How to relieve a child's severe cough. Severe dry cough in fits and starts. Causes of dry cough attacks in children

Cough syndrome is a common phenomenon, especially in childhood. It rarely occurs on its own and traditionally accompanies various pathological processes. The article will study how to relieve coughing attacks in a child at home and return him to normal and full functioning.

Causes of cough in children

Cough is a symptom that accompanies the lion's share of diseases affecting children. Colds, viral infections, and allergic lesions almost always manifest themselves with this harmless symptom. Parents should be alert and take into account that the reflex can be provoked not only by ordinary ARVI, but also by a number of other pathologies. Let's consider the most common causes - diseases that cause the formation of this symptom:

  • in 90% of clinical situations, the syndrome is caused by a classic cold or a respiratory viral disease, the situation is also accompanied by fever, fever, sneezing, and runny nose;
  • acute bronchial lesions start suddenly and are characterized by moist wheezing, immediately turning into a cough with sputum production;
  • tracheitis begins at night and reaches its peak of activity in the morning, while the young patient suffers from pain in the throat and behind the sternum;
  • whooping cough is another form of viral infection in which the baby coughs tirelessly and often, the attacks get worse, the tongue curls into a tube, the child feels unwell;
  • represented by swelling of the mucous membrane of the laryngeal region, the cough is barking and rough in nature and interferes with the child’s normal breathing.

If the baby is constantly overcome by coughing attacks, what to do in this situation - identify them the real reason and only after that start treatment.

Descriptive features of cough in children

The cough reflex occurs as a natural reaction child's body on the impact of an irritant progressing in the area of ​​the upper respiratory tract. It is accompanied by the appearance of excess mucus and increased muscle contractions. As a result, the respiratory tract strives to push out all excess mucus - from foreign bodies before irritating factors or pathogenic elements. Sometimes the situation is aggravated so much that coughing attacks lead to vomiting, which interfere with the child’s normal functioning.

In medicine, cough is not identified as an independent pathology. That is, it acts as a separate symptom, so it cannot be treated. It is necessary to eliminate first of all the causes of its occurrence, and not the consequences of their influence. However, concerned parents are looking for ways to calm it down. unpleasant symptom at home. To help a child, it is necessary to have information not only about the causative factor of this symptom, but also about its type.

Types of cough and their distinctive features

If a child is tormented by coughing attacks, what to do is to determine the type of this reflex. And it can be dry or wet.

  1. Dry cough. This unproductive symptom. It refers to frequent coughing that does not result in the removal of sputum or viscous secretions. This only indicates that irritation of the epithelium does not lead to positive effect. This condition can be quite severe and be paroxysmal in nature. Coughing attacks may also occur leading to vomiting, which greatly irritate the baby’s throat. The sound of dry syndrome is determined by the disease that caused it. Sometimes it's barking sound, and sometimes a wheezing and loud whistle.
  2. Moist cough . Unlike its dry “colleague”, this reflex occurs more easily, because it is accompanied by the separation of sputum. It is problematic to confuse it with anything, because it passes with certain sounds, and upon completion there is a full coughing. It can act as a companion to a serious illness, but such effectiveness indicates that treatment is underway in the right direction.

Coughing attacks at night or during the day - serious reason Be wary and consult a doctor.

How and how to help your child at home

First aid measures include observing the following rules.

  1. Ensuring an optimal level of humidity in the room where the sick child is located. Moist air with a little coolness is assistant No. 1 in the fight against the cough reflex. Move the heaters to a far corner and ventilate the room. This will rid the child’s respiratory tract of microbial elements, viral particles and mucus accumulated in them.
  2. Bathing. When choosing a folk remedy for cough, you should pay attention to this aspect. The purpose of taking a bath is not to achieve cleanliness, but to provide moist air. It's kind of inhalation procedure, which will clear the airways from various unfavorable elements.
  3. Inhalations. Steam procedures based on herbal and essential decoctions will also help the child stop suffering from cough and in the near future get rid of discomfort in the throat.
  4. Rubbing. If the baby’s body temperature is lower than 37.2 degrees, this method will allow you to overcome the child’s coughing attacks in no time. For this purpose they are used alcohol tinctures, pharmaceutical drugs.

All these methods are effective in the absence of fever and other severe symptoms.

Effective folk remedies for cough

If you regularly use folk remedies, you will not only stop the attack, but also prevent its return. Which folk remedy to choose is up to you to decide.

  1. Rinsing. The pharmaceutical antiseptic drug Chlorophyllipt helps well, as does a solution of soda with iodine in water, furatsilin, and potassium permanganate.
  2. Drinking regime. Give your baby plenty of warm milk with cocoa butter or badger fat based on 1 tsp. drugs for 1 tbsp. milk.
  3. Ginger tea. Take 2 cm of the root of this plant, peel it, finely chop it and pour 1 tbsp of boiling water over it. Add 1 slice of lemon and 1 tsp. honey Let's drink it instead of tea after it has cooled completely.
  4. Onion syrup. This drug is prepared in advance. You need to take 3-4 large onions and peel them. Then chop and pour 1 tbsp on top. Sahara. After an hour, the bulbs will release juice. You need to put this mass on low heat and cook until thick. Give the child 1 tsp.

So we looked at how to relieve attacks of dry cough at home and do it quickly. There are several more ways to get rid of an obsessive symptom.

It’s rare that a mother will be able to be in a calm state when her baby breaks into a coughing fit in the nursery at night. What to do, how to treat night cough in a child, preventing him from fully resting and causing anxiety among his parents? Before dealing with night coughs, it is necessary to determine the culprit of the syndrome.

Causes of trouble

When the baby is in a horizontal position at night, mucus accumulates in the upper respiratory tract. In children, the pulmonary apparatus is not yet perfect, the respiratory bronchial tubes have a small lumen, and the removal of mucus is difficult. The body, trying to get rid of phlegm, provokes the development of a reflex.

There are many reasons for a child’s night cough; prolonged attacks often develop due to colds and infectious diseases. Before treating a child’s night cough, pay attention to the type of reflex:

Pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. Dry, irritating cough. It differs in the duration of the attacks. The baby complains of soreness and tingling in the throat. Choking and coughing are observed during the interval between the main attack.

Asthmatic bronchitis. The symptom passes with whistling and wheezing breathing. With an asthmatic night cough, the child develops shortness of breath,
It's hard to breathe. The baby complains of pain in the sternum near the heart.

Whooping cough. Whooping cough consists of 5-10 shocks. They follow non-stop, not allowing the child to breathe. Trying to take in air, the baby makes a whistling sound. The cough is loud, barking and moist, with copious sputum. Mucus is viscous and glassy. In small children, it can separate through the nostrils in bubbles.

Whooping cough often leads to vomiting caused by copious amounts of mucus. The baby's face turns red, trying to clear his throat, he sticks out his tongue and tenses. The cough is so strong that it completely exhausts the child, leading him to exhaustion.

Adenoiditis. The cough symptom for adenoids is dry and difficult to dislodge. purulent sputum. Night cough develops even with advanced disease, when viscous mucus accumulates in the nasal passages, descends into the respiratory tract and irritates the laryngeal mucosa.

Gastroesophageal reflux. This pathology is characterized by a dry night cough without fever and sore throat. Manifestations of the syndrome are similar to coughs due to bronchitis or allergies. Strong coughing can cause vomiting and nausea in a child.

Allergy. An allergic night cough begins suddenly. It is loud, barking and often dry (when wet, the child produces clear mucus). Allergic cough goes away with a runny nose and sneezing, but without fever. The child may complain of itching and sore throat.

Colds, flu, parainfluenza. The syndrome develops suddenly, and a high temperature may rise rapidly. Chills and fever are observed. At the onset of the disease, night cough is characterized by dryness and severe debilitating attacks. The child complains of a sore throat and sore throat.

Tracheitis. At the beginning of the development of the disease, a dry, paroxysmal cough is noted. Painful attacks often occur in the morning. The symptom is accompanied by severe, raw pain in the throat.

In small babies, an attack often develops while crying or screaming. At the same time, the temperature rises (up to +30-40⁰ C), headaches are observed.

Worm infestations. Helminthiasis is becoming a common cause of dry cough in a child at night. Helminthic infestations provoke the development of the syndrome at night without symptoms accompanying other diseases (sore throat, chills, fever). Children complain of abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness and upset bowel movements.

A child may develop a night cough due to dry, cold air in the room. The attacks disturb the baby, preventing him from sleeping peacefully during teething, when a lot of saliva is formed and it flows into the larynx area, provoking a cough reflex.

When the baby long time he is bothered by a cough at night, during the day he feels tired and exhausted, he should immediately seek help in treatment from a pediatrician. Don't self-medicate! Find out the real culprit of the child’s night cough and prescribe competent treatment Only a pediatrician can.

Fighting night cough

If your baby has a persistent cough at night, he should be examined by a pediatrician. When diseases are identified, the doctor’s main task is to treat the child for a disease caused by coughing. To relieve nighttime coughing attacks, the doctor prescribes treatment depending on the type of reflex:

Dry. The child is prescribed antitussives that affect the cough center (located in the brain stem). Such drugs created for pediatric treatment, relate:

  • Glaucine.
  • Sinekod.
  • Tusuprex.
  • Sedotussin.

Pediatricians also advise paying attention to children's antitussive medications that act on receptors: levopront, libexin and antitussive medicines: broncholitin and stoptussin.

Wet. To relieve a cough in a child that resolves with wet expectoration, pediatricians prescribe medications for treatment that help clear the bronchi and lungs of accumulated mucus: bronchicum elixir, marshmallow and Doctor Mom syrups, pectusin.

Folk remedies

Most mothers do not want to treat their child medicinal syrups and potions, giving preference to methods people's pharmacy. Natural buckwheat honey is an effective remedy for treating night coughs (honey should not be given to a child with allergies). Delicious medicine The baby should be given to suckle in the evening.

Good treatment becomes warm milk. It can be mixed with baking soda (¼ teaspoon) and melted honey (5-6 ml).

Be sure to feed your child warm berry juices and raspberry tea. Pharmacies will also offer ready-made herbal medicines for children. medicinal fees for treatment:

  • Breast collection No. 1. For the treatment of cough reflex with tracheitis, laryngitis. The package includes herbal mixture from coltsfoot, oregano and licorice root. Such plants reduce inflammatory process and promote the removal of sputum.
  • Chest collection No. 2 and 3. For the treatment of prolonged cough syndrome due to pneumonia and bronchitis. The medicinal plants included in this collection have an antiseptic, expectorant and emollient effect.
  • Chest collection No. 4. This herbal tea is the safest for treating children. It includes six healing plants ( peppermint, chamomile, violet, wild rosemary, calendula and licorice).

Herbal mixtures were created and selected for the treatment of children over 6 years old, and collection number 4 can be given to children as young as 2 years old.

Potato compresses also help treat night coughs (numerous reviews indicate the effectiveness of such treatment). A couple of hot boiled potatoes are mashed and alcohol, mustard (½ tsp) are added to the puree. visceral fat and honey (a tablespoon each).

A cake is made from the mixture and applied to the baby’s back and chest. First, the baby’s body is covered with film and cotton wool with a layer of 3-4 cm. The compress is tied on top with a warm scarf and kept for 1-1.5 hours.

Prevention measures

  1. Before going to bed, thoroughly ventilate the children's room and wet clean it.
  2. Regularly humidify the air (the optimal temperature in the room should be +20-22⁰ C).
  3. Avoid contact of the baby with irritating and strong-smelling objects (paints, solvents, household chemicals, tobacco smoke).
  4. During the day, increase the dose of drink for a sick child. Let your child drink warm vitamin fruit drinks, honey milk with added butter, rosehip infusions and berry compotes.
  5. Clean your baby's nose every night. Use a saline solution for this, and then ask your baby to blow his nose well.
  6. Every evening, steam the child’s feet in hot water at a temperature of +42-43⁰ C.
  7. If your child suffers from a night cough due to laryngitis, help ease your baby's breathing by inhaling steam. Bring the baby into the bathroom and let him in hot water. Let the baby breathe in the wet steam for 10-15 minutes.
  8. For children after one year of age, perform inhalation procedures daily. For inhalation, use saline solutions, decoctions medicinal herbs, soda.

Inhalations and rubbing should not be performed on infants under six months of age; taking antihistamines to treat allergies is also contraindicated for them. To make it easier for them night sleep, change the position of the baby in the crib more often. This will prevent mucus from accumulating in your baby's nose.

Parents are also required to know what children are strictly forbidden to do when they have a night cough. When treating the syndrome, you should not give your child antibiotics. If there is a symptom with sputum, it is forbidden to give the baby antitussives, and if there is a dry cough, do not give expectorants.

Diet to combat night cough

Pediatricians say that in relieving night cough syndrome effective treatment gives special diet therapy. Include the following dishes in your child’s daily menu:

  • Natural fresh juices.
  • Mashed potatoes with milk.
  • Hercules porridge with vegetable oil.
  • Durum radish salad with sour cream.
  • Grapes or fresh grape juice diluted with natural honey.
  • Vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C (rose hips, persimmons, citrus fruits, cranberries).

Children put on a healing diet recover faster, because such products increase vitality and the body’s immunity, provoke coughing and actively relieve bronchospasm.

Pay close attention to your child’s health and at the first signs of illness, seek advice from a doctor. Only by joint efforts with the pediatrician will parents be able to help the baby get rid of the painful night cough.

Health to your baby!

How to understand the causes of coughing attacks in children

Coughing, especially its attacks, not only disturbs the child’s sleep, but also weakens him, causing great anxiety among his parents. Most often, they try to treat a child’s cough using special drugs to eliminate the cough, restoring the patency of the respiratory tract, while using special antibiotics, which often only worsen the situation. Just finding out real reason childhood illness can help in eliminating cough.

According to all the rules of medicine, a cough is a reflex reaction of the body, the cause of which lies in the irritation of respiratory receptors, which are divided into fast and slow. The development of cough occurs through irritation of fast receptors, which is facilitated by the action of internal and external irritating factors of a chemical and mechanical nature. The cough mechanism is triggered due to the joint action of these groups.

The normal state of affairs involves a child coughing about 15-20 times a day and this should not be perceived as an illness. Similar manifestations cough helps eliminate mucus that has formed in the upper respiratory tract.

How to relieve a child's cough

Alkaline drinking can be considered a recognized means of treating coughing attacks in a child, which has proven its effectiveness in practice. Since ancient times, coughs in children have been relieved with milk in combination with tea brewed with chamomile flowers. In order to achieve a greater effect, it was proposed to dissolve a certain amount of soda and honey in milk. In addition, a good effect requires the use of ordinary alkaline water. The baby should be seated in his bed, gently patted on the back and upper area his chest. Patting helps remove some mucus from the bronchi. After this, the child should be offered a dose of drink, and make sure that he drinks little by little.

Besides, good effect has the ability to absorb in the mouth a mixture consisting of butter and honey, collected in volumes of one tablespoon of each component. After the child drinks his portion, you should let him take a few sips of warm, fresh milk.

How to relieve a child's coughing attack at night

Despite the fact that only a child can correctly identify the cause of a night cough pediatrician, parents must understand what needs to be done in order to relieve a night cough in their child.

  1. First of all, you should wake up the baby and try to determine exactly what type of cough he has, wet or dry. If there is sputum, it is necessary to determine its color. Most dangerous situation is the presence of purulent clots in the coughing discharge, indicating a serious illness. In these cases, you should mandatory call a doctor.
  2. In diseases of the upper respiratory system, it should be understood that a dry cough is normal occurrence. To prevent circulatory problems in the child, you should change the position of his body more often, turning from one side to the other and placing a bolster or pillow under his head.
  3. A child may have a night cough accompanying symptom when cutting teeth. In order to stop the process, you should place a couple of pillows under the child’s head, after first raising the head of the bed.
  4. You can give your child a large amount of warm drink, after which he will be able to fall asleep soundly. Antihistamines help reduce swelling of the mucous membrane; you just need to make sure that they are in accordance with the age of the child.

How to relieve a dry cough in a child

To effectively relieve attacks of dry cough in a child, you must first determine the nature of its course and establish the reason why it occurs. It can cause allergic reactions to detergents or laundry preparations containing bioadditives. Cough can also be caused by respiratory infection and obstructive bronchitis in the form of its complications. Other causes include pleurisy and pneumonia.

In case of attacks of dry cough, you should first of all humidify the air in the room where the child is. An appropriate humidifier is ideal for this. In addition, you can simply place a basin of water next to the baby’s crib. Special lozenges that have an antitussive effect, as well as cough syrup, are good for relieving coughing attacks. If the child does not have a high temperature, then the use of a warming compress, mustard plasters and warming ointment is allowed. Also help relieve an attack of dry cough:

  • fresh air from evening airing of the room;
  • wet cleaning child's room;
  • a sufficient amount of warm drink for the child’s health;
  • rinsing the child’s nasal passages with water to wash away mucous formations.

How to relieve a child's severe coughing attack

You can relieve a severe cough using the following methods:

  • boiled milk with sage, it should be boiled and, after settling and straining, given to the child to drink immediately before going to bed. Recommended for regular attacks;
  • if the baby’s throat is sore, you should give the child honey or butter in the amount of one tablespoon;
  • if the cases are complex, it is recommended to carry out inhalations using essential oils of cedar and sage. The child will need to breathe in the vapors of oils dissolved in water. It is best to carry out these operations immediately before going to bed;
  • a good folk remedy for eliminating severe coughing attacks is black radish. Cut into cubes and mixed with sugar, bake it in the oven for an hour and a half. After this, the resulting porridge must be filtered and given to the child no more than four tablespoons per day;
  • It makes sense to use vodka or pure pharmaceutical alcohol. After rubbing, the child should be wrapped in a warm scarf around the neck and dressed warmly.

How to relieve a barking cough in a child

If a child develops a barking cough, accompanied by wheezing when exhaling, sometimes rough, sometimes silent, with hoarseness and shortness of breath, this indicates that the help of a doctor should be sought. The combination of all of the above symptoms may indicate the appearance of false croup in a child, leading to suffocation and very sad consequences. If all of the above is absent, help can be provided to the child. simple methods, listing which will not take up much space:

  • Steam inhalations can reduce coughing and significantly ease breathing;
  • warm drinks in large quantities;
  • eliminating all factors that worry the child, as this only aggravates the situation;
  • the use of mustard plasters in combination with a simple tapping massage, these measures are necessary to facilitate the discharge of sputum in the child;
  • use of antitussive expectorants.

How to quickly relieve a child's coughing attack

For quick removal Coughing attacks in a child, especially if they are systemic in nature, require the use of paraffin. This measure will allow the lungs to warm up, which will allow the baby to sleep peacefully at night without suffering from coughing attacks. At the same time, it is important to constantly monitor the temperature of the paraffin, because if it is too hot, it will burn the child.

Also, if the question arises about the need to quickly relieve cough symptoms, a recipe that involves the use of licorice root can be of great help. It is able to carry out proper disinfection and healing minor damage, characteristic of a cough in the larynx. Since the syrup contains sugar, it should not be given to children with diabetes.

When diluting the syrup, this should only be done clean water. You should not add syrup to tea or any other drink, since it may lose some of its properties due to increased temperature. If you are taking licorice-based syrup, then you need to drink a lot, because without this, thick mucus which makes breathing difficult.

To soothe and soften the mucous membrane, it is recommended to use the following cough suppressants:

  • lollipops intended for sucking, or marshmallows;
  • various syrups of plant origin;
  • medications with a combined effect.

Exactly latest variety appears to be most effective in treating childhood coughing attacks. Among them, Gerbion syrup, prepared on the basis of plantain, stands out. It contains very important components that help get rid of the symptoms of cough and its sudden attacks. We are talking about mallow flowers, vitamin C and plantain leaf extract. This combination of components helps create a high-quality enveloping effect of the syrup, relieve irritation of the mucous membrane and soften it. All this helps in eliminating the consequences of infection.

A remedy is used to assist in treatment colds, as well as in order to eliminate the consequences of severe attacks that occur due to dry air. In addition, the condition can be caused by asthma attacks, as well as the concentration of mucus in the nasal cavity. The sustained concentration of the composition makes it possible to use the product to relieve the cough of sick children, starting from the age of two years.

How can you relieve an attack of dry cough in a child?

How to relieve a dry cough in a child? This is the question every parent asks when their child wakes up in the middle of the night and can’t stop coughing. There are many effective ways to relieve an attack, but to do this you need to know what disease caused the cough.

The reflex reaction of the body, aimed at clearing the airways, at the onset of the disease is accompanied by attacks of dry cough, causing a burning sensation and does not bring relief.

Causes of dry cough

Most harmless reason A child’s cough may be caused by low air humidity, the presence of dust in the room, or strong odors smoke, aromatic oils, paint and other substances. The consequences in this case can be either isolated attacks or an allergic reaction of the body.

In such a situation, wet cleaning and ventilation of the room, combined with blocking the source of the unpleasant odor, can eliminate the problem.

When foreign bodies enter the upper respiratory tract, a dry cough occurs suddenly, accompanied by an attack of suffocation. It is impossible to eliminate this without the intervention of a doctor.

The most common cause of a dry cough is irritation of the receptors in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract due to decreased secretion production or increased viscosity.

Damage to the mucous membrane can result from a number of diseases:

  1. Bronchial asthma is characterized by a prolonged dry cough, which occurs mainly during sleep. The duration of the reflex reaction does not exceed half an hour and ends with expectoration of a viscous clot clear mucus. During a cough, you can observe muscle spasms in the area of ​​the diaphragm, pain in the chest, and disturbances in the rhythm of breathing.
  2. Whooping cough is a childhood infection accompanied by a dry, convulsive cough. A characteristic symptom is a cough during night sleep, accompanied by gagging and difficulty breathing. The disease is diagnosed after prolonged (up to 1.5 months) incessant cough, which cure standard means fails.
  3. ARVI manifests itself as a result of various viral infections that penetrate epithelial cells, causing their inflammation and death. The larynx is affected by pneumonia; nasal cavities, trachea - with tracheitis and pharynx - with pharyngitis.

Bacterial infections:

  • tuberculosis is accompanied by a long-term inflammatory process occurring in the lungs and lymph nodes, causing a reflex cough;
  • diphtheria - swelling of the larynx and throat, leading to compression of the trachea and causing coughing.

Gastroesophageal reflux is characterized by the occurrence of coughing attacks after eating, especially in a horizontal position and during sleep. The cause is inhalation of gastric acid vapors that flow into the oral cavity when the child lies down.

Bronchitis, pneumonia or pleurisy are characterized by severe, frequent attacks of dry cough, which are a complication of infections. Prolonged cough accompanied by painful sensations in the chest and abdominal area.

Non-traditional cough relief

As a non-drug treatment for attacks of dry cough in a child, you can use:

  1. Inhalation of potato vapors, decoctions of medicinal herbs (licorice, wild rosemary) or essential oils (sage, cedar). For children under 3 years of age, wet steam inhalation is not recommended.
  2. Resorption sugar syrup, obtained by boiling a sugar solution to a viscous state - for children under 3 years of age or hard caramel - for older children.
  3. Taking decoctions medicinal herbs, such as thyme, peppermint, thermopsis, chamomile.
  4. Prepare a decoction of milk with sage, stand and strain. Use before bed.
  5. Resorption of buckwheat honey (1 tsp) in the absence of allergies or a piece of butter.
  6. Prepare a decoction of a small onion in a glass of milk over low heat, then strain. Drink in small sips.
  7. Perform a compress of 40% alcohol solution or the same product with badger fat. The compress is applied with a rag soaked in the product on the child’s back and chest, after which it is fixed with cling film and a bandage. Leaves on all night. 3 applications are enough to treat cough.
  8. Prepare the mixture: to a glass of milk brought to a boil, add 30 g of honey, 30 g of butter, 1 egg yolk, 1 g soda.
  9. A healing decoction is prepared from a glass of milk and 1 tsp. pine buds, which are placed in boiling milk, after which the medicine sits for 1 hour, taken 2 sips during the day.
  10. Viburnum decoction - vitamin drink, prepared from viburnum berries with the addition of 3 tsp. honey per 1 liter of decoction. It can be used as an antitussive and as a prophylaxis against colds and viral diseases.
  11. Use a high pillow to ensure that mucus from the nasopharynx drains further into the stomach.

Drug treatment of dry cough

The most effective remedy for coughing is inhalation using special inhalers that produce dry steam. As active substance saline solution is used.

The duration of inhalation for children under 3 years of age is 3 minutes, for older children – 5 minutes. Longer inhalation is not recommended.

  1. An alternative saline solution Mineral water can serve.

    Treatment of cough at home in a child should be performed using various syrups, the effect of which is individual for each patient:

  2. “Linkas” – liquid Brown, consisting of extracts of medicinal herbs, has an expectorant and antitussive effect, accompanied by bactericidal effect. It is used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough with difficult to separate sputum. Suitable for the treatment of cough in children from 6 months, a weekly course of treatment is recommended.
  3. Libexin, available in tablet form, is a peripheral cough suppressant based on suppressing the sensitivity of the nerve fibers of the respiratory tract.
  4. “Libexin muco” is used for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, indicated for children over 2 years of age.
  5. “Broncholitin” is well tolerated by the body, is indicated in combined treatment with antibacterial, antipyretic drugs, vitamins, is applicable for children over 3 years old, is characterized by a number of contraindications and side effects.
  6. “Bithiodine” is used to calm coughs in cases of damage to the upper and lower respiratory tract; it has an antitussive effect that affects the receptors of the mucous membrane.
  7. “Stoptussin” is available in tablet form, characterized by a good mucolytic effect, and is indicated for use from 12 years of age.

Cough sanitation rules

In addition to treating the disease, a number of measures should be taken to relieve symptoms, namely:

  • To soften the respiratory tract, it is necessary to increase the humidity in the room by placing containers with hot water or by hanging a wet towel on the radiator;
  • the room temperature should not be less than 20°C and more than 22°C;
  • identify and eliminate sources of unpleasant and strong odors, which can cause irritation of the mucous membrane or an allergic reaction;
  • provide drinking plenty of fluids, which can be milk, still mineral water, herbal decoctions with a mucolytic effect;
  • The diet should be dietary, the dishes should be easily digestible by the stomach, for example, mashed potatoes on milk.

For prolonged continuous cough, if remedies traditional medicine and syrups do not help stop the disease, you must seek medical help.

Probably everyone has encountered the unfortunate annoying cough that interferes with sleeping, eating and communicating with friends and colleagues. Find out how to relieve a coughing attack in a child in this article.

It is worth noting that in this article we are looking at a typical cough caused by a cold. If your coughing attack is not a cold, causes difficulty breathing, or even wheezes when breathing, then it is recommended to immediately seek help from a qualified doctor. Coughing attacks are typical for more serious diseases, which may result in severe consequences, some of them can even lead to death.


So, in order to relieve a coughing attack you will need:

3. Butter

4. Mineral water, preferably Borjomi

The initial stage of a cold in a child is usually accompanied by a runny nose, thrills in the throat. Coughing attacks appear after some time.

The subsequent cough will be “dry” and possibly accompanied by pain; it is advisable to try to restrain it. At this stage, it is recommended to start taking some kind of expectorant. And here the question arises: how to relieve a coughing attack in a child. To do this, warm the milk, add a spoonful of butter and/or one fourth spoonful of soda, or a little mineral water. This mixture should be drunk hot, in small sips.

How to relieve an attack of wet cough in a child

After some time, the cough will no longer be dry and painful. This is the next stage of the cold. Your health will improve, but in this phase mucus is removed from the lungs and airways, resulting in a “wet” cough, especially in the evenings. It is very difficult to sleep with such a cough. And if you are faced with such a problem, then you can relieve a coughing attack by taking vertical position, if you are lying down, and if you are standing, try to lie down, take a half-sitting position, put more pillows or simply lean forward. Prepare medicinal composition, as in the previous step. We remind you that this drink must be drunk while it is hot.

Also good remedy To relieve a cough attack, use chamomile tea. To do this, buy chamomile at the pharmacy and brew it like regular tea.

How to relieve a coughing attack in a child caused by bronchial asthma?

Bronchial asthma is accompanied by severe coughing attacks, most often this occurs at night. Given that the diaphragm muscles are constantly tense, the patient may experience pain in the chest and abdomen. The cough may subside after half an hour to an hour, then viscous sputum is coughed up. In this case, the child is given special drug prescribed by a doctor. You can give a warm drink, hold the child in your arms or turn him on his side, this will ease the coughing attack.

Other causes of cough in a child

1. Coughing may not be infectious, but the cough is the result of a foreign body entering the respiratory tract, such as dust particles or crumbs. It ends when the pollution is removed from the lungs. In this case, it is better to place the child belly down so that the head is lower than the body and lightly tap on the back.

2. Whooping cough is accompanied by a strong, convulsive cough. At first it manifests itself in the form of a common cold, but cannot be treated with conventional means, for example, mustard plasters, inhalations, and intensifies over time. Most often, attacks occur at night and may be accompanied by vomiting. It is not yet known how to relieve a coughing attack in a child in this case, but it is necessary to take the child in your arms or turn him on his side so that he does not choke in case of vomiting.

3. Sometimes severe attacks can be observed with respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract, that is, the nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx. The disease is accompanied by a dry “barking” cough. If the disease is treated correctly, the cough subsides after 3 days; if left untreated, complications may appear in the form of bronchitis and pneumonia. This cough can be relieved by warm drink, milk with butter or tea with honey, which will soften the mucous membrane of the throat and the cough will subside. Propolis helps a lot, which needs to be sucked like candy.

Dry cough in children, its attacks, occur with constant and severe irritation of local receptors located in the mucous membrane of the tracheobronchial system.

Causes of dry cough attacks in children

Dry, unproductive paroxysmal cough can occur with the following diseases:

  1. Bronchial asthma

This pathology is characterized by a strong paroxysmal, unproductive cough, which occurs most often at night. The cough can continue for half an hour, the attack ends with the discharge of viscous glassy sputum. During an attack, the muscles of the diaphragm constantly tense, and the patient may experience chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness and malaise. More often bronchial asthma develops against the background of increased reactivity of the body, frequent viral infections, bacterial infections(chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, giardiasis).

2. Foreign body of the respiratory tract

Attacks of a dry irritating cough in a child can occur as a result of various foreign bodies (dust particles, crumbs, pieces of food, small beads, buttons, peas, legumes) entering the respiratory tract. The coughing attack ends only after these irritating agents are removed from the lungs and bronchi by bronchoscopy or other means.

3. Whooping cough and parawhooping cough

Childhood infections of whooping cough and parawhooping cough are accompanied by a severe dry, convulsive paroxysmal cough. Most often, these attacks occur at night and may be accompanied by gagging and difficulty breathing (relapses). These diseases first appear as normal cold cough, but over time the symptoms increase and cannot be treated with conventional means (mustard plasters, inhalations). The illness usually lasts five to six weeks. Diagnosis of whooping cough and parapertussis is sufficient difficult process, and treatment in most cases, especially in young children, is carried out in a hospital.

4. Infectious viral respiratory diseases

A severe dry paroxysmal cough can be observed in respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by the parainfluenza virus, rhinosyncytial virus and adenovirus infection which are accompanied by damage to the larynx, nasal cavity, trachea and pharynx. The disease is often characterized by a “barking” dry cough. With the right and timely treatment– relief and elimination of cough occurs after 3-5 days, and lack of treatment can lead to the development bacterial complications in the form of bronchitis, pneumonia, alveolitis and pleurisy.

5. Inflammatory diseases lower respiratory tract and pleura

Severe and frequent attacks of dry, unproductive cough often develop with obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia (pneumonia) and pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura), which are complications of viral infections. A strong, prolonged paroxysmal cough is accompanied by pain in the chest and abdomen. Treatment lasts from 5 to 15 days, antibiotics, antihistamines and antispasmodics are often prescribed.

Attacks of dry cough in a child at night

Coughing attacks at night in a child cause concern for parents, especially in cases where the baby feels well during the day, and going to bed and falling asleep often causes heartbreaking coughing. The cause of this symptomatology is most often inflammation and swelling of the larynx, trachea and bronchi of various origins in laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis or irritation of the bronchopulmonary tree with viscous sputum in spastic ( asthmatic bronchitis), pneumonia, cystic fibrosis. Nocturnal coughing attacks can occur during childhood infections, most often with whooping cough and parapertussis. If coughing attacks begin immediately after the baby goes to bed, he may have an allergic reaction to the mattress padding, feathers and textile dyes.

Therefore, to eliminate dry cough as a symptom of the disease, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of the disease (infectious or inflammatory process). It is also important to remember that you should not self-medicate, but consult a specialist in a timely manner.

The primary task of parents is to alleviate the child’s condition, determine the cause of the cough and eliminate it as soon as possible.

To help the child if available frequent attacks dry cough, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the cause of its occurrence - allergies (using washing powder with big amount fragrances or dietary supplements in the composition, bed linen conditioner, feather pillows, food for fish, parrots or hamsters), respiratory infection or its complications in the form of obstructive bronchitis, pneumonia or pleurisy.

In the presence of paroxysmal frequent cough It is necessary to humidify the air in the room with a special humidifier or place an open container of water next to the crib. Lollipops with an antitussive effect or emollient cough syrup can help relieve an attack. If there is no high temperature, you can apply a warming compress, mustard plaster or warming ointment.

Significantly relieve cough:

Inflow fresh air by airing the room before going to bed;

Humidifying the room with wet cleaning;

Drink plenty of warm drinks;

Clearing the nose of mucus accumulation by rinsing the nasal passages sea ​​water or decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs;

Inhalations and antitussive drugs are used with extreme caution due to the possible aggravation of swelling of the mucous membrane.

If the cough worsens or shortness of breath develops, you should urgently seek medical help.

From time to time, parents are faced with a problem such as a night cough in their child. What to do in this case? How to help your baby?


Cough can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Respiratory pathologies - rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis or pharyngitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Whooping cough.
  • ARVI.
  • Stagnation of mucus in the nasal passages, which causes a reflex cough.
  • Sputum does not leave the lungs when lying down, blocking access to oxygen.

If your baby is diagnosed with one of these diseases (conditions), you need to get treatment recommendations from your pediatrician. A competent doctor will help prescribe treatment appropriate to the situation so that your baby does not suffer from this. unpleasant illness like a cough.

How to stop an attack At night you need to be especially careful if your baby is sick. It is necessary to understand which type of illness torments the baby, because treatment depends on this.

Types of cough

Dry cough

Attacks of dry cough in a child appear due to the development of certain diseases in the body, such as:

  • Viral infections in the initial stage. At normal course After a few days of illness, the cough becomes wet.
  • Allergies and various stimuli. Presence in the room where the baby is located, tobacco smoke, dust, chemical substances(for example, floor cleaner or air freshener), animal hair.
  • Whooping cough. Frequent signs are redness on the face. There is vomiting. With whooping cough, breathing is often difficult (reprises).
  • Asthma. A paroxysmal dry cough begins, wheezing, shortness of breath. A short inhalation is accompanied by a long exhalation.

Moist cough

Various bacteria and viruses are the causative agents of wet cough attacks. At night, the child develops a cough, accompanied by sputum production. This can occur with some diseases:

  • ARVI. A wet cough in acute cases indicates positive dynamics and accompanies the beginning of recovery little patient.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.

Whooping cough

Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Dry and frequent.
  • Vomiting, tears appear, and the whites of the eyes turn red.
  • Jerky, deep breathing between attacks.
  • If a child is not vaccinated against whooping cough, a convulsive cough is a reason to think about this disease.


This type may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Skin rashes.
  • Discharge of clear mucus from the nose.
  • Tears from the eyes.
  • May result in laryngospasm (stenosis) or even bronchospasm (asthma).

Barking cough with laryngeal stenosis

You can also call this type of cough laryngospasm or false croup. This means that part of the respiratory system swells and interferes with the access of oxygen. It is difficult to confuse with other species as it sounds similar to a dog barking. Swelling of the larynx occurs, wheezing breathing, and suffocation often develops. Usually laryngospasm is accompanied by a very strong attack of night cough in a child.

Causes of stenosis (false croup)

  • Laryngitis.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Adenoiditis.

False croup often begins during sleep, from about one in the morning to four in the morning. Boys from six months to six years are most susceptible to laryngospasm.

Treatment of night cough in a child

How to help a child with a coughing attack at night? Pediatricians recommend that parents not be nervous. The baby feels the emotions of the parents and begins to worry even more, which entails an increase in the problem. Immediately seat the coughing person; lying down is strictly prohibited! Turn on the lights, open the window slightly for fresh air. Try to understand the type of cough that is tormenting your baby. Based on this, apply the following algorithm of actions.

If your child has a dry cough

  • The baby should be given a warm alkaline drink. For example, without gas or plain water with soda diluted in it (on the tip of a knife). Make sure he drinks in small sips, otherwise he may induce vomiting.
  • Clean the young patient's nasal passages with saline or hypertonic spray. If necessary, use a cotton swab to remove any mucus buildup. You can also use an aspirator, for example, Otrivin Baby, if the child does not yet know how to blow his nose. It is not recommended to use cotton swabs to remove mucus from the nose, since the hard end of the stick can easily damage the baby’s delicate nasal passages, because he cannot sit still.
  • If air access through the nose is difficult due to swelling of the mucous membrane, use children's vasoconstrictor drops. During an attack, it is important for the unimpeded passage of oxygen through the nose.
  • Humidify the air. It is best to take your baby to the bathroom when a cough starts, sit him on your lap and turn on the hot water in the bathroom to create steam. There is no need to wet the baby.
  • You can also make it with alkaline mineral water. To do this, you need to have an inhaler at home. Inhalation using a pan of boiling water is strictly not recommended! A small patient may accidentally burn himself on the hot wall of a pan or even turn boiling water over himself.
  • If you are completely sure that your baby is not allergic to honey and pharmaceutical herbs, you can give him a decoction of herbs with a spoon of honey. But it should be remembered that if the cause of the disease is present allergic component, then honey and herbs can aggravate the situation.
  • It is impossible to give a baby antitussive medications, such as Sinekod or Stoptussin, without a doctor’s prescription for a cough of unknown etymology.


How to stop nocturnal attack Does a child have an allergic cough? Give your baby antihistamines based on his age and weight. For example, "Suprastin". It is effective when emergency care, unlike Zodac or Zyrtec, which help well with long-term therapy.

How to help your child with a cough at night if it is wet

  • Immediately seat the patient to improve sputum production.
  • Perform a massage with tapping movements. The tapping should be strong enough so that the mucus lodged in the respiratory tract begins to come out with a cough.

What to give to a child for a night cough if he is wet? You can give mucolytic drugs such as Ambrobene, Lazolvan or ACC. It is necessary to carefully observe the dosage of drugs, based on the doctor’s prescription, as well as the weight and age of the child. You can also do inhalation with these medications, if the form and instructions of these medications allow it. Inhalation is carried out with a nebulizer.

Whooping cough

For this type of cough caused by whooping cough, the drug "Sinekod" or analogues of this medicine is usually prescribed. Treatment takes place on an outpatient basis.

Barking cough or laryngeal stenosis

If the cough sounds like a dog barking and sounds very rude, you need to call an ambulance! Doctors usually arrive quickly for nighttime coughing attacks in a child 2 years of age or younger. Older children can also count on timely and qualified medical care.

Due to the narrowing of the larynx, air cannot enter the baby's lungs, and he may suffocate. Bye ambulance is traveling, parents must alleviate the baby’s condition.

Ways to relieve false croup

They partially coincide with the methods for relieving dry cough, which were described above:

  • Open the windows for fresh air.
  • Humidify the air in the room.
  • Clear your nasal passages.
  • Give warm alkaline drink.

Also, for laryngeal stenosis, the following techniques are used:

  • Instillation into the nose vasoconstrictor drops During a night coughing attack in a child, what needs to be done is for parents to reduce swelling of the respiratory organs. Formerly doctors the ambulance was even recommended to drop this remedy on the root of the tongue in acute period diseases to reduce swelling, but in Lately Doctors do not advise doing this, because it can negatively affect the functioning of the heart.
  • Give any antihistamine, which is in the house, observing the dosage according to age. To achieve the most quick effect you can use "Suprastin".
  • If the stenosis is not very strong, give the baby inhalation with saline or mineral water using a nebulizer.
  • If the false croup is severe and the condition of the small patient worsens, it is necessary to inhale with the drug "Pulmicort". This hormonal drug, relieving swelling. It has virtually no side effects, but after using it it is recommended to rinse your mouth with alkaline mineral water to avoid oral thrush. If inhalation with this drug did not help much, do it again.

What to do with a child’s nighttime coughing attack if the above methods do not help? In this case, emergency doctors will give the baby an injection of Prednisolone, which will quickly relieve all symptoms. Then parents are advised to take the baby to the hospital and continue treatment in the hospital. "Prednisolone" is the most effective method fight against false croup, but with many side effects. Therefore, the task of parents before injecting this drug is to try inhalation. Often they completely relieve symptoms and Prednisolone is not required.

If children have had stenosis at least once, home medicine cabinet Pulmicort, an inhalation nebulizer, antihistamines and saline solution. And also “Prednisolone” in ampoules and a syringe. Of course, it is not recommended to inject this hormone yourself, but if minutes are counting and the ambulance is stuck in traffic, parents may have no choice.

Some medicines It should not be given to a child for a nighttime coughing attack, which is determined by the peculiarity of laryngospasm:

  • Antitussive drugs, such as "Sinekod", "Stoptussin" and other analogues, cause severe stagnation of mucus in the bronchi, which can cause suffocation! After all, coughing is designed to remove mucus from the respiratory tract.
  • Mucolytic agents are also prohibited during false croup. They cause liquefaction of sputum, which cannot be released due to swelling of the larynx.


If sometimes nights happen Coughing attacks in a child, what to do to prevent them?

  • Turn the baby over at night.
  • Ventilate the room where the baby will sleep.
  • Buy a humidifier and run it in your bedroom. Even wet towels hung on heating appliances can be used as a humidifier. As they dry, change them several times a night. Also place a container of water near your client’s head.
  • Monitor the temperature in the room - it should not be too high. It is enough to maintain the temperature from +18 to +21 degrees.
  • During the day and at night, rinse your nose with saline or special hypertonic sprays for rinsing the nasal sinuses with high content salts It is better to use a rinsing solution in the form of drops, as sprays can cause otitis media or provoke a severe cough.
  • During illness you need to drink a lot. Ideally, this should be homemade raisin compote, which contains a lot of useful microelements and salts, necessary for the baby during illness. But if the child refuses it, give him any drink he agrees to. The liquid should be warm. Also table alkaline mineral water without gas helps prevent or even remove slight cough. Avoid honey or other ingredients that may cause an allergic reaction.
  • Raise the head of the bed with a bolster or pillow placed under the mattress. This will allow mucus to not stagnate in the nasopharynx, and sputum from the lungs will be better coughed out during sleep.

As a conclusion

Your pediatrician will always tell you how to relieve a child’s coughing attack at night. Even if the baby is slightly unwell, it is advisable to consult a doctor. This will help avoid many complications.

Cache accompanies many childhood illnesses. With the help of this symptom, the child can get rid of the respiratory irritant.

If cough did not occur, any infection would lead to serious damage to the lower or upper respiratory tract. It’s good when the cough is productive and wet, and the child can easily get rid of accumulated mucus.

It’s worse if it becomes intrusive and dry, causing considerable discomfort to the baby and his parents not only during the day, but also during sleep. When a child has a severe cough at night, it is worth thinking about it and at least contacting a pediatrician for help. After all, parents are not always able to independently determine the cause of this symptom.

A child's severe cough at night may be a natural defensive reaction or a manifestation of pathology.

IN the latter case usually appear additional signs, by which an attentive parent can determine that the child is unwell. Depending on what is causing this symptom, the doctor will select a comprehensive and effective treatment for the child.

Do not forget that any cough is divided into two types:

  1. damp or wet (with it you can hear a distinct bubbling in the bronchi, and mucus is easily coughed up);
  2. dry (spasmodic, annoying, painful, in which coughing does not bring any effect).

Allergic reaction

If you notice that your child has a strong cough at night, but the baby does not cough during the day, this may indicate an allergy.

Every parent should be wary of the fact that the attack begins the moment the baby’s head touches the pillow. The absence of catarrhal manifestations (sputum production) adds confidence that the cough is provoked by an allergy.

Check what your child's bedding is made of. Often an allergic reaction occurs to sheepskin and feathers. Have you recently changed your baby's pajamas? Check its composition as well.

Allergies can manifest themselves not only to fillers, but also be a reaction to powder or fabric softener. Eliminate any allergens for a while.

Perhaps the cough will disappear along with them.

You will also be interested in:

Viral infection

A child may cough at night due to common cold. Often a viral infection is accompanied by mucus in the nose and throat. Sputum drains into the larynx as soon as the child assumes a horizontal position.

As a result of this irritation, a cough begins. In most cases, this symptom is productive, but with large volumes of sputum, it is difficult for the baby to cough it up. As soon as the baby gets better, night cough will go away on one's own.

Bacterial pathologies of the lower parts of the respiratory system

Diseases such as laryngitis, bronchitis, whooping cough, pneumonia (caused by bacteria) provoke attacks of night cough in children.

They are often accompanied by vomiting, as the child gets into trouble and simply cannot stop.

If a child has a dry cough repeatedly at night, you should show the baby to a doctor as soon as possible.

Assign effective drugs Only a doctor can eliminate this symptom.

But do not forget that in case of bacterial infections of the respiratory tract, the baby will need complex therapy, and not just symptomatic remedies.

Other reasons

Bronchial asthma and cystic fibrosis can cause nighttime coughing attacks in children. Accumulation of dry air and poor ventilation also provokes this symptom.

Gastro-food reflux is accompanied by a night cough, while during the day the child looks completely healthy. It is almost impossible to determine the cause of this anxiety on your own.

First aid: how to relieve a coughing attack?

Home methods, including inhalations and herbal infusions, A drug therapy will help completely cure its cause.

If your child has a disturbing symptom that prevents him from sleeping, then you should resort to effective methods, which will help you survive these few hours.

Even if these rules help you, don’t be too lazy to go to the pediatrician the next morning.

  • Drink plenty of warm drinks.

Any herbal decoctions, fruit drinks based on vitamin C, juice, baby milk Just like regular water, it will help calm a child’s cough at night. Place a bottle or glass next to the crib, and if a cough appears, give the baby a little drink.

The liquid will soothe an irritated throat, wash away remaining mucus from the larynx, and moisturize dry mucous membranes. Giving your child more to drink is the first thing that should come to your mind.

Do not forget that herbal infusions should not be given to children under 6 months of age, as they can cause allergies.

  • Setting the right conditions.

If your baby starts coughing, pay attention to the environment. Is it very warm at home? Lower the temperature! Is dry air predominant? Hydrate it! You can almost immediately stop your child’s cough at night.

  • Washing mucous membranes.

If you see that the baby’s nose is not breathing, then the use of saline solutions and vasoconstrictor nasal agents will help normalize the little patient’s condition. To survive until the morning, or rather to sleep peacefully, rinse your nasal passages by special means for children:

  • Aqualor,
  • Aquamaris,
  • Rinostop,
  • Dolphin.

And drop the drops:

  • Nazivin,
  • Snoop,
  • Otrivin.

You can use those products that have already been tested by your baby and are in your home medicine cabinet. Do not forget that the use of vasoconstrictor medications for the nose should not last more than three days in a row.

Inhalation procedures

Doctors unanimously say that inhalation for both dry and wet cough extremely effective.

Their action is almost immediate, and contraindications are either absent or minimal.

But many parents make the main mistake: they spend steam inhalations. This should not be done if you have allergies, laryngitis or fever.

It is worth refraining from such self-medication and resorting to the cold method. The procedure is carried out using special apparatus: nebulizer.

Let the baby breathe saline solution or ordinary mineral water. The mucous membranes of the irritated respiratory tract will be moistened, and this will calm a strong cough at night, and the little patient will be able to sleep peacefully until the morning.


Warming ointments such as Doctor Mom, Badger, Vicks and others.

They will have an irritating and distracting effect, ease breathing, and also warm inflamed organs.

Please note that many similar drugs prohibited for use in children under 2-3 years of age.

Rubbing can be carried out only if the child’s cough occurs without fever.

Effective treatments

What to do if a child’s severe cough at night is regular?

First of all, you need to consult a doctor and take into account individual characteristics The small patient and the nature of the disease are prescribed, he will prescribe effective medications.

  • Antibiotics.

You should take such medications only after examination. Never give antibacterial medications to a child yourself.

  • For pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, penicillins are usually prescribed: Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Flemoxin.
  • If bacterial disease occurs in a sluggish form and is not accompanied high temperature, then macrolides can be used: Sumamed, Azitrus.
  • Cephalosporins are prescribed acute bronchitis and others serious pathologies lower parts of the respiratory system.
  • Antiviral drugs and immunomodulators.

Such drugs will help speed up the treatment of cough caused by viral infection. To a strong child with good immunity you can completely do without them, but doctors like to prescribe at least something.

Full list antiviral drugs by age you will find in.


Any treatment for cough comes down to the use of anti-inflammatory drugs that normalize the functioning of the lower respiratory system.

Askoril, Erespal, Siresp– syrups for children younger age. The listed agents and others like them also have an antispasmodic effect. You should not expect an immediate effect from them.