Serotonin and endorphin - their functions in the body. Doing what you love. Oxytocin - communication is joy

The main hormones of happiness and joy are serotonin and endorphin - hormones that affect a person’s mood. They help relieve fatigue, invigorate, and have an analgesic effect.

Serotonin produced thyroid gland, synthesized at sunlight, so in spring and summer on fine days your mood improves.

Endorphin(pain-reducing, “internal morphine”) gives the body a feeling of cheerfulness and joy. During production large quantity endorphins, a person becomes strong-willed, strong, and a goal in life appears. Produced by the body when a goal is achieved. And when you feel guilty, less of this hormone is released. A person becomes sad in stressful situations, and chronic fatigue syndrome may occur. Gradually a person will get used to living in such a mood, and lethargy, Bad mood will become the norm for him.

To avoid this, you need to eat delicious food, exercise, as well as sex (it also contributes to the production of this hormone). The concentration of these hormones increases sincere laughter, kisses, hugs, walks fresh air.

Importance for the body

Endorphin and serotonin make you feel more energetic, more active, and help you cope better with stressful situation, allow you to reduce painful sensations, reduce anxiety, speed up wound healing.

Serotonin improves mood, reduces the risk of illness, improves thought processes, helps improve sleep and cope with depression. Allows stimulation motor activity.

Scientific hypothesis. Scientists say that serotonin affects cancer cells and stimulates their self-destruction. Perhaps in the future a new option will be found to combat cancer.

A deficiency of this hormone results in depression, lethargy, drowsiness, lack of self-confidence, and reluctance to do anything.

For a person who is tired after a day of work, the most the best thing to do There will be no lying on the sofa in front of the TV, but a walk in the fresh air at a moderate pace. If you also replace a walk with a run in combination with physical activity - roller skating, cycling, skiing, physical exercise, then all fatigue will instantly disappear thanks to the powerful release of the hormones serotonin and endorphin into the blood.

The effect of endorphins on weight loss

Scientists have proven that the production and content of endorphins affects the ability to lose weight. So, when in the body high level endorphins, a person does not feel like eating. And, conversely, when the level decreases, a feeling of anxiety and irritation sets in, and in order to improve well-being, the body requires more food, which leads to weight gain. That is, an increase in endorphin levels leads to a decrease in appetite.

Normal level

Normally, the blood should contain serotonin:

  • in men - 80.0–292.0 μg/l
  • in women - 110.0–330.0 mcg/l.

Normal daily production of serotonin is 20-50 mcg.

An analysis of hormone levels is taken from a vein. The day before taking the sample, you should not drink alcohol, tea, coffee, bananas, chocolate, in general, all those foods that contain serotonin. Also, a few days before the specified date, you must stop taking antibiotics and other medications. You need to sit quietly for 20 minutes before taking the test to stabilize your emotional state. When the level of these noises is normal, a person feels a surge of strength, confidence in his abilities, a desire to conquer new heights, he has good mood, there is no feeling of anxiety. If there is a sufficient amount of endorphin and serotonin, mental activity is activated, blood pressure is normal. When serotonin levels increase, wounds heal faster and blood loss decreases.

Increased levels of happiness hormones

Usually when good condition and lack chronic diseases the level of the hormones serotonin and endorphin is normal or reduced. But it may also happen that its level is elevated.

Causes higher level serotonin and endorphin:

  • Presence of a tumor in abdominal area in the presence of metastases;
  • Cysts and fibrosis in the abdominal area;
  • Thyroid cancer.
  • Presence of intestinal obstruction (slight increase in the hormone serotonin);
  • Acute myocardial infarction.

If a high level of serotonin in the blood is detected, the patient is prescribed additional examinations to identify the cause. This can be brain tomography, laparoscopy, biopsy. An elevated level does not provide a completely clear picture of the disease; additional examinations are prescribed to identify the location and size of the tumor.

Then, after surgery to remove the tumor and metastases, the concentration of serotonin decreases. If this does not happen, it means that the tumor or metastases have not been completely removed. In any case, elevated hormone levels indicate serious health problems and further treatment should only be performed by the attending physician.

Reduced levels of happiness hormones

With reduced levels of serotonin and endorphin in the blood, the following occurs:

  • apathy,
  • lethargy,
  • drowsiness,
  • mental processes become dull.

With a lack of serotonin, pain is reduced, that is, at the slightest irritation, pain occurs. severe pain. Constipation may also occur and the intestines work worse.

Reduced level hormones are observed in the following cases:

  • In children with Down syndrome;
  • With prolonged depression;
  • At developing disease Parkinson's;
  • With a disease such as phenylketonuria, if it is congenital;
  • For liver cirrhosis and a number of other diseases.

How to increase the level of happiness hormones

A person receives a powerful release of these hormones only when doing fitness for an hour, and this effect persists for several hours after training. This could be running, yoga, swimming, tennis, skating and many other sports. The hormone begins to be produced 30-40 minutes after the start of the lesson. Endorphins are also produced when dancing. There have been attempts to synthesize these hormones artificially, but during the experiment it was discovered that such drugs cause hallucinations, seizures and severe changes in the human body. They were used as weapons during the war to boost the morale of soldiers, but were not tested due to side effects.

During pregnancy, a woman receives a huge dose of happiness hormones, the peak of which occurs during the birth process itself. This helps overcome pain.

During sex, serotonin is released into the blood. It has been proven that people who engage in regular sex life, much more balanced and calm. Improves mood and prolonged laughter while watching a funny program, meeting with friends, going to the cinema or theater. In general, everything that causes positive emotions leads to saturation of the blood with hormones of happiness and can give this feeling for a long time.

Foods that promote the production of happiness hormones

Serotonin levels increase after eating a meal enriched with proteins and carbohydrates.

A number of foods help raise the level of these hormones.

Among them: bananas, pineapple, walnuts, avocado, tomatoes, chocolate, oranges, grapes, bell pepper, seaweed, sea ​​fish, carrots, ginger, basil, chili pepper (its sharpness is perceived by the tongue receptors as painful sensations, and at the same time endorphins are released).

But it is necessary to remember that sweet foods contain fast carbohydrates, which can quickly satisfy hunger and lead to the release of happiness hormones into the blood. This feeling also passes quickly.

Everyone has heard about the “hormones of happiness” - dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphin. But not everyone clearly understands how each of them works, why it is released and what reaction it causes in the body. And why can’t you feel happy all the time? It would be great to learn how to “turn on” the tides necessary substances, when necessary, right? It turns out that anything is possible. You just need to understand the mechanics of the process and work on yourself.

“Happiness hormones” are actively synthesized at those moments when the brain identifies events or phenomena that can have a positive impact on our survival. Then the level of these hormones in the body drops sharply until the next “pleasant” event. Each of these neurons chemical substances“turns on” a specific positive feeling in a person.


“This hormone creates a feeling of joy when a person finds something they need,” explains Breuning. In addition, dopamine motivates you to get something you need, even if it involves significant effort. The prospect of achieving a goal stimulates the production of dopamine.

For example, this hormone is produced in a child’s body when he hears his mother’s steps. A marathon runner feels a rush of dopamine at the sight of the finish line. A football player gets a dose of dopamine after scoring a goal.

Having achieved a goal or simply seeing it, you experience a feeling of inner comfort. And therefore, you force the body to perform actions again and again that ensure the occurrence of this feeling. The runner goes into the distance again, the football player tries to hit the goal.

You need to try to ensure that the task or problem you have to solve is appropriate in scale

How to stimulate production? Think about achieving what goals at work and in Everyday life brings you joy. Perhaps it's solving math problems, or winning a game intellectual quiz, or the fact that today you were able to run 1 kilometer more than yesterday. Celebrate even small victories.

"Never destroy your positive emotions, apologizing to himself for his joy over the smallest success. Just enjoy the moment of triumph and move forward,” advises Professor Breuning. However, you need to try to ensure that the task or problem you have to solve is appropriate in scale.

“If the basketball hoop hangs too low, you won't have much fun hitting it. If it's too high, there's no point in even trying to score the ball."


This hormone creates a feeling of lightness and oblivion that helps alleviate pain. This state is often called euphoria.

Endorphin helps to ignore pain, thereby making it possible to hide from danger when injured or injured.

“This neurotransmitter was not created by evolution because of a good life,” explains Loretta Graziano Breuning. - Endorphin synthesis is triggered primarily physical pain. You may fall and instantly spring back to your feet, thinking you are fine, only to find out that you are seriously injured. This is the effect of endorphin... It is released only if a person overcomes his normal capabilities and brings himself to a state of discomfort.”

Endorphin scientists for a long time called endogenous morphine, because its mechanism of action resembles the action of opiates.

How to stimulate production? Endorphin synthesis in the body is not constant. Its flush can be caused physical exercise. But playing sports to the point of exhaustion and pain is harmful. It's better to alternate different load and try new types of physical activity. This is how you will load different groups muscles, and you won’t get tired of the sport.

By the way, endorphin is actively produced when doing stretching exercises. Moreover, you can do them not only in the gym, but also at home - while watching your favorite TV series or even talking on the phone. Laughter and crying also stimulate the synthesis of endorphins, so it is important not to limit these emotions that are natural to us.


This substance gives a person a feeling of security among others like him.

“Trusting someone, or realizing that someone trusts you, gives you a rush of oxytocin. Satisfaction from belonging to a group or a feeling of security in intragroup relationships is also the result of the action of oxytocin,” explains the author. Oxytocin motivates you to show trust in others.

Feel free to be proud of your successes and achievements. If your merits are not noticed, it would be useful to talk about them

How to stimulate production? Oxytocin synthesis is activated by touch and a feeling of trust. Any contact with loved ones, from the touch of hands to the feeling of moral support, not to mention orgasm, causes a rush of oxytocin.

By the way, when you are trusted, you experience positive emotions regardless of whether you trust yourself. That is, if you make people like you, you will be able to enjoy oxytocin “injections” more often. You can also always “buy” a dose of oxytocin by simply booking a massage.


This vanity hormone is created in a person when he feels respect from others.

“Serotonin gives us a sense of self-importance,” writes Professor Breuning. “We easily notice it in others, but we don’t like to discover the desire for such sensations in ourselves. The brain has evolved to strive for social dominance - it ensures that more copies of our genes are created.

We try to avoid conflict because it could cause our genes to disappear from the face of the earth. The brain is very attentive to the social environment. If there is an opportunity in a safe way to establish yourself in it, it rewards you with a solid portion of serotonin.”

How to stimulate production? Feel free to be proud of your successes and achievements. If your merits are not noticed, it would be useful to talk about them. Enjoy your position in your family, work and society. Notice when your opinion is listened to and when you were able to influence others. But be prepared to accept that you can't control everything around you.

about the author

Loretta Graziano Breuning- founder of the Inner Mammal Institute, professor emeritus at the University of California, author of several books and the blog Your Neurochemical Self on PsychologyToday.

Endorphin and serotonin are hormones of happiness. They create mood, so their deficiency negatively affects a person’s quality of life.

Endorphin and its functions

Endorphin is called a natural drug. This hormone can bring a person into a state of euphoria. Bliss, boundless pleasure, an incredible surge of vivacity - all this occurs in the body due to complex biochemical processes controlled by endorphins.

Scientists discovered special substances back in the 70s of the last century. They investigated the Chinese method of relieving pain using acupuncture and found that intrinsic morphines can be produced in the pituitary gland. When interacting with various receptors, the active substances give a signal to the brain, which elevates the mood. Thus, the body itself produces a strong drug - morphine. Unlike an artificial drug, it does not destroy human body, but on the contrary, supports his physical and mental state.

The main functions of endorphins are:

  • significant reduction in pain syndromes;
  • formation of joyful emotions;
  • natural regulation blood pressure and others essential functions body;
  • activation of thinking;
  • acceleration of healing of damaged tissues;
  • restoration of body strength;
  • resisting stress and negative emotions.

If there is not enough endorphin in the body, then this becomes noticeable, as chronic fatigue, severe irritability, apathy, depressive state, tearfulness. Viral and infectious diseases contribute to a decrease in the level of the happiness hormone in the blood.

Boosting endorphins through exercise

What to do if the level of endorphins in the body is low? If there is a desire, then there are many ways to increase it. What contributes to this? For example, sports. An hour of exercise in the gym - and the concentration of endorphins can increase 10 times. This condition lasts for several hours after training. After 30 minutes of exercise, the level of the happiness hormone rises and reduces muscle pain and improves mood. Other sports - jogging, ballroom dancing, sports or gymnastics, swimming, yoga, cycling and skiing or skating - contribute to an incredible increase in strength and a rapid release of hormones. Regular physical activity makes a person happy due to increased levels of endorphins.

Endorphins in food

There is no specific diet for producing endorphins, but there are many foods that can lift your mood in a matter of minutes. This is chocolate, ice cream, delicious pastries. Fast carbohydrates supply the body with energy and the hormone of happiness and pleasure. However, its effect in the body quickly ends, which threatens another loss of strength and mood.

In order to always maintain the mood good level, must be adhered to balanced nutrition. Substances such as magnesium, potassium and others are involved in the synthesis of endorphins. Useful vitamins exist in the following products:

  1. Strawberry. Even the very sight of this beautiful berry can lift your spirits. Strawberries are rich in all the vitamins that are involved in the production of endorphins.
  2. Orange and other citrus fruits. These fruits contain great amount vitamin C and antioxidants. This composition provides the body with a lot of positive emotions.
  3. Grape. Fructose and vitamin C trigger a powerful mechanism for the formation of endorphins in the body.
  4. Chilli. This product contains the alkaloid capsaicin, which is a strong irritant. The brain reacts to the burning sensation with a sharp release of endorphin.
  5. Avocados and bananas contain magnesium and huge amounts of tryptophan. These substances instantly lift your mood.

In addition to the above products, excellent mood stimulants are bell peppers, seaweed, various nuts, legumes and fish.

Endorphins and sex

Sex and orgasm lead a person to a state of powerful euphoria due to the release of endorphins. In addition to providing extraordinary pleasure, making love strengthens the immune system. In the ancient practice of yoga, sex is considered a wonderful cure for various ailments and serious illnesses.

If there is no sexual release, then the hormones can rebel, as a result of which the person becomes irritable and hot-tempered. People whom sex life satisfied, always control themselves and do not lose their temper over trifles.

The hormone serotonin and its functions

Serotonin is one of the most known hormones happiness. However, he is responsible not only for great mood. It controls the body’s memory, speed of movement, smooth functioning of the intestines and is able to fight fatal diseases.

It has the following features:

  • improves memory, attention, perception;
  • responsible for motor activity;
  • supports pain threshold at the right level;
  • provides adequate sleep;
  • improves mood and gives joy;
  • promotes narrowing blood vessels and enhances blood clotting;
  • increases uterine contractions during childbirth;
  • is directly involved in ovulation by increasing intrafollicular pressure;
  • affects a man’s arousal or inhibition during sex;
  • participates in the prevention of inflammation and allergic reactions;
  • promotes increased intestinal motility.

Serotonin regulates a variety of body functions, and its deficiency also negatively affects a person’s well-being.

Lack of serotonin

When there is not enough serotonin in the body, the symptoms appear quite noticeably:

  • there is a strong craving for sweets;
  • feeling constantly tired;
  • memory seriously deteriorates;
  • concentration decreases;
  • sleep is disturbed.

A sharp decrease in serotonin levels may indicate Parkinson's disease, phenylketonuria, or liver pathologies. Children with Down syndrome also suffer from a lack of this hormone.

A decrease in serotonin levels can occur due to lack of sun, physical inactivity, prolonged depression. In order for the body to produce the happiness hormone, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • use more products that contain tryptophan (nuts, cheeses, chicken, seafood, legumes, oatmeal);
  • regularly walk outdoors in the sun and make sure that the apartment is well lit;
  • constantly exercise;
  • try to get more positive emotions and avoid stress.

The effects of serotonin on the body are mostly similar to those of endorphins. It gives a feeling of boundless happiness and charges the body with vigor. Serotonin is directly responsible for motor activity. If its level in the body is sufficient, then a person’s strength increases, he is ready to move mountains and longs for new successes. If the amount of serotonin in the body is small, then the person becomes depressed and becomes lethargic and indifferent to everything.

Serotonin and endorphin are the main hormones that are responsible for mood, so they must always be maintained at the proper level.

Our life is emotions. And emotions are a collection chemical reactions in our body. Happiness, joy, pleasure stimulate our life and make it beautiful. But not only positive emotions saturate life; it also contains apathy, absent-mindedness, uncertainty, and lingering bad mood. Hormones are the main key to our emotional state. There are three main substances: oxytocin, dopamine (pleasure hormone), endorphin.

What does this feeling bring us?

Endorphins are protein molecules that are similar in structure to opiates or morphine. They are produced by the brain as a protective reaction to stress or pain. Therefore, the presence of endorphins in the right amount frees us from stress, anxiety, and gives us a good mood. Happy hormones can also regulate blood pressure, reduce pain, accelerate tissue repair processes and activate thought processes.

When an abundant amount of endorphins is produced, a person gets a state of euphoria.

If there are not enough of these hormones in the body, then the person feels mild depression, chronic fatigue, becomes extremely irritable and unbalanced. There are three ways to increase the level of endorphins in the body - diet, physical exercise and habits. Let's take a closer look at them.

What foods will help us stay happy?

Knowing which foods help our body produce happiness hormones will be of great help to it. Here are some of them:

  • Natural chocolate (mostly black). Contains antioxidants in large quantities, which reduce cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and protect the heart. Phenylethamine increases endorphins, magnesium calms.
  • Cayenne pepper, jalapeno, chili. Having a burning effect, they affect the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, thus provoking the brain to produce more endorphins.
  • Bananas contain harman, evoking feeling mild euphoria.
  • Citrus and fruits sunny color(persimmons, peaches, pineapples, apricots). Their taste characteristics give us a feeling of happiness.

Eating natural chocolate stimulates the production of the happiness hormone

Physical activity increases hormone levels

Sport is useful and quick way get the body enough endorphins. When under load, they are released into the blood, thereby giving you a feeling of pleasure and happiness. They have an advantage group classes and team play. As a result of experiments, it was revealed that single athletes received a smaller surge of the happiness hormone than those playing in a team. Increased activity is similar to stress for the body. Fitness, gym, regular running, dancing, cycling maximally charge you with positive emotions, close to a state of euphoria, and also produce the hormone of joy, which is associated with all other substances in this group..

Habits for happy people

The following habits have a beneficial effect on the production of endorphins:

  • Smile and laugh. Laughter prolongs life. Watch comedies, humorous programs, just fool around. Smile more often, only with a sincere smile.
  • Aromatherapy. Take relaxing baths with essential oils. Fragrances have been proven to stimulate happiness hormones. Vanilla has a calming effect, lavender helps cope with insomnia and depression, ginseng relieves fatigue. Use scented candles in everyday life, brew fragrant herbal teas.
  • Nature. Spend more time in nature, take walks, take sunbathing.
  • Reading. It is recommended to read your favorite literature - this leads us to a state of peace and happiness.

What is responsible for pleasure?

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is produced by the adrenal glands, causing a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction in the body. Hormone along with nerve impulses is delivered to the pleasure center of the brain and our pleasure depends on its quantity. It is also a strong motivator in learning and achieving goals.

In the human body, dopamine is produced by the adrenal glands

This is a very active hormone, it is produced by our body from any positive sensations: tasty food, tender hugs, intimacy, even from thoughts about upcoming pleasure. Memories positive character also release dopamine into the body. But scientist Knutson has proven that pleasure hormones are involved in the decision-making process and literally make us feel satisfied when needs are not met. This creates a mechanism of addiction in a person.

If a person has an excess of dopamine, this leads to psychosis. The dopamine hypothesis is fundamental in the development of schizophrenia. The hormone in large quantities forces a person to “get stuck” in the inner world, which brings pleasure, while ignoring the outside world. The pleasure of thoughts alone is complete inaction.

A lack of dopamine is expressed in a person by uncertainty, procrastination, apathy and lack of enthusiasm. Doctors characterize this condition as dopamine syndrome. Some types of foods can help replenish hormone reserves:

  • Bananas, almonds, avocados, pumpkin seeds. These products contain the amino acid tyrosine, which is synthesized into dioxyphenylalanine. And it precedes the formation of dopamine.
  • Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, peppers, carrots, beets, strawberries, oranges and other foods that contain vitamins E and C, antioxidants. They protect cells involved in dopamine production.

Love hormone

Oxytocin is a hormone from the hypothalamus, which is then transported to the pituitary gland, accumulates there and is released into the blood. It accompanies love, childbirth and even breastfeeding. It also helps reduce anxiety, increases a sense of trust, gives a sense of harmony and helps strengthen human relationships. For example: the connection between mother and newborn is formed with the active participation of oxytocin. Therefore, the hormone oxytocin is commonly called the love hormone.

Oxytocin levels are higher in women

It has been proven that in women oxytocin is produced in more than men. Therefore, they are more trusting and impressionable. As a result of experiments, it was found that men with an increased dose of oxytocin are more faithful to their significant other.

Most The best way to increase the level of the love hormone in the blood - hugs, physical touch, massage. Scientist Paul Zak determined that minimal amount Hugs should be at least eight times a day. In this case, oxytocin in the body will be at the proper level.

Source of joy

Serotonin is a neurodemiarot, a hormone of joy. It helps you feel your own importance and significance. With insufficient amounts of the joy hormone, depression, depression, decreased motor activity are observed, and the pain threshold increases. Also in in some cases, hormonal disbalance can cause suicidal behavior and long-term alcoholism.

A large number of antidepressants are based on the production of serotonin. Increase serotonin levels naturally not difficult. It is necessary to include in the diet fruits and vegetables that contain tryptophan (dates, bell peppers, chocolate, tomatoes, milk).

It accelerates the process of serotonin production. The production of serotonin directly depends on the amount sun rays. Therefore, walking will help you restore and increase the joy hormone in your body.

Learn to be as happy, joyful and satisfied with life as possible. Play sports, spend more time walking in the fresh air and eat plenty of fruits. Then the hormones of joy, happiness and pleasure will always be normal. If you want to learn more about the process of forming emotions, creating sustainable habits, as well as the work of hormones, we recommend reading Loretta Breuning’s book title “Happiness Hormones. How to train the brain to produce serotonin, dopamine, endorphin and oxytocin,” Ekaterina Vilmont “The hormone of happiness and other nonsense.”

Human sensations are inextricably linked with chemical processes occurring in the brain, where complex mechanism production various substances. Happiness, joy, pleasure are provided by neurohormones of the brain - dopamine and serotonin. Endorphins compensate for stress and pain. If various disorders lead to the loss of a harmonious spectrum of feelings, life becomes incomplete. To return brain function to normal condition you need to understand exactly what disorders have arisen and try to restore the full production of happiness hormones using various means help the body, including pills.

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    Dopamine is a chemical related to catecholamines. It is a neurotransmitter that transmits signals nerve cells limbic system of the brain. Dopamine released by neurons activates it, and emotions of pleasure are released. A person experiences a feeling of comfort, increased mood and sensuality. The intensity of pleasure is directly dependent on the concentration of dopamine.

    The natural production of the hormone can be stimulated by activities that bring pleasure - drinking your favorite food and drinks, alcohol; having sex, smoking, etc. The more often these actions are repeated, the faster you can get pleasure. Moreover, the process begins at the preparation stage, so dopamine acts as a motivator.

    The emergence of addictions is caused by uncontrolled stimulation of dopamine production. In the absence of pleasure, the condition is characterized by worsening mood and depression. To maintain mood balance, a person must independently set limits in the activation of dopamine. Habits need to be formed not only in the sensory sphere (food, sex, alcohol), but also in the sphere of physical activity and creativity. These actions, performed with pleasure, bring, in addition to satisfaction, a visible result.

    If for some reason the production of dopamine in the human body is reduced, the part of the brain responsible for motor activity is destroyed, and the following symptoms appear:

    • muscle stiffness;
    • lack of facial expressions;
    • delayed movements.

    Often this condition precedes Parkinson's disease.

    With age, the number of dopamine receptors, as well as the brain's sensitivity to its effects, decreases. Irreversible consequences arise:

    • deterioration of abstract thinking;
    • decreased attention;
    • frequent depression.

    Helping the body with insufficient hormone production

    Insufficient production of dopamine deprives a person of intense pleasures. Return to full life The following rules will help:

    1. 1. Inclusion in the diet of foods rich in tyrosine, a substance that affects hormone production. These are fruits, vegetables - beets and greens, protein products, herbal teas from ginseng.
    2. 2. Physical activity. Exercise promotes activation hormonal levels, dopamine levels increase. The pleasure received after training compensates for the negative focus that accompanies dopamine deficiency. At the same time, a useful habit is formed.
    3. 3. Quit alcohol and smoking. A state of euphoria provided by alcohol, tobacco, narcotic substances, is achieved by a process in the brain that blocks the natural formation of dopamine.
    4. 4. Sexual activity. Regular sex has a beneficial effect positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of a person, stimulating the production of dopamine and strengthening neural connections limbic system and pleasure center of the brain.
    5. 5. Falling in love. The feeling of falling in love has a beneficial effect on the production of dopamine. The anticipation of the pleasure of mutual love improves all areas of life, stimulates success and achievement.
    6. 6. Avoid coffee. Excessive consumption of caffeine-containing drinks has an inhibitory effect on the production of dopamine.

    Drug treatment

    If hormone production is reduced, treatment with the following drugs is prescribed:

    1. 1. Phenylalanine is an amino acid that provides the synthesis of tyrosine into dopamine. Tyrosine stimulates the production of the hormone when its secretion is impaired; it is often included in vitamin complexes.
    2. 2. Ginkgo Biloba – herbal preparation, improving blood circulation. With its help, the oxygen concentration increases and the transmission of impulses by neurons is stimulated.
    3. 3. Herbal infusions and decoctions containing nettle, ginseng, dandelion.

    When deep depression caused by dopamine deficiency, courses of antidepressants are prescribed in addition to stimulating hormone production.


    Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain. Its function is to transmit impulses between nerve cells. Its transformation into a hormone occurs only after it enters the blood.

    A sufficient level of serotonin provides a person with a high social rank associated with self-perception. A decrease in serotonin in the brain manifests itself:

    • bad mood;
    • increased anxiety;
    • loss of strength;
    • absent-mindedness;
    • decreased analytical abilities and libido;
    • depression;
    • obsessive or frightening thoughts.

    Ways to increase hormone levels

    The relationship between serotonin levels and mood is two-way. Knowing and applying this rule helps to significantly improve the quality of life:

    • Expose yourself to the bright rays of the sun more often. On cloudy days, use bright artificial lighting.
    • Watch your posture. Slouching leads to constant feeling shame or guilt, which lowers serotonin levels. A straight back provides a fairly high level of self-esteem and mood.
    • manifest physical activity. Exercising for 20 minutes every day will help improve your mood, and the choice of a specific sport does not make much difference. You can also use walking, 3 km a day - a sufficient load to maintain tone.
    • Set up healthy sleep. Eight hours of sleep in a ventilated room will ensure the production of serotonin throughout the day.
    • Use activities that bring pleasant sensations: communication with nice people, creative activities, listening to your favorite music.
    • Eat foods rich in substances actively involved in the synthesis of serotonin.

    Among them are the following:

    1.Contains tryptophan:

    • lean meat;
    • chicken eggs;
    • lentils;
    • oyster mushrooms;
    • beans;
    • cottage cheese;
    • millet;
    • buckwheat;
    • chocolate.

    2.Sources of B vitamins:

    • liver;
    • oatmeal;
    • lettuce leaves;
    • beans.

    3.Magnesium-rich foods:

    • prunes;
    • dried apricots;
    • bran;
    • sea ​​kale.

    4. Fruits and vegetables:

    • bananas;
    • melon;
    • dates;
    • pumpkin;
    • oranges.


    These are substances that are not hormones, unlike dopamine and serotonin, which are produced by the pituitary gland. Their function is to regulate the functioning of the glands of the endocrine system.

    Endorphins are similar in their effect to opiates; large amounts of them can cause a state of bliss and euphoria in a person. Endorphin is released by the body in response to external influences to alleviate their consequences and speed up recovery.

    The provocateurs are:

    • pain;
    • stress, shock;
    • mental stress.

    With the help of the production of these substances, the body regulates a person’s psycho-emotional states, determining his behavior and emotions in response to a stimulus: crying, anger, joy.

    If the level of endorphins is reduced, this is expressed not only by a depressed mood, but also by inappropriate reactions in ordinary situations, such as:

    • frequent depression;
    • inadequate response to criticism;
    • conflict;
    • weakened ability to remember;
    • problems concentrating.

    A decrease in the production of endorphins can occur with excessive consumption of foods that contain alcohol and sugar. The result is addiction with a loss of joy.

    Increased synthesis of substances

    The synthesis of endorphins occurs with the participation of a large number of chemicals. You can stimulate their production by eating the following foods:

    1. Fruits:

    • oranges;
    • bananas;
    • mango;
    • strawberry;
    • Red Ribes.

    2. Spices:

    • cinnamon;
    • red pepper.

    3. Seafood:

    • mussels;
    • shrimps.

    4. Drinks:

    • natural coffe;
    • Black tea;
    • bitter chocolate.

    Any exciting activity that brings a feeling of joy helps the body produce endorphins:

    • listening to your favorite music;
    • physical activity;
    • positive memories;
    • contact with loved ones;
    • sex with a loved one;
    • communication with friends;
    • a fascinating book or video;
    • self-hypnosis;
    • aromatherapy;
    • sunbathing.

    The optimal effect is achieved by the combination various types influences selected based on individual preferences.