Sharp, strong, acute, unbearable pain in the lower back. Low back pain: types and main causes

The causes of severe lower back pain or lumbago are not yet fully understood. One thing is absolutely clear - it is a pronounced syndrome and a sign of a disease that requires immediate treatment.

Acute and sharp pain in the lower back can very frighten a person, especially when its intensity increases and does not allow any movement. When the body position changes, the pain intensifies, and when coughing or sneezing it becomes even more acute. Often people affected by this pathology freeze in the position in which they are in pain, since any movements intensify the pathological symptoms.

The main task of everyone who has encountered this problem is to find out the true causes of severe lower back pain. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo a thorough examination. If the treatment is not complete, the sharp pain in the lower back will turn into aching and pulling after some time, and the disease will become chronic, which is difficult to treat. Therefore, if you experience severe pain in the lower back, you cannot hesitate; you must immediately go to the clinic.

Possible causes of severe lower back pain

The causes of severe back pain are so varied that without a medical examination it is difficult to draw the right conclusion. Some causes may be so serious that they require surgery. There are ailments and problems that cause sharp pain in the lower back, which quickly disappear after taking the necessary measures. Therefore, you should not immediately panic and think about the worst case scenario when severe back pain appears.

Sharp pain in the lower back due to diseases of the internal organs

Attacks of urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, inflammation of the renal pelvis and renal colic cause sharp pain in the lower back. If a stone blocks the canal, surgical intervention is urgently required. But in this case, the pain is so unbearable that the patient may lose consciousness, and simple painkillers do not help.

Inflammation of the abdominal and pelvic organs, ovaries in women, and the abdominal cavity also projects acute pain in the back. The pain can spread to the thighs and buttocks, is felt in the lower abdomen, and it is difficult for the patient to tell where exactly it hurts. If pain of this kind is accompanied by fever, cough, nausea, dizziness, we can conclude that there are inflammatory processes in the internal organs.

Myocardial infarction, angina pectoris and other heart diseases; pleurisy and pneumonia give sharp pains in the middle or upper back, which also do not have a clear localization. Pregnant women may experience severe lower back pain.

Causes of severe lower back pain associated with spinal pathologies

Sharp pain in the lower back, which intensifies with movement and subsides at rest, is often caused by problems in the spine and diseases of the adjacent muscles. A person can adapt to such pain. In this case, the localization of pain coincides with the source of the disease, and it is easier to make the correct diagnosis. Such problems and ailments include lumbar osteochondrosis, injuries in the thoracic spine, myositis (inflammation of muscle fibers), displacement of intervertebral discs, spondylosis and other lesions of the skeletal and muscular systems of the back.

The causes of severe pain in the lower back can also be sprain of the spinal ligaments, aging processes in the intervertebral cartilage, hypothermia and drafts leading to radiculitis, injury or congenital pathologies of the development of the spinal column. With all these ailments, sharp pain in the lower back occurs from compression of the roots of the lumbar or sacral spine.

The most severe pain comes from exacerbation of osteochondrosis, in which degenerative damage to the intervertebral discs occurs, which leads to disruption of their shock-absorbing functions. All of the above diseases arise as a result of insufficient physical activity, poor lifestyle, and excessive mental and physical stress.

Making the correct diagnosis when identifying the causes of severe lower back pain

In order to correctly diagnose the causes of severe lower back pain, the doctor at the clinic prescribes a full examination. When making a diagnosis, doctors, as a rule, rely not only on the patient’s subjective feelings, but carry out a large number of diagnostic measures, taking into account the complexity of some of the above diseases. The patient must undergo a series of laboratory tests, ultrasound, radiography, electrocardiography and, if possible, computed tomography.

As you can see, there can be many reasons for severe pain in the lumbar region. The information that the website gives you about health is extremely useful to the reader, however, we caution against self-medication and always recommend consulting a doctor if something worries you.

Acute back pain can be caused by various reasons. It can be provoked by problems with muscles or ligaments: sprains, spasms, excessive strain after you lifted something heavy, turned unsuccessfully, or were in an uncomfortable, forced position for a long time.

Another common cause is problems with the spine: osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc herniation, arthrosis of the facet joints. A change in the natural “geometry” of the spine can lead to pinching of the nerve roots and severe pain.

First aid

What to do if you have acute back pain?

First of all, lie in bed, on a hard or semi-hard mattress, on your back. This position provides rest to the back muscles and intervertebral discs, due to which the muscles relax, the spasm decreases somewhat and the pain subsides.

Apply ointment to the affected area with an anesthetic or warming effect.

If the pain does not decrease after this, take. Such drugs provide a quick pain-relieving effect. However, remember: you cannot take them in large quantities - they have many side effects. Before consulting a doctor, you can use such medications only as needed, when the pain becomes difficult to bear.

Muscle relaxants - drugs that relax muscles - can also relieve pain. But their use is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.

To the doctor!

Most often, back pain goes away within 10-14 days. But, even if you already feel well, you need to consult a doctor and find out the cause of its occurrence. The tricky thing about back pain is that if the trigger is not eliminated, it comes back. According to statistics, within a year after the first attack, 50% of patients experience a second one, and for many, the pain becomes chronic.

In addition, back pain due to osteochondrosis or muscle spasm is, although unpleasant, not the most dangerous option. The back may hurt due to a vertebral fracture, tumors, inflammatory lesions of the intervertebral discs, or due to impaired kidney function. Therefore, consultation with a specialist is necessary.


For a long time, doctors recommended strict bed rest for several days for acute back pain. Today the approach is different: on the first day you really need to lie down, but then lack of movement is harmful, if possible you need to get up. And also - perform gymnastics, which improves blood supply to the back muscles and allows you to maintain a toned muscle corset.

The exercises should be performed lying on your back, with a small amplitude, without tension or sudden movements. Each - 8-10 times.

Bend your left leg at the knee. Bend and straighten your right leg at the knee, sliding your heel along the bed. Switch legs.

The starting position is the same. Now, without bending, you need to move your right leg to the side. Do the same with your left leg.

Lying on your back, bend both knees and place your feet flat on the bed. Alternately move your knees to the sides.

Starting position - as in the previous exercise. If possible, pull your right bent leg towards your stomach, then your left.

Place a soft cushion or a wide, not too soft pillow under your feet. Lying like this, raise your arms up one by one, and then to your head.

With a bolster under your feet, without bending your knees, lift your legs one at a time as far as possible.

The lumbar region performs many functions in the human body, but pain that does not always appear indicates a malfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Painful sensations may be associated with the formation of various diseases of the organs located in the area. Irradiating has a lot of reasons. Symptoms may not always accurately indicate the disease itself, therefore, if this cause torments you every day, you need to undergo a full examination. About, What is associated with lower back pain, what symptoms are displayed, and what to do about it, we will find out further.

What is she like?

Every person has experienced such pain. This is due not only to pathological changes in the spine or soft tissues, but also to banal long-term sitting in one place, as well as wearing tight clothes with a tightly tightened belt. It can have both frequency, duration, strength, and character. Depending on these indicators, a primary diagnosis can be established, which in most cases is correct.

Medical practice shows that the following categories of people are most often susceptible to lumbar pain:

  • having a job that requires perseverance for more than 6-8 hours in one place;
  • ignoring physical education or regular exercises;
  • having a predisposition to the development of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

For many people, the feeling of lower back pain becomes habitual., although according to medical standards, enduring pain is harmful to the body. Pain itself is a signal from neurons that there are some disturbances in the body. You can’t ignore it, and you can’t self-medicate.. A negligent attitude towards one's own health can have a number of negative consequences.


It is extremely difficult to reliably determine what triggered the pain in the lower back. However, many years of medical practice show that when certain symptoms appear that signal a particular cause, a diagnosis can be assumed. Let's look in more detail at why low back pain occurs and what factors play a key role in this.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

Pain and discomfort when moving

The spinal column has a fairly branched muscle network, rich in nerve endings. Therefore, if discomfort occurs with a slight turn of the torso or even with an ordinary sigh, it’s all about traumatism of the nerve endings. Their inflammation or pinching between the vertebrae creates an impulse that signals the brain what is happening. A complex system of neurohumoral regulation allows a person to understand through pain that there are problems in the lumbar region. They can be caused by the following reasons:

Arising as a result of a violation of the integrity of the fibrous ring. When the vertebrae are as close to each other as possible, they compress the neural endings, which in turn provoke inflammation and severe pain. All this develops as a result:

  • abnormal physical activity on the spine;
  • lifting too much weight that exceeds your own body weight;
  • sharp turns, which lead to the fact that the vertebrae do not have time to take an anatomical position and are displaced under stress.

Weakness of the muscle corset holding the body in an upright position. If a person sits for a long time, the back muscles become toned, that is, they become overstrained. It is important to give them relaxation, which is achieved by contracting and relaxing alternately. Lack of physical activity makes muscles flabby and unable to cope with stress. From here the person begins to hunch over, after which he feels pain in the lower back. This happens in the following cases:

  • lack of sports or any physical activity on the back muscles;
  • prolonged sitting position.

Presence of diseases. Pain can also occur if a person has diseases such as:

  • pancreatitis and stomach ulcers;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs.

These ailments can radiate to the lower back, since their localization is directly related to the location of the lower back.

Spinal column injuries– the most dangerous factor in the development of lumbar pain, when enormous external pressure is placed on the spine, after which the bones cannot withstand it, and a fracture, displacement of the vertebrae, or hernia occurs.

Among women

There are three main factors associated with the increase in pain in the lumbar region in the fairer sex:

  1. The presence of inflammatory processes, as well as neoplasms in the pelvic organs. Any inflammation of the genitourinary system can be accompanied by spasm, acute or cutting pain not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the lower back, especially for a female disease such as cystitis.
  2. , leading to spinal injuries and pinching of soft tissues. Carrying a baby, shopping bags, coal buckets and much more can cause lower back pain.
  3. Wrong shoes. If a woman prefers uncomfortable, but beautiful and stylish high-heeled shoes (stiletto heels are especially dangerous), this can affect her spine. Improper distribution of the load on the spinal column leads to osteochondrosis and can also provoke inflammatory processes.

Despite all this, most of the female population is accustomed to enduring this kind of pain until it becomes unbearable and hinders any movement.

In men

In 98% of cases of lower back pain among the male population, the cause is an intervertebral hernia or radiculitis, which occurs as a result of severe physical exertion. Less often, but still happens, when the cause is a purely male disease - prostatitis. Inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system can also provoke pain in the lower back, however, they are not so acute.

Other reasons

Among the most rare causes of lower back pain are:

  • oncological diseases: neurofibroma, lipoma, meningioma;
  • Bechterew's disease (spondyloarthrosis);
  • the presence of tumors in the pelvic organs.

Expert opinion

Filimoshin Oleg Alexandrovich

Doctor - neurologist, city clinic of Orenburg. Education: Orenburg State Medical Academy, Orenburg.

You can't let your lower back hurt all the time. Chronic pain can lead to the development of serious diseases that are difficult to treat.

Classification of pain

As mentioned above, lower back pain has its own characteristics, manifesting itself and depending on many factors. An awkward turn or sudden change in body position can cause muscle strain, resulting in pain.

The following types of pain are distinguished:

  1. Constant– occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to an irritating factor. Pain becomes chronic when its presence is noted for a long time, but the cause is not eliminated. It is determined by the presence of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the pelvic organs.
  2. Periodic– directly depends on the irritating active factor. This can be prolonged sitting, changes in weather, working in the garden or vegetable garden in a bent position, etc. Most often, such pain is eliminated by applying pain-relieving ointments and creams or after taking oral painkillers.
  3. Sharp or spicy- arises suddenly, without any prerequisites. Characteristic of spinal injuries, as well as soft tissue injuries (muscle fiber ruptures, bruises, hematomas). May accompany sciatica or osteoarthritis.
  4. or any other body movement– pain is provoked by pinching of the nerve endings of the spinal column. Accompanies diseases such as radiculitis, osteoarthritis, spinal hernia.
  5. Aching pain- may indicate problems with internal organs or even entire systems. Characteristic of urolithiasis, cystitis or cholecystitis. Appendicitis and pancreatitis are also accompanied. May be the result of the development of adhesions after surgery on internal organs.

Is there a connection with kidney disease?

Quite often, with kidney disease, the patient notes pain in the lower back, mainly in its upper part. In addition to acute tingling, which changes its dynamics from the slightest sudden movement, with urolithiasis the patient experiences swelling of the soft tissues, impaired diuresis, and an increase in temperature. It is quite simple to compare lower back pain with possible kidney problems. The doctor, using light taps on the kidney area, monitors the patient's behavior, noting the level of pain. If the pain is severe, sharp and shooting, the problem is probably in the kidneys.

However, other diseases, for example myalgia, can exhibit the same symptoms. Impacting the inflamed muscle fibers during an impact, severe acute pain is noted that literally spreads throughout the lower back. Therefore, it is important to correctly and timely determine the cause of lower back pain, which only a doctor can do after an examination.

What to do?

Before starting treatment, it is important to establish the true cause of pain in the lower back. In most cases, this cannot be done at home. Therefore, if there is pain, you should not try to eliminate it yourself. It is better to contact a specialist who will select a treatment that will completely eliminate the cause.

You need to understand that urolithiasis has similar manifestations of lower back pain, but their treatment is radically different. There is no need to experiment and take various medications to relieve pain. Taking them can be dangerous to health, and also have a number of side effects that will complicate the treatment of the underlying disease.

Problems with the musculoskeletal system are solved in three stages:

The causes of lower back pain may indicate the development of dangerous diseases that require immediate surgical intervention, so self-medication should be avoided altogether.

Which doctor should I contact?

First you need to visit your local therapist, who will collect a primary history and also compare the symptoms shown with possible diseases. After this, the therapist himself decides which doctor to send the patient for consultation. Sometimes When diagnosing, ultrasound, radiographs, and MRI diagnostics are used.. In addition to this they take blood from a vein for an advanced analysis that can tell about the patient’s health status as a whole.


  1. Pain in the lower back when moving can indicate not only problems with the musculoskeletal system, but also diseases of the internal organs.
  2. Periodic pain in women is associated with the menstrual cycle, while men are more susceptible to injuries associated with abnormal physical activity.
  3. Pain can be of varying intensity and localization, which is taken into account when diagnosing the causes.
  4. Therapy involves the use of medications that relieve pain and act on the root cause of their occurrence. Physiotherapeutic procedures are used only after the acute phase of the disease has passed.
  5. Physical exercise and massage will relieve spasm from the lumbar spine, as well as strengthen the muscle corset.
  6. Untreated pain can cause pain to remain in a stationary position, which indicates the progression of serious diseases that require long-term treatment.

Sharp pain in the lower back disrupts normal human existence. The reasons for which the problem appeared can be different: from a hernia of the spine to urolithiasis.

To find out why the lower back hurts, a specialist considers not only the causes, but also the symptoms. Based on the overall picture, conclusions can be drawn.

Causes of low back pain

Basically, a sharp pain appears in the lower back, sometimes it forces a person to take a certain position in which he feels a little better.

One of the reasons for the appearance of this problem is considered to be osteochondrosis, and at a pronounced stage. With this disease, the normal state of the cartilage disc is disrupted, and because of this, the gap between the vertebrae narrows. Subsequently, the nerve that exits the spinal cord can be compressed.

There are also other reasons why lower back pain suddenly appeared. One of them is an intervertebral hernia.

This problem can also be caused by inflammation or injuries in the lower back. In this case, the pain appears due to the damaged nerve, which is located between the muscle tissues.

Sudden pain in the lower back may be due to compression of the sciatic nerve, which is located in the buttocks. In addition, the limbs may also begin to bother you.

Pain in the lower back literally hinders movement, as a person cannot straighten or bend calmly.

There are other reasons why pain occurs:

  • scoliosis;
  • spondylosis;
  • disruption of normal blood flow to the spine;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • bacterial infections: tuberculosis and syphilis;
  • gout;
  • osteoporosis.

Nerve roots can become inflamed when bending sharply. Therefore, those who have already encountered spinal diseases should be careful.

Symptoms of sharp pain

Due to the fact that the nerve roots near the spine are inflamed, lower back pain begins. This mainly happens when lifting heavy things, due to walking for a long period, or sudden bending of the body.

There are the following symptoms of pain:

  • forced body position;
  • a person cannot straighten up or, on the contrary, bend;
  • severe pain that radiates to the buttocks;
  • the pain increases;
  • a person can find some position in which he will be most comfortable and painless;
  • restriction of movements.
  • After the appearance of such a problem, the person’s condition worsens:
  • temperature rises;
  • there are many leukocytes in the blood;
  • breathing is impaired;
  • organ pathologies appear.

And all this is due to intoxication, since many toxic substances enter the blood.

What to do for lower back pain

When the lower back is seized, many do not know what to do in such a situation, since it appears very suddenly. The most important thing is that there is no need to make unnecessary movements; it is better to slowly take the position in which it will be most comfortable. If a person cannot lie down on his own, then he should be helped. The best first aid for such a problem is to relax the back muscles.

As soon as your back is grabbed you need to:

  • take a comfortable lying position;
  • loved ones need to place pillows on both sides near the spine, as they will not allow the body to make unnecessary movements;
  • It is best if the comfortable position is with your legs bent;
  • if the pain is unbearable, then you should seek help from a doctor who will come to your home;
  • Most likely, the specialist will recommend hospitalization and also alleviate the patient’s condition with an injection;
  • in any case, you need to undergo the correct diagnosis;
  • The spinal traction procedure, which should also be done by specialists, helps a lot.

When the symptoms pass, the patient must remember to be careful throughout his life. He should not bend sharply or lift heavy objects if the cause of the pathology has not been completely eliminated. You should also pay attention to your diet, since fatty and smoked foods only provoke problems with the spine. It is worth taking anti-inflammatory medications prescribed by your doctor.

You also need to remember that the trip to the doctor should take place in a horizontal position, so as not to increase the pain, and also not to complicate the situation.

Preventing recurrence of pain

It happens that lower back pain appears and disappears. This is more like a sign that a person needs to take preventive actions to avoid complications. Namely:

  • Stressful situations disrupt normal blood flow, so you need to avoid them;
  • you need to monitor your posture, your back should always be straight, which allows you to maintain normal back muscles;
  • Obesity should be avoided, as it only aggravates the position of the spine, so it develops incorrectly;
  • one should be wary of tingling in the spine when a person walks;
  • If you have already had problems with sharp pain in the spine, then you should not lift heavy things.

Now many corsets have been developed that will help fix the correct position of the vertebrae. Therefore, people who have had back problems should think about such a purchase.

So, as soon as your back hurts, you need to consult a specialist, even if the symptoms have passed. After all, they can reappear and also have dire consequences. In some cases, people who neglect their health may remain disabled. Therefore, you should immediately go to the hospital if you have any symptoms in order to identify the cause of their occurrence.

When sudden, severe and sharp pain in the lower back appears, this is a signal of the possible development of a disease that originates in or in the internal organs.

Try to determine on your own what caused these sensations, but specialized help is necessary in any case. Contact your doctor, especially if you are not getting better.

Causes of pain syndrome

Despite the fact that some symptoms appear quite clearly and with good awareness you can make a preliminary diagnosis, treatment should be carried out by a doctor.

Various diseases are difficult to distinguish from each other due to the similar nature of the pain, its duration, intensity - if you make the wrong conclusions, you risk worsening your condition.

The main causes of lower back pain:

  • problems of internal organs.

Symptoms of spinal diseases

The condition of the spine will be checked by a vertebrologist or neurologist, and an MRI will be prescribed in the lumbar region. The following pain indicates problems with the spine:

  • aching//dull - usually after sitting for a long time, at night or immediately after sleep (often this is a sign of spondyloarthrosis);
  • sharp, burning, very strong (lumbago) - after a temperature change, deep breathing;
  • or - the nerve roots of the lower lumbar region are affected;
  • or - the vertebrae in the upper lumbar region are affected;
  • when moving (,) -, appeared;
  • when lifting heavy objects, a prolapse of the intervertebral disc is possible, and the pain in the back continues in the leg.

Possible pathologies of internal organs

Sharp pain may occur to the left of the spine due to diseases of the following organs:

  • spleen;
  • left ovary in women.

It is important for a woman to undergo spinal correction to avoid back problems becoming chronic.

How to eliminate pain syndrome

What should you do if you have sudden pain in the lower back? “Unload” the spine as much as possible. You must proceed as follows.

  1. Lie down - the surface should be hard and level (floor, couch, etc.)
  2. Take any position in which the pain is felt less strongly or goes away. Do not move.
  3. You can't get too cold. Make sure there is no draft. If possible, it is better to wrap your lower back or cover yourself.
  4. After a couple of minutes, very slowly and carefully roll over onto your back, give your legs an elevated position - raising your hips at an angle of 90 degrees to the body. This helps the back muscles relax.
  5. When the pain becomes less severe, you can try to rise carefully: first turn on your side, then get on all fours. You need to rise from a support, with a straight back, trying not to disturb it.
  6. Take an anti-inflammatory pain reliever (aspirin is possible).
  7. Secure the lower back with available means - a scarf, towel, etc., wrapping the fabric in such a way that it covers not only the area of ​​greatest pain, but also the areas above and below.

If you have a sharp pain in your lower back, this is an alarming symptom that may indicate the onset of a serious pathological process.