Who is Irina Vakhrusheva's friend? The murder of Irina Vakhrusheva in Verkhnyaya Pyshma: a complete picture of the incident. Why Sweden stopped its prosecution of Assange

To cover your tracks.

"Uralinformburo" became aware of the terrible details of the bloody massacre of 30-year-old resident of Verkhnyaya Pyshma Irina Vakhrusheva. As it turned out, the criminal violated the body after the murder in order to cover his tracks.

According to the case file, on the evening of April 15, 2017, Alexey Falkin, accused of committing a crime, drove around Yekaterinburg for a long time in search of a victim to rape. However, he did not come across any single women on the way, and he went to Verkhnyaya Pyshma.

The man practically did not know the city and drove around the central streets. On one of them, he noticed Irina, who was visiting a friend with a bottle of wine. As a source close to the investigation told Uralinformburo, Falkin parked and approached the woman to say hello. Irina pulled away from him and moved on. This made the man angry. He waited until there were no people nearby and caught up with her. Threatening with a knife, the rapist dragged the victim to the basement.

An elderly woman walked by. Irina, in order to scare away the rapist, shouted to her: “Mom!”, but the pensioner did not react. In addition, a man noticed the strange couple, but he decided that it was a family squabble and did not interfere.

Having dragged Irina to the basement, the man began to rape her. At this time, the woman’s phone rang. She managed to pick up the phone and shout to her friend that she needed help. Falkin broke the phone in rage. Irina managed to grab a bottle of wine that she had with her - she hit the man on the head twice, but he didn’t even stagger.

Deciding to cover his tracks, he wiped the girl’s mouth with his hand and cut out her genitals, putting them in a bag.

In a frenzy, the accused stabbed the victim about 40 times. He then ran to look for a car to load the corpse into. Deciding to cover his tracks, he wiped the girl’s mouth with his hand and cut out her genitals, putting them in a bag.

When the man was leaving the yard, he turned for help to a passing group of three people, asking them for directions. The young people exchanged phone numbers with the rapist, just in case.

The criminal took the corpse to the forest in the area of ​​329 kilometers of the Serovsky tract and buried it. He hid the bag with the genitals and the knife in another place, and washed the blood-stained rug.

The next day he received a call from a young man with whom he exchanged phone numbers. He reported that his girlfriend had disappeared and asked if Falkin had seen anything suspicious. He answered negatively.

It was possible to trace the accused thanks to external CCTV cameras. During the inspection, law enforcement officers noticed that the driver of one of the cars was unable to park for a suspiciously long time.

The police rang the number in the database and arrived at Falkin’s home. He denied any involvement in the murder. While checking the trunk of his car, the security forces lifted a rug lying there and found traces of flowing blood under it. The man was immediately detained and an investigative experiment was conducted.

He later confessed to 11 more crimes - rape and murder. As the Uralinformburo source noted, Falkin pretends that he has mental problems in order to end up in a mental hospital instead of a colony. A forensic examination will show whether he will be able to avoid prison.


In Verkhnyaya Pyshma, the body of a 30-year-old woman who went missing this weekend was found in the basement of a house.

In Verkhnyaya Pyshma, in the basement of house No. 12 on Mashinostroiteley Street, the body of 30-year-old Irina Vakhrusheva, who went missing last weekend, was found, reports the victim’s friend Ekaterina Geitman on the social network VKontakte, where there is a heated discussion of what happened.

The information that Vakhrusheva’s body was found was also confirmed by representatives of the “Lisa Alert” search team, whose volunteers today staged a large-scale search for the missing woman.

Earlier it was reported that a 31-year-old young man from Yekaterinburg was detained on suspicion of involvement in Vakhrusheva’s disappearance. Currently, investigators are conducting an investigative experiment at the site of the alleged murder. “They brought out a guy in a blue Bolognese jacket, the hood pulled over his face, they gave him a mannequin and began some kind of investigative actions. The police cordoned off the place,” writes one of the eyewitnesses on VKontakte.

According to them, at the site of the investigative experiment, security forces with machine guns in their hands are holding back the crowd. “People scream at the suspect that he is a freak and demand that he show his face. It looks like the whole area has gathered here, the crowd is ready to tear the suspect apart on the spot,” eyewitnesses from the scene of the incident write on the VKontakte social network.

Group “District 8” on the social network “VKontakte”

It is known that Irina Vakhrusheva left the house on Uralskikh Rabochikh Street, 44, at about 8 pm on Saturday, April 15. The woman was on her way to visit her friend in a neighboring house, but never reached her. Four hours later, the concerned husband called the police and reported his wife missing.

As the press service of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region reported to the website, a criminal case was opened in connection with the disappearance of the woman under Part 1 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Murder”.

According to them, the picture of the crime looked like this: “the attacker dealt with Irina Vakhrusheva in the basement of the house on Uralskikh Rabochikh Street, 46a (they found blood, an empty purse and a torn-off bloody collar there), then carried her out into the street in his arms, loaded the body into the car and I went to look for a place to hide it. “I tried to throw the murdered woman into the basements of neighboring houses, but in the end I took her to the woods.”

The story of the disappearance of 30-year-old Pyshma resident Irina Vakhrusheva is generally over: her body was found this evening. Even during the day, the volunteers still had hope of finding her alive; the search coordinator even instructed his “fighters” in this regard. Alas, the miracle did not happen.

All day we... For those who want to know what happened, but are unable to read the whole story, we have collected everything that is known about Irina’s murder at this moment in one material. Questions, of course, still remain.

1. 30-year-old Irina Vakhrusheva disappeared on Saturday evening: at 20:05 she went to visit a friend who lives very close - literally a 10-minute walk. She only had to cross the road and go through the courtyard of the new buildings. On the way, Irina called a friend and asked to meet her, but when she went outside, Irina was no longer there. Local residents later said that they heard cries for help.

The whole tragedy took place on this patch. House on Uralskikh Rabochikh, 43 - Irina lived here, in the house on Mashinostroiteley, 10 - her friend. Uralskikh Rabochikh, 46a is the house in the basement of which Irina was killed, and in the basement at Mashinostroiteley, 12 her body was found.

2. Irina is survived by her common-law husband Andrei (they have been together for a year and a half) and a five-year-old child from her first husband. The husband was one of the first to sound the alarm: he assumed that his wife had been kidnapped; messages asking for help in the search began to spread on Sunday.

3. The fact that trouble had happened to Irina became clear when in the basement of the house on the Ural Workers. There was blood on it.

4. During the day the suspect was detained, he confessed to everything. After the interrogation, investigators found the body: before that, volunteers combed the area in vain. An investigative experiment has already been conducted, during which a man showed how he killed a woman and carried out her body. So far, according to the preliminary version, the murder took place in the basement of a house on Uralskiye Rabochikh, 46a, and then the suspect took out Irina’s body, put it in the car and began driving around the area looking for a place to hide it.

5. Irina’s ex-husband was also suspected of murder, but Andrei’s current husband said that the suspect’s build did not resemble him.

Questions that have no answer yet.

1. How did you find the suspect? class="_"> This information is not disclosed in the interests of the investigation.

2. Who is he? class="_"> The man diligently hid his face during the investigative experiment: he not only pulled the hood over his head, but also tightened it so that there was probably only room for his eyes. For now, all we know is that he is 31 years old and is registered in Yekaterinburg.

3. Why was Irina killed? class="_"> Was this a fatal accident or did they know each other and there was a conflict between them?

Investigators are working at the site of the disappearance of Irina Vakhrusheva in Verkhnyaya Pyshma: let us remind you, on Saturday. Later in the basement of a house on Uralskiye Rabochy, 46a (this is the city center). The bag was empty.

Irina’s common-law husband claims that no one threatened her and suggests that she was attacked by drunken thugs or a maniac.

The suspect was detained this afternoon, and the woman’s body was found only in the evening. A criminal case has been initiated under the article "Murder".

Our correspondent is in Verkhnyaya Pyshma and talks about the search online.

A video of eyewitnesses from the scene has emerged.

According to our information, Irina’s body, which was found in the basement at Mashinostroiteley, 12, was taken for a forensic examination to conduct an autopsy and establish the exact cause of death. It is known that the detainee is a 31-year-old resident of Yekaterinburg.

The investigation has been completed and the suspect has been taken away. Investigators had to use flashing lights to “scare” people as they took the man out.

A few photos from the scene.

The suspect's name has not been released. So far, Irina’s common-law husband has stated that this is not her ex-husband (remember, such suspicions were expressed by family friends): he has a different build.

The suspect is wearing a blue jacket with the hood pulled over his face.

It is shocking that the murder, as it turned out during the investigative experiment, occurred around 8-9 o'clock in the evening, when the area was crowded.

The Lisa Alert squad has officially completed its search.

Meanwhile, the suspect was taken to a forest park next to the kindergarten - according to investigators, it was there that he hid the body.

Investigators brought a mannequin, on it the man shows everything he did: how he killed, how he carried him out of the basement.

So far, the picture of the murder looks something like this: the attacker dealt with Irina in the basement of the house on Uralskikh Rabochikh Street, 46a (they found blood, an empty purse and a torn, bloody collar there), then carried her out into the street in his arms, loaded the body into the car and went to look for the place, where to hide it. He tried to throw the murdered woman into the basements of neighboring houses, but in the end he took her to the forest.

The Investigative Committee stated that there will be no official information today.

Near the crime scene there is a kindergarten.

The police officers who are conducting the investigative experiment are accompanied by a crowd of local residents: people shout at the suspect that he is a freak and demand that he show his face hidden by the hood. It looks like the whole neighborhood is here, the crowd is ready to tear the suspect apart on the spot. People are being held back by machine gunners.

There is a police cordon near the house and machine gunners are stationed. They are discussing that a man killed Irina in the basement; investigations are currently underway there. He is supposedly 31 years old, there is no other information yet.

In the group "Verkhnyaya Pyshma and Sredneuralsk-Official Group" on VKontakte they post a photo of a supposed investigative experiment:

According to local residents, Irina’s body was found in the basement of a house on the street. Mashinostroiteley, 12. And she went to her friend’s house next door - at Mashinostroiteley, 10.

Irina’s blood and empty bag were found in the basement of a house on Uralskiye Rabochy, and her body, according to local residents, was found next door, on Mashinostroiteley, 12.

The suspect in the murder of Irina Vakhrusheva was brought to the basement of the house, where blood was found, so that he could show how he killed the woman.

The coordinator of the search team “Lisa Alert” writes: “The search has been stopped. The information is being checked. I understand that you need an explanation, but while the investigation is ongoing, this is impossible. Please be understanding. Thank you all for what you have been doing all these days. As soon as information becomes available, we will inform you here. Please refrain from commenting."

Irina's husband temporarily stopped participating in the search. He said that he had not slept all night, was very tired and would go home.

This is Irina's house. As her husband Andrei says, she left here at 8 pm and went to her friend. Irina’s family lives on the first floor; the girl’s mother does not communicate with journalists.

The commentary from the press service of the Sverdlovsk ICR department almost word for word repeats the commentary from the police: there is reason to believe that a crime has been committed.

– Measures are being taken to solve this crime without delay. Several versions of the murder are being checked, witnesses are being interrogated, and a set of necessary examinations has been ordered.

The friend Irina was going to seemed to disappear into the water. The phone is turned off, no one opens the apartment door. And the door itself is covered in boot marks, as if it had been kicked.

House on Mashinostroiteley, 10 – Irina was supposed to come here. A friend came out to meet her, but didn’t wait.

Volunteers study the map, determine where they have already been and where else they need to go.

They go to the Serovsky tract: the police assume that the woman is there.

Volunteers are preparing to search for Irina or her body - there is still hope that the woman is alive. The last instruction on what to do if the missing person is found.

“If she shows signs of life, then we call 112. If she is cyanotic, then everything is clear, call me, we don’t call the police ourselves, then they will torture you,” says search coordinator Nikita.

The search engines are discussing among themselves the following version of the events that happened (this information is unofficial, but it “developed” based on the results of two days of searches): Irina went to see her friend, carrying a bottle of something alcoholic with her. There was probably someone else with her. There was a conflict and she was hit on the head with her own bottle. After this, a trail of blood leads to a friend’s house. Apparently, the woman was taken from there by car.

The friend says she didn't hear anything.

Lisa Alert volunteers give instructions: “Those who are wearing sneakers, go home, in 20 minutes we’ll get ready and go to the Serovsky tract.”

Volunteers gathered at the police department.

The area where Irina disappeared consists of new buildings. But local residents say that it is dark here at night - there are few streetlights.

The press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region officially commented on the situation. In short, the case was transferred to the Investigative Committee, since there is reason to believe that a particularly serious crime could have been committed against the woman. The circumstances of her disappearance are being clarified and her whereabouts are being established.

In the store, which is located in the house where the blood was found, the site’s correspondent was told that, although the area is new, it is not considered safe. For example, cars were stolen there several times.

Photo from a probable crime scene.

The first photographs have emerged from the basement where the woman’s bloody belongings were found. There is a lot of blood on the steps and at the entrance to the basement.

The Verkhnyaya Pyshma police are laconic.

– Operational investigative actions are being carried out, all services are involved. The Investigative Committee is working. In the evening the information will be combined.

At the moment it is known that the entire leadership of the local department of the Investigative Committee has left for the police.

The department actually has an ICR car.

Irina’s husband Andrey spoke about her. She says that she had no ill-wishers.

– She worked as an assistant manager, an ordinary calm family girl, no reason to go somewhere... When she disappeared, there was no thought even that she had gone somewhere with someone.

– Is your area crime-ridden, is it dangerous to walk in the evening? class="_">

- No, it’s a busy area, everyone walks there - children and everyone, this is the road to the kindergarten. That’s exactly where she disappeared, there’s a kindergarten nearby, 20 meters from it.

Officially, the press service of the Sverdlovsk department of the Investigative Committee is in no hurry to confirm the information.

– There will be no new information yet. We are investigating, sorting it out, checking various versions, trying to solve the crime without delay, - that’s all that department representative Alexander Shulga said.

There are three groups of volunteers, some of whom came with dogs. In fact, they are already looking for the woman’s body - as the police determined, it is assumed that the killer brought Irina - alive or dead - by car to the forest. The search continues along the Serovsky tract towards Yekaterinburg. The exits are being checked, and the woman’s husband, Andrei, is also participating in the search.

Meanwhile, volunteers continue to search, since there is no official information from law enforcement agencies yet.

The site's source confirmed that the suspect in the murder of Irina Vakhrusheva was detained, and investigators are now working with him.

Meanwhile, rumors appeared that they had detained the maniac who killed Irina and - allegedly! - Already confessed. Investigators have not yet confirmed this.

Investigators have already said that they are considering several versions of what happened. Irina's body has not yet been found.

As our correspondent reports, they are combing the area in search of a woman - alive or dead. Searches are also underway in the forest.

Photo: Irina VAKHRUSHEVA / vk.com; Ilya KAZAKOV / website
Video: Ilya KAZAKOV / E1.RU


The Alexander Nevsky Temple at the Verkhnepyshminsky cemetery did not accommodate everyone who wanted to attend the memorial service. Probably several hundred people came to see off the tragically deceased city dweller on her last journey.

The farewell to Irina Vakhrusheva was scheduled for one o'clock in the afternoon, but people began to flock to the temple much earlier.

Everyone has fresh flowers in their hands, mostly roses, some brought wreaths

From 12.30 two minibuses were delivered from the Kuprit shopping center to the cemetery of caring citizens who wanted to say goodbye.

People crowd around the temple and in the parking lot - they are waiting for the hearse with Irina’s body to arrive.

The coffin is brought into the temple, and the crowd of those who came to say goodbye tries to go inside. Not everyone succeeds: the religious building simply could not accommodate everyone.

Among those gathered were relatives, work colleagues, people with whom Irina studied or once lived in the same yard. Some who came admit: they are here,to see off a stranger to their final journey. The tragedy that occurred in Verkhnyaya Pyshma last weekend became common to most residents of the city, and many of them considered it their duty to say goodbye to their fellow countrywoman and express condolences to Irina Vakhrusheva’s relatives. Moreover, the residents of Verkhnepyshmin helped in the search for the missing girl andorganized a fundraiser for her funeral.

Before the funeral service began, the priest called on everyone to think about their lives and raise their children correctly, explaining to them that murder is a grave sin, and that they should never do the same. Even in my thoughts.

“A person should die of infirmity and old age, and not at 30 years old, young and healthy, and even so tragically. For such sloppiness that that man did to Irina, it must be destroyed publicly, in front of everyone, for example, in the square. Even though I am a clergyman, I am sure that goodness must come with fists. Let’s hope that at least the Lord will forgive her killer for his recklessness,” said the priest from the Alexander Nevsky Church and offered to pray for Irina.

During the funeral service, many could not hold back their tears. The funeral service lasted about 20 minutes; for another half hour, relatives, friends and simply caring residents of Verkhnepyshmina said goodbye to the deceased young mother.

“She lies there like a sleeping beauty,” said the girl who came out of the temple, barely holding back tears.

Those who have already said goodbye leave the temple and wait on the street: men gather in silent groups, women stand aside and wipe away their tears.

Someone aside is whispering And . Elderly women, holding wreaths, are talking about the progress of yesterday's trial, which took place in Verkhnyaya Pyshma and the alleged killer of Irina Vakhrusheva.

“He's crazy, . If only the further court would take into account all the circumstances, after all,” the townspeople sigh.

Those close to the family are discussing the eve of the incident: they say that before the incident, 30-year-old Irina Vakhrusheva quarreled with her partner. By the way, the man was present at the farewell; the funeral itself, according to distant relatives, was organized by the aunt of the deceased young woman.

Most of all those who came to say goodbye discussed the weather: instead of snow and rain, the sun was shining

Butterflies fluttered over wreaths and bouquets of fresh flowers.

After farewell, the funeral procession, accompanied by the ringing of bells, moved along the main alley of the Verkhnepyshminsky churchyard towards the grave of Irina Vakhrusheva. She will be buried next to her brother and father.