Facial skin diseases: pathological manifestations and treatment. Causes of skin diseases on the face

The appearance of various rashes and spots on the face, as a rule, accompanies various dermatological diseases. Such pathologies not only cause cosmetic discomfort, but can also lead to serious consequences. The abundance of inflammatory elements that accompany skin diseases on the face contribute to the formation of psychological problems. Incorrectly getting rid of a common pimple can lead to the development of a life-threatening condition.

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    Variety of pathologies

    Changes in facial skin have a polyetiological nature. Among the causes of dermatological diseases are:

    • exposure to infectious agents;
    • sensitization of the body to certain antigens and even physical phenomena;
    • genetic determinant;
    • hormonal imbalance.

    Improper skin care can be a starting point in the development of pathology. Lack of hygiene when shaving often leads to inflammation of the hair follicles and infection. Drying the skin with frequent use of cosmetics or, on the contrary, over-moisturizing it and clogging pores contributes to the development of disorders.


    Pustular diseases are most often caused by staphylo- and streptococci. It is possible to be exposed to different bacteria at the same time. There are superficial forms of pathology (impetigo) and those affecting the deeper layers of the dermis.

    The pathology of the hair follicles is manifested by the alternating appearance of redness, a nodule, and an abscess against the background of hyperemia, followed by a breakthrough of pus. The inflammatory element will be barely noticeable with ostiofolliculitis and reach significant sizes with a carbuncle. The more tissue involved (hair follicle, glands, perifollicular structures), the more severe the local condition. There may be a reaction from nearby lymph nodes.

    Impetigo corresponds to damage to the superficial layers of the skin. The patient develops redness with pustular elements. Against this background, the evolution of pustules occurs and yellow crusts form.

    In men, the manifestations of sycosis are very similar to impetigo. The disease affects the growth area of ​​short thick hair (beard and mustache). It begins with inflammation of the follicles. The pustules quickly open, and many dirty yellow scales of dried pus form on the surface. Casuistic cases of sycosis are also recorded in women.

    Fungal infection

    A classic example of pathology is candidiasis. In the corners of the mouth there is skin hyperemia, soreness, cracks appear, and weeping. To verify the diagnosis, identification of yeast fungi is required.

    Facial mycoses have common features:

    • a spot appears on the skin;
    • a shaft of bubbles is built around the focus on a hyperemic background;
    • the affected tissue is paler in the center, brighter at the periphery;
    • peeling and itching are noted.

    Viral diseases

    The main group of diseases of viral etiology consists of herpetic infections. Herpes labialis is widespread and localized along the edge of the red border of the lips. It manifests itself as a painful vesicular element with transparent contents, which dries out after spontaneous opening. A rim of hyperemia is detected around the vesicle.

    The varicella-zoster virus causes shingles. The pathogen develops in nervous tissue, which justifies the localization of rashes during infection (along the trigeminal or facial nerve). The topic of the lesion corresponds to the appearance of vesicles on the skin of the face. Patients experience pain along the course of the vesicular rash, their general well-being also suffers with a rise in temperature to 38-39 °C, and there may be disturbances in hearing, vision, and swallowing saliva and food.

    Molluscum contagiosum is not directly related to marine life and is a disease with a viral etiology. Pathology is diagnosed by identifying small formations against the background of inflamed skin. A characteristic feature is the release of a crumbly mass when the nodules are opened.

    Acne and demodicosis

    The diseases have different etiological bases, but are very similar in appearance. Acne simplex, familiar to many teenagers, is a fairly common pathology in adulthood. Due to the overproduction of androgens, the composition and rate of formation of sebum changes, pores become clogged, and comedones form. Without infection, acne looks like multiple blackheads. With the active proliferation of microflora, suppuration occurs and pustules form.


    Discoid lupus is not contagious, unlike tuberculosis. Patients are characterized by the appearance of areas of hyperemia on the nose and cheeks. The central areas of the “butterfly” gradually become pale, with pigmentation remaining on the periphery. Against the background of hyperemia, light silvery-gray peeling is noted.

The skin reacts to literally everything: both to external factors in the form of atmospheric conditions, and to internal processes occurring in the body. The result of such reactions are all kinds of facial skin diseases that cause physical and mental discomfort.

Successful, rapid treatment largely depends on the stage at which it was started and on the correctness of the diagnosis.

The skin can react to anything: to a surge in hormonal levels - with acne; long-term use of antibiotics - rosacea; on passion for tanning and saunas - rosacea. Many cosmetologists have tried to classify a huge number of facial skin diseases, but it is difficult to distribute more than 600 problems that are so similar to each other. An ordinary person who discovers a rash of unknown origin in the mirror on his face needs to know at least the most common ones.

  1. Acne(pimples, blackheads) - a disturbance in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which in the initial stages manifests itself in blackheads and small individual acne, and then develops into painful, inflamed rashes. They form swellings filled with pus.
  2. Rosacea- small pink or red rash.
  3. Cuperosis- spider veins.
  4. Papillomas- skin tumors caused by a virus.
  5. Impetigo- pustular, an infectious disease caused by the action of streptococci and staphylococci, looks like red bumpy rashes, spots that are quite painful. Later, bubbles form in place of these tubercles.
  6. Melanoma- a tumor developing from a birthmark, malignant. Its characteristic features are an increase in size of the mole (more than 6 mm in diameter), uneven edges and unnatural color.
  7. Keratosis- small spots of various colors. They can be flat or protrude, eventually taking on a mushroom shape. Almost always covered with rough horny scales.
  8. Vitiligo- pink or milky-white spots that tend to enlarge, acquiring rounded shapes. As they grow, they merge with each other and form extensive foci.
  9. Chloasma- increased pigmentation of a limited area of ​​the face, with clear boundaries.
  10. Seborrheic dermatitis- peeling of the skin, severe redness in the eye and nose area. It is itchy and painful.

If there is a suspicion of one of these dermatitis, it is urgent to find out the reasons for such a dramatic change in appearance. By eliminating the root cause, you can quickly and effectively get rid of the facial skin disease that started with you. And there can be a great many reasons.

Causes of facial skin diseases

Any skin diseases on the face do not arise on their own: you need to look for a provoking factor that caused disturbances in the subcutaneous processes. And to do this, you will have to analyze not only your facial care cosmetics, but also reconsider the lifestyle you lead, and even answer very personal questions about the state of your nervous system lately.

  • Improper skin care

One of the most common reasons for the development of all kinds of skin diseases is improper skin care. An abundance of decorative cosmetics actively clogs pores if they are not cleaned regularly. This creates a microenvironment under the skin in which bacteria multiply, causing damage to cells.

  • Heredity

It is very difficult to tidy up problematic, oily skin, the work of the sebaceous glands of which is dictated by internal deep processes that do not depend on the person. However, proper care and a healthy lifestyle significantly alleviate her condition.

  • Lifestyle

If you don’t get enough sleep, love fast foods, abuse cigarettes and alcohol and don’t think about sports at all, you shouldn’t be surprised that at some point your skin will respond to this with a real riot: it needs vitamins and oxygen, which you don’t provide it with by leading such a way of life.

  • Internal diseases

Most often, facial skin diseases can signal improper functioning of the stomach, circulatory system or kidneys. A general weakening of the immune system and viral infections can also trigger their appearance.

  • Nervous system problems

Think: are you satisfied with your life? Do you get nervous too often and lose your temper to the point of hysterics? If all this is accompanied by rashes, it is stressful situations that cause their appearance.

Based on the detected provoking factor, it will already be possible to judge whether a hormonal, infectious or fungal disease of the facial skin is attacking your body. And the treatment itself will depend on this.

Treatment of facial skin diseases

It is very important which facial skin diseases are detected: treatment will depend on the diagnosis. It can consist either in a medicinal method of solving the problem, or with the help of folk, home remedies. It will also be of considerable importance whether you change your lifestyle, which so greatly affects the condition of the skin.

  1. First, eliminate the root cause of the disease: provide proper skin care, avoid stress, undergo a medical examination and treatment for internal diseases, quit smoking and play sports.
  2. Secondly, consult your doctor to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Exact adherence to the recipe is the key to a speedy recovery. Such diseases are treated with antibiotics, antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs, both externally (ointments) and internally (tablets).
  3. Thirdly, use folk remedies to help with drug treatment if you are confident in the accuracy of the diagnosis: homemade masks significantly facilitate the course of such diseases.

Treatment will be effective only if facial skin diseases are accurately identified: the symptoms will tell you what the problem is. The main thing is not to delay this and, if possible, still take a consultation with a dermatologist. Home self-medication is not always useful, especially if the case is quite severe.

Any flaw on the face greatly upsets us, because this is what first catches our eye. Of course, the aesthetic component is incredibly important, especially for women. But sometimes the problematic issues do not end there.

A skin disease can be not just a temporary flaw in appearance, but a symptom of a serious internal disorder or infectious skin lesion. In this case, simple cosmetic procedures may not be enough, and it is necessary to resort to specialized treatment. Let's try to figure out why skin diseases appear, what they are and how to recognize them.

Why do skin diseases occur on the face?

Treatment of any disease is preceded by identifying the causes of its occurrence.

Among the factors that provoke facial skin diseases, cosmetologists identify the following:

Lifestyle and nutrition undoubtedly play a key role for the health of the body as a whole. However, a number of facial diseases can be infectious in nature. In this case, simple changes in diet or quitting smoking and alcohol will not change the situation for the better. Also, the face very often suffers from allergic conditions. However, allergies are easily recognized by a whole list of additional symptoms.

What skin diseases can be present on the face?

The skin of the face is a mirror of almost any internal problems of the body. In addition, any manifestations of the environment can affect its condition. So, if acne is associated with hormonal changes, then age spots and rosacea are not uncommon for tanning and solarium lovers.

The classification of skin ailments is very problematic, because with an incredible number of their varieties, many of them have fairly similar symptoms. Not every doctor will be able to instantly distinguish allergic rashes, for example, from acne or infection. And if allergies can be cured by protecting the patient from contact with the irritant, then with papilloma or rosacea the situation is more complicated.

The most common skin infections and diseases are presented in the following list:

Of course, the list of diseases that appear on the skin of the face does not end there. Any suspicious rashes, growths, redness and peeling should be a signal to visit a qualified dermatologist. Once the diagnosis is established and the causes of the disease are clarified, the doctor prescribes treatment. Often it consists of a specific set of medications taken in combination. These can be antibiotics, antifungal tablets and creams, anti-inflammatory ointments.

Also during treatment, home remedies can be used in the form of masks and applications, which have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

An important condition for the treatment of skin diseases is a balanced diet, giving up alcohol and smoking, and eliminating stress.

Related materials

Few people know that the human skin is the largest organ in the body. The area of ​​skin on the body is about two square meters. Based on this, it is quite logical to assume that the number of skin diseases includes a considerable list.

In addition to the fact that the human skin performs the protective and immune function of the body, it also regulates temperature, water balance and many sensations. This is why it is so important to protect your skin from the effects of various diseases. This task is the most important regarding prevention.

Below you can find out which of the most common skin diseases a person can experience and see their photos. Here you can find a description of the diseases, as well as the symptoms and causes of the disease. You should immediately pay attention to the fact that many skin diseases can be cured without much difficulty.

What are the types of skin diseases in humans?

Skin diseases can have different origins. They all differ in their appearance, symptoms and cause of formation.

Dermatitis is a rash in the form of blisters, peeling, discomfort, itching, burning, etc. The reasons may be different, depending on which there are several types of dermatitis, for example, infectious, allergic, atopic, food, etc.

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Photos and names of skin diseases in humans

Now it’s worth looking at photos of the main skin diseases, and below you can read their symptoms, causes and descriptions.

The most common skin diseases:

  1. Papilloma

This is a disease of the sebaceous glands, which is characterized by clogging and inflammation of the follicles. People often call this skin disease acne.

The main causes of acne:

Symptoms of acne formation:

  • The formation of comedones in the form of black or white acne.
  • Formation of deep acne: papules and pustules.
  • Affects the chest, face, back and shoulders.
  • Formation of redness and bumps.
  • The appearance of purulent acne.

Dermatitis is any inflammation of the skin. The disease dermatitis has several types. The most common types of dermatitis: contact, diaper, seborrheic, atopic.

Despite this, dermatitis has some main causes:

Symptoms of skin dermatitis:

  • The appearance of burning and itching.
  • Formation of blisters on the skin.
  • Presence of swelling.
  • Formation of redness at sites of inflammation.
  • Formation of scales and dry crusts.

Here you can learn in detail about the characteristics and treatment of inflammation, and also look.

A skin disease such as lichen includes a number of several varieties. Each of these types differs in its pathogen, type of rash, localization and infectiousness.

Detailed information about the types of this disease can be found on the website.

The main causes of lichen on the human skin:

Symptoms of lichen disease:

  • Formation of colored and flaky spots.
  • Formation of spots on any part of the body, depending on the type of disease.
  • Some types are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Herpes is a very common skin disease. Most of the world's population have experienced this disease at least once.

This disease is accompanied by thickening and keratinization of human skin. With the development of keratosis, painful sensations and bleeding wounds may appear.

The main causes of keratosis:

Symptoms of keratosis:

  • Roughness and unevenness of the skin at the first stage of the disease.
  • Formation of hard brown or red spots.
  • Peeling of the skin around the formations.
  • Presence of itching.

Carcinoma is considered one of the signs of the development of skin cancer.

The disease can form on any part of the skin. A sharp increase in the number of moles on the body should already be alarming.

Main symptoms of carcinoma:

  • Formation of pearlescent or shiny bumps.
  • Formation of ulcers.
  • Formation of pink raised spots.

Hemangioma is a benign formation on the skin due to a vascular defect, which most often occurs in children. Externally, the disease appears as bumpy red spots.

Causes of hemangioma:

Symptoms of hemangioma:

  • At the initial stage, the formation of a barely noticeable spot in the area of ​​the child’s face or neck.
  • Redness of the spot.
  • The spot becomes burgundy.

Melanoma is another sign of skin cancer. At the first signs of melanoma, you should consult a doctor.

Main symptoms of melanoma:


Papilloma is a benign tumor that appears on the surface of the skin in the form of a small growth.

Causes of papilloma:

Main symptoms of papilloma:

  • Formation of a pink or flesh-colored growth.
  • The size of the formation can reach several centimeters.
  • Formation of a common wart.

It is commonly called a group of fungal diseases of the skin. As a rule, this disease occurs in 20% of the world's inhabitants. The main cause of dermatomycosis in humans is the contact of fungi on the skin or mucous area of ​​a person.

Symptoms of dermatomycosis:

  • The formation of red spots that are covered with scales.
  • Presence of itching.
  • Hair loss and breakage.
  • Peeling of nails.

Skin lesions on the face are especially acute because these problems are difficult to hide. The use of camouflage foundation often only aggravates the situation. If standard treatment methods do not help, then you may have streptococcal infection!

Most often, infection with streptococci is a consequence of damage to the upper layers of the epidermis due to injuries, scratches, allergic rashes and sunburn. When it becomes possible to penetrate the protective stratum corneum, the microorganism quickly reaches the middle layer of the skin and there begins active reproduction and vital activity.

As a result, toxins enter the surrounding tissues, and healthy cells suffer from being captured by a growing colony of dangerous bacteria. All this leads to the appearance of characteristic symptoms in both children and adults.

Learning to recognize the “enemy”

So, we will immediately warn you that streptoderma on the face can be cured only with the help of antibacterial agents, to which this type of bacterial flora is highly sensitive. Therefore, the most effective therapy involves conducting preliminary laboratory tests - this is the only way you can recognize the true “enemy”.

It is necessary to consult a doctor for a series of tests, since streptococcal infection can masquerade as a fungal infection and a number of other dangerous diseases. Meanwhile, the treatment of fungus or seborrhea is fundamentally different from the treatment of a bacterial infection.

It is also necessary to differentiate the pathology from a banal vitamin deficiency, which can similarly manifest itself in the form of redness and peeling of the epidermis on the face.

Characteristic symptoms of streptococcal infection on the face:

  • the appearance of a red spot with a swollen, poorly defined edge;
  • slight peeling from the center, spreading to the edges;
  • itching and slight burning sensation;
  • attachment of the papular form in the form of pustules and vesicles with yellowish liquid;
  • Symptoms of general intoxication may gradually increase - headache, weakness, muscle sensations.

A distinctive feature is that symptoms appear after any injury to the facial skin. On average, the incubation period is no more than 10 days. The use of non-sterile instruments in beauty salons during peeling and skin cleansing can be an injury.

What and how to treat?

If you have difficulties visiting a dermatologist, then try to independently identify streptoderma on your face from the photo that we offer you. If there is even the slightest difficulty in diagnosis, do not start treatment.

If you are sure that your facial skin is affected by streptococci, then you should adhere to the following treatment methods:

  • use salicylic or boric alcohol to hygienically wipe the skin 2 times a day;
  • after 10 minutes, a thin layer of ointment containing erythromycin, tetracycline or penicillin is applied;
  • vitamin therapy is necessary - B vitamins are injected subcutaneously, Aevit is taken orally;
  • Gauze moistened with a warm solution of furatsilin is applied daily as a compress to the skin of the face.

If all these measures do not help get rid of symptoms within 7 days, then you should consult a doctor to prescribe corrective treatment and conduct laboratory testing of the causative agent of the disease. Remember, only the doctor decides how and how to treat the infection!

During the treatment period, exclude from your diet all sweets and foods with a large amount of carbohydrates and sugars. You should also completely avoid any cosmetic products. After completing treatment, replace all creams, lotions and maxis with new ones to eliminate the possibility of re-infection. It is also worth replacing all items that are used for skin care.