Why does a person hiccup often and for a long time? Severe stress or fear. Traditional medicine

It is impossible to give a clear answer to the question: “Why do people hiccup?” Hiccups occur due to a number of reasons and this can be a sign of a disturbance in the functioning of the central nervous system or it indicates another ailment. If hiccups appear once, this means that the person may be cold or overeat. Long-lasting hiccups mean that there is some kind of illness in the body and it acts as a symptom.

Spasms of the diaphragm can provoke various factors, This normal process, if its appearance is not frequent.

What is hiccups?

Hiccups in adults are an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm that can occur up to several times per minute. Medically, this is known as rhythmic contraction of the diaphragm. Hiccups are an involuntary action involving reflex arc. This causes the diaphragm to contract and close after about 0.25 seconds. vocal cords, which results in the classic hiccup sound. Hiccups can appear in isolated cases or regularly from time to time. The hiccup rhythm, or the time between contractions of the diaphragm, tends to be relatively constant. A bout of hiccups generally comes and goes on its own without intervention, although many home remedies are often used to try to shorten its duration.

Causes, types and forms of hiccups

There are two main types of hiccups:

  • short-term;
  • long lasting

In short-term cases, a person may hiccup for 10-20 minutes. It occurs spontaneously due to a number of reasons:

  • hypothermia;
  • binge eating;
  • nutrition “on the run”;
  • hunger.

Also passive smoking or breathing polluted air can cause hiccups. It happens that attacks of severe hiccups appear at night and disappear until the morning. This may be a symptom of gastrointestinal problems or as a sign of stress. Warm water will help you get rid of hiccups quickly at night.

  1. Central, which is caused by brain damage, or diseases such as encephalitis or meningitis.
  2. Peripheral, which is caused malfunction phrenic nerve.
  3. Toxic hiccups that result from lesions nerve endings. This is associated with all kinds of poisoning, be it poisonous mushrooms, low-quality products or medications.

Why and where do people get hiccups?

Why does a person hiccup? To understand where hiccups come from, it is necessary to establish a cause-and-effect relationship. After all, the causes of hiccups can be completely different.

  • Pato physiological reasons:
    • cough;
    • excessive swallowing of air;
    • quick food;
    • strong emotions such as fear, anxiety, excitement, joy, euphoria;
    • carbonated drinks, alcohol, dried bread, spicy foods;
    • use of sleeping pills;
    • laughter;
    • for long-term colds.

  • Causes associated with pathologies:
    • disease of the digestive system (for example, gastritis);
    • any inflammation of the organs adjacent to the diaphragmatic muscle affects the vagus nerve, which leads to contraction of this very muscle;
    • diseases of the respiratory system;
    • Hiccups occur in older people who have suffered a stroke;
    • syndrome vagus nerve.

In older people, hiccups have a different nature, because the body of an elderly person is different in some ways. After a stroke, the heart muscle affects neighboring organs. Heart failure, stress - this is what causes severe hiccups.

Psychosomatics of hiccups

Almost every attack of hiccups is based on purely physiological reasons. But if the hiccups tend to recur frequently and obvious reason No, this is the result of a person’s emotional state. Psychosomatics plays an important role here.

Such noisy sighs may indicate that a person has an unhealthy attachment to something. The object of affection is not always a person; there have been cases of excessive craving for computer games, favorite foods, and so on.

For expectant mothers, the psychosomatic nature of the occurrence of hiccups is not excluded, because during this period they are exposed to stress and prone to worries.

Mechanism of the disease

Why and why do we hiccup? To understand this, you need to understand the mechanism of hiccups. In its normal state, the diaphragm that divides chest cavity and abdominal, is in a concave position. When stressed, it straightens. This process is accompanied by expansion of the lungs and means that their volume increases. This happens with every inhalation and exhalation. But when a person hiccups, this process occurs very quickly and the diaphragm contracts convulsively. Due to the fact that the vocal cords close and the epiglottis blocks access to air, we get not a normal breath, but a hiccup.

During pregnancy

The body of a pregnant woman is different from its normal state. On the background hormonal changes the peripheral nervous system becomes more receptive, and internal organs begins to crush the ever-growing fetus. If the pregnancy is going well, hiccups are normal. normal phenomenon. Moreover, the child himself begins to hiccup in the early stages, from about 6 weeks, but this can be felt at 27 weeks. But this may mean that already in the early stages the fetus begins to experience oxygen starvation. This means that in order to allay your fears, you need to see a doctor.

Exist various reasons occurrence of hiccups in pregnant women:

  1. Hypothermia. When the body experiences cold, it begins to concentrate all the heat around the fetus. This leads to muscle contraction. This compression forces the endings of the phrenic nerves to work. As a result, a task is formed in the brain stem to relax the diaphragm, so hiccups begin.
  2. Binge eating. Often, pregnant women consume twice as much food, because now not only the woman needs food, but also her unborn child. But with such a volume of food consumed, the stomach stretches, and with this shape, it presses on the diaphragm from below. The lungs cannot relax properly, so the body tries to get rid of it through sudden contractions.
  3. Carbonated drinks. Released bubbles carbon dioxide, which are in drinks, begin to concentrate in upper area stomach. The stomach swells, thereby irritating the vagus nerve. A signal is sent to the brain to empty the stomach, which causes hiccups. As a rule, after burping, the hiccups disappear completely.
  4. Stress. Frequent worries and worries certainly affect the peripheral nervous system. The brain is unable to focus on proper operation all organs, which leads to a sharp contraction of the diaphragm.

When should you ask for help?

The hiccup itself does not pose any threat. You can relieve hiccups using various methods. However, if attacks occur more frequently and last longer, this serves as a signal to contact a specialist. It will help determine what is causing this and help get rid of the annoying hiccups.


First of all, you should contact a specialist who will order a series of tests. A blood test is taken from the patient to rule out kidney disease, infections in the body, or diabetes. Examine using endoscopy Airways and esophagus to detect potential problems.

Tests are ordered using a CT scanner, MRI, or X-ray to detect possible signs problems with the diaphragm. Appointments for a consultation with a psychologist or neurologist are possible, because the emotional factor in the development of hiccups is also not excluded. Although, of course, hiccups cannot serve exact symptom any illness, but constant attacks should not be neglected.

Hiccups are a nonspecific dysfunction external respiration resulting from convulsive contractions of the diaphragm. This process is completely harmless and rarely causes concern. However, prolonged painful hiccups are one of the symptoms of serious diseases. To understand real reasons hiccups, you should know what causes this process and whether it can be stopped.

It would hardly have occurred to anyone to assume that a person who hiccups could be sick. People say: when a person starts to hiccup, someone remembers him. If hiccups are painless, it means they are remembered with a kind word.

If it causes discomfort, it means that someone is scolding the hiccupping person. People around us rarely think about why a person hiccups, although this process is quite understandable.

The vagus nerve is the main culprit behind hiccups.

Most common cause the appearance of hiccups is irritation of the vagus nerve - paired cranial nerve, the fibers of which extend from the brain to abdominal cavity. In appearance unpleasant symptom it is not the nerve itself that is to blame, but its anatomical location. It is located in close proximity to the esophagus, passing along with it through the tiny diaphragmatic opening.

The most common causes of the unpleasant syndrome originate in this hole. When a person swallows food without chewing, the esophagus expands, pinching the vagus nerve. If a person overeats or drinks carbonated drinks, the stomach increases in size and also pinches the vagus nerve. The nerve gets compressed when people sit hunched over or get scared when doing sharp breath.

Alcohol is a hiccup's best friend

When a person drinks large amounts of alcohol, he invariably begins to hiccup. The reason for this lies in the intoxication of the body, resulting in prolonged toxic hiccups, which may not go away for hours. But also in the case of alcohol intoxication There may be several reasons for the appearance of debilitating syndrome.

Enlarged liver. Under the influence of alcohol, the liver is destroyed. This process lasts for years and begins with an enlargement of the organ. The enlarged liver puts pressure on the diaphragm, which provokes the development of uncontrolled contractions.

Functional impairment nervous system. The nervous system suffers under the influence of alcohol. Nerve impulses enter the brain chaotically, which causes incoherent contractions of the diaphragm.

If a person begins to hiccup while drinking alcohol, it means that his body is experiencing severe intoxication. Cleansing the stomach of residual toxic substances by inducing vomiting will help improve the condition. Then the person needs to provide an influx fresh air. Eating a piece of lemon or bread with mustard will help relieve diaphragmatic spasm.

Why do smokers hiccup?

Smoking can also cause hiccups. This happens due to several reasons.

Smoke inhalation. Combustion products along with nicotine enter not only the lungs, but also the gastrointestinal tract. They are the causes of hiccups.

Nicotine relaxes the sphincter that connects the esophagus to the stomach. Incomplete closure of the sphincter leads to the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus. Irritation provokes the development of spasms, which have Negative influence to the phrenic nerve.

Receipt into the lungs large quantity air. While smoking, people often talk while swallowing air. The lungs, increasing in volume, put pressure on the diaphragm.

Classification of hiccups

Hiccups can be physiological and do not cause discomfort to a person. Such attacks last no more than 15 minutes. But there is also pathological hiccups, which can exhaust a person for hours and whole days. It is called idiopathic and is divided into three types.

Central. This condition is a syndrome accompanied by multiple manifestations. Hiccups are just one of them.

And its appearance is caused by dysfunction of the brain resulting from the following diseases:

  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • encephalopathy;
  • myelinopathy.

Peripheral. The development of peripheral hiccups is facilitated by pathological disorders functions of the phrenic nerve (tumors, paresis).

Toxic. The term “toxic hiccups” means intoxication of the body, damaging and subsequent destruction of nerve fibers.

What diseases are accompanied by hiccups

The causes of hiccups can be a variety of diseases. Therefore, a regularly occurring syndrome should be a reason to consult a doctor.

If hiccups occur frequently and vary in duration, they may indicate pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract ( peptic ulcer, gastritis with, intestinal obstruction). Often, convulsive contractions of the diaphragm cause dysfunction of the nervous system.

Another common cause of the syndrome is neurological diseases. Hiccups can occur after a stroke, traumatic brain injury and other brain pathologies.

This pathology may indicate disorders respiratory function caused by pneumonia, tuberculosis, diaphragmatic hernia (peripheral hiccups). Convulsive contractions of the diaphragm are possible with helminthiasis. Other causes may include diseases of the female genital area and oncological processes in the neck, lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

Why do children hiccup?

Children hiccup more often than adults, and this phenomenon should not be a cause for concern. This process begins in the womb and is associated with the natural sucking reflex. When the baby begins to learn to suck, he swallows amniotic fluid, causing contractions of the diaphragm.

However, if expectant mothers feel rhythmic tremors, they should inform their doctor about this. Frequent hiccups in the fetus may indicate hypoxia.

Infants may hiccup in the following cases:

  • when overeating;
  • when swallowing air through a large hole in the nipple;
  • in case of congenital neurosis;
  • with colic;
  • with hypothermia.

This syndrome goes away without a trace as the baby grows up.

How to help yourself

Having figured out why a person hiccups, you should know what methods help eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon. If hiccups are not a sign of illness, they will go away on their own within 10 minutes.

The most common method of helping yourself is holding your breath. A person inhales air, holding it in the lungs as much as possible, then exhales. This manipulation is repeated 3-4 times. If holding your breath does not bring relief, you can try other, more sophisticated methods.

Effective methods against hiccups

Drink water. Drink water, first holding your nose, in small sips. If this method turns out to be ineffective, you should stand up straight, then tilt your torso forward. Keeping your head straight, you need to take a few sips from the glass. After this treatment, the hiccups disappear without a trace.

Eat sweet, sour, bitter. Sugar, a slice of lemon, horseradish or mustard help get rid of hiccups. This method operates on the principle of “knocks out wedge with wedge.” When lemon or mustard gets on the tongue, the body switches to them, forgetting about the problem with the diaphragm.

Experience a lack of oxygen. Get rid of unpleasant phenomenon can be done using carbon dioxide. To get it, you need to take air into your lungs and exhale it into the bag. Then the bag is pressed tightly to the face and you breathe only in it. When there is no more air, the hiccups will stop.

Calm down. If hiccups are caused nervous overstrain, you should drink herbal remedy or any pharmaceutical drug, which has a calming effect (peony tincture, valocordin, motherwort infusion).

get warm. Hypothermia also causes attacks of convulsive contraction of the diaphragm. You can get rid of them by drinking hot tea, coffee, cocoa or milk. It is important not to overdo it or drink alcohol, which will make the situation worse.

If none of these methods achieve the desired result, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps hiccups are a symptom of a pathology that requires treatment.

Video: How to get rid of hiccups

Almost everyone has had to deal with hiccups. But only a few have thought: why and how does it arise? To understand this issue, you will have to remember human anatomy.

How do hiccups occur?

Each of us has a vagus nerve, which consists of two paired branches. These branches run from the brain through the chest, around the bronchi and meet near the esophagus.

Further, this nerve, like the esophagus, is forced to pass through a narrow opening in the diaphragm - and this is the place that can be called most easily vulnerable to it. If a person is in a hurry when eating, swallows large pieces or overeats, they squeeze through the esophagus, which causes irritation of the vagus nerve.

This situation can be dangerous for humans. The body cannot allow disruptions in the functioning of internal organs, so it sends a signal to the central nervous system to relieve irritation. To perform this function, the phrenic nerve is activated and, as a result, the person begins to hiccup.

Moreover, irritation of both of these nerves (which, as we found out, causes hiccups) can be caused not only by rapid absorption of food or overeating.

Hiccups can also be caused by other reasons, for example:

Thus, we can say with confidence that the well-known signs that say that if a person hiccups, it means someone remembers him, do not have scientific justification, it's just superstition.

Causes of hiccups in children

The following situations can cause an attack of hiccups in children:

  1. The baby is cold. When children become hypothermic, their muscles tense up. To relax the diaphragm muscles, the child begins to hiccup and it becomes easier for him to breathe.
  2. His mother fed him incorrectly. If a woman does not know how to properly attach the baby to the breast, then after eating he may begin to hiccup. The reason for hiccups in this case lies in the fact that the baby swallowed air along with the milk. When there is a lot of this air in the stomach, it begins to put pressure on the diaphragm and the child hiccups.

  1. The baby's tummy is swollen or he burped. When your baby burps, air and food begin to move down the esophagus. If the baby suffers from gas, his tummy swells. He doesn't like it, he moves his arms or legs and squeezes the diaphragm.
  2. Fright or scream. It's easy to scare a child: sharp sound, bright light can cause stress in a child, during which the body muscles contract and hiccups begin. When a child screams, his muscles also tense, and a lot of air enters the stomach, which leads to irritation of the vagus nerve.
  3. Diseases or immaturity of internal organs. If the baby is born ahead of schedule, his body may be weakened, so such a child often hiccups. Sometimes the condition of hiccups appears due to pneumonia or increased intracranial pressure.

Why do adults hiccup?

We all know that not only babies, but also adults hiccup. Why do hiccups appear in adulthood?

Air entering the stomach and overeating

If a person starts hiccupping after eating, most likely he ate very quickly and swallowed air. The same situation can arise when overeating, when the stomach becomes full (with air and/or food) and begins to put pressure on the vagus nerve.

By the way, there is air in the stomach, and, as a result, hiccups can appear for other reasons. For example, a person can swallow it when laughing or talking while eating. Drinking carbonated water may also be to blame.

Cold snap

Sudden hypothermia (for example, when moving from a warm street to a cold room, or vice versa) often causes muscle spasm, as a result of which the diaphragm is compressed and hiccups appear.

Severe stress or fear

When we are scared, we hiccup, and the reason for this is again muscle strain. This is due to primitive instincts, when our ancestors, falling into stressful situation, had to either run away or fight.

Bad habits

Hiccups that appear after drinking alcohol can sometimes last for a very long time, up to several days. When a person drinks, his liver enlarges and puts pressure on the diaphragm. Alcohol also affects the nervous system, which causes disruptions in its functioning.

In addition, it can lead to hiccups tobacco smoke and even dust, which irritate the receptors located in the pharynx.


The vagus nerve is inextricably linked with the work of the muscles located in the pharynx and palate, so inflammation in this area can lead to hiccups.

Disorders of the nervous system can also lead to hiccups, various injuries, brain damage, tumors, severe poisoning. In these cases, attacks can be very long, lasting a whole day or several (2 days or more), and do not stop even in sleep.

How to get rid of hiccups?

How to help a person during a hiccup attack? If we're talking about about a child and you see that his tummy is swollen, you need to help him get rid of the air that has accumulated in his stomach.

Take the baby in your arms, place him face down on your lap, so that he is vertical, hug him and stroke his back. If you breastfeed him, do it correctly, at an angle of 45 degrees, do not overfeed.

What to do if an adult hiccups? There are many ways, and the most common one is to drink water. It will cause the esophagus to contract rhythmically, which will reduce the contraction of the diaphragm. Take a glass of chilled water and drink it slowly, taking small sips. You can drink while leaning forward.

Another simple way to deal with hiccups is to hold your breath. Then the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood will increase, which will be a signal that the diaphragm should be controlled by the respiratory center.

You can also breathe into a paper bag, but you cannot use a plastic bag.

What other ways can help when people hiccup? For example, you can do special gymnastics or dissolve 1 tsp. granulated sugar, a pinch of salt. But you shouldn’t scare a person. This method is especially dangerous if he has heart problems.

If hiccups last more than an hour, or occur too often, and are accompanied by pain, you should consult a doctor.

Video: causes and treatment of hiccups

All people sometimes experience hiccups - these are unpleasant convulsive contractions of the diaphragm, causing an attack, are known to every person. Why we hiccup, what hiccups are and why they appear suddenly, interests many who are familiar with them firsthand. After all, attacks sometimes last a long time, and this causes discomfort not only to the hiccupper, but also to those around him. Where hiccups come from and how to get rid of them is the topic of this material.

Mechanical process

The occurrence of the attack in question is physiological process, which can appear against the background of contraction of the diaphragm. The causes of hiccups lie in the load on the vagus nerve. It is present in any human body, and innervates muscles throughout the body and mucous membranes. The vagus nerve connects the actions of internal organs with the central nervous system. It is located in chest and through a small hole in the diaphragm goes into the peritoneum to the organs. The diaphragm consists of muscles and tendons; its septum is too narrow. If everything is not in order with the nerve, then it sends commands to the brain and the diaphragm begins to contract, while the glottis closes and an unpleasant sound occurs - this is hiccups.

Causes of attacks

In an adult, hiccups occur due to factors in which he himself takes part and due to various diseases. Causes in adults not related to disease are as follows:

  • Hasty eating. At quick consumption food often enters the stomach in large, unchewed pieces, which injure and irritate the vagus nerve.
  • Binge eating. Large amounts of food stretch the stomach, and it touches the diaphragm, irritating it.
  • Eating in an awkward position. It is required to eat only while sitting and at the table, otherwise the nerve is compressed and the diaphragm begins to contract convulsively.
  • Dry food. Too hot or cold food and drink, as well as dry food, lead to the occurrence of the attack being studied.
  • Fright. If a person suddenly gets scared, he takes a sharp breath, causing the diaphragm to become irritated.
  • Drinking carbonated drinks. If you drink soda in large quantities, then there is a distension of the stomach and, as a rule, pressure on the vagus nerve.
  • Microtrauma of the vagus nerve. If the nerve is injured, the diaphragm begins to contract to get rid of the injury, which causes an attack.
  • Alcohol abuse. . Toxins cause the liver to become enlarged and the muscles to relax. That's why a drunk person often hiccups.
  • . What can cause hiccups in a smoker? There are many reasons for its appearance: weakening of the sphincter, leading to the release of acid into the esophagus and irritation of the diaphragm, poisoning by combustion products, absorption of smoke along with air.

Hiccups occur due to hypothermia. This phenomenon especially concerns young children. The symptom in question may appear if a person is stressed.

Hiccups due to illness

Normal hiccups go away on their own and do not require medical intervention. Persistent hiccups, when they last more than two days, require a visit to the doctor, examination and treatment. In adults, the causes prolonged hiccups can be . Why a person hiccups for too long, the reasons lie in the following:

  • Hypermotor dyskinesia. Gastric contents constantly irritate the esophagus, provoking attacks. In addition, there are other symptoms: coughing and neck muscle tension.
  • Hernia in the diaphragm. Hiccups as a result of this diagnosis may occur immediately after eating or changing body position. Sometimes it is accompanied by mild pain behind the sternum and in the abdomen. As a result of the development of a hernia, internal organs are displaced, causing shortness of breath and rapid heart rhythms.
  • Pulmonary dysfunction. In addition to hiccups, people begin to experience hair loss, drowsiness and constant yawning.
  • Cervicothoracic radiculitis. The roots are affected spinal cord, the tone of the diaphragm increases and the liver moves downwards. Prolonged hiccups accompanied by discomfort in the throat, a lump is felt that cannot be swallowed.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. This may be due to the development of a tumor, injury and infection. Why does chronic hiccups occur - it is caused by a stroke, multiple sclerosis, meningitis, encephalitis.
  • Intracranial pressure. In this case, hiccups are diagnosed as severe and painful. Lasts quite a long time.
  • Gastrointestinal pathology. Problems with the bile excretory system, gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers and other diseases.
  • Oncology. Cancerous tumors lungs, esophagus, stomach and pancreas, liver.

Such diseases force. It exhausts the hiccupper, exhausts and weakens the body, even leading to psychological disorder. It is impossible to diagnose these diseases by hiccups alone, but it helps to recognize serious illness during.

There may be other causes that are not related to the disease. For example, during chemotherapy or after anesthesia. For some surgical operations related to the respiratory system, unpleasant consequence is precisely hiccups.

Psychosomatics of hiccups

If an attack occurs without visible reasons, then this phenomenon is associated with emotional state person. Psychosomatics is the reason why a person hiccups. It indicates that a person has developed an unhealthy attachment to something. The object of close attention can be either another person or another living creature, as well as computer games, food and much more. Here you need to be treated by a psychotherapist.

Getting rid of seizures

  • Drink a glass of cool water in small sips.
  • Breathe deeply and do not exhale as long as possible.
  • Inhale more air and exhale it into the paper bag. Take your next breath from this bag. Increased content carbon dioxide in it can stop contractions of the diaphragm.
  • Chew a slice of lemon.
  • Morning hiccups can be eliminated by drinking a glass lemon water on an empty stomach.
  • Take your tongue by the tip and pull it forward or down.
  • Swallow a little crushed ice or chew a crust of bread.

They help many sedatives, especially if the hiccups are psychosomatic in nature. Tinctures used: valocordin, corvalol, St. John's wort, motherwort - drink 15-20 drops.

Hiccups associated with the presence of any disease can be cured after the patient gets rid of the root cause. To do this, you need to undergo an examination, and specialists will prescribe correct treatment, including symptomatic.

It will also be interesting to see: Hiccups - causes and treatment. How to get rid of hiccups

Drug treatment is presented as follows:

  • Antispasmodics– they eliminate involuntary contractions of the diaphragm and pain. These drugs relax muscle tone, normalize the functioning of organs and blood supply. These include No-shpa, Spasmonet.
  • Inhibitors– drugs are used to treat ulcers and normalize acidity in the gastrointestinal tract – Omeprazole.
  • Cerucal– block and relax the tone of the gastrointestinal tract muscles. Prevents hiccups and prevents reflux.
  • Scopolamine– a neurological agent, soothes and relaxes muscle tone, has antiemetic properties.
  • For nervous system disorders - sedatives and relaxants. Haloperidol – helps with prolonged attacks, nausea and vomiting.

There are many medications to eliminate hiccups, but only a doctor, and not the patient himself, should prescribe treatment, so as not to worsen his condition. Most of medicines has contraindications and side effects, which can only aggravate the situation - in in this case contribute to the development of complications of the disease.

Hiccups can be caused by many reasons. If it goes away within 5-15 minutes, then there is no need to worry. When she suffers from frequent and prolonged attacks, you need to contact specialists for a thorough examination.

When hiccups start, all the tips and treatment methods are immediately remembered in order to get rid of it as quickly as possible. This unpleasant feeling. It’s good if hiccups suddenly appeared and also passed fleetingly, causing only temporary discomfort. But there are often cases when a person hiccups for quite a long time. And in medicine there are a lot of examples when hiccups indicated a serious malfunction in the body and signaled a death. dangerous disease, for example, about a microinfarction. So, let's figure out what this might be connected with and how to eliminate this problem.

How is everything going?

Hiccups occur unexpectedly. This occurs due to the fact that the large muscle, which is located near the stomach, is in a state of spasm. The muscle is called the diaphragm. It helps a person breathe normally. If the diaphragm works correctly, then its stroke has a clear and constant rhythm. Any disruption in the operation of the diaphragm leads to a disruption in

Once the diaphragm fails, the entire body begins to react and try to restore normal work. When the diaphragm malfunctions, a person begins to inhale more air than usual. Lungs filled with air give a signal to the brain that breathing problems have begun, and he, as befits the most important leader human body, gives the order to the larynx to intervene in this mess and get things going. The larynx, having received clear instructions from the brain, immediately begins to close. And then the struggle between the larynx and the diaphragm begins. The large muscle tries to provoke the person to take in as much air as possible, but the ligaments block this desire, and the larynx does not allow air to enter the lungs. And it is precisely at this moment of struggle that that very unpleasant hiccup is born. Here is the answer to the question of why people hiccup. The diaphragm, bumping into an installed obstacle, produces a sound that we all call hiccups.

Urgently see a doctor?

Is hiccups a disease or a temporary phenomenon? It requires close monitoring and urgent intervention doctors? Or maybe you shouldn’t pay attention to it at all? We ask ourselves all these questions at the very moment when the hiccups in Once again declared its existence.

In fact, hiccups are absolutely normal reaction body. If it is not accompanied by pain, it is intermittent and short-lived. But there are often people for whom hiccups are a serious problem. It begins, like everyone else, suddenly. But sometimes it lasts for several days or even a week. Hiccups do not allow a person to exist normally and enjoy life. Such people are in constant voltage, do not rest. And they need health care to get rid of harmful hiccups. What is the reason why people hiccup?

What is the reason?

Scientists and doctors studying this problem, installed possible reason, why people hiccups. It turns out that it's all about calcium and blood pressure. According to researchers, hiccups occur when a lot of calcium enters the brain. Patients with hiccups, under the supervision of doctors, were prescribed to take drugs that block the entry of calcium into the brain tissue. 80% of patients under observation were cured.

How to get rid of hiccups yourself?

It is impossible to control hiccups. No matter what the hiccupper does, no matter what method of expelling this very hiccup he tries, the unpleasant “hic!” still reminds me of myself.

Knowing why people hiccup can help you get rid of discomfort without doctors and any powders, medicines for hiccups. There are a few traditional methods. Try holding your breath for a while. Did not help? Then drink some water. By the way, you need to drink water in a special way: Rotating the glass in a circle, drink without stopping, as if in one breath. If the baby is small, neither water nor stopping breathing will help him. The reason is that the baby swallowed air during feeding with milk. After eating, the mother should hold the baby upright until the air comes out.

In general, although hiccups appear unexpectedly, they also go away unexpectedly. Wait a bit. The body is able to cope with it on its own. He knows how to effectively deal with hiccups.