Abdominal pain worsens with movement. What is abdominal pain like? Organic causes of pain and cramping in women. Causes of unpleasant symptoms

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Questions and answers on: abdominal pain when moving

2011-01-10 12:36:56

Elena asks:

Good afternoon, from time to time I experience a “dull” pain in the right hypochondrium. Heaviness in the abdomen. When moving, there is a feeling that the upper abdomen is heavy. How to deal with this?


Hello, Elena! You need to consult a doctor in person general practicefamily medicine, therapist or gastroenterologist. Your complaints indicate possible defeat liver. Pain in the liver occurs when the liver capsule is stretched. Among the possible diseases, the most likely are hepatitis (in particular, infectious and drug-induced hepatitis are distinguished). But it must be remembered that pain in the right hypochondrium can also be caused by diseases of other organs, in particular the gallbladder, pancreas, and intestines. A set of necessary examination methods in in this case necessarily includes blood, urine, stool tests, ultrasonography abdominal organs. If your complaints are based on liver disease, you are advised to take hepatoprotectors.
All the best!

2015-09-17 15:48:20

Irina asks:

Hello, help me figure it out, it’s been 4 months now, the doctors shrug their shoulders and can’t give me a diagnosis. I don't know where to turn anymore. I have 3 symptoms: when I press on the place where the appendicitis is located, it hurts a little (slight pulling pain, but only when pressing), for 4 months the sides of my back hurt (pulling pain, only when moving, or when I strain, specifically the sides, i.e. not tailbone, I can freely lift my legs and bend over). And the 3rd symptom is pain in the back area up to the shoulder blades, also a nagging pain, which manifests itself after physical activity, when turning the body (the pain is similar to muscle pain). There are no other symptoms, no fever, no connection with food intake, normal stool. Not one symptom of any disease is suitable. MRI, ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries, ultrasound internal organs, ultrasound of the kidneys 2 times, blood, macha, smears for venous disease, eye markers, 3 neurologists, 1 surgeon, 8 gynecologists, a gastroenterologist, everything shows that everything is normal. Several chiropractors and MRIs have denied a connection with the spine. Pain relief does not help, nothing hurts if you just lie down. I heard that the intestines can radiate to the lower back and back, and I’m already preparing myself to do the terrible procedure of colonoscopy, but is it necessary to do it if there are no other symptoms associated with the intestines, can the intestines manifest itself without diarrhea, heartburn, or abdominal pain? , bloating, etc? Please advise me, I'm just desperate. But this is probably more a question for the proctologist, but here’s a question for the gynecologist: one of the gynecologists suggested that due to the fact that only the right ovary ovulates all the time (ultrasound confirms), the follicle bursts (or the egg, I don’t know, I don’t understand), this water gets into the abdominal space and does not have time to dissolve, it irritates the peritoneum, lower back, nerve endings of the spine, hence the pain. Could this be possible? It’s just that 4 months is a long time for pain, but how to treat it, she says you need to pay 3000 and she will prescribe some vitamins and immunostimulants, in general, I don’t know what to do, tell me?

Among the expected diagnoses:
Fluid after ovulation irritates the peritoneum (but gynecologists say that this is in the realm of science fiction, so that it irritates right up to the shoulder blades)

There is a slight prolapse of the kidney, again the doctors said that this cannot cause such pain (if you think logically, then when I lie the kidney in place in its place, but when the muscles are tense, it still hurts, and it hurts a little when I put pressure on the appendicitis)

Chronic appendicitis, doctors say it does not exist. Or would it be accompanied by other symptoms?

Back problems, neurogia, chondrosis, etc. Only my sides hurt, my movements are not limited. The pain does not radiate anywhere, the pain is not sharp, not burning, but simply nagging. There is no pain when inhaling. It doesn't hurt at night. Many doctors felt my back, nerves, vertebrae, they ruled out everything. When I lie in a relaxed state, if I feel my back, I don’t feel any pain, everything is as usual. They tried to treat at random, prescribed medocalm, diclofenac, various ointments, to no avail.

Intestines. (My version, but we don’t do colonoscopy with anesthesia, and without it I’m very afraid, it’s better to die than to have it done, I don’t know if it’s necessary.... the gastroenterologist said if there is no connection with food and normal stool then there is no point). I never had problems with my stomach or intestines. My stomach never hurts, my stomach is fine, it makes no difference if I eat chips, Rollton fast food with Coco-Cola, or drink chicken broth. The chair is normal. No nausea. There was never any heartburn. No temperature. Well, it seems to me that my intestines would hurt no matter whether I was lying down or walking.

In general, I am in complete despair, I spent all the money on examinations, and on doctors, against the backdrop of the unknown, I stress myself out, cry every day, and I am a young girl, it’s very disappointing, the pain is not severe, but when it happens every day, it turns life into hell. I’m married, my husband and I want a baby, but due to illness there’s no time for that, I had to quit my job, my only hope is in you, help me find the reason. Please advise what other maintenance should be done, what options to consider?

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello Irina! The passage of ovulation cannot give such painful sensations; this assumption is truly from the category of fantasy. To make a gynecological diagnosis, you need to see a recent ultrasound report and test results for sex hormones. You’ve only had these symptoms for 4 months, and before that everything was fine? Do you associate these pains with some event? Theoretically, pain under the shoulder blade could be associated with a stomach problem. A painful sensations in the area of ​​appendicitis, the intestines may develop and in this case there is no escape from undergoing a colonoscopy. You can have normal stool and at the same time problems with the intestines, so stool is not an indicator.

2015-02-20 15:27:59

Lyudmila asks:

Please tell me the diagnosis;
CKD stage 1. ICD, stone right kidney in the lower cups, pyelonephritis, recurrent course, exacerbation. Chronic recurrent cholecystitis, exacerbation phase. Hepatosis DDPP, vertebrogenic lumbodynia. Obesity of the 3rd degree (41.4 kg/m2), of alimentary-constitutional origin.

Complaints upon admission;
for pain in the lumbar region, radiating along the anterior surface of the abdomen, frequent urination, pain in the right hypochondrium, worsening after eating, bloating, pain in the buttocks, worsening with movement.

Data from clinical and laboratory studies;
Biochemical research, from 27.01.15; Total bilirubin 11.0 µmol/l, thymol test 2.3 units, Sh; AlAT 15 U/l (N3-42); Creatinine 76 µmol/l; Uric acid 154.5 µmol/l.
Biochemical research from 02.02.15; Uric acid 367 µmol/l
Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko from 28.01.15; red blood cells for the entire chamber in ml,
Feces on I/g from 27.01.15; not detected

Fluorography; the left ventricle is dilated.
X-ray of PKOP; X-ray signs of osteochondrosis, spondylosis L2-L5, osteoarthritis of the sacral joint, grade 1.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity; diffuse changes in the liver such as hepatosis against the background of hepatosplenomegaly. Chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis. Micronephrolithiasis of both kidneys.

Ultrasound of the pelvis; echo signs of endocirvicitis cyst

Ultrasound of the bladder; thickening of the bladder walls.

Both kidneys are located topographically correctly.
The perinephric tissue was not changed.
Their contours are smooth and clear. The capsule is not changed
Right kidney 125x52 mm; left kidney 128x56 mm.
Their shape is bean-shaped.
the thickness of the parenchyma in the middle segment is 16 and 17 mm, respectively, the ratio to the CLS is normal.

The structure of the parenchyma of both kidneys is homogeneous, with normal echogenicity.
No volumetric formations were identified.
Drawing of the ChLS;
In the lower cups of the right kidney there are stones of 10 mm and 4 mm, on both sides in the joints. Microliths of 2-3-3.5 mm. The lower cups on the right are widened to 13 mm.
The renal pelvis is not dilated.
Conclusion; echo signs of ICD.

no-spa, Vitaxon, Dexalgin, meloxicam, Mydocalm, Cifron, Cyston, Hepabene.


Answers Mazaeva Yulia Alexandrovna:

Lyudmila, good afternoon! You need to undergo excretory urography or computed tomography kidneys and ureters to exclude (confirm) a stone in the right ureter.

2014-10-13 15:31:33

Evgeniya asks:

Pregnancy 39 weeks. Since 28 weeks I have been tormented by constant pain in the lower abdomen when walking. For the last month it has been impossible to walk at all. Terrible pain in the pubis. It hurts to lift my legs. Turning over from side to side is very difficult and painful. Lately I have been waking up at night with terrible headaches. and for the last 3 days I have been constantly feeling nauseous both day and night. With little movement around the room I feel bad. It feels like I will lose consciousness. And the child has become very active. The movements are very long and very painful. In response to all my complaints, my doctor constantly says that everything is normal .but this is my 3rd pregnancy. I understand that something is wrong. By the way, my age is 32 g. Height is 160 cm. My weight was 45 at this moment 59.500.

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Evgenia, if you are 39 weeks pregnant and are experiencing pain, then call " ambulance" and go to the hospital. If you are being observed in the antenatal clinic, then contact the head of the antenatal clinic to decide on hospitalization. If you have headaches, measure your blood pressure, it may be elevated. If there are violent painful movements, call "ambulance" and go to the hospital. Such issues are resolved only during an examination by a doctor!!!

2014-08-26 07:22:17

Mikhail asks:

Hello! I am 33 years old. About 10 days ago in the evening, a short stabbing pain appeared in the area of ​​the right sternum in the area of ​​the right nipple and slightly higher in the area of ​​the mediastinum. The next morning the pain was gone. After two days, a feeling of lack of air appeared that continues to this day. Feeling of nasal congestion. Inhale full breasts does not work. There is no pain when inhaling or exhaling. I yawn from time to time to take a full breath. The feeling of lack of air is not constant. Appears throughout the day, from noon to evening. It gets better in the evening, but you still feel discomfort when you take a full breath. Frequency breathing movements within 15-18 per minute. I sleep normally without any signs of lack of air. I sleep on my back, stomach and on either side without any pain or discomfort.
From time to time, not always, but in a certain area during the day, a sort of “subcutaneous” burning sensation is felt in the area of ​​the right nipple and under it, and a little higher in the area of ​​the mediastinum. The burning sensation sometimes “walks” to the area of ​​the right armpit and right hypochondrium. Also periodic aching muscle pain when moving in the area of ​​the right under the shoulder blades and the spine in the middle at the same level, pain also in the shoulder area. A slight feeling of numbness and weakness in the right hand. At times, stabbing pain in the heart area from the left side under the shoulder blades. No temperature (36.6 sometimes 36.3). No cough. Bad habits include smoking. I do not drink.

In the past, at the age of 18, erosion of the duodenal bulb was diagnosed. Completed treatment.
At the age of 20, I had long-term (more than 2 months) pain in the chest and back when inhaling and exhaling. I had a consultation with a pulmonologist, an X-ray was taken, there were no pathologies. They referred me to a neurologist. Cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis was diagnosed. I don't remember exactly medical definition, but something like erasing intervertebral discs. Treatment with vitamins and gymnastics was prescribed.
A month ago there was a sudden unbearable pain in the lower back.
I did an ultrasound and my kidneys were normal. X-rays showed the same narrowing of the interdisc space of the vertebrae. Diagnosis: lumbar osteochondrosis.

I would like to note that the pain and shortness of breath at the moment arose some time after the stress. Also considering extreme heat in our region I actually slept under air conditioning for a couple of months.
Now, the actual question for respected consultants is the following. My character is essentially very suspicious. Periodically (not always) there are influxes of panic and anxiety. The feeling of having an incurable disease. I constantly draw parallels between my symptoms and various serious illnesses. In person medical consultation I probably wouldn’t have dared to talk about it, so I wrote here in the hope of getting at least some advice in my case. Please tell me which doctor to contact at the moment with shortness of breath and pain and burning in the chest and back as described above. Is there any reason to consult a pulmonologist or neurologist, cardiologist or some other specialist about this? Thanks in advance.

Answers Vasquez Estuardo Eduardovich:

Hello, Mikhail!
We consider it necessary to consult in terms of prevention only with a therapist. In general, everything speaks mainly about thoracic osteochondrosis with neuralgia, so leave fears about something terrible behind.

2014-06-08 03:31:57

Natalya asks:

Hello. In February I fell ill with bronchitis and coughed very badly, especially at night. At night, the cough was almost to the point of vomiting. Shortness of breath began. I went to the doctor, was admitted to the hospital, was treated first for pneumonia (then, after an X-ray), it turned out that there was no pneumonia. As a result, they diagnosed asthma. Now I use an inhaler, Seretide multidisc, I’m waiting relief, but so far, no miracle has happened. At the same time, with a strong cough at night, my right side began to hurt, somewhere under my rib. I complained to the doctor, but he says that everything will go away on its own, like, I coughed myself up... But a month has passed since the beginning of this acute pain, but there is no improvement. I don’t cough so much anymore, but when I move it hurts a lot, as if someone is poking around inside.... Sneezing or coughing is a sharp pain, in a calm position it’s a quiet, aching pain... . Always. Tell me what this could be and where should I go with this pain, to which doctor. Could this be some kind of hernia inside? I remember how this pain began, precisely from severe cough, and spread from under the right side throughout the abdomen with a burning sensation.... That’s how it was at the beginning. Now it’s just a sharp, stabbing pain when moving and coughing.

Answers Maetny Evgeniy Nikolaevich:

Hello. Contact a thoracic surgeon at your place of residence or come to the Institute. You will be able to clarify the presence or stage of asthma, as well as examine the chest organs. Having assessed the results, it will be possible to make a decision on adequate treatment.

2014-05-30 11:23:01

Julia asks:

Good day to you, I have been suffering from abdominal pain for three weeks now. The first week the pain went on and on, sometimes it hurt on one side, sometimes on the other, then the pain stopped in the “pit” area, there was nausea and aversion to food. I did an esophagogastroduodenoscopy, here is the result: The esophagus is vilnoprohidny, the mucous membrane of the esophagus is without features, the hathius is completely closed, the contents of the stomach are a significant amount of turbid bile, the gastric mucosa is hytrenovated (I can’t lament this word), the folds of the mucosa are thickened, the peristalsis is active, pylorus - normal, closed - completely, duodenal bulb - normal shape, mucous membrane - without features, postbulbar section - without features. Conclusion - signs of reflux gastritis. Blood and urine tests are normal. I did an ultrasound of all the organs and they were normal; the gastric mucosa was hyperechoic (and there was another word I couldn’t read). The gastroenterologist prescribed B-clatinol, phosphalumgel, lactovit. The doctor who did the endoscopy said not to drink anything, except ranitidine. The pain in the “pit” intensifies when I move, when I press in that place, and also radiates all the way to the back. The pain is sometimes similar to “hungry”, I hear how often my stomach grumbles, now I feel a little nauseous, a feeling of a full stomach. When I go to bed at night the pain stops; in general, lying down is much easier. Testing for Helicobacter pylori will be next week. Please tell me what to do in my situation, which medications to take and which not? Thank you in advance!

Answers Shidlovsky Igor Valerievich:

It is not possible to prescribe treatment in absentia. Don't go to the gastroenterologist anymore. Wait for the result on chel.pylori. Determine the acidity of the stomach, do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, take a general stool test, general blood and urine tests, blood for sugar, liver tests, blood and urine amylase, blood for hepatitis B and C. You can contact with me any time. Although for initial treatment you can limit yourself to the result of chel.pylori.

2014-05-03 22:20:26

Anastasia asks:

Hello! 3 weeks after giving birth, I was given an IUD with a copper rod. The spiral costs about a month. The doctor trimmed the mustache and told me not to get in the way. And when I asked how often I should come to an appointment to check the IUD, she said that, as usual, once a year. I tried to reach the antennae, I could barely feel one, but I couldn’t find the second. During sex, there are abdominal pains during sudden movements, with deep penetration and depending on the angle of entry. Please tell me if there are reasons for concern and whether the spiral could have shifted? Thank you!

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Dear Anastasia, it is recommended to come for an examination to a gynecologist 7-10 days after the insertion of the IUD, so that the doctor can make sure that there is no inflammation, bleeding, whether the control threads are in place and, if everything is in order, further examinations can be carried out according to the established schedule specialist. If you have negative feelings, you should at least go to an appointment with a gynecologist. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the answers to the most common questions on the topic “Intrauterine Device (IUD)” by following the link.

2013-07-12 14:25:18

Arseny asks:

Dear doctors!
I kindly ask you to help with advice..
I am 35 years old, height 186, weight 89, no bad habits. I work as a security guard at a school, and also as a housekeeping manager there (moving furniture, delivering trays and bins of food to the canteen, etc., etc., there is quite intense physical activity). Over the previous years, there was enough stress on the lower back, there were a lot of physical exercises. stress at work and at home.
The back had made itself felt a little before, but it wasn’t like it is now.
A month ago I had to sit at work at the computer for about 10 hours with short breaks, filling out final reporting sheets; at the end of the day my back ached a little; walked home; at home lay down on the bed; After about 20 minutes I got up and wanted to go to the kitchen - but I couldn’t stand on my left leg - it gave me a very sharp pain, from my foot all over my leg. For 7 days I could not step on my left leg normally - it was painful. Then it gradually dulled, but is still felt to this day; besides, when you walk quickly on a hard surface - asphalt, concrete - you begin to feel pain not only in the left, but also in the right leg, or in the buttocks, or in the groin area, or in the stomach - it happens in different ways; often when walking, there is a sharp sensation of a “cord” running from the lower back on the left to the foot of the left leg; also - a feeling of the left foot being pulled by a cord (from above); in relative rest, the muscles of both legs twitch slightly in different areas, legs “hum intermittently”, feeling of heaviness, burning in the lower back. When you go up or down the stairs, there is practically no pain. Due to the fact that I cannot walk normally on smooth asphalt in hard shoes, for example, shoes, I began to wear sneakers with softened soles, but this does not help much either. It also happens, when walking on level ground, that your legs seem to become weak, “barely dragging,” which makes you feel completely uneasy.
No other movement, except walking on level ground, causes any particular pain or other abnormal sensations (bending, lifting legs, turning, etc.).
I sleep on a rather hard cotton mattress on the floor.
Due to the fact that I was completely tormented with my back, I had a lumbar cross MRI done. department:
"Images of the lumbar spine from the level of T10 to S5 of the sacrum were obtained. The heights and structure of the vertebral bodies were preserved. Deformation of the limbs. Initial calcifications of the anterior longitudinal ligament. Small central Schmorl's nodes in the endplates of the vertebral bodies. Lumbar lordosis smoothed out L5 vertebra is transitional.
DISC L4-L5: moderate decrease in disc height and MR signal intensity. Def. posterior median disc protursion, up to 5.3 mm from the limbus. The anterior wall of the dural sac is symmetrically deformed. The L4 intervertebral foramina are free.
DISC L3-L4: moderate decrease in disc height and MR signal intensity. Def. posterior semicircular disc protursion, up to 4.3 mm from the limbus. The anterior wall of the dural sac is symmetrically deformed. The L3 intervertebral foramina are slightly narrowed.
DISC L2-L3: moderate decrease in disc height and MR signal intensity. Def. posterior elastic protursion of the disc, up to 3.5 mm from the limbus. The anterior wall of the dural sac is symmetrically deformed. The L2 intervertebral foramina are free.
DISC L1-L2: moderate decrease in disc height and MR signal intensity. Def. posterior elastic protursion of the disc, up to 3.0 mm from the limbus. The anterior wall of the dural sac is symmetrically deformed. The L1 intervertebral foramina are free.
In the overlying discs there are phenomena of intradiscal dystrophy, the heights are preserved. Lumbar conus spinal cord and roots of the cauda equina of normal structure. Sagittal diameter spinal canal at the level of L4-5-S1 - up to 20-19 mm.
Conclusion: Transitional L5 vertebra. MRI signs of widespread intervertebral osteochondrosis I-II degrees. MRI signs of widespread deforming spondylosis of I-II degree. Proturtia of discs L1-2, L2-3, L3-4, L4-5."

Is it necessary to undergo surgery due to such a conclusion?
What should I do about my back? Who can I tell - I can’t walk normally on level ground... but I have to feed my family... Please give me some advice.
Thank you very much in advance!...

Abdominal pain is a fairly common situation. Such abdominal pain when moving can be a sign of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as damage to nearby organs. With serious illnesses, discomfort can increase significantly with movement.

In this situation it becomes especially important correct diagnosis, since pain is just a symptom that tells us about the presence of some disease, which may require urgent, immediate treatment. First of all, you need to figure out what causes your stomach pain.

Of course, the first thing that can cause our stomach to become restless is the stomach, as well as the intestines, and all those organs that are located in the abdominal cavity: liver, pancreas, etc.

But that's not all. Pain can be caused by:

various food intoxications;

diseases, as well as inflammatory processes in the peritoneum;

violation arterial circulation in the abdominal cavity;

abdominal wall damage of various nature and her diseases;

diseases of the nervous system and spine;

kidney diseases and urinary tract;

rheumatism, connective tissue diseases;

serious diseases of the chest organs, especially the lungs - pneumonia, diaphragmatic pleurisy or heart and blood vessels;

diseases of the circulatory system - thrombophlebitis, hemorrhagic vasculitis;

colic in the abdomen, can cause the presence of such unpleasant and complex diseases in their pathological conditions. Hyperlipoproteinemia, thyrotoxicosis, diseases of the nervous system, diabetes mellitus, and other diseases.

In order to understand why abdominal pain occurs when moving, it is necessary first of all to understand what can cause pain in this case and determine its location.

Kidneys as a source of pain during movement

Often the stomach hurts when urolithiasis kidney or nephrolithiasis. This is a disease in which stones (calculi) are deposited in the kidneys. The main function of the kidneys is to filter electrolytes and remove them from the body through the urinary system.

Consumption of certain foods with a high salt content, for example, constant consumption of mineral water and a variety of sodas, can lead to abdominal pain. Because crystals begin to form on the walls of the calyces and pelvis of the kidneys, which gradually form calculi (stones).

The causes of abdominal pain and the formation of stones include metabolic disorders in the body, especially the metabolism of phosphorus-calcium, uric and oxalic acids, also urinary tract infections can contribute to the formation of stones, and disturbances in the passage of urine through the system.

Kidney stones can form if your diet is high in legumes and meat, which are sources of purine bases. Hypervitaminosis of vitamin D and pathology of the endocrine system can also lead to the formation of sand and kidney stones.

The stones range in size from tiny to quite large, such as the size of a golf ball. Abdominal pain due to kidney stones does not appear if they are small size(2-3 mm), as they are painlessly excreted in the urine. They also cannot cause ureteral obstruction, which is caused by larger lesions. Ureteral obstruction is an enlargement of the overlying parts of the ureter and pyelocaliceal system.

If stones big size, then symptoms such as spastic pain in the lumbar region, vomiting, nausea, and hematuria may be observed. Hematuria is the appearance of blood in the urine; sometimes it can be invisible to the eye and can only be detected by microscopic examination of the urine.

The stomach especially hurts when moving during long walks, trips that are accompanied by shaking, physical activity, and at rest there may be no pain. There are also cases of asymptomatic urolithiasis.

Diagnosis of abdominal pain caused by movement

The best way to deal with the problem is experienced doctor which will do the following:

First of all, the doctor will determine where the pain is localized by light palpation.

Determine what may accompany the pain - fever, nausea or diarrhea. Does pain increase when moving, bending, coughing, etc.

It is important to establish how the pain arose, under what circumstances and how it transformed.

The main thing before going to the doctor is not to take painkillers, which can blur or completely erase the symptoms, which will make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.


❶ Why does my stomach hurt?

The appearance of pain in the stomach is due to the fact that with a sharp increase in the amount of hydrochloric acid there is a decrease in the amount of mucus that performs protective function for the digestive organs.

One of the diseases accompanied by pain in the stomach is dyskinesia of the digestive tract. It appears when there is a violation of the motility and peristalsis of the digestive organs (esophagus, intestines, bile ducts, stomach). As a rule, this is a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, and constant stressful situations.

Another cause of pain in the stomach is considered food poisoning, which occurs when consuming low-quality or expired products. In case of insufficient heat treatment products can form harmful toxins that irritate the walls of the stomach and other digestive organs. As a rule, poisoning is accompanied by fever, vomiting and diarrhea, and abdominal cramps.

With a peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, the pain is quite severe, so it is necessary to seek medical help in time. IN otherwise Bleeding may occur, which very often leads to death.

Also, pain in the stomach can be caused by overeating, since when a large amount of food is absorbed, the walls of the stomach are stretched. As a result, unpleasant sensations begin, which are relieved by light massage movements in a clockwise direction. It is also advisable to do a fasting day so that the functioning of the digestive tract returns to normal.


Stomach pain - causes

If your stomach hurts, then you can look for reasons for a very long time - especially if the issue concerns systematic pain, and chronic diseases associated with gastrointestinal tract was not previously identified.

First of all, in order to find out the reasons, you need to go through minimal examination:

  1. First, pass clinical analysis blood, which will show whether an inflammatory process is present.
  2. Secondly, you need to monitor your body temperature - low-grade fever is not always felt by a person if there are no symptoms of ARVI, and therefore it is necessary to measure the temperature three times a day.
  3. Thirdly, do an ultrasound of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, which will help to understand what the external condition of the stomach is and whether pain can occur due to pathologies in other organs.
  4. Further measures are of a specialized nature - for example, probing the stomach, which will help to find out about the condition of the mucous membrane, the presence of ulcers or tumors, as well as contrast x-rays.

Only systems approach will certainly help determine the cause, but before these measures are taken, it would be a good idea to ask what could be causing your stomach pain.

Causes constant pain in the stomach

Before you begin to roughly determine the diagnosis, determine when and after what the systemic pain began. Was it after stress or after taking certain food– this is important for making a diagnosis. Another important point is to determine the true area of ​​pain. The fact is that nerve endings tend to “transmit” pain to other areas, and hence there are often incorrect definitions of pain in the heart, when the “culprit” turns out to be the back muscle, which sends pain to the heart area, or intestinal colic, which can create the illusion of pain in the heart. stomach. Therefore, first of all, you need to make sure that it is the stomach that hurts: carefully feel it in a lying, standing and sitting position.

Dull pain in the stomach - causes

The causes of severe pain in the stomach, dull or sharp, as well as aching and bursting in nature, can occur against the background of gastritis. In this case, they may be accompanied by vomiting. The patient refuses food due to sensitivity of the stomach and esophagus. The same condition can be observed in combination with colic. And therefore the patient refuses any rough and heavy food.

Dull pain is typical for chronic gastritis, while the cutting nature of the pain indicates an acute phase. In this case, pain may occur even when moving.

Acute stomach pain - causes

The causes of severe pain in the stomach, accompanied by chills and weakness, may indicate intestinal colic. In this case, a person experiences stool disturbances - either diarrhea or constipation, and flatulence may occur. The patient feels hungry, but is in no hurry to eat, and there is no aversion to food. Intestinal disease is often associated with disruption of the stomach, and therefore these two organs rarely “sick alone.” Gastritis leads to intestinal colic.

Sharp and sudden pain can also occur with peritonitis. Analgesics do not help with the pain, and there is an increase in temperature. The pain spreads to the entire abdomen. In this case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Aching pain in the stomach - causes

Aching pain is characteristic of gastritis. If it is combined with cramping pain, then this may indicate a duodenal ulcer.

Aching pain is typical when the acute phase of gastritis occurs.

Stitching pain in the stomach - causes

Stitching pain in the stomach can occur with duodenitis and peptic ulcers. The patient experiences paroxysmal, severe pain and requires medical care. Very severe pain in such cases can lead to painful shock.

Colic can also cause stomach pain, as it is often combined with gastritis.

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Abdominal pain characteristic of an emergency or acute abdomen

Gastrointestinal tract 05/13/2012

“Acute abdomen” is a threatening condition in which significant damage to the abdominal organs occurs and requires immediate surgical attention. This condition can occur in many diseases, but the signs characteristic of an “acute abdomen” will be common. This following symptoms: Unbearable sudden pain in the abdomen, causing moaning Increased pain with the slightest movement and coughing Unable to find a position to relieve suffering Signs of intestinal obstruction: no stool, bloating Protective tension in the abdominal muscles

Severe general condition with tachycardia, cold sweat, weakness, pallor, drop in blood pressure.

“Acute abdomen” can occur as a one-time symptom that first appears without a previous disease. This is, for example, a rupture of the spleen due to an abdominal injury or acute appendicitis, which will immediately require surgical care. But very often " acute stomach“Arises as a complication of an existing disease. For example, perforation of long-existing stomach ulcers or rupture of an ovarian cyst, renal colic due to urolithiasis, which is not eliminated by taking antispasmodics. Therefore timely adequate treatment chronic diseases is the prevention of their exacerbation and severe consequences.

Diseases that can give the picture of an “acute abdomen” Acute intestinal obstruction Acute appendicitis Acute pancreatitis Hepatic and renal colic Perforated gastric or duodenal ulcer


Aneurysm rupture abdominal aorta Thrombosis, embolism and spasm of the mesenteric (mesenteric) vessels Torsion of the ovarian cyst, ovarian rupture Interrupted ectopic pregnancy with rupture fallopian tube Tumors Infarction or rupture of the spleen Rupture of the liver

Strangulated hernia, etc.

In any of these conditions, you cannot hesitate for a minute to call an ambulance.

We present short description the main symptoms of these diseases.

Acute intestinal obstruction Causes leading to intestinal obstruction: intestinal spasm or paresis (disappearance of peristalsis), tumor, strangulated hernia, adhesions, fecal stones, thrombosis and embolism of mesenteric vessels, foreign bodies, peritonitis, helminthic and hair balls, overeating after hunger. Moreover, adhesive disease accounts for up to 70% of all cases of obstruction. Cramping unbearable pain throughout the abdomen occurs suddenly, and its intensity increases, the patient groans in pain. It is during this first period that it is urgent to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, you can give the sick person an antispasmodic (no-shpu, baralgin, papaverine); laxatives are strictly contraindicated. Then (without providing medical assistance) against the background of some reduction in pain, repeated vomiting occurs, first with the remains of food with bile, which subsequently acquires a fecal character, severe dry mouth, and thirst. There is no stool and no gases, the abdomen is swollen and asymmetrical, intestinal peristalsis can sometimes be seen by eye. With some types of obstruction, mucus and blood may be released from the rectum. The patient is very restless, tossing about in bed.

Characterized by pale skin, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, shock.

Before the development of peritonitis, the abdomen is soft, painful in the area of ​​the obstruction feces.

Acute appendicitis This disease is more common than all other acute abdominal conditions, but its danger cannot be underestimated. Characterized by a sudden onset with pain in the epigastric or near umbilical region. Gradually the pain intensifies and moves to the right lower abdomen. It often radiates into the rectum when lying on the left side and gets worse while walking (especially when the right leg is behind).

There is an increase in temperature to 37.2-38 ° C, nausea or vomiting, tachycardia, dry mouth.

When palpating the right lower abdomen, the pain intensifies, especially strongly during the removal of the arms (positive Shchetkin-Blumberg sign), the muscles in this area are tense.

In old age, signs of appendicitis can be smoothed out, because... With age, the sensitivity of nerve endings decreases, and the process proceeds sluggishly.

Acute pancreatitis In acute pancreatitis, massive destruction of pancreatic tissue occurs. This is extremely dangerous disease, which requires immediate medical attention. If this help is not provided to the sick person, he may die several hours or days after the onset of the disease. The pain first occurs in the right or left upper abdomen or under the “spoon”, then becomes encircling. May spread throughout the abdomen. The pain is severe, unbearable, as with a myocardial infarction or perforated ulcer. Often the onset of pain is preceded by drinking large amounts of strong alcoholic drinks or fatty foods. Repeated vomiting, which does not bring relief, and bloating are typical.

The general condition is severe, sluggish, the skin is cold and moist, blood pressure is reduced, tachycardia, shock is possible in severe pancreatitis.

The feces become light or gray, and their quantity increases significantly. The tongue is dry and inflamed, and inflammation can cover the entire mouth.

The skin is pale, jaundiced or bluish. Small hemorrhages may appear around the navel and on the buttocks.

Biliary or hepatic colic (Acute cholecystitis) Occurs usually in the evening or at night in patients with cholelithiasis or a tumor, when a stone or tumor blocks the flow of bile from the gallbladder, i.e. strangulation of the stone occurs in the biliary tract. Characterized by sharp, acute, cramping pain in the right hypochondrium or right side, radiating to the back, under the right shoulder blade, shoulder or neck. The temperature can rise to 37.5-38.5°C and be accompanied by chills, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, and tachycardia. Occasionally – jaundice and itchy skin. Patients often groan and rush around trying to find a position that would relieve pain, but they cannot find it. The onset of an attack is preceded by the consumption of fatty or fried food, alcohol, cold drinks, and overeating, physical exercise, bumpy ride, stress. When palpating, tension in the muscles of that part of the abdominal wall where the projection of the gallbladder is located is noted. The Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom is positive (maximum pain when removing the hands from the abdomen).

An attack of biliary colic can be a single attack, when removal of the gallbladder is immediately required, or it can last up to 5–6 hours and go away after the use of antispasmodics.

Kidney stone disease(renal colic) This condition develops when stones (and sometimes a tumor) block the flow of urine from the kidneys. The pain is unilateral in the side or lower back, unbearable, cutting, cramping, radiating to the lower abdomen, thigh and groin area. Often there is bloating, nausea and vomiting, constipation, and urination becomes more frequent. There may be an increase in temperature. The skin is pale, cold, damp.

Behavior during such an attack of colic is restless, it is impossible to find a comfortable position, so the patient rushes about in bed.

Perforation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer Occurs against the background of an existing peptic ulcer or may be its first sign. The duodenum is most often affected (85%). Maximum perforations occur in autumn or spring. Before the ulcer perforates, warning signs often occur - increased pain, chills, low-grade fever, nausea. Sudden severe stabbing pain in the stomach or right hypochondrium, which then spreads to the right lower abdomen, and later throughout the entire abdomen. The pain radiates to the right shoulder, collarbone or right shoulder blade. There may be vomiting with blood. The skin is pale or ashen-gray, moist, cold sweat. The abdomen does not participate in breathing, it is very tense. The patient takes a forced stationary position lying on the right side with legs bent and brought to the stomach.

After the first attack, the dagger pain may subside for 3-6 hours, the condition will improve, but then everything returns again, because... peritonitis occurs; vomiting appears, sometimes with blood, the temperature rises, the pulse quickens, and the blood pressure drops. Waiting for a period of improvement after the first symptoms of perforation is a direct threat to life.

Peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) Peritonitis is usually the result of a complication of other diseases of the abdominal organs (appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm, perforated ulcer stomach, acute pancreatitis). The main signs of peritonitis underlie the concept of “acute abdomen”. Severe unbearable pain in the abdomen, which intensifies with movement, coughing and even breathing with tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. Pain first occurs at the location of the organ where the disaster occurred, and then spreads to the entire abdomen. For different diseases, pain can radiate to different places: - For diseases of the liver and gall bladder - to the right shoulder. -If the spleen is affected - in the left shoulder. -For diseases of the pancreas - in the back. -For diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract - in the lower abdomen. Heat. Severe bloating, signs of intestinal obstruction. Vomiting, blood in stool,

Severe general condition: pallor, cold sweat, tachycardia, maybe shock.

Dissecting aneurysm of the abdominal aorta with its rupture is a tear in the inner layer of the aorta with blood flowing between the layers of the aortic walls and subsequent dissection. Sudden, tearing, stretching or burning pain in the navel area. The pain is very intense from the very beginning and continues continuously, spreading along the course of the dissection, often radiating to the lower back. There is slight tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, but there are no symptoms of peritoneal irritation. Most often develops in the morning. Mostly men over 55 years of age with a hereditary predisposition are affected. Develops against the background of severe atherosclerosis, hypertension, rheumatism or previous syphilis. The risk also increases during pregnancy. If during dissection all 3 layers of the aortic wall break through, then internal bleeding occurs with rapid blood loss, which is later joined by symptoms of peritoneal irritation, i.e. “acute abdomen”: Severe tension in the abdominal wall muscles with the inability to move and touch the abdomen.

Dizziness, pallor, cold sweat, drop in pressure with collapse, tachycardia, loss of consciousness.

There may be vomiting.

Thrombosis, embolism, spasm of mesenteric (mesenteric) vessels Mesenteric vessels supply blood to the intestines. These three conditions have a similar clinical picture, because... spasm, thrombosis, and embolism of mesenteric vessels lead to impaired circulation in the intestinal wall, oxygen starvation and the development of intestinal infarction. With spasm of the mesenteric vessels, the pain is periodic, acute, intermittent, spreads throughout the abdomen and lasts about 3-4 minutes. Reception antispasmodics(papaverine, no-spa, nitroglycerin) relieves pain during spasm of mesenteric vessels. When there is blockage (thrombosis) of the mesenteric vessels by a blood clot or their embolism, signs of peritonitis and intestinal obstruction are observed: Pain during thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels is constant, strong, cutting, begins suddenly and is accompanied by severe bloating belly. The localization of pain depends on the location of the vascular lesion: in the navel, in the right or left iliac region, or spreads throughout the abdomen. The pain intensifies with the slightest movement, so patients lie motionless on their backs with their knees bent. Nausea and uncontrollable vomiting are observed from the very beginning of the disease. Retention of stool and bloating. Sometimes it may be frequent at the beginning loose stool mixed with blood.

The condition is serious, characterized by pallor, cold sweat, dry tongue, tachycardia, and sometimes shock.

Tension of the abdominal wall muscles is noted.

Thrombosis of mesenteric vessels most often occurs in patients atrial fibrillation, atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction.

Rupture of an ovarian cyst. The provoking factor is physical activity, injury, and sexual intercourse.

It manifests itself as sudden pain in the lower abdomen, at first the pain is local on the right or left, then becomes diffuse.

Torsion of ovarian cyst Pain is associated with ovarian ischemia and manifests itself suddenly as acute pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left. There is increased pain upon palpation and there are symptoms of peritoneal irritation.

Often a woman knows that she has a cyst.

Spontaneous (spontaneous) abortion Abdominal pain is acute, severe, cramping, sudden. Occurs in the suprapubic region. Accompanied by uterine bleeding.

Occurs more often after physical effort, heavy lifting, injury, sexual intercourse.

Rupture of the fallopian (uterine) tube during ectopic pregnancy Ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by moderate pain and delayed menstruation, and there may be slight bleeding from the vagina. If a complication occurs in the form of a pipe rupture, the pain suddenly intensifies, becomes diffuse, and the bleeding becomes severe, leading to fainting. The lower abdomen is very painful when palpated, and symptoms of peritoneal irritation appear.

This condition is often associated with physical activity, heavy lifting, and sexual intercourse.

Tumor diseases abdominal organs Pain in malignant tumors is very rarely the first sign of the disease, and its appearance indicates an advanced process. Pain is almost always preceded by a “precancerous disease,” for example, a long-term and improperly treated chronic atrophic gastritis or peptic ulcer, intestinal polyps. Therefore, pain with tumors initially has the character of the disease against which they develop, but later the nature of the pain changes, its dependence on food and other symptoms familiar to the patient.

It is necessary to pay close attention to the appearance of new symptoms or changes in the nature of old and familiar signs. It is at this stage that treatment gives good results. But an “acute abdomen” with tumors is a sign that indicates an advanced process. Don't wait for threatening symptoms.

You always need to take into account heredity through parents, brothers and sisters. Signs of neoplasms at the onset of the disease are nonspecific and may resemble other diseases. These are bloating, nausea, heartburn, discomfort in the stomach, loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, etc. However, regardless of which organ is affected, there are a number of signs that allow one to suspect the presence of a tumor in the abdominal cavity:

Unexplained anemia

Unreasonable weight loss and loss of appetite, Abdominal pain that occurs at night, If the disease began after 50 years; Fever of unknown origin, causeless general weakness, depression, apathy, persistent constipation that does not relieve drug treatment, Appearance of blood and mucus in the stool, Pale sallow skin tone, Sudden onset of jaundice,

The tumor can be palpated.

Splenic infarction The reason for the development of this pathology is thrombosis or embolism of the vessels of the spleen, which occurs with certain heart defects, increased pressure in the vena cava, bacterial endocarditis, rheumatism, ischemic heart disease, leukemia. If the infarction is small-focal, it may be asymptomatic or with minor pain in the left hypochondrium. If the heart attack affects a large area, severe, sudden pain occurs in the left hypochondrium (sometimes spreading to the entire abdomen), which intensifies with breathing, movement and coughing. The pain radiates under the left shoulder blade and into the lower back. With a large heart attack, collapse may develop.

There is an increase in temperature, tachycardia, a drop in pressure, possible vomiting, and intestinal paresis.

Muscle tension in the left hypochondrium is slight, palpation of the abdomen is painful.

Self-healing occurs more often.

Rupture of the spleen Rupture of the spleen can occur in two situations: 1. Spontaneously, if the spleen is pathologically changed as a result of leukemia, mononucleosis, cirrhosis of the liver, etc., it is enlarged and its capsule is thinned. In this case, rupture can occur even for no apparent reason or with the slightest injury to the abdomen. Therefore, with an enlarged spleen, heavy physical activity and contact sports are contraindicated. 2. Rupture of a healthy spleen occurs during severe blows or injuries. The presence of a torso injury or a blow to the left side immediately before the disease is very important in diagnosis. The moment of rupture most often manifests itself as fainting, and lasts for several hours. Later, pain appears in the left hypochondrium, sometimes it covers the entire abdomen, sometimes it radiates to the left shoulder. The pain is acute, but not as severe as with peritonitis. Signs of peritoneal irritation may then appear with slight tension in the abdominal muscles. The Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom is not always positive. When the spleen ruptures, blood large quantities enters the abdominal cavity, causing all the signs internal bleeding: sensation of flashes of light before the eyes, cold, wet and pale skin, dizziness, cold sweat, weakness, rapid thready pulse, decreased blood pressure, lethargy, confusion. Shock does not always develop. Patients take a position on the left side with legs bent to the stomach. On palpation, pain is present, but muscle tension is weak.

A ruptured spleen always requires surgery.

Liver rupture Caused by abdominal trauma. Often occurs simultaneously with splenic rupture. Signs of internal bleeding are mild, because... the liver does not bleed as much as the spleen, but the general condition of a ruptured liver is always more severe, because almost always accompanied by shock. The pain is more pronounced in the right hypochondrium. When the liver ruptures, jaundice sometimes develops, because blood clots can block the bile duct.

The prognosis for liver rupture is always worse than for splenic rupture.

Strangulated hernia A hernia is the protrusion of organs located in the abdominal cavity with the parietal layer of the peritoneum into the spaces between the muscles or under the skin through natural anatomical openings or acquired after injury and surgery. The most common are inguinal, umbilical, and postoperative hernias. The cause of hernias is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which increases during heavy physical exertion, constipation, difficult childbirth, and prolonged severe coughing.

A hernia can develop even after a single increase in intra-abdominal pressure, for example when lifting heavy objects.

A person can have a hernia for quite a long time and not bother them. But sometimes the hernial contents come out through the hernial opening and are not reduced. As a result, infringement occurs. Intestinal strangulation is especially dangerous because plus intestinal obstruction with severe intoxication is added to the disturbance of blood circulation in it. If a hernia is strangulated, regardless of its location, the symptoms will be the same: Acute pain during physical exertion and not decreasing after its cessation.

Severe pallor of the skin, tachycardia, drop in blood pressure, anxiety.

If you cough with your hand on the hernia, you can feel that the cough impulse is not transmitted to it. There may be vomiting, sometimes with a fecal odor, and bloating. When the intestines are strangulated, signs of intestinal obstruction develop. In case of prolonged strangulation, suppuration of the hernia occurs with high fever, intoxication, pronounced edema and redness in the area of ​​the hernial protrusion.

Subsequently, peritonitis may develop.

A dense round formation is determined at the location of the hernia.

Do not try to repair the hernia yourself! You may do it incorrectly and cause further complications. Call an ambulance immediately, and before it arrives, you need to lie on your back, place a container of ice on the area of ​​the hernial protrusion and drink an antispasmodic (baralgin or no-shpu).

The situation when the stomach begins to hurt is quite common. If your stomach hurts when moving, you should think about possible reasons. The most common are diseases of the digestive tract, as well as organs located in the abdominal cavity. If the disease is serious, abdominal pain intensifies when moving.

Causes of unpleasant symptoms

The main and main cause of abdominal pain is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, i.e. intestines, liver, stomach, pancreas and others. But not all the reasons why this symptom occurs.

The following pathologies and conditions of the body can provoke painful sensations:

  • food poisoning;
  • gestation period;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • abdominal wall injuries of any nature;
  • pathologies of the nervous system and diseases of the spine;
  • diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • diseases respiratory system.

If the lower abdomen hurts or the pain radiates to the sides during pregnancy when walking, then this condition can be considered physiological. This is due to the fact that the uterus begins to actively grow and, as a result, stretches the muscles in the abdominal cavity.

Most often, the pain is not acute, but, on the contrary, unnoticeable and does not bring any discomfort. There are times when pain occurs when sudden movements(coughing, running, etc.), this happens due to strong tension in the ligaments and muscles, which are already stretched by the large size of the uterus with the child.

There is no need for special therapy, since over time the pain will go away on its own. When eating food, abdominal pain is almost always noted when moving. Most often, intoxication causes stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea.

These unpleasant symptoms arise due to the action of toxins and bacteria that live in the digestive tract and neutralize the poison. Toxic substances are especially aggressive after taking alcohol, medications, or mushrooms. With stomach disease, there is pain above the navel to the left of it.

If the intestines have been affected, then unpleasant symptoms will be observed from the upper to the lower abdomen


It often happens that poisoning with any substance provokes the development of acute and chronic diseases. For example, before intoxication a person had gastritis, which he did not know about, but after poisoning the disease began to progress and a certain clinical picture appeared.

Treatment of poisoning involves taking sorbents, drinking plenty of water, and restoring the intestinal microflora. If your stomach hurts after past illness you need to contact a gastroenterologist.


Abdominal injuries are not that rare. The result may be soft tissue bruising or rupture of muscles and blood vessels. The main thing is to urgently determine the integrity of the internal organs, which sometimes causes difficulties. When injured, the stomach hurts severely when moving, a hematoma appears, and gas retention occurs.

The causes may be: subcutaneous injuries, gunshot and non-gunshot wounds, burns of the abdominal wall. For minor injuries it is prescribed conservative treatment. In case of violation of the integrity of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, it is indicated surgical intervention.

Genitourinary system

In case of illness genitourinary system Men and women can often encounter such a symptom as pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies with movement. Many people think that with pathologies of the urinary tract, only the place where the painful organ is located begins to hurt. But this is not true at all.

For example, with cystitis, discomfort may appear in the lumbar or sacral region, with kidney disease, pain is localized in the right side when the organ is affected on the right and vice versa. In addition, symptoms of body intoxication are noted: increased body temperature, increased fatigue, headache, etc.

Treatment is not complete without taking antibacterial and antispasmodic agents. As an addition to the main therapy are prescribed various teas based on medicinal herbs, dietary supplements, etc.

Nervous system

It's hard to believe, but diseases of the nervous system and spine can be accompanied by abdominal pain, aggravated by sudden movements. For example, with osteochondrosis, such a symptom is present in almost 95% of cases, moving either to the hypochondrium on the left, resembling the clinic of pancreatitis, or to the right side with the clinic of liver inflammation.

In addition to pain, there are other signs: numbness, tingling and burning of the skin, loss of sensitivity, decreased strength in certain muscle groups, the skin takes on a “marble” hue.

Therapy includes limiting physical activity, physiotherapeutic procedures, painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants.

Palpation is the first stage of examination of the patient

Respiratory diseases

Diseases of the respiratory system can be another cause of pain in the abdominal area. For example, with pneumonia, pain may appear not only in the chest, but also in the epigastrium during a deep breath.

Pleurisy may also be accompanied by the same symptoms: shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air, hyperthermia, cough, chills. Treatment of respiratory diseases includes several measures: bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, expectorants, antibacterials, and, if necessary, painkillers.

Cardiovascular pathologies

Diseases of the cardiovascular system can often cause abdominal discomfort. The most common disease among all is myocardial infarction, which is complicated by atrial fibrillation or pericarditis. It happens that patients are admitted to the hospital with suspected toxic infection, acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, etc.

Rarely acute heart attack can cause not only pain, but also acute inflammation Gastrointestinal organs: pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, colitis. Diagnosis of the disease plays an important role, because in the case misdiagnosis the patient is in danger of death.

Treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system is indicated only in a hospital setting under the strict supervision of a cardiologist. Therapy includes taking painkillers, blood thinners, tranquilizers, β-blockers, and antiplatelet agents.

Gynecological problems

This occurs due to inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. The nature of pain in different diseases will be slightly different: with adnexitis, there is pain, aching or sudden, especially with sudden movements, on the side of the damaged organ (on both sides with bilateral inflammation), intense pain above the pubis with increased temperature and symptoms of intoxication are characteristic of endometritis.

Gynecological diseases very often accompanied by sudden pain in the lower abdomen

With an ectopic pregnancy and a ruptured tube, the pain will be severe, cramping with bloody discharge from the genital tract. In addition, the woman’s blood pressure will drop sharply, her pulse will be more than 100 beats per minute, her skin will turn pale and loss of consciousness will occur. Treatment in all cases is in a hospital setting, and the latter requires surgical intervention.

Diagnosis of abdominal pain

To find out why your stomach hurts, you need to undergo a full examination of the body, because there are many reasons for the appearance unpleasant symptom. Each disease has its own plan that must be followed in order to get full picture about pathology.

Depending on where it hurts and accompanying symptoms, the following measures are taken:

  • X-ray of the spine and chest organs;
  • CT or MRI of the required area;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics (kidneys, heart, abdominal and pelvic organs);
  • gastroduodenoscopy or colonoscopy;
  • clinical blood and urine analysis;
  • biochemical analysis blood.

After receiving the data, you need to contact a specialist who will help establish a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment: cardiologist, neurologist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist, nephrologist and others.

Using CT and MRI, you can accurately determine the cause of abdominal pain

When is emergency help needed?

In the event that painful sensations appear in the abdominal area, it is necessary to provide first aid to help alleviate suffering:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Place the patient in bed and ensure complete rest.
  3. Find out if he has chronic diseases that could worsen. Has the person taken any action before in the same situation?
  4. If there is no consciousness, but there is a pulse and breathing, it is necessary to lay the victim on his stomach, turning his head to the side. This will allow air to circulate freely, and in case of vomiting, it will prevent asphyxia by vomit.
  5. In the absence of consciousness, pulse and breathing, it is necessary to begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation using the mouth-to-mouth method until signs of life appear or an ambulance arrives.

What is strictly forbidden to do if you have abdominal pain?

If sudden pain occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor for help. Under no circumstances should you take the following actions:

  • take any antispasmodic or painkillers orally without knowing the cause of the pain. This will blur the clinical picture of the disease;
  • apply a warm heating pad to the abdomen, which can increase pain and aggravate the patient’s condition. To relieve suffering, a heating pad with ice is recommended;
  • eat or drink any liquids;
  • do an enema or take laxatives.

If you follow simple rules, you can alleviate the patient’s condition or even save his life

Remember! The body, through pain, makes it clear that it has some problems. The sooner the cause of the disease and the pathology itself are diagnosed, the sooner treatment will begin and serious complications will be avoided.


A frequently encountered dilemma is why the lower abdomen may hurt, which is associated with disturbing pain outbreaks in many women. When the lower abdomen hurts in women, many factors can serve as a motivator, for example, acute stage inflammatory process in the abdominal organs, weakened bone tissue of the spine or problems in the reproductive system. If a woman’s lower abdomen hurts, a spastic contraction of the muscular tissue of certain intrauterine organs can also serve as a driving factor. Infectious and inflammatory development is also not excluded.

There can be many influencing factors that cause pain in a woman’s lower abdomen. Pain is also distinguished by its characteristic signs and location.

Determining the possible “root” of the attacks, taking into account the accompanying symptoms, will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen in a woman, accompanied by bloody discharge from the genitals (excluding the onset of menstruation) may indicate organ diseases reproductive system. With such manifestations, it is forbidden to use self-medication; you should seek help from a gynecologist as soon as possible. The doctor will be able to reliably determine the cause of the ailment and establish a diagnosis, as well as prescribe an appropriate course of medication. After all, only a specialist is able to adequately compare all the accompanying signs of the disease. The “pulling” nature of the pain, moving to the pelvic area, which is accompanied by cold sweating or, conversely, increased temperature, indicates an infection of the organs in the pelvis. Sometimes diseases of this system are accompanied by such unnatural discharge from the organs of the reproductive system as purulent yellow or bloody clots. When contacting a gynecologist, it is necessary to clearly explain all disturbing signs.

A woman has severe pain in her lower abdomen, causes

If a woman has pain in the right lower abdomen, and the pain becomes protopathic (incessant) in nature with increasing intensity, there is Great chance infectious or fungal infection of the appendix, the diagnosis of appendicitis cannot be excluded. Such pronounced symptoms require immediate consultation with a doctor to make a diagnosis. If appendicitis is confirmed, emergency surgery will be scheduled. Pain in the lower abdomen in girls, which is accompanied by such additional signs How:

  • frequent attacks of nausea and even vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • unreasonable fatigue;
  • drowsiness.

Such symptoms may indicate acquired diseases digestive system and requires prompt examination by a gastroenterology specialist. There are cases when it hurts to sit down and when moving it radiates to the lower abdomen, which can characterize hemoperitoneum ( intra-abdominal bleeding). In this case, the following symptoms will be observed:

  • pale skin, including mucous membranes;
  • dizziness, to the point of fainting;
  • weakness;
  • low pressure;
  • cold sweat;
  • Back or shoulder pain may additionally occur.

Such indicators also require immediate examination by a doctor.

There are examples when a woman has pain in her lower abdomen, and shooting pains appear in the lumbar region, as well as frequent urination, in which macrohematuria (the presence of blood in the urine) is visualized in the urine. This is evidence of pathological processes in the urethra. With such symptoms, you need to contact a specialist called a nephrologist.

Pain in the very lower abdomen in pregnant women is a separate issue. If the pain is sharp, or even worse, acute, there is a possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. You need to know that even normal gestation may be accompanied by unpleasant but mild pain. If the pain does not become permanent, then this should not cause unnecessary worry. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen occurs in almost every woman carrying a child. But you shouldn’t ignore any discomfort, you need to notify your doctor about this, who, based on other indicators, will accurately determine the source of such signs.

Diseases of the digestive segment (most often the main symptom of diseases manifests itself in the form of problems with bowel movements) and diseases of the urethra of the infectious group can serve as a provocateur of pain. The only thing that will help here is not to miss the moment and timely contact a doctor to prescribe the correct treatment.
If we take into account only the category of pregnant women, then pain is divided into two classes: gynecological and non-gynecological. In the case when premature detachment of the placenta occurs, this pathology threatens miscarriage and causes obstetric pain. To prevent this, a woman must follow a special regime:

  1. Minimize physical activity.
  2. Elimination of bad habits.
  3. Refusal to eat fatty and salty foods.
  4. Normalization of diet. It is best to eat more often - up to 6 times a day, but at the same time reduce the size of portions.

If the pain does not stop, but on the contrary, an exacerbation is felt, it is necessary to undergo a full examination to determine the exact cause of its occurrence.

When a pregnant woman experiences a malfunction in her digestive system, resulting in pain in the lower abdomen, such pain symptoms belong to the non-gynecological group.

In many cases, a woman’s pain can occur suddenly and also go away unexpectedly; here we can talk about chronic disease, which was in remission and has now entered an acute phase. This is a signal that cannot be ignored. There is a pain syndrome that is of an uncertain nature - visceral pain. A person cannot indicate its location. There may be a feeling nagging pain in the groin, the syndrome can change its location, moving to the right or left side.

If pain in the lower abdomen occurs for the first time, it is better to contact a specialist for examination, because an unpleasant symptom can signal the presence of a serious disease and identifying it in the early stages greatly facilitates treatment and affects its positive outcome. Such chronic diseases how ulcers, colitis, gastritis provoke the appearance of cutting pain, and the acute phase of these ailments can serve as one of the reasons for the parallel development of other diseases, which in a complex clinic can cause the course of the disease various kinds complications.

Why is timely assistance from a specialist important?

Cold seasons are those periods when women most often report complaints of pain in the lower abdomen. In most cases, the problem occurs due to an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs. A pathological process in the body indicates the acquisition viral disease, hypothermia or immunodeficiency - all these factors help to open full access for viruses to enter a weakened body.

50% of women with complaints of pain in the lower abdomen are of reproductive age from 25 to 35 years. Such symptoms are most often recorded during inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis) and uterus (endometritis and cervicitis). An undiagnosed disease leads to progressive pain. Therefore, if a girl has pain in the lower left abdomen, and a pain “response” is felt in the intestines or lower back, you should not put off going to the gynecologist.

When a young girl has pain in her lower abdomen, sometimes additional symptom may be a nagging pain in the lower back, this may indicate an approaching menstrual cycle. This kind of unpleasant syndrome is called dysmenorrhea. Mild pain relievers help suppress menstrual pain.

Ailments associated with gynecology, one of the symptoms of which is pain in the lower abdomen, are: uterine leiomyoma, acute and chronic endometritis, salpengitis, etc. Endometritis is the most commonly diagnosed gynecological disease. The inflammatory process begins in the mucous membranes of the uterus and quickly spreads to other areas. Pain syndrome with endometritis is initially characterized by aching in nature, and radiates to the sacral area and lower back. The further course of the disease is acute, which can be avoided by promptly seeking help from a medical institution.

Important facts

It is not uncommon for a woman to have pain in the lower abdomen that is not at all associated with gynecological procedures, such as abortion or childbirth; the cause may be an infectious disease that is sexually transmitted, for example, diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.

During pregnancy, pathological processes that provoke pain symptoms in the lower abdomen are also possible. Such pathogens include ectopic pregnancy, which is characterized by the placement of the fetus outside the normal fetal sac. The pain occurs suddenly, with movement, and has an increasing character. A complication of this disease is a violation of the integrity of the fallopian tube. In this case, the pain is sharp and appears suddenly.

Cystitis and kidney stones can also cause pain in the lower abdomen. Intestinal obstruction is manifested by pain in the umbilical area, gradually descending to the groin.
To summarize, we can say that there can be many reasons for pain in the lower abdomen, so making a diagnosis yourself and self-medicating will be more expensive for your own health than contacting a good specialist. A woman should be able to take care of own health, because most diseases often carry complications, and such development of the clinical picture of the disease occurs only due to incorrect or untimely treatment. Therefore, if pain in the lower abdomen has become a regular unpleasant companion, you should not use the advice of friends, it is better to undergo an examination in a specialized medical institution and identify the real reason pathological manifestations. Modern medicine is equipped with a sufficient number of tools for effective diagnosis and treatment of almost all diseases. Don't forget the golden rule: "Everything is good on time." Therefore, measures taken in time promise a speedy recovery.

The most common symptom of many diseases is abdominal pain. various localizations and from correct setting diagnosis depends on whether the correct treatment is offered. Some types of abdominal pain are attributed to emergency conditions requiring immediate medical attention or hospitalization. It is important to distinguish it from the usual one and provide first aid, and then call an ambulance.

Abdominal pain can occur with diseases of the abdominal organs and retroperitoneal space, genital organs, spine, abdominal muscles, nervous system, or radiate to the abdomen with diseases of the chest organs (for example, right-sided pleurisy, myocardial infarction and pericarditis can occur with pain in the right or left hypochondrium, epigastrium).

Pain in diseases of the internal organs can be caused by impaired blood flow, spasm of the smooth muscles of the internal organs, stretching of the walls of hollow organs, inflammatory changes in organs and tissues. Spread of inflammation or tumor involving the intercostal or splanchnic nerves can cause referred pain.

Spasmodic pain in the abdomen is observed with lead intoxication, in the precomatous stage with diabetes mellitus, as well as in hypoglycemic conditions, with porphyria.

To find out the cause of abdominal pain, first of all you need to establish its localization (the exact place that hurts), its type ( sharp, piercing, cutting), history of appearance ( increasing, periodic or constant) And associated symptoms.

The figure shows the location of the abdominal organs and marks the areas of pain from the organ:

The localization of pain does not always correspond to the location of the affected organ. Sometimes in the first hours of the disease it is not clearly localized and only later concentrates in a certain area. In the future (for example, with generalization of peritonitis), it can again become diffuse. With appendicitis, pain may initially occur in the epigastric or umbilical region, and with a covered perforated gastroduodenal ulcer, at the time of examination it may persist only in the right iliac region (if gastric contents flow into this area).

In addition, complaints of fairly severe abdominal pain can also occur with a number of extraperitoneal diseases. So, abdominal pain in children often accompanied infectious diseases, in particular, precede the other symptoms of scarlet fever and appear several days before the rash (rash) on the body. They can also bother you with influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and other infections.

Has great diagnostic value nature of pain. Cramping pain is most often observed with spastic contractions of the smooth muscles of hollow organs, most characteristic of mechanical intestinal obstruction, renal and hepatic colic. Gradually increasing pain is characteristic of inflammatory processes, however, even with these diseases it is often constant. Cramping pain in 10-20% of patients is also possible with acute appendicitis, which is caused by a contraction of the muscular membrane of the process in response to blockage of its lumen. Sometimes periodically worsening pain can create the impression of cramping:

Sudden onset of pain like a “dagger strike” indicates an intraperitoneal catastrophe (rupture of a hollow organ, abscess or echinococcal cyst, intraperitoneal bleeding, embolism of the vessels of the mesentery, spleen, kidney). The same onset is typical for renal colic.

The patient's behavior during painful attacks has diagnostic significance. A patient with an attack of renal or hepatic colic rushes about, takes various poses, which is not observed with lumbar radiculitis, having a similar localization of pain. In case of mental disorders, a painless course of severe pathological processes (perforated ulcer, etc.) is possible.

Localization of pain

Possible disease

Upper abdomen on the right It is most often observed in diseases of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts, duodenum, head of the pancreas, right kidney and damage to the hepatic flexure colon. In case of diseases of the biliary tract, pain radiates to the right shoulder, in case of duodenal ulcer and lesions of the pancreas - in the back, in case of kidney stones - in the groin area and testicles.
Left upper abdomen It is noted in cases of damage to the stomach, pancreas, spleen, splenic flexure of the colon, left kidney, as well as with a hernia hiatus diaphragm.
Right hypochondrium If the pain is accompanied by repeated vomiting and fever, this may be inflammation of the gallbladder. You need to immediately go on a diet, stop eating spicy and fatty foods. The diet should be salt-free.
The pit of the stomach, at the top of the abdomen, is described as "sucking in the pit of the stomach" If not severe pain in the abdomen there may be mild inflammation of the stomach or duodenum. This is the most common reason, but there is no reason to panic. Such pain is common in middle-aged and older people. But if the pain is persistent and does not go away after 10-15 minutes, there is a suspicion of an ulcer. Before you go for an examination (and it is necessary), try to give yourself first aid. Distribute your meals 6-7 times a day. Consume more milk and less carbohydrates.

If pain in the upper abdomen appears after eating spicy and sour foods, coffee, or after a recent severe stress, with acute, dull, bursting, aching pain in the upper abdomen with possible vomiting a possible diagnosis of gastritis or stomach ulcer. In this case, the pain intensifies with vomiting, and then weakens. Pain may be felt in the chest along the esophagus. Contact a gastroenterologist; if blood appears in the vomit, call an ambulance immediately. Treatment acute gastritis and the ulcers are not very long lasting, subject to the doctor’s recommendations for up to 14 days. To relieve pain, you can apply a warm heating pad to your stomach or drink moderately hot, weak tea or water.

My whole stomach hurts Constant moderately severe abdominal pain, covering the entire abdomen, with weakness, dry mouth, possibly increased body temperature and nausea may be a sign of peritonitis or inflammation of the peritoneum.
Abdominal pain spreading around the lower back (girdles pain) Try to feel the upper or left abdomen yourself. If this makes you feel more pain, most likely we are dealing with inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). Associated symptoms: Bad taste and dry mouth, repeated vomiting (pain subsides after vomiting), and possibly increased blood pressure. Pain often appears after eating fatty foods or alcohol. We exclude everything fried, the patient needs hunger, cold on the stomach and complete rest. In acute cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pain in the lower abdomen

right lower abdomen Pain in the lower abdomen on the right may be caused by damage to the appendix, lower segment ileum, cecum and ascending colon, right kidney and genital organs. In the lower abdomen on the left, pain can be caused by damage to the transverse colon and sigmoid colon, left kidney, as well as diseases of the genital organs.

Acute pain in the lower abdomen on the right is most often a sign of appendicitis; call a doctor immediately. The pain with appendicitis is not severe at first, it can occur in the upper abdomen and move down to the right, and fever and nausea are possible. The pain may intensify when walking and lying on the left side.

left lower abdomen It may indicate inflammation of the lower parts of the large intestine, and accompanying symptoms will also arise - stool disturbances, rumbling in the abdomen, increased gas formation. You'll have to give up fresh vegetables and fruits, you cannot drink milk and eat seasonings and black bread.
Pain above the pubis in women Pain in the lower abdomen above the pubis on the right and left in women most often indicates gynecological diseases - diseases of the genitourinary system.

There may be pain of different nature: sharp, strong and barely noticeable, sharp or pulling, often accompanied by discharge from the genitals, weakness, increased fatigue

If the pain in the lower abdomen is increasing, cramping, sudden sharp pain is possible, which intensifies with movement, dizziness, weakness are felt, there may be bleeding when menstruation is delayed by up to 1-2 weeks - this may be associated with an ectopic pregnancy or spontaneous abortion. Contact your gynecologist immediately; in case of bleeding or acute pain, call an ambulance.

Strong, sharp pain after sexual intercourse combined with weakness, possible fainting and bleeding may be a sign of cyst rupture or the presence of a tumor. Call an ambulance.

Intermittent, aching pain in the lower abdomen directly above the pubis, accompanied by general weakness or chills, radiating to the perineum is a sign of gynecological diseases such as endometritis, adnexitis (including an infectious nature), endometriosis, etc. Consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Pain in the lower abdomen in a man Pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left in a man is most often a sign of problems with the intestines. However, sometimes it manifests itself this way chronic prostatitis. Therefore, in addition to a visit to a gastroenterologist, it makes sense to undergo an examination by a urologist.

Pain in the middle of the abdomen

Sharp pain in the middle of the abdomen Sharp, severe pain in the middle of the abdomen, radiating to the lower back, coupled with a frequent need to urinate, may be a sign of movement of kidney stones. This pain is aggravated by taking diuretics and drinks. Use antispasmodics only if the diagnosis is confirmed by a doctor; to relieve pain, you can take a hot bath or a hot heating pad. If you experience particularly severe pain or blood in your urine, call an ambulance.
In the middle of the abdomen near the navel Sharp, sudden, quite severe cramping pain in the center of the abdomen, accompanied by weakness and chills, appearing after overeating, drinking fatty foods or coffee is called intestinal colic. Apply an antispasmodic and take a lying position. The pain will go away within 20 minutes, if it doesn’t go away, you need to look for another cause. Don't overeat in the future.

Treatment of abdominal pain

If you have unknown abdominal pain, you should not take painkillers until the doctor arrives; they only dull the pain and at the same time suppress the clinical picture of the disease. The doctor, without detecting banal appendicitis or mesenteric thrombosis, cannot make any other diagnosis. 25 people out of every thousand patients with appendicitis die precisely because of an incorrect diagnosis.

If you have severe, prolonged, recurring abdominal pain, be sure to consult a doctor and do not self-medicate under any circumstances. Abdominal pain can be a symptom of very dangerous diseases!