Causes of numbness in fingers: left and right. Numb finger on hand and does not go away: causes and what to do

According to medical statistics, over the past 10 years the number of visits to doctors regarding numbness in the fingers has increased several times. This is due to changes in the lifestyle of society: unhealthy diet, bad habits, long-term work in one position, monotonous physical labor associated with stress on the hands. If numbness in the fingers of the right hand occurs after sleep, the cause is an uncomfortable position in bed, tight clothing that compresses the nerves and blood vessels. But when numbness continues to bother you during the day, at night, and persists for a long time, this may be a symptom of diseases such as diabetes mellitus, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, multiple sclerosis. You should not hesitate to visit a specialist, since subsequent progression of the pathology can lead to muscle atrophy and impaired movement in the limb.

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    Reasons for the development of pathology

    There are many reasons for the appearance of this symptom, with pathology of the cervical spine in the first place. If a person has numb fingers on his right or left hand, this may indicate other diseases:

    • diabetes;
    • hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid hormones);
    • osteochondrosis of the cervical or thoracic spine;
    • multiple sclerosis;
    • diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
    • intervertebral disc herniation;
    • peripheral vascular damage;
    • lack of vitamin B12;
    • syndrome;
    • rheumatoid arthritis;
    • Raynaud's disease.

    Each of the listed diseases, in addition to sensory impairment, has a number of associated symptoms:

    • With polyneuropathies (damages of peripheral nerves), paresthesia (combined with impaired sensitivity of the legs.
    • In hypothyroidism, due to insufficiency of thyroid hormones, severe tissue swelling develops, which leads to compression of the nerves as they pass through the carpal tunnel.
    • With the development of the disease due to vitamin B12 deficiency, the pathology is manifested by numbness of the pads of the fingers and toes, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and weakness.
    • Raynaud's disease causes the development of symptoms due to spasm of blood vessels. This leads to a change in the color of the skin - pallor, cyanosis, pain when moving and a constant feeling of cold in them.

    The cause of the symptom is also pregnancy, which is associated with a restructuring of metabolism in the body. These symptoms disappear immediately after childbirth. To reduce discomfort, it is recommended to eat foods that contain iron: liver, dark meat.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Numbness of the fingers of the right hand manifests itself in various types of sensitivity disorders.

    There is pain, lack of superficial sensitivity, a feeling of itching and “crawling”, coldness or burning in the fingers.

    Little finger and ring finger

    The ulnar nerve, which conducts nerve impulses to the little finger and ring finger, exits through, located on the inner surface of the elbow. The little finger goes numb most often due to cubital tunnel syndrome: compression of the nerve as it passes through this canal.

    Innervation of the hand by the ulnar nerve

    Ulnar nerve compression syndrome usually develops when the elbow is placed in an awkward position for a long time. This could be work with emphasis on the elbow at a table or at a machine, excessive loads on the elbow joint among drivers, musicians, and athletes.

    The development of this pathology is caused by working with constant vibration in the hand area, which is accompanied by thickening of the ligaments and joints of the hand. In parallel with the damage to the little finger, there is numbness in the ring finger of the right hand. The pain increases with pressure on the elbow. There may also be weakness in the right arm.


    One of the most common causes of numbness in the index finger is osteochondrosis in the cervical spine.

    Discs affected by osteochondrosis, due to the unevenness of their surface, compress the nerve roots, leading to paresthesia

    During this disease, the roots of the nerve fibers are pinched, which leads to not only paresthesia of the arms, but also pain in the shoulders and chest. Headaches, dizziness, and frequent pressure changes occur.

    Middle finger

    The innervation of the middle finger is quite complex, since it is provided by the distal branches of the nerve endings of the radial nerve and the median nerve.

    Area of ​​innervation of the median and radial nerve

    The pathological condition can develop after traumatic damage to the nerves - with subluxation in the elbow joint.

    A common cause of numbness in the middle finger is carpal tunnel syndrome. This process develops against the background of prolonged monotonous work with the hands, especially if they are in an awkward position. As a result, the muscle tendons thicken and increase in size, putting pressure on the median nerve running in the carpal tunnel.

    The combination of numbness in the middle finger of the right hand and loss of sensitivity in the index finger indicates problems in the structure of the intervertebral discs (the presence of a herniated disc).


    The most common cause of pathology is carpal tunnel syndrome. It is accompanied by decreased sensitivity of the thumb, numbness of the index, middle and half of the ring fingers. The cause is compression of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel.

    Carpal syndrome

    The pathology develops as a result of prolonged stress when performing a static load on one muscle group (plasterers, painters, violinists). In addition to impaired sensitivity, patients complain of pain in the palm, radiating to the elbow, which intensifies when turning the arm.


    The effectiveness of treatment depends on whether the cause of numbness in the fingers is correctly identified.

    Sometimes it is effective to create rest in the limb: physical activity, heavy lifting, and prolonged monotonous hand work should be avoided.

    Drug therapy includes:yourself:

    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: diclofenac, rheumoxicam;
    • painkillers: Ketanov, Dexalgin;
    • corticosteroids (can be prescribed orally or by injection): dexamethasone, prednisolone;
    • drugs that improve microcirculation processes: Trental, pentoxifylline;
    • B vitamins: Neovitam, Neurocobal, Milgamma, Neurorubin.

    Home gymnastics

    In the initial stages, you can get rid of symptoms by doing a set of exercises at home:

    • Clench your fist tightly, hold for 10-15 seconds, then slowly release it.
    • Use each finger in turn to reach your thumb without bending it.
    • In turn, bend each finger on your hand until your palm touches and hold in this position for 10-15 seconds.

    Repeat each exercise 5-7 times.

    After this complex, it is recommended to do self-massage - with your left hand, massage each finger on your right hand in the direction from the tip to the wrist. Since in most cases the cause of this condition is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is recommended to massage this area as well.

    Treatment with traditional methods

    The most effective methods are considered to be the use of such folk remedies that can be easily applied at home:

    • Black pepper. Pour 100 g of ground pepper into 1 liter of vegetable oil, put on low heat and cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Rub the resulting mixture 2-3 times a day.
    • Ammonia and camphor alcohol with salt. 1 tbsp. l. dissolve salts in 1 liter of warm water, add 50 ml of 10% ammonia, 10 ml of camphor alcohol, rub the prepared composition 2-4 times a day.
    • Pumpkin porridge. Apply warm cooked porridge to your hand and wrap it in a woolen cloth, keep the compress for 2-3 hours.

    You can also get rid of the problem of numbness in the fingers on your right hand using contrast baths. You need to pour water into two containers: hot into one, cold into the other. Hot water should be tolerable to avoid tissue burns. Immerse your hands in one and the second container in turn, with an interval of a minute. The duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes. You can repeat this process 2-3 times a day.

    But you should not treat the disease on your own for a long time: if the symptoms do not decrease, you should consult a doctor to identify the pathology.

Numbness of the fingers often does not cause serious concern until it becomes chronic, in which pain and tremors are added. Such symptoms signal the presence of serious pathologies in the spine, disturbances in the activity of the central and peripheral nervous systems. In some cases, the reasons for numbness in the hands are the most commonplace - hypothermia, compression of blood vessels, etc.

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    Causes of hand numbness: symptoms and treatment

    Often appears as a result of poor circulation in the extremities due to an uncomfortable body position during sleep. In this case, after waking up, the hand will be insensitive and impossible to move. This condition lasts a few minutes, after which it goes away on its own. Cold affects the limbs in a similar way. A person's exposure to low temperatures causes blood to flow away from the extremities. This is how the body tries to protect internal organs from hypothermia. The little finger loses sensitivity first, then the ring and middle fingers.

    Another reason for numbness in the fingers is exposure to chemicals and medications. They affect the circulatory system and muscle innervation to varying degrees, which causes the development of paresis, paralysis and partial incapacity of the limbs. In case of severe chemical or drug poisoning, numbness of the extremities is the first sign of a malfunction of the central nervous system, which leads to failure of the smooth muscles of internal organs, the heart and, as a result, the death of the victim.

    Other causes of hand numbness are associated with mechanical damage to nerves, ligaments and tendons.

    Tunnel syndromes

    Tunnel neuropathy is a disorder of the peripheral nervous system and occurs as a result of a pinched nerve between muscles, ligaments and bones. The reasons for this phenomenon can be of a very different nature, from vascular diseases to benign and malignant tumors.

    Carpal tunnel syndrome

    The development of the syndrome occurs when the median nerve passing through the wrist is pinched. This can be caused by active use of the hands, injury, surgery, obesity or pregnancy. refers to occupational diseases of musicians, programmers, writers, packagers - people whose activities daily use fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Symptoms of the disease include burning and numbness, tingling of the index finger and thumb. Pain in the entire hand appears mainly in the morning after waking up and at night. Over time, the patient begins to feel weakness in the hands, tingling and the inability to compress a large object. The condition is caused by complete damage to the median nerve, which leads to weakening of the muscles and paralysis of the limb.

    Pathology is diagnosed based on anamnesis based on patient complaints, magnetic resonance imaging, electromyography and radiographs. To treat the syndrome at an early stage, anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications are used, and an immobilizing bandage is applied to the affected limb to ensure complete rest.

    Ulnar nerve syndrome

    A pinched nerve from the elbow to the wrist occurs as a result of deformation of the elbow joint and is often associated with diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Pathology also develops after injury or with rapid weight loss, which causes structural changes in soft tissues. The pathology is characterized by pain in the fingers, weakness, muscle wasting, and difficulty moving the hand. A clear sign of cubital tunnel syndrome is the loss of sensation in the little and ring fingers, which remain outside when you try to hide your hand in your pocket. If numbness quickly moves from the hand to the entire arm or even side of the body, this is a reason for urgent hospitalization.

    First aid for acute pain in the joint is reduced to eliminating the negative impact on the elbow by immobilizing the limb. For this purpose, soft tissue splints are used to hold the arm in a straight position. This position of the hand should be maintained throughout treatment until the syndrome is completely or partially eliminated, after which limited motor activity is allowed. If there are no positive changes, and muscle atrophy continues to develop, surgical intervention is resorted to.

    Raynaud's disease

    A rare disease occurring in 3-5% of the population. Develops when the trophic and vasomotor innervation of arteries and blood vessels is disrupted. This leads not only to numbness of the fingers, but also to a change in their color. At the initial stage, the disease manifests itself only under the influence of external negative factors (cold, stress, injury), but with development it becomes chronic. To treat the disease, a number of diagnostic procedures are required to determine the condition of the blood vessels, nerve conduction and the presence in the body of autoimmune disorders associated with the pathology and provoking the development of a secondary form of the disease.


    A reduced level of hemoglobin in the blood leads to the development of anemia and hidden iron deficiency, which are manifested by the following symptoms:

    • numbness of fingers;
    • pallor;
    • general weakness;
    • aversion to meat;
    • brittleness of hair and nails;
    • dry and itchy skin.

    The reason for the development of this pathology is chronic iron deficiency in the body. In some cases, it is caused by a viral infection that causes the destruction of red blood cells, or by excessive bleeding. If the disease has developed against the background of iron deficiency, then the patient is prescribed the drugs Sorbifer, Durules, Ferretab. Therapy with folk remedies using decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs is possible.


    A severe autoimmune disease in which the skin, internal organs and vascular walls begin to lose elasticity and begin to thicken. In this case, damage to the nerve roots occurs, leading to loss of sensation in the fingers. Other manifestations of the disease include:

    • the appearance of dark spots on the skin of the hands;
    • smoothing wrinkles;
    • joint pain;
    • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • drop in visual acuity;
    • shortness of breath, feeling of heaviness in the chest.

    Hands affected by scleroderma.

    To make an accurate diagnosis, general and biochemical blood tests, biopsy and computed tomography are prescribed, which show the extent of tissue damage. Treatment is symptomatic - the manifestations of the disease are eliminated with anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, steroids and mineral supplements.

    Guillain-Barré disease

    A rare disease that is an acute form of inflammation of the nerve processes, which results in impaired coordination of movements, tactile function and numbness of the fingers. Lack of sensation in the fingers, especially the little and ring fingers, is an early symptom of the disease. The acute phase is reached within a few weeks, after which there is a slight decline and the symptoms disappear. In this case, the inflammatory process continues in a latent form, manifesting itself only under the influence of infectious or viral diseases.

    Timely detection of the disease gives a high chance of full restoration of all body functions, while lack of treatment can lead to paralysis of internal organs and death.


    The chronic form of diabetes mellitus provokes the appearance of neurological disorders, such as:

    • loss of sensation in the limbs;
    • the formation of rashes and ulcers on the surface of the skin;
    • "diabetic foot"

    Rash on the skin of the hands due to diabetes.

    During the period when symptoms appear, the disease transitions from the first stage to the second and the formation of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Treatment boils down to taking antihyperglycemic drugs and monitoring blood glucose levels.


    The disease can have either a natural age-related nature or a pathological one, in which the causative factors are spinal trauma, acute viral or infectious disease, anemia, etc. Spondylosis is characterized by the gradual destruction of intervertebral discs, their compaction and the formation of sharp edges. In this case, the spinal nerves are pinched, which leads to pain in the neck, shoulders and limbs. The development of the disorder leads to the fact that the nerve endings lose sensitivity.

    The diagnosis is made based on the results of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. To relieve numbness and pain in the hands, a complex of anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, physiotherapy and massage are prescribed.

    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

    A very rare and serious disease in which the destruction of cells responsible for the functioning of all organs and types of muscles occurs. Its development is manifested by impaired functioning of the fingers, the inability to clench the hand into a fist, or hold objects with the fingers. After this, more pronounced disturbances in coordination of movements, muscle and nerve atrophy begin to appear. The limbs lose sensation, problems with breathing, swallowing and urination appear. The final stage of the disease involves respiratory arrest and death.

, pediatric neurologist, neurologist

Numbness of the hands is not a disease, but it can be a symptom of a disease that is important to identify and treat in time.

The feeling of numbness in the tips of the fingers or hands is familiar to many. If this phenomenon does not last long and is associated with compression of the nerves (for example, after sleeping in an uncomfortable position), there is no cause for concern, but if it bothers you regularly, you should consult a doctor. Numbness of the hands is not a disease, but it can be a symptom of a disease that is important to identify and treat in time.

About the reasons why it occurs decreased sensitivity in hands and fingers, and how to cure it, says Anna Viktorovna Cherepenina, a neurologist at the Semeynaya network of clinics.


If numbness of fingers passes quickly, there is no reason to worry. Most likely, it is associated with compression of blood vessels and nerves (usually during sleep). To make the numbness go away faster, raise your arms up, and then bend and straighten your fingers until sensation returns to them.

Often numbness of hands may bother pregnant women - the nerve endings of the fingers are compressed due to swelling.

Causes associated with disturbances in the functioning of the body:

  • Injuries;
  • Raynaud's disease, characterized by poor circulation in the small vessels of the fingers;
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome. Often appears in those who work a lot at the computer. Characterized by pinching of the middle nerve in the wrist, which may cause pain and swelling in the fingers;
  • Osteochondrosis of the lower cervical region;
  • Intervertebral hernia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Angina;
  • Blockage of blood vessels in the brain;
  • Vascular thrombosis of the upper extremities.

As you can see, there are many reasons why fingers may go numb, and some of the diseases are quite dangerous. Therefore, a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed.


If you are concerned about a problem like numbness of fingers, You should not self-medicate. Loss/decrease in sensitivity can be a symptom of various diseases, and it is very difficult to diagnose which ones on your own. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor.

You can only try to restore sensitivity on your own - by rubbing your fingertips or rinsing your hands under a contrast shower.

The doctor will prescribe treatment after examination and the necessary examination (for example, if necessary, MRI of the brain, X-ray/MRI of the cervical spine, Dopplerography of the neck vessels), based on the established diagnosis.

The most commonly used treatment methods are:

  • Drug therapy;
  • Manual therapy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Massage.


For prevention of hand numbness(and therefore the diseases that lead to this symptom) it is enough to follow simple rules:

  1. Do not wear clothes that are too tight in your hands, with tight elastic bands, or squeezing jewelry. Choose gloves only from natural fabrics that do not squeeze your hands. It is also impossible to walk without gloves in cold weather - you need to protect your hands.
  2. At work (especially if you work at a computer), take breaks every 40-45 minutes and stretch your arms by doing therapeutic exercises for your arms.
  3. Try not to carry heavy objects.
  4. Give up bad habits, improve your diet, and eat foods containing vitamin B12. (liver, eggs, fish, seafood, dairy products)
  5. Avoid stress.

These measures will help not only get rid of discomfort in your hands, but also improve the health of the body as a whole.

Make an appointment with a neurologist

Be sure to consult a qualified specialist in the field of diseases at the Semeynaya clinic.

Loss of sensation in the fingers of the upper extremities often indicates the development of a serious illness. Both individual phalanges and the entire hand can be removed. If numbness in your fingers occurs regularly, you need to find out the source of the unpleasant symptom.

Numb fingers are a sign of illness

Causes of numbness in fingers

Most often, fingers go numb during sleep or in the morning when a person wakes up. What does it mean? The cause of this condition is incorrect body position during sleep, which impairs blood circulation in the limbs and causes temporary discomfort. If this condition occurs infrequently, there is no reason to worry.

When the fingers of one or both hands go numb all the time, the following conditions may be the provoking factors:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, multiple sclerosis, blockage of cerebral vessels);
  • endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyroid problems);
  • poor patency in the vessels of the upper extremities (thrombosis) or impaired blood circulation in the capillaries and veins of the fingers (Raynaud's syndrome);
  • injuries or bruises of the shoulder, elbow, fingers, hands;
  • pressure on the nerve roots due to swelling of the hands during pregnancy;
  • pinched nerve in the carpal tunnel (a disease of people who work at the computer for a long time).

Thrombosis is a common cause of numbness in the limbs

Often, fingers go numb due to diseases of the internal organs (liver, kidneys, lungs) or as a result of severe stress or nervous strain.

In itself, tingling only at the tips or all the fingers of the left and right hands is not a pathology. This is an unpleasant symptom that warns of the development of negative abnormalities in the body.

Based on the unpleasant sensations in one or another phalanx, a specific disease can be identified.

Numbness of the thumb and index finger

If your thumb or index finger becomes numb after monotonous long-term work (knitting, printing, embroidering), we are talking about overload of the neuromuscular system. At this time, loss of sensation may be accompanied by seizures and impaired motor ability. This condition does not last long and is not a pathological deviation.

After knitting for a long time, your thumbs and index fingers may go numb.

Basically, the index finger and thumb often go numb when there is inflammation in the intervertebral discs, which occurs due to pinched nerve endings in the cervical region. Another cause of this condition may be an intervertebral hernia.

Will tolerate the middle, ring and little fingers

Numbness of the little finger along with the middle and ring fingers may indicate problems with the heart and blood vessels. Usually the phalanges on the left hand become very numb at night, and during the day the patient feels a barely noticeable tingling sensation that spreads over the entire surface of the arm to the shoulder.

Inflammation of the elbow joint or pinched nerve endings in the brachial plexus is indicated by poor sensitivity of the ring and middle fingers on the back of the hand, which is accompanied by pain from the hand to the elbow.

Fingers often go numb due to inflammation of the elbow joint

Often, severe poisoning of the entire body can cause numbness in the middle finger. To accurately determine the source of discomfort, it is better to consult a doctor.

Tingling of the tips of any finger in adolescence often occurs due to a lack of vitamin A and group B. After 45 years, a deficiency of such substances provokes not only a temporary loss of sensitivity in a specific phalanx, but also numbness of the hands in general.

Which doctor should I contact?

If your fingers are constantly being taken away, it is necessary. During the examination, the doctor collects anamnesis and determines which specialist doctor to refer the patient to.

Depending on the clinical manifestations, these may be:

Only a specialist can determine why sensitivity in the fingers has disappeared. To do this, he prescribes diagnostic measures.


To exclude severe abnormalities in cerebral circulation and prevent their development, the doctor prescribes a series of medical tests for the patient.

  1. Dopplerography of the vessels of the neck - allows you to assess the degree of patency of the arteries and veins.
  2. Tomography (computer and magnetic resonance) of the head and neck - identification of degenerative processes in the vertebrae, nerves and soft tissues.
  3. Electroencephalography – diagnostics of brain activity and assessment of oxygen saturation of the main vessels.
  4. Echoencephalography is the study of structural changes in the brain.
  5. X-ray of the cervical spine - assessing the condition of the intervertebral discs and identifying compression of blood vessels and nerves.

Dopplerography will show the condition of the arteries and veins

If necessary, a cardiogram or ultrasound of the heart may be prescribed. Such studies are needed when there is a suspicion of a pre-infarction condition or other cardiac diseases.

Treatment of hand numbness

After diagnosing and identifying a specific disease, the doctor decides how to treat the patient.

Complex therapy combines the use of:

  • medicines;
  • traditional methods;
  • gymnastics

The main goal of treatment is to relieve inflammatory swelling, reduce pain and muscle spasms, and also restore blood flow in the upper extremities and the body as a whole.


Medications for numbness in the fingers are prescribed in accordance with the identified disease.

  1. Disruptions in the cardiovascular system - vasodilator tablets (Corinfar, Cordafen, Nifedipine), drugs to reduce blood viscosity, improve microcirculation and oxygen saturation (Pentoxifylline, Vazonit, Trenpental). These medications are also used for Raynaud's syndrome.
  2. Pinched nerve roots as a result of osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia, as well as with carpal inflammation - anti-inflammatory tablets (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Indomethacin), analgesics (Amidopyrine) and muscle relaxants (Mydocalm).

Corinfar - a vasodilator

External remedies (Voltaren ointment, Fastum gel, Diclofenac cream) can also relieve unpleasant tingling in the fingers. The main thing is to use all medications (systemic and local) only after a doctor’s prescription.

Vitamins A, PP, group B (B1, B6, B12), as well as minerals (magnesium and nicotinic acid) have a positive effect on numb fingers.

How to treat with folk remedies

Loss of sensitivity in the fingers can be treated with folk remedies. Several effective recipes will help relieve numbness and unpleasant tingling in a short time.

Milk and honey baths

Mix 2 liters of milk and 1 liter of boiled water, add 5 tbsp. l. honey and 0.5 kg of salt. Mix everything thoroughly and heat over low heat until hot (do not boil). Soak your hands in the solution for 15–20 minutes. The course of treatment is 12–17 procedures.

Ingredients for milk and honey bath


Grind the shells of 10 chicken eggs to a powder consistency. Every morning eat 1 tsp. healthy potion with a glass of warm water. The product quickly restores numb fingers and prevents further discomfort.

Eggshells help with numbness in fingers

Wild rosemary and apple cider vinegar

Grind the dry wild rosemary herb and add apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1 to 3. Leave the liquid for at least a week, then strain and rub into the affected areas 3-4 times a day. Duration of therapy is 2–3 weeks.

You need to infuse wild rosemary for at least a week.

Black pepper and sunflower oil

Stir 60 g of ground black pepper into 700 ml of vegetable oil. Place the liquid over low heat and cook for about 45 minutes. After the medicinal product has cooled, it can be rubbed into the fingers 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks. The folk medicine helps thin the blood and improve its circulation in the extremities.

Sunflower oil improves blood circulation

When using remedies for loss of sensitivity in the fingers, it is important to remember about increased sensitivity to the components of the recipes. In order not to harm your health, it is recommended not to self-medicate.

Exercises for numb fingers

Morning exercises will help restore finger mobility and eliminate numbness. It consists of simple exercises.

  1. Without getting out of bed, you need to raise your arms above your head, and then clench and unclench your fists 50–60 times.
  2. The body position is the same, arms are pressed tightly along the body. Simultaneously clench and unclench your fists 60–70 times.
  3. Stand facing the wall, raise your arms above your head, and rise on your toes. Spend 30–50 seconds in this position, then return to the starting position. Do several approaches.
  4. Stand on your full foot, place your hands behind your back and clasp them together for a minute. Return to normal position and repeat the exercise 3-5 times.
  5. In a standing position, relax and smoothly turn your head, first to the left (hold for 20–30 seconds), then to the right. Do not make circular movements.

Correctly performed gymnastics improves blood circulation in the upper extremities and promotes rapid relief from numbness in the fingers.


To prevent diseases that lead to numbness in the fingers, you need to take some preventive measures.

  1. Choose the right clothes. Avoid wearing jackets and sweaters with tight cuffs. Gloves should be made only from natural materials and not squeeze your fingers.
  2. Pay attention to your hands at work. Try to do health exercises for your fingers every 1–2 hours (especially if your main activity takes place at the computer).
  3. Monitor heavy lifting and physical activity.
  4. Give up bad habits (alcohol, nicotine).
  5. Eat right. The diet should always contain foods with vitamin B12 (fermented milk products, fish dishes, liver, eggs, seaweed).

Eat more foods with vitamin B12

A healthy lifestyle, long walks in the fresh air, limiting stress and normalizing sleep - all this helps strengthen the body as a whole and prevent discomfort in the upper extremities.

Poor sensitivity in the fingers, numbness and tingling often indicate pathological changes in the blood vessels, heart, endocrine and nervous systems, and are also a consequence of deformation of the vertebrae during osteochondrosis, hernias or injuries. It is important not to ignore regular attacks of numbness in your fingers, but to immediately seek medical help. This will help to avoid negative consequences and identify the cause of unpleasant sensations in time.

Numb fingers- this is a complete or partial loss of sensation in the entire hand or individual fingers, which can be on one or both hands. The correct name is hypoesthesia. This symptom occurs in many neurological disorders, but also occurs in healthy people.

Each peripheral nerve has a motor and a sensory part. Irritation or damage to sensory fibers of any nature - mechanical, tumor, inflammatory, autoimmune - causes a disorder in the form of numbness, burning, tingling.

In a healthy person numbness of fingers on the hand - most often the right - occurs with constant overload of the hand muscles. This happens to pianists, hairdressers, programmers, and sometimes to massage therapists and cosmetologists. Sometimes the hands go numb during sleep, when a person lies on his side for a long time with his hand placed under his body. In all these cases, numbness is caused by a temporary disruption of blood flow in the arm due to mechanical compression of blood vessels and nerve trunks. Numbness is often accompanied by a burning sensation or a crawling sensation, but all this quickly passes after the limb returns to its normal physiological position.

Provoking factors

A completely healthy person rarely experiences numbness; they may indicate a hidden pathology in the form of:

  • consequences of injuries;
  • various diseases of the spinal column;
  • joint inflammation;
  • degenerative or destructive diseases of the cartilage and ligaments of the hand;
  • nervous and mental disorders;
  • persistent decrease in blood pressure;
  • diseases of the endocrine glands.

There are currently no clear scales that determine the severity of hand numbness. If the unpleasant sensations bother you from time to time and go away after simple movements or rubbing, then you hardly need to worry. However, in case of frequent repetition of numbness, when it happens several times a week or the discomfort increases, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, as this may be the beginning of the disease.

Diseases in which numbness of the hands is a symptom

These are conditions such as:

  • rheumatic diseases of the joints of the fingers;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, which also causes coordination problems, headaches, and limited movement of some muscles of the shoulder girdle, which is caused by bone growths or osteophytes;
  • vertical and horizontal protrusions (hernias) of the intervertebral disc;
  • thrombosis of blood vessels of the hand or finger;
  • multiple sclerosis, in which the myelin sheath of the nerve is destroyed and the central nervous system is affected;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome or another type of tunnel syndrome, when a nerve is compressed in a bone or muscle-ligamentous tunnel;
  • metabolic disorders caused by diabetes mellitus;
  • anemia or anemia, when tissues lack oxygen;
  • inflammation of the brachial nerve plexus;
  • various inflammatory processes of hand tissues, aseptic or purulent;
  • amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS, when at the onset of the disease some patients interpret increasing weakness in the arm as “numbness”
  • disturbance of blood flow in the brain - in fairness it must be said that in this case, movements, vision, speech are also most often impaired, but this is also one of the common reasons why suddenly fingers go numb hands;
  • Raynaud's syndrome, developing as a result of vibration or genetically determined, when numbness is accompanied by pallor, turning into cyanosis, and then into redness of the skin of the hand
  • alcohol intoxication, in which the hands become numb like “gloves”, which is caused by damage to the peripheral nerves;
  • diphtheria, which, thanks to universal vaccination, occurs easily and in an erased form; one of the manifestations may be polyneuropathy.

Numbness of the fingers may be the reason for a clinical examination, which will eventually reveal the truth. Modern diagnostic equipment makes it possible to give a preliminary conclusion already during the first day of the examination, or at least significantly narrow the range of the diagnostic search.

Numbness of each finger has its own characteristics. Since the branches of three main nerves are responsible for the innervation of the skin of the hand.

What can you think about when different fingers are numb?

All fingers on hand are innervated differently, and by the characteristics of unpleasant sensations one can indirectly judge what caused the disease.

The first or thumb on the palmar surface is innervated by the median nerve, most often irritation is caused by compression or compression. People who constantly load this finger suffer - watchmakers, pianists, jewelers.

In some cases, the cause is a benign tumor that mechanically compresses the nerve. This may be a neurofibroma arising from supporting or glial nerve cells, or a hemangioma, the source of which was capillaries.

People who constantly carry heavy bags or grip handlebars excessively may develop stenotic transverse ligamentosis. This is a condition in which the ligaments lose their natural elasticity, become stiff and stop stretching. The result is the so-called carpal tunnel syndrome with damage to the median nerve.

The index finger and thumb on the dorsal surface are innervated by the radial nerve. Impaired sensitivity in them may be a manifestation of inflammation of the epicondyles of the humerus or epicondylitis, or compression of the radial nerve in the area of ​​the humerus.

You should consult a doctor if numbness lasts longer than 5 - 10 minutes, does not go away after kneading and straightening the hand, and repeats several times during the week.

The middle finger of the hand is partly innervated by the median and partly by the ulnar and radial nerves - its numbness is accompanied by a feeling of “twisting” of the entire palm, similar to calf cramps. Sensory disturbances also appear in this finger when carpal tunnel syndrome occurs, when the transverse ligament presses the nerve too much against the bones of the wrist. Loss of sensitivity is noticeable more often at night, it becomes difficult to hold objects, and shaking the hand stops the discomfort. It seems to a person that the brush has become heavier and thicker. Sometimes swelling does occur.

Often numbness of the finger happens in people who are constantly exposed to hypothermia, when they develop inflammation of the inner wall of blood vessels or endarteritis.

The fourth and fifth or ring and little fingers are innervated by the ulnar nerve. The habit of constantly leaning on the elbow, as well as working with trays and daily overload of the wrist contribute to the damage. In men, numbness of these fingers may be the first sign of contracture due to degeneration of the aponeurosis or tendon plate of the palm. Unpleasant sensations in these fingers cannot be ignored, since if the ulnar nerve is damaged, contracture or immobility can form in the joints of the fingers.

Fingertips - it is most difficult to determine why the tips become numb, since the number of reasons is large. This is a violation of the blood supply in the cervical spine, caused by the formation of an atherosclerotic plaque, iron deficiency, the onset of diabetes mellitus, and inflammation of the pancreas. This is inflammation and degeneration of the finger joints, Raynaud's syndrome, venous insufficiency and thrombophlebitis that complicates it. These are chronic stresses and acute traumatic experiences that happen in the life of every person. These are arterial hypertension or vascular hypotension, chronic poisoning, harmful working conditions.

Our doctors


Conducted individually, the search begins with excluding the most dangerous conditions. According to indications, the following studies may be prescribed:

  • Electroneuromyography (ENMG of the upper extremities)
  • duplex scanning of arteries and veins of the upper extremities
  • X-ray of the cervical spine
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine, brain, joints
  • blood chemistry;

A specific list of diagnostic procedures is determined by the attending physician based on clinical examination data. Sometimes a diagnostic search leads to the discovery of diseases that a person did not even suspect about.


Numbness in the fingers can be eliminated only by adequate treatment of the underlying disease. Sometimes a simple massage and temporary fixation of the hand in a physiological position is enough for this. In other cases, drug therapy, manual therapy and therapeutic exercises, and reflexology are required. Physiotherapeutic methods often help restore blood flow and innervation.

Sometimes compression of a nerve in the musculoskeletal canal can only be eliminated surgically, when without surgery death of the nerve is inevitable. Particularly noteworthy are cases when numbness is accompanied by clumsiness in the hand, changes in handwriting, or difficulties in ordinary actions - fastening buttons, lighting a cigarette, or changing the sequence of putting on.

Such manifestations may be signs of acute cerebrovascular accident, which requires immediate assistance.

CELT doctors always thoroughly understand the reasons leading to numbness in the fingers. You can consult them in any doubtful case. It is always preferable to discover the source of the disorder than to lead the disease to an incurable state.