer, and "ripens". Thus, the female body prepares for childbirth. Before their onset, the cervix smoothly passes into the region of the center of the small pelvis, its length decreases from 3 centimeters to 10 millimeters. The canal gradually opens up by 6-10 cm. The very transition of this cervical canal to the lower segment becomes smooth.

At the end of pregnancy, before the onset of labor, the expansion of the internal os and short contractions with a momentary sensation of pain suggest the onset of labor. At this time, the cervix gradually opens, and as a result, it has a diameter of about 10 centimeters. It is this pronounced action of the cervix that allows the fetus to exit through the birth canal.

It happens that the opening of the cervix is ​​not enough and it is not enough for the passage of the child, so the organ ruptures. This gap can happen not only for this reason, but also because of the rapid labor activity, large fetus, due to childbirth with weak early attempts, etc.

Therefore, if the woman in labor has already broken the water, and the opening of the cervix is ​​not yet sufficient for the birth of the child and / or there are weak or no contractions at all, then usually in such cases, doctors decide to stimulate labor. To stimulate labor activity, special medications are used.

For a woman, if you listen to your feelings, it is easy to feel the opening of the cervix, the following symptoms occur:

  • Unpleasant sensations at the location of the neck, as if an instant pricking with a needle.
  • The back (lower back), hips begins to “whine”.
  • Pain in the vagina, similar to spasms.

After childbirth, the doctor is obliged to examine the patient, check her cervix. If he finds tears, he'll put in stitches. The cervix is ​​usually sutured with special absorbable threads.


  • Anonymous06-12-2012 — 13:13

    Help, my husband and I want to understand, we have sex and he goes very deep, you can say it reaches the uterus, and he says it happens that the uterus is like a hedgehog all prickly what is it?

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The opening period is the initial stage of labor, when regular contractions start, repeating at regular intervals (at first these intervals are longer, then shorter, and the contractions themselves are initially short, but over time they become longer and stronger). At the end of this stage, amniotic fluid is discharged and the cervix is ​​fully dilated. Then a new period with attempts begins.

The period of cervical dilatation is considered the longest stage of labor. If a lady gives birth for the first time, then it lasts from eight to fourteen hours. In the second and subsequent births, this period is shorter: from four to eight hours.

In total, three generic periods are distinguished:

  • dilatation of the cervix;
  • expulsion of the fetus;
  • serial.

Opening of the cervix

The opening period is divided into three phases:

  • latent (initial);
  • active;
  • transitional (or, as it is also called, the deceleration phase).

The latent phase is the longest. It takes four to six hours. It is characterized by not very strong contractions, resuming after five to ten minutes. The cervix dilates about four centimeters during this phase.

During the active phase, contractions are repeated often (every 1-2 minutes), and the cervix opens more rapidly, by about one and a half to two centimeters per hour for women who give birth for the first time, and from two centimeters per hour for mothers who are not expecting the first baby in your life. The active phase lasts approximately three to four hours. Contractions become stronger, accompanied by unpleasant and painful sensations. If a woman is standing or moving, then the muscles of the uterus begin to contract more actively. The sensations are so strong that some moms-to-be may need pain medication during this phase. When the opening of the uterine throat reaches 6-8 centimeters, amniotic fluid is poured out in the amount of 150-200 milliliters. If this is not observed, the intervention of a doctor who performs an amniotomy (opening the fetal bladder) is required. The baby's head begins its movement along the birth canal, reaching the end of the active phase of the pelvic floor.

If the contractions are painful for mom, she can try to reduce them on her own. To do this, try to relax your muscles, breathe deeply. Take the position that at this moment seems to you the most comfortable. It is convenient for some mothers to lie down, for others to kneel or even on all fours. The third helps walking. Try different options.

In the deceleration phase (transitional), the final opening of the cervix occurs (by 10-12 centimeters). that is the shortest phase. However, its duration may vary. For some mothers, it lasts no more than twenty minutes, for others - up to two hours. If a woman is not giving birth for the first time, then she may not experience a slowdown phase at all. The muscles of the uterus at this time are reduced less actively.

Symptoms of cervical dilatation are initially almost invisible. Shortly before the baby begins to be born, the expectant mother may feel a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. It can be compared with the sensations that occur at the beginning of menstruation. Also, the “signal” is the exit of the mucous plug, which protects the cervix from various infections and other troubles during pregnancy. In most cases, it comes out little by little, over one or several days, in the form of a brownish discharge. Sometimes it leaves immediately completely, in the form of a lump of mucus measuring 1-1.5 centimeters. The main symptom of a dilated cervix is ​​regular contractions. It is important to understand the difference between them and training contractions (harbingers of childbirth). False (training) contractions of the muscles of the uterus occur irregularly, at different intervals, and, as a rule, they are not so painful. In addition, they are able to stop if you take some measures (like, massage your stomach a little, etc.). Labor pains do not go away, no matter what you do, they intensify, repeat regularly. If contractions occur more than once in seven minutes, it's time to go to the hospital.

How is cervical dilation checked? This can only be done by a medical professional. Don't try this on your own. The doctor will insert two fingers into the vagina and assess how dilated the cervix is. This is called an internal survey. It is carried out in conditions of complete sterility (with gloves, using a disinfectant). Doctors can also assess the degree of maturity of the uterus using ultrasound.

Premature opening of the cervix

Premature dilatation can occur both early and late in pregnancy. It is important to know that if you receive timely medical care, you can save the pregnancy. If you do not see a doctor on time, it is fraught with miscarriage.

Premature opening of the cervix in the early stages (up to 20 weeks) of pregnancy, as a rule, is due to

  • lack / excess of hormones;
  • injuries (for example, after an abortion);
  • placental abruption;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.

After 28 weeks earlier, erection occurs due to a lack of hormones. Preterm labor begins, during which the baby is born quite viable.

The opening of the cervix, which occurs prematurely, has obvious symptoms. As a rule, this is a severe pain in the lower abdomen, pulling. Nausea and diarrhea may also occur. If you notice these signs - run to the doctor. He will prescribe hormonal treatment, possibly surgery will be required.

Opening of the cervix

The cervix is ​​a continuation of the uterus itself, which consists of the isthmus (the place where the body of the uterus passes into the cervix), the vaginal and supravaginal parts. The opening of the cervix facing the uterine cavity is called the internal pharynx, facing the vaginal cavity - the external pharynx, and the canal of the cervix itself is called the cervical canal.

It is important that the body of the uterus is represented by smooth muscles, and the cervix consists of connective tissue, collagen and elastic fibers, as well as smooth muscle cells. This information about the structure of the cervix will help us understand the mechanisms of its disclosure in normal and pathological conditions.

How to determine the dilatation of the cervix?

The opening of the cervix during pregnancy is a process that normally corresponds to the first stage of labor. In obstetrics, cervical dilatation is measured with the obstetrician's fingers in an internal obstetric examination. When fully opened, the cervix passes 5 fingers of the obstetrician, which is equal to 10 centimeters.

The symptoms of a dilated cervix are:

  • drawing pain in the lower abdomen. The sensations during the opening of the cervix are similar to those that occur during menstruation, only as the degree of opening increases, the pain increases;
  • discharge of the mucous-blood plug, which is located in the cervical canal during pregnancy and prevents the infection from entering the uterine cavity.

The main signs of cervical dilatation are regular contractions that repeat after a certain period of time. At first, it is 25-30 minutes, and as the disclosure increases, it is reduced to 5-7 minutes. The duration and intensity of the contraction also depends on the degree of cervical dilatation. The speed of opening of the cervix during childbirth is 1 cm / hour from the moment the cervix opens by 4 cm. In the normal course of childbirth, the degree of cervical dilatation is checked every 3 hours.

What helps dilate the cervix?

With a normal pregnancy, the term of delivery is considered to be 37-42 weeks. The starting point for the onset of labor is a decrease in the level of progesterone in the blood (a hormone that is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy).

By the beginning of labor, the opening of the cervix by 1 finger is one of the signs of its maturity. The contraction of the uterus leads to a decrease in its cavity and pressure of the presenting part of the fetus on the cervix. In addition, the amniotic waters of the fetal bladder are divided into upper and lower poles. During the contraction, the lower pole of the fetal bladder is wedged into the cervical canal, which in turn also contributes to its opening.

Premature opening of the cervix

Early dilatation of the cervix at different stages of pregnancy has its own reasons. At a period of 28-37 weeks, the cause of the onset of labor may be hormonal deficiency. Such births are called premature, and they end with the birth of a viable fetus.

The cause of premature opening of the cervix in early pregnancy up to 20 weeks can be infections, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs of the pregnant woman, hormonal deficiency, placental abruption. In such cases, in the absence of timely qualified medical care, pregnancy may end in spontaneous abortion.

Early disclosure of the cervix can be suspected by the presence of pulling pains in the lower abdomen in the early stages. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. If fears about premature opening of the cervix are confirmed, then the woman is offered to suture the cervix for the entire duration of pregnancy, bed rest and, if necessary, taking hormonal drugs that will help maintain the pregnancy.

Braxton Hicks contractionsBrexton Hicks contractions are not labor yet. Although before the birth with the onset of contractions, now, most likely, there is not so much left. Why did nature come up with these foreboding attempts, what to expect during and after them, how to behave for a future mother at such moments - all the most important things about Hicks contractions on the pages of our site. Training fights - sensations A woman's body is preparing ahead of time for the upcoming birth. Therefore, long before the 40th week, the expectant mother may feel an incomprehensible tension in the lower abdomen, which can be frightening because it looks like the onset of childbirth. But, most likely, these will only be training bouts. How to distinguish them from real ones is our article.
Cervix before childbirth According to the state of the cervix, you can say a lot about what awaits a pregnant woman in the near future. What the cervix looks like before childbirth, how it changes during labor - read these and other details about entering the treasured treasury of a woman in our article. How to understand that the stomach has dropped? The roundness of the abdomen in different women during pregnancy is different. Someone has a rather large belly throughout pregnancy, someone always has a small one. And it is not always easy to understand that the stomach has dropped, preparing for childbirth. But, if you read our article, then it will be easier to see the signs of abdominal prolapse.

Don't know what to wear? Get fashionable immediately!Your name *Email address *Other articles:Signs of approaching labor Many women who give birth for the first time are afraid that they will miss the onset of labor and watch their bodies too anxiously. But experienced mothers know for sure that this is impossible, especially since the first signs appear long before childbirth. Breathing exercises for pregnant women Breathing exercises saturate the body with oxygen, therefore it is extremely useful for pregnant women and the fetus, using it during childbirth, which greatly facilitates the birth process and helps the pregnant woman to cope more easily with pain during contractions. 39 weeks of pregnancy - second birth During the second pregnancy, it is unlikely that the lobe will be able to carry up to 40 weeks, more often childbirth begins at 39 weeks and even faster. You should be ready for this and take all the necessary measures to prepare for childbirth as early as possible.

  • Folk methods of treatment

Delivery is the logical end of pregnancy and the time of the official start of the new life record! The onset of labor is accompanied by contractions that begin in the upper part of the uterus and gradually go down to the cervix. The cervix begins to open during this period, and when it opens enough to release the baby (by 10-12 cm), the birth can be considered completed. However, there is another scenario for the development of the situation: contractions can begin at the bottom of the uterus, so the cervix does not receive the proper impulse to open. Contractions in a woman in labor occur in this case rarely and weakly. Also, the cervix can open halfway, the contractions in this case stop. In any of the last two cases, we can talk about insufficient labor activity.

So what are the problems with the cervix? First of all, the slow opening of the cervix delays labor, it can last more than 12 hours. In addition, the scheme of the birth itself may go astray. The following sequence of events is considered the norm: opening of the cervix, discharge of water, the birth of a child, exfoliation of the placenta. However, if the cervix slowly opens, the scheme of labor activity may go according to the wrong scenario, i.e. the future mother's water will already leave, the placenta will begin to detach, and the cervix will not be fully opened. In this case, resort to a caesarean section.

What causes problems with the cervix? An important factor is the age of the woman in labor and the experience of having children. After the age of 35, a primiparous mother has an increased risk of non-opening of the cervix. The reason for this is the general deterioration of health. Indeed, in the process of childbirth, as well as during pregnancy, all the most important systems of the body take part. At risk are women with metabolic disorders, endocrine system disorders, various gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, scars on the neck).

Diagnosis of possible causes with the opening of the cervix is ​​the responsibility of the gynecologist observing the pregnant woman. There are no guarantees that diagnostics will help prevent problems that have arisen, however, if possible problems are identified, a woman is sent to the maternity hospital ahead of schedule so that when childbirth occurs, she will be under the supervision of specialists from the first minutes.

The psychological mood of the woman in labor is also important. After all, a positive attitude and confidence in the successful development of childbirth, peace of mind increases the chance of a successful outcome.

In order to better imagine how labor activity occurs, we will schematically consider the features of the reproductive organs in women. The uterus consists of 3 sections. A child lives in the widest section, the cervix is ​​located below, it is a narrow 3 cm tube of muscle tissue, one end of which goes into the uterus, the other into the vagina. These two sections are connected by the cervical canal. The cervix during pregnancy performs important functions of protecting the baby from microbes from the vagina and prevents the baby from being born prematurely. Starting from the 37-38th week of pregnancy, under the influence of the so-called "hormones of childbirth", the cervix begins to prepare for childbirth, and at the very moment of childbirth, the cervix contracts, softens and opens slightly, gradual opening ensures a successful delivery.

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on the causes of problems with the opening of the cervix. There are 4 main reasons:

1. The cervix did not have time to properly prepare for the moment of delivery. This can happen, for example, due to a lack of “birth hormones”, so the cervix does not have time to soften properly. In this case, doctors can compensate for the lack of hormones. A large fetus (or the wrong position of the child) can also stop labor. This can happen due to insufficient pressure of the baby's head on the cervix and, as a result, it stops opening. In this case, doctors resort to a caesarean section.

2. The second reason for insufficient disclosure may be polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios. In the case of a large amount of water, the uterus stretches too much, in the second case it strains too much. But in both cases, the uterus is hard to contract and the cervix does not open.

3. Problem with the body of the uterus. For example, if a woman has a fibroid or an irregular shape of the organ, there is a high probability of a slow opening of the cervix.

4. The occurrence of the fourth reason depends on the mood of the expectant mother. From excessive excitement, a spasm in the muscles can occur and the neck, instead of relaxing, tenses even more. The body instinctively stops labor. In this case, doctors in order to continue childbirth, administer painkillers to the woman.

The opening of the cervix indicates the readiness of the woman's body for the onset of labor. There are many ways to speed up this process. They are divided into drug and non-drug, respectively, used independently or in a hospital. Stimulation of the opening of the cervix must be carried out taking into account certain rules, otherwise you can provoke the development of dangerous complications or lose a child.

What is "male therapy" before childbirth? How to speed up labor activity with the help of physical activity? What medical methods are used to achieve full dilatation of the cervix?

Stages of cervical dilatation before childbirth

There are situations in which this process begins ahead of schedule. Too early opening of the cervix is ​​dangerous for the loss of a child or premature birth. This phenomenon can be caused by:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • a history of cases of artificial or spontaneous pathological termination of pregnancy;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • surgical interventions before conceiving a child;
  • previous childbirth burdened with complications;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

The opening of the cervix begins with the external os. In primiparous women, the cervical canal has the shape of a truncated cone, the widest part of which is located at the top. In patients who have already given birth, the opening of the external os occurs much faster (by one finger). To expel the fetus from the uterus, the opening of her cervix should be 10 cm, that is, 5 fingers. Information about the processes that occur before the start of attempts, during contractions, is indicated in the table.

disclosure stagePeculiaritiesOpening level, cm
Initial (latent) periodShort-term mild contractions. Pain sensations are absent.< 4
active phaseMost often, rupture of the fetal bladder occurs. During this stage, it is not recommended to lie or sit - this position of the body can provoke a weakening of contractions and lead to non-disclosure of the cervix during delivery. To alleviate the condition and continue to stimulate the cervix, it is better to stand or walk.4-8
slowdownThe activity of contractions is reduced. As a rule, this stage is pronounced only in primiparous women.10
Full dilation of the cervix and the onset of laborFrom the beginning of this stage, the expectant mother should be in the maternity hospital.

How long this process takes depends on whether the woman is primiparous or multiparous. In the first case, the full opening of the cervix occurs in 8-10 hours.

In women who have already given birth, the period until the moment when the cervix opens to 5 fingers, in most situations, takes no more than 6-7 hours.

Associated symptoms

At this stage of preparation for the onset of labor, a woman may not feel any changes in the body at all. In some cases, the period of maturation of the cervix is ​​accompanied by:

  • periodic irregular contractions - do not deliver any painful sensations to the future woman in labor, a mild pain syndrome is characteristic;
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen, lumbar and sacral regions;
  • secretions of mucous consistency from the vagina (in some cases, they may contain minor bloody inclusions).

These symptoms are normal and indicate that the female body is preparing for labor. However, if these signs appeared in a pregnant woman before the 37-week period at which the fetus is considered full-term, it is recommended to urgently consult with your doctor.

Non-pharmacological methods of opening the cervix

There are several non-drug methods that help stimulate the procedure for expelling the fetus from the uterus (especially relevant after 40 weeks of pregnancy). You can speed up this stage of preparing the female body for childbirth with the help of physical activity, yoga and meditation practices. To help prepare a woman's body for labor can also be the so-called "muzheterapiya" - sexual intercourse with a spouse.

Physical exercise

Various physical activities help to open the cervix. Particularly effective in stimulating labor are:

  • squats;
  • long walk;
  • climbing up the stairs;
  • breaststroke swimming - contributes not only to the contraction of the muscles of the abdomen and back, but also to the elimination of edema of the lower extremities;
  • squatting for a long time (the exercise is used in cases of a high location of the fetus in late gestation);
  • rocking back and forth on a fitball or swing.

When performing exercises, you need to consider 2 important points:

  • movements must be done carefully and smoothly;
  • twisting and jumping should be avoided.

You can also stimulate labor at home with the help of cleaning, window cleaning, hand washing. Active dancing also contributes to the opening of the cervix.

Yoga and meditation

Effectively opens the cervix of yoga, which is based on spiritual, psychological and physical practices. In order for the stimulation of labor to be more successful, during the performance of asanas, certain rules must be observed:

  1. Movements should be smooth.
  2. During exercise, it is recommended to listen to relaxing soft music. The best option would be the sounds of nature: the sound of rain, water, birds singing.
  3. You need to carefully focus on each element of yoga. Incense sticks or oils will help to achieve this.

To perform asanas correctly, you must first study the video or audio lessons. Shavasana is considered one of the most effective postures in yoga, which helps to stimulate labor activity. Meditation also helps to speed up the opening of the cervix. For the greatest effect, it should be carried out for at least 30 minutes. During the sessions of these spiritual and health practices, there is a maximum relaxation of all parts of the body and liberation from thoughts. After class, it is recommended to drink tea, herbal decoction or infusion on raspberry leaves.

sex stimulation

It has been proven that “muzheterapiya” stimulates labor activity, therefore, before childbirth, many doctors recommend expectant mothers to have sex. The relationship of sexual intercourse with the acceleration of delivery is explained by the fact that the special substance contained in male sperm has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the cervix, resulting in its rapid and painless opening.

When applying "muzheterapiya" you need to consider a number of rules:

  • you can have sex only if the woman feels well (we recommend reading:);
  • movements should be as careful as possible;
  • it is forbidden to squeeze the stomach;
  • you should choose the safest postures (for example, on your side);
  • during intimacy, special attention should be paid to careful massaging of the nipples;
  • if you feel the slightest discomfort, you should immediately stop sexual intercourse.

Medical stimulation

Most women give birth at 38-40 weeks. If this does not happen, and after the 40th week the uterus is still not ready for labor, forced stimulation is used. Decades ago, before medical dilatation became widespread, doctors tried to open the cervix manually (with a finger). In modern medicine, there are more advanced methods that accelerate labor activity. Information about drug methods of labor induction is indicated in the table.

Group of medicinesRelease formMode of applicationNote
ProstaglandinsGel, suppositoriesThe drugs are administered intravaginally several times a day. If after 24 hours contractions do not start, the medicine is used again, but not more than 3 times a day.
  • in some cases, an intravenous route of administration of the drug is used;
  • the drug can slow down the onset of the active phase of labor.
Labor hormone (oxytocin)InjectionThe drug is administered by drip or through a catheter. If, with this method of administration, the action of the hormone is ineffective, an injection is made with an Oxytocin solution through the abdominal cavity into the walls of the uterus.
  • an overdose of the drug can lead to the development of fetal hypoxia and hyperstimulation of contractions;
  • the hormone is not used when the child is in the wrong position, placenta previa, scars on the uterus or a narrow pelvis.
Antiprogestogenic drugs (Mifepristone, Mifegin, Miropristone)Pills200 mg of the drug is taken orally, after 24 hours - a second dose of the same dose of the drug.
  • an overdose of the drug can lead to the development of oxygen starvation in the fetus;
  • medicines are taken only under the supervision of a physician.

Foley catheter insertion

For the induction of labor in some cases, a Foley catheter is used. This device consists of a tube and a small cartridge. There are several types of device, but the most common is a two-way catheter. The principle of operation of this device is that a balloon filled with liquid increases the tone and motility of the uterus of the expectant mother, squeezing and bursting it. It is forbidden to insert a Foley catheter on your own; only a qualified doctor can do this.

How to open the cervix at home?

In addition to the above non-drug methods of stimulating labor, you can independently stimulate this process using:

  • decoction or tea from raspberry leaves;
  • the use of castor oil;
  • cleansing the body with an enema or the use of products that have a laxative effect;
  • massage of the auricles and little fingers;
  • Kegel exercises;
  • daily intake of 1 capsule of evening primrose oil;
  • consumption of fatty fish;
  • taking a warm bath.

Usually, as labor approaches, the cervix becomes softer and dilated in preparation for labor, even before you begin to feel contractions. Cervical dilation is usually measured in fingers (if the obstetrician, gynecologist or nurse can fit 1, 2 or 3 fingers, then this is considered full dilation and means that you are ready for childbirth) or in centimeters (10 cm is considered full dilation cervix). The cervix dilates slowly in nulliparous women, but there are several ways to speed up this process. Want to give birth faster? Then follow the advice in this article.


Natural erection stimulation

    Walk as much as possible. Small exercises stimulate uterine contractions, which put pressure on the cervix, causing it to open up. Walking also helps the baby move down the birth canal, which puts more pressure on the cervix again and speeds up delivery.

    • If your water has broken, your doctor or obstetrician will ask you to stop walking. Be sure to immediately tell the medical staff that you feel the discharge of amniotic fluid.
  1. Empty your bladder. A full bladder prevents uterine contractions, which means less pressure on the cervix and longer labor. Go to the toilet more often to avoid slowing down this process.

    Sit on the ball. Often a gymnastic ball is useful during childbirth, but it should be slightly deflated and soft enough. When you sit on the ball and on the crusts, the pelvic muscles relax - this contributes to a faster opening of the cervix. The most comfortable and effective posture on the ball is sitting with legs wide apart, supporting your back against a bed or wall.

    Nipple stimulation. When nipples are stimulated (either manually or with a breast pump), the body releases the hormone oxytocin, which helps the cervix dilate more quickly.

    Sex. During sex, the body also produces oxytocin. In addition, chemicals in semen called prostaglandins also help dilate the cervix. This means that for some women, intercourse may be the most effective (and enjoyable!) way to open the cervix for childbirth. It should be remembered that this method is contraindicated if there is a possibility of sexual infections in a partner.

  2. Relax. Muscle tension can slow down labor by preventing the baby from progressing through the birth canal and preventing the cervix from dilating. Try to stay calm.

    • If you find it difficult to relax, try taking a warm shower, listening to some relaxing music, or having someone give you a massage.