Bilateral pneumonia symptoms in adults. Treatment of double pneumonia. Causes of bilateral inflammatory lung diseases

Bilateral pneumonia in an adult healthy person develops extremely rarely, but is very dangerous disease, ranking fourth on the list of diseases leading to death. Most often, this pathology is either a complication of other bronchopulmonary diseases, or occurs against the background of predisposing factors causing a sharp decline protective properties of the body.

Pneumonia is inflammation lung tissue infectious in nature with damage to the alveoli and stroma, which leads to the filling of their lumen with an excess amount of mucus and pus. Most often, this disease affects any part of one lung. But in some cases, the pathological process affects both organs at once - then they talk about bilateral pneumonia.


The immediate cause of pneumonia is an infection - bacteria, viruses or fungi. But in order for a bilateral lesion to develop, the body’s defenses must be greatly weakened, since otherwise the immune system would cope with the infection, and the process would be limited.

Such a pronounced decrease in resistance can occur as a result of:

  • oncological process;
  • HIV infection;
  • chronic diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • frequent colds;
  • severe hypothermia of the body;
  • foreign bodies entering the pulmonary tract;
  • injuries chest;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • severe stress.

The risk of getting sick is higher in newborns and older people, since the immune system They do not work fully and cannot always cope with infectious infections.


Since this disease can be caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi, a distinction is made between bacterial, viral, fungal and mixed pneumonia.

Depending on the volume of affected tissue, total pneumonia and focal pneumonia are distinguished. In the first option, the entire lung tissue is affected. In the second case - only parts of it. If individual segments are involved in the process, they talk about segmental pneumonia, if the lobes – about lobar pneumonia.

Total inflammation is rare, but represents a very dangerous pathology, as it progresses quickly and often leads to fatal outcome. Focal pneumonia develops more often, is easier to treat, and the prognosis in this case is more favorable.

According to epidemiology, nosocomial and community-acquired pneumonia. If the process occurs immediately in the lungs, they speak of primary lesion. If it becomes a complication of another disease, it is a secondary pathology.

Pneumonia can be acute, subacute or chronic. In the case of bilateral damage, the process is most often acute.

Based on the severity of the disease, there are mild course, heavy and medium degree gravity. If the disease is accompanied by complications, it is said to be a complicated form; if not, it is uncomplicated. Also, pneumonia can be post-traumatic, post-operative and post-infarction, depending on the situation preceding its development.

A more detailed classification of pathology is presented in the table below:

Community-acquired pneumonia Hospital pneumonia Healthcare-associated pneumonia
Typical pneumonia:
  • bacterial;
  • fungal;
  • viral;
  • mixed
Typical pneumonia:
  • bacterial;
  • fungal;
  • viral;
  • mixed
Pneumonia in residents of a nursing home or other long-term care facility
In patients with immunodeficiency states(HIV, etc.) Ventilator-associated pneumonia Pneumonia after long-term antibiotic therapy
Aspiration pneumonia In patients with immunodeficiency conditions (after transplantation, chemotherapy, etc.) Pneumonia after long-term dialysis
Develops outside the hospital or in the first 48 hours after hospitalization Develops in the hospital more than 48 hours after hospitalization

How does the disease appear?

Bilateral pneumonia in adults most often occurs with characteristic symptoms, the main ones being cough with sputum, fever and chest pain. Pneumonia begins with an increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees.

At the same time, various nonspecific symptoms common cold:

  • weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • increased sweating;
  • chills;
  • loss of appetite, etc.

Then a cough appears. At the beginning of the disease he is dry and intrusive. Coughing attacks may be accompanied by chest pain. The process then takes wet character, which is manifested by the discharge of mucous membranes or purulent sputum, sometimes with streaks of blood.

Chest pain may occur at rest or only when coughing. In some cases, it is so intense that it forces patients to be in a forced position.

The severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the lesion and the volume of lung tissue involved. pathological process. But the greatest danger of this disease is that pneumonia may not manifest itself at all at first, which does not allow a correct diagnosis to be made in time and treatment to begin.


If you have a cough of any etiology, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, since the cost of a late diagnosis can be very high.

Without treatment, the pathology can lead to:

  • lung abscess;
  • pleurisy;
  • gangrene of the lung;
  • sepsis;
  • severe respiratory failure;
  • of death.

Often severe infectious lesion in the lungs it causes complications from the heart (endocarditis, myocarditis, etc.) and brain (meningitis). To prevent such severe consequences there are simple instructions– if a cough appears along with a fever, you need to quickly make an appointment with a doctor.

You can learn more about ways to prevent complications in bilateral pneumonia from the video in this article. This serious disease, the prognosis of which directly depends on the timeliness of diagnosis and treatment.

With an uncomplicated course, it can be dealt with in 3-4 weeks. In case of complications, therapy and rehabilitation can last for many months. Therefore, you should not delay your visit to the doctor, it depends on future life and patient health.


The diagnosis of bilateral pneumonia is made on the basis of the patient’s complaints, medical history, and data from laboratory and instrumental studies.

After interviewing the patient, the doctor, if pneumonia is suspected, listens for wheezing in the lungs using a phonendoscope. If they are identified, he prescribes X-ray examination, if necessary - CT or MRI. If inflammation is present, areas of darkening are visible on the x-ray. As an example, they can be seen in the photo below.

Must be held general tests blood and urine, blood biochemistry.

When producing sputum, it is necessary to bacteriological examination with culture to identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to drugs. In rare cases, to determine the nature of the lesion and its cause, a biopsy of a piece of lung tissue followed by bacterioscopy is required.


Only a doctor can determine how to treat double pneumonia. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. It is imperative to go to the hospital for a diagnosis. If it is confirmed, hospitalization in a hospital and compliance with bed rest.

In the treatment of bilateral pneumonia, doctors have to take into account several points - identify and eliminate the causative agent of the disease, stimulate the immune system, and take into account the patient’s tolerance to medications. The last point is of particular importance in the treatment of this pathology, since among the patients there are a large number of children born ahead of schedule, elderly people and patients with immunodeficiency (cancer patients and HIV-infected). All of them find it difficult to tolerate many of the medications and have contraindications to them.

Antibacterial therapy for pneumonia

Treatment of bilateral pneumonia begins with the prescription of antibiotics.

The instructions require the selection of a drug after testing the sensitivity of the infection to various antibacterial agents. But conducting this study takes time (on average, about a week), and there is no way to delay therapy. Therefore, the doctor selects the drug wide range action, that is, effective immediately against large number bacteria, and then changes it if necessary (after receiving the results of sensitivity tests).

To such universal antibiotics relate:

  • Azithromycin;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Sumamed;
  • Augmentin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Levofloxacin and others.

Some of them are shown in the photo below.

In the future, if there is no effect of treatment, the antibiotic is changed in accordance with the type of infection and its sensitivity.

Since with bilateral lesions the process usually has difficult character, antibacterial drugs are prescribed intramuscularly or intravenously. Use in tablets is possible only in the absence of complications and high risk their development.

In parallel with antibiotic therapy, probiotics are prescribed to protect the beneficial intestinal microflora.

Mucolytic and expectorant agents

Both groups of drugs are prescribed for the same purpose - to accelerate the removal of sputum from the lungs along with bacteria and their waste products. Mucolytics contribute to this effect by reducing the viscosity of sputum and facilitating its discharge.

Expectorants lead to an increase in the cough reflex and increased secretion of bronchial mucus, which causes the sputum to thin out and be coughed up more easily. The most popular products from both groups are presented in the table below.

Table 1. Mucolytic and expectorant agents:

Bronchodilator therapy

In order to reduce bronchial obstruction in the lungs during pneumonia, bronchodilators or antispasmodics can be used.

Most often prescribed for this purpose:

  • Salbutamol;
  • Fenoterol;
  • Berodual;
  • Theophylline et al.

These substances cause relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, thereby increasing their lumen.

Infusion therapy

Infusion therapy is used to reduce intoxication of the body. To do this, glucose solutions are administered intravenously, saline, plasma, colloidal solutions, etc. The volume of fluid administered depends on the degree of dehydration of the body and the severity of intoxication.

Respiratory support

In cases of severe respiratory failure, patients are prescribed oxygen therapy, and, if necessary, non-invasive ventilation using face masks.

Immune stimulation

With a pronounced decrease in immunity, confirmed laboratory research, patients are prescribed:

  • gamma globulins and immunoglobulins intravenously (with reduced production of immunoglobulins);
  • B-activin (with a decrease in antibody synthesis);
  • Levamisole, Pyrogenal, Methyluracil, Interferon (with impaired phagocytosis function).

All patients are prescribed vitamins and balanced diet With increased content fresh vegetables and fruits.

Symptomatic treatment

To reduce high temperature non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen;
  • Aspirin;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Diclofenac and others.

After the temperature normalizes, they are canceled.


After the acute phenomena have subsided and the temperature has normalized, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are actively used for bilateral pneumonia.

Preference is given to:

  • inhalations;
  • massages;
  • electrophoresis with medicinal substances;
  • inductometry;
  • magnetic therapy, etc.


Prevention of bilateral pneumonia includes strengthening protective forces the body with the help proper nutrition, healthy image life, sports, walks fresh air. You should definitely give up smoking and alcohol.

All colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases need to be treated in a timely manner, preventing their neglect. These recommendations should be followed especially carefully by elderly people and those who are frequently ill.

Vaccination is important for the prevention of bilateral pneumonia. If you are at high risk of developing it, it is recommended to get vaccinated against influenza and pneumococcal infection at the beginning of autumn every year. The cost of vaccination is much lower than the cost of treatment if the disease develops.

You can learn more about the prevention of the disease and its treatment from the video in this article.

Treatment of bilateral pneumonia – difficult task for doctors. It must be comprehensive and aimed at all parts of etiology and pathogenesis. The key to success is the timely start of therapy. Therefore, you should not self-medicate if you have a cough. It is better to immediately go to the hospital for diagnosis correct diagnosis and receiving qualified assistance.

To quickly cure cough, bronchitis, pneumonia and strengthen the immune system, you just need...

Double pneumonia is a disease in which inflammation of the lung tissue occurs and damage to both lungs.

This process is provoked by bacteria, most often pneumococci, and is severe, resulting in even death is possible. This pathology can develop at any age.

Pneumococcal infection enters the body exclusively by airborne droplets, this disease can also be caused by other pathogens, for example, Haemophilus influenzae or streptococcus.

On medical language bilateral pneumonia also has another name - lobar; this characteristic of the pathology is due to morphological changes that occur during infiltration of the lungs, which appearance similar to grains oat grain. This disease is classified as a special category due to specific changes in the lung tissue.

Types of disease

IN medical practice Bilateral pneumonia is classified according to different criteria.

The main criterion for classifying the disease is the location of the foci of inflammation, depending on which two types of pneumonia are distinguished:

  1. Total.

X-ray bilateral focal pneumonia

The focal form of bilateral inflammation is a disease that is much more common and is caused by damage to lung segments on both sides.

As a rule, focal pneumonia is a complication after artificial ventilation lungs in people who are in intensive care for a long time.

Unfortunately, this pathology has a poor prognosis because multiple areas in both lungs are affected.

The total form of pneumonia is less common than focal pneumonia; it is characterized by a pronounced picture of the disease and the rapid development of the inflammatory process.

With this form of bilateral pneumonia, both lungs are involved in the process, therefore respiratory failure occurs very quickly and is fatal. These types of pathologies are not recommended to be treated at home, since their consequences pose a threat to human life.

Depending on which segment of the lung is affected, several types of pneumonia are distinguished:

The polysegmental form is the most severe course an illness that occurs in both lungs. This inflammation is quite severe, with symptoms of pronounced intoxication - its treatment should be started without delay. Polysegmental pneumonia very quickly leads to respiratory failure and, as a result, death.

The most dangerous complication of this disease is hypersensitivity immediate type, often found in children, which leads to pulmonary edema, respiratory dysfunction and serious condition of the child.

Classification of pneumonia

Bilateral pneumonia, depending on the type and severity of the disease, is divided into several types. This classification allows you to quickly find individual approach to treating patients.

The conditions for the development and form of infection of pneumonia are divided into:

  • In-hospital;
  • Community-acquired;
  • Aspiration;
  • Form in a state of immunodeficiency.

Bilateral pneumonia can occur in a hospital or at home, when microorganisms enter the respiratory tract.

According to the characteristics of the infection, pneumonia is divided into:

  • Focal;
  • Croupous;
  • Segmental;
  • Interstitial.

Many forms of the disease develop very quickly, so urgent hospitalization is necessary to avoid complications.

Bilateral pneumonia in adults, affecting the lower lobes of the lung, most often affects people:

  • With cardiovascular diseases;
  • High degree of obesity;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Those in intensive care;
  • HIV-infected;
  • After a stroke, surgery, injury;
  • Elderly and old people;
  • With signs of alcoholism.

Interstitial bilateral pneumonia can be caused by viruses that are not located in the lungs, but develop in inflammatory processes from the outside.

Bilateral pneumonia is divided according to severity into mild, moderate and severe. Treatment for different stages scrupulous and assigned to each patient individually.

Signs and diagnosis of the disease

Bilateral pneumonia - what is it? This acute illness infectious in nature, the symptoms of which appear several hours after the pathogen appears in the respiratory epithelium.

On initial stages The following symptoms of the disease can be observed:

Diagnosis of the disease is extensive and is based not only on the patient’s explanation of the severity of their condition.

A pulmonologist conducts comprehensive examination patient, for this:

  • A blood test is performed;
  • Echocardiography;
  • X-ray respiratory tract;
  • Examination of sputum secreted by a sick person.

More full picture The disease can be seen using an x-ray, all affected areas in the pictures will be in the form of darkening.

In an adult, the risk of complications from pneumonia is very high, so if treatment is not prescribed on time, dark spots can quickly spread to the second lung.

Causes of pneumonia

There are several bacteria that cause this disease, but the most dangerous of them is pneumococcus. On acute stage disease, the most important thing is to recognize the pathogen.

If the type of bacterium causing the inflammatory process, the doctor will be able to determine whether the this form diseases and how quickly. He will also prescribe the correct method of therapy.

Inflammation of bilateral lung lesions usually occurs in children and adults with weakened immune systems.

Pathogenic bacteria are transmitted healthy person from the patient by airborne droplets through the mucous membrane, after which it enters the respiratory tract, where they rapidly multiply. How severe bilateral pneumonia will be depends on the person’s immunity.

The reasons may be as follows:

There are also several other factors that can weaken the body, contributing to the development of bilateral pneumonia:

  • Previously, the person’s lungs had received a chemical burn;
  • IN pulmonary tract there is a foreign body;
  • Neuroses, as well as disorders in the cardiovascular system;
  • There are helminths.

Principles for choosing a course of therapy

How to treat double pneumonia is determined by the attending physician, and many factors are taken into account. In the initial stages of the disease, identifying the pathogen is quite difficult; as a rule, it takes 3-4 days.

After diagnosis, treatment tactics are based on the use of strong antibiotics: fluoroquinolones and 4th generation cephalosporins. To avoid the consequences of pathology, the disease is treated with combination drugs.

After receiving the results of oropharyngeal swabs for sputum, drug treatment is corrected and targeted antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Features of treatment

In the case of bilateral pneumonia, the human body does not receive enough oxygen, so the doctor prescribes drugs that raise arterial blood pressure. blood pressure and able to saturate the blood with oxygen.

Treatment of bilateral pneumonia in an older child or adult will be identical, and it consists in the introduction of certain antibacterial drugs(taking into account the pathogen that caused the disease).

The patient may also have a complex form. How long does it take to treat complex shape, depends solely on the degree of the disease, the pathogen and the patient’s immune system, but, as a rule, such a condition requires long-term treatment within 3-4 weeks.

The patient undergoes symptomatic therapy antihistamines, antipyretics and expectorants, as well as injections and drugs that dilute sputum. As prescribed by the doctor, when there is pneumonia with swelling and the patient has difficulty breathing on his own, oxygen inhalations are prescribed.

If the treatment has given results and the inflammatory process has subsided, a special breathing exercises, patient body massage, ultraviolet baths, electrophoresis, physiotherapy and physiotherapeutic procedures.

In order to strengthen the immune system, the patient is advised to take various vitamin preparations, drinking plenty of fluids, diet and bed rest. All pathogens that can cause allergies should be excluded, while maintaining cleanliness and sterility.

If treatment for double lung pneumonia is not started on time or if you self-medicate, irreparable things can happen. If these symptoms appear, you should seek help from a specialist. A pulmonologist will conduct an examination and diagnose accurate diagnosis and explain to the patient why bilateral pneumonia is dangerous.


Pneumonia is a disease that occurs when respiratory organs pathogenic microorganisms. More serious condition– bilateral pneumonia, it develops with “double infection” and causes serious violations ventilation of the body, since the enrichment of blood with oxygen occurs through the lungs.

Violation of their respiratory function leads to a malfunction of all human organs and systems. Bilateral pneumonia affects more than 3 million people every year. Symptoms and course of the disease depend on the cause that caused the inflammatory process: viruses, bacteria, injury, allergic reactions or chemical burns resulting from inhalation of caustic gas fumes.

The disease is similar to bilateral bronchitis, it complicates chronic diseases in persons with weak immunity. Bilateral in nature, the process acquires when staphylococcal infection, Legionnaires' disease, long stay in a supine position.

IN childhood the disease may occur as a result of complications after past diseases ARVI, acute respiratory infections, rickets or whooping cough and measles. Less common are cases of independent development of bilateral pneumonia as a result of hypothermia, overheating or dehydration of the body. About 12% of children in Russia get sick as a result of injuries or congenital anomalies organs of the respiratory system.

For children, the risk of developing this disease is due to high sensitivity to a row unfavorable factors, such as:

  • low level of body resistance;
  • lack of sufficient antibodies in the body to fight pathogens of viruses and infections;
  • poor living conditions.

Anatomical features also aggravate the course of the disease. For example, the narrow openings of the larynx and trachea can quickly become clogged with dead bacterial cells (sputum) in a short time, thereby making breathing more difficult than in an adult. The mucous membranes in children are very delicate and closely spaced blood vessels, which allows pathogens to more easily bypass barriers and enter the bloodstream.

Until the age of 6-8 months, bilateral pneumonia in children is complicated due to the structure of the chest. After labor activity it still has a cylindrical shape with a more horizontal arrangement of ribs. This physiological feature does not allow the newborn to take deep breaths and exhales, which promotes shallow breathing.

Under such conditions, the formation of a focus of inflammation occurs from two to seven days. At this time in children's body harmful bacteria multiply, and the first pronounced signs of bilateral pneumonia appear. These include:

  • prolonged temperature above 38 degrees even after taking antipyretics;
  • chills accompanied by muscle tremors;
  • temporary appearance of dry cough;
  • shallow and rapid breathing;
  • pain in the chest, between the shoulder blades and in the back when deep breath and exhale.

Feature pain syndrome is its two-sided nature. In some cases, the condition may improve, but without timely treatment Fainting may occur due to oxygen deficiency and the appearance of blueness on the skin.

According to statistics, people over 38 years of age experience disturbances in the structure of the mucous membranes of the lungs due to the adverse effects of environment. Cities where more than 60% of the world's population live have increased level gas contamination with the presence of dust, particles of chemical impurities and dirt in the air. All this contributes to the destruction of sensitive lung tissue.

As a result, older people suffer more severely from bilateral pneumonia. A certain amount of toxins has already accumulated in their bodies, the protective mechanisms of the mucous system have decreased, and chronic forms of diseases have appeared.

Bilateral pneumonia in older people is accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • low level of sputum output, which begins to accumulate in the organs of the pharynx and larynx, new foci of infection form;
  • shortness of breath, especially when lying down;
  • crunching sounds when inhaling and exhaling deeply;
  • pain in the abdomen, possible vomiting;
  • drowsiness, lethargy and loss of appetite.

Older people may also experience exacerbation of chronic diseases against the background of bilateral pneumonia, which causes additional, individual symptoms.

If a child or adult is diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia, then first of all you need to find out the cause of the disease. If infectious bacteria are detected, the patient should be protected from contact with other people. In this case, a course of antibiotics is prescribed or antiviral drugs. If the disease appears as a result of an injury or burn, then most often physiotherapeutic procedures and painkillers are prescribed.

The course of treatment lasts at least 4 weeks until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. The disease is recurrent in nature, so therapy should be inpatient.

After undergoing treatment for bilateral pneumonia, it is worth paying attention to preventive measures, such as breathing exercises, taking vitamins to improve immunity, balanced diet and contrast baths. Elderly people are advised to keep active image life.

Consequences of bilateral pneumonia

The main condition for treating such a disease is to see a doctor, stay in bed and drink plenty of fluids. If the disease starts, the inflammatory pathogens can begin to actively affect the respiratory system, and the disease is complicated by pulmonary edema.

This together can lead to severe forms pneumonia and end fatally. If after chemical burn If tissue regeneration is not taken care of in time, irreversible changes occur that lead to organ failure.

Long-term disruption of gas exchange causes tissue hypoxia, leading to metabolic disorders in the body, an asthmatic condition, from which not everyone can recover.

Double pneumonia: Legionnaires' disease

Damage to the respiratory system by the Legionella bacterium was first recorded in the 70s. Microorganisms live in water and infect people when swimming. The disease develops in the brain and kidneys, but main feature– bilateral pneumonia. People with severe immunodeficiency, frail and elderly.

Hypostatic pneumonia

A condition develops in patients that long time carried out in a supine position. At first only right lung. This is due to the fact that the right bronchus is wider and shorter. The process then spreads to the other lung. The temperature reaction is persistent for several weeks. Recovery period lasts up to a month. After pneumonia, fibrosis develops.

Bilateral pneumonia: conclusion

The disease affects both lungs and is more severe. It develops more often in children, the elderly, people with immunodeficiency, and bed-ridden patients. Characterized by protracted course and fibrous changes in lung tissue. Main preventive measures: strengthening the immune system, vaccination and timely sanitation of foci of infection in the body.

Bilateral pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs that occurs due to an attack by bacteria (mainly pneumococcus). It is the most dangerous disease, since the patient has a high probability of death.

Bilateral pneumonia is accompanied by two stages of the disease. The first stage is “red hepatization”. It is characterized by inflammation of the alveolar acini with minor hemorrhage. The second stage is “gray hepatization”. After the first stage, after some time, these areas become inflamed and covered with fibrin. Respiratory failure then develops, leading to death.

Bilateral pneumonia usually develops due to decreased immunity. Bacteria are transmitted by airborne droplets. Once on the mucous membrane, they penetrate the respiratory tract and multiply at a fairly rapid pace.

What are the causes of the disease

As was written above, the most common bacterium that leads to this disease is pneumococcus. But there are Haemophilus influenzae, staphylococcus and other types of bacteria. The most important thing is not to forget that the disease can occur due to several bacteria at once. Therefore, an antibacterial course may not provide positive effect. The main thing is to identify the microbial agent in a timely manner using a laboratory method and prescribe appropriate treatment.

What are the symptoms of the disease

How the disease will progress, what symptoms will accompany it - it all depends on the patient’s immunity, on what factors contributed to the appearance of inflammation:

  1. The most important factor is, of course, hypothermia, so you should make sure that your feet are always warm, especially in young children. Hypothermia affects the reduction of blood supply to the lungs. Because of this, immunoglobulins begin to arrive in smaller quantities, which leads to a decrease in respiratory tract protection and rapid proliferation of bacteria.
  2. If a person constantly gets sick, this can also lead to more severe consequences, since the lungs are constantly exposed to viral attacks, reducing the body’s local defense.
  3. Lack of sleep also has a negative impact on the human body.
  4. An allergy that constantly affects the strength of the immune system, leading to exhaustion and inability to resist harmful bacteria.
  5. Lack of vitamins in the body.
  6. Surfactant defect. Surfactant is an alveolar filler. It is entrusted with the function of gas exchange - through it air enters the red blood cells. When this component is pathological, it is constantly injured. These injuries are overgrown with tissue that is not capable of trapping microbes that are dangerous to humans.
  7. Pulmonary diseases that acquire chronic form, have a bad effect on the bronchi, leading to their deformation. And harmful microbes can accumulate in damaged bronchial cavities.

With this serious illness, like double pneumonia, symptoms can appear as early as two hours after the body is attacked by harmful bacteria and begins to multiply. When feeling unwell, increased sweating, severe cough, fever, joint pain, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The disease can be detected using x-rays. The images clearly show darkening - focal or segmental. If, after passing the examination, you do not start an antibacterial course of treatment, then after some time on the x-ray you will only be able to see a continuous darkening on both lungs. In this case, the patient urgently needs to be hospitalized. Since the patient has a lack of air, he urgently needs to be prescribed drugs to saturate the blood with oxygen and to fully raise blood pressure up to normal. In case of untimely assistance, the loss of the patient, that is, death, is possible.

In children, double pneumonia is more severe and develops much faster than in adult patients. Therefore, when identifying a disease in a child, it is mandatory constant control doctor The cause of the disease can also be the entry of the virus into the child’s body through mother’s milk.

Most often, viruses reach a child from a hospital environment.

Decreased immunity in a child occurs due to viruses that came to him from the mother during her pregnancy.

What methods are used to treat pneumonia?

When treating the disease, it is important to consider:

  • what bacteria are the causative agents;
  • what is the state of the patient’s immune system;
  • the disease is primary or secondary;
  • what antibiotics are suitable for the patient.

Since it takes an average of four days to identify the pathogen, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed first. It is imperative to combine them to prevent complications.

After using laboratory method The causative agent of this pneumonia has been identified, and a treatment regimen for this pathogen is being drawn up.

Double pneumonia - insidious disease. At illiterate treatment or its absence, it can lead to disastrous consequences:

  • blood poisoning, that is, sepsis;
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • abscess;
  • fatal outcome.

The most Great chance death from pneumonia caused by pneumococcus. This is due to the fact that this pathogen multiplies quite quickly and is very toxic.

It is quite dangerous if a pathogen such as Legionella is added to pneumococcus. These pathogens multiply literally within a few days. Not all antibiotics are able to cope with such an infection. Death the patient's symptoms occur within 5-10 days.

Pneumonia is especially dangerous for children preschool age and for elderly patients. In newly born children, pneumonia can be acquired and intrauterine.

Thus, bilateral pneumonia is quite dangerous disease. If you notice at least one symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor.