Treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis in adults and children at home. Treatment of vasculitis with folk remedies: a review of the best recipes

Vasculitis is an inflammatory process of the walls of blood vessels, which occurs as a complication of pathologies of connective tissues, after typhus, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism, or develops in an independent form. Vasculitis can begin to develop in any vessel.

As a rule, vasculitis is caused by increased hypersensitivity, and in many cases it is benign, manifesting itself in minor skin diseases. Both young and old people can get sick.

Classification of vasculitis

Modern medicine classifies pathology into two types:

  • Primary (the disease develops on its own);
  • Secondary (manifests as a symptom or complication of another disease).

Causes of vasculitis

At the moment, the exact reasons that provoke the development or onset of the disease are not known. Factors range from viruses to allergies, but it is reliably known that this contributes to:

  • Viruses (eg hepatitis);
  • Strong drugs and chemicals;
  • Violation of the functions of the nominal system (there are cases that vascular tissues are perceived as a foreign object and the body begins to fight them);
  • Long-term seasonal allergic reactions;
  • Inherited predisposition;
  • Poor environmental conditions.

Symptoms of vasculitis

The main symptoms of the disease are skin lesions and rashes, but as a rule, most of the symptoms of vasculitis are nonspecific:

Also, the symptoms depend on which vessels are affected by the pathology. If the blood supply to the tissues and blood vessels of the skin is disrupted - itching, rash, if the brain - strokes, if the heart, then even a heart attack is possible.

For hemorrhagic vasculitis - small hemorrhages on the skin, capillaries burst, forming a kind of cobweb.

Very often, vasculitis is “masked” as another disease. For example, temporal vasculitis, characterized by headaches and occipital pain. Some vasculitides present with symptoms of otitis media. laryngitis and sinusitis. Sometimes there are attacks of suffocation, as with asthma.

Methods for diagnosing vasculitis

As we discussed earlier, vasculitis likes to “disguise” itself as other diseases, so its diagnosis is quite difficult. Therefore, diagnostics are carried out in specialized centers, where the patient must undergo a full range of tests:

Treatment of vasculitis

After precise setting diagnosis, prescribe adequate treatment, which depends on the cause of the appearance and the presence of affected organs. If vasculitis manifests itself as a result of an allergic reaction, then, as a rule, it goes away on its own and does not require drug intervention. If the disease affects the liver or kidneys, then aggressive therapy is prescribed.

When treating vasculitis, the following methods and drugs are used:

  • Chemotherapy courses;
  • Hormonal (low doses of corticosteroids);
  • Antihistamines;
  • Anticoagulants;
  • Drugs to stabilize performance immune system;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Medicines to improve blood flow and vascular elasticity.

In the treatment of vasculitis, you often have to seek help from the following specialists: neurologist, rheumatologist, otolaryngologist, surgeon. What is needed for complete correction and recovery.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis - causes and treatment of the disease

Hemorrhagic vasculitis is a chronic disease that sometimes occurs in acute form. Its nature can be either infectious or allergic. The smallest blood vessels, the capillaries, are primarily affected. And both on the skin and on the internal organs. Kidneys and intestines and even joints can be affected.

Cause of the disease

Modern medicine sees the main cause of vasculitis adverse effect on our body immune complexes. What are these complexes and why do they wage war on the body? Immune complexes are a kind of set of some conditions, instructions for body cells responsible for preventing foreign substances, viruses, etc. from entering the body.

This complex is formed throughout a person’s life. It's like his chronicle. All past infections, viral diseases, leave their mark on the history of the organism. Even poisoning, insect bites, bruises, and so on. Various allergic reactions. There are a lot of conditions.

How it manifests itself

The manifestation of hemorrhagic vasculitis is most often based on an allergic reaction. Erythrocytes are red blood cells that leak through capillaries into the tissue surrounding the vessel. Red blood cells and hemoglobin - red protein - form visible to the eye exfcnrb with hemorrhages under the skin.

The temperature is rising

Body temperature often rises to 38 degrees. Sometimes higher.

Most often occurs on the shins skin rashes. Moreover, it happens symmetrically on both shins. This cannot be confused with anything. These rashes look like pink spots, swollen, with slight hemorrhage in the central part.

Two to three days pass and the rash changes its color to brown. After some time, all the individual nodules - hemorrhages merge into one large brown mass. This is how hemorrhagic vasculitis is most often expressed externally in the skin.

Sometimes such phenomena occur not on the skin, but in joints or internal organs. If it is in the joints, then the joints of the legs suffer first of all. Rashes may also sometimes occur on internal organs - kidneys or intestines. But this is quite a rare occurrence.

How does the disease progress?

In most cases, vasculitis is benign, that is, there are no serious consequences and there are no complications. But here brown spots Unfortunately, they will remain on the skin for the rest of your life. You'll have to live with this. I knew examples when people were very burdened by these peculiar marks. But the disease went away and it was like a reminder to them. You can live with this, don't worry!


Sometimes exacerbations of the disease may occur due to weakened immunity, allergic reactions. Hypothermia can also affect relapse.

Treatment with pharmaceutical drugs

When using pharmaceutical drugs attention should be paid to those that make the blood more liquid in composition. Most often, such agents also strengthen the walls of blood vessels and immune complexes already have such a strong effect on it. Among these drugs it should be noted: Curantil, Trental, Dipyridamole, Pentoxifylline. All these drugs are also called antiplatelet agents.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are also prescribed in addition to these drugs. These are: Aspirin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen.

In cases where there is a suspicion of the possibility of thrombosis due to damage to the vessel wall, Heparin is prescribed. Sometimes blocking drugs are used, such as Prednisolone.

In the most difficult cases cytostatics are already used: Azathioprine, Cyclosporine, Cyclophosphamide.

If the joints are affected, Voltaren and Indomethacin are most often used.

Treatment with folk remedies

With herbs and in general, herbal preparations you need to be careful. Since among them there are many provocateurs of allergic reactions. They will be very useful various decoctions and infusions that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. You can try drinking decoctions of red and black currants, aronia and red rowan, sea buckthorn, rose hips, raspberries, and strawberries. Compotes made from green varieties of apples are good. Cherry compotes will also help perfectly.

But I recommend avoiding citrus fruits. Since they can provoke relapses or severe allergies. Of course, you have to look at how you feel. And you need to deprive yourself of the opportunity to eat oranges and tangerines only after making sure that they do not suit you.

It is important to understand what is an allergen for you. plant products and try to exclude them from the diet. You can find an alternative in any case.

Collection to reduce allergic reactions

Helps even with severe manifestations of vasculitis. You need to take three tablespoons of crushed mint leaves, poplar buds, horsetail herb, string herb, and yarrow herb, as well as elderberry flowers and calendula flowers.

Move everything and pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. Leave for one hour in a thermos, then strain and let cool. Drink half a glass at a time every three hours. You need to drink half a glass at least 4 times a day.

For compresses and for relief

This collection works well as an external and internal means. Take three tablespoons of crushed black elderberry flowers and horsetail herb, two tablespoons of chopped yarrow herb and leaves peppermint.

Mix and pour three tablespoons of the mixture into 0.5 liters of hot but not boiling water. Now bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat. Leave for two hours, then strain and drink half a glass 4 times a day every 3 hours. Additionally, make compresses with the same decoction on areas of the skin affected by vasculitis. Keep the compress for 20 minutes.

Useful tincture

Grind three lemons together with the peel through a meat grinder. Add half a kilo to the mixture granulated sugar and a tablespoon of dried cloves - spice. Then place the mixture in a three-liter jar and pour a bottle of vodka into it. After this, add warm boiled water to the hangers of the jar and let it sit for two weeks in the dark. Stir the mixture daily.

After two weeks, strain the infusion and take two tablespoons orally three times a day, half an hour before meals. You need to drink the entire jar, then take a week break and repeat the course of treatment.

Drink green tea

The Chinese who came to our village left very good recommendation for the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis. In their country, people also suffer, but they treat these problems with a strong infusion of green tea.

You need to drink the infusion three times a day. Take a teaspoon of dry green tea in half a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes, then drink.

It will be very bitter, but you need to drink it. Green tea is very healthy! It promotes hematopoiesis, and most importantly, increases the elasticity of the walls blood vessels. Also green tea tones the heart muscle and so on. You already know this. Chinese people in villages most often receive treatment specifically folk remedies. Their medicine is very ancient and there are many recipes. Of course, not all of them are applicable in our conditions. Each region has its own herbs. But we can get tea in the store.

Ointment for affected skin areas

Mix one part dried rue leaves with five parts butter. Then put it in the refrigerator and keep it there for 14 days. And then apply to the affected areas of the skin three times a day and keep until absorbed.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

For hemorrhagic vasculitis Hemorrhagic exanthemas appear on the skin and mucous membranes, i.e. rashes. The rashes can be isolated or densely cover areas of the skin. Appear on the chest, arms, stomach; They don’t itch, they don’t hurt, they don’t burn. Against the background of hemorrhagic vasculitis, pain in muscles and joints is very often observed. The joints become swollen, inflamed, and arthritis occurs, so-called arthralgia (joint pain), most often in large joints.

In the case of the abdominal form of hemorrhagic vasculitis, a person feels sharp pain in the abdomen - colic, which is accompanied by vomiting, as well as constipation or diarrhea, often bloody, which is caused by hemorrhagic rashes on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

If the kidney vessels are affected, nephritis develops. Leukocytosis is observed. Hemorrhagic vasculitis can be mistaken for rheumatism, nephritis, acute appendicitis or intestinal obstruction. However, if there are hemorrhagic rashes and a combination of lesions different organs, then this indicates hemorrhagic vasculitis. In addition, hemorrhagic vasculitis differs from other rashes in that laboratory tests will show “no symptoms” hemorrhagic syndrome“—the number of platelets and blood clotting remain unchanged.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis develops after a cold, sore throat, flu, and less often - scarlet fever, measles, tuberculosis, etc. With this disease, the permeability of capillaries and small vessels increases, and the walls of blood vessels become inflamed. As a rule, hemorrhagic vasculitis is associated with diseases of the liver, pancreas, and diabetes mellitus. For the treatment and prevention of hemorrhagic vasculitis, many plants are used in folk medicine: Japanese sophora, lemon balm, garden rue, chamomile, horsetail, bedstraw, and chokeberry.

Sophora japonica for the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis

Fruit sophora japonica (beans) Rinse boiled water, chop and pour vodka: if fresh beans, then in a ratio of 1:1, dry - 1:2, leave for 10 days, shaking. Then strain, squeeze out the fruits, filter the resulting liquid through cotton wool or filter paper. Drink 5 drops with 2 tbsp. warm water 4 times a day.

Rowan chokeberry for the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis

1 tbsp. fruits chokeberry pour a glass boiled water, heat for 30 minutes in a water bath. Leave for 10-15 minutes, squeeze, add water to 200 g. Drink 0.25 cups 4 times a day.

Folk collection No. 1 for the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis

1 tbsp. crushed mixture of plants (birch, heather, hawthorn fruits, mint, chicory, wheatgrass, sandy cumin, rose hips) pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Drink 0.25 cups 4 times a day.

Folk collection No. 2 for the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis

2 tbsp. crushed mixture of plants (speedwell, tricolor violet, string, yarrow, nettle, plantain, wormwood, horsetail, sage, fir berries) pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos in the evening, leave overnight. Drink 2 tbsp. every 2 hours 8-10 times a day. This collection strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them elastic, normalizes blood composition, and improves blood circulation.

It is customary to call a number of vascular diseases that are accompanied by an inflammatory process in the walls of blood vessels of any type (vein, vessel, artery, capillary).

The result of the disease is inflammation and disruption of the functionality of the organ that is supplied with blood from the inflamed vessels. This disease can develop in any organ or part of the body.

There are two main types of vasculitis:

  1. primary vasculitis is independent disease, which can arise due to a number of independent factors
  2. secondary is one that occurs as a result of another disease, as a symptom, complication or side effect

In medicine there is a distinction great amount types and varieties of vasculitis. They are classified by location, severity of the lesion, or etiology of the disease. Some types of vasculitis are considered mild forms of pathology and only affect small vessels and slightly skin.

Those that are classified as severe forms can cause damage to muscle and cartilage tissues, which as a result severe inflammation may die off.The main types of the disease include the following:

  • - This childhood disease(1-5 years), which affects the coronary blood vessels. This may result in tissue death, aneurysm or thrombosis.
  • Behçet's disease is characterized by damage to small arteries and veins. The main symptom is the occurrence of erosions and wounds on the mucous membranes
  • allergic inflammation of blood vessels occurs due to an allergic reaction of the body to some irritant. Most often this infectious diseases
  • Henoch-Schönlein disease () is a pathology that affects the kidneys, joints, skin and gastrointestinal tract
  • Wegener's granulomatosis is a vasculitis that affects the small blood vessels supplying respiratory system and eyes
  • nonspecific aortoarteritis affects the aorta. There are several types of this disease depending on severity

To summarize, it can be noted that vasculitis means inflammation of the blood vessels. And depending on the location, they are already divided into various specific diseases.

Reasons for appearance

The exact cause of primary vasculitis has not yet been fully determined, although studies on this topic have been carried out for more than a decade now. One of the official medical positions is genetic predisposition. That is, vasculitis is a disease that can be inherited, like other vascular diseases.

It has also been proven many times. That vasculitis can occur as a result of a history of infectious disease. In addition to these, there are a number of different reasons:

  1. allergies to medications. Most often it can occur when taking medicines that are not suitable due to composition or contraindications
  2. various injuries can lead to an inflammatory process in blood vessels
  3. change temperature regime, excessive sun exposure, hypothermia

Vasculitis also occurs as a result of another disease. For example, if the upper respiratory tract staphylococcus, a sore throat occurs. If she goes to purulent form, at untimely treatment Vessels may be affected and vasculitis may occur.

Why are vasculitis dangerous?

Vasculitis is dangerous due to its complications. If help is not provided in time, the inflammatory process can develop into tissue rotting and death. As a result, blood clots form, blood circulation is disrupted and failure occurs throughout the body.

The best folk methods for illness

For a long time, our ancestors fought against vascular diseases using folk methods. Traditional medicine is famous for its naturalness, accessibility and harmlessness to the body.

Let's consider the most effective ways fight against vasculitis:

  • Collection from medicinal plants considered one of the best means. The main components may vary slightly, the main thing is to use exactly those herbs that relieve inflammation of the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood circulation and prevent the formation of blood clots. Knotweed, nettle, yarrow and sophora fruits are crushed and combined in equal quantities and poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. spoon per glass. After 40-50 minutes, filter and drink half a glass in two doses. Horsetail, mint, elderberry and poplar can be used in the same way. All these plants are sold in dry form at pharmacies or herbalists.
  • Cleansing the intestines with bitter herbs - wormwood, tansy or elecampane. The herb is dried and 1-2 tablespoons are added to a liter of boiling water. The resulting decoction should be infused in a warm place or a thermos should be used. After two hours, the infusion must be filtered and taken 30 minutes before meals. You must first dilute 100 ml of infusion with 100 ml of clean water.
  • Cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, which are formed as a result of deposits of fats of plant and animal origin. For this there is excellent remedy: mix 10 cloves of garlic in one container, liter natural honey and 10 lemons, cut into slices. Pour water, leave for 10 days and take daily. This mixture is contraindicated in case of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Treatment of vasculitis with nettle and rosin. This remedy is suitable when vasculitis manifests itself as peculiar ulcers on the mucous membrane oral cavity or genitals. To do this, you need to dissolve 200 grams of pine rosin in a water bath and add 30-40 grams of natural wax, then add 50 grams sunflower oil and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The resulting mass is applied to cotton or linen fabric and “glued” in the area of ​​the affected area. If vasculitis has affected the genitals, then it is applied to the lower abdomen. You need to walk with this compress for 2-3 days. Then the Velcro is replaced with a new one. The procedure must be repeated until complete recovery.

Before starting treatment for vasculitis using traditional methods, you should consult your doctor.

Self-medication can be harmful to your health. During therapy, it is recommended to use people's councils, to improve the result:

  1. for vasculitis, you need to take decoctions of medicinal plants - currants, rose hips, St. John's wort, nettle, plantain
  2. Hemlock tincture helps to accelerate the relief of the inflammatory process in blood vessels. It is important to note that the plant is poisonous, so it must be taken with special care.
  3. It is better to use green tea as the main drink (replace compotes, juices, coffee). It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, gives them elasticity, helps relieve inflammation, redness, disinfects and relieves pain.

When the entire complex is performed, vasculitis goes away quickly and without leaving a trace. The main thing except folk ways follow all doctor's recommendations.

TO preventive measures against vascular inflammation can be attributed timely treatment infectious diseases that can affect the vascular network.

It is important to establish nutrition and daily routine. It is also important to support normal temperature body, that is, to avoid hypothermia and overheating. It is important to move more, as this strengthens the blood vessels and from time to time to visit a specialist and undergo diagnostics. Thus, it is possible to detect pathology in a timely manner and eliminate it without leading to complications.

More information about the treatment of vasculitis can be found in the video:

Traditional medicine has been used for many centuries, during which time it has not undergone any significant changes. Many doctors are skeptical about this technique, but the right approach it can be a good help traditional ways therapy.

In any case, any actions of the patient must be approved by the attending physician, otherwise, due to ignorance, you can not only not get the expected result, but also neutralize the effect of the medications.

Treatment by means traditional medicine may be aimed at maintaining traditional therapy, for additional relief of inflammation and strengthening of blood vessels. You can also use recipes that involve bringing the immune system back to normal and relieving the symptoms of vasculitis - skin rashes, itching, weakness, loss of appetite, etc. Since the disease must be treated comprehensively, a diet must be used in conjunction with traditional recipes.

Medicinal plants

The advantage of medicinal plants is that you can collect them yourself, and then the cost of treatment will tend to zero. If this option is not considered, then you can always purchase herbs or their ready-made mixtures at the pharmacy. Tinctures and decoctions are most often made from plants, used as compresses, lotions and baths, as well as for internal use.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis can be cured by using black elderberry infusion as a symptomatic remedy. It is necessary to pour 1 tbsp of boiling water into a glass. l. dried and crushed plant inflorescences and keep on medium heat for 10-15 minutes. After this, the mixture must be removed from the heat, covered with a lid and left for half an hour, and then mixed with a glass of boiling water. The resulting decoction is stored in the refrigerator, the entire volume is divided into three doses and consumed one part at a time before meals.

A popular remedy for the treatment of vascular diseases is hawthorn, and any parts can be used in the recipe - fruits, inflorescences and leaves. It is necessary to pour 1 tbsp. l. dried mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave covered for 12 hours. The resulting product should be filtered and taken 100 ml twice a day an hour before meals.

IN modern medicines for vascular diseases, Ginkgo Biloba extract is often used, but there are also folk recipes using this plant. Most often, for vasculitis, it is recommended to prepare a decoction of 2 tbsp. l. dried and crushed leaves and a glass of water. The ingredients need to be mixed and kept on low heat for 3-5 minutes, then removed from the stove, cooled and strained. You need to take the decoction 1/3 cup before eating for a month.

A traditional medicine based on Gikgo Biloba extract can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Nettle is useful for vascular diseases. The juice of a young plant is especially useful, which is consumed 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons before eating. If the time of year does not allow the use of young nettle, you can make a decoction of this plant and drink it, dividing the entire resulting volume into 4 applications per day. Preparing the decoction is simple: you need to pour 2 tbsp. l. dried and crushed leaves in a glass, cover with a lid, leave for several hours and strain.

Another useful plant for blood vessels is the thick-leaved bergenia, which has anti-inflammatory, angioprotective, antioxidant and regenerating effects. Place 1 tbsp in an enamel bowl. l. dried roots of this plant, pour a glass of boiling water and put on water bath for half an hour. The resulting decoction should be cooled to an acceptable temperature, the roots should be squeezed out and the volume should be brought to 200 ml with boiling water. You need to take the product 1-2 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.

Herbal infusions

It is not individual plants that have a more pronounced and complex effect, but products formulated based on several ingredients. Decoctions are prepared from them, which are most often used internally. Herbal infusions at correct use can significantly speed up the healing process and reduce the severity of symptoms.

The most commonly used product is based on the following ingredients:

  • black elderberry inflorescences;
  • Japanese sophora berries;
  • any parts of yarrow;
  • knotweed grass;
  • nettle leaves.

All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and 1 tbsp. l. The resulting collection is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, covered with a lid and infused for 60 minutes. The strained infusion should be taken 100 ml twice a day before eating throughout the entire therapeutic course.

You can also use another mixture, for the preparation of which you need to mix arnica, Japanese sophora and calendula in equal proportions. A glass of boiling water needs to be poured into 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture and leave for at least three hours. The resulting infusion is taken 2 tablespoons every 8 hours.

For all forms of vasculitis, but especially for allergic ones, a collection based on yarrow, poplar buds, calendula and elderberry inflorescences, string leaves, horsetail and peppermint helps. All ingredients must be used in equal proportions, place 1 tbsp. l. mixture into a liter bowl, fill it to the top with boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. It should be used in case of exacerbation of skin rashes, drinking 100 ml of strained infusion every 3 hours.

Another recipe to help fight allergic vasculitis, involves the use of violets, strings and lingonberries. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, 2 tbsp. l. the mixture is poured with 400 ml of boiling water, the product is infused for several hours. The resulting volume of infusion is divided into four applications per day before meals.

An infusion of bitter herbs is a useful remedy not only for blood vessels, but also for the intestines. In equal proportions you need to mix wormwood, tansy, elecampane and immortelle. Place 4 tbsp in a thermos. l. the resulting collection, pour a liter of boiling water, close the lid and leave for at least three hours. The product should be filtered, cooled and taken 100 ml three times a day, the remaining mixture should be stored at room temperature.

Other means

Treatment of vasculitis with folk remedies involves the use of not only herbs, but also other ingredients. As a rule, they are easy to find in any store or pharmacy, and their cost is reasonable. For example, blueberries are often used to treat vasculitis. They can be consumed in any form - fresh, frozen, as part of pies or as a fruit drink.

Has beneficial properties for blood vessels ginger root, which can simply be added to food or tea, or consumed in pickled form. Despite the fact that if you have vasculitis you should not use alcoholic drinks, ginger beer is an exception. However, in any case, it is better to consult a doctor.

Another spice that helps fight vasculitis is turmeric, namely its powder. The product should be taken externally if skin rashes occur on the legs, arms and other parts of the body. To prepare the composition you need to mix turmeric, wheat flour and Sesame oil in such proportions as to obtain a mixture resembling an ointment in consistency. She needs to smear the problem areas several times a day, mainly when the intensity of the symptoms increases. According to another recipe, turmeric needs to be mixed with flour and cottage cheese, and the method of use is identical.

For those who cannot use anti-vasculitis medications for external use due to contraindications, you can prepare your own ointment. To do this, 0.5 kg of nutria fat or any other animal is mixed with a glass of crushed fresh or dried birch buds. The mixture should be placed in a heat-resistant container and simmered in the oven at minimum temperature within 3 hours. The same process will need to be repeated daily for a week, after which the ointment will need to be strained and used externally several times a day.

An unusual product for combating vasculitis is cayenne pepper, or, in other words, chili pepper - the most spicy seasoning. Eating it is beneficial for blood vessels, as it normalizes blood circulation and cleanses the circulatory network of lipids and plaques. However, its use should be abandoned by those who, in principle, do not accept spicy food, as well as patients with gastrointestinal diseases. To alleviate the condition of vasculitis, chili peppers should be added to the first and second courses, but do not overdo it, otherwise you may develop stomach diseases.

Another effective recipe for folk treatment of vasculitis is lemon tincture. To prepare it, you need to grind 1 medium-sized lemon with zest in a meat grinder or food processor, the resulting pulp is mixed with 0.5 kg of sugar, 0.5 liters of alcohol or high-quality vodka and 1 tbsp. l. clove spices. Gently transfer the resulting mass into a glass container, cover with a lid and leave in a dark place for 14 days, stirring daily. The tincture must be strained and consumed 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals, until you can completely get rid of vasculitis, you need to store the product in the refrigerator in a closed container.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

Treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis with traditional methods

Greetings, Dear friends and readers medical blog"Recipes of traditional medicine." If you are no longer young, then you have probably encountered the problem of insomnia due to pain in your legs. Today I will tell you about methods of treating hemorrhagic vasculitis.

Manifestations of hemorrhagic vasculitis and causes of its occurrence

● Acute or chronic hemorrhagic vasculitis is an infectious-allergic disease accompanied by damage to the smallest blood vessels of the skin and joints. kidneys and intestines (capillaries). The cause of this disease is the negative effect on the body of certain immune complexes. These complexes are formed due to many factors.

● What are these factors? First of all, previous infectious diseases: scarlet fever, acute respiratory diseases(ARI), sore throat; insect bite leading to an allergic reaction. hypothermia of the body; intolerance to some medicines: sulfonamides, phenacetin, quinine, belladonna, atropine, containing iodine; food or other type of allergy.

● In a word, we can say that hemorrhagic vasculitis is based on a kind of allergic reaction, under the influence of which some blood components, including red blood cells(red blood cells) are pushed out of the blood vessel bed into the surrounding cellular space.

● Ultimately, thanks to hemoglobin and red blood cells, the main symptom of hemorrhagic vasculitis is revealed - multiple pinpoint hemorrhages in tissues.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic vasculitis

● At the beginning of the disease, body temperature rises to 38-39⁰C. At the same time, symmetrically located skin rashes form on the legs, which do not disappear with pressure. At first they take the form pink spot, which rises above the surface of the skin and has a hemorrhage in the center of 2 to 5 mm. After a few days, the rash turns brown.

● Gradually, some pinpoint rashes merge into one whole brownish spot. This form hemorrhagic vasculitis occurs most often. There are forms in which the rash does not develop skin, and in large joints: hip, knee and ankle. Less often on the elbows.

● Along with joint and skin hemorrhages, rashes in the kidneys and intestines may occur. Fortunately for us, this form of the disease is rare. The prognosis for hemorrhagic vasculitis is favorable: the disease does not lead to serious consequences; The only inconvenience is that brown spots on the body remain for the rest of the patient’s life.

● At the same time, there are often relapses of the disease due to a reaction to new infection or some other allergen, hypothermia.


Consult your doctor!

Put accurate diagnosis and only the attending physician can prescribe treatment. I advise you to agree with him on all the recommendations below for the treatment of the disease.

Complex treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis

● First of all, for this disease, the doctor prescribes blood thinning medications. In addition to this function, medications should strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce the impact of immune complexes on them. This is a group of antiplatelet agents: pentoxifylline, trental, dipyridamole and chimes. You can take one of the following medications along with this medication: the following means with anti-inflammatory effects: diclofenac, ibuprofen or aspirin.

● Sometimes heparin will be needed to prevent the formation of microthrombi due to injury vascular wall. For complicated forms of hemorrhagic vasculitis, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs, blocking the formation of immune complexes - prednisolone, as well as cytostatics: azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine.

● Indomethacin or Voltaren are effective in treating severe articular syndrome of the disease.

Treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis - traditional medicine recipes

● Plants that strengthen the vascular wall include green varieties of apples, cherries, and red grapes. buckwheat, strawberry, raspberry. black and red currants. sea ​​buckthorn, red pepper, chokeberry and red rowan, rose hips. As for citrus fruits, they must be excluded.

● Before giving specific recipes of traditional medicine for treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis. I want to remind you that every patient should know about those plants that are allergens for them.

● Grind and mix equal parts (three tablespoons each) of mint leaves, yarrow herbs, horsetail, and string. elderberry and calendula flowers and poplar buds. Brew one tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and set aside in a dark place for two hours. Strain and drink half a glass of infusion every three hours (4-5 times a day). This remedy will bring you clear relief even if you have severe vasculitis.

● You can use this collection for both internal and external use. Cooking medicinal mixture: two tbsp. l. yarrow herb and peppermint leaves, three tablespoons each of black elderberry flowers and herbs horsetail. Brew half a liter hot water three tablespoons of the mixture and bring to a boil, then leave for 2 hours. Inside – half a glass four times a day, externally – for 15-20 minutes, application to the rash or sore joint.

● Grind three lemons in a meat grinder, add a tablespoon of spice - cloves and half a kilogram of sugar. Transfer the mixture into a three-liter glass bottle, and first pour half a liter of vodka into it, then warm water to the brim. Set aside in a dark place for 14 days. Shake the tincture every day. Strain and take 15-20 minutes before meals three times a day, two tablespoons. When the medicine runs out, after a week's break, prepare a new portion for a second course of treatment.

● For patients with hemorrhagic vasculitis, it is useful to drink a strong infusion of green tea at least three times a day (one teaspoon of raw material for half a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes). This drink increases the firmness and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and stimulates blood formation. raises the tone of the heart muscle (myocardium), reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and stabilizes water-salt metabolism in organism.

● Prepare a medicinal mixture: one part of dry rue leaves and five parts of butter (vegetable oil is also possible), put it in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Apply a thin layer three times a day problem areas on the skin, joints.

I hope you'll get better soon!

Alternative treatment for vasculitis

The recipes that you will find in the article do not harm the body and are very effective. In the presence of severe forms diseases, all medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory and absorbable effects are used as infusions, lotions and herbal massages. Plants with anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, antiallergic, anabolic and analgesic properties are used for systemic vasculitis.

    Collection 1. To prepare the tincture you will need elderflower flowers, nettle leaves, Japanese sophora (fruit), knotweed and millennial (herb). The listed ingredients are taken in four tablespoons of each type, crushed and mixed thoroughly. After this, take a tablespoon of the mixture (one) and pour a glass of boiling water. Let the herbs steep for an hour, then strain. Take the resulting tincture half a glass three times a day.

Vasculitis treatment with folk remedies

Vasculitis is systemic disease, characterized by an inflammatory process in the walls of various vessels. The damage to organs and tissues in vasculitis is systemic, since it is impossible to name an organ in which there are no vessels. Depending on the triggering mechanisms, primary and secondary vasculitis can be distinguished. This pathology can occur in both adults and children. Special attention are devoted to the study, prevention and treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis, since this variant of the disease most often develops in children and adolescents.

Symptoms of vasculitis

Manifold clinical manifestations due to the fact that vasculitis is a systemic disease and affects blood vessels various organs and body parts. With vasculitis, symptoms are determined by the location and volume of those involved in pathological process vessels. Most often, vasculitis is one of the symptoms or complications of other diseases. The immediate symptoms of vasculitis are rashes and abdominal syndrome.

The rashes can be pinpoint, spotty, and often tend to merge. The rash first appears on lower limbs, then on the buttocks, stomach, arms, less often on the neck and head. The favorite localization of the rash is the extensor surface of the legs, arms, and around the joints.

Arthralgia develops as a result of damage large joints, such as knee, ankle, wrist, elbow. Polyarthritis developing with systemic vasculitis is usually symmetrical and migratory, that is, with each relapse of the disease, the process involves various groups joints. Pain syndrome this can vary from a slight sensation of aching to acute pain, limiting mobility in the joint.

Most varied when vasculitis symptoms abdominal syndrome. Manifestations of this particular syndrome often become the cause of doctors’ mistakes. This syndrome is characterized sudden appearance intestinal colic in the navel area, but often spasm-type pain can also occur in other parts of the abdomen, which can be regarded as intestinal infection, obstruction. In addition, pain can occur in the projection of the appendix or gall bladder, and then the clinic takes on the features of appendicitis or cholecystitis. IN severe cases abdominal syndrome can masquerade as clinical peritonitis.

With vasculitis, symptoms are variable and depend on location damaged vessels, therefore, manifestations or complications such as glomerulonephritis, damage to nervous system, pneumonia and so on.

Systemic vasculitis

The basis of this disease is the formation of microthrombi that clog small vessels, resulting in tissue ischemia due to insufficient oxygen supply through the damaged bloodstream. The systemic nature of vasculitis, as already mentioned, is due to damage to blood vessels of any location. Most often, activation of thrombus formation occurs against the background of an infection or allergy.

Primary vasculitis

Primary vasculitis is a series of independent diseases characterized by inflammation of the vascular wall. These include Takayasu's disease, polyarthritis nodosa, Kawasaki disease, hemorrhagic vasclitis, Wegener's granulomatosis and many others. Despite the similar mechanisms of development, all these diseases differ in clinical presentation, predominant localization and malignancy of the process. Unfortunately, primary vasculitis in children and teenagers.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

Almost always, when they talk about hemorrhagic vasculitis, they mean Henoch-Schönlein disease. With this type of vasculitis, small vessels of the skin are affected, abdominal cavity, joints and kidneys. Plays a major role in the development of the disease a large number of immune complexes circulating in the bloodstream. It is the latter that cause damage to the vascular wall and changes in its properties, including permeability. The provoking factors for the development of hemorrhagic vasculitis are infections, vaccines, and allergies. Usually this pathology develops in childhood. Very rarely develops hemorrhagic vasculitis in adults .

Secondary vasculitis

Secondary vasculitis are manifestations and complications of other diseases that can cause the formation of microthrombi, large immune complexes that can damage the vessel wall. Examples of such diseases include scarlet fever, meningitis, psoriasis, and syphilis. Secondary occurs vasculitis in children and adults.

Vasculitis in children

Despite the variety of forms and variants of vasculitis, this is quite rare disease. Most often, vasculitis develops in children; depending on the form of the disease, it can occur in early childhood, preschool, and adolescence. It has not yet been fully studied why some children develop vasculitis, as an independent disease or a complication of the main one, while others do not. The reason is disturbances in the immune system, which in a child and adolescent is immature and sensitive to many unfavorable factors. However, this disease should not be tied solely to childhood, since in the practice of doctors there are primary and secondary, including hemorrhagic, vasculitis in adults.

Treatment of vasculitis

Treatment varies depending on the type of vasculitis. Moreover, the therapy is multicomponent, that is, a comprehensive approach is required to restore the immune system and eliminate clinical manifestations. IN practical medicine Antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs are most often used; in more severe cases, drugs that suppress the immune system are used. Special meaning has a diet for vasculitis and traditional treatment.

The diet for vasculitis is selected individually, general rules For any variant of this pathology, avoid alcohol and allergens and eat healthy foods.

Widely used for. With minor vascular damage, this sometimes becomes the main component of therapy. But in any case, a doctor’s consultation is necessary, since vasculitis must be treated under control laboratory tests. In addition, often for vasculitis, treatment is selected not by a single doctor, but by a whole council.

Treatment of vasculitis with folk remedies

For vasculitis, alternative treatments should be selected individually, since sometimes they can do more harm than help, turning out to be allergens. Here are the basic recipes for treating vasculitis with folk remedies.

Recipe. A decoction for the treatment of vasculitis. You need to take 4 tablespoons of knotweed herb, stinging nettle leaves, sophora thick-fruited fruits, 3 tablespoons of common yarrow herb and one spoon of black elderberry flowers. Mix thoroughly, pour 3 tablespoons of the mixture into 500 ml of hot water and simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Take 100-150 ml twice a day.

Recipe. Phytoapplications for local treatment vasculitis. At vasculitis treatment with folk remedies must be both local and general. The following fee can be applied in both cases. To prepare it, you need to take 3 tablespoons of horsetail herb and black elderberry flowers and 2 tablespoons of peppermint leaves and yarrow herb. Mix all of the above, pour 3 tablespoons of 500 ml of hot water, bring to a boil (but do not boil). Leave for 10-12 hours. You can take 100 ml orally 4-5 times a day or apply for 15-20 minutes to the site of the rash or sore joint.

Recipe. Infusion for the treatment of hemorrhagic vasculitis. Folk remedies used for hemorrhagic vasculitis: arnica montana, Japanese sophora, calendula. One teaspoon of finely chopped arnica montana flowers is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 2-3 hours. Ready water infusion take 1 tablespoon every 3-4 hours.

Recipe. Alcohol infusion for the treatment of vasculitis. For hemorrhagic vasculitis, treatment with alcohol-containing infusions is most effective, since they are better absorbed into the gastrointestinal mucosa and skin. To prepare, you need to take 3 lemons, 5 tablespoons of cloves, 2 cups of sugar and 0.5 liters of vodka. Grind the lemon and mix with cloves and sugar, then pour in vodka. Leave for 12-14 days, in a dark place, shake every day. Take the finished infusion 1 tablespoon before meals 3-4 times a day.

Recipe. Cleansing collection for the treatment of vasculitis. If the cause of the disease is an allergy to food or drugs, then vasculitis folk treatment is to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and blood. It is necessary to take in equal parts such herbs as wormwood, immortelle, elecampane and tansy. Leave in a thermos for 2-3 hours. 2 tablespoons of dry herb per liter of boiling water. Then strain, drink half a glass warm 2-3 times a day.

Recipe. Collection for the treatment of severe forms of vasculitis. You need to take 3 tablespoons of calendula flowers, poplar buds, mint leaves, string grass, horsetail grass, yarrow grass, elderberry flowers, chop and mix the resulting mixture. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Drink the finished infusion half a glass 5-6 times a day.

Recipe. A mixture of medicinal plants for the treatment and prevention of vasculitis. An infusion of this mixture should be taken 3 times a day, half a glass. You can prepare it as follows. Take 4 tablespoons of Japanese sophora fruits, elderberry flowers, knotweed grass, nettle leaves, yarrow herb. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 200 ml of boiled water and leave for an hour.

In addition to the listed recipes, ointments based on calendula and Japanese Sophora are used in the treatment of vasculitis.

Prevention of vasculitis

Vasculitis is a disease that, having occurred once, can occur again. That is why, with this pathology, prevention is very important, which includes not only medications, but also folk remedies. It is also necessary to follow a diet and try to avoid factors that can cause relapse or exacerbation of vasculitis.

IN initial stages and mild forms of vasculitis seem harmless problem, but in advanced cases the consequences can be extremely unpleasant. At the first manifestations, you must consult a doctor, since treatment for vasculitis must begin immediately.

Sep 9, 2011 SheUkrop

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Hemorrhagic vasculitis - inflammatory lesions vessels of the whole body, characterized allergic rashes on the skin, the root cause of which is the destruction of fine connections in the human brain responsible for the functioning of the immune system. The most famous are acute and chronic form diseases in which infectious lesion primarily the capillaries on the surface of the skin and internal organs. In chronic vasculitis, the intestines and kidneys are most affected, followed by joints. A disrupted vascular network causes the autoimmune nature of the disease.


First of all, it should be noted that hemorrhagic vasculitis in the vast majority of registered cases is a disease that is inherited. However, the possible development of the disease can also be caused by:

  • malfunction of the body's immune system;
  • various types of infections (for example, scarlet fever);
  • complications after severe and chronic diseases (Great chance the development of vasculitis is predicted with prolonged sore throat);
  • tuberculosis;
  • spicy viral infections and flu;
  • insect bites;
  • injuries, bruises, hematomas;
  • for food products;
  • drug intolerance (most often this applies to antibiotics);
  • vaccination (antiviral vaccinations and serums);
  • severe forms of skin burns;
  • poisoning with toxins;
  • hypothermia;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Symptoms of vasculitis

Usually, symptoms This disease is very characteristic:

The consequences and complications of vasculitis are defined as:

  • long-term residual pigmentation;
  • intestinal bleeding, thinning of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • peritonitis;
  • Pregnant women may have defects and pathologies in the development of the fetus.

Treatment of vasculitis

Since hemorrhagic vasculitis is interpreted as allergic inflammation blood vessels and immune system dysfunction, you should pay attention to your diet. Products consumed by the patient must be hypoallergenic so as not to provoke further development diseases and allergic reactions.

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • limit the amount of salt and salty foods you consume;
  • high-calorie foods and dishes;
  • fatty, smoked;
  • eggs;
  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits);
  • chocolate (any);
  • canned food;
  • individual allergens.

The diet should be designed so that you eat in small portions, in small portions chewing food thoroughly. Excessively cold or hot foods and drinks should be avoided.

The daily diet should include:

  • sources of calcium, potassium and iron;
  • sources of B vitamins, as well as vitamins A and C;
  • products that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • low-fat and low-fat dairy products;
  • some fruits (green apples) and dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes);
  • lean meat and fish;
  • beef or pork liver;
  • dried yesterday's bread;
  • vegetable oils (sunflower, olive);
  • low fat butter;
  • porridge (especially buckwheat, oatmeal and rolled oats);
  • vegetables and their processed products (puddings, purees, etc.);
  • light vegetable soups;
  • homemade compotes and jelly;
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries, strawberries and raspberries,
  • rosehip infusion;
  • currants, cherries, chokeberry, pink grapes;
  • red bell pepper.

Treatment of vasculitis with traditional medicine

Before starting herbal treatment, you need to mandatory find out if the patient is allergic to them!


For vasculitis good effect provide homemade ointments, selected taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body, individual intolerance to herbs and phytocomponents.

On various stages development of the disease, a beneficial effect is observed when using ointments based on fragrant rue and butter(1:5), kept in a cold place for at least a week. It must be rubbed with gentle movements into the affected areas until completely absorbed. In the absence of allergies to arnica You can add its flowers to the ointment, in equal proportions with rue.

Vegetable pastes containing lagohilu With.

Complex drinking mixtures for lotions

Many healing herbs give the same positive effect both for external use and in the form of decoctions and infusions. The following recipes for preparations for minor skin lesions can be used as lotions and compresses, and also drunk warm, half a glass up to 2-3 times a day. The scheme for their preparation is the same and consists of the following: place the indicated ratios of herbs in a container, pour two glasses cold water and bring to a boil, immediately remove from heat, cool and leave for several hours with the lid closed, pass through a strainer. The average duration of compresses is 20 minutes.

It is useful to make lotions from juice celery and leaves nettle, and also apply to the lower abdomen for many days rosin cake(100 g pine rosin and 20 g beeswax need to melt in a water bath, add 25g there oily base and mix, then spread in an even layer on a linen cloth and apply to the stomach).


Various tinctures will also be an excellent help for the body:

They need to be taken before meals, their calculation is 30-40 drops per 100 ml of water.


In order to reduce swelling, local inflammatory processes and allergic reactions, as well as intestinal cleansing and normalization metabolic processes It is useful for a patient with vasculitis to take herbal infusions: black elderberry, black currant leaves, crushed licorice root, common string, calendula, medicinal plant, lemongrass, yarrow, lingonberry leaves and berries, tricolor violet, mountain arnica, meadowsweet, stinging nettle, horsetail, cinquefoil, bergenia thick-leaved, elecampane , tansy, immortelle, wormwood.

Take 1 teaspoon of herb per glass of boiling water, cover with a saucer and infuse. It is advisable to drink warm, you can add to taste honey. All of the herbs listed can be drunk individually, or mixed together. equal quantities. The benefits of such a drink will only increase.

An infusion of fruits is also prepared according to the same scheme. rosehip.

Strong effect on metabolism in tissues green tea(1 heaped spoon per glass), but you should drink it without sugar.

Vasculitis is a serious disease, but with proper persistence it can be treated. It is important to remember that if the disease has been defeated, everything possible must be done to prevent a relapse.