Cats are constantly getting hair, what should I do? What diseases cause hair loss? Possible skin lesions in cats and what to do about it

Healthy cat, living in nature, sheds twice a year, in spring and autumn. By summer, cats actively shed their fur in preparation for the hot season. In autumn, on the contrary, they increase their fur coat in anticipation of the winter cold. Animals living in an apartment are also subject to shedding, but often this process is delayed or becomes uncontrollable when the cat sheds heavily almost all year round.

What causes excessive hair loss in a cat?

If your pet is an apartment dweller, without access to “free range”, then most likely he is prone to increased hair loss. In winter, when the fur coat should grow, the opposite process is observed. In apartments with central heating dry and warm air dictates the animal to shed excess fur for a more comfortable feeling. A hot battery replaces thick winter fur for our pets, and artificial lighting and the resulting longer daylight hours complete the picture.

To avoid hair loss from overheating, if possible, keep the animal away from radiators, install air humidifiers, and ventilate the apartment more often. If you have a balcony or loggia, set up a “winter” house for your cat on the balcony, install scratching posts, multi-level shelves and ladders there so that the animal is interested in going out into the fresh air.

Gastrointestinal disease or hormonal imbalance

Some breeds with a thick undercoat, in particular, British, Siberian, Maine Coons, shed all year round, so if there are no other visible problems with the coat, then there is no reason to worry.

Animals that spend the winter months in an apartment and move to the country in the summer tend, on the contrary, to increased hair growth in the summer months, when they have access to walking, and therefore upon returning to a city apartment are subject to more intense molting.

Considering seasonal factors and the specifics of keeping pets, it is very important not to accept skin diseases for a normal shedding. Such diseases include allergic reactions for food or medicine, fungal diseases. Hair loss may be associated with gastrointestinal as well as hormonal problems and be accompanied by itching, redness, and the formation of focal bald patches.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances; take the animal to the veterinarian.

The clinic will do the necessary tests (scraping at the site of alopecia, blood test), conduct diagnostics and prescribe treatment. It is possible that excessive hair loss is due to a lack of vitamins, in which case the doctor will recommend a complex that is suitable for your pet.

Most often, cats with focal lesions are prescribed simple and effective vitamins, for example, brewer's yeast. If all other vital signs of the animal are normal, then within two weeks you will notice a significant improvement in the condition of the hair coat.

Shedding may be associated with food changes

The cat sheds a lot due to problems with gastrointestinal tract or food-related allergies. Excluding certain foods from the diet, as well as adding vegetable fats, will help restore your pet’s coat and return it to its usual shine and shine.

How to reduce hair

There are several ways to reduce the amount of hair shedding. Here they are:


For supporting healthy condition The pet's fur needs to be brushed regularly. For cats predisposed to matting hair - Persian, Siberian - we recommend doing this daily using a special comb - a furminator. The Furminator can significantly reduce shedding, prevent the formation of tangles, and remove the undercoat gently without damaging the skin, guard hair and coat.

Washing the cat

Washing a cat will not solve the problem of excessive shedding, but using special conditioners for fur, for example, “No Wool,” will help restore damaged fur, eliminate dry skin, and get rid of flaking.

You need to understand that washing and treating with a furminator only solves the consequence of the problem, but not its cause. To establish accurate diagnosis it's best to contact veterinarian. The issue of excessive hair loss should be approached comprehensively and preferably under the supervision of a specialist.

Video review about cat shedding: an interview with a breeder and grooming expert about caring for a cat’s fur

  • How to properly comb a cat?
  • What to do if your cat sheds heavily all year round?
  • Why do cats have more combs than people?

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian in the comment box below, who as soon as possible will answer them.

Why a cat's hair falls out will be of interest to all owners of these pets. Sometimes this phenomenon does not pose a danger, and the causes are very easy to eliminate. However, in some cases, hair loss in a cat may be evidence serious violations in organism. High-quality diagnostics and a timely approach to treatment will solve the problem.

Why do cats lose hair?

The causes of baldness in cats are varied. The first of which includes seasonal molting. It usually lasts for several months and is not dangerous. Hair loss in cats often occurs due to:

  • autumn;
  • spring.

At the same time, it is not easy for the owner, since the number of fur fragments lost by the pet sometimes reaches a significant amount. Such seasonal molting is a variant of the norm. At the same time, there is no baldness in cats. New fur immediately grows to replace the old fur.

Many pet owners are interested in why their cats have hair. The reason for this phenomenon may be feeding the offspring. Any animal during lactation produces milk along with a large number of vitamins For this reason, shedding may occur. However, after this period ends, the coat is restored. Cat owners need to remember that during feeding the animal needs additional vitamins and good nutrition.

Hair loss in a cat can be a result of severe stress.

A similar situation may arise when moving, changing owners, or after visiting a veterinary clinic. Such pets are extremely sensitive to any changes, so molting in in this case caused by nervous disorders.

Most owners of such pets wonder why their cat's fur falls out in clumps. Sometimes age can be a factor. The body of an old animal weakens and gives similar symptoms.

Why does a cat lose hair in clumps? topical issue. An allergic reaction may be a provoking factor. At the same time, the cat licks the itchy areas. The affected areas appear red and irritated. Bald patches may appear in cats in areas of intense licking. Sores form, which then become crusty. The animal looks irritated.

Additional reasons

  1. mites;
  2. worms;
  3. fleas.

In this case, the animal often looks sick. On a surface skin crusts and ulcerations form. Similar manifestations can occur in a kitten. The animal gradually becomes bald and covered with scales.

Congenital anomalies may also result from characteristic symptoms. It is very difficult to identify such a cause, so the disease often progresses. If a cat has hair growing near its ears and on its face, then this phenomenon can be described as a peculiar reaction to certain group medicines.

Weakening immune defense the animal's body becomes one of the main provoking factors of such manifestations.

If a viral infection or bacteria is added, the process worsens. The cat looks lethargic and eats poorly, preferring a sedentary lifestyle.

Pathologies sebaceous glands may cause hair loss. At the same time, the skin often becomes covered with scales and becomes shiny. The causes and treatment of such symptoms can only be determined by a doctor after collection. necessary tests and examination of the animal.

What to do if your cat is losing hair

If a cat has a lot of hair, all owners wonder what to do in this case. furry pets. First of all, the animal must be taken to the veterinarian. If bald spots and bald patches appear suddenly on a cat, but they do not ulcerate and have White color, then it is recommended to try changing your pet’s diet.

When a cat's hair loss occurs all year round and ulcers form and the skin peels, then most likely the animal is having an allergic reaction. In this case, treatment with antihistamine creams and medications is indicated, which should be added to your pet’s food and smeared on the affected areas. However, first of all, the allergen should be identified and, if possible, eliminated.

When a cat's hair comes out, many people think about what to do in such a situation. The main thing is not to panic. If the animal feels well and the shedding is even, then it is recommended to purchase a vitamin complex that will compensate for the deficiency. useful substances in the body and prevent excessive fur loss.

Bald patch on hind legs may indicate injury, so you should carefully examine the animal’s skin and treat it with any antiseptic, but not alcohol. It must be remembered that the cat can lick the medicine, so only safe options should be selected.

When the cause is pathology of the sebaceous glands, then retinoid derivatives, prescribed by a specialist, and antiseborrheic shampoos are used for therapy. Bacterial and viral infections are eliminated through integrated approach to treatment.

Sooner or later, such a diet will lead to serious illnesses. Often, such feeding provokes hair loss, and after normalization of nutrition, the cat is again covered with a shiny fur coat.

It is important to check your pet's ears for ticks. If you turn the ear out, it will have an unhealthy color, and characteristic baldness is present in the same place. The cat behaves restlessly and is constantly itching. Drops, ointments and aerosols are used for treatment.

The most popular pet is the cat. This one is soft and affectionate pet can not only lift your spirits and brighten up loneliness, but also relieve painful sensations. If you watch their games, you can recharge yourself with positive energy for the whole day. Owners also noticed that cat purring has a calming and relaxing effect.

Of course, a pet must be healthy. Any disturbances in his body are reflected in the condition of the coat. There are situations when a cat sheds a lot. What to do? This question worries most owners. If the animal is healthy, then its coat is thick and shiny. However, if bald spots begin to appear, then you need to sound the alarm. In what situations can this indicate a serious illness, and in what situations is it enough to simply wait out the molting process? Let's figure it out.

What is shedding?

Every owner of a beautiful fluffy cat has encountered the process of hair loss. In principle, there is nothing wrong with this, since any animal that has hair sheds periodically. The process of changing coats should occur twice a year. Before preparing for winter, the light coat of hair is replaced by a denser and warmer one. This is necessary so that the animal can withstand frost. Also, the molting process begins in early spring. At this time, the pet sheds its warm undercoat, replacing it with a lighter one. As a rule, the molting period itself lasts from 1 to 2 months.

In order to speed up hair loss, you need to use a special comb for cats. With its help you can quickly comb out any remaining hair. There are situations when the molting process is delayed. This can be observed in animals that permanently live indoors. Also at risk are those pets who do not receive proper care. Their molting can last up to 4 months.

Causes of severe shedding

To understand why an animal's hair falls out profusely, it is necessary to understand the main reasons. These include:

Cat breeds

Before getting a cat, you need to learn in detail about the characteristics of a particular breed. For example, proper coat care is necessary for British, Siberian, and Persian pets. They are distinguished by a thick undercoat, which causes a lot of trouble for owners. With such breeds, you need to be prepared for the fact that wool will accumulate in every corner of the room. If the owner is not happy with such prospects, then it is recommended to pay attention to the American Curl, Sacred Burma, Somalia or Angara. They are soft and fluffy, but do not shed that much.

Those who like Siamese breeds cats don't have to worry about their fur remaining on upholstered furniture and other places. As a rule, these animals practically do not shed, since they do not have undercoat.

Owners of such breeds as Bombay, Egyptian Mau, Singaporean, Burmese and bengal cat. Their hair does not fall out intensively, but, most importantly, in small quantities. And finally, let us note that there are also cat breeds that have no hair at all.

If your cat sheds a lot, what should you do? In this situation, owners are recommended to purchase a furminator. With its help you can easily and quickly deal with thick undercoat during seasonal molting. It is also important especially representatives fluffy breeds comb daily. Thanks to proper care tangles will not form on the animal’s body.

If shedding is profuse, you can use special conditioners and shampoos. If you choose them correctly, they will moisturize the skin, restore hair follicles. Thanks to this, the coat becomes shiny and thick.

However, one nuance must be taken into account in this matter. By using cosmetics and the furminator can only eliminate the consequences severe loss wool But it is always necessary to look for the root cause that led to such problems. They vary, so if shedding lasts more than 2 months, you should definitely contact a veterinarian.

Seasonal molt

Owners will experience the first shedding when their pet is 6 months old. It is during this period that the kitten's coat changes. You can even notice this by touch. Adult hair is coarser. Also, after the first moult, the color changes to a more saturated one, and the pattern becomes pronounced.

A healthy animal sheds twice a year: in winter and spring. In order to get through this period faster, it is best to purchase a special comb for cats. According to the owners, with its help the undercoat is combed out very quickly. This is especially true for very fluffy breeds. Their undercoat is so thick that they can get rid of it all summer long. Shedding in short-haired cats lasts from several weeks to 2 months.

Let's talk about nutrition

If a cat's fur is coming out in clumps, then the first thing you need to do is pay attention to its nutrition. Those owners who prefer to feed their pet everything that they eat themselves, cause it irreparable harm. Typically, human food is seasoned with spices and salt. But they are the ones that cause food allergies, kidney and liver diseases. A sick animal begins to lose fur extensively and also becomes very nervous.

Pick up proper nutrition only after consultation with a veterinarian. It is he who will help identify products, causing allergies. In addition to prescribing a diet, a special vitamin complex will be recommended, which will not only help bring six animals in order, but also improve its health.

Why does a cat shed a lot? This question is often asked by owners who have not yet had experience interacting with animals. From the very first days the kitten is taught to healthy food. Except special food, it is necessary to introduce vegetables, fruits and cottage cheese into the diet.

Domestic cat sheds a lot - what to do?

How to determine the cause intense shedding a pet who doesn't leave the apartment? Most often, these animals do not sense the change of seasons. They may be affected by ambient temperature. This is especially noticeable in the winter season when the heating is on. Due to dry indoor air, cats begin to lose a lot of hair. In order to correct this situation, it is necessary to use air humidifiers. It is also recommended to choose vitamins for your pet. Only a veterinarian can help in this matter.

Let's talk about vitamins

Does your cat shed a lot? What to do if you don't know? You need to contact veterinary clinic. Doctors will conduct an examination there. If they don't find any serious illnesses, then in this situation a special vitamin complex will be recommended.

Many animals that lack B vitamins begin to lose a lot of hair. As a rule, B2 and B5 are responsible for the thickness of the hair coat in cats. If the latter is lacking, then in addition to intense shedding, dermatitis may occur. The pet is often in nervous state. If there is a deficiency of B2, the animal may become completely bald in the area of ​​the back, chest and eyes. His cornea becomes very cloudy and small cracks appear in the corners of his mouth. His body becomes very weak.

Vitamins for cats against hair loss are sold in tablets. They may contain not only elements of group B, but also iodine, biotin, extract seaweed, sulfur.

It is advisable not to limit yourself to vitamins alone; it is better to purchase complexes that also include minerals.


In order to never encounter fur diseases in their pets, the owner must follow all the rules for caring for them. First of all, it is necessary to comb the animal daily. Special combs are sold for this. It is equally important to provide your pet with balanced diet. It should include vegetables, meat and fish. Under no circumstances is it permitted to serve food from the common table. It is also recommended not to increase portions on your own, as overeating can lead to hair loss and other diseases. If you follow all the rules, and also introduce vitamins for cats against hair loss into the diet, then the molting process will take place quickly and almost unnoticed by the owners.

A cat’s healthy and fluffy coat is an indicator of its health and a source of pride for its owner. It is no coincidence that one of the signs of good physical condition animals are called shiny and thick fur. But what to do when a cat begins to rapidly lose its hair? Should the owner sound the alarm and run to the doctor to prescribe treatment? In any case, if the owner notices abnormal hair thinning in his pet, he should carefully monitor the behavior and general health of the animal. Hair loss in cats(or alopecia scientifically) can be one of the symptoms of terrible diseases, or it can be a banal molting.

Causes of hair loss in cats

The main causes of hair loss in cats:
  1. Seasonal shedding. Molting is how nature arranges it, that in spring and autumn periods cats change their coats in accordance with the upcoming heat or cold weather. During this period, the animal behaves as usual, does not look sick, and its appetite is normal. By the way, when molting an animal does not become bald, it simply loses its old coat and acquires a new one in return. The owner should not worry if the shedding continues for a long time (sometimes up to 3 months), there may be reasons for this, for example, the cat lives in an overly suffocating and poorly ventilated room. However, it will not be superfluous to maintain a comfortable temperature in the house for the animal, as well as to maintain the body in the off-season.
  2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. A cat carrying kittens often loses hair because its body is completely rebuilt, giving away the lion's share of vitamins and nutrients from the mother to her cubs. As a rule, after stopping feeding, the cat regains its fur, and its coat looks no worse than before. The owner should remember that pregnant and lactating cats need special enhanced nutrition And vitamin preparations.
  3. Stress. A cat is a sensitive and deeply vulnerable animal, so rude treatment from people, loss or change of owner, or any unusual situations can cause depression in the animal. In stressful situations, cats may lose their fur, their mood may be apathetic, and they may have no appetite. The most the best medicines in this case there will be human affection, understanding, care and time. In the most severe cases the veterinarian may prescribe special sedatives.
  4. Senile age cats. Older cats often experience thinning hair on the face and around the ears. This hair loss does not require drug treatment, but it makes sense to consult with a veterinarian about the nutrition of an old animal and vitamins.
  5. Allergic reactions. Cats, like people, can have allergic reactions to anything: food, medications, chemical substances and plants (contact dermatitis), mold, dust (inhalation dermatitis), blood-sucking saliva ( flea dermatitis), sunlight (solar dermatosis). In addition to hair loss, symptoms of allergies in cats include itching, constant licking and scratching of irritated areas of the body, redness of the skin, and the possible appearance of scales and blisters on the body. For successful treatment animal, the allergen should be identified and the possibility of the cat coming into contact with it should be excluded. Often prescribed by a doctor antihistamines, special diets, immunomodulators, insecticides depending on the allergen causing painful condition animal.
  6. Hereditary or congenital diseases. These diseases include: seborrhea (alopecia, peeling and inflammation of the skin, bad smell), hypotrichosis ( total loss wool under the age of one year) and other diseases. After medical examinations, tests and biopsies, treatment may be prescribed, if possible.
  7. The reaction of the cat's body to drug treatment. Sometimes the cat received chemotherapy or any other drug treatment can affect its coat: the cat’s coat becomes thinner, and the areas around the injection sites become inflamed. Sometimes hair loss may not occur immediately after treatment. Special treatment such loss, as a rule, is not required. Perhaps your doctor may prescribe vitamins or immunostimulants.
  8. Weakening of the cat's immune system. Any diseases stressful situations, periods of estrus may cause weakening immune system in an animal. The hair falls out, but the cat has no itching or restlessness. The owner must consult a doctor for a prescription. vitamin complexes. It is also a good idea to review the animal’s diet; under no circumstances should you feed the animal food from your table or cheap and low-quality food.
  9. Disruption of the sebaceous glands. Adenitis and hyperplasia are a disruption of the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, in which areas of the cat’s skin may become excessively shiny, covered with scales, and focal baldness is also possible. Doctors prescribe antiseborrheic shampoos and retinoids for treatment.
In fact, there can be many reasons for hair loss in cats; as a rule, baldness only accompanies any disease. The owner should always pay attention to general state animal: depressed mood or excessive anxiety, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss and others alarming symptoms may indicate serious illnesses that require special treatment.

Should I sound the alarm if my cat has a lot of hair? Veterinarians assure: the appearance of bald spots on a pet’s fur coat is a real cause for concern and acceptance. emergency measures. Owners of “balding” purrs should know how to provide emergency assistance to your pet.

The causes of hair loss in a domestic furry can be associated with several factors:

An experienced veterinarian will help you determine why your cat is shedding hair. Often, to clarify the diagnosis and adequate treatment laboratory tests are required.

How to help your cat get back her fluffy clothes

Let's consider the main cases when a cat's hair comes out, the reasons for the misfortune and measures to save the pet's appearance.

Story 1: seasonal molting

Have you noticed that four-legged friend The hair falls out, but not much. Examine it and calm down if it turns out:

  • the animal's skin remains gently pink;
  • eyes and nose are moist and clean;
  • the fur coat is still shiny;
  • the calendar shows spring or autumn.

Your fluffy little ball changes clothes: before the winter cold, it is insulated, before the summer heat, it is freed from excess. In long-haired breeds of the cat family, the hair grows in clumps. Normally, pussies quickly acquire a new coat.

What should the owner do? The smartest thing to do is go to a pet store and buy two things:

  1. Vitamin-mineral complex for enhanced wool growth.
  2. A brush to remove dead hair. For a short-haired animal, special gloves are suitable; for a long-haired animal, a brush with chrome or steel coating.

Story 2: stress

Cats have a lot of hair when they are thrown off balance. Here are situations that will probably “stress” your mustachioed friend:

  • a baby appears in the family - all the attention of the owners suddenly switches to the baby;
  • a beloved member of the household disappears for a long time;
  • the only owner of the cat leaves, giving it to the care of friends or relatives;
  • the animal is subjected to rude, disdainful treatment.

Cats are sensitive creatures. Strong excitement or melancholy drives them into depression. Universal healing agent in the listed cases - true care for the pet.

Story 3: disrupted diet

A cat whose fur is constantly falling out often needs a drastic change in his diet. Foodborne dermatitis is detected wide range signs:

  • hair falls out on the back, neck, and tail;
  • the skin in areas with thinned skin turns red, flakes, and itches badly;
  • the fur coat loses its attractiveness: it climbs, falls off in places, becomes dull.

The search for rescue means is preceded by an analysis of errors in cat diet. Experts say: animal digestion problems and hair loss are caused by:

  • introducing pussies to sausage, liver, capelin, dairy delicacies - products with excess fat, salt, soy protein;
  • lack of meat, vitamins, and beneficial microelements in the cat’s menu.

If the fur is coming out due to an unbalanced diet, what should the unlucky owners do? Felinologists advise developing proper diet by turning it on:

  1. (two doses per week are enough).
  2. Any lean meat.
  3. Moderate amount of offal.
  4. Low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream.
  5. Raw egg (once every 7-10 days).
  6. , but a dish that is not recommended to be given to a cat more than twice a week.

Adapted to ready-made feed the animal is transferred to food from medicinal composition recommended for dermatitis. Complexes with B vitamins, biotin, and iodine must be added to the food of cats that grow hair.

Story 4: ringworm

If a fluffy's fur falls out in some areas to bald spots - reddening or whitening, sometimes covered with scales - this is a reason for serious concern. It is possible that the pet fungal disease- mycosis, or lichen.